The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 11, 1874, Image 2

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E. E. LI.I it - LEY 1 CO., Editors
Wednesday, rcb. 11.041874.
Gold eiwseil in New Yolk, on Saturday
night last, a 81.12 i.
The city rf Middleton upon', the Con
nectient campaign by gi% log 212 majori y
f • a Denn cratic Mayer, 11. e tint of that
et ipr e cord in fi.itreen Ceara
It is not very I. ng iunce General . How.
and g I% e S.•ntin r l'onierny a certificate of
good character, in %%bid' ••Otd Subsidy"
was offectazlh• disgniei d lIP a "Christian
ststeEtnan." Will the .x•Seeator non• re.
turn the o.miilinu-ut and kit.dly endorie
the -Christian so'dier?"
EolllBr I T Wm IS a new map • 4 Pennsyl
vania badly. But he d , soti't want to pay
r it, and he has at coraingly persuaded
some good -11,tured ruent'tor of the leg,i -
lature to introduce a ld:1 pruvding for
the uppropr.ation of *20.000 fur the pur
pose. After the stato shall have pa , d for
the map it will then be turned into a
good prit ate speculation ft.T P0D:R.14:4.
Gen. !Joann] is not et investigated.
It is strange twat he does not dentai.d in
runt inquiry it to his alleged ;nisch eds, if
he is in 1•00 la. Few 06114 - .8 men aill
Ehirk if trial. But ierlialei he remembers
the investigation *Lich wrought havoc
among -Christ ial•i 15171.teelllt it - and fears a
like cam , e may pnllnee a 1-k.• effect wi h
the "Christian suldi-r:*—Chicago ri:-
In nrder to cover a:, their trackitsiti
to prevent the odium of inerou,ing tots.
ti .n. :he -Son: h Carolina Rim; has rai•ed
the asecamentg in C-e State from $150.-
030.000 10 817t1,000.000. The impor
tance of this charge. save the Chart stun
.tetra, is very eloar. A tax et fate. n
mill- on $l. - 4; 000,1:00 would amount to; u 1.1.• a tax or the same nye
On *176.000.000 would am••out to 62.640.-
000. Difference in favor ul the Rings,
Pr , stdent Grant had nominated to the
Senate as . SarYeyr.r General of Colorado
Thor B. Searight, la:ely The Democratic
State Payette county. Two
Sears ago he ass de!ratetl for the R•mo
cratic aomination for Congress, and mt
onee turned against the par•T, &lid did
all he could to injure it.
tion is a part of his reuo.rd. The people
of Colorado• . ill have no cause io mow,-
at the coming among iii in of ,o nu
principled a man. anal Pi niiryliftiliZl may
deem herself well rid of him.
M R. GRA — T for the osual 625,000
for re.foroishiog Mid reitairit.g the execu
tive matismn. Tit hmotlt•st v rev of
thn-e meta: Ise. That the executive
just tt en notglotietei.tly re
: 2d, That the president's sal
ary. xae 'evenly raised from Chi.Otal to
$50,003 a year ; 3d. That the occupant
of the n 121116101. ne• oily bigu. d u bill ie
pealii g the etatigeremottxt ett'art•genl,htti
leavit g his owl) grab u, aft etrd. It is ill
IM hot., d that congress will take three
fuels :11'0 acc••ull, all tig with the Inn her
Ilint the reven Iles are less than 'be ex
penditures. and th-cline to appnpriate the
aunt for chick the bead salary grabber
The quarterrroister's iieuounis show
that up June 30. 1872. %101 l an entire
clomp of t.o , ifurrn aae p. t r., re
were on hand 317.855 overt^ •172 181
hats. 318.255 forafze rape. 39 - ..r,i6 uni
form jacets. 232.121 tiuiforni coatt 297.-
M 0 trousers,. 731,320 fiauuel drawers. 3C9-
724 813.35101,00trt
e..-a, and of lihiok , ts pout.hos. wool
an.] ralpli-r. 794.135. 1S"11,11 it id r.
membet,d that our army scam ly num
bers 30,000. it easily unth-rstmal wht
annual sales of army stor-s are necessary
and, vlieiber the 111 - Illy 18 n•duced or
it is time that a et. .p be put to such out i•ltonagio ce a•d waste, It will
not fail to ota•ur to every 01 the:t
atty E, !hat the enormous atmm tit ..fat••res
kept on hand .8 for the pitilawe of fav
oring pe+•nlation both in their iturclia,e
slid in their sale-
Charge of Ibe Lobby Brigade
A eorre.m dent of ti •C P 114.14141 - Tel
egraph t Ile • r loltouit g Agri 4.1 the re
butt which was rreonti experi nerd at
Hurribburg by some lobbyirtd from the
The. deh l attcti to e 11 , 1 b 11,43 reA.renee
if ma d, 51u. ci mi . d t ( 01. J. IE6 IA t.%
J1)11eF. Cul. Bru. W. 1110431' and Colonel
Thomas w. Dtiv d urn at d trot.
god all Ti pith itd at II r L 1 I. lel ii of the
Y. Wang, Pit:aburg. Pa. Of cuursr their
hate the libertits tilt Atmd of all
the public. itodliUlioi.d. '11,3-came down
&Lout "a little huh"--u inisgios of just •cc.
and right. l'he first Seoab.r they not
that Mr. itumuhr,ye, tool he was iquine.
diately aurrotuded. t•Ti is little bill
Senator." esid floe t mut ~r the piirt
zeta mod the Sehatot.-
"hare too rant bete t o
ttoa ?" *But ab ut thus little bill."
broke in ogle of the Colonel.. "Bare you
raid the new Cnnst it mini' r that den d
the Senator; "tee Kerr w hat it rate, get,
tion thirty -tau, article four. *the tice n t , * .
pr-.etire se'iritntlon of nien,he.s
tp tprvi et their action 61131 I t
punieheil, J.)t I'ne and w
igrnilqrwn go pn at your p it! . 1 , Tit,
totegril p' lyisttnortlntiat
etore.d, by the Elvtuiti
• •
We desire to call public attention to a
f ruidahla array of counterfeit notes;
wh:ch are reported ta be in circulation
to New York and which will doubtless
speedily find the., way to this locality
As far as nt present discovered they are of
the following denominations and (lea
eriptions: $5, on the First National,
Nin.h Nationel, Marine National, Na—
tional Shoe and Leather, National Bank
of the State of New Yolk and National
Bank of Conintertv, the City's National
Bank, of Poughkeepsie, and the West
Chester County National Bank, of Peek.
All, New York; $lO, on the First Na-
Coos! Baud, Lockport; Central Nation
al Batik, of Rome; Flour City National
Bank. of Rochester, New York ; 820. on
theq'irst National Bank of Plainfield,
New Jersey. The whole of these forger
ies are stated to be very finely executed
and well calculated to deceive.
The Senator just elected in Kansas to
succeed Caldwe 1 is a Virginian by birth.
but spent most of his life in Illinois un
til 1857 when he removed to Kansas and
engaged in farming. His election was
acco iplished by a union of administra
tion republicans and republican Grang. vs'
after it was discovered that no regular
supporter of the administration stoot: any
chance of success. The personal charac
ter of the senator elect is without reproach.
This is bell. red to be the first election of
a United States senator in Kansas since
the orgatinizatiou of the State that was
accomplished without money. The sen
ator sleet is one of the first who started
the reform movement in Kansas and de
clan a that his election is due to the re
formers ra - her than to the straight re
publicans. It is quite evident that the
regulars adopted him when they discor
ered that Lis election would bo effected
wiiiout them.
The new Election Law has passed both
Houses of Legislature, and was sigr ed by
the Governor on the thirtieth ult, hence
is now the law of th, State
It provides for the careful revision of I
the assessment lists, to begin on the first
Monday of June in each tyear; tor' the
appointment of two qierseers of differ
ent political parties in each election dis
trict, when live or more citizens shall pe
tition for the same, and for -the punish
ment, by fine or imprisonment, of any
election officers who may obstruct the or
erseers in discharge of their duties. The
polls are to be opened at 7 a. m. and clos
ed at 7p. m. Every ballot is to be
numhered in the order in which it is re
ceived, and the number recorded on the
list of voters, opposite the name. Elec.
tion officers are to swear, in addition to
the ordinary oath, not to disc:ose how
a" ‘l
DIVORCE reform is now claiming con
tizen has voted unless required to
sideiable attentien in Chicago und the!
du so as a itnesses in a judicial proceed
papers are unearthing some strange facts
repeat dly being unearthed
person whose name does not
One journal, aril, s to the topic asserts:, mg '
appear on the registry lists shall pronee
"Caws are e
in a hich every element is a fraud. least one qualified voter of the district
in ! witness that he has resided in the dis
only are these cases here in the city
trier for at least two months immediate
'. Inch perjury is the principal instrument
but there are numerous other cases in ly proceeding the election. Naturalized
which parties are dirorceu, neither of citizens are required to state when, a here
whom live in the city, or ever had a real- i and by what court they were naturalized
&lice here. It is but a day or two since and to produce thei. certificates of oat
i for examinaiion.
the Kline case was brought to the sur-
ura The votes ure to be c.ointed as soon as
face, here it was shown that both parties
the pills close, triplicate returns made
to the suit err residents of a county in
and the vote 88 soon as ascertained tlli
th,. central portion of the State, and that
hely and filly declared to the citizens
neither has ever been twenty-four hours ;
a resident. of Chi. ago. Another cast- has present and posted on the door of the elec.
been unearthed in a hich parties living in I t tnn " l " n " . If any P"""" uses riVievee
or intimidation to driVe the overseers from
N.w Orle.oa had secured a dieoree, and !
it has been shown that the whole Irani- the polls or willfully prevent them from
action was conducted by !otter, Meidler rm•ng their duties. the offender is
to be ir]ed for a misdemeanor, and upon
party l'aving ever set foot in the citv."—
eo l vic , ion to be tined not more than
We know not over which to be the room
astooislied—the d•geoentcy of the times
or the degeneracy of the Illinois divorce
Gmeral W. B. linen in an interesting
R.I. from the Yellowstone region to tl e
Ne.w York Tribune etlectually disposes of
the question as to the value of the North
ern I'aGfic railroad lands in that section
al.d rubs out completely that so-therotal
a line which Jay Cooke andihis coadjutors
int ented foi the purpose of swindling a
cndulol.s pul•lic. From daily observa
tions car. fully kept since 1666 it appears
hat the Immidity is insufficient fur any
g-tie. al agriculture and that thtt whole
nod huestern country is subject to ter
rific winter storms which animal life can
not withstand unless thoroughly protect
ed. June, July and J ueust are the only
months in the year that are free fr , m
snow storms or in which the temperature
does not f.. 11 us low as fifteen degrees
lie suagests to those holding Northern
railroad bonds to change them
f,r goo.: lands in the vshey of the Red
River of the North and east of that point
owned by the railroad compitny, us the
only means of saving thelnselves fro= ti
total loss.
Fouling Ilia own Nesto
What is the matter with Homer? In
by Rep.bliran of this week, under the
he a d of -Auburn Affairs," he throws mud
all titer the Republican uflicials, from the
Honorable Judgi sun the Bench down to
the attorney for the County Commis
stoners. Ile charges the Court with the i
(.•west glade of imbecility, or else Le i
means trick, rr, in wasting time to bring
ex 1/S1 upoti the This tou,when
Holt. F. B. Streeter and lion. P. D. 31or
row are monuments of Republican snf
!rage, pp..' one of whom Homer immor
d his name by his "pony" interns
banal law. The bar of Montrose are
termed a lot of liettiloggt re, aid what
-e. ms to wit the tturt ungraoltil thing in
the u hole matter is the coteardly attack
ni on the County Cmnmisitioners ove: the
shoulders of their clerk. Don't Homer
Lou% that tine clerk is nut responsible to
people of Susquehanna county, but
ti•ut tut every net of his the Comm.mion
ere ate held responsible? Now when IL H.
Frazier attacks his own party officials, he
futile hisown nest,und iseither false to prin.
pie, truth and honor now, or else he has
ac• aped hime.lf in infamy by aiding and
abetting this corruption for the !art
twenty years by his abuse of his puliti
eat 01 pc heats. If he is now claiming to
turn States Evidence we think the peo
ple as jurors will receive his evidence
with d gnat degreeof can 11Q11. as it has the
appear:Leer of an interested witness, who
desires to save his own neck from the
halter. When IL- IL Frazier turns up
ha nose about law 48c:erred in the Cum
miesioner's olEce, and thus charges the.
Commissioners with squandering the pro.
pies its rev. he forgets to ' add that other of "Printing; 'amonating to 1730,
aed of that amount the editor of the Re
publican receivea $543.50, and the MUC
CI= $186.50. Bradford county we see
pays 0358.50 for printing. Are the Com
missioners more prodigal of their orders
it. this county or does the printer wade
into the Treasury a little on price? We
like to see reform; but we think it well
!bribe Republican to commence at the base
of the chimney to build , rather than
the top, or it may fall upon him. Mr.
Frazier cannot disclaim any paternity of
the charges made it, the "Auburn Affairs,"
because it was written by C. E. Davis of
Auburn, for when lie publishes such
charges about the Court, the Bar, and the
County Officials, of his own borough,
where he should know the truth or refuse
to publish, he as much endorses the
charges as he would if it, appeared edi
torially. If these charges are true they
need an cip:anation, and as the editor of
the Republican "knows all about it," we
call upon him for a "confession."
The New Election Law
tl.OOO or imprisoned not more than two
years. or to be both fined and imprisoned
The same penalty is provided for any per
son who uses intimidation or vi levee to
prevent any election officer from prrfrm
leg his duties or to prevent any qualified
voter from exercising his right to vote or
to challenge and for any election officer
who discloses, sac-pt as witnesses to a
judicial proceeding, how any elec•or has
voted. All fines collected under law are
to go to the common schools. All ditties
imposed l,y the act on county commission
ers are to be performed in PhillaM Iphia
by the city commissioners, and all .-ptcall
elections and elections for miy, naql, bor
ough, end township officers are to be
regu lated in the acme manner us general
Opinions of Jurors
The Supreme Court of this State has
finally established the rule us to the bias
pr pro ionsly formed opinion sufficient to i
render a juror incompetent. The opiii
ion of the Court was delivered by the
Chief Justice, in the following language:
..11ttv far an opinion formed by a juror
upon the guilt or innocence of the psis
otter is sufficient to sustain a challenge
is not well settled. A half Wanly ago.
when jurors were easily obtained, who
had heard 'uniting of the cause, ur so lit
tle us to hove no fixed opinions of the
guilt of the prisoner. the rule was held
strictly to exclude all a ho had in any
manner formed and expressed sir uranium
At the present day wiu-n newspapers,
railroads and telegraphs have made inter.
communication easy, arid when reporters
are alive to every oectirreneemnd the daily
press eager to se' rye up the details of the!
crne, the difficulties of obtaining jurors 1
free from these wide-spread tufluencesffias
made the courts less ready to listen to
this cause of challenge'. * * *
In the contrariety of opinions prevailing
it is net dless to look abroad for pri-ce•
dents, but :tither to be guided by the
reasons tying at the bottimi of the right
challenge. The great purpose of this
right. is to et cure a fair and impartial
trial. * * • But if from reading the
newspapers, or hearing reports, lie La,-
un impression on his mind nulavorahle to
the prisoners,hut has no-opinion or preju
dice which w;ll prevent him front doing
impartial justice,w lien lie hears the .etati
molly, then he is competent, (Ills honor I
here cited several opm tons from different
jurists.) It is evident that in the view of
these etnincut jurists, the opinion which
should exclude a juror must be of a fixed
and determined character, one that has
been deliberately formed, and is still en—
tertnined,and therefore is um undue meas
ure slims out a different belief. This is
a prejudgment of the case tad constitutes
a bias too strong to make the juror a fair
and impartial judge. Whenever, there
fore, the opinion of the juror has Ines
formed on the-evidence given in the trial
at a former time, or has been sodeliherute
ly entertamed that it has becmite the tired
belief of the prison. es guilt, it would be
wrong to receive him. In such a ease
the bias is too strong to be easily shaken
of and the prisoner onght riot tole sub
;tented to the chance of cony ction. it 'nee
essarily.hegets. But where tire opinion
or impression of the juror are founded
i on rutunr,.or report, . qr - Olen newspaper,
I statements which the juror feels consmenis
he can dismiss : where he bas no fixed
belief or prejudice, and, is able to say he
ern fairly try the prisoner un evidence,
freed from the iofluet ce of such opinions
or impressions he ought not to be exclud
ed. if exclusionsshonld follow from such
unsettled c nyictions. it would often be
difficult to obtain a jury. These princi
ples would have excluded ail these jurors
whet had formed opinions, still resting . on
their minds, front hearing or reading the
testimony given ont on the former trial.
but it is sufficient, for the porpme of re
yt rising the sentence to say that the tenth
error is maintained. These principles, it
is hoped, will be a guide for the court in
the next trial."
Where the Money Came From.
The following letter from H. H. Stark
weother,a memberof the present as he was
also of the42nd Congress from Connecticut,
to the late Wm. 0. Huntington, Cashier of
the First National Bank of Washington
has been found among the papers of the
latter. It is dated iu Dlurch, 1871 at the
Capitol, and says:
My Dear Sir.—On Friday, before leav
ing Washington, I called at your bank
mg house, but learned you were detained
by illness from business. Allow me to
make a suggestion tot to embarrass you
in the least. As you are aware, I hate
been renominated f.,r r...mgreas and our
election is three wet ha from to slay. My
opponents are making a vigois•us effort
to defeat me, but all my friends say my
election is sure. I koow it is; but I shall
be compelled to spend more money than
lum able. Could my friends aid me
without giving publicity to it, it mould
put me under renewed obligations to von.
I wish this entirely contidential ; and ill
tither case I am, as ever. yours truly.
Mr. Starkweat her was electe , lotud when
Congress assembled he was made the
chairman of the Committee on the Dis
trict of Columbia, in which position he
gave a valtintile return for whatever lie
cnniary assistance the Washington ring
through Huntington lied given him. hr
is impos,ible to avoid the belief that there
was u corrupt understanding between
this man and the District Ring, upon
which he based his request h r pecuniary
assistance. Other members of the Dis
Diet of Columbia Committee are under
suspicion of similar conduct, cud an in
vest,gation is loud called for. if this
Congtess has a proper regard for its Lir
fame, it cannot, avoid ordering the moat
starching inquiry into these charges
against its members.
A Mercenary Corpse
A day or In° ago a abject and
poverty lekt II female ea.led uo on, ~I
011 r un.e6 IWO:WM . IIF. In. re , ants,
to.wti for his unit hiudilesS of
6. art, and Alter inf.hli. g all appalling
tlleof n tehedlie s, stated that her hits
band had died f.l-Ir-eight hours helore.
flll'l chant was profoundly in.i.ed
by tins rett•lation of d.orrr, and .111,1$
his visitor grapincally describing her hor
ror of a pubic bur. 1, stated that she
was linable to defray expenses her.elf,aotl
that the body was beginning to tle«an
p.tse In the room inhabited by herself and
her chi dren, his pity rose to an .xtretne
p trh. ilusnly putting on his hat he 1. d
the woman Into the streets, s ; ty.tig lie
wonld accompany her I. the niaer, and
not only sie to the funeral. but ink•• ar
rang In ets foe the rom'oi t of the afflict•
rd one llltus Irfl des..latu lu ii.eold and
heart te-s ttnr ;. Thee were s• os
the thmevoient gentleman caring uottling
'her the glance of surprise unit stispicio..
with a hied his friends leg:tided this rath
er iticotigi tions compainuliship, mid the
woman ult, mate!) , weeping sod t oldiu u
rurther partleulats of the woeful history
whose etorn.nat.ou they were abust
Arriving. at the house, which, by the way.
was esp. ciallylorlorii an eitaitlish
meat on the river front of second distract
the woman's action was confused, not ti
rev pectilmr. She seemed overdante,craz
ed a it h grief. first knocking violently on
the door. then jerking an old mildewed
bell-handle, and finally entering without
waiting for an answer to the summons.
They w , lit lip a rickety, rotten i4aireasc
arid on thel limn t floor entered' a room
whose door consisted of a blanket hung
un hulls. Two ditty, cadaverous child
ren crouch, d near lite ce, and it, at
rough. hewn box of a c..iiin fair a swoll
en corpse. Ls fa-r a tte unclean, and
blue and rid Tots anoint the eyes and
mouth set-nit il to ind,cate that dec.mipo.
s.tion had already bet in. The gentle
man was horrified. A sodden odor per
tailed the room; a frightful atmosphere
or deatti_alid abject pu‘erly sickened
Ile thought he would go. Ile-felt sorry
he lad ever tome. It would have Iwo.
so much better to give the vomit! money
wit hou t bringing himself in comact with
all this horrible misery. He took out his
picket- book, and handi-d the woman it,.
contents, which happened to be oolv *l4,
told licr to call again ant lie would du
more (or her. 'l'hen he fled.
But at the foot of the stairs he found
he had left his umbrella—a handsome
Kr° affair, resented on Christmas by his
most intimate friend. lie hated to do it
• -he positively recoiled from Milo ittA
that room again—hot it seemed unfeel
ing to call the woman down, and he
must return. He did so. He hurtled
quickly but softly up stairs, tip toed to
the dour, lard the blanket, and 'saw—
he corpse sitting rip in the coffin count
ing his *l4 over very deliberately.
He chin-bed the umbrella without a
word, and returned to his place of bush
ness. a specially discontented and sheep
ish-looking mun.—. New Orleans P (cag
y ne.
The New Postage Law.
The bill reported ty Mr. T. n r in the
ficase emendatory o' the os
provides that on nen spai•are unit period.
male not exceeding four on ours in Iteight,
Sent from the known office of politica
tion to regutor and bona tide sithgeriliers.
poetege shall de charged at the following
Per (warier pound, nn publications is
sued less frequently than ones a week
two cents ; once a week, three cents
twice a week, six cents; three times. a
week, nine cents; six times a week,
eighteen cents; daily, twenty one cents,
and an additional rate for eaelt addition
al four ottani' weight, provided that our
copy of weklw newspapers may b e
. sent
breach subscriber thereof in .the c ounty
where ' they are printed and published
and publishers may mutually. exchange
their publications, not exceedin.t one co
py in each exchange. free Of postage.
All miscellaneous matter of the third
class, including honks. flexible patterns.
sample ores. metals, minerals, and mer
chandise, sample cards, photogruphtc pa
per. letter envelopes, postal envelopes and
wrapper., cards printed or tmprinted.
and on all matter not chargeable with let
ter rates, or by law excluded from the
mails. postage 61181 i be one cent for each
two ounces, and vim the niaximum
weight of all such packages shad nut ex
ceed four ounces.
it shall be lawful f•r any rperson to
write in any book, pamphlet, leriodica t ,
magazine, er other matter of ihe a bird
Clues, a brief form of presetitittion orwrite
his or her name on the wrapper thereo.f.
or number and name of articles enclosed
without additional pottage,
The ability of the humu's' body to resist the
causr4nl disease depeads upon Ito tl , or nud
upon the regularity With which the sr. end tn
}bum perfssrsu their isinctions. In the winter the
most prolific sources of sickness arc damp and
cold, and it is theretisrc wise and prudent to lof
tily the system against them by wholesoine
stimulation, Hemee it is that Hostetter's Sloth
ach Bitter+ prove s u ch au admirable safeguard
against the complaints most common at this
season. The ingredients of this powerful vege
table invigorant comprise three mential medi
cinal elements which acts sintultanessusly cram
the digestion, the s•irculat inn, the seirrelions,and
the nerves. infasing strength subd regularity into
all. In this way the Bitters put the Maly in the
best possible csaMititin to wasps an attack Id
rheumatism, or intermittent lever, or indiges
tion. or billionsness, or or pulmonary slisest*e.---
Cold and damp are very depreSsing ; almost ns
notch so al + acessive heat. and a protective
medicine is (mite as neesitul in winter taun sum
mer. The cominerci.+l stimulants so unn isely
taken in the born of drams 10 "keep out the
have n pt es•Lsely opposite t tfcct to that
produced by Ilostetter's Bitikre. Their tlrot re
sult is suereoks) by n reaction which slevisalizes
and prostrates the system ; while, on the ether
hand, the tonic and vitilizigg operation of the
great vegetable invignrant,ls not only immechi
ate Inn permanent. There is no revtesion, no
reverse nersons action. The physique Is
strengthened, the appetite Increased, the bowels
regulated, the stsuntsch reinforred, and these
conditions rill tissue. If slysisepssa or rheuma
tism, or billlousness, or intermittent fever, sir
gowna debility, or nervous weakness, is urea
ent in the system, expel it with this pure and
harm bsts antedote, whielt is not only in valuable
us a preventive of ssicktiess. but aLso a remedy
for a large class of disorders.
Feb. 11, 1874.
Nem Advertisements,
.Ic4nr.r. Room. •t Alp dwchinc orxi door north of Pr
oh Id F..nnefry rt r••• 1. hr hold `••
bnppr In al. 1b..... In v<ot or Denial IS., 11 ,
I.A.n.fidenl 0.311 hr 'ln [0r..11. I*• tune'vy
and 091 t, hour. from 9 A. X. to 4 P.
r vb. 11, IN7I-11
No. 73 Br. admoy. New York City
A turd. to all kind) at Warn.) Ru•the-a. and con
duct- to ail the Court: of both the state nod the
I:aitro Sial,a.
Ft.,l, .1. Ibl4 -1y
I . DITOR'S NOTICE.—The nAdvndoled. no Ands
tt or appoint. el oy Orphao'r I onft or ..13.41neha•••
tin C 0 0 , ., •11- , rituvle Ibe fund• LI, hind. of W.I.
11..nt T ay.% aftnnoi.trator of :he •, Jacob
hn d, nd s ,:o.nod to the hi•
api•lolsocol nt ht. ,ef11.,. 51.1..tr0r,
Mar. h lottb. • o'cl• ck, ”1 wfrell time an,l
pl .r alt 1,-ons 1t0...rt:4.w will mai.. know their
noun or be former dunnrrcil how cow dog I on raid
n 1. DALDIiaN, Auditor.
Montrose, Tebro ,ry I Ilk. IS; 4. 4.
I'DTTOIrf VftTICF:.--Too nottorii,.iimt. on nnditnr
I :1 dripottited iy l'ourt ol runt nom of
t intot,:o dlidrthote food.. t: suit.
unto ...berth'' , oate ofreni m onte f J.
thicker mid a 1. ., to dl. MA' Iv pot mt. D.
I t:ii role of the miliito di,-
iitettiod , MitiMP that "
atirod to l , •12 hi. appoll,Tvt•t, it 114 °Mee
In Witt rime. no Tlini,toiy. N11,,11 6 , h. 1.:1, di vei
-1 dcluek, p. In,. When nod %limo bit per-on• In l eri—i rd
noel illPsel their alum or ht. foreim
! delt.itred from 1_0011..g . in on 'mid food
Al Coon's Crossing,
(Terminus of the Montrone
'Plata Moat Coal.
Ever offered to the people of Mown.° turd V icin ty.
Paving had long. part. to t i.e htptlnr-a. ihr untlut •
.tgnengn 1.1. itaint.t ion es tint, L(r
0.11 a. ut.
lrotn Litt and dirt a, conic!
E o n, f.5.:3. STurc. I'II,I,CT 50.
[Estubli,ll.-d .Innuary. 1866 ]
11. O. noucitrox S co. 211 Wu-SlN:ton St Boston
(lace- de Pre's, Carnbridv.)
d uurotrrus. 13 Moor Place, New York
rtg: 1 9 74.
V bile reteiriine he pretuieevi cli meter's:lee vett', b
lot 11/3“e EVE. T swTt r...T Ins J. tt e. A i
ler 'be s.
rig - . slur hr 11. e
ludic, m
tug Serie. 111 t Mbrket . 0rve...1 (tech rind
attn.:Vv.., (rats. tant,. g Vitikti. Way
be tnell• Lt.
of which the 11... t wiii bt• a orris' eolith:A
A Story of Startled Life : By Mary C:ommer Ames.
And s tit. Prlmnm.•nt ot.-•ooKI !fir ‘13..a•
oluO of home 11l Lrury. toK lal, alto local-1k toile.
Pram la nett n.n , ati..ment Event FATenD•T will
C• 0 1 ,11.1 0, lo lily h. for.. It. ',Mel" , • Nth ncrk the 01.5 tn
Of It. periottlrel.. Ovine
in st and lArnrr an,•.11.1. n. II
v.ri,ty,or It ..tlino Inuit., In.. Is ob.
tzlltlable , In any otb4r pub it.ilion of the price.
Sendai n Wee. Short Morin on. Cs ittenil and Ilennerlidive Sicelclter or Theo.! and Advetrinneenn. Poem•,
Pdpciti. Popular Sete , ee, lit.
cram, Informant. in fine e. henry. r end/Mtn/I to
produces Wee le nee. ytahle and nitraclice 1.. nil era....
in I IiABBCIII lay en , Pinning line noted autttore re, -
resent din fircuy Sart:mutaro
An; boor 1 . d T. oon.Ftoln rt tlrmrning.
I . r. fe*.or lnzlay Pmframir * T3ndall. A. C. MViil
l'r r Proch r. Mr. 04nhnot, Aui bur
Iltdps. ChM.. Ring-ivy, Matthew Ar..old. Mari hew
r.dro nod Suite. Bent: Kiny ear y 0. II
Georg° Maroon 1 . ' T6d Country l'anum." Fran
de Pow. r Cobb., Karl Blind. Captain Burton, and
runny othrre.
TERM 4: Wellly Part.. 111 relqa; Alonißy N irt ,.
tent.: Yearl.e2uha , Tll , Boo- 4 5 . 10 -
B. B. The AtLaLtie Mo. thty iud Ercry Saturday arm
to one aCdruisi for S,W.
Fell. 11.
• filON 07 701 G.:MD= I I46LN AID MOMS.
We (lattice to toy to the ituitlie that our More to well
atoehed with Drug,. Metliluee, Paints, till+. Varbiob,
Btu-he., Combo. Perfumeryy teary Article., proorlw
tory and unteorpreparttiona, a tttlUll ti , /ee nett
tilt' !trio; in fret dotted og etUrt... We anemone out
good. vetoutue I.lto of the twat quality. and rill' tot said
at Sow prices for mg. Respettsully Yount
N nCR.\B.
Siont.roto. Pet. 0tt..1 , • 11 t 1 tt Mitt /LW.
NOTICE.— Knott all lien by: theao Pletente :
That 1. John Lon:, Jo Intend to n+h. Ilia Legit,
ore of box In pat. a Spee•
lal +et. to Cl/11.41 mu ,113 ehange the sa•auo to another
eonet) or a.tur ronaneneee by /oho Lunf.•l4.lllttff. re.
Matiltr LII-tree. Jobe hi-Orecto'd. Almon riaremilefen
Cole. Tritz- Au Arl to ettoblu John lAttd to ettaoge
the venue of certain °lee. IC.
Fehrnary 4th, 1571. 4w
A UDITOR'S NOTICE. The-truderstrnect threitrg been
aouoka..d no Auditor, by ,hr °mks...Court
01 t 4 nsquell,uni County to distribute the Inuit lu the
hands of the addflohdrstor of the e•tste of C. 11 WU.
drcrxer.”l,lllutWarito the etit 4.04 L 4 appoint
eat at lilt onlet. of Wanvo b Son. In MODUlleto, 01
Wednesday. Slsrell 11, !KU, at 1 o'clock:rt. m. at WhltM
thee awl plat, all pencils Interested in cud Med most
furrnent their CLAM!, or be forever debarred from com
ing in on raid fond.
C.A. WARREN, Auditor.
Montrose, Frb. 4. 1871-4 or.
Notice is hereby given that I will,on Tuesday,
the 24th (lay of F'ebrunry, ISM al 10 o'clock
a. m., at Dimock, in the county ol Susquehan
na and state of Pennsylvania, on the premises
late of Amos 11. Mills, expose to public sale, by
taming, the following' personal property of
Amos 11. Mills, Bankrupt:
Two new platfium wagons, 2 tow buggies.
2 second hand buggies, 1 second lend skeleton
wagon. 1 cutter, a quantity of 13:IMP/MAL Oak,
Hickory, Ash and Maple lumber, V. bolt run-
nem, lot oak butts, lot rut lumber, lot bent
rime, 26 pair Mullis, 5 wagon poles, 800 tenors,
lot spokes, lot wane mouldings, a quantity of
iron, and unfitted horse MaleS, a quantity of
light told heavy tire, lot horse nails; a quantity
01 paints &e.. lot of band nails, clinch nailsand
screws, I set pitt wheels, 10 other win els, 4 no
n ished wheels. 4 buggy bodies, 8 buggy gears,
2 platiorm bodies, 3 plat tom gears, 1 Inmher
gear and wheel part ironed, 3 cushions. 8 loot
bre bodies, a quantity of clothes, lot their oil
cloth, 1 set silver 'tannin, lot iron hands, lot
wagon springs, lot car, Lige bolts, 4 stove's, lot
wagon makers tools, lot - blacksmith tools in
cluding I anvil told 2 viers, I watch, lot canned
fruit, he household fore hunt, 3 tends and bed
ding. 2 histitries, 1 hoe, 1 garden rake, and other
articles too numerous to mention. Terms of
sabs—eash. P. B. WudiAsts, Assignee.
Dimoek Pa...lnn 31st, 1874.
'%ItI.:IIANS . COURT SALE--By virtue of
.7 en order of the Orphans Court of Sinaple
hanna country, to him Issued. thee undersigned,
Executor or the estate of Sheldon MraChaln.late
or the township or .ic,sup, and colpity.Alecems
eil, Is ill nn Timrshlay, the 3uth day of February
A. D. 1874, at one o'elork in the afternoon. out
eh KerOnfl deseribed place. in Said townxihip oh
.let=up, otter at public Sale, by ve n dee, the tot
lbu Mg described phassi or parcels of land, the
Mal estate or said Sheldon Meac:men,
situate in the township of Jessup and Bridge
water. to wit
Ter firm eitter call d tne Wier lot. honnt , e4 on the
totrt h tt) Innd. n—yr or tete Friel, tot the
t t n .t by nod. Mrlt r eity. 1111 the r...toh hr whet.
tend• of tee ertate of held Itterldt tt Mr ctirtn. tlet'll.Llll`
dirt-hot line belt, apetite nod llor of prtntett
dr.te for t‘ttli I,Trvlt th. p2O - {,,00: 11, or,'
by lends of S 11 1 ,1• 1 11.41011. cl,lO liumgebuni :11'M or'.
of I.tlel he Pitt •erne tut', er 005 of ire! - 11 ar
rd midllld.r no.l 0.00 5.1' cositi% too, end On
WlOl . ll I- •Itunte tltretlt, and 11301.
111. ...Olt. or tts re. I ihoreou Is Not tided on the fort •
1,4 C f tl• ••• rtl.rL lot or pl. ce • I NMI. 04 . i Ite e.tst
br lamb. al4. (IrK t e nth b) Nude ..4 J J
n o:.-t by I • ..oll"lsitt..l Horn..
TII , IIIIII, i I a‘roloti: In d , b.. the •12111‘.. Wore or Ira..
(es, rist•lte. et..l theln s. ainmt .4 nen n noll 114 rod- of
oot t. r the la,- ofy to 1h- tdoo• n.sner 'h.. ..x•
,htption In market! off oy 1110 ,ppotleooto allow
r..of wh'QJ Is ch. treal and muter a prod -tab of
t•oh.s at ion and .••
wltleh .It II I.y tad Canto linen.
hone ton, tool t ono hod,. yr.
Tsti ”o_t ." plid on each eon the
prolot , y I.etna ,ruck door,; tore no be pons b, Ihu
rr• • r. h. 0., of thrp eee "nth, 111 ul Col4firllll,./
of OW f the t .tlldo to be pod by ll.' rur.
rho-. r the to r I,hr, the filed confirmation of
the.nth , : on , h/1 o: :UV p.m 0,• mon. n the i.e
irgaret n. rarham.lll- blow rll-ti d.. v...
it. arm 11. h.,:a ett. • r trona he clay of • de.the
I thter tun par tneht• tel no ee.", d by bwid and toon•
g,ge ott the
F. ;t ein, Eirscitor
Phe Cointni.sioners have fixed upon the fol.
lou int; 1111(1 piner. R•sp,tfully,
hearing appeals from the lissm , inenis for Lite
vt,r 1574:
I:ridgc.:oer and Mon , no-e, at the CiituniiK
..ioni is oin,, in 31011tr1, , , Feirliry
Friend-A . llle and elloconut, at the bon.qe of
.T. 31111 FO it,: ill Frienth-ville, ou Tueziday, Feb
.11p•duet,n. Little Meadows. and Middletown.
at .14,0 n Ft'o.ntlsrille, on
Itivdn,-stlas Fe y
F,,n.-1 1. t'Ke, nt ta., a of Ara. Bertha
Waretr, in Fore ,t Lake, ou Thursd3y,February
Rash and Jessup, At the house of Chark
Mores. in Mush, on Friday, Fulirtiary 2701. '
A noon:, at Ike houNe
Anhui]: i corppr,, on Satorulay, Fiihritury
Brooklyn and Fruunlin, Itt the Commis-ion
et, oni• e. in Mont retee on Monday, 3t, tell 2(1.
Minitel: nail Springville, at tint itutwe IX P.
S. 13310.0ek in Dinitadt, on Tuesday M.reli
Lathrop and ilariord, at tht• hun9Y of David
ilinarth, iu litiplaatoth,otn v.damia,Yi 3 ltireil
Lenox, at tlio tiolif• of Chas. Conrad, in Len
aoiifr•oloy, >t.frvit Mb.
Davidoff. Clifford and Herrick, n t the house of
A. Ayero, in Durdaff, fan Friday, Morel' th h.
Gii.t.on, at the Ita. of Nonuel U. Holmes,
in Solih•y, on Saturday, March 71h.
imkson, Arattut and Thompson, al the house
of 31n. Geary, in Jackson, on Monday, March
Susquehanna Depoi,at the house of Ambrose
Bellbo.l. in Suaquetianna Dept, ou Tuesday,
Alarm, loth. and Harmony, at the holm of m•
hp,se Benson in ltlusqueltanna Depot, ou Wed
nesday. 31.1 reit II
New Milford lownsliip tind New Milford bow.,
ut Pninneys Hotel, in New Milford burn., on
Thursday, Aturcli
Broil Bend twindiip and Great Bend born., at
the boost• of llehenry Ackert, in Great Bend bow.
MI PIP !;11% Maruh 13th.
tiilyrr 'Lake and Liberty, nt the house of Ed
ward Smith, (tbrnterly occupied by Ma Junes,)
in Liberty, on Saturday, Marril
Appeals trill dose each day et 3 o'clock p. 0.
°menu A' )
1.. MAN iILAKEhLk-E, Co. Commissioners.
E. 0.
At teat: W)t. A. CRO , S3ION. Cn.Chnit.
Commiasionees Othlce, Montrose Jun. 26,14.
JEE. DE3113'1:1.-VE:Vrirr,
Would call ut uutlnu to hie NLwAtoek of
Nll7, 01 lICW
Dial' 60(.01.02,
~lilItl:s. VELVETS, 110 , 4 ERY,
e'f STOVES ,O:u
In greet variety, anthsill be sold on the most
favorable terms, end 16..,, t pr i ze ,
New MilPwd, Jan. 28111, VOL
General Undertakers
CA,Vl.=49.'r 3133EINTt. Xooxama'iz
. ,
Four and th ree quarter acres of La4;l,, altuato' eon
Jane Irk*. a few • radii (wen ilia utile !repot. with
ever eunwi ad narntllVlVOlt. Nu paler .per 4in mak
1..¢ it rtt claw; honre.'llieu linty ur LOOM fruit. triwll
thereon. bugionow to beer. 'Nlll.ell parlor Whole 1.•
bait pont Tarn; C.4llY. pewter wirhlne to
ur. please Phan ilantrit K Oinniall. or the -proprie
tor*, 'H.I. oVIIOESS. AND
ALF.T.ANDEkt t0411 . 11.01L.
Nearer; Ps. •
...5..• ~, .t~,y .I ~:
The Associatecrltefornottl Prembyterlan ..111115
—Fot ) curs ferry Dwelt) . Pail) Killer bas LIMO
known as a most useful . family medicine, for
o:ldris anti itches wo ktwryt,,not Mug at ;goad u
the Paiw:Killer. For Muni internal disedses it
is equally good. We speak - truth exPerienee,
and testtry to what we know. .1 , ;0 family ought.
to LW WILIIOI.II. II bottle nt Mete Patmliiller.
.11Essns. Nitta DAVIS & Sos, Pyov.,
Ucht.:—Atomugi , s struncer to you I am 130 t
In your invaluable metlit.ine, Pain• Killer. I
formed its acquaintance in IS4 and I am on
:11 , 11/4:11u tri WWI it , me vapel once
in its use confirms my belief that there is no
medicine equal to Palm Killer for the quirk and
sure cure of Summer Complaints, Sore Throat.
Croup, Bruises and Cuts. I have used it in all
and found a speedy con in every case.
Yours Truly, T.J. GAUDINER, M. D.
huleing by nur own experience whoever
once malwa a trial of Perry Davis' Pain-Killer,.
will not fail to recommend it widely, iv an un
equalled liniment, and valuable internal remedy
for colds and various other complaints.—Errry
The efficacy of Perry Davis' world renowned
Pain Ki!kr in all diseases of the bowels, even
in that terrible - venom.. the Asiatic cholera. has
been ample attested by the most convincing au
thority. Mash:narks in China and India have
written home in commending of this remedy in
terms that should carry conviction to the most
skeptical, Milk its popularity In C.itmtnanlties-.
nearer home is nm ply proof that the virtues
claimed Mr it are real and tangible. Among
Gamily ructlic_nes it stands unrivaled. —Boston
Cut, rier.
The Saturday Errniny Gazelle of Boston.snys
It is Imis.pdhle In tio'd a place:on this broad
hind wbrre Perry 1 AM-B:1/.4E4 ill not
known no ti most valuable retnedy'rOr phylrod
pain. In the country. mites horn phyetclan or
anntlincuty, the Pain : Killer Is cherished as the
exclusive panacea„and it never-deceives.
"Penny Pats—Kitty:ft is really I val
uable inedleament, and. unlike' motif or'the qr.
'de,. oI liw wed by mailpllysicinns. It
IA pa rt icu'arly desirable in locations wl:ere phy •
slcians are not near: Intl i,y keeping iLat hand,
families will lien save Ibe neeemity a -sending
uut ni I;tr n I letg , r. A bottle should
be kept in every house."—Radon Traveller.
•'We have tested the l'scv-KiLt.r.n., and as
sure nor renders that it 'tot only possesses al.
the vitttles el.titt.ed fl.r it. but in nntny instances
sortnts.,s any other remedy we hare ever
tin°. Ltheity.
'January 14th, 1874.
The Atlantic For 1874.
n 0. n0r4111" ,,, : 3. Co_ 213 WaAbm,ton st.. Boehm.
(rub: PITERAIDE PRESS, Cambridge.)
AND 1101:(111TON. 13 Aetor Place, N. Y
11.41 ,, W. 1 .1.41114, to thr• Old fil.•nd, or thi n e n n eli n hm
ma,ritritty ttmt they rver , re II fr• m it. former proprie
tor, wilt th. Inttmtfon of leyfting It In aP rerperta at
the t,,,4 fa . TO/T.1,11,M. 01,1 r.. tmpeeee It from
.P. , r41." I, printed in ne-rn typo I.trovahout. and rrest
p„rI•.11 1..• laktn t•• ,Ice It a frv.h and anacthe sp.
'karat tvivit.r.O.Lralv
rnettog..rovnt mill he 31 , eirrrtOrotP. ard
th.• corp. 4%1 tort•r Is. Sr...a vt hlttrt r harr breb
There will be able e•irictmt even Currint Literature•
pßil9gNeE E . li Fon% br T B Aldrfcb, author of
sinieri- IN, IS 'lie title of the Srtitll Story begnii in
tne.l..nun .number. . .
4. la if. S 01‘T by W. D. Ilusnils, arlll begin la
lin •rti number.
PER4tiNII,IIRI7I3U•CENCFS. hr J Whittler. will
. ,httnl pert..: In our ht4lorr ,
LIFE IN THE Is. Fr.IWIt ATE , 1 4 •TES by a Col,
fert , ell., he nn th.ith nh e n chi hirtory.
tV %Ur , *AUNTEI.INgq I. the Britirh
nee, gnu I. the •tunottry number, will be con
tienett Iri -ulw.ynept
the t iri lob. by David A Wells Ott 11,4 number of the
saqIII” follow, d tb . y 4•11..1 , IP on, Ihe• i.istam baud mo
flaw , tl.ol r.l h. 000111 V
1111• E NS: A Vat: OF ill hi
W. IT Bobo, moll., of •Tho Now Timothy,: nod "to
old out no lnr tho
Ii , P*E.ItS r' rt , lilOGlL‘l'llS. Ttot.rt DOR
(ht,,,, iv 11 I - CV. r !kir Une. . lit« a- Called States
r Vaal , . *gl , l lip. VirAIM f .11am.
CI:A 111 K, 11 A 1111 EN 3111 •I/ •,111 , ..AutI , nr ut• - 1:00:h
, 1011. '• the 11. ct,rae of a PLiyeel. Er
ynre.• In C.ll , ornla
TY Will 1,. ai,nn n , K n Natill; and Jamen I'arcon
wili fnrni>4 11,1011ca1n.,1 3,,,a1 Si nal,
JAPEVEE ;ND Nll , ltlEB will he tuld
g I.• I r..v. lb,. I ow .Y 4 II 1 b .11 awl
.(7111114.1 , %4 • , N AND FitMel!' ?COVE
rs. ur, niefl , lirt•rze Starlit. uerbeets. s hes hull s
Hess sc, sere rile sr tr I I te• net e isy Thon.nn Ser,ess.L
Perry rose of the author- of the • •North !anerleets
ii 4 t tmnte+ ttnAnttl. le. will he folded to from
rn. -:-.• , h.• ATT,STIC
0,..t .t num, rain tic,. . £y nmi
it, will he ,ortecti mole it tho Icadittz Anl,rl
"et.n,d4.- no o year. ln adteney; two enpl e c $110;
tive com.. , f--1. - tin at :.end slt [MT, oath eel - I,l o nel eAry.—
Stogie or ynenlMen ropy. lb Cent.; Sr. Nlypose. the
to "Our Voting F.,110k." .cut W r $1100• year.
Th, A. haat if , uthl. mtd St. Slichsist! OOP
TI ri.sletc Mom ItlY and I very Splurday RI:11)
The Atlantic. Every Sameda y. And St. Nlehnbe.. 1000
d ltrmlt.hneee by mull 'Moab be by a money °T
er, hrAlt, or re..lytered letter. by .
Has Fallon Out of
*EI •
GOO 'l.7i,
—AT— f"'"....= .
C. R. PERRY & C 0,13,
. . .
An Immense Stock Jag Dough! trout,
of Now England, at prices •-;
IhnzbizFat , n, Nov. l^. Ic7 .-tc.
IT. De-Witt T 0,11122,1 I. rditor or Tke ChrWal4l
Ic ir„,k, C ii...purp„,.. st,..clal rontribut..r.--
0 1 c, r 7 1 ,...i. ir tt.i. fo c, r h, t r r i.t 1, 7 : 1, 1 : hif . r .. p c & ii p y e ß r i..n tn iz, r rs t :cit •n oin ca r:
ima 1 .. 11 1 7 ,..
agr „, n „„ ir,i!riaaleitt.. ..rick. dertloPallern. OM.
h. di.' ob-.lll6kdovl &Au I.lo.(rlption- In night
' lan .rut Inv. '''' , L.• Salople copies and circa
. I
• AGE i N ,
T11.,1: .47 ANTED .
7.....mmmm„0,: • -:
(TREAT lirilITED &TAUS -ma CO.,
& 4.‘riCllol4:4l\e,;:l,!:i
111.Intrase. Pa.
TSle Tea Iq put tr,l In Atlt TIMIT TIN CANISTER\
thereby pre...ill lig ite ta&l ra ce rtain))
ii - relt desideratum, - •
0r , ...
Call and dui a am and Cu In Wilts.
WRNS a xichoLe.
AStitsirea. Jill" 16.187. E11:
Rirer...ide Prost .. ,
Cambridge.. Aisig