THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Services The services in the several Churehesof Mont 'rose are as follow: B \MIST Cif tfIICII. nal". J. IL Camino= D. D. Venter. ....hhath ServlceP 101( a. m. and 7 p.m. Sabblth School 11 Us. lo r pyer Ilet.o.g. %Vett:lmlay Evenlag. " ".4 , 21TIICILTC! curincn Roe P. 3. MOnorfr .onnth Seveleen Sal and Zri Songlike In encb month P:abltras Sell w.l Immediately before Moss .. Re•. Geo. U. Kirkland. 10X a. ca. end 71.1 p. m. 111 P. m. KrISCOPAL 17111. - RCII :ddbtatn tien - leed anddr School.. ...... Serdlecer—Wedneddayd .7tay. W. J. Join) 1u.43 a. n). and 7.3)p. m. '7 m. 730 p.m FTIIODIST EPISCOPAL s.tihiith Service.. . . k nhath ...... 'Prayer Meeting% Thumlay.. net. J. 11 lituiss. 10.45 L pa. sod IN P. M. 12.15 p. cn, P... CSBYTH.RIAN C 11171201 Servicee .anhatb Sehool )Iretlng, Thnrwlar Evening.. Winter Arrangement of Malls IMIEMEMI T onl; Nu:mock, EIMEZEI 41antrove Ilepnt, !Pally.) nnOpm 691 am Milford. IS OU m I ?alp as Vevaladim. lUatly.l. . ..... 945 am Yoolf fa trl free4ly.l noOpm m a / a m "Iklla Itlat.nn, 11T1 .) 71Yin m 911 am sm d lednion tea S. Lai,. rtrl arekly).. COO pld 7OS p m 4!,lioppen. trl 44, vkly .1. . _lOOO am 400 p 111 Th. SeFv York. (rid Mnlitrnee Flepot.)NClT Itlttord. klonnock /lad 44yalm.ind a., daily, .!!,. rnnklm Station mall runs TueefLaya, Tbaredaya, nv , sat ardays. ttinghrtnatnn mall, irla Silver Lake,) tune Tues.• , • Thntadaya. and Satnrday•. F mail moo Taeedlre, Thorfdare.and Sat rrinv* M., barmen mall rare Mondays, Wedne.dayr, and f !Fp, I=l •-i,_c leave' , daily for Montroee Depot at 1 m.. nod At a p m lenvmn dnitr for Nc-tv 3111fora at :00 a. m : I—turne nt 0 Sp. tn. P. C. FORDIIAM. P. M. 1.10 of New Advertlgoments, To Whnn It May Concern--Supervisors of :“r Lake. A.l In ini.t ratites Notice—estate of Bridget Alone To All Whom it Mar Concern—Supervisors itriat Bend Township. Notice in Bnnkruptcv—estate of S. F. Lane. Entertainment—Blind Tom. .% True Balsam. tvalry l'owdersi. To the .Itllktetl. \ ore* About Tou - n. I )isappeared—the snow. W.. a (alder what has become or "Waif" \,•t nitich Om,: for Town notes this week tir,t day of Spring was spring -like in A r.,:val is in pro i Tess at tlit• Zion (colored) lin!, L. 1 , 1, time tar last pears maple sugar p•r in market? Tim• i+ and if your cross be Airy, re ,. r youlluve not fur to elm' it. \ entlieinus per on says that cotton sheets and niii•r slievlA are alike in the relipeet that a C . , nt ninny rvople lie in them it, I the communiration of 11. M.. Stone ne • !lie Wyoming and Sullivan Railroad, tug L %, ill be found on our first page. eNcht,nge sn3 Q, "keep ^ n eye out for the I , y rt Impt ion of payment." B.ttb of our eyes :thetu'ly rut and vo arc our elbows. The renowned negro pianist, "Blind Tom," rice a ennenn at the Court louse, in Mont- Monday evening, 'March IGth. Read ad .rte.ement in another column. WAtor who speaks wish the air of a man lisenreref! a new bet says that the new re t , prevent bleeding. at the nose. is to keep "It on,e roit or other people's business. Her W. 13. Westlake, the sweet singer, will r. ~.11 in the H. E. Church in this place next Iv lay morning, and the Sunday School ,he afternoon. He will also sing some select is on both occislons All arc invited_ The History of the °liars Trial is ready for It contains an Abstract of proceedings, , edict of the Jury, History of the Case, De- P , lnnts' Points, Charge of the Court, SpectE ,tions of Errors, Argument for Plaintiffs' in :rmr, and thc , 4111 notes of evidence by the , nett. The pri is forty cents. It will be sent mail on receipt of price and three cents for ;Su notice will be taken of any order the cash accompanies it. Death of Judge BlettardL, Hon. 1. D. Richards, Recorder of the 3111 Yor' 8 of the city of Carbondale, died at his ets- L•nce on Monday, the 16 ult. Ile took his 'nee npon the bench at two o'clock, but was taken with heinorrage of the lungs, and :.ken to his residence, where he died in about a,. hours. Ills funeral was attended at Car .,,adale on Wednesday by a large number of rends and relatires, business being generally ..u.ler.ded and stores closed. s Compealtlain. M K-su s EDITORS :-111C/0501 Re Bead a COM -I..bit:,kn written by a six year old trirL if you Ilimk It deserving a place in your columns, in ..rt it : not have to get deffinitions I have them ow to get. I to read and spell the deffinitiona. Lave not wrote none letter since 'summer be .r.- la,t, and that was to my cousin and she rote back to me. We have had nine eats we ,a , e now hut one cat, she bad wine kittens we on tLeat in a stocking acid drowned them and Coated down the stream. we have lost our e expect he wan poisoned. New 31ilfur1, Pa., Pell, 20th, 1874. TOM Great 'lend. iJrratly surprised were tee, upon looking over I . : le items contributed by "Occasional" for the 7 , ,,u0.,a o o f a rew numbers back, to And that , r-re .11t1 eist within the vicinity of our town, one ,e 0 'narrowly eentraeted, with so little • loner of bean, as not to allow a couple of .•tgli load* of Ladies to pass out of town tot a pleasure," without there having lurked Chia tbent,so much selfishness as to base sug t,at the clause 'a couple sled loads of 'old , -,en . went to Binghamton," Not that any party would have objected to baying ralkai "Old women," as in olden times this :.,iatiou would bate-its prottabilitV certain degree of dignity and venerable- But being of a progressive age, and not rving to be deemed toe/ "ottl fashioned," we out otter in "substitution that &couple of sleigh of ladles did r to Binghtunton few a ride, I. dinner at the Spaulding lid Ute, returned Great Bend..aniving at their tromcs hi nine his rid,. we believe is intended to tetlOdetaf oal affair, It is the wishes of those whO participated this year, to increase the number at another anniversary,bringing all together the a sociable time. We hope the supply of sleighs will equal the demand, and we would suggest that they be strong, even if rough in exterior,aa we are convinced that the inmates of the sleigh which broke down, do not wish again to risk their lives on weak runners, notwithstanding having proven themselves equal to any emer gencies. Even their age, not having interferred in the least, with the agility displayed while lib• crating themselves Irons the broken sleigh. Gt. Bend Village, March, 1874. What le the Wetter With Jackson I We see by the returns of the late township election in Jackson, that the whole Democratic ticket is elected, except clerk which is a tie.— What does this mean in Radical Jackson, when the usual Republican majority is 125. We can see one reason, undoubtedly, and that is in the character of the men elected. They have adop ted the true rule which is not only to advocate true Democratic principles, bnt also to put men forward for office who will early them out. Let Democrats everywhere do the same. Wa Mae to a:plata. M. Jones in a letter to the editor of the Repubtiuga, in his last issue, says we misquoted his famous speech on the Usury swindle in our issue of the 18th ult. That he made a speech indavor of the Shvlocks, which took him ten minutia to deliver, and that be should have made it longer if the rules of the House had not limited him to that time. We copied our report certkEtim from a radical paper, and as we did not hear the orator deliver it, we had no other means of knowing but that it was correct. But we arc glad of the opportunity of giving 31r. Jones the benefit of all the correction that should be made. His printed imecch in the fte publiron did not startle us, for we saw that these members of the Legislature were aping Con gross in a "Credit 3lobilier" scheme, and as it is a notorious tact that, for the sum of five dol lars, hundreds of speeches have been printed in Legislative records for outside show, when, for "want of time," only reference to the points touched upon and perhaps not even that, ever was beard in the Legislative Halts, therefore we took it easy. As 31r. Jones wishes still farther to advertise his base misrepresentation, and be trayal of his constituents, as their servant, on a question of positive instruction by, and vital import to them, we hasten to give him the ben efit of our columns, and are willing that he should he considered the originator of all the grandillogous eloquence and masterly rhetoric which his printed speech contains. Arriret. Impart,. 71.Vpm 11.6 pm • Terrible Death It would seem that Honesdale is fated to be the scene of periodically shocking accidents.— The painful deaths of one are scarcely printed before we are compelled to record the occur rence of another still more sickening In its par ticulars. One of the saddest affairs of this na ture that I has ever been our duty to chronicle occurred at the planing mill of W. H. Ham on Monday afternoon last. John Schnell, in old man long in the employ of Mr. Hum, was work ing at one of the circular saws in the mill. The belt roaring the saw got off the pally, which is I attached to a shaft beneath the floor, Mr. I Schnell went below to arrange the belt on the pulley. In doing so he was obliged to get In a stoopingposition under the shalt Projecting M in the latter is a screw bolt, two inches or so in length. As Mr. Schnell stooped down, this bolt revolving with the shaft caught in the back of his coat, near the collar. The cloth being very strong, it did nut give way, and the unfor tunate meat was immediately whirled swiftly I around with the shaft. The space between the shaft and the floor being but two feet, at every revolution he was brought in contact with the floor, with such forte as to be heard throughout the mill. A boy who was grinding an axe down stairs saw the terrible situation of Mr. Schnell and hastened to stop the machinery. Before it was stopped, however, he had been carried ' around several times; and when extricated was found to be shockingly mangled, and of course senseless. His feet was literally torn off at the r ankles, and he was bruised and broken badly in various places. The poor man was taken to ' his home near by, and Dr. Brady summoned Medical or surgical skill could be of no avail, however, and after breathing a short time, and .'once endeavoring to speak, death closed the ne. \The deceazed was about 60 years of age, and MU universally known and respected. He leaves a widow and two children. His life was insured for sl,ooo.—llona sole Herald Thin Strike on the Erie A strike among the brakemen of the Erie 'Railway was begun on Tuesday morning last on account of the company taking off one man from each train, and also for an increase from $1 88 to $2 00 per day. The strike extended over the Susquehanna and Western Divisions The trackman also turned in the strike on ac count of the redaction of their wages from $1 GO to $1 30 and the company ettarging them $2 a month rent for ground on which their shanties stand. As fast as the trains reached the end of the divisions they were deserted by the brakentoen and lett to be taken care of by the conductors. Trains No. 8 and 2 the only passenger trams which went east on Tuesday were menaced by freight train conductors whose trains had been abandoned. No trains whatever were run east of this place on Wednesday except No. 12, which was nfinwed to leave with a mail car, a baggage-ear and a passenger car, and the latter only because there was a corpse with mourners aboard. Train No. 6 Tuesday evening and io l Wed nesday had hard work to get through this place on account of the large number of brakemen congregated here who delayed them by uncoup- ling the care and setting the brakes, etc. No. 5 went no further west than this place Wednes day evening. Train No. 9 westward bound with tiee-President Jim C. Clark on board which arrived here about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning, was boarded by brakemen and not al lowed to proceed until Mr. Clark came out and talked to them, saying that Use mattershould be immediately and satisfactorily adjusted, and asked them all to get on and go to Ronellsville with him and they would arrange things at once. To this they complied and the train was allowed to proceed. When near Corning it was thrown from the track by some person taking out a rail and so consequence was delayed serer al hours. Early Throaday'roorning It was proclaimed along the lice by telegraph that the company had acceded to the demands of tho brakemen and trackmen ; the termer are to receive 41200 per day and the man taken from each train to be replaced. The trackmen am to receive their original wages es preYloes to their reduction, and to occupy the land on which the houses stand, rent free Business was again resumed on the road and trains began on Tburidny to hol On theft tegu• lar tints. The strike has been of but short duratlOn but plenty lens encnigh to 'aerintly dtatonenode triany'leindreibrof people" and dam mueb bola to the compattlit—Surgueltanna JournaL MlOno* or Etepresonlatires. Hannutormo,Feh. 2&—The House met at 10 o'clock, a. m. A communication was read Rom Emil Mann, of Prussia, asking for Information concerning the charter of the Philadelphia University. He had received the prefix of' doctor from the insti tution for a consideration, and had been inform- ed that the charter had been taken front it and that he mast drop his title. On motion of Mr. Foster a committee of three was appointed. A lama number of remonstrances against the repeal of the local option law were presented ; also a number of petitions in favor of repeal. Mr. Worrell offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the State Printer be instructed to print five thousand copies of the evidence and report of the committee on the matter of the investigation of the Saunders-Olbbons scandal. Mr. McCreary called attention to an article in the 31orcraose DEMI:WHAT severely reflecting on the committee of investigation on the alleg ed attempt to swindle the banks and members who voted for the Interest bill. Ile denounced the attacks as malicious and libelous, and asked that the House place its seal of condemnation nn them. The article was read. Mr. Little denounced the article as an infa mous libel, and said the members of the Legis lature shduld be protected from the insults of such a demagogue. Mr. Ramey thought it was high tim e that the condemnation of the House should be placed on persons who abuse the privileges of the floor In this wanner, if such a person wrote the article. Mr. Orvis said: On behalf of the committee I will say that the report which will he submit. ted at an early day will of itself furnish a full vindication of its members frau any allegation that the investigation has not been full,thorough and in good faith. In explanation of the. TllO - of the writer of the article, I rill state that the editor of that paper was a candidate at the last election for the office of Representative.— Ile was anxious to he one of us, but the good people of his district thought him unlit and sent a better man ; hence his spleen. Mr. Butterfield said the gentleman front Cen tre has given us the key note to the motives of the writer of that article. He is one of the ' class who is always in the market and w ho can probably be purchased for any price from ten dollars to sixty-two and a halt cents. He is a fair sample of the class which n distinguished member of congress from Massachusetts so apt ly styled "the forty-lack-ass wind power of the country." Remarks on the subject were made by Messrs. Jones, Young, Beiges, Wolfe and Allen, of %Vele m. Mr. Webb offered the following resolution, which was adopted : litoolved, That the proceedings of this Rouse, on tionse bill No. tB, relating to the repeal of the usury laws, and the remarks thereon, he printed with the report of the special eornmit tee now inquiring Into the Gibbons—Saunders swindle. Mr. Allen, of Dauphin, offered a hill fixing the compensation 01 members of the Legislature at $1,500 for each regular session of one bandnxl days, and $lO per diem f o r all time of a session over one hundred days, and for each adjourned or special session. s The above to be in lieu of all other allowances for salary and mileage. He also fixes the members' duties and compensation of °Meets and employ - tw of the Legislate re. The Speaker today signed the writ ordering a new election in the Legislative district of Wayne and Pike, to nil the vmmoney occasioned by the resignation of W. H. Dimmick, Elec tion to be bald 'March 24tb next. A large number of bills were reported from committees. Among those favorably Mr. Cressler's bill providing fur the license of houses of ill-fame. The General Appropriation bill was also at firmatively reported. The Rouse adjourned until Monday atttanoon at 2 o'clock. Business Locals A TILL YE B►vun Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is truly a balsam. It contains the balsamic principle of the Wild Cherry, the balsamic properties of tar and of pine, its Ingredients are ell balsamic. Coughs, colds, sore throats, brunch itis, and trop sumption speedily disappear under its balsamic Influence. The last Quarterly meeting of this erclesias. ties' year, will be held in Fairdale for this cif , malt, by Rev. W. Judd of Montrose, on the 14 and 15 of March 1874 Preaching on Saturday at 2 p. m., and on Sunday a. m. at the close of the Lovereast, which will commence at 9 o'clock. The public is eantestly invited. E. W. Bnactustuuma, Pastor. Somewhere In the borough of Montrose, he. tween Burns it Nichols' drug store and Zipron Cobb's dwelling, si fur cape. Any one finding the same and retuning it to Z. Coalmen store in Montrose, or informing 'here it muy found, will be suitably rewarded. Montrose, Feb.2so, 1874.. probably a hundred or mere per sons in thin and neighboring towns, who dad) suffer from the distressing efforts of kidney troubles, who do not know that Johnson's An odyne Liniment is almost n certain cure. In se vere eases, great relief may be obtained, it not a perfect Mire- We notice that the Agricultural. pipers all over the country recommend the use of Sheri. don's Cavalry Condition Powders.—Erehange. Farmers and others in this to.rtion have lung known and apple:elated the advantage of these powders over all others. To TIIE AFFLICTED Dr. W. S. Peck. of Binghamton, N. Y.,will be at the Tarbell House, in 3iontrose, on Tuts day, March 10th, where he will be prepared to wait nn all that may desire his Medical aid. He makes chronic disuses a specialty. The Doc tor's practice is peculiar to himself. He treats with Animal Magnetism, or with Nature's Rem. edies, as the case may demand. He claims not to know all things, nor cure everbody ; but claims to cure all curable diesaes, and in less time than by any other mode of practice. Many is the case that he tuts restored that has baffled the skill or the best practitioners fur years, and that had given op all hope. He has hundreds of certilficates 01 curet that can be seen Oy calling at his office. No one should stay 'wax on account of pecuniary circum• stances. tarConsultatinn ffee. March 4; 1874.-1 w. ISULARTA. The decayed and decaying vegetation of new ly serried lands, when damp, exhale a miasmatic poison, which, absorbed through the longs into the blood, causes the intermittent fevers and 'mired diseases, which prevail In our Western Suites area Territott& But this great scourge cf our rich alluvial bottoMaitt the West, is now robbed of its sting. Dont. Ayer has discovered an antidote which effectually neutralizes its vea -1 am; has combined it ha a remedy—"Antiell Anus Cc:nue—which racely, or, as some of our neighbors asy, never fails. it is reliable both Mr prevention and cum. With it, men may live with complete immunity from the malig neat effluvia:which has hitherto rendered mow localities almost uninhabitable. Those suffer fog from Cause and FEVER may find in it Im mediate relict, and those exposed will find sure 'protection from attack, by Inking it In swan quantities as a preventive,--/Z,Demaeror. phimPULETS CONtAItISO O'Mara Murder Trial, FOII SAGE .47 THIS OFFICE: ibX4II.VI.I=LIELGFZIEI. TirTerry—GoooEs—ln Brooklyn, Pa., Feb. 18th, 1874, by Rev. J. Underwood, Owen L Tiffany to Jllnnie 0. Gooden, both of Brooklyn. 011800111 , -HENSTOCK-111 Montrose, Feb. 23d, by 8ev..1. G. Miller, Mr. Daniel Gregory, of Altoona, lowa, to Mrs. Grace lionstock, of Bridgewater. Pcrrren—l?.ountsis—At the residence of the bride's parents, )larch .9.d, by Rev. J. G. Miller Mr. Clark E. Potter and Mica Mary E. Robbins both of Bridgewater. CooswELL—TvwKannne—ln Brooklyn, Pa., February Bth, by Rev. J. Underwood, Prof H. E. Cogswell to Miss E. Dorn Tewksbury, both of Brooklyn, Pa. LATIIROP-LEMON-At the parsonage, in Auburn, February 18th, 1874. by Bev. Silas Barney, Mr Dyer Lathrop to Miss Ursula Lem on, both of Auburn, Pa. OLstarean—NEwTos—ln Springville, on the 18th, tilt., by Rev. lloWitt C. Olmstead, Mr. Jas. Olmstead, of Windham, Pa., to Miss Emi ly Newton, of Springville, Pa. DECKER-RIDGEWAY-At the residence of Elias Decker, in Lenoxville, February 2iStit, 1874, by Item. J. 11. Green, Mr. Charles L. Deck er to Miss Mlle Ridgeway, both of Lenox, Pa.. BUTTF.HVIELII-1101,LIST1311 - ---111011310Ck,Feb. IGtb, 18:4, at the home of the bride's parent., by Het , . J G. Miller, Jerome F. Butterfield, of Bridgewater, and Frank F. Hollister, of Dim ock. X:)1713.T58. et,ari.lN--lu Gibson. February 20th, 1874, Mr. Eliza Clailiu, aged 65 years. LATIIROr -IA Dlmoek, February 23d, 1874, Mr. Austin H. Lathrop, aged GO years. Cn‘vErt—in Brooklyn, Wednesday, at 7 , clock a tr., February 2,7ith 1874, WUhaul Cra ver, ageil 51 years, anti 9 months. WEr.cri-1n Bridgewater, Fehruaryt2d. 1874 Miranda A. Welch, wife of L. W. Welch, aged 46 years, 11 months, and 19 days. licyaot.ns.,ln Montrose, May 18th, 1872, Eliza lteynolds, wife of Reuben Reynolds, aged 72 years, I crionth,and 27 days. Decke.n—ln New 31.11fard township,February 21st, 1874, Ilelen, wife of Wm. Nelson Decker, aged 33 years, 10 months, and 23 days. Raymot.ns—At hill 8;1% residence, in South Bridgewater, Susquehann'a county, Pa., Febru ary 23d, 1874, Reuben Reynolds, aged e 4 years, 3 months, and 19 days. Mr. Reynolds, was one of the early settlers Of Susquehanna county, having come here when a young man, and lived in the county until his death. He was respected by all who knew him . as an honest and conscientious neighbor, ever yready to do a kindness or accommodate any of his fellow men. None knew him but to love him. Commission lEterchants JAMES M. ROWAN, Cfcraxi.lx:Liete3l.ort ZVEarcalmairLt BUTTER. ('(IEEE, EGGS. rouL, TRY, A Y D VEAL CALVES, 77 Doy St., New York nol Kited nna returns made Inant.alate ly ip on *ale of good.. lieud (ea. nhipplng cards and .ten l. 11eferetwea: N•• lona' Park Book of Sew York. North Hirer Rank of Now York. tinr,en atonal Ronk of Now York, Lon Rank of larooklyri, N. Y. Pet). IL The Elareets New Torii Produce Market. Herewted beery Week Expressly for THE norCno.E Dethwnar by Week!. Server. Pnaintv Commis. plea Merchant... S 6 Whitehall Street. New York. Berrsa—Firkins, N. Y,N.d . d' Pa..... 40 fa 41 P.ll. •• •• Crumt—State Factory. fine to fliney . .16}4 Cr,l7 Stets P tiry. common to fair ....10 O. 14 Loos—Ottate and Pennests.l. _24 kis 24 Western, prime • 84 ct, ()ILIA—C.4T qs 94 Itye, 1 OS eIS ISO OA Ts —at "Le 5$ CS 03 li.T D STRAW—flay. per 100 lb. 105 ® llO Straw, " Rye f St) 90 9.1 0, 90 Por...ror —Chickens, State, prim. Q) 14 Turkeys, " " ..... 1,4 14 Centaur Ltnament There Is no pain which the Centaur Unimente will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue, and no lameness which they will not cure. Dula lostrong Language, hot it Is true. They have _ produced more cores of rhenmatiam, nenruleta.lock,law,palsy.sprains,swei tXling.,caked breasts. scalds, burns, nit rheum, ear-trite. &e., upon the human (rune, and of strains, specie, galls, ito., upon •nlmala In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. They are counter -!rritant, all-healing pain re. Ilevers. Cripples throw away th. It crutches, the lame walk, poison.. bites ore rendered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a seer. The recipe tenet,. lished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever sold before, because they deject what they pretend to do. 'Those who now auffer from rheumatism, pain, or swelling deserve to suffer If they will not ewe Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. More than limn cereidentee of remarkable cures, Including framed limbs, chronic CheuMattattl, gone, running tamers, te_, have been re ceived. We till pearl a circular containing certificates, the recipe, to.„ gratin, to any one requesting It. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth one hundred duller. for spavined or ow...ailed hones and Mlles, or for screw worm In sheep. Stock-owner. —thcaeliniallenO ay. worth your attention. No family ahonid be Wltbont them "White wrapper fmny Yellow wrapper for animal.. Sold by all Drngelste.- 10 cents per bottle: tarp., ditties, $1.04. J. B. Rosa t Co., a 3 Sioadwny, New York. Canted& le more then a anbetitnio for Castor Oil. It N the only tqfs article la existence which le certain to aselmaLstv the rood. regulate the bowels, care wind colic and produce natural sleep. It conVilne neither minerals, morphine or'alcohol. and le pleasant to tan. Children need not cry and mothers mit4t. • xi. X3ICT NAAR. ITT', Would call attention to 61* Now Stock of FALL AND - WINTER GOODS, DLIT 500D2,9 LADIES' DRESS • GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS. WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS. BALMORAL, AND 1100 P SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HAIM WAREIRON,NAI LS, • STEEL, STOVES Alin GROCERIES, ETC. In great variety, and isill be silk! on the tuaat (storable tonne, and low eat Kites. BURIBTT.. New Milford, Jttn. 16th, 18711 STATEPIENM BILL HEADS, LETTER HEAD* ENVELOPE* BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING - CARDS, POSTERS, SALE BILLS, HORSE BILLS, SLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, LABELS, RECEIPTS, 'FAGS, CATALOGUES, NOTEs, PAPER BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CERTIFICATES, BON OS. PATENT DEEDS, NOTES, ETC., ETC., ETC. THE EAGLE HIE ULU.] . , • BURNS SIVLIOLS, PROPRIETORS. Stun og Tim Gorartis /tact. AND Moan,n, 331-14033. Sleek. ilitramoixtr• conic". —O— W.. desire to say to the. public that our store is toll siocktot with Drugs, Medicine., Faints. Oils. Varitlnh, Itro.lis•. Combs. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, proprie tary and patent preparations, and all other a tin/ vs urn ally kept in first claps drug store, 'We guarantee. oar good. genuine sad of the best gnality. and will be sold at fors prkes for twit. liezportlVll) 'Yours . A. It. BLIMP/, Montrose. Feb 20.1 A Muli INT .10 FIRM In Lanesboro. HOBERT & MAIN, bath'g e t e go d anlz..7rf Va P ti l e r ur of Wagolit I _ 1 Masan, FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH. RRPAIRINO IN ANY PART OP THE BEEIDIEES Win receive prompt attimtlort. ROBERT Et BAIN. Lanesbor., Pa.. Oct. 15. 1878.-R. r-gjT r,AGLE k OAL 1 ARD! At Coon's Crossing, (Terminus of Use Montrose Railroad.) rrlae Sesst 'Coal Ever offered in the people of .11outroscandAlcialty. Heylog had Wag experience to the business. the under. slrovriate and dirt' as could b e setleffletio de every d sired. ote. Coil as tree bum et *- ~ J ' ' / PM. Storm, tl 60, ttiesisin: 0. D. EIT.EBSINEI,t CO. Feb. 11, 1e1,1.-tf. V . REcEUOW & BROTECER, General Undertakers DEALERS IN ALL BINDS OF COF FINS, CASKETS, ETC., C 3 ,1=1.3113249.9r 3333DX2211, 14,Nerstaricit ALL °ELDERS PROSIPTLY ATTENDED TO ASSIGNEE'S NvTICE. Michael RIly; of Jessup township, having as, signed nil his estate, real and pers . onahl4YA:lll:' McCollum, in turn, for his creditors, all per sons Indebted to the said Michael Rily, will make payment to said assignee, and those hav ing claims or demands, will make known the same, without delay A. FL, Assignee of Michael Miley Sfontrase Pa., Feh. 25, '74.-3w. CAPTION I / hereby forbid any one harboring or trusting my an, James K. Warner. either on verbal or written on derou au aecorint, as I will pay no debt of his contrac ting. Montrose, Feb. 18th. 1874.—w3. TO ALL TrITON! IT MAT CONCERN! De it known. that the Supervisor* will petition the Legislators to peso the •'net relating to Nada ht Auburn." published to the &public= of rebruery 74th. Or Osman or dertuvusotta. Attest, E. C. Mutts, T. C. - Anburu, Feb. lath, 1874. 1,1011 SALE,—A span of valuable bort.. one man nearly too yaars old. the inner Mock, tiered! eight Residence of Um owner no the Somali:roe:110 rood. South Franklin. I', 0. addrtnia, Montrose Hminchan us Co.. l's. Montrose, Feb. 21, '7.1. tf 'Rorkle , Works J. 11. BAWLS. I G P. BARTPI. n.o. ta...NDow. BINGRAZTON MARBLE WORKS. Inmo=aura rag mtn.l t • 1111111 ES 111105. & BlANDltit' s DEALERS IN AND HANI:FACTUREIIS OF '4ltatiatt & gkmtrican ttaTbito, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, marble and Slate Mantles, • 26 Chenango St.., Near Depot, mit& ISIS. BINGHAMTON. N. Y. BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. AU. RINDS OP. MONUMENTS, iIEADSTONES, AND MARBLE MANTLES, MADE TO ORDEO. Mod, micatia dRANITES on hand. .11. PICKEOCNO & CO.. s. rrnEnntwoo 1.26 Gotta Street, G. W. MERSETtEdI7. a. P. BROWN. 1 Binghamton, N. Y ANNUAL StAtiEMENT INIEMEI RECEIPTS ad EXPENDITURE Susquehanna County For 1823., Nada and Published in Pontotore of en act of Assam lily of the lsth any of April, A. D. Dm. NAMES Or TOW tiNIZIPS AND COLLECTOIDI. Apolacon Samuel Ciro. flrrrlck A A earnarlrr Auburn C i !A.R. Jackaon v L Fronrh. Anoka W U Boy!, Jrapon . Luclnr emir h. Bridgrontrr A Sono, !Athol] ... Auaol Merrill. Brooklyn „.J ;. Itrynokla , „ , A chnooLn. iflnntonnt. .1/arlO Stun dry. 1.110.. rt ....1)an•I 11.0.1 cittrord A finrdtaer T.iitlr N. ow.. I. BlMork 1114 BOtirli. Middle Lorn .Nandi Dodos BandatT.. .E Ptiormlo.r. 311 bit , J A Ilroaril. Froaan Lake.. Wm 14 RhtalL tot It 11f.14 .14 tr Truant. Franklin .. Sarni TrrlryerlL Naar 'Milford nom .1 E IL-an Fricanavillo. .lann.of 41aL Land .. M W Vox. Cllbron F P Wkill Dry. Ili Awn,. UL pond .....II ii Llama. Nlhrr Lakn P Gorman. 141. Bend 80r0...11.' I hvlrdl 11Ir .14 Se4rawril Ilartord... Pll,llfty Su.) a Dr-1a.)... NI /I Pope Harmony Sft ilnunon. Thomann. ~ Ixar I. BALANCE or CoLLEcroics' ACCOCNT6 FOn 1873. w 1 ~.„. , r.! .1 a 5 g g . g 5 -. .. , ,7 . 4 _ ... 7 tX) lf: .• s- A polueon --- $ ' 425 62 '4 39587 $ 105.5 # 21 20 Auburn 143846 1344 17 23 77 70 74 Aararat. 2:99 , % 34 280114 113 14 77 4111141gewat•-r... 2.13118 2011 65 15 36 107 87 TWooklyn 12•11 09 1170 is' 800 66`!5 Chocom4l. .... 5.1355 511 sl 484 2694 '4llllllod 129.W0 1 . 235 29 622 6148 IThnock ...... 1213.14 1117 92 ' 54 60 6093 [holdall' . .. i 74 73 144 78 7:13 762 Farina Like— 10609 14991 13 427 :9 79 Franklin ...... 80.16 843 48 329 44 39 Friendi.ville... 151152 155 97 . 1655 8 . 20 Gibson 11341)1/6 1269 12 7111 66 79 Great Bend.... lUI 32 104554 10 7;1, _55 03 GI. Bend lair.. 44023 416 67 601, 2 21 93 Ilarford .. .. . 1 (0026 •1129 63 7 16;,. 59 45 Harmony tii.V 73 780 19 11 50:,_ 41 06 lierrick 70 . 57 772 47 6 50,, 39 60 Jackson 1l•;2092 1x5815 a 141 ,55 71 Jessup 81443 763 93 118 Q 44)24) Lathrop 71 , 1789 742 79 651 , = 39 09 Lenox ......... 1267 n 7 1194 97 19 93 92 )c, - ' Liberty .... . . 81:11(72 8414 57 1:111 42:34 Little Nleadows 111847 13 1 3 8 2 4- . ..< 602 Middletown ... 1+1843 771 89 3!12 :;40 62 31outn66e. 19022 1)2 1796 814 14)511 94 57 New Millard.. 1119292 1797 77 1119.11;" 84 09 N.3lllfoni bor.. 4123450 54,183 875 .;;;: 3o 72 Oakland 01780 519:36 31 17 „27 33 Rush. . 957 40 896 18 1333= 47 19 Silver • Lake . . 051 ts I 74 5 57;'.42 30 Spring i 11 5.... 1153.0 1090 79 570 5740 'Susquehanna.. Ins 51 1092:2 279 57 50 Thiansou . 1701 S 7 54)7 96 :t 50 10!49 31096 10 30039 30 375 3r4t,,i1 35 natariTt , LATION. • Total am't of ....... $31.996 16 Total amount paid by Collectors.. $30,039 30 Total amount pai4„,fa- - onerations 375 51 Total ain't Perochtage . . to Collectors. . 1,581 35 31;90616 The above acconalit . audited Jau. 6th, 1674. 3C . L. CATLIN, ) J: T. Et. Lei, • Anditora. J. B. Jon NsvoN, COUNTY EXPESDITURES FOR 1871—Dn. To Common weld' Coate ... $O 4l 78 Road and Bridge views . I.WO sO Road .......... 659 00 E. L. 13eebe, 50 0. Washburn, tr .10r4 7. Blakeslee, " 4;300'(' R. O. Ball, 14:: - " 8.5 50 J 1,;400 00 Constables 01 Assessors, „. s .: 103 00 Eastern Penitentiary,..,, .t- 641 50 Court Honse..„..- ' . -.782 10 llrand and Trottlie Jurors . 6;000 20 Stationery 450,+9 1.. B. Isbell, Town Clock . -- "15 no Interests on County Bonds 10 80 Wild Cat Botingel . -....1 50 B.Baldwin.Court erier and Janitor, nro 78 Court House, Joll7Teul and Lights 607 64 W. A. Crossmou, Clerk,. 1,140 00 Lunatic A5y1urh„................. ..tiet9 60 County Bonds '6lilenied 70200 W. T. 31oxley, late Sheriff 929 53 31. B. Ileime, Sboriti 51995 • 31. B. Helene, r.,.•'" and Jailor.... 3:369 Printing . 780 00 ... Insurance ' ... . 281 50 Coroner's Inquest And Post Mortein Eintninat Otis 147110 J. E. Carmalt, Ditiriet Attorney... ':;18.2 50 Re.,listry . OW 00 o tm er a i, Towns hip. and Special Elect ions v . , 1,(6`6.,1 _ County Jail . 8991:3 .- Dr. C. C. Ilalaey, Jail Physician.. ''BI 40 Jnstices of the Peace . 9:111 Agricultural Society 10000 G. B. Eldr e d, Prot. and Clerk Bti'2 t i•a E.C.Purtlltani, PiTsfa,, , t• .. . - ,5111 Chas. Sprout, et. , 111, Jury Conun'r. 9, 4 )44 D.Brewster, ',.. ' ' •" •" 1674 75011 W. C. Tilden, r'o. Superintendent. 1351 , 11 • LB. Cole. Libertillritlee MOO 11. Birdsall, et.' a 1.,. ., .3iithilelown -' Bridge. i'..„; ...... ...... 47000 Gee. A. Bush, - „.et. al., Oakland "*" Bridge 115,00 .Taa. DeWitt, Silver Lake Bridge.. Ffiseo B. W. Mackey, S.tate. Treasurer... 5,50 . 27 Trensnrer's Percknage 1.271 - 11 Refunding Orders... ... ....... . .45400 U 3,153,04 CONTRA. By County Onlen; retlevulrfl from No. I to 577 litattsive itt31,80743 'Treasurer's Pereemage 1.271:21 Bur Uniting Orders 154 0 33,15 a 64 The above accounted audited Jan. 41874. M. J. T...1 , 41.‘a, Audditora J. B. Joicsarow, SLATEIIENT OF DOry d eifi BA LANCEI POlt 187 a. vit.taT uAynEN, tm. To amount of ...lid (nod ID Treevorer', bandit, Mt per bun .3.adnur..llfflport $111741 - 1314 5 14 Vitto44. l'r. BrprlP•rA rectrnmed from NOI Ito 1 , :o. 6. . ...$ 69 no Commlerdon uo Expruallteren o016:1 MI 1 20 Amount. In Treatauret'a billide to IntiaLoo.... 10004 STA:F.:RENT OF M. B. I - IEIMR, 817F7OFP. IN AC COLIFtT ITR FINKR Artr3IIRY PERI FOR Itll3. Dec. 31. D 179 To amount or Pince •ett .11iiiPeee ote wo ter ttflulta at the Clerk of thol...nn. :it kohl'? er Demaluni 113 GO ..... , $1 Dcc. By amount unceneetoblo Three pro cent, on $ll7 Amount paid Treanorar and charged In his $l4l IT account.- ................. 139 PD TRACY 11,troes, Tap...nn. oy Sontie Co., L. Ac COUNT WITR SAID COUNTY. DR. tWasciaitit IP Treneerciro baud, a* per laet Auditors' Report.. $ amount r uplkaire fur 1n73 . aolunnt rivelred from B. B. Ileltue,Sherin. • • Vim.* and Jury Pee* amount Cyl , lo, Corulik vu Wilmot . .. . .. , . . .. . ... amount bast* received frnm Luanne Co.. Br', lel amount MIN received hum Bradford I'n.. 19911 amount earl, Modred (non 'Wyoming ,20.. 24 ou amount tnoto meet ved Born Abington tun. Innetti to. Jolla Perks 'AM 00 ,amount toot: , teeetand ft. ra It. I. Adam., Trart.arer of Brion and 41 q hurt, A • ylnnt 37200 amount reel:Bed for Court Itonia. raid, M. R. Roe' et, 10 WI Antonin reeelverl for Court tlonm,nalt.Bell Ningero.!... z . ... .. „ ....... 1.310 ount . 4—eriCril rot Coati ItDont. foist. t. , t;pl 11181 A. Preabyteritu No-tali, la 1,0 *Montt t colour f om Addit no.ol Tao.. r• T 9 amount recolved from tar. 11010000 G., ....,d a - , is ununott recehted Born J. R. Tattr .11.enat tat inuo ourount,rucelvtol Boca Returned Lao& . 2n7t By mere! Iteran+lng Onver. ..... .. •.1 1601 Vounty order, red erta . ei trim; 24. srt . , ......... SINT F.No est ratintl• I 0 Collectu'rs .. . ^ amiss I'r•rcentage to Collectors. INN Se , stAr44:-1.5.16 611 'Tremor...B. cumin! Mon on mmolplool MAO/ ott 2 ycr coot Alt:At Trmourer's unumtmlorto on,uXPendlq":" of 1 , 4104143 mi lort tont, - • .... • ' Amount In Tr hands to l ' olantm-. LUC $41,019M Tike stiovo audited Jan. 157.4 . . U. L. .1. T. , Auditor; J 13..rottuseotr, • !M -STATEMENT OY EW/MANNA COUNTY TRZAI . - JANRA/tY 1, A. b.,.1874. Available fund} In The TR l Pluti ararreat vair , ey, of pravloyalrara...:: ,; , " 1500 Several smonnta of natty and boads,a• rev loft .A adltone ratan.? acood !invent sinount . of notry Stern eot Vir.rt sad Coataansi fav,lbv 'Maaaltait are onnolttetable 11:10a. We vvrfi I: the forming to tvd a tor: ett nistesnini. IfflX./1811arr...1. ) I. 1( WAN BLAKE stxx. ',Coontv coinntlialone.m . FL G. BALL Arr.'"? ; Sl. A. Caa.earars. Commlonlnnere' Clark. rust.ialralanirrs• Oter, .11untrutr..lan. 21. A corronee RErowr S'Ngerthrtnna folrnly. g. a We, the tindendened Amnion in end for tht? County of Susquehanna. met, in purrnanco 01 our duties. at the Amlitone Office, in 31ontruse: on Monday, January sitt, A. D., 1874. and tilt alking aucl settle the *event! accounts 1 , 11 the Commiasionem and Treasurer of said Coon: ly, all of which, upon n thonmgh examination; we tind to be correct. We find in the panda of They Hayden,Treasurer oficald County.amount,, of County foncla, V 1,709 ltt ; amount of State foods, (hank stock,)-$290 28: amount of clog ins r e maining, of the land of 1871, pea G 4 : total, $7,11208. M. L., • .1 T. F.1.1.16„'-Cotinty Auditors .1. H. .10momoN.1 Andiron; Office, Montrose, Pa., Jan. 7, 1874. Mbeellaneous. BILLINGS STIIOI D, General INSURANCE AGENT, Mil" cbretircbaso. "Loeb. Caplust Represented, $10003410,000 FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDEITVINSITItANCE 11.0.1 n, C 0... N. V.o..7apiuti•od sorpluv.. *4.0000 d !laniard film las.. Co_ C • ',atilt dtlarp las $3.000,011/ Liverpool. London d Globe In• G r o., of North Atflettell •• . ,_- - ~,,, . P. 250.000 Pflln- Flee los. l'o.. Phila.. •• 11.201/.0111 National. Phil's. Pint (It ln•. Co.. Stale of Paso . .. .• Colon !lethal 17111: 1 41f . t Lemming Fire •• SII.IOOLOOII 'Se rragan•ett, P ovidence. R. I.•• BDO.OeTt tiercham.' •• . ecort) cloy, or Now RY. •• ICALLOR , N etetown, of Hocks ll'o. ' :10.0to Aleinmen hi. of Cle7eland, l• 4110,0 t Lancs•Mr Fly, Inc ('n,. - Mali, Eire AN.Kiarital of Phila. 1,1160.014 liome In.. Co., Cultimlins, 0.. •• SOILIXII Lehigh Valley Ph, Alleoloon. •• MORI. fit lzrno' Eire In* Newark, N .1... Sl %An Smith Side on Co.Piltohbeg,Pa.•• 120.001 Menomonie of Plfiebarg. .• - 4110,1101 The emier•lgnee I. SPECIAL AGENT Toe the follow• lot cumpaniee for NOTOI,II f voorylTonia: Flee Ayeociafloo of Pidlodelphla. Notional Fire Toporance Company or Philodedpios. ; The InForaneo Co. of the /Mete of rbiLuirlphis. Me I IP El . Conn. Mama TM. InP. Co.. Aesctts Amarkan Llle. Phll'a. Travel.,. In •.co..liartteritGlipitaland thirpluvri.6)(LCl ti hallway Pewees:era PSOP°. The • nderi.ign ed es !wen well known in thiiinOttaj,in; the part 17yers.4• :I I...Unince AMO t. by . hi• Cornea/oe. have ./ way, heen promptly paid. nr-oMee grat door ea..% from Banking Often of W R. Cooper 41, Co..Tarnplire et. Montrose.Pa. •BILLINGS STROUD, Agent rUARLPS U. SMITII. Sancho:v. • I=l "Bala:Ler cue Caexto maltits FLOUR, GROCERIESI and PROVISIONS 9 m, STURM 2101c.aati-gAre. Pa. Jone 1873.—1 f. TfIE INDEP.b.N.DENT Sewing Machihe TUE onv TH.LT At lIIEVyO PICT or TUE east Sews tom but One Spool of Thread; • It kn. her ote working parts, le noweleve. lea ORO morn repluly than an) harking In the Market. Hasa self-setting Straight Needle It Cumbtoev Darahillty with.fleanty 4nd flimplieliyout4 l Ltta nit the Modem lutinuvetavote. W ALl'sl a"-A ;1"1•ALL IngT-CL.un US. A 'SS A A LlLAilt‘ A F 11. g oah.tei 11717"2s ,el: SEND FOE CIRCULA , THE INDEPENDENT SEWING IaCDIN EC'.; Illoghninton, X. T*, et!!=l Tilo 11 1 11 CH Billffilerglil l Eti "THE ;EST IN THE WORLD?' DoohlwActtog.NOD-Freesing. The simplest Mid unlit. pesverfel ID me It Is pros rd to be the cheapest, most' Me tier, dursble.sod.reletne, not only for femllyeme: out also (or Florists. Factories, eh'. / 1 .0 PutinPailY rrerromended hy losonntrette: leollee.aa the smallest pump rant will throw 50 to Utettl through a time. It letno mom effective hersorit It mot , . . r tails. The most dorabla bcesope It to coy poeldrlf but Into simple parts of Iron (eoallielbd no ee tO Plaranc . sly nbitleaL•4lll Ur brerkleh Male In thewater.) MIDDY kosher packhg. A child tab wont it. It serer heroes; 00 no water rem it:is to the pipe When not to action. IC fond hes the cohlust water. being Witted lir the lbottntbi of she wag Nee opinion of Orange;mid. ip 115. Afteg.. lean „igrietsihrrulisr. Jane N0.,1811, tap 2110; alwJan. - .0., logo 31. . liming porch:wed (he county right, I will sell Inverl right• to oak ourehasem. mud to auto In way of it PIMP DM orevared to sell 'Marin ito INT slat by the company. Send for eiretilar and prite Hot to W. Joi: .WILVATIM, oakley. Pa. EZEMZEZE! EDGAR A. TITREAI Cot cuzfr, A? 1.11, No. 110 Dreadvray, Nrw York 617.4" Attends to all Wilde of Altorool Bovine's, sad taro; ducts amid. to all the Cour% at both thablatu OW lbll IJoltml Stiff*. rub .1. 18:07.- _ . ,- , - , LI:(11:0S Inrormon. a *anted a•Tho 2 4t/Palla. nelmnY.lonn Lty , nit. ■ hone • Ma widow Ir sold to hare uterroxl ono Itclso or Met 'Kinn ?him ycen rifler. Any prroon Turing lOrninintlOti NUR litAr to ibrir ndrintsru linclarerrhs: WIT.IL locA GAIL IL. A GornryAlll 0•11 II Si et G DoIRIAN ELDREDGE, Atturory.ll.B Wawa M. • I I Tart OnT I \T E DEFY ALL (1131 PEfITION IN Job Brine: on lour work #4." 1 "..Ts . 135.000,0041 * 14,5Ct,(100