The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 11, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
The services in the several Churchesof 3Tont
rose are as follow
n t en CACTI. Rrf.J. R. Ciresoomi D. D. Pastor
Ythha~h 'rrvlce• 10){r. m. and 7p. m
S hit h S,lool. 12 m
Prayer Meetaig. Wedam , day Rvmargs 7
CATHOLIC citurten. Ran P, J. lIITAPST
Sabbath ticrO am let end Srrl Honda,. In each Wroth
Sabbath Scb .01 before M.
Sabbath Servicon.
F.oorley School. .....
Week-Day Services—Wednesdays.
Sabbelh >c nice* 10.* a. m. and 7.81 p. m
Sanhath schout
Prayer !renting. Thursday. 7 80p.m
PitEirirrsnuN enuncii
hhAth Kervicee School
rr.y•r Meeting, Thuredar Eircutnro
Winter Arrtinuement of Ninth.
Tutlaea«k (Dan?.)
VIA Snap:
Neutron./ ...... 900 p. o'-0..
NAIr ....... _AO 00n la I 30pm
illtalcone 945 a 900 p
Fr"si...l , c it ri 66npta 1100 s
Con kSs s,, (tr) .real .) 760 a AP 1:0o II LIA
s. Lske.pri Aterlt.l9_ 600 pm 203 pm
IleAbopprn. Or/ Arrekky.X 1000. In 40i6p
The Now York. (rio klontrote,) New Mlltked,
Tookh•lwock.ond Wyoloolog are doily.
The .'01,1,11n Station roue Tueikla,o, Tharwilayi,
Tbe lainznamton (via Sliver Lake.) nn• Teas
da ea Thored•y• And Setbrelays.
licslaoppen mall ru”alloadaye, WedaeadAya, sad
Fr 1127..
A Stage leavn daily for Montrose Depot at 19 at., aad
ik •ra p.
ern. learaa dully (or :raw Milford at Igo 0. Y.
a•d remrse at 3113 p. a. •
E. Q. FORD/3 All. P. Ild
Lho of New Adverthiements.,
Counsellor at Law—Edgar .1 Turret!.
Denti.t— Dr. W. W. Smith.
Auditor Notice—Estate of Jacob Dutcher.
Auditor Notice—Estate of M. J. Decker and.
Andrew Halstead.
Kaitie Coal Yard-0. D. Stebbins Co.
Every Saturday—ff. 0. Houghton it Co.
Peruvian Syrup.
Anialyne Liniment..
Pinions' Purcative Pills.
!: 'otters linters.
otos About Town
Lam n inter month
Tim t Fourth of 11,11 v falls on Saturday.
The M. E. Mite Society., at D. D. I.liutl'a In
Br - Wet-a:tier, Friday evening nen.
Printers' ink may be black—but it sheds mom
light than any other luminary. however bright.
not called for within ninety days, postal
cards b e nt through the post-race are burned by
order of the post-office department.
The 22,1‘if February this year falls on Sun
day Saturday therefore have to be observ
ed as the annivemsy ut Washington's birth
Montrose Fire Co_ No. hold their annu
al Reception at the House ou Friday
evening February 2t3th_ We hope the attend
ance will be such as to show the tap!) reeiation
of the h'itenten's arduous sad
The Mont r , l,e Cornet Band expect to give a
concert soon. We are glad, to publish this tact
and w e hope the people of this town will give
theta such a benefit as t. 41- 5, deoirme. There re
no other institution in town that merits a bet
t r one.
Rev. Gtiorge 11. Kirkland, lector, 1r at
tend services accompanied with lecture on
rthiesdas' evenings, commencing Co.. eve
ning at p. ru., at St. Paul's 0;0s - copal)
('hurch, ilitr interest in the Church makes
it a ideasure iii be able to bay that these are ao
Idgo or low, rich or isa)r seats in this Certirrelt,
lint that any and ull may occupy them, w•hen
erer sad wherever they chniase, - without-mency
and without prioe."
It is the easiest thing in the world to getaitis
if you only start right. Any man may become
a millionaire in less than thirty days if besaves
one cent the first day, double it the second day,
double the second day's amount the - third day
and so on. if you stick to this faithfully the
bum you will save on the 28th day will amount
t I ,2.41,77; 28. The trouble however is, that
it is a iittle.too much keeping a diary and
grows tedious after the tenth day.
What is the m atter with the mails on the
L. &W.R. R. about these days? We -bear
general complaint of a very systematic irregu
larity in them, and we also speak from our own
knowledge. Our Philadelphia mail, a pert of,
the time, is more likely to conic by wny of N
Milford at II) o'clock, a. m., a day or two after
it is due, than at the proper time. This has
linen the case for three or hair weeks past. We I
cud it is not the fault of mall agent Richards,
for when he makes his trip our mails ure re- i
crive,l in order. It fastens itself upon the agent ;
who alternates with him. We learn that a - green-
Loin" is running In place ~r the regular agent,
ll ill/ sectns to sow the mails in a very promis- 1
etyma manner. The agent who has put him on
tither With or without the consent or the De
partm..nt, to take a furlough himself, should be
held responsible, and unless the thing is reme
died at ore e, the mutter will be reported to the 1
proper authorities.
Notwithstanding the market! and pleasurable
convenience and humanlike appearance of our
sidewalks, lithught insult by the late ordinance
of our Borough Council! and which ought to
transpire in every civilized community without
the force of law, yet we learn there are bipeds.
existing is our town, who are so learned in the
law that they propose to appeal rothe Supreme
t'ourt of the State, or the Cruel States, for a
• pls. of their grievances,arberet hey think,t he
jaw scout.] he pronounced "unconstitutional."
We have r tear of any such "stare-crow;' for
these sordid individuals will never appeal to
anything hut their own selfish and miserly in
stinets, if it is likely to coat them a cent —The
only trouble with these individuals is, that it is
mcuastituti.nal far them lo Co anything torthe
accommodation of their neighbors, that does
not bring"drivings" into their own purse. They
should Of they have not) at once embark in the
"curbstone broker" bonnesa. We say to the
Council enforce the law, and we are needy. for
one, either to dear our own walk or pay them
for doing it, and also to pay our portion of the
tax, if need be, for "cleaning out" the walks
flr these eminently learned indivicluals, who de
sire a free ride in their neighbors' ornialbus. We
can thus Sad ont who they are, and put as car
mark on them.
Cheap Pixel
A Germain has just invented a cheap fent—
seventy-five pouuds of sand to twentylive
pounds of coal dust, mined with a gallon of
sal soda water, such as the women folks wash
with every week. Total cost about 8 cents a
hundred pounds, or 0 cents a ton. The dis
coverer says a ton of the new feel will give out
more heat and burn longer than a tea of the
bat Anthracite goal Deans VI a ton. Try it
A Susquehanna Day initi nesata
Mr. Edwin Dunn, son of P. V. Dunn, of Har
lord, this county, who moired to Minnesota
about four years ago, wu elected to the Legisla
ture of that State last year, tram St. Paul, and
Is again a member of that body this winter.
Mr. P. V. Dunn, of Burford, Informs us that
he has a live butterfly that woke to life on his
premises on Thursday, the 3d inst., and which
his wife is rearing with tenderest ears. W,,
don't see why Susquehanna County is not up
with Lancaster, as to the report of the corres
pondent, which appears in another column, in
butterflies if nothing more.
ne.. flea. A.
.103 a a. m. and 73a D. 02
IX P.m.
TM P. rd.
Episcopal Item.
Ate mating of the congregation of Christ's
Church Mission of Susquehanna Depot, Tues
day evening, January 27th, IST4, the following
persons were nominated by the pastor, Rev. J.
H. MeEißey, and elected: Messrs. Howard Fry.
James Rymer, George Grey, W. C. Frith, Thos.
Blair, Robert Wallace, John Findon, Wm.
Johnson, and John Pierson. The Trustees
were also, by a Cute of the congregation, order
ed to sign the Article of Agreement securing
the Rev. Mr. McEl Rey for Imo advanced by
him on the 0. T. Smith property.
W. COLICAYTit yucca , Sec'y.
Rev. J. n Musa.
110.413 a. to. and 7X p, to.
12.15 p. en.
.7X p. m.
Arrives Departs.
TOOpat 111.6 psi
Asa Packer
Hon. Asa Packer is not directly engaged in
mining. Ho owns a large amount of coal lauds
which bring him in a handsome revenue. He
is considered the wealthiest man in the State.—
The Judge is in his iOth year ; is hale and
hearty, and only of tale has a little lecbleness
been noticed in bin gait. He has been a mind'.
date for Governor, nearly defeating Gov. Geary
and in 1868 was the unanimous choice of the
Pennsylvania delegation in the Democratic Na.
tional Codvention for Presi. eat. Judge Packer
founded the Lehigh University at II tillehem,
to which he gave a million and a half dollars.
He also gives twenty thousand dollars yearly to
the Institution, The Judge was re-elected
of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
pany at the annual meeting last week.—Rants.
dale Herald.
Another Nuoquehanna County Boy
We extract the following letter from the last
/dont rose Rtpublimn :
Eorron INDEPE:4:OEyr :—lt
may be of interest to you and to the readers of
your esteemed Journal to be informed by a
stranger of the prospects of root former neigh
bor, R. V. Kenne,ly. I made his acquaintance
two years ago, and have been near him ever
since. He took a claim, and has been upon it,
plowing and boring, under the one-armed con
ditions of an "empty sleeve." All the settlers
esteem him as an industrious, honorable citizen.
Last year we elected him to the oftice of Record
er at Deeds. At present, he is Sergent-at. Arms
to the House of Representatives of our State.—
It gives me pleasure to speak also of his coaner
tima the Sabbath School, he 'being for a
time our acting Superintendent. lam oven
asked by Eastern friends, "How does so and so
prosper I' and no doubt Mr. Kennedy's former
neighbors would like to know how be prospers.
It is a hit pleasure that I give the above testi.
mental, having been iu the work of coloniza
tion, and therefore doubly appreciative of all
who aid by good example in promoting good
order and morality.
Associate Judges.
In a case before Judge Elwell, the question of
Amcwinte Judges was decided, in the Court of
(1-1.1111 , 1 Sessions of Clearfield county. We ex
tact two paragraphs of the opinion:
"The Mae of Associate Judge is not abolish
ed by the Constitution of 1874, except in coun
ties which form sepende judicial districts, and
in thew.: it is expressly provided that the Judges
shalt were for their unexpired terms. By abol
ishing the offire specially In the separate dis.
trios, it is clearly implied that it should coutin-
I ne as to districts composed of more than one
county. But we are not left to ascertain the in
tention by construction In Ibis instance, for in
the mclion of the schedule It is pro
rided that 'Aauciate Judges not lenrned in the
law, circled after the adoption of this Constitu
tion, shall be comusisstoned to bold their offices
for the term of five years from the first day of :
January next, after their election.
In considering the several sections referred to,
together with the schedule. I have no difficulty
in arriving at the conclusion that, for the time
being, the office of Associate Judge is not, and
was not intended to he effected by the constitu
tion. Its continuation us an office, which as we
have seen, consists of the powers and jurisdic
tion granted, was provided for by the twenty
sixth section of the schedule, embracing all the
tight and power incident under the old Consti
tution, at least until the prment terms expire."
The LeglalsPetre.
Mr. Dimmick has introduced a bill in the
House relating to the sale of intoxicating liq
uors and to render the license laws more effec-
Live. This repeals the local option law and
authorizes the formation of county associations
of license dealers for the purpose of suppressing
the unlicensed traffic, beside increasing the pen
alties for illegal sales of liquor, and providing a
more effective snetlmd of prosecuting.
The State printing for the next three years
has been awarded to B. F. Byers & Co.. of the
Patriot When the proposals were opened in
joint moven thin of the two Houses tt was found
that. ;Jose gentlemen bad uuderbiden all other
competitors by nearly ten per cent. The Berg
tier ring of Harrisburg are disconsolate.
Mr. Newmyer has introduced into the Home
bills providaig for the election, terms of office
and salaries al Lieutenant Governor and Secre
tary of Internal Affairs. These officers are to
be elected every four years and to receive a sala
ry of $ll,OOO per annum.
Local Option petitioners, the signers of which
amount to some twenty thousand, have been
presented to the Legishttureasking for the repeal
of the Local Option law. Attorney General
Dimmick has decided that the Legislature has
power to repeal the law if it sets fit to do so, i
without submitting the question to the people.
Ineresuse of the Pelee of Coal
The meeting of the coal trade, held in New
York, Thursday afternoon, arranged a plan for
the management of the Miriam during the year.
The following named companies were represen
ted at the meeting: The Delaware and Hudson.
Philadelphia and Reading, Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Artstern, the Lehigh Valley,
Wlikesbarre Coal and Iron Company, and New
Jersey Central Railroad, together with Lehigh'
cord opertors. The Pennsylvania Coal Cora
pany sent word of its concurrence in the gener
al purpose of the meeting. After a session of
:between three and four hours, in which repre
sentatives of various coal Intervale expressed
their views, the preelection during the year was
fixed at an amount which will, it Is ardi, amply
supply the market without danger of overstoek
ing,and a uniform scale of prices was also
agreed upon. The trade will open on the first
of Itarch„ at an average advance of fifteen cents
per ton above the prior: of 1873. The price per
Former editor of .New Ifrpubl:e,
Bunker Hill, Kansas.
ton will be afterwards advanced each month to
,tud of the scason,on the following scale. April
five cents; play and June, ten cents, and July,
August, September, October, and November,
fifteen cents, The general plan, it will be seen.
Is substantially that.pursuedby the companies
last year. The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad Company,in accordance with
the plans tar regulating the supply, lets reduced
the quantity to be offered at the sale of Scran
ton coal this month to fifty thousand Was.
Justice* of lb% Peace.
We learn that there are some Justices of the
Peace in the county who have not taken the oath
to support the new Cotistltution, and the thirty
days having expired,they may think that it is too
late for them to du so, and that they are disrob
ed of their office. The thirty days grace was
granted for this to he dune, and at the sante
*hoe that the business of the State might not he
Impeded, they were allowed to perform the bus
iness of 'beelike. There is nothing to the Cori
'dilution that can forfeit the office of any one
in office when it was adoptetims all officers hold
over until the time expires for which they were
sleeted. The restraint upon Justices of the
Peace who have not taken the oath within thr
required thirty days, is simply this, that they
are debarred from doing any official business of
ter that time,until they du subscribe to the oath
which can be done now as well as before. There
is no necessity for any floe to come to the
County Seat to take the oath. The Constitu•
Lion says: "The oath shall he administered by
sonte pe}son authorized to administer eathsand
shall be Sled in the office of the Prothonotary.'
Hence any Justice who has taken the oath is
now competent to administer it, and then it is
simply to be filed in the Prethouotary's office.
Nothing but a refusal to take the oath will for
feit the office of one one, except of course such
other acts al impeachment as are known to
♦ ltolle of a Kimono Ago
On a Saturday recently, says nu Scranton
Republican, a miner named Mrnriin LongherY.,
working in No. 10 cod mine of the Pennsylva
nia Coal Company's works ut Pitiston, WWI(' in
the act of Invoking a massive piece of coal
which be had dislodged, discovered embedded
in the centre of it what appeared to be a small
wooden box of oblong shape. Upon touching
tict box ft erumided into dust like a tungus anti
disclosed a copper whistle,having a dint month
piece, and otherwise shaped like our ordinary
tin a Mattes. The miner brightened it up, ap
plied it to his mouth, and made it sound doubt
less fur the drat time in centuries. The spot
where it lay is about one hundred feet beneath
the surface of the earth. How many SeaSMIN
have been an ept over the terrestial sphere, by
the never ceasing tide at time, since this the
menlo was Ltid earelassly aside by some hand
of a former age, is a question to torn food for
the reflective mind. The voice th rt Was wont
to charm the single pipe lute manic, Mlle have
been hushed in the age of long ago. Yet the
copper whistle remains to test in favor of the
science of gettim, , y. It should be preserved in
some t.f our museums, or by some historical so
ciety, together with a specimen of tile stnnituru
an which it has slept for ages. Who shall sr}
in the lace of such a fact that our country has
not known a civilization anterior to that impor
ted here by Columbus, or that u race or enlight
eded 1111111111 bVillgb did not flourished and lade
on this grand Ltemiiphere agIN And ages ago.
• Llemark.. blo Contra.'
A corrapontlent or the Lancaster Lae!liven
! car. writta to that paper as toh a w,
I "Cerhap, the tneteoroiogicalcontrast between
January, 1873. and January, 1874, has been
greater than lots been noticed liir a quarter 01 a
century in .onger,iu this locality ; and its effects,
. whet her salutary or of hear he to vegetal ion , w ill
&,tt ally depend %Ai the character of the wrath.
er which tray follow betore the opening o f
Spring. During the whole of January, •dantl e .
lion was gather.' is the fields arallati 1.3311e31,
ter city and sold in our markets, and in some
rotteted southern exposures, it was (band h,
bud nr bloom Violets bloomed tot in some of
the gardens of Lancaster city, and so also did
some stntwberries. Although, during one or
two brief periods, km was made about 3 inches
in thickness, and kir a brief period the S , lso or
hanna and Conestoga were closed, yet, at itt
terraLs, the common honey bee, the wasp, anti
other Ilymen.,ptera, were abroad, and actively
engaged In feeding. On our own premises, sev
end individuals tit' the 'White Cabbage Batter.
liy,' were sporting :dealt, ns tienly as if it were
the month of May. On the 4th and sltt of the
month, we notitur.l several specimens of large
gray flesh fibs., arum .n house tiles. att., even
small species or stervoraseous bottles, on the
wing. They, however. eventually found them
selves Mut in the cold, and since then Imre been
non eat inventas. Up ty this period vegetation,
lnoks promising, and nothing seems to have
been injured. Above all, the stetson has been
favorable to the poor. Truly 'Lie tempereth the
winds to the shorn lamb.'" B.
choeonot Literary. oweiery.
This Society held their second miscellaneous
exercises fiw the season last evening. It Wd. , ue
hest meeting of the kind we ever had. The
meeting was held in the M. E. Church of th's
place, for the use of which the Society should
feel very thankful to the trustees and members
We liwened with great attention to a history r f
the life and benefits of our Society, by the Pres
dent, C. M. Wilson.
The next on the programme was some situ ,
iag by Charles 11. Green and David Hogg. II
was well rendered and well received.
A reading by Jamis P. C.tlian, on "The 'Deed..
igree of Man." or the Darwin theory, compar
ing men with animals.
air. G. M. Furman, of Binghamton, was then
introduo,l and loudly applettileil on taking the
floor. Ile 'entertained ua for about an hour.
speaking chiefly of the World's Fair at Vienna.
Whether it was pleasing or not it is only neces
sary to add that during the time he spoke you
could IliMOst hear a piu drop unless it dropped
on 'he carpet.
We had same music at intervals by Mr. C. M.
Scott of 13Inglattatton, aszi , ted by soma 44 our
home talent. Hiss Cary presided at the instru
ment and dill splendidly.
An essay by L T. Dcbo , emitted the "Death
Roll of Seventy-six," was well rendered anti
well reftived.
A mding by Charles "VanValkenburg was
next in order—" Darius Green and his „Flying
Machine." While lie was reading this .'we felt
like syiag, but when he told us of the danger
of alighting we concluded not to fly just yet.
A declamation by Lewis Evans—very enter
Mr. 0. B. Bruce was next called out. He
spoke about Fair Bengin on the Rhine; hut he
didn't see any fair or beantitul Rhine that his
torians write of or poets dream of.
a song. '"The Sword of Bunker Hill," was
sting by C. M. Scott. lie was again chile] nut
and sung about 14111" Fidgety Wife." Ile didn't
look like a man Who has a very fidgety wife;
somebody else can take that pant better than
Mr. W. A. Tracy, Principal of the school at ,
Uuion. brought up the reserve, and good It was.
This Society owes much to Mr. Tracy Tho'
only way we cats pay bit¢ b to iicloott. Wilt"
when he does come to sect& by: callingon him
to speak. Come again when you can.
The usual resolutions were then adopted and
the meeting adjourned. All went Lome happier
if not wiser than they came.
.C. M. Witaort President.
P. W. Doter:a, Car. Seey.
Choconut Centre. Jan 24. /4. '
peo Invite one Wend,. from OSlD•eent towns , . to *mut o.
I of triccerat., `Send We can ternago them.)
Snow three inches deep.
Good by'e -Dilly Jones."
J. W. Dunlap owns the best draft team of
their Inelnes in these parts.
The place to get goods at fair ptic,m, and the
very best tea, Is of IL .1. Carter.
Benjamin Smith. of this place, manufactures
a liniment, that is highly recommended by all
that have used it.
A. J. Love %vas kicked by a horse a few days
since, cutting an ugly gash In the right side of
his lace.
D. A. Bonnet hauled 5,000 pounAs of bark on
a pair of bobsleds about three miles. A pert of
the way there is a heavy grade Ills horses
weigh about 1,000 pounds each. '
While Austin Hyde was building a log
bridge, January 3ist,a half mile front his house,
a log slipped, rolling him into the bed cl the
stream and rolling across his body, holding him
quite firmly, covering him all except his lace In
mud and water. With superhuman eabrts he
extricated himself, thus saving his life.
A large barn belonging to Royal Carter, to
gether with between twenty anibtliirty tons of
hay, belonging to Peter and Byron LaFrance,
was entirely destroyed by fire about 9 o'clock
, in Wednesday evening, rebruary 4th. The
barn was insured for $2OO, the bay for $300.
It was the work of an incendiary. Foot prints
were plain to be seen in the fresh fallen snow,
to and from the barn to the road, about twenty
rods distant and no farther eiue could he found.
The barn was mostly used for storing hay and
=brow, etc., nod Was seldom frequented. We
sincerely hope the rascal may be brought to
February Gib, 1874.
Business Locals
A new lot of blanks for the spring elections,
lust printed, at thin office. Alec all other blanks
Ali taxes in Brid,gewater township must be
paid by eiwtion day
A. STONE:. Collector.
the same effect upon a person. who has been
starved glint the Peruvian Syrup, an Iron Ton
le, Joey upon I lie weals mot debilitated ; it makes
them strong and vigorous. ...dimming weakiama
And suffering iota strength and health.
The Democratic elector; of Bridgewntcr, are
requested to meet ut flurch.don's hotel, in can.
ens, in Itonirse, un Sat , Februftry %Lai;
2 clock. p. in., to nominate ts ticket for the
coming tow nship ch.ctum.
Bridgewater, Jan. 2816, 183.
IT is now generally admitted by honest phy
slciatis, that when mice the consumption is fair-
Iv leisientsl upon the lungs. no bunion unifier
cans :15, the palimit from denib. They also any
that shunt tiny per cent. of liaise who die from
this disease can ra-e the valise to a IllelleCtell
couch or cold, which might have been cured by
o -moil Millie of Liel aid lOiridehloc, ur what is
the saute thins.. Joilicuitt's Anodyne Lininient.
CIII this notice out and lirinz it with you.—
We are authorized to refund tine cash to any
person Or Il, , atlltt who dull btly and Ilse Par-
Pinga tire Pills and f.iil of relief and wills
By E. F ' Butterfield. There is no subject that
require% no lIIIICiI study and ClPtlit•flett as the
treatment and cure or. Chroniif Diseases.. The
.I“nishing MICC,I and renoirkatde cures per
uirmed hp Ur. Butterfield arc due to the gift of
Cliort opines% to the lung study of the outwit
inan and the curing of disease front
mitm - ii remedies.
L e l those given op by other% call for on ex
anninalion. He cart: the W t casea Scrotola
Calarrh, Yib.s, ,Vathma, Diseases or the Hurt,
Li. 2S and Ehloevq.
Dr. But tertirbt bent the Cattecktt- Honse
Isingharnten, Tuesday, Wetinrs,lly, 'numbly
an.l Fr: kr. Ft to t,tty. 24, 21, 2G, and 27, 1874.
Frh 4tlt. 1874.-3 w
MB~iR2l-1 C+~S.
MEAN! %NI —NV i.e.s —At the panitinaz,e, in
Auburn, Jenutiry h4tll. lit 74. by 1t.... S. Banter,
Mr. Benjamin )lenelinnl. 111 I ) .U.Oek, t. Miss
tVilet, or Springville.
BAKKII-SPF:NCEIL-At t h e bowie of the brides
parents. in Nanticoke, Broome county, N. V.,
January 18th. 1874, bt L. IL Brooks, ew t , Mr.
Frank M. !Wyo., of Runt', Pa., to Una Laurie
D. Spencer, of Nanticoke.
Roc—Dom - mt—At the home or the bride
Fehr! ire 2,1, P 174. by li , v. E. W. Brechioreige
Peter D. Roe, to Susie Downer. both of Jessut.
[The printer was hanisomely remenilwred.)
SEVEiIANCE—In Cliflnri, December 21.711,
1373, Otis Sevemuce. ftge , ls. p.n.
BlltillAtto—At the residence of his bun her
fi~tlpb, in Jea,ip. P. , th.,451: Anson , son id' Capt.
kri,cl :td Lydia nireliarl, dee'd, in i.k 78th) r.
M EItIIIHA N —ln FrAnklin, Jan. 20;111E474 Nlrs.
Sl18:111 Ite of Titus L 3lerrinian and eldest
I Inughier of late Captain Itnawell Swill in
tile ;71 1b year of her age.
ALLEN—In N.LIIIITIACt, 'Muse., Jan. 80th, 1874
Mrs. Lucie, wife of Capt. Georqe W. Allen, and
daughter or the late C. C. Daley, of Brooklyn,
S.taquehanna county, Pa. Ncr remains were
taken to Brooklyn, Pa., for inttirment.
Thor♦--In Lenox, Jan. 2.3nL 1e74, of Con
sump: ion, Baker Titus, aged 09 year♦, 3 months
anti 15 days.
Tin n let our sorrows cease to•8ow,
God has recalled his own,
But let our beano in every woe,
Still say, thy will be done.
Tlia koncali Seillorog Pon
Donhbr Act tor,. Non.Fretateg. Tlic stmptest vied moat
poterttul lo nec It is prated to be the Clir-ipenl.
CiruCtrire. able. and fel able. wit Only for Noll , y nee.
ale.• rm. Portent, Voctorie, tireaorie.. I dettllerlve.
etc. It &snit nrentoornettl by IneotattreCom•
pnelee.o. th..eraatteet pump ttnst to l tot-01.'5U tow feet
tnnencb a bore. I , 1. tereelet aft-flirt bemuse It net
. r The meet durable becaltile It to c0Mp041.4 of
but few Ample patio of icitt (to,tincifol on int In prevent
any ottplerwani •Jr. br,rkfeh Mete in the water) no
leaner Putt , C. A child caw work it. It otter fret zee.
a. uo writer overdo* Irt the plot when' not In oideo It
fund hi-. the coldr.l water. bring biterfl In the bottom
of the we'l tere opinfon of Or Sued. In the Amer.
Iron Agriculturalist, Joao No , 1h1:4 pie 26 ° ; u l w34°.
Elating porchaetel the. county right. I .111 well town
tight,. to colt tierce am. and to thorr In wont of a
famp l am prepared 10 1101 .1.02,A0 a. It oytoe Ileieol4
q two company. Sled for circular and price 4 , 4 Ftt•
0et..13. tB73.—Cen. Oakley, Pa.
LEGROS— !tee:matts webterl of the —hEMS
. helm arJohe brim*. whim e
widow I• t.. hare married one Itom or thee
th.ny year. *finer. Any prr..o buringtet.rmuton win
Leer to thrlt twtrantate by aterv..lng
' WM. lt. Se %DAM. Sic.. hhonio'.2ol ti 7th St.. et
O , 1 1011tiAttELOEELME.Atterney,loS Walnut St.,
Jan. tr, - - • . - Pbtrit, Nap's.
Centaur Liniment
There to no pile which the Ceutan r
46 Liniments will not relieve, to swelling
ircir . May will not sithdrw, and no laninnesl
..... t o
which they will not cure. Thla Isetrong
, ... language. but it .is true. They hove
—• di produced more cures of rheuntatlem,
~_ • OeSinslolsjocYjass.ptlsy.spna,pr,swel.
IlDtPttniZE dogs, caked breasts. scalds, borne, tea
:haute. car-oche. de., upon the human fr qua, and of
strains, openly, dulls, de., upon animals In oue year
then have all other pretended remedies since the world
be an. They nr, cOnntere!rritant, di-healing pain re-
Hew re. enpisirs throw away th ir crutches, the lame
walk. pni•onons bites ere rendered barmiest, mud the
wounded are heal. d without a scar The recipe is pub
lished amend each bottle. They sell as no articles ever
Bold befors. bucause they do Just whet they itetcud to
tin. Those who now Rarer from rhetimatiam, pain, or
swellt.c deserve to ender if they will not use Contour
Liniment. white wrapper. ?lore than 10110 certiticttes
of remerkable cures. includimt frzes limb*, chronic
rheumatism, con., runniugAnmors. de., have been re•
coined. We will rend a circular containine certificates.
the recipe, Ate— coals, to any one requesting It. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth
one hundred doll ow for spavined or twcenled horses
nod M. 11.11., Or for-screw mane In sheep. httlek-Owners
—these liniments ate worth your attention. No family
should ho without them “White wrapher f tinily nee;
Y. 41 w wrapper for animals. sold by ell tirrigeiste•—
fiti cents per bottle; large bottles, $1.03. J. B.
_nose dr,
Co.. 5Z Breadway, New Tot It.
Criteria Is more than a anhatltnte rot Castor Oil
It Is the only wife artiele is estetence which Is certain
to aneimulat• the land. regulate the bowels. mire wind
colic and produce natural sleep. It contain. neither
mincrala, morphine or alcohol. and La pleasant to take.
Children need not cry and mothers may rest.
Commission Merchants
cicmci.ricarusi.,3a MILE ex- caadmat
77 D. 07 St., new Yo.k.
Conoinmentr solicited and Wilma suede Immediate
ly ou sole of goods. Scud tot shipping cards and .ten
Nalionsi Park Wink or New York.
N.enh ltivor Iluois of New York.
N.-..n N along/ Rank or Near York.
14'ntid Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Feb. It. 14-4.—tf
Bime JAcsET
New Yoik Produce Market-
!term-red Every Week for Tux NM/I%MT.
DM/O.MA . ! Server Produce Cn..mla
klerchaula. kr. Whitehall Street, New York,
Bones-Flrklne. Y..14..1„ AY Pa. 31 43 19
Tu , ( , :s
.• 42 la 45
Cuor•-42-$ , 41. FaiOnry. tine to limey .. -.16 n 1113(
9t a 1).11ry. common to fair 10 el 14
Eoc.4-Mate end P"noe,lennla 93 Q 23
Weriern. prime ............ 42 . 91
G 041 1 .4- 4, ........ ........00 1a94
o . titt.. ..... .111 . 110
5.0 45 nO
11•7 •!a b . :Fuer-11er. per 100 lb. ... ..1 03 2110
titre w, at ..95 pa
•• Oat WI GI CO
POO .2EIT —CA I tine. State prime 13 15
alloy 14 q,..5 15
At 1.. B. Libell's Jewelry Stand
Where a :arver Itivf better tk of Or roVowtng
gouti• will he (ono I Plan -Irrwhc • In
Northern 1•0..0r71v.n1a:
Sheet M dc. Viulls Strings, rte. etc
All Fine Watch ftep4tris..g !Sowing Slocblnes and On
dun 101 l o by gave Kt polrod by
L. B. lobed. F. Alolbaldh.
Sept. 10. 1371.-tv
J. H. D•wirs. I 0, S. Ll.treall, 11, G.
[Earant.lnrcn tS 18.0.3
4nicrican Parblts,
Plarblo and Slate Mantles,
Chenango St., Near Depot,
1r .C6.111.3E3E1.4 Le .IEIC <JOU 19 El .
JOHN It. TABBELL. Proprietor.
Nice Stages Leas. tblelloess Ceocesticg with
the Slotem.e. Itn I the Lehigh Valley 'halfwit:Laud
the & W. Nallnava.
April Ist, lel.l.—tf.
Also, SCOTCH GRANITES on hand.
J. rqcsunma, 1 126 Court Street,
November 13th, ISII.-17?
Malt encrit•V•lONS id , LVVAILID,' ,
PUULNIED me a wormue mod for the benefit of
yoone mon and other" who m,ffer from, Nerrototdchill.
ty, Loam of Ms, hond. etc.. .cp;l3lad
Written hynne who eared bimmelf, after nhdercotng_
coneldmr thh•onackery. amt lout free, Ott receiving a
pomt-ttatd enrol pa. Addrre.
4an. $1.41w. •
lob . - •
We tnsk+•meeiatt,ur wile emelt of the trate. All
vrotir done te the betegtelasct et Mt Icticeat rotes.
The Dlarsets
& Meihnish.
Binghamton, X. Y
Surquohaium County
For 1573.
Made and Pab!lotted In Parstmee of io net of Mum.
Wy 4.,t' he Mb. “y al Avril. A. D. 12534..
_ -
Apo!lcon Samuel Wee. Derrick.... A 4 rart.ertt r.
AnbAra SVC I Low. Jael,on S L French.
Ararat ..... IPG Doyle. . I u lurrquii4.
Brldzewater A &nue. Lathrop..... A u.rl Berri.
Brooklyn .....I Reynolds. IA 01.3. . A limit, ill.
Davla nantry. Lllwrty Datil !total.,
Clifford --DS A Gardner Little Siesouan...t; Eitnbab.
Ditnock R u Eturirll.
Daudet E PCtiatnbera .11rutroae J A Howell.
Vomit , 4"m 0 sinalL WO rd.. N Tenant
n . 4131041 .Mom l Truead,ll. New 31 . .ltnrd boro..r E D.wn
Frt eildav We. Jain4e Aileiv. 020141.... Wyus
...F P Malmo/. lin 4. ....... o•bwan
Gt. Bend B 8 ill n...a.1411rer Lake.... P forma,
i.t, Bend Boru..J C 111m•ln sprhiltriiie....E Cr-,gt 1
Harlon,. D P TltrAcy. nual a I) .14.1 .. 14 If P.. 0.
Harmony.... b b 1 !known. 26...sneun 01. Leal*
ta 111 Z
‘2.a .
. 7 - .3 .=
Apolinxin $ 425 02 # 393 87 $ lo 55 s. 21 20
Auburn 143846 1344 15 23 57 70 74
Aararat. .... 20054. 280 64 113 14 77
Bridgewater... 212280 20116`3 15 110 105 87
Brooklyn 1225 09 1156 18 806 6085
Choconut. .... 543 65 511 67 484 26 94
Clifford 129590 1225 20 622 64 48
Diniock . ..... 127314 1157 62 54 60 6392
Domini! .. 159 73 144 78 738 702
Forest Lake... 106019 1003 13 427 52 79
Franklin ...... 891 16 84948 829 44 29
Friendsville... 18552 • 15597 1635 820
Gibson 1342 90 1269 13 703 6670
Great Bend.... 1111 32 1045 54 10 75 559
Gt. Bend Miro. 41523 410 67 063 21 93
Rexford 119626 1129 05 710 59 45
Harmony 032 75 780 10 11 50 41 06
Herrick 793 57 752 47 050 3900
Jacktion 112082 103'9.05 014 55 71
Jessup ....... 815 43 763 03 11 30 40 20
Lathrop ' 787 89 742 79 601 19 09
Lenox ......... 1201 67 119497 1095 62 85
Liberty . . 86002 804 57 1312 42114
Lit Ale;t4ows 138 75 131 53 25 692
]ilitliletown...Bl6 43 771 69 7 92 40159
Boni rose.... . 1902 02 179689 10 58 9157
New 5111titrd.. 169:92 1597 75 Mal -8409
buro. 0'350 CM 813 875 3013
Oakland 577 86 51930 31 17 2772 057 40 89418 13 53 47 19
Silver Lake... 851 61 60374 057 42 10
Springville.... 115389 1090 79 570 57 40
Susquehanna.. 1178 51 1092 52 28 49 G 7 50
Th0m50n...... 001 17 567 08 850 2919
8198616 Sara L . o 81651 1561
Total am't of Duplicates. $31,000 10
Total amount paid by
Collector. $30.03030
Total lnolin! paid Ex.
onerutions • $:5 51
Total amt Percentage
to Collectors. ... 1,58 t 35
The above account audited Jae. Gth, 1811.
31. L. CATLIN,
, 1 - Auditor&
J. B. Joirserolq, )
To Commonwealth Costs $1.241 78
Road and Bridge views . 1.1r..10 20
Road Damages 639 00
E. L Beebe, W. Comuirt.2B2
0. Wa4t.burn," " 460 00
1.. Blakeslee, " " 47000
E. G. Bolt. J 1.40000
Constables 763 91
.s.ssetkiors. 1.57410
Eastern Penitentiary . 64150
-- Court House.. 78310
Grail and Traverse Jurors . 6,050 213
Statidnery 4.10 tet
L. B. lsbell, 'Conn Cluck Vita/
Interests 111.1UullElly Bondi 1.1/35 CO
Wild flat Bounces 150
E.Baldwin.Cout t Crier awl Janitor, 55070
COW( J.ul. Paul and Lights OilS 64
W. A. Crossatua, Clerk,. 1.00000
Lan .ddc Asylum.. .......... . 600 60
County Bonds redeemed . 06
W. T. 31oxley. late Sheriff 9'2051
M. 13. Heinle, Sheriff 51905
M. B. Belem, " and Jailor__ 872 69
Printitgr . 731100
• insurance . 110
Coroner's Inquest and Post 31ortem
Examinations 14760
J. E. Cut malt. Dis tint Attorney... 192 50
Registr . 607 I.YJ
General, Township, and Spas int
Elections 1,166 51
County Jail .. 21 , 5 12
Dr. C. C. Halsey. Jail Physician.. LH 50
Justices of the Pence . 9 30
Agricultural So,iety 10000
0. 13. Eldred, Prot. and Clerk UV 55
E.C.Fordhitm, Postage 7 02
Chtlfv. Sprout, et. al., Jury Comm'r. 0.94
D.Bre water, '• " " 1974 75 90
W. C. Tilden, Co. Superintendent. 125 thJ
L. B. Oily. Lib, rty Bridge 750 00
IL Birdsall, et. ni., Middleton n
.... 47000
Geo. * A. I.tusla, et. al.. Oakland
Bridge alo co 1
Jas. DeW It , Silver Lake Bridge.. t 0 :
R. W. Macke). State Treasurer. 5.56227 ;
Treasurer's Percentage • 1,‘..'71 21
Refunding Orders... ... ....... . 15 00
By County Orders redeemed l'hom ICs
1 to 5:7 iroluhive t,ZII 357 43
Treasurer's Percent:4. 1,27121
liefauding Orders 1544
The above accounted audited Jan. C. 18:4.
J. T. Et.t.ts, Audtlitors
J. B. Jour:silt:4,
TO llMOnnt nr fnut! In Tmlonreen tuindo,
as per list Akedltura' Report ' _stir: Z:4
By °Mfrs red-rme4 from No. I to No. 6 e 62121
Comtut•siun Kritt.trltlore. on ..'.7 6O I Vi
Amount lu Tro.trort is h.n t, to Dal .ucn,.... 16661
De, '1 1513
To amount of Floc, and Jury LW% atr tar rer•
lineal., of the Cloth of too tour AQu Ater
tieuriuus .r R^lBou
.14 , 101)
Dee. 11, IF.I
n mount cwonectable Misio
Tern: y r ce,l ou Ull 411
Alaunusi pad Tree. cr . cuarrxil to b •
Tu.Acr lIAYDEN, Timis. or SICE4A C&M . Ac-
To amount hi Tmiarreeii bands so p. r last -
. Auttimme hep.,it.. - $ 7. 1 3 i iiit
*Magni. , apasatas 1.,1-7a ' • , .aAM sO receivi,l(nwi .., U, ik, mc.aaet:Q.
Fi all4l Jury . Fter '
amorur covtr. Coheal !hula
, .
1111 t Zig.• cit mom Lunt., fa
11/lOWA CO to r•COIV4d from ifivOlord t e..
amount carts 1220 a rod from 2.7 zt,
gnome., coots reral.Ofrottl Atol4i4lui,, to u.•
Conetl4 cr. Johu r..roa '2O at
amount root, rrxioratti 4.2. h. L. /tam..
.%' law 314 , 0
tumor I tr..21..11 lot ...Cr* Ito". 11 rut,' al.
utr 4........ i
tuna h,.1“ tot Colit lfa.4l7+Udi
..... " IS 23
Lutint tralvesi for e.urt. nn.u. ma.
4111:11,311 ...rt. 7772
amount M.A. ,A. 1,41 kr at I%u*, 7772
amount ITLVIVeIi Wl= t 4.2l•rrrs to. • •,..1
,amoautr enivcal2•lll3 J.s.Tnrb 0.01 -ter jolt,
.amount te..4r.,,, twat Ilattuturd L 4,106
nl4. nelun InIICIIr• .... ___________-
Cutudy uttlerp Ar'llll , 0 !r•NII:II0? ,, c
First mall. u-tut7 , ol , ctutu 31,551
relccn , igt to Contour.. 1
.9: 0 +4-I.frol 83
f oisurs'.l en on receipt r of U.
....... C:261
TteaPure'a h I Spend . ..lolli
143 so r rent— ..... 0:176S
tioltot lo Tr.ortine. trosadr to • Altura_ 5.:4115
no: *Dove audited All. C. 1?-4
M. 4. Cerus,
J. T, Fp.n, . Auditor/
.1 b. Jassigo,,
PRY .42iLtAHT 1, A, D., HIM .
A v.t..0.1 h.e• f.3.VEIVP
rat, .y nl En vtauy yr ... . WOKI
evs Art•oll..a. hi•le • .1.11 bOVUO,EI• Cr ingt
thVrryi o lnesurl of w ire for /Ivry eird
al. et pan are 'PTO:to...lab?* LOO 00
We r. eta; Itsa fotute.itg t.. b• 6 CO! leil.110:11014
LYMAN FLAIGI,I.EE. Omni, CommtnlltrOe.tlL.
A.m.? NAL no-szom. cornroirolocero'
000.0, VIMITVIV. Jan. V. 1314.
ArDiror.s . Rrport.
Svivrilcas o ampty... i.
We. the un. , er.igned Mutilate In and fat the
County of Busquo hanna. met. pur,uance of
our tlt,tle,t. at the Amtitora' Office, in Montrose,
on Monday, January Uth. A. 1).. 1874. and did
audit. adinm and Fel tte the at rural art-omits ut
the Conanis‘lotois anti Tnasurer of paid Coun
ty. all 01 which. upon a thortmelt enamination p
a-e find to he correct. We find In the !landau!
Tracy Flaytten.Trem,up.r ofssid Countj'Arr.ouut.
of County funds, tri.loo Is ; amount of State
tondo., (bank gloCk.) 62L9 `..11: amount of dog
tax remaining of the Mud of 1871, eleG 64;
total, .7,112 IR
J. T. Erase, r County ittlitots.
.1 0. JoincaToN.
Auditors' Office, Mont:use, Pa, Zan. 7,1874.
BILLINGs sTr.ouri,
Car Intl Rivpreirsitt d. 4100 000.00 C r
Ilnme In.. ro. N Y.. Capitel and %imam.. 04514J00
Liar orn Ell , . Iti... Co. # ..telieleLdniityln• 0-
t..verpo..l London 3 Glonr " tr.() ilh.lf 0
Po. CO.. o. N ...IN •• 1.4.5Z0.000
Pr nrenf• • # 0, mai., .. 1.50#.0 0
!, Wove! PlM**. 0:00011
In.. Co., #O3, of Petite* " 0001a0 ,
rnl,.. multi " 04105(0
Lvaralio• Fie,. , 66 10)00
N . , rra , an...t t. I' evidence. R. I. •i tf.oo 0
111. rei•o .',. .. 400.140
Eilst...! N... Pnr , . F.. 010500
Neut....of PottAt,t itho :MVO
Sleittrmtrill. ot Cie - eta d, •• MCOOO
L.#l caper, Flr. 1-.. Co. *OllO
Fir A .• v et I his. .. er.r.a
Hoene I ...r.. co nrel-h• u
#l., o. 8 000
Lit len V ll , y F re.
..A 110: tern. .# 10011
+t , s.
C o !..
Ft, er- ...#l‘.l. - .1..• l•# ha
5.,..tb bttle r. C'.. P , letlurig Pe - .I+.too
Al. ttttorthltt 01 Plo•huh, " 4 . 0.M0
The nrtetrrrlyttett I. St EFIAL 8 OF CT roe the fellow*
Inv comp: al-. for Norther' , . •-•ttiritlttlit• :
Flr. .1.o.o•l..tIon or Phll/d.liels.
Nations. I . Iry 0 'ono. e C. , . poor it , Pfitladelrh•sh
Th.. I. ' , err , I.‘ e Co. or Ihr Stete of Fenuryilanta,or
• x xre 33.
Coon. Mom., tic- Ins. Co.. 41.1.11011111
American Ll a. Mil's.
Tv. rr my. In. Co Martford.Cayllalsod Sorploit2 60 . r.ret
Tn.. ervl irr S.• are.' I town In I I.aonoy.P t
• kyo peen provapvy y”itt
do..r (rum nankin& W
C0..T11131.1k. rI. tl 01:1114 Pa.
CILAALFS P, SVITi I, SQ:kll,,r..
41u truer. Dec. 44• I+T
) Etas: Ta Hoar To!
A LT, YE GOOD PEOPLE llllVirng any.
11 thing 1.. do; In.f.ere the 11.1.0rubie
Ju.tgys of what EV Co 10 Vitt Nod drink
e-toe lortli awl gtv• c. 0r at trvdaice. and
your mire goat. be Atti l a d ;.a n d all men
nod flOri , (11. U .ttntrool.ed ttsJ.rori
to try the _ HI qnn'i+irs hf onr gouda
p'emie titien - vr iu
. %1 iota. s firg cull
aid e.uve p.or tines. And khow ettll!but
k ennnntntly re , eleiatr lame miditions to his
muck e,f Choior dna,erira and Proviaton. SVC), HI
Wlmai and iine.whrat. Flour. Corn and Ont.
ernsin d IVbeat and Ornlnmillonr.llnme,
lard. and (1-11. drb.d frith, and lairn-s. fresh
fruits and vvend.lea of nil kind'', (In tfiefr sett.
,u•_ 0 , .. dive Mill:"±ses• end avrup.
tens and f, , frOV. ne the Vrry htst qunli,its,
a •an`, e•rerarrs. and eheene, , mbitt, Lot,
ark( ine ensa(ic,l and mint, hooks and
atm born•, rankre nntlora. lidatteo and elprx,
ennne.l gru;els, n erne large sloth - of the very
ln-vt qnnotiev, and all nt extremely low vial'
for taavh or mut.) . pay. ,'
Mnntrove. Jan. Tth. 1874.
Sewing MaChine
Sows iron but One spool t I Thread.
It bni. h" . pm,. I. 110:tele.• iud IRV*
mum ly LI +.14) ttriet.
IlaN a self- -WIT. hi Xeed
II Combine. a HI Itosniy 41,4 Rimpllcl7.lDd
Lao ut lLe .11,.46,10 114.1 rattly. 1..
ALNLI 1 Ai IJ. kuic
ac•ae. to Minx= ,cl.
f • Nto rOlt ClitrULS
THE IN , CcESLIENT satvzsa•raczt:cnco..
Cit4ll, Itt 01141. . 1 411 liu. Lg.', 46.0 Li g. MD.
•••/•• •• I a istla ier.llL.l. it.(jty.
r"- OtICAI3. stA
DP-•• , ••••• • At. brlt.r. Wm; wM, it utlll s. ,tl4.
4 4, p y. t. _IflS )art, 1— 41/.l* M5., 11,
CU,. ut . y•. 10. 40 *la*. swat...WC} ••,•• • C.A .% •0 , ult. e.t.a+
P. 0.4 la. 4.a...4. 4+, wit ta4 gal
lU. "...",.o .13,4241. a. zpOO,ltatione
Our I 4f1••• lelro.: D•S U. I 4 .4. •L
I ..31, ata4t.pd(t.l..2elLitAll
-ba ..... ins -. t.Yrr. rtroat
Seel I fillip,. eat. at I. eta. LAP.. t.. • 11.1 a...D/ 1 .148
Po+ a. akou r uu.. ` 1 C11.4 , •
Var.. ray . t 1.1, 1.11.1ba...1.•
/14.4 Vali, itraloottir. 41411 La.ta 11114.1.r a ,
OacArl fir.,., . er
, Cilleine 41, 4 ..).14)1.1
Lt: , ..; (AN :OS 11%') mt.i I Fla
Ali Me .1111, 41t141. of
- IN!
TLr pcuple ore 14 , 1111 X, .41 t woo Ontv om 4 /t i c! ,
Store • AOKI.
" • twabli•bim:.:tri.a
ill I (lit 11111.‘1 , 11 - Ut AU AmII.
1.41111 ml ty- teti•hat...• C•is • r
to thr hard. ui tbi
I A.•tu'ot ttawt iii• e, 41a Aln Ara", sicC u,++ 111 .t.
MIAs 10 Ihy Ltitt..t ati It' • appOtarm. Di RI Id, ttalre ty
AL. • 11.11 * t•
. 11b00 11111.101 lumq 0v:till-II air eLa,ca. urbr konloict
limauum, r 4. b. t. 1614.
f Ps re , , roo
14 5.t.tAA