The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 29, 1874, Image 2

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-a E -. DE3IO C RA`F , T he , at . lly safety o f the democratic party I ning would . ri ,- ghastly' to..rr, , es. l'i i .,,
.in I hiladelphta is in utterly rept] luting w a te r roat h ig he r an dthe b uil d ings began
all kno"wledge of these scoundrels who tai crumble and fall to plec,.a The strug.
usurp leadership in the party msrelftu filing forinsof inetOromen and ' ehildrrn,
- . lead it to destructionand disgrace. •w , re seen in the water litittlim; fur life.
W e d nes d a y, July 29 , 1874 : • . _:—._ _.... a:, --- Mier an nitenal of daikiiess. the light
, The platform adopted by the democrats w ing
would aga i n reseal the phiee, hot
(;al'l closed in New Yori:, on Saturday of 'lndiana in their late COUVellt.loll is 1 • til '''
they . Attu d isappeared beneath the float
high t last, at 110. ' every way commendable in its demand for ,
tog &Luis. Sever hii au instaut dhi the
--..iiii..... "a strict construction of the constitution wild, despairing cries ....use, ih,r did the
E. B. 11A 117,EY & EdilorB
Remember the delegate meeting Satur- ~ .
, tof the Lulled States and its amendments
day, August 15th. Let every township be d
au impartial
t. .. screams of one despairing, mortal cease
mtoreemen t of the laws; '
represented properly in the Convention to , an
with death, before anot he r we Itl break
be heeldpit 3louday. the .I",eth. ' a tariff for the revenue; a condemnation ; Garth, and so dodo°. toe ,
lung hours of
of all official gratuities in the form of
the night tiii:y COll4l hoar them scream
It is claimed that the attempt to get retroactive salaries, state or rational ; a a ,
nu witness the dying strugg'es without
il , c itelitililican State Oluvention to pond- I eoodemnation of the attempt of the last
the power to help ti eill. At tillli - ,1 t1,1. - 1'
note two candidates tor Supreme Judge, etitgress to muzzle the press; securing to eon
lil see through the if incloWS, wheif•
sv chat the inost popular of the two may e' cry citizen of the Conn try the equal pro the ,
dgiits still bui lied. Mot hers kneet
l• elected,will not be ent.eriained he the tection of the laws without violating 1,1,e
mg nab . their children, and pre.entiv
C•aivention ; tleat the Philadelphia and principle of local sell government or in
L.,. house would tremlele and fah with a
All , ghenv delegations have dieided on terrering with the 80C1111 customs of the
iors,) ,
Judge raielilli and that , they are bound people ; opposition to high fees and sutler. A h 0 ,14 the
„ de. ,
~f the
str.,LL, and
to put him through. les, either in the state of Indiana or 1111 liiii4i'il Against tile curb stones mar he
' the United States; and the demand fora -, k 1 1 cult ,
, e a rn u.i me sOl 1011,4 go ~,s. 'Phis
Ex-Gov. lleherl , of Louisiana IS added t reduction of salaries state and national, - ,%.,01 1111., 11
'.,!/ , 1 11 . :1S01 lost,
I. the pobticiaies who have declared furl We quote in full that part of thep ' ( '"'""
-h a was c.a. ted aloi,V a11101. , 4 t: , e dt•L.IIS all , /
grant for a third term. Robert has been r
iorni w hich refers to rilltilleti : , iliiii hit' . 1 iiii.irti.r "r a 1 l• •
niiiiintlF appointed by Grant a Mississippi i 1e ,„ 1 ,.„ 11 ,.. ; ,.., / ,— That we ;ire • i„ r ,„.,, r , d ''' .l ~ •• , "1 ' • " 1 " .
' l ' eu " neeg• et tee grad e „gas pepe- and held
lee commissinner with au annual salary i of toe r , demption of tier-twenty bonds stn
"" " I ' LL ' a reel"' wet. t rowie h••r, when
of tri,ooo a year, :ilia he takes the earliest t greenbacks according to the law iii,Jer
opp.rtunity of expressing his gratitude; shirt they were issued. ! i I.' W3..1t• , t11 ,, 1-
i ' Cro/1/1 We are it: favor of the r•-peal : erne record. sli ,:v rie fall of rain tee
to his benefactor. Tim list of third term ! '
.of thr law of March, 1869. which 11811111 yd hive ha• tit • ciiiii.otie• half Illehe , . IV •.,d
iilipporters now stands as follows:--- jto construe the law so as to make such
,' I:arse: ci
vows and chickens arc se:Oh-1 . ..el
k,•mpev, Mozby and Hebert. Longstreef , hoods payable exclusively in gold.
ce i ll lie heard. from soon at White Sulphur- , Thi rd—W e are. in Mein of the )the liere and there aloug th,• pat'i of th ,
spne,,,, but he- ma , be sot down in ad . lof the National Ranking law and . flood.
i s a ubstitit lion of greenbacks for the nation
for the third term. In Pennsyl•
i bank currency.
taloa the third term movement has not , ' L ., 1 .,. • • ,
i rf)./'‘,l tv r are in havoc of a return
in.ide much prog,r , •ss. The post maw:r e- at i of ,p,.ete payment as soon as the business
seranteen is the only l e irunt office . holder, Interest of the country will permit.
In this State who has shown any dicid,d i'lll/1 'We silo in favor of such legisla
tion don from time to time as will adjust the
inelinatiiii in that direction ; volume of the currency to the commercial
-•••• 4101. ...-
watts eef the (.‘olliltry.
The delegates to the nest democratic
state COll Vr Lion are so far selected that
the attempt to forecast its action would I
ma be impracticatile except as regards
elmhdates. The blindness with which
we are going forward in this regard is
perhaps not an evil token. We trust,
however, that for no position on the tick
et shall we have any person named who
is not of the fittest and hest materials in
the party. The democratic party owes st
to the country to meet the demand fur
hoeesty and official integrity with corn
tout and honest candidates. To be de
-4,-ated with such standard-bearers is no
disgrace. '1:0 succeed in electing bad,
corrupt or incompetent men is a greater
victory for out opponents than fur 0ur
5,.11.,-s. The odium of such a triumph
j list itir6 opi,treition uhil increa.scs It.
The election for select council held in
Harrisburg on Friday last,resulted in the
ruee.Y. , B of the democratic nominees in sti
of the nine wards. We do not claim this
IV a partisan victory, says the Palriot
For many voters who have heretofore
acted with the republican party aided in
producing it. This popular verdict re
corded Friday means simply that the peo
pi; are weary of the rule of the ring
which has dominated them these many
veers and that no party cry can again
mislead them into the support of candi
dates a hose election would be but a new
lease of power to those who have mis
governed them in the past. It now be
comes the duty of the democratic majori
ty in select council to use their power
wisely and to devise and carry out such
measures of municipal reform as the tote
of Friday iodicates the people of the city
desire and expect. We are satisfied that
the voters whose ballots have registered
this signal triumph of reform have not
misplaced their trust.
au tiiitninstrrtton journal says the Re
p, bllean party points to its history not as
xtuse for its inaction, but as a proof of
its intentions. Judged by acts, its laten
t ,fflis are not as good as those with which
Its Satanic Majesty's dominions are paved.
People who are asked to Judge of the in
tentions of the Republican party by its past
htmory, will naturally recall such chapters
in the history as those which tell of the
Credit Mobillier swindle, the Louisiana
usurpation, the Jayne txtortion, - the San
born blackmailing, the appointment of
the treasurer implicated in those foul
transactions to a Judgeship, the plunder•
tug in the District of Columbia, and the
many other enormities that have made
ate history of Republican administration a
aistory of political crime. Since all the
Republican party can promise is that
its intentions, are to be judged by its per
formances, the people will not only cry
"good Lord deliver us," but they will
when the time comes,deliver themselves
front Republican rule.
McMullin and lin; ii.finnons gang are
again at their old tricks of treachery to
the democratic party in Philadelphia.—
Those candidates whom they could not
defeat at the delegate elections they are
preparing to defraud at the ballot box in
November. They are the coarse and
brutal hirelings of William B. Mann and
belong to the democratic party only
to betray it. A Sunday organ of. the
ring says that Mr. Sheppard, the demo
cratic candidate fur district attorney, is
too cold blooded in office, and does not
know how to make nice distinctions in
the prosecution of criminals. William
It. Mann, on the other hand, carfully
throws his official shield over the ruffians
who serie him in the manipulation of
the ballot box against the democratic
party in Philadelphia. The Mara case
and its results bully illustrate the mean;.
, tig of the Sunday organ of the
Fit rman Sheppard would not nave so care
fully selected the victims of the law,
but would have prosecuted all the associ
ted Arillians with equal vigor. M'Mullin
and his gang instinctively - reßoghize in
William B. Mann their Neud and patron.
Plymouth Church MM.
The whole country is now a-Tilt(on)
over a fresh outbreak of the Plymouth
Church Scandal. The case may be stated
in a few words. Theodore Tilton, for
mer intimate and boon companion of the
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher,makes a sworn
statement occupjing several columns of
tine print containing twenty two Spot
charges of adulterous intercourse be
tween Beecher and his (Tilton's) wife
Ile also (litotes from letters in his posses
sion and that of a mutual friend, written
by Beecher and Mrs. Tilton corrobora
ting his statement. Beecher and Mrs. Til
tc. have each made a Ininple state
ment, not under oath, denying any
adulterous intercourse and account
ing fur the letters on other
grounds. Thus the matter stands, at this
writing. We have no inclination to par
tisanship in this controversy and as we
Cannot give each party a full statement in
our columns, therefore, we will not do as
out part ison contemporary of the ilopubli.
can has done,gtve our own version of one
side, and the full statement on the other,
but we will await the result ...nd then give
our opinion if we have any. We have only
a common interest in this matter and that
is that simple truth and justine shall
prevail, and that the guilty, he he Beech
er or Td ton, shall he held responsible for
his crime. There is nu middle ground to
take,but all must admit that one of these
men (and -perhaps both have) has placed
I himself outside the pale of civil and re
tolerence. The great downfall of
civil and religious virtue begins in higl ,
places, by the zeal with which partisan
i ship cloaks the iniquities of its represen
tatives. Our this case is. not that
Christianity will suffer by he conviction
of crime but rather that it may be pollu
ted by the cloaking of it, No party,
either its civil or religious matters, ever
suffered by the just punishment of crim
inality in its representatives, but the
world to-day is wollowing in corruption,
both deep and damning, on account of
the partisan cloaking of Ist:herons and
corrupt leaders it Church us well as State.
Notwithstanding these men hair both oc
cupied high places in human estimation
yet the fall of either will be yis own. The
truth of Christianity will not suffer by
any failure in them to heed its warn
ings. The scoffer can find no
comfort in his mocking, because either of
these men professed, and did not practice
religion. But the mortification which is
now thrust upon many who believe and
trust in true Christian teachings, should
result in closer investigation of religion
itself and determine the CO{IC let iou, that
it does not consist in eloquent words or
exterior deportment.
A Terri 'De Flood
A tremendous ruin storm took place in
the western part of this state near Pitts
burg on the Alleghany and Monongahela
OD Sunday night last resulting m a ter
rifle loss of life and immense distrudion
of property. Up to this writing we learn
that 132 dead bodies have already been
recovered from the floods at different
points,and that 76 are still missing. There
were 147 buildings destroyed and twelve
miles of country devastated. At Butch
ers Run iu Allegheny City the flood was
the most terrible.
From an intelligent German woman the
following details have been gleaJed: She
was aroused at 9.30 by a heavy, queer
rushing noise, as of water pouring in the
cellar. She called her husband, who, on
going to the dour, found the water up to
the pavement in front. As he lived in a
high portion of Spring Garden aeenue,he
could see a considerable distance around.
The water below had risen to the upper
stories of the buildings, and when the
cries for• help and :he heart-rending
screams of the drowning broke nkion
his ear, be ut once realized the terrible
situation. Presently some of the houses
beganlo float and the air was rent with
the distressing cries of mothers and chd
dren. At short intervals a flash of light-
A man aii
wde heir enddren. endi
"My s:tid the nut •. •• , %hAt have I
done , n en we ?"
down Wl . pt Ilk I.
wan at ,aw ow water
come poorinr. down ?.y hie house. rushed
out with hie wif wed ch,la to cvrry th• to
to a place of safety: c.intiouing the two
remaining to stay, hut It, never raw them
Spccial Notices
1111ILLIAXT RE( ()RP (iF
Air American humorist tells us that it would
hats been money ill his pocket it lie had been
horn without a siarinutele and then proceeds to I
figure up the Cost of a chronic dyspepsia, to 1
a Well he is a martyr, and which he says it is
impossible to cure. iin this point, - Josh 110
Zing., - ilor he is the party rcierred to is mists I
hen. Uniess his stomach differs from all other
dyspeptic stomachs, llostetters Butters will
cure him in lea. than three months. This it
'would be sale to guarantee under any penult)
There are a few, a very few, actual specifics ftw
disease in existence, and ilosteters Stomach
Bitters may be set dawn as one of them. In
case of Indigo:dim/ it never fails. Persons who
had suffered for many years almost every cow
ceivable species of torture front this agonizing
complaint, have !wen permanently cured with
the Bitters ht nix weeks Iloarl , eds or each In 1
stances are On record, authenticated by the tea
-1 timony of prominent men in every walk of life
eminent physicians among the number. But
this celebrates' vegmable preparation is some
thing more than a stomachic and tonic. It is
also an alternative of wonderful virtue. In liv
er complaint its effect is as direct and immedi
ate as that of calomel or blue pill, and far More
1 salutary : and in all diseased conditions of the
trowels, notable in rases of constipation, its
regulating, properties are in the triczhest degree
serviceable. The pewsettlements in the nest
and all low-lying tracts of country infested
with miasmatic exhalations, so fruitful at this
season, of the various types of intermittent tit - -
vie, should he always well stocked with thi, in.
comparable chologue, which will curt, any ease
of fever and ague in a petioul carving from three
idays to three or tour necks, according to the
violence of the complaint Nervous disorders
1 which are always aggravated be the adultera.
1 trsi liquors usually prx,eribeul by physiciansatre
readily cured lc a course or this admirable com
bination medicine, in which the properties of
a filiniUlatll, a (Jilts and ullerlialive are happily
I blooded.
SEA WitElt TosIC —lll the
phere experienced here Miring the summer I
months, the lethurgt moducel by the heat takes
away the desire lie wholm.ome mod, and lie
wrent perapirations reduce tastily energy, par
ticularly those suffering 'rola the effects of de
bilitating diseass. In order to keep a natural
healthful activity of the system. we must resort
to artificial means. For this purpose Seenek ' s
Sea Weed Tonic is very effectual A tirtv (10.10
will create an appetite - and fresh vigor to the
enervated body For dyspepsia, it is invalua
ble. Many ennui neat physician , have doubted
whether dyspepsia can be permanently cured
by the drugs which are generally gut played for
that purpose. The Sea Weed Tonic in Itsrla
titre is totally different from smh drugs It
contains no corrosive mineral, or acid, ; in but
it assists the regular operations It nature, ;Ind
supplies. her detit iencies The tonic in its me
tore so much resembles the gastric , Juice that it
is almost identical n ill/ that fluid. The gastric
juice is the Wand sttlettril ev Lich, in a liesalthy
nandition of the t,odt,. ,• aUses the Itrtsl to lie di
'Jested , and when this juiev is not excreted in
sufficient quantities, indigestion, ve ill all Its
distressing symptoms. lolhoes. The Sea Weed
Tonic peaornis the duty of the gastric juice
when the latter is deficient. Brick's Sea
Weed Tonic sold by all Druggists
New Advertisements.
A SHTON BALT, Oenu per
Mautrrae, July el. --h%
Cheaper than ever A gallon Jaz. nr Jet, or
lifluant pot, rut only ta tally 11,e natal,
ray — Other Stone-Ware equally Chop •_jja
dlontroPo, July 19,1F74.--11w.
is herehy given to all peroon. concerned It, the fol.
lowing Eoutte. to wit :
Estate Or A bk4llii U Jones.. late of Stiop'a Depot,
deed, William %tont, Enecntor.
That the accountant has nettled hi+ arcoant In Mc
Yuetttrth° l "... - .I: .° 7.1 Arrue,L'e.".'
the Osphan'• Court. (.0 Taarsday. August m , le7& for
connrmation and allowance.
II N. TIFFANY (dieter
Regteter'• Ofticc. July 73.
Floor of the following Brands and Prices :
'Doable Extra - New Prorees - 22.30 per hack,
“ldanbattan” S "Lareyetto" white wheat 2.23 •
"Washington - Amiter 2.15
'Orleans" No.I spring 2AO ••
That. Prices good for thirty day,
Montrose, July :N, 1.174.-1 w
K. 7 isvued by the Court of Common Pleas
of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I
will expose be sale by public rendue, at the
Court House in Montrose,
Friday, Atagml 14, 1874.
at 2 o'clock, p. tn., the following pieces or par
eele 01 land, tee wit :
All that certain piece or lot of laud situate
in the township of Franklin, in the County of
Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, boun
ded and described as follows, to wit : On the
north and west by lands of John Cromwell, on
the south by sand of J. Fred and on the east by
land of Warren Luce, containing I sere, more
or less with the appurtenances, one frame house
tranie barn, an orchard, and all improved,—
rtaken In execution at the suit of W. J. and
S. 11. Mulford. Eters of S. S. Mulford, deed, vs
Luther Snow.]
ALSO—AII 11.0.Deftlidant's Interest in that
certain piece ur lot Ut land situate in thu:toiru
-814 01' Auburn, : rim
Comity 01 Stu , quellanna
an d suat t , t it penovisitnia, bouttflaht
sCribed as tallow's: W wit Ou the north by
land or D. (' Titrunn, .m the east by lam'. (i f
Davi,.l in am watt t taint tit E.' 1.. Ad- ,
urns, and on the west by von- '
Mining t! uc ret., he the same more or with
the ilpill1111111“,, a Ma fruit Ina's, anti all itn
pruviat, fuken in at tile :Wit Of 1).
("fitman vs-10102
ALSO—AII Ilult vert:tin pit,' or I.a or land
situate in the borough ot Frien.l.rille, In ti n '
County or SUMVIC11:111111l Qi
lvhiu, L'lnitnied and , iollows,to tt it
oil tile nortbxst,st by Silver Like o.treet. on the
enut tiwvgt by 'Montt .trrPt, on Ow •;oittfil.n..t by
land of TtnioniA Tiernet . and "II I Ill' Dort heart
by turnpike street, rote titling shunt cc 11'..
more or less Wail the app.irtel.illotti, I train'
itotisv, barn. MM.; 1 . 0161 511,1 urn tinentril trues,
and all nninov d 1 . 1:11,n in I,ention At tin.
.it \Vol v- )Itlii•in
11,SU—A II Ihni
1,110 .Punt, in tLe lt,t‘11:.11111 , 4.1 In I ht•
.11 So-lilit•lilittnri and St it.• .or I
rania I,dund , .l and 14.11.1, lii %, It.
ni.rt by iund 'lt .latru , Ida!, no Ili,
ea.d 1.,1' laud of Wm. N the ',mull
by loud, .d , „\tilbrn A. 1) Tt•tvlo.l.lrN
.Itl4l Joao : 4 atttotr, on cot by bind to John
St•ttott. coo [dining alattit I al- , to 1.111 , 1, b 1 110
our unm• Of 1,14, 11 . 1111 11111111r1,1,111,,
1 born. I neat -tor, hoot,. 11
zootl and all tatttrovtal lTaken lii
, d it id Lintlk-sO.:11,1d.
G r. War YSltitt . . I. t
k w% i; I. S.vither I
Tekd Sailer - All bolo no., he mT.r ptt il.ti
11 ulci.vK•rnn
rtfl", Utllve, Nloa rat,,.llt!) Y. '7:
I/ IV 2P 3 A CO 1
F. 3
The undo. rrg od w II: keep 1-.. tautly au hand Ana
fur 'ale, very Ino.
And Lumber Wagon
thine y rprin r wagon, recruit:l hand carrteett , and up
en and top I:tappet.. for .tale
Will make to order to twit part Ire. all 1 lode of tar
riagra Work Warranted. Repairing dour wildly.—
Shop at Springvtge, Pa.
Enquire at L. L. S W. Elpteni , Oahe of
111. SEARLE,
Montmon, Pa..
Or at Spriugrille of E. 11, CULV)III
MOLIVOie •tune 3.1771.—ff.
The Leader,
Br )1. B. PALYZII. avolsted 1. lb. Etattotow.
Choir, Colblent ions. and ' , toeing ['lasses will wel
nomr this new charch Mask. hook. Wed with new
tunes, anthems. rhnoie, vie. all of beet polity,
Price fl3B, or 312 00 per do gen.
T 12.0 .n01 . C112.4516r01.11.
Fly U. IL &time , arrirteci by 1,. u . Emuruon.
F:sperinll) for Singing (141met , A Flat lot pugo.t uoutAin
1 1, 0 ( .I. r oemoul the some an shot the LZASGS,
wits h coos eel, follobed by more lhan 1041 tined
n his tho is gig I Slat and Sorrel Music for
practice. Equal to the "Sim.; hug in luterrnt,
17 , 1(' ItEA 1)Ells:
Thar tar..llllll gratlrS S"n , tmr orn
L. Etnen...-atod
i'lllttnry b, m.rp• Yrite.
•• 4A—Fur i.., ••,,r , 'Clam,* • AI • •
!kl—For filcher ••
Thu Cuurn, lo 0307, 1, Itlterotlmr. awl hap
burn thoroughly tom., r, 1/1.10 11,10
OLIV EirDITSON & , t lIAb. 11irn•,,oN Co,,
Burton. :I I 11',1.. - ny. N. 1.
7 , 14 y 1.71. -
. _
Nl , llOl-N, PRoivihrrolg.s.
SION OF TIM lint,. 8.141. E AX!) 31ottnu
231.caclx..Thao3mtrosse ,
1/11r etolt of DMZ!. and 3lealicliter Ie complete and
rare t 411.11 lu have even thine of the le , l quailly The
public may reel a•aaml shot all mcdlcineo that baler
oar et°, titian be es they are reprevelited. pure [sea un
of all lituda called for, ou Hand et rea6ollll6lr
By personal a nd •trlct attention to litraineiri, at all
Air. we hapew merit thu Coraidelict and floor of tilt
Montrose. April 1, 1,Z3
51137 .13a-caexc3iacre4y N. "Jr
F'1.1 . 43 and Burglar I' x - csc)2
The oldest awl most reliable Ann Itt the Uttiled Statea
They look the prize metal awarded et the
AII gales are warranted frac from dampness /sad car
Idatatruse, May —tf
UDR SALK—The firnn lute of Nathan AI-
L' drich,de'd, situated about half a mile wi.t
of Montrose Depot, is Brooklyn township, con
taininz about ll t acres of land mostly Impme
ed. Inquire 01 tudersigued, executor of
mid estate, at New Milford, PR.
New Milford, Jan. 25, 1873. —tf
New 'Milord, Pu.,
WTholera le and retail deafen. in Flue Watch... ,nd Rich
Jewelry Sterling Silver Ware, French and American
Clock.. Pine Plated Ware.and lily r Tee Net.. Ater
all kind of Gold and Silver I•l3thig. Watch, Cluck, and
Jewelry 11.epairmg, and Plaln and Ornamental Engrav
leg, neatly eseented.
Jane 24, ';4.—ly
w OW.
Wool "'CATaut 45 CI
lllghent Market !franc Vold In Cent,
June 0, 11.—tf
T° "11011 IT MAY CON(1111141.
- Want. 45 Low, Commission Merchant No. 811/
l:reettorleb R., Now York, have sold ont and Orb theft
patrons to stop shippina to them. Dr order of the arm.
Dimotk,Mity 20,14.-3 w
IV - 31:11017
TIN N 1011.11.8
%voo r
1.,0040 I:bcs‘a.raci-9
S \ LE liILLs,
111)RsE itil.Ls,
it EcEll"rs,
\ Gs,
13 1
.0 I
p 4
t'.ITAI,c)( WES,
PA l'Elt
I -, AI I'll LETs,
1;4 , N Ds.
\ T .1)S
Ei t' .
Sheriff Sales
.Iv , lit IP
,81. Niontro,,, rn Fr ,
1%71. at 1 1) tsl Ilit.
!Anil ter
All 'hat tertalti piece or lete el of hand situate In the
of Great lint on the t• .ohly of '4l , quellan
ha t. t ',at,. ofne L aloha. 'eau and dear 1 Itord
, to w t on the (north toy the httetvichatona
d the tooth it el east 1 r land, of Joh', "4 Tar
ago! on the Lie. , by land.. or Is, II Show. cotatalsB
- 1 1 , ',. tea of plod, 'w the too, or 1e.., nllll the
pietrter.atteet. one from.. i 10111 ”. Marl 11,11! other not
bothetrew ate) 00011 15.18 tee improved [Tel en In raL
• t woo' t •ILB. •olit 8.111 I, ',dotal° it .1
L.41 , A II that rertain piece or lot of land eitnate
111 Olt Ito. '.1,1,,r of New Slllfer.o. ItL the County of hits
and 0101,' of l'eiii.l)l , ant Mounded and de.,
crib,' a. 18e.ow e. to 111, tell 0 north by land of fi.
A ,C,111111., and the F alKettletry tract. on the east h,
%I re If McKinney on the •un!h hr road lrottltng from
huninehoun I Doled to Suttontereyllle, and on the West
1, 1 W e l. o f 11 ) ,(181 ' , unmet, containing, 1111 atfee,more
Ittotheapontteoanee, frame tootee horn
sod ors hard, and about acres improved. Crol,:en In
,cannon at the am' .1 of Win smith twalni.t John
and 11 B'. Ithlueesult. LOC of A. 0. Tartan,
I'lltleya, Jr )
%I,ll \ II that a ertaln piece of land ritnate Ir. the
boon-lop or Dmlgevoiter, In flit County of oussinehon.
od root,: 111 I•esolsylte bounded and described
ys follow% to wit : tru the north by land coverer) by the
u wee, of banal ie.. ealled i t on the oast brlande
i , l Cortuo n it, in the south Al public highway. nod
ou I be tesett by ands 14 A. 11. Nicht k. eituridulug 4'.
of laud, more or le•r, x alt the appUrignontse i
ro V ironic house. Crone born. altar troll trees. and all
tpe., ed. t Taken In • orrutiott at the roll of IV. J.
littioed s Henry t', Ibirdess and Ali,ander Stulth i ir )
Inn fleece at laud situate In tne
too tistup of not:turd. In the County of SuotillObannu
nod "lisle nt Pen naylt on la. the Orel Over bounded and
t'erreined as follows. to nit: 'ln the north by loads
of --Waterbury on tht vest by the Grip , null pond.
. - .
on lid. south Its 15t.... •.t Wesley tivterhont. and 00 the
west Mt:
the itro, Depol„ruad. coutaining 4 Of an
N lih b.• appurtenance*. the Paine house. .1, - ,--
11so. all test icier iere of land Ornate as a fort said.
UNtiNN all sides by lands of it 12, that, contain
ing I-acre
ti gaud, more or 11.41 Will/ the appurlenaaces,
e -bids with all the machinery and gearing*. all lin
pinled [Taken le execution at the suit .4 U J Babe
t ore. rotate:fled to Milt...erne GAM). vs .1 g Whit - dig.)
AL:sit—All that certain piece of land eitu..te In the
toe:until is of Forest Lake. in the County of Susquelnan
ea and State of Pennsylvania. hounded not dean thud
as follows, to ,rat : Itegineleg at a point lu the high
s) ay Itt and seven-tenths iterchett northeast lathe
over pond creel, theist e north 71;4 degrees wept 12
pert het to a post and .tours, thence south 524 degree*
west 7 and stints:tithe pAtches cros•lng 'hi rare to
a poet and sionett,thence +math 104 degree. east A/ and
as e•teettis perches down the west pads of the tall race
to centre of the nrldgr aforesaid. thence along the
road motto north ra degrt-i'll rant Cl and eevetntenthe
pt reties to the place el beginning. containing 1 acre
and Se perches, more or teen.-with the appurtenance,
one-grist mist, eau 0.111. dwelling NOU.N, and bare. a
few fruit tries, and all Improved [Taken executton
at the "tilt o Jefferson tiortteu ye. Eilgar L. tireen end
1,011 Green
ALSO—AII that eertata ,p, rrvi load ctutte
a theta , . I , hip Leta,. to the Count, a Sti•Orlan
vt and Ktate •.f Pl . l/111"11.1:11, hot tkcleel and I..erllod
f.. 110 e. to Nett : ttn the north by land. of (U.N. , W.
Allen, tln the enat by land* of Namur! Frueedell„ on the
•oath hr lands of Jame. Clarkson. and on the west by
Jamie of R. Trwedell and Charles Wil.toti,ttnttalning
awe, be the same or toni•ther will: Ito
t. O s tir Inn wore
bongo. and
an urrltarn and about IS a - n-a Intproled. (Token It
teeutton at the tt at S,lan ii:11110
11 .
etephene. is It F Dteher
A1. , 0 • kil !here into r 4 min Were. or p•lfo , Oe of
Land •on.tie In the Inwn±hip rfl.lberi). in the County
of Stastittehantin and Mate of Pennn)ivania. the Ortit
piece hounded and follow*. to nit : Bei
ntutilnit at the centre of Mut') creek bridge then.. 'IS
dettreen tient 10 rothi.theneriildegrenn cast I rod.thenee
Iny r ib.'reer went 41. rwto, thence 74 ole4reen east IS,
roller, tricot , to det:reen Went zit rode to B nlicop, thence
at deirrece end , CA rode tit W ;due, thence up the centre
of Itiniiy crenk to the it-id the plane of bapuniii.t,
containing about n [wren. a all tile apportenailew. The
neettn4 piece bounded its follon F. tee .1! Ito the north
by Inn. of Alfrisilbain and A bainton Chalker • on the
eant by hwol. 01 .at.•oil •halKer and 1' " - kyr itnini.
the routh b) I.lrdis of Parker l:nge and Tllll/11. aoltain
and on then tint lie public hlcheray. e ntnlning arm.
of bull, be the rainy mute Or lenti, it Ph the appurte
nat een, one him. ban, feed arid seetu•ll. lea fruit
true and about Art acre* Improved (Taken In exeen
Cott at the null or 11 litudaley.l
A -All thoote two tertslit turce, , rr pnrreln of land
situate In the toirneltip of Liberty In the County of
Sung...ha:lna and State of Penn-p 1 can a the Pent piece
bounded and denerlhed an follows. to 0.1 • (in the north
tt . i land of I.enter Tarbox. on the mint he laud of Ben
I,lzoth Stt..on, nn nottili lei land of W 11 Vint, and tho oeat by hind of I. II Hoe COTII:11:110,!5:1 acres
more or le.. it WI the appurtentwicen, a few fruit treed,
told nhoot wt arm. Improved 'I he ....rand piece hound
ell as tam. : the north.. by piddle htithiativain
the smith of hit N,i 1 • nod the tre• t try land of Let"
tee Turbot. L'ont ,i1111 , t: R 7 rod. of lend, mare or
. .
nub tln• appurtenanrea, hon-e and barn, and an
Irtoptnyed (Taken In a zeentinn at the n of A. J.
tact rnaou %v. 111111. AIP.II I
ALM , — Al. that • ertutit piece or port el of 'mid eitnnie
I n th e too o•ltip of Anion., In the Comity of Swope-
Iwo tot and mato of Ibtottoyt hounded and desert h.
od on follow , . t %tit lie i.e north by tuna Doold
Itanh. on Ilse ones ter hoot of Snrnnet flytte. on the
the tottolt by Lool of T Able. •Illi . 1 / 1 the %rot by
bold nr Royal Carter. CA,ntalrli, lOn attrro he the nntne
ttore or leo, sills the siva rtenance, ono frame how,
trauttt born. Ohl- urelood. and tthont ;at cure, intpforotl.
(Tat en In vsevollon ou •nrare rog' at the AIR of
vit John Kinney )
ALSO—AII that cert... piece of lo ud et nate In the
t „ wo ,ep of Lenox . lu I he county of Susquehanna and
S'ate of Pennsylvania bounded and described w' fol
lows. to wit On the north by lands of Mrs. Moore
anal A 11111. on the neat by land of George Williama,
on the south by land of lc Power,. nod an the west hy.
land of U. Smlth. containing lu acres, most or lens,
with the Appurtenances. 0110 house, barn. an °inherit
and about :40 acres Improved, iTekeu in execution at
the suit of John ('onrail. vs. Hostel Tiffany.)
ALscr--All that certain place of laud situate lu the
tnwnrhlp of Aollorp. In the Coney of Susquehanna
and State 01 Pennsylvania, botinded slid described no
follows,to wit . On the north by lands of T. E. Brown'.
rotate and Patrick Frits, en the east by lands of Abram
'kinsman and E. 0. Dunlap. on the foo) by lands 01
Frank Wluinga. and on the went by lands of M. C'. La
cey and M. De Inn, containing eels acrea. Mote or leen,
web the appurtenance.. two frame home, barn. corn
house, oh op. and other otit holding., an orchard, saw
Mill, /111 d about 041.4 nen.* laqmove.l. (ifelk.4l3 141 .'na
dun at the salt of N. I' corn wen, , C. Litiaiy.)
ALSO- All the entail, piece or parcel of land aliante
In the too a ship al Herrn k, In the County sat Suoque
hen na and sin leof Penosylvilita. bonniled and deacriti
ed so folloue. to wit : On the north by land of Mrf.
Dario, on the east by laud of L. Lyons, on the south
by tondo of the rotate of Waller Lyon, deed. sod on
the greet by public hlglin-ay lending from Clifford to
to the Newburgh turaplue,contiluitig 100 tree. of land
more or leas. atilt the apportemince:. ono house. two
orchard, sugar bush and mostly improved.—
[Taken lu execution 013 OVOID. writs and will be Fold
ma the property of Martin COursid,l
ALSO—AII that certain mete or parcel of hold altnate
In the township of Now Milford. in the County of Sus
quehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribod no follows, to wit : On the north by lands of A.
Gonna and J. N. Burlingame, on the east by lands of
('t m. T. Mosley, anther south by land of Edward Tyler
and on the nest by lands of F. Manley and .1. Darrow,
containing ISO acres, with the appurtenances one noose
4 horns, an orchard, ana shoat 125 acres Improved.—
tTaken In excretion at the atilt of Jacob Wi'aymati. no
M hard , Fnd 11. Millard , nn, Ougrna
ALSO —All that cnrtalti piece or hit of Land s hate
In the townablp of Oakland. lathe County of &Wom
bat na and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and dese.iiia,
ed as fulinws, to wit : On the north by lands of Thom ,
.Nougb and Thom as !Lane. un mho east by lands of
Thomas ('anevan and John Parson• on the youth by
lauds of J. Downs and J. Schinger & Co., and On the
west by land. of Joreph Stephono, comprising lot
!mown In the aubdivloton of the Wharton lands as No.
70 and parts of lots No. 72, and NO 73, end being the
name lands sold by J. tichlager Sr Co to George A.
Brush lay contract Clatod Dicember 13. 1 . 010. containing
about 167 serna,MOrif Or lose. with the appurtenanCea.
frame theeliMg bootee, 2 frame barns,ona steam yaw
mill, 3 mg Milli/Mgt. a young orchard, and about ;11)
acres I toproyea. I flatten In eieolltloll on sundry writs
ro. George A. !Inuit,'
Au that certain piece or parcel of land 0110-
ale In the township of /Lamm y, lirrhe Olney of boa
quehan as and State of Pennsylvania. bounded cod deo
eribial as follows, to wit; Beginning at n point In the
middle al the river road. thence along lands of Jac&
Taylor. south 72 deirroca and 15 minutes east II and
live-truths perches to a post, thence by the west side
of a ..21 feet street mirth 4 degree, went 5 and four-tenths
perchea (Oa post, theme tooth NI degrees east Mt Net
lon post, thence by hits of Widow Ryan. Moran,and
sold Taylor north 4 tier.n,ol west Id perches to a point
In the middle of Stamina rim i, thence by the Middle of
raid , tarrriccs fond, south CI degrees west 'I and tour
timthe perches. and by the middle Of said liver road
eolith In dears.. and 43 minute, west 10 and serer
inhibit perches lathe plots of pedalling, containing
one mad half Acres by estimation, be the same MOM
4.141.4•. with the applatellallole. one Damn house, out•
building. and all fmproved. (Token In execration at
the suit of Thomas ffilllloll. ea, Martin Costello.)
ALSO—AII that certain peke or parcel of land situate
to the township of Lefton. In the (,booty of Susque
hanna and State of Pennsylvania, boundedand desert],
and State of l'enstayisaula. bonodod and dot rifled as
fallow/ to wit On the north by hinds formerly of 1.
Augustso 13owetnnan, on the cast he centre of public
highway, on the south by lands of Ef isho Bull, and en
the welt by Simpson lot (so called,) Containing 7! acres
he the name more or less, with the abborteo.tiCoi. tint
Improved. (Taken In executinu at the soil of Peoll
need Whipple v•. W. M. Tingley.]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of land situate to
the township of Rush In the County of tonoinehanna
and State of Pennsylvania, boundedand described Cl
Inlls to all On the north by , land of Edward Phan
on the east by lands of Ellen and Jetties Donley. On the
south by lands of Jacob Brataano. sod on the west by
land of A. it Green, contairlog 57 acres, he the same
more Or less, with the apporteuartees, not itnpeofelL
!Takeo in execution at the colt of James Loon es. I
P Klp.orth
;ALSO—AIt that tertatn plat: or parent of land situate
In`the township of Oakland. In the County of Susque•
Innate nod State of Pettusylvania.bowided owl /errelb.
no folios., to Wit Un the north by the old :neat fiend
and Harmony rood. on the call by and of Nathan Shit,
net, no the mouth and went by other lands of W. St
Poet, lot containing u e-half acre or thereabout,
and 'Willy' 0 , the cane dhnensloue as the niljoititn,f tut
of the said Skinner. with the appoWenanc. a, one t wte
•thr (rains- demi/log Puttee, all Improved. [Take.. In
'•cation at the suit of Wan M. post, a..hilted to
Jame, .1. Drake yr. J. U. Root I
A tint certain niece or parcel of hind nil
dap,. the tots nalop of Ararat. in the County of
1100.1111. and State of Pennnyleanle. hounded end
to wit: On the north and north-
o, h. hooS, of Alfred Hine end J. J Pnrrtost•tt, ou
the Ion& it .1. 11 Smith noel l'ilser rioter. ou
1... n. ,td •ouiliwert by Ltd. of ..r - ru
r Putt, r nod
nod abbe wor t by Netu l'uttArr.
L. 11.11111, about 161 acre of bind, o re. ~ith
. . .
, .
the opperter...... m. Doe frame lose. barn. mu orchard.
nod a .ort Our Om to re. improved (Takeo inexam,'
ti Oil II i M. roll of Meettr Nstehlorro. mlminto , rator of
liar .•-lot.. t.l Job. Mo.]. y. d..e'd. . 1;4141-d 10 M.plret
Altnao ).V3ilCl
at rertaiu parctl laud Althoff
h. Iht orwit or Afsolncon. In Lite. ''uttirly of Sun:
haft', MI , : SIJIt . of Penii.yl,lllo honnited and dot
. r: t I. 11.,x • O It . 1.1,;th hi Lig' ata µnet In the
.lohn J•the.. Jr .and in“; acomer
.1.411. 111112,11 t ul BruNII Int a. thence
Nom!, sr rolunrr. tot 17 port Lr. too poet the northa aid
t 11 , r.r, hi taker'. land. thence rout!' W deg eye
itiol .to o, to. • oe•t 31 homily'. n root In ~rid Whit
ak• r thence north 6,llll.glee+ mint 14 perch
, . Irel. , • nor b i 1 tiogroyy tool 13 portihen, thence
to,rth caet 9 ',onto...OM:rice north degree.
anti oon-t 04 perches to tired mentioned car
t, silo, beghttong, (ontaluing 3 and Ono toothy
dr••1 ellowy o. for road, trill, ho °pliant,
Mini • .10. 1 0 01, lion, a tole trait troy.. and till Ito
per .d i., ceocution at the e nit of John 14-
,9 1,. Ain 0 Allame ;
11. I. Ail M 0.,. too pierce nt iand in - the
too I.ttoorr", in thy Contay nusquebanos
ami %tat, of PordlY leant, and known on lota No. 23
awl 1,.1,0 euryry Kirby tune Tract.—
Th, trot i' bounded on rho north by lands of IV.
Gun. Patrick Santry, arid denten shirldr, on the
.1401 to .1101, of .111110, Shh-Ido. nn tpc .01Ith by land.
1•• u ti tty
p !hilt r4l
lay Al.,
pie,. or
of Barry gaol !Jennie Cohington, and on Um
11, 1 'nngloh gold Peter Alien
,on htT
Jar Atte, lot the m.on lalige or lees.
lilt Ihv , ; . I,purteveneen. 01,0 one end a halt diary fume
vitt 10.• e. fr.,ote barn, nil tteehAtd. and obent 10,0
rt .1 A 1-.0. all the nouth half or lota No tr
, II ..141c1 horn. a %gyvey of raid Uvet. bounded Oil
. .
of Csirick lisrri.on the south by lands belong
/. it, OW iodate Jesup and Jeblcl Dayton,
deed and ~n the went by lot No. Ai, or lands of Perry
Pour,:••olaining about Mb acres. be the same more or
less. si ill. the appnrtenances, one frame barn. an or
char ~ no.' about :Al scree Improved. [Token
lion at the toll of T D. Itticabrisok es. John Shields)
ALSO— iit than certain piece or parcel of icon situate
to the los nship of Clifford. Susquehanna County and
State of Penni, !tenth, bounded and described as fol
lows: to sit . On the north by lands of Theodore Read
, nod if Lao cry. on the emit by Wilkesbarre larnplks
roat.. on the solo h try the Milford nod Owego turnpike
real. mid on the treat by the—Graham estate and
land. ..I .lames trnett, erntaining 130 acres of land. be
the dame tut., or leap, with the appurtenances one
frame hoe-, d totro- and sheds. an orchard, and mroaly
imp,.e,t ilso. lot situate In Dundatt, County. and
Ma, al , rercid. bounded on tattoo., to irit : On the
north loi lamb , Or A. J Edward'. create. on the east Ly
land: of A J . Edward'. manta and A. Itichard..on, nu
the rumb by the Milford and Owego turnpike, and on
the we'd by lands of Jasper Ritter. routatulng I arid a
half acres, mare or lea., with the a ppurtenaoces, ono
frame dwelling house, barn, come fruit trees, and all
Improved 'Taken In exacta'. at the cult of C. C.
Church as. laary M. Phlunev,admintstratrlx and widow
in It Pidtmey. deed, Itenry 8. Phinney, Madly S.
Phinttey, Charles M. Phitmey, and I erste It. Flannel,
minor children and heirs at large of said deceased. and
baring for their oxardiau Thomas Arnold.]
ALSo—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
it the townsit.p of Jeesap, in the County of Susque
banns and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed an follows, to wit : Beginning at a beech In the
south ilne of lot number Ii 2 of Dilater's Meshoppen
. .
tract, now of David Shay. the northwest corner o
lands of S DeWitt' theoco by the west line thereof ab
degrees went tel perches to a post nod stones to the
northeast corner of simnel Warner's land, and also
the northeast come• of lot No. be aforesaid, north 87 74
degrees west 03 ?perches to a poet and stones, thence by
lands of Frederick ?dozer not th Ni degrees west 153
perches to a post and stones In the south line el this
sell Verry's laud, thence by the line south frDe decrees
emit lie perches to the west line of said David Shay's
land to a post and stones, Sluice by said line south 24(
degrees went 24 perches to a post and atones sold David
Shay's southwest corner, and thence by the south line
of said Mold Shay's land south 07y degrees east 41
perches to the place of beginning, containing le sod a
half acres of land. he the some more or less• and being
the eastern half of lot No. A A of said Drinker's Ste
'happen tract. with the appurtenances. one frame house
frame ham, a small orchard. and about IN acre. toaprov•
ed,[Takeu to execution at the suit of Site. Perkins vs
ALSO—ell dint certain piece or parcel of land sits.
ate in the township of Note Milford, in the conuty of
Sustinebanna and State 01 Penevylvania. bounded and
described as follows. to wit : On the 'north by lands of
John Sheridan and Tolley, on the east by lands of S. F.
Lane, on the tooth by lands of Mortimer Mottit and
stephen TrUin ball: and on the west by piddle highway.
containing about s 3 acme of land, more or less, with
the appurtenants... 2 frame houses• barn, an orchard,
and about at acres Improved, beings the name land de
vined by last will and testament of John Austin to Loyd
Austin iTakeu In execution at the suit of Silas Per
kins vs. aye Alistlii,l
ALSO- - A it that certain piece or pare of land al .nate
in the toww.hip of Lenox, Susquehanna County, P
botiodect and described as wit : Ou the north
by lauds occupied hr Samuel Truesdell, on the east be
lands of Manes t'. Ducker and Peter Lott, on the !south
by Lando of Marvin Baker and Johnson Cook, and on
the west wry lands of Chapman Harding and Jame.
Clarkson. containing about WO acres, more or less,
with the apportenancen, one frame hem., bars, and
other out house•, s yuctog orchard. and shout 60 acres
improved. tieing the ratite pie, or parcel of land con.
trusted to Frederick Wilson he D C. Roberts. [Tab. n
in execution et the ao tof Joel Denney vs. Frederick
ALSO—AII those two pieces or parcels of land situ
ate. it-lug, and Ming in the township of Rosh, in the
county of Sto.piemanna an Stare of Pennsylvania, the
ant piece bounded and described no follows. to wit :
sit that certain warrant tee tract of laud weimasted to
James C Biddle the 10th day of June, ISAI, and survey
• ti and returned by Adolphus Olmsted, deputy surveyor
as by reference to said relivn of survey, will mole to I
iv appear, cent/Sluing 111liter...sand allowance, While.,
dole CooVoyed to C. L. A'ard by James C. Biddle afore
said, and by L Ward conveyed to Edward McNulty
Ire De. d I...rine the date April oth 1550. which Deed is
dale recorded in the office for recording Deeds. stn.. in
nod for said County. In Deed Boolego. 21. page 727.
Th.• second piece beginning et a poet, thence by land et
Edward McNulty. • formerly James C Biddle.) north
und a half degrees east 6S percheo to a post, thence by
lands of Michael McGovern south/ a and a half degree
oust SS perches to a post and scones, throes• by land of
William Boyd with Saud • had :Agrees west be perch.
to a port and stones. non thence north b 7 and a half
degree. west be perches to the place of beginning. con
taining 11l and eight.tesitho serer and alio‘ranCes,rm the
some Mare or less, with the apportenenees, one
house, Dame barn, an orchard, and shoot 70 acres , Dn.
proved. [Takeo in execution at the snit of Ealw,rd
McNulty vs Michael Cranston ' • sod J. F. Shoemaker,
use of F. It. Coon so, Michael Crontton.)
A 1-00—A II that certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the toweetttp of Dimock, in the County of Snoctac•
henna and State of Penenylvaula, bounded and des
melted as follows., to wit: On the south by lands of
J. D. Wallace. on the west by lands at talon Blakeslee,
William Mlles, and Abram Delicate., on the north by
lan is of John Woodhouse and Crinsm tmand on
the east by lands of Thomas Williams nod Jon. Drink
er, containing IRS acres, more or less, with the appur
tenances, one frame dwelling bonne, barn, and '
and other outhuildlogvAn orehard.and about 150 acres
Improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Stine Per.
kla s, assigned to N. C. Warner, vs. Mathew Shay]
ALSO—AII that certain mece or parcel of laud nanny,
le the borough of New Milford, In the Comity of Sue
quehanua and State of Peunsylvenia, bounded and de
scritiod as follows. to wit : Beginning at a point to the
middle of the road leading from New Milford to Sung 's.
Demo, thence by line of lot snneyed to Davie Well
man south 435( degrees east 27 5111 perelleS to stone
wrap, thence hr line of lot surveyed to Itolittwou &
Ward north 40X degrees east 52 1-10 perehea to Doe iter
veyed to Adonljah Bendy, thence on Doe of sold Dandy
north 4.15 s degrees west 511 5-10 perches to the middle of
the mad afurenald, thence the middle of said road
south tilil degrees west 0 perches,thence Ninth Sllt de
coct west 46 perches. thence south 4145, degrees west
3.111 perches to place of beginning, contaluiug 21r acres
and Ile perches, of land. more antes*, with the appurte
nances frame bonne, frame harm young orcharMarul
mostly improved [Taken in execution at the salt of
.1. Dicker:nen A Co, vs. ft. M.
ALSO—AiI that Certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the borouf Supeebanna Depot, in the County of Sun
gnehaline and State of Pennsylvania, hounded sod des
cribed as fonder*, to wit: On the north by Erie Rail
way. on the (met by laud of John Pike, on the were by
Main street, and on the south by land of Eli Hoffman,
containing 11100 feet of land, be the same more or tees,
with the apportenane s one two-story budding with
basement, used as a carriage shop, all Improved.. [T.
ken In execution at the • suit of Mrs. James Van. as
trend vs. Hobert VanNosirand end J. N. Seddon. Pert.
ores as Vaugostroad A Seddon 3
ALSO—AIt that certain piece or parcel of land situate
In the township of Ararat, Sosmichanna • minty. and
ittate.of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fob
tow., to wit the north by .ands of Wm. Bowen and
lands now or late of Wm. Wilson, on the ort•t by lands
of Nelson Poster, Ensile Ogden, and 11. IL Wheeler,
and on the tooth and west by lands of Mons, Mamie,
& Co., containing shunt ISt acres, more or lea., with
the ePPerientuicen. (Mule better, 9 frame bane. and nth.
er out bulidiner, 9 orchards. and about 70 acres Immo,
ed. [Taken in executioo cue three sundry writs vs. Pe
ter Dunn
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel ut land nit.
crate in the township of Auburn, in the Comity al
linequeheena and State of Pennsylvania. bounded to
follow,. to wit: On the north by lauds of John Bishop.
and Michael Devine, on the east by lauds or Michael
Devise and Mlles Lacey, on the mouth by land* of
Thomas Case, and on the went by lands of Joseph Mar.
baker, COlitelning shoot 77 acme of land, be the more or
less, with the appurtenances,. 1 barn, an orchard. sod
about kV acres improved (Excepting and rettervinys
lot deeded to Bishop & Price, Rein rods.) Moo, all that
other certain messuage, piece or parcel of hod, bound.
ed. and described as follows: To cover the land that the
water would dew to raise It ehr feet from the button; of
the game, bulk head or race, at the point Where said
dome, bulk head, or race crosses the line between dm
lands of Wm. Price and Thomas WAlnglics ; also the
portion of the race on said Wm. Price* lend: also the
privilege of passlug or tight of way from the eouth mid
of the dam or pond to the tine between said Price and
Ile• lame , with the appurtchtmces. [Taken In execution,
at the suit of 0. E. Picket. asslgutaleo T. E. Drown se:
T. W. Blights told George W. Woodruff, vs. T. W
Take Notlce.—All bids nowt Itarratigect on the day of
• .
M. B. 11EINLE,Sherili.
Sherif, Once, Monism,. Jai, 18th, 1871.
Have opened, al the old louatton ef M. ti 'Winton, lu
the Brick Bloch Montrope, and we *hall he pleased to
Pee all nt en, old hien& and the many new •• we
hope to ;fain. cott •lock will cot:B.W d
Ire, Nails ad Hardware
In lard., tionottltle. end ttarlety. slot,. Ware. Woo°
Wet, Hotoe FRI tooode and two...rte. N r
*hall One part ruler attention to the to . .tratty Tr W.
and keel.; a PIN aatatrttnent of Tet, Sti,:to . . Coffee*,
Groceries & Provisions,
in (oh voriety. oalt and Flour. W. .hall keep cuo
plantly on hand dile brat dr of flour at coach lr.. than
aid pricer. owl warrant It In pica• , tetod• delivered
prontptly to our town cortotiter.
TERMS.— liar tnrooi will ht• itteletly
MI itclp-W•rvy,
trorb or itrollticr I Thio It will be well to renirml
or OA+ will lie the ot.rret to nitr low pricer. N tie
art• confident that by calling and rzliniritnit oar trtiocis
and pricer t our noband that it sill he for y•tor Inter.
not to try our nowt. , and trrinet.
(harm-. - - -
Montt - 0.0. Mar. tf
The Doubt Dispelled
ziziErvcr 4ovic> cox:, is
Win Harden. New Pn . i. now offering.
entire ut tif
rarvtully +ctcctcS toy 9.prinw and ~ .i.curaer Trade,
the largent and beet variety la Northern Penorlltmlon.
raatie do Cups,
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Yankee No-
Lions, etc., etc
Every article tVarraot.i ae Iteprracured. No Vartattoo
In Pricer.
1111,1,1N1S STI:(11 1)
11Qoaitroso. Pa.
Caplntl Reprepwasted, 6100,000,000 s
Rom,. In, Co.. N. Y 13.1 tOol r•nrpitle. 14.0011.000
Llarlford VIM splln lAn d rplo• 4,000,000
1.1,rp001. I,on , ton •• rA1.000,1.10(1
1nA.C.....0f No, 11l %Inoricti • • 0,254.1.000
Peon. Yin, I. ( o
National, Phil's
Ins. Cu.. .Stale of l'eun'a
Lrcomlug Fl rr
garraott,cii. P ovulvue.t. IL I
Alvmmants, of Cie
Lanca•ter Fist. In.. C 4,,
Flee AaAootatlon or Phila. .2.000,0L0
home Ina. Co I 'oluinhae, 0.. •• `OO,OllO
Lehigh Valley File. Allentown. 530.000
Cit 'erne' Fire I. Newark, N.L••
boath Side .110 CI. 1%1.0110
Alemaianie 01 Piltebaeg. 100.000
The underelotect I. SPECIAL AGENT for the follow
lug compaillea for Northern I•onngh ;win
Fire A”oelation of Philadelphia.
National Fire Ineurature Company or Philadelphia.
The lueureuee• I. id the State of Penneyhanla.of
Ma I E . 3111
C0nn.:0.1,1 Life Inc Cu.. AAP,I.I
American Lit, Plill'a.
Traveler , . inLen ,Ilartfort“ aplta land,ooo
Mill way Plosengen ,
'The underelinion bro. poen well known in t hi, enonty.rot
the past 17,eenr,a, min I n•nrsnee Agent. Loween
by bl. Vonamin lee nave .Iwelye been promptly paid.
Eft — Unlce areLduor ra•t from Banking Unlce 01 W
H. Cooper & Co..Turnpfke et. Montrose.Pii.
DLLAIIL Solicitor.
Moturose. Dec. 3.1 .
Sewing Machine I
Sews from but Ono Spool of Thread
• It ban bat .Ix narking part., In nu .tel ere. sad see*
mare rapidly than any ?turbine In the bterket.
dux a Are nifty Sleaiyht Needle
It Combine. Durutilliti ts ISeatuty and Nlmpllol:J•Aa•1
.A.nowitas "MT natfocl.
Dec. 24, Dr, - 3 Binghamton, N. Y
J. 9. O•ltM6v. I 0. 8. Mum.. I ll a. BLANIIIOI.II
iftaliatt & Aturricatt par!) lc
Marble and Slate Mantles,
Chenam go St., Ntur Dipot,
$.95 K 10. 1 ,00