The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 11, 1874, Image 4
FARM AND EUUSEEDI.D. Stivitio :quinine uttd Linton Altnost any one has it in Ida power toYes. sir. I know lots or men who will •.e-, op the fertility of lets soil, if he • start up in bed and shiver and shake,, ies not Inc out too much wink, and un- I mid enrse :ind swear if a tom-cat, prowl rtake to do more than his aim or mon- tug Idiom the garden fence, but opens his w i l l penal , l iini t o d o well. it is be- :I n es an d utters our single yell. On the Ilse a man is poor mat Ills farm runs , c ntrury. the midnight cat never disturbs wn, and there is no surer way to get me. In fact, I like to lay and listen to i 'r itud keep pear than to occupy more the music of a dozen eats holding mss 1 01 than con can work well.—When Alle convention on the garden fence. aso much lacid that he cannot work it , As the tirat cat breaks nut I heave a 11, and has r i ot money enough to em- , sigh and wonder if the world wouldn't be cc others to work it for him, hundreds las well off without eats. but I don't get things which could be dot eto u profit • mad. Some men tear aronnd and declare e not done; rind thus one-holf often of ! that they II never sleep again until they :at the land might yield dues riot write I kill every cat ,Rhin a circle of four au it, Theh he has but half manure I hundred and fifty miles; and hothing , ugh to raise crops fn m siii ni mill ground ' ii ill south them. i periy, and so hut half a crop result.. After the third yell, I wonder if it ,as he loses tit both ends, and gets poor- wonldn't be just as well if Borne bad boy and poorer each year. I should buy an ounce of arsenic, a pound Nailing helps a hunter so mach as la lof meat. and distribute the two Wound re a toll ri het from benig -driven - ' , at in ton-k Nat 41, , , but I don't go further. is season of the year. if the ditches S , me men pitlip out of bed and yell: all chained out, the surface writer I - II her. in [anode'. is that boot-jack— den injures eters so much in spring • wlii ri•.s a idol) r And tin r rush to the il Fare n bell, r chance li , diem a e ay. i door mid sling clubs a nd y e )! -sc a t r an d atso it Ili it help his r. ads. Th, war, r wake et ere hailv on the block. sieng att. the frost will out peee'rate I Alter the fifth yell. I wonder if I had deep. and thus there will not he so not better raise the whitlow and ask the ash cutting up in the spring. But 1),G1 canto adjourn around the block, on ac tin the ditch el, airings are about the count of my wife's nervousness, but I at top diassitig for glass bred nod or-' don't get mad. Some r..-en allow their and !tee: ilia , one can possibly have. ! hair to come right rip, fall over chairs, Then there is always about al 110111 , 115t 4 i stub I heir toes against the stove and ex roll I.! of waste ',getable matter in odd , claim! -Helen Blazes, but trona I sick reers where the plow cannot get at.' en those Gimes" at it would pay well to get together I By and by the cats cease howling,: and il cot in the stock yard to rot op and 'my eve-lids begin to ache. I Jun rapidly ,i.e manure, ehich dries up and g• is ! losin4 consciousness when the old Mal ea-t^ when one has no time to id mad j tese rte. sO, a question of order, and the it ..t this season. Where there is atiy i rroposit ion commences yelling him down. •odla• ,1, leaves to pi:dm:am be around i li- yells back, and I get tip to see u - hat •is e e hich emit,' serve the double par- 1 time it is. and then wonder if it wouldn't ice of earn, litter for stock and sulise- I be as well for me to go out there and ex leut Mal, are as a,ll. All this the man plain matters. and entreat the convention 10, I •ts his iiiiik drite him instead of 1 to g ,, down ',he fence to the grape arbor. el m g it along ha= to loose: rind no one Mind I don't run around for the shot gun n ealenlate the great loss e,ery year •at d eake up my it ifs andiiask her for im all these things add, d together. ! ponder and old nods and broken glass, We ila not know that we could suggest I and lurk my shin on the stove hegrth bcttel subject for a fit,mters . winter study ! and call out : "I'll kill a million cafe to an how to a‘irol being "Lime." with ' pan' far thus':' ark or - pinched - fur money. Wheneiii-r I Maltese yields the floor, and the con ic, ge's to thts cm:ditto:l there is aSsur- . vention goes tilt, id in an orderly manner. Iv some "Viing ii rung which needs! I imagine that the business which called II iMe : and a limb must be righted be- I the erintd together lots been disposed of, re 11111.. , money rail he made. I aiid creep back to tied. My wile wakes The Lily man n,-t , 1 makes money : but ;up mid earns to know what I grit up for, M ho "turf. I 111:% Or Mll4l . had 11 If hut Ir,,rse, for very or tetr: L' , ter It than On- lazy reltow, th It, . sad relketuul ineludvd 'that his ur I, ell 111 tu.u. Corn I'oddcr A c-rrAspondent of the Germantown barn/di stt,s : We are midi tic in near- ever, paper about corn fodd, r. The !in is not always usod for the same kind stock -1,,d. List it means some-tin - 1 , wed or thickly dri:led corn cut and red as 114 y ; or the corn cut up and cur. and Co. corn taken off as :eat as dry Nugi, to keep and the whole put nt the 1.1 lor winter nee. South it means the rn lt nrvs Ftripp d from the stalks be n e tr. bound in bdndles and stack• • I m the field Li, mid a [role; th e : tilwee the ear rut oil nt d shocked 1/2::'1 .1 11l of r.eru, both left to the want, d ter feed. West tt i • aids rtiting the corn at the ground. - teen bids square, making shocks that o Heil make a good two horse load. edj-et in son , hern Illinois is to pre re ! r !and for wheat and have the .ks dat 'if the tray. The lodder is fed it in ssittiter when the ground is dry or orten. the corn bsting first shocked out. . 1 ,1,1: e a n d northern Illinois, and in all tile leedittz western States, it is fed rn and to fat cattle. This mode. tern farmers would call wasteful, vet ry little is loeL Fat cattle take the at, stutk cattle nukt, and stock hogs lean. Eastern farmers fend their stalks in e hart:, the cattle eating nearly- all the ti ri. West. two fvedioge will leave the a:,ger :all of et.tlks as large as hoop f.s, th it make better store wood than .t , l,•ft d. her liiSh to be understood tha •I,crn c...rn fodder is an min/mint arti of fund, but it is not of so much her.• as in the eastern and rnid- e Staf,s, if fed mull the corn off, it is ,co ai much nork to shuck the c rit us is to do the same standing. Then, too, e standing stalks and stiaw slack are enumit to feed all the cattle and )ISeE r.n 11. e farm in diy wmither. As the lien, tit of cornstalks as manure ere 4et!Hg the adrat.tare of that in an r way than handing In-o 'or three meg. It iP by the use of tolling stalk- Wens. sPcoritig the stalks nitie inches to in length as fast us a tehtn wit) :ilk tine Lull t rites at a t:flie. This in I,e,ps the land light daring e seasiin t vJ t ie stalks are not to the My 4 , Lject in this article 's that eastern d ttr, , rn tm•n mar n njler,t and what ra fodder in each loc.] ty is. and not de te ih•nnestion in which both are right the object the same, to he of benefit fa.nter, generally, But in many ca-es stern fartn>rs can nut fallow the •Frot vice eastern ariters, and it is the best that •.se n•ho hay not s.•en things both east ,1 west elioniti know which ail, ice to ;'on. What it, llhoroughbred What we roll the thorough bred hone eyeated an I:lig:and by the importa -, I mari-s mrd stalhotis from Arabia i.srhary. and by the judicious min-. of the foreign with the native •id l'hrongh contests no the turf lii right lii.d of erossi..g. the horse gradually improrid, or elevated to a otandard of excellence; and these .proxecl horses were then recogniz-d as ,• progenitors of an aristocratic race. tuine heraldry has been made a science, •1 the birth and pedigree of each horse bigh breading has been preserved i,. "Stud Book." L'stag,e has demeed a' nu animal which can show an ,nimited pedigree of Else; gebiltitioos , Ali be easseCalo:-Aliorouithhred ; that 1 J. drop of Crolik*ticiarse blood most ..'ar to the t•+; 00" theoriginiif nhich oot be found behind five socces,ivepe- , ~! sr•f reproduction, "Five removes 4.131 11:1/10li parentage refine the blouil cud it aristocratic.— Turf, Field and; • H. "earning man" in Agriculture wilt t , wprored tnolg. Steel pots, and steel •uw teeth mill Eopersede the time.linu. inn ones. Stune mas ask why tidal LS tbol batter, i When is 0 gun.hartel • chicken Apawer. -14 hen it i$ LI little foWL • HIMOROUS. \ The Modelol Cut. and I told her that I was after the pep permmt for nit nenrulgia. Some men would lac and jaw and fume fur an hour and finally get up a light with their Living partner. I just close my eves to sleep when old Maltese offers an amendment to some mo tion. and the .tpposttoot go for him again. lle hack, sluts at them in tern and they fall upon him. 11, bAcks under my nidow and stands at bay. I creep out of bed and seize a club, but drop It again us I romornb...r that I am not mad. It woidd. perhaps, be well to step to the door. and throw the hit, ler, and the wood. box, and the cupboard. and the ax, and the woodpile, and the whole summer kitchen, at the c its, but I refrain, and merely tap on the window. and urge old Matte:e to cover himself wth glory. Some trEm would grab no the table or sofa, or the first thing bandy and ejaculate : a rimier it I didn't murder somebody or sttmeth tug'' Years of observation have cam - it - iced me that the g,tmeral atiririthy to cats is euttrely utdumaletl.—.ll. Quad. The chiimpan office-ho'der of Florida is rhos r,rerred to by II Gainsville Era : -When t [lon. L. G. Dennis left us fir his,Niirtherii Ira. :0 be absent sereral list in him our senator, coun ty commissioner, board of hist! netion, deputy marshal. deputy sheriff, deputy e nun eletk. triat‘tirer of school funds, enstialan of enmity to asn Ter's hoidr s .s en . ior eiiniTalmal and acting mayor. Near ly idl public business was suspended un til his return." A German peddler sold a man a liq uid IJr exterminating bugs. "And how du %nu ug"• it ?" inquired the man after he had bon , lit it. "Ketch to hnz nn drop t. it little drop into his mom 11" at.- swered the peddler. "I'-Inane'" exclaim ed the pmeletser, "I could kill it i half the tine• by stamping On IL" "Veil." ex. olait.ed the German, "that is a good ray too.' An akent minded man entered a Troy shoe store the other day and wanted his boy measured for a pair of shoes. '•But where's the hm ? ' asked the dealer. - Thunder!" vaidAlw man, "I've left the bov at home! I'll go and get him;" and oil he started fur the house, six blocks away. A yonng lady of Lyons, lowa, tecently said: "Some men are always talking about pat ronizhig their own town 7 -alwa) s harpilig on that dui! y—and yet they go abroad to get married while here we all stand wailing! I do hope that some of these men who marry EasterE semen will get cheated: A gentleman who rather suspected some • tie war peeping through the key hole of hi-. office ,ioor, investigated with syi Inge fell of pep;iersauce, and went home to find his Wife had been cutting wood and a chip had Lit her in the eye! "Wasn't that a waste of powder ?" said an Iranian to a Kentuckian who had just brought a coon to the ground with his rule flout a large tree. -Why so, Pat ?" asked the hunter. "Sure the fall would a kilt. hint." "Sir." said Cie astonished landlady ton truyeirr .hu had seat his cup fur.itril fur the ceVei‘lb tune. "%on mutt be fund of e. tree - Yee, m a dam, I urn." he replied, "ur I should never have drank su much aster to get a little." W ho dares spit tobacco ju ice on this car floor? asked a burly ;iasseuger on a Mo b:le t7ain. •-i dare," auswtrod a slender couch. Jid tt. "You're just the chap Fin looking for ; give me a chow." Reading, in the morning paper that Tintiberg bad been embalmed by his wid ow, Mugguis retnal lied that he knew sev eral married men whir were kept alive in pickle hyrtheir wives. . A matt wbo bud beet* to t* crowded ball said he wits load at rings on the angers, but lie didn't lair lkehes on biz toes. Clothing, etc NEW STOCK OF RD WIRER DRESS GOODS Shawls, Oloalthigs, Flannels, Blankets, etc NEW FALL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS Ladies , and Misses' Trimmed Hats, VSLYETSAIBBONEI, Ere NEW FALL & WINTER STOCK REM MUM EilTlfilit DOTS', YOITTIIS', AND MEN! le .4 , I_ ir PI NEW FALL CASSRIERES, COATINGS, Bad ‘, FOR CUSTOM WORE NEW STOCK OF fiats tt Gaps. FALL STOCK OF LADIES', MISSES', Hoye' and Men's MERINO WRAPPERS & DRAWERS. NEW FALL STOCK. Laii.cileiso' 413-eats FURNISHING GOODS, +sitAVILtIA :II .lif AND OIL CLOTHS All the above open mg In lane ndety at the Igor. d Guttenberg, Rosenbaum 81. Co., st. DESSAUSEt, Meaning I•zrtner. Mon trove. Sept. 24. 1., For Sale Real Estate for Sale. 2 The übseriber off , :rs for sale the fullowiug Real Estate, to wit: THE FARM known. AA "Robert Moore Farm, — •Ituato In Blidgewa ter lowurhip, Suequehannat Co., Pa.. about to • min e raid of Muntruse Borcia„,th, containing 140 acre, of en cellent grams and grain land. Ovoid 21 acres of timber. a good form ho n. and otabotialoga. • Sue or, lord lot choice frail. well watered. and adapted for dew, ii, pa path.. Stock. deli, ftxturee. and farming torn.... will ho void with the Farm if desired, union. pro.luue ly dispoeed of. ALSO, A HOUSE AND LOT %doer In the Borough of New Milford. Snagnehaniot Courtly. Pa., pleasantly located on the Main eta,. neat the centre of the town. Lot hi 1 feel front, a good lou vonient two-story dwelling, a goal cited garden elicit, and a ccomulent well of good water. ALSO A FARM OF FIFTY ACRES one fourth of a mile from the borough of Sea Milford. ES acre, improved. and the balance w ed timnered prole, patty with the. tout and hemlock. A good atta.4o feet hero, and a thrifty yonug orchard. known as the CEIAI4I2IICRLIN HOTEL. In Gibson Thal low. Sneynehanna Co.. Pa.. c untaininr9o Littrl at land. mostly improved. with lintel. Wagon Barns and out building.. Convenient either a. a hotel or tor (orating and dairy purposes. ALSO A DD3TILLETIY for the manufacture of Cide- Brandy. in good running order. lately occupied by B. C. Vail, dereseed, and about al perches of laud adjseent to the aforectld Hotel prop erty. Terms made racy to salt the purchaser. upon :nod security.— For prrticulars Inquire of E. D. Manley, DZMOCUAT ice. Montrose. Pa.. or of the subscriber on the Ron., lloore Farm. Dridgosster, Pa. JOHN GAVITI. April 30. 1n a.-tr. V A LUABLE FARM 31Pc=ti• The subscriber offers for sale the valuable farm known as the "f3ummores Wv Feld farm It one of the meet desirable In the County and I. braatitolli situated in the village of hammer I tile, Smwocininna t aunty. Pa. There Is a good Store. 'louring SUM Mill. Plaster Still. and Blacksmith Shop It said Village. The term Is dire-oily on the line ..1 the D. L S W Railroad. IN miles !rum the depot la Now MI l'ot d,4 and miles Irmo the New York 12 E et. a at the Great Bend mation cantatas III) scree of land, 180 urn. Improved; Is well watered. having a lasting •treent of water running through it, and a net er falling supply of water cooseyo d In pipes he house. barn. sun cat tle yards; It In well leaved , and under good udtivattoo, is well adapted to growing grain, sad is well fitted for stock of dairying. Thera in a large and convenient dwelling, newly pal nted.and a beautiful front ysrd with attruntsery, a large horse barn, a large carriage and tool barn, a Large cattle barn with two cattle verde, ample Ned. and stables fur feeding r stabling cows. 3 email bay barna, len Noose. ea.* gawk. buns., corn bonne. and '2 or-herds of grafted fruit. The subscriber also has 3 bIiALLER FARMS that e w 11l tell. TEttatn of payment made easy. 'or in formation address R. L. SUTPHIN, New Milford, Susquehanna County, Pa Angetst A CHANCE FORA BARGAIN. A good bare nearly new. good water handy. and lot containing one and une.fourth acres of land, twenty bre dor morr Butt trews. beginning to near. handy to school. and Beaches Plalning Mid. Also. • Woollen Port - ay. Waggon nhop, and Grist Mill Situated about half a mile from the new depot. mad litver one mile from Please lenpalre of E. L. E. Blakeslee. out. Proprietor. it C. BUILGE6S. Montrose, Pa. Dec. 11th, 111711.-41 FOR SALE—The farm late of Nathan Al drich, de'd, situated about half a mile west of Montrose Depot, in Brooklyn ownship, con taining about 111 acres of land mostly Improv od. Inquire of th• inderalgned, executor of said estate, at New Milford, Pa. Eimer? Ainaica. New .Milfonl, Jan. 23. T 2,0 R SALE OR EXCLIANOR.—,f, FIFMT CLARA r dweliOl2 Loose and barn. together alto 7 sorra of Loud. %rob pleat, of trot& teem ; situated X mOe from Blrchardrille. Saegarhamm Co., Pa. WO/ to, sold cheap or excaccomdfor plioe fa some fors. L.B. hILVAR.A. TOrchardvllle, Dec. 17.1878.-Bm. HAND 81W PHINTED mutaimnnev• Miscellaneone. Iron im. the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of /ron, is to combined as to have the character of an ailment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand ills," simply bt Toning up,/nvigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dim, rhcea,Boils,NervousAffections, Chills and Fevers, - Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad'state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a tom state of the system. being free from Alcohol. in any form, Us energizing effects are net fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neill life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been clean g eel by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong. healthy, and happy men and women ; awl invalids cannot ma-so:la:Ay kos ilate to give it tz trial. See that each bottle hcs PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the Mass. I'am plilota I'raw SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proorieiors, PO. 1 . 31ilton Place, Iloaton. SOLO 131 DIICCOIsTR 01,,RALLT. Sept. 1010, 1811 I Y. pAINTS AND OILS B. R: LY ONS & Co.'s Montrose, May 11, 1873. C ARPETS. —Less than N. Y. Prices— lay 14, 'TS. !or Sala br B. R. LTONIS & Co SUGAR, TEA, corrEE, 12=3:1 r.a•c:laaea•logis At Law Floiras at WALL IND WINDOW PAPERS AND NEW PATTERV~ RECEIVED EVERY WEEK DIRE(' El:WI 'flIE NIANUFALTORY. On :yak by 11.1?. LIONS et CO CC= SPOOL THILELD co vI"S, ('T.ATU 0. N. T., JOIIN CLARK'S SPOOL TIIIIEAD E. BLACK, LC: ORED— FROM No. s 130, Al 75 CENTS PER DOZEN. For kale by R. LYONS d CO llontrose. 21ny 14. 1572. Mix:Ler cfb Cc:to:As DEALERS I:( FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS, MAIN STREET, 114Ecarstrcsiseo. Pa. Jana 23, 1571 —lf. NSW 3E' I 1:1- 31611. In Lanc3boro. HOBERT & MAIN, having entered Into co-partnership. or^ now prepared tu du all kin. a of work In the I:ne of Rom Env BlacksmithifiEl FROM A WHEE LBAiRtW TO A COACH REPAIIUNG.I3I ANT PLAT OF TUE BUSINESS will mein prom ,t etention HOBERT & lIAIN. Leoesboro. Pa.. Oct. Ir.. 1873.-tr, BUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON. PA. Wholntl* & Retell Dealers I n HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, • NAILS, SPIKE I, SHOVELS, TTI LI )ER'S HARDWARE, MINE RAIL,COU.V ARARIVE .± I RAIL SPIKAR RAILROAD A 111.1c1NO B - PPLIER. BARRIA GB SPRIRRA, ASLAR, BKRIAB AND BOXES, ROLLS, NUTS and (VARDAR.% PLATED BANDS. NALLMARLX IRONS, lILTB.BPoRES, PRUDES. BRAT SPLVDLX.R. BOWS. de. ANVILS STOCKS apt DIES, BELLOW*! tIANNEEs. SLEDGES. PILES, de. de. CIRCULAR AND SIMI. SAWS, BPLTING, PACKING TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. NAIR R oßrNnerons, MEM" WLNDOST GLASR.LICATIER I FINDINGS eanaIiARKIII SCAM. Drugs and Medicines. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herb, found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro pertiea of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cense of the unparalleled success of VINEGAR. Brr runs? " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers hie health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vprrosit Biwa= in healing the tuck of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as n Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If mon will _enjoy good health, let them use Vracieu BrrrEne as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. Dull by a) .; ‘41)) H All Ro Only 50 Cents par Bottle. It I,rnrootee the cnowzrz, 1.11,, COLOR, and increases tho Vluue cud nr...tvry or the n. 1111.. Orrn Tntrarr Tears rot" Lron's Ktr-rt.ntres ran Tux lion 61111iIrst patrol in the mar Let le, Professor K. MOM. Lyon, a ttniduatc of Plancettsa Ltd:et,. The name is derived front tLo Greek, tt rliiY/11, to dame, portlyr, fejitecnale. Of Tvs!orr. fat oat has resseireLand tho two 1a.r.t...t boa obtained, is unaronaleated nod incredible. it iner,teets limo Cittosrra - and lirarrrr of tho HAUL It la a delta:glut dressing. It mutant. ihortraff. It yeetents tbn Bsu boos lannn7gray. It lo.ept no Lima cool. awl given too hair a nett, soft, plow c pre+. r-/mier. It a castron Quorrrrr and QUALM( n, I. was ovrr n Leans ran of n 1 as-roar Aso, and tssold by all Drartaets aid Country hunt. at only Fifty Ccrita g 47 Wolf Glory 13 llir Hair. LY N 9 .5 4;5- Furniture and Undertakin; 3Etc) - m ra Southern Tier MINITERE ElIPORItli! 88 Washington St B I_l 33. immt "S"-.. You wiH Find llio LAROEST AND BEST ASSORTEENT OF roa 'l' ICJ _TE At the Lowest Prices of ally Store it Soutlieru Sew York. All Goode Sold are WA HEATED Sr B,,en E. D. P.OBINSON. IZI!ItIM=1U1 ~~urailt Llr~ AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Eaaneire Flirt:Otero Wa rernnm you Will fled the large FIRST CLASS AND COMMON "TT MiL IV liill MT To he found In thi. .ertwn of tfo conntre, of Ma ntattufacntre. and at Kn....1115t castoot inif to give EXTEN.ION TABLES country, unit %V.UULAN them 171'1101.-ATE RV \\OIIK Of all kind.. dune In Illy mantle. 19 1. 0 FIL 2Ma Gr 81. 13 19 PURE NO. 1 31 A T ASSES, • CONIMON ATHASSES. UNDERTAKING The ettbacrlher will hereafter make tn.. 4clerta al nr..• a icpceinny In hi. b00m..., il.vlr JII•I completed a NEW and the tna.4 eh,ant REARSE la thr r.tate, alb needing h aer,leue w 111 he attended to prompt) and a' catlatactory charm. WIT W. SMITH D. SOPI. llontro.o. Pa.. Jan. I. FURNITURE WARE EVERYTHING NE.W AND Sri ALT' I. cr. 3D.c;avr_im - sna 50 Washington St., Bingham Ton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Repairing done. THE 11 Eiv cdlealt - jr. PRICES eAboNABLE. ti.,tlatnetlnD guarnoteed Binghamton, N Y., Augult TVE DEFY ALL COMPETITION AN .14 Pry:tiny. Brim , on VOUTICnrk. Drugs and medicines. SliB6ox . _ . :•': "I - -Or 4f - 11 ,4 4: 4s 4- 11. ..P2 l ~,,; ,.*:4 - 's, • - . • 'V' ~ ,' •-• • , , ,- ,3./.: , ',.....;!..47 - .W.fi1..1: - . , •.: - - ,- c „,,,,,, , , s.l - ' ,- .44 , g7T' .4. 47.- , , \ !„.,' , .:4.. -;•....,,;:. . • ~....14.Z.' 1,..('.. ,. .1 . .t , f'.., 4 1*-1 f - , : ,,,.. e . f . co - 7 '.. - - . 1.: , Y ,. . , .>':4-:;c1z, , .;;(4 ,:.' - t., -..-:... -- . ~1 74 ,1,- ~..,,.-,'-e' •: -,r.-- '. ' -r,. ; !'f' .4". " - : '.-- .= • I .2,.. • ~.W.- i 5,77. :0 17 , - --, -, ,,h 1 ; 6 1 :- . . 'F . :-.1 ; : - ..i'::,7Z. ,, -:.3 ' lii.W .:-,.;-'` :.;:t :••• :G . if,';:-:,',7 i... , : . 4 - i,,, , _'..14...„1 -- . ,.. , .1 7 ` , ; . 1 5 ;,,f>..i• -• :".? : . '2' 4 : '.. , '-''''':', , q : ::;: f: , '- '' 5 : 1 . :".;`.--,....:::,;',;.',--:•:•:"•,.--',,,i,',..5- ..-:-..: f. , i - 42 , r r 5,... .... 1 7:,...5.,p,...‘,..441,„.....).....!,.1.„,,....,.,......., ~ -,7 ::, , - - ,::7.-- . ...-- . :..itts-7.-/- : ::.) ..r.„:,.•,.,,.,....f,.., T.,,_„...,..„:,..... rr 'f- :;?.:• t ‘ .. - i•; - :Z.i.' ^ i",, ,, ' UL k i t; ' -t I, \:!N I V , Col, r .ff1:' , ,, , ,17714.- : 4 .- r.' 71 ,- "'" . • i!irra - ..... , ~,....• Ts pm: i i.. 1" ! ! i. -, , :r.r. P1.1,1^ ..1. •I - CN, rrn• and r•lui 1 .1 ,,, :, ‘` % I,: ut • ; I .• e . - • .. I A . 'rla e...._..L. v. L... .. -. 1 .; _ ......_ ~...., rti .. , :".,..- . `, 12 • I ' , I ~ - I ' ;-'-. r i . i ' I j ~ 1 G LL-1 • , ... I-4 I. / f.- , .. e 1..-: ~ i LI. 3 ~ ).: , Lk , Ti';"r.,el r'!•• s,l • " L. c-s„ tr. •. s • . min " y t Clltaw._ I. tzar .." . : 1 , ^7 1 1.43 s : L they J : ca.:l rxv.•;•:. • s 7, • . .7) They 1.,:tw0 .1 :` 3.;yer, - 4 ( c• lIIEM • c t`letld Tc - ~ * Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lunge, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Brougham, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the peat ~ di-earn le: of modern -.,', i,i,„..c..,- , ,1000 e, hew are of „....„:„•.. _ . ...,;,!;,, , mom ro i l va t ir to le, u'i' - i i ill.'". ; Ai ' -4 1 , I d . " i .::!iiZrt o . t ili a tir' T ;o:r ro n a ll t and Lungs. A vast trial of In virtues, throughout that sod jliklk, other countries, has shown that it does surely nut effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all rhino';, es:aided., the fact, thut CHERRY PECTORAL will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lung; beyond any other medicine. The most drinvrons affections of the Pidnionnry Organs yield to its 'power; and cases of tonsompe 'don, cured by this prep.-whin, are public ly known, so remarkable ns hardly to be ho llered, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy It is adeuunte, on which die public mar rely for full protection. ley curing Coughs, the forerunners of inure serious duca-e, it sure, unnumbered lives, and an maraud of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, nod COO.. since, the most sceptical. Eta ry family should keep it on hand ns a protection against the early end unperceived attach of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at lint. but a hieb become incurable, and MO often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs need this defence; mid it is unwise to be without it. As a safe e Tiard to clularen, amid the distressing diseases which bouet the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cnritne PECTORAL Ii invaluable; for, by its Liorly live, multi miles are rescued from premature paves, rind saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily-nod surely agaiii,t ordinary colds, securing sound rind he_alth.r,toring sleep. No one o ill soda, troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis,. when they Know Low easily thee ran be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and faeces-lid chemical inve , tigation, no rust or tail is spared in making every bottle in the inmost pas' ible perreetlo4l. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtue. it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it hiss ever effected. TIIEPADED DT DO. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical sad Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL Lii/L`GGLiTS EVEItYWItrpr Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i s at once agreeahle u healthy, an d effectual fo r preserving the hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original eolor,_with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, thongh not always, cared by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can. he saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is predated . . Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often soun cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dagger us and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for •a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white Cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J.: C. AyerA Co4' risotka and Azialytleal Ciptiathiti s LO YELL, HUB& County Dasiririce l Directory Two lines in this Directory, ono year.lll2.o ; each ad ditiGnal ;Int:, 00 cents. BIONTROSE. JAMES E. CATIMALT, Attorney at Law. Ottes out door below Torben Rouse, Public Avenue. • WM. II COOPER A CO.. Bookers.. sell Foreign Pan sage Tick. la andl./Data on Eughtud, Ireland and Bent land. • BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Piro and Life insur ance Afoot. ; aieu.erll Itallroao and Accident...flat to to New York and Philadelphia. Ott Se one door east alibi Bank. WM. ITAUGIIWOCT, Slater, Whol•sila and ItstaL dealer in all kinds of elate roclng, Montrose. Pa. BURNS it NICHOLS. the place to Barr/so:Nand Ifedl cate,Clyers. Tobacco, Piper, Pocker-Booka, Specta cles Yankee Notionslte. BriSk Block. R•M. L. COX, Slarrbera mike, aoo dealer In all articles oroaily kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. • BOYD A CORWIN. Dealers In Stave., trardware; and Slgnnfac:orera of Tin and Sheetlroo want. corner of Main and Turnpike tamer. A. N. BULLS itH. Dealer In Groceries, Provhdoor, Boobs, Stationery and Yankee Balloon, at head Public Arcane • NEW 3M.F0111). L. L. LEROY. Dealer In nil kinds of Dinning Dupla inents. meanie,, machines. mein corks. deg powers, etc ie.. Msin narlng, Bank. Ito. CA YAID t PLas.TP.II—NICHOLAS Sill/EMAKERAIea, er in gennine Frevh ground. 13A V I!. OS BANK, NE W II.FOED.—Ha per coal. In tercet 4.au1l Depoolte Deese denenil Bal.king Bab DI 2,-. 0,11.1-tt S. D. eIIASE & ct. F. KLSIBEE. Cerrrtge Vaker and Undertaker; Mainstitrect. Two doors nelow Harley's Store. Mcr'OLLUM BROTHERS. Dealers in Groceries am PM/VIP/01/E on Main ntreet.• ,fIAHHET S SON. Dealer', In Plonr. Fred. rear, Salt. Lline, Ceineot. Droevriea and Provisions as Main threat. onpo.ote the Depot. AMEY St HAYDEN. Dealer, in Drnr. and Medicines and Manufactutore of Cigars, on Main Birgit, nes, the Depot 1. DICKERMAN. dn., Dealer in !repent cnerthaadlea and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Stract. GIBSON. II 11. TrmUtY-11eal, In !gores. lin. Copper. In. and Sheetlron War, Gael Ing...3c_ AI.o. mom:bear et of !the, t Moe& to arti• r. Ere Tronr,h mad Lead Plow boslnese intruded to At lair prices—Gibiloa Peunnylvada.-15. GREAT BEND. L. S. I.ENRFI3I. Mannfartnrer of tratber, and deals. In general Merel.andlee. on Main Str•et.• M. P. itnit 4N. 34,4:hen! Tailor and dealer In Reads Made Clothing, 11.7 Guude.Grocerlea and Provisions Main Street.. Miscellaneous. R&M' 24 2r/422D Vith £1) Tawv Aram BOYD & CORWIN, Corner. of Main and Turnpike Sts ISIS C:NMSTIELG, 2E:I, PAL.. TIN ND SHEET-IRO ti WOE, Builders' Hardware, CUTLERY, ETC., Nall®, by 1L1:L.49 Sea. Thank, t'a our Fiiende fur last Fnvore We would To more ihonk to ono nod all who know •he h.trr i null h.lle.C.11111L• adth 11". I they would call ntd .co by The within or March Lost. RISME! SCIWITON SPRIGS BANK, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FRuM COMPANIES AND IN LIVID CALs, AND ICEIUItNs TnE SADIE )N DEM ND WIIIIOUT PREVI )US NOTRE, ALLOWING INTER EAT sI X PER CENT. PER. AN NMI, PAY ABLE HALF YEARLY, .)N THE FIRST DAYS OF .IANU ‘IIY AND JULY. • AsAFI..: AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS, DIE- N IcS, AND MACHINISTS, AND i:olt \\*WIEN AND CHILDREN AS svELL. MONEY DEPOSITED •ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DILA w IN FROM THE FIRS I' DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS Is IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN ; raUI'ION. AND ONE WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED :ARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON .!'HOPS AN Ds OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. ninEeTons ; JAMES BLAIR, ANI O OI,D GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER JAS. s. sLoUUM, J. H. SUTI'HIN '. P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL TIDW ELL, A. E. AUNT, T. F. HUNT. AME.; 13L.0R. PRESIDENT; 0. C. MOORE, CASHIER. OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. iNn t. FOUR P. M., AND ON WED. NEADAY AND SATURDAY EYE. NINGS UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCh. Feb. 12. 1873.-IY. NEW GOODS. Thre,.211.7. d rho . rote, former l y refilled, mr l 3. r t r a rn b l y r b l o t d Hen von, to nrra .hiiepttand cmto DRY GOODS! pROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES! I . HARDWARE! CROCKERY! &c., &c. Mean be band elsewhere, and alas reelable Peen, O. DI. Crane. Larratillo Canter. Pa.. March W. 1072. 4 FIRE, LIFE, AND _ACCIDENT Insurance Agency. carrraL REPRESENTED OVER t 20,000,000 AS. 11. SMITH. 'Dec.VC I=l kautivae. Pa. digozats• TMTaxi : tact ,Prof..ll, X; Trumbull's Pen Family Arena Mau out of e mploy soca% with CO capital, can ith swim s • partusamit sitoalloo. For Particulate add ad d s, wtamp. . less se maw— liesiutisa. Pa