FAhM AND HOUSEHOLD What Sheep are Needed. —o— There has been some discussion in,your columns as to what breed of sheep is most profitable. All_ breeds are, if well kept, profitable, more or less,lbr all chisel of wool are in more or less demand. But the following, from the New York Econ omist, goes to show that, just now, it will pay our farmers to take good care of their long-wooled sheep : - - It is true that it Irik - is• time - to raise lambs and increase flocks of sheep. Ai' yet there has not been much increase in the production of the staple itt our North ern or Western States; but what is lack ing in quantity is to Sohn extent made up in quality, fur oar markets now present lines of fancy wools from Virginia, Penn , sylvania and Ohio, which are equal to any wool grown the „world, over.. The superfine fancy clips Von) - We'st Vfrgini. are particularly chtnee, and will bear oldie comparison with the.-finest Australiiin and Silesian. The ..woolawill airimaird fancy prices at any -time, no matter how stringent money may be, -for they are al ways wanted for opera flannels, fine-fa Ced doeskins or ladies worsted dress goodior braids, and yet we Sear enough of theie grades will never he grown in the States' to supply the constantly increasing Wants of our manufacturers. The demand fOf_ combing wools continues very active ;in fact, it 18 urgent, until doh; prioes 'have Tepidly risen, especially for Canadiit: From a private letter written tiv,a well. known firm in Hamilton, recently, tde are enabled to make the following extract : "Combing wool cannot be got in any quantities at present. - The cniftry has been scoured all around for niantifact4- era in your State, and ae high ' Flo, gold, has been paid, and the. prospecii% it will grow somewhat higher. Vi e mate the clip at 1,500,000 pounds." This sounds like high talk ; -but before the ink is yet dry on the paper we write upon, we have advisee still more stilton ishing—with sales 46c, gold for Canadie6 combing, and. the best,artiule. is now l(eld at half a dollar gold. This —would carry the price beyond 80 cents currency ; and yet it is rota fortnight aince Walworth ..aserted he would _not pay over 60 cents for the staple , ed in the States. Such are the enprmobs demands for worsted - wools the world 'ov er, that everywhere in - Europe and Amer-, ica, they are bringing_ prices out of portion to fine clothing grades. Tue Economist goes on to advise Abe importation of Canada sheep to cross with Saxony C), in order to supply the pressing demands for combing wools._ But if our breeders of long wools w old save all their ewe lambs, letting none go . to the butcher, these breeders would pot tlk country into a fair way of supplying the demand at as quick, and far better rate, than by following the advice of the Economist.—('or. -Vali°4al Lima Stock JvurnaL flow Nt4megs Grow. An old whaler tells, in th. , 'Any , rican Grocer, all about nutmeg. Thiispi'd.;'lso' much used in every family, iiindigeno.. to the Moluccas, reaching itsgreatest per-. fection in Amboyna. This-island be long,. to the Dutch, , who do not percent` the cultivation of the nutmeg in the oth er islands under their control Th(i nut-' .tresP-zrtgtt"lioried — 'lllflf — rtitri -- , wiEG foliage of a rich dark green; and-veryplen tiful. It reaches maturity, or full produc tiveness, at the fifteenth pear from plunt ing. From the blessoixf.ta- the, ripening of the fruit it takes about seven months, but as the tree is a pereti nutl bearer. there are always blossoins green fruit and ripe on the tree. The yield is most plentiful in the last foal v months of the year. The average yi4d per anum of a healthy tree is 5 lbs of nutmeg and 1+ lbs. of mace. I hula, tion of one thousand trees requires he labor of seven coolies, fifty oxen atiditerd; plows, for cultivation and barvesttrig . The fruit is gathered by means of a heat attached to a long pole. It is shaped , like a pear, 'about - the size of a peach; ' and has a delicate.ablaoln." The nut has three coverings; the-outside one is a thick, fleshy husk, - having a strong . flavnr..9l nutmeg. This'hnak, preserved in'ity'inp I when young, is At:favorite sweetmeat in the East Indies. -Under this shack...lL the bright red mace, which is careThlly flattened by the _halide and dried 311 mats in the sun. It looses its rich scarlet-tap:l_, becomes a dull orangecoler, and rtiniies I to be kept. perfectly-dry': to preserve - its flavor. After the mace is remnved from the fruit, die buts, in their browtcalmllli are placed on hurdles over a slow fire, which iv kept constantly- btiroing.und4r, them for two .noutits. Tue nuts then rattle in the: 'hell, _which are' cracked with a wooden mallet, the sound nnts.ise., lected and packed in wooden cases and' sprinkled over" with dry. si fe d lime, and are then ready for market. The best nut megs are dense, emit'oil when piatfd with a pin, and can always be known by their heavy weight. Poor ones are light. and easily known._ I A Few Words About Duekp. The domestic duck is one-of the moat valuable fowls of the fanner," bat it liaa, on' great objection, which is, that it-is en unmerciful gormandizer, and is difficult ' to raise.-1V here there are poude—Or.' streams, it is as profitable as any it is very prolific. and its eggs are prefer" , red by many to those of the hen. Where , they, have free scum to ponds, they teed i on various reptiles, and several speuies of aquatic grass which they find beneath the surface, and which is a vety excel lent substitute fur animal fuod. When insects are abundant, they require no supply of meat, as they obtain a autfigien cy of animal food thedisslves ; but then this is not the case, they must be furn ished liberally. or they will speedily die. Potatoes boiled, mashed and mixed with meal, make an excellent article of feed for the duck. It becomes very fat when fed on it, and when in preparation for the market, it is perhaps the best food that can be given except meat. Young ducks require great attention. , Their voracious habits often induce them to eat. to. ; repletion, and many die while quite youag, from no other cause.—Ger. manfown Telegraph. Mat Coone.s.—One cup of ereatn cue-ball cop butter; two eggs; one and one-Ulf cups of sopa.; one teaspoonful :1: !now Itusw.—Toretiose iron rust from linen, apply lemon . tice and salt.and ex pose it to the son. Pfso two applications At fleecy:ten =E=Vii HUMOROUS, C... "3. • • - • An Excinna Sowing-natch. --o-- , A yonlig man of 'this city, being at an up-river town a few days ago, took a skiff to,row to the next town down stream. Aboilt:the.tiisse he put out he noticed a matiand'woman in a similar boat on the opposite side of the Ohio, the man pull ing with all his might down stream. The Evansville youth did not want to be bea ten by a man who had a load while he had an e,pipty skiff, so he bent himself to tue WOrk With great enerey. flow at hard as he might, the oarsman on the other, side kept ahead of him, until the young man made up his mind that there was something-Wrong with the current, and he tried to cross. Thifseems to give additional evergy to the other,earstrum, whose "feathered oar" was plied with such a will that he gained sensibly,- aiid our Ever:eviller dropped. back still kept the couple in sight.' 'After alralf day's row the single oars men topped at a town, rested, and did ditch business as ho found, and took the tint - Reamer. for home. On the way down the Reamer was hailed, ani' the - co'pplo - from the -akiff got aboard. The yelp-glu:in, after a short time, approach ed - ti Champion oarsman and remarked: "Welkyou beat in-•, didn't von? but I tried hard to get ahead." ;•Thunderation rexclatmed the man, "was that you apullin' after us. I tho't itwat Lize's dad, an' I jest lit in with all My might, but it's no use now; we's mar ried for good now. stranger, an' I wouldn't ; row • that hard even of the old man was to heave in sight." Eranville ( Ind.)Lrournal. A borne in a Court Room. ——o— "Ihispectators in a court room always enjoy a retort, when the lawyer, when eiatfgering a witness, receives cute replies ett his.own expense. Sympathy is always against• the lawyer. Even half witted - peksoldi sometimes hit. the meek point in the harness. -I,Wilni t rn.Look—toll us, William who mit Ton ?" William, who was considered a fool screal4l up his face and looked thought ful, and somewhat bewildered, answered "41oshs;:f...suppose." . .-- . "Tharwilt do," said Counsellor Gray addressing the court. "Witness says he supposed' loses made liim. This is an intelligent-answer—more than I thought himreitpalle of giving, for it shows that fielradjmnp idea of Scriptnre. I submit t.is -suitcieut to entitle him to be isworn a witness capable of_ g i v i ng evi. .7.redge, 7 :staid the fool, "may I as ?" Judge: "Well, then, ,- * Lawyer, who do you .suppose made you V' "Aaron, .I. suppose," said - Counsellbr giay: imitating the witness. AfterAhe mirth had subsided some. whafi:Vie - svitness drawled' out, "Wall rolv, we do read in the book, that Aaron ace made leall, bnt who'd have thought 'the critter had got in here 1" lie Judge ordered the man sworn. ',alto Fate of an Egg-Eatlng; lien. kray to prevent hens from eating theirclia is to till an egg with a solution tit •-pper and put it back in the nest. - T . a ° wor: a 'e He put a pretty ;good dose of pepper in the egg and placed it in the nest of the criminal. Pretty soon the hen came round and took hold. It was a brindle animal, with long legs, abtrsome what conceited. It dipped in its.bill andinhaled the delicacy. Then it 'name out doors. It didn't gallop,we don't mean,hut it came out--came to look at te-scenety, 7 and see if it was going to ram. - 1133:mentli was widenpen, and the feathers on top of its head stood straight lieu it commenced to go round the a ircus horse. Once in a while ut:Armaltl.stoliund push out one leg Jonithment, and then holler 'fire,' and tiliiiiitragain. The other hens came out so :: yenk. en. Soon the hens Irons the - -ttergthcirscame over tha Immo anerthok up a position of observation. It was ev idea The peiformance was something en tiiartiemiand unique to them. There is efrond•Aiml of human nature in the hens. When they saw this hen dance and have All the Inn to itself and beard it shout -tretind - cohldn't pe the conflagration themselves, they filled up with wrath, and 1 . 4 one accord sprang upon it, and he ll* thlitr4nbnry man could interfere the ofiiidlithen with the long legs was among the things that were. He says the re to- isefiqctual.—Danbury,/tiews. .kiss yon beause he loves yon ?" . inquired a snobby nosed urchin of hid maternal ancestor. t'To be sure, sonny, why." • - "iitelt.Tstrink he lores the cook, too, for he kissed the cook more thau forty times last Sunday, when you were at ineeting." , certain little damsel having been ag tgnosted beyond endurance by her broth er. pint:apeknees d down upon and cried: 0- bora •bless me brother Tom. Au lies, he steals, he swears; all boys do ; Mt girls don't. Amen." . • "Are - you a burglar, sir ? If so, do not come in as lam all alone," said a Somerville ilass., servant girl, when a Ruin caller; the other day. • That -- "was a very singular mistake made by Digg at a wedding, who when introduced to the bride,....paslied that she taiga enjoy many returns of the present happy occasion. A Western paper chronicles marriages in this suggestive style : The couple re solved themselves ihto a committee of two, with power to add to the number. An Aberdeen phile,opbcr has extract ed the following reply from an advanced free school lad to the query, "How is the earth divided !"."By earthquakes, sir." A Brooklyn using /society &les any member- who talke ecandal, 81.00 for each offence; •Only the wealthy are able to at tend. Why was the whale that swallowed Jonah like a retired milkmati cause he got a profit (prophet) out of the water._ An Irishman, on observing a bsantiful cemetery, remarked that be considtredit a healthy place to be buried in. What is that which, thojigh black it self, enlightens the world ? Mscellanoons. BILLINGS STROUD, General 1 INSMANCE AGENT, Mlitaatrcoeso. Wier. Capital Represented, 9100,000,000 ! FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDEIfT INBIDANCE.: Homo Ins. Co., N.Y., Capital and Surplus. $4.000,000 Hartford Fire Ins., Co..‘spitalandSurplua $3,000,000 Liverpool. London &Glob* " 020.000,000 Ins. CO., o f Norte America .. 53,230,000 Penn. Fire lon. Co., PtilhL, " .1.200X.0 National. Phil's. " $300.000 Ins. Co., State of Penn's " nOO,OOO Union Mutual "... 400,000 Lycomlng Fire 111,000.000 Na rra3ansett.Prorldence.U. I." 600.000 Merchants' •• 450,030 " Clay. of New Port. By. 250.000 Newtown.of Socks Co. .. 300.000 AICLOIIIRDIA. of Cleveland, " 400.000 Lancaster Fire In.. Co. ammo Fire Association of Phila. 0 3,030.0110 Homo Ins. Co .Coltimbos. 0., " - 14111.000 Lehigh Valley Fire. Allentown. " 200010 Citizens' Fire Ins Newark. N.J... 801000 SonttiSida the Co.Pittsbrirg,Ps.ii 100.120 1 AIOOIOOIOIS 01 Fittonom, .• 460,000 The tinderslgned is SPECIAL AGENT for the follow. log T mtanie n for lr rn i ? n"' 1 1 ." la ' iaAstocitlon ilsdCplo. National Fire Insurance Company or Philadelphia. The Insurance Co. of the State of Pennsylvania,of Philadelphia. Xii X 30 33 . Conn. Mutcal Life Ins. Co., Ass . c,Lt a American Life. Phil's. ii. 11.000.000 $4,500,000 496 cicsszaravms. Travelers Ins.Co.,llartford,Cnpitalaud Sarpinas4.o:oo.ooo Railway Passengers $3.50,000. .Tbe undersigned has bomwell known In this count - y.l'or the past 17yeara f ta an Insurance Agent. Los,essmostoed by Ma Comoalnies bare shrays been promptly paid. 01lice firetdoor caat from Daubing 001ce of W U. Cooper & Co.,Turnitib e s t. Montrote.Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. enAncas If. SMITH, Solicitors. Montrose. Dec. St. 1 01.0 T11121.0r cfC CCPELtIS DEALERS IN FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS, MAIN STREET, Macria.trospeo, IPer. Jane 25. 1872.—tf. THE INDEPENDENT Sewing Machine ! Sews from but One Spool of Thread It has hat Ma worktnt% part., IC oreeeles., and sews more rapidly than soy Slattlitlb ID the Market. Has a self-selling Straight .V.edlo. It Combines Dot-ability with Dean ty and Simplicity...l has all the Modem Improvement.. rxr - A FIEST-CLASS MACHINE A MALI. WALNUT TABLE: FOR sn. 121.6asst8 IDATEN.33. Del. SEED FOR CIRCULARi Addreso, THE INDEPENDENT SEWING h*CIIINE CO ESTEI3 EAGLE COAL YARD! At Coon's Crossing, (Terminus of the 3fontrose Railroad.) riga.e Rest Coal Beer offered to the people of Mon :Vl.' and \ lelnt ty. Melo: had long ezperlence In the buslnera, the under signed verantre eallsfarilon every time. Coal as free from elate and dirt se could he desired. PRiCES--Tenne Co.b Eao, S3.SO. I:Prove, Cararnetr, F 4.80. 0. D. STEBBINS & CO Feb.ll. 1811.41. 'CRT M -11 X P.L. IttLIE In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, having' entered Into ec , partnernhip. are now prepared to do all kin, of work In the lino of WREOR 10)(1ill, BlacksEMßE FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH. REpArr.n.ro IN ANY PART OF TIM BUSINESS will receive prompt attention. HOBERT & MAIN. Lanesboro. Pa— Oct. IF. Ite:3.-t(. Marble Works J. IL Eassys. 03 B. Ilmums. I 0.0. BLAS1)1110. —o— MARBLE WORKS. [Ert.taumED co min.] BARNES BROS. & BEARDING, DEALERS IN AND 111ANDFACTIMERS OF gtalian & American Parbto, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenango St., Near Depot, DIROUA.SITON. N. Y. BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. ALL KINDS OF MOIkiI7MENTS, EtEADSTONES, AND MARBLE MANTLES, MADE TO OEWER. • Also, SCOUR GRANITES on hand. J. PICKERING & CO. r. rteimmaro,- 126 Court. Street, 0. W. MEMIBAIr4I7„ N. P. WROW/C. Binghamton, N. Y . Nov. 12th ler. NEW STOCK OF AID WIRER DRESS GOODS Shawls, Oloakings, NEW FALL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Bate, VELVETS, RIBBONS, Eta • NEW FALL & WINTER'STOCK BUR NM WITEIR BOYS', YOUTHS', AND HENS CPIOO7IOEN , Its3IPrEI Ei7JITIE3. CASSMERES, COATINGS, 'Pc> estiss.ssi, Hats de Ca-rots. FALL STOCK OF LADIES', MISSES', Boys' and Men's MERINO WRAPPERS & DRAWERS. NEW FALL STOCK X.Beacliois. 6121 d Goats FURNISHING. GOODS All tin above opon ars In largo •nriet; at the at ore of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum er. Co., M. S. DESSAUEIt, 3tanagit.g Partner. Montrose, Sept. 24. 1 e.VI. THE BOTTOM Ilinemmton. N. Sas Fallen Out of ~~~ ~, C. B. PERRY & CO.'S, BINGHAMTON, N. Y An Immense Stock Just Bought from THE GREAT FAILURES of New England, at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN Dmitt=um, Nov. 12, a. IL 3E3':T PLIE.I'I'I', Would call attention to his New Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Now on sale, in new 000D,2 4 , LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP . SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD W AREJRON,NA.ILS, STEEL, STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, arid will be sold en the most . favorable terms, and lowest priLes. H. BURIBTT. New Milford, Jan. 228th, 1874. Va RECEEOW & BROTHER, General Undertakers DEALERS IN ALL RINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., • 33M7247:0. 3P.eame.'is ALL ORDEBJ PROMPTLY ATTENDEM TO V. Itzeusgew A Duo ABM 23.1973.—U. Clothing, etc. Flannels, Blankets, etc NEW FALL FOR CL'STOII WORK NEW STOCK•OF AND OIL CLOTHS GO* 8 Drags and Medicines. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the muss of the unparalleled success of VINEGAII Bre rums? " Our answer is,.that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VLsr.ess &Truss in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Disc. , qe. If men will enjoy good health, let them nse Vmroeu BrrrEns ail a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stiniulanta in every form. u. IC. McDONALD dt, Itnirtgsets &tut General Artente, Eau leaurucu, California, and cur. Wettlattgtou Lett Charlton Bte., New Yurk. Bold by en Drugafnts and UnnlelCl6 Sept. 10th, 1873 —7Y. ABEL TURRELL, DRUGGIST, Ilacsamtrozreso. 3Po.3txxxoes., le continually receiving NEW GOODS, and keeps con tinually on nand ti full nod deoruLle anointment uf gen uine DRUGS. NIEDICIN HOSIICALs, Pain...A/11s Dyeatutte, TkAlb, Spices, ono oilier gleteroa, -tube. are, wall paper, glass wars, bon )a re, u.lours !elope. chin/lsas, kerosene, machinery Oil, to I, pc.' ult. Orals. lOW, 011, refined Whale Oil, .nil fur tabor.. oil for a. wing machines, Olive 011,Sperro Oil, Spirits Tarpon. tlne.Yarnisbes.Canarybared.V . inakitr_Putasti Concen trated Lye. Azle bircasc, 'Cruiser, kupporters.lledical Instrumente,Stinalder Braces, WO% s, ono.. Polols Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead. OLE Cups, Bleating Powder and Fuse, . hue v.. te. rimes, Fifes.ete., Flab Hooke at d Llnes.linr ai/d Tollri soaps Lair OD.. Hair gesturers. and Hale Dye., Brushes, Pocket KTIIVeo, sipectaclas. Sliest sod silver Value Spoone, Forks. It elves, Sc., Death. dk. - tlcles. a getter al assOrtrnels t of FANCY GOCIiS. JEWELRY. and PERFUMERY All Ws leading and be. Limo ul PATENT DEOlt The people are Invited to call at Drs Druz and Variety Store of ADEL 11•1110 , 1.1. Feb.l.lBT3. Databli•bed 1041 . _ Miscellaneous. .In_ C:013 I wa,c)pia-,a Southern Tier FURNITURE CIIPORIUI! 88 Wasl,ington Street, MIL= gla..ca zszt coma, IV. You Will Find the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF JD' ICT 3a. Zq i "I° TT 1:1. 3 E MEIMIEM At the Lowest Prices of any Store in Southern New York All Goode Sold us WARIIATED a. Represented. E. D. ROBINSON. Nov. 12 1673.-137 AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Kr onsive Furniture Watr o T o n will and the large. f . FIRST CLASS AND COMMON 3ffiIi:T.IFLINT 9[ 11 117 PIM To be found in this section of the country, of Me o w manufacture, and at prices teat cannot LIM to give stale faction. lit makes the very beet • EXTENSION TABLES . In the Cuuntrl, and IVARRANTb them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of nil kinds done to the neatest manner, 151 7E" I.IL. X IV 43, 13 3EI -VD Eli OF VAIUOUS PURE XO.l MATAASSES„. COMMON MATItASSES. UNDERTAKING The subscriber ulit hereafter make to, odertatting a etrmnt needing bin vertices win ea-attended to prumptiy and a• int t he Starr, all satisfactory chance WM, W. saint st SON. • Montrone. Pa.. Jan. 01.1871—nos—tf. FURNITURE WARE ! EWERYTIIING N mv AND STYLISH ! ALlir P. J. 31comman-srus 50 Washington St., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Ilapainng promptly done. , HOER Igrocko.lealt3r. PRICES REASONABLE. Satisfaction mutated. Ettuabanstori, V. Y., August VI. 1675.—1 y. GREAT . UNITED STATES TEA 00., • Bu ßas & NICHOLS, Agla o - • 7 / 1 4ntrose;ra. Thle Tea Is pat up In AI R TIMIT TEN Ca minTl.llo thereby preuurving gal full ft : fen-gib. whleldr.suitalutl, 'grout deuldefutom, • • - - • , garcsn and gel awn and Ift us merits. BURNS a 1511.310L3. Drugs arufEledlchiech THE GREAT lUMEDY'ron COESUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to ' this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors._ It is acknoWl edged by many, prominent physicians to be : - the most reliable preparation ever hi troduced fbr the relief and cure--of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe eases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does not dry np a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, , and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. SETH W. FOWLE & BONS, &stab, Mess ! And sold by Drupriat• and Dealer. gm:rally. Ayer's Cat hartic Pills, For the relief and cure of all derange , merits to the stem' s e . ace, liver, and b0w. 147 els. They are a mild mrlll4-$. aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege. '' 4: table they contain . , - • , , no mercury ermine. ral whatever. Much .4%serious sickness and suffering is prevent ed by their timely car; and every family should have theason hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the oaf , surest, and best of all the PILL. with which the market abounds. By their occasional one, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the Byte tem expelled, obstruction removed and the whole machinery of life restored toits healthy activity Internal organ. which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by doer'. PHU, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, tile value of which change, v. hen reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, eon hardly be computed. Their sugar coating males them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, ao that they are over fresh, and perfectly reliable, Although searching, they are mild, and operate; without disterbance to tho constitution, orebet,or occupation. Falldirections are given on the wrapper to each box, how to 1:130 them Co a Family Physic, end for the following complaints, which Mesa Pills rapidly cure For Dyspepsia or Indigesti on, Listless.. niessur, Lanzooe and Coot of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the Moms ach, and restore its healthy tone end action. Yvr ttes u glitfirsUre - Sirele7il7.7l. ache, o lio or Greco siclocieu, Haw loos Colic and Bilious rover., they should be judiciously fo r n for each case to correct the di action or remove the obeL L uctionsxvldele crime IL For Dysentery or Diarrhea*, but and mild doso is generally required. For Ithetscootilses. Goat,.Gravek Pal. Vuitton of the Agearik Palo to the aide, Back and I,olne, they rhonld be condo , uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. R lilt such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropaterai Swellings, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. 1 , or Suppression, & large dose planald be taken, 4/1 It produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner Pitt, take ono or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An °cession:ll dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. 11,atte it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels toicrabl.welt often ends that a dose of these Pills nukes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect On the digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. AVER .4 CO., Practical Chemiclra FOR qA LE Ur ALL DM:C(IMS EVERTWIUSEE frry JELLSILLES 114*-VZ " ' A ril: - • VEGETABLE HATE I , • 'l'. Every year increases the poptilari... ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; - and it is the only reliable and perfect. ed preparation for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. )The scalp, by its use, becomes whiter /and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair fromfalling out, as it stimulates .and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair "rows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Than DRESSING ever used, - as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid,-glossy alTearance. A. A. Hayes,. St ate Assayer of Massachusetts, says,, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for oFcelleut quality; and I consider it the BEST. PREM.. RATION for its intended purposes." . Sal try all Druggista,cmd Dealers Os Arc 44.10. Price One Douai. ' Buckingham's Dye. FOR TEM VTDURRES. As our Renewer 'in many cases requires too long,,a time, and too; much care, to restore gray or faded. Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color wnich will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists.. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured ty R. P. HALL. & CO4 . - 2 1 A1311172‘. Ira. • . WINING HAND BILLS P.RLNTEb AT THIS OF/P/CM. ; - Vanity' Voidness , 'DlrictorY Tiro Huai la this Directory, one yesr,-$1 ho; each ad (Miami line, SO cents. JAMBS E. CAMMAIIP,. Attorney at Law. oMcv one door below Torben Hoare, Pabllc Avenue. • WM. 11. coopEn & CO.. Banters. id! Foreign Pam • Rage Tickets and Drafts ou,Rogland, Ireland and Scot BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Plea and Life (D.P. ince AIr•DUI; aito.aeii Ballreaa andlkeeldent 'nate te . to New Yorkaad Philadelphia. Office are dour east of the Bank. wm. rutoonwour. Stater. Whel•rale sod Itetal. dealer In all kinds of slate roofing. Montroic Ps. SCANS & NICHOLS, the plate to get Dregs and If se' ernes. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes. Pockot•Books.Bpecta. cies Yankee Notions. &c. Brick Block. WM. 1.. COX, flatness maker and dealerlu all articles usually kept by the trade. opposlte the Bank: • BOYD & CORWIN. Dealers In Stout.. Hardware; -and 'Manufacturers of Tin and Bheetiron ware. corner of Idlin and Yarmulke street. A. N. BriLLMID, Dealer to tirocaries, Provisions Books, Stationery sod Yankee Notions, at head .Pirbile Avenue.. L. L. LEROY. Dealer in all Maas of farming traria meets. mowing machines, wain awns. deg powers ate.. etc.. Main St., opposSa Saving• Bank- [Gm* CANDO a PLASTER—NICHOLAS SHOEMAHER,dea. er IV genuine Cayuga Meta'. Fresh ground. SAVINGS,DANK. NEW MILFORD.—six per cent. la teteirsm all.Depoalts. Elites • general Bat, king BIM nes.. st1:1-tt S. B. CHASE.. CO. S. F. EIMBER; Carnage Maker and Undertaker, Malls Street, two doors below Hawley'a Store. NaCOLLUM BROTHERS. Dealers sa ()meant , ' al Praylplops, oh MAW street PIMPADED BT MONTROSE NEW MILFORD D.GAttRES S BON. Dealer, in Floor. Feed. Heal, Salt, Lime. Cement. Groceries and Proviso:me on Main Street, oppoelte the Depot. UNEY & lIATDEN. Dealers in Drags andldedleinee and Idernasetutere of elders, on Mein Street, neat *he Depot . DTCKERHAN. Jn., Dealer in general merchandlas and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Wont. GIBSON. Et III: 'illtfittY—Dealer In Stoves. Tin, Cowper. Bras and Shectiron Ware, Castings.&e. hlso. memutacter er at Sheet II el als to order. Eve Trough and Lead Pips business attended to at tale prices—Gibson Hollow, Peonstltahla.—ly. GREAT BEND L. SAENITISIM. Itanufactarer or Leather. and dealt" In general Merehandlre. on Slain Street.• IL P. D0R.4.17. Merchant Tailor end dealer In Read, )jade Clothing, Dry GoOdu.Grocerlesand Provision. Mats Street.► ffilscellaneons. ' Eatac. TMII2.DMIMIL !'LIB' "11,2120 BOYD & COP WIN, Comer of Math and Turnpike Ste 111GCCONg?FtiOrE5F11. PA... a,rrcyv-30..€3, TM ND SHEET-MOH WIRE, Builders' Hardware, CUTLERY, ETC., Nettles, by the. Seg. Thanks to mar Friends for rut Fs... no would be more thankful to one end all who know thee have oussttled accounts with us, it they would call and nettle b 7 the midale of klatch next. Feb. 4, 18i4. SCHER SHINS BANK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE [URNS THE SANE ON DEM'AND WITHOUT PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALLOW ING INTER EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, • PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. ASAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS. AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES BLAIR, SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISH. ER, JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN C. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL BOW ELL, A. E. • HUNT, T. F. AUNT JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C. MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. UNTIL FOUR P. M., AND ON WED NESDAY AND. SATURDAY EVE NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCIa. Feb. 12. 1873.-13. NEW GOODS. rube undervilgned baying refitted. refirreithed .aes . 11. restocked the afore, formerly ocenplen by Ity'llten Ton. Jr, st Imre!lila Centre. ate now prepared to fan Idabel people witb as desirable whiety of DRY GOODS! GROCERIES! BOOTS & SHOES! ! HARDWARE!! CROCKERY! &0., &a • As= be totuid elsewhere, and at as Desirable Price, Os M. Crane. • Laws'ille Center. Pa..llarch 24. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDEN 1 Insurance Agency. canna REPRESUUD OVER 620,000,0 ot, Dec 111 IX C. Pa. FLOUR b urs • nouß svpsztViota Par ago sllhs stoat at . Montrose, Marsh 11,1117L-8W• U J. WEBB