ME DEMOCRAT. E. B. HA WLEY & CO., Editors Wednesday, July 1, 18 74. Oul•1 closed in New York, on Saturday attic last, at 1111 Hon. Eugene Hale, of Maine, has ac cepted the position of Postmaster Gener al to which be was recently appointed by President Grant. The Democracy of Missouri join with their brethren of Pennsylvania and Ohio and designate the 26th of August, as the day for holding their State Convention. The third•term prophets have been wiping their telescopes since Grant sent in the name of Boss Shepherd for dis trict commissioner. This was a touch of Cfesarism they were entirely unprepared for. The Prohibitionists met in convention Thursday, and adjourned without mak ing any nominations, until the second of July. They wish to take a look at the candidates of the old parties, and if any of them please them, they will lonsider their case. A number of our exchanges have pub lished a pharagraph purporting to be a copy of "an act exempting property from levy and sale on executions and distress for rent, etc." No such law was passed last winter. As the publication may lead to difficulty we make' this statement, for the benefit of whom it may concern. By a law enacted during the lute ses sion of Congress newspapers must be pre paid at two cents per pound. and maga zines at three cents per pound. Bohm public documents are to be uniform at ten cents, and if unbound, at newspaper rates. Exchangers pay postage, but all papers circulate free in the county where printed. Prepayment to commence Jan uary 1, 1875. An old acquaintance in a new jacket turns up in New York. The prohibiti onists have put in nomination for Gov. Myron It Clarke, of New York. The \instihet of these one-ida people is as fine its the scent of a sleuth-hound. The old enemy of the Germans who sought to take away their ballots is now after their beer. The Philadelphia Ereniny Bulletin, radical, is vastly displeased with the de termination of the temperance people to run a state ticket next fall. As long as temperance can be used as a moral dodge for the advancement of the republican party it is all very well, but the moment an attempt is made to make a distinctive and honest stand independent of party,it meets with undisguised condemnation. It is nearly time that the regulation organs should come to some agreement is regard to the character of the currency bill. One portion of them describe it as consistent with the doctrines of the .1013E8 Memorandum, since it limits the amount of legal tender currency, and the others chum that it is a triumph of the inflation policy of Morton, Kelley and Logan, as it fails to make. any pro visions for the resumption of specie pay ments and releases not much less than sixty millions of legal tender service. The others ere evidently more nearly in the right. The principal points in the amended bankrupt law are that forty days of default in the payment of commercial paper are nquired instead of, fourteen under the existing law ; that one-fourth of the en tire number of the creditors, and one third of the amount of debts, must join in the petition for voluntary pankruptcy ; the new law shall apply to the pend ing class in bankruptcy instituted since Dec. I,when the debts secured by the suit tball have been paid, or when a majority of the creditors are for a discontinuance ; that a voluntary bankrupt shall be dis charged upon the payment of 30 per cent. of his inebtedness ; that an involuntary bankrupt shall be discharged when he shall have been proved innocent of any fraud ; and that the fees and expenses of bankruptcy proceedings shall be reduced temporarily until the Supreme Court shall establish a new system, looking to permanent reduction and simplification. The first or long session of the Forty Third Congress closed on Tuesday last at' four o'clock. Just what was done what was when nearly all the bills pending be tween the two houses not done, in the closing hours of the session, were settled by conference committees it is almost impossible, at present, to say. The most important measure adapted, however,was some kind of a patched up financial measure, the leading featurerof which is an increase in the circulating medium and a redistribtitio,h of the Nationl Bank Circulation. Thisirill benefit principally the South and West, as for instance, tin derjhe new apportionment the State of Indiana will be entitled to about $2,800,- 000,0hio to about so,ooo,oooo,Minnesota $600,000, and Nebraska 300,000. The other West and Southern States will be entitled to much larger amounts. The Geneva Award bill was passed; some kind of a new tarnif bill was agreed upon and other matters of like importance were rushed throagh the last hours of the session. In the jumble of things we can not see what became of the bill, passed some time since by the ilouse, repealing the act which taxed newspapers Viet Pos. tage in the county where published. Fig' next week we shall have a clear idea of what was done. There is a probability that iu the coin ing gubernatorial canvass in the state of New York Gov. his is to be . put on a prohibitioual platform. The N. Y. Evem' ing Post, thus alludes to the temperance issue. • Neverthelefts we believe that prohibition bad better be abandoned ; not because it could not do its work,bnt because it is not a proper principle of legislation when car ried to its local conclusion. Moreover,as our political system is now constituted prohibition is not merely wrong in itself, but it is a cheat in legislation, perpetra ted by the very man who despises the pol icy. Our experiance in prohibitory law might have been moo satisfactory if its efficiency had been shown where it pre vails or pretends to prevsiL But there is no promise of a better enforcement of the law anywhere, and its effect is simply to induce every bad man to engage in the traffic and to poison the liquors they sell, and to encourageyoung men to defy the law. We hope that respect for honest; legislation, at least, may soon prevail upon the states now baying pro hibitory laws to adopt some other system. Butler in Congress is like a bull in a china shop, and he never gets on the rampage but that all efforts to check him result in adding to the demoralization of the occasion. On Friday he made an elaborate speech on the moiety question, in which he declares that one-third of the custom revenues were stolen. He as sailed bitterly the house of Phelps,Dodge &Co., intimating that they were smug gling, perjured villans. He charged that they had imported statues of the "God dess of Liberty," Washington and Jack sou,under exemption laws, and then mel ted them into metal. He declares that Mr. Dodge had a comma taken out of a law and another patio by which he clear ed *250,000. Mr. Butler created great amusement by reading a letter written by Mr. Foster, an Ohio member, in which the latter said he was "prepared to rap Old Cockeye." Mr.-. Butler exultingly declares that in the Sanborn contracts investigation, "Old Cockeye" had escaped without a rap as usual. Mr. Foster then took the floor and sharp cross-firing occured between him and Butler. Re defended Mr. Dodge and his firm, as did also Mr. Roberts, of New York, and Mr. Tramline, who made it quite lively for Mr. Butler. During a strawberry festival, which was held at the parlors of the Central Baptist church in Syracuse, at about 9+ o'clock on Tuesday eve.,23d tilt, the floor gave way precipitating a room full of peo ple into the story beldw.. The parlor was on the second floor and the room under neath was also full of people. Over sixteen persons were killea and about two hundred injured more or less seriously. The entire police force and fire depart ment were called out and took charge of the work of recovering the dead and wounded. Broken timbers were hoisted with 6 ---ot aturculty. The walls of the church did not fall in, but are seriously damaged. The church is comparatively a new one. A few moments before the floor gave way it trembled so violently that many persons left the room, fearing the accident which had been predicted by many. The accident was caused by the giving way of the joist that supported the floor. The joist ran from both sides of the room, to a cross stringer, the middle of which was supported by iron rods from the roof. The stringer gave way, pulling the ceiling and roof down upon the peo ple and precipitating them into the room below. The illness of Piusihe Ninth brings to mind how long his life has been. A cheerful disposition and careful diet have enabled nim to servive many severe at tacks of sickness. He has appeared to be even better since his determination not to leave hie palace. In fact his prison life agrees with him so well that the com mittee of prison reform ought to investi gate the regulations in fora at the vat ican. The sovereign pontiff, when not ill, rises daily at half past five— old peo ple are nowadays early risers. Thiers gets up with the lark, and Gnizot with the sun. After private prayerin his room, he passes to his private chapel, indulges in prayer half an hour, then adminfatees the sacrament if able, and ii weak par takes of it from the hands of his chap lin. Having given orders respecting the most urgent affairs, about nine o'clock he takes a little black coffee or soap, at two o'clock he dines, previously enjoying a alight walk,and devoting a few moments to prayer, his dinner is simple, a soup, a friture of fish, or a chicken, some veget ables and fruit Wine and water is his principle drink, and his abstemiousness is proverbial, latterly he has been ordered a liquor glass of pare claret after each fru gal repast. After dinner he indulges in a siesta of fifteen minutes duration, then reads his breviary, and after prayer again promenades, some hours' work and audiences occupy his time until nine, when be sups on soup, two potatoes and a litte fruit, at ten precisely he retires to his chamber, previously malting a short visit to his chapeL There is s negro Sampson named Nel Lisle, in New Orleans. He is a horse dealer ly profession, and the trick is to take possession of horses in an un authorized manner. He was denominated a horse.thiel before the Court in New Orleans in 1869 and sent to the State Prison, where be stayed only six days pf the flee years; awarded him. He broke jail by snappittgiron bars as if they bad been sticks, and carrying the outer gate, and fled and - bid. The police have been on the lookout for him, and afraid they would dud Ilia The other day two Jar three of them got EiGN Of Jim j but he broke 100,0 and laid them out on the pavement with one blow of his mighty arm. He Lisle then ran, and the cry of "stop thief" was raised, 'nnd a gathering crowd surged in pursuit. A policeman fired three shots at him without any ap paraut effect,and he was at length brought to a halt by running,as it were, in a crowd of about a thousand men who had collected about him, both beforeand behind,in his flight. The friction of such a crowd was too much, and he saw the living wall close around' him. It took twelve muscu lar white Americans to take him to the station-house, as he kept up a skirmish ing fight all the way. He was pot in the stocks, and it was found that a pistol ball had passed through his thigh, and a club had indented his forehead over MS eye. His vitals, which were covered with a heavy coating of upper leather, were un harmed. Ile is tof of exaggerated size, being a little over medium size, but his mold is Herculean and his endurance is equal to that of a stem engine of twenty horse-power. The Third Term - The New York Ledger is not generally very good authority ou political questions but as it admits, did support Grant for a second term. In those days Grant was wont to ride out with Bonner, behind Dexter, or some other of his fast trotters Unless the unlucky Jones has alienated Grant from his old friends, Mr. Bonner may be supposed to know something of the President's future intentions, and the following from a recant editorial in the New Yotk Ledger is,eigniticantlic sentiment if not of Grant's purposes: In the long line of Presidents, there is no precedent to be found for even so much as an attempt to be elected a third term. To be sure, there is no provision in our written constitution against a third term. But the tradition which limits the office of President to eight years has become so fixed and sanctified, in the minds of the people, by the uni form examp'e of our greatest men, that it possesses all the force of a constitution al provision. Any attempt to depart lrom it now would be looked upon with well grounded suspicion as the first treacherous step toward the overthrow of Liberty and the foundation of Empire. We do not doubt that such a movement would be met by a most crushing defeat. But this would not be all ; the popular reprobation would blacken and brand the name of him who should seek to be satiated by a longer lease of power than that which Washington and Jefferson, and Madison and Monroe, and Jackson found sufficient to fill the meas nre of ambition. No reputation is so high that it cannot be sacrificed. Arnold was unquestionably one of the greatest Generals of the Revolution ; but, beneath the obloquy and infamy which cover him even his military genius is lost to view. At the end of eight years Gen. Grant will quietly walk out of the White House, or he will forever place himself out side of the esteem of the American people. A, Rollen Ono by one the schemes of iladicid corruption are being exposed, and the party is forced to abandon them. No field for official villainy has been mot- rich than the' District of Columbia, where under guise of "public improvement," millions have been stolen from the gen eral government and over taxed citizens. Boss Shepard and his gang have had the advantage of Tweed and his ring in that the former have been at the capital where they could mine into the United States Treasury, and "crack" the vaults of the nation. A vast amount of improvement has been made in Washington in the past few years, but it is safe to say that of the 820,000,000 debt now resting on the Dtstrict, at least half was stolen by I • • tile, Ring. And the head of tnis ring accompanies Grant ou his jaunts to Cape May ? Even wicked New York, has too much respect for decency to look with favor upon au attempt to pardon the con victed Tweed, bat the President of the United States hob-nobs with the Great American Thief. The Radical press on the contrary has contended that the charges made against the territorial government could not be sustained, last-week a Republican Con gressional Committee unanimously re ported that the Board of Public Works let contracts for public improvements, without competition open to the public. thns.paying an increased price to the con tractors, many of whom sublet their con tracts to others ; the business of the Board, involving the expenditure.ot mil lions, was carried on very loosely and the accounts of the Board were un reliable and inaccurate. The Committee favors the immediate abolition of the District Government and the appoint ment of a Commission to conduct its af fairs until the next Congress provides :Midler form of Government. Such a Govornment has been upheld by the in fluence of the Administration. Spccial Notices. lIMIZZAST RECOIiD Obi OG7ISW. An American humorist tells us that it would have been money in his pocket if he had been born without a stomach- and then 'proceeds to figure up the cast of o chronic dyspepsia, to which he is a martyr, and which he says it is impossible to cure, On this point, "Josh Bib lingo," (for he is the party , referred to is mists ken. Unless his stomach differs from all other dyspeptic stomachs, llostetter's Bitters will cure him In less than three months.. This it would be safe to guarantee under any penalty. There are a few, a very few, actual specifics for disease in existence, and llosteters litomach Bitters may be set down as one of them. In case ofindigestion it never fails. Perrone who had suffered for many years almost every con ceivable species of torture from this agonizing complaint, have'been permanently cured with the Bitters in six weeks. hundreds of such in stances are on record, authenticated by the tea. %lineup of prominent men in every walk of life eminent physicians among the number. But this celebrated vegetable preparation is some thing more Than a stomachic and tonic. It is also an alternative of wonderful virtue. in fiv er complaint its effect is as direct and immedi ate as that of calomel or blue pill, and far more salutary ; and in all diseased conditions of the bowels, notable in cases of constipation, Its regulating properties are in the highest degree serviceable. The nowsettlementa in the west and all low-lying tracts of country iuitsled with miasmatic exhalations, so frottfill at this season, of the various types of intermittent (be en., should be always well stocked with this in comparable ehologue, w lids n II cum any case of fever and ague In a period varying front three days to three or four weeks, according to the violence of the complaint. Nervous disorders which are always aggravated by the adultera ted liquors usually prescribed by physicians,are readily cured by a course of this admirable com bination medicine, in which the properties of a stimulant, a tonic and alternative are happily blended. . SCIIENCK'S BEA WRED ToNic.—ln the atmos phere experienced here during the summer months, the lethargy produced by the heat takes away the desire tor wholesome food, and Ire- Tient perspirations reduce bodily energy, par ticularly those suffeting from the effects et de bilitating diseases. In order to keep a natural healthful activity of the system, we must resort to =Anoint moms. For this purpose Sccuck's Sea Weed Tonic is very effectual. A. few daises will create an appetite and fresh vigor to the enervated body. For dyspepsia, it is invalua ble. Many emminent physicians have doubted whether dyspepsia can be permanently cured by the drugs which are generally employed for that purpose. The Sea Weed Tonic in Its ma ture is totally different (roan such drugs. It contains no corrosive minerals or acids ; in fact it assists the regular operations of nature, and supplies her deficiencies. Tne tonic in its na ture so much resembles the gastric juice that it is almost identical with that fluid. The gastric juice is the natural animal which, in a healthy condition of tile body, muses the food to be di gested ; and when this juice is not excreted in sufficient quantities, indigestion, with all Its distressing symptom., billows. The Sea Weed Tonic pertbrms the duty of the gastric juice when the latter is deficient. Seedck's Sea W eed Tonic sold by all Druggists. New Advertise ments ROAD BUJ LI) ING The Supervisor. of Brolgewater cnwn.nip. mlil Meet at the residence of Jomplt tnontl.oll. tx Ka-t Bridgewa ter on baturday.:inly to. nt I o clock, for the purpo.e of offering to let the tnaking of is ottrve)ed mad at the lowest and hest hider. Inquire of Juseph Jan:town an Co the lorwiltv of said rood KIRBY FUNNEL W. E. B son M. h. TILER July 1'74.- 3n- BANRITUYTCY VEE'rING In the District Court of the rulted States, for tho Western Di F Wet of Pen nit, I VaIJ in. In Ito Albert Muss Jr., and IV D. Knapp, Itar;kropts. Notice is hereby given that Mere wni Ire an adjourn ed second general meeting of the Creditors of the above nerved Bankrupta, for the purpoties contemplated In the th 'Section of the Bankrupt Act, on the will day of July, 1874, at 9 o'clock a m. at the office of EDWARD E. WILLARD. ttevlrter In Bankruptcy, Scranton. Pa.. and all cre..ltors who have pro ad their deb 16. are here by notified to be present at raid meeting. U. B. EI.LMED. Assignee. July 1, prBLIC SALE. The followinz deocribcd lot or land late the carate 01 Martin W.Sood. of Lenox cowniildp. will be sold at public subdue, by ilritin of a di tray of Court. July 2S, ISM at I o'clock p, Description finning ata corner of Wm. Steph ens's laud in the centre 01 the Lott road. thence along said rood (moth 47 degrees nest 0 1 chain. and $ tin]t to a corner of Peter Lott's land. thence along said Lott's land north 43 term 5 chains and 42 links, thence by the same south 47 westt2 chains and Sn links, theme by lands of (3, Allen no' th 5t seem it chains and 12 links, hence north 411 tort 01 chains and 3 links along the lands of .1 .Holmes.thence by lanes of (LA Carr south 4.3 east 14 chains end 05 links to the place of beginning, containing 41 fleece, rood., and 31./ lode. rff.7 - To he sold on the premises. Twins of sale made known on the day of sole, SILAS UTLEY, Committee of lunacy. 1;:tenoxv111e, July 1, 11,11, . DIRECTOR'S ANNCAL REPORT for Great Rend Borough Senn"l lltstnct fur the year ending Ist Monday In Jun, 107 Amount of indebted:wt. Jn00.1. , 7:1 190000 Cosh In Treasurer's hands $ lUettO4 .. reed from all sources.. ...3:11957 It= 45 Pal drencher's wage. .sll4n Fuel and contlntteneUr xl3lO Repalre and Internet _l4O la On debt .... 5(1000 !4000 Clop on band ........ 03 teF Revonrces and 01 note .. faa 00 tinp,alled I,lll* et U 3 Cut on hand... ... . 05 Liabilities In excess of Rescuer. Vet 32 A, B. WIIITINU, Secretary. July 1, 1N74 LICHENSTEIN & BLUMENTHAL BROS ., New Milford, Pa., Whole.,le And retail dealer@ in Fine . Watebea , nd Rich Jewelry, Sterling Silver Ware, French and American Clucte. Fine Plated Wart, and Stir r Tea Seta. Alen all kind of Gold and Silver Hating, Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repainng, And Plain and Ornamental Magna, lug, neatlyexecuted. June 25, '74.—ly WOOL WOOL L,OOO rocrax2xciB N7i7cool N7V-e42ltecl Mercer Marlret Price Feld Pa Caa h. June 17, "71.—tf A. Linurtor lie OtICE 1V BANKEUPTCY.—In the District Con £1 nt . the United Stater, (or the Western !Amulet Pennsylvania. In Ito. tinor H. Mills Bankrupt. N ^aifiu in bankruptcy Notice in hereby given that Were will ben 2d ~, . ..mera meting of the (!redltors of the above named Bank rupt, for the purpose contemplated In the 47th Section of the Bankrupt Act, on the Sixteenth day of Janc 1874, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of EDWARD N. Wm man, Re;:leter to Bankruptcy. hciwutoc, Pa.. and al creditors who have proven their debts, are hereby nail fled to be present at said meeting.. F. B. WILLIAMS. Assignee. Scranton. Pa.. May 18. 1574. INCORPORATION NOTICE. he anb.cribers, with other, having formed an ru , ao. elation or company. .he object of which le to construct and maintain a bridge across the tineapulanna river, between the borough of Susquehanna Depot and the town of Oakland. In Susquehanna. Co., hereby give notice that they Intend to make application for a charter sad to have said occupancy incorporated under the name of the "Susquehanna Depot and Oakland Bridge Company," according to the act of Ac embly entitles, . _ "An Act to provide for the incorporation and recolatio of certain corporations," approved April 'YE 187.1. I. ii. COOK N. 11. EISSIA.N. DARVEY DOLL/RIDGE, G. TAYLOR, J. C. KANE. Susquehanna Depot, Jam, 10, 1011.-91 v, EXCURSION TICKETS, TO .n 11.4076.1% milTmcm, J3A2,3 - 11 AT REDUCED RATES. FOR SALE AT D. L. & W. EXPRESS OFFICE. Down Tratne. Up Trains. . 601371tWi1/D. I , IOL"iIIiVARD. 5.10 1.15. Moatrore. 1034) 5:31 523 125 Allerie 1031 518 549 123 Coori . 10140 013 539 113 Iluaters 953 610 5 41) 1 41— ..... ..... 10mock 04.5 531 547 Ma T3les'a... .. ..... 985 456 000 155. epting7l.lla.... ...... 925 440 019 210 1.1/01 915 443 620 221 Avorj. 905 4 73 623 93) ....... ....Leakon 800 423 oas 240 . Lobeck 866 417 .401 247 Idatere 845 410 633 805 l'ankhatinock 839 355 All tub) e connect at Tunkhaanock with P. &N. Y 11. IL gulag north at d pouth. JAMES. I. 13Lts&BLES, Preal. Mantrose, May 27,1874. NOTICE TO BUILDEUS. Proposals will be received for the foilowing_specifica (ion of s church to be built in Ateshoppen. To erect a good eubsuinfial frame building Cu feet to length.3o feet In width and 20 feet in height. To ,Ido the raid church artthgood,eound pine siding to obits the walls on the It. Side with inch hemlock boards, sell to wainscot the walla on the inside up to the windows with white pine. The door to to omelet of yellow pine. To put en a good heavy cornice of white pine, and the roof of the church late be of good elate to put in ten windows as warted on the plan and double doorin front. The old. leg and all the out side work to to bapainted with three coats of the beet white laid and oil. The foundation of said church Is to corselet of elope suat mortar two feet ander surface and two feet above surface. All the work is to be date undereontracts. and man give satisfaction. Any builder or carpenter who waild wish lo erect sold church will pl Erie° Pend hie Ode within three weeks to nevi P. d, BfitriAlis AubUti Centri, Banfa co., Pa. Joao 74.'74.-4w• ExEctrruits• Letters testa mentary to Me estate of Amos J. Ides. late of for t ford msp., deed, base been granted to the ottbseribur, on persons Indebted to sold neatest's, requentec to maize Immediate payment, and those baring camas or do ! morals against the same, will premat them a IttiOnt do- ROBERT ALEXANDER Executor. May IS). E. W. SMITU, Attorney. VOR SALE—The farm late of Nathan drieb, de'd, situated about-half a mile west of Montrose Depot, in Brooklyn teswnship, con taining, about 11l acres of land mostly impror ed. Inquire of tb- andersigned, executor of ,said estatu, at New Milford, Pa. ELLIOT ALDItICTI New Milford, Jan. 25, 1873.—tf N EW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. Practical Maehinirt, rempecifully solicits the p•troaage oI all t•hn may want Eaiglnen, Millwork. Shafting, [lunge, N. Pulley gears he. • N. ft.—Special !mention paid to lepairing. Nets Milford, June 10. 'it —ls. , A TTEVTTOY, FARM ETiM. 1% anted. as soon as possible, 5000 FAT VEAL CALVES, IoOM DEACON SKINS, LOW EARLY LAMBS For which the blgbeet market price will be paid In “,h. by A. D. WELLMAN. And will RICO say to the farmers of Dimock, Jefl.l3l) Forma Lake. and Divan ater townships, those having veal calve. , to sell will deliver them at Harrington', Ho tel at M Otan/P., MI Monday of each week between the hoots orlo and 2 o'clock. rosin the above date of deliv ery lie changed to .11111 e other day of the week. They will also notify mem the moot., of roil yen they bring each week by mall out week previons to their delivery. Address. A. D. WELLMAN, April MA, '7l.—dm. New Milford, Pa A DJ OUILNR.I) SALE OV TUE IFLozal.iiss-t-Istite The tooler,hrned tieetgoce of the estate of Mots & Kum,. Bahl:mph., ufll, oh Tuesday. the anto, day of Jove. A. ly . 1e74. nt in the atte, Donn. rz• public non...nt the Jitoot tiono Too. a oce} to o W Milford borough hocty'a county the ..l estate of cald Itsolicopte not cold on the nth of !tidy• 1074, on follow,. to : . , . Lot• No. 3 and 4 of the real estate of said Moss and lots lb, and 13 of the real estate of Albert !loss, Jr., one of said Bankrupts Terms of Salo —line fiord cash on day of sale, one third in ri.S months, and one third In one year from day of sale; the unpaid purchase money to secured by bond and toortmtue on the preinlses. 0 Ith clan... to keep Insured NS here them are buildings on the premises. tith er conditions of sale the same as In former notice. G. B. ELLiltEll, A.lgnee J. EL Manama. i G. D. DARNER. I U U. BLANDING. - 0 - SINGHAMON MARBLE WORKS. [EATABLESIIED r 1513.1 BARNES BROS. & BLINDING , DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF American parblco, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, Marble and Slate Mantles, :G Chraungo St., Near Depot, Mar . IL 1877. RINGRA Int/I.:. N. Y. 3EI. 33 IET EZ-3Elrrir , Would .11 attention to hie New Stock or SPRING AND SUMMER DOW, Now on Fair. In new D 27 (600D.g. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SII A W LS, WATER-('ROOFS, FLAN - Tt7l:l-0-. 11AL30014Ai., A7t-W 1100 P SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, lIE.'tVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FUIL 4 I, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, lIA RD W ARE.IRON,N AI LS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and will lie sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest prkes. 11. BURRITT. New Milford, June 3, 1874. Hambletonian and Patchen Stallion MAX MARETZEK. Foaled May VA, PM, bay hor.e with Mar. lip and nen hind foot with a trill.. white, 15U hands, steed by KNICKERBOCKER, oat of DOT. he PROPHET EMILY FIRONTK, 8 • • - AUSTIN'S SON OP GEO, M. PATOREN, g gr. d., the dam of JF.S.SIE PATCIIRS and mild to MMMS=I2 KNICKERBOCKER, by Itysdlck's florAlutonton, oo of Lady' Putebeo Br (kora. Batcben, d. y Abdoßob. g. ¢r. o. by May Day, PROPIIET, by tour& bred Nero, out of Meg Dodds ICn lekerhocker, Prophet. Geo. M. Patehen. and Aus tin's 0011 of (tea 31 Patchen, were all bars, without marks, and 1G hands high. MAN MARETZEK Is brother, on the Fire *Fide, to Peggotty, the. winner, when but two years old. of the thret , year.old stakeout Nicholson last year, Sheriff hoc's bay mare that trotted a trial In Ut4s. the tell. llama Cult. Al Rocco, Canary Dlrd, and others SAX MAREVIEK will nerve a limited number of mates heckle, kilo owner's at the farm of James E Car falt, near Ifontrtnie, Ea., at $11) to Insure 'lf paid be ore Mardi IFt. DM. or A 23 to lotion: a *binding colt.— For further information address Bal la, 74.--6sv C0A223/1/122 kl i PAystit o VP 'l* The undersigned will keep constantly 011 hand and for tale, very low, I: o hEtetc•rust, PLATFORM WAGONS, (for ono or two home.) TOP & OPEN BUGGIES, wrru wAmminie per=r wureui. TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES, And Lumbar Wagons Emmy spring wagon., second hand carriages and op en and top bmies. for tale chest. Will make to order to taR partles, all Lind. of Lair. riages, Work Warranted. Repairing done neatly.— Shop at Sprfostarille t Pa. Enquireat D. L. dr W. Express °Cleo of llontrovo, Or at Springville of L% 11, C1.141(Ell, Ifpntrova Juno 11, 1874.—M . VISMNO CARDS! CALLING7CARDS Meetly written. Orders by wall twelve prompt attention. 30 feats prr doom Montrosejfartb Z." 11 POPULAR. COL . LEMONS OF Corf;txxx altru.sio ! Organ Gems. Davenport. $ 2 50 Batiste's Organ Voluntaries. il GO GO Neu, for Org.. Batiste, 2.60 Clark's short Voluntaries. 1.50 Orgsniet's Portfolio. Itlmhanlt.. 2 Vol , - ea. SAO Mies Short Voluntaries. 9 Nos., each SO Zenner's Voluntaries. complete. 8.00 230 Easy Volnotarlut. Zundel. 2to RSV 31171110 iIbOIENEAHLT MUD/. Organ at Home. 2.50 Iteereationo ror Cabinet (Reed) °Mane. I.LO Clara '• Short V oluniarier• 1.50 Charlie. Reed Organ Companion. 2 00 Fine collectlono of Piece El N i.ndo and T C ones, may al so be found In Hmersou'• New Method. lark's New Method, and to !root's School for Cabaret Organs. NEW C'livacq Mum,: loos. Is AINICBT. Sent po4.insitt on recelpieyetall price, OLIVER DITSON & Co., CRAB. li. DITSON aCo Bunton, 111 B'flway. N. Y. May 1.11, 1471.-Iy. SLAT:an/Era Intsproved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP. Tantelces, Durable, Efficient-. end Cheap. The beet Pump for the Last money. Attention hi/especially turned to Blotchleys Putent Im 'wowed Bracket and New Drop Check Valor. which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump, or die. ior dug the Julute. Mao. the Con ,e7, which never cracks or leaks. and trill eutimit any other. For role by De ders the Trade ire:wrath., Inquire for 131atchley's 'amp. and If not for Mate to your town, eend direct to CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer. 5011 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. April Ist. 1014.—Sm. PLANTER! PLASTER!! The Soh-craw to now prepared to foraloh, in the Rotor Montrooe, Fresh Groul CaytiEa Plaster, either by the toe, ear load, or in smaller span titles Lime, Cement, and Sand, Mantra., May 13t.h, THE EAGLE 1113111 AIG'IIOI,S, PROPRIETOI2S. SION Or tar GOLDEN EAGLE AND MORT/6 Mir i.o Is. 3211.<> o Is., ME c:tritr ot so We desire to say to the public that oar store le well rtacked with Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, proprie. ta ry and patent preparations, and all other articles 0812 ally kept In first class drag stores. We guarantee our goods genuine and of the best onality. and will be mold at low prices for cash. Reppectfully Yours. A. B. BURNS. Montrone. Pen 20.1 A 0105 N1C1101..8. TORONTO CHIEF, Jr., It 0 , Mond bay with black legs, free from white, and wno4 o o , 10 0 pounds. De is one of the best foal getters here to in this county. Lilt stock can be seen In Dths• ock a t the of P. Conklin. at SI. K. Lemon's, and at U. Smith's ' • in Bridgewater at Jared Desn's and U. De,k er .„ Springs la at Orin Pritchard's and A. Green's ; in Auburn at James Loot's and Wm. White's. TORONTO CRIER, Jn.. was sired by the fast trot ting Stallion TOronro 9lef.inLv i r t tgau t p r l o st y lrO u trzZe . a - a - Warrior, and be by the imported Tippoo. Tho dame of Royal George was a thorough.bred mare, imported by an °incur in it. - Royal George Guards." TORONTO CHIEF. Ja's, dam by the thorough-bred Jefferson, out of a Majesty mare. Jefferson. was by Virginian. (be by Sir Archy. the sire of Sir Denny, and grand sire of American Star.) dam by Old Favorite; 3d vim by old IkU Asir; 3d. Fairy, by imported Punta lc ; sth. a mare by the Imported h ree Master Ste , peen ; nth. n mare by the imported horro Juniper ; 7th Bland'. Imported mare Markers-. Tot/ONTO CHIEF, Jr.. Wllll stand the present reason m follows: Saturdays at the stable of M. J. Barrington to Montrose, and tho rest of the time at Ilitoodi Four Comers, Ttoms,—To Imeore with foal, $lO, March Ist, 1875. Dimock. April 25. "14.—an Mali:mar Coats DEALERS IN FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS MAIN STREET. IStlo7ltl • Coolllo., X =6 ,es,. June 25, BILLINGS STROUD, General lINSURANCE AGENT, } Capital Represented, $100,000,000J PISS, LIPS AND ACCIDENT 1N81711421CE : Home Ins. Co., N. Y., Capital and Surplus. #4.000,000 Hartford Fire Ins., Co.. f. appal and liorplas .1,000,000 Liverpool, London A Globe " 860.000,000 Ins. Co., of Non n America ii t ooo Penn. Fire Ins. Co., Pldla " " " 111:410,000 National, libil . a. 11.7.11,000 Ins. Co., State of Penn'a " 11600,000 Union Mutual ... .400.690 .......- .. . Lycont rig re.. , ••• 6 $11,000,000 Narrnansett s Providenea.R.l." 500,000 Merchants' " 450,000 . • Clay of Now Port, Ey. 030,000 • Nowtownof Backs Co. 800.000 Alemmanta. of Cleveland, " 400,001 Lancaster Piro los. Co. ... BCO,OIO Fire Association of Phila. " 8,000,000 Roma Int. Co..Columhat, 0., " 8,0,010 Lehi Walla Fire, Allentown. '• Citizuns'Fire Ins. Newark, N.J." 800,011.1 800,000 South Side Ina.Co.Pittsbarg,Pa." 120.000 Alemtaanla of Pittsburg, " 400,000 The anderalgned to SPECIAL AGENT for the follow. tog companies for Northern Ponntylrania: Pica Astociation of Philadelphia. National Piro Insurance Company of Philadelphia. The initiranco Co. of the State of Penntylvania.of Philadelphia. Conn. Etoteal Life toe. Co., Lusatia $33,000,000 American We. PbIPA. •• $4,600,000 ELCOYa33NT. Tmveiers N.Co.,Etartford,Capitalauti,ooo Railway Passenger* ' .` $350,000. Timandersignedhaabeenwellittiown 111 tbiototinty,tol the past Wyears,ae an Ineuratme Agent. Loose. su twined by his Compaintes bare always beet promptly paid. er•Omcedntdoor east from Banking Ofliell of W ll. Cooper Co..Turnplkeat.Slontrome:Pa. D. D. BEADLE.° BILLINGS STROUD, Agent, CHARLES 11. 811ITII. Solicitors. „marmot. I Mon trose. Dee. W. 1 k 79 POE PIPE OEUNNS. FOR RESD ORGANS constantly on hand PEDIGREE OF SIRE. PEDIGLIEU OF DAM Hills payable IMEMEM Sac•satroase. X=lo,. Xs X X° Xti . r WHOM IT MAY CONCRIVR, itroVoce & LOW. Commission Merchant No. ZSO ;pi,,mwich St., New York, hove void ont and wick thetr patrons to atop eltippfna to them. By order of the arm. Tour. try 4. F. 11. BUNNELL. blyock, Nay 20. II ATTENTION. yoo want gala sale, and prompt Tatum. aend Nam . butter •oJackion S Low. No. 3:50 Grnmnalch mt. ew York Yours trul f or the Ortri formal Wallace & Low .pla,oek, Jape 3, ' AUDITOR'S NOTICIL—The undersigned. an Audi ter appolatdd by the Orphans. Court of Soigne- Unto County on cseeptione to the final account of Henry S. firiatrold and P,ll. Thayre adminlatottors Of the octal. of Sedate Orinweid deed will att, rut to the Jobe. of bla appointment at the office of M .t. Larrrbco Esq., in Snsqnettanna Depot, P., on Tuesday Jniy 2ttth.1574. at one Welock p a m,at tehtch time and place all parties interested may attend and be heard if they think proper. • Montrose, Jane 3,14, HERRING & FAR RE.L, 21/517 13x-otzelVerrirvy - N. "12" MANDFALTL'RFIIS OF ALL KINDS OF ,I'fro asac3 3131.3.1 gaar Proof ...4161 ,- ‘3E... • Tho oldest and mont reliable Om In thentlted State. They took the prize medal ateattlml at the WORLD'S PAM. AT LONDON I untrose, May G, THE INDEPLaVDENT Sewing Machine ! TIIE GIMATELT MAILEVEMa:T OF TUN AGE Sews from but One Spool of Thread It haa but als tvorlibi„• , pone, le TlO.Yelt”, and new. more rapidly than any Alai:blue in the Markel. ffits a sell-setting Straight -Veettla It Curably' , Durability with Denoty nod Simplleity,and ham all the Modern Impruyemet,t, rtr - A FIRST-CLASS IACHINE ON A BLACK WALNUT TABLE FUR 05. .ZlL643xLitiel WN/4Lim.t4oci. INDtrEZMENT SEWTIQG kaCIIINEC STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, EN VELCPES, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, a 0 13 0 POSTERS, SALE BILLS, HORSE BILLS, SLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, LABELS, RECEIPTS, TAGS, CATALOGUES, NOTES, PAPER BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CERTIFICATES, BON DS, PATENT DEEDS, NOTES, ETC., ETC., ETC. MONEY SAVE ! NEW' FIRM, NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICE& GRIFFIS & SAYRE, Rave opened, at the old locatioo rf M. S. Wthum, In thntrick Block Montrose, and we shall be pleased to sea all of our old friends and the many new ones'we hope to gain. Our stock will Cons!St of Irot Nails aid Ilarkaro rIZEE=II CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, In` large q.atities and variety. Stone Ware, Wang Ware, Moose-Fto nishing Goods and Groceries. We shall glee part:caller attention to the Grocery Trade aratkeep a fall assortment or Teas, eager, Coilrees, FATAH, Groceries & Provisions, Wittll variety, Salt and Floor. We shall keep ce .n _ stoutly on hand fine bonds or flour at much less •.. h . O oh, prices. and warrant it to pleas,. Goods d01 . ,,,, r 0 petonptly to our town customers. TERMS:—Oar will he strictly 1i0n,c137-rbay... (citah or produce.) This it will b 0 well to rennin Der, as this will be the secret to etr e low prices. We aro Confident that by ealll nu and a/draining our goods • d prices your will dud that it. 'sill be for your inter ea to try our goods and terms, orrrinsam aunts, - Montroeo. May. 13111, 'W.-- V. he Doubt Dispelled XSTMIW GrOlolZia3E3 1 Wm. Hayden, Now 111. ford, Ps.. le cow offering an ntiro new stock of DRY GOODS . 'Carrarafly selected for Spring and Bummer Trade, BOOTS AND. SHOES,, ihiOarricid and boat variety in Northers Ponapylvania 13ettos d: Cape, TRITERS, TRAVELING 13 139. Chita' Furnishing Goode, Tasitoe No- tlou, etc., etc. Cs/ attitle Wentltltel] hi Itcprole bk , VartAtlpst In cc*. matt /11.14 rd, May 13th MEI= Binghamton, N. Y 11E=MI I=2