The Seventeenth Annual Fele of the lIARFORD AO RICELTIIIIAL SOCIETY Wilt be held on the Fair Grounds in Har rold on Wednesday and Thursday, October 7th and. lith, 1874. I=l PREMIUM LIST. DivisloN I.—Hors e& Best draft or farm stallion over 4 years old 8413 d $3 road stallion, same age 4 3 pair matched horses.. 4 3 pair horses for all work 4 3 single driving horse 3 2 brood mare and colt 3 2 Jiidg,es—N. E. Newton, Harford ; Sylvester Hart. Bridgewater ; Benjamin Siibins. New Milford. Division 2.—Colts and Mules. Best pair 3 year old colts 3 2 pair two year old'colts. 3 2 three year old colt. 2 1 two year old colt: 2 1 one year old colt ...... ..... 2 1 pair milks 2 1 Judges—A. M. Hammond, .Harford ; Eli Barnes, Jackson ; H. N. Smith, Len ox. CLASS 11. Diyision Best Durham bull 2 years old and upwards $4 2d $3 Durham bull one year old.. 3 3 bull calf .. 2 1 cow three years old and up wards . 4 2 heifer two years old 3 2 heifer one year old. 3 2 heifer calf 2 . 1 Division 2.—Devons Best bull two years old and up wards. $4 . bull one year old 3 Lull„calf 2 cow 3 years old and upwards 3 heifer two years old 3 heifer one year old. 3 heifer calf 2 Division 11.—Alderneys. Best WI two years old and up wards , $4 bull one year old. 3 bull calf 2 cow 3 years old and upwards 3 heifer two years old better one year old 3 heifer calf 2 Division 4.—Ayrshires. Best bull two years old and up wards $4 $3 hull one year old 3 2 bull calf 2 ° 1 cow three years old and up• wards 3 2 heifer two years old 3 2 heifer one year 01d.......... 3 2 heifer calf 2 1 Herds of thoroughbred airborne and Devon., not less than eight, $lO each. Jndges—Wm. H. Jessup, Montrose ; E. It. Grow, Glenwood ; MUMS Evans, Gibson . Division s.—Grade Durhams. Best bull over two years 01d.....53 82 bull one year old 2 1 bull call • 2 1 cow 83 2d2 31 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 heifer three years old heifer two years old. heifer one year old.. heifer calf. three yearlings threesculves Judges—J. G. Hotchkiss, Ilurford Simeon Burdick, New Milford ; Asa Ti tus., Lenox. Division 6. Grade Derons. Beet bull over two yearn old. bull one year old bull calf cow. heifer 3 years 01d... heifer two years old heifer one year old. three yearlings..... three calves 3 2 Judges—N. W. Fuller, Harford ; Seth Abel, Gibson ; C. IL Bailey, Lathrop. Division 7.—Natives. Best bull over one year 01d.r....52 $1 cow 2 1 heifer two years old 2 1 three yearlings 2 1 three calves 2 1 Division B.—then,and Steers. Best pair working oxen 5 yrs. old or over 4 3 pair working oxen 4yra. old. 3 2 pair fat oxen 2 1 pair steers 3 yrs. old.. pair steers 2 yrs. 01d... pair steers 1 year old.. pair steer calves, broke J udges—Jackson Tingley, Harford ; G, L i.twin, New Milford ; James Peckham, Brooklyn. CLAss 111 Sheep and Swine Best fine wool buck, three fine wool ewes. three fine wool lambs middle wool buck.... three middle wool ewe 5...... 3 2 three middle wool lamb.e... 2 1 coarse wool buck 3 2 three coarse wool ewe& 3 2 three coarse wool limbs.— 2 1 buck lamb of each. 1 boar. 4 3 breeding sow. . 4 3 spring pig 3 2 fall pige,uot less than four.. 3 2 Judges—George Resseguie,Harford ; H. Marcy, Lenox ; Horton Corwin, Frank 4in. CLASS nr Poultry.: Best pair turkeys $1 pair geese 1 ;our ducks 1 five fowls... 1 five spring chickens. 1 Cass v. Grain. . Best peck winter wheat. 1 peck spring wheat 1 peck rye. 1 peck oats. half bushel corn in ear 1 %Of bushel buckwheat.... 1 l eck clover seed 1 peck timothy seed 1 peck flax meld 1 Cuss VI. Fruit and Vsgetablee. Beet fail apples, at least three ra. rieties, not less than one dozen each winter applea,.ditto pears. quinces. peaches. 1 3 . rars 1 g 3 half bushel potatoes, two or more varieties 1 i winter squash i purnpirius. 3 three heads cabbage. 4 twelve onions 4 six beets 3 six tomatoes. 3 Judges—Otis Grinnell, Harford ; J. H. Cook, Susq'a Depot ; T. D. Reese, Clif ford. CLASS VII. Butter, Cheese. and bread Best firkin butter.. 3 2 rail butter 3 2 jar butter 2 1 roll butter 2 1 cheese 3 2 loaf wheat bread.. loaf graham bread indiau bread soda biscuit. CLASS VIII. Vinegar, Wheat Flour, Sugar, and Honey. Best cider vinegar sack wheat floor 1 10 lbs. honey . 1 + 10 lbs. caked or stirred sugar 1 .1 10 lha. drained sugar 1 maple syrup Flour to be manufactured in the county. Judges—W.J. Mulford, Montrose ; H. Garrett, New Milford ; George H. Wells, Gibsou. CLASS IL Leather, Boots. 4c. two sides harness leather. 2 two sides upper leather 2 1 two sides sole leather.... 2 two calf skins...... 2 assortment of skins 2 pair tine boots.. pair coarse boots .2 set team harness. 2 carnage harness 2 Articles in this class to be manufactured in the county. Agricultural Implements and Carrriages. Best common plow 1 cultivator. corn Sheller..... 1 straw cutter. horse rake churning machine 1 open buggy . 3 2 double carriage. 3 2 single carriage ~.3 2 lumber wagon 3 2 market wagon 3 2 single sleigh 2 Wagons and carriages to be new and ex hibited by the manufacturer. CLASS Cabinet Work, Hardware, &c. Best specimen of cabinet work ....2 set of chairs. 1 rocking chair 1 sewing machine churn 1 butter pail butter firkin...... set horse shoes lot tin ware. cook stove for coal 1 wood cook sto•e 1 Judges—Elliot Aldrich, New Milford ; James Adams, Brooklyn ; C.R. Telford, Susq'a Depot. Best five yards woolen flannel.... 2 1 5 yards plain flannel 2 1 5 yards full c10th....., 2 1 pair woolen blankets 1 50c 6 pair woolen socks 1 50c 2 pair woolen mittens 1 50c sample woolen yarn 1 50c 5 yards linen cloth 2 1 5 yards linen toweling 2 1 10 yards woolen carpet 2 1 rag carpet 2 1 Judges—Mrs. 0. G. Caughlan, Harford Mrs. G. P. Wilmarth, Harford ; Jared Tyler, Hanford. $3 $2 2 1 2 1 83 2d 2 3d 1 CLASS XIII. Ornamental Needle Work. Beet patchwork quilt. 2 1 quilt of any other kind. 1 50c bed spread 1 50c worked shirt 1 50c worked collar. 1 500 specimen worsted.embroidery.l 50c specimen silk embroidery....l 50c bonnet . 1 50c lady's saque, .1 50c knit hood 1 50c tidy cover 1 50c fine shirt 1 50c CLASS sir, Paintings, Flowers, &e 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 Best oil painting. ' 2 1 painting of any other kind....l 500 drawing 1 50c exhibition photographs and ambrotypes 1 50c picture frame 1 50c variety of flowers 2 1 floral design. 2 1 exhibition of artificial flowers and fruit 2 1 Judges—Mrs. S. W. Breed, Brooklyn ; Mrs. E. M. Tiffany, Hopbottom : 3. C. Tanner, Binghamton. $3 $2 3 2 2 1 .3 2 lowing. First Promiq.. 87 2d " ... 5 3d " 4 4th " 3 sth " 2 ' 6th " 1 Judges---Wm. T. Moxley,New Milford; B. F. LLne,Harford ; Linos Moore, Her ford. Cennnlitee of Arrangements. A. G. Barnard, Russell Darrow, John G. Dean. General Superintendent—A. T. Sweet. Superintendent of Horses—A. J. Sea mans. Spperiatendent of Cattle—Merit Seley H. 11. Seley: Sheep, Swine,and Poultry—R. L. Ting- ley. Vegetable Hall—L. E. Carpenter. Dairy Hall—Christophor &MOD& Mechanics' Hall—Wm. II Hepburn. Floral Hall—E. J Ty ; Assistants, Mrs. Lee Tiffany, Miss Ettio S. Hine. Generul Police—Wm. IL Patterson. Rules and Refuladons. The plowing match will be held on the farm of Henry Esterbrook, on Wednes day, Oct, 7th, at precisely two o'clock p. m. The entry fee will be el. Exhibitors wishing to compete for premiums are requested to have their ar ticles or animals entered in tbe Secre tary's Book on the first day of the Fair, if posible. They must be entered and on the gr ounds at ten o'clock of the sec ond day. CLAss x CLASS air Domestic Goods CLASS XV Superintendents. No animal can compete for Iwo premi um& Superintendents of the seferal depart ments will have all articles systematic ally arranged The Superintendent and officers are known by their official badges. A sufficient police force will be in at tendance, from 9 o'clock on the first day until after the reading of the premiums the second day, to protect the property of exhibitors. No provisions will be made for stall ing stock over two years old. Persons exhibiting full blood stack for premiums, must leave the pedigree of said stock with the Secretary for the con sideration of the Judges thereon. All stock exhibited as a herd mast be owned by the exhibitor. Any member of a committee who shall own or have an interest in any article submitted for decision to said oommittee shall withdraw troth said committee, and if any person owning or having an inte rest in any animal or article, entered for premium, shall appear before the com mittee while examining the same with out having been first requested by said committee, it shall be their duty to ex clude such animal or article from compe tition. No animal or article shall have a pre mium awarded unless deemed worthy. Judges reporting at the Secretary's of fice before 10 o'clock, will be furnished a free ticket for dinner. Price of Admission Single ticket, 25 cents; children under twelve years; 10 cents ; team or single horse 25 cents.; colts under two years, free ; clergymen and their families ad mitted free, D. L HINE, N. TOMPErms, Ex. Corn H. J. TYLER, S. E. CARPENTER, W. JEFFERS, Sebretary. President Harford, Sept. 12, 1874. Dry Goods, etc THE BOTTOM Has Fallen Out of - 4*,r . F 9 :AIJ 4., C. B. PERRY'S, BiNGHADITON, N. Y An Immense Stock Just Bought Srom THE GREAT FAILURES of New England, at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN BmghamtorL Nov. 12„18111.-tt Mscellaneous. 1:1_4=013I Pe SON'S Southern Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM! 88 Walthington Street, 13.1-sia-32.a.mt0z2., N. "V... Yee will Find the LARGEST BEST ASSORTMENT OF FirCT .1-%. INT I ITID' .I=l.M OP ALL KINDS At the Lowest Prices of any Store in Southern New York. All Goods sold are WAIGLITED oe Represented. E. D. ROBINSON. Rov. 12 18.1Z.-1n BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. ALL lIINDS OF MONUMENTS, EtEADSTONES, AND MARBLE MANTLES, MADE TO ODDER. Abo, SCOTCH GRAMM on hand. .1. PICKERING & CO., .3. PICIEKRUM, i 126 Court Street, G. W. WERSEIIRAtr, R. P. BROWN. Binghamton, N. Y Nov. 12th 1873. S. S. CAM BELL CO. itssroscruszas os FINE; PLAIN AND MOLASSES CANDY. Imparters and Des.ers in FOREIGN FRUITS RtlT9,br Fire Works Constantly on Hand. Nos. 429 Market Sti and 417 Northant St. Phil', March 10.i8:4.-Iy. w. JOB WORK ♦T THU OFFICS, CHEAP I Printing. THE 110 MOSE DEMOCRAT For 1874 CONTAINS MORE LOCAL NEWS, MORE GENERAL NEWS, BETTER STORIES, BETTER FAMILY READING, MORE CHOICE POETRY, MORE FARM MA2TERS, Better I=betrikehr THAN EVER BEFORE. Subscribe for It Yourself ! Ask Your Nelithbon to Subscribe ! Si per Year in Advance Tim Bost! TIN ()iciest ! Glioust. O UR p WORK. GIVE TTS A TRIAL, WE WILL CONVINCE YOU Drugs and Medicines Stalkers California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro parties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Verr.oAn Brr- Tuas?". Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his heilth. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded ixrsessing the remarkable qualities of VINEGAR Brrruas in, healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well es a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them use VIVEGAIi Brrrers as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulate in every form. IMIE=I Drugguta turd .16,,t, rawswo, Caltforu.. Sold by all lb. uglybeto and Slanders. Sept. 10th. 185.-17. THE EAGLE MD 0, 4 RTIBIL 14'4 B URNS & NICHOLS, PRopßiEroles SIGN or 711 Z Goton RAOLL AND Moorso 33 rial.s. MI / cs 4n35.. Ma oarL tr. 0114 0 OW stock of Drugs and Medicines Is complete, and care taken to have everything of the best quality. The public may rest esear t if that all medicines that leave our store shall be re they or, represeuttd, pure and un adulterated. 13= .• _ _ _ of all kinds called for, on hand at reasonable prices. By personal and strict attention to brininess, ni all timer, we hope to merit the confidence and favor of the A. B. BURNS, AMOS NICHOLS 31ontroise. April 1,1873. ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, liTcoastrol9l43. Pozira."ex., is continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con tinually on hand a full and desirable assortment of gel/- nine DIICUS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints. Lille Dyestels, TEAS, spices, and other groceries, stone ware. wall paper, glassware, fruit jam, mirrors, lamps, chimney., kerosene, machinery oils, tanners' ull.neata. foot oil, refined Whale Oil, oil for lanterns, oil for sewing machines, Olive OD, Sperm Oil , Spirit. Turpen tine,‘ anal slice ,Canary Seed, Vinegor.Potash.Coucen trated Lye- AttleGrease,Traisams, Supporters ,Medical Instraments.Shoulder Braces. Whips, Onus, Pistols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gnu Caps, Blasting Powder arid Fuse, Violtne,Strings Dow.,eic. Flares, Fifes ,etc., Fish Hook:sand Linen.liarand ToileiSoaps Harr 011 e, Hair Restorers. and Lair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles, Silver and silver Plated Spoons, Forks. Knives, he., Deatiot Articles, a yeller al assortmentof FANCY GOCDS, JEWELR Y. and PERFUMERY AD thelendlng , and beet kinde of PATENT MEDICINES. The people arc Invited to call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL 'FUSSELL Feb. 1.1871. Establlebed 1011 Miscellaneous TAINTS AND OILS A FINE STOCK AT B. R. LYONS & CO:11 Montrose, May 14, 1873. C /111 PETS. CARPETS AT 30 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N, V. Prices— May 14, '75. For Sale by B. B. LYONS & Co SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, and other 4M-r.cooerleis At Low Fignree a 13= WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, A Large Stock, And Now Patterns Received Every Week Direct From the !Manufactory. B. R. LYONS & CO. spool Throaci. and John Clark'. Spool Thread. White. Black. and Colorod—from No. 8 to No. 130, at 75 CoDUI per dozen. For rale by li. IL LYONS & CO Montrose, May 14, 1813.—tf 331:71=1.3FLITrr, Would call atteatlon to Ina New Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Now on sale, In new 1b.27t.0003)2,„ LADIES' DRESS GOODS,' BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W ARE,IRON;N AILS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest price& H. BCRRITT. New Milford, June 3, 1874. VIBITEW GARDit , I CALL/NG CARDS I Neatly written. Orders by wail crude, prompt attention. 30 cent. per dozen. Montrose. Mardit.M. 11 HAND BILLS PRINTED AT THIS OFPICS Miscellaneous. MONEY SAVED ! NEW FIRM, NEW S roRE, NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES. GRIFFIS & SAYRE, Have opened, at the old location el M. S. Wllvon, to the Brick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased w ems all of •mr old friends and the many new ones we hope to gain. tier stock will consist of Nil, all ail llarilwaro. CROCKERY & OLA :SWARE, In large quantities and variety. Flone.Ware, Woon Ware. House-Fill tilshing woods and Urea:prim We shall rive part.' Oar attention to •the Orocety Trade and keep a full as.rtmeut of Tens, Sugar, Coffees, Family Groceries & Provisions, In full rarieti. Salt and Flora, We shall keep con stantly ou baud fine brands of flour at mock !eau than old price, and warrant It to pl.ue. Good. delivered promptly To our town customers. TER Our terms will be strictly oca,cl7*-'a. - p, (cat.l) or produce This it will be well to remora; bee. as this will be the ewcret to our low prices. We are contleent that les calling and examining our goods nd price* )our wfit tel that it will be for your Inter eet to try oar goods. awl terms. Jcrranaus Mum,. S. 31. Berne Montruee, May, 1:11h, BILLINGS STROUD, General ) INSURANCE AGENT, 3tic.23.tx-cmeso. Per. Capttul Represented, 9100,000,000: FINE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 'NOD/YOE : Home he. Co., N. Y., Cup I sal uud Surplus. *4,000,000 llartfurd Fire be., Co., l. spitalandSorplue *3,000,000 LI verpooL Landon & Globe " *'0.000,000 Ins. Co . of !gusto America • • *3.250,000 Penn. Fire Ins. to., Phila.. '. i11.A.10,000 National, Phil l a. 30 0,000 Ins. Co., Stuto of l'oup'e " 000,000 Union Mutual , _,00,000 ~... _Lyeorning Fire .. $6.000.000 NIIIIIq,`IIII Sett. Pr orldencu. Ti. I. ,• 500,000 Ilerchants• 450,000 Clay, of New Port, Ky. 250,000 Newtown, of Burke Co. 800.000 Alemmania. of Cle7eLand. " 400,000 Lancaster Fire Inn. Co. 900,0120 Fire Association of Phila. " 2400,000 Home Ins. Co— Columhnn. 0., " Ea. 0.000 Lehigh Valley Fire, Allentown • . U4OOO Citizens' Fire Ins Newark, NJ." 1100.000 South Side Ins.Co.Pittsburg.Pa." 120.000 Alemmania 01 Pittsbarg, " 400,000 The undersigned is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow lag companies for Northern Pennsylvania: Fire Annociation of Philadelphia. Notional Flee ineoranee Company or Philadelphia. The InnuranceWAL of the State of Pennsylvania, o Philadelphia. X I F•• ZI . Conn ' Life Ina. Co., Aegette f 35,006,000 American Life. •• 14,500.000 8C707:2:/MIV9V. Traveler, ins.Co..llartford,( apitaland,NA Ran may Passengers t 350,000. The undersigned has been wellknown in thlweonrity.fon the past 17 years,. an I n.nranee Agent. Losses sostsined by his Comualnles have always been promptly paid. gar•O ffl ce rst door east from Banking Office of W B. Cooper ..t.Co—Taropllcest. Montrose.Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CFI ARLES L. SMITH, Solicitors. Montrose. Dec. 24. 1,49 3E'la.ria.ltiare. At W. W. Smith & Son's Eaten.lye Furniture War :room yen will find the 'erg.; FIRST CLASS AND COMMON pi. ia It IV" I 9E' la 3EL .1M To be found In this section of the country, of his own manufacture, urn! at prices that cannot fail to give antic faction. Tht.y mate the very best EXTENSION TABLES In the C0U111.17, and WARRANT them Qv. o 1 at©ry W r l. all kinds dose to the neateAt mantel ?Eh ./.° .E.l. I 1%.7 Gr 33 31211 El 19. OF VARIOUS RINDS PURE NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATItASSES. UNDERTAKING The anbectiber will hereafter make to, adermaing h specialty In his hnsinebs. Having Jutt completed NEW and the most elegant HEARSE in the State, ail needing his services will be attended to promptly and a. satisfactory charges. WIN. W. SMITH & SON. Montrose. Pa.. Jan. 1.172.—n05—tf. J. 11. ➢mnxcs 1 0 S. I.lAnsss. 1 II CI. BLANDISI3 --o- BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS (EBT•I3I.ISIIED IN 1840.1 BARNES BROS. & MIMING, DEALERS 1N AND MANUFACTURERS OF tnlinu .0 Aturvinut glarbiro, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marble and Slate Mantles, ;26 Chenango St., Near Depot, May It. Nal BINGHAMTON. N. Y ILTNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, PA Wholesale & Retail Denlento HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, T'TILI)ER'S HARDWARE, LINE RAIL, 00U.NTERSUNIC d T RAIL SPIER.% RAILROAD tt MLNLVO SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRING 6, AXLES, SKEINS A.VP BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, PELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, BOWS. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWs HAMMERS. SLEDGES. PILES, &c. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL HAWS. BeLTIN G. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTKR PARIS CEMENT. UAIR & GRINDSTONES. razNcii*lNDOW GLASS.LEATHERIt FINDINGS PAIRBANIC'S SCALES. V . RECKHOAV 6 BROTHER, General Undertakers DEALERS IN .ALL KINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., DM= Cl-11.ELA.T 33EN3Z.'ck ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO V. Reesnow a Brio April 2.9.1673.—tf. County Business Directory. Two lines Is this Dirctory, 00 one ye, $1.50; each ditionsi Bac, ce MONTROSE WM. Il AUCITIWOUT, Slater, Wholesale and Betel dealer in nil kinds of slate roodng, slate paint, etc. Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. Also, slate paint for Bala by the gallon or barrel. Montrose. Pa. BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Fire and Life Incur onceo t et j t• g l ln o t rlc i a a nd ° At l i l a Z i p ! 'bra° end . e " O d n e et T o l k e au Oftbo flank. BURNS A NICHOLS, the place to get Drugs and Medi sines, Cigar., Tobacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books. Specta etc. Yankee Notions. Le. Brick Block. BOYD An CORWIN, Dealers in Stoves, Hardware and Manufacturers of Tin and Sheetiron ware, cornet of Main and Turnpike street. A. N. BULLABIJ, Dealer In Drocerice, , ,Provislont , Books, Stations and Yankee Notion., It head of Public Avenue.. WM. 11. COOPER .S CO.. Bankers, sell Foreign Pas sage Tickets and Drafts on England, Ireland and Scot land. • WM. L. COY. Harness maker and dealer in all article. usually kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. • JAMES E. CAILMALT, Attorney at Law. Office one door below Terbell Boar, Public Avenue.. NSW MILFORD. L. L. LEROY, Dealer In ail Sloan of farming irnple mowing Machines, well; curbs. dog powers, etc., etc., Main St., opposite Savings Bank. Inm• SAVINGS BANE. NEW MILFORD.—Fts per cent. In terest on all Deposits. Does a general Banking Da/ neon. .oil-tf S. Ti. CRASH b CO. LI .GARRET b SON. Dealers in Flour. Fet;ll. Plea' Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries and Proven De Main Street, opposite the Depot. AINEY b HAYDEN, Dealers In Drugs and Medicines and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Slain Street, nes the Depot. R. F. 'EMBER. Carriage... Maker and Undertaker Main Street, two doors below Hawley's Store. CAYUGA PLASTER—NICHOLAS SHOEMAKER,dea er In genuine Cayuga Plaster. Frock ground. IdeCOLLI73I BROTHERS, Dealers is Groceries and Provisions, on Main Street.• J. DICKERMAN. Jo., Dealer In general merchandlet and Clothing, Brick Store, on Main Street. GIBSON. H. M. TINGLEY—DeaIer to Mores, Tin. Copper, Brae and Sheettron Ware. Caetinga..kc. Also. maw:doctor er of Sheet Metal,. to order. Ero Trough and Lead Pip.. bunine,l attended to at fair priecr—Gibaon Doßo o, Punnerirada.—ly. GREAT REND. IL I'. DORAN, Merchant ntllor and deafer In Ready Made Clothing, Dry Goods,Grocerlcs and ProTIPI 41. Mehl Street.• Eliscellaneons N AILS, TI% WA RE, HARDWARE BOYD & CORWIN Comer of Matn and Turnpike Ste 11 , TC)W r k'XILC.E3313, Pb., IIEMIC) IiTMISI TIN AND SHEET-IRON WIRE, Builders' Hardware. CUTLERY, ETC., 1 , 746.1.1E5. by the. lios. Thanks to our Friends for Past Favors We would be more thankful to one and all who know they hare um,ettled accounts with nu, if they would call and settle by the middle of March next. EMS! SCRANTON SAVINGS MK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RETURNS THE SAME ON DEMAND WITHOUT PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALLOWING INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. A SAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALI RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE Fisll - JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOW. ELL, A. E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT; JAMES BLAIR, PRESIDENT ; 0. C MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE. NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCK, Feb. 12. 1873. NEW GOODS. T he trlol , 3cdtaning rctlttcl4(orzash o,k,7l7eltore,roeiy.lcdbye Ken ron one rr..ttlrltileCeVretrtwr3repared to fore l of DRY GOODS! ; GROCERIES! BOOTS & SHOES! HARDWARE ti CROCKERY! &c., &c. As can Do found elsewhere, and at as Dcatrad 0. M. Crane I...vili,,Couter. I'a.. Marco 04. Ih7t. F IRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDEN I Insurance Agency. CAPITAL P.EPRESEIITED 110PED, 5g0,000,00 Dec.l3.';'.9 ``Tool. L,OOO ritcmazi.Pas ‘VPCOCOI Nn7.45L21t0d. Highest Market:Nice Padd lit CAA. Joee A. Larattor Job Printing At this Of Mentz., Pa.. 11 COL.