T m DEMOCRAT, Local Intelligence. Itellolollo fierVICCS. The services In the several Churches of Mont rose are as, follow i.PUST I CllDACD.Ray.J.R.Csassamas D. D. Pasta,. sabbatb Services lo}( a. In. and 7 p. ea, babtr.th Selma mayor Yeaung, Wednesday Recant CkTUOLIC ettarten R. P. J. Id Inuar Elabbatb 6errtees,.... bit acid Sov 613120Ay sv In each Month Sabbath Self nl Immediately before Kim Rev. Geo. IL Kirkland. .10x a. m. and Ili p. m. .2 p. m. 7 k( P. m. SLISCOPAL =MEI Sabbath Screices......... [sudsy School.. ........... Wsek-Day Setsleer-Wednesdays Ilev. W. k Triuree. 10.45 a, m.antl7.3Up. tn. •• • . li tn. 210p.m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Sabbath Vertices,— ....... flabbato ...... rmer 31.Ung. Tbravdaya. PTLESBYTHRIAN CGURCII nr,. J. G. )IG.Lam paategta Services.... ......... al. and 1% p, m paabstts Sebes( 12.1 S p. m Prayer Meeting, Tharedaz Eventapa.,.. "M P. m. Waiter Arrangement of Malls. Vu ItArtachin Tooltuunock, (Dally,) 133:21211 Manly.. Depot. (Da117./.... ..... ... 8 ilOp m ewe. 14 , . Ntir.rd. (0.11 y.) 10 00 am tkilpm Wyalusin.l. (Daily.) ........... ~..., 045. ID 9 Opp in Fetcwaavilla,(trl weekly.) 800 p et ROOs ea Cotatln Station, (tri weekly.) 700 a in 700 ara Dinghauttoll.la4t3. Lek.. OA ...kW— 000 Pm 700 P ik Xe.hoppek.(tri week) s ) 1000 a la 4 OUp m The tie., York. (sin Montrose Denot,) New MI Tunknannock, and Wyalseing aro daily. The Conklin Station Mall tans TUesdays, Thursday!, and S•itardaya. The Binghamton mall. (all Biker Lako,) rano Tues days, Thnrotair. and Satordays. Friendaville mall runs Tuesday!, Thursdays, and Sat wear , . The Meaboppon mall rans Mondays, Wednaadays. and Fridara ADDITIONAL S?tar. A Sue leave. daily tor Montt..., Depot at 1 m., and return• •t 6 P. m 811ge lenvro daily for Pew 'Milford at 7301. al, and return, at 330 p. m. E. C. PORDE All, P. M. Mat of New Aelreetlaimmenta. Auditors Notice—Estate - Of Sedate Griswold Dairymen Attention-. 3. T. Wallace. Spring and Summer Dry-goods—ll.•Burritt. New Carriage Emporium—U. D. Searle. BORTNICSB LOCAL& Slieridan's Cavalry Powders. A Large Stock of Clothing—E. L. Weeks. Johnson's Adodyne Liniment. Datishurg Edgings, Ice.—E. L.Weeks. , Peruvian Syrup, [Sockeye Mowing Machine—D. Brewster. Meetine. Ten Dollar Suits--F. L. Week*. Unsettled accounts—E. McKenzie Co.& Clairvoymit Examinations Free. Nue Aboutiova. A copious and refreshing ram on Sunday night last. t Gild a big knave and little honest men will worship Ladies Union Temperance Prayer 'Meeting at Rev. J. G. Miller'a, to-morrow (Thursday) at 3 P. m. Tso horns will last an nx a lifetime, but there Is many a man who wants that number before breakfast, Bishop ilnwe will he st St. Pants' chnrrh, nest OaObsfL Mo rite of - confirmation will be administered at the evening services. We are informed that IL Kenyon, Into clerk drug g ist t g n q t - rnir.ll, is about to open ei on Main street., There is every prospect of n good crop of fruit this year if the worms do not destroy it. These pests are unusually numerous and active in this vicinity. We conclude that there is t he no Fritrth July In Montrose ns Ire tinders and the tlrt men Witte accepted an invitation to Tunkltlnt mock on that occaalon. . _ Whoever has gone throneh much of life MUM remember that be has thrown awsia great deal or useless uneasiness upon what anus muel scorer in apprehension than in reality. Oneorour tender youths aught rob] by kissing the snowy. brow of a itontrose damsel. The kiss might not bare injured him, if he had miklie . tip so'litioitithe Presbyterian chuich ste¢i! Street commissioner Sherman is making some good wet intatortantrust street croasingn: and we are happy to announce that the " man-trap" on This post °Mee corner, Is also closed, and a good Cross walk laid and other decided improve• menu, made. Thermometer at 90 degree; in the shadeon Saturday and Sunday last, and a good strong frost on Tuesday morning wore the " probe hilittes" we had in this latitude. It this wilt be any benefit to the government "Signal Service" li is weleame lv the information. tteveral usembersot the masonic fraternity of Tankhanneek abated Warren Lodge at Mont rose on Wednesday evening inst. An earnest invitation was extended to the fraternity in this vicinity to join them in .a pic de party at Springville, !June 24th. This includes your wire; and ficat - el To divest the Decoration services from all rolitical Or sectional appearance, it was moved tut year, to leave all fatore arrangements in the hands . of the eitizerts at large. Nothing baying been done op to Friday evening the legal snare taxnty of the soldiers in the immediate vicinity of Montrose, met and arranged their Plans, and about 13 &clock on Saturday dorn niag marched to the cemetery and placed flow. ers open etch of the grartgi of their sleeping altrleades, tdantkag a nag at the grave of J. 13. Simmons wbo but recently " laid off his ex nier.",a.Cluing eulogy on the death of Mr. Simeittai was pronounced by .1, IL Lyons, which see will publish next week, together with alter itreceedbaga. The subject of a "soldiers' monument' was brought up. J. B. Lyons was elected to fill the vacancy In the committee caused by the death of Mr. Simmons. During the day some fete private parties visited the graves, making some further decorations. Vats Pair The State Agricultural Fair is to be held this yearpt ,Emuu on September 29th mid 30th and tuctobeedst.'-- ' Ng Yire /MIL Binghamton has a new Eire alarm hell, weigblng 7,600 ponds, which can be heard ten Ault& off- 'Track Widened. The Del, Lack. Fe Western 11103108A1 Com oany bun widened their Welt between Utica and Norwich, IL Y., so aa to be able to run broad page Pisa through to Uticalrom Ding- is &naiad. Ilturial Playa. A short dittanee above the village of liehoop- Lei, the AAr has wished into Abe bulk and etposed au vinctem hustat place of the Abong. Wes. .7lettieen thirty, and forty &tins have keen taken out, and several stone hatchets and liooliments: the &eine appear to be nearer together and more numerous as the ex caVatiorrrecedea from the river. The skulls are Mtn hroatter Sero99 the forehead than those of to-day, and are evtdivatly the remains of a nee distinct from the Indians who formerly hatialdt- Sedqhis region of coluttly.— Water enreir*, natter at Wilaq44appm A shocking murder occurred at 191Ikesaar: re on Friday evening, May 15th—a man nam ed Kipatrick in a drunken frenzy shooting and killing Pis own Lain, who had just arrived at manhOod. Infermation Vented. Of tbo whereabouts ofden Me Black (divorced from gorse°, Roilson.) When last besio from she. wits Liar abo9t Scranton, Any Informa tionre'sdlo ber will be thankhalifreCeived by her abilq, Dire. , Tohn P. Eitreblz Newark Valley, Tiogn Co; N. Y. • Born toballappy. . . Endeavor, if possible; to. keep a clear con• science and two or three clean shirts. Rise with the lark, but avoid larks in the evenings. Be above ground In ail dwellings, above board in all your dealings. Love your neighbors as yourself but don't have too many in nip name house with you, Yana bislmrsed B. B. Atherton, the Del. & Bud. Paymaster for the railroad and mining department, disbar em monthly between Honesdale and `•Cllkes barrc over $550,000. M. L. Tracy, paymaster of the canal department pays OM monthly be tween Honesdale and Rondout 1,513,000.—5cr0n. tan Journal. A Price. Depart.. 100pco 1.445 pm W. H. Dimmick W. It. Dlmmiek, the Assemblyman from Wayne county, who was held in $3,000 bail to answer in the U. S. Court, the charge. made against hint at tlarrisburg for violating• the postal taws in attempting to swindle the Itanli has barn discharged. The Grand Jury fulled to find a" true bill," and be was accordingly re leased. fat Taullent Penag. One half pound suet, shred fine; one bait pound grated bread crumbs ; one quarter pound boat sugar. the yolks of four eggs and the whites of two, welpeaten ; two tablespoonfuls of or ange marmalade dr snail citron, if preferred, To be but Into a buttersd mold and boiled for two hours. To be served with wine pourer over it or sauce. Burglary at Norwich. The office of Col. E. J. Loomis, nt Norwich, N. Y., IC AS entered by burl:tors, and a large number of Masonic goods removed. Among the property carrie,i inT was a t3tgal,l Knight Templar sword, belt and helmet, set alternately with emeralds and garnets, the property of Col. Loomis. It was elaborately ornamented with one hundred and eighty.five stones. They also secured the Commanders cluster, with precious stolid encircling Cross and crown, enameled richly. A. large Templar cross tram cap, set with twenty-five brilliants, was removed also a Lodge of PerfeCtlon triangle plate, sttnichnl with many. precious stones. The leas Is esti mated at tipwards or $3,000. As yet there, are ! I no traces of the mbhera.— flies Obrerwr. The Sazatit.iar, Conducted by d.. N. 8e11.141 . , D., 2.31 Broad way', New York, $3 a year. 30 cents a number. -Everybody lots need of the information which this inontilly gives. And the brief time and small erpense Of obtaining such needflti mathm constitute the most profitable of all earthly investments—an inireetment In. hen'th and time. The dune number, now before us 'fully maintains the Alperior excciteiiCiin 'gen entUrnecartlectto the.Satatosinn. tr cowl r - 'heads the causes and dangers of mtertnittent and remittent fevers; to which some country td:nats are no liable, and how to avoid thetn ; Taking Cold," and how to avoid it ; Summer Resorts, and perils of the sea, and a variety' of Other useful Information for the preservation of health sad the platlongatiort or tutpul The Law Answers the Question. .Buch doubt having been entertained as to liether the act classifying Dccorstion day among the legal holidays fully expressed its in- , km, the puLneation of the law will settle the dispute. It is as follows : Sucrios I. Se We:tat:nal, that the thirtieth day of May, commonly called Decoration Day, or when that day falls on , the drat day of the week the day preceding it., shall he a legal holi day. SEC.. 2. It shall be lawful to require payment of all notes, checks and bills of exchange due and fetyabluon such holiday to be made on the secular day next previous thereto, and in de fault of such payment the same may be protes ted, and such protest shall be as valid as if Made on the day on which such note, check or bill became due by its own terms. The governor signed the above act. Hallway Suspension. Sullivan and Erie train made its last trip from here far the present on Tuesday alter noon, We understand some difficulty between that company and the Elie, in regard to the royalty paid by the Sullivan and Erie, for run ning over their (the Erie) road from .11ouroeton was the cause of the suspension. The Lehigh Valley It Ft., who furnished the rolling stuck and working tome [crannied a train to pick up all cars, &c.. and bringing diem to Towanda on Wednesday. We do not know how much roy alty the S.lO E.yerad pays, but that is -tat has caused the suspension, and until it is arranged satisfactory to both parties, no trains will run on the road. Barclay branch of the Erie road rune from Barclay to Towanda. and the S. it . E. convects with It at blourocton, there,:tre it is necessary fot the.% & E. R. ft. to use It, for which they bare been paying a certain royalty. No doubt matters will soon be arranged satis factory and trains be again moving as hereto. fore.—Beartford Argun Death of Alvin Studs ant. Mr. Alvin Stordevant formerly editor of the Binghamton Standard, died at Benton Herber, Tuesday of this week, Mr. Bturderant had accepted the position of managing editor of the Bhiglitunton Republican and land sold his paper at Benton Harbor. preparatory to com ing here. Ile was expected to arrive in a few days, but the hand of death intervened His remains have been forwarded to Madison, In this:State, for Interment, Mr. Btardeynnt was aererelylojored at the rriemorable Carr Rock disaster, and never fully recovered his health, in fact the western climate had been lnjarlons, rather than benetkial to hint, and he hoped a return-to the health giving climate of-Bingham ton, viould bring to him some of his Old ener gies -and vigor. He bad a very retentive mem ory, and -ono a writer of same ability. Who will now bo elected for managing editor of the Repubikan has not been agreed upea.-11ble homton Leader, The Wltsiat itamise. The prospects of an abundant yield of wheat in the Cumberland valley, Lebanon valley and wh@rever the soil ie productive are of the most encouraging Mud. The department of agricul ture at Weshingtim claims to have rreived foil AnforMation' concerning the prospects of the wheat crop viitoughout the country. The re turns eover a large propcirtion of the wheat area throughout the states The winter has been extremely favorable In all sections. the south very few exceptions to the general vigor sod even hafnium of grirritt have appeared. In the golf coast . region . pastel - Mg of ,tv*at * fields ibis &sin practiced to the • advabtagef of the crop. In Pennsylvania the promise Is re markable, nine tenths of the counties make fa vorable returns. Three fourths of the coun ties of the Ohio valley make -favorable retema Beyond the Idtssissippi, Missal:et and ..13.1rtsas have few -unpromising reports. - , The 'reports from_the noitGwmt arc more favorable: Atari usual The prospects In California are very LOr ramble. .* • . ', The LightninemPowdr. correspondent from Elizabethtown writes as follows : About' three tulles clef. of MU bettitotta Pa., on Wednesday, - the Mb_ ult., during it' terrific thunder guit the lightning struck a white oak' tree, shattering. It in a re ; markable manner. Thotree was about thirty inches in altimeter and twenty feet dear to the first limb. The lightning struck the tree about the lower limb, tearing it completelpoutinf the roots, and ploughing up the ground for atils- Lance of sixteen feet arourd the tree. The top of the tree was intact, and contains about two cords of wood, and fell directly into the hole where the stump stood. The splinters and de bris were scattered around, covering the ground for a distance of fifty yards. The most singu tar part is that the top shordcl fall directly where the stump had been, in such a position as if planted there. One part of the tiank, weighing about two hundred and fifty pounds, was thrown a &Mance of seventy five yari,st from the scene of operation. Many people vis ited the spot from all around tl:e country to see the terrible force of lightning. I=l Fanners' granges are being rapidly orpnized In the northwestern part or the state. The best tittle at the Ser:nton toes On Thurs• day was 4:3T by Bonnie Douu the winning horse. Pennsylvania railroad stock on Saturslay ad. rancid to 47 4 s only Sy bele% the price before the death rif President Thompson. Thu pm' car has been sent out ulong the lire of Ole Allegheny Valley Railroad. This will probably prevent further riotous thittonbu-a The Philadelphia and Reading railroad com• pang have just launched a new stfAtm vessel, 1,700 tons burden, called the •' liarrishurg." She tnade her trial trap on Friday' lust. • At Wilke.abarro, on Friday the Women's tem perance movement received an Impetus from the arrival or several crusaders from Williams port. They visited one of the hotels and had praye: and singing inside, and then came hut and prayed and sang om the sidewalk. A large crowd gathered, and, finally, the Chief of po. lice notified the crusaders that they mutt stop, at they were obstructing the highway. l hey then closed their exorcism for the day. :Seidel's Orphans. A Wilson Norris, Coalman of the Depart ment E. A. R. of Peinsylctnit, Is is issued tha ttsilowing circular which will he of intcrest to soldiers' orphans. The Contra takes plet..Vir., In in furtnln4 the Depart meat that the Legislator • his amen dal the laws relating to the tare of soldiers and soldiers' orphults, by the pat ale of the follow. Ing "The children of decc - ts • I 9.1 hers who wer.• formerly residents of this St tta, an I en1i01,..1 lain the service of the Unite I States in regis rnents belonging to other tit ttes, and died of said set vice, sash children stow re.sidents if this stale, an I the children of decease L deatitede o r pemartently dissilsled soLtis•rs nr stibm wiseths•r born arter or before dtirstetry I st, shall hr admitted into !lie goldiers' orp's tis• school,oa the almeentilitialvtlit nrp's 13 or soldiers and.iailom are nose admitted. Pawl.. dent the nusitber shall.,not exceed ti le hundred" Posts arc zeqttesle 1 to seek such cases at once, and make applie ttion fir ths•ir adsnis. sion to the 81. she Sapecintendsnt, Prof. J. P Wickersham, liarrishorg, accompanied oy a foil ' statement of the Liresiatstsaees of the child nt I children. to be approved by the Past Corninan der. Hydrophobia. Contemplating the horrors of hypropholda one madly grasps at any prevention of their! occurrence and will therefore readily listen to any suggestions concerning the best means to adopt to protect the community from its rava ges. A celebrated veterinary surgeon rays The means of preserving from rabies consists in taking off the edge of the dogs teeth try the aid of nippers and files. The surgeon tried the op eration upon three dogs when they STITe raving mad, and notwithstanding the evident danger to which - be was subjected, succeeded Six dogs were then let loose to the mod curs and ; were bitten furiously, but without breaking the akin of any of them. The bitten dos were watched fonatx months, during which time none of them ran mad, or exhibited the slight est sign of rabies. The surgeon was so con vinced that the blunted teeth of the ding could not penetrate through clothing, that he gave hie hand, covered with o glove, to one of the mad dogs. He mouthed it tichutsfy, hut when the band tens released the glove was intact, the bite having only made a deep imprcassion, anti, of course, no abrasion. The conclusion, of course, is that animals in danger of running mad should have their teeth blunted hottml of their mouths muzzled. It would probably be the more humane proceeding, as a muzzled dog in mid summer suffers miseries of an awful kind. Grangors T. A. Thompsot , mg. Lecturor of the Nation al Grange, Patrons of Ilushandry, visited this place on Thursday last, and deliivered an ad dress in the Court 1107-48. 0.9 in; to the tact that the meeting w.is poorly afivertised,but few outside the members of the Otter In this imme diate vicinity wero present. We deem it ex tremely unfortunate that our citizens coati not have been present, as we are certain that they would have received quite a different impres sion in regard to the objects and designs of the Order, from that which now exists in the mind of the pahlle. Mr: Thompson 601 it loss nit the design-of the Grango to make war on roil. road corporations or any other class in cora Inanity. It was designed to bring producer and consumer into closer union nut do away with the enormous profits of a class of middle men.. who neither produce anything nor furnish capital to conduct legitimate busi ness. The manufacturer and merchant were both benefited, is the principles of the Order inculcate the cash payment ,system. rec. ommended members of the Order to patronize theirbome merchants, any of whom would be willing'to 'reduce their percentage, if they could always Sell Ow cash. The speaker said there are now :t5 State Gran ges,.., and 10,040 subordinate Lodges, with an aggregate membership of 1,200,000,0ne hundred and tiny thousand of whom are There are 260 Granges in this State, and he predicted that then would be 2,000 at no distant day. The chief bandits to be derived from connection with the Oilier were social and intellectual cul ture.. Through the Grange meetings, the differ ent Wallin in nazi districts aro brought to. gather and become acquainted. The discussions 6miltarizs4beng men with the rubs of de . bee M rirlianserdary user, thus fining them PP. ParAlclPlt9P / 3 #9t l o ° ! d i r bm t e the duties of towathip; - eounty; or Stine positions. Mr. T. is not an eloquent speaker, but his familiarity with the subject renders bim very eutertainlog And instructlye.—Bradford Reporter. ' Lisbllll2/ of Landlords Few people are, aware WM4l)ere, Lk. on the statute hooks of under which the hien& of persons injured by the sale of liquors may recover drunmes. The thilowiug is the third section of the Ilet.or May 8, 1834 : "Any persons Ibrnishing intoxicating drinks to any persons in violation of any existing law or ths provisions of this act, shall ho held civi• ly responsible for any injury to person or prop erty in consequence of such furnishing ; and any one aggrieved may recover fall damages against such petition an furnishing, by action on the case, instituted in any court having Jur isdiction of such form oftaetion in this state." A landlord in Blair county was sued recently tar $l,OOO damages fur telling liquor to a man who soon altar Sell from l Ursa and was killed. The defendent settled the case by paying the claimants $6OO. Yom Susquehanna Depot. Thos. Fenian Is building a store on Eric avenue next to 0. T. Smiths steps. John C. Cook has commenced diggingtor the foundation 01 his new store on mein street. Union temperance ptuver meetings were held every afternoon in the Methodist church this week. Tho funeral of Willy E. Barton was attended at the M. E. Chapel Sunday afternoon, iiay 24th at 3 p. m. I). Smith, has got up a coupon bond for the Methodist Episcopal church Design with a coupon for each tnonth,it Is a very fine arrange ment for keeping churcla'account. lies•. A. J Vaneleft took occasion to thank the Ladies for the flowers also the lady's rnlon Sew ing Societe, for a book mark for the Bible. A very nice Bible and Uymn book were presented by the Roe. A. J. Vended. The dedication of the M. E. Church et Oak land took place Sunday, May 17th, at 3 p, m. Rev. Mr. Jacobs made the opening address, fol lowed by the Rev. 11. H. Brooks. Rev. A. T. Vancleft managed the financial matters, he told the congregation that the building committee needed seven hundred dollars to pay fur what had been done, and finish the chapel. The subscription reached the sum of eight hundred and seventy two dollars (072.) After the sub scription bud been obtalued,Rev. A. J. Vancleß in behalf of the committee that held the chap el in trust, presented it to Br. Clark for dedica t lon S. May. Tith, 187-1 Legal fielidure The todowing hare been declared legal bol dnys by legislative enactment: 1. The first tisy of January, commonly cal ed New Year's day. 2. The tw e nty-aroma day of February known as Wa..llhurlon'a birthday, 3. The thirtieth day of 2lay, lo be !mown 03 (let or !Ilion day. .4. The fourth (ley of July, called Indepen dence day, 5. The twenty-fiflii dny of December, ka?wn tiny. 6. Amy geutriti election day. When either .4 the 5a1.t4,9114V111111.4,0* Sun; doy the Monday riillowing such iititiiisy is to Jim oloicrved 7. Any day appointed or recommended by . the (ii,eruor of this SIRUP, or the President of the C. S, us a day of llittnioigiving or fasting and prayer, or other religious olnaereance. These daya, it is protjticel, shall far all pur poses w hat sorcer, as regards{ the presenting for pray anent or acceptance, and ut the protesting, and gis lug notice of the dbltcnor or bills of ex fmnge., honk 'checks 'and prontissury notes, with or without grace, made after the passage of this act, he treated and considered es the first day of the week, nunv called Sunday, and the public holidays ; and all such bills. checks or notes which might otherwise tall duo or be come presentable for acceptance or payment on the secular or business day neat preoceling such holiday. teethes, vs. Old.Prabs. That there is a sensitiveness to atmospheric changes in the leech is generally admitted ; and the idea of utilizing this little creature as a sort of weather glass arose long ego, we have evi dence in one of the early volumes of the Gen demon's .llngazine. A correspondent of that venerable journal stated that if a leech be kept in n phial or bottle partly filled with water h will indicate approaching changes in the weath er lie placed on the whitlow ledge an eight ounce phlal containing a leech and shout six ounces nt water, and watched it daily. Accor ding to his description, when the weather be came serene and beautiful the leech became motionless at the bottom of the phial , rolled in a spiral form. When it began to rain at noon, or a little before or after, the leech was found at the top of its lodging, where it remained tua! ul the weather became settled. When wind was approaching the leech galloped about its limpid habitation with great liveliness, seldom resting until the wind became violent. When a thunder storm was shout to appear the ani mal aught a lod,ginent above the level of the water, displayed great uneasiness, and moved about In convulsive like threads. In clear frost, or in flue summer weather, it lay con stantly nt the bottom 1 whereas, in snowy weather, like as in rain, it dwelt at the very month of the phial. The observer covered the mouth of tLitt phial with a piece of linen cloth, and changed the water every week or two. Important to ehoolDireetors: It to perhaps not generally known that the annual publication of a statement of the finan cial proceedings and_ condition otancli,aebool board in this State is requinaby the school law and that it is the Imperative duty of each board to comply with this provision. This tabliAcd statemtatt slMald be made by the old boards. The department will withhold the State ap propriation froin all districts that 'fail to make eke annual public statement. In order to receive the amount appropriated by the state to each school district, the presidents of the respective boards must appear before a Justice of the pettee and swear or allirm to the following : That. the eel:Dole have been open and In operation at:cording:oche requirments of the school law, for the term or not less than five months dur ing the school year; that no teacher has been employed for or had charge of any of the schools of the district during the year specified, wba had not at the time a valid certificate from the - county superintendent ; that the accounts; of the district treasurer and tax collector for the ' year specified have been settled, and statements in full of the financial operations or 'the district published according to law. This afhdavit made by the pitaideitc mak , be countersigned . by the secretary. both officers of the. old board and together vinth, the annual district report,' mristhelOrWatded by the new board to . the. proper county superintendent. • The section of law xcittlring an.annual Abdo.: meat is ae followa t.'it shall Int the duty of titre, boatel - of &eaten to pahlith as animal state-I L rot the amount - of =neje 'eiviiideaktiiditlnVaniount - tuntronffielieelots, and setting forth all the financial operations of the district, In not Pm than ten written print ed-handbills, to be put up In the most public places in the atria." In preparing the statement, minute details 01 all items need not he, given. Secretaries will Mid a convenient and suitable form of die required annual abatement of the district accounts on pages WS and IN of the late copy of School Laws and Decisions. Business Locals TAKE A 'Loos eit. 010 ren .0044 r Bolts une Z. 'it—ti at E. L. Nast's. ALL PERSOLie having =settled accsunts with- E. Naturist Co., must settle the seine with out delay. Mtutmetc, Juae 3, 14.—tt, TEM VENTUAIILIS ARC/I:DEACON Scary, of Dunham, Canada East, says that be suffered from dyspepsia more than twenty-five years, but that three weeks' went thiPernvian Syrup (an Iron tonic) has benetitWll)irn so wonderful ly that he can hardly persivule hitbself of the reality, and people who know him are aston ished at the change. A Luzon STOCK of Clothing suitable for the seuson just opening June by E. L. Weals. TEC BUM EYE 3towrso MAClluitb. The New-model Buck gyo turning ma dunes are In all respects cqual•—and In many— superior to any other, and they can be procured at lowest prices and easy terms orD. Brewster. Montmsc, Pa., who will deliver them in any part of Susquehanna co., and guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. Montiose, June 3, 1874. HAMBURG EDGINGS, inaings, Collars, Ra tans, iisraeota, away down J one S, at E. L. Wnsn'a. ✓ohnun'a Anodyne Liniment will give .more relief in caws of Chronic Rheumatism, no mat ter how severe,a ban any other article known to m,dlcal men. Used internally and externally. It is often remarked by stntnave visiting our State that we show a larger proportion of good horses than any other State in the Union.. This we tell them, is owing to two principal reasons in the first place, we breed from tbe'very best stock : and in the second place, our people use ktheridan'a Cavalry Condition lineders. which In our judgement are of incalculable advantage. TUE CIITCAPEST LADIES' BRIBES erer ASCU In this mnrket June 3, '74.—tf. n.t & I.4:Wiimee. Cl.sinvovark• EXAMS9A.I'IONR FILM There is no subject that requires so much study and experience as the treatment of cbron• is diseases. Fite astonishing success and re markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield are due to the girt of clairvoyance; to the life long study ut the constitution of man, and the curing of diseases Irons natural remedies. Let those given up In others call for examination. He cures the worst cases of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, Lungs and Kidneys. lie will be at the Csfferty House, Dinghanaton,Tuesday,Wed nesday sod Thunulay, June 9th, 10th, and 11th. Don't come on Friday. June 9 1874.-2 w. ALL SILK RIBBON'S, Very wide. Only 95ets,jer yard. • • READ tt Wanton& Montrose, May 97, 1874.-2 w. SIED MAL 31ZETIN0 Nurzc& _ . The tiesquetanna Eclectic Medical Societ y, will hold its semi-annual meotiug at' ,Phioney lintel, New Millard, ori Friday, June 12th,1874, be called to order at 10 o'clock ii, m. Dele• gates from the State Society will Ixrpresent. A speeiaLelinic will be held in the afternoon con ducted by Drs. Thompson, lbagbler and Bor: laud, of the State Society. Dr Thompson 13 renowned in western Pennsylvania, as an ex pert (teolint and AUfilt, all invalids and suffer era are invited to come, be examined; receive preseSii)llonS or be operated on free of charge. An evening smsion will be held by the society. Dv order Of Presidtta-. C. H. YELVINOTOSI, seey. Mon trose, June 3,14.-2 w. 11.+Arerma Ebtena All 'width% very tine. Only 20 eta-per yard. Real value 40 to 50 ett... per yard. READ at WATItOtt& Montrose, May 27, 1874.-2 w. Tue. "Gentleman in Black," who is the tu :tier demon of dram-shop!. assnmeS his sourest aspect when the rapid progress of VINEGAR Brrrens, is reported "down below." Thu peo ple's Vegetable Tonic is playing the mischief with his bitters fired with ruin. All diseases which those demoniac nostrums aggravate, under pretense of relieving, such as indigm lion, sick-headache, corustipulate; rheumatism, gout, and Intermittent levers are cored by St. Jlay 27th, '74.-4w. • CELERY The yr.tr round. Ingutre at the Reyatone Selona. Gm C. limn& Co. Montrose, May 20th, "It —ff. JVWT RF.CtIVED. We have jest received and will keep con stantly tm hand a large assortment of the "Do. mestie Paper Patterns, for Ladies'. Misses', Boys' and Children's garments, all of tho latest New York and Paris fashions. Catalogue fret by mail to any address; send for one. Yours Truly, BLAD & Wantons. Montrosa, May 13th, '74.-3w, CLAMS'. CLAMS 11 Fresh Clams at the Keystone Saloon. 40Eo. C. HILL Montrose, May 20th, '74—tf. BINGHAMTON OFFERS AN ATTRACTION 1 , ,,r gentlemen who wish to (lONS ACCII.-.-The WASHINGTON STREET TAILORS bale engaged the services of the celebrated W. H. Lindly, a gentleman or considerable note with the tailor , ing fraternity of this countr . v. They are now prepared for the Bummer traue,as they have just received all the new things in the way ofcloths, cassinteres and vestings. Their references are the best, having taken the first premium at TTIG Tailor's institute in New 'York last fall. Give them a call. IL 11. ll.ti,loctr, Proprietor. 81 Washington 3t., Binghamton, S. Y, bray ?A 1874.-Iy. 7161,1t.2 7 ;LX'LZ..f‘.(3 1. E 1 19. WELLS--STREETER — in Hayford, May 23d, at the residence of Dr. J. B. Streeter, by Re*. A. Miller. Mr. George H. Welts of Gibson, and Miss Alpha,M. Streeter, of Marton:L. , Trionsa4-tfarnan—ln A/Mecham, May2B; by Rey. W. Ii Olin, Mr. E. J. Thomas to Miss MattieXayden, both of Herrick, Pa. • darcrer--Lovr , --itt the barna af the bridelfak 24th, 1874, by Rev. S. Buller, Mr. Barney c:4- my, of Easton, Pa., and Miss Banat Low, of Auburn, Pa. Finn-31E912—in Liberty, Su EI co.. Saturday evening, May 23, by D. C. Marrin,esq Charles L Finch to Miss Juliet Miner, both of Cenklio,Broorne co., N. Y. the reaidencis 114 esq., Jackson Corners, on Wednesday, May 2Q, by Rev. B. T. Davies, Mr. LaVerne Marsh !co' 31118 - Lyilla Annlialt,' basket dear . n_ maza.a.gzertis. Comae—ln Dinkock, soddenly, Eliza Eli:li* wife of lleory Craw. IliCed 24 years finan—ln Anbein. Centre, April 23d; 11374, niter an Mums or one- week, Pnineas, son et !mantel G. and Elizabeth' Devi; Aged 20 ye*,(ll menthe, and 3 days. Joassox—la Springville,, April 11th, .104, Zelutnia Johnsen, beloved cd IL A. JobB - aged 67 years, 9 months, and 8 days. 1:: Boutitar.--Near Hartford, rut!riAn counit Mo.. May Ith. 1874, of typhoid lenrer,.Lydis wife of E. H. Burdick, only daughter of klmil". N. Deuel, and only . gmidchild -of J. B. Towtte; eq. q.. formerly of ;VMS PllffeAll/4 0 1, 7 8 yeark • . • =~_ jaaii * A6iils tietsabtalt 7thriatelate will notraUrre, no wellies cd they yrin got enheilee,ind err inmenen ' ./0 1 , whichthoy will &more. Thisiistronit 'trot -it Is true. They have , produced mon carte of rbeemallain. neonlala.loClOnw.PalarAProWs•oor galPria. dap, cakwi brimeta, =We, Omar. alt. rheum. earache, .11n. upon the tertian hero*. and of stink:a, 'perdu. gabs, - epos, animal to one you then have an otbarpretanded mettles sloes be world began. They are coonter•ltrlntaL all.heallag pain re- Ilevers. Cripples throw - Swarth. le crutches, the lame with, polar:Moos hare eta rendered lissinleioNond tpt wounded are healed without a roar., Marcelo., le pub. Habit( around each bottle. They sell at no ankles ever sold before, because they deject what they pretend to do. Those who now Eder from rheumatism. pain. be .wahine deeerve to entree 1.1 Limy will not fllso Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. More than IMO eerillicates of remarkable cures, includiox frozen limbo, chronle rtirramatlem, gow, mooing tomes. have Oren re. 'edema.. We will .ands elrenlat containing eertllcatee. the recipe, de.. grans, today one niqueeting it. One ikoitle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred 4 . 411 us for spavined or sweenterl home and moles, or for screw-worm to sheep. Stook-owners —theeettntments are worth Tour intention. No Wally .h on ig be without, them. •liTttite lemma. thtoltrimil" Yellow wrapper for animals. Bold by all Desseists.- 50oloits per bottle large bottles. VAL .1.8. Roes Co.. 63 Broadway. 'New York. CiiiMogi* IN more Ciao 4 substitute for Castor Oil. It Is the only tree snide In existence which Is eartala to asslconlate the toad. reartlate the bowels. care "rind cone end produce natural elegy. It contains senior mineral/4 morphine or alcohol. and Is pleasant to tat*. Children need not cry and mothers mal not. Clotrimisston fferchents. JAMES M. ROWAN, sa ZlECcorcasazat i a 1) EIWILIVIIII OF BUTTER, CIIEESE. EGGS, POUL ' TRY, AM) VEAL CALVES, 84 PARK PLACF, NEW YORK CITY Consignmsnts solicited led return. med. Immediate IS en gel d ut gouda. Send ler shipping cards mid sten H 4. Itecrances ?fattoill Pork Bank of New York. North River hook of Now York. Nua►o 23Ation.1 Bank of Now York. Long Island Bank of Brooklyn. N. Y. fob. lit, Ittn.-11 The Margess. Financial. The mnnoy market continues to be character:zed by extreme ease. with no prospvct of a change. The business nom munity is patiently waiting the adjourn ment of Congress on the 22d proximo. They will then know where they stand, and can make their preparations for the fall trade. We quote loans on call at 6®6 per cent.. Strictly first-class two". , named paper was negotiated at 6 per cent., and single-named paper of the same grade at 6icfp 7 per cent.; loans on government . collateral rule at 5@6 per cent.; on other first - elms bonds and /kicks at 6 per cent., and on mare inferior col lateral at 7®ll. per cent, • Gold Silver Li 13 6o 11381 540 Coupon, 1811 5.- . 3.11106p0n,1954 840 Connon, 1,993 5.90 Coupon, 1965 5-20 Coupon, 1207 5-91 Coopon, 1820 5 per ..... Paris ii;biodo Sterling it =tunic. New Torii Produce Market. acported E. WeekEXt•fli for 'Tux DIVOCkAT by Ithourr rver. Produtv COMMIS -111013 'Jackal:lrk 90 WhlteUßllStroet,Tiow York. firress-PlekiPs. N. Y., N.. 7., 13 Pa. Teri.- ••• t• • - so •" •• Cnsrea-Mate Peeled , . due to Wm> • 15,6 M stai. Miry. common to fair 13 33 147 i Seae-State and Penes., /a Weenie., prime , 16 Q 1534 - Oecits-C.ru.„ le 63 1 ag 1 tO 511 100 Ms 110 - 115 _ Rye. State.. Oeys—Siete RAT -a Rea.ve—pa, AND 6‘ILVV-067.P.r • , Strew. ..... BD "Uat3s 0 IXI POV.,llllT—Chiekeln, Stahl, prime ...... 14 e A .16 Tarlton, 141. 111 Miscellaneous 131 tf v , Gs gritom General lINSURANCE AGENT, Tittcommtrcbiset. Wow. Capital Represented. $100,000,000 ITEM, tilt AND ACCIDSB? TESUIPISCIL : Ilona Ins. Co.. N. Y., Capital and surplus, E 1.000,000 Gartford Fire hu...uo..t..puilwarurpigs samu,oect Liverpool, London a Globe . 00.000,000 Ins. Co of North America •• $3.150.000 Penn. P o hyla.. LP., Phila., . 4 ELGILGO National. Phil's. Ammo Ins. Co., State of Pann's . AO Union gonad • E.OOO i AO I‘a a gga " a g re l i t t. r s nit si d ones. R. I: : ' 500.003 Illestisi - s.cao Clay, of hsn New Port, Rp. ii 1a30,030 Newtown, of Darks Co. o MBE Alonntanla. of Clereland, " 11110.000 Leueaster Fire In,. Co. . 110000 Piro Ansoelailon of Plat. . MIAOW Goma Ins. Ce..Coltunbos, 0., . MEOW 'Lehigh Vallaylilia. Allentown. " 1100.000 Cancans' Fire Ins Newark, NJ.. • BM' Booth Sfde not.Co.Plitsbarg.Ps. ii " " Ha , . Alernmanla of Pittsburg. . 400.000 The andenolgned Is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow ing companies for Northern PenosyleAsist Piro Aasortatlon of Philadelphia.. • National Piro Itoorance Castro:Got Phtladelihis. The Ineuranee Co. of the State of Pannsytrants,of PhiLidtiptilii. . . . X SI 111 Conn. WCITG1111;tfo Ins. Co., *Seals loserknn I.ll*.inara.• • .",.CIC77:7:I=MV I . Tweeters foo.Co..flutfowd.f.opttaltodimploolltAfio.oo3 •Ballway Pusencers ' PAWL The endenOgue4loobeen wen known 11% tel. want y.tor the put 17yeaNjoati lonnanto Agent. Los..sastsleed by Us Compantro bare .Iwayo been rtnorly paid. Ur °glee Elindoor ee.t from Babbler Otte. of % El.CooDer Co.,Taresdkeit.KontroseYs. BILLINGS" STROUD, Agent. C 'YAWLS!. If. Bitlill, floIldtoro: 'Moo ttoso. Doe. lA. 1 ' BUTTER BUTTER ! ! 8V TES SYSIPPED REDUCED RATES =MI -,,: 4 „W,.1..,.,. - .w.,..*pßEs& , "NEW - SPRING GOODS MR2OI 1107412 Am. Log *ad aposileg daily dortag tpa Nam Modem RENA & Xew Dress Goods, Shawls ' ts Wimp, MILLINEET as Trimmed mid Cariimmidi Ladies' and Children's . rtims4 FLOWERS, LACES, RIBBONS, NOTION.S,FANCY•GOODS,DOMES TIC FURNISHING GOODS, OAR• . PETS, OIL-CLOTHS, MATS. &A, tto. Ste Nes sad Bop •*u COTTONADES & CASSIMBIIES, txtra Quilt?. Pine Grad's of NATcrcolexuti, FOR CUSTOX WORK. \ 'tarsus:ottani< .011.) cialUrvril itaau6ng Tu uitatile IN Till/ ricaT AMU& LARGE STOCK OP at1iti. ,. ;4414411 i A LH Pala WO LIP Pail. 131 lairol.ll AM, 11LUC172i GENTS' FeIINISBING 2CMa..tzs- ens MIIRIXD WRAPPERS' LUD3I,UMIMA NVNVW 'M. M. Saur r TR O IN A SAT h Se., Se. It Is oval' mr elm to Wen, Ms- plate. to 0...0 r , 14 =it s = rz , prim, as toatalsttiln o at ibps. ItZAD CEVllirs 08 TRADE. COI evl7 and cytan. Yours trop Guttenberg, Bombs= t Co., Ina. Mit 1113‘ -1111 X ttl wig 111% . 111% 111% 11. 8. DBsB.llllo4Banaglim Pitts,/ liaAirces Apr AAA. WA MN 11PM 122 ISOM 121 1204 'sox J 15% 1151 Iza 0.113 i - BINGHAMTON NIARBI,E , WORKS. MONUMENTS. iIEADSTOIMS, AND 'MARBLE BLVSTI., Mao, 800700 . • WIALISIVITO on band. J. PICELEULNIA & CO. rtoncurso, ) ' — 126 Co mi t ii i t t h B sm irre tati t. v. .114 grAteauttax 1. • P. nitrom Nor. 12th 1878. 'X' Ai. MlLl33l22.iXis XXICIII3-0 Xis monis rzu comet mom, SOINTROSIL UMW* Joan a. maxillislisft ?Me Stages 1.0.1 r. this Homo 4117. costasciltair Res Xea , mw tIY. the Letittgh Vela Railtuad.m4 the D. ds W. Rallreed. dpti NW 3P 3St. In Lgalesbore. HOBERT & MAIN, baring catered Into• do:path:airship. are um piping:l to do all tines or wort la ratline al Vigo IRIANII FROM A WHEtusARROW TO A COACH. REPAIRING IN aNT PART OF Tan zuatnals rill kali* prompt attestlaa, •..soap, ef. altur. , . Lan.shisro. Pa... Oct, 16„ 1,871,4 f. , FURNITURE WARE - EVERITRING IN W Asti Smarm ; Orsziari34e3 • 50 Washington St., BinOttintag s Consisting oi everything nimeable in OM busineas. prig promptly doi NKR ast:. - tasi;heiiisiiatr• nue.= ansoitem ai. BadiftaDagtilldati. litagfulattolult. Y., Angasl,2o,lolo4-47. 7 , ..... A ' 3IOIISTRA TOUT nonms..—to sticionoto of John •V. trltelley, tato 'of Bastitaboollit Nyco, -finesse& letters. otAdeotolotratoo O. T, _ _4ll.lorrtsillt yen 'gouged to the midi totroeo4l trauma lattobtoli lo o Wet WON fir. Web, notOod to rAto kasseiltatopia cc to ea Abniolatottor : sob Moot Hiring dal in WC. OW 11/11PINSIS/ requested to Weent, PhtOFt E IOPOIN. -UMW= OTAIL AWL St. Josephs. Xsi 6,1574.4 w .. ITO= BTLLB pr xviavetrax . E . ~ .J wws«.?2 ILL IS.MD9 or., mans TO 011,DIM UMIIIII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers