The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 08, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
Religion% Service%
The ierrices in the seteral Churches of Mont
nrs , ns follow
- -
IST CUM:CH REV. J. E. Cossonitta 0.0. Pastor
moo .... . _lO6 n. to. and I P. at.
let and 2rd Senday In each Mouth
Immediately before Mara
• _
101 Services
Sch 'Ol ..
Rev. (lm. li. Kirkland.
10), a. m. and 75( p. m.
.2)a p. m.
,•.Hain Service,
. nemay,
S.'Or" — " a
... W. L. Tamara.
111.0 m. nad 7.3 q. m.
7.30 p. m.
5x1.1.,h Service*
5At.'...11 S pool
l'r.o.•r Meeting, Thurrdnys,
Rev. J. G
Mr , a. m. and 74 p, m.
12.18 p. m.
736 p. m.
; math Ser, .
i• • .0 .or Meeting : Tltorvd. Evening',
Winter Arrangement of ?Utak
T.l.hnnnock, tnetity,l
VIA SI - suns:
11 ',rose Depot, (Daily.) . .600 p m OM aal
(Dally,) ....... . .1000 am 130 p m
. , . 945 am 200 p m
ei weekly,) . . . doop m Sikla to
kl.e Station, (Irl weeth 7 m 700 a.
R.F.zhanSon•ria S. lAke, meekly).. 000 p ru 700 p m
e-boppen.q ri weekly,). . 1000 a m 400 p m
The New York. (Nn Montrose Depot,) Now Milford,
7'nnkhal.l ak. and Wynn:sing are dally.
The reek hn Station mail runs Tuesday', Thursday-a.
awl Saturday,
rive Itinehstnton mall, (rio Silver Lake,) run. Tues.
Thartday, and Saturday*.
FrivnthlVlllC mail runs Tuesday-a, ThunuiStys. and Sat
‘livhoppen mall rune Mondays. Wed...lays, and
A tt,,,,e leaven daily for Montrose Depot at t m_. and
rclunlo al p
A stage lent en daily for Now Milford at 730 a. m.
.41 reliant , at 3 30p. m.
New Advertisements.
Administrators Notice—est. of Alb,.. rt 311:,
It.port of liarlortl School District.
As..ifmee's --ale—A J. Gcrritson Assignee.
rooting--Wm. Hatighwont.
Ni it Music Book—Oliver Ditson d: Co.
N Fnir.
ltr Wismes Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Sint .v herry Festival.
Anodyne Liniment.
NI, e i,rc Ma t eh—Susi. A gricult tau I Society
Notes About Town.
out 11,r the comet. Thereby bangs 11 tail
II 1- an - affecting sight" to see barrels in tiers
n milt of vitals 01 business.
Ladies Temperance Prayer Meeting at the
r....i.lenee of Dr. Blackman, on Thursday at f,l
fire k a soap advertisea that k sahl to wipe
•!n man's debts. There must he sonic -lye'
by family Physicians are carefully rioting the
rr,mising state of the green apple crop. It has
, n alarmingly healthy of late.
At the lam session of the United State Court
Li :it Williamsport, W. W. Watson Esq, was
!mined to practice in said Court.
Thu Sabbath School Festival at the Baptist
Larch, last week, was very successful. The
receipts are announced as "more than $100."
When your pocket-book gets empty and ev
ery body knows it, you can put all your friends
is it and it won't "bulge out" worth a cent,
We are under obligation to Governor J. F.
Ilartranft, for an early ooprofthe General laws
passed by the last Legislature, and also those
receiving his veto.
-7The re-organization of our new eongression•
Senatorial, and Representative districts. is
Kolas; to make politicians a vast amount or
trouble. The old machinery is not adapted to
new districts.
Next Sabbath evening..Tnly 13th, 1574, the
fourth monthly I:nion Temperance Meeting
will be held in the Baptist church. G. B. Eldred
will preside. Addreses will be delivered
i.y W 11—Jessup, Esq., Rev, W. L. Thorpe.
lbsi . .1. G. Miler, and Rev. J. E. c4esshire.
Receipts fur the preservation of furs abound
ull papers, but the old plan promulgated by
i' , lnch long ago is the best. This is to pull out
511 of the hairs with tweezers and varnish the
skin. In the spring remove the varnish and
carefully stick all tbehairs in their old places.
Mr. E. W. Smith esq. brought to our office
what appears to be the genuine potato beetle,
n mtnutely dtzeribed heretofore. They were
taken from potato Tines in his garden on Plank
Street, Others, near by, have noticed the
on their vines. It is said that "misfortune
rtvcr comes single handed." The laboring
.:ad agricultural masses of this county
have Veen cursed with the blight of the
- curb-tone brokers" for a long time, and now
1..11ov:s the potato bug.
Mr Hugh McCollum and 51.5. Dessaner,com
,.lvted a porellasii of G. V. Bentley a strip of land
Loul Will add about itteen feet to the width
~ 1 uid Ridge street at its junction with, Depot
•:reet. They pay Mr. Bentley $1.50 for the land
h is a demonstration, on their part, of
public enterprise and improvement rarely met
,th in this borough. It will he among the
first 01 our street improvements. It may be
vtid that they arc benefitted by it. So Is every
ne else in that vicinity, and even within the
I...ningli limits, and none more so than Mr.
l'.enlley, who made an extra sale of his land in
addition, We wish we Mel more like them
and less of the opposite class in our borough.
I own Council were obliged, in only; to
aloe Mr. Bentley to take a ;god price lot his
to agree to put down a stone
a:, out to the enterprise of Messrs. 3lce • ym
s:, Des..,auer.
The first Case of the kind that has occurrer 4
mace our re,ident..* in Montrose, took place on
.....inelday morning lest W. It coals anti
r Morn, who were under the influence of
and u hp had been about town all night,
:.:,r•at 2 o'clock in the morning. commenced
ot:nit.g B. C. Sayrts Hardware Store, on the
last floor, and also the second floor, rented and
Harty' partly occupied by the. DEMOCRAT
a. The bombardment was kept up till near-
I o'clock in the morning leaving but - few
i..mes of glass unbroken. The law ofllee of
and Blakeslee also suffered some by way
t•roLen glass. They were arrested by the
: COIIALUbIe and taken before Eiquire
c. ry. un. er toe borough ordinance, and fined
./ich and costs amounting to $l4. They
a afterwards arrested on the charge of ma
o iotte. inischiel and held to hail In the sum of
each to appear at the next Lunn of
quarter ~'easions.
W v took our first view of the comet on Friday
List, and when clear we have OW:,
it every night since. It can be discerned with
satisfaction by the Muth:tat eye; but
to rough good optra glaf - aies it is more easily de
twd phenomenon presents itself between
1, toe and ten o'cvoch in the northern heavens.
svt-st of north, nt an angle of less than
t) 6,‘• deeretli from the horlzen. The nuacal
'. , ward the vvc*t, the tail sweeping niv-
C ;ad, curving. 46 the pomct will Pat attack
its greatest brilliancy until August :id its great
est beauty Is yet to be seen, niul seen either
without telescopes or with them, should
the weather continue favorable. It is
estimated that it will by that time have
attained a brilliancy equal to about thirty times
Its present luminous appearance. It has been
stated that about July fr-d the tall of the
comet would encounter the earth, but with no
other result than electric or amoral displays.
It Is now stated by the setae authority the earth
will just escape that visitation
, We have just learned who the officers of the
Soiper's Monuthent Association are, and will
pufilish their names for the benefit of all con
cerned. lion. W. J. Terrell is President, Al
plump Smith. Secretary, and Wm. 11. Cooper,
Treasurer. We have been calling for a meet
ing to take some action In this matter for some
time, and the soldiers at their last Decoration,
spoke pretty plainly In their resolutions as to
what they tttire. The reason the President
omits to call such a meeting can only be ac
counted for by us, on the ground, that the few
soldiers who there met, and the editor of the
DEMMIIAT, are the only ones who desire such
action. Now to put him outside the pale of any
farther excuse, let every subscriber who is op
posed to such a meeting forward us his name,
and we will pnblish all such, if it require the
whole of our paper to contain them. should
the resuslt be, as we think it will, that there is
not a member, except it bet the officers them
selves, who is not anxious for such action, Is
there not a way for the subscribers to bring it
about? Or. do the officers claim emirs Penn
sylvania corporation tyrann? of "vested
rights ?" When there questions are answered
or unheeded, we have (abets we.can risk.
ryires. Departs.
Too pm 11:npm
Our Firemen, and a number of other citizens
on the "Fourth" joined with our Tunkham
flock friends, no invited guests, where they
claim to have had an extremely pleasant time.
The Manner of their retteption, the kind and
generous hospitalities they received,and the re
markahly orderly, and pleasant manner in
which the day was celebrated is a theme of
universal comment. The Montrose Cornet
Band was one of the attractions of the day, as
was also the Towanda, Tunkhannock, and
Hyde Park Bands, all of which bore well their
part. It can be considered a proud day tot Tunk•
hannock. "The day we celebrate" in Montrose,
was a pleasant one to us notwithstanding prior
obligations barred out the pleasures and hospi
tilities tendered us by our Tunkhannock friends
As the little feet of those whose guest we were
pattered upon our front step in high glee at the
taunt' of tutpedo and tire-crackers, and as the
sparkling eye, flushed countenance and gleeful
tones gave evidence of childish joy, we felt
that in fact, under the blessing of a kind Prov
idence, we were doing our measure of duty to
fill the places ol the men of" '7O " and we hope,
by those, who, in coining time will do and dare
for the right. The ()Meta exercises was fire
crackers and torpedoes in the morning, torpe
does and fire-crackers at noon, and both at cv
ening. The orations were often and "Soul
stirring." A procession was formed during the
day which marched through town, where dugs
kittens and doves were the greatest sourer of
attraction, there being no marshal music nor
even a national emblem floating. from our. pub.
lie buildings, or other recognition of the Aniver.
retry of our Nation's birth, to attract their alien
tion. With these and many other "joys unspeak
able the day closed.
"Lives there a man with soul so dead,"
that would not enjoy such a "Fourth."
't be undersigned, desires in this public man
ner, to tender his thanks to those nho manifes
ted their friendship by so large an attendance,
and liberal patronage, at the festival, given at
his house, on our recent National Anniversary.
New .Milford,Jnly 8, '74 P. Pram,:ET.
Remedy for Potato Bugs
In Chester connty,two farmers aver that they
have destroyed the potato beetle, which has
appeared in large numbers in that county, by
ousting them plentifully with air slacked mar.
ble lime. Should this turn out to be really a
remedy it will be an easy and a safe one, and
show that this limo is good fbrotnething.
To Administrators
The tollowing act will be of service to those
who may be calltal upon to act in the capacity
to which it directly refers :
SECTION I. Be it enacted, ete , That all per
sons applying for letters testamentary, or let.
ters of administration, shall, before the issue of
said letters, file with the register of wills an
affidavit setting forth as nearly as can be ascer
tained the day and hour of decedent's death, to
which said letters relate.
:inc. 2. All ngisters of wills are hereby re
quired to file said affidavits, and also to record
said date of death with the other records of
decedent's estate respectively.
Citizens should he upon their guard for a con
fidence man calling himself D'Alberti, who is
going the rounds with a subscription paper
purporting to issue from the University of
Pennsylvithla and having fur Its purpose the
develop:went of fish culture in the Schuylkill,
Susquehanna and other Pennsylvania streams.
A number of persons have already been victim
trutL The paper pretends to be Issued by Dr.
Harrison Allen. of the naiversity.and is gotten
up so Ingeniously as to be well calculated to
deceive. Although detected in-one quarter this
speculator:may attempt the same trick in other
Fire in Bridgewater.
On the night of July Fourth, four barns be
longing to Wm. Ilaugbwout on the farm known
as the Lathrop farm abuot two miles from this
borotigii, was • tiitally destroyed - by fire. The
fire first caught in one of them, communicating
to the ?there in near proximity,with great rapid
teas with some difficulty that the house
nd a kuriaining barn (a wagon barn) was raved.
Mr. ft. Lae flbetit $l,OO 11191.1pDpe (414 1440, but
It will not cover 'the lass. lie is insured In
Billing Stroud's ageucv of this borough. " The
fire endured about 0 o'clock in the evening.
Mow It caught is uncertain, but is supposed to
have been ignited by fire-crackers.
The Stequehanzus Lumber Trade
The Rattsman's Journal says that compara
tively little ready cash was realized from the
sale of timber run to market the past spring.—
This :is owing, in part, to the existing financial
stringency. and partly to the that, that the sup
ply vias 'th'euici than the demand—a result
which we feared and tried frixmently to impress
upon our readers during last fall and winter.—
And now, as the time is last approaching when
timber making will again be resumed, we refer
to this subject for the purpose of cautioning all
against a like recurrence the coming season.—
That ihere should he very little thither MOP
ful.trtUn next spring will be apparent to all
when We state that there are'stilf at least four
handrail rafts lying At Luck :Eleven and other
points below, unsold, with no prospect of real
izing this fall-even 'the 'net costs of running
them. In 41c1 we have it from reliable author
ity, based upon cardul estimates, thattherela
now enough timber in the market to supply the
demand this year and about two-thirds of next
Aocitiont in Brooklyn.
On the Fourth of July an accident occurred
In Brooklyn, which resulted in the death of
a young man by the name of Fairchild.
number of persons were shooting at a t,argxs
on that day and as A young Man' by the nettle
of George Ely was firing. young Falichild
tempted to Cross between him and the mark,
covering the muzzle of the gun Just in tlme - to.
receive the fatal shot. The accident happened
about 11 o'cloak a. in. Young Fairchild lived
about six hours. lie made a statement before
ho died, exonerailug 2ilr. Ely , from any blame
and claiming to have lost his life by his own
carelessness. le was about eighteen years of
age, and we are informed was the son of Fleury .
Fairchild. A sad ending to a day of jubilee, la
that community.
Erie Railway.
The stockholders of the A. dr G. W. R. R.
have ratified the agreement cotered into_ With
the Erie Railway -Company, May 6th. The
indenture hinds the Atlantic and Great Wmt
em Railway Company to the Erie for ninety
nine years. From the first of May the proper
ty of the Atlantic and Great Western Company
is sold to the Erie Company, the actual value
of the same to be credited to the Atlantic and
Great Western on account of bills for labor,
material., &c., to be paid by the Erie Company.
Under this agreement the amounts to be paid
by the Erie Company are., for supplies to the
31st of March, $310,727 ; due on March rolls,
$109,335 ; due on April pay rolls, $192,543 ;
due on April supplim,sllo,ooo; due for person
al injuries in suits, $64,401. Total $BOO,OOO.
Accident at Montrose Depot.
When the gravel train on the D. L. ‘k.. W. R.
R. was passing -Montrose Depot on Friday
morning, July third, at a good rate of speed,
one of the loaded ears dumped, upon which
was one of the workmen by the name of John
Malone, throwing him upon the track, severely
bruising-and lacerating the hock of nis bead
and face, and Injuring him seriously otherwise.
He was taken np insensible and removed to the
freight room at the depot where his wounds
were washed. When the eight o,clock train
arrived from the west he was taken on hoard
and conveyed to Ilophottom, where he was
boarding. What the result of his injuries has
berm we have not learned, but he Wes still insen
sible on Friday evening and but little hope en
tertaiued a his recovery.
Strawberry Shortcake
As strawberries are now in season, a recipe
to make a palatable dish, known as sunwhtrry
shortcake will not come amiss. .Itub a piece of
butter about the size of an egg into a little flour
pour in two cups of sour cream, one teaspoon
full of soda and a little salt. Mix into dough
and roll into cakes about one-half inch thick
and ton in diameter. Prick with a lurk and
halm in a quick oven. When doue split them
open with a knife and spread with nice butter,
lay the bottom piece on n plate and cover It with
strawberries nearly an Inch deep. It is better
to have the strawberries sprinkled with sugar
a few hours before they are put into the cake.
Put this over the top of the cake, with the
crust down, and a layer of strawberries again ;
over this lay the bottom piece of snottier cake
and more berries, and put on the top piece right
side up. Serve with cream.
Post Offite Rulings
The following rulings of the Post °filen De
partment in reference to postal curds, are of
intertst to the public at large;
"When a . postal card 11218 anything attached
to it. it becomes unmailable. Such cards aro
for the specific purpose of sending communica
tion either written or printed, or both printed
and in pencil or ink. The blank Aide of the
cant only must be used. IL fora is for the ad
dress oily.
"Postal cards upon which are written any
obscene, vulgar, indecent, or profane language,
or any scurrilous or opprobrious epithets, are
'•When such cards are discovered, either at
the office of mailing or delivery, they must he
-The pasting of anything inhateter on a portal
card renders it unavailable as /rural card s and
subject to letter postage, and If not prepaid
one full rate ( 4 cents) it should not be forward
ed ; but if inadvertance. it reaches its disti
llation, it should be ruled wi' double letter
rates, to be collected on delivery."
There are tyw prettier household pets than
gold (kb, and perhaps none are so constantly
lost throegh the want of knowledge bow to
care for them. Seth Green, the great propaga•
for of fish, gives the following directions for
the care of gold fish : Use any well, creek, or
mineral water that is not impregnated with
mineral. Change the water when the fish
come to the top and stay there and breathe
part water and part air. Take out nearly all
the water, leaving enough for the fish to swim
in and till the vessel with fresh water. Never
take the fish In your hand. If the aquarium
needs cleaning make a net of mosquito netting
and take the fish out in it. There are many
gold fish killed by handling. Reel. your aqua
rium clean so that the water looks as clear as
crystal, Watch the fish a little and you will
find out when they are all right, Feed them all
they Will eat and anything they will cat t meat
worms, fish water or fish spawn. Take great
care that you take all out of the aquarium that
they do not eat. Any decayed m e at or vegeta
In Water has t.te same smell to fish as it has
to you in the air. If your gold dab die it is at
tributable, as a rule, to one of three causes—
handling, starvation or bad water.
Obituary—Han.Calvt.h Lest.
This gentleman, one of the early settlers of
the north western part ot Susquehatina county,
where tor. more than half a century he held a
high position as a phjsician, enjoying a large
anti lucrative pract;ce, died .at his residence in
the horoUgliof Mendocino, Jan. 1, 1674,
Dectasotil was the 60/1 of Capt. Loot, a sol•
diet - of the Revolution, and was born at Balston
Springs, Saratoga county, N. Y. April 3d, 171i2.
lie with his Wife, (who still survives him) set
tled on the Choconut creek, in September,lBl7 t
from which "place they moved to Friendsville,
in the year IEQO, and into the house where bo
died Be was elected a member of the Legis
lature, from this county at the election of 1841,•
and served one session at the close of which be
announced that he would not starer his -came
to be used for a re-eleation, assigning as a rea
son for that deciolop, that ;ha long separation
from his professional duties, worked injustice
to his friends and neighbors. In February 1843,
he received the appointment of, and was com
missioned by Gov. David RPorter,au associate
JudgeoT Susquehanna county, which office he
held during one term At an interview had
with the deceased, by this writer, some two or
three weeks previous to las death, he remarked
that he bad out lived his usefulness and reit him
self ready and willing to depart this lite and
enter on the future, but * was willing to remain ,
until God called him away, wishing Unit the
till e might be soon and suddenly. • r f
Ile folly obtained his deairo`ta speedy and
sudden deafh, Cm the morning of 410.1,1874,
he arose how his bed, and while in the act of
dressing hirottelr, fell hack across the bed dead
Success rewarded his indefatigable exertions
in Its practice of ntedicine, and Ids Wish that
he might nu t remain lung tt burden of care to
his friends anti estittitible;:lltid!lot'ing wife, MB
been gratified.
Don't db it.
Don't expect a man to practice all he preach
.es. Eininer4 phypiniartsw ill not swallow their
Own tmatrtunti:' .•_
Don't imagine that you are better than your
fellows. There are no reserved seats iv
yen. 'l4
Don't let your wealth innate
sometimes die of small-pox.
Don't spend your 1:1,,ys in vain regrets. The
deepest wound will leave but the faintest scar,
if Iron this hour you do your life work well.
Doer e;pe , i . your tutor to be, ',erica.
Charcoal will rouroho!beuuty,pfAwitidy.
csit.fitith fist' loi,braiu'fifrod. A hen
never scratches fur her chickens before they are
Don't make a great noise in the world. A
train is not moved by the sound of the whistle.
Don't spend t9ouiluch (lute adoring your per
son. A wax' tigire canliot recite themultlplica,
Lion table.
Don't dream, that your children were born to
adorn a profsion. ' 'nu can't make a fenco
post out of a .thoe peg,
Don't expect an editor to be very devotional
on Sunday. Every Saturday night there's the
"devil" to pay at the Office.
Don't bother your brains about the "acute
angles" of a billiard table. Better take your cue
from ati industrious machine,
Don't 611 your heads with dime novels. Old
paper IA wortALLfrbeetiis per itnii:44,7Y,t4pot
Plucking Roses
The rose busbes,.'both hybris perpetual or
remontant and monthly, are now in full bloom,
and a leis words in reptpl, to. the gatherkug, 04
the "queen of flowers" may not mind' Militia,'
Many persons pick rosesotT at the nearest leaf
jsint, as if afraid to injure the plant by taking
away auy of the foliage. This alwuld be done,
doubtless, with the cluster of the Noisette roses
as few would care to pi4 4 oir shall unopened
buds, but with plants bearing Vut a sf4l6thfie
er at the extremity of kluge stem it is a mis
Hoses should be cut and not pulled off, a
sharp knife being the best instrument, though
scissors are frequently more convenient.
possible the floweis should besitzotT attEmikaa,
if not belore, they become full blown, that the
strength Of the plant is not wasted in inform' ;
in k ; seed vessels. In cutting a rose, if the shoot
be a 3 sung one, the Oaf at the root of the leaf
stem shogld be prarained and the flower taken
off lust above a strong, healthy bud, removing
two, three or more orthe eyes and leaf joints.
This throws thelap.nd yirorpt i the Oar!, Iv..
to shoots, which will grow rabidly, arid produ
new wooddind flowers at an- early date. The
more old wyoti,thaf,,,,cau.liot,?l, 6 ftwatrtite bet- 1
ter,as the [rower tufts aTiv Vpefir mine new
shoots. These rnlm are more important of
course, in the *case of monthly roses, as they ;
bloom all summer, and need much clipping to
keep the flowers large and numerous. In the
.case of tempotantp, llu irFe osti,of kitlfe will
fair fall bloom very' probable, and it tic
possible that a few ri.tsy„% univ,tdporn during the
summer„ Stir up the 7 eatth. around +14"09.4,
manure freely,and. cut recklessly, anclf,ho one
need complain of poor reir;eci. •
It pays to advertise, and also to, treat our let
low men kindly, us the I'ol'lw:ring incidela
among lie thousands which are constantly oc
curring in every newspaper office demonstrates :
A rew clays since an inteingert looking young
man called at the office ot the Washington
Chromic anct stated that he had been comiorta
bly well oil, when misfortune overtook him,
eat rying away everything, leaving him without
a eent in the world ; that he was totally dealt
tute, hungry, and without a place to lay his
head at night, unless provided tot by charity ;
that he had relatives who were well off, end
someinfluential friends, inn
,Ibat he would rm.
(her starve than let them know of his real con
"Well," said the party arldressed,''what is tho
object of this narrative What do you wish ?"
"Nothing," said he, "but to advertise for em
ployment at any honest calling. lam a good
'hook keeper, a fair business man, but am wil
ling to work at any thing that's honest. I have
not, however, one penny to pay for the inser
tion of an advertisement, and called to melt the
gentleman of the Chrwaele Company would
publish It and take the pay out of my first earn
lle ;was answere4 , allirmaii se. Be
wrote out his notice ; It was inserted, and yes.
terdav a card was received from him, saying . :
"I have secured a situation. I thank you for
inserting the 'ad' for me, and will pay for it
from my first receipts on salary. Please dis
continue theta'. .17eri.respEcttlilly and grue l --
fully yours."
It pays to advertise. If you want employ
ment. advertise.; lity4 want herp mAvOtir ;i
yon want to hell' anything , ..adiestasel yam
want to purchaie anything, adveitise,— Wash.
ihritun Chronicle,
0. D. Boman Drowned
During the storm •
Yeterday afternoon, [June.
2 ?....e]an accident occurred on the Susquehanna
river near the - Water Works building, whiclrre•
suited in the death of Mr. 'O. D. Bet an,ale'?
known and highly i••eSpeetcd resident of •fti ,
city, it appears that, Mr.BerPan,hiS ton l ' an li
aged about 18, and 34, 4. D. ~F'reenr4 , ha 4 •
been sailiftgon thqihrer in the' yacht c i A r t i n
and disetiverini the heavy cbudi I' 'tlie west
they . aiLle.i . ktiiisinv ) tuemy . ,..o.ra ft around
and at the . same time lowc• Up. 4,511, aed make .
for the 'ilMri..- Some °bale prevented the
lowering of the sail inllractniavold 'the sfinti,
and a violent &are& wird ! truck the boat skit- •
wise and capsized it. ' pr the oftwii rolapte,s
the party,entletridrat . l t‘hi4J ; the', •04,:iikiftba,
but at-lait, ilailir p it linnualtlie l thetabundo4-,
ed the boat andlitt4mpted?' 'ranch - iltU Shbig,
Mr. 0. 1). Minna; and .:'• ..
Freeman • awiliti ,
away* for .the 'Afore . gist, .*abls' N110144;66
being the laSt to leave th6oas.. _Vile .waves
rolled heavily n 4414444 4 go oyqr, the
beads of all. ktank.:and , Ir.'
i ntrugi
Bled nu, rigaiiiinz brea!th 'Diet; pia% iglaire, . Fi •
nally, with great'nerici.:.: l 4 o , l .7: 9 ;Oehed
one of .On log rafts near ill shorn,. and ' , were
saved. Mr. Boman Wes tinOttttniate. Spec
tators say that he aeetned.t+e draWp.doWtt..b.T
two huge'wares coining in ionhict with 'pistil
other about eight or ten Cet from the raft,
which hewsa tryiilg3Oleitli,t and" he wits not
seen again alive. The acvalty of the storm
may be Judged frotn.the .14 that a, parka is
large tree, ti felti,radli *ll 4 l l t. franc ` thO'seene or 1
the accident,' isois join' 'diwn '4 . the 'gale,—
Seat'eli lvaa,ftisde,fnr .thuougy ?t *ll
r. Betai
by several of our aitiens:7They dragged and
raked on the bottom of theiver in all Alreethms
Itt about fifteen minutes p five, the accident
occurring .4 liaMpast. two,Dt!,:, Chittendem.and
J. 0, Blarsh;b4xlked upon tie-Ludy and-it-was
nulled into the boat:. Wher 4 akea opt tba body.
looked as natural_as life, Ifushortly afterwards
it turhoillark: - The: titaly ',•, reword
late_rcriii ears of the (1.. . • •Qp. PcgOilittY.
Street. Mr. Berman waafs m . akotft.grty,yenrs
of oPt_viait PP** - .41 0 P . betas (if4lic 'ink.
city XatirisTrZeitTlinv
Stuith, on Chenangomtgeutittud yrukk' we under
atantl,-an active member-of the Chapter of Odd
Fellofft, qui
or titit pegimutit. ‘
BaA—thingitki foiti indft., - 3 1 ;
t. 1.41
Breakfast Table Talk
A very mistaken Ideates found a lodgement
In the minds of many, otherwise sensible per
pus, to wit, that summer complaints,the goner.
11 term under which the disorders peculiar to
',the season are known, are caused mainly by
the use of fruit, and that the wise and safe plan
is to prohibit its use altogether.
This me tliod,lwhTtluseglects to lake advan
tage of one of tie most bcneffcent provisions
for man's use, comfort, and well-being, Is detri
mental not only to enjoyment but to perma
nent health. The term "anti-scorbutic" expres
ses the value of fruits as food, and the estima
tion In which they are held by those who un
derstand their relation to human want.
When fruit,. does harm, it is becauie it is eat
en at improper times In improper quantities, or
before it Is ripened and fit for the human stom
ach. Fruit ought not to be eaten between mesdi
any more than any other food. It may be tak
en as a lunch, however, with very great benefit
or as a preparation fur a meal, that is, before
breakfast or dinner. Perhaps the very best
time for eating fruit is before or with the break
fast. A distinguished physician has said that if
his patients would make a practice of eating a
couple of Messina oranges before breakfast,
fl-om February till June, his practice would be
gone. From June, which brings us the ever
welcome strawberries, untif November, there is
a constant succession of fresh fruits which are
a pleasure to the eye and a delight to the mind,
The proof of their healthfulness lies in the fact
that the more people Make It a part of their dai
ly food, taking the place in part of meat and
wholly of pastries during the summer months,
the better and finer, more cheerful and more
uniformly well they are,the less fever and thirst
do they experience, the less Ice-water and other
violently reactionary fluids are they oblidged
to drink, the less are they subject to changes
and fluctuations of the system and temperature.
The principal difficulty with us is that we do
not oat enpugh of fruit ; that we klll 14 finer
qualities with sugar; that we drawl, them in
cream. ti e need the medicinal action of the
pure fruit acids in our systems. We need the
cooling, corrective influence, and should accept
,it as one of the best gift s of Providence.
The waste of fruit is a crime, hardly to be:•
pardoned when so many need it—are dying for
want of IL A fruit mission would be of Infin
itely greater vale° MAC the flower mission, be
neficent as that Lq, for ft - nit is life giving, and
supplements the beautiful and thought Inspir
ing. Give fruit, and it will make of life perpet
ual summer.
Business Locals.
BLANK School Ordera for sale at ttits office
newly printed.
The Nicholson Agricultural Sociaty will hold
their eighth annual Fair Sept. 80, Oct. let, and
OA, 1874. B. HATES, Sec'y.
4 u/Y- 13 ,74 -2 Ag• , - Er: •
The mowing match for the Suaquelianna Ag•
ricultural Society, for the trial of all kinds of
hay making machinery, will be In Id on the farm
of W. H. Jessup esq, on Wednesday, July 15,
1874. By Order of PRESIDENT.
be without efficacious remedy for the cure
affections so universally prsValent as coughs,
Colds, soce throat, whooping -cough and croup
— ionic remedy. tqck, I " 1, ° ,U 6
safe, sure anti certain: •Dri Wlstar't Hm.not . bf
Cherry combines the desideratum.
In the interest of the Pitsby teriaa church at
Ditnoeic, on Thursday afternoon and evening,
July 9th, at the Woodruti Academy and adis
cent•grove.,<Reffeshnunta.att npasonable rocs
11l be provided. 411 'Mends are cordially In
By Order of Committee.
TILE CATPARTICS used and approyed by the
physicians comprising the various medical ruse-
Mations of this State are now compouni.ed Ind
sold under the name of Parann'a Purgatirs latt.
We copy the following from an extherge,
which Is important, If true :—Chronicaiarrhcea
of long standing,also dysentery, similar
complaints common at this sessca 01 the you,
can be cured by the use (ietermly)erJalinson's
Anodpie Liniment, . ,15por wttepor - we at:
PO' At A. $. 'Butterfield. There Is no sub
ject that requlrtnewasnetsstudy and experience
as the Treatment 'Mel curt hiClirineic Diseases.
The astonishing ssccess and Emarkable cures
performed by Dr Butterfield EIT due to the gift
of a Ulaircuyast, to the longstudy of the con
stitution pr mgt riplihearipLdMtvglf(l4l
natniv reroorp/-
Let thd4 &en lip' try otte.V 1s cie
arlillOtttlO lie cures the scoot eases of Scrofu
la, Cowrie, Piles, Asthma, Menses of the bear{
Lan gs, end Kidneys.
Wil'be at the Daileety, ttan, J3ltighamton,
Tuesday, WediteSday, Tbinialay; July,liitla
iittl lath,
July 1, '74,--Sw."
/ 344 . 1 " 18 of al.? styles Ur sale at this office, all
Pr l/L ' l .!;:i ?cod style.
testi Clams at the Keystone Saloon.
. • •,. Olto. Clilrhlot Clot
Montrose. May 20th, '74.—tf.
Pivaocutaztts._ „.—P.Mtnies.laken In all the lot
eaartyleltt - ...ol‘plefules..:CoPia.antten.laie
Also a splendid lot of frames for aale cheap
at G. W. Dootrrama'a.
Montrose, June
picnics, celebrations, etc,, etc:, prinett Fit ;Ws
oflice in the best . style did at fhelSvieir prices
Orders may be , Sista by mail an&tvill receive
cbrefa I attention. '
discoXeru ago,lt9, hao tin_ "Internal Stomach,"
hnd goat , ' intoitiMbluals,nt the doctors for the
remnant of his life. Prevention is bettor:than
ure,,but Do, ty.u.oott's VINEGAR Brrroaiwill
'botch cafe and prevent dyspepsia, diseasett of
the skinilieltliriitidneyg,. aitok bladder
'orders kaki an "itiliitaal ittaUb."lw.
414490.1=tai11a-A,Cirlill3. l .
at 3 o'clock; p. m., the followleepteceilois
of land. to wit:—
MI dist certain plece.or parcel of land situate In the
toweship of New Milford, in theta:only of Beseneten.
na and Mudd wi t: enlraala, non 104 described
as follows Beginning. at 'a - post the notthnteat
corne9of a lot of Dania, lloullhan's land, thence by
lands,( said lloullban and lands of• Dr., L. A. Bmttb,
month one degree wett'l2o perehet let apott and Stones.
thew* along. by lauds of IdontrOnet Mpot. Complus,
n0tt0.99 degrees west ib
_perches tu a post to line of
lard occupied R.Alro.,as their railroad
'theme !lung the hoe of maid Sal tread lead north 9 de
greei west SS portheanortlx 1154 ettzrees welt XlPerullen
uorthg9 degrees Weat petchea,north 13 &geed Welt
hand its-tenths perches to a past and , amen In the
line or - Patrick ilonithan'a land, them by Wei Donlb
baa'ailsed south,reit desteer cut nel parehFpln the 1
plate of beginning, containing tit acres and °apaches
of land, be the same snore or-leer,-with the appeal:a
aneeei pattlzimproved Cratert In , execatlon : ea the
colt of itenrttiUrrlt re:Dardel °liana"- • ' • • '
arsuEE-4.6.11tdd Parlhitt the ntkideitlce of J. -difilo—Alt that certain pieCe orparcal ofland elute
In UlefroWniblp oflaberty. le the County 'of •
11. Backus, ..lune:l3„l.B74,.Mrs.Littellebr.B9lbed, hymtniatd atatane tti nti.bow i d e et du d d e ,,, t a,, ,
in the 701h1.e tr 01 tier age. -•; ed as follows to wit% .oaths north by lands of.the
tale of Jattlea 'Truesdell: dee'd or the east by blowsy
Sec—AVWoming,Delavinteinno 15th add !odor tattle of, -fleo.. W. Cntildall. ilee' don
1874, Mrs. Ennlee Soirerion, (Inlet of Sitri(tgrijlq. the Kalb tl.r,bUttla of Jelle.Wllleon../Ple Dartd
and- op ' the weal brtanti9ol , L. /10,0131 .
Pa.) aged 6.2,1c9re 4,nic6614 an 6,10 days, appth WIZ 99 Ores efolaed. be .tbe same mons or. less,
89 - 9 DER—Of congestion of the brain, Irvingbossy witl igr w thV, = eu dnln r if i r d ooLlt.ri tu dk 1 6 00 ,,w 61 0.. 1 441 ,
Snyder,lll 1 46 6 of, Bier PO+ .ilitorchand.and about ameSizeprored, 03d:sit IQ talc
a6e 6 illenthe du 941 yr.. en in Oxeentlon at the suit or P. 13. Eitreeter_sw. R. B.
Truesdell end ityliy: tfantro. Emterttotsot et. Trnes'•
COotisreta.,—;•Elens;%. daughter of. J. and dell'aestatal
tlagewell;' dePartesithis life itt:Weatulle , ahlitthioibefiMaYied!A
A.nburn, 66qt:tett:atria Cerility..r#,Attlie! 19, ; ", s
1874A2634.114 1 0:440 o.l3MOurq takeitestatat.Nosuoia. JOAO 11111, Mt:
• -
Ea: H. HGray, William J. Hine,. and ;Was
Mary C ilwackluirumokbotb of Auburn Busq.,
-Co. Pa,
Eld. H. H. Gray, F. A. Lewis, and Miss Al
u/lak**9crant -Y9tP 011F1n
At ~3 . 1 " Suatl-C 4 4 , t
Papionauu, la.Moutrusa, July Ist, 1874,by Rey.
J. IL:Vinci, EclgagN; Millar; or Jesop,'azid:
Miss Arudnds E. Asborn
, 'O r r
E 4 . 1 0 •
atitriv • -
The year round. Inquire nC,the Keystone
1114§ort. • Gr6..C.. Una. & Co.
Minuroso, Mny 20th, '74.—tf.
11 . mi . ' mturon Amiiinscsugs.r.
;1 Mr—C. C. paurot, (formerly of 3lontrose, but
Inore'reeently with C. Perry 4: Co., Bing
baniton,) bas made' arrangement with C..F.
Co.,dealers.ln, Silks and Dry Goods.—
Customers Will always find a , nice. assortment
in their line. Letters addzessed to Mein regant
to samples or goods, will receive prompt and
l attention. . D FAMIOT.
.iuly ;14. I , • • .
' ,t
Trq: Bees Elm Mivnica
_ . . .
The New-model Buck Eye mowing ma-
Clinics are in all reaped& equal—and in many--;
auperiar to any:other, and they can be procured
itt ici.west prices and easy terms of D. Brewster,
Blontrose, Pa., who will deliver them In any
, paO'cd Susquehanna co., and gintrantee them
'tolive entire satisfaction.
B ontrose, Juno 8, 1874. —tl;
:BrsOmicron OFFERS AR Arrnacrzost
Fig gentlemen who wish to dress welt —The
the services of the celebrated W. H. Lindly,-11
gentleman of considerable note with ; the tailor
ing *eternity of this country. They are now
prepared (or 13111 R
r the MEI" trade,as they have just
received all the new things in the Way ofeloths,
own:nem and vestings. ThCirreferenees are
'the ',hest, having taken the lint premium at the
Mailer's institutein New York. last tail. Give
gra4 a ca
H.'H. ft aLtacaVrepitetor.
81 Washington St., •
' • •llingbamton, N..Y.
May 20,1874.--ly.. • , •
Centaur Llzuiment.
Third is noPalt which the' Ciotti - it
;i k • lAntthont• Will not relieve, no sinning
. they will not subdue, and no laniuness.
• i , which they will not etre, Thiaisairong
, language, bat it is true., They ,have
/..1; produced more cures of rheumatism.
Citgrp.7. ;togs, caked breasts, scalda;bunts; salt.
rbauth. ear.sche,&e., upon the human frame; and of
strains, nproin,gello.3&o, upon animals in one year
thankuwe ail other pretended remedies since the world
began. They are counter•lrritant. ell•brading pain re
liever*. Cripples throw away theft crutches, the lams
walk. poisonous bites are - rendered harmless; and the
nnatiodmi 'reheated withoute-ICIF.! TlntreClPlt 4Pukt:
lishfid armed each bottle. They sell u nu articles aver
eolollcfore, Weans° they do,ltist what they Prtifend to
do. ',Those who now Suffer from rheumatism, pain, -or
retell ins , deserve to wider if they-will not nye Centaur
IdotMent, white wrapper. Moro than NW certificates
of remarkable curett, including- fromn limbs. chronic
Ogn4" thud. goat, rum lug. turnors,./ko.„ kayo been, re.
calves. Nyo will seeds circular cOntaintrig eentidcates,
the - W*lpe, dc., grabs. to any ode niquestlng It. One
nOttntorine yellotrwrappetOontAtlr Untinent is worth
she tiandrinittEllati.lnn ,sparlued Os *weeded horses
Itidandrikor for anew-worm in-sheep. gtocip.mi ner .
twiskininieuu ateworth your attention. No family
• mild be without them. "White wrapper family use ; 0
Yellow whipper for animals. dold by all Dovetail.-
60cents per bottle; large bottles, $l.OO. J. B. Rome it
Co.,6filtroldway,New Yea., . .
to tare thin a anbetitate for Outer On.
It le the only ogle article, In e istanco erldeitte certain
tO amdruate the food, regula te the boyrels, mire wind
collo:4d produce natural sleep. It Oontala Neithernainanela, nilphleincretileohot, and iiidtasarit to take.
Chlldeen need not cry and trktheis4nai rank ' •
Commission Merchants.
bc:Oizazialasssiama rhttorohdismat.
.521 Pi es Pr..inE, NEW Yam( CITY
%C O Ol3lll .g:l3;e nt ol lege! , %d r W i reltede lmmedtate
of gouda . • card . s6d'trten
National Park Hank of New York.
orth Rive Bankow York.
Nyman Nacional of New York,'
Long bland Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y 4
Feb. 1.11.2873.-4 L
The Markets.
. .
There are no new features in the condition
of the money market. The demand falls
far short of the suply, and trie payment
of the July dividends and Inte'rest will
add Sur,ther to the plethera Ralik are
unobanged and almost nominaL We
qnot call loans at - 5 per- cent. Strictly
first-class, two-named paper was negoti.
ated' at 5®6 per cent, and. single-Mim
ditto, of the same grade pt 6@7 per"ceet;
loans qa goserernmant collateral rule at
per cent.; on other first-class, btpnds
and stocks at 6 per cent,.• and on more
infrior collateral at 7074 per cent. Pa.
. , .
per of Beton(' grade 18 nr,bertaia Enar.
keVBalue. .„-.
Co' ' •
BM Ask
11 564 1861 . ~,, ~.., . .......,.,- . ,.117X 118
520CoupOn, MS.:. ... :.. J.... . : ...... :: ..... .118,4- 114'
4-20 COnpon,lB6l t ' , " 110. 111
Coupon, lEZ.S.„„ ::..116-., 116,5 g
6.20 Coupon, 1865....... i, . ..... ...,......, . :.......-. , .316m,
6'40 Conpon,lB67 ' 144 112 3( 6.2806ap0n.,1A7 " - ' -
New nr.erets' ...,,,,,118% 11,4 y,
10.40 e 1H -
Paris 11.1ehn;ge' • '- t -, 118 •
464 • "-WM
Sterling Excliangn..."..., ' • . 64/ , - raw,
New Welk 'Produce itreikes.
Repotted Ever W 666 tZpi66.i7 for Tat Moirrtiola
LISISXIII6. Mr Rbeeei'k..
stop Zdetettenu,36 Mrbleiliell Street, New Iraq; ~
tirrrreit=tr . , Y. -T.. V.,a• !
•T' S. • 1 11`
tatizer -Stato Victory, Snell> omcy 44
Suite -Dem.-coma= 10,141 ff 4 . 2 13
Neasarta, te and r endsjitrati4" • ' Ey 21-
• • 71Vatc04rim0i:!.b......::-... - WO la 1;
a ?‘" 11 1 -CornL . ga t ir.;-,,' .. .. ; . '•••••,11, Qp
. r
Ciare-Steil, c . • '1 efk.
tlar per.loolb .s. .. 10 03116
Straw, 1 Eye.i..L.:.130* 311. 'B3'.
' (E 6 104
Pooliiryad lfir:
hl prime ....
... ... 14 0. 10
• ' Tinkalij
QQHEIUFF:B EIALES, Cy Virl4 or wilts 'lsitiettX,
thetourt" ol Common Fletli of BourieturnaCottf
Friday, July j *h .IBQ4}
Arriving arid opening daily cturlng the season at,
Riteln Bonin & CO's,
New Dress
,Goods, Shawls, & Mints,
nab as Teamed and ttatrianied
Ladles' and Oldldten's Rats,
• &a:, &c.
For Wen and Boys. wear
Vara Quality. Pins Grades of
N 7 7cocolerke,
vox WM Augiourri,ts stchui irto lulu= am.
. ,
ZEgits 411,- Cs►yos,
Ac., Et.
ft is ever oar alto to photo the pstg.le, to sell goal
goode at. !bi ota Ws plat, may to nottntalo oar typo
tidbit Ito to log the
Call early and often. Yours tritly„
Outtanberg, Rosenbatuals Co„
M. S. DESSAUSTI, Managing Partner.
Montrose April Mtb.1874.
Also, SCOTCH GRANITES on hand.
VC Court Street,
Q. W. r :
iroy. 'l2th I€l7B.
!JOUR 111: TIURIBELI, 1170,11"•!!,
• .
Ntne 6tagoe Lease %Ilia trove dilly ixonseetla With
.the Montrose Railway, the Lehlgh Valleyl4sUtaed. eat.
their. L. M W. Ilellnletl;
i4pri llst,lB7lL—U.
N 3EI ViT 3F"xPi. MiE
In , Lainesborco.
ba* . ktettitrxin.w.magmm-4,
. ..!
fllEifilit i
.- • will !noir prorrigtattca!lo!3...
'' HOBERT & SAW. .
6usestioro. Pa.. •
ahhhatl . 3P4l.lo. fear NRAgoisi I
The Subsolbers tesetribrined eppetteneehlp ta main
teetering of Woolen Goods, 'inch se ihketell," Caul.
metes, btoekle i Tegt, •, •.• • . ,
Weelenteullistered by the yell aeon 'bate& eke*
exchinguiler Fuca. • Wool co:dinj end cloth denude'
done an co me. . h Wwee.
.11antecn it,,Jene 10, • 74 , 486 • • • • "
Ton*omit .101111V01111rf
AT nas ova, murk