The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 01, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
tgetlglous Services.
The services in the several Claurcheed Mont
iose are 113 follow :
8 tPTIST CRITRCR.R.rr. J. C. Cuisserms D. D. Pastor.
abhath Services 10.3‘ a. m. and
Babb Ith Schoca s 12m:
Prayer Ileettng, Wednesday livenlsgs
abbath Sarneas,.... fat and and Sunday In esel,j'
Sabbath Sch oof Inunedlatelj bur
Sabbath Sanger,. ....
F. nada,. School,.
Week-Day Service.— Weiinenliys.
CRlAlath %crvicts
S.hnlth school
Prayer Netting, Thursdays
is.nhath .ervices
qabtuitti gebrett
imyer Meeting. Thnredu E
Winter Arrangement of Malls.,n:
"unklannoek, (Dal),.)
V.. .'S'iatira
't.Tontro.. Depot, Inally,,) El nap m Si4o tn
ew 1000 n in I Slip en
Nyaln (Dally,) 943 am 300 pm
Frienfilvtl,e. (Id we.etly.). oon pm 800 am
Conklin Slnt on, MI week]
.) 7110 In 700 a rti
Dltnrhandon.rld Lnke.orl weeklt)- hoop, in 100 pm
Ilesnoppen.ltri meekly.). ....... ....1000 ain 40Itpm
The Non York, (rid Montrnse Drpnt,( Nevi MilfoNl,
'mock and Wyaluning are daily.
The .'onklin Station mall rime Tuesday., Tharedays.
and SAtordnyg.
The Illoati.mton mntl. (riateat Lake,) rues Tue.
Thumtaye and liatordirre.
The Moshoppen mall torts Mondays, Wedneadsys, sod
A Stogy leaves daily for Montrone Drpot at 1 ta.. and
retain.. •I dp. m
A alum trove" dolly for Net. Milford at I' SO a. m.
and retort. at 3 90 p. M.
Ll■t of Now Advertisements,
Amig,nee sale—G. B. Eldred, Assignee.
Blankley's Curututnm Pumps.
Useful man— G W. eraser.
Notice in Bunkruptcy—Estate at Boxer
Annual Statement—Montrose and Bridge
'water Poor Asvlum.
Bust:teas Locsts
Pr Wistnrs' Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Parson Purgative Pills,
hto.orta• Anodyne. Linimant.
vo•r't, Sarsaparilla.
IToslrnrrs Stomach Bitters.
Jory List.
The Christian at Work.
Goods-11. Ward.
Ten Years in Washington.
0,003 Reward—A. N. Bullard.
Patron. of lin•baudry.
Susquehanna Gringe, Nn. 74, holds its regu.
monthly meeting on Friday, next, April 3d,
1574, at one o'clock, p. m.
.1. R LYO . .CS, SeTretary.
Ittot for rise*. to fold Riertton
linter the new Constitution the owners of
pla. es where elect ions are held, are now entitle 4
to co.iipensatinn for use of room, lig„ht nod fuel,
the r ti, he fixed by the Connty COIIIMISSIOD
erg sail the money usi.l, under their direction,
by the County Treasurer out of the county
I units.
Nrayuc Electloci
The - onplefuantness" between the Democra
cy of Wayne and Pike counties, in that Legisla
t re di , trict, was artard last week Tuesday, by a
,petni:se of the Democratic strength in that
:rang hold, in the iidectifm or.the. Republican
cat ildate by a majority of 310. Wayne put
forth Thomas S. ffam, editor of the /Tern/ft,
o Dero ,1 and Pike voted tor Edwin 13. Eldred,
l)em.) lime Wayne Repurilicans nominated
Thomas Y. Eloyd,and below we give the official
result .
Tnonins T. Boyd
Thorns% I
Edwin B Eldred
Boyd's nrAiority .0r( HAM
- Edwin 13. Eldred
Thmuas T. Boyd
Thomas Ham
fir.yd over Hain In dlitHet, 314
.I.l=l and Eldred over Boyd, 77.
Elmira has been visited by a most disastrous
rostlagration, wLielt destroyed property esti.
mated in value at V 30,000. The first tire broke
out about I orbsek Tuesday morning, o last
week, in the Sixth ward, and while the fir men
had all their hose laid to reach that conflagra
tion, the alarm was again sounded, and a dis
ristmus fire was disc.-meted on Water street, the
principal business street in the city. The flame.
spree I both ways from the old Elmira House,
until they wastei taeir fury on reaching-Rai - -
road Avenue and Basin street, burning ever
about, fire acres of ground. Assistance was
r,reived from the fire departments of Owego
and Waverly. The fire was among bosioess
Much , and the loss is , estimated at 6200.000..--
T.le fire is supposed to have been incendiary.- 7
Erhira ~f • late been sorely afflicted by fires.
most of them heretofore destroying old rooker
ies that were an eye-sore to the business portion
of the city.
Testing Syrup
All liver the country people are testing their
Inolasses. serups, drips, etc., and the newspa
pers are reporting the requite. In a large ma
)orlty of the cases the so-called syrups and drips
are found to be impure and poisonous, many of
them being made or thickened- with old rap
dissolved in moriatic acid, the latter being a
deadly poison and the other ingredient anything
but palatable. A practical and sure way totes;
it in to nil an ordinary glass tumbler partly
with pure clear tea and then stir a teaspoonful
of the syrup or other form of molasses into it.—
It the litter is pure it will not discolor We tea.
If there is muriatic acid in the syrup the tea
will change to a muddy or black color. We
have known If even to discolor the tongtle,
making a dark or black streak in the aulddle_—
A lady informs the Ssubury Americas that she
tested 'some is this way which formed a fluid
dark enough to write with, and that when
stirred it was full of fibre similar to old paper.
As the test is so simple and easily applied and
the poison so destructive to health, no one
should use a particle of molasses without Linn
proving its purity.
Valform-Trxt IlLmoks for School*
No measure proposed in the legislature this
ei a ter has met w ith more general commendation
than the bill introduced by Senator Ratan to
secure maitinmaity in the text books used m cut
common schools. The Titusville Ite'rald Ufa
Thousands of dollars have been thrown away
for school books, silica, ent they were half
worn out, have been laid aside at the dictation
of some wandering solicitor for an obsciire
publishing house. Qur citizens hare heretofore
had no relief tram this burdensome custom.—
School directors, if qualified fur their position
do not always have tame to pass upon the met ,
its of text books offered fur their inapection,end
if nocgailty of the eltarges of corruption often
preterned,do not always give :he-subject the,
attention which its importance deserves. The
provision In the moosedbtll,giring time whole
matter into the bands of aammtnisske anoint- '
ei by the governor, is a good one, asdt seenrel.
uniformity throughout the whole state, an that
persons need not be under the necessity of
changing text books as often as they remove
trout one county or dist:let to another. It is
also proposed to use the same books fur a period
of five years. This will b.: hailed with delight
by those who have suffered zu much from the
frequent changes heretofore made at the ca
price of school boardi or - the Importimlties of
unscrupulous book agents. It will, if passed,
do away with a species of taxation unjust, be
cause-Without any-"possible benefit,
thepublistiers and their agents. We hope nur
rouse , tether:Will give this bill their 'cordial
Sup t that it will become a law.
s Erie strike.
Great excitement hat existed at Susquehanfin
Depot and vicinity on account of a strike of
the shop men of the Ene Railway shops. The
strike. was: inaugurated on Tuesday of last
week, on account of the failure of the company
in paying them for the last two pay-days. The
strikers are well organized with committee for
conference, and have maintained orderly con
duct, only refusing to allow any but the mall
trains to run through. They have stoutly main
tained that their pay was all they wanted, and
the company having broken faith with them by
not fulfilling their promise they have taken this
course to force collection. Sheriff Helms with
a posse tomitatus from Montrose, repaired to the
scene of action on Friday night last, hut the
firmueas of the strikers was not wavered, and
on Sunday General °ahem - with about 600 men
and a section of a light battery arrived un the
scene, having been sent by the Governor. Oth
er troops arrived on Monday morning, to the
number of nearly 1,000. Vice President Clark,
submitted the 141lowieg proposl:iott to the
R. Oro. lelaralsnd.
10X a. m, and 111( p. m.
m. and TAB p. m.
......... ......I m.
30p. m.
Ret. J. O. MaLs*.
10.46 a m. and p, m.
12.1511. m.
.7N P. m.
Arrires Departs,
'7 00pai 14 erpm
"First All trains to run without further in
terference from the men as soon as they can be
made reratv.
Second. The paymaster to pay off all the men
et February and idurch.
Third. All the men when paid off, to be con
sidered out of the company's employ.
Fourth. The company will re-erupt•'• - all such
men as they think are for their hoe es
Fifth. The men pledge them-el:1:z to in
terfere with the cars, trains, shops, or other
property in any respect.
Sixth. 11 no interference or intimidation is
hereafter attempted with the eMployes or
property of the company, and all parts at the
machinery are at (toes replaced, the company
seek to make no arrests for anything done dur
ing the strike.
Up to this writing everything Is quiet, tlie
military having taken full control, and trains
of all kinds are running. The company are
d.sing simply what they ought to have done he
(bre, which is paying oft these men. These
men may have over-stepped the bounds of
technical 1.7, iti the manner in Which they
have taken to collect their bird earned wages
hut the Erie Company were the first aggrtsmors
in not promptly ftsldlling their contract.
There Is no mewls that there should he am
antarnism between capital andlabor as their
Interests are Identical. Libor is the foundation
and capital the superstructure. Therelor
when capital exercises tyranny and time cir
cumscrilies and oppresses labor, it strikes at it'
own foundation. The laborer is worthy of his
hire, and any corporate company which doe s
not promptly pay its employes ought, Da late
to be subject to their control "until such in
debtedness is fully adjusted With all Costs. time
and expenses. If any ulna be ilvlayeti in pay
ment let it he the nabob Milt isle with their
salaries from 625.000 down. The neer who do
the labor anti make the %mines of all capital
.shotild not he dealt with in a niggardly man
ner and capital must sooner or later find out
its mistake in so doing.
Kaaretter Templar
hiIITURS OF DEMOCRAT send pm are
port 01 the proceedings of Great Bend Com
mmolery, So. SI. Masonic Knights Temptsr.
stationed at Great Bend, Pa., I eti In their
Asylum, Frithty ea-ming, March .20:11, 1874,
thinking it might be intertsting to the many
modem of Vopr p4por who are Knights itf the
Temple, and were unable to he present It
heing the last assembly of the Totoplar year.—
Sir P. T. B. Eminens, Eminent Commander,ad
dressed the Sir Knights as follows.:
Officers and Sir Knights, I can hardly realize
that another year of life's pilgrimage has passed
and that we are so much wearer that rest and
reward, promised to all faithfol soldiers of the
, roes. And when I look at our muster roll and
find about 80 names, and not a single one
stricken off by the inexorable hand of death, it
seems almost a miracle, and as if we could not
render sufficient thanks to our Supreme Com
mancit,r for his unbounded mercies.
Sir Knights and companions, words but fee
bly exoress ml' heartfelt thanks for uniform kind,
uess and forbearance with all my timidity and
weakness, and your assistance in all of my MB
.dal duties.
I presume no one ever occupied this honora
ble and honeyed chair, that felt his inability to
perform Medulla; of the office, as its present
occupant. But I assure you no one could have
telt more interest In the prosperity, integrity
and harmony of our Commandbry than I have.
I only regret that it has not been la my power
to give more life and interest to our noble work.
Yet I assure you I have ever berarresdy to de
vote my time, and all my energies, to promote
the interests of our glorious order.
But on account of our scattered numbers,and
In consequeoce of having so little work,(caused
more by the severe financial panic than any
else perhaps,) it has seemed impossible
to keep up the interest that has always charac
terised our Cmututmdery. And yet I must say,
that after visiting other Comniautieries where
the advantages are to much greater than ours,
!eel an honest priLe in Great Bend Command
eer, I find more' interest and zeal here, and
more strict attention to the work, than any
where I have been.
I am more than happy to say that (so far as I
know) peace and harmony tuts etlgned through
out our entire membership, no strifes,- bicker
ings, or Jealousies having come to my knowl
desire to espress my particular knowledge
to our worthy Sentinel and Stwirt, who has so
long stood as a Miamil guard over the avenues
, ipproschlng our nssylom, and whose ditties are
so- monotonous and irksome. yet have been
perfumed aofaithfullyand effieienf4t.
"God bless our old Tiler, bow oil he baa knock
When. the weary pilgrim, crared welcome and
How wideltourpbrtals, though porde% and
Have bwilog to to tfler argnat the Tiler know'
There's a 'Legs where the door ii net gdarded
nor tiled,
There's a land without graves, without mourn•
tog= sin,,
There's a Maker moat : glaciouti. Paternal. and.
• mild,
And Ile waits the old Tiler to•sceleocte
And there the old Tiler, no longt
No longeesrith weapon or worritlials ELM,
A glorified spirit may grfinti!rgrati:
And,-e4se.fiy- toe •itattir-mlfilonermi may'
stand" • - -
:Undo thaltlttbryouVrilotaii.
members—for 'Our uniformirdarliiiidlirar e
and assistance In all'Enx diftitsididinTa:eyndisritt
throw the broad =laid ortatatfaltf clanfty,
over you may litiveteetritiotty official
conduct itatopaisteat wittgtte otiter r i AIM at-
tempted to MI, and • remcvzlixt eergb dile coy
tsafrres bevel:wen pure even though my work
kw been Imperfect. •
14 love for the order Increases with the re
turn of each assembly, and It will bb my proa+•
ttl4 and ais% in the future as It has been In the
past, to advance in my feeble way the Interests
of Knight Templerism, and to tuculehts the
sacred lessons aught within the hallowed wads
of our Asylum.
With these remarks. I place myself and my
services,- entirety at your disposal? promising to
do all in my power for the promotion of tho in
teresta and welfare of this Comm:m(lmm heth
er as a Ovate soldier or Eminent Command, r.
With the prayer in my heart, that chrirt'as
charity, peace and harmony, may envelope out
satire Qummandery, as with a casette of lore.
And that our Ileavenly Father may preserve
us all another yotiould help us to Eight nobly
and manfully, An. His Cause and that of human.
Hy. , •
- Brit If ere the close of another Templar year,
the angel at death should receive the fatal man
date, to strike any of our names from the roll
of human existence, and we be summoned to
appeal before the Great Judge of all our heart
thoughts, and a^tions, may we lud our names
r lorded in letters of light. on the roll of His
faithful soldiers of the moss, and receive the
welcome -plaudit of welt done good and taithfid
servant, enter Into thy rest, and receive the
promised crown of Life,of which thou art found
Flunlly Sir Knights, may it ho the happy lot
of ua all,when life's warfare bus ceased,death the
last enemy bus been conqured, and mortality
shall have put on immortality, to meet as
brothers all, on that evergreen shore where per
petual spring abides, and in the presence of our
Divine Commander forever dwell
"Where the Great Tree of Life in its beauty
Both grow,
And the river of life floweilt by ;
For death never enters that city 3 ou know,
Nor nothing that maketh a lie"
To which Reverend and Past Eminent Com
mander, Sir, I. N. Pardee, replied in a very hap
py and feeling manner.
The Cammandery then went into an election
(4 Officers fur the Templar year, 1674. Which
resulted in the re-election of Sir. P. T. P.
Emmons, E. C. ; Sir B. I. Mayo, Gen.; Sir IL ('.
Tyler, Capt. Gen.; Sir Charles Simpson, Treas.;
Sir A. P. Stephens, Ree'r,(in place ofJ.A. Dus
enbury, who declined a re-election.)
The Eminent Commander requested the same
appointed officers, who had rendered him such
•dßcient services during the year just clued, to
retain their several prrsitions, which they all
cheerfully consented to, (with one exception.)
The officers were then Installed by Very Emi
nent Sir J H. Dusenhury, Deputy Grand Com
mander of Pennsylvanha
The proceedings were very harmoniona, and
.11 .elt how pleasant It Is for brothers to dwell
together to unity.
Courteously Yours,
Great Bend, March 23th, 1574..
Business Locals.
CAUTION I—ln nor changeable el imate,rouglis,
colds. and diseases at the threat,hings and che.h.l
will always prevail. Cruel consumption will
claim Its victims. These diseases, if attended
to in tutu-. can be, at - reeled and iired. The
remedy is be. Wieear's Balsam of Wad Cherry.
April Ist, '74.-Iw.
To BumpERF.
The R•:hsol Dlreetars of the Taii`nthip of
Franklin will meet in the east Districi. inear
wriiere tij '..vhool House , WWI recently horned)
Friday alien:won, April 10th, nt which time
th e y A in receive proposals for building a new
J. H MuscEri, Chairman
Franklin, Pa., April Ist, 1111-1.-2w.0
:5000 Rtweity.
And nt A. N. Ballard's you can buy your seed
Whint. Clover and Timothy seed, at the lowest
inarket pore, and the il-Vre early Garden Pats,
by the quart or package. Also a etnnee selec
tion of elower heeds, also 25 kinds of Toilet
and Laundry soaps. Coulee Onions and Onion
sets, and a fo.l it.ssortment, of the yery best of
Grool-h-a and proviaious and which eau he sold
extremely low fur cash or ready pay, by
A. N. BI.;I.LARD..
Montrose, April Ist, 1874.-2 w.
31u.Lemny GOODS.
Pit March 18th, 1874.
We beg to inlorm you, that we are prepared
to offer for your inspection, our usual assort
ment of SIILLINERY woos, consisting of the
newest shapes iu Straw, Silk and Fancy Hots,
Bonnets, -&c., Veleets, Flowers, Crapes, Silk
Goods, Feathers, Blondes, Ribbons, Ruches,
Braids, Ontarneuts, &c., &c., We should be
happy to wait ou you at our Store, ur receive
your orders.
103, 103, 107 North Second Street.
Yours, ye - y respectfully, IL W.itt.D
April Ist, '74.-4w.
The public are hereby assured, through the
columns of the _Montrose DEMOCRAT, that Par
sons' Purgative Pills contain no injuruus princi
ple, but that they may be administered to chil
dren and the most weak and shattered consti
tutions in small doses, with great certainty of
Dr. A. Johnson, one of the most successful
practioners.of his time, invented What is now
called Johnsen's Anodyne Liniumnt. The great
success of this article in the cure of Bronchitis
and nil diseases of throat nod lungs, will make
the name at Johnson not less favulahly-, ir less
widely known, than that of Louis Napoleon.
April Ist, '74.-1 AT.
The root of the gdtote dock:, so troublesome to
farmers; is an• effectual. alterative and a most
voidable' medicine. In the neigliborhorkl of
Lo‘vell; Iloct. J. C. Ayer it Co. Ilet9o planted
tlefds of it. where they raise many tons at a
emir. It is grown Site the carrot or beet, id
drills, and quality or pmiprerties have been
touch improved hy"cultivation. It is one of the
ingredlentslu Web Sansfiranim..t, and, we
arc informed, the extraordinary virtues of *ha
prepantlion are largely 'due to the tactract
thia root that It contains. The Sarsaparilla
root, used by this firm, is grown on plantations
of their own, in Ilmuluras, to secure an article
of suuerior and ti holly reliable quality. One
or the reasons far the uuivenially acknowledged
superiority or their medicines, may ho seen
in the watchful care that in used to preparing
them.— remnant Statesman.
April Ist, '74.-Iw.
June Lhsr.
For the term of Court to commence at 'Mont
rose on Monday, April - VAL, 1814 :
(Iraq Jurors.
Apoiscon—Thomas Lynch.
Dhnuck —Theodore U. Baker, Fayette 0.
W uod Louse.
Franklin—Asa Townsend, Edwin J. Webb.
Forest Lake—Asa B. Hamlin.
Great Bend boro.—Uharles Estabrook.
Herrick—Gilbert. F. Burns.
Harterd—Alva M. Adams.
Jackson—Dexter Wualahum.
Lathrop—John Tiffany, Harvey B. Taylor,
Philander S. Bronson.
New Millord - twp.--George W. Squires.
• Oakland—Wesson T. Lamb,Dantei Matthews.
Rush—Judson Bradshaw, MAUl:dud Lirinuber
ry..Zephainali Cornell.
Springville—Lewis M. Brown, Edward J.
Boardman, Byron C. Hendrick.
Susquehanna Depot—Ambrose W.QI5011:.
EdiTer EASSe--DeUtd,S McGrath.
. Trams: Jurors—KM Week. •
APolscon—Calvin Beebe, David 0. Mhikler:
Auburn—Theodore E. JUITIO,, Elias Titmati,
Dewitt 'Elution, Owen O'Niel.
' Bridgewater—Windsor Aldrich, Wm. Fauch
er:Nelson Green.
Brooklyn—Christopher A
Claurd—lnt4, Cokmaii. •
Dimeck , - - -litike — H. Wiplhosise, • FrodericrA:
Muzzy. •
Dundnft—Jukinat4n . Pltninentl ; Jubn
Babson. • . .
Forest Lake—Thomas Dow, Henry jenter,
Win. A. Bouthwell. '-
Franklin-11°race E.Tillany,Franklin Smith,
Great Bend twp.- - PciterAlleealck, James E.
Johnson,. Robert Cold well, Geo; Baines,•Hemnn .
R 0033, Nathaniel French.
- Gibson—Seth Abel.
Herrick—En:llr Carpenter.
Harmony—Harmon K. NeWeir
Jackson—Norman P. Nye, Elf Barnes, Ed
win Perry. •
Liberty—Denlamin Warner.
Lathrop—Ellpltnict Gnnlner, Urbane Smith,
Lenox—Derwin Powers, Alonzo A. Payne.
Middietowh—Palrick Delancey, jr., Peter
Heeman, Nathan C. James, Grange Baldwin,
Morgan Thomas.
Montrone—Otis McCracken, Win. Hottclikisa
New Milford boro.—A Wood Stiles.
tiih•cr Lake—Robert Gage.
Susguelunna Depot—George Oliant. •
Traverse Jurors—Second Wed
Auburn—Gnome Curtin.
Brooklyn—Jae. W. Adam, "Wm. P. Crandall
Bridgewater--David B. Further, Rodney W
sent, Andrew 0. Tsler.
Clifford—Jonathan N. Baker, Ellcry Cran•
deli, jr., William James, Ezra Coleman.
Franklin—Joshua Boyd.
Gibson—Willturn Hughes.
Great Bend tp.—James N. Green.
Herrick—Uriel W. Avery, Addison Harding.
Harmony—Jonathan Baldwin, Geo. A Brush,
Frank Stumm.
Harfordi-George Tingley.
Jackson—Frederick Slocum, Elliot Harris,
Edelta brown.
Jessop- Jaunt, Dimon.
Lenok—Gardner W. Green.
Lathrop—John Johnson, Ames D. Merrill,
Henry H. Steele.
Liberty—Samuel Whited. •
Ilritttrese—Henry C. Tyler, C. Eihenpan,
New 31ilforcl tp.—Ashmun C. Ayers.
OM:land—John Smith, Johnlborn.
Hush— George Fargef.
Susq'a Depot—Cyrus M, Tingley, Morris 8.
Springville—Albert Beardsley.
Silver Lake—Wm D. Bolles, Thomas Rog.
Thomson—Jesse Carpenter.
Trate/vs Jurors—Third Week
Apolacon—Enos 8. Foster.
Auburn—Norman Sterling.
Brooklyn—Robert, F. Breed, Bradford 0.
NV al nia.
Bridgewater—Gen. H. Baldwin.,
Clitford—Lewis C. Abers, Henry Rivenhurg.
Choennut—Terrence O'Riley, Lawrence
Diumck— William Bunnell, Jos. Sheen.
Forest Lake—Ceo. B. Hendrick.
Franklin—Bemaa Snow, Henry M. Smith.,
Great Bend hot o.—Adelbeft Reckhow, Ds eid
Barronl—Dalton P. Tiffany, Alonzo Loomis.
Harmony—Gideon Neely.
Jackson—Omer Olin, Philip Steenback.
Lathrop—Wm B. Adams, Wm. Squires.
Lenox—Phineac Pliiilips, John Buck, Henry
S. Coleman, David Hardy. Henry• P. Miller.
Liberty—Michael Murphy, Lavirenee O'Day,
Almon Fish, Jared Slarob.
Little Meadows—Edward P. Beardslee.
Mon'rose—James R. Dewitt, Moses 8. Des
saw r.
Ncw .Milford tp.—.Andrew S. Roe.
New NI ,h - ord horo.—Tracy Hayden.
Oakland—Hiram Pouter.
Springville—James H. P, Aldrielaiba Smith.
At the Keystone Saloon.
March 25, 1874—tr. GF.O. C. HILL & Co
snyrnose. Anven!
Ckauing watehes.:lo cents; main springs, 50
cents; and &I gouda proportlonutelv low. Best
rolled plated seta for flue to seven dollars.
Montruse, March 11, Ib73.—tf
The unnual meeting of . the Odd Fellows
[Nil Associations, will meet at Odd Fellows'
Ilan, April 71b; 1574, fie; o'clock. et. tn. El c•
Lion of officers and transaction of cetteral
nes,. CRAB. H. SMITEI, Sec'y.
Montrose, Feb. 11, IVA.
At the Kaystooc Salwn.
t-. C. HILL lc. Co.
3lontro-Fr, 3Tarch 18.6. 1844.
Suppo.e vim hare - trltal day re:n^diefi* and
received no benefit, to therg titer it.t% - no b• Im
in Gilead t" Verily tuere bt. Your, liver may
he congested, your Stomach half nar.fl)ted,your
nerves (wirer . ..le. your intnc:es I,n.ated with
torture, your ' owe ronstriut,l, your lattp
Oise:v.4-d, your Wood full or lu b trities—vet in
nue week alter comma .einx a course of DR.
ALRER'S ViNt. Aa dirrLits you will tie' like
a new cr.•ature.
March 18,
At the Keystone aloo t.
March 25, 1874.-ti Uk.o. C. Lint & Co.
By Dr. E. F. Butterfield:. T{te-e• is no sub
ject that requites so much study and experience
as the Treatment snd curedf Chronic Diseases.
The astonishing success and remarkable c u - es
performed by Dr. Butterfield are - clue to the • tit
of a Clairvocant • to the ion; stbdent or tit c
stitution of man and the curimr of disease fr )n
natural remedies.
Let those given up by others call for al ex
amination. cores the worm arses or :•cx fn.
la, Catarrh, Piles,Asthm.t, Diseases of the Heart
Lungs, and Kidneys.
Will be at the C;iferty Home, Binghamton,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs:a and Friday,
March Mat, April bd, 2d, and d:
March, Nth, '74.-3w.•
Bear Cttrwtxo Ti.BACCO,
At the Keystone Saloon.
March 25, 1n74.-tf. Geo. C. HILL & CJ.
The next erasion of the Circalating Confer.
ence, or Union Meeting (it Ministers and 1. tv
men for- Sionitehautia -county, will bo held in
the U. E. Church ht • SusquOtanna Depot. on
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 7th and Ftla
Rev. B. T. Davies. will please preach the rat
sermon on Tuesday, at 10 1 4 o'clock, a. tn. I er.
A. J. VanClett, pawn, will maka the arra ge
ments for entertiliehrg all who will attend, a d
will rive general direction for the other exi ye a.
es of the meeting. A:1 are invited to a ttenkt
•• - H. S. liAlltiED, SeCy
Efarfoni, Pa. 2.5111, /874.
; t 8 1
.7. l .tf hoKcystone Salootr.
Gt.o. C. HILL & C
Centaur Liniment.
. , Thera lon, pato wh'sh the Cebtanr
• ; i lk . Linlsenste will 'apt tells, ,nieswelltisg
they brAl.ocit outstay. cud Sy.' menios'
~...c e is
, • 'r , wblchthey. s il l rodents". Ti to 'retreat
~ ; lanculg c , but It Is tree. 1 heftmets
tei produced more eaten of rt. smatism.
.. uoursigls„lock Jaw,paloy spr Ine,swel.
IPITATFC. .sings, caked brmss ts. evade. tarn.. ma
rbeum. earache. de., opal the -ha .to er -e, and - o
strulas. 'lambs. gallo.'ste.. a sz , tenets In one yea'
'then have all bar pretes dad remedies since the Toil
beassa. They ar, counter &rhos% albtusdiampala re
tie. re. Cripples throw ova' thtlecratehos; the tame
milt. poisonous bites are roar:wed harmless, and the
woooded are iseoled wlthont's Sear. 'f....rec.) e Sepal.
sithsal eround tomb IV ttle. V cy all as assert' lee u. er
sold before. bemuse they d. Just whet they I. eta to
to. TllolPkyrba pow antrar rum •rhoensististe. pain, or
Yeellloe deeoree to Suffer& they will pet use Contour
Liniment, white wrapper. More than 1090 e2r.bleates ,
sY remarkable care.. tocledlng Tresses II nay; es con 0
rheametism, goo' ;moping timbre. de., have hero re.
missed. WO sadliseadecirerdarcoaMininceersillestay.,,
the ryclpe...t.Y., smile. to any - Ono reenessl no It. one
bottle of the yelloerwr spperCoutsar Liniment Is worth
oss hundked dollses for spoldred or sweated holes
sal snob.. or for serSir4ortri to - Ehocksieraero
—theeelintmesn'r am uu.rth youretteutlen. No family
ebould be witboat them. ..ilrhise wrapper fstelly sloe: .
'Tell... SerepOue for animal.. Sold hyallTireusdite.....
50conts per bottle: (alga bottlee,rlll.Cli. :-.1.&.. &ion & ,
Co., be Broadirsy.Nt4 Trills' ..ssri
Ca/Marla Is more Shims" anbaitoto , for filar o".•
it WI be onliiiit'e Cticio in eiiateaec ulticti is tartsto
I o.seslmolste the,yoo4, toe' bowels. pore pthd
cat and piodftee ''OntorsP 6feep tt rteit ter
soinci.:4ls,morpAlne or srooL , 11:-/ittd to itlipirgiftcitAkr:
'Cr/rid:elk-no OLIO! err. 1 m,.411r,,7;:esdmisi;
Jtatwons. ,•ltart,,Wa
or ?damn, by Nei. r. vturim
Jennings of New 31111iiid and Mla Istary-E:
Titus or Lenox. • - - •
• .
QutarCansiaziL•Ai the M.. E.?arsonage.
In Brooklyn, March 8114 1874,• hy . the Rev: d.
UndeCarood,Mr. Howe D. QOck of Biooklyn
to Mia 9 Swap D. Cringt, of BSemt77llle, Subsex
Buncn.—ln Brooklyn, Pa..,31arch.19t1z.1.874,
"firs. Loving itureb,..rite of Pone G. _Burch.
Dirs. 8.141 the troubles and Antieties or this
life on seventieth birth de:e, with many true
,and anxious friends by her ball Bldg to mourn
their lots.
Davos—ln litlddletown, of'equ'•
Dim Jane F., youngest •datishrer et
Otis Ross esq., and wife of Robert IA Dimon,
I;ged E 6 yeas 2 months and two (hut .
Commission merchants.
acrznximiiigeolovra Xhtterobalast
AND 13.E(atta O
77 Des th. s New York.
Canol.,,lment• oollelted nod returns roadelnimedlate
ly on *slew good* Bend for oblppkag cards sod area
Alferenea : •
National Pork flack of New York.
North Itlrer Book of New York.
Norgan Natinuttl flank of New York.
tong blond Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Margets
We have nothing new to remark res
pecttng the condition of the money mar-.
krt. The distinguishing feature is ft
scarcity of borrowers for legitimate busi
ness purposes. The banks. are .sending
some of their currency to the interior to
make the Ist of April settlements. Rates
are unclanged. Call loans are quoted at
4(4,5 per cent.; staelly first-class two
name paper is quoted at 6+ per cent.;
strictly first-class siogle,uarue paper at
61(47 per cent.; inferior ditto 7©7+ per
cent.; loans on good collateral', at 6 per
ditto ou government •collaiteral at
gs per cent.
110:d ....... .
[• 0
5-20 Coupoo, I nOl..
5-20 Culp... 1164 .
5-10 Coupon. ISM..
5 20 ."oupoo. 11CA..
New 5 per ....
10.40 r .
Parte Klehance
Sterling Exchange
New York Produce Market.
Repnrled Every Week Expresaly for Tae Moo
Lesock•c by Moues & Server. Produce Coma*.
a•oe 31erchante. 26 Whitehall Street, Neer York.
Burrea—Flrhins, N. Y.. N. J.,
Tue. •• •• 49•'55 50
Pau.•• •• 48 56
CITLESE.- Luce Frternry. five to limey .....1003 17
Staie Wary. common Cu e 14
Enus—Stale ale Yerio")lvanls a 17
Western. prima 19 101 •
Onets—r'nre. ..„ . ...... _9O (5. 91
IX,' 106 14.% ... • e 1
blra hoe 9190
P n
Poe..ere—Chickens, Plate prime ... ...... 17 44 19
Turkeys, " '• 17 k 6 19
WIIOIII !T MAY r'ONPERN.—The eltisens of
sMchr Lake torrnehly have perloned the Legitla•
tare to papa gn ere entitled. An Act to repeal the second
Per-lion of the tirldresrate road law. se-far esthe same
applice to silver Lake.
Ansel: JaltriltaerLGT, Clerk
filher Lake, March 4, 1574.--4 w.
ADMINISTR %TOR'S NOTICE.--tet the estate of
D. !lard. quick. dexased.letters of Adto lola-
In the sate estate haring been granted to
the .snnersignetl, all persons - owing said estate,
are regine4ted to make -Immediate ;laymen. and per.
was ha deg dal..e attinar rani estate era requested to
present them without delay..lll.RY C: TYLER, Adair.
D I VISTRATOWS NUTICB. —ln the eat. or Bad:
At. et Me lone. dee Letter. of Adtainl.tratlna
t%e paid estate haring been grantec to the undemiled
all persons owing aain ,tate, are requetrtdd to make
Immediate payment. and all persona haatag
a:mil:tat said exalt, are reqn est ed to preaentthem
JOHN H. REDDINI3. Ada't. ,
klatch 4th, 197.1.—Vtl
N;Tr l rt, E ..';,.trir b a.7l7,rt.hartALVTlithl.ll,.° did
neo.oleter demi-Ht.& will be hdd before the Grind
Jury of SoNsehnons county, at the. April Tenn.
praying for the Incorporation of acid ilisteictae a
ts.ositb• the a.m. , stile, sad title of Meat/MAI
! stmt Bend Village, end b) the [allowing boundartea
to Ileginnlng ~ n the bank of the tiosquebsun•
riser at the northwest corner of Mr. Ashton's land;
thence south 12 de2recs ta 233 rods to an apple tree.
sprat, 00 degrees tve4 atm rods to a plea tree; thence
north 03 dent..os cart 151 rods theai
honk of sd tire?;
toen, south 22 a-greys east 25 rods, coach 9 deirr.e•
eat 51 rode, woottr.s3 degrees eabt 115 -rude. ,oa th
.degn rees
ces o e f ast la said rude, t t izgte pt s . e c v . erat t zt= g aad'Ol . s.
WM. E. BATCH and others.
Great Bend. fa. March 4th.1814-4w.
JUL TICE is hereby given to all persons concern
ed in the fbllow . ing Estates, to.wit
Estate of James Quick, late of Springville,
F, IL Quick, Administrator.
F4tate o Dan:bi- - Mahoney, late of Liberty,
deed, Michael Barry,,-Adrninistrator.
Estate et' Ezekiel' sraiti, Isle of -Jessup, dee'd,
David Shay, Executor.
Eatatc of Roswell Whitney, late of Raiford,
d,e'd, H. M. Whitney, Adnifnistrator.
Estate of F,nos Owens. late of Gibson, deed;
Daniel Daniels, Executor.
Estate of.3latliew Newton, late of Gimmick,
dec'd George W. Newton, Asimlnlstrator. • -
Estate of John I:Torrington, late of Bridgea'
water, deed, Jembna. and- lit. lii-Barrington,
Execut trs.
Esti to of Eiiiha Meclaitte of Brooklyn - . deed,
E. A. Weston, Executor; . .• - ,-.; -r;
Estate of Lytnam Cauttela,late Ittish,dez'd,
A. W. Gray, Admit/Lankier.. ,
Estate or Freed's Rowell, minor, Henry
Howell, Guardian.
Estate of airy Patterson, mlnor,T:'l3.4ames,
Estate or Ilarrict Patterson, minor, Y. W.
G •
Tharthe accountants have settled their tie-
conbts in the .liegister'4, o,ffiCe in :mg) - .7for::Ilio
county of Shstiuchanna, and that the same alit
be presented to
,ti,o Judeg, at
Court, on Titursany,Apt4llo,4B74;for c6Atirtint•
Lion and allows - bee, ,
- 11: 1c TiriFANT: t Register:'
il fg ,„tee. Office. bircl.llB, 1874
iEltIFF'd SALES:—Irr OP% wnas
itate.4 by the Conti oCCommon Yleite , of Banner
haulm .Couuty And tome directed:3 telltexpuee t* sale
by public vendee, et the Coe,* Rowe in hientriete,oti
Friday, April •10114:11174i
at I o'clock. p. m., the following plecek'br, paortla
land to wit
• All - that rertnth l'lrce Or pored of
borougn Great end, in the County o( gar•quebasow
and mate of Peun.ylininia.. boundod and - deserlbetina
follows, to WO: On the northeasterly' Bide by March;
hot et, on tbesoutheao ld
rriy rble,byre,Omarge.grdwal
lot, on the tooth , . warty ride by lands belonging to Uri
Erie Moms/ Company. mid Ott the 110,rtbereeb,Tieilde
by IL Clark. int,rontalningabourobit belt artetwE
land. be tbeinono more or iawdrhofelber with the Op:
parten mere. OOP frame o orr. one luttak few
fruit rrecr.atwl ail Ininlywod.,_. Prized Lod Jlfan In
eaccotloo sr the -pa to
zo o ma. yr. Wf: cr,eroons.) . • •
ALPO—AIi tnpt n , rtAin Alen wuparcel of land casino
inobw kneoa ogghompron.4o Qin CaCTWOr4I7II,
. ha r tumna and male of Pennsylvania...barna/4 and tles=
1.4h. 4 8 aerfolhwes, thoMonluby landrorlC.,
W. iily:rwohotw.tanitonulll.,byJandanurorwr latest e '
lands Of Pro'll flwitriwod• 'Andrew Iztockwell'a
coburs,,ii:y 118 *Ct.. of land,be the same mop or
Ifiea, re,,eticawlw the 11111,utituonts, oitolioclutioir
lion.' a trttrUerdzitrat sttogitg/tYOkler* , •f 4 I
Wised etlitOkOta li..egolgtion - at 10.4 a of
Darrow n. Thommip B. 40 htmin-I
ALSO•t•JiII loaf collate MVO oOpatflfofpod artiste
bilhelarodsdi of Great Behd. 16 the Count of Ono
guehanmomdßote of•Beetletittnaligludu ' , We?"
as ft
ealbod alotta.htfirlt 'tn t anal by e 001
lot, on the east .bir Franklin Boom., on the south hy
land of T. D. Estabecoh. sedan tho arasY lard itf 17.
- Olituwltlancletabn ill( of to adre of /and kit the SUM
more or rep, anji an inspeored. ISelgsd and =et In
- eggehtion at Masan of T. D..gaistalsreing fa. W. H.
WLWO.] • ' •
Ale-0-6111 tat certain bleat or Wee of bed
rate In'the binhorldp of *gnaw:dile' is the Vowed, of
'ensonetomn. and b Wept g'Unilloinia.'hothded and
doterinent as tete 4.• tECIRII: Mt Met milt be ;art I. of
Denlel,thles and H. Poke, on the rest by laude of
Cherie, GUmr, on the sod , by lands of T. Wald:: end
John dtheygdd on the goal by lan its otTbendote J.,ho•
eon ems lauds Donut late ot a. Parke,toutetnt , g titian
aerst . 4( Wilt,. Bo fins tame more or less. together
wim tbrappartenarkees, acerb:toe tronajtbarn and shed.
an orchard, and about tottero team:trod. 14'aken to
ensOirtiop at, the suit of 51 B. Geniis'= wa. John b.
Williams and Homy B. Willtem.:l
eorceln piece cir parcel of Wed Attlee
In the township of Auburn. in the County of &Legoe
henna and State of Pennsylventa, bounded and de.
.eritr?st or follows. to telt: On the north by lands of
Owen CoNlel on the easel- 'en n. of Petrick Morph,.
SID the south by Muds of John Utley. end on the west
by lands of Edwaril Keogh, and Thorns, Park. coo-
Mioiny abut 105 les es of land, be cha same more of
resa• with the eppurtenee It. one hocise.• torn home: Vat
chord. end abont 50 stow ins.r reed. [Taken id 'semi
don at Vie snit of D. D. Staple, wesigoedtu A. Latnrop.
n. James Dvall .
A LSO—AII those twin crentin pieces or panel, of
land situate iu the-township of Auburn. In the County
of Susquehanna end .lets of Peonoylrante, the Ors&
niece hoondi-0 and described np -es so wit: On
the north by lends of Griswold Carter and /lintel Keeley
nits the goal by Fondant 0. L. Swisher-on the south by
lauds of D. J. Ranh. and on thi. west by lauds or John
Vanscoter. Check. Bilm - end Jacob Seeley, tomtalce
leg about tw -er•+or bind with toe imputing ,
eranieAtierlriiar Rhine, 104: house, barn, 2 orehards. and
about 100 acme suiprove,.. The see,oad Wean or parcel -
Imunded ao totlows, to wit: On The north by public
highway. on the east' by lend of Jim°. Lott, on •he
tooth by land. of Jobe G f.h.hery. and on the weet
by lanes of Geome Hlrkhor, maluleg•lnout GS acres
eflaud. be the wino more or a. with the sppurten.
limes. frame bonne, barn.• *no other outbuildings, or
chard, find abobt 45 acres Improved. (Seized and no
tun m estooltien at the scat of A. Lathrop va.
Pierson. Restl.fitiMs'd Co. vs. Berl. Pierson. botac
Jayne vs. Bell Pleison, and C. hi. Gera nod Jneniat
Latorop l
. E..-cutota of C. D. Lathrop deed, vs. Ben).
ALSOAIi :oat rectal's - pier. Or flarcel °nand Waste
In the township of Omar. Bend, In the Vaunt, or ao.
go,hetwa sod Math of Pennsylvania, it beteg the
muttn], half of tilts following describ. d lend. corn.
.mencitut at a Orteleck tree marked with a glaze and
three hacks on fear ides. stsudin.„.• on the west side of
the road kitolntrom the Seaga. henna deer to burn.
Oterlellle am tanning. Wince south .faX degrcen emit
hi chains EA links to a chestnut true marked on
four whoirs,toettoe south atilt liege v. meet It the no and
be Ifhlia to a stake and .tense, thence 4( degrees
wentli chains end Ca links to ■ stake and stones thence
north tax, Jerre...runt al dud, coat to itoks to the
piece of beginning, the whole to contoinnut 109 acre.
of Mod, be the same more or Inns. with the appurtenan
ce*, and about la scree how osod (Seised and /.ken
In execution at the suit of Eastoonook A Clark, use ut
T. D. E.1661b1006... , C G. Davton-1
oust et-114111piece or parcel of landsmen°
in the township of New Illiford to the County of nor,
oilskin:lsla and btu° fa Penney-leant, bounded sod des.
pitted an follows, to sit; Beginning at a post. thence
by lend of I hales F. Meeker north two degree* snd
twenty live minutes east nineteen pert hes and six
tenths. to • post. theme by land 01 John Renown booth
eightyweven degrees end thirty minutes east sixteen
perches•end nine-tenths tot thonce. by the wes
terly line of the D. L. A W. It. R. track laud south one
degree ind thirty nilneres ;rest nineteer perches and
eight-tenths to a pest, thence by land of WI•Ilam Hay
den north eigtheee' deuces- anti thirty eve Minutes west
elette..reperotiee and.three tenths to the piece of begin.
tllng• containing. two acres tam. twenty-eight ro es
of land, he the name more or lean• W. ether with the
apportanast d m ow! dwellial boos t s nod b
Vii=n a :; cc. D e e " nctl e l i dTol:n p d "anla °Tcho lt
imo f m Tierney
T. T.. 1 • -
ALSO—AII that certain peke or fennel of hind situate
Mthe toWnlhip of l.i[terry. In the County of Basque
banns and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and din•crlb.
ed es rapers. to wit: On the north by land of Jona
than•lnmsbant, on the cast by !snits of IL tipsuldlm
end lama Comstock. on t tooth by the I !chord Bally
Wile,. ode ons heiress by land of lest ph Rally. ('on.
Wising about °ohms, more or Tess with We appurten
i laces, two dwelling houses, one barn. au orchird. end
i about 'M acres improved. Also, all •that certain Oleo,
or parcel of land Anode is the township of Liberty,
Susquehatins County Pa., bound. don the north hr Isod
of Velitliun Bally. on the east by land of—e--Beik. on
the south by laud of •Jullas littapp..and cm the west by
lacid'of 0 Lltasiey, eontsinlng about 6° acres, be
the tame more or less, with the scutteximers.l !mune
and about 10 acres improved. Seized and taken ln
• execetkinit thisult J. A, Lew s vs. David A. War
AL.VO—.SII that certain niece or parcel of laud sitnate
In the towayhip of tranklin. County of Susquehanna
and State of _Pcmisylvitelv, bounded and deectlbtal as
follows. to-wit; On the north 117 land of A. J. Welch,
°nib° east try lan& tot Orange ., J. It Town
! lead. And B. L Blowers, on the south by lands of J.
M. Baker, end on the .an) by lao a of - John Welch.con
tainit.g about 104 acres, he the mime more_orlese. with
the appurtenances, emir frame •gwriling• honer. torero
barns. an orchard, and about hgam es improved. [Takeo
in exectatonsf lke shit arS. L.'riardzer on. Martha
ALq, 7_
, t0A1? that c ert a i n rn piece or parcel of land situate
Is the aOwnattirt orLlbetiy, in the County of Strewth-
banns and. Stare e(. Pennsylvania bounded and are
cribcd oluote, to wit: Or, rho north h. Ineds• of
Jamm Oruro: On. tinieast bytland of James 6111. on the
mojtb . l , 4y lent .gStalcl&Lg. and an the tenet by
About 1 1::(7 . 1eree:hti:litAasue acre °Hess the 47 5 ,-
purfettances. ottr dwelling boo,. Iwo torte a, two or•
clrads:Sndabont if irth- littprovevl. [Taken In exe
cution int-the..tri a1 ,,,, ..222 , 1p to tOttottel
A:Lewlestit. JohlaShluld end Mos. Mary Mash ae.
John ehlelde..l • • • '•
191 191
11133( 118
119% 1403(
19'!{ 11.1
11931 119 3(
.131% 129%
.120 1 4'
.116% 116%
.115% 115%
.457' 4573 i
.551 531%
- ALaka--Ali toat Da'. 'Owes nr prcela of land al twat
In the Towneldp of Liaooa, In thu County of antque
,banlai add &door Penniylvanla, bounded and descrda
•.•-• • - • • -
,ed es Fallon a. to wit: Beterinotog et a post end stones
the northwest e nter hereotthe,ce POOlhwebt to cotton.
of A. P. Walden's lot. the aoutheest either of tot nom
her 173 and the northeast eotner of lot nuMber ISt of
; Nichols Blddle'• land... Thence north SR deffress tre4
91 perches by the south line of A. P. Wordeu e let and
the tooth line of lands of II P. Adepts to a post and
stone In thee:tar line of Wm. Bailey's lot. thecee'sOoth
eiS degrees cast 511 perches to r. newt and Monet, thence
north tke degrees tart 111 perrhee tO the lire beterecn
told N.Blddlo's land and the Filthy and Le hence
by the mine line swath 2 degrees east *l3f porches to
a po et and stoats. ihell re south RR degree- west by 1J ode
undid of the heirs pt, N. Biddle and land of the beim.
of intern' Web. ter: deteeeed, 154 perch(. to a poet and
stones to the east line of number IrA, end throce by said
east II tor of. number, 1f.5 forth OX, dm... ens' 437 . 4 .
perch 0 tO the place Of beginning: cool alnlng 44 nerrs,
more or b so. • The second piece of land hinended AL
follows i Beg 4 noing at a newt ...nd stones the northeast
corner of lot numb, 109 ,41 5.7. Biddle, buds the .......
went corner tel lot number t7s.concen-teat', S. g",,,,.
the onthe.e• corner of lot 172 and th • nortowest cot
nor hereof. thettce.hy the-south lire of said lot number
173 coulter-Imi to 21.5Cepp no; rh AR degre s end 162 perch.
es Ma Poet end stones, :be so. nth west miner of A. P.
Wordmil lot; rhencr by.t4e went line of lot number 1017
tooth eji degrees went 1-.1 - 5/. percher 10 P.e north ill. of
- lands conveyed to tlinsto Webster. thence by.- Id north
liecolltrahr.Websteroooth An to greer nest IR perrhes
to • Post in the et Ot lion 4 tot nember :CIA I roe he .Id
tiet.mentloord north - R1( degree. east 375. perches Ice
the place of begintlittg. containing ISsera and ISO
herrors, he the same MOM or lest. n,41 bring the north
alf of tut Comber le tor cold N. Wthile'• lan... (nap I
Peg and re. ereir.;-- from theabore two deAcribed pieces
of landed's° 11 Oct. (sold he JO, A. Knapp to George i
W.. tandsloy.), Tiegethee with tile importe - mimes, One
'small non e, and ^boot flys pars Improved. tenled ,
nod taken to.e.acotton at the sell of - Abel Tom-11 re. ;
Job A,. Knapp.) . .. I
ALSO—AR that pertain piece or parcel tatland allnate
in the towns/so tat Ante. u In the t ti noty ot lold.yech to.
33+, And state uf,t ennnyh attn.. b. oteded and dueeribal
its' fond a, to wit: On the north by laudof dome,
Lntr. the east be Tend of Wm- N: lieut.ett: t ii,
Ninth be binds or Milton Mania A . D. Tewkshor•. end
JuLn std ten the west hi land of John ifetocc,
containing about 4 acre% of bn •he the 'emu more or
hals.'with the Ronne:cleaners. *dwelling hovers. battle
nomstom-honea.hypaod edehanl, and all Implored
Tyb g e. by ei L vAtit the scutUerritsn
aarbmed we A. Lath o ro n v s. vs. Wort. Donal. Jamie bonito
and Wile% White security:l'
ALSO—AIt J, Decker's interest to that certain
piece 'Or parent of land eitnate in the-Township of,
Lenox, in the "Cositilje Snionehant a cod tithe of
Pennsylvania, bounded sod described , se follows: On
the nosh by laude of Nelson Lytwrety. Bezejuwelte flen•
nett, esinte of Ashbald Ition•on, and A. Chambhill:
(thence acmes the netil-pond to l ire eunthensi career .•f
thu mill Int neat thoold bridire , pfter.;) on the met by
lands or [Bram White, on the math bar the Brooklyn
and Lenox:turnpike rtrdend A. Churcifillio•• the went
OY lands el' A, Churchill and ee. Itubin.ob. cantata.
inn about fire acme of hnd, be , the same more or ices.
with the apportmoincce. one grist mill with f nr arras
thane, tierce bolls, clennhThe worts. core shelve, mu.
chniery. mud dee watcr-wheule. and ale itearly now.. tea
saw and lath , mill. wort sees attached with ell •the
wheels and hws thereto helonging. cote dwelling-house
one barn, one ehed, enshoddinen and all impru.ed.—
ES ...piing_ two yaislible cestw_pemel. of . land as here
tofore deeded; One to Mesta White, containing about
11 re,g, et hud,seb drhith It iltuetod rifonrdory• and
otberehope ; the other lo -Silas timidity. enntalningl
abontMlitideof tandem :Bleb ',straiten a store-house
end stint.' Abe, all 01. J. Decker's , interest in that
certain pl bk parent or laud almgte in the Township
of Clifford, io the Clannter of snextnehaeoll end State of
PenDl.3lcAnif.bna , 4lo4 'and- described no • to
wit: Op the con by the tnill•pond et high water clerk.
arthe cost by lards of C.C. Banghtsillurant the tooth
by public highwey leading from -Lelloymille keel is C.
lioniyhtelling..on the went by lands of Blitam
contsinina.niesit 4 eines of • land; bd. tlie Balta . :l34re or
less: wit h. the lima rtenan nes. pee Awehiitubo are. one
baroyant Iniptoved: tie; en In ere
cation at the tint te bNormem•wbtie: • tessened In D. K.
Mores. Cs. 31 J. Decker..and AndreWilaLdeald.. l 4-.1.
Bartley amigned to Etaerlinge & BG hewend ,ve Andrew Haletesd, lialettuul, and M. J. Duct et.- ;Amps& M.
Dee:Wand Andriyorlielettend
I : . A1..50/ 4 61100f. eeitfitn prat plireel or lend
Ip the toonslits: et A obererlre tbe County et.Ser.
.yeekstafa 'and Mato. Penergissitia. houded•and
described u follows. :dont: r Ua the- ordib :Voids o
John filsben and Michael Dlginc.en.the err by ienline
IdiebaelDiviheue; grkerider, on the lands
or. Th.'esseCaseoand, nu tier ire 4 by r reoh
7diirhibtr, untainted ebnut 'Urea' of kid be the
Wee aloes Or terswith the apptirtenseers: I been, AU
onkel/land Shut tai arras teeprueed. (Sleep ins end
reserrind lotliertieel I. Wallop Prim • revile-In by
Alabreart rods) A that other certain meatisge
bleu: or partnd et bit d henede. and described sas
;lows: 'To corer the hind that the waxer w e aid Row to
"eat'. 14 elz.nnif a tail feet !Wen the betteni - e the dame
beik Suitt or race. at leg Point where said. 0.140 I;(111
head or rice crust. tbe her hely , ern 9 l e:leu.ta<4 cell
h'dite end Th/W.ii - 771tegb en; eke the por:loo
.orthiqs& on saki Wm. Prices land; phigthoLdfrit•
age of iktisleg ere Of war fromhc.reeth nod of
the dantorpeent to toe- line bets/ern sold S'ilen - Sond
Cash" with ihenoperienances. (Taken in escrutthn
on sundry seri* lithe Poll of 0. 1. 4, ethers ei. R. IV,
thigh., and 0. nrze C. Atwood "S. T. W..litisb
• L.90.-All those two /deem: or pue
rr 1.,d Oita
ate In be Toentrihip of Mew* he the racturv'isi
qn ..h.bnctint aryab, or p.oo.ylvents, the' don Dioet
• .rvooded and desuibcdss Wows re wit; stn tr 'noel
by W.W.I of D. S. be ankk..on trip ens:A/gist - eat
SP. Wntekilinse. on Abe itooth7t3. lands of F. Men.
'aid . Ann Ibe , Welb-hY lann4.l,rism iitqactio.6 a sato;
kr/ - kmurAtagruhotiil,4l tter.ezte tbe yen"! 14 .ti
rt"erdtteridaptrertansatee.ll know% II base .
c srduo/0g ismer° 'ed. The seeopdpleeet.mnd
e4 Red 4:scribe:burg/limes : An the north by do State
road, o 3 'he east Stints:sr/IV Ilhdrestes 'asdAS ma.;
limy.. .sm rcildn at fiernßellie 7.1".
'.o.alhonre, and on the WM by lands of :..Curia,?
mote:o4ns about acrea s t . tne ante Mats or less , t ie
ether...HS - tn.' appends' .• dweillan home.
ben., torn house • and moony Betrimed.• gate% in
esecntion them:tit of-Wm. Grave. ocy goo.
sod C'. H.Dtiryea act: el. Olney &Ile}
:that errt , n4 piece or greekbf land elt o f
atefa the Townabtp of Checonet In the i..ednlyefbi
gltebintu and Petwaylvania.. bohnded oar 0.1.
lore: Oil the north by leede of Simla Wan, Perea
11001. and:robe (Mrmin, on theme by lands of join.
-Gorman and Z. Attu. oil: tea south by ate boon. GiraP.,
of Tames Z. - Carnuiltand lard ci Nettbso belarn f
trodinkli... . rest by said Strlnerayfo.lar.d. and land •
gartle rest
103 sons more or Ire. VI
tlittapPnitenenees, I fres. Louse. .wltlif tugs fn,. •
tromislica ettached,l- Vetde bap pun. ;Gem* bee
nem and abed ettatlred. t wagon house, and large yea •
tern with vinfisatterbed. fellable water power, I . r -
Abe. .kag 114 netts iniprovard.. (Mara In elm. ,
two a the stilt of P. P tfbaryler,, Zirtittof at natal..
Canaan'. estate...E. la t0:1 , 4r Clark]
AL')-111 aegis three gleed► or pardpN offend Olt
It. in th- toeCutflift of Hadnenster. lb. !minty oft
•Iniquchaenandif,titete of Feting legate, the dot p ..••
'wended •efallewo:' On the oertbby lends die the et;
- ate of Oecirett II act.. dfciased.'ort the cart hi •orthl'•
highr.s, rp the tout). by Land, of IL S. blerfltnalt.litlie
0 the west by lead of Slra.„Putterfleld.
show II " t or. wont Or WIN, wins SnOTtirDITIC,
and shout acre* !more/cit.. The Second pit debases . 7
;eland distnted follow. t On the north by
tißs - hc.Yptighit drat bY laid. of Ant. Ilelbsat sytdr
(lb:410 Hecker. on'tbe wryU hy latideatit,
man. and on the West b/ lands of the rebid or tlflio•o•
Batts. den med. tontainier. abdtir td , er.e C.flarC;fite
the I; itir• more or lees. with the aptlrtenances. err:
here. and Evilly all Improved The third Nees bound-%
ad and d scribed >u fuilowe. to lilt: • Ohl enortb anti'
east by nth. r land. of F. A les.inden and Newell Fen •
...den. on ihn•son•b• by needle h'gbsayi 'and on thee
scat by tondo of HIM., Itackgs,•conialnlng about .4 3
tore mo e en hes. with the aninutetteuter.l.ll Dented
dwelling b.oe and out Anti dine.,' an inetar.....
rroi .1 • lad I. (4 bit •d aid takes Is excelr .
•ine at the pelt of A. Beldwth • as error of the aSia)
of JetemfahNeeettern.dices.d. vv. F. • TAsendee.
ett So—.ll the Ji•Mnintare Interest ft A etbutpo ploy;
mi parcel of isod !Beate In the toireship Of Bt doss!•
ter In Santee:fume C, entry, od ••••,4, Ile ttniletleset . k.
hbande end desoload allnis. I o sit: Off fliegoner
by lands of Jobs 6 Tao-bell. en the test ace me th If • e
Public • IghwnYealnd 'an Ito sett by lane, Of kills:
tieektot and oth e r
lahi's of F. A . Foontillett. (Intel/Hip
about 7 acres, be the tame ire re or I.e. with the ergo • •
tens- ass. One barn and ell ImUrored (Belted and fel
an In excretion at the rclien Dead. Watroce &
v. F. A. Feepeueen.l
ALeo—All that certain piece or peoref of load fine.'
re In the ton mobil, Pp; .naville in eurptiftlideitiptin 1 0
and State of Penns) ;mule, bottler,' and dracylbed 41' follow*: 0 the north by the palate hill way. on IL. ,
east by land. of Onin Piltrbere. on the vote by I.
Sf Orrin Pritchard and on the west by lingo ern. Nit
herman, containing aboot Starr.. more or lea., col 1/'
the appurtenances. toe frame hon.. cum e. fa Irr,
fruit Ire.. end el• imposed. (Taken la execuiloo .
the 'anat./oho N. Yount. to, of Ismael Sheip v.
William D Sweet and F. kit. aim.
ALSO—AiI dad err... I iron or perret of land Or -
ate In the tniebehlp el' Jen.p in the county of Snip •
hatiPened State of Pentatylr. nla• hounded and& wit
rd as On the north, and wart by lani
of T. J. Beg., and on On east by lands of b.:Menai:-
Bolles. containing about Irrg aro • of I ltd, moor or 111. •
with the appurtenances. unedwelllng hoime, Ise
tort saw mill, elder mill, *till tiro.. /*maw ' , hop. sad bort
• hon.^. ImOtoe'al 1Te1... in •serail. at the eelt
D. 0. Bedell signed Y. Fan nett. Depot, vi . Crone C.
'; A L . :5V— in that certnin [Ara, or panel or land ado.:
, ate in the tow - M.olp or No. Milford. ihe county set
80.q...b0b00 and mete od PeonsylTsfila. hounded Ord , *
described an follows : On the math by lands of Clint?. gi
Brush, on the not by the publle hisberae, oe the near
uidt of H Struble. and on ins ert by mod/ •
Cortnti Co and H. Kenyon. containing about Id Ben."
be the en e more or jet. with the mipprtenaticestat:
fez.: • fr., fret trees, and portly lteproired.•
•• ntlen et the suit m J. B. button 0.,
Ralph Strable.] . • .
6‘...1U-11.1 us. 'certain plate or tetterrof land Srfor
AutoUnwind:llp of lierfurd In simognehanne .
Peuneyternia. bounded 'lna dercribed ea f
lowa. to sit: On the north by erde of Willard
wood. °tribe east by lard. of Pott• T. on the with.
by lanes of L iris. and on the west by lands cc •
Imeld Van Blibthltk. tto.talnlno about CO acre.. he
, same more or less, with lie appurtenances, end fierce
hens,. Daze been. tarn honse.und otter ant bolfdln.. A
a email oreberd, and mostly Improved. (Patted
; Mitre by virtue f suedry writs at the salt of letiban.
• Oakley. asoipea to B. L. Baldwin ie.. J. n.Lewle.l
• ALBO—AII that certain piece or parcel of laud initiate.
In the tam web. of IA nue, in . 15orOlirbODOS Connie
Prima., hounded and di settle des fellows, fo wit C. -
the north by hinds occupied be Penn. Truesdell. e o
the eliet by lands'ot er and Peter Lei*.
.Ab the *Oath lir badge of Marvin Raker and John.. is '
Cook; end onghe west by land. of Chapman Raiding
i and Jame. Claiknori.cOntainrag &dont tun cum snore
tar In,, With the appnhetaue s,oatf hate bon*. bar •
and other oat house., e }emit artilerd. and ,bat it ,
acre. Improved. brillig :Ur east,, place orSareel °bat&
contracted to Frederick it lbain by D. ." •.-
100 -
vd and taken In et, t011,,a et the molt of D. C
Holmes vi. Frederick Wile.
i ALSO—AII th e certain piece or parerlol ttlXielthst•
In tee township of Liberty. tbiagnehenna talent, at
Orate of Perinellunta , hetu.di d and described at
Iowa: On the tooth by lands of Spencer Late. on tl •
; west by bolos of S. C. Warner, on the north by
of Joseph Bailee and op the 4.: by lards of Blehaio
Banyend P, o.l:nee. conteiniug *bent Itigetea,b ti ;
lame more or le.„ with the Brim :22:11111 . .. one It 11.:
some holt tree., and ell improved. Almalltbst
, piece or lot of Lied .11 tritely. In the above describe
piece, bounded as folloWeTi On the am t
thy, lanes i
Jogeph Belief •on the eart by• MIMI , Odd the all
Andrew Warner • on the earth Ite-Lnfds of „. D. Stn.. ,
ford. and on the went by lands of Harty fronkropt.•
' telling about dams: =imp. oved. ' [Salted and:lsl
• In execution at the eultof D.C. /Dedham vt.atart re
'Werner.l • • ,
ALSO—AII that certain piece nr tater r sal lord slthr r.
the town.blp of Letiot.p o th•NtihajitAf : ntgagtefzis •••
by lands of.77 ' ;riaig'l 31c , art r. on the cart b ] , er-
B ?twin Decrier 21 d dela; tinek:on diem:tin by !thee -
of *mi.. Wright. and on 11,0 n't it by lands of elle-
Mem. and r. Marcy. cOrftinln Ho, acne .
Inne.lie the ea.. mere or ices •il thr ayptulenaocer.
one trams bowe and atlt.builil i,gh an. orchard Sr. •
mostly Improe.l. "Taken m execallun at ,the motif.
0. F.'llnuther ea. ft.
A Lbti-i-A II that certain piece or parcel offend Ohm: it ,
in the townehtp of Binh. In the V. only of Os V. •
banna sad state Of Peublyiranla,.bounded end See
e. awe ea foliose, to wit On the nor; bby lea dg. '
Henry Verbrack and H. IS Cray. fee eas t~v lande
H. H. Oreay end Aesop Piaci., on the !oath 24 lance -• 1
N. H. Snyder and Ptilandcr Frpper and on the neays, .
lends of William L. Vaughn.-Denote Canner'', wax.
end A D. W. Granger. containing about no acre, i • .
tbe ammo more or lea., lOgethar _with thaw:nett:anti .
7 dwelling hon... d bernasami other outbuildings. Ist.
o•y, hard. and &barn 1150.4c0n Imprinted.. [Taken la ex.
rancid at the nulls hi Mien Moyne, en, C. Flemmerfe• ,
13 . A Lathrop, n.e of Atienlarne. ve. C. Flamonertio.
and N. di B H. Willa:ivy, C.-.Plntututafelt end C. 3'.
'miler, use of Stark Biller' and Dewitt Ira. C. Summer
frit.l .
ALSO-Ali that tiertatn pieta we parcel allot:0811MP; a' '
to the twanch p of Auburn. Comity of .Susonetutur
mid Stain of Penuesleatita. - hr timbal and deadbeat i a
tolloet a, to wit : On the north. by land. of J.ll. Piny:' •
Ind Dot id Waub, on the eart - by land, of 'John B. Plan.. ,-
ou the taut, 1.1- oublie binlaway. Mid' on the west ' y; '
Mud. of Joe:ebllcrentrtl. dredts'oiste...abort 90 sort a f
laud ho the some rhore - or ler. e'lth the appottenamt • t
n dwelling bole., sue horn; Ma onitard..ared it,To4 -
O acrwi Impuottof, (Taken to otzertalcn at ttin etdt et ~
W. J, A S. H. Medford. saeirred to 8. S. Mulford ye,
Jot aM. Frani:lllo - ~ : o
ALSO-All that certain nigh , cfe parcel of land .10 f
mate to the township Of 'Titriettib'. th, the Onto', eel
Sn•qurbatam mid Casio of Promyoanit, boreodacargy
doecnbrd no halloo e. to van : tat the north- by hisrlea
of Ulu:rite Pentao and Manning Perrino. et; • the el.. "1"
by of her lands of NV, IL page ; on the loath by lands .3 . -
E. N Seam mantatnina set in CD acres. with - tbe.appri • :
tonal cis. ant old frutne.honse. barn and corn hones.: et'
orcleird, and till Improved (Seized sad taken in eat/
env ton at the milt of E 5: Kett re. W. B. Culver.] .
ALSO-All these f•mr phar• or: parre.e . of ' tatdilr • -
note hnooded, and d. 'nibs:l so follows, to-wit: • The - - -
dist prate shoran In the towurblp of Broolagn. hi te'.
Counts of Sneimehasna and Sole of Pennoylvai. Pr a
In.unded on do north by) . Jot -d of _Joe eph• ()alley, est%
the rant by land of Joh:, Sultionn. - Peter Ifertlnter.,..
Tiffany & Cramer and ---. Matern. on the math lat.'
other lands or W. R. Page. and on th e West by lands. ft,
Fleury Tewksbury mid .1 - . 11. 'Pogo, rentalotog about 1111_,:t
acres will. thu opporteasocee one dweltlag boon, 7 t
barns and other urn lnilid•ort, on orchard, and stint 1 4
liXt scree Improved. - The est one piece or portal sirasto , '
I. the tos?or al pa of 6 1 600k1, 0 and lllttn`d• In ins Coon, --
' ty and Slate efereratd, bounded on the north by other.
lands of W. R, P*re. *litho east by tits D. 1.. & W. h.'
H.. on the moth by land* of E. B. Goodrich. and" er
the wttst by Invade of JotrnTerrksbumeonialnlogabore
111 acme, more or hen. with. the , myynrenapattr. re or- - ;
chard. and Moot At: scar improettl. The !Mgt piece re •
paid shunt. to the township. of Dreelitytt. Co '
and State aforesaid, hounded on pie moth by his dot f . ,
Charles Prreyo and Manning. Perrtstf. - on the east h.e .
nCher lands of W. Ji. -rue: entitle' tooth by. lands i r- •
Charles Wilitatrireaud ota the west o,r lands of S. WI:- '-
non. containing shout Cu acres. withlbo apportenana:-
CM. one all dlrame. Moo, barn and eons house, an or- t"
chard. and ali Improved, 'I he fourth plea or poet a
altuare In thelownanip of Bronklot. County and .3tafsSt.
aft:owed, bounded on the n..rth • by, lands ofshfantdorta
Purist. on the etat be lands of Charles Goode. h e”.l
- on the south by lands et %Melo Dailey •
end.ein tb. Wert se tendon( Charles Williams Mtn Mbar
laudgef, W. R. Page. CODUITUInn about 101facres Orland •
be the cartes more or len, to ether with the apptlllersl•
antes. one Crams downing house, fame Want andtother ,
out Mindoro:. tome fruit treors. - audrahoutfiCalles - Ida - f -
• prterd. perked end taken Its ravel:dinar at' throb It rap.
Geomer., P. Little, Adner of Tomei L. tbsenbetitzbos. W. .
'R. rage. Daniel Sitt•••llnm so. W R. Togo -*ad W. J.;,:
Maher. no. of M. V. Fisher, aarliktd to /...LiPhrep as. . -
W,ll - Page 1- = ''t--'- • • ' ' ' ' , 4
.... •
ALSO-All that certatri plitei to parcel of-land elf , ,••-t
, nye In thelownsblp Of Eridgewiter. in the, Centity of t.
sugnehaline aud mate of Penneyienots: hooded sort '
dereribed as follow*. to alt : On rite tcolthyirnds of, -- -,
, M. Mott, on the oast by pnbile hletiway..on'thheouth
by tootle or Lorenzo and 1111117 Feeektsod oweber,lseta •
by Inidt of Abel Pstilek oral J(kteptiPpatildlng. tori--- ~.
tato In: I,E ficres of land,' he the a:memo,* ar lio. tree
I gather with the apporrenaucar., one 'Mons dwelitt; .at ~
Iman. ban or shed, tom. fruit treeoand alfteoprtord. a .
Ale.: all that other pietas or parcel o f land -411nale in
the township of Pridoewsrer In the-Cm:Mr 0f.e... t • -
onehanna and State of Peoitsylvante ' b. muted at. • ,
edeeriberlese follows , to
Core ra d bit.7l4: waters of Jones'. late. (so .Calltd)sn
'oho not-by :atilt of .T. E. Carnal,, en - Ih* *cloth ha •-'
patio h%laway. - nun on the by erode - of aillel;4..
Pottlit, cnutittnior 'about 4E sores a( Ortru.-110'ibe •
*Arne more ere lone, II lilt.the a pinotenencir she Or re o''.
bonne., frame ham. wimp fruit area.. sod ad Orillatie4 ..-- '
(Seized and liken to exemilion *Trite:mit el A Laltr*.t ,
assteted to bm
ob 1.,: littain. Beira & Colltin.assidi .
ed an Sarah L. McCain. or. Ilcnry b. Bowan.]
- AL:au...An those two, ploy* of land along.: to ihr:
towoehip ef LS:orig. in the- Connry of Suripottsnoa a .
end crate of Pehnsyleaula. bounded and de:tithed n'
- rullostaro wit: -On the north by - paeW hichway. Co :
binds of flOtta. so the east - by load. of Jinn, . ., on the torah by killdeer B: C. Delaruatter ': -
end on thew. et by landisofalcaudtilln for corer
mlnlttg ther'res%f land. mare or . her, In log a
a .60 acre Mt Mod
Moody warned by Jo s gig E. We ter.-. a • ,
The Mini piece of land brainningsrn stake - mad *totter .' •
the pairlikart turner of 'rat 'LW: „Thence :Math Ores
orol s half degrees we/TIMM:IIIAm pitrohm.fai a cor d . t,:
Maitre north eighty t en Maio half degTeLl SIR". 11101),.. . .
'one and tkine4nOntll/1101.60,• In 0 nvinnpAnnpen aunt. - :
throb and a half derreet 'tat thirly•oind Tenho' to a .'
runnel'. tlinnen rotaL eighty-dept d a h a lf dome.. net
alutr-nnoldatthreaTsurfb parches to thereto et het , '
fribuitio. tuutainteg It arra. of laud. *MO MI lieS.Ses . ,:'
mg Ihr north end of a 1111 tore lot formorty- owned bg r
'l,yggaielinatrnue, together wlth the ca .
Main, le ore fr. 41- lift . r It. Ir• Lod. snd abonb•ah ,
tors. - linviiltad. ,fraiwaral 'lXel 011c0 or the ~t,l .4, -
4%11 i . ir ' i... W "t; Pa 4rialet i s.4 !,,At.4l)-7cutteu..- Iry
Take Notice .- All hide Vititail Oi Otaaf4f on lb* ea?✓•
of .ake.
4 Ant,
sLatri ocevagaskrose. Ihirew r
lig 13.1 i r