THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. HAWLEY ce CO., Editors Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1874. Democratic Slate Ticket. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, HON. WARREN J. WOODWARD, of BerkB County. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, HON. JOHN LATTA, of Westmoreland County. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, .WSTUS F. TEMPLE, of Green County. FoR SECRETARY OF INTER AL AFFAIRS, GEN. WILLIAM M'CANDLFSS, of Philadelphia. Democratic County Ticket FOR CONGRESS, WILLIAM M. POST, of Sumuchanna Caunty. [Sultioct to dects tof Congtesstopal Conference.; FO ATOR, EUGENE B. HAWLEY, SuNquebalina County. f SubJert to dect,ton of Scostotial Conference.) FO It REP RESENTA TI VES, CHRISTOPHER BYRNE, of Choronut. JOHN H. FITZSIMMONS, of Susquehanna Depot. FOR DISTRIA.T ATTORNEY, GEORGE P. LITTLE, of Montrose. FOR CoUYTY SURVEYOR, CHRISTOPHER 31. GERE, ( , f Montrose FOR COENTY COMMISSIONER, A. B. WHITING, of Great Bend. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR TRUMAN BELL, of Lathrop. Go 1•1 ellised in New York, on Saturday nigut It }t e at 104 Samuel J. Tilden, is likely to be The Democratic nominee for Governor in New York. Purifying the party within itself. The V, rtnont Republicans have shelved Con. ; I ve:smar, Willard., who exposed the Presi de!' t's connection with the •salary grab, and rewarded Judge Poland, the author of the infamous press-gag-law, by a ye nom Ittioll Matraukee News. We hat.. vet to see a Republican news paper, not defiled by connection with the state ring, which dues not take the state ticket with a wry face and"grains of allowance," Lobby agents for the so' preme bench, mixed schools, compulsory educations, and ring management are not elements of strength for the Nocem• her contest. The newspapers are making sport of the Pet.nsylvania Republican platform. The Worchester Press thinks that the resolution should Le filed away among the archives of the republican party and preserved for exhlbit;on at the Centen nial, and says : "They furnish the most complete burlesque of a political docu ment that has yet been contrived by the ingenuity of man. One of the most disastrious invest ments of the current year has been the money paid out by the people of Ohio for a new constitution. They employed one hundred and live men, eighty-eight of them lawyers, who produced such au aboritive instrument that no part of it, except authorized licences,meets with the approval of the stockholders. So Ohio stands by what she has and has tried, conservative and safe. We sincerely hope the telegraphic wires and the columns of the press will no lon ger be burdened with the nauseous de tails of the Beecher scandal. The tooth of the country have been more demoral ized by this affair than by the reading of the low grade of romantic literature, vic ious and widely disseminated as it is. In this case the characters are real. The central figure, hitherto held up as a mod el of the heroic virtues, whilst the bal ance held a fair position in refined soci ety. The example is fearful, and the bad effect far reaching and demoralizing. Rumors come from Harrisburg to the effect that Senator Cameron is desirous of resigning his seat in the Senate and that an alliance has been formed by which his eon, Don, wi,t emcees-4 bim.— Then Major Errett is to take the place of Senator Scott, the first plot in the mor••ment neing tocupture the next legis lature. This information comes entirely through Republican sources—the expos ure being made by a friend of Judge Butler, the defeated candidate for Su preme Judge. The Long Branch part of the • govem ment, realizes by this time what it costa to offend the Camerons. Had he appoint ed Don Cameron Secretary of the Treas ury, there would have been no mention of Hartman. for President, but the Key stone State might have led the tray to a third team, or at least paved the remain ing portiuu of his time with good inten tions and friendly aid, but as it is, be must not indulge in any more dreams of future rule. The Republican party of Pennsylvania as at present controlled, by Cameron, Mann, Mackey & Co., must be reckoned as publicly pledged against Grantiatu in all its pliaseii. Good bye tit yaks. The Bradford Argus says, Hon. Si mon Cameron has been at Towanda ar ranging for the people of Bradford pounty whom they shall send to Harsh.— 'burg next waiter. The kindness of this 'veteran statesmen in relieveing distant !republican constituencies of any trouble ; they might possibly incur in making ;their own selections for members of the legislature, is a beautiful illustration of 'human benevolence. Wonder if he wii visit this county ? The Harrisburg correspondent of the !Pottsville Workingman, not friendly to democracy, says of the Republican plat form!: "The truth of the matter is that the platform adopted on Wednesday—of which I have only quoted the worst parts, whereas the whole of it is open to just as severe criticism—is one of the most fraud ulent political papers of which the history of the country b^ars record. It is not probable that the Democracy will do any better when it meets in Pittsburg next week, but it will require au almost super human effort to do worse." One of the resolutions of the republi can convention reported by Russell Errett, and no doubt drawn np by him, ex presses great friendship for the new con stitution. Was there ever anything- more inconsistant, insincere and hypocritical f Let us take the action of the convention against its words. Russell Errett was one of the most bitter opponants of the new constitution, and day after day pub lished in theComntercial editorially and extracts from Bergi er's paper at Harris burg, articles as to taxes, increase of ex• penses etc., which every intelligent read ing man in the state knew to be false. -7-' Jas. S. Rutan, in his Beaver paper, the Radical. never failed in every issue of his paper to male unjust attacks on the new constitution, and yet he was president of the convention. Quay, master spirit of the convention, was also a prominent opponent of the new constitution and, used all his political influence to defeat it. Mackey, also conspicuous at the late convention and a member of it, was a bitter foe to the new constitution. Wm. B. Mann, wl'o headed the organization with Mackey, Errett, Rutan and others, for Judge Paxon and Olmstead, was the most active of the opposition : to the new constitution in Philadelphia, and even controlled the Union League and forced its op; osition to the hew constitution.— Lear, the temporary chairman of the convention, was distingnisked for • his violent attacks upon the new consti tution, and yet he was made temporary chairman over General Lilley, a well known friend of the constitution. Such shameful hypocrisy has never before been exhibited in Pennsylvania. Mr. Thomas Tookey, in his "History of Prices," attributes the recent panic in this country to the fact that too much of our floating capital has been converted into fixed capital in railroad enterprise [ , and asserts that this was the cause of the financial crises in England in 1847. Eng land recovered rapidly from the shock and the United States, he predicts, will soon do the same thing. The Railway Monitor divides the railroad develope merit in this country into three stages, and shows that Mr. Tooley's theori holds. , The first period, between 1829 and 1849, but 7,365 miles of railroad were built, even this slow progress was too much for ; the financial strength of the country, and. the railroad projectors were ruined. Then the simultaneous flow of gold from Cali fornia and Australia infused fresh strength into the civilized world, and at the end of the next period, in 1859 the total railroad railage was 28,789 miles. The third period, which olosed in 187 , found a total of 71,565 miles of railroad, and the strength of the country is again exhausted. The present conditions differ from those of the first period. Then we have the life giving flow of the gold mines; now we are struggling against the per ilous excitement of paper money- infla tion. The Monitor concludes that fur many years to come the extension of our railroad system must stop. In the hurry of speculation the work has been poorly done, and the resources of the country must be expected in bettering what we have, instead of adding to it. This ad vice is sound, and probably indicates the railroad policy of the country for some time to come, for the reason that it is the I only polio. left. Where Andy Curtin Staudt. In ? reference to the political position of ex-Governor Curtin, the Bellefonte Watchman says: W l e are not specially authorized to speak for him. but the country may take our word for it that Govercor Curtin is not any longer act ing with the Republican or Radical party,nor has be for a long time. Its despotic outrages upon popular liber ty: its extravagances and rascalities; its crimes and corruptions; its election of scoundrels to high offices; its efforts to enforce taxation without representa tion ;_its usurpations of rights of sover sign States ; its disregard of the ballot box and the expressed will of the people and above all, its infamous and dastardly treatment of the conquered South,diagus ted him long since and forced him into an indignant and manly protest against its wicked and cowardly course. He has washed his hands of all responsibility for its crimes and its outrages, and wishes to stand before the country as an American citizen battling -for the constitutional and personal rights of his fellow country men all over the Union I He looks with horror upon the state of affairs in South Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana, and is intensely desirous that the control of matters in the South shall be restored to the hands of her own white citizens, and that the rule of the alien and the ne'ro., shall cease.. Be assured Democrats and Conservative white citizens of Penn sylvania, that we shall Lave the assistance and the hest ishes of Andrew G.,Curtin for Democrat c success this Full. neje with us, hea t and soul, and although we here not eard him so state, we believe that his elognent words will be heard fur us upon the stump. We know that he is iu earnest and nivens the overthrow of radicalism inlPennsylvanimand through out the entiO country. , .... AO. The ISM° Convention. . The Dem+laic State Coruntion has proved to be no such easy runniag ma chine ae the Harrisburg concern, with its work all laid out before it, cut and dry candidates mid cut and dry platform. At Pittsburg thlre has been deliberation-- Time bus betn taken to weigh the merits of candidates and the soundness of the declaration o'f principles. The result of these, labors Will meet the approval of the party. The ticket is a good one from top to bottom. Jiudge Woodward is every way fit and capable for the exalted position to which he is substantially- elected by the convention. No fraud ,ipon the people has been enacted because the constitu tion permitted it. For Leutenant Gov ernor, lion. John Latta, of Westmore land, has all the requisites of experience, capacity anti fitness that the position re quires. lion. Justus F. Temple,ol Green county, is a Than of reputation and abil ity, who will bring clean hands to the re sponsible duties of that position for which hie party presents him to the suffrages of the people. General William Xl'Cand less, the nominee for Secretary of Internal Affairs, is widely known and esteemed throughout !the State. He has ac unspot• ted record as a soldier and a gentleman, and will bring to the support of the tick et a devoted personal following. The eornniittee on resolutions reported as follows: The Denrocracy of Pennsylvania, in convent ion !assembled, do dictate : That the Republican party, tome its accession to power, has violated the federal consti tution and'. degraded the judiciary; pros trated indastry ; plundered the people; usurped polwer; loaned the government it credit to c rporations without constitu tional sa etion; fostered corporations to the de riment of. the agricultural interests Of the country ; introduced frauds and corruptions into the depart ments of government and among its ot fice holder 3, and failed to dismiss them ; when exp sed and convicted ; appointed spies and informers to oppress the busi ness inter sts of the country ; increased its taxatto 1 until labor can hardly live, businesse , prosper, trade and commerce earn their fair rewards or manufactories continue heir operations; overawed and ignored tl e civil power and set the mili tary up ss the exponent of the laws ; and by lideral legislation attempted to ; destroy t e liberty of the press ; domi nated the white l.y the negro race in some states an by its proposed civil rights bill i f made a N rof races imininet.t. There tore, cha ging these offences to the Re publican arty, we call on all honest and upright itizens to redress them by so vot ing in N vember as to produce a change and expel their authors and abettors from all place 4 of public trust and, confidence. Resolrti, That the following are among the leading principles of our political be t her: First. ,That prefent prostration of the indaistrial and commercial interests of the country has been broauht about by the unwise kgislation of the Ikpublican party, a d that prosperity can only be re stored b a change in the administration of Boyer merit. Secon . That we are opposed to gov ernment tl grants of public lands to cm , pora ion. as tending to general corrup tion and the demoralization of the public aercict. Third That we favor an honest and economiCal government, lopping off every needlesslespense. a nduct:on of the num ber of office holders. the abolition of the fee syster local and national. and the re turn to he moderate lit ing and plate cus toms4of lormer clays. Fours i. That ne chCrish a grateful re merub nce of our brave soldiers arm sail ore and will give a prompt recognition of every jtist claim in their behalf. or that of their widows and orphans. Fifth) That a steady effort should be madetd bring government notes to par with gold and to secure a return to specie paymerit at the earliest possible period that resumption can be effected with safe ty. Sixth bill of sage to of the . Thatwe denounce the civil rights he last congress,beheving its pas be a gross invasion of the right states to control their domestic sin their own way, and that it emit in incalculable evil to both to and the negro races. . th. That while we recognize to -st and broadest extent that it is 1- of the state to secure to all the I s of education and hence that our ' chool system should be generous . fined, we emphatically declare the establishment of mixed by law, in which white and black ~ shall be compulsorily associated, ges we do that the interests of . races will be best serve-I by train chtldreu in separate schools, h. That the leaders of the Repub rtv, having opposed the present - +tion of this state, inviting the court to proclaim in advance of i: for its ratification partizan oh to its provisions,selecting to pre r its late state convention one used to sign the constitution as ~, and nominating for statcofficers I opponents of the instrument,can .y the hostile attitude on their part itutioual reform and deceive peo. . false pretences is regard to their i licv. •port was adopted and the con adjourned Bine-die. The Convention. n truly say that no body of men vened in Pennsylvania who did better. Their proceedings were all through with dignity and Their discussions were deco- I earnest, and the rivalry of can nd of their supporters was gen t d forbearing. The town vitas not from its propriety as has fre been the case in cities where the • nd licentous trained bands of the t-Mackey-Errett ring have as to record the edicts of the Cam , ret circle. The nights of the on's stay were not made hideous howls of disorderly rowdies, as 'llse at Harrisburg on the recent We ever co its dut, marked proprie Mean didates erouß al frghten gently lawless • Hartran enabled eron se convent with the was the assembling of the radical state conven tion. Such a budy'ita this convention of ours cannot - fait to impress the thoughtful re publican citizens of Pittsburg with the sincere and sound purpose of the done cmts of Pennsylvania. Free passes and free entertainments at hotels were not furnished out of money plundered from the treasury, as is the case with conven tions held under the control' of the Cam eron-Mackey ring. The men who Caine hither to assist in the labors of this con vention, came at their own expense and of their own volition. Th:•y were not compelled to show themselves to any ring master, so that their fealty might he kept clear, and their offices spared to them by the ring mumwers. Ours was not a con vention of office holder. , . It was emi nently an assemblage of and from the people, whose appearance, character and deportment were alike credible, consi s tent and exemplary.----Pilishary Post. TELEGRAPHIC Coal oil Cars Destroyed Nrue Yon Ang,nst 2G.—This after noon a truin of oil cars on the Erie Rail way near Pen Horn creek was set on the by sparks from a passing locomotive and eight ears were. tinted. Lms $15,000. Fire and lois of Lifo DExTme,N. H., August 26.—A house occupied by Andiew Mover, and Dm , id Robinson, was burned early !his morning Mrs. Glover perished in the flumes. The Blank Hills CHICAGO August 28.—Official reports from General ()whir's expedition in the Black Hills continue to give enconrac.e ment of the great mineral wealth and agricultural resources of the country. Sell EN ECTADY, Aug. 28.—Frank hai ley, a tramp from White Hall. N. Y. about forty years old, committed suicide here this morning, by running in front of an eastward freight train. Fifteen Houses Destroyed. NEW ORLEANS, Angnst 26.—A fire un third street in this city, and on Levee. Charles and Independence streets, des troyed fifteen houses. I.oss, *30,00n partially insnred. A Fatal Duel. NEW YORK, 26.—1 t is reported that the duel between the Cuban General Rasada and De Conto, of the .s apish paper of this city, took place this morning resulting in the tatal wounding of De Conto. Special Notices SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, FOR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION, COUGHS AND COLDS. The great virtue of this medicine is that it ripens the matter and throws it out of the sys tem, purifies the blood, and thus effects a cure. SORE:SC . 6'S SEA WEED TONIC, rout THE CUBE OF DYSPEPSIS, LVDIOESTION, &C. The Tonic produces a healthy notion of the stomach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate cases of Indiges tion. SCELENCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR TILE CCRE OF LIVEIL CONEPLATYP, These pills are alteratiye, and produce a healthy action of the liver without the least danger, as they are tree tram calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are a certain cure for the Consumption. as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter and purifies the bhotl. The Man drake Pills act upon the liver. create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause of Consumption, The Sea Weed Ton ic girt& tone and strength to the stontach,makes a good digestion, and enahleg the organs to form good blood. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explained, will cure every case of Consumption, if taken in time, and tue use of the medicines preserved in Dr. Schenck is professionally at his principal Mince, corner tirx-ra and ARCH STs., every Monday, where all letters for advice must be 'addressed. Schenck's medicines for sale by all Druggists. New Advertisements. EDITOR'S ii OTlOE.—Tbe antlers igned.having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Stiequehanna County, an Auditor to distribute the }ands to the hands of F. 11. Quick, the Administrator of the estate of Jas. Quick, demised. will ahead to the duties of his appoint ment, at his race in loontrose, on Saturday, October 17, 1874, at 1 o'clock, P. 31, All persons interested will appear and present their claims, or be forever debarred from coming in an said fund. JAMES E. CARMALT, Auditor. Montrose, Sept. I', 1574.—w4. NEW CREECH MUSIC BOOK Fox' 1.374-M5 The Leader ! Jost issued and ready for sale. Its success airrady Ir already assured. Its price is a return to ante-war Church Book rates anti Its contents new, fresh, and cannot fail of winning a hearty endorsement tram their masters. the musical profession and the musical public. Speci men pages tree on application. Price 11M, per dozen. • RIVER OF LIFE. Po: Sabbath Pawls. A sale of over Ml,OOOlO. less than one year Altman the merit of this hook The pablishers are confident that no better Sabbath School boot' has been pnbllshed in year., and Ilene given much entire sAti &faction. Price 33 tents mu; PAZ per dozen ; $3l per 100. ECCEMEI SACRED QUARTETS and ANTHEMS Thts day padlshed. flap been many years to prep. ration and will he welcomed by all the lovers of blr Thomas's flamed Mask—and who Is not one! Al a Quartet Book for Cholla, It will be found indlepeneable. - Price In Boanis,,Sl ItO. Cloth, $9.00.. OUTER DITSON & Co., GRAS. 11. DITSON k Co,. Boston. 711 Irdway. N. T. Sept, t May al, 1874.—1y.] trSYCIIONANCY , or fit. Ll. CHARMECO."—IIow Peither sex may fascinate and gain We lose and erection. or soy person they choose Instantly, Thfe envie mental acquirement all ma poesces, for cte, twrether with a marriage gnido.Egyptian Ora, cle Dremas."llinte to Indite. Wetichog•Nicht Stine etc. A queer book. Address, T. WILLIAM & CO.. Pubs, CA-4w. Phd'a. potrrEcnNic COLLEGE OP TEE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Market bt-,above Mara. Teienty•first year be _gins Sept. lath. Thorough pro fessional training in MineEtigmeering.Civil Engineer. leg, Mechanical Engineering, Analytical and Indestrlal Chemistry,lllettolurgy. and Architecture. The Diploma of the College is received u conclusive evidence of proficiency by dullest Engineers and com panies engaged in works of Improvement. Address, u-ste Alen= L. Easiskurv,id. D.. Pres. of Faculty. pOSTPONEUENTS IM IMPOSSIBLE: -$2 C=l=l FIRST PREgms MORTGAGE BOND IL I Iligustrial Faositioo Co Authorized by the Legielatare of the Efate of N. Y. 24 Serie Drawing s • - Oct, 5,1874. EVERY RUED purchases' previous to Octnbcr Sib will participate. Address for !Bonds aod fall Information, 110110ENTIIA1:1.ilt - NO Flannels' Agents, 23, Park Now. P. o.lWawer 1. New York Z3 -4w. Applications for Agencies received VVERYBPNY'S OWN PHYSICIAN 14 By Oyer W OLES.OON IL D. mar nfdeent omv. ..;ZO En:ravings. LOW , PRICE. , Ono Agent Wok IW orders In one reek. Agents erstUd. ere: Mars free. N. N. M eNINNY tCQ. • , Sansom St, Pills. NVIIISKY k IJIDNIONT. Send dump. W. EV ANS CC...11111.1:e Fells N. Y. Ett—,r4. GENTS WANTED! Diploma Awarded for L DOLMAN•ti NEW PICTORIAL MIMES 100 Moron . Addrern for circalors A. J. 1101,11.4.1 , 4 CO., Srdi St., Path w r °BEING PEOPLE- male r Fetualo. Employ ment at home,.s3o per week warrautcd. capi tat required. Particalara and valuable samples sent free. Andreis a itb 6 cent return tnamp., C. ROSS, 81-Iw. Wllliamcburg, ti. Y. T IVINGSTONE IS DEAD. IA Per 30 yearn Mousse have intently watched the mammas etrugelein and finest, achievement, of this WORLD RENOWNED !Erns. and rots ra4orly desire the COMPLETE LIPMMISTORT which unfolds ithwi the wealth and curiosities of a wild and wonder:al country. It Is nocr neaDT nod aIn.LIND TO BRAT Z - VanTTURML Moan Ao=rra Wasvro Al' ONCE. Address 111'111.1ARD BROS., Publishers, 31-4 w. Satin. St., Phila. Pa. THE GREAT POPULARITY OF C ./k M PH OR I N E As a FAMILY 31flIJICRNF, In the regard of genuine merit. Thome utiO one it once. never will be sentient It. Fur pale by all etrul.tglian Price 2.1 cents. IlltUltEN 1101T,Propir,Y1.1- Fou COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS I'UT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggi,.. lIAVE YOU TRIED art..7.7ELT_Tiam33/1. ? Weak. Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are you ro languid that any exertion require. - own: of xn vthirt thou you 1,1 capable of making! Than try JtvltllthellA, the wonderful tonic and Invig orator, whim act. vo benceelirl/y on The recretive or gang us to Import vigor to till the vital forces, It In no elcohholle appetizer, which rat:midst. for a *hurt time, only to let the relict:lw malts; a 'meta depth of roleery, bud it IP a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and linker. It regulates , the Bowel*, quiets the nerve, and glove inch a healthy tone to the whole ryricto a, to roof. make the Invalid feel liken new pernon. lie operation ir not violent. but In characterized by great nettlenens: the patient experienc- • no sudden Orange, no :narked rerelto. bot etudoally Ida troubles "Fold their teats like the Aruba, And rile-1111y cleat array." 'Halo le no ern' and utitrted ditivoyery. bat hay been long awed with wonderful reniedid revolts, and I. pro nouochd by the highert inediral withal - 111er, •'the moat VON orful tannic and alterative knot, n." Ark yen* drugyoil for It. For wale by JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY S. CO., 31-4 w. Philadelphia, Pa. Ft 0 Mill" IN7 ac)m-, Si Southern Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM! SS WaBll Stret't 1312xgla.n.riat4=crk., N. "V.. Y”u will Fiud LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OP 3ff" "ICT x. 147 .ICa" ti i t I=3 At the Lowest Prices of any Store i Southern Nev York. All Goods Soul are WARRATED ap liepreeented E. D. ROBINSON. a 2 OMNIBUS LINE The nader.lgntalo har ranlba. ranning too ery train ou tac D. L. S. W.. and Erc Ea 11,13. Great Bend, Pa Shippln b or Re-Shipping Baggage at either depot will he promptly uttendro to. The new river bridge 1.6 now rompleted, hence there It no Ferrying. altaye on hand to convey [l:ll.itilgers to any point to the enrronnding country. C. BUt:IL9NAN. Prop', Great Bend, Aug. 19, 1974.—1 f. BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. MONUMENTS, 'LEAD:STONES, AND MARBLE MANTLES, Alto, SCOTOR GRANITES on hand. J. PICKERING dr. CO., J. PICKERI3IO, ) P 26 Court Street, 0. W. unns.nroutn, IL P. BROWN, ) Binghamton, N. Y Nov. 1.211 161'3. In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, haying, entered Info co.porinen+hlp. ore tiler prepared to do all kiwis of work lo the Ilne of Wm Mau; Blackmithim FROM A WHEELBARROW Ta A COACH REPAIRING IN AIi1( PA la OF TLIE EUHTNESS Aill receive prompt attention HOBERT & DIAIN. Laursbor, Pa.. Oet. BLATCHIET'B Improved CI:CCM:ER WOOD 31P, Tar triers, Durable, Efficient, Ind Cheap. The heat Pomp lot the mat money. Attention tanapecialiy wilted to Blatchley's Patent Lm roved ilruckct and New DDT Check 'aloe, which can be withdrawn rithont removing the Pomp, or die- Jar dog the joint's. Alvo, the Cop per Chamber, which never erack*or *mina, and 'will ontlaat any other. For vale by Dw.ler•A the Trade generally. Inquire for Tilutchley's Pump, and If net for elle hi your 'own, vend direct, to • CHAS. G. BL&TCHLEY, Ernntlfattror. cos commen— KIP/latlptila, Ps April lit. 1874.--$l. N. C. 414 MITSICIAN 4r litTRGt6:l, terolere hie protest& oual services to the eltlzens. or Mooch. Pa. OM.) at the f gr o ka flow. will attend to all rails In hit pore., slop with which he is levered. • • • 600.12, at. —tr. IllsceUaneons SUMMER GOODS itind Arrlv ing and opeutng daily dating the orates at GottodorE, Rosollballit & Co's, New Dress Goods, Shawls, 6. Sultings, MILLINERY GOODS, .eh no Trimmed and Untrimmed Lad:es' and Children's fiats, IA LACES, RIBBONS. &c., NoTIoNS,FANCY HOODS,DOMES TIC FURNISHING GOODS, CAR PETS, OIL-CLOTHS, MATS, &c., &c. For Men and Bops' wear COTTONADES & CASSIMEPES, Extra Quality. Flue Grades of VPcpcolexus, i FOR CUSTOM WORK MEASURES TAKEN, AND GARMENTS MAUR EP TO ORDER IN THE BEST MANNER. LARGE STOCK OF 11Y MAII4 WITIEIB ton *L AND BOSS, IN lIIPOLL AND KAICIIED SUITS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, INwtal cis Cicticslem, MERINO WRAPPERS It DRAWERS. FINE DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS. TIES. GLOVES. TWINES, SATCHELS. At., &c. It I. ever our aim to plots° the public. to tell good good,. at Pupalar Wes prices, and to maintain oor repo lotion at to being the HEAD CENTRE OE' TRADE Can early nod otter. Yours truly Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., M. S. DESSIITER, Managing Partner. Montrose A pill 29th, 1874 VAL(13124:192 _ ass / M WIC la CPR. I TT M The undersigned 11111 keg) constantly on band and for talc, very low. Pla.a,etcon.s, PLATFORM WAGONS, (for one or two horses,) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, WMI WARNERS PATENT WHEELS, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumber Wagon s Decry spring wagons. second hand carnage' and op en and top boggles. for sale cheap. Will make to order to Suit portico, all llnda of 4.122 , elegy.. Work Wansonect. Repairing done neatly.— Shop at Sprhlgrille, Pa. Enquire at D. L. S W. Express Mee of D. D. SEABLE. 31oatiore, Pa., Or at Bprlogrllle of E. 11. CULVER. ItiontroreJune 8,1878.—U. IJUNT BIiOTHERS, SCRANTON , YA Whatetale A. Retail Degderain HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, •"IILDER'S HARDWARE, X LYE BAIL, CODE 7 ENSLINE et T BAIL BPIKEt BAILBOAD d YINING SUPPLIES. (14.IIRL4GE SPRINGS, AXLES, SKEINS AN , BOXES, BOLTS, NUTS and WARDERS, PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, EVES. SPORES. FELLOW!, BEAT SPINDLES. BOWS. Se. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS• HAMMERS. SLEDGES. PILES. &e. he. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWs, sscTnvo. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS. 'PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR & GRINDSTONES. PRENcII WINDOW GLASS.LEATIIER&VINDINGN PAIRBANK•S SCALES. V . REPEROW a BROTRER, General Undertakers • . AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., Cirrt.MILES.T 3BEIZT2D, Woosiaa'n ALLORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. V. Rxarnow G Duo. Anna 26 Chenau go St., Near Depot, MAT 14. 1673. . - 11130liAN1ON. N. Y. ' pAurr SHOP! 1 I LICHENSTEIN . & BLUMENTHAL NW. KA LS 0 iIINING, PA PERING, GR AIN— i• New Milford, Pd ., • , ING, SIGN WORK, • Wholerale and retail dealer, to Pine Watches rid Rich =awe° Vissiastizig, oto. Jewelry', Sterling Silver Ware, French and American I.N. TO P7ll OR COUNTRY.CIocks. nee Plated IYarc, and Silver Tea Sea. .e, I," - all kind of (told and iiirrer !lilting. Width, Clock, and farSliop Impolite Dr. Thayer`, once, (up etaln9 one , Jewelry Itepelnug, and Plain end OatoneatelEugreet Meat Market. Addreell. igg, neatly_ excented,.. Xotarwee.Aug.l9,l6l4.-tr., : PADA° .t CO. - aWne 2l , -11 . --I Y. . • .. , , . EUscenaneous The Doubt Dispelled ZITIIIVP C31,0402:31E3 Wm. ❑aydcn. New 311. ford, Pe., le now aticrin ceu entire new stock of DRY GOODS carefully selected for Spring Awl Surumrr Trade BOOTS AND SHOES the largeet nod bent variety in Northern renanytTarim. 13ettis tic Clarkis, TREINES, TRAVELING BAGS Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No tione, etc., etc Every article Warranted as Repreeented. No Variation in Pricra. ==l! B ILLINGS STROUD, General INSURANCE AGENT, Montrose. Paz. Capital Represented, 5100,000,000 1 FIRE, LITE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE home Ins. Co.. N. Y., Capital and surplus. $4,000,000 Hartford Fire Inc., Co., Capital IndSurpl ne $ Liverpool. London &Globe " $ Ai,uon,oull Ins. Co. of North America " ta,azo,oun Penn. Fire Ina. Co., Phila., " it141)10.0.0 National, Phi Pa. $150,00 Ins. Co.. State of Pea n'a `• Seoo,oon Union Mutual tiisi Jet Lycomlog Fire •' $6.004.1)0,1 Narra,„"ansett, Providence. R. I. " Soon.° Merchants' -Mo.oon Clay, of New Port, Ey. '.V.',11,00 Newtown, of Burke Co. 300 Ono Alemmanla, of Cle7eland, • • 400,1A0 Lancaster Fir. Ins. Co. :MO .non " Fire Association of Phila. i.Ono,oon Home Ins. Co.. Columbus, 0., " R Cool) Lehigh Valley Fire. Allentown. `• 210.00 Citizens' Flee Ina Newark, N.J." aciLisoi South Side ins.Co.Pittsborg,Pa." 11).0o0 Alemmania of Pittaborg. " 400,000 The undersigned is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow ing companies for Northero Pennsylvania: Fire Association of Philadelphia. National Fire li.nrance Company of Philade hallo The Insurance Co. of the State of Pennsylvania, o f Philadelphia. Es I 'E" El . Conn. Mama! Lite ins. Co., Areette American LIM, Phira. AL C 7 CrZ7:lO MIN T. Travelers Ins.Co..Bartford,enpitaland Railway Passengers $350,0en. The undersigned has been well known in itti.connty,fot the past 17years.asan Insoranee %gent. Losses snatched by his COMOSIn lee nave always been promptly paid Or Office Bret door east from Banking Office of W B. Cooper &Co—Turnpike et. Montrose .Pa. BILLINGS ST/101JD, Agent. CHARLES 11. SMITH, Solicitors Montrose. Het. 31 ve, 3F•lauerilt - e- At W. W. Smith & Son's Evenelve Furniture War 'room you nlll end the tarry, et FIRST CLASS AND COMMON N'lo - FL INT I "I' ICT 14. M To be found In this section of the country, of hie own manufacture, and at prices thst cannot fail to give sails faction. They make the very beet EXTENSION TABLES In tho Couutry, and w.utflANT them llpholatory Worts. Of all kinds done in the neate.o. mama! PURE NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES UNDERTAKING The anbacriber will hereafter make t.o. ,tdertallng qaectalty In his business. Having }Ent completed a NEW and thu etc at elegant HEARSE in the Slate, Al I needing hie genic - ea crill be attended to promptly and al satisfactory charges. WIXE. W. SOUTH 8L SOX. Ilentrose. Pa.. Jan. 31.1672.—n0n—tt. XX. 33171 : 11.1 : 1.3E WW I , Would can attention to t New 'Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD:-, Now on EDie,ln new zoza reoaxa., LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, ELVETS,HOSIERY, HEAVY, WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, • - HARD W AREIRON,NAILS, EttEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC, In great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest prises. New Milton], June 3,1874 J. n. DATILIMS. I 0, 8. IiAIINTA. I ll GI, BLANDING -cr- BIWGRAZITON WARBLE WORKS (ESTANIJBITED IN INIn.I BIRKS BROS. & BINDING, DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTUItEIts OF 4mcritan4,llarbiro, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, !garble and Slate Mantles, 153MMIZI f P. 5 (111 fgl ( $9 Ay ( ) o IL BURRITT.