THE DEIVIOCRA Local' , Intelligence. Religious Serviees. • The scrim In the several Churches of M rose are as follow: BtPTIST CIIURCH.Hur. S. E. Chneen rim D. D. Pa. Sabbath Service, 10)6 a.m. mud 7 i 15slalritb School i'rayer 31c,rkug, Wedoceday Ev.ilags di cATUntla MIMIC!! Lit. Sabbath Services Ist and nod Sunday In eaeb.ll Snbbntb Sett 501 Inartedlstely before EPISCOPAL CLIURCH. . Sabbath Services u s day School Week. Day ficrOcen—Wednesdayb. Rev. Gem U. Kirk .10M a. m. and 7.V . ...... ...2X II ETTIODIST EPISCOPAL E=E=l Sabbath Services.... !IShith .... Pryer Merriam Tburivailys P RESBYTERIAN cuuncu Bev. J 0 Mt NenhathSeraices 10.45 a. in. and 7h N ' abboth pr.y~r Meeting. Thursdur EVCIIII3 Winter Arrangement of Matti Cu RAILILOAD: It* p " m . - _ _ {'ukhaoaock, (Daily.) Sramea MontroSe Depot, (ShilY4 800 pm 1103 m New Vllrani. (Dilly,) 1000 am :hi m t Sy.) 045 am iloOm (tri weekly.) 000 p m 900 m 'onktlttl !dation. (trt Averkl,,) 7191. m 701 Itinententon.rin S. lat ke.(tri areekl e).. - n 00 pat 700 m eshoppro, re VIM ly,) 10 tlO am 40(4m The New York, (eta Montrose Depot,) No, MU `Tunkhn,nnoett.And Wyelnoing are daily. Thu tlStiktin Station mall rani Tuesday*, Till:wed:if, and SAlnedaee. The Itlntztiamtnn moll • (rta Silver Lake,) tone Top. TetnretlAys And tintnrdnAs. Frlendavllle mail rqus Tueedap, Tburedaye, and hT Oars. The Maihoppen mail runs Mondayt,Wedoesdnye, dd Friday, A Stage leaves daily for Moritroec Depot at t m.. Teton,. step A Stage leaves daily for New Milford at 1304 I. and reterne at 330 p. m. S. C. PORDIIAM. P. List or New Advertisements. Nntice in Bankmpicy—e.state of W. k I'l.uter—llirant it nil hatter Shipped—D. L. dr W. Ex. ' Max 3lnreizek. M nner Sicced—Griffis & Sayre. Ilea! EstnteSnie--estate of C. nogers. Sew Goods—Wm. RUMN'T:SS LOCALR. M gle Inkstand. For Hew. It Llsuoi of Wild Cherry. Patterns—Read t Watrnus. A Gond Sare. Ames Abell! TOINH This weather will cause the soda water to Taerm:ltneter stool at Sr, degrees, Sunday alter t , n. And fit 35 Tumay. Ina-oration day occurs on the ::Oth of tIAs 111'111t11. llace our people forgotten it ? Rue L. Simpkins, of Greet Bend, will preach atil I:,.ptist 1411111 h gm Sunday next. sirtcPor Eassion of curt, lot argutnt win (4 . 1 Lain caws, on Monday lust. Ih,n't lake ott pour thirrr.,- , 1 pc•t. Tic al.tit szel:lng 1111,,n1 ‘ll. kace passed from midwinter weather tr. summer. The Spring. flint' hr. SO far been this year. (The foregoing With ..ritten ~ ,t erday. We take it all hack this pluming. W herr !) Ladies' Union Tentrtranee prayer meeting nt the residence of h. 11. Drake on Tu urs:11), I ...morrow rerrning nt 4 terlock-D , nt E. L Weeks pilreititseil the old M. E Chnrch sad grounds upon whit I. it stands for Y1,(134. It is to be rigged into a teuetneht The season of the veer appc.aches when those who waat a stick in their glAss of soca are expected to contract the left eye and look yearningly News by telegram, was received on Monday 1391 announcing that the verdict in the 9'Marn- Irving murder case hail been agirmed by the Supreme Court. It only now remains fur the Governor to tix the day of execution. Members of Smqueliann; Grange, .750. 11.tue hereby regretted to meet on Friday, 3lay 15th, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the transact:on o 1 impor am business. By request of ]taster. J. R LYONS. Secretary. R. S. Searles Master of Susquehanna Grange, .No. 74, has been appointed State Deputy for the county of Susquehanna. Communications rel at ire to organizAtion of Granges or other bust. Hies of the order undresPrd to him at 3lrntrose Pa., aill meet with prompt attention. A lsree delegation from Binghamton and nine nom this borough went off on an excur sion over the "um row gauge" to Tunkltannock yegterd tv aril from there are to be transport e I by teams over the prop.. .led Wyoming and Sullivan Railway route, eighteen miles,to hlrs cnme, 10-day. The obj,et of the excursion is to en Iti-1 the Binghamton people in the project of e ,tencling die 310 arose Railway to that city. Mr. Irving Chapman was severely bruised and it about the shoulders and head by being t tr un Item the 1 , 4 w 31ilford stage, which he naves, while near Jones' Lake on Thursday sternoon last. The axle broke letting the c etch suddenly down, he being thrown partly tinder it, and at considerable risk he held the lines of four horses and prevented them Irons escaping him. There were five passengers on board none of whom were injured. The graduating class of the High School on Wednesday evening last presented Dlr. Berlin, the Principal, with a pair of silver cups in to ken of their respect. They did it privately this time, at his residence, without torturing him with a long, public presentation. We admire the style. If such tokens come from the heart they will not seek ostentatious display. It the purifying tendencies of light upon air were better understood there would be fewer rooms kept dark. Such rooms are not fur hab itations lor Linitan beingi, and the housekeep er who excludes the light from her chambers and other apartmelts in common use may save the color of her carpets and possibly deter flies. from entering them, but she accomplishes this at the expense of .the purity of the atmosphere eel consequently at the risk of the health cf the inmates of her household. Local Option. Au act repealing the Local Option law pas• • , cd to settoitd reading in the house of Repro. Pmtative on Friday last, by a rote of 54 yeas Lu nap" Too Susceptible Widosis A Galesburg widow met her swain at a tem p.•ranee meeting, and gave him $O,OOO to meet sonic nos coming due ; the Philadelphia wid ow gave her lover s3,(Xlet to furnish the house they were to live in ; the Newark widow gave her San Francesco hcail; whom she met at a rhumb festival, a louse valued at' $7.000 to dispose of. The lovers all pocketed the money and deeamped. Thepooi . women deserve pity for their confidence if nothing mow. A widow choking with affeetionfor a heart's idol can nut reasonably be expected to 'telegraph all, rourd the couqtry to inquire from what, if any, peratentiary hei adorer has emerged. however it would be cheaper in the long run to do so. Olds, .1114 ware 1 Little girls should avoid excessive rope jump ing, There has beeti two aeritits recorded quite recently trues this cause.—One girl lumped 300 times in succession and was found dead in bed next morning, and the other fell to the side walk a corpse-;chile attempting to Lice'. the feat of a companion. The Ileadlog,,Coespanre:lreq;- The Ante-nryitt dionteacturer says the Phila. slelphia anti Reacting raiiroad Cormiany have bought fur their roiling mill at. Rcatling2,6oo tons of pig metal ahwtoftheir waitts, in triode for coal and 'ore, and they hold 3,00 tons snore as security f r four and six month paper. They have 6,000 tons of rail on hand are still run ning to keep their bands employed. Travelling Grafters: EMEEMEI .Some of our exchanges are warningtbe farm ers against travelling grsflers. These vaga bonds cut grafts in one orchard, no matter what quality of irnit,and then g' to the next and put them in as choice varieties, receive their pay and then paor undlins swindling everybody who employs them. Our Eiruiers should keep a lookout fur such characters. Straddle Bag• The linilotnwn Genius 4 Libirty bas inven ted n new name for legisintivededgers. It calls them "straddlebuim." IL says : Thompson, of Fayette, and McMillen, of Somerset, straddled the vote on the liqnor question, itntl it is hard to tell on which leg thee rested moat weight. Both gentlemen oc copied tie Annie position before the people at the time of their election. and this matter of pairing off,sireply to avoid showin.; bands is a blind which does neither of the gentlemen any credit. Didn't State Some students fixed no a ghost and placed tt nn the stair Case or a Tiny newspaper office the other night, and then retired and awaited de velopment. One of the editors UMW 1110114 and didn't get frightened. lie disrobed it, and now wears a 111 mm-dollar itir of mint loons. ten dollar rest, rt i:evemdtitlar pair of boots and nn etght-dollar IrA, while one of the btudet,t, g ,lint without It vest, and another I..atus around through the le,t cruqu,nteil sireets wearing it 7, ry ancient NW of inc‘pre*..Ahles They ought to have blown bettor thau to at tempt to scare infeditor with a gll. 1. Look out for Loru•1• If the "seven tt ,r locusts" are "nn time," they will put it, their appearance this mummer in this section of the couttry. They appeared in 1830, and again in ISG7. in the noodle ot June and will probably' do SO again this )eur. They first appear in toe ri•rm 01 ft sluggish at d on sigutly brown beetle, and enter: t p, fin n the ground throagh small boles, the ground in some places . pMilg, tit thickly perforated its to resemble a 1 - .om.y corth. When they have em -,41,1 from these tales, they crawl up and attach diciuselvws to weeds or trunks of trees and there remain basking In the sun until the perfect locust is matured. How Duck - ore Amara..bed 'fhe metlohl adalotai lay au soy esperirntcd gunners after dues in be b.t,..ll,lnteu.k s, a sneak lout an a Sin:: box. The loraaer p , tS.,S- Sff , a bits 1 to tile ut CrIL. or other brain:Li which the pa i ties in tin boat tire i n . ,: c, - “rd the vi:rw of Lit• darks. Tiie stab boat Is a s.paare box 11.1 lame c u e. e;la I'll the IWO. It is kept aft:JAL by it intSi 011 Coo clad kaar.l., or which are In ao es to lice ::ad 1.11 sa.;th rho Nr.tvei. th.o keeping the %eater oat. - r:,e .sink I , oat 1.5 anchor.".l In n place, Lite Lkellpi are pl teat I ia po,ithoo, eoot held by a; ri,g to winch n weigal is aTtal.ll,l The appararks :eljasto.l nor gun to.r awaits lb, arrival of Lle Bowe and Rest Dr. ilall sa)•e the hest tnetli.-irte; in die wor'. more etlivient Dont all the pot“tittn. of the tratteria. 11letiieu, a,e warmth, and pure air. bin= pc rt , 0:18 it a into' to brave disease, "to keep up' ray tang a' they can move a feat or wiggle a fingerotud it ',ante dates succeeds; bat iii milers the pawns are so completely exit:nth:cal by ,it that time sys tem has lust ail power to recuperate, and slew and typhoid lever sets in and carries Lie pa tient to a prematuregraye. Whenever walking lug or ;vox* 6 an elTurt, a warm bed and a cool room are the 'Very first indispensible to a sure cure and speedy recovery. Instinct leads all birds and ()emis to quietude aad rest toe very moment disease or wounds assail the .$) stem. Lost Her Slzbt Miss Ettie Ft)llet, a bright inks about ten vrars ot ag . e, daughter of Alfred .1. Futlet, of Binghamton New York, has entirely lost her sight. The Ca: 1.1 is a sad one, and the circum stancesatteuiling it somewhat peculiar. Last November, Miss Pullet was at the l'ine-street school anti while engaged at pl:n•, one of her companions adchlently ran the edge of a shawl in her right eye. putting it out. Et tie was tak en morn school by her parents, hut she was pas sionately fond of readirg awl passed her time with the perusal of books. About six weeks ago inflamation began in the left eye, which In two leeks rendered her totally blind.—Physl clans do nut entertain hopes of her ever being restored to sight.—Bhngh,•r o ttan Repubticad. From tic tiny infant in the curse's arms to the ancient Widow in her weeds, the whole sex is veiled. Veils newer many purposes. Tliey conceal defects, they curer grief, and so we see a whole race of women of every age, style, and condition laying rounds• Lions (or aseases uf the eye through an almost needless Cashion. These blunders art of evelry conceivable style, from the wlite dot on the child to the English crape on its grandmother. The best occulists give testimony against this wholesale wearing of veils, and we think they should make protest against it, even at the risk of injury to their calliti,;. At least let the mothers to-day look to h that they will be held respunilblcati i notacr generation, for suffering 'heir little ones to to veiled, na the matrons of a past generation were lbr allnvingtight lacing and all the evils _ which that tlisirmsing practice entailed: . • Make flame Attractive. At tills time of the year, when the."etherial made:l4W of spring, although it May not be here, is eagerly looked forward to ; but few people, comparatively speaking, seem to realize hew beautiful a dingy back yard may become at the expense of a little labor and a very small amount df money. Dull, unsightly walls may be covered by bright green leaves and star Mar blossoms'af the convolvolons while a narrow strip of earth may be made to yield Rowers perfume the Whole !WIN:. :Window gardens may be matte fore eefy fin Pill otlll6l of trouolemul. expense,. Almost any boy is mechanic enough to "cortstruel a box wbieb will fit on the wiadow.sill, sod a PM 00Waia in paid , smarten a room to 'e marvelous . C.Viefit: 13-:ye and girls make excellent - gardeners, and they willtind.plenty to interest them hr the rare of flowers, besides It will endow thein with a commendable industry, as well as a IQVcfig the beautiful and a desire to niuttClloM2 Multi to Tiempelranto Bands. The real field fiir teuiperince efforts, aays'a writer, is the homes and schools. Not much can be done, perhaps, with those who have reachee, maturity and become the bond slaves . of appetite and passion. Rarely have-they been emancipated from that awful thraldom - , -till death has brought their release, but the rising generation can be saved. ,The pryclout powth al char:Wier should be a etched and guarded in: the family, the ehureit, the school, and wherev-' er moral elrortcan lie brought to bear., generation be brought Up vilely and virtuouli. ty, and the mlllenium will draw amazingly near. We do not lgok with confidence for It spi,..dy advent, nor expect to do much 'in one short lifetime to liring it shout. %re inerel . l endeavor to indicate the direction which our of; forts for reform can take with far better results that) they are sow obtaining. Now lllttford'o Outlook By the tkilure of Moss tE Snap In ford, the tannery formerly operated by ihem his been lying idle some months. On Wednes day last,the property was sold at public sale,by G. B. Eldred assignee, for $13,000, to a firm in Boston. We are Informed that these parties will enlarge it and add a finishing department. They propose to start with about forty work ruen,with the intention of increasing the num. oer to a hundred. It is not unlikely that this increased enterprise may induce a boot and shoe manufactory, all and any of which will add greatly to the growth of this. neat and thriving town, which we are pleased to note. One hundred good laboring men, who produce their qwn living and also increase the wealth ot the county by 'the prod: (lions of their la bor, are worth more to build up a town than tee thousand "Curbstone brokers" who only act us u dry rot upon the prosperity and enter prise of uny community, blighting rill im provements anti sapping, the very lite blood wide\ nroductw a healthy growth. Important C..te Cre:ded. The case of the Sontbcrn Penney Ivimia Rail road Company against the executors or the will of lion. Thadmus Stsv,es, in a Itit It the venue a us chungell from Lanciietcr to Lebanon, was Ira d in the court of the hitter couniv remsdly. The s :it aas brought to recover the subscrip tion of au" :han•s to the stock of the company 'e inns y vt-am ago by . Stevims. The sub set ipt ion wag given on the •tmdilinus tine' the road should pass through or near his relate, in Franklin county, which condition never having lieu n complied with, and the road not having het u built according to the in igimil design, the was refused by Mr. Stevens in his lire lane and resisted by his executors, The suit in, 0:% Mg, the s•nn of $ lt,,traft. engaged eminent counsel. I Thos. E. Franklin, A. R. Broughtcr, 11 ny un MseVeagli and the .Messr . iippiaistil for pinbitiffs, ant Hon. J. S. ill vital York, Hon. josinh 5. Funek, Lebanon Hon. O. IYekey and G. NI. Stine, Fsq., rep. resettled defendants. The ease was at tacked on Wed losoloy and emit Wall on Saturday eve ning., !helm:3' finding for di fendnnot. The man. tigers or the Mon:row Railway may profit by I lei. example. Thee shnult• lit very careful end not make Int it coral:Cons the same or they will liml themssises in a like prt•lirnment. The people mare rights which corporations are bu.m•l to respect if they desire to secure their assistance sal pittroaace. My-terlan• illonppea.,-nce young malt n tined it ise:le ("Bid:, for no ne past amino\ ed as hostler at toe Steans I my tlnnil peareil about I I o'clock on Thundery inornind, 01" last wick. For Scot er provioos Lis el ripge conduct land al,vd the at n!ions of Lis nermaintaners, but enb•rlatl.t-1 un I , err 01 his doing biniselt or saute Inobly Ilis ,udden disappeaninee in the middle of the day, caused his trieuds to in-tit ate nn eestieut nill at tree. Ile was sell to go On the liiidge by \i r. Goff, but not T o go oaf by any oin., and this tact gave ri.e 10 the fripp.isition that lie hail drowned himself. At first his fri, ads looked no farther dont the tit . , r, but art .M.aiday morn big it wan ase, ;lamed that Stn. M. J. Jones, of To a amis. had noticed a young man nosivering dim-0141°11,0n the day and hour above men tioned. going to the 04111114110 in the direction of table-rink. Ilia brother arriving Com La c on 'Monthly morning, and on bring in fot nicil of the lattN circomstance, mustered a scare or more of men and searched the moun• lair, but without gainiag any additional ititur mation up to this time. It seems quite evident that young Clinit contetnplated suicide, as he had settled up all the small debts whiell he had contracted, and lett his watch and money in his room. Ile hail also endeavored to borrow a resolver the even s mg before front s..veral of his triends. Ile was about 2,2 years of age, es.ittle manly in his deportment, unit rather of a Jovial disposition. As a matter of course his friends and relatives feel his disappearance deeply, and are doing all in thi•ir jam er n, eolVe the lap, tery. There seems to he 110 doubt but that he Lan, by sonic means, taken Ins own liter Tir iranda Bent. .0.4.- The Blew Teu•Ceut Note. Most of our renders have IT this time seen— they will never Income familiar aRh the new ten cent ncte„ and will agree with the follow- Pig remarks by Prteevam limat,rfra Ikte,tor. There is a per.ect 5101111 01 111 1 114111111011 In the community over the new ten-ctrnt tune—the one adorned with the portrait of William B. 31eredith —because of its close resemblance to the fiffy.erat (Dexter) note. The ignorant, careless, and hurried are easily led into taking the ten-coil hill Ito the half-dollar note. Con siderable loss has already been entailed, and mere unsuspecting persons are daily being vic timized. 1s the Dexter t air dollar stamp has already been counterfeited,it would be judicious fur the Treasury :o call it in (ii is certainly not a sightly lot of paper) and issue a. much larger note in its stead—one adorned, let us suggest, with the not very easily mistaken portrait of the late senator Charles Sumner. In common justice, the .metnment should afford a remedy in this mutter, and that right speedily. While on this subject we cannot ietrain from nrp n ling what the Tralmac says about the propriety of Mr. Meredith's portrait as it an pears on this note. The Tribune says: "Pre cisely why his portrait should adorn so small a delusion as the new ten-cent piece we are un able to say. We Kaye no reason to doubt that he was a man who tulMled his obligations, re deemed Ins promises, and paid his debts. But Mr. Secretary Richardson seems to have taken the likeness of him by the sting* of the neck,as it were, and set Lim down on the empty end of this last issue of the lowest denomination of the best currency in the world. Whoever will consult the piece will observe that Mr. Mere dithlooks as though Ito had been Bet down hard and did not enjoy It. Added to the mania cal expression which the photographer brings to his victim's countenance by the request to sit easy and look natural, there is a lonic of in. affable disgast which scems to have settled there since he to•ak his place on the bill. When one reflects epos the uncertainty of the proMise which he adorns, Vs smallness and worthless. ness, its liability to be passed fur plain drinks Lp thewavforer and the tuper,and Ind being the lowest denomination pf • currency which the good pronounce not worth a dime, and the profane repeat with but' slightly verging yquo nunciation, It is not so' grange thnt he should be disgusted." rsither 'or Forspone ottailren. • John Ilepner, of Reading, claims to be the Esther of forty,orse children by _three The Reading Erigfisktir lie Was born in 1815 and twenty-five years afterward, 1840, he mar tied his first wi e in tiertnany. They lived hap 7 pily together for eight years, when she died.— During that time they were blessed vith seven teen well funned children ; hence at the lige of -thirty-three Mr. Ilepner found himself the fath er of quite an extensive family. The little ones came un eartli as follows: two pairs of twins, tour seta of .I.iiplets' and 'one. at' single birth, "lerentcert in The children of this marriage are now all de nl. ' • ' - • Mr. Helmer remained a widower but a short time, for in less than a year after he married an other fair daughter of Germany. Providence smiled on the union and apparently approved of 11,for during the ceqtrse ofeyentehe'tvas made the happy father of another child in the month of February, 1840. On Christmas following, in the canto year, ten months- afterward, another child was born unto him. Then the lord bless ed them with twins live times in succension,and subsequently three more children at single birth were been unto them, making fifteen In alt.— His second wife anti himself lived together nine years and then she died. By the two marriages Mr. Reiter, at the age of tarty-two,had become the father of thirty-two children, of which only two are now living. Twentryears ngolir.".llepnerand.velfe came to this country. lie was then thirty-nine years of age. Three years afterward his wife died.— Mr. Helmer nut desiring to livi in .a strange land entirely alone selected a third wife In 1858. They are still living happily together, and dm , Mg the sixteen years of their married lifottine etildrert have been horn unto them, each by single birth, making forty-one In all. fits third wife was a widow with one child when they married, twice forty-two, children have called, hint "father." Of the third set of children only three arc living, nothing five living in all, to gether with The extra one belonging to his third w ife. Bus!boss Locals. Fon lirYr. A good lloase and Lot with Barn and Gsaden to reui r-In.p. Fur particulars enquire at the store or E. L. Weeks Co., Montrose, Pa. May LI, '74.—tr. SCFFKIU float coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, influenza or whoooping cough, will tied relief in Dr. ll'isfitr's Da!mini of lir7d Cherry, with hos now been In use fur nearly hall a century, and still maintains its long established reputation its the great remedy fur all diseases or the throat, lungs, and chest. Ma 13th, TILE .711.50 m INusrANo.—Pour water In one end of this nubby 'mention, and ink comes out of the other, enough to lest an ordinary life time. No, ellmatm nor air can afleel it.- 11 is simply wonderful. Sold ut (2) dollars each by all book-sellers or by fluid Mau R. C. Roar, ANTSIONY S 10., New York. Slay 14th, We Lave just received and will keep cow eta.itiy on wont a large a N,rt meat or the -13o ittemit r.,f_ter l'atterus, lor Ladies', 31imes . , Boys anti Chtt,lrtat's garments, alt of the latent Yee lurk lasitions. Catalogue tree ;.y mad to any actor v ; send ror one. Yours Truly, Itu-tu WATI:OI , 9. Montrose, May IStlt,'l4.—,tw. The Mars says Dr. Walpole has lost his bvtte I inn euestuut mare. Stir" died soddenly in har -117%, a, Irota bole or pill worms.— rloetor nail used ....../nridus's Cavalry Con tlittor Puirdrrx, lie would, no . antibt, 11111 his nutre,lo-sisy—they urellystli on worms. Chapped Minds are very common with those ii.ive their hands much in water. A few dny. of Johneim's : taw'pie Liniment rubbed liver the ballad iWU or 11111.3: times a day, will keep lio m suit and whin. Fishermen, sailors, otin w ill du well ill runic:tinier this. Nay Mill, '74.-Iw. .1.. GOOD SAFE. Ito" following Inter allows the benefit of hal lag it good sate : • BA %som BANE. NEW 51 I LIVILD.PENSL., Slay, Wit Motors Herring & Farrell: Our Banking House was entered by burglars on the night of the 21st ultimo, a man in an rultoining neon was seized, handcuffed, gagged,', and bound to a chair by three men, who pro elaime,d themselves *bank thieves, and an - at tack was then made on one of your safes, size No. 8, with banker's Moat, which we bought through your Agent, Mr. Billings Stroud, a mew years ago. The outer fire-proof door was blown open, and work began on thefL small chest In side; WMigViAlati mills, jimmies and sledges, and a number of powerful tools were brought to bear without success. The man says the first blast opened the lire-proof .dodr, and four sub sequent blasts were made on the door of the in- ' nor chest, in their efforts to shatter and destroy it. The last blast was at four o'clock, and they continued work with the sledges, wedges, and other tools until ten minutes after five o'clock. when, st being daylight, they left, as the man says, with curses loud and derp. They lett a tine kit of tools, comprising sludges, wedges, punches, drills, sectienal crowbar, or jimmies to screw together, machine for blowing powder in the joints of a sale, dark lanterns, etc., etc., which we send you to exhibit as a warning to your customers. During the blasts the burglars went out of doors. Our ihrniture, stove, etc., in the room were badly riddled, as well as partition and stove in adjoining room. It certainly wan a most desp.rate and well-plahnedattack,and was only frustrated by the superior burglar-proof qualities of your Safe. There appears to be nothing injured but the doers. The hanker's chest, though battered, bruised, and kern, held everything all safe, and bra faithfully sustained your reputation. We now desire to exchange for a larger size, of same quality,,and with your patent iMproxements' and wan none but the genuine "Herring's." • Respectfully yours, B. B. Clues, & Co. May 9, '74.-3w. HISTOitT OY TUE aThiNGS 'MOPE.MENT ; Or the the Farmers' War against 310nopo ilea Being a lull end authentic account of the struggles of the American Farmers against the extortions ulthe Railroad Companies. With a History of the Rise and progress of the Or der of Patrons of Husbandry. Published by the National Publishing Co., Philadelphia. The most remarkable and powerful movement of the present day Is, unquestionably, the War which the Farmers of the United States are waging against :he Monopolies, of all kinds that have„tor so long been robbing the people and oppressing the, toiling portion of our com munity. The work'begins with the causes which have amused the American people against the Mo 'nepotists. and treats of the railrotel system of the country, Its growth, actual condition and prospects. It then shows how this noble sys tem has been prevented ' to further the ends of selfish capitalists and railroad directors, who sock pin at the-expense of the community; and we rim givenirterrible and thrilling account of the crimes and frauds °title railroad corpora. tions to-city. The author wields r. fearless and vigorous pen, and .points out the evils which this selfish greed has entailed :upon tut. _lle shows how the great coruorations bare been able to control the whole country; how they have robbed I hernittim. and efirruptett One Con. gress, State Legislatures , and Courts of Justice. liegiver us sontestartlinklar.ts about the Wild- Cat Raped, of uni :Country.; the .reoltiers, ganibling in Stacks, - 11n4`tlier terrible financial nonvulsion from'. the 'Okras 'of which' we are gill suffering. bookatuta,talif*:up ilia caw forstba foment of tha United SWUM and lays before us a calm btit eloquent statement of their wronmil shows how the_ farmers are overcharged and robbed of the just reward of their labors, and Faints out the causes ot these evils. It explains how the railroads impOverish the farmers, and gives a substantial reason for the charge so often repeated, that high freight)! Attiect . th e value 0 f land as well as o its products. A considerable portion of tbe eibrit is devoted to a history of the Patrons of Husimuldry,'-and it contains an account of its rise, progress, prey ent condition and tuture prospects Each felt• ti..m) of the order is fully explained, and an amount of information is given concerning this wonderful organitation that will amply satisfy the most curious. It is decidedly the most Interesting and use. ful volume of the day, and as It comes at a time When the whole country is suffering intensely from the effects of the evils it denounces,cannot fail to have a tremendaous sale. It is an ably written welt, and a bold and vigorous plea In behalf of the farmers and all who are oppressed and robbed by the grasping Monopolies which are causing so much trouble. May 13,'74.-Iw. C 3,2110, DECILER—BAszn—May 7th, 1374, by Rev. 0 M. Martin, Lewis D. Decker to Miss Marian T, Baker, all of New Milford, Pa. STRAGUE—BENJAMIN—In Clifford. Pa., May 2d, 1874, by T. J. Wells, eaq., Mr. J. Sprague to 31168 Della Benjamin. both of Lenox township, Susquehanna counts, Pa. DECHER—I 0 New Milford, May 7th, Olive, youngest daughter of Moses B. and Julia Deck- Lewis—ln New Milford township, suddenly, March 80th, 1874, Mrs Mary Lewis, wife of Geo. Lewis. aged '4l years. Amsms—ln Liberty, Pa., March 30th, 1874, Cordieia H. Adams, wife or Henry F. Adams, in the 29th, year of her age, Centaur Linament. There is no pain which the Centaur Liolntents will ootrelieve, no swelling they Pill not and tm lenience. whith they will not core. This !Patron.; 4;1 language, but it is true. 'They have prodnced more cures of rheumatism. neuralula.lockjaw,palay,spraint,swel 411WM dugs, caked breasts, scalds, b urns, salt• rheum, ear-ache, de.. upon-the human frame, and Of strains. 'pasha. galle,fd - e., open animals In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. They are counter-irritant. all-healing pain re lievers. Cripples throw away tit, it crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites Ire rendered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a Pen!. Therecipe le pub lished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever sold before, because they do Just what they pretend to do. Those who now !suffer from rheumatism, pain, or smellier deserve to eutrerlf.they will not ore Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. Mum than td a 7 certfamtes of remarkable cores, Including frozen limbo, chianti rheumatism, gout, running tumors, etc., have been re eel ved. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, de.., gratis, to any one reenesting It. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred ellum for eparined or sweenied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. titock-owners —theselinimentr are worth your attention. No family should be without them. "Wkite wrapper family use;" Yell..w wrapper for animal. Sold by all Drogriels.- 50cente per bottle: large bottles, $l.OO. J. 13. Rosa & Co., 53 Broadway, New York. flastorta Is more titan ■ aubstitnte for Castor Oil. It is the only raft article in existence which le certain to assimuluth the rood regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural Weep. it contains neither minerals, morphine Or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mother. may rest. ItKintner)* Gdode. rimatmLeuta, April Id, 1874. We beg to Inform you, that we are prepaied to offer lur your inspection, our usual assort ment or MILLINERY coons, consisting of the newest shap,s in Straw, Silk and Fancy Buts, Bonnets, &e., Velvets, Floivers, Crapes, Silk Goods, Feathers, Blondes, Ribbons, Raclin, Braids, Ornaments, &c., &c., We should be happy to wait on you at our Store, or receive your orders. 103, loi, to; North Second Street. Yours, VeN respectfully, IL WARD. April Ist, '14.-4w. NEW SPRING GOODS .2ald ♦rrtstug and opening dally during the season at GlittostiorE, Rosonall, & Co's, New Dress Goods t Shawls, ft Settings, MILLINERY GOODS, inch a. Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladles' and Children's Hats, FLOWERS, LACES, RIBBONS, &c., NOTIONS,FANCY GOODS,DOSIES TIC FURNISHING GOODS, CAR PETS, OIL-CLOTHS, MATS, Ac., For Kea? and Bore year CaTTONADES & CASSIMERES, Extra Quality. Fine Grades of N7POOlellB, FOR CUSTOM WORK ELEASVRES TANEN, AND GARMENTS YALE UP TO ORDER IN TUE BEST itA:7NB6. LARGE • STOCK OF REMIT MIDI =num' 701 MOO ♦ND 210111, 1:7 lIINOL7 AND NATCULD surn. GENTS ,. FURNISHING GOODS,- Syrtis cb. Chesves, ItERINO WRAPP4RB t DIUIVERS. FINP. DIIEBS sawn; cou.Atts,viEg. GLOVE% TRUNKS, 134TWIEL8, • &c., 4c. It I stye, our &Wit° Weise tb Rune, to tap goal good. er itTaktr tom Flea: And to inatutoto •otir ropo I/010ov' to altar too It EAR 'ointrne OP•iitabE. . . , Cpll early sad *Nu, trail; ',Guttepbeg, nosenbatun W. 00., . , B•PasagnlnsAugisgbirtna Noatramf 4211 Mile% . . BAitrIIATZ a piece of Bread or Meat . 'with gastrin 'Mee, and It MU dissolve. This is diges tion.,-iatdd to such & mixture er "little alcohol, and .0 will not dissolve. This is iodigestion.— Beware; then, of tinctures, or tonics, or de coctiOns containing spirituous liquors.. Shun all flint "tonics;' and .rely solely, ou Ort. Wm: VIM* Yisaoan Brruns,.the finest digestive Invigniam known, and free flom the fiery curve of Alenhol. April 29, '74.-4w. 2 Commission merchants. JAMES. M. ROWAN, c7azzlm:aimiciaz wceratia,zas AND lIECRIVER OF BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, POUI, TRY, AID VEAL CALVES, 84 Pelts Piro!, NEW YORK CITY Consignments solicited and colbrno made Immediate ly on aala of goods. Band for ehlypluir cards and ,on ells. P.:fere:area : • • Nallional Park Book of Nrw'York. • North flavor Bank of Now York. Nassau National Book of Now York. Long Island Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. It. igin,—tl The Markets Financial. 1: 862 ISM . ~. ' 121r' 11134 s . slCcmpon, 1262 11551 1154' 5-`3l Campo:4l26l 117. 1 ( 1 1 1111 SIM Cocoon. ISKS . 112% 11216 2.23 Coupon, 1265 MU IS , 5-20 Coupon. 1261 120 X 1204' 11.25 Coupon, 11112 120111 - 1 20. New 5 per 010 11,yf 115% 10.400•1151 i 1121 i .. Paris Exchange .................. .... ......455); 4514 Sterling Enchang• 222 isss% New Yon& Produce Market. Reported Every Week Rzpresrly for Tat Moseanti I.lineocatt by Rhodes S. Server. Produce Conards. Moo Merchaute,l6 Whitehall Street. New York. 36 44 litcrintri—FTubsns, N. Y.., N. J.. A; Psi EN r?.: :6 " - 31 ' Palls " ... 4. ter oa 40 Cnaccaz—Slate Factory. fine to fancy ~...16s•1a 17 State D.alry. common to fair 12 fit 14 Eaci—State and r¢llllß., 1.11110 r 0... 111 Western. prime.— 16)(ala 17 . . Gnat.F—Corn..r6 Ca Si Ilya. State . 112 trda Oers—Statc .. 62 ii.. 68 . . . .. HAY LAD STIPLAW—LIny. Tier 100 Ilir .... ...1 00 105 Straw,Rie 95 45 90 " Oat 85 (5 90 Pm:wrist —Chicketus. State. prima ... ...... 18 all. 18 Turkaye, " .. - 15 8 17 Dliscellaneotiß BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. ALL MDR OF MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, AND MARBLE MANTLES, MADE TO ORDER. Also, SCOTCH GRANITES an hand. .1, PICKERING & CO., .7. PICKERIEO, ' )126 Court Street, 0. W. RETLREREAII, o. P. mown. Binghamton, N. Y. Nov i 12th 1876. pk nikvA•rAMIP VII, In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, having entered Into co-pnetnerehlp. ere now prep:red to do all in -e of work to the Hue of NEOII iakißE i BlacielltlitEl FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH. REPAIRING IN ANY PART OP THE BUSINESS •ill receive prompt ¬ation HOBERT O. HUM Lanabor., Pa., Oct. It 1623.-tf. BUNT BROTEtERS, ' SCRANTON. PA wholesaled Row' Des'erste HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, 37JILDER'S HARDWARE, maze RAIL, COUR 'I EASONA A 7 NAIL SPIKE: RAILROAD cl MINING , SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRES - Chs, AXLES, SKEINS AN • BOXES. BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS. PLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, BURS SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. BOWS. de. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOW.. HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. Re. Sc. CIRCULAR A.ND WILLSA WS, BFLTING. PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT, HAIR A GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW MASS. LEATHER ft STNDING. FAIRBANKS SCALES. A TTENTI RI'areen I o S o possible_ 5000 FAT VEAL CALVES, MOO DEACON SKINS, 5000 EARLY LAMBS, For which the highest market prlte will be paid to And will 11160 say to the farmen:Of Dimoek,Juseup Forest Lake, and Br4:custom township,. those hariqu veal calves to sell will deliver rheas at ibtriirtr...• tel.ot Ittuntrot•, no Wortley of each week between the hours of At and 2 o'clock. anti! thu atone date of dells , sting he changed to sumo other day of the west. They will also uutify use ut the ..uotts, t of wise* they bring sorb week by mail ouu Week previous to their delivery. Address, A. D. wzi.r.m AN, New Milford. Pa April Bth. '7l.—Gst. BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUM:3lMtit WOOD 'MdP, Tasteless. Damble,ftflicient. and Cheap. The beet Pump for the east motley. attention Is ospeclally oiled to Blatchlers Patent Itir. leveed Bracket sod New Drop Check 'tore, which can be withdrawn tltboat reMortoathe Primp.or die tr leg the joints. Also. the Cop. per Chamber. which never creeks or ecolee t nod will outlaw, any other. Nor min by De .Inrs & the Trude generally. Inquire for Madder. In i sttF . s n e n e d d i direst fo r "in in In" CRAB. O.LATCHLY• B :lfirtinfnetarer. •50 Commerc C., Philadelphia, Ps. April let, 141.—Sim. GS EAT UNITED STATES TEA CO., .BURNS tt EICIIOLS; Ay'ts, Illoontrose, Pa, VIIs Tea Is put nu In atanativtis t A I.nTf Ft , tberebyptenrolnn Ito full struDg{norblel. 1. cu.a. , 01) a grant ausideratam: and ne). a can and h:.t► Tnirtit - ninms a menotp. A .I.IIIINIFITRATQII'S NATICV.—In the e•tare of Juhn V, O`Rniley, late of EnNorbenns D dot. deceased. Petters of Administreton C. haeingbeeo granted to the on& rs igroodAll persons Indented wean! estate, aro hereby nodded to mate immediate tkernent to the Administrator land those harlot: Chglllll sgaluet the taiLlforife requested top ssent them stigma., TERRANCE o.itt.lLEV•Adnit'e. Josephe, Yea en 1424,11 , v • no4§E BMA . :08 - EVERY' .13TYLE,', Printed at this Oillee en Elton Holum, EL CP 3E; I Mgt 41C:)14J'EO FURNITURE ENOIIIIISII 88 - Washington Streit, 231sag1ammtosa.• N. Irof law= An) BEST ASSOBTMERT OY At the Lowest Priers of any . Store hi buucheru New York. MI Good• bold arm WAHRATED in Represtritod. 1772=1 8?'. •sk In% .Vviaria.ituLarM WILLIAM SMITH'S Sr agave Furniture Warenemn :on will find the imer FIRST CLASS AND COMMON vsicriz Da . x rxiicrra.3ol To be found in this weettou of the country. of Ml wunuitcturr, nod at pr:ere that 1.11.111114 EAU tit ighaslitht - factiuu. tie make,. the very beet EXTEN3ION TABLES to ttu Cnuou3, and WARILL'au Uinta UPHOL , TERY WORK Of ad kinde done In the ueero.7. ma im e t. E) Pl. I 2.7 Glr 33 7E3 • 7:0 Elf • PURE NO.I 31ATIvISSES, • CO3IIIoN DiAgRASSES.- - UNDERTAKING The subscriber will uervallny make fla. adertaaing gm:daily in hit buena,. 1:1;.;.,.1 ittin.cempleleci NEW and the most elegant If in the Mate. sill needing bin ter. lees will ix:attend. o to prompuy amoeba satisfactory charges. Wll. W; SPIITR & SON. • Montrose. ISl2.—cos—tr. Real Estate for Sole. 3- The Subscriber' offers for sale the following Real Estate, to wit: THE FARM . knownan "Rohert Mn.tre Farm." situate to Thidgews. ter township. Susquehanna Ct., Pa.. about two. mile, east of 6lontrure Llorutigh, coutaleing ILO acres el CZ C1•11C11i =At and grain land. shoat ^7 ektly. cf timber. a good farm house and outhulltliegr. ti Sue orcesru of choice fruit, well watered. :tad adapted for dairying pn , poses. Stock. dairy Sarum!. tied !ardour ntensils. Wilt be Auld with tee Farm If desired. nniesS pr•vtion* ly disposed of. ALSO, A norPE AND LOT , . sttaate In the Borough . of Moir . 3rll , nrtf. Portins 6 rtibto County, Pa., pleasantly located on It.. Main street. near the centre of tht town. Lot t - 41‘ leti front, a gold t t It veuient two.stur: dwelling. a good steed gluten spot, and a Contcutria wet at good_wut cr. ALSO A FARM OF FIFTY ACRES one• !both of a mile from the borough of Yew VIIISM, IS sem. Improved. end the balance well timbered.pnneg pally with chertnnt and hemlock? A gaud llOala Wet. baru, and a thrifty yoang orchard. •ALSO THIS HOTEL PROPERTY - - known as the CUAIdEIf r ALLIti 11t TEL In Whew] 80/ low. simnel:mono Co.. Pa.. coula luta DO tierre cr noel Improved. wish Iliad. Weron Borne and oat. boll ode. Ca erreni eat et her a. a tote/ or /or larsoioc and lry pa/pos.3a. for the manufacture of MEP Brandy, In- good running order. latrty occupied by it. C. Fall, dm:east:Z.43,d about: perches of land adjacent to the aforesaid lintel prop erly. TOTZI2.IIII made easy to snit the purchaser. nport trod arenrisri- For particular. Inquire of E. B. Bantry, DIM tiCßel: tlf dee. Montrose. N.. or of the suliteribur on the Bel. r. Moore Farm. Brldgmrater. Pa. I .. EHIG 11 VALLEY RAILROAD. No. No. No. P. Z. I. • 2131 OU 1110 elmirii 1245 ' Noe sso 130 945 .. 1510 71-; - _ 385 137 10 00.... 11 46 1131 1 4 110 140 909 1010 05 1431 ,•14 641 71 w. Wyalu•mg ".5 515 595 1159...Larre11113 943 . 405 0.44' flit 12 12 ... /lephopprn . 910 6 91 645 11 ...51..h00pet.y...._ 918 625 053 660 12 42. .Tan flock... 542 830 '7554 R. 4 443 1 50.. ... 745 582. . 83: 9411 5 13...W11ke.-11N rte... 710 216 4:11 ... 730 4 33...51grieb ... 11 45 .1 ._. Ptt 430 4.11. , 010wr 4. R. 10 47 1.4.8 40 6 C......8c4 91..410 102.0 12.0 915 60) 111000 ...... 1003 • 11:.1 10 30 !I 80— Pldladelphi* MEI= A. . No. 32 teuvP P N. * Towanda 110 a. tn.; Athena. 7 'O. r . m. ; vrly. 8 ton. to .arrivlog at Elmira at 900 r 8r No 31 leave. Elmira or A p. ; Waverly, at a a m.; Athena, at 880 p. m., .riving at Tnlv7nr.:. tt 7 lb p.m. THE EAGLE MID. RT:47. . „ • )2 :.;t1- - P3 - IiUR.V3 d AICAIOLS, Pflorsizrowt. ;1. D. WE1.1.3.1AN Stan or wiz Goowl Gant am" Mourart 33r1035. 331cools.:Zacexkl2: icsa We deolte teeny to the public that our sten, to will tacked with thalire.lii^i^es. Paint... Oils, literate,. Comb.. Perromery. Fancy Article,. teopri,,' taty and patent peeper ittone. and oil other ally kept In Arrn clan. dine eterro. We gnarnnlee ed.e gloat. genuine and of the beet and mill hr . it al at AM, pricer/of' Itespettfulls BURNS. Montroxe. Feb .1.1. ' AUOR 40%. Zi.3133337.4 La AEC 410017, Et SDIIIR P. TARIBIELL, 'Proprietir. • 'Clue Stases (maim this Moore: dolly. tont etROR with Mu Moo., ote Railway. [hotel : 4A Volley Railroad, and APMIRd.I4I-4L ir int via CARDS! CALLING CARDS 1 - ' :fatly writion. Order, Mir matt recaßl3 prompt atisattoa. eenUt Or doses. S:SWISLAR. StsittOll,. MUSS Zuk:uni. . Southern Tier YOu will rind Ws OP ALL KINDS, E. D. ROBINSON. EM=I ALSO A DISTILLERY JOHN • G ANI,III. 81. r 8:0 TLS :f0 900 . R. A. PM'EER. Sztnerictcail.nt. MONTROSE. PENN'*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers