The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 08, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
Itellglons Services.
The services in the several Chair-hes of gout
'rnse are as follow:
It APT'S'!" CROD.CEI.Ray. 1. B.Ctrearnars D.D. Metal ,
isbbath Services 10% a. le. and 2p.m.
rlialitrila School 12m.
prayer Meeting. Wednesday &maw "IX
'..c.vraotac cauncri 4tr. P. 3. wrrertn-
Sabbath Senders let and Strd Sande' , lo each Month
Sabbath Stb nol - Immediately before Mace
sans* Services
66 se bda tak-i
Scb riOr l. ..
W lecs—WednesdaYs
10.48 •. in. and 71D p. in
18 m
7.30 p. ni
Rabhath Merritt..
Sabbath School
Prayer Meeting. Thursday!
"PRESI3I7I{IILAN CUURCU ItCy..T. 0. hituatz.
-Sabbath Saralee, . 10.45 a. m. and TM p, ha,
'Sabbath 5eb...4 Itlb P. ca.
7y.ier . 3lc - eihag, Thursday Evenings
Winter Arrangement of falls.
yra ItAmitaati :
44 trim. &parts.
7uopia 19.6 pm
Vta Sykora
'Montrose Depot, (Daily.) 600prn oMlare
:Neer Milford. (Da11y,).... ........ lEUpm
• Wyslevang. St 45am 200 pm
Arrieadavine. art %amid,. HOOp rn
800 a
ronklm 3tation.(trl sreeld•.) 70Oam 100 am
Itlnghamton,ria S. weekly).. 400 pm 700 pm
Meshoppen. art weekly.). 1000ato 400 pm
The New York. (Ma Montrose Iwpfd.,) Soar ltdford:
Tonlihatmeek.and Wyalesing are daily.
' The Conklin Station mall rens TuesdaYs. Thursdays.
and tisterriaya.
The Mnatamten mall, (rid Slicer Lake.) runs Tues
day*. Tharedaya. and Saturday*.
Prlendevllle mall cans Tunsdaya, Thursdays, and Ber
The Meshoppen mall mos Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays. _ _ -
A Stage leaves daily for Montrose Depot at 1 na.. and
returns at Bp In
dre P m eat 3 80p. co. leaves daily for Dear Milford at 730 a. tn.
Its C. FORDH &11, P. M.
List or Now Advertbiome:lts.
'Grocery Store—J. L Talbot
Attention Farmers—A. D. Wellman.
For C. Stoats and IL P. Halpin.
Executor's Nottmi—est. of A. 11. Lathrop.
Grocrrivs and Provision, Clover and Timothy
Seed —S.. I'. Stamp.
Bosoms LOCALA.
Peruvian Syrup.
Sir Edwin Landseet.
Agricultural Meeting.
Wood's Household Magazine.
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment.
Slieridan's Condition Powders.
Spring Examinations—W. C. Tilden.
New liowk—"Ten Years in Washington."
The Magic Inkstand—Root, Anthony Co.&
Home insurance Company—A. F. Wilmarth
Boots, Shoes, and Slippers—Read Wat
Notes About Tone,
John S. Tubell bag btten Rniabing, his ball
Warn, Is the Terbelt House lalnaeatand pleas
ant, elcepiug, apartments.
Isboil it MeDanish hare 113.:41* tht mask
and jewelry store into the rem= Philip
meat market, oa Public Avenue.
There are two Tenant:s whysome people don't
mind their own business. One is that they
.haren't any business, and the other is, Mo.!'
',ll.trerit any mind.
/The Montrose Railway is not yet dam to the
'Dunn House," but we understand that it is
soon to be done to that point wad then there will
be nothing mere dare till the stock subscribers
are dunned so as to base does with paying the
eturatc which they ought to have done before.
111;eArre given to understand that this is to.he
Übe "Eou:.n" Station for all time,unlesstthe above
Germs are complied .with. Govern yoursolres
lter. S. J. :mid seUl preneta h s ihrwell 43er
-1.:11011 at tke R k. t; torch, on Sabbath morning
meat, as ke got to the annual confarence,whick
meets .at Wilkm Earrr_, on Wedneedlay toilcox
k'ng. Ilprll 15th. lit..icidd halt gained a reputa-
Won among us as an cumationstitions gentleman
Jand a faithful and talented tztaistir of the gos
,pel and his Euotl suds wf f folios him as well
ma the kindest regards of his many friends who
Lore a - flamed his ministrations.
The present etittll of the school will close
Pridav,-April /7- In the evening the Com
m/cocoa:cent of the High School will take place
at the Academy. All are cordially invited.—
The grnduatiog class ornsiits of the following
young geutlemen—Charles E. DeWitt Fred. C.
Wright, Joseph R Cabe , Earnest W. Lyons,
homer A Lathrop, El It Austin. The ex
amination of the class will take place the last
- work. The Spring I mat orstm 31onday,
Sunday last was a raw, coll,bleak day, yet It
.being Easier Sunday, it was very appropriate
ly observed at St. Paul. (Episcopal) Church.—
The usual interesting services were made joy
ful) by the presence in the Chancel of tasteful
decoration and emblems and banks of bloom
ing flowers arranged in a very appropriate
manner. On Monday evening the Sabbath
School bad its annual tutu Offering which
was an exceedingly pleasant affair.
For the benefit of the uninformed it may not
be out of place to mention that Easter, the an
niversary of our Lord's resurrection from the
dead, is one of the three great festivals of the
Christian year—the other two being .Christmas
and Whisunude From the earliest period of
Christianity down to the present day it has al
ways been celebrated by believers with the
greatest joy. In primitive times it was u.nal for
Christains to salute each other on the morning of
this day by exclaiming : "Christ is risen ;" to
wiiich.tbe person saluted replied : "Christ is
risen indeed;" or else, "And bath appeared unto
Simon"—a custom still retained in the Greek
The common name of this festival in the
East was the Paschal Feast, because kept at the
sea e time as the Pantie, or Jewish Pawned',
and in some measure succeeding to It. In the
admit of the Aneyran Canoes it is called the
- lima day.' Our own name, Easter, is derived
lissome suppose from Eostre, the name of a Sax
.on deity, whosefest was celebrated every year
in the-spring, about the same lima as the Chris
tian !cadent—the name being retained when
the character of the feast was changed.or as oth:
err suppose, from Oster, which signifies rising.
If the latter suppot, ition be correct, Easter is In
name, as well as laireality, the feast of the rear
urrrection.. Though there baa never been any
difference of opinion in the Christian Church
as to wby Easter is kept,there ttaa: twelve good
deal as to when it ought to be kept' It is one
of the movable lasts; thet is,. it isnot . fixed to
one particular day—like Christmas day, which
ie always observed on the 25th of December,
but moves back wuffsor forwards according to
the full moon next-after the vernal equinox 'alit
nearer or further _trona the equinox. The rule
given at the beginning of the Prayer•book,to
find Easter is this; "East.r day bt always the
first Sunday after the drat full moon after the
21st day ofd arch, and if theft Imola happens
upon Sunday, Easter.dly is the Sunday after.'
On Essterday dependsaltthai movable feasts
and rests throughout the year. The nine Sun•
days before, and the eight following alter ere
all **pendant upon it, and form, as it were, a
- body-guard to tbii Queen of Festivals. The
nine precceding are the six Buudaya In Lent,
Quinquagesima,Sextetgetinut Septuagesima;
the eight - following are the fire Sundays after
Salter, the Sunday after Ascension day, With
tfulday, and Trinity Sunday,
Keystone Clothes Pins.
Forest Mills, Wayne Conran Pa., Is destined
to be known in the manufacturing world quite
extensively. Washburn it Howell are quite
largely engaged in several manufactures, among
which Is the extensive manufacture of a patent
clothes pin. They are put up In a neat little
box, convenient for keeping them, with hook
and cord to suspend them from too line. Each
box contains six dozen pins very neatly made.
They now employ 25 men, and are turning out
1 ,000 boxes per day. They will be offered by
the trade generally as soon as the demand can
be 'supplied. They need but to be aecu to be
appreciated and purchased.
Rev. Geo. H. Elrklant
ipm• s. m. and 7Mp. m.
. 2 M P. at
. 2 M P. m.
Ate?. W. J. JODI)
Longevity or Pen eylvonians.
Thurlow Weed, to a letter to the Tribune, of
New York.mentiona the following casea of long
evity in this section of the country : A Penn
sylvania gentleman called yesterday to say that
Simon G. Thrope, the Legislative "Rip Van
Winkle" mimed to in Friday's Tribune, was
appointed one of the judges of Monroe county,
Pa., by Gov. Geary, alter he had passed his 80th
birthday, and he was now discharging the du•
ties with marked ability. He added that the
climate of that portion ut Pennsylvania con
tributed to the longevity of its citizens. George
Leber, a resident of Monroe county, is 112
sears old. Mr. George Trivlo, of Daleville. is
. the oldest landlord in the State of Peunsylva
•nia, having kept tavern ever since licences were
panted by the Governor of the State, and is
now, at the age of 109 years, proprietor of the
hotel at Daleville. The agesot these two veter
ans, as Mr. Gillmore assures us, are both well
New Grange to ntddletown.
The required number of Charter Members
having signed an application for the organi
sation, a meeting was held at L. W. Camps,
March 20th, 1874. 8. W. Buck inetructed the
Charter members in the work of the, various
degrees of the order, after which the following
named °Meer; were chosen and installed, for
1874: Master, G. B. Wells; Overseer, J. .1.
Conlield ; Lecturer, L. W. Camp; Steward, G.
L., Hardy; Chaplin, J. W. Lewis; Treasurer,
S. Dodge; Secretary, L A. Howard; Gate
Keeper, P.S. Ross; Ceres, Mrs. DI. Alderson,
Pomona, Mrs. A. Lewis; Flora, Mrs. 8. Cole
man; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. H. Camp.
Charter members who hold no office, Charles
Camp, Egbert Btedwell, Alonzo Coleman, N.
W. Barnum, John Alderson, J. W. Beers, H. C.
Shafer, F. E. Briggs, 0. H. Coleman, J. M. Di
mon, Airs. E. Stedwell, Mrs. Lucy Wells, Mrs.
A. J. Ross, Mrs Lydia Lewis, Mrs Mary Can
field, Mrs. Mary J. Alderson.
L T A. Howatm, Secretary.
S gzestleakto
Supervisors who really desire to be man)
officers may now Inspect the highways of their
district and PM where work is most needed. A
man ot judgement can save many dollars by
putting work in the right place, cleaning ditch
, es hya lea* strokes of a hoe and thus sulTering
the sodas water to run oil tVater standing
on the . aide of the road keeps it soaked and soft
, easily cut up by woos. Put a load of fine
stones or enders an every bad place which
suxdsruisiag, but put in the middle of the truck
-and.tut spread and settle that water may run
4.1r.1y smooth the top so a wheel will pass
.arttrit =lay. A few bad places made good
-each sluing, bow soon the whole road ma) Le
.improved. Look after your bri.iges and sec
She they are safe, and the approaches easy.
,rating how soon the road dries MI whet, it is
Well trained, might leach every 'me that good
drainage is the one thing most needed, and you
cannot turn water from a track which is low
est in the middle.
SirmMe Movement.
"The spirit of reform, says the Chicago Trot.-
' use, has reached We far off town of Salem,
Oregon." It has not taken the form of a tem
perance crusade, nor of praying and singing on
Ithe streets, but something mneb more practical,
whicb,tu all appearances, will prove more ben
eficial. The young women have formed them
selves Into 4 society, the object of which iy to
investigate the doings ; of the young men of the
1 town. The first meeting was held recently.
Auden unfortunate music teacher was discussed.
One can faintly imagine the wear and tear which
an averageyonng man must suffer while;uhder
discussion by a score or two of active, healthy
young women. The musical young victim was
not disposed of at the first sitting, but was laid
upon the table for two weeks. His case, there
fore, must have been a very extraordinary one.
The man who can't be settled by thirty or for
ty young women at one sitting, but must lay
over for two weeks longer, must have bad some
awful antecedents in bis life. The young mrn
at Salem are not disposed, however, to submit
Without protest to the gridiron process, and
have formed an organization and passed resolu
tions that they will not associate with any
young lady who chews gum, wears aprons or
talks too much. These unfortunate episodes In
the social history of Salem are only another
proof of the fact that even the worm will turn
when trodden upon.
Conductor irs. Passenger
A ease was decided a few days ago a state
ment of which may save some railroad passen
ger from wildly rushing into litigation. Wil
liam Schooley left Pittsburg to'r a certain sta
tion on the Penusylvanla railroad without se
curing his ticket. The conductor making his
monis Schooley tendered thirty cents as his
tare. The passenger was reminded that as he
had failed to purchase his ticket he would be
required to pay live cents additional. Mr.
Schooley said he had paid but thirty cents to
come to Pittsburg from Braddock and would
pay no more to go out. The conductor ex.
plalued that there was no ticket office at Brad
dock, and that no extra charge could be made
for not having a ticket coming in. Going out,
however, was different, and the order was gen
eral to collect extra charge in all cases wheie
passengers can purchase tickets and tail to do
so. This was the rule of the company, and as
an officer be mast enforce it or lose the money
himself. Mr. Schooley would pay no more
than thirty dents, when the conductor inform
ed him that he would carry him to Swissvale
for twcntyeight cents, and gave him back two
cents-or rather placed the pennies on'the seat,
Schooley refining to take them. Schooley did
not "get off at Swissvale, and the conductor de
matide six cents more as the fare to Braddock:
Mr. Schooley handed" over five cents,, but the
condtictor demanded Inc other cent, which the
Passenger refused to pay. The conductor then
refunded two-cents; telling Schooley that he
must get off at Hawkins or pay the other cent.
When the train reached "Hawkins, ono statloit
west of Bradbock, the conductor ejected Betio&
ey, Who sued the company.
dupgeltnitre, charging the jury, said tle
conductnf 14d perfect right to eject a passen•
ger who refused in tinY,the Care demanded by
the company, bat hi tight sd trf titity
force stiffleicnt for that purpose. When 1 pas
senger flatly refused to pay and then tendered
the money to save lumselt from being ejected,
the conductor was nut obliged to accept it, but
had a right to rid himself of further trouble by
putting the obnoxious person off thu train.
The jury found for the defendant. • ,
?Cep Ease ItlaU Unica.
Our base ball players, who are willing to be
governed by superior authority, should observe
theft:4lollring new rules adopted by the nation
al association: The new rules prescribe that the
batman's or striker's position shall be within a
space of ground teemed op either . side of the
home base, six feet long by three feet wide. ex
tending three feet In front of and behind the
lines of the home base and with its nearest line
distant one loot from the home base. This gives
the batman a regular position to stand In,which
he has not, had before; and while It 'confines
hint within lines not nearer to the base than one
foot, nor further front it than four feet, It gives
him space enough to step forward or backward
six feet at striking at the hall,and will undoubt
edly make "fair foul" hitting doubly difficult.
Another new rule provides that if any player
make an engagement to play in another club
before the season Is over, he shall he expelled
from the association or forfeit his salary; at the
discretion of the Judiciary. All betting by
players is prohibited, the penalty for their bet
ting in games in which they are engaged being
expulsion from the association, and for betting
on other gammauspension for the season. The
rule concerning the delivery of the ball to the
bat to altered so as to require a closer Imitation
at least of the true motion of pitching, or, in
other words, that the under hand throw shell
be well disguised and not openly practiced as
was done under the liberal rule of last year.—
Umpires are to be allowed a fair compensation
for their services, providing each contesting
club pays one-halt In case the umpire cannot
see whether a fly ball has been caught or not,he
may decide the question on the testimony of
the by-standers.
money Well Spent,
Advertisements in newspapers, as now pub
lished in Journals wherever the English lan
guage laspoken, were not generally known un
til early in the last century. The earliest *R
uth newspapers were quite destitute or adver
titements; the first business notice found in
these plo“eer sheets relate to books; nest we
find runaway apprentices posted in the papers;
quack medicines followed: The first article of
merchandise advertised by a trader,except books
and medical nostrums,was tea. Auctions came
into vogue and had quite a rage about 200 years
ago; they were advertised and added consid
erably to the revenue of the newspapers. The
English theatres did not advertise their enter
tainments till the year 1701, and it was not un
til 1745 that a British newspaper attempted to
depend for support upon the advertisements it
Since the last-named date the leading papers
of England have derived large revenmali from
advcrtisemtnts, and the mice now charged Is
considerably more than is paid to the bot jour
f i a t s in the inr6e citbta of the United States.—
•:u examination before a parliamentary com
mittee eneerni yeara ago, it was stated that the
cash receipts ul the London Thai., fur advertise-
Mg bad reached to $22,4135 a Week, or /Wail)
0,500 a busins day. A count of the adver
tisements In a single copy of the EWA thesams
year revealed that it bad no I. , ss than 2,575 ad
v..rtisemems. Some Grnts in London have paid
$150,060 it year in advertisint; their articles, and
others espend $l,OOO a week the year through
to keep their name and business belure the pub
lie,nnd they find We money thus paid to be well
in vested.
As the value of advertisements has become
recognized by business men, various new plan•
bare been tried to bring establishments into
notice, r'irettiars are nflen distributed broad
cast, clocks C:',.trt`al with prin:ed cards and mir
rors with advertisements in the trano are put
in public places, illustrated books with adver
tisements on alternate pages, large and small
handbills are conspicuousiy posted, transparen
cies are lighted nt night, signs are suspended
across streets, men and boys covered by adver
tising boards arc employed to parade in pub
lic. in short, every possible desks has been
resorted to tar bringing different branches or
business and spa cLal articles before the public.
No doubt many of these plans answer special
purpose; but fur a storekeeper, or for increas
in the sale of a good article, or bringing cus
tomers for books, houses, lands or general mer
chandise, such as thousands purchase, no plan
of advertising, however novel, is so effective as
the columns of a good newspaper that enters
thousands of homes and is read by all members
of the family. The eourts recognize ibis; and
in till cases of the sale of real estate.the appoint
ment of administrators or guardians and the
allowance of accounts, the newspaper is select
ed as the only sure means of reaching interested
Business Locals
AT Read & WritreeS lull and complete stock
of Boots, tilauen,. and Slippers, at Cash Priers.
Montrose, April Bth, '74.-2w.
• Tnz MAOTC IMENTAND.—Iiave you seen it?
If not you hate misetii the greatest curiosity of
the century, It is a little factory, and makes
its own ink,—enough for an ordinary lifetime.—
It retails at two (2) dollars, and can be had at
all stationers, or by mail fruza It. C. Rocrr,
TILIONT & CO., lieW York.
April Btb, It —lw.
Thousands of promising youths, of both sexes
go down to untimely graves, from general de
bility and weakness, who might be saved by
fortifying their 'Slums with Iron. The Peruvi
an Syrup is an Iron Tonic prepare] expressly
to supply this vitalizing element, and is the on
ly nrepsmtion nl iron that will anlmilate at
once with the blvod.
April Bth,
Susquehanna Agricultnral Society will bold a
meeting at the Court House, on Monday even
ing. 2d week or April Court, April 20th,
Important business—amended Coantitution and
By-taws to be ailo,ded.
Was. H. JEssup, Prat.
J. }I Lions, &e'y.
Montrose, April litb, '74.
We have already called attention to platy
Clemmer Amex, New Book, "Ten years i n
Washington," and we refer to it again, merely
to say that it di serves all the praise we gave it
and vary much more. It is truly awork of Na..
tlunal Interemand affords in an instructive and
entertaining form, more really useful informa
tion regarding our National dipltaland of ev
ery department of our government. than can be
obtained from any other work of its size. 'The
agent is now canvassing this section.
Montrose., April 8, 1874.
- Veterinary Surgeons all over the country are
recommending . 13heridon's arnitsy -Condition
Powders for the trouble in horses :
Loss of appetite, roughness of the halt, stop-
page of bowels or water, thick water, coughs
and cold, swelling of the glands, worms, horse
ail thick wind, and heaves.
A-friend of ours who is chief clerk; in the
Governmental Dlspeocary, rays that no mein
clue chest is now complete without Johnson's
Anodyne Liniment. We always supposed It was
preseribettby law; if it is not, it ought to be;
for certainly theta is nothing in the whole
azateria audios of la much importance to the
soldier and the inildr tie Johnson's Anwlyne
ment; April Bthill.-Iw,
BEsT ennwnw.Tonacco.
At tbo Keystone Saloon.
Maxon 25, 1874.-tf. ' 9,r0. C. Hu& & CO.
liox . c.lssuruatonaoraistr,
NEW . To , M arch 18th., 1874.
li are . nd, kontrose, P 0...
Duatt ant examining =our scdurds : Tor
the yeur 1873: tee' note with' 'great satisfaction
your successfiti management of the agency dur
ing-this period, resulting as follows, viz:
This ifilVorablii , resnit of the year's business
must be particularly gratifying to you, as it Is to
us, and wu take this occlusion to express the
Cotupanys appreciation of your services in its
We are. Yours,Truly,
April 8, 14.
OVETERs t OTsTrit6:lOX6TEBs;ll - • •
At (lit Kepitono Saloon.
Mardi 25, 1674.-tr. GE9 C. I.ln.Lk Co
The• April number or Wooo's HOUSEHOLD
MAGAZINE, now upon our table. well sustains
its reputation as a first class. live publicatiou.-,
While its contents are not deep or scientific, its
pages are tree from trashy sensatioual stories;
and are Pull of bright runny reading that gore
home to the heart. The magazine. contains its
usual number or illustrations, and its general ap
pearance compares favorably with the higher
priced magazines. Subscription price one dol
ar a year; with amnia 1 ESOMITE one dollar
and a halt Subscriptions may begin wigs any
Newburg, N. Y.
April Bth, '74.-Iw. _
At the Keystone Saloon.
March 23, 11374.—tt GEO. C. HILL & Co.
Bin Eowth LAsosczn
Of the great painter, Sir Edwin Landseer,the
Imperial Biography of Art nays : "No English
painter has been more popular, and none—ex
cept Sir Thomas Lawrence—has received such
immense sums for Lis works. For the copy
of some of hiv pictures he obtaiued
£3,000, (415,000,) la addition to the original
price of the picture. It wee a master stroke
when the publishers of 77w (ihruMin at Work
presented the triple eombination of a magnifi
cent Minim° (about two by two and a half feet
In size) of Landseer's great painting of dogs
and sheep—• The Twins'—with Talmage as edt
itor of their paper, and Spurgeon as spedial
contributor. They clierre sue sass, - and will
get it.. Write to them,at 102 Chamber's street,
N. Y.. for sample comes and terms. Agents
wented. live their advertisement."
April 81h,1874.
At the Keystone Saloon.
March 25, 1874.-I.f. GEO. C. fin.L t Co.
be held es hIiOVIS
11011110ttOM, TUeSdall, April 21st. •
Clifford Corners, Wednesday, April 22d.
Smiley, Thursday, April 22,1.
SUSqUelllthild Depo% Friday, April 24th.
New Milford, S.tturdav, Apt il 25th.
Stout ne.e. Nlonday, April 27th.
Springville, Tuesday, April 28th.
C/rangerville, Wednesd ty, April 20th.
Frienrisville, Thursday, Aprll 20th.
Each class will be examined in the nine
branches required by law; the work to Com.
inence id 10 o'cloclr, n. tn. Thaetters will need
paper, pen, pencil, ink, and Sanders's 'Union
Fourth Render. These are Me opportunities to
secure certificates for teaching. this somtner,and
no one can be employed, bfkray. without u cer
tificate. •
Direrim , ere °fin., billy requested to notice
the elPore, and he pre:wilt :IL ex.tintriiiti.ine.
ar My l'n.t oQice ntliress after April 200,
vial be Ihrcbunlvillc. SoN'a county. I a.
W. C. Tit.nEs, County &flit.
• 'Montrose. April 8. 1874.
MosTnosc. AHEAD!
Cleaning watches, :10 cools; main springs, .50
cents; and all goods proportion:Art% low. Bt..t
rolled planed toa fur fire to seven dollars.
Montrose, Marsh 11.1071.-1 e
To litrt,nmut
Tl:e z 4 ,d,03,1 D:rectors of the Township or
Franklin will meet in the east District, (pear
n !ism the t'rhool. House was recently humor,
on Friday afternoon, April 10th. at which time
they will reediest proposals for building a new
School house. •
J. 11. MCFC ER, Chairman
Franklin, Pa., April Ist, 1n14.-2w.°
$5.000 REIT:.r.P:
A wt. at A. N. iltillartrsyou can buy your teed
Wite-tt, Clover and Timothy seed, at tha Intrust
market price, and the Extra early Garden peas,
by the quart or package. Also a choice selec
tion of Flower seeds, also 25 kinds of Tbilet
and Laundry soaps. Choice Onions and Onion
sets. and a full assortment of t he very best lit'
Groceries and provisions and which can be sold
extremely low for cash or ready pay, by
A. N. Bui.t.Am).
Montroq, April Ist. 1874.-2 w.
At the Keystone Saloon.
O. C. HELL Cu.
31ontroae, Meech 19th, 187'4.
Suppose you haw "tried fifty remedies" and
received no benefit, Is there therefore 'lto balm
in Gilead ?" Verily there is. Your liver may
be congested, your, stomach half narnlyzed,your
nerves quivering, your muscles knotted with
torture, your bowels constricted, your lungs
diseased, your blood full of imburities—yet in
one week atter commencing a course of Dn.
It ALE.En'S VINEGAB. BITTEnS you will feel like
a new creature.,
March IS, '74.-4w.
Centaur Linawent.
There lino pain which the. Centaur
',influents will uotrellme, no swelling
71 , kra they will nut subdue, and no tameness
which they will not care. This , (sarong
, lanuunge, but It le tree. They
41 produced more Cy". of theumatlsni.
ocnrsigla.lock Jew,paity..prelti..s
WIRT= dogi. caked bremtv, eemld., borne, sell
rheum. ear-aette.'&e... upon the- human Prime, and of
strains, vparin, gallif..ll - 4.. upon animals fa one year
than have all other pretended remedlee eluce the world
began. They are counter !reliant. all-healing pain re
, lierene. Cripples throw away the tr matcher, the lams
wutk, 'samuris bites are rendered harmless, and the
wounded are heated without a sum The recipe la pub-
Itshed around each buttle,Whor sell as no suit.* ever'
Sold balm, because they do jut what MOT rote" to
do. Those who bow cotter from rheumatism, pafn, or
sweillue deserve to sutler If they will not use Centaur
Liniment. white wrapper. More than 1000 trill Ideates
of remarkable cures. including frozen limbs, chronic
rheumatism. goo., running tumors, have been re.
celved. We will rend a circular coatatolng certltleptes.
the recipe. &c.. gratis. to atif one requesting It.; One'
bottle of the yellow wrapper Ceutanr Liniment Is worth
handrail donut for spoilt:red or aweented krses
end Meter, or fur screw-worm in sheep., Block-owners
--theseliniments liTa worth your Attention. No tarnllY
should biYalthout them o ilthire wrapper family are:"
Toll ow wrapper for animals. Sold by all Drugeists.—
SO Cents per bottle: large bottles, st.oo: • J. B. Ross &
Co., 12 Broadway. New Ym k.
Castorla le more than • isubstitate far Castor Oil.
It lathe only mfr article In eSI4/VEICO which la certain
to easitenler thu fond, retpalate the bowel*, cum ;wind
colic and produce, natural sleep. It contain* neither
minerals, morphine or alcohol. and le pleasant topikri t
Children need no* Cry and mother, may rein.
.111/linesT. Goads.. -
Film/mm.lnm, April Ist, 18i4.
We beg to inform you, ;bat we are prepared
to offer forynur inopection,- onr usual Aston
tueot of sumaseatv Goons, consisting oftbe
newest sltp.a , In Straw, Silk and Fancy Bats;
Bonnets,. Velvets, Flowers, .(frapes, Silk
Boole, ecithers; Blondes , ltteltos,
Braids, - Ornameuts, We should lie
!nippy to wait on you at our Store, or recciec
your orders:
103, MI. 107 :North Second Street,
YtMrs, ve:v mtpeetfnlly, lt. Wsitr:
April Ist; '74.—fw. , •
MC 4 '. 2 M1X ,14 -C 7 ; 2l2 td•
Btssoa—Bnirn — St Brootdale, Pa., Mardi
20, 1874, by Rev: Geo. o...kndrews, gr. Geo. W.
ltssowto - 41144 gell3sa Bartle, tuiLvor...lltook
Laotten—f4rzurnacz=4l the residenceof the
bride° parents, in Jackson, March 24, 1874, by
Ray. B. T. Davki,ltr:-Elmer Lagier to ,31its
Mary Jane tßeinback, both or Jackson.
Bxuni—Bnointi—ATibell.M Parsonage, in
Thompson: Mari% 184418:4,4 Ree. di F. Vita.
utitt . .3llse Elizabeth N.
Dm)tie, truth-or-Ararat, Ya.
MILLARD—r WALREK—At the. Cufferty Hotel
ie Binghtinatoo Atirilea,by Lldredte
Me, Arthur Millard urEnst Bridgownter to Miss
Hattie Mar Walker or Now
GnEr.Nwooo—ln Bmoklyq, Mardi 22d, lien
ry Ureenwood, aged 6.5 ye,trs.
LlMAS—Morrie[ Lyman died In Mesboppan,
Pa., March U 1974.
31o6tA—lii Dimnek nn the 22n.1 of Mardi
OIL, Mary S. Mills in the thirtieth year of her
CARTF:R-At tirc.okthite, Pa., March :2. 1874
Rattle L., child of Edrataxa I'. and Mary Car
&moans:no:y-1u Gibson, March 22, 1874;
Ezra S. Shepardam, aged 'OO rears, 10 mouths,
12 days.
SEW-PAM:WM—In Gibson, Jtn 1, 1874,Aman.
(Is C., wife 01 Ezra S. Shepardaon, non d 52 years,
5 months, 2 days.
- Gsmlrrsol;l--At Lynn, Pa.. Mara 27th 1874,
Lydia, eldest daughter of Wm. U. Gerrltaun,
aged 19 yr.tra.
blcKrinnT—ln Brooklyn, Dec. 24, 1878, of
ocarlet lever, Math E., only dnughter of Noble
McKinney avd 8 yews, 10 months, end.l2 days.
Ontens—lo Forest Lake ?larch 1014 1874.
of scarlet leyer Charles D. Griflls, Minn& son of
John B. trims, aged 2 years, 9 months and 10
Wrap his little dress about him,
Ilis dress of snowy white,
Loving hearts must do without him,
Now Le's in, the World of Light.
Commission Ifforchanit.
10.0332LIElialnliC0311. Mldeircazeirsit
77 My It., New York.
Cunalbrnra,•nta aolielted and morn" matdr ftninedlate
Irona.klu ut gouda. Bend for abloplng cards and .ten
References :
National Park Bank of New York.
:Conn lbrer Bank of New York.
Neel. Nattbonl Bank or New York.
Long frond Beak of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Feb. 12,1011.-11
The Margeta
The changes of the condition of the
money market are few and significant,
and tnere lire few indications of a revival
in trade. The lenders, therefore, arc more
numerous than the borrowers, and the
supply of loanable Muds is, therefore,
superabundant. Under such circumstan
ces rates are unchanged, and we
to riu..Ce loans on call at SQ, rkper cent;
t svo -name paper at 6 per
cent., and iiigle•nome ditto at (1.1 W; per
cent.; loo s on government collateral are
leg.iiiated at 5(4,1 Der cent.. and on oth
er first cla s s bonds atiil stock :it G. Louis
en more inferh r collateral are rated at
;(g7t per cent.
d ~1/COn~gn. ~fi{9
S 5) C. , upart, 1661.
C.l pint,
6 A) ,345
3 20 r:oupoo. t &le.
New• 5 per ...
. .
Sterlltz Exchartzt
New York Produce Markel
Eetinried Every Week Expre..l7 for Toe Mammon
Ditattrative M Fttiene* C *arrer. Produce Commie
petit Ate. e , l ints, PG Whitehall Sir:et, NCR lurk.
Burrzu.--Flrkins,N.Y..N. J.. & 7 . 74. 43 65 43
4 CO 43
P4llO •• •• •• 15 p 53
Gnus—State Factary, Ann to, tone, __tam, IT
State Ildry, common to fair 12 l4
Eons—State and PetinsAvarda ltl t 17
treatern. prlato....
707 45 , 01
Rya. Btata 1 02 lO3
0•217-81700 . .
_._ .... .. ..- . . .......... 07 05
71.17 Am, Siits . l , - . Biar. per 100 lb. 703
4 0 6 D110
Straw. `• Its. ..... ..88 00
- •• 00t.......02 Q 00
Putt-Tar --777b1r.kors, 8100, prima 18 8 - 8 MO
larkeyo, `• - 17 0 18
et licAloce. deed. Letters of admittiOtratien to
the said estate having Wee grantet.tothe dndereigned
all persons owing amid estate, are requested, to make
immediate peva:mut, and all rker4ollgl havinr,elaime
against said estate are reoneetedtnpresentthern without
Match 40:1811.—sea
tITICE is ban by given that the petition of a ma-
Jorityy of the freeholders residing within the die.
trice laervisafter described. will be laid beforethe Graced
Jury of Sunnehanna Counts, at the April Tenn,
playtcat for the int.rporation of sa.d district as a
borough. by the name, style. and title of the Borough
of Greet Send Village, and b) the following boundaries
to wit beginning on the bank of the barquehanna
river at the northwest corner of Mr. Ashtmen bed;
thence south 18 degrees mot 2 . 4 rods to on apple tree.
south HO degrees welt 131.18 rude to a pine tree thence
comb 83 degrees east 152 rods -thebank of said river
thence *oath 21 degrees east - 25 rods, smith 2 demo*
east 51 rods. south 31 degrees east 115 rods. 'Guth SO
degrees Mat II rode, by the several courses 'Mud dia.
butes of said river, to tbo piece of beginning
K. HATCH and ,then.
Great Dead-P0.., Mardi
• yea TUN Szannit Minden eV STgeServresta.
Roger Kenyon, jr., a Bankrupt - nailer the Act of
Concrete of March 211, 1807. having applied fur a dis
charge from his de te, and other elation provable on•
der said Act, By miler of the Col/rum:max Is SUREST
arras, to all peri-ons - who have proved their debts.
and other persons interested, to appear on the nth
day of April 1071, at 10 o'cirier, a. to. bemire C. N.
Willard. gee... Register, at his orate in Scranton.
• Peunsylianla, ui chow muse, if any they have, why a
Bac-barge should not be granted to tea aaidliankrupt,
And term r men= la stennag once. that the Second
and Third Revile; of Crudieors of.t.sOeeid liaekroPt,
required by the fith end tith Sections df sahl.Act,
wld bc held before the said Register, at the LIMO
time and Dlate. . -
• B. C. McZANDLIISS. Clerk.
Alaril est. 107.1.-2er.
grarrs IiALES.—By vraTur. OP. %mat;
6Wood by the Court of Common Mem of bun o.
henna County and to me directed. I Will expose to sale
by.totblic Tontine, et the Court Flotwe biontroeo, on
• , • •
Friday,Apill'loiti, 1874,
et to'elock:p.m. the .following
. aiscee or parcels of
'land to wit.
at remain All remain pieta or i'iriolof,tstct elltiste In the
bormagn of hood, in the Connty So.: pietist rat
and state of t'enasylrattla...,brnadod and &lathed as
follows, to nit : Ott the nortiwasterly side by Chinch
litrren.ontbc southeasterly side by ra. George Itrowiale
on the epaihweratetly fide by InntlejWtoneng to the
Brie IttilwaY Conn:say. end on the northweitcely ride
by It. &A:hut . * lot. contalahlyashotit one half . acre of
lend. tm the 1.1133 R more or less, Scnitlier with the ars .
pertemeaces. one frame dwelling hone,. one harry* few
rail tree e. and ag • tinntercil. Partied dad torn is
fetectaton at the 'nit of W. J. ifolford, itsitlyNcit to
-Thomas W. 0, Clemons]
ALlisU—All that 'certain Dike or parael of land shield
in the towns ~e of.,Ttionywon. in the lhointy of be*
quehenns and Suite of, POO nrylvoul4. bounded and ties
crllied M fallews, to .wit 1 On the, ninth hy blues or%
W; gly, on the cart and *mulch? lez.ds now or tate the
.estate of Jewel, hfaunlord,dec'd, end on Ms erect by.
lands oy Wi n g raillerd Andrew- Stocwell'i ea.
tate. 40taillilit SOWS of Illild;:be MO %gat nines eir .
lest. toolbar wttb the ens' beaie, log
barn, s new Galt trees. and atlntrt 1511.2 e. Improved.—
.1 n r1 , 111.411 and taken In aXemation at the *Mt of Daniel
en. ThoteduriKjohtisonny , - -
ALSO—AII that aerials:4piece°, part:dor Grid :Molts
In the borough of• Great Bend. In the County of ens
(Mebane* and State of Prolhaylianta, boontiod and ties-
brenatotlewetto-wlt t. km the north. /Intim BehnOla
lot, on the east by . vinniktigi Aitted, ten the death by
laud of T. D. Estabfook.xtel OU the went by land 01D.
C. Brown, [notations )g•of an acre of land be the suns j
more or lets, and allimprolret - (Seized mad Acker. In I
execatlon at the snit of T. 1). hasMbrook ve. W. IL •
Wilarrt.l• - -
ALSO=AII that certallibleee or parcel of land lit:
nate trt the buntahlp of eprtnellle, • la the County of
tiouluebanott and State of renzasylvanla, bounded and
described a, followe, to wit: - Cu the north by lama of
Daniel Gtles and D. Pirko; •orrthe east by lend* of
Charles Gllea, on the loath by lauds .of T. Woldte. nod
John AlbeLand °lathe west hy.landsitt TlmodortiJnba-".
I son Ana land& now or late of B. Parke. containing about
73 scree of lend, be the some inure or less. together
with the appurtenanom,une frame honukbasti and shed s
at orchard, and about 40 nerve IMprtrved. • ITaktrt to
ekematlon at the !Mt of tit It. Gerruson vs. John 5.
Williams and alknry
A LBO—All that certain piece or parcel of land Oltrlnte"
Intire township Of Atiburo, to-the County of Snsfme
hum& and "Irate of Penusylvinie. bounded and de
scribed as follows, to sent—. Ort:Aho north by binds of
Once O'Niel on the eat, a 'sun. of Patrick Murphy.
on the south by lands of Joint Riley. and oil the west
by rattan of .Erlisaid 'Keogh. Slid Thomall flock. eon.
tabling about ibd antes of lunch be the same more or
loos• with the opptittelicen, one house. ,Cont bravo. one
chard, and about 50 acres IMproccd. (Takeo In exec°
Non at the_malt of D. o_ ,
oryloor.r.iructl to A. LathruP, •
vo. Jaunct Bhutto. ' „ I "
ALSO -Ail those two etrtnln Oruro or puree)* of
land 'Baste to the township of Auburn. fa the County
of Susrortranna and Mote df Pennsylvania, the Oral
piece hounded and &yeti bed as Intone to will I.Ba!
the north by lan& of Griswold Caner and Haulei Seeley
on 'the lout by !code ol G. L. senator. ott the south by
!Mode of D.. 1. ILtob: and on the west by lands of John
l'antcoter. Charles Be. rimp and Jacob Seeley, content
ing shout IRS area of laud Unit toe
Dame ilwclllog bona, log haute. 'btro. 2 Ortsbardet end.
about WO steel Improved. The locoed piece Or parce l
boo Med . 00 lollotch,tu wit: 013 the north by public
highway, on the east by .land of &mama Lou, ou hr
south by lands of Johtt.L. Llnobety. nod on the heat
by lama of George. Khrhurf, continuing about Ah arms
of hod, be the mune more or leas. with the appurten
corer. frame burro, harm and other out bulldielgo, or
thud. and ohont-45 acre* Improved. theleed end ta
ken en exaction at the colt tat A. Laths/ft no. '
Pierson, Thad. Oriels 'Co. vs. Bet,j. Plere.m. Isaac
levee 'a. Ben). Ptetson. and C. SI Gera and Joanna
Lalnrop, E.-ccutore D. Lathrop det•d, vs-Ben).
Piersot . •
ALSO—AIi , net eertaln piece orparcci of land slums
In the township. of .Grout Bend, to the evenly of 6 are
cplebanns and state of Peonsvlvaola, It befog the
'northerly halt of the following "deemilod lend, coln
meneiog et a hemlock tree marked with a glaze and
three hacks on tour rides. et:lading on the west side of
the road hawing from the Sosquebanna Neer to Nam
menvllla ronotna thence tooth 433 dmcrees cart
chatted and= ilnke to ■ chore not tree :marked on
frier rides, thence smith 43.1( degas e• wort St chains and
64 links to a stake and stones. tbenco 43)g deg - re-eel,
treat 31 chains and 03 links to n otlan• nod rlonPa thence
north 40t( degrees coat nI chains and 63 Hulce to the
plate of beginning, the whole lot containing ton acre.
of land, be ttitAtame more or leas. with the nppurtenan
cm, and about lo acre. Unmoved [Sexed and taken
In execution at the colt of "Enstaotorib. A Clark, rho of
T. D. Eastabruok, vs. G. A. Dutton.]
.ILLC:—au cunt certain piece or parent of land situate
in the towns/op of New Milford In the County of •Lus.
quchanna and State of Penn.yleanl I, bounded and den
etihed as follows, to wit: a post. thence
by land of Charles P. Meeker north 'two degrees and
twenty floe minutes east nineteen porches and sts•
tenth. to a post. thence by land of John ktilni.o3l south
elghlyateven degrees and thirty minute. cast sixteen
perch.. and nteeetentbs to a post thence by the wet
tarty line of then. L. & W. ft. Ft track laud south one
degree and thirty minima east nineteer_perches and
elght.teatha to a punt, thence by laud of Whil/OU Hay
den north eighteen degrees and thirty the minute, treat
llitibteth perches and three tenths to the place el tteein-
Why. containing' two acres and twenty-eight perehe,
of land, be the camel:note or hut. to-ether with the
appurtenances, one dwelling house and all .mproved.—
i ((Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas
MeDoland VA, Demote EleDuland and ThJetas Tlernav
T. T.)
ALSO—AII that certain pelre or parcel of 'and situate
In the township of Liberty, in the Colony 01 Nl:moue
canna and Stale of Peno•ylrenta. bounded and de.crib •
ed as follow,, to wit: On the north by land of Joint
than Ingraham, on the east by land* of It. spealtling
and Isaac Comstock, on tae south by the blehard Bally
plate. anti on the west by laud of Jemph Bally. Coo
-1 Lathing about Waves, more or Iran with the epparten
, ances. two dwelling houses, one ham an orchard. and
' about beams Improved. Also. all that certain pieceor party, of land shame In the township at Liberty.
&mot:henna County Pa., bounced.. the north by land
of 101111 mi Bally. on the cast by land of—Bork. on
the south by laaa of Junes Knipp, and on the west its
land of G. W. Llndsicy. reutaillieg about BO corer. Ice
tbe some more or Ire.. with the appurtenances. I house
and about 10 acres Improved_ [bolero and taken In
execution at the twit of J. A, Lea is as. David A. Wet.
ALoo.—All that certain niece or parcel of laud situate
In the township of Franklin, Comity of litrequelname
and State of Pennsylvania, -hounded and thaerthed as
follows, to wit: On the north be land of A. J. Wrich,"-
ob the'east by lands of George Wlthrrr. J E. Town
send. and 11. I. Blotters, on Ilia *awn by inns. of J.
11:. Baker. and on the tt est by lam • let JObn Wel &che
tah:deg shout 10, reVelit. ale the same more or ley, with
the apnury MINTS, -ate .113 the .dwelling house, t rev
hams. an orchard, andahoutEOratint Improved:lTaken
in executlun at the salt of 'Ey L. Gardner -vs. alartha
ALso—All that certain plece or parcel of (anti situate
In the townshlp of Liberty, In the County of Susque.
banns and btate of , Permaylvanla hounded eta
erthed as follows, to wit: On thn north by land. of
James Green. on Ilia the br land of Jam,. filth an the
south by land. of Patrick [laity, and on the west by
Sande of Peter Allen and Deno'. email:Neter,. containing
abont 530 RCM. Or the same more Or lesa, with the ate
pnetunances. ono dwelling honor, two hermit, two or
chard.. and about 150 acre. improved. [Taken to exe
cution at the •ilit of 11. P. Duran assigned to Samuel
A. Lewln vv. John Shields. and Mrs, Mary Welsh vs.
John Shields.)
ALSO—AII thane two Vette; or parcels of land .Itosie
to the Totenehlp Or Ltherte, in the tutooty of Mosque.
haunt and Mt/coot Pronsylvon it, tronuded and descrito
td as l'.tiows. to wit: Beginning at a post and stoat.
the northweet comer hereotAbence southwest to horror
of A. P. Wordetee lot, the sontheart ;slitter of lot num
her I'M and the northeaSi corner of lot htimber tip of
Nichohts B‘diratie laud., thence nCarh MI degrees wc.l
pt per.hes by the SOL:h Ito. of A. P. I'Vortlete'. /at and
the south line of lands of U, P. Adams to a post and
stone In the west line of Wm. Balleralot, thence south
YX degrees eon 86 perches to c post and atones, thence
north MA degree. cart On perches to the llne &Awes:o
stidN.lliddle's land and ihelf,rby and LsieJ end.thencc
by the same line south XX degrees net %TX pesches io
a poet and stone.. thence vont - NM degrees west 1.7 tondr
Loral of the heirs Of N. Diddle and hind of the babe
of Hiram 1) chster, deceased, 154 perch , * too port and
peones In the east nue of number 1.4t,a0d thence by said
east Moo of number 1118 [tomb oy( 'decrees - nest 57t;
perch . to the place of hetinnlog. enntiltlln7 44 acne,
more or The second plece of Lrod hounded as
follow.: Beginning ate post met stones the eon - sheen
corner of lot comber 109 of S..Riddlr s bmdethnoonlb
weft corner of lot number 113 cnotrarted to S. Knapp.
the • oral:east corner of lot I'M and the northwest tor
nee hereof. thence by the south line nr .114 lot ;ember
175 oontrar(ed pr &Kopp not rt. 00 dear. • cant BM perch•
es ton port and stone, ale t :nth. est corner of A. P.
Worden'a h t. those, by the vre..t line of lot number 167
mouth o)( degrees rreet. 51,q petchee to to.: berth line of
1 Ind. eon,. jrd lo Writes% I benee hr s .1d north
line of Ilinum Web:Met . ..null) tM degree. wear llial petritr.
to a post in ti, line of lot number 10.1lence herald
dart mentioned north 24 rhsgretro cart ATM perches to
rho place of htxlnntnp, cutitallting AS sem and 150
perche., be the ram. mere or lest. and befog the north
ball of lot heather lota or .ddle. Itiddle's texcep
find and re. erring Mon the ahove two described pierce.
Of land shunt sexes sold In Joh A. Unto', to Ucorge
;W. Liod.ley.) Together with the appurtenances, one
email boo e. and shoot are acne. Improved. (Seized
and taken 11.1 execution at th.. soil of Abel Turret' se.
Job A. linapp.l
nl , v Ask.
121 1411
.117% 1157(
11934 18111(
11 . x 12534
119 34 11974•
.152 1204
.119)( 140
.111 h 1137(
115 11514
436 h 432 h
331 h 535
ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcel of land situate
la the township o:Aonm the t'onnty of Sanrehun
De and State of Penneyleartia. Intended and dertribed
as folio to wit: On the north by laud of Jaen,
Lott. on th e. e
east by hod of Wm. 'lf, Bennett, on the
youth by lauds of Milton Harris, A.D, Towksbury. and
Join Setser. end on the neat by land of John Setecr.
containing about 4 sena ol Lana. ha the 'tune more or
lets. with the appurtenances, 9 dwelling bone.. 1 barn.
1 new otorabouse, a good orchard. and all imonnted.—
Taken In acme:lon at the suit of A. J. lien-loon
ssitrned to A. Lathrop vs. Win. Donlin,James Dualio
antrWilliam Whitt: Fee:nit:l
ALSO—AII IL J. Decker's Interest In that certain
piece or parcel of land titurte In, the Tnwoetep of
Lenox, In the County of Seopehant a and Stitt of
Pennsylvania. bounded end described ae follows: Oa
the north by hind. of Nelson Lowrey. Iknjsmln Ben
nett. estate of Asti:aid Manson, and A, Chard:hill:
(thence across the:WU:pond to the onaheaet armee of
the mill lot near the old bridge place ;) on the east by
lands pf Hiram White, on the south be the Brooklyn
and Lenox t:teal:lke rod and A. Churchill, on the wart
by lands of A. Churchill end D. ...Robinson, contain
ing about are scree of lend, he the tame more or less.
with the apportenanent. one grist mill with f ne run '
stone, three boils. cleaning work., torn shelter, ine•
chinecy. and are water•wrieele. end nil nearly new. ne
yew and lath mill. wood bee **pitched with all 'the
wheels and saws thereto belonging. one dwelling-house j
one bent, one abed. outbuildings and all not:eared.—
I Ex epting two small pieces or parcel. of load ae berg
tonne deeded ; ono to Mean White. containing about
11 rove of lend, on which le mutated a fonntiery end
other shop.; The other to Silas ttan ley. containing ,
shoat *leads of landon which le situated a stonehoutel
and rho I. Aim. all M .1. Inteker's Interest in that
certain piece or pereelaf lead situate In the Township I
of Clifford. to the. County of Snettnehnnou and State of
Penntrylvenie. bounded and di:retitled so foihrtre, to
wit: Ou the northby the mill-pond at high water mark,
on the tut by Lands of C. C. liottebtallieg.on them:nth
it y public highway leading from Lenoxville past C C. I
notighlaillng, on the west by lands - of Rime
containing about .t acres of land be .the same more or
lees, with the appurtenances. one dwelling boners, one
barn, out building" and all improved . , [Paten In era
cotton at the volt of Norman Whiu,sesigned to D. K.
Mors., no. 11, J. Decker, and Andrew Italeteed, M. 3.!
Hartley aartgeed tollardlOg A Itlrtanond no Andrew
Beton:ed. and M. J. Decl er. Norman White es. 21. 3.
Decker and Andrew linistead 1
ALSO—AiI that certain piece. or parcel of land sin
este in the townebip of Auburn. la the County of Sus.
quehentla and State of Penneyirerils, bounded and
descrinaiTtflollows, to wit: On the north by lands of
John Dishon and Michael Dlvine,on the asst by lands of
Michael Divine ant, Miles Lacy, on the south by lands
of Thomas Case, end on the west by land. of Joseph
Idafbaker. containing about T 7 acres of land ha the
fame wort or less with the appurtenances, 1 bent, en
orate: and about ti Acres Improved. (Eacen log and
reserving slot deeded to Bishop dt Price foorteen by
eighteennade.) sit-that other certain mertuegn
piece or parcel at turd bounded end described as fel-
Unrs To cover the land lb:alba water would flow tot
rattelt elk and a half fret front the bottom of the dome
bulk head or rent. et the point where said flame tun
head or nee crosses the Una between the binds at sold
Win Price and Thomas W. Unrites; Rico the portion.
of.abe melon sahl-Winr Price's alio tin:privil
ege of patting or eght of way' from the south end of
the dam or pond to the urn betwevn 001,1 Ptico'e end
Hughes, with the appurtenances- [Taken In exectillon
on sundry welts Olen stilt of 0. 1t..1 Silver* e P. IT;
Ilaultes.aild'Oectrge C. Atwood va. V. W.ttierv; • ,
ALSO—AII those twiapirees or introit of tuna silo
ate in he Township of Di:stock Ili Itidnfienty of Soo
:mei:Anne and State of,i t .nia. th e g rit r i en ,
bane:inland &emitted as follow, to wit; CM tl •north
by land" of D. A A.ntrattick, on ire not by,lat of EL
A 11.1Vcenthotne, on the eneth by blade at 1
and on the west by Lunde of Mn. Sheysn sad .1 It Ito.
gun. containing shoot MI nem. he the same p tic or
less.twith the sppertenances, 9 bonier. 2 barrio,. a on
coned and mostly letnro ed. The second piece • yned:
ed i
and d.criberialt follow. : Op the north by Itti State
Jad, Co the east b+ lands of Lallnknase and IX Itt; U.
?halter. ntt tbel4th bylaw); of
aodhoate. and:on :ha teal b) trots .1 S. ColLmett;
tontstotne oboutleasterea be tlorraure :port ottorarto.
either with tbst:appUrtfulaneas, - 2 dwrlltor brass,`!
Dorm; cora boats, and =WI:. troornerd. (Satett r
exec:atonal the atilt of Wm. Oars, ea. Olury Bally
d C. A lL.Porree. out. re, Ohm, Elsner 1
At,.O— huff certStit Wet. oftareer - of tend 'lila«
ate ID ;be Tpornalylp of Chocoullt h the y of SOP
gOebanto. andstate of l'ennuiraola. boondon 11 talc
lows.; Oil the torte by Linde bf I.lertln Wow. Midi
Lsonley and Zotto Ginfnon. On lbovesbbylieda &iota,
Outman and J.lbobaa, on the mouth by. Eta hondr tartar
of ;noes god lard of Madam puberty'
and ott the peat by mold Tecltnrara lard.erttl Undo,
Martin I4n.b. brutal:any 14 acre. More Cl test . 4•111 r
tDe 1 ?. " 1% " I t
%t ut or; ron.J. " P
barn sod shed attached, I wogol b ano law pore
'bath with rhydaituarltd. valuable- er.t;r,poeer...l .ter.
chard ..nd sit at IZ. arra Unproved, (Takeo In :trim
non at the null of P. P • Shiroltee, Rasoutor - otberob
Carnalt`iretate,reastocri. Clark 3 • ' •
AV 4 O-:Allitumr 'to," plans or paterls or I:tr a Hest
etc to the touradttp orllndortaort, in 011...Coonatiml•
libraushanal aria awe of rauns../rarula. bo Ars Were
bound.; an 11.11bni; the monk
brloods tbeeod
tato orOnottro Bioko. cored. ea tler err by ,
highway, ou into by lands of Wtre/mimosa
on Ole onot by hind of Mrs. -Putrrrfhld contatnlot.
abhor 11 arms snore or less, "doh tau apperteeancser
and about nacres reprarect. Thr «.-coodpitdo touttds
«i sod d.arrltwd -On duo north y yuldhit
highway, ourbe east by lards of draws ilitrbrrt atd
Chad«. Aterker. nn the «dab 1.3 lauds of B ft. .31.111..
„men. nnd on the !audited t her estate-of Oat . 'Beane dearer td. cull:ate ice about Inserts if laid. bar
theism- more or less , etch the oybortrildnees, ens
bun. end nearly all fteoroved.- The third piece Uvalde
rd and 4 , i.ilibrd 1411010, t.a.n ft; :On? r notnthann
(null by °tbsr land. nf P.' A lecooroden andlr.e.rell Per
tintleo.bD tonna by nebile Wet nay. tad On the
west by Inside of Elin liarkoc; «Jabal:lnt abort caw
sere, ewt to Seta, orb the snadlersoter. One 'frame
d0..111..‘ tondo and oat but.dluo. an prober),
and nIl , trl I. 14 as ot and mien In eaves.«
don at the salt of A. &Mob:. Ittathor of the Maud
of Jurentlah "'tracheal. &erred, oP. P. A. TnolobiAOCO
ALSO—AII the ,Irferllo it•boont in aI:CO.IU piste
or nerd of land altunte to tbo. toenail '
01 131idgerra..
ter In Snapnebeons Ludy and State or Prolletlritals ,
bounden and drys-db.-de. tolbors, toe It :.On the tort.
by L.& $Ts rbell. ote tbr 'cast and scuth-by:
unhlle Lamar, sod an the , iter4:o , Thad* of Mirk'
lisake. and other Luna of Fossil:ou. tohtelobla
oho.* 7 sere.. fir the.a Imo mar or !tar- with tbe apyor--
cepa to.. one ban. and ell Inntroarel. Verne and ink..
11. i in V 3 II the moll V 1 Watt, iratintat pea at,
re F. A. Fr.rniteio.)
Itt.sti-All out e.ofilet ',L., or tortel.of Lifd 11l It.
Ge in the ( o, ..hir , 5Pr4....-tille lb solllllsLilala &mail.
and State of Peunsyleanla. bounds.' and doctibtoi as'
to town: U the north by the pobito brghwayt on rlhe•
east by lauds of Orrin Plltchard. pre the 000th by lands
of Orrin Pr itchard aid on rho Ike•I by holds of U. 11,-
Shertutio,rahlatnlng abtot 9 att.*. soon , or leis. •lih"
the appurtenances. one Many honor. ate abed. 11 taw(
Trott treas. - and alticotroGed. [Taker to exerollan oh
the colt of John N. Inane. toe of sansei .lahr.39 WE
William C. Sweet and P ll' trsoffato.) . . -
ALSO-Alt tlot certain t-tem or pon-rt of hod eta--
ate to rte township 4.1 Jessop to the county of Porch,-
tontaand htate of Pennsyluals, boaLdedood describ
ed as fali , ,ss : On the north. 110tIth:si d wilt br bird*
of T. J. Cepa*, and on the cod by bode of Fakatah
hone.. containing about 91f tiers,. of L od, more or !c.a.
I,ll h W. sOP 9 th - oantr-s, nor dwelling house:plat:MlL
..a. miff. elder mill. still house, cooperate - It and boL- .
lii Its, Improved. (Taken In exerinton st - the sett cr.
D. (3. Peden. assigned to Fannole Depue re.lieurgo C.
flailing, at al 1
Atato—All that canton ;deco or parent of land sltsbr
eta In the township of
,N cw 31 Ilford, In thrt county GP
thortnehAiroot earl State ot Pentorylvarts. Tocoded and.
des/Tibet, a• 1n11 , 4o: On Ite north by Islid. of Claris*.
finish, on the aa.4 by the public- blebs. ay. on the iota
by lands of fl Atrubk. and on Tor 0000 by latten of A:
af..) sod H. Kenyon , containing about 10 Lens . be the art e 113urr or ins.. with 1.1” , appUrlentaball Vt.
frame dun •.0 few hull trree, nod Dully ItrIOMINA.--
fir rano Th'sreration at the salt 41 J. It. Sratoa yo,
Ralph 1.3 trribyr.i
ALSO-All tliat certain ohne or parcel of laud sltnata.
In toe township of Llerfund in ettratiyhanne county,
state of Frar.,itrlidli, bounded and 44-.-Abed as fsl
loss. U. wit: On the north by .artle of Willed Green
wood, on the root by la..ds of Pon- r. on the south"
by lands of —I. was. and-nn the wont by lands of
inivid Vat Bur-kirk. contslahrg &bunt tO ACtee, be AO
mine Inure ur eve, Wild , hia AppnrtettirsCet. CDS Mme.
house, frame ham. rare house. and other out bolldlogoo
a small nrrhard, and mostly Improved. [Sexed user
taken by virtue f sundry writs at the milt of MUMS
Oakley. assignor lo IL L. lialdwln v... 1. 11. t0w12.1 , -
ALSO-Ail that certain piney or parcel of land sltualo.
In the fouttotip of Inoue, In.husguebanna County.;
Pont,,.. bootded and it peril. da. Milton. to lilt: Out
We north by !suds accepted to bemnel Troettlell, ob.
the east by lands of !tor,. C, Dec* rr too Peter Lott;
Ctt the sonfhThr Janina Marvin }taker and .lebnpon
ook, sad on the west by lands of Chapman Ibifdlog
and Js mar Clatluott toutaThing !shoat 100 acres. Mors
or Ira,. with t heupplarteollleelt. Otie 111114 C ballot: Dam.,
end tuber oat boom.. a young errbarsl. sad stmt 0)
,eras hapmred. ts-fog the fame later or pawl of 404
contracted to Roderick Wilvon be 0. C. Roberti,- •
`Petard end taken In tate - Winn at the sail of D. C.
Holmes so. Fnaterirk Wilson.l ,
ALACI-Ali that certain place or parental :inn etaatai
lo she lowoalalp Of I.llsertit tin.qthurios ,vasty •ad
State of Proust hanta. Intitudtal end deverllnd as lon.
town: On thu south by lands of Spencer Lute; on IL*.
Wool by Imitl.: of R. C. Werner, on the tOrth by Isnd•r
f Jotaph Retry, nod on the east by lands of Wettest
, Salty std I-, C. Litre. containing shoot 19 an tie.
lame more or less. with the eppri Unarms, one tarn.'
...m.- (tuft true, sod all Improved. Alto all that ether
pier or lot of land situate Sr to the Glare described'
ohne, bonntled as follows : Ou the moth by lends of
Joseph Malley. on the-cant by o
hod el the veld
autircsr Warner, no th e tooth be of 0. D. Stan. -
ford. sad on the nest lay lauds of Mary Noll trop. eau- ,
:sink:: al'ult Esser's. nolmotored. [Melted and lake*
to execution at the salt of D.. c Fordhato Ta. AndrewWarnor:i
ALSO—AII that tenant Mom nr lard, tat lend oilman).
In the !youth!? a- Loth:. Smunkanna Penn**
boediol and :earthed a. follosw.tu wit ton then wit:
by land. or Timothy McCarty. on the mot by hind/ ot-
B tijam fu Decker aLd John Buct,ou the south by lenee•
of Jelmrs. Wright. and on the weer by lands art 61/.1.
tlanl7.od 8. Men/. containing about lb 3 atom. .
land. ire the mole mere or how with Hies] Intrtenaners,
one frame bon° and .in-Inind riga, an orchard era '
conoli ihilrovnt. 'Takeo in execution at the not of
0. F. Onethrene. 3lihn C. Allen.] •
(.I—A 41 that certain Fleecier parcelottund thesis
IL' "tit tostiship of Ruth, lu the Ciutity of Suntan
hernia end Siete of Ponneylventa• bounded and ae."
milord .s fawn, to eel!: On the north be. laid. of
Henn Vcrliniek nod 11 11 Gray, on the molly lands of r
H. H. Gm, and Ammo Picket...On the smith by lanes of
N. D. Snyavr•od Puliander P.ppet. and on the *vet by
bind. of William 1.. Vim:ilia. Ileanle Granger'. emelt , . •
end 3. B. W. Granger. 'containing about 110 actin. ber.
the yame more or Ina, togeth: r with the apron. maces
dwelling hooves. 3 lan., nod other oatimlldirras, as
orchard. and ohne 150 :ems inthrored. [Takeshi east.
anion at the suits of Allen Jayne,. on. O. Elithththrrek.
D. A Lathrop, toe of Allen Jayne. v.. C. Flummerfeti;.
end N. & R. H. Wells. vi, C. Flommettell end C. P. -
Miller. use of Start 311/lit had Dowitt ri. C, Fhinimen
frit! , •
ALSO—AIi that errotin pioneer parcel eilecte'ettvate ,
1 to lie towneh p 01 Auburn. County of "bunt:ohm na •
sod Shth ot Penuerlnnia. brooded sod deseribed . •
1 follow., to wit On the harth by lend:, or J.B. Plate •
and thavid liatib, on the ran by land. of 3 hie B. Place
I on the 'obit, by nubile highway. • end oh the treat by'
lend. of Joaleh Newman. amtainlus about 1/0 awes of .
loud lie the name more or lens witu ter . appal-1.4.w..
on dwelling bone. ono barn, an orroner lad *bona
30 core. improved. [Taken In execution at the salt of
W. J, t Valor& gulped to B. S. Holton:In
; Jot n at. Franklin.) _
ALSO—AII that certain_piece or parcel of land
trete in the leitmotif:, of 'Brooklyn. In the County eh
tinquebrona rod Mete of Perineylvents. boarded abd •
drerribed e• follow.. to : On the :meth
. by laads•
of Marks Perrwo mid Narroteg Perrio.o. o n Ire out
10. ' CI h a: l ,n! o d o ' crt f ai l o . 1-1 -:;:rgV u c i er k e a . " ;:tb b tle l t d". ... t .
tenaion, ont.Olel TM: noose t a alu ' amo corn hoesass
orchard. and Improved. Efielsod and token in exe
cution at the rah of E. P p
Eent vv. W. H. Culver.) -
ALso—All than tour one , or pameam of laud sit. •
mete hounded, and di eel fbed are Shows. In wit: The•
drat One *finite in the to worhip of lifoohly n. in the •
County of Suoinehentra and Stale of Fenonlyautse
broinded on the north by' land or Jorerb (tit ley.
1 the not by land of. John bollivuh, Peter Herkimer.
Tldhr.r A Cramer and on the roeth by'
other laud. of W. IL Peand on the West by hoods of •
; Henry Tesk.bury and J .H.. Page, runtatoloo about IDS -
; serer Wiih the anorthic:motes One dwelling bourse. r
; bans and other ont building,. an Orthithet and shoes
1(0 acre. Improved.. Tie .stead pine or petrol thrusts
to the townrhip. of Rook); n and Raeford. Iv the Como •
y and Slate aforesaid, bounded on the north by other .
Lends or W. R, Pace. on tho mod by the 1).1.. & W. R.-
IL. ou the wroth by tends of E. B. GoodOthi 'and e
the wen by lands of John Tes.kvberyoonioluirg about ,
I II acre.. mere or Inn, with the • a ppnennan ceo. an ore
, chard. and shout 36 neffil immured: Thethltd piece or
pencil eh nate to the township or Brookryte, t'ocotty r
sod Stain &formed. bounded on the note by land. of
Cloaks Portia° and Manioc! Penton. ou mho east by
other laude of W. R. Page. on the south try lands of
Charles William. and on the suet by hind* of R. Int-
o - h. eveatalning about al lowa, with the apportatiane
me. one old. frame house, tern and corn bourn. anon
chard. and ell improved. The fourth piece or panat•
situate to the townshlp of Smoklen, Comity and dots •
stormatd, bounded on the forth by tondo of llenniaji -
Perrigo.on thereat by land. of Charles Goodrich en d
Thom., Vigour., on the eolith by tante lot Abbe-balls,'
and on the wont try Linde of Cherie* Williame end other
laude of I. IL Page. conteininn Ithont 100 saes of laud •
bo the same Mon nem., tog ether: slt b the sppottenr
Pam.. one frame dwelling hone, flume barn and tabor
Out bulldincs some fruit trees. and about DO snot Ini.f
proved. [Seized end talon to execution 41.thentit of ,
Inconel'. Lit t le, Adair of brae! L. chamberfin.n.
IL. Page. Dante! McCollum ea W. R. Fan and.W.
Fisher. tip of M. V. Fisher', ineloned Le n.
W. R. Page.l -
ALbo—Alititat carialn pieces or parcel of land alt
• note in the township eL Bridgewater. In the County of.
Susquehanna and Stile of Petrooylvania. Ineandre led(
described se follows, to wit: On the ands 01,
X. Mott, on thn. rant by public .blotessy. on the =Me
by laud. of foreman sod Henry Heath; ardent the Wen
by lends of Abel Pattie' end Joseph, Speuldir g; can
Mining Lit acres of laid, h the same more in Ten. lei-.
in Cher with the appurtenances.. one .feints dwellings;
holm. hen or (bed. sourn halt trees. end at, improved e
Also all that other piece or parcel of land .rinne, fa
the township of ..Ihridres - uter In the County of Son'
quehanner and State- of Peoneylvania, booneed and -
deft-Abed ea follow*, to wit: On the north by land
covered by the waters of Zoomes lake. too tolled) on::
the east by lands of e 3. E. Carman,' en the Booth
truttle 'highway. and On the melt by lands of Abel
Petriet..contaudog about 415 terns of land. he the .
same man` or leo., with 'the awiunteusithes. one fracas
boon, frame barn. WWI Int&lne*, sod all improved. •
[Soloed and taken to execution at thendt otA Lathrop •
:intoned to Sarah L.-McCain, Boyd A Corona, andign
cel to Sarah L. McQueen,. Linn C. atirEnv).
AL...O—AR thine two pierce of lied dittiato ) tarthe
township of LtbettY. Is thesCounty of Suaquehsene
-and Mine of'Peonsylvanis, bounded and . dereirtbed as
follows, to wit: On the netth by puall.' bitthreai. Ma
lands of Perry Bette. on th e re e f by lands of area • '
Ostrander, ou the by-lands or H. C. lleisaintat
I and on the tr., in by 'lauds efolouthan Ingraham), ens-:'
talnlnglSavree of land. more or iron, being a piece of .
a DU Nero lot formerly owned by Joseph E. Webster.-w.
The other piece of /end h.gtaniugot a stoke sod atone*,
the northeast Comer of MI Lot. tbence.loatb three.
totttt Amin half degree. welt thirty nine, perches toe toner •
thenrenorth"elchtyrix and a belt deor me 'west ext. •
:wormed rhowtouttha perches to • oaruer.thignee aorta
theca and shalt decrees cut thittynetten machos to • -
corner, thence south eighty-NIX and a half degree' out
wixtyroth and Itoce.feerth prrche, fp the place of be.
ginning, comer:dug t 0 acre. of land, mote or less. bit
leg the north end of sDO aere lot formerly awned by
Lymen Welton. 'nor th er wi th the apputhroancet, ors
tonno b•not, frame - barn. young- orchard, and about IS,
*ere* Improved. [Taken In ereiretion at Mot volt CO.
0,014 A, Warden. asolgued .to Abel Terrell, Tar
Prank N e eol '
fed, On
Tahice,....All bids awl So. orreeted, Oa the day
of "le. - , u. D. llEfklB, sasittl
Uteitts Qtlea,liclerne,Vartt o;'"tt.