TUE DEMOCRAT. E. B. KA ir LEY & CO., Editors Wednesday, Angnst 5, 1874 Gull closed in New York, on Saturday nignE last, at 110. The RepubliLl State Conventign will be held at Harrisburg, on Wednesday August 19th. The Democratic State Convention will be belt] at Pittsburg, on Wednesday, the '26th day of August. Official returns from all the counties in Arkansas show a majority of 71,500 in favor of Constitutional Convention, and 11,Mweratifonembers were elected but two orßiiree counties in the State. - I==l=l It is supposed the lion. William Gas ton will be nominated for Gocenor of Ilassechusetts by the Democrats of that Suite, and General Butler says the Demo cratic candidate will be elected. Has the mouth of prophecy filled up the game cock of Essex ? The San Francisco Bulletin says that while two years ago there were nearly two thousand house to rent in that city, there is uow a demand greater than the supply. San Francisco never had any but a specie eurrency.never demanded intlatioa,aud is steadily prosperous. Dr. John H. B. McClellan, of Phila delphia an eminent physician and popu lar citizen, died recently at Edinburg, Scotland. He was the son of George Mc- Clellan, M. 1)., one of the founders of the Jefferson Medical College of that city and the brother of General McClellan. Two million acres of corn have been planted this year in excess of last year's acreage. The increase is 6 per cent of the whole crop. 1t is largest in the South in percentage, and in the West in acret.— The condition of the crop is good in the West and elsewhere veriable. These facts are fiirnilised by the Department of Agri- culture at Washington. The Utica (N. Y.) Observer quotes from the United States statues the pro vision which forbids Congressmen from acting in any case in which the United :Nate is a party, and says that Senator Conkling violated this law when lip ap peared as attorney ut the New Yolk Cen tral Railroad in a suit in which the tai- ted States was a party. The penalty prescribed by the law is fine and two y,ars imprisonment, end the Observer suggests that Conkling is amenable to imprisonment. Gen. Butler says that he never cheated the colored troops in the Army of the James, as charged by Gen. Hooker, It is a small matter whether the public be lieves Gen. Butler or Gen. Hooker.— There are worse acts than cheating dead nogro soldiers; and Butler knows what they are. To debauch the mind of a nation, to corrupt the adminstration of public affairs, and to mate political life odious to honest men, are offenses in com parison with which mere pecuniary fraud are Insignificant.—C4icago Tribune. Eastward from Minnesota the grass hoppers have taken their flight. They will doubtless reach Wisconsin this season and perhaps Illinois. A few have put iu their appearance at St. Paul. It is too late in the year for them to do much damage in the new scenes of their labors, but they can deposit their eggs, which will hatch out millions of the pests next year. The dwellers in the States just in vaded by the advance corps of the devast ating army of grasshoppers should kill as many of them as possible. That is the only way to protect themselves from the grasshopper curse in 1875. It sill never do to be out of the fash ion. Piymouth Church has its scandal, and so has the Beryan Baptistch urch of Brooklyn, with a colored congregation and a colored pastor, whose name is Si mon Bundick. The Rev. Simon took charge o f the Church some twenty years ago. He is now accused by certain mal contents with selling the church property and converting it to his own use, and inproper intimacy with the wife of Spen cer Moore, one of the members of his congregation. Brother Bundick denies the allegation and dismisses the alligator. The twenty-first annual meeting of the Per. csyleania State Teachers' Association will be held in the Cumberland Valley State Normal School Building,Shippens burg, on the 11th and 12th days of Au gust, 1874. As the meeting will be held near the centre of the State, it is confi dently anticipated that a large number of teachers, and others interested in the good work, will be in atti„Wee, The duty of preptarrag....lusiugs for the meet ing was entrusted to an energetic com mittee. who have prepared a very interes ting programme for the occasion. The Democratic State Central Commit tee of Illinois has called aState Conven tion to meet on the 2Gth of August. In addition to the signatures of the commit tee, the call bears the names of several gentleman who have until recently acted with the Republican party. It invites all voters, without regard to party affilia tions, to send delegates to the convention upon the following platform; Speedy re sumptioo of specie payments and re derription of the national debt in coin, free commerce; opposition to land grants restriction of the State and National Governments within their legitimate limits, and the protection of citizens by the State against extortion and oppress ion by chartered monopolies. A dangerous counterfeit having appear: ed on five dollar notes of the Traders National Bank of Chicago, the Treasury Department offers one-half per cent, premium for the return of the genuiLe five dollar notes of that bank to tha De partment for destruction. All genuine five dollar notes of this bank should here after be refused, and the notes of the de nomination thus driven out of circula tion. No more of these notes will be I I jived hereafter by the Comptoller of the Currency to the batik. Our worthy President. whose admirers I cull him the "Second Washington," is in valuable to the watering place tavern keepers as a drawing card. At Long Branch the hotel men have pocketed thousands in consequence of the '.2tl W.'s presence every summer in that place.— But he (leis not confine his winning in thienc. to the Branch alone. lie went to Atlantic City, a few days ago, where he was formally received in a speech by a Philadelphia clergerman of Jersey birth, and where he proved an excellent card for the tarvens; and, not lung since, he went to Cape May, taking with him a portion of his Cabinet and official house hold, to participate in the formal opening or christening of a hotel—actually went all the way from the National Capital for this benevolent and worthy purpose! Think Dr this ye crusaders, and weep! Think, dear reader, of the first Washing ton lending his posonal presence and the prestige of his great office to the dedication of a tavern I lEte Vigilant We wish to impress upon the minds of the Democrats of this county, the nn portance of VIGILANCE on the part of every individual member of the organiz ation. We hope the indolence of last fall which caused deep regret in the hearts of many of the masses in both parties will act as a talisman in eradicating the lethergy iu every section of the county and inspirel..kj,e.Aisposition in every mein ber of the Harty to DO AND DARE:FOR TUE RIGHT though he be the last man in its defense,. He, who will only labor for the ascendhoy- of his principles under cir cumstances of certain success, will not see them triumph, neither does lie merit success, for he only proves A to the world that he does not serve the God of truth and pure principles, but only the Mam mon of power and pelf. The pure princi ples of Jeffersonian Democracy, founded this nation under the light of Republican instituious,preserved it in itaintegrity and prosperity, while the peoplei adhered to• those principles and "By the Eternal," through an immediate return to those inevitable tests of "honesty" first, accom panied with due capability, it 4 , mm:it and shall be" reinstated in primal purity of government and "preserved" for and handed down to future generations. What other incentives need an honest laborer for his country's good, have, than the conviction of battling for the right as he understands it, with this beacon for a guide, that Truth and Justice are mighty and shall nitiniately prevail. The day for pure Democracy is now auspicious. The honest masses in the ranks of our opponents are aware of the dangerous shoals now menancing the grand old ship of State, which has become so unwieldy from the load of corruption, and bold dishonesty of its officers and crew, as to threaten its di struction, and are already casting about for a way of escape.and are looking anxiously to the Grand old party of the Revolution for relief in the prem ises. Linder these circumstances we say, the time is auspicious, if we but rightly value the responsibilities resting upon us. In view of these facts, encouraging alike to the success of our principles and a return to the primitive honesty of the earlier history of our youthful nation, as well as inspiring to a belief in the perpe tuity of a republican form of govern ment among the nations of the world, it behooves the Democracy of to-day to be vigilant in duty, brave in the defense of the right, and above all, just and true to their time honored principles, by prefer ing men for official servants in whom there is no room fur doubt as to their honesty and fitness, - regardless of localities or personalities with but the one object in view, and that to secure, through them, equal rights to every American citizen, equal and ex act justice to all mankind, and thus bring about the return of a purediepubli• can form of government in jar! as well as in name. To this end let the Democracy of old Susquehanna labor and not falter. In this connection it may be well to in form our readers just what offices are to be filled, so that each may exercise his . judgment in naming a candidate so as . to have a little more deliberation in se lecting at the convention :to be held on Monday August 17th. It is and ever has been a firm and fixed principle with us never to recommend any candidate for nominantiou or to allow any oneelse to do so through our columns. We desire that men for public servants shall be called from their labor to lead the people instead of "setting up the job" for themselves. But it is advisable that some forethought ; should be taken in respect to the matter I in the different localities, so that, when the convention meets, we can act intelli , gently. The officers to be named in the county are; one person for Congress in the district composed of Bradford, Sus. gnehanna, Wymni og.and Wayne counties; One person for State Senate in the dis trict composed of Susquehanna, ant . Wayne counties, two persons for Repre- seutatives in the county of Susquehanna; one person for Dietrict Attorney one I person for County Commissioner, and one person for County Auditor. Govern yourselves accordingly. The curse of rt pubhcon rule is its " II - OTICE Ir. 10.r.1, ,v rr ' manifold corruptions. In tn cry depart- jum j ::',' '. l. o tt f salter :d i rt:T - 1 1' U ' . tt i . :11 ' 111:tr !i i. e .ir I' D 'U trf7r r e ' lll ° : G nus '''''.. •re are mon g„vernment tnt " t " " ` 1 ' "...""'" r."dl ''th' Ito' 'lt !neut. of the ~....i ur..tutraalltra C'trantv. at `ilea Atter ey making coin' • ••t• HIM 10118 3rgutlized for bo . n.;lll:7t y 4.gtfhor Ito or. orproratroir 1 14 0r " ..711.. 7 t e aTe purposes of public: plunder. Even the de- of t o ol Brad ~ ‘r.l-1174::: style, and vita fl r ''l'll°".7nf iblni"°"'"r partments ot State :old .l of iee tin,,,, rivser rat th lk ..lo"gt!: - ‘,.."t'r.` h ` " o f " the ''''' , ' ' ' lll " '''.." not 01,1,,,..t,tith h., clegreve o Zt r 21 Mr. A"'"" land ' been fn•r from e, an prom nil ngtl t sclosures. : uuth '''` I ' l• "" • " or • • ` ! "'" `" "'" ''' An'l'?l'lnc ..ro, 3.5 degrees earl i.,4 ! 111 a 'One tree: thee., In this Stole we have a bold and dcli:ult thenc '''"`"" i . "'d, the book of "111 ri' - ~11 t. t.,.., m r,,,,,.. ..... ,,,, ,./ , ‘;,.. ~,,t I:, rud• Youth d tt , rte• earl 115 rod, ot, ar h ...1% - - organization which has fleeced the areas- 1,',',„`, 1 ,,L',.';`,A,,Z,'„r a - ,'„;,."' d 40 my for years and which up to this time went s ItATM!andether, P """'" nas nut been loosend rum its hold upon me-. July irith t. 71- 4w. I the revenue of the State by an organic I OIRT P ROCLA 11 ATION. —l% here law framed with a special view to the pro- V-) to, not llon. F It Streeter. President ot the tection of the people. At the No‘ember Curt tm,,,rt m , .mt er tm , - 01 Pe l . , iee t , ,‘ mtnmi election the people be called upon to and Orphan,. Court in the oludi ' i rm decide by the oottlitkitot, of the kghda. h:utma nod the Itnur .J tore they eleot whether their constitu t ton took, Assoctate .111.1 t . t e, in t ti n gtodtanna (ATI. in Jireet ime Shall be um boil led proper Jaw . $4) ortn base, that the heti% tit or :Is pruvisnms time he Quarter '4411114M Tliere See ms to be a ditl , ortttoa. , t t, mour f t, ,, ln the i llortaiLM of Mmitro,e, and Conn ot>ynecmna. on I if we may J udge by the dissat IStied cuts-cuts- I g ust , 1 74 , is being the t i :lt 2 , d \ tlitN "n i. l / a 3 l : 11 • U 'l l1 . 1 ‘ 11 '1 1e mentaties of republican newspaper, on tw. ) ',' h' u ERN' GI, EN • I the C 4 tr 4 4114 4 r the part of the homiest mass of reimb- t h,. .'etmem• mmtm.,mimi county of quellanna, that they may be there in their prop bean party to rid itself of the Sinbad Cr , iu the nllernuon lit that sits astride of Its heck- s aid cannot be M ti. l l7m s tm . )?, " with u twit ;tti timmir ' r ' t m' a• lO' it rmis and iuyuinitlol;,and • and other 11. 4 111eillbralll CS, to 1144 1.114 , .. I king possible that such outspoken and honest comment as that ire Stil.jolu from the !," %m .l „', i i ch it t , o ,,,, t e he „ i lr a ` l ' ll , l :;,',' Waksharre Record qf the Time , will not azainst the pronotert, that are M....1i311 n, to the bear some fruit among thinktng nnth oases then, to proses to urn oast alt wrU will be - licans who have a desire for replltable I .lml Dated at Montrose the lath of doh-, in the government. It says; ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred —The Philadelphia rung • has ItS own BI) neventy-four. special and particular candithite for judge of the Supreme Court. Though composed for the roost part of the pain St Stuff it is forMidable In the ao'gregate and as profli gate as Mrlllidabir. It controls all ItOMl nations in the cit); legislatt) e, adminstra tive and ',udical. It respects neither merits nor services. except such merom as are exhibited in thong its work and sum II st•r riees as are rendered to itself. I' has bm - come reckless and deficit, Public opin ion has HO hold upon it. The most • re sp,,,wd of the cittzens would disptse if they did not fear it, and would rm•volt agamst its dominatimmti if they had the nhans of reaching the public ear. But the press is cowed and dare not speak.— The recent city c mnvention was malnlv cow prised of ward la dlitclans some of whom had their certificates of election in their pockets duly signed and delivered before the polls were closed. This ring will have its represenmattves in the state convention and It will spark" no efforts bring that body into subordination to its purpose. It seeks affiliation with ambt sous and unscrupulous politicians throughout the state whom it can corrupt by promises or enlist In its service by ex pectations of profit, and it is beyond doubt that it will have a consider r ablo body of sympathizers and supporters to promote its objects by alt manner of ia riyncs and umumbinations." The 11 , rord of the Times may take Luck these truthful words after the con vention which the ring has packed shall register its decree, but nu after stultifies- LlOll will break their force. The tall elec t..,.. Special Notices Ma.xv who arc suffering from the effects of the warm weather and arc debilitated, are ad vised by physicians to take mxtlerate amounts of whisky two or three dines during the day - In a little while those who adopt this advice frequently in, rease the number of"drink. , , - and in time heroine confirmed Inebriates A bever age which will not create thirst fur intoxicating liquors. and which is intentbsi espcsialty for the benefit of debilitated person-. whether at home or abroad. is Dr Selienck's Sea Weed Tunic. Containing the juice, of many medi cinal herbs, this preparation does not create an 'appetite fur the intoxicating cup. Tue nour 'suing; and the life-supporting properties of many valuable natural productions contained in it and well known to medical men have a most strengthening influence, A single bottle of the Tonic will demonstrate its valuable quid ities. For debility arising from sickness, over exertion ur from tiny cause whatever, a wine glassful of Sea Weed Tonic takt-1 after meals will strengthen the stomach and create an ap petite for wholesome food. To all who are about leaving their homes,we desire to any that the excellent alerts of Dr Schenck's sewsuna , ble remedies, Sea Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Fills, are particularly evident when taken by those who are injuriously affected by n change of water and diet. No person should leave home without taking a supply of these safe guards along. For sale by all Druggists. New Advertisements FxEci-rons. NoTlCF..—Wnritr•; , Lettere tetra men., to the eidate of E M Lonrolt. late of liar ford trap arc d. have been granted to the en beeritier. all pereont indebted to raid ....tate are requette. to make Immediate payrnent and timer haling rlit.mt or de monde aizainat the mime, it ill preterit them , wittiout de lay. G. U LOOMIS. Execntor I=l MUSIC BOOKS POE SCHOOLS Hour of Singing. Price. $l. For /314 b St boob , Well proved, 11lzhly popular. pracbral and nno•!nl book }l3 , Emerson k Tilden A MERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC REA DE R Rook I Price 31 Cep ts. Thin charniiim number to (or Primary SC1100!,. has toll dicceilono for teacher.. (in tine print) and little graded exerchiea and conga for the children. A MERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READER Book 11. Price 50 Cents. Fur the Schools and Classes near above Primary Schools. Advances well into the elements. A MERICAN SCHOOL MUSIC READER Book 111. Price 60 Centg. For the higher Me/wo of Common ichools. The above hooks are by Emerson gt: Tilden. are thor one, well arranged. practical. pleasing nod useful. Cheerfluil Volees—Price:A) rents. In dreat demand. and iv one of the'beet collection, of School Song evetpubllebed. By 1..0 Exam., The above hooka taut poal-paid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON IL - Co DITSON k Co,. Morton, ill 13'dwity. N. Y. dog D.-2w. [May :VI, Lal4.—ly.) REGLSTEIVII INCYTICE —PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to all person• concerned to the fol. lowing I:4state, to NI It : _ . Enure nf nbinall H. J 011.29, Into of Suep'n Depot deed,lum Hunt. Executor. . . - . That the acrouutant has settled bls account In the Itet., , ister's °thee In and tar the county of Susquehanna, and that the same tell] he presented to the Judzer of tt, o:l,llLu's Court. on Thutaday, August 2ti, Inll, for confluent too and alien once. 13. N TIFFANY. Itegtater. Reg.l•S Jul) 22. 'II {FOOL 1,000 la crussciAll Wool Wanted Iligbrat Market Price Paid to Casb. Jima 17, 14.—tf A. Lwrvr.or TO WROII IT MAY CONCERN Warace & Low. Commission Merchant No. 3O Greeawleh 1.4.. New York, base gold oat and wleh their patrons to mop 1411priZIZ to them. By order of the KMm. Swot , truly. Blalock, May 20, F. 11. BUNNELL. Legal Notices A DmINIsTRATowt- s "-ricp; - In tnr ° et. 0 1 Al. hart Mlle.. decd. In, of Sti,Lti 0 Depot Leitenaof Adrninlatration in the etod ve.talt• baring been grantee to it, toter-awned ali per,en.wiug raid I,tatc, are requested to make immediate p.i)ment. and all per too, her leg ol.tinot ngatoet said estate are rctoreleat to preavni them nllll.lll di.La JACOLI WAYMAN Adua'r, JttlyB. —wet. July 15, IS7I 1) EGItiTEIVS .I)()TIt'E.--P1 . 111.1t NOT 'E ht•rt o loy given wall 1/1 . 1 , 101ib gun Cern,' in gni Errol, ul Lcke Inte of Gnul Bend B 13 Tu \ ,cutnr Estate n 1 U. 11 Follet. late ,1* Franklin.tlrr',l 11 S. Brundnot. Athninnnrator Estate 01 B Lew L, 1:1.1C 11.011111,C.tit . 1:11 RCM'. Executor Estate of Patrick 51t Nlttnni, late ~r nut, der'd, NI .1 Dottnell. Admintat r31, - E,date JOlOl .1 Gardner, late 01 Lenox. )lar' Gardner, .Idunni-tratrt% ;to . late a Brie, water, M J 1 krrin,:i.m, Etc 111-r ~I.l,mks ho b • ~ f 1,11 , N.th . c . d T F.,..tatu H 1 s late or Alibiirn,tlee'd G R. 1% hitt., Exccutor. Eaalr of ti, un nrl ow,n.. ietr ~f 111,1) r1,)11..e Mt ens...and V 1,. V anizlin.E E , lnle of Austin Thohlas. lain 1 :titan! , W P l'ratlo,lll. A,llllllnarator. Esouo? 01 John W Wut,..l lat,• of NI.,V Nlil fi,rd. dee d. Eta l) Witt. A.11111211,i rat,n- Ehtate t.f Lucy E lull, miu,a, Guardiftn F:-:at, oi Tho, minor, (Itiardian. Estate of Georg!. M. Dynnison, minor, Sallie Dennison, Guardian I.l,otte of Mottle Dennistin,minor, Sallie Derr pl s on, Guardian. That the arciinntanta have nettled their ae roan to in the Register's (Moe in and ihr the county of susquehaana, and that the name w ti he presented to the Judgr , of the f frphans Court, on ThurYdny, August 13. 1R74, for Con firmation and allowance. II N TIFFANY, Register I tegister'e Littler, July 15, • 74. Miscellaneous vc,amm/ctivm vorilOA a'ti:L'L''' , IL irj El litE P 2 C) PL I TT IN/I ! The Indere:ailed will Lech conetantly on hand and for Cale. ref) low. Plickotc)ii.s, PLATFORM W \GONS. TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, TWO-SEATED CA RRIAG ES, And Lumber Wagon Heavy opting it atron... refund hand cartnar,or and op. atol 'OP ' , nettles. fur Fah: cheap rI ~NV 111 make to order ill .11 {+a:l, -n. 1111 l inth. of ar ria;res ark Warranted. itepalrlng done neatly Shop at Nitta, Pa. Enquire at Lt L. tit W. Ex pecan Office of D D. SEARLE. Mon , rooe. Or et Spring , Illy of E. TI. CULVER Montrogt Jun,. 3, IN74.—tf 11. 1317 1... IFt.iffrrx., Would call attention to h "St , vr Stork of SPRING AND SUMMER GOUV, Da2' LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND 11001' SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD IN AREJRON,NAILS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. 4n great variety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest prices. H. BVICRITT. New Milford, June 1, 1574. EXCURSION TICKETS, Scranton, Pittston, & Wilkesbarre, AT REDUCED RATES I% 00 . 1 j D. L. & W. EXPRESS OFFICE. Montrose, tune in, '7i 25 CENTS A GALLON! BtsCa2:l43oWears, Cheaper that ever. A Gallon lug• or Preserve Jar, or Plower Pot. for only twentytive canto. al - Other Stone-Ware equally cump LYONS a GRAZE. Montrose, July W.), lett —4,r. 1111ArilBOOD: lluw Lost, How Restored: rftiJuvt Pubh.lted, a new edllion o r Dr. Culver ell'eCelebrated Errs, on the ruchrai core (with out tuella - Iml of Npermaturr-hout or .111106 i weak neve. Involuntary Seminal 1,0 n., Impotency. Mental and l'hy•leal Incapacity, impediment to Mar ridgec.c.: nlvo. eontounittlon.}:p....pvy. and File, in clured Ikt relf lnduireisee or seine/ extravagance, el-C. rtee. In •sealed envelope, only el IL eeal.. The celebrated author, to this attmtrabie Fubsy,elear y demonstrate*. from a thirty years' ettecessful prac tice, that the alartnalg consequences of es-11 abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous use of Inter nal medicine or the application or the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at _once simple, tertatn,and effec tual. by means of n hick every sutferer, no matter what his vontiptott ma, he, may turn filmset! cheaply, pel• valet', and radically. Tide Lenart should be In the hattda of every youth and et cry Isom In the laud Seat under seal. in a ',loin on , elope, to any addreset, post paid, on receipt of rio cente of two port etatape. .I,lnn. Ihe Pablo-here, t' KLINE & itouery. New York; Poet lttliee 4700 Fl lit SALE—The farm late of Nathan -U -lrich, 1, d , situated ab o ut half a Tillie west cii 114,11IrOM' Depot, in Brooklyn township, con taining abtalt 111 acrea ut land ino.tly linprov eO Inquire 0; the wdersigned, uxta utur of said caste, at New Milford, Pa. Amourn. New Jan 25, 1`7473.—tf LICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BROS., .t%V nallorall, Pat., deal. , In Ftne WAtche , 4ml Welt .1• ' Ned ,Is. r Frl'lllll and A1.'111,211 k. rho. N 1 ns., nt”.. Tin ••••••• kuld I.( 1•••111 /II tl Ituk. and .1. .. 1 1;.•1•a :Arial./ and Ornaint,lnl 6HT01.1 SALT. konu.nt., 7) por Imc DRAKE \ rue or m t 4.4 emit .1 Hex. Su.int.tianna null t.. car,‘ n I 11/..i. 14 , •11, 11, p[llllll 1,111 11.. It tlw 1 of Lrt in h. 7. 1 , 7; 11 . t.i.q k. p . the :01 I.,wlug p.c.,r teland, io mtt Sil I na certxtu yn r parr..l 1.111(1 pitnat•• iI the , -11 , I. of Orrzt: 15.•nti I th..l••mut) n!, 1:1 .ttol •late ot nnle. I...waded a rut lit pr./144.4. 4,4 1.41:44.,44 .41 tO4 the north loy for SiD-qat.hanna 1,vr111.• 4 1 / 1 i ~ f John Tar 1..11. awl 01l wt,t toy Lod.. II Sllnsv. coal/Oh m,: I: , at rt.+ "f land 1:.• -.wt. Inure or It, ivirt..l4ance. fi hotl9l. 11.1rn. awl out tad 13 it r ITeken In vs •In• *./11 ot It L nn1;4141. vt , .1 411 n 1 . 1111'114. ll•at pt,i• or lot of 1:11td NI 11 ShoitT ton n. 1 1 ,1, of N. w 11hford. in the 1'0001) of S. letn nod elate of l'eno•,, lesnl Joginded and dee rtned a. follow.. In au • On the north try Lind of Aarid k!l.enhor, :I,l'. On the ea.f h) Mr. It Mt fitulte) tho -.oath b, road leadlog snwite hanno Dept, liiSuntale., the. and on the we. It Da% r 110 rd - re..raore or ;es, aro. tai,' upt11111..i11111,.. inc from.' hon., barn min ort bard. and about Oil troprovod ;(.tart cecullon at the •tpt. uf %Vat NaLithn. John and 0 t', malt, use u( ngat ri. TarOoe,ve John etitg•pe. %Ls.- %II that erts. plet of laud Fitilale Ir the too Lo .hlp Lle.dg, Jter, Ili.“1111) •.Ihu,plehan lid NAIR. of l'enn.elv Lu 1.111..1r.11 0.• s arid to a : It„ the north by land Ct1,r..41 by the a.r. of .In .'tcalled,. on the ea.tly land. of .1 p: far o,:t on the - ..nth n, 1)u 'n_ha ayand oo •he went by land. of A V.ll, IE, centalnlng Jtlo, ol land. to, or leen itl,ll t apportenanee. Iran. tom— frame Imrntroll tree.,.M! all oopro‘ed'label. n ot the roll t.l Al .1 Nlollo:d Ileor, 1 ' Burge, and ‘l , x ander amli h,Jr ; All Howe too pl.c. of land .tonte In ale too 1,0,tp of Ilarkord. In the Coma., ,11.W.11.1L21:113 Ind - , tate . th. Cr,, were bootn,ed and r.ned f0i1... , to . 011 thenorth n AT land. of-- -I% aterLory th. en. 1, in , i 1 od ,nth by ICA" , of We,try o.terhont. and in the ..•1 19 Ow r,111.1 cl111111111111,! , 4 of an w 0, the appar• ettavi e. ore rlllllt, bollnt. Alma, alt that tot, ttwe of Innd i1111:Mtv ..f.t , a.d. houtol• don all .de, la., s B. unde, cunt,. ,I.r I 'and. more nr !..se With the appliftentore, ou -nop Olt ad the tu , b•to ry all on. ,yeed 'Take,: It, 1,1 ft:to, t. .1 flat , I• oi tt.rtittsto) Mrhrturnt. Oslty. a• d F. N bffing - t I tit pie. t• of 111111 l the 1t,.. n-1111) of F0re•11.11... In the t . .anode (.1 Sn-goehan na and baste 01 yen.) Icams. nottalded aod dee. ,bed a. fol'ow. to o .1 poll, 111 1% , hegle way 11 and eoneuLenths lurchnertlp a-1 of r.,•bt . ldge over pond creek. thence north :Is olegreee meet :0 pert he. to a ie - ed and stones. then re south soy degree. r.t nil tenth. perch. cr....lng •LI • mill nice to and alone.. ttwote .outh 1 , ,' remain perrilr+lo.l3 ~,•t Otte or the tall rare to tile 1 - et.try of the ta,d,e aloree4ld, thence alt.: the road 001,10, north 11 a nd ...y e n tenth. porehes 0' the place of beginning. containing I mere mitt sJ perchea, mumr ten with the appurtenance., one gr. mill. I..ate mill, etwe'llog hon., and barn. a fon fruit trees, and all Improvedf Tsken emeention at 11, 'Lett o tart. - •'• Edd - tr L. 01,4. Frt.,, All that tertaln plee• o - parcel of land atonal. , In the Oen - v.lllp of Lenox. In the lion„ to of Wn.fnelan tl; . t.ttlatn , to n I in the north 4, land. ot George A ;en, on the rant hp laude of ' , a1.,: Truesdell . .. the -oath be lands T of Janie. t Luken, and on the neat by land- of- It ru...dell 000 Cna-les g- scree. he the parmr mute or leis. together Ith W, appurlenaoo.l. one frame bou.e, nod out an orchard and ath.til is aeree Improved ;Taken In For Safe at Sheriff Sales / ~ `~ carnation at the suit of bib. ilartley,asaizned to Geo. 11 rtephens. is fl F Dirk, ' ALSO—AII thorn too i . ertain plectra or parrada of Land soul, in the townselp of filbert, in lb.' a onnty of nusquettitual and Shoe of Pent,' (von! t. 'Le drst plc,. bounded and drool !bed a. flilltsas•. to wit wilnisig at the centre of 111,1..3 mak briege th e me g. ilegr•sei stied rod,tiii tire an degrees e t rodahenee In.' , di greet. west 4.54 rods. than, at degreas• east thence degrars ret Lai rods hi It 'tamp. theme .1 degrees east .51 roils to W pine. thence nti the Ce.ol, of Hiner creek to the brut •e the phire of hi,: MUM, ontaildne about a acre.. nith the appurtenances Thi second piece bounded as follows, to wit : Un the north br 1.10 d• of Alfred hoer and Alaneott Chalker. on the amme==moculmt the tomtit by lunds at Parker Gage and Thome+ Vauban and on the e•t I!) public toeing e :nacre. , of land, be the [male more or less. with the uppurte wit re, one house. barn. feed and saw mill, a few fruit tree , and shoot 20 acres improved [Taken in caeca non at the suitor Albert Mitchell, vs. it 11. Llndeley ) 'ALSO—AII those two certain pit, es or parcels of land situate m the township of Liberty In the County of Suequchanna and butte of Pennsylvan a, Blears!. piece bounded and described a. follows, to wit • 00 the north by laud of Lester Tarbox, MI the rout by land of Ben Jamul bissou. on the south by 11.1 at Vs It Blob, and on the west I , y land of L II Bon containing 53 norm more or lc., with the appurtertances, a few fruit trees, and shout X 0 ors. littprolcd Iho second piece hound ed : on the northeast by public high way.on the soutft oy lot No 1. and on the wet t by land ...IL.. ter Tarbox. et/omitting e 7 rids of land, more or lean dh the appurtenance., one house and born, and all Imps , ed iTakeu In elm ,nun at the rUtt of A. J. tees rit.on yo Wilds Allen 1 .4 Lau—A It thot .ertalv piece ot parcel of land afloat., In the townehtp . of Auburn, in thy Comity of Song.: Itatihn and state of Penney Iva ilia. hounded and dcarrth ed a• follows, to wit . Du thu north by land of David pooh, on the east by load of Samuel Ilydr. on the the wash by Ispd of Daniel Trible and on the west by land of Royal Carter, cuntaltilut Itd acre.. he the tame Mort., lest. with thy any/or:tenon." cme Ironic hour, frame halm. Oro• orthattl, and about :01 acre. Improved. alt] in execution on sundry writs at the stilt of Samuel Tewksbury. es John Kinney ALSO-4 II that cored. piece of land situate in the township of Lenox, In the county of sosprrhoono minl S , alr of prtgasyiranta bourdlcdfnd dettertitud um fol .. to oit . tin the nortn hy hind. of lira. !Loire end A 11111. On tl.e en•t by hind of Ilcorer on the *oath by land ut F Powers. and ott the wereland of D. Smith, containing 10 alma or le. with the appurtenant:es. one house, horn, an otelannl and about :su nem, Improved, I token In execution at the stilt of John Conr .d. e.. iturttel Tltfany.l ALSO—AII that certain pleas Of land eltnata In the tow to. hip 01 .who nt. hi the County of auaquehanno and Stet, of I'eun-)I. aryl, Attended sort dert:ribed ar followe.to wit Ou the north by loud, of T. B. Drown's ertale and Putrid, Fritz, en the east In' laud. of Abram Brotroton and F. O. Doniajt, on the .00h by WA* of Frock Mining, und ou the wort by Londe of Si. Ls: cry and 11 De lee, containing Nrt nett, More or Less, with the appurtenant... two frame bons.. harn tort, hone, •h op. and other out holding, an orchard, saw milt. and about...AM ore. tloproroll (Token In en. ro Uou Itt the nun of N CorittYell, C.. 11, Levey.] ALSO -All tr,,,g ertrill. piece ur parcel of law! Atonic i n the low tt•hlp of lterri,k, In the Consity 01 Simple boom taint --rote or Iteuttaylt ahla, landlord cud de•crlb• edl to alt' ola the north Ity land of Mrs Da, In. on the eaet by land or I. I,yottr. oil the south by lauds of the ertate of Wok.. Lyon. doc'il, and o for w.: ha politte highway leading from clicro.d to to the Newburgh turn pfkr,cootatlnlng 156 acre. of land More or leer. With tl.o dititortengline4, one house. two born, orchard, sugar lat-b, and modil Improved - [Taken in execution 1.113 sundry writs and will he sold as the property of Alariln t ottrad.] ALSO—AIi tons curtain piece us parcel of land •it.te In the townolop of New Milford in tie County of Sus quehanna and Slaty of Pennsylvania, hounded and den critter' us follow, to wit On itto north by lauds of A. manna and J. N. Burlouptine, Olt the east by lands of Wm 'l' Mosley. on the south by land of lidward Tyler and on oho west by lauds of CAlogley and J Darrow, containing Ike) acres, with the appurtenances one house 4 loins, an orchard. ono about LID acre* Improved.— ITakun Dt execntiou atilhe suit of Jacob Witytnatt. as signed to Gott, liberg. liusenballtu & , ca. A Ala than Millard, Fred 11. Mlilard. and Eugene 11. Millard.) ALSO —All that certalit piece or lot of Land fcluate In the townshfp of Oakland. blithe County of Surtine. union and State of Penn.ylvaulo. bounded and dent:alb. rd a. follow.. in wit: 00 the north by lands of Thom as "longh and 'Thom., Kane. un the cart by lands of Thomas Cinevau and John Parttous on the !tooth by lands of J. Dow. and J. Schloger & Co , and on the weed by lands of Joseph Stephens. comprising lot known to the vuLdivivitsn of the Wharton Nude as No. 70 and parts of lots No. 11. and No. 711, and being the. %ame lands raid by .1. hehlager .4 Co., to I.leurge A. Brush by contract wised Pte.:miter 18 1870, containing about 107 scree more less. with the appurtenances. 2 frame dwelling hempen. frame intents, ohs atcoisn raw mill. J log buildings. a yoling orchard, and about 30 acres t unproven.. fisaken in execution on sundry writs ya. George A. Brush.; ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ ate it, the taws attic, of liarmory, in rho connty of ans. nnebats us and State u( Pessnoylvattio. bounded and dens rihtd as billows, to wit: Beginning at a point In the middle of the river road. thence along land* of Jacob Taylor. comb 1 , 2 degree. and 15 minutes cart 17 and drestentho perches to a peat, thence by the west aide ul gi rA) feel cited north 4 degree. west 6 and four•tentbs perches to a port, thence north Ni degrees ergot SO feet toe post, thence by lots of Widow Ryan, Moran, and said Taylor north 4 degrees weal it perches to a point in the middle of SUOMI.% fofli. thence by tbo middle of said tarrnsica road, south Go degrees weld 7 and tours teethe perches. and by the 0114010 of sold river road aonth Ihis dogrel. and 43 minutes west 16 and reran. tenths porches 10 Ole pion' of beginning, containing ne and a half scree by esolussitton; two toe route Inure one less, with tho appurtenances,. one fracas house, out. buildings and nll Improved. (Takeo In txteutlon Si the suit of Thomas Fenton, vs, Martin costello.l ALSO—AII that certain price or parcel of land sltruste in the township of Lenox. In the County of Sueque henna and State of Pennsylvants. bounded and &scab and Fdate of !lennsylventa, boandod and described at follows to wit Ou the north by lands formerly of A. Augustus Bowerman, od the east tty cent re of pnblic I highway, on the south by hoed. of Eliot. Bell, and on the west by Simpson lot (so called.) containing 22 acres be the time more or leas, with the auptirienunCest, not improved. (Taken In execution et the milt of Ferdi nand Whipple vs. W. M. Tingley I ALSO—AII that serum pleee or lot of lannsitnate In the township of Bash In the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as billows to wit : On the north by teed of Edward Filen on the emit by: lands of Ellen and James Donley, an the south by lambi of Jacob Ilroternan, and on the weft by land ut A. 11 Ureen. contalring 68 acres. be the came more or less, with the appurtenances, not improved.— (Taken In execution at the suit of James Logan vs. J P Flowortlal ALSO—AII that certain piece or pareet of land situate in the towu•hip of Oakland. In the I onto, Serque• henna and Mute tit Pcnnsylvenia,bouncital and Overt lb. to follow, to wit : On the moth by the old ((teat Bend and Barmen.: road. on the east by and of Nathan Skin tr. ou the south end went by other lards of W. M et, said lot containing o ehalf acre or thereabout. an being of the Mane difeelleink. WO the adjoining lot of the said Skinner, with the appueteneact s. one two dor. frame dwelling house. all improved. [Token In execution at the snit of W tit M. Poet. assigned to James t.. Drake vs. J. II Root ) Al,. • Ail teat certain niece Or parcel of loud sit to e it. the lOWn•hip of Ararat, In the County of sustmelotntlx and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and den /need a- follows, to wit : on the north and north. rust by hoots Of Alirell Illue and .1. J Perrtngotn. un c.ic.t h. Inode of J. 11. tirnith and (.11vrr Potter, on . • e . e nth and on thareet by lande of ulh or f net , r and tt au Waehlinen, and on the went by Neleoo Potter. ..ontenftn2 abont 102 mere. of land. more or [era With tie appurtenance.. one frame bonne, barn. an orehard, . nil 000111 eu or bAt cocoa Improved. (Taken Inact, lot. et the putt of linear 1% aebborn. adnimletrato ex r of the ...lair of John Smiley, tlor'cl. . tgutol to Margaret A ALI iken. V. Alonzo Wallet 1 Al sit Alt test t ertam m o eet- r parcel of land situate the lox mini', of Apoiscon. In the l' sty of Sue hinita and State of Pennsylvania houbded and des. stn. t. M lelloa s, to sit : Begnuning at a post In the t t• :me of Lamle of John Jones. jr ,nod beim; a corner cif J.i1..10,V . 11 lucid. bought of Bran II 4. lore, thence south Al townies apt perches to s poet the northeast late Henry ‘Vhitsker's land. thence south to degees 111. 3 s west perches to a post to sold Whit sler e • north line. northild degree. mist 1.1 perch .. thence latch .53 degrees mist 13 perches!, thence north 70 dadrreA cast 9 perches,thence north ID degrees and :al mina... east 22 perches to are. Mentioned cur lier place of beginning, containing if and nine tenths acre. and octal allowances for road, with the amin, 114.. CF, one house harm a few fruit tress. and all inc proved [Taken 1.4 execution at the snit of John Dick ) 0. I,' xle ti .Atianitt A Lott All Dow.- two plea es of land elf note in the tow-usalp of Liberty. la the Conuty of Susquehanna and state of ('enne e rivanie, nod known as lute No. N 01. John Burn. mosey 01 Kirby it Law Tract.— The fret piece hounded on the north by lands of W. ituneslos. Patrick Nanery. and James Shields, an the net by lands of Joules Shields, On the south by lands at Paula Barry and Dennis Conloglan, and an the a est lit lauds of Dennis Connagton and Peter Allen. ..tug about 'A S) acres, be the same more or lees, , a 3 !be appurtenances. one one and u half story frame dwelling house. frame barn. an orchard, and about (Si si rm. improved. Also. cell the south ball of lute No. gl sod Si in raid Buena's svey of said tract. bounded on t r north by lands of De nnis r Conington, on the curt by lands or Patrick ittarre.on the . south by lands belong• big to the rotate ul Wm. Jessup and Jehittl Dayton, 11, d, nod on the west by lot No 3i , or lands of Pray litainlng about lOU acres, he the same more or less.. ills the appurtenances, tine trance barn, an or aim about 20 serer improved, [Taken in execu tion st the cult of T. D Estabrook me. John Snieltis LesU—AP that certain piece or parcel of haw situate the to OFIIII. of Clifford, Snoquehanna County and tot, of Penns: I.anl, bounded and dt sertbed as tel. e. to wit On the north by lands of Theodore fiend and II Low rey. on the east by W ilkeshatre turnpike eta on the eauth by the billiard and Owego turnpike 31111 on the treat by the-Graham egtnte .d tn !; Arnett, c 'Ol/Offing 130 acne at land he heotule more or lege, a lilt the appurtenances one rm •C. barn- and abed, an orchard, and mmttly ••ed Al*, lot ionate In [Mud.% Count). and Olt reee.d, hounded an fpllowa, to .11 • On the 11====== . . . .. . . . . land. of A J. Edwartre estates and A. Richardsnn, 0. 11. ....at by the 11 lifoni sod Owego turnpike. end 0: ills se-1 by lands of Jasper Ritter, containlus I and half acres. more or less, with the sppartensbees, on frame dwelling house, ham rome fruit truer, aud all Icaprori.d(Taken In exact:loOn at the salt of C. C. rat v. Mary Phloney.adualulatratrl.r and widow oi it S. l'hirdaey. deed, Henry R. l'hlnney, Drolly S. Phl alloy. charley )t. Phial:try. nod lowa R Phinney, hoe rioldrun and hello at large of paid deceased, and Intro, for tittle nuardlau Thomas Arnold j A - All that cortoln piece or parcel of Wad pinnate ir too L.!) p of Jeioinp. In the County of Surque- . - henna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and den:th e.' its follows, to wit • Beginning at a beech in the *froth line of lot number D - 2 of Drinker'. Meshoppan tract. now of David Shay. the northwest corner of Sands of DeWltt' thence by the west line thereof gi degrees west 26 perches tu_p_ort and stoner to the northeast corner of Samuel a Warner's land, and also the northeast corne• of lot No. n aforesaid, north "r e f deg Tee. meet 03perches to post and stones, thence by lands of Frederick Moyer nos tb 36 degrees west 15$ pert-h. to a post and atone. in the south line of Itns sell Verry's land, thence by the line aortal SIN degrees east lie perches to the west line of said David Shas land tis a post and stones, thence byeatd line accath y' degrees wet 14 perches to a poet and atones said David Shay's southwest corner, and thence by the south line of said David Shay's land south 2754 degrees east 41 iserches , to the place of beginning, containing TS and a half acres of lead, be the wane more ur lees, and being the eastern half of lot No. A A of said Drinker's Me erts;::l;:ircs::emwren ' or ' e . :PrT, r a ' n 's' atfg r i 2r.c ft r:.°T. h p°r';', ed [Taken In execution at Use Pon I:ll.L.XL..kto. ' Ver W 1111 am linger 1 .11.4 SQ—All that cert... at or ILLt.d ate as the township of New Milford, In the coanty of susqueiginna and State of Penneylvania, bounded and described as follows. to wit On the north by lands of Jahn aherislan and Wary, on the east by lands of Lan on the youth by fond. of Mortimer MAD and Steph e. en Trumbull. and on the west by public highway. Containing about 5.3 acres of land, more or lets, with the appurtenanree, frame houses, barn, en orchard, nod 616-6ss, Ge acres imProvcd, being t 4 same land de vised by last will and testament of John Arista, to Loyd Austin. (Taken In execution at the salt of Silas Per kins vs. Loyd Austin,[ 11,51—AIt that rortain piece or parr , , of lend situate in the township of Lenox. Satequettanue County, Penn's hounded and deseribi des follows, to wit: On the north by land.. occupied by Samuel Truesdell,. the east lo landa. of Moser Decker and Peter Lott, nu the tooth by lands of Marvin Baker and Johnson Cook, and on the west oy lands of Chapman Harding and James Ciarkeon. containing about lee acres, more or lees, with the appurtenant-oc, one frame house, barn, and other out bone.., a young orchard, and about GO arms Improved, being the tame pie".o or parcel of land con• erected to Frederick Watson be D. C. Roberta. [Taken in execution at the so tof Joel Bentley es. Frederick Wilson.] A LhO—All those two pieces or parcels of land situ ate, lying. and being in the township of Roth, In the county of Solqnehanna n State of Pennsylvania, the first piece boooded and described as follows. to wit. : All that certain warrant or tract of land warranted t- Jame, (' Biddle the 10th day of Junc.loB3, and serve'- ,d aid returned by Adolphus °honed, depot} surveyor as by reference to said return of surrey. will mete tut ly appear, contalotoy_ l / 1 /acreasond allowance.whlchwas duly Cons eyed to C, L. Ward by James C. Biddle albre. said. and by C L Ward conveyed to Edward McNulty by De , d hearing the date April oth 1809, which Deed It duly recorded In thoodleu for recording Deeds, ate., in sold Inc sold County, to Deed Book No. V. page Sell, Ac. The second piece be sj a post, thence by land of Edward McNutt', formerly James C. Biddle.) north and a half degrees oast 5d perch,. to a poet, thence by !mid+ of Michael McGovern south n 7 and a half deer° -a read as perches to a poet and stones, thence by laud of William Boyd south 2 and a half &green west 5+ perch es to a post and stones. am) thence north 87 and a, half dettriate west 58 perches to the place of beginning:omo mining 19 and eight-tenths acre. and allowances,he the hme maim or less, with the apprepentee, one log ouse imam hero. an Orchard, an about 10 acres hel• proved. (Taken In elocution at the suit of Edo ir.l McNulty vs. Michael Cronetoo ; and J. F. Shoemaker, use of F. B. Coon vs. Michael Cremation) A I.BO—A II that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the trawtolup of Dimock, lu the tlottra9 of hostine !Lamm and State ot penusyli.ultt, borilided and doh rrlbed as follows. tei Wit: On the south by lands of J. IL Wallace, on the west by lands ot Ldnn Blakeslee, WIIISnm Miles, and Abram Dußoace, on the north by tan i• of John Woodhouse and Crtsam ,e,aod on the east by lands of Thomas Williams and Jos. Drink er, cone/doing 169 here.. more or leas, with the appur tenances, one hame dwelling home, bap, and shads. and other out-buildlngsan preen:Land about 130 sores improved. [Taken In eteetifl et at the stilt of fill. Per. kips. assigned to N, C. Warm,. vs. Mathew Shay.] ALSO—hII that certain piece or parcel of land situate 1r the borough of New Millard, to the County of Sas. quehauna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and do. scribed fie follows, to wit Hceitaulon at a point In the middle of the mad leading from New Milford to SM.'S Dente, thence 1,7 line of lot surveyed to Darla Well man, south 439 j degrees eftet 01 S 10 perches to stone tamp,_ thence by 800 of lot nrveyed to Robinson widd north sow degrees east ad 1411 perches to tine •ur. yeyeal to Adoni]ah Handy, thence on hoe of .Id Handy mirth OEtt degrees weld 55.5.10 perches to the middle of the road afon,said, thence slang the middle of sold road south Rah degrees west 0 perchee,thence south HJI, t de -leves west 45 perches, thence tooth 411,14 degrees west 0 3. pi perches to placeof begmnlng, containing 54 acres and 110 perches of !awl. more or less, with the apporte aaaees, frame house, frame (teen, young orchard, and mostly inaptorod. (Taken In elocution It the snit of J. Diekerman Jr Co, vs. U. M. Hall.] AI .so—All that certain pleas ar parcel of land situate In the boro of Susquehanna Depot. In the Cou nty of Bus neaten. and State of Pennsylvania, botipiled and des crlbed SO follows to wit Os the north by Erie Hall woY• on 001 'b y Lleat Of John Pike, on the wive by Main street, and oh the south bland of Eli Iloffulau, containing 1000 feet of land, be t he some more or teas, with the appurtemane e one, two.mory budding. with basement, used seacadiago shop, all improved, [Ta ken In execution at the salt of Mrs. James VenNos. trend rs. Hobert VanNoetrand and J. N. Sodden, part ners as VmoN'ostnond ob Seddon.] ALSO—AII that Certain piece or parcel of land attune in the township Of Ararat. !Magnetismna county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol. lows. to wit: On the north by -ands of Woo. Bowen and Inds now or Into of Wm. Mime, un the east by lauds of Nelson Foster. Entine Ogden. and It. M. Wheeler, end ots the south and west by lands of Morse, Nichols, .b Co containing about 101 serer/. more tir less, with the appurtenances, frame house. II hemp harm., and oth er outhallldlet Oat 9 embattle. and about 71) acres Improv ed. [yakao tireatecntletta on three sundry welts ye. Pe ter Deno.] ALSO—AII that. certain piece or parcel of land sit uate In the townaltip of Auburn, in the Comity oi Sutiquoloanua end !nate of Pennsylvania. bounded as follows, to wit: On north by lands of Jam !Bebop. and IS ichael Darius, on the nail by lands of Michael Devine end Mlles Lacey, on the south by lands of Thomas Mole, dud on the west by lauds of Joseph Mar baker, containing about TI acres of land, he the more or lees. with the applatemuicea. 1 barn, au °meant and shoot Iv aerial improved tExceptlint and reeerving a Inn deeded to Bishop & Price, 14.t1i rads.) Also, all that other minim me/11meg°, piece or parcel of land. hound ed and described se follow. tTo corer t h e Mud that the water would flow to raise It 6M feet front the bottom of the flame, Milk head or race, at the point where said flume, hulk head, or race crosses the line between this lands of Wm. Price and Thomas W. Hughes ; also the portion of the race on said Wirt. Prire's land; also the privilege of pasting or right of way from the sotith cud of the dam or pond to the line between said Price and Hughes, with the appurtenance,. (Taken to eXecatloo at the suit of 0. E. Picket, assigned to T, E. Brown vs. T. W. Hunk., and Cluotga W. Woodruff, vs. T. W. Take Notico,—All hide m WlBe deranged on the day of sale. M. B. lIELIIR, Sheriff. Bborir 1 0131 ca. Montrose. Jal,i Ifith, 18IL CIIERIFF'S SALES.—BY VIRTUE OF 0 write issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County and to me Sit - emelt I w ill c xpose t u link by public vendue, at the Court !louse In Alontroec, Friday. August 14, 11474. at 2 o'clock, p. tn. the following picas or par of land, to wit : All that certain piece or lot of land situate in the township of Franklin, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, boun ded and described as follows, to wit : Un the north and west by lands of Jobn Cromwell, on the south by land ofJ. Frud and on the east by land of Warren Luce, containing 1 acre, over or less,with the appurtenances, one frame house frame barn, an orchard, and all improved.— [Taken in execution at the snit of Vi . J and S. IL Mu!lord, E.70^3 of S. S. Mulford, dee'd, rs Luther Snow.] A 1.61)—All the Defendant's interest in that certain piece or lot of land situate in the town ship of Auburn, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Penusylvanta, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit. Ou the north by land of D. C. Titman, on the east by lands of David Voss, on the south by laud of E. L Ad ams, and on the west by public highway, con taining 2 acres, be the same more or less, with the appurutances, a few fruit trees, and all im proved. [Taken in execution at the suit of D. C. 'finnan vs. John Snoverl ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land eituatc.in the borough of Priendoville, In the County of Susquehanna and Stale of Pennovl cania, bounded and described no tolh,oc,i,to (in the northwest by Silver Lake street, on the southwest by South street, on the southeast by land of Thomas Tierney, and on the northeast by turnpike street, containing about 2 acres, more or less with the appurte.iancw, I trame house, barn, some fruit and ornamental trees, and all improvcd. [Taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Harvey vs. Phillip Milian.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel ot land situate in the township of Auburn, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl van% hounded and described as follows, to wit. On the north by land of James, Lott, on the cast by land of Win. N. Bennett, on the south by lauds of Milton Harris, A. D Tewksbury anti John Setser, on the west by land id John Setser, containing abont 4 acres of land, be the same inure or less, with the appUrlecianc4,, dwelling houses, 1 barn, 1 new stare-hou.e, good orchard, and all improved. [Taken in ex ecution ut the suit of Jane E. Case, assigned to G L. Swisher, vs. Wm. White, L. L. Swisher, and G. I. Swisher Take Notice -All ludo meat be arranged on the tiny of sale. M. 11 TIN.LME• ~bend Shedlra UNcc • Mon.ro?e, July 1.9. The Doubt Dispelled N 10‘717 131-CICIPTII9 Wm. Hoyden, Net.' ➢tl.ford, Pe.. is Dow offertug so nt ire or w stuck of DRY GOODS ea,fully aeleeted for Sprinc and Sommer Trade BOOTS AND SHOES he htv.reet Intl beet variety In Northern Penney], alma 1 - 3EELTAGI &, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No:, time, etc., etc. Every article Warranted Ileprunented. No Variation to Prmcn. Niv Elilfortl, Lay 13th B ILLINGS STROL D General INSURANCE AGENT, AtLcs23.tx-coase..l..et.. Capital litepresented, 6100,000,000: FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE : Hume Ina. Co., N. Y.. Capltaland nurpio.. 84.000,000 Hartford Fire Inn., Co.. Lapinfl and Surpine .3.000,000 Ll rerpool.l,ondim .S tilube •• has. Co., of North America exsooDo Penn. Fire Inn t. 0., Phila., •• I1:A/n.00? Co., State of Penn'a Union tintma !Icon:ling rlrc Narragansett, ovidenca. FL I Merchants' Clay, of New Port. Ky. Newtown, of Bucks co. Alem nom la, of Cle - teland, Lancaster Fire Ina. Co. Fire Association or Phila. Union lac Co • Columbus, 0., Lehigh Valley Fife, Allentown, Citizens' Fire Ins. Newark, N.J. !south Side ins Co-Pittsburg.Pa. Aleturnattla of Pittebori;, The nodensigned IaSPECIAL AGENT for the follow inc comp:ult. for Northern Pennsylvania Piro Association of Philadelphta. National Fire Insurance Company of PhiLadellibm Thu Insurance Cu. of the State of Penney iranla, of Philadelphia. La X W Conn. Muttal I.lto bas. Co.. Asxtts American Lifo. Phlnn. •• .A.C1Cii33332 . 02"r. Travelers Inn.Co .11artford,i'apttaland 9urplues2.ollo.ooo Railway Penwengere tmo,uou. The 11,1111erolzned hap been well known in thin tonnty.lat Pant 1 7Yenrn.nann In.nrance Agent. Lossesnust pined by Ills Comnaln Ire Intro Alwayt been promptly paid. C4rolllee drottloor mitt from Boot:log 0113cr of W It. Cooper & Co.,Tornpikest. Siontrose.Po. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent C HA ItLitti U. SMITH, Solicitor., Montrose. Dec. U.'," J. 11. Ramses. I G. B. Ha.nnea. I U 0. Btarotas. _o— MARBLE WORKS. [ESTAELIELIED IN 1N40.1 BARNES BROS. & BEIHD111; DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF Otaliatt & ;Anterirau glarbles, AMERICAN ANO SCOTCH GRANITES, Marble and Slate Mantles, 2( Chewing° St., Nvar 11(Tot, Slav It. 143. BINGHAMTON N T. TRY TIME "NEW PROCESS." Flour of the following Brands nod Price.: “Dbilblo Extr.," New Procesn - 101.110 per Sark. - AOnlos" "Midland" . "Manhattan" ai .. Lifoyetten white wheat , 'WoshlngttiO7 Amber 1.13 " "Oricao." No.l spring/410 These Prima good for thirty days. LYONS A DRAKE. Moot,. e, July 71. I 1 -to. t IOU WORK JOBWORK AT T/LIS OFFICE, I:IMAF SAIO.IIOO $600,001) $4OO 110 so.ltot) t. WM 400 000 2.10 Bt.lllooo 4011,000 440.000 2.000 t 0 0.0 200,100 800.0(0 /30.000 400,1110
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers