THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Rellgloul Perwleew The ftervice3 in the several Cliturlitisof 3funt TO, Are AA COMM: ti tr rIMT CIIMICR.Atv. J. S. Climatal' D. n. Pastor %new, gervirCP 10,K m. and 7p. m. Sch.g. 12 m. Orsyer Erelliape yt t. THOU(' CtIVTICII. Stiff P. J, Ittlntry • Serviere and lird !annrln• In esn-h !i.htart Scb .01 hurnedfilitl3 berme Mt.. p r iw.,)r %1. cnuttcit ! w"," d :.i):; .h ,:rerc - ii,:p . -LiiHne.da.n . • uKTTIOIIIST IRPISCOPA Service. svisoh . hover Streting, Thundar. ri:EcnrrERIAN ctirncii Nahha• 14.10,*th Meeting. Thnrydar Winter Arrangement or Matt% IMESTIMI 'Tanklar.nork. (DniiY.) EMEIMEM Vonern.r 11 , por, /Pally.) l•ilford. 1110.11..4. . Inllllnm 1314, m ...... 207 pm Vf;..o/I* , . fioll p $00•n St/3 an. (DI 1tt,13 7dflirm 70rl0m )‘11, , 1t ontoo.rid S Lnk, rl %et MI fl(Ylp 700 p rn • ark serekly.)..... 10110 sin 4 flop in Th , York. /rig .. put.) Nvn. Milford, Tunkh,nock Lind ti nre T0r4.1,11n StAtlots m,di rum , Tnendi‘o, Thuritdayo, sr.! Itmchamton mill. (rig Silver Likm.)imni Toe,- Thrir.4qo 0114 B.ilordays. Fnrun•aur wall runs l'aridayi,Tbnr.days.and Sat Meptinpiren mail rune Mo , dnye.WednendAyr, and nes, y•. ET=ll A ' , WC leaves dal]) for Montrose tarpnt at t tm.. and T , 'll`ll. p. tu IIIIrTw , C. FORM! k$F. M Ll.t of %en' Acjvcrtkementa. T. , olion it may Ginoetn---By order of So iwion—John A. Warner. fkitice—Litiite of Moss & Knapp. Bt Si ESS I.OCA LS. ,hntria Anc.lyner.initnenL Cavnlry Condition Powders C berry. fiarr tirawner. 0.,u01401,--ilev. E. W. Breekinridge_ :intr. %bout Town i. A t.,nuliivr.c,C, laNt M,..m41r0e There it now more daylight every day by arve minutes thnn the day Kent...ding it. Unn.ii.latrb for different offices were numemu3 r Baldwin informs us that be saw sever s( r.bbin. shoot his premises on Sunday lasi. NVe have hail a great nisli of }oh worti (or the Ia• 1 len ,Isr+, and our inside eoffespontiece has 1,,,‘ It ft o a t. We publish a very readable eniumunictil ion on our first page. Tin m 1. mete society, which was to have i,siveneil at the residence of D. D. Illnds. last Fruiny es/ening, erns postpone-t -on account of the syssilier, till this (Wetintstlayi evening, to meet et the c a me place. Montrose Fire. Company No. 2, will hold their Fourth Animal Reception nt Firimens' Linib on Fr Int rvrni nil . next, February `l.oth, 1874. The I.Xrctilive committee are nil gentlerneti,nnd 'll • tit-liter to :mike it an cnjoynhle evening for 411 An mvitatinn is extended to all. .1 inco.hant who should sell hie sign hoarti arcialitinpt to carry on intsincsa without one. t , ,exose wiiincy is C ., 131,e, would he considered ,title better than int.tor. Th o se who strip ad rim the gaol• rcri.oti are equally Pail float:tier, of money the country ovrr nte waiting to kern who will sell the cheripzet those ~Miele. of comfort and neciaxsity, which wren clibest hoarder cannot do without. kWomen for liebOol'Eton. The Wilkes-Barre Record says, It io the tolk .lint two %cornea arc to br pct upon the ticket lid , spring for school directors, in the borough of West PiV.stOn. In or near New Milford borough, a black for cifnve. Any one finding it will confer a favor ter lenvine the same at tbis office, or informing Irbrre it may be found, and 'rill also be suitably rewarded. The -Pride" of the Susquehanna Anima/ Ma -, /e seektng a notke from this journal for the 1,1 sic months. We would simply remind him r (aide pi' the "Gnat nn the Bulls Horn."— \l'h-never we can feel his weight we may notice The treafthr 1110e* of Cornwall!. The rornwallore hills are in all probability more extensively known in Pennsylvania than :tny miler deposit in the state. They hate pro. awed sufficient material to make ses,res of Cam lies wealthy and independent. They are aitnat ed abc.lll thirty miles east of Harrisburg. They comprise three called the "Big Bill." "Mid dle' 11111 'and "Grassy Bin," containing shorn 10$ acres, whose annual production is front 1:41.000 to 175,000 tons of ore. The largest, nr as it is mdled, "Big 11:11," rises MO feet above the water level, and though it is not known to what depth the ore extends ,it bas hem found 240 feet below the water level. It is primitive magnetic ore, free from phosphorus and well adapted to the manufacture -at Bessemer steel, which is fast coating into general use. Newspaper restage Hitherto the ruling of the Post Office Depart .ent has been Ihaxp sable fiber to a newstraper, Lacing paid his poitage for one year, .and sub- Fngaently rhuncing his place of residence must I.av the postage again to a new address. This obvp.n- roil U1:4 , ,, nil::111, that the Postmaster Genrsnl has been Induced to revoke ads decision: ender the new ruling. a subscriber to a newspaper err periodical, who Ins paid one year's postage in advance and in..ving within tire delivery of another ofree i.efure the year expires, the Pd.:lllllmMr should give him a receipt ; the party shouhl then no. lift' the publishers to . aem , his paper to the new where, upon thy presentation of the n , evipt, the J'ostmaster must deliver the puldica. un tree for the remainder of the term paid fur. Farmer' Grange A meeting of the farmers of Auburn Centre and vicinity, vas held Bennett's Laf, un Satur day afternoon, February 7th, tor the purpose of forming a Grange of the Order of Ilustian&y, S. W. - Buck. Ern., Deputy of the liationsl Grange, whinSand the 'meeting and captained the objects of the order, after which a subordi nate Grange, 'noMprislng the foliwing perions as charter enerabefa'was instituted : Aletrander Stevens, Master; J. 3f. France, Overseer: XII France,Ste ward ; h Crane, Asst_ Steward ; Norman Sterling, Chaplin ; R Lowe, Treasurer; White, See, W. Lee, Gate Keeper G. W. Rirkhuff. Ceres ; Mrs. Leo liarria, Booms ; Mrs. Norman Star-' ling, Lady Asst. fitewanl; Mrs. Amass& Wilcox, John C. Riven burg, Emmett Tewksbury, .1. B. Young, Wtn, 11. Ming, C. W. Pierson, Wm. 71f. Bennett, Griswold Caner. Marshal Van&oaten D. Seeley, Janet +Reams, Maggie Tewksbury, Mrs. E•Wing, Mrs. E. R. Pierson, Mrs. G. Cal ler, Mrs. D. &eley, Amass Wilcox, members. This makes the full number that can be re ceived as Charter members, and has as good material as there is In the county. We hope to chmnicle the organization of a Grange In every township In our county, as soon as possible, as in Union there fa strength. Tho name of the shove Grange Is "Auburn." sm. -- Wonderful Perak of Nature. Last week in East Sinitidlekl,a row,the prop erty of William Ransom, gave birth to a mons trosity in the shape of a toff with two natural heads. eight natural legs, two tails, anti other ! peculiarities. Mr. A. D. Shaw exhibited it in this place on Tuesday, and from what we saw we think Barnum should have It. It was the result of eight months incubation. The tooth er was dead when disctirered, as was the off spring. The heads are perfectly formed, also tle los.fs, tails, akin, eyes and n/1 the other pins. It has 1110 appearance of te o distinct calves soldered tog titer. One stomach answer ed for both. In fact it was, and is a wonderful ()Moped. Freaks of nature like this always seem mysterious, from the fact that there it no accounting for them. They often happen. Medical science fails to solve the problem, and so they are recorded among the wondeis of natur•.—/lradjard ,ArrociA. Rev. Om. O. Kirkland. 10X a, m.,,041 , 4 p m 9.1( p tn. ...:fi P. m. .. ....Rev. W. 3. Jrnp 10.4.7. • m. and 7 nr , p. m. m. 7 WI, m nev..l. Q mIL IEII. 10.45 a. m. and 114 p.m. 12 p. m. . 7 4 P. 01. A rrf re. Iwrrtrl•, l'uOpto 13,6 pm Adulterated F putts A stringent ldll against the sale of impure li quors is now before the Legislature of New York. In order to mike the principle - still more broad and beneficial, the Work! Urges the passage of s law like the English - Adulterations ,pct, • ' tinder which all ilenleri in alimentary ar ticles are obliged to de •tare what toreign sub , stances, if any, tire added to their wares, and the sale• deleterMns eornpotincis is forbidden. 10 the one article tit liquors, which is the emu tnotlity under consideration hp the Legislittnre, this act has worked admirably, and it is not rweessary either to git to Eng% mud to observe its strictness, for in the provinces and West India dependencies poisoned drinks are rare-It sold and almost unknown. The adittiera tii of Mini and liquors has reached a point in thin country when some steps must be taken to pre vent tha community from injory from smit scource. PllV.jeiguq aM linttnimmi, in their tes timony as to the widesprrail elf,..rt of l*.is.uu.r articles upon the health of the community. and Savor a taw stuiflrrdo twat enacted in En_lr,•, to dam the unhealthy sire m. The health of the penile is atwitter of primary 0111,11.11, ai.d when lawn can lie passed to tio-resse the rat.• in that direction they shuuld Le promptly pat tti - on the statute hooks. narrit d at a Grave. 1 A ntntnge marriage ceremony wan reetintl wil - nwed inn Pittston centiory, the Coat ti. , • in, parties being an unknown num and a lad, over whom there term. to have hung n deep Tenor mystery. lire hri lel pony, numbering four persona, arrived in Pittston late in the eve sing from New 1!" !rk. nn t p-orml as the serer (Ts f n driver, they were drivel, to Wpm jog Cetnetry. a short distance oat of town. As ileM ft! the carriage stopped lhe twcurnmts ioe out and passed to the a:IW, nod, preceded 10 two gulf lemen, the gear vale moved mum,: the tomb bordered Nth. to a distant of the eerne.ry. Here they halted directly in trout rut a grave, at the heel of which stole! a whin trhle crel. Pr.:4ooly tat I to I her Will i) tainh sep.trated, etch taking a position 00 the polite sides of the grave. They then joined hands. The Vivo who were left took ptetitions one al the head end the other nt the foot of the grave, each facing the other. At 11. is moment the hell of a church tower filled tl,o hour of midnight, and before the reverberations toed died !May a marringe ceremony had rommere ed above the grave in the cemetryt s. vise was short, sad :he seem most singuinr and ire preasive. A few moment. littet the four re turned to the carriage and were driven bark to lite pl2rc frotn whence they !genet!. The driver oh the vehicle could give no turther foimation mitt r Ilaut that one of the gentle men wan a minister of tire gospel. as was rr reeled from the cut of his garments. Etallroadtoz, In Stripy Days. A writer in the liarttord Oatr.fht gives rem iniseencta of railroading in Conneeticut ((toy years ego. IN Lo n the Bertha(' tk New paved road was fist opened it had very answer faith I itst, the road bed was poor, Mai only scrap which were all the while cur I ig up and ran. ning through the car Coen - et, anti the ear( were email and the incontotivot week. In fact. it didn't take much to block a train in those dad a. Sometimes an inch of snow on the rails would do iL Henry C. White, one of the first con ductors on the road, tells tow he and the bag gage master used to sit in front of the locomo tive, one on each side, and brush off the snow from the rails with a broom as the train siawly moved along. Each had a pail of sand and sprinkled some on the rails when nett..vsary. The driving wheel (engines had only one pair then) used to slip round and round and torment them most to death. On oue ocwacirm a train got "stuck" on the Yalesville grade by one bleb of snow, and the wood and water gave out In fore the locomotive could overcome it, At last they got out the neighbors. yoked four pairs of oxen to the train, and drew it, passengers, bag gage and nll, into ileriden with flying cobras. In the curly days of the road the stage driv ers used to regard the cars with great contempt. indeed, thirty ytaa.a ago the passenger trains were three or four hours on the road to New Haven, and the stage coaches want to about [became time. Superintendent Davidson re. members riding with his father in a carriage drawn by two horses, in IE4O, which bad a race with a pasnen:er train near Wallingford, where the railroad and turnpike are parallel for two ar three miles, and duting all that time the 4rrisge kept even with the train. There acre 111, Only two trains each way daily then, both ear tying pamingers and freight. The uhf cars were divided into three compartments, aliened on the sides, and had twenty-four seats. The loco motives had only twehre•loch cylinders, and no cabs to protect the engineer and fireman from the weather. 'The oldest lorotnottres were the Hartford, Quinnipiac, Charter Oak, end New Haven. A Strap of Illstory, Ily commlti»g the map of Pike county, a smail tract of land can be found L, Lackawar en township, numbered on the Commissioner's book, 202, under the warrantee name of Fran cis and Simeon tVestfall, containing ninety ntne acres and ninety perdies. This lot is lo rated in the northwestern corner of the county and ajoining the Wayne county line,' and some three Miles from the I/elm - are river. "I he lot was surveyed and the tine marked upon the ground nearly eighty years ago, and without doubt many will wonder why these early pion• ems in the wilderness, contented themselves with so small a piece of land. This Is what your correspondent proposes telling your read ers, end also the reasons why the lot bears We name of Francis and Simeon WestfalL These two enterprising individuals Ilveitnear 101eFiter-, town, In the State of 'New Jersey: 'taut Intel a •contract for furnishing the Government with& certain amount of lumber fur the frigate Con stitution. Among other lumber the contract called for a stick of yellow pine, eighty-eight leet in length, with a diameter of ten Incites at the entail end, free from sap.. After searching in vain horn Station Point to Ten Mile River for the coveted tree, the contractors were aboUt giving up in despair, when their attention af 'as called to a grove of tine timber on the open ridge near the forks of Mast Hum tine was found of proper dinmeterhut it fell short eight feet of the contract length.. Spades nnd pick ' axes were brought into recmhtition,and a heavy ' tap root found running down in a straight lino from the body of the tree. The top was saw ed awavand an excavation ot ten feet made In the ground, at which point the rant uas cut ' through and the mainmast of that noble vessel, the old Constitution, lay potstrate upon the' earth. It was hauled to what tits since been known as Catchall Landing. floated down the Delaware to Philattelphia. ',laced in podtion, and l'or many years carried the stars and strip es through tire and smoke in many a hard tiniest battle. Proper . steps were immediately taken by tit -contractors to secure the title to the grove to timber; and that is the mason why 1 they were satisfied with so few acres. They lumbered on the tract lot years, amassing a 1 fortune for those dues. To -little Pilot." be- i I tags ,ii • lion tr, aml to Lac;mtv tern township the glory, 01 producing a tree which sole In 1 the Philadelphia market for one hundred silver ; dollars.-.llPford Herald. 41111,4- I CLA ir - OnT NT , SYVAIZATIONS PULE I The Itbyloette at Rork, tBV E. F. Butterfield. There It no subject that In liosresentatives, n bill has so numb Andy arid experience is the tre eunent and e°" "r been iiitrodurefl for the repeal of what little rt.- l hlc stroint there is mom thr money elY"le' tiln hirtne,itiv l- il s ;. u ß 'e n e" tietttl n. ' ' in . re dune the r' : p e r olifii !tune, and ilk view ~f the feeling of tlof 11111:SSeS Cl:litToy 21 nce,lo the long study of Ilo• omsti in tt.ia county, wham hoe, been very rohiio n y lotion or man ana the caring of di6ciere from 4I natural remedies. expres.ed by then' in petition an,' ntill.Mise. Let those given up by others cull for an eX is our dtttY.nt tlmia titnc, to inform the in I." ian ion. lie cures toe worst diem of Scr ,, tola., they are II preaented in Tina body. The hill Catarrh. Pile.., Asthma, of the Heart, came op in the 1101.14 e in Wed). plot hod. nod "" K!'ineS‘• alter st•rerni tub, r "ianot I igeotts - for the rit,t - Dr. Hi ll tertield avlll be nt the CMlertv House liie.!hanittni. Tut,.toy, Thur•olny Itolot Innd iluttr r.ll in tilt Irrieze.lo entice odors arbl Fri 1 tv. February. 21, 25, 28, and 27, 18 7 4. into their net, H. M. Jones. of Susquehanna, j Feb. win, lair , manliest ly been tern by Ilse nhl9uck i- - or is sell inkfic.lrJ, fionle tl e aria ni sina-ell of 2111.11.211.1=1.7-49.131-Ml9l. Ilk II a nr I,egli.l.tfor, in flan following manner, and which n4l etllllpare Vt.!). Ia Orahly in I.ELL— February lentith. diction and arcument, with Gel erah 34. 1474, In Hey II C. Hazard, Mr. 34sectot whin he was the "Ililleat. of Mital• rnta.4.ll to )lt n. Jenny Gray, both ul Great Bend. Pt. lei,. erthl.i3Flll .11(11.. " rite.: ' I CIWRCIIII.I.—BENst - PT—As the )I.E narAnn inyr. in Clifford. Pa .iannary 2fltli i 1374. Ivy A. W 1.:41,10.‘ Vr. li. t 3 (Imp - hill 14) 3ti,s 11. A. lithneti, le, Pa. COOLEY—EV...NA—A t the M. E. psrsonitze " 411 P 0., Fotrußry 12111,18'74,1,y Hee. .1. 11. )1r Frank D. Cook) Mis.s Amami, M. VV..k ns, Ism h or Rash, Snag' a co.. Pa. .•;••• , the usnry late Is 11l 111114 , „11. i ironi itt len. ler Ile whnt ri.4.11t 1.. a matt e..tupelle.l trout thitainim: trmn rite lie Hoe 111 . 1 t lii WO Wel 4.1.14 aru lon "pug) to .hnll Le not bet ermitte.l In u•e• wilielt • SS 111 pro! him Atler t n, eshettative eff art he fall g)1,11 . 11 nod we !Mee nit heard from hint sine, Wi• simll not tittentin at this time In nnswer thie nrgte. meat, lt•r we should One know• x•here to begin. tr sits :%nything ntmlll it. lI.NI .tines tcould 111 . nut In 3111"thur knee in the Nltintriiiir Itepuht;ean, us he wns the list before lasi '14.11, slating lila' cur - nob iiiii will, tblng, of better nirn, call ng niaw and iilidtw regal - ale, of their r;t1o, or I.te6f,a• dr, ri tes " fit. ,m• willing his "virtuea and pnhlic •tervier," shall appear to run=t it Lieut.: in tlicir n tkcd and 4.11iy Al bit to • alr iltat we tin not - by iciest right in• cumnvllr,l front 4 . txr•linittj borrow ing al w but rIlt: he ntrH fit." In this ' A_aitent it +till seen that he bus eKiclieo re en General in graniniatictal We mill let bit. inlererto. it for to at., 'co, ui the 1.•p./b • /ran We are tilt at ill Wiled in 17rl , ar•lion .1 11 It Jon, in lit ~alt er, Intl i . t It IL Lott , . the I).nnocrali, Repro ,erilalive of I hi , dust rich ire are so newhat IV, we...idol are d withont e.e.r Theretipe ic pith. eh bottle. They tell article, ever her..ce. heron.... they What pretend to .1., he now coffer !Toni rhOttinalliitn. pain, or . (itu i .m. lie mutt tie de-cree to rite, riflb .y will not hie Centaur • • lie f31..e I, the N 1 1•1" of 46 .. 'ii• """‘"A, I. '" l ' HAr ' ffill ' Ale ' -. 1 „e think Se.. hose been re '.r. We will *owl .1 do , u..: '..02 eel , Meatier. .he .•rip,. Sr_ , 114,1 J one rt•lin," h. (`l3e •T I, or In.) epow wriipper lentAtar 1. clooiot Is Worth ot, , vt•lr, doll., tor spavined or oceanic.) heroes mad nail., or (O. vreW .o , llll.lstlevp. suick.owner. ht• ••• i I el,tiaerlt 4,11 h ...Air M 1 ,111140. No re atily lmgue Otmes,) And Wllorum. Meant en. `" hem •-111 . 14 ' ace: - .Irene hio rhetorie a l so when tie soli], - The it, , er. . """P"r t oe '9 1 '" 1 " ' 4 "id nil Or. . . tonisheil. btu we hal, • ally 141 lots Iliat the Ite; , rebetiliiiive of snq i nt,havlnn vieinty when heir nn oil flog, arum in onn 11e mity be rem-sewing %Vytenins conti , y,h,t lii in fiiket, tle• .`oil inter,its of the AN e• think tti tl e *tie, :tit I we feel lo pin iiiis Cat I Oil lail Lark to he re-0 Iry los e,l4lst :turn's. P.,rly neter have never will leNta eniionw what we lie;teve io he wronz. :Ur Lit le erode 10 expre, con,nt to the vire, or his coi- lion that the Usury louts stied in the intertlo of one class and to the detriment of snot a.' , he conshlered not true Iry was of the *pinion that , comm . la W s art alike detrimental to all 11.190 s." These men mac think because money has inirChafie,l mid Congressmen in nor putt, that it is tilt only tiling of value in this emintry and that It Carl eptitintle to teoerupt public serrants and oirtrttset the prodneing and totenufneturing it.t-rest of the country u f hoot reertin. There 14 not a farmer in this cstettim ni'y but that known what a "el:Mimed milk" vita is, and we think nny One who ii fed tut sorb "If:Mimed milk" arg intents its these legislators have pill forth. will come out( ;them{ the µ:,t,o. way. \Ye get by tile action of um National Farmers' Orloge [lr. t they propose to invtsii gate this question tt little. Tiny will be of the opinion, we think, that each legisisiite tale, will not OP likely to "winter" at flarrishurg Anther Whiter. We are left note to the merry alt Senator Fitch in the benste, for e-Repsvseri• tntivit. We will wait patiently. LVe shall time to say ali tie more hereafter. We may roter to 11. M. Jones other speech. Business Locals "Tema NrotE is LF,otilS:' may he applied to those who tile niitibliy of l'on%utoption.alt hough bridle., Ids of file years sensilply their huntto-r. It iP gralityhug to ktu.w that the general use of Dr. 11'i:star's Bataan& of Wild Merry Is iargdy instrumental 10 attaining this end. DOICATIO \ The 14ncla of Rev. E. N. Breeklnrittee tHll Make him a Donation at the Baseineut of lh . (.Iturelt. in Fairdale. Weduetalay after noon .01• 1, -,. ing Feb. ‘_'.slol, 1874. All ere in. utik-ud. " , 'Rell or ewimirrk.u. Feint:lle, Feb. 18th, 1874. Toe Gturru and STurcrcouf of the human hair, is very pI tinfy set flirt!, in n published. by H. P. Nadi Nditilll3, N. ff., proprietors of 11101'e Veip.table Sit: Minh Hair Rearwer,forsraluirona distribution. -;Tar, tle eer high remit:mon of their pmparrition has wholly been gaineff by its merits. /king free;froth oil and alcohol, It has a healthy an-, lion on the scalp, rckturing gt ay hair to its nat ural color without dyeing it cures Itching or the sCrIll), removes and prevents dandruff, and will thicken up t lie thin lock?. Such are the hellcats which are conferred upon the consu mer. No one should neglect to give , trial. —Journal (I* Slake:nun, Wilmington, • WE NETICED lit 0110 of our C.X 1 41:144,11/E1 week the statementof Des. ..John llotigkine,-of South Jefferson. Me., whose con WM 'cum., - al incipient consumption by t i te nue tit Johluovi Anodyne Linime4l, We refer to this at this *nue as tending to corroborate the staieni . cnt we made laut.week in relation to this. Liniment tor applied to tansetnntion. • • 7 • ft congress haul en/played its much "arientige skill in the arrangement of iia,"lteeonstriietion Policy" at the close, as the War. Dejuircirion did ut the beginning of the war, In arranging for the manutteture of what was called Shero don' Cardry Condition Powders for the LISP of slut Caste' horses, no doubt the Union would hare been restores tong ngo.—EzeJtanot Goon POOR AND PLENTT, - OP IT, ifIDAIDON3 thestunettfeet upon n perium who has been starved that the Peruvihn Syrup. an Iron Ton ic, dot./ upon the weak antklebilitated ; tt makes them strong and Agprous, deluging wmaness auff suffering tnurstreagth and health. -ELSNE Yon A Conch, Cold; Pain In the Chest orJ3runthitis r la raci;linee you the preruonh tory Ityinptoms of the Insatiate archer," Con sumption ? If sn, know that relief is within your reach in the shdpe-ot Dr. %lames Balsam of Wild Cherry, which, in many dam' where hop had lied, has snatched the victim from the. rawatug grave. people, funicular** cuihiren, sailer With the tar ucl(ei' end for the Windt of such we give a suje eloiple Pitt In two or three drote,of Ahroton's Anodyne Liniment, stop the ear Is alt-undretnsed wool, bathe the feel in warirt wailer Indbre going to Led, and keep the //rid warm nt night CAPT,, Olt trica Sat,cer, • who keeps a superb stock of livery ,liorses in Portland, Me., inform ed us recentiy that he tist. L'arrttrif Cis 1101 r Lira rtgal trly in Ilis stables, and (Intl rho C.X17,411,e is more than offset by the di• minisbed amount of grain necessary to keep his horses always in good order. tr is now generally admitted by honest phy sicians, that when once the consumpt.o.l 6 fair ly fastened upon the lungs, nn human potter can save the patient from death. They also say that Motet fitly per cent. of those who die front this disease Cali male this Pause to a neglected cough nr odd, which might have berm cored by n small.bottie or Liquid Opodeliloc, or what is the sante thing, Johnson's Anmtvne Liniment. Cut this make ant :mil bring it with yoU.— We are authorized to refund the cash to any person or pe•rvon• who shall buy and use Par. son: Purgative Pills and Cal of relief and sails faction. 3a zu..a. iv ram. mrzy,y—l n Dieanek. Felt )3lb, iiar;i6t in the 77th year of hernee: Tlinmas—ln rig ho'son, February 7th, nr ,lipththeria. 1., on lcd.Ugltler of .I.,4ent, and Dell di Ina Tiennai:, aged 5 years, 8 munthn, and 27 tin s. Cegilatur LI filament. The., no toile whirl. the (twittte ;,Li o 'meld AI lli het ern. to omit: eZtria the, will not auhdne.lllld no h they a 111 not tore. Thle ix strong . nenn, , n, 'lt to tote. Thew t”ee „ ~ .",141 more cure, of rheuatatient. ..eor ed, loch,or,,prelhe,strel. ITTIOCt dee. eltedheenfte....lcl.,lmni.,tt.tlt ,ll t. e.. •Optin the human fr Me, and ete}int. pp tvin. enfg, epic 00.-yrar tt tette 111 .btt . tet pretended reatedleo Pine the wend he en. Toe , Or , CO . flier 'rrlyant. MI-heeling veld Crinotro throw plat th it en:rebel.. the Mine want p••lann an. hit non cvntleted hwtreleee, and the hnitt o: l Zo b..ttles. Ft CO. J. U. Rusk ‘II . Itr,sdiorey, So•k. Vorotorla le Moro term s . atalrttttn/c for raefor OIL It tr ,ell's article In .. , x.eure 3.a.1.1rb le certriln to ie./40.11.1 the to. d.retnlate the bowel.. tore pled cr..), and produce natural sleep. It contains neither tolneral,morphine or alcohol. and 1, plearant to ink, Iltltlren need n 1 crl and mnthers Luny rem. 0 3M11M18,41011 Marthantt JAMES M. ROWAN, eicszsLi.;i:LiateilcorLikaalrola.43.3.t AXD ILLCEIVER OF BU'CIER, CHEESE. EGGS, POUL TRY, AND VEAL CALVES, Tr Der St, Lev York. ennOgnMent• onllclttli and Tatum. made hntnedlnte 1 J ^a wle ad goods. Send f..r abipplugcatch abd sten etir. Ileftrenees : Kai tonal ParNtak of N.- Yolk. N..” 11 'Dyer Has..leof :Yew York. N N 44ilik ~ ..y r,2lork. Grog L nod llakk of ,• liklyfl..-N. Y. F.O. Int --II t The •Narzeti.- ilieW; • Wei-hßei) ueeuket, n• • , Itcpnrie.rtieri Week' Vrpiemoir fnr Tne Mn•ivivhikt LoLuoctivr Ay Ithutla. k t.erver r.t4Urx. (.01,11114- 61ot Merchant 31 4 24 3VtilfetballStterti!sl4. , Yprr—, Burross-:VietsGi. t•": - N'''::i; .1 . :, - .1.• I'4 ' - "'A a as - . -4: 43.,43„ ; 1..113 •••s . •• •• 44 GI 50 Costrs3l -Was.. F.'"••••ry". flop to3iinesr ...7. , 3 • r3lis• ,t35,,1, It.,try, -t mamas, t. tatr......14 -GL .14 }Roe - 4, mu at4t Pchnsltysints/.... . ' ...... .'..3( (•3 211" ' 13Ies , ern. prime• , , -71 311 33' OSI•t11(...-yarn • - 13) ' ant- Rye. litato- -; t 'II 39 110 OATI...—S!*.": • tog 0 0.. Ilar 433. Rritioi--113,443 100 lb.. .. —.1 1 4 4"" 1 0 : •• Lir 1.13.• Rs e .5 4.110 01 4 1X) I ° OU"MT- - 140.e1 , *. Stmt. primv .. ..... 13 4') 14" ~ , i ssrkeye.• . " •• -•-- - • • 1 3 'Cf• 13 m"...a.-iqcasexas. -Mx crCr 33 • orpoltirls TIIi co ar grim's. --. ~, • ,,, r .' ~-.. , ~, ': ~. e . ,?, ie zp 4 , r': , l'. 1.. E ' , :-.5 -:: 1: f. JOUR 9, TAIIIIE.LL, Proprietor. • - • . . . .... Nine Mazer Lea v e this Ilnae ally. comen•tini trtth the Stun. t t.en Mitten w. the Lehigh Valley Rallead,tut..l the .. 1.. & W. ItAlned. April let, 1e7.3..--1.4 - Siseellanegan EVER YrSATU THDAY. •-••• • I A JOURNAL OF CHOICE READING I [E6tablialied January. 18661 IftIIIASSIZP T. 0. LIOCO&TON & Co.. 419 Wartstn&km St. Motel) (//oxrehk Awi. Zivnbridge.) 01:700 & 110VCIIITON, 13 AS 1.0( /NAV:. New 'York, Paoorterr. 1... 1874. • N Ewe et - teththr the prtintineet ch racteiletro whirl] nee Tong made Evtr, Dan ItOAT • fp•or-1. Journal for •Isrr Itailri.y, herb and attractive featnree. I.ninvg witch Inky he mewl.. ottO4NAL Alain C. 411 aromas, Of oloch the 11 .t tr./ br a atrla . rotitl•d 1118 TWO WIVES, A Story of M..rned I Ire. By 31ary C . ,mmer Ames end n u.R F.cllrorin , th.votrfl to the .hoe of home Iltriery, &nu stio3l , llt. WOO.. rrtlrr (to hew rna-nponont EITITT FaTrilllaT wlq lo h. fort. lotteadn, nvh tre t •lt the on m of eh. Poo Igh we. •I) • nod month!, pernattraln. givLitg In n ro.nynh nil ele,hl Mint 4 14, 4 r , rri. 4 l ,, E ri venter varlet r nt Hun..t•.dlne n tot., that. Ir oh , tahlabb,ln att nth., p.ilt tenth.a of tl came price. TUE Man nr Er E, T, lIATETTInT neDucts Aerialn'ta. Short !..r.4•1•• • Orltic.l nod 11,,, Ipriv. riknicluir nr Tn.', I 1..4 Adv,441..... Fong, 13. 1R1Pb"./ ‘ - ;0 POliallitfUlei Tn. 'Ur rtir). 111 N• priidUE. Wrii is a!, ptalt/e41.4 aura,/ 0 , 1t1ta111..,11 • .....p.otre , A iroug the Loy..l,Antinorn rcatArt dln hverer tjois - imAr !mu ' ' ' Anthor!) ! roll. p r. d rt Ortealtlng. Pr feter-!, 11“:!..y Pr” , ..or T,1141141, w. C, borne, jr r pn, t , r. %Ir. Help.. Churl.. hin¢ !!-y. Matthew A hen Brio , .n.:1111,4 II II t. e!.. Mac.I!!!! .1 . • Th., Ciriiiitrir r Fran. ele Poe r Karl Blind. L.,pcalia Burton, and :mu.; whey.. TRR3I , : We.1:13 Part, If,; Monthly Perle. 50 teute ; Ye 1117 ts.', If. The Mtn, 1., Mo , lily nod Every Satordny cent to one add 1..... lot t , Po,. 11. 11. 33 la I=l. "1 1 "30 1 , t iVonlct call at rattan to hi. N. Stark or F..LL AND 'vs/INTER ODODS, Sot nr ,at littorn Dm7ao `t'& oi.o1IE) ALPACAS. NEW sirLE PION rs, \‘ LS. 11 . ATEu vitooFs. FLAN NELS. ItALNIOR AL, ‘ND 11001' sE itrs, VELA - his, HEAVY WOOL 4:00D:i. (. 1 / 4 110ETS. OIL cLoTif. ptrtiL\ NMNOS: FFA LI) A SI) P ROUES. FURS, II ATS AND (..% VS: HOOTS AND siTOES, ilAßats: AttfLIPOIN,NALLS, • :. , :TEEL. STOVES Am.) GROCERIES, ETC. In Brent enrtety, and wni be cold on the most :nrornlde terms, and lowed FiLes. 11. 1117RRITT, New 11ilfnrd , .Tan 281 h. 1674. A NEW ALLUANGEVIENT PIANOS ORGANS. At L. B. Isbell's Jewelry Etand {Cher. e`ar's or tine godue wlll hr. 6.1111.1 •'i-.miners in Northi.rii in & CLOCKS , t.LID SI LV P;...N.TED W411.E. ; , r7sr: TA eiL4,etnl.Eriy . nuyoxp spenTectes. and a ~,erAi , nrtme , •l of rl4ltil M.-rchandi.e, XII Fine Wltrh ttepilriug Sewing Machines and Or u u .1., by I gat:* It..puirsr.l by L. B. 13001. F. Nelbuleti. & Mannish. Sept. to, Igrt.-1 T 3. G S. lIAE.Nts. r N. G. 131...,xtm0. BINGHAMTON' MARBLE _WORKS. IEfTALLI•IILD BARNES BROS. & LtEALEI:s IN A ND :AI.t.NUFACTLItrIiS OF jit4lian "antricatiliarbto, AMERICAN ANKlSCOicrtßAtiftt: Marble and Elate Mantles., Chen:lngo St_ sear D. pot. afa..l4. 19^ nismiAmToN N. Y. BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. MONUMENTS. IIEADSTONES,. AND MA.R.D4 MANTLE, ..3111z ORDER. Also, Vivroa - aaisrilts on bind 3. rgicimaiNG ak co.. J. PICRERTNG, ) 12e, Court B!.Tett, O. W. 31EltsEIMAr L. T. DROWN Bingimmton, Y Novenawrltth. 157,1 —l7r I •jr 1.. , 01L AIM): • At Coon's Crossing, ..• ' , (Termlnne of the Mantroan itafirned) . 313. ' 3E3 Art C7tc:•v4,3l. -Nrer offered to do, pgdith.tor ,Iftittalwercad Vieledty. fta•fog had tong expvrtenee fn the ItnAineoo, the woke. edintod g o t:Arm:tee a thdeot !Imo. Cod: al. free (now +late nod dto a, tonic: 'At` atodrtAl. Natl:At—Tem. coo,: Ego, &dove, $. Ell. CUC.TYVT. $5.50. 0. 0. STEBBINS 6: CO. Feb. 11. 1874.-tf. Ar . RECRUVIV S I.IROTBER, General Undertakers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COP- FINS, ETC., , C3r3rt.E.ELT 13=X%77:), Poisa's► ALL 0 ItOgIVS PROMPTL.,T AT rENDED TO V. ItEcx:no x LVABLE PUO'ERTY F4l. ft„tUt y Your and thrad rtnyrtr arty* oC le ' dtt.; dandle yenr .1011C11 . ilKe. a few r d. rro.n th t OWN Depot. with s' nerrtt..udd, a 1 otirot lb:fr.:on. No pain. dpdr. din mutt Inabaamt. c:ltArt h , u.a. ale boy trior Iron. tr ei thertion. be' nottio to b. or. tYltt itvn pat Or photo bPlit putt: ..r21 , 10, ' person •Ci.ietll , 4 to ar. Ocala ottVoli Jaitt, F rt”unalt, or On prapri, tore, 11. C. ttUlttittli.i, 401, ;".r . " ntakopro4 11t: P rr l j-4n... lann (ropy; Jab Prinitar.: we . I , e , ,pectat ll of is . hr wth of the f rade. Alt VolkdnoeSpl w 111.4 46A"vf 64 the Insort ANNUAL STATEMENT RECEIPTS EttviII'ENDITURS Stade and Pnb to Pontirtnee t t in pet of "rut the 13th an] "4 APV, 1.1 163.. XAIIES OF TOWNSIIIF'S AND (11.E.,76n, Apa(nton F Mmal Iletr , r Aubara tt C I I,..w..lackam .. L Fr. eh. Arar,a . W 01)0,1 , • lua . ..P.! , h. Brldavrrater ..... A ta dale , . A 4,1 13rmtly ... :Atonal/1a I. 0•:...., • CI:on. 111 cla.cotsat . I/•• aid y Lltastiv . Dan CI It•rd .. ...NI A 10 •111.... r tatlr .. II ' , anima . ... E. retv.mtrer... .Ijr. . \ 11..0 LIACt• .W In 6'lll 11. 11,If ape, True,..i \..w 5/ 11. rd . Oa• alba°. r r Whitll.... Ile to . 10 11.11/d .... It t't 11 I" o. Silver T.. t 0... .1. [Wry .1 t• It mln spr Iba lara.,. U P Tiffisy Nio.i a II p r. Ilartuaay S 11 11... m ~ I • BALANCE OF COLI.F.Crolig . ACCorNTt. Full In! 1 .4 pnlacun ..$ 425 62 $ 393 $ 105.54 21 20 Aulnith 143840 10441.5 23157 7014 . I .l4runo. .... 29654 28081 113 14 77 Bridgewater... 213288 21-11115 15 80 105 h 7 Bre toAlyn 1225 09 1150 I 8 e 145 09 - 5 Clmemint. 543(15 531 87 401 2193 ' 12'9590 12'2520 022 5148 Dicalg.k 1)7811 1157173 54(10 61, tr.! IJund.itf .. 159 73 144 78 7 Lake_ 10001!1 11.021:3 427 ri2 Franklin ...... FUIIS ((4318 82J 44:'9 18. , 152 1 a 5 tr: 515 3,20 13129'i 1259 12 701 66 10 Great Bend.... 1111.32 1045 54 1.. r 75 03 Gt. 1.9,11,1 bunt. 445 23 41687 653 1 Isrflo%l 1196 25 1129 65 716 50 45 Ilurtnony 832 75 78019 11 51 41 01 Herrick 79 8 57 7 5 ,447 65.6 296'1 Jack-ua 11201 4 2 10'9463 011 55 11 815 43 763 93 11 30 4. , 20 1,3119 , 01) 787 89 742 79 601 ::,01, Lenox ......... 12071/7 1191:17 1025 0785 Lit ....... 80002 804 57 1311 42 34 trs 138 75 131 58 25 092 Mititi)ClOWn... 8/4 43 771 r4 l II PL. 40 .;e . 100202 179889 /055 9 "*. , ;,,v N 11111 9 ,1— 11 1 92 'J2 1 , 97 ;3 110) 1 8, 113 N.llOO t•cl bar°. 6 .'.l; 30 :If f4l $75 80 72 thtkl. tat 577 88 512.11 71 17 2 - ::1 RI/Sil 837 40 896 1$ 53 47 it Sheer 151 61 2141 74 .537 4270 Spri.qcrillB..... 115:1 , 9 111: o'9 570 Susquebitnim.. 111 r 1.1 Inv? 72 28 49 5. :U Tlzumsua...... an :7 367 98 33 - 41 `.989 Total atn't oS Duplirao. t:.'l,o9l`i to Total mount paid by Collector , . $50.039:0 Total amount paid El• one rat ta Total noel Perrentage . . 1,581 VJ —CI.OO IC The übove ncemint :wailed Ju.i. GI h, 1871. C01:311r EXIMNDITL"RES TVIL to Commor.wenlili Co‘to ~.. ..... $1.241 :e Ito•tel anti Bridgv 0..% el 1 .Z.Z.O ZI, 1t , 11.4 WM tlgVel (Gil 00 E. L. Lierbe. L.+. 1.2,4' .I.itit..rt:3 , 2 7/ 1 O. lt)t , litlurn," " 403. !, ! L. Elnkestee, " " 4:Z; LA, i'' • K 1 D9.} j r: E. G. Bali. 1.4 e o •Consh.lties 76.1 vs A F ,I4O4SIIIIt, 1.4•4 Eastern Penitentiary ....... . . Court ....... '.61: U (iran't and Traver -4i Juror. ;SPA Gt Stationery 4:50:1, I L. B. Isbell. T.,wo t bk lntert•sts on County Il t uela 1 188 1±6 Wild "..t Dieintiea .I r. E. Baid% in.Ciaurt t 'rier and Jti ror, 610 ;1•1 Court Ilintae..lntl. Rutland LiO.t., 04 64 \V. A. Crieuation„ Litnu„tie Asylum 03804 County Boni. n•le,ine,i . 7tr?. 0 IV. T. :11oxley, tate Sae( 92.C.1 31. B. 11,1tne, Sheri!; 5101 , 5 M. B. 110411; nut : 1 r 8 ea. Priam iai iu9 p? 1 nsarmwe ......... . . . 1 Conmer's [ugliest °ltem Examituitiona 117110 J. E. Cartnnit. Dia rim Attorney... 192130 ....... . 00 General. Township. slid ial Etc, bona.. I.lGC:it County Jul) I: , Dr. C.C. Ilutsey, Josileei Of the Pritur 111 0 Agolcultur.l Society • 104 , (4. B. Mitred, Prot. and Clerk II`: ''s ...... (:hag. Sprout, l'olener. ti 4 Li. Brewster, " " -74 7: 00 W. C. Tilden, ro. Slinerinteteleat. 1:15.10 1.. B. Cole. I.iti , rty Brhiv.e :fig tit) 11. 8ir,1,01, et. id.. i.i.iterr.w it Grn.• A. Rosh, ct. al.. =EL! f.^ooofirirhse DeIV itt,Pitrer Lnki• iiri l;:•• • 11:15 , 8.. . Mute Trearan.r... 3,r0r227 Tr.,igurvt's P . ereronge 1.271 21 nefliuding' . (V CONTRA: By County reca tiled from t an /177 Trensoref. rem nine Iteruutlit; The abuye aceonnted G. 1874. 1.. CATLIN, 33 J. T. c Amblitori J. n. JON:it:LOS, I nr nen TAX' pAI.ANCP. Fen lE'.2. TRAdr - 11.t.TDEX, I . ltE.l;UlEtIt. Dlt - To arantrtf .or ,111 itt 'rr.• , 'A et'. a. pcT [aft Auditor.' Itt.p.,n ..=im ity It, I In Vo. 5 $ 6211 I %/In /.4441.1, , 11 P.) pt./ (D 1 //11, an 1.&/ m t dor Am•mn; to fri:Oune. Ismele to bill .1..1 111464 or, M. li.fintuß, Surnirr. Ac cf,rxr .iiii)JURV . FEES Rutz I. . Po 1 7 .1).• .4,1111 g ~• on•rl , ' El' (,1 71 e .4nyusitAtut Mott' re. Ael 01 1,, o.•• I at , : .0.., •llto by Ito , tittiptil. tuott• rtf.ti it e. aar 41,44.0 tol 010, too 01.7 fur fond .u•o.:a . , l'e" rl 1471 it , " a o . t. 7, 4 F••• 5,5,.. 0,,, • ••r•o. Itunt n. en 11.1.ft y erinu.- To touonnt of Vont are Jn•ylt. •••• I.* • .01 . re. I . 10- • .i • pl•rtl• 0401 - r 1. ram 1.14.11hy Afro,. (....‘..m., - 1111,•55,.. to Hoe ( t u•ur •t (la qt. Ur I 1,.•d • • ..- . •ul.l trvi el/ 111 . I‘C 111 ~.,o 61 to 7615.5 , tu Stenlua g .,, , ,, ' 4,4.u04 o I t 0... I 1. oto 44 4 .t .ft .1111 1111.14r11 to‘•', • I 1.111 , 11 b. mt.. u•tl44. 4. loottoult It 1..,. no potto-d ...r . ~„..,,,,x , but t u .u. Au, I. pout. ir 1r .. k.. 1, •••• -rill ,••••t• t•• pricrrtt• ,r .,,, n •,,.... 3 ) •ay 4.1,1•1,• ..,1 •,• tururLiuth 1.. t. to 144144441 i Ulm td .; 111.1 11 . 1•11 k 1 t. A 11.1/111.1 It 'Rosh 4. ' It' 4,4 !HO v.v.,. • .1145, 0 , - Ito Paler 1..111,11 4 , Itt 1,0 1 . 1 , 1%11411, 11141 1 , . lit.ti ll' 41 II i IL. c.I Is . ti... r 31...1 an. l, rgtoo pi et it tuo thi, - . nruuout . ' 1 - 0. • w ' I L "..* "WO'. " t'11”1:.. 411 1 d. atilt , Amt,-, int At agulo-utfunuff.f. Jfl.• 1 ..A.b. lu .1 It •1•1•: 1111•1: Jan: , . • . -- •• - . . . , *rut o 0 i ilottiu. p , re t t. .It 111 euttuly rg , t. I' OEI :rII tovrii --- , .I;;•••• t , .11.1 •.•••• u .rt... to I. 14. 11.11,4 11. ' 61411 441 a . . ~ . . . . I 4,1 4 up l o n I,4.,•urnt ft. pen .014114 n. 11035,544 Dr •uld - Titter IlAvt)r.s. TIIF.AI..S4',Stg ..,1. Co., IN !lc. I hy to.• c0w1..., y 6.'01 Oa O O r url, .5114 ,, 5, 1 1••5 to. Coos 571711 151,11./ COUNTY. . Alt. , . W. M. WILM lc 1711(..,-. .. -- Ifbitmo'oos. Ls T . rfAAtort's hA/044 So p,l' !tot t0u..11.1Vf1....ft1t. . ttai.lry. PS. Alotito.. Itypors... ~ • ..„ ... 17, Alt° .-------- .01,nouot u4ll.ltret. 4.r 1 11 .....-, '. - - . II ..1.14. 'H , iCh 11 , -Il' • t 'Tit E.-.T. r nr‘1rt....1.41.1. +So nudt.rr sur.111•11 rrcri nit frrto •r, ft, 1tr0t.,41.‘0 .11 , , 41 uppeal.toll 1p th. I'. or 0. ClOllOOll, 1 . 100 5 5: 54 t. 05.. . pi,,,,, ono p„, v.,,,,,,,,.. . ~,,, ~ ~,, , ~,,, 03,9 t 914 4 ',Au l'olit ty. fit 11 .Irilo.ll. Ili. thlt vln Cutilt.• u,„ 4 • 44 ,,r, t00 t 0 .t0, ft e5,4 ‘.. .:11 o I ~• ~,, ~.,„ . 1.3 t .1r1.1 . .0 (no,. ...befill'e 11,1. ..1 '5. ul 5-.1010 ol 11. - .1,, , 010,11,-I x .,,,,,,,„, , ~ ~,,,.,,,, 1 4 ~.1.1 1 . Co .. tx,t5,05 i 1t5v1.,•5. Su,. 4: •.• • i• 1, It II (I. llt se- I. 111, 1,4 ~,,,,,,,,,, r„ ul' ,0,., 4 .. . bi,,,, 1 . 1 ~,1,1 f•.,,... llistl . . (Art. toe 11411.0 I. otle-0114f4 tell 1 , 151'.4 • 011 v. . ' vI-Iv r0v.v.141 Cr vn .01.. w• g• .;. -. ' ...; 7,/, 1 "..II 1.0 , 4 i.e. f 11, 1001 $.41 f•' - gise nollvv Ilnal i t , 'Oa inuunnt evv1vrvre:vri1. , tt r.• 111.4,101 I. • t l . ruff-. 0. lily: 0014., Wi.. I. /1 , bin it v. a • ••••t'i 4•%3:r.orlat - .-,. .•.• «D.lO ~. m•-tin.... 1•1. 11 u--.., y. 1....5.-1. frt. 1.14, 0t • 11-., 010.0101.60u10 -- ...40) 0 rut 14 10 h.'L. Atlttrt-i • "'flit 5..5.. to.. 551.0 a im1•1 o foie- .11 pp Vvinir 101 s r.. re, Tr,.a 02.0,44,414 .y.,.0100,, A y 41.4 ' 2r,. v . 0 1. all Inn. PI. I..rv•t II 16 :r 47..nµ or to root sr . 6111011 1 rnmir:4ls,lEo4,l 1:1.141 1 . 111.•. •1. ' • ' , 11111•111.4.111"1111111144, gh. tri, 101.,1, , . A 3 01 . ILL.,,0nd1i0r. • . twonsor re.rrheul iort!.,urt It.,,in 1.1,1.15. II - I Moutro,,, , .I - et 11. 1,57-1.-o. I- • • A allot rredyrd 1 • •• r (' atrt; Rt.., r 0,,,, i 111 .01.0 , 5- 11, oil to,. It IA utore 1 1 11,, , ..; , .MISIeI , 1,,,,, tt 1 5 r 01mt 51,05 , . 5, • . 1- 'lr.', :. L , It '' .1-' - ' to it, , ••1...: ole gl , •.. h. .., ,t . 1,.. . 01.1 not to. .4 of Pouf A 1(4 '- 61 . 1'41 0.. " 11:1 1 • 0 Itkr . r...,111 I 11.'",. VIII.. 1,111. 11, •••,..1 Ulm vvinv , putunot enolsou.. tont 111... 1,, 11 . 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M7ll op opt to Thapores*.• 6::a:. to ilatica... • 5.11111! $0.81.91V. Th. Above audited NteaTlVe. .T.. , LI .1 11 Junsrrng. STATZrENT rrF• SusgrrlIANTQL entliTT N' I'. PT I. A. p.. 1874 ••• • r. 011. C4 f • "1, . nd .•.•• et' lot MAP... , ' ..... COW, c.-. I • f • •I• on• F.• Ft n.I fir, h• 14. r ort , 11, , sble to Cd Mc, I hrt •It • CCM t•st 14241/16111. HI , • -111.1 N. , !NM N MAK I. tam y f<=mh.kme.te 1.0 NA 1.1 1 t to txn.. l '1 , 11.1110. 1 "1.1 . .. Veit; ...... rs' (Ito- V, ...I W.., 4.151. ft. 1371.. At: REPouT off "ammo ('V•.7L'-,. N Ji-r-k 11 , 0 11n4 tnr (•ottniy of Sitwei. lOLIO n 11.11. ill I urtuiree! c 11r 4ilil ni I Au. 611 co. in 3'oofrop on MooAry. Aill, A. I).. 1874. null roloo J.rof Art I ii.o erg Eqrats IT. and Tr , m•t:rtr or F. 1,1 ( . .n) . • Tv which. up", .4,110 ilotipinntion. Sr.- 1;101 tot, e..rr ec t. V. 60 iu the loin& of r ('..tuity.mtmunc of C. nnit Caw.. *Z. ; mount of Pinto 411141..110311k ON; I V 2! ; amount of Cog laN 111 illllll of Ib7l, SI4G C 4; j tol.l, (It .%!. J. rlTtr.l. .7. T r Cmmty Auditnr..4 .7 77. . I .IIvRTOr. A.11.170.M . N1' , 11.11f,. Pa., Jon. 7. 1E74: . Itlseellaneoet iS"•►.INGS STI:Ot P, C enetai 73Soltstr.coro. X`et. CR Hal littpreartite.4...l:CO.CCO.C'et 571 , , !Mr Vll trer3prer 5 : V mai' .040104. f 4,1111 /0( ,1., 4 ,1 1.. 1 . ... • . 0111 .. 41.4.1,11.4 C11.111..11 4441... 1 1.4 0 04. .1 .0./IN t , -.1•411.014. 1... •i• • 0 , •• t 1.96 .i Al • 411 , 4 .1 r ) , r.. t•re 64 . .1 4.1 f 4,11,10 .... 4. ••FlO. s(..ft .0. 4 , .0.. rt r 044 . 401,- n - rmnll 5 , 741 -. 411%110 2:0.0 I• \ • u 1..•• ••• l n 4. • 4 Ver,o 411.110. Pt (111 • Fl 4 • I'.. r It. 4 21 , 0 Oil II•140 • I • 014. s • 0 p 11.1 .44 . •• !!4.1 40 ‘"r`s r•-' Cl,'. ••• - •.1 • r • (do Fl.'. ,5 .M.A4*I 4.4“, nO I'll .4, 0.. re.rOU .•••••••-', 4.. I. 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Lt. t.. 14 Qj ac 2 t* VV ct2l ,el. xi, Fair TIIq 11R EV• p«,.. 1 , 1-. loft •11. Limo Samagil Rue "TILE BEST IN TIIE'WOLIAT'' 1:r covrii .4 tOt ,Cl.O