diNautficq. - - Wm. 0 Omer o,► B. HAWLEY & CO., FL•OLT8IIE88 C MOS MOCK AND GENERAL JOB PRINTERS, Itonirese, Susquehanna County, Pa. Onrwa—West 81do of PAblle Avrnee. Business Cards. I. a& A. H. MeCOLLUM, Arremmn of LAW Ocoee over the Reek. Hortrer• P. liontiose, May 10. 11371 a tf D. W. SEARLE, A rroassr AT LAW. °Meg over the Rime of 31. seerseer.tek the Oriel meek. Montrose, Pa. Nol G 9 W. W iIITE oantrrsT AND CHAIR MANUFACTURE:FM—root of Mai:street, Mont .me. Pa.. )aug. 1. leG9. M. C. SUTTON, ♦IICTIOYEEE, 434 litamuirt. Lam. sal Mt Erriend.svllle, Pa. AM! EL Y; Address, Brooklyn, Pa AUCTIONS==. Joao 1. Iv lA, I. C. WIIEATOS, em.. EX.3.11111 awn Lawn Nrwrinrcni, P. U. addrevo. Franklin Fmk', titisquetianum Ca.. Pa JOILE GROVES, ASIIIONMILM TAILOR„ Montane, Ps. Blurt oral Cbandler'• Store. Al. order. Oiled In dratnantybi. caulnai don* an abort notice. and Truanied to tit.„ A. 0. WARREN, A TTORM A a LAW. Bounty. Boot Pay. Peo•ton and !flews: on Claims attended to. Office fir, Awar halo, ttopf's ]ion .Pa. Um. 1.011 W. A. en0:"..9.V0N, Attorney It Law. OlEce et the Court Mame. la the Comteleolonee• °Mee. W. A. CM/WNW, Illeatmer, SOIL 111. ISll.—tf. Ile KENZIE.