The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 06, 1874, Image 2
ITU: DEMOCRAT. E. E. HAWLEY e . CO., Editore Wednesday, may 6, 1874. Gold closed in New York, on Saturday ;sight last, at 1121. 'Of the one hundred and sixteen West era papers that have reaches the office of the Chicago Tribithe since the President vtti ett the inflation bill, sixty-one sus tain the forty-two condemn it aiid teirteen exl zees no opinion, nod yet .ive have b.-en told the West is solid for more rsg currency The Cincinnati t.nquirer is the only Pittioci . atio journal in the United States ilispleased with Grant's veto of the -inthainn hi•l. A resolution in a NatiMial Democrat Convention to add to the . allrinut of iur irredeemable rag cur rency -.would receive übout the seine num tkr of votes Willing the delegates. case has net men decided by the United States Circuit eniirt pt St. Louis esttiblishing the principle that when a carchant sends a circular by mail offering to salt an article at a staled price, he is bound to ti.l an order at that price. when it comoii by due coins,- of mail, unless the circular coutains a reservation or a limit to time, The Ilitiford Courant says: "The same feeling of dissatisfaction which has los , the If.eputilican party the state of New Hampshire and Co: Lived- tit is seen in the 'town elect'ons in New York eta e, where the Drmocnits hive gained 1;3 tOWilb over the tlection of last year. and 387 over those of 1872. The voice of warn ing is becoming su emphatic that it can not be ignored or misinterpreted." The governor of South Carolina on the 12th of April. 1874, pardoned t wen ty aoen convicts out of the penitentiary because the state was too pour to keep them. They marched in .& body to the state house and asked for relief. Again, out of thirty-one county treasurers in the state, twenty are in default, to the amount of $500.000. Of sixty grand and petit jurors drawn for the last noun ty code at Beallort only one WSJ white or could read. Such is radical rule. 'Pilo:New York pr, es is likely to be subjected to the most exquisite of tor urea- The L^g'slature proposes that every-newspa p er wl.l;ch has criticised au indAidual nai.,,lallJw.the injured party a column bp:we for ,eply. We shall soon exp-ct to see the Manhattan journals, supplements and all, filled with nothing boat column-loads of replies from LEA this law been in Lowe iviien 'the "Little Usury Band" were canvassing the editor of this paper in our lrg'slatrire, we should have been obliged to have given them the whole of oui pa per for the next ais months. The St. Paul Pion& r says: We want to enter a protest against the assumption of the eastern press that the people of thl West favor infla'ion. It is the' mis fortune of this section to he as badly niis represenitaf in eongrets on that as on nearly every other public question. Not a public meeting of any kind, nor board of trade, nor a single citizen that we have heard of, boa petitioned for any such stu pendous folly ; and as for that matter. editors of the most in teliigtii t newapapers are opposed to it. Willie the public sen timent of the state is rep.esenteti at Washington as all one way, the fact is that inflation cannot muster a eorpor.tis guard among men of average education in Minnesota. A rrobibitory liquor l.tu 1 as d een i n existence itr tire borough of 13radruck Al legheny county. some 1870. Lust week this law, at toe instance of R pregentatice Wainwright, who resides at Bradreck was repealed by the Rouse of Represen Opposition , t 3 local option was not the motive lur this action. Alleghe ny is a•cnanty which decided by an over whelming vote in favor of the sale of in toxica!ing liqzrors, and to the end that this .I,cision be made uniform, it was tormeht . proper by Mr. Wainwright that special legislation on the snhject in behalf of 13radroek should be expunged. if the county, as a -svholo, ..desires absolute pro hibitionrall right ; but arempted prohi bition in detached sections or segments of, the county is proiaourced alike unprofit elle and unja_t. The bill passed by Note ul 68 to 16. The Charlestown Yews and Courier enters into a long explanation of the grounds upon which' the tax-payers of South Carolina ask Congress for aid. It says the present form of government was eitablished in the State by Congress, and since that body is therefore responsible for the evils which it has caused, it ought to take such, measures as will redress the wrongs inflicted. In such a condition of affairs, it thinks all talk about. State 'Eights is :sheer meckery, and in .conclu sion says: .."lire feel that we are on the verge of min.; that bands of robbers, in the name of Government and under the f..rms of the law, are wasting our re sources, devouring our substance, and conftsmtingoor property; and as we may not take rims - in our hands for our own redress, weituty call upon the common Government"and to interpose in - the Lterests and peace, and to provide. acme. , suitatde remedy ior the grteretis wrungn that hnvegrown directly t of los own "r.^. 7 :ALS:W.I64IIe g!ttitilt." The Reno (Nevada) Journal says that after a long and dreary winter, spring has at last opened, and,. as the snow recedes from the valleys, the farmers-are all,buSy putting in their spring crops.' The past winter has been the hardest 'ever eiperi t need in this country. Many have lost all the hvo stock- they possesed,-and all have lost a large per cent. of their stock. Honey Lake Valley has probably suffered most. The hay crop having been short the past year, nearly every one was obliged to buy.and consequently the few , men who had any'raised the price, demanding what ever they wished. Hay has been sold in Honey Lake fur $9O per ton, and in Susanville it commanded, at one time. 5130 per ton. Yet stock are still dying, and a person riding through Honey Lake Valley can hardly get out of sight of dead and dying cattle. Sheep have faired bet ter titan the cattle,but at present t.hey,too, are dying very fast from the effects of the alkali which they got in their stomachs while eating the shprt grass which is just sprouting. The uew financial policy is probably foreshadowed in the following paragraph from the special correspondence of the Baltimore Sun, of Met week : The senate finance committee held a meeting to-day for the purpose of matur ing a new financial bill: The new bill, it is understood, will contain certain fea tures of the old bill originally reported from the committee, with a number of important additions. Among these will be more definite provisions for free bunk ing and redemption. The committee will hold another meeting to-morrow, and will hear the views of several of the leading senators who voted for the currency bill lately vetoed. The free banking section iii the new bill the committee agreed to day should provide for a retirement of forty per cent, of legal tenders to proper.' thin as the volume of the banking cur rency is increased until the aggregate amount of legal tenders outstanding is diminished to $300,000,000. The fixing uk, a time fur specie resumption will be considered to-morrow, and three or four years hence agreed upon. The house currency bill will not be reported. The committee have assurances that the house will probable accept free banking, with other provisions contemplated in the new bill. Congressional Opinions of the Veto. Simon . Cameron is reported to have de elated that the President's veto of the in flation bill was the hardest blow the Re publican party ever received, that it would lead to its defeat next fall through out the western and northwestern states, where it ought to be the strongest, and would endanger Pennsylvania. Cameron intends to stand by.his position, in favor of inflation, in spite of the veto. Judge Kelly declares that the doctrines of the message are fatal to the republican party. Ile thinks the Republicans of the eastern states will unite with the Democrats in favor of hard money, while there will be a coalition of men without distinction of parties in favor of a largely increased currency throughout the west and south, Senator Logan says Grant has killed thin g . ;n Maws. — Senator Kenton ex presses his belief that the veto demolish es the Republican party. Senator Win dom, of Minnesota, avows his belief that the veto will fluil very few Republicans to sustain it iu the north-west. nipple Mitchell, the much married Senator from Oregon, voted for the bill. being the only Senator from the Pacific slope who did so, and he says." "the veto is a great politic al mistake."So muck for the opiniort.of prominent Republican congressmen. The Erie on Temperance. Section Ist, Article Ist, of the general regulation of the Erie Railway Company reads as follows : 1. "No man who uses intoxicating drinks can be depended upon in railroad service, and it is the intention of this Company, as tar:as practicable,to deny em ployment to all men who drink intoxica tine drink." This is commented upon and quoted extensively by prohibition advocates us "high authority" of great weight upon their side. If the above regulation were impartial ly enforced against all in the service of the Erie Railway we doubt if there would be a General or Divison Superin tendant, President, Vice President, Director or Stock bolder left on the road. It is won derfully easy for the wealthy and aristo cratic to be hypocrites, advocating laws for others .while violating them every day themselves. We had men, to a great number, in our eounty who voted for -Local Option". that would not have done eo if they were not assured • that they could have all kinds of liquor ,in their cellar for their own use. They "had no settled principles of temperance, but sim ply a desire for a cheap reputation on that question for a political purpose or some other. When Men teach by example as well as precept, and enact, and enforce laws for the honest prosecution of abstract evil, instead of the persecution of certain individuals, true virtue will be cultivated and protected, instead of being violated and debauched by fanatical, bigotted hy pocrisy. A Repithbeau Party In llnaafi. At a meeting of the repablican state central committee of Illinois, on the 14th inst., Ur. L.O. Flossing, aheretofore proin loan t republican leader, was culled upon foi a speQoh. A bomb-shell exploded in the room would not have more astonish ed. his auditors than Mr. Messing's re sponse. We giro some of his most tell. ing points': Listen, gentlemen, to the thirteen reto. !upon - of the Philadelphia conventicin, 4%i3. E.O brig like it is in connection with recent eventc and, the oninie ruined lip pair representatit'es Tti ! nilllittoiein the Cnited Stagg : f e; ? if•tbe pu • ciple solemnly enunciated by the party, "We denounce repuditaion of the pub lic debts, in any form or disguise As a na tionalcrithe. We witness with pride the redaction: of the principal . .ief the debt, and of the rates of interest upon the-bal ance, dna confidently expect that an ex celent national currency will be perfected by _a speedy resumption of specie pay ments." A speedy resumption of specie pay mentd, gentlemen 1 - What do you think of that in,the face of the fact that your illuatrious statesmen of Illinois, Mr. Lo gan and Mr.Oglesby, are attempting to rob the laboring mon, and are bringing this country iutd -disgrace in the eyes of civilized people by their labors to secure the issue of $44,000,000 more currency. I believe the people need more money,but it should be based. on something more substantiat than promises to pay. Where is all this going to stop ? Suppose next year they printsl,ooo,ooo,ooo instead of $44,000,000, They would have precisely the same right to do it. The republican party, by its statements, as they are called, will compel people who have to buy goods imported front Europe to pay from five to ten per ceilL more then if the forty second congress never existed. If you want to indorse Logan indorse him, but I will not. Indorse Oglesby, too, if you like. He has an ounce of lead in his leg, and I suppose he ought to be indursed whatever he does. I will not indorse him . Your party is torn asunder, gentlemen— there is nothing left of you. Where is your Philadelphia platform ? You licive none. What is then left of the republi can party but office, otlice, office, and what mission has it now but to supply of ticeseekers with fat places. I will not be long to any party that has no higher aim or aspiration than office. When there is nothing left to a party bat office I will not have anything more to do with it. I prefer to be, and shalt be, independent, without the incumbrance of party ties, and lying platforms. LA me read another paragraph of the Philadelphia platform and then let me show now the party has lived up to it : "The republican party proposes to re spect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the pow( rs del egated them to the state and to the federal government. It disapproves of theresort to unconstitnional laws for the ipurpose of removing evils by interference with rights net surrendered by the pee plo of either the state or tuitional govern meet." Your party has gone bask on it, and has iudorsed the crnsaders, and passed laws subversive to personal libe ty I have carried out the principal embodied in this resolution. The republican party has not. What right has any man \ in this room to interferewith me in my person al affairs? Who has a right to dictate to me what or when I shall drink ? have always been a temperance man, and no other nun tia.s a right to dictate to me so long as I du no harm to any one else. I tell yon, gentlemen, sumptuary laws have helped to k.ll the party. Do you know that 100,000 people who always supported the Republican party have been kicked out by sumptuary laws, and they will never go back. I believe what Robert Caper said in his pul pit, that we are educating, a nation of hypocrites, who have an ice pitcher on the table and whisky in the cupboard. Then: is no use in legislation of a sumptuary nature. Men will not bd legislated into righteous ness. The pnlpit and the school house are the places to inculcate morality. You may control railroads and stage coaches by your laws, but you cannot control the appetites of the people. Why do you not pass laws to make me carry a Bible around on my head or tie it to me with a chain, and compel roe to read it for an hour every day ? The time is coming when you will find oat your mistake. The country is corrupt and rotten ; it is going to the devil, and the time is coming when not an honest or a decent man will be left in the legislative bodies. ,Let us look over pretended morality and puss a law for the benefit of the people. The coun try, is going deeper and deeper into cur• ruption. It has gone to grass, and you will soon be mourning that there is not an honest man left. I believe the country should return to specie payments as soo•i as possible, and the currency should be based on bonds of the United States. I would support a good free banking law, based on hands The issue of .81-4,000,000 on top of 3330,- 000,000 iiddisgrace, and every man who -votes for it drives a and in his own polit ieal coffin." Your party,gentlemen, has not kept its pledges and promises. There's not a man in this room who does not believe the crusading women were out of their sphere, bat yon were afraid to say so, and tell them to stay at home and cook their hus band's. beefsteak until they conld ge.t them well done. I am much obliged to you for listening to me. I was allied - upon to speak. I have given you my opinions, and, baying done so, shall take my leave. MM US IN BaNSPEPTCY.—In the Martha Court I.A of the rutted Stater.. for the Wavier° District of retorwriviurds. In Be. D. Gillett Bankrapt.— (NO-1419 In thankraptCY.) Notice' is hereby given that there mill be age' merit ncteetlng of the Creditors of the above. named Santo relit. (or the purpose contemplated In the „Vat Section of the Bankrupt .act, on the Seventeenth day of Jane 1871,at two Y. IL, at the MD= of Sowano Wro lane, Register In Bankruptcy, Scranton, Pa:, and all creditors who have proved tintr debts, are hereby noti fied to be prcecnt at said meeting. -. • B. J. CARR. Allattlee &mete; re., goy C. 1871: . A DhURISTRATOIrIi, the estate of alrL - fiobn V. O'RelloY. , {eta ot.Bsiauttannal Depot, deceased, lettoriorhtiministraton C. T.A. bastagbeen granted to the untie rrigurd,all persons Indebted to raid estate, are hereby notified to rr.ato Inoue:diet° payment to the Ad at Wish' tor•and those basing daises arguer the samt,ore requested to prrtsent thew :at overt. TERRANCE.Q:WEigY , Inerpta; • OUR DORMANT ENERGIES. Our bodies aro not as vigorous ner our minds as clear as they:night be. This remark is jrue of atiesst two-thirds of civilized satiety , and of these two-thirds probably one-half is labor- - hag tinder bodily infirmities of a.t.hamcter like ly to shorten the lives of the sufferers; This is a melancholy exhibit and furnishes abundant food for reflection. Can the evil , be mitigated ? it can. Lack of vitality is the-primary cause of most of the physical and mentel suffering to which we are subjected, and ; therefero. a vital izing medicinal agent is the remedy remilred.— Is there such a medicine? There is. Hostetter's litomache Bitters will muse and energize the mind and body when the life posrerof•the eye. tern Is in a comparatively dormant state. The languid, feeble, desponding invalid Is net awar of the latent energies that underlies his debility. He thinks there is no element of vigor lett in his frame, when the tact is that ids physical capabilities are merely asleep and only require waking up. Let hint stimulate and tone his animal machinery find endow it with new mo tive power, through the agency of this inenm ' parable invigorant, and he will soon feel like a new man, or rather likes man who has received a new lease of life, and the requisite health to enjoy it. Many businessmen suffer from chron ic languor and depression_eaused by too close application to business.- Ilttnl students are of oppressed with melancholy from a like cause Mechanics and working men are affected in the same way as a result of over-labor. To ail who are In this condition, from whatever tetter's Stomach Bitters will prove a signal blessing. It is a perfect patinae for physical debility and mental gloom. It strengthens the body, clears mind and calms the nervous sys: tent its a remedy for indigestion, billions ness, conspinstion, rheumatism, and intermit tent and remittent fevers, it takes precedence of all other medicines. May dtb, New Advertisements FOR SALE Twenty tone, Balled Ray. In gent:title. to Fait par chaser., at JuCson UII,III it', Pit. Alen 20 tont on the Judson t.tono Letate—Eore..t Lake. Apply on the pra.misee. IV. F. CLARII. B:trhartillo, May 4th, 1874.-1 w.• DMINISTGATOR'S NOTICE —ln [beset. of .113 ho AL Logan. dec d. hue of ltneh toe - orbit, Lett., of Administration to literal,/ estate having been grantee to theundersigned all perrnns owing raid ertare, are req.:leaded to mate Immediate payment, and all per pone having nuainmt said estate are requested to resent them vrith,ot delay. JAMES LOGAN Adm"r. May nth, 1671.—n8. HERRING & FARREL, 87 Mir coza.clw es - 5 , MANUFACTURFRS OF ALL KINDS OF 3312.. x - glear Proof The °Merl and mo.t reliable firm In the United Stater. Tbey tout. the prize tueetai,a warded et the WORLD'S FAIR AT LONDON I ',II Safer are warranted free from dawn.a and cor BILLINGS STROUD, A„, , rent. Montrose, May .3.'74 —ll MONTROSE BOEGUOU STATEMENT. IiONTROtV, Arril 7, 1571. MINIM .11L1131.01, .0313113.101 , 1511, ACCOUNT YOU To amount of Duplicate $ 04Y49 Cr. by amount pain for stork on 'treads, Iduckanalthing. haru rant. bay and Iced for taen . ..... Itr. days work Inherman) 416 00 Tonancrat lons ............. 6 01 tom tuisa 11111,re . .......... 41 19 atauce due 6 91 —$ 842 49 To balance in bin hands ......... ....... u 30 Tax purr', desirous of seeing bills, can do so by clll - 0p..0 too Seer,-tar) 'lon.. emoted The above occottut has been t.(11111illeli by us and found correct as above atatud. 11. C. TY LEH. Sec'y. C. IL GRIM. Borgo OF. J TimsnmEn, IN ACCOUNT scrru SKINT ItOa!: BoltotoH. 14 , 311 •YHII. A, 137 i, TO eriaL. F, To cri•ll or Dana e. Collor. tor ...... •• t.. Ilutv ...... •• .1 F :4h.o•notkor,do 11. oo •• •• I'. M. Uric. SYdet/agerl. .. 71100 •• Jon, .s. Ilumoll. dog too lieu •• •• • WltTior. ran tri .ge for 1.674.. otkl Tv au hood, t, M==l • •• J. P. rilloonaker. Erri 6 Ik: • • • 11 ngh !attunell. .......... 15 a) •• t Iriuvue.t Purdy. ..... ........ ter 00 11 C T)l.r 10(I) C M. Gvre 4c.10 Brun •• C J Whipple . W 13ord X C 19 u... 2.3 n 5.5 •• IC. B 11rwley lOu 11. C 1 per . . 30 •• et. Taylor . 1111........ 1:960 •• Jerre I.yune ....... . 00 r,a Lyra. 19400 Muldrueu Manufacturing Cu .. 194 J... N. 11••weil 1111. 111 •• J. IL Rayne:ad 200 • " 11ana P. ArtediCl. • • • • 99) •• C J. M Itopple 0990 •• U. 11. Irarner 15U •• " • • 1111 13.0 3 10 • •• F. 11Chandler .......... ....... 2990 •• Jerre hyol2. 10r; aT (i. F' F0rt194,6 300 Head, 0,111.16 & (0 41% 11. Funtuaza 1760 K. B. /1 wiry 160 too 101 , 63 0 4 40 40 3114 3434 15 U 0 93 73 W J. Mu'fora... • •• UY. Roane • .. C. 4. Wn.pple • •• S. II et D. Sayre Hugh hilteEell... By cash on ....... April 17. 1874, to cork on hood We the underttigned. Auditors of the bomnch of Moulton have thin da3 eratnitied the nC.1:00111, of Wm. J. Mulford, Tee...orer of the h. , noel of 31outrope, and the order• paid by said Treasure...and find the ratite cor rect. and Ilan] balance in ht. , Undo of ninety fire slid seventy.t.ttree one ',Moiredi ha dollar , . FOILLIII6.II, A. D. lIITFL'US, Auditors. CHAS. 11. SMITH, 00000011 or anWIMOVE. •rant 11, 1871. ontorite 0171, taAhlpl.ll Ma, C9IIEDL6IILD Robert firmege... ....... lir ry Sherman ...... . . . • F. A. n.'nr• , Order No. 94 ... G. F. Forunam, Order No. 5 $4lO IT Dna from cite of oxen • IcOW II fl.tillY C. TYLER, Secretary. Ilontroee Play fl, Rat NOTICE IN BANICItOPTCY Tans t.o Grua Noisier, that on the Mot day of April. A. D. hal, a warmnt in Ban kroptcy wag toted a,Tairod the estate of Lewis Brainard, of Gibson twp., in Sin:apielianna Co., PL, who has beep adjudged a Bank rupt. on his owe pahlun ; that the poymant of any debt. nod delivery of any property belonging to such polikroPl, to bird or for ht. use,and the Boarder of any proporty by him, are forbidden by law. That a meeting of rho creditors of mild Bautelipt, to preen their debts. and to choose one or morn assignees of bin estate will be held at a Court of Baukruptcyoobo holden at the office of the IteTister at Scranton 80-. before gdmrd Willard, Be:tester, UP 11th clay of May, BM, at 10 o'clock, a. to. - • JOICT lIALL, 11. S. April. Zith 1674.—qw. r so hieereuger EAGLE COAL YARD! At Coon's Crossing. (Terminus of Ito Montrose Itallroad,) 'l' Lae Best CcoEtl Ever offered w the people of Moutroseimd flaring bad long =primer to the . business. the ander. signed guarantee satisfaMion every time. Coal as tree from slate and dirt as could be desired. PRICES—Terms Cash: Sao, $O3O. Stun. $4.90. Carirartrr, $4.80. 0. D. STEIffirNE4 4: CO Feb.ll. 1814.-tf. TOR BALE—Tim rum late of Nathan Al drich, dc'd, situated about balf -a mile west of Montrose Depot, in Brodkiyn township, con taining about 111 acres of land mostly improv ed. Inquire tb. indersigned, executor of said estate, at New Milford, 1 a: • ButoT Aunuca. New Milford, Jan. T,'.5;1873.—tf ElB cIITOWS NOTlCE —Letters testenten Mu le the state of A. B. Lathrop. late a Maack, deed: i havng been granted to the subscriber, ell persons In. &sheen le the' told et tato,' are mutated to mare tin. mediate pool's t. and all persons having sterol molest meld decedent will present them *Mont delay. I. B. LATHROP, 4 6 050/. Sprlordlle. pH 0, 1 . .71.*,-410 ' • E. P. HINES, Lt. Gradeate of-the University of Michigan. ACM Arbor', 1855, and slsobf JefreThOn Medical College of Philo delptils, 1874, has reterfted to,Friontsvilice, whereto will attend to all mile lolls . VOretaintl-11 11,120.-- - Residence la Jessie liosford'e house. Wilco the same as tteretotore. Yrieadsville.*, Aprii'MUl4 1874.—fa0 ii - , . • TORONTO CUIEF, Jr., bra blood hay with black legs, free from white, and *OOP ilk 0 ponnds. Be It oue of the best foal getters there I. to this comity. His stock can he a-en In D'm• ode the fa.m.of P. Conklin. at M. K. Lemon's. and at U. tlmitb's ; 1n Bridgewater at Jared Dean's and G. Decker's; la Springfield at Orin Pritchard's and T. Green'.; in t ituborn ittrinnins Toot's and Wm. Whiter. PEDIGREE OP. SIRE. TORONTO ruin% JR.. was aired by the fast trot. flog Stallion Toronto Chief, (now rerrim, at you for the resenn) who watt aired by the celebrated Royal George, wea by Black Warrior. and he by the Imported TSPito°. The Clamour Royal George ware thorough bred mare, Imported by an of to to Ms '•ltoyat George Guards." PEDIGREE Off DAM TOTIONTO CHIEF. Ja'n, dam by the thorough-hred J.-trorann. not at a Illaj.ady mare. Jeftertion. woo by Viwinian. the by air Araby. r ha taro of air Henry, and grand stre of A mertc.nn t<tar,) data by OM Fa% , rtic 24 dam by old Hell Asir; .Id. nary. At bdpuried Pawn lomt ; ;tan. a mare by the unputtcd It 31a,ter NW pa en: nth: e 111AII , by rho ini ported boron Juniper; Tub Ettabtt's Imparted mare Ontrh TORONTO cesicu, Jr.. Will gene fhe ounent YeaPon cc souranye at the etnblvuf /11. J. Hirrin•,nou In Polnnt rove. and the reef of the time nt Dltnork Fuer Co , nem - Tenve,—Te lustre 011 h foal, $lO. Bills payable liarelt, 10t,11156. Dlmork. A prfl M. '71.-4m CMZIA - txl dat Murder Trial, Published in Book Form of Over One II andred Pages! The Undersigned having gotten up and ptintei the above pamphlet, they now offer it to the public. It Is a Valnaale book both for present information and for reference In haute years. It Is a much taller account of the matter than has cerr been published be fore. It contains the Names of the Parties. the Proceeding,s of the Trial, the Judge's Charge, Verdict of the Jury, History 01 the Case, Defendants' Ptints, Specifica tions of Errors. Argument for a New Trial, Names of the Judges, Counsel, and Jurors, and the Evideilce verbatim. Pelee. 40 cents, for dale at the DEMOCRAT OMER. or will be rent b.) mall on receipt of price. with three cte_ for postage. No notice will be teat nof orders units. accompanied by the eash. E. I;. II A lI'LL'I" CO Moutruee, March 11, Itrit-ir. rii , RE %SEILER'S SALE OF FINSEATED LANDS IN J. SESQ.I4.IIANDIA COUNTY. Not lt.e la hereto' given that, agreeably In tho Act of the Gl:tire-al Arrenibly of the Cinnamon rain] ~r Eenm alr Mg the 100110 01 yelling Ellite.ltrii land., the land. of which the warranters or onttlera or the number* are giveo below will he sold at poSlle vendor, It the honor fa Stout:one. on Mooday.thr nth gln• of June, A. 0., tell. for arrearager dne at 6.1 the tort ar (Turd on each tract respeetiyely, nolrru the rain< Iv petit In re the day of sale—.ate to CUlLllhetite at ten o'clock, a. ot. .4tree. lEarrurases. I Otc.ers Name.. ARARAT. Thomas Daryrck. I Mr.. M. S. BONY.' Execute, %V. L. Wells. Jacob Dowal Vg John Beech, Pt. Beech pt. I llopard Spencer. ft)lzalwth sew. Imrt-PE. Jolla Ltearh. pt. t . Phlllp Beech, pt No, 2. Reynold. da Wil liars. Howard Spencer Caarlea Horka'o.d. George Walker Dr. R ehAroller. U. A. Clark. James Need &Co. Tnrreli. A. Stepltrus, sold to L.. F. k ttLki J . ,netban Putter. 11111.1 e. Down. Gorge Walker $. J. Adam.. 175 I Jacob Downing,. t J. W, I 8 er km,,,,.. No. 8, I SA M. M. C. Vail. D. C. Roberta. Juba liughler. I No. 51 Y let J„ Ito sfeklbero.. prob..nry A 0.4.1 I 5:12 Grorre probably Noe. I. I 41 I.' Z".. 4 .V.11, — .,`!."". - . , thee.'!l'LL'tteb7l l . l n . LATITItor. 1!'1 ' L ' Olei n ,7- `" ie. t 1.3 11 . ,1‘ ..r .?1 .1 a a r r c r y l 8 . . tbet Torrell. LatIEHTT. 9 I 105.4,, a 1 t (7e, Corbett. $77 711 e r11.,h. s New KO.Toirn, 178 I &liebary & Co. Depot Company. $ 7092 lOU J ID m a , Ja' u I 1173 OASLAJID. D. .11. Guodrleh, $ ISO GO !Peter Rupert Lal. I Gan:.,. roma rty I 50 I data sl el '' D 'r' ayrnr!' 4 I 150 7110 S-ON. 131 Itleorhe McCall. I And Shiply 1 $ 1941 MI I Peter Bradley. C. S. Bennett 1 1917 190 I Toter Sn)der IC. A. Cook en. sold : 14 75 i to bastd Taylor. 1 lung 110 1 George Stowe. ' .1. IL Fly. 1 3.d.:. Si 1 Jame* .11 uto ford. C. J. 11 ten fort!, !sold 1 ICIA. Terrell. 104 I Pool Bradley. 11 11.1 L °shunt or 1 929 1 .Itary W. China I I 1 ex're of T. It. tlly - • filer, Tr..ittou, N. 1 J. Atte, In pare:lance of le net of Ovneral Aasernbly, passed the:1181(14y of April. A. D„ 1814, Beetliou 41, at the same time and place will bu exposed to puBllc ,01.3 • the tracts ut parcel., of hod or real data deslanmed In . 41119 Ipl/oalug list unless the taxes des upon ILu battle sled Coat are paid before that time. arotatos. 1372. alchsel O'Neal JamesSbaw A. P. filmier E. T. Oakley Willies Everts. Eagerly Lathrop DIINDA7r. MAID W. Well. estate . 1 lot 75 Susan Simpler. Willow Matlock P. A. Solder IMnOx. A. A. llowerman.estata— 45 Jarou Stevens and 114 wini .— . 60 James Phelps . N 6 Usnlern. Marling ad SOS ass. at E. Jtephen, go 208 IMIXSTY. Charles D. Adame 823 1087 Jacob C. Brown CD giaa Charles Adams 353 1177 Oen. D. Flemming ' 18 1 75 N.B. Lyons ' Li 1:5 Llenry rower 12 go tiebwo Wheat.. ' .:..Louse . 70 & lot. Bernice Maley—. Nicholas °waffleld__' - • Dana Btark . '. ee, • 110.1 Fanny Cooley ender —•• • • --- Z 1 .. 10u X ' 100 sa~en lame.' Get“fhichester estato . Thomas ' Michael Nth: • iLIZTIMAXX4, . Junes Viu4in.. • lot= 21:1 . 1 E. CI: TAYLOR, bouatirrcasprrr, Woitrow April le,—/A. HORSE BILLS OF EVERY BTYLE, Printed st this Oftice on Chart Nati4n. M7a,r - 22:1.4a2C05P tar 424_ The undersigned is recrlvieg mid has now on baud complete assortmint of GROCERIEIL CODFIBII. NACILEREL, HEROSENB NAILS HOOTS & SHOES, akuONIS, COTT-ON GOOLLS. CLOVEN & TlNurux SNLIDS, at CooPs Station, which he offers for sale on themoet reasonable tern. tor Cash or Ready Pay. N.D. Those having freight forshipmeat t or wkshi.g to travel by Hail will hereafter be aecommodat.wl well at this place as any place slaeg the line (4 We 3loutreee Itslinstd. E. L. COOL. Montrose, Ifsftb 10th, 1874.—rti3 .771 E INDEPE.N.DENT Sewing Maclaine 2 TUE GREATELT At:II TEVEUENT 0 r TILE .4481 Sews tzom bat One Spool of Thr4asl. It has hot eis working parte, is no,solese,andis . more raphily,than any liachlun In tho Has a self-sating Straight .Vccdk It Combiner Dumblllty with Brantyand Simpticlll.anii ha. all Lilo Alodcin Improvernevte. tar' FIRRT-CL ASS If ACTILN A Ite;ACA IV A Lir I'AbLE ruts if 35. • 4i.aera.tas 17Creizitael. THE INDEPENDENT SEWING B,LACIIINEC , ., Dec. 24, 1833. Binghamton, N. Y A ssIGNEWS SALE OF HEAL Es ti TATE. Tannery Property in New Milford The undersigned, Assignee of the estate of Moss d: Knapp, Ituntrupts, under and by virtue tit an order of the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of Pennsylva nia, to him directed, will, on Wednesday, the 6th day of May, 1674, at one o'clock in the af ternoon, at the Most ilt; Knapp tannery in New Milford borough, county of Susquehanna •and State of Pennsylvania, expose to public sale, by vendee, the following mentioned and de scribed real estate of the estate of said bank rupts The same will be sold in seperate par eels us l,ereinaher numbered and described. fbe sale to divest all liens as described in said order. . . The terms an sale to be as fonow4, vl4, One third cash on day of sale one third in sir,-'and one third in twelve months thereafter, with in terest : said unpaid purchase money to be se cured by bond anti mortgage on the premises. with clause to keep insured where there are building,: on the premises. 1. The first piece, pare I, or lot thereof situ ate, 13 ing and being in the township of New Mitided, in the Cbanty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the North by a ,t ream or brook running. across the farm now lir late 01 Ziprain Cobb from west to Vial tilalla tarty perelies, on the east by ft line run ning son h ithm said brook to a post in a line roeonily in inniseSai, in of 11; Bowen, on the smith by the north iii,ead a lot of land also recently it: ptissc-ssion of said Bowen, tool on the 1,0 by a line of William Itarding's Loot to the brook id the place of begitruinr„ containing about four racree,Lc the same more or less,with fres - in , :ros , and egress on tisc lands of said Z. tobb the purpose of draw inc off the bark and logs from the :thove e - seri:it-al promise's 2. The around piece nr parcel thereof situate It in.% and hying in the bdrangli of New Milford, in the eottitty of tinsmiebtanna and State 01 Pen nS tr.untet as follows: Beginning in the middle of a contempt act street, thence t r y the middle of the Sallie south lire degrees and Sliver minute; went nine perches and four and three-fourths links to n point no the north side of a road entity from New 31iltiwal to Susquehanna Depot. thence by the north side nt gait road Solite S 7 de-glees minutes east 20 and nine-tenths pereLes to a post, the tt e e by said road south 85de:frees and 4o minutes east 9 perches n o d 2 links. thence by lands now or lath of Mrs. Biker not th 5 degrees and 5 min utes east 2 perches, thence Worth 65 degree,: and 15 mionto, east 10:km1.1x-tenths perrhes,thence by the same south 5 degrees atol 15 minutes west :land ante tenth perches to a point in the . thiltile of said reed. thence by the middle of the same smith 1.35 degrees and . 45 minutes east 7 perches and 11 links thence fey the saw Mill tut north 5 d e vees and 15 minutes east 11 1/I,T -ellee and 4 links to a post and stones, licence by lands now air litte of Albert Moss, sr., south 8 1 1 degrees and 45 minutes west 11 and ono-tenth pert-lies to a post and stones,t'ience by thertiot" north 84 d• - grees and 4.5 ittinuies wise 35 1 ' per close to the place of beginning, containing 2 acres and 93 perches of Inntl, he the same more or less. Also all the right and interest in the water power. water course, or MCC or races, ap omens:a to or used wits Salt litalieftV or piece of lanal,tind the tannery works premed thereon as they are now or have been used and enjoyed by the bait Slices at }Coop tin which is situate a goad, newly built tannery, naive building, dry lionse, and other ant boil ling:, necessary to-be used In connection with it tannery. S. The third piece therkof situate in the township of New Milford, bounded as follows : Beginning at a hemlock sapling, one original corner of Hayden lot thence by said Hayden Int smith 47 degrees west 14 perches to a post, thence by land; now or tate of Albert Moss, sr. north 4:1 degrees west 33 and two-tenths per ches to a hetalocl: tree,thence alonglup the west side of the pond I degree east 47 nod six-tenths perches to a hemlock aml north 311 degrees east 2i and fire-tenths perches to a sugar tree, and sottta 115 degrees east S and eight tenths perches to a point iu the micidle.of the creek, nt the up pe end of add pond, thence south 43 "degrees east 83 perches to it post and Wont:9,lllpm) by E. A. Pratt's land south 47 degrees west 98 per ches to a hemlock sapling, and thence north 93 degrees west 18 and Ibre, tenths perches to the place o f beginning. containing 28 acres and 58 perches or land and water, be the 531120 more or less, with the right to a road amiss Ands now or late 01A lbert - Moss, sr., to the preraistaabove described, with tree Ingress and egress at all times anti seasons to and from and around said pond bir the use or the water or repairing or rebuilding the slam. 4. The . iburilk piece or parcel thereof being an undivided one-half interest in all that certain piece, parcel., ur Ist ol land situate in said Went- ship ut New Milford, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a poo and_stonnt the southeast tuner of lot of R. C. Vail, ilitorised, thence Hy the same north 2 degrees east 133 perches to a post and atoms corner in the south line of Witham Sabitte's lot, thence by said line sostit 67 and one-half degrees east o 2 perches to a post and stones corner in the west lint; of lands now or Into of A. Moss, thence by ,suid line anent 2 degree west 133 perches to a post and 01,1,10: contertlienev by another line of said Moss's land not tit bland one-half degrma west 12 perches to the place of beginning. contain ing, 43 acres and 11 perches of laail,be, the same more or less. [Timber land.] Alit at the same time and place and upon the stole terms and conditions and in the wine or der the thilowing real estate of the estate ofAl hert Moog Jr., one of said bankrupts except ing thnt the following pieces numbered 2,3, 5. 6 and 7, will be sold Anbjeet to the Mortgage of Albert Mo , ,s,sr., recorded In Susquehanna Coun ty in Mortgage bunk so. 7 on page 11.18 &o as directed in Said order of said mart. • dere*. Taxes. ... 60 $ 1 kip art .71 1w l'i 173 I lot 400 I lot 2:1 Ji 23 1. The first piece or parcel thereof situate, leing,nnd being In the township of New ford, county ofSustpteloinen and Stnte of Penn sylvania. bounded an luliowa : lieginning at' a cliatnet sapling, thence by the Drinker -lot south S 8 degr,a. taut 55 perches and live-tenths bf n perch to a ease) thence by lands surveyed to Josiah Moss, south '2 o: l ;rces . lV€ll 80 perches to ,post and stones-'then ce - eoeth 5 depreeti and 30 minutes west 27 perches and bun tenth of a perch to a earner, thence by the mill lot north 17 degrees 45 minutes west 10 cud fives tenth perches to a corner and tioidli 70 degrees and 45 minutes u tit 47 peicht's to a poet and stone and thence by lands of Albert "Sloss, Ir., and others north 5 degrees and .15 minutes east 103 perclumand three-tenths of a perch to the llace of beginning containing about 35 Beres of and be the same more or less.. . ".: EIEEMMEZI es 99 .... Wons ' is 'Gloi • 2. The second piece or parcel tbernoteltnefi.- end being in the borough of New - Milford aforesaid, bounded as follows: Beginning et it point in the centre of Main street, thence south 843:S degrees. unit along the centre, of thsqpi• haulm pt2 . B fcB tj thence nertill A1.4c4r,c1 SEND FOR CIRCOLA C. cid 228 feet nieng the centre of Char& struti thence north 8434. degrees wrest .188 feet along the line of Tracy Hayden's land to tht centre 01 Blain Street, thence tfotitit 535-ileglies„,west along the centre of :Alan 'Street - 228 Meet to the place of beginning, containing two stems and 1344 qguare feet of land, be the Bade more or less being thaboinestead propertyofsald Alba; Moss, Jr., and on which is situate a good tem' , story dwelling bonito and other oat building and fruit tree& 3. All those- four . certsht hottses , and lota situate, lying, 'and being In said baclugh of New 3111ford,known on tho Timothy .130,t le map' of resurvey of said baronet as lots No. 1, 2,and 3, all fronting on tbs. tlmt new street „cast of Alain Street. each being four rods front on said street, and ten rods deep, toad • taken • togedler 7 bounded as follows to wit Beginning at an Iron post In the muddle of said now street, thence north 5 dew= east 12 perches,. thence south 85 degrees west 10 perches to a post cor ner, thence south S degrees west 12 perches; thence north 85 degrees east ten perchesto the place of beeinniog containing in all. 4f, of an acre, be the same more or-less, and on - each lot there is one dwelling house. , 4 All that certain piece or parcel of land aft: unto in New Milford township, County and State aforesaid, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit Beginning at a pool and, atonel Hut west corner of lot conveyed to denies W.: Belknap, thence by said Belknap 's line north 43 degrees east 130 perches to a black oak, thence along line In possession of Johnson • it , Matti north 44 degrees west ill perches to a post and stoned in warrant line, thence along said war-. rant line south 411 and one-half degrees west 103 perches to the West 'warrant cornero Meucci north 431'4 degrees west 70 and O re-tenthse perch:, ea to the place of beginning, containing 12acred strict measure, be tne same more or less. 5. Alga all that vacant bonding lot :situate in said borough ot New Milford fronting on the that new sired east of Main Street nearly' opposite Tracy Hoyden's Jot and marked or( Timothy Boyle map of recent survey of salt! borough na lot No. 4, oeing 4 rods front nod 10' rods back or deep, and Intjoinitig, H. Hibbard's lot on the south, containing „ 1 / 4 ' of an :acre of land more or less. . . it Also ..11 that certain other houseand oat situate in said borough of New Milford facing the first new street east of Main Street, and be ing on the east side of said new , street and the first lot north of 11. Ilibbards lot about 5 rods front and ten rods deep and being the same lot now or recently occupted by E. L. Bobbins. 7. The seventh piece thereof situate in said borough of New Milford, bounded on the north by lands late of the estate of Levi Moss, dec'd, and now of Sarah A. Moss, on the east by lands of Moss & Snap on the South by tho public road leading front New Milford to Sus quehanna Depot, and I). Lows lot, on the west by the row of tenant ltotests and lots on the first new street east of Main Street, contain ing about 8 acres of land ba the same more or less, being a vacant lot. 8. Also nn undivided one-half, interest In all that certain piece parcel or lot of land.situato in the said township of New Milford, hbunded as follows to wit: Beginning at a point in the middle or the Now Milford and Susquehanna road nt a cornee of the tannery property,thenco by the east line of said tannery ground and oth er lands of the said Albert Sloss sr., north re degrees 15 minutes east 18 perches to a post and stones, thence by the lands of the said Al bert Moss sr., south 81 decrees and 45 Minutes east 4 and one-tepth perchew, thence north 78 degrees 55 minutes east 47 perches to stones, thence south 17 degrees and 95 minutes east 23 perches ton post on the north side of said rmul thence by an original line of lots north 87 de grees and 15 minutes west 40 perches to a p tint in the middle of said road, thence by the mid dle of same south 60 degrees and 30 minutes west 15 perches, thence north 86 degrees west 6 perches to the place of beginning, contain-. ing 5 acres and 151 perches of land be the same more or less. 9. , The ninth piece thereof being an landivi ['et' one half interest in all that piece of land situate in said township of New Milford, boun ded and described ns hollows to wit : Begin ning at the east corner of the pond lot, thence by lands formerly In possession of J. W. Belk nap north 45 degrees 30 minutes east 79 perches to stones, thence north 43 degrees went 115 and five tenths perches to a Hemlock an original corner, thence south 45 degrees and 39 minutes west about 89 perches to scorner thence by lands surveyed to Josiah Moss south t degrees east 19 perches to 4 sugar tree,thencer by the pond lot south 83 degrees east Sand eight tenth perch, o, thence south 44 degrees east 85 perches to the place of beginning, containing about 57 acres and 04 perches of land, be the same more or less. [Timber land. 13. Also all that certain lot, piece or parcel ".and citrate. lying, and' being in tge town - ship of New Milford, bounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at the north corner of tract of land in the 'warrantee name of An drew Pyle, thence atom , warrant line south 44 degrees east 1853..; perches to the north corner o f lot conveyed'to John Boyle, thencdalong said Boyle lot south 42 and one half degrees west 129 perches to the east censer of let con veyers to James W. Belknap now owned by E. A. Pratt,thence along line of said E.A.PrattJand and line of lot conveyed to Albert Moss, jr., and others, thence north 44 degrees west 185 ong half perches to the line,thence north 42 and one half degrees east 129 perches to the place of beginning, containing 130 acres more or less, and known as the Corbin lot. [Timber land.) 11. Also all that the undivided one-thin' In terest in all that certain piece parcel or' lot of land situate, lying and being in the township of New Milford aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to wit : Beg inning at a post and stones in a brook an original corner of tract of land In the warnmtee name of 4 fonathan Han cock and the east corner of lot of land hereby conveyed, thence by line of twa tracts In the warrantee name of Andrew Pyle, Jr., and Solo ' mon Itink, Jr., south 46 degrees west 23perches to an ironwood sapling, a corner of Albert -1 Moss's land, thence by the said last mentioned: land north 89 degrees west 60 perches ton post and stones, thence north.o and ofielisaf degrees west 153 perches to a post and stones in line of Win. Sabine's land, thence by said Sabine's lands south 83 degrwes'east 61 perches to a post. and stones in the warrantee line of the same Jonathan Hancock tract, and thence south 44 degrees east along said line, 122 perches to the place of beginning, containing nine acres and: 41 perches of land be the same more or less:— , [Timber land.) . . 12. Also all the undivided one-third interest in all that certain piece or land situate In said township of New Milford, bounded- and de scribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a post the north east corner of lot No. 13 of Drinker's ToOkbannuck tract now or late tit William Sa bine and in the south line of William- R. 13a hins's land south 89 degrees east 39 perches to a post in the said last mentionedllne, thence by land late of Ira Summers south 0 and one-half degrees cast 153 perches . to a post In line of. laud of A. Moss at said Sommers's south-west corner, thence by the north line of land of A Moss north 89 degrees west 63 perches tonpost in the east line of lot No. 15 of said tract called the school Houser lot, rind thence by the same. and the cast tine of said lot No. 13 north 1 de-. gree east 110 perches to the place of beginning. containing 47 acres more or less. ['Timber land.] 13. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of New .11Ilford, Coun ty and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post and stones a corner of the ITayden lot, thence by a lino of said Hayden tot south 42 degrees and 80 minutes cast 20 and five-tenth perches lo a point in the middle of the Now Alliford and. llanmonv road, thence by the same along an, original line of lots north 87 degrees west 112 and tlye.tenth perches to a post on the north side of said road, thence by the east line of saw mill lot, north 17 degrees and 43 Minutes west G and live-tenths perches to a post on the top of the bank on the south side of creek, - thence along on said bank north 37 and ope-hall de arm east 31 and seven-tenths perches, north 03 and one-balt degrees east 20 perches to a hem lock, south 73 degrees east 10 and seven-tenths. perches to the south side of said creek, thence up said Creek south 25 and onotalf degrees oat 10 perches,south 3731.8egrees east 20 perch , es, south 87 degrees east 8 perches, north lOU degrees east 10 perches and east 10 perches to beginning, containing 10 acres and 82 perches, , be the same more or less, all Improved. N. B. The purchaser will take title to /aid real estate free and clear of all incumbramma , except lot No. 2,3, 5,0, and 7, of Albeit Mew s jr., subject to the Mortgage of Albert Noes, Ir., as aforesaid. The hemlock bark on the remaining undivith ed Interests can be purchased of the warner; thereof at reasonable rates. • is The Tannery building on lot No. 2 ht new and first-class. In thet the whole propesty •vcry desirable for Tannery_ purposes. . o ' EL DRP , 4 1 4 1 1Reet Itfontokse, Alit! 1,1874, , -wt .•