The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 27, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
ltellgious Services.
The services in the several Churches of 'Mont
rose are as fottow : • ,
rTIST CtttTUCll.ltry. J. E. Cussentns D. n. Pastor
SA bhsth gervices lON a. tn. and 7 p.
Sabh*.th School t m.
rrayet teettllg, Wedctesdnytvealngs
Sshhath der✓ and 9ra nanday In earl Month
nentiate nen nil Immediately before Mass
Ray. Goo. H. Kirtland.
lox a, al. and p, m.
rfi p. m.
.7.3 t p. m.
PISCOP AL curßcn
sabbaak Scrylecs
E a ads v. School ..........
NV aet-bay Services—Wedneaders
.1.if:1110DIST EPISCOPAL ........0 W. 1.. Tuoixx.
Sabbath DCITtCrII 10.4:i a.. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sabbath boo' Y m.
fnyer Meeting, Thursday., 7 30p. m.
ehabbs:h Services 10.45 a. m. and 74 p, m.
Sabbath SehooL 14.15 p, m
polar Bcetll4, Tharectai Everanms.... .....4N p. m.
'Winter Arrangement of Math.
ran I. haanack, (Daily.)
Via .87.aoaa:
Mantro‘e Depot. (Dally,) 600 pm 620 am
New Milford, (Daily.) 10 00 a m 1:10p m
yaia•lol7. (Daily.) 945 am 1 Otipm
Friendeville. weakly,) 6 00pm 600 am
coatlm Station. (tri..... 700 am 700 am
Plughatedon,riet S. Lake,arl weekly).. 600 p m 700 pm
lieshopperi. Drf weekly,). 10110 •m 40Upm
The Nis . York. (rla MOil OMB Depot.) New Milford,
"Tankhannett, and Wyslusing are daily.
The Conkho Station mail runs Tuesdays, Thursdays,
.ad Saturday.,
. ,
The Rini:haulm° mail. (Ha Silver Lake,) nine Tuce
days, Thursdays. and !Saturdays,
.I.ricudevilla mail rums Tucedaysi, Thursdays, and Sat.
A: Ileshoppen mall mm Moeday►, Wednesdays, and
A Stage leaves daily for Montrose Depot at 1 m., arid
returns .1 r, V m
A Stage leaves datly for No Milford at 730. to.
and retorne at 3 30p. at
List of New Advertisements
Auditors Notice—Estate of H C. Burgess.
Notice in litsoktiwtcy—Estate of Amos H
Noe Time Table—M. R. R.
Pain Ki ller—Perry Davis Sqn
BusiNEss Loc.u.a.
Magic Inkstand.
Vinegar Bitters.
Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Shcridan's Cavalry Powder&
Johnson's Adodyne Liniment,.
:Notice—Dr. Wells.
All Silk Ribbons—Read & Walrous.
Hamburg Egings—head k ‘Vatants.
Notes About Town.
licport says that we no x have another B.
kery start ed And in running order.
Union Tcmpernnce Prayer Meeting at the
House of Rev. J. G. Miller to-morrow (Thum
day) at 3 o'clock p. m,
Mr, M. L. Weeks lons fitted up and refilled bi i ,
•tore. It will be under the management of Mr.
E. McKenzie, who will be pleased to see his old
friends, and new ones also.
The Legislature has made Decoration Day a
teen! holiday.. Persona hawing business in hank.
or notes due on that day. sill govern (house/r
-ev accordingly.
A veq-copiatis and refreshing rain on Mon
day last, the lint that has been a efficient to even
lay the dust, in over three weeks—ma= beast,
plant and tree now give evidence of joy
We are obligated to Senator Fitch for very
many Legislative documents, in tact all that we
have received the post session, among a Well is
the complete Legislative Journal, postage paid-
We most certainly Appreciate the favor, and
that, too, from a political opponent.
Mr. 0. S. Freeland, a first class at till is impend
ing some time at the Tarbell House, and his
skill, as a portrait painter has been made mani
fest-in several very fine likenesses, Ile bas
completed one each, for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A..
Crossmon, Mrs and Mrs. J.S. Tarbell, and has
others now in progress We can say without
fiatteryor binnbrist that Mr. Freeland is a gen
tleman, and et scholar as well as a first class
lilt would pot he considered sacrilegious, we
would suggest to the Ladies of the " Temper.
since Union," that while they are sincerely sup
plicating the Threingtaf Grace tot thore
hands and fathAss that are bringing suffering
upon the poor by the liquor traffic, that they
also include those other husbands and fathers
who are roblitßg the poor and industrious by
usury extortion. This may come closer to the
church and borne than the other, but, He, Who
said, " be temperate in all things" also said,
forsake thy father, husband and brother 4,;YCEI
follow Cltr4tigulty,
Oar anseptebanna Depot Letter
Came toe late fur publication this week. It
will appear In our next.
Newspaper Change.
B. C. Kidder. has retired from the Basque.
hauna Gazette, and C. E. Whitney, will conduct
it alone. It Is an excellent local paper—in fact,
the first real livo local and general newspaper
ever publMed In that place.
A Problem
There is one thing that bothers the local op
tionists, and that is that the cases of drunken
ness are 20 per cent, kw in New York with Li
cense, man in Boston without license. The aver
age crusader is in the dark as to how license
can promote temperance, and yet they see it
does do it !
Observance of Good Friday-
An interesting debate hap sprung up among
Presbyterian clergymen on the subject of the
observance of Good Friday as a holiday.
Amongthe most prominent disputants at a re•
rent meeting In Philadelphia, were Dr. Alferd
Nevin, and Rev. E. H. Nevin. The former
strongly advocating the observance of Good
Friday, and the latter opposing it.
Earery,Mass a pentlesausta.
Beecher Jaye he claims for Americans the right
to be not simply a, man, but a good-manner.
ed amp. I have seen men at the anvil who were
as perfect gentlemen as men of books or men
of society. I {mow no reason why a man who
builds should not be a perfect gentleman. There
is nothing in mechanical occupations which is
itaximpati ble with the highest courtesy.
Alive-igar-pld child was taken by Its father
301 in Schuller, into the woods near Hazel
tun, Luzern county, on Monday afternoon the
inst.. to keep him company while he cut
sume,tnall trees- Leaving the boy for a tew
minas, with strict injunctions not to wandex
:max, the tether explored the woods fora short
distance, mtd, rill:trued tO litul the child missing.
lie concluded that the little fellow had gone
home, but on reaching the house found such
not to be the case a an alarm was then given ,and
the neighbors turning out, a search was kept
up for three nights and two days, when the lit:
the boy was found in a weak andexhausted con
dition, with a "quantity of tea berries in his
handl onastich belga subsisted. When dis
covered he =WU was. "looking for reps.'
dew Landlord.
Mr. J. C. Vance, formerly of Scranton, bas
leased the Ward House, and is now fully in
stalled as proprietor of that popular hotel.—
Mr. C. M. Boon, the former proprietor, will
hereafter dcrote his entire attention to the Wyo
ming House, at Scranton. While here he tondo
many friends and kept a good hotel, and no
doubt will do the same at Serantoo.—Bradford
.d rgua.
Large Ens.
Mr. William Mead of Brooklyn, Pa., has a
hen which has dropped one half dozen ens
lately which measure 8% by B inches on an av
erage, being but a trifle difference In theichole
ALL—Question : has the newly established
Grange bets produced this marked change in
the native pullet calculation', If not,when 0 111
she return to bet former production, the one
penny egg ? M.
Speak Well of AU
Let your discourse of others he fair; speak
ill of nobody. To do it in his absence is the
properly of a coward, who stabs a man behind
his hack ; if to his face, you add an affront to
the 'scandal. He that praises, bestows a favor ;
but he tied detracts, commits a rubbery, In tak.
tag from another what is Justly his. Every
man thinlo he deserves better than he does,
therefore you cannot oblige mankind more than
to speak well ; man is the greatest humorist
and !titterer of himself in the world.
Arrive.. Departs.
2Uopm 1116 pm
Pa i ro n • of odor
On the 20th of May, 1874, a Grange was or
ganized at Springville by R. S. Searle with the
following officers : 11. K. Sherman, Master ; A.
I). Woodhouse, See.; Wm. C. Miles, Overseer ,
S. S. Taylor, Lecturer; F. A. Muzzy. Steward ;
Lemuel Blakeslee, Ass'st Steward ; Ezra Soho , .
ly, Chaplain ; John L Wallace, Treas., Job n V.
Raymond, Gate Keeper; Mrs. B. M. Alain,
Ceres; Mrs, Mary G. Schooley. Pomona ; Mrs.
E. A. Raymond, Flora ; Mrs. Amy P. Sherman,
Lady Ass't Steward.
Eris Itallsvay
An important change has been maile in the
Erie Railway atrair,s by which the offices of
third and fourth Vice Presidents are abolLshed,
and James C. Clark becomes the General Mana
ger. It is understood that the Eric Rail 'Nay
company has leased for ninety-nine years, the
Atlantic & Great Western Railway and it
branches. Some of the details are yet to be
perfected, but the main prp(isions are agreed
upon.. This will he of great advantage to the
Erie, and, renders it the most extended railway
line east of the Mississippi.
A small child of James Simi th ;iv Ito lives above
Port Dickinson, died under very peculiar cir
cumstances last Thursday afternoon. The child
had several kernels of corn in its mouth, and
for some reason began crying with them there
It was supposed that the corn dropped out, but
during the night it awakened its parents by Ilea •
vy breathing. Dr. Roberts the attending physi
cian, found a kernel of corn in its w Ind pipe,and
su Fastened there by irritation and swollen parts
that it could not be removed, and conseimenily
it choked to death.—Binah.initaa
Proper non re
Every hour that a man wends out of bed alter
half-past ten at night is a violence to nature
They hare learned this in Gentians, when:, in
many towns, their public amusements termi
nate at halt-post nine, and In some cases even
earlier than this. It is in tits civet:non lb it a
reform should he eTectetl in America, so far as
every variety of public and social as middy is
concerned. An invitation at eight should mean
what it says, and he honored in its terms. In
this way social the would be poasible to ninny
to whom it is now practically detti-J, and be
come a blessing to all.
The 3Tretery Soired
We policed :oine weeks since the mysterious
disappearance of itoseln (link, n young, Mall ;
in the employ of the !Weans house. Nis friends
hare searched fur him since the day of sudden
disappearance, thinking he might have
seized with a temporary tit of insnnity nail sea.
wandering, about the country, hut on Saturday
morning last his remains were discovered in the '
river below . the second pier of the bridge. At
tabbed to his neck was a atone weighing ninety
two pinmds. No cause whatever. ice leurn.enn
be assi teed for the rash act, as he was a pra
dent, industrious and faithful young into.
Drcirtford Repener.
Father Ambiguous,
Hon. R R.Little, after a winter's sojourn amid
the wickedness of the Stan., capital, in • home
Again." He looks onne the worse for bin legi.-
lative.lahors; and, Judging from bin nmtil , hr
didn't bring any or the Dirtintiek Mad linee
with him. We hope our friend Ilawley at the
,Montrose Democrat will came (lon n and " in
terview"' man anti give the result to the
out.ide iryoutiog Demorrut.
We cannot understand the ambiguity of
friend Day iu the above item. Tun first part of
the middle sentence would imply that Mr. Lit
tle was as sleek as when he went, and the last
part intimates that he looks very n geed ) ." as a
bar to the plea that he accepted any " bonus."
A. little explanation is needed before we " in•
*bottler Agrylnin
The Binghamton nines, says that about $l),
WO have been secured in the various cults; to
erect and endow the Rural Home fur disabled
actors, near Binghamton, upon the grounds of
Charles Whitney, the elocutionist and render.
Eminent painters, sculptors and authors are en
gaged in making colmtions of the great mas
ters and authors In the various cities and towns
of Italy, Frame and Germany. It is the inten
tion of the Trustees to erect a large summer
hotel in addition to the art building, as a mi
gratory resort of those who prefer the society
of the gifted butterflies of fashion. A commit
tee from New York will, In the ensuing sum
mer, visit Binghamton, when we will make
known additional particulars.
Odd Fellowship.
The Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, I.
O. 0. F., in its annual reports show the total
number of Patriachsmf the order in this State
to be 15,336; number of Encampments 220.--
Total amount paid for relief last year $33.610:
27. Amount of annual receipts $117,650 42 be
ing an increase of $8,004 83 over last year. Offi
cers were elected for the ensuing year, of whom
the IL W. G. P. is John Danis, Pula; M. E.
G. High President; B. S. Child, Harrisburg;
R. W. G. S. Warden—George Bertram, Phila
delphia; 11. W. G. J. Warden—Edward Jones,
Allegheny; M. W. Grand Scribe—James B.
Nicholson, Philadelphia ; IL W. G. Treasurer—
John S. , fiess, Philadelphia; R. W. G. Rep. to
G L IL S.—Chance N. Ilicock, Bedford.
♦ Near Kind of Unicorn.
Mrs. Coville devoted a half hour Friday to an
attempt to sink a nail over an outside door.—
She worked until the camphor gave out, tied
then Mr e Coville took hold dr the job, and she
went in the house to rest Mr. Covina being a
large man found it necessary to turn his eyes
on to his nose during the performance, and at-
ter the performance And alter rapping his thumb
two or three times, he gave a terrible awing to
the hammer fora rams crumbles blow, when
the hammer jumped from the handle, and turn
ing a somusersault came swiftly down, claw
end first, astraddle of the nose of our unfortu
nate friend. The force of the descent was so
great that the points of the claws pitted the
flesh on each side of the bridge, arta became so
securely fastened on its strange perch that the
frightened snort which Mr. Covina gave on oh-'
serving his predicament &fled toenoye it. With
a cry of terror he dashed into the house, and
1510 the presence of Kra Coville, and that lady,
believing that a new kind of unicorn bad, wine
noon her, screamed at dm top of her voice and
fainted dead away, leaving Mr. Covina rtmnfng
around the room and tumblingover the furni
ture in his terror and belpimness. And' here
the neighltors,fittracted by Mrs. Coville's scream
and his dreadful bellowing, found him, and
came io his relief. An accident of a similar
nature never before occurred in Danbury.—
rkutbs , ,y News.
Mystarions Dlsappearanno.
:4lr. M. L. Truesdell of LibertY, this county,
disappeared very mysteriously week before last.
lie went from his home on Friday the 15th to
purchase some grain for seed, his ground b?ing
all titled for that purpose. lie made his pur
chase of grain and was to go atter it on Satnr•
day. He was about New Milford on Saturday
and was seen to take the train on the 1). L
W. It. it Saturday night.. lie was last seen near
the D. L. & W. Depot at Great Bend in compa
ny with two strangers, about 8 o'clock a. ut. on
Sunday morning.
Genuine Temperance.
Among the resolutions adopted by the Catho
lic total abstinence union, at its meeting In New
York on Wednesday Inst, was one declaring
" that crusading excitements, legislative experi
ments, and political agitation offer poor hope
for completeness of reform, and that theonly
thorough prohibition must come through self
prohibition, enforced by individual conscience,
fiirtitied by (foil's grace " This resolution co
vers the whole ground, and the friends of tem
perance who steer by its counsel will be friends
of temperance indeed.
About twenty-one years ago a daughter of
Peter Ilawk, residing near Mon
roe county, was bitten by a mad dog. The ani
mal too hit several cows anti dogs, and they
immediately showed symptoms 01 the disease.
Mr. Hawk being a wealthy man called physi
cians to see his child, and had everything DO..
sible done to prevent an attack of the horrid
disease. She escaped, grew to lie a woman,and
was married. but still nu decided symptoms ap
peared. Week before last she was, horre;er,
seized with the liftman' rnalady,and after much
suffering died on Tumid sy,—Afkn town Democrat.
61ghining Trains.
Puny five tn 3 s an hour and but two stops be
tween Pittsburg and Philadelphia! It is cur
rently reported that arrangements are being
perfected by which two truing nu the Pennsyl.
Catlin railroad will make the above speed
Troughs are to be erected at proper intervals,
so that lice tanks will be enabled to take wat e r
while thing neer the track at torte miles an
hn•tr. When these facilities shall have been in
troduced the three litniii:ed and litly-four miles
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg will be
gone over without stopping ut any place but
Altoona and Ilar;Jsburg. Water troughs are
now being pm up at 1.1,11111/1/1 Place, below Lan
e.ine.ister In the western division they have
twen in use our several Tears.
Weights sad Mauves.
The h4h,,,,n.z is a rnrrect table of the weight!.
ot"Grain &tr. I r this Cd..11114/1“,:11111 as per
' Smalls Legi,ht ire Hand 'look" for 1874
T.nose !narked with ti star are regulated by
snd the other. simply by rostoni.
W hea t 60 • White Ileana GO.
Buck i,,at 4'+• (',•,tor do 46.
Blirtled Corn 56.. I *lover, 63'.
lie Peaches, ;IN Tituothr, 45.
Corn in rar, Flax, :tit,
Dr. pitt-s, 21. I remit, 44.
Pew; 60 Blue Grass. 44.
57. lornitts, r!ri.
It4t.„ Plastering Hair, ft,
MAII. Unslhektol Lime, 80.
(hos :a)• corn Meal. 50
Bran .20. Grotind Pea., 24.
Itarley Foreign salt coarse iii •
Irish Potatoes 2(1 " Ground 70 •
So vet " GS. •' " Fine 62.
Kilted by a Ilcionway Team
Saturday evening May Mai about 6 iJclock
a young man named \Vm. Belcher, was almost
instantly killed by a runaway team.
The tesnt which belonged to \Vm. Kish
paugh was left standing in front of Vanßarre
ger's shop on East Main St., and becoming
frightened, ran furiously up towards the Ben
son :louse. When opposite the residence 01
Father Slattery, Beirher, who was passing ran
out into the road and sprang for the horses
heads, but missed them, and was instantly
struck and knot:lied ceaseless by the wheels of
the heavy lumber wagon to which the Lentil
was attached. Ilia head was terribly cut and
he lived but a very few minutes alter the acci
ills funeral was attended on Monday at the
residence of his father, Mr. U. Belcher, on Jack
son flat— Stiviuchunna Journal.
On Wednesday morning, as Mr. Brooks Bass,
a driver for 3lessrs. Clark & &lover, tobacco
nists of Scranton,was driving to Tunkhannock
from Lacey rifle, with two homes and u buggy
he overtook a lady and a child about two years
old, at Skinner's Eddy. Tne pedestrians seem
ed tired,uad tic offered them seats in his vehicle
for which they expressed themselves very thank
ful and accepted his oder. Soon after, the child
began crying. which frightened the horses—a
very spirited pair--and they became unmanagea
ble and ran away. The driver and his
passengers were thrown out—the child killed—
the mother seriously hurt—the driver injured
and the buggy broken into pieces. No blame
is attached to any one as the accident
was one of those unavoidable, yet
distressing occurrences, that we must ex
pect to meet with occasionally.—Tunklusenock
Directions for Areompllsbinse an Ox-sled
ride. Adteadyglmes.
[Contributed by Mies M. J., of Auburn.
"Hitch the oxen to a sled, wood-shod, put to
gether with wooden pins—the whole made
without a nail—two boardslaid on for a bottom,
and a bundle of straw:for a seat. Four stakes
are necessary—two before and two behind. Now
sit down and If you are the least tearful, grasp
one of the stakes and then trust the patient
oxen and their driver to take you through. if
the road crooks here and turns there, he will
haw and gee them right .if they run against a
stump by the roadside, he will back them off.—
it the sled goes up one side and down the other
it will right about in a second mid reverse the
order a minute after. Next, the front of It may
rise entirely from the ground,but it comes down
her-whack, and you are not hurt. Then one
runner rises aloft on some large old root, and
you think 'now surely I'm going over,' but you
cling to the stake as a forlorn hope, and soon
you are all safe again. You soon realize there
are only ups and downs aide ways and all ways,
in a new road. ' Even the deep winter snowy
fail to cover entirely the stumps and roots, and
there is no info wiy to ride over them except
n such a sled, with slow, patient oxen to thaw
Eletoorsil of Old Dnike.
The New constitution having Increased the
number of reprtaentativcs from 100 to 200 the
Old desks In the hall oftho holm for over half
&century have been removed, preparatory to
placing in their stead newmnd more conveni
ent ones for the aecomModation of -the addi
tional 100 members. These di s ks bad been in
"ectwe service about fitty Nur years and
but f6r the nutnencal enlargement of the
lature they probably, with little repairing,
would have answered the purpose toi"
they were constructed until the centennial at
lea t, We venture the statement that the new
desks, although they may be more attractive
and less cumbrons then their predecessors, 0 ill
have a much briefer existence.
Can't be too Ca I
A man drew a note promising to pay one
hundred dollars. lie used u printed lurnt, and
did not close up the blank devoted to dollars,
and alter passing it as negotiable paper, some
body inserted "and filly , ' alter tbp one hundred
before the printed dollars. The note, thus al
tered, got into the hands of as innocent party,
who presented it to the drawer, and the Su
preme Court decided that the maker of the note
was liable fur Its face, because through negli
gence he did not draw a line between the writ
ten word "hundred" and the printed word "dot
lats." Any testimony that the drawer might
offer to establish the fact that he gave a note for
one hundred dollars must go for nothing, as
"there wits nothing on the face of the note
showing it 11411 been altered." Evidence of
as alteration on the face of the note would
have changed the cone. Let this be a lesson to
all drawers of promissory notes. No one can
he too careful in such matters.
• Good Leason,
Here It something fur the little ones To
those who cannot read, we hope food mammas
will teach the leesou the verses inculcate. OltL
er members of the Manily o ill do well to take
a hint from its teachings:
"In silence I must take my seat,
And give God thanks before I eat ;
Must my food in patience welt,
Till I am asked to hand my plate.
I must not scold, nor whine, uor pout,
Fur move my chair or plate about.
With knife, ur fork, or napkin ring,
I must not piny, nor must I sing.
1 must not speak a useless word, •
For children must be seen, nut heard.
I must not talk about my food.
Nor fret if.l don't think It good.
My mouth with food I must not crowd,
'Nor while I'm eating speak aloud,
Must turn my head to rough or sneeze,
And when I ask, snit, 'lf you Please:
The table &loth I must not spoil,
Nor with my food my fingers suit.
Most keep my sent when I am done,
Nor round the table sport or run.
When told to rice, then 1 must put
My chair away with noiseless foot ;
And lift my heart to God above,
In praise for all his wondrous love.
Loral Option.
Eorrotts DF:MOCR tr :—Nolicing Mackey's re
port in last weeks ReptiMirari it is encoura
ging to know be still lives. although he gave
a deathblow to tire church here in Dimock.
Many attributed the - Eggiug" as originating
with the proprietor of " Eureka," yet I am In
clined to think, the whole diabolical plan was
encouraged and carried nut through the instru
mentality of a few ore, " pious; neighbors of
tow n.
Elttithm duty, urbo, arum nno trans ...yo nnEWlst •
bered by many, especially those "who figured
prominently As politicians. Men must learn
wl.en they stop to ploy second fiddle for both
iiartics, thus their services nre not needed by
the eithens of this town, unle s s to run a saw
list Masters, who Tend their time and atts.ia
lance in forwarding through the 8 Mail's,
scullions postal cards for the purpose of casting
calumny upon a neighbor, are as unfit for the
tUttuttion they fill as Gen. Mackey In for a re.
The postal card with coffin cross boncs,skitil
and ,skeleton upon one side `• beware" sub
seribed, has beam received This little affair of
low, tineerhanded meantime was executed, by
parties---so called temperance mem—rmlding in
this vicinity, and mailed at Dimuck Post office,
for the sole purpose of frigbting. Men, pious,
fempsronce men, who desire to Corn , out, such
hest hellish plans, and have not brains equal to
the emergency, of executing a drawing of that
kind, lied better, nettAnie, secure the services
of une living a little farthet away.
One of the most beautiful charities in the
world, is what is termed the "Flower Mission,"
which had its origin, some five or six summers
since, in the kind heart of a yourg Boston girl,
who, when her plan was first made public,little
thought to what an extent it would grow, in
her own and other cities. She has, however,
ha•! the satisfaction of seeing her experiment
becomirg a national success,and that is a pleas
ure rarely accorded to the plillanthiopic. It is
a terrible poverty that allows nothing bright
in one's We, that renders It necessary to trash
every longing for the beautiful, and make be•
neve ecntent with only the hardest and most
commonplace necessities of life. It cannot he
killed, this love and longing, although it may
be repressed ; and the sight of a tiny blossom
or bit of green will bring a light to dim eyes
and a smile to sad lips long unused to smiling.
In all towns there is a broad field for the ac
complishment of much good, through the in
strumentality of this agency, which, if not ex
actly reformatory, is at least comforting, and
that is enough for one "mission" to achieve.—
At the hospitals, in the jail, in the sick rooms,
and in Workshops, the members of such a so
ciety would be as welcome as the first hints of
summer in country lanes and woods ; besides
which, ladiesof refinement, brought face to lace
with their humble sisters, can offer to theta
much womanly encouragement and sympathy.
It is a beautiful conception, and might practi
cally be made one of the most beneficent, hu
manizing agencies ever established.
School. Case Decided.
A case has just been disposed of In the Erie
county court, which is of considerable interest
to both parents and teachers in all parts of the
State, as it Involves a question about which
then: has been much di len:meat opinion. The
case originated in Alblan Erie co., and the facts
appear to be that one Flora Keeler attending
school in that township, neglected or refused to
bring excuses trout her parents for irregular at
tendance, and Mr. Swift, the teacher, forbade
her attending school until such excuses should
be furnished. The girl's father sued the teaeh
er for 000 damages, relying on the rules of the
State superintendent, that no scholar should be
expelled or suspended except by the action of
the board of directors and that the case should
be written out upon their minutes: • No such ac
tion has been taken, nor was any official action
taken at the Omni - except that individual matt
ers of the board approved the action of the
teacher. One of the rules of the school yro.
sided that "writtett_exeuses; elgued by one °Attie
parents or guardians of the pupils, be required
as explanation for tardiness or non-attendance,
1 he court held that She Instructions . of the
etaleisupaintendon, tboußt) 03i g ui1111/ $ 149
manner In which suspension and etpulsions
should be controlled, was not necessarily the
law on the Subject that the school
board and the teachers Lave the right to pres
cribe reasonable rules .for the government and
disepilne of the schools; that the requirement
of Mr. Swift was a Just and reasonable one, and
if the pupil was denied instructions at the
school simply while disobedient to this reason
able order, for the mere enforcement of proper
discipline and without malice, he should not be
liable. •
The Jury were at first unable to agree, but
Judge Vincent Informed them that the-rase be
ing a very plain one, they most endeavor to
reconcile their opinion, as, be ,did nourish to
Try it again. They were accordingly sent back
and in n short lime found a verdict for defendant.
Business Locale
ALL 0117. E 11111110178,
Voce wide. Only 25cts, prr yerd.
Montrust., 3lny 27, 1874.--2 w.
ifiuntrttn EnorNaa,
All widtba, very tit o Only 20 els. per yard
Real value 40 to 50 etr. pt.r yard.
Rein & WATItOUB.
Montrose, May 27, 1874.--2 w„
BE WISE madness to neglect
a cough, however slight. Consumption may
follow, and though Dr. Ttisfor'N Boissm of Wild
rherry has frequently rarest this mach dreaded
disease, it almost invariably cures the primary
diseases of the throat, lungs and • cheat, where
other remedies fail.
May 27th, '7l-Iw.
Dr. Welk will be nt the Exchange Hotel,
Montrose, from May 211th to June Ist. Susque
hanna Depot. June 2d to June Bth; Ilitrforti,
June 11th to June 13th; Nicholstm, June 13th
to June 111th Tunkhannock, June 20th to June
2rdh: 3leshuppen, June 25th to June 28th;
where he will treat Rheumatism, Central,
Lung, and all Chronic Diseases.
.May 27,'74.—1f.
Tow MAGIC IsiverAwo.—This gem of an In
vemion, so useful, valuable, and to every way
unsurpasetal in the quality of its ink, is enjoy
ing an immense sale In this country. Ity ad
ding center, sou can get the very best quali
ty of ink, which the most powerful acid will
not eat out. Get one and see for yourselL—
tiold nt (2) dollars by all stationers or hy mail
front It C. ItooTANTIIONY ot CO., New York.
May 27th,
THE "Gentleman in Black," wno Is the tn-
Zelar demon of dram-shops. assumes his sourest
aspect when the rapid progress of VINEGAR
13n-rims, is reporttal "down below." The pet).
plc's Vegetable 'Fonic is playing the mischief
with his bitters tired with rum. AU diseases
which those demoniac nostrums aggravate,
tinder pretense of relieving, such as indiges
tion, sick-headache, conslipulate, rheumatism,
gout, and intermittent levers are cured by IL
May 27th, '74.-4w.
AIII(14 , , Cl e •ntasta and their Production ap
prer tett hy the n-n at the teL3brated Uni
event:ex en Mr. Sachs. Hir.—At your
request, I have tested Hall's Vegetable Sicilian
Hair Renewer, in my pi-active at the "Snatt•
1 , 1111 , 31 Hotel," and am say, it will rea:ore grey
hair to its original color. It is entirely harm-
Iran. and is a valuable remedy to use in such
P. 11. 31A1-IncrEN.
Profeor J Clavastry and Italkine.
Stockholm, July tt, 1869.
There are several hinds of worms which
trundle horses. the pin-worms (pointed at both
ends) are the most common and moat danger
croas. a ell miry Comiiaion loaders
ill in a ti•w days eject the worms, and the
horse will hecin to thrive.
Va. tom, and mn , ”lne •hon)d not bo allow..
1.41 to run a day W ithorit.John.n's Anodyne Lini
on ~i. In ruse of fk sudden accident, an borne
disto u.e of it may sure weeks of suffering, and
perhaps a limb, or corn
May 27, '74.-Iw.
The year round. Inquire M the Keyntone
Saloon. (..;E:O. C. HILL of CO.
Montrose, May 20th,
Fresh Cl.tals at the Keystone Saloon.
Gr.o. C. HILL CO.
Montrose, 'May 20th, '7.l.—tf.
A good Boma and Lot with Barn and Garden
to rrnt clnap For particular! 'enquire at the
awn. at E. L. Weeks & Co., 31ontrose, Pa.
May 13. '74.—tr.
We have just received and will keep con
stantly en hand a large assortment of the "llo
image:" Paper Patterns, for Laditn',
floes' and Children's garments, all of the latest
New York and Paris fashions. Catalogue tree
by wait to any adonsis ; send for one.
Y ours Truly,
READ & WArnots.
Montrose, May 13th, '74.-3w.
Mr. E. L. Weeks, has refitted the store lately
occupied by E. McKenzie & Co., and Is now re
ceiving a new and tresh stock of Dry Goods,
Heady Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Ladies and
Children's Shoes &e., which has been bought
for lowest cash prices and will be sold corres
pondingly cheap grullyjar Cnsh or Ready Pay I
Tbb store will be under the superintendence
of Mr. E. McKenzie, who will at all tunes be
happy to wait upon his old friends and custom
ers and as many new ones as may call to see
May 20, —2w.
For gentlemen who wish to dress well.—The
IVAsitiNoTos drru o TAILOR,. have engaged
the services of the celebrated W. H. Lindly,
gentleman of considerable note with the tailor
ing fraternity of this country. They are now
prepared for the summer traue,as they have just
received all the new things in the way of cloths,
cassimeres and vestinga. Their references are
the best, having taken the first premium at the
Tailor's Institute in New York last fall. Give
them a call.
H. B. Hau.ocx, Proprietor. •
81 Washington St.,
Binghamton, N. Y.
May 20,1874.—1 y
The following letter shows the benefit of
haring a good sate :
NEW 3111.1 , 011D.PENEA.,
play, 1874.
liestra. Herring et Farrell
Our Banking Rouse was entered by burglars
on the night of the 21st ultimo, a man In an
adjoining room was seizeditandeuffed, gagged,
and bound to a chair by three men, who pro
claimed themselves bank thieves, and an at
tack was then made on one of your safes, Site
No. 8, with banker's chest, which we bought
thrungn'your Agent, Mr. Billings Stroud, a few
years ago,. The outer tire-preoldoor was blown
open, and work bean on the small chest in
si le wedges and drills, jimmies and sledges,
and a number of powerful tools were brought
to bear without success. The man says the drat
blast opened the tire-proof door, and four sub•
sequent blasts were made on the door of the in
ner chest, in their efforts to shatter and destroy
it. The last blast was at four o'clock, and they
continued work with the sledges, wedges, and
other tools notil ten minutes after five o'clock,
-when, it being 11113 , 14;4, they:left, as the mot says, with climes loud' arid - deep, " They lett a
tine kit of tools, comprising sledges, wedges,
poaches, drills, scetieual crowbar, or jimmies
to screw together, machine tar blowing powder_
in t be joints of a safe, dark lanterns, etc., etc.,
which we send you to exhibit as a warning to
Bering the Mesta the 'Unglue went out of
drams. Our furniture, stove, etc., In the room
were badly riddled, ea well as partition and
stove in adjoining room. It certainly •weso,
most desperate sod well-planned attnek.and was
only frustrated by. the- superior burglar-prodt
qualities or ydnr safe. ' Them appears lobe
nothing injured but the doors, Tbe.hmaker's
chest, though battered, bruised. and tom held
oregtiting ull safe, and iito NOM" watalw4
your relltation. We now desire to exchange
fora lamer size; of same quality, and with
your patent improvements' and want none but
the genuine "Thrrines." • • - •
Respectfu/ly yours,
S. B. Cams &- Co,
May Q, '74.-.3w.
-,'+car.— sr_*e u 28Ci~179.
DEcaint—Bsana—May 7, 1874, by Rev. 0.
31. Martin, Lewis D. Decker to Miss - Marian T.
Decker,nllot New Milford, Pa.
TITCO* — WALICEII-- In Nicholson, Pa., at the
Presbyterian Church, on Sunday evening, May
17th, 1874, by Rev. J. ti. Clark. Arthur L. Titus
to Btiss`Pella Walker, all of Nicholson.
RETTIOLDR---In Brooklyn, Pn., Saturday, May
lath, 137 d, Mr. Joseph Reynolds, aged 22 years.
Almanart-1n Sorquehanna, May 12th. Mar
garet Ninahan, aged years, 1 month and 12
ROI3INSON—In Great Ben& 141 y 12, 1974, at
her [mole's, Bea. Robert 3loserip, of contunp
eon, nary M. Robinson, aged 20 years.
Centaur Ltnament.
There Is no pain which the Centaur
Liniment. will not relieve, noswelllng
vttli they will not subdue, and no laments.
*, which they will not cure. Thin testrong
;. language, but It la true. They have
f produced more cures of rheumatism.
OtttrlitZ dugs, caked breasts, scalds, burn., salt.
rheum, ear-echo, de., upon the human frame, and of
strains, sparin, gelinAlte., upon animals In one year,
than have all other pretended remedies since the world
began. They are counter•irritant, all-beallng pain re
liever.. Cripples throw away Mit It crutches, the lame
walk, prthionou. bites an rendered harmless, and the
wounded are healed without a sear. Therccipe is pub
!Med ironed each bottle. They sell as no articlo ever
sold before, because they do just what they pretend to
do. nose who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or
swelling deserve to coder if they will not use Centaur
Liniment. White wrapper. Mom than lOW certificates
of remarkable cores, Including froun limbo, chronic
rheumatism, gout, running Lemont, &C., bare been to.
mitred. We will rends circular containing certificate.,
the recipe. &c... gratis, to any one requesting It. 0210
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Lloimsut Is worth
one hendred dative for spavined or sweenied horses
and =ldes, or for .craw-worm Is sheep. Stock-owners
—theseliniments are worth your attention. Nu family
should be without them "White wrapper (*mil, use;
Yellow wrapper for animals. Sold by all Druggists.-
60cents per bottle: large bottles, ELM. J. B. Ron &
Co., al Broadway, New York.
Caltorta is more than • sobstitnto for Captor Oil.
It 111 the only wife article to existence which Is certain
to uslmnlate the food, regulate the bowels, ruse wind
colic and produce natural sleep. IS contain. neither
minerals, Morphine or alcohol, and la plealant to take.
Children need not cry and mothers may rest.
Commission inerchanis.
tealorsa Tbixrx.433a4maa.t.
Consignments solicited and returns made immediate
ty on sale of goods. Bend for shipping:card* and sten
National Park Bank of New Tork.
North Wier Bank of New York.
Neiman National Bank of New York.
Long Wand Bank of Broonlyn.N. T.
Feb. 19. Itra.—at
The Marirete.
The money market was without any
change of feature. Loanable funds con
tinue to accamulate, but lenders are very
cautious and scrutinize carefully the char
ecter of the paper offered and the securi
ties of borrowers. Merchants are making
few nites, and more or less difficulty is
rsperienced in finding profitable employ
ment far money. Rates are wholly un
changed. We quote call loans at Sat per
cent. Strictly brst•class, two-named pa
pm was negotiated at 6 per a-nt., and
single name do of the same grade at 6-07
per cent.; loans on government collateral
rule at 5a6 per cent.; on other first-class
bonds and stocks at 6 per cent. and of
more inferior collateral at 7a7+, per cent.
BM. Ask.
Geld 1 It%
176 60 1861. .. .. .... IM% 121 i;
520 Coupon. 1862 1151( 115%
5-.%) Csapon,lBll4 111% 117
kW Conpono 365 Ili% 11 3 %
Ce, 1366.. int% MAI
680 Cos pos.lB6lspen 121% 120%
6 Yu/Amps/2, 1863........ ................ —.120% Ilk%
New 6 per et. ... .... 115% 115%
16+65_ ris 116%
N te M,
u a ßch g n gt b43eg 6 536
New York Produce Market.
R°ported gym , Week. Erpreosty for Tux Simmons"
DEMOCRAT by Moor.* & gamer. Produce. Coonolo-
Dion Iterthabbs,2B Whitehall Strout. bko• York-
Birria—Pl rains, N. Y.. :1. J.,& Ps
Teta tt tt 19 0 BO
Pails ... tt a 30
cpu..—State Factory, dee to fant7 • • • • 11 1 10
Stat. Dahl', commno U. fair 14 14111
Epos—State and Pents.)ltanta 1166 i ld
Western. prime . 66 13
Chunt—Ctra. .111 0 18
Own—Slate 3tate 16 SI C 6 1 63
Mar asp Sway—Flay, per 100 lb. 100 0103
Straw, . R. a ..... ...laf Cti 90
. Oat 85 a , 90
Porenm--611.1tkerts, Saga, prltat ... ...... 14 16
Tartu., ...• •• IL 13
iiontrosa. May lath, "a—tt
lesale t Retail Dealers to
- • B,4ILBOILD-d. MMHG eiratewes.
'ailtßrAGE SPRINaft, AX1,12; BA' INS AND
BOZO, BOLTS, NUTS (sad iveausiz.y.
e. 4e-
A1gy41.13, Vi
puma =spa* owtse.t.rwrailla famicis
• TAIXP,AMI /144416 _ •
ii 11
Anil tug and opadag day during the dedstla
Dilutor& Rambla &
New Drone Goods, Howls, & Satildtit
sad as Trammed and Csdainisbad
Ladies' and Children's flat*
&c., &a.
Per llea Clld Dore you'
Este Qminty, Plus Grades at
NR7 cscole2mai,
FOB ClieFoll WORK.
ft Val
GENTS , 1F11RN15111121.142 GOOOl5,
Sates eb Ciarlres,
Oar Mi. t o please the public. to sen rot
good. At Popular ton
eteg the pip:, and to enalotsto-onz row
ea to b
can early and often. Yours belly,
Gottenbeig, Itozenbanni k 00.,
sctamsglow , ft , nmwits
Rentrepe April wur. Ina
Also, SCOTCH GRANITES on head.
z. 128 Cow Street,
O. W. ISEM:11=1:1.
FL P. MOWN. Bingitamton.A.Ta
Nov. 12th 1871
•i• artiztainx_. La Stu SIMI .
arras:Ml Tills oesraT nava% oil)
Yo3ITROBE. P11:311"'.
roam s. traitersLi.. proprietor..
Nine Stages Lemon this Rouse daily, oon=ra
thn lizeirooo Raibail, the Lehigh Vadat
the D. L. & N. Railroad.
Apr* list,o93.—tt
3111"C7i7 FIR S
Wm Pal BlaCtileiliE s
will metre po =IA Matti= .
LatitilbOro. Ik.. 0tt.i5,1r1.-tt
ALW P. Or.rttax!rzascrvrcs
50 Washington St.; Bing*- - tan,
Consisting of everything wawa& in that
business. Repainng promptly done.
426 liagooltsalt - jr.
PRICES RIUSONAILLE. 8010%4104 gazibroll..
Blngbatatou, N.
A DIELNISTFIATOWS nynce.-11 the 'estate of
Jubn V. 011e1161.. We at Stiegeekaute Rege4.
deceased. let ter* °fa d to le I strum; C. T. A. luoelem
granted to the mutt rstenettall perms indebted to site
estate, are hereby stotteed to sake trameiEatie payseest
to the A dmlntstrat or • and tticoe basing eat= vein
11 0 game.arigraquaattli to Mlle= them at GAOL
TERRANCE Clan= Attgea,
St. Joseph:. Nay 0,1814.4 v -
Btinted at UAL OEM cas