THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. HA WLEY & CO., Editors. Wednesday, Oct. 9, 18 74. Democratic State Ticket. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, HON.. WARREN J. WOODWARD of Berks County. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, HON. JOHN LATTA, of Westmoreland County. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, of Green County. ?OR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS URN. WILLIAM MTANDLESS, of Philadelphia. Democratic County Ticket. FOR CONGRESS, JOSEPH POWELL, Y . Bradford. FOR SENATOR, EUGENE B. HAWLEY, of Montrose. FOR REPRESKSTATIVES, CHRISTOPHER BYRNE, of Choconnt. JOHN H. FITZSIMMONS, of Susquehanna Depot. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNIT, GEORGE P. LITTLE, qf Montrose FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, CHRISTOPHER M. GERE, of Montrose FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A. B. WHITING, of Great Bend. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, TRUMAN' BELL, of Lathrop. Gold closed in New York, on Saturday nign L last, at 114. The capture of Kellogg's check book showing the amount of money stolen by him from the treasury of Louisiana to bribe republican leaders at Washington to support hie usurpation is the latest Southern outrage. It was au outrage to make such an exposure, and the case should figure prominently / in the proceed ings of the plunderors at-dhattanooga on the 15th of October. Ptopeelv managed it cannot fail to exercise great influence on the pubic mind. Should the office holders and , retainers of the administration nominate Grant for a third term they will not be without precedents for Inaugurating him even should he be rejected by the people. The Louisana case will be given them in abun dance of encouagement. Nothing more will be necessary than to declare the Grant electors chosen in a sufficient number of states in spite of legal return and to make a judicious distribution of federal troops. It is not strange that Grant cling to Kellogg's fraudulent usurpation when it may make in the future a convenient precedent for himself. The Patriot says that when Tweed was fairly cornered and brought to bay by Tilden and O'Connor. his friend Connolly, willing to do him, a service, made a little bon-fire of damaging vouch ers on file in the comptrollers office in the city of New York. This hint has not b. en lost upon the thieves of Louis iana. Just before the late overthrow of the Kellogg government, the papers in the attorney general's office at New Or leans were saturated with coal oil and set ou fire: The wisdom of this precau tion has been proven by late events.— There may be some question raised about the propriety of the publication of docu ments fonad to Gov. Kellogg's executive office ; bat to our mind the transaction very much resembles the search of the pockets of a thief ; what be hits in his private possession may be a matter of general public concern. It w:11 divert the attention of the Attorney General of the Untied Statas a while from matters of state, and give him pause to account to the people of the country for his financial transactions with GOT. Kellogg. Senator Carpenter and Gen. Butler may abstract a little time from electioneering labors to tell what they know about stabs. The minister to Spain can cable hie opinion. The aniount of money Kellogg had to distribute among lawyers who were republican members of congress and Presidential favorites for . the position of Chief Justice of the Sn preme Court of the United States is wonderful. His judgment of men tallies remarkably with that of the Presilent, and his payment for a private pleasure yacht out - of the funds of the state ought to endear him to the chief magistrate of of the country. The stubs of many another check book would be interesting reading. Donbtleu Gov. Moses, who is not accounted a thrifty gentleman, paid his way right royally. We should be glad to overhaul the stubs of our bumble Pennsylvania embezzler, - (leo, * O. Evans. But Treed set all his brethren a notable example Hia republicertconferses will not doubt less see the point. The lesson they will gather from the Kellogg disaster will be to burn flair stubs. What inferences honest people may draw a nd what voticlasione they may arrive at we' shall better know after the November election. . To the Dcmocratic Puny or Penn sylvania. The State Democratic Convention met at Pittsburg on the 29th of August last. It nominated its candidates, and adopted the platform, and adjourned. All the proceedings were marked by a devotion to the principles of the party, as well as that harmony which ever prevails when high purposes controll individual action. The management of the State canvass was as usual entrusted to the State Cen tral Committee, which was duly appoint ed. This body organized at Harrisburg on the 22d day of September, last. Among the first duties of the Commit. tee was to direct its chairman to address the Democratic citizens of Pennsylvania, and, indeed. all the patriotic men of the Commonwealth who are satisfied that the prosperity, integrity, and welfare of the people demand a return to the sound, tried, and established principles of gov ernment by which the griat achievements in our past history were secured. It needs neither argument or author ity to demonstrate that the Radical party, which now possesses the principal power in Pennsylvania and in the Federal Gov ernment, has utterly failed to give con tentment, prosperity or peace to the peo ple. In every county in the State the beet `citizen, the oldest inhabitants, and the young men are dissatisfied with the po lical, industrial, financial, and govern mental policy by which the Radical par ty afflicts the country. Industry is not profitable ; the coal and iron interests are depressed ; the farmers are not receiving adequate reward for their toil, and labor is calling for employment. The Radical party is directly responsi ble for all this. It has majorities in Con gress and in the State Legislature, and the Executives of the State and the Un ion were placed in those positions, by as sum, i majorities at the elections. The distress and uncertainty in all kinds of business is the result of the pol icy of the Radical party which insists In substituting for Constititional money— gold and silver—a national bank paper eurrency or promise to pay, always below par, redeemable only in other promise to Pay• The people are poorer to-day than at env late period in our history. Vactories are idle and farms are for sale, without buyers in every part of Pennsylvania. There are more merchants and laboring men out of work in Pennsylvania than ever before. In the Southern States, the so-called "reconstructed States,•' which the Radi• cal party r3ught to legislate into rotten boroughs for the express purpose of send : ing Radical members into a Radical don gress, civil war, a war of races, destitution despair, poverty, corruption, frauds exist, and carpet-baggers and negroes ruleland ruin. Abusing the powers obtained by frineds at elections, and furce in many States, and corruption everywhere, the Radical party now attempts to degrade tie White race by enacting into a law what is known as "odious civil rights bill," by Which the white man and his wife are degraded to the level of the negro, since no iegis lotion can ever elevate the negro td that of the white ; and the children of bite parents are to be forced into associ tion with the offspring of the negro i n the public schools. Made desperate lily the criticism of a free press, and its exphsure of the usurpatione,and rings of theedi. cal party, it enacted at the last seas on of Congress the Poland gag law, by hieh it expected to destroy the liberty f the press ; but an outraged and indignant people will veto this last Radical i iqui ty. And more than this ; we are aTpazed at the present state of affairs in ourlsister State Louisiana, produced as it is by the stupid, reckless partisan hatred of Grant and his advisers. The Radical commit tee of the United States Senate appoint ed to "investigate" the claim set hp by Kellogg and his followers to be thel State i i government in Louisiana, reporte that the claim was unfounded in fact nd in law. That a usurpation of State a thor ity wholly indefensible ahaructPriz the Kellogg es-called govercm-nt ; tliat it was. an outrage on the rights of the peo ple, and was sustained entirely by Feder al troops ; that Kellogg was never elect ed Governor, and the Legislature pre tended to have been elected was illaced in power by the unconstitutional actions of a Federal Judge, who disgraced hie office by his unjustifiable proceedings; that the Democratic Governor and Leg , islature wete duly elected, and were de prived of the right to ezeecise thel i ir au thority by Federal troops. NotwithStand ing this report, when the citizel Louisiana asked to be heard by I before he decided to sustain this ping gang of carpet-baggers and tee, those white citizens were told that would not be allowed to present petition or be heard in their defenet This flagrant outrage demand' solemn and calm condemnation of true American. This is the p! picture of the present condition of affairs. For the proof let every .1 man turn to the daily public and ye press of the couotry,and be cenvin People of Pennsylvania, for these iv evils, and grievances here is a remo Let us have a change. ThP people' heartened and in despair, are pre for a change. This change must both "principles and men." The system by which the Rad have obtained power must be overfill the elections must be honestly condu and honest returns of the will people, which the ballot•box con must be male. Every mau of virtue, courage, and honesty in this State must be au overse-r at the polls, and deumnd justice from those who perpetrate frauds. Every tuv,uship in the State Inuit be thoroughly organized, and every voter enabled to vjote. The Derubcrats should reel it a duty to u p por t the! local Democratic prom that all the iutOligence which is needed they can readil obtain. It is the duty of the Democ r acy to do this, so that the uninfortneil, and those who desire to ( know the ( principles of the Democratic party may be instructed, and those of the peopl who desire light and knowl edge in order to show the cause and au thors* ofj present disasters and coming perils ma' have the evidence at hand.— The young men are earnestly invoked to devote some of their means to this pur pose. Each county in the State should promptly organize a county committee of earnest, active Democrats, who will devote time and labor to redeem the Common wealthrand bring it back once again to the support of the principles of constitu tional government.' Evety man who ; eofesses to believe that honesty is the right policy, in public as in private affairs, should unite, freed from party ties, to put an end to the frauds, corruptions, rings, jobs, and schemes for the plunder of the people, which no sane man doubts thtt are the outcome of the proll igacy of the Radical party. The people of Pennsylvania lately rat tied and adopted the present Constitu No sooner was this declared to be the organic law of the Commonwealth than the Radical Legislature created a com• mission, the Radical majority in which may change all its reformatory provis ions, and reinstate those by which the late constitution enabled a corrupt Leg islatue to inflect vast injury on the peo ple for special,-private. or partisan oh• jects. Democrats of Pennsylvania, we invoke all your patriotism, zeal, energy and cease less vigilance in the canvas which is now begun. Its purposes are of the highest concern to every man in the State. We seek to obtain good government, honesty economy, prosperity, specie payments, that the people may be lightly bu rdened by taxation ; integrity and purity in pub lic racers; a true representation of the needs and welfare of the people in the State Legislature and in Congress; fidelity and honesty in the departments of the State government ; fair elections and honest returns: destruction of "rings" in cities and State, and the return of this great and glorious Commonwealth to its rank among slater States as the Demo cratic keystone of the Federal arch,which should rest on the undefiled and restored Constitution of the united States of No. 1014 Walnut Steeet, in the city of Phladelphia, we have now made the Democratic headquarters of the Commit. tee, and the Chairman earnestly requests the chairman of the cuuoty committees in the State to open communication with him promptly. It is deemed essential that the organ , zation of the township and counties should begin ut once, and report made to the headquarters of the State Committee weekly. Address JOHN MILLER, Chairman State Democrat Committee: 1014 WALNUT Street, Philada. SEPTEMBER 29,1874. SECRETARIES OF THE COMMITTEE : Henry C. Olmsted, Philadelphia. W. 11, Reel, Pittsburg. J. H. Graham, Jr., Carlisle. B. M. Nead, Chambersburg. Telegraphic A Determined Suicide. CINCINNATI, October 2.—Mrs. Julia Perkins, who last Wednesday murdered her own child and attempted to commit suicide, made another at-tempt on her own life today, by stabbing herself in the throat with a pair of sissors. Her heath may soon ensue now. Fatal Drtu*art Brawl WILKESBAJIIIE, October 2. John Duntewy was shot and killed in a drunk en brawl in the saloon of John Jones, at Plymouth, hest night. Jones and three others hare been arrested, but it is not known which one did the shooting. A Brick Will Falb on !ow' Fireman. OGDENSBURG, N. Y., Oct. 2.—J. Harts stoneware : pottery in this city was burned this afternoon. A brick wall fell on four firemen, and frank Klnckly was seriously injured. Loss not ascertained. Crop Prosprota. WA4III KEETON, September 30.—The monthly report of the department of agriculture states that the buckwheat crop is below the average,aud tobacco less than half a crop. Fire at Niagara Palls CLIFTON, "Ontario, September 30.—A fire occurred about midnight at Niagara Falls which caused the destruction of Street's Mills. The loss is estimated at $40,000. the •very • rfect ~nblic ndid New Advertisements. NOTICE All persons are hereby forbidden to pay E. Shurelt the amount of a certain note given by me to him for $OO. sometime to the month of September, 1874, to run one year, as the la w,thont consideration. 4D-41e. L. A. JUDSON. ROAD LETTING, IN SILVER LAKE dis :red in The Soperyisoie of 811s2r Lake towruildp, wllllet the bonding of a new read. on Saturday, Om 24th, nt 1 p. to ,icale own ted, the Said road to be built tram the Franklin townahip line (new John iteCabea.) to ir.teraeet the new road run ning to Sliver Lake. CIIAR.DELUANTT, LortENzo sToNE. 1 SuPeril - Borg J. F. DONNOVAN, THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY I COLE BROTHERS' Restorative Balsam. ASTHMA, COUGH, COLDS, UROUP, ALL COMPLAINTS . OF LUNGS, LIVER, KIDNEYS, RIIEUTBIATISSL and a sure cure for the PILES. Be sure and try it. Beware of fraud. None genuine unless sole by COLE BROTHERS, Sole Proprietors, Montrose, Pa. Or b 3 authorized druggists. Oct 7, 1874.—U. M~~=ilk WI 41 zip, noi I=l Poor (C. Haw/ Ere 67 COURT STREET, 33INCA-33.ELINITCOMT. N. Y. Opposite Exchange Hotel ARE NOW OPiNING A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S & BOYS' CTOTHING, Golits' FuritillE Gooks, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. WI extend a cordial Invitation to toe poldlc to call sod Examine our STOCK AND PRICES Eff — Oar Motto Is, NIA to ba Unttersold. 1:•=:E13=12 JOELN C. FOOl Binghamton. N.Y.. Oct.. 7th. 1874. w}t• ••• . .., .-z .s.z . if, Go (h 1 Nsli !ii td Iff i l 4° CD M q 5. ,,, t sn i) ~: 0 r, .. X k 11 r `,..--.B ~ m - V „ .y: a' N.... a' 1.0 _tc l 1, j l l 4 i U 3 oTgi ) f9l W i t ir P‘ P w A 0 In 1 hi g ' its H -07, )mow 00NI r 11 1..4 P ki j i mi v's PI , q c.)1:1 04 Jo ..t . Ocpr ti im emit '• (7....... . . i g,e'.> . tsrt , ° .rcz " 0 P V' 0 r 4 I F 0 P u Ci) avmact, =' _i [4°N. w.. t o J., Ez) ~,r, 0.( —4 4 a 0 •. - “:u)L.T4 o ..3Qsz t ."3 , Pi) 2h i f: s i gt L- Cn . Z v, . 't r R.-3 S:&T 0 gia VI 145 R P 0 Ei 4 / II :' P '• 7/ cn • r 17 , oOn N --- ;:r o ti z-g , Cl/ t v ra. s li al Ig . ,s. QIIERIFF'S SALES.—BY VIRTUE OF WRITS DE issued by the Court of Common Pleas of R Susque hanna County and to me directed, ill i w exp.. to r ale by nubile vendee, at the Court owe In Montrose, on Friday. Nov. 616, 1t174, at 1 o'clock, p. re.; the following pieces or parcels of land to wit • AU that piece or parcel of laud situate in the town, ship of Thomson, la the County of Snequehmtla and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol low, to wit : On the north by public highway, on the east by Lynda of L. F. Sentries and P. A. Crozier, on the south by lands of Griffin Cook. and on the west by lands of Wm. Witter and D. B. Rind, containing about two acres of land, more oriess,:with the appurtenances • one ands half story dwelling house with w t ng. barn. shop. some fruit trees. and ad improved. 'Taken in execution at the snit of By:rester King vs P. M. Bur dick, President; E. C. Door, Secretary; Wilson T. Stone. and P. S. Canal.) ALSO—AII that piece ur parcel of land situate In the township of Springville, in the County of duequehan na. and State of Pennsylvania, bourtiod and described. as follow., to wit; On the' nortt. by land of N. P. Loomie. on the cost by public hignway, on the south by the abutment of bridge, over in. Mesboppen creek, and on the west by the Merhoppen creek. containing about 4 acres of land, more or less with the :sent:rte. names, one frame house and shop, some fruit tremand nearly all Improved. (Taken In exert:oon at the suit of Thomas Kintner re. John W. Grow and Pt T. Bald win.] ALSO—AII that certedn piece or parcel of land situ. ate to the township of Auburn, Is the County or Spa quehanna, and btate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as tollows. to wit : On the north by land of James Lott, on the east by lands of Wm. N. Bennett, on the south by lands of Milton Barrie. A. D. Tewks bury, and John Seller, and on the west by load of John Balser, containing about 4 acres of /and, more Cr less, with the appcirtenances. 2 dwelling houses, barn. new store house, • good orchard, and all Improved.— (Taken in excrAtion at the suit of G. L. Swisher vs. William White and L.O. Swisher. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land iltuate In the township of Jackson. In tho county of tiosetw bonne and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and Is crlbed as follows, to wit: On the northeast by Linde of George Curtin. on she southeast by lands of Lewis Marsh and Anthony SterntscX, on the southwest by land of Reuben Hill. and on the northwest by lands or Horace Aldrich and O.H. BetAbrooks. containing 154 amen of land, more or lam, together with the appurte nances. one frame dwelling horse, shams, en orchard, and about 10 acres IteprotOd. (Taken in elect:Mon at the snit of Reuben HSI vs.Jrain liendriel eon.] ALSO—AB that certain plena or parcel of Isnd situ ate in the township of Lenox, in the County of Buygne• henna and State el Pennsylvania, bounded and desalt , . ed as follows, to wit: Un the north by Janos of L. Donis. on the east by lends of Wm. Pratt. Wm. D. Miller, and R. Coleman, onthe south by lands of Wm. Pratt, and on the west by lands of R. F. Breed, con. t.lning 120 acres, more °Fiera with the apptutenemess, one frame bolas, barn and sheds, and Other opt bnild- Inge. 2 orchard', and about 90 acres improved. (Taken in execution at too raft o Charles A. Bunter, assigned to A. W. Gardner. vs. Mary Gardner Adm.x or John A. Gardner. deed, and Nathan tr. Mese, T, TA ALSO—AII that certain piece or _parcel of land alto • ate in the borough of Susquehanna Depot, in the coon. ty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound. ed and described as follow', to wit : On the north by land of Wrn. C. Frltb 4 Co the cast by Grand Street, on the south by laud or mace Tienervi: arot on Os west by River street- cants olngM sure, or there abont,with the appurtenances. one too loon , dwelling bouts, and all improved.. (Taken at the set of J. A. /does, see signed to B. 1. Carr. vs, Hiram Such and Jame-. U. L TL h el—..., that certain plece parcel of land sati so in as to of Maw, 17 the County of Sus: quebannaandAtate of Pennsylvania, bOundea and des. cribed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands oy Wm. Bowen and muds now or Into of William Wilson. on the *AA by lauds of Nelson Fo.tor, Mahe Ogden. and ILK. wheeler, and on the south and west' by lande of Mores, Nichols & Cu., containing about 181 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame hones, 2 frame barns, and other out buildings. 2 orchards. and about :Dame. Improved. (Taken In execution at the snit of B. I. Carr. assigned to Thompson Bodlc, vs. Peter Donn and Z. K. Dunn.) ALBO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate In the borough of Montrose, in the Comity of Sus qnchanua and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des mibed as follows. to wit: On the north by land con tracted to .1. A. Howell. on the met by public highway, on the south by land of D. W. Glidden, and on the west by land of J. A. Howell, containing about 15 of an acre, more or less,with the apourtonances,one frame dwelling house, some fruit and ornamental trees. and all Improved. (Taken in eXecntion on sundry write vs Geo. H. Bargees.) ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Ilimock In the County of Basque ta haulm and Ste of Pennsylvania. bounded and devalb ,ad as follows, to wit On the north by lands of J. Young. un the aouth by land of James Martin. on the east by lands of Thomas Jones and—Griswold, and on the west by lands of—Risley., containing 1W acre, of land, more or less, and about '29 acres Improv ed. iTaken In execution at the emit of S. F. Lane, use of H. C. Tyler, vs. Geo. T. Corwin.) Tak• Notice.—All bide moat be arranged on Ma day of solo. • M. B. 111/.121% . Shcriff • Sherllre Orace,Motttroec, Oct. 7, '74. G ENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION. o ptirstutnee of the provisions of the Constitution 1 and election laws of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvanla.l.hl . B. lIMME, High Sheriff of the County of hereby give notice to the electors f .aid t ounty tha. at. election will be held in said County on Tuesday, November 3d, 1574, [being the Tuesday next fulloartnz the d ret Monday In November] at which time the feliowing otneere will be elected. to wit Two persons to fill the aline of Judo., of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the Mike of Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to till the ogle.° of Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ttho perron to fill the office of Secretary of 'atm& Afttit a of the Commoriamlth of rent sylvanla, lino person to all the sitace of Iteprestin.tive in Con (ll,R for the district composed of the count les of Sus quehanna. Bradlord. Wayne end Wyoming. One person to fill 'be office of &maim in the tient, al Assembly of the Commonwealth-of Pennsylvania for the district aermpoted of the Counties of Susquehanna and Wayne. Two person• to fill theoftiela of Rspresentatlves in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania for the County of Susquehanna. One person to 1111 the office of District Attorney for said County. .o ,... ne i A,e c re o r nt t y o fill the office of County Commtettoner One person to 111 the MEI. of County Surveyor for said County. One person to fill the office of County Auditor for said County. I also hereby make known end give notice that the places of holding the aforesaid general eleetion in the several wards, boronghs, districts. sad townships with in the County of Susynehanna are as follows, to wit: The Election for the district composed of the Uwe ship of Apalscon will ho held at the house of Josepn Beebe in said township. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Arent will be held at the school house near the Presbyterian church in said township. The Election for the distrim composed of the township of Auburn will be held at the house of Jam. Lott in said township. The Election fur the district composed of the township of Bridgewater will be held at the Court House In the Borough of idontrose. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Brooklyn will be held at the house of James 0. Bullard in eald township. The Election for the district composed of the town. ship of Choconut will ho held at the school house near Edward Clark's in said township. The Election for the district composed of the town ship ,if Clifford will he held at the house late of John liewetson in said township. The Election for the district composed of the Borough of Dundaff will be held at the I/midair Hotel in said Borough. The 'Election for the district composed of the tow■- shlp of Dlmock will be held ht the hones late of T. J. Babcock In said township. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Forest Lake will be held at the honer of Mrs. Martha Warner In said township. The Election for the district composed of the township of Frenklin will be held at the school house near H. M. Smith's in wild township. The Election for the district composed of the Borough of Frlendsvillo will be held at the school house In said Baroogh. The Election for the district composed of the Borough 01 Great Bend will be held at the house late occupied by David Thoas in esid Boraogh. The Election m for the district composed of the town ship of Great fiend will be held at the house late occopis ed by E. Barnum. dec. The Election for tae district composed of the township of Gibson will he held In the Academy building its said township. The Election for the district composed of the township of Barton, will be held at the house late of S. W. Wald ron In sold township. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Harmony will be held at the [mesa of S. Winters In said township. •The Election for the district 'composed of the town ship of Herrick will beheld at the Herrick Centre School House. In said township. The election for the district composed o 'the township of Jackson will be held at din house of Joseph Geary In said township. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Jessup will be held et the house of Daniel Hoff In said township. The Election for the district composed of the township of Lenox trill be beldat the house of (Dow & Brothers lo said township. The election fur the district compored of the town ship of Liberty will be held at the Stat.ord School house in said township. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Lathrop will be held at the Hillsdale School hones in said township. fheelection for the district composed of the Borough of Little Meadows will be held at the School House In said Borough. The election for the district composed of the township of Bliddletolin will be held at the house of Otis Hose in said township. The Elixtion for the district compo.ed of the Borough of Idimtroae will be held at the Court Llouee la said Borough. The Election liar the dlstrictcomposmi of the Borough of New Milord will be held at the house late of John Fatirot to said Borough. The election for the district composed of the township of New Milford will he held at the house of Philander Phinney. in the Borough of New Milord. The election for the district composed of the town. ship of Oakland will be held at the house late of Thom as Munson In said township. Thu election for the district composed of the town. ship of Hush will held at the house of N. D. Snyder In said township. The election for the district composed of the tool, Ship of Springville wlll be held at the house late of pencer Llienx In mid tairuship. The election for the district namposed of the town ship of Silver Lake will he-held at the house late of It. MeGerigles in said township. The Election for the district composed of the Find Ward of the Borough of Susquehanna Depot will be held at the house occupied by Chester O. Chaffee in wild Boeongh. The Electionfor the district composed of the Second Ward of the Borough of Susquehanna Depot will he held at the house occupied by Ambrose Benson in cold Borough. The election for the district composed or the town ship of Thomson will be held at the house late ol Cheater Stoddard in sald township I also mate known and give notice, as 'n and by the lath section of act of July 5,1871, directed. ••That every person except Justices of the Peace, who shall hole any office or appointment of profit or tract under the United States, or of this state, or of any city or In corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who Icor shill the, employed node• the legislative, judiciary, or executive department o • this Sane or rotted States, or any city or incorporated district; and also tint every member of congruer. and Of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporsted di trim. Is by law incapable ol bolding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or dodge or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted Au." BY the actor Assembly of July a. IBM. It is also made "the colty of every Kayo, SherUY, Alderman. Justice of the Peace. Constable. of every city, county, township or district within this Commonwealth. whenever coifed upon by any officer of au election, or b) three qualified electors thereof to clear any window or avenue to the window of the place of General Election which obeli be obstructed in ouch a way as to prevent voters from ap proaching the came ; and it shall be the duty of every rcsysective - Constable of ouch ward. district or township within this commonwealth, to be present in person or by Deputy, at the- place of holding elections, in each ward, district or township, for the purpose of preserving the the fie aforesal Also Mat In the 4th section of the art of Assembly entitled "An act relating to executions and for other purposes." approved April le. 1840. It is enacted that the afOrosald 13th section, "shall not be construed ae to prevent any militia °Meer or borough officer from serving as Judge, Ihopector or Clerk at any general or special election to thin Commonwealth." By an Act of Assembly approved the 17th day of Aprll,lBll9, It is enacted that at "all election. hereafter hold under the laws of this Commonwealth. the polls shall be opened between the hones of six and rumen o'clock, a. in., and close at 7 o'clock, p. m. •• Srecort I. 130 It enacted by the Senate and HAMM of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pam:ryl yenta in General Assembly met, and It is hereby elect ed by the eiltharity of the same, That the qualified voters ol the several counties of. the Commonwealth. at all general, township. borough, and special elections. are hereby, hereafter, authorised coo required to vote, by tickets. printed, or written, severally classified se follows: One ticket abaft embrace the names of all Judges of courts Toted for, and to be tabled, outeide, "Judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all state officers voted for, and labeled, "state," one ticket .hall embrace the names of all comity officers voted for, Including office of senator, member, and members of Assembly, If voted for, and members of congress, ti voted for. and be labeled, "county ;" one ticket shall embrace the rams of all township officers voted for. and be labeimi olownship;' , ono ticket shall embrace the names of all borough *Mew* voted for, and shall be {.baled "borough ; and each class 'lull be depoelted in 'enamel ballot-bogea." wocar..a. The Fifteenth Amendment of the Con. siltation of the United States la as follows; Sarney 1. The rightof citizens of the United States to vote shell not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on aceoutit of race, color, or . prevums Condition of servitude • tizonoO S. gbe Congress e hal i laavopower to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. And Whertqs, The Congress Of the United States, on the asst day of March, IWO. passed are act, entitled— "d.n Ad to enforce Me Kea Vela:ens of the rotted Motes to cots In Me sacral &atm If Me Union, and Or oMer purposos." the first and secoud liectious;ol Which are to followel Sicc law 1. - Detlraacred toi !As Sonata and I/coow or R i Xesostayces fds United States o f Ainerim In cuin, wawa, [bat all el towns of tile United States Who are, or 'hall be otherwise qualified by law to rote at any clention by the people, in any S.ate, Territory, dislrict, county, city. parish • townsip. school district, municipality or other lerrttorial stub diet/tun/4 'ball be entitled and allowoa to vote at all each elettlual; with. out distinction of race, or color, or previous condition of servitude ; any Constitution, law, custom, usage, regulation of any State or Territory, or by, or under Its authority, to the contra? , notwithatunding. "Section 2.And be ie urther modal, That if by or ender the authority of the Constitution or lawn of any State. or the laws of Any Territory, any Bet le or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or goal iffmtion for voting, and by such Constitution or law, persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance el duties in famishing to citizensan opportunity te per- torn such prerequisite, or to become guanines' to vote, It shall be the duty of every such person and officer to give to all citizens of the Unite i States tb. saute and equal opportunity to perform Inch preregnisite and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race col or, or previous condition of servitude; our. If any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to gsv. full effect to this section. heshall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the per son - Aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on tin case, with fall costs and inch an allowance for noun el fees as the court shall deem just.and shall also, tot every such offence, be deemed guilty of s misdemeanor. and shall on conviction thereof. be tined not lets that five hundred dollars, or he imprisoned not less them one montu and not more than one year, or both, at the dis cretion of the court." Anl tcherear, It IS declared by ths second section of the VI article of the Coustitutlon of the United States. that —This Constitution, and the laws of the Coiled States which shall he made In pursuance thereat °ball be the supreme law of the land, • • • anythit gto the Conctitution or Purse/ any Slater fo the contrary not withrlandiny. And whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth. on the nth day of April, A. D.. IS7O, passed an act. en titled •iA further supplement to the act relating to else Lions In this Commonweallb,' • the tenth section of which provides as follow.: ••Secrios 10, That so much of every act of Assembly no pros Ides that only white freemen shall be entitled It vote or to ne registered as Voters, or BP claiming to volt at any general or special election of this Commonwealth be and the came is hereby repealed, and that het-easel ell freemen. without distinction of color, shall bo enroll ed and registered according to the provisions of the drat seetien approved April ITO, 1109. entitled —An Act lath , I supplemental to the net relating to the elections of Mi. , Common wealth,** and wh, n otherwise qualined under existing laws. be entitled to vote at all general 8101 special elections in this Commonwealth." Tar said above recited amendment and nets must be cores tett and obeyed by all assessors. registers of vo. ter, election oaken.. and others, that the rights and peel guarmtthated thereby may btiseenrcd .0 all the eitiren.• of this Common wealth entitle, to the soma, By the lath section of the act of Assembly of Jaen my le7 t. It Is enacted that as soon as the polls shall close, the officers of election shall proceed to count ail the votes east for each candidate voted for, and make a bill return of the same in triplicate with a return sheet to audition. its al, of which the votes n ceived by each candidate shall he given after his or her name ' first in worth+ and again in figures, and shall be slgned by all of said °Mods and certified by ovatseers, if any, or If not PO certified, the overseer, and any officer refusing to sign or certify. or either or them, shall write upon each of the returns his or their reasons for not eigning or, •rifyieg them. The vote. as 'nouns cauntethseall aloe be tethilely and fully declared from the window to the citizens prevent. and a brief statement showing the votes received by each candidate shall be made and signed by the diction officers or soon as the vete is counted. and the same shall he Immediately ported up on the door of the election bonne for information of the pohlle The triplicate returns what) be eoclosed ,ittrelepef and be sealed in presence of the the officers, and one envelope, with the unsealed return sheet,given to the Judge which contain one list of voters, tally paper, and oaths of officers, and another of said envelopes diall be given lathe minority inspector. All Judges living within twelve miles of the prothonotary'' office. or within t weetvrifer miles, if their residence belt, a town. village, or city upon the lino of a railroad ther to the county seat dial', before two o'clock poet meridian of the day after the election, and all the other Jo-lees ahall.before twelve &clot It meridian of the ifecone flay oiler the election ' deliver avid return, to gether with return sheet, to the Prothonotary of the Caw , at Common Pleas of the county which said re turn slie,•t shad be filed, and thy day and hour of tiling marked thereon. and shall be pt. , ser ed by the Prothon otary for public Inopectlon. At twelve o'clock ou the said second day (Wien log any election, the Prothono tary of the Court of Common Pleas shall present the said retures to the said Coon. • • • • Lhe reinrna presented by the Prothonot or, shall be op ened-by said Conn and anighted by gush of its officers and sued swore IlArdPi ants as the Court shall appoloton the pm:reacts of the judge or judges of said Court, and the rturna certified, shall he male a matter of record In said Court. The ACISI,IO. • of said Court are open to the public. • • • • And the other of said triplicate ref erns shall be placed In the box and sealed op with the ballots. • • • • • Whenever aplacebos been or shall be provided by the anthorittes of any city, county, township or borough for the safe keeping of the ballot boxes. the judge and minority inspector shall after the election shall be fin ished. and the ballot hot ur boxes containing the tick ets, Inat of voters, and other pap, s. here been securely bound with tape and sealed and the rot store of the lodge and inspectors affixed thereto, forthwith deliver. the same. together with the remaining boxes, to the Mayor and Recorder of such city, or 'n countim town ships or boroughs to such person or persons a. the • mutt of Common Plea. of the re...mproper county mar des iguate, at the place provided as afoid, who shall then depodt the said boxes and keep the same to an swer the call of soy Court or tribunal authorized to to the merits of such- election. The return Judges for the fifteenth Congressional die Inlet, composed of the counties of Susquehanna Brad ford Wayne and Wyoming will meet at the Court [loose to Tu••t henuock. in the county of Wyoming,on Tues day, the 10th day of November, 1874 The return Judges for the twenty.ststh Senatorial dia. trict. composed of the counties of Suagnehanna and Wayne, Neill meet at the Court House in the borough of Mon.rose. to the county of Susquehanna. on Tuesday, the 10th day of November, In 4. Given under my hand at my office, In toe Borough of Montrose. the 3d day of October. Anne Domini and to the year of the Commonwealth the ninety-seventh. B, MELMY., Sheriff. Montrose, Oct. 'l, 1871, Special Notices. CONSU.VPTION CAY BE CUBED. Semmes's PIILMONIC SYRUP. SCUENCKB SEA WEED TONIC. SCHENCKR MANDRAKE PILLS. Are the only medicines that will cure Pul monary Consumption. Frequently medicines that will stop a cough will occasion the death of the patient; they lock up the liver, stop the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage follows, anu in fact, they clog the action of the very organs that caused the cough. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of two-thirds of the eases of Consumption.— Many persons complain of a dull pain in the side, constipation, coated tongue, pain in the shoulder-blade, feelings of drowsiness and rest- Ic.sties, the food lying heavily on the stomach, accompanied with acidity and belching up of wind. These symptoms usually originate from disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so elected, if they take one or two heavy colds, and if the cough in these cases be suddelly checked, will find the et 00136.1 and liver clogged, remaining torpid and inactive, and almost before they are aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, the result of which is death. Schenek's Pulmonic Syrup is an expectorant which does not contain opium or anything cal culated to check a cough snddealy. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic d.ssolves the food mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, Mos digestion, and creates a ravenous appetite, When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the elinploins otherwise of' a billions tendency, Sche - nck's Mandrake Pills are required. These medicines are prepared only by J. H. SCIIENCIi N. E. corner Sixth and Arch Stn., Phila. And for sale by all druggists and killers. At No. 33 Court Street BINGEIAVITON, N. 4. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS As we hare Just returned from the City of New•Tork after purchasing a large arid well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS •of all kinds boaglit from drat hands, wo aro now pro. pared to offer koala at prices that will buttery the closest bo7er. We have also added to' our large stock of Vry Goods, an Immense aleck of CLOTH, 'PASS'. 3iElle.S.Atin BE /WEBS for Men and Ito'ye wear. Wears now prepared to make SUITS FOR ALL who will giro vs s. call as we bare lint clue woramma comoydd tor the newton. Loaled and Gentlemen, you will please call and exam Inc our stock before you purchato cleewherc. Thankful for pant farms, we hope fora coatlooatlon of the 1141211!. We remain ,Tote's ReeP2ctfolly, C. & AtINCORTEST Ilitighatalon, Sept. 29, STRAYED. • • • Cam into the melon:m . lot the anbfcrlltar on or about the Wu, dayT of Brptembur, tint, two 001000 000 tutu, awl one rid. An - fiction by proving property atm pay ing cluirgea can take thu lame. .- tO:i.d. Dimocle,Sept, Dancity ft Co. F"E SAMPLE to Agente, Ladles' Combination NeedleAkook.with Chromos. Send stamp. DEAN te. CO, New Bedford, Maas. 7 A t N e TE o DA $2 GEN T w S o r fo h r otfh e w b im ee p t l esse l g li i g nA r away s in to those who will income agent.. .7.1.11t1DE & CO, 38-41 v. 707 Broadway, N. Y. ITANTED AGENTS tor the "WA AND Bartow, TIMIS or On. LlVixturroY." Complete. authentic, afresh book. Price vetted to the times. Address, B. RUSSELL, Publisher, Boston. Mass. IVORKIN° PEOPLE— Male or Female, Employ. meat at home, $3O per week, to capl tel required. Particular. and valuable samples erut free. Aedreaa with 0 ecnt return stamp, C. 310s0, IVllllamabarg, N. V. A GENTS WANTED! Diploma Awarded fur D 110LIIAN'ii NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES 1310 Illuetrations. Addre.. (or circular. A. J. lIOLMAN it, CO., tr.. 30 Arch bt., Phan. WORK FOR, ALL At Lome . male or female; $3.5 per week, day or evening. No Capital. We send valuable package of gooda by mall fres. Addrers wltb six cent nAurn stamp, M. YOUNG. In Greenwich St., N. Y. `TAE STOVE BOARDS Silver Luetre,ll.ghly Ornamental. a perfect prat, on to put under stoves. M^Ask your dealer to r It r, VERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN E.J Ho C W. GLEAOON, M. D. A munificent vol. me of VIII octavo papts—beantlfulty Illua•rated and el. edantly bound. Contains matter }net adapted to thu wants or every (amity. Over 250 endravlngs. One went sold I' copies In one week. another 36 in three days, and another lu four days. Circulars free. AGENTS WANTED. Address at once. 11. N WIC:NNE:I" & CO., 7 . .da Samna St., Phila. AGENTS WANIED FOR PROP. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK Ox sf/011100D. WOMANSIOOD and their MUTUAL NTT. RELATIONS ; LATE. ITA LAWS. Powrn etc. Age..t• are selling (reel:lto 2.lCoplea a day. Send for upecinten page. and term• for Agents and tee why It Iselle factor than any other book. Addrass, MATIONAL Plat• LISIIING CO. Philadelphia, Pa. F" COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES WELL'S CARBiILIC TABLETS , PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE itEnEnr: Sold by Drn=leta. THE MASON dt HAMLIN OIRA3-.A_IsT CO-, wlnn Ira of TBREE ntoußsr MEDALS and DIPL.O MA Of MONOIt. at ViENNI. '73. and PARIS, 'V. now tale: the FINEST ASSOR:MFNT of the REST CAIII. NET ORGANS In the tronl.n. Including new style s with recent Improvements, not no w exclusively for cash, as formerly. also on NEW PLANS OR EASY PAY MENTS tie moat favorable ever offwed.s.Onoxus ILENII.Eb went PRIVILEGE or PCIICELASE, to al most any pan of the country. First payment IS 90 or upward , wltalozucs and circulars, with ka 1 p e rttenlaro. sent tree on request. Adtheai• YASON & HASILIN ORGAN CO , 39—lw Boston, :dew York or Chicago. T HE UNITED STATES PUBLISHING COMPANY, 13 University Place, New York, Want Agents Everywhere for the Following: SPIRIT OF THE HOLY BlBLE.—Edited by Frank Moore. An elegant dyn. WO pp., 503 Engravings from the old Masters. Price IMMO. OUR FIRST HUNDRED YEARS.—The Life of the Republic. By C. Edward Lester. It monthly pert., 90 pp. each. Royal tiro. 150 coats each part. LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF CHARLES SUM• NER. By C. hdwards Lester. Ink Edition, revired and enlarged, av 0,730 pp, v.v . ,. THE NEW YORK TOMBS.—By Warden Sutton. A eamillete history of Noted Criminals of Now York. and the romance of Prison Life, Ono, MO op, r, Circular., epectiaor pager, and terms to agenta on lip. pitcation an above. BA 0E EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE JULIAN J. CHISOLE, M. D., Profsssor of file and Ear Diseases In the University of Md., Surgeon In !Charge. Tido Institution, established In one of the largest and finest dwellings In the city of Bsltimore, is thor oughly o . ganised end fitted up with every convenience for the eitelusive treatment of persons suffering from Eye and Ear Diseases. Each ',silent has a chamber to himself, and receives every attention from skilled nurses. The Surgeon with his (amity resides in the Institute every great convemmee to the sick, especially those operated apu. who can be visited at all times and at • moment's aline. to lar Those desiring - mforaton IMISO *ill apply by letter JULIA m N J i LM, M. IA Franklin Si., Baltimore, Md. P OSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSIBLE 1 -$2O WILL BUT A. FIRST l'itsmium MORTGAGE BOND Y, Illitstriol Favosition Co Authorized by the Legislature of the Slate of N. Y. 2d Serie Drawing, • - Oat. 5,1874 I=l purchased previous to October sth will participate Address for Bonds'and fall Information, MORGENTHAU, BRUNO CO Financial Agents, iM Park Row, P. 0. Brawcr, New York B-Cc. Application@ for Agencies received HAVE YOU TRIED 4110 - 1=t1E73133013A. ? Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated? Are you so languid that any exertion require. more of an effort than you led capable of making? Them try the woutlerful tonic and Invig. orator. lvhicrt acts Co beneficially on tho secretive or. guns DA to impart vigor to all thy vital Torres. It Is no rleohbolle appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, but. It is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the Dotvols; quints the nerves, nod gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soot, make toe invalid fed like a new person. Its operation is not violent, bet is characterized by great gentleness: the patient experlen.s no sodden change, nomared ress. hat gradually his tro -Fol k d heir te nts te lt nts like thy Arabs, soles .And silently .teal an - ay. This le no ueW and untried dlecocerv, but bee been long used with wonderful remota a restate, and Is pru. nounchd by the highest medical nati-I.'l[les, "the rua,t powevlbl topic mad alterative known." Aok your drti.” , ll4 for IL For FR I° by • 1011N•7ON, HOLLOWAY .4. CO Miscellaneous ,m OMNIBUS LINE The undersigned baa an ornnibn. line running to el, ery train on tne D. L. & W., and Erie Railways at Great Bend, I'a Sti.ppin t , or Re;Shipplng Baggage at either depot will ho promptly ottendeo to. The now river bridge le now completed, hence there le no Ferrying. fOZIMI.R.M.A.GFESIES always on hand to convoy passengers to any point la the surrounding country. U. BUCIIANAN. Prop'r. Great Etend, Aug - . 19, 1671.—tf. HERRING & FARREL, 287 313"rc, N. -sr MANUFACTURFRS OF ALL KINDS OF 10•iro comma Xliumpleba- Proof 5A...V 11 .701.5. The oldest amd meet rellableflrm In the United States They took the prize medal awarded at the WoItLIYO FAIR AT LONDON! All Balm are warranted free from damptiaa and car codon. 13ILLINGS STROUD, Ageut Moamar, May U ';L—t( LICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BD.?. Nun' Ittiltor(l,. Pu., urholetaio 4nd retell derriere in Fine Welt:bre nd Bich Jevreiry, , riterilug ti Beer Ware, Penick end Americo. Clock*, tint:ll4RA it aio,und SUn r Tea Seta. Abn nil kind of Gold end silver rioting. Welch. Cloak, end Jewelry Repairing, and riain,and Oin,mentoil Loon' lug, neatly eXecUled. Juno r.1,11.—1y, • nanad; , lphL:Pa