The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 28, 1874, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
Religious services.
The services In the several Churches of Mont-
rose are as follow :
ll FrIST CHIMCII.Riv. J. IL. Casuatax D. D. Pastor
Sabbath Service, m. and T p. m
Obbbith Satan! 19
Prayer $1.10211111. Wednesday grealaga t%
CLTICIOLIC caunca BIT P. 3. ilvicres
80%0 Bcrylots.....l l t and Ent nunday In each Womb
Bshbsth Bth ro t IttuntdLarly before Hasa
Rev. Oria 11. Kirkland.
.10.1 f a. m. and IX p. m.
.1% k. m.
.7%F ut
lIPISCOPAL enescli
babboth Service..
Oates, School
Week-Day Sorrlcoo—Wedondays
MitTIIODIST W. 1, 11 0. J . 70
eelibetti tient.=
netinelb &bent If M.
rivet Meeting. ThuttititT. taup.
tl4 ,, bath Services . 10.43 a. al. aed p. ea.
s.btatti *Mug 14.13 p. m.
pr e y.? 31emlag. Thamdas 6•4911:41. 7 34 P. le.
List of New Advertisements.
ti nluabte Property fur Sale.
Fall anti Winter Dry Gooda.
AtlanUe Monthly fur 1874.
Peruvian Syrup.
Piraon's Purgative Pllll.
Not ire—Caucus called.
Dentistry—T..l. Wheaton.
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment.
Y4I tes About Town.
The Methodist Mile Society will meet this eve
ning at the house of Z. Cobb.
The baggage car and tfiree Cat ears were
osertunwd on the Montano Railway, on Wed
nesday, of hot. week. No one injured.
The donation for the Rev. J. E. Cheaabire
will be attended at the Rapala Chinch, trs-mor•
now, (rbutaday,) evening. A general invitation
is ettended.
The Vann' of Si. Paula (Episcopal) Church
have sold the parsonage 012 Foundry street to
Dr W. W. Smith, Dentist, for $1.600. The
Dr has taken possession, and his office, will
hereafter be found there.
The chimney of the Universalist Church
burned out again brat Friday, which (mused an
alarm of fire, creating considerable comntoti•m
in the emwded assemblage at the Court Minsk
something ought to be done to prevent that
chimney from burning out on such public neat-
spin 1 t is not long since x circus came very
near being broken up from the same cause.
J Griffis and Simon Sayre Lase bought the
stock and rented the store of S. M. Wilson.
which is undergoing a very thorough repair
a-id the addition of a new front, preparatory to
t icir talir.g posaeasion. They expect to open
for tinniness' some time next month. Both Mr.
Griffis and .Mr. Sayre have a first clan repute
as business men. We sire them out best
wishes for gum=
It gives us great fdlumre- Asia -cier joint
men Who go out from us to twist theieclinfor•
tones, taking high positions, and maintaining
them. We had occsaion nut long ago to speak
et - J. Arthur Sultan' M D., Son of A. N. Bul
lard. of Montrose, in very commendable terms,
and our attention is again called to him by an
article in the Philadelphia Evening /feral, in
relation to the "Southern Homeepatlfic Dispen
sary," an institution which Dr. Dullard founded,
taking in Dr. Stephen( as an assistant. The
fiseniz sacs:
-one of the Most elute] institutions in the city
it tie Southern Honicepathie Dispensary, No.
i 4 Bainbridge street, under the au.pice. of
the iiotncepitthie Hospital, which is open daily
(Su days included) from 11 to 1 o'clock, for the
treatment of all disease. Surgical taws will
receive prompt attention. Patients too nirit - t0
apply at the Dispensary will receive treatment
at home. The Attending Physicians are J.
Arthur Bullard, 31... D. and E. B. Stephens 31.
• tumbled by illcraghs.
About three o'clock last l.tmeiay morning, - '
while Thomas diiiick, baggagernan on the e.
14._11. It, and Patrick Costello, baggageman'
on the Erie road in this city, were attacked and
severely beaten by four rough■ from Susquehan
na Depot at the Erie depot in this city. Four
men Came into the depot at that time and tom
uteraccirusing insulting language to a lady who
was waiting for &train, and the two baggage
men interrered In her behalf and were attack
ed and severely injured. Later the four men
were arrested by special policeman Moore, who
ra.s sent for, and they are now confined in jaiL
There should be a policeman stationed at the
depot every nighL—Ringhartfon Times.
Staktlstiee Arab* Illetbodbg Cisme:b.
The genetal minutes of the Methodist Eptsco.
pal Mitch for 1873, now in press, shows that
there are 1,464,027 members and probationers of
the .denomination In the United States, and
there are 76 annual conferences, 14 bishops, 22,-
1 46 intinerant and local preachers, 14,499
church buildings, mined at $66,332,580, 4,677
psnumages,salued at 68,542.554, 18,031 Sunday
Schnehi, having 197,180 officers and teachers,
with 1,318,603 twitches in attendance. The
conference collections exclusive of salaries,
amount to $1,085,=9. The number of deaths
among members was unprecedently large, 18,
900. During the year 490 churches and 102 par
images were built, an average of over nine
churches and tow personnels a week.
An Ririe Mertes derma
On Saturday night last, the Erie Depot at
Owego was totally destroyed by fire. The cause
of the fire was an explosion of gasoline, under
the depot saloon, which was ignited by a lamp,
and exploded with a heavy report, envelopieg
the building in flames in a very abort time. The
ilepot, was quite an extensive one, and there is
nothing alit remaining between the two water
tanks. It was with great difficulty that the Dish
American Hotel, kept by P. Hickey, across the
street, was saved, AAatall portion of the freight
the books and statiop ‘ eceounta. tha United
State, Expless etimpanfaikkand a few arti
ries of uslaor importaace were matµtd- The
Western Union Telegraph Company'a_books
and Imitrtiments were totally destroyed.
lAsetalatura. •
Mr. Thompson Introdpeed O bill esempong
propeny to tb. vaiovor qpoo from levy and sale
on execution, sad making waivers of the same
to Li the judges salaries of
the Supreme Court; the Mel Justice,at
o 00; associateat 610,5 . 90: the Philadelphia law
judge at $l3OOO. sndihase,ol Allegheny at $7,-
500, and ail athenehremstatemkss t soo.
Jones, of Suaglielmma. is on The follow
ing Committees:. . Wags and Meant, Judiciary
Local, Editeatkn, Retrenchment and Reform.
Agriculture, and Federal Relations Mr. Little
• of Wyoming. is on the followingeozrunlttees:
Sub-Committee No. a Or) COllBUttltintle EirfOlift;
Judiriarir General, and Judicial Apportionment.
On Thursday Lon in the Legitlatem. 'lir. Pyle
of Northampton, asked leave to suspend the
rules ityyder to introduce on act
. to repeal the
Local Optkro Lhplor hivr of SIM of Matta;;
IfMl - - -Learowas given, atukthe bM was intro,
duced and referred to Its committees. Mr.
Cooper pnsientod aiiztitton final Chester coon.
ty, signed by 4,000 citizens,
The Webroarr Micalons.
On the third Tuesday in Fehruary„.according
to the new Constitution, the elections for city,
ward and township officers will bit bold in every
city. be tough and township in this State. .Un
der the new constitution every citizen, twenty
one years of age powering the following qual
ifications, shall be entitled to vote, viz. :
First. Ile shall be a citizen of the United
States at least one month.
Second. Ile shall have resided In the State
one year, (or if, having previously been a quail
fled elector or native born citizen of the State.
he shall have rem oved therefrom mid returned.
then ail months) immediately preceding the
l bird . He shall have resided m the election
district where be shall offer to vote at least two
months immediately preceding the election.
Fourth 11 twentyone years of ago or up•
wards he shall have paid within two years a
State or county tax, which shall have been .as
sewed at least two months and paid at least one
month before the election.
Arrested Car Deipalllng a Grays lard.
Oa the tenth day of December last the ems*
which atoml on the archway of the gate at the
Catholic Cemetery; was torn down and broken,
and although diligent Inquiry was made,
the guilty party could not be found.—
About a week ago a young man by the Emmen:
William Jolfe called at Father Slattery's house
ani stated that Ito could tell who the offender
was. On being cinestioned he said that a yonug
man named Adelbert Saxon did it, and on he.
ing asked If willing to swear to his statement.
replied that he was. Yesterday a warrant was
procured and Saxon was arrested, and tried for
the offence, Jolfe appearing as chief witness
against him, whose statements however were
vague end contradictory. A young man by the
name of Brooks was then called, who swore
positively that Joffe was the offender, and that
he was present aid saw hint In the act of tear
! log it down. The prusecntien then withdrew
their onmplaint,and Faxon was discharged, Im
mechately a warrant was issued on the evidence
before given, and Julie was arrested and held to
Gail in the sum of ;200.
We give the above dement. as we teamed
(rum one of the countel.—Sutquehanna Journa
Pelbdted Attempt et ILlttrlberay Soltery.
We learn that an attempt aas made to rob
Mr. Owen Beebe, who lives about three miles
from Montrr se. on the Vomit Lake mad, whit(
he was returning from Binghamton, one even
ing week before last, on the Hawleyton Turn
pike. While Mr. Beebe was on his way to
Binghamton. a man came up by his wagon and
asked for a ride. Mr. B. told him that be had
had enough, and could not carry him. The
man walked along bedile him asking him Rhino
his haul, etc , which he was taking to market.—
On Mr. B's return in the evening, while mere
the aamepaint.he was suddenly accosted by the
same map, who had climbed into his argon and
placed his hand on his ationldin., saving "I can
ride now can't 1 r which Mr B. agreed to.—
Mr. B. soon smelt a peculiar perfume, antimen-
Honed it to the mail as smelling like gns. The
man said he did not smell anything. &ion af
ler Mr. B. became unconscious. Mr. Green, a
neighbor of Mr. B. came in sight about this
thus, and saw a man get out of the wagon and
' disappear across the tields,and coining up to the
• • wagon found Mr B. in this condition. and took
bin. into a joule near by. The timely appenr
, mice of Mr. Green, untionutedly frightened
away the jobber and saved Mr. B. the loss of
is money. it is getting to be is dangerous bus
thess fur our farmers to' go to Binghamton to
Imbirket their produce.
The following was lustnitil to as and rouchcd
for, by one of the tnost respected citizens of
North Jackson.
MESSRS EDITOIIS :—Believing that a wrong
impression has gone out by the publication,some
little time since, of an article In the UolII !lige
Republi , ,tn, copied Irom the Binghamton Times,
and which, we learn, has been corrected in the
Tito, but not in the Republican, and having re -
quested the editor of the Republican to give the
thilowing communication a place in his paper,
which be refused to do, and believing fmm your
independent course heretofore, that you are wil
ling to give all sides a fair hearing, we respect
, fully mak you to give it space in your columns.
North Jackson, January 17th, 1871.
To the Editor of the Montrose Republican :
A tew weds since there appeared a notice in
the Binghamton 7lme., also in the •
Rpullieun, of the trial of ne►. A F. !larding,
at North Jackson, stating that the committee
after a patient !tearing of an the charges and
specifications, brought in a decision that the
charges were not sustained. This is not covert.
The facts in the case are these. Jest one bait ol
the charges and specifications was investigated,
the other halt was laid over till the Annual
Conference. Then and there we hope an im
partial Investigation will be had. Mr. 11. still
rests ander charges. Should any of the Metho
dist bretheren doubt the merit of the charges,
are Invite them to come sad learn for them
selvta In Old Lantaboro charge.
Auburn kerns.
Stud Itbout knee deep.
Johnny Dontin tins returned home from White
(tonged to the norih•west at seven
o'clock, p. cu., and
Prayer meeting in the- Union school house
this evening, January 'ad.
The supply of logs thus far at the saw milk
is small in those ts, on account of not snow
enough 10 haul them.
Presetting was held in the Union school house
in the evening of January ft2d, by Elder Ilene•
an. or the Baptist Church.
By mutual consent the name of the new
scpool house has been changed from Laurel
Grime to the Union School
A re_markabie core has been done by Dr.
Hein...a Auburn ko ,vnlng a girt of
John Drmlin's, that baffled the skill of out' bast
physicians for nine years.
A. C. Dlicken owns a fire year old mare that
trotted a mile in 2.50. That is better time than the
Auburn Girl made at Nicholson, a short time
ago. Bill don't let Polly be beaten. Try again.
Charles Gay has in his possession an egg, laid
by • last spring chicken, that measures six in
ches in circumference one way, and nine inches
in ciroemference, the other. If any one has a
chicken of her age can beat that, let him re
port through the paper.
Elmer Shannn, a young, man of aboqt seven
teen Stare of age, lad the misforttme of 'getting
his leg fractured, by his horse falling on him,
while renaming from a spelling school held at
the Union School house, a few evenings - since.
Therasn was attended by Dr. Kent; of Auburn
Centre, with success. - •
January EA 1814.
Court ProoretWogo
The whOle . eirthirtVo first weelts•of court
were occupied by the O'Mara tried, and all Oyer
and Terminer business was continued. '
The Quarter Sessions business to taking up
hie week, Judge lioness ~'''residing.
Today Ridge Streeter Will bear the argu
mentfor a new. trial In the O'Mara case. We
shall pnblislithe Judges charge, together with
bill of exceptions of Defendants attomsys,
next weeit.
M. eltennan Bradley vs.: Mary Ann Bradley.
Court direct in tattle to be . grapted, and on mo
tion of Jaitnes.E. Cannalt, attorasy.
complaint and Answer Med.
John Watson es. Joseph dillessiple. The
plaintiff, J. Watson, being dead, Eel DeWitt.
administrator. is salwiltuted as plaintiff in the
stead. '
E. I'. Toungcr TS. joseph.Stesens. . On mo
tion of Fitch S Watson; Judgment opened, and
defendant let Into • .doferuse.
Com'th vs. John Biack, Olistructing legal
process. Defendant plead guilty, and Coon
antenee him to pay a tine of 00, and costs of
In the matter of n bridge in New Milford
township, across Salt Lick crmk, Court appoint
R. T. Stephens, A. T. Trowbridge and James E.
.Ilowe, commissioners.
Com'th vs. gieplico Buchanan. Indictment,
mayhem, etc., Samuel Panotter, Prosecutor.—
Verdict, guilty of mayhem, and assault and
battery, but not with intent to kill.
Win. 11. Jessup appointed Auditor to distrib
ute funds arriting from Sheriff's sales, In estate
of Moss Jr Knapp.
In the matter of Sheriff's tales of the personal
property of E. McKenzie, Court direct Sheriff
•to pay the money to the Plaintiffs or their at•
turney, in the order of the writs of execution.
Agricultural 304011
The annual meeting of the Susquehanna
county Agricultural Society was held at the i
Court House, JanuarY 12, 1874, at 7:30 p. in , J.
E. Carronlt. presiding.
Article 1. of by laws, amended to make Life
Membership to be $l3 instead at $lO. Report
of Executive Committee read, approred, enc .
the thanks of the society tendered to them for
their efficient services, err. Edmund Bald a in,
one of said Executive Committee, tendered
resignation, which was Resented An omission
on the part of the Horne Committee In regard
to premiums on Light Draft Stallions was re
.erred back to said committee tar disposition.
Error In (trade Durham premium of 1872 made
right by voting Ist Premium of $3 to H. C.
Conklin, he Ixing clearly entitled thereto, and
the Treasurer was directed to pay said amount
as per vote. • Treasurer Gem testi his report,
showing, a balance in hands of Treasurer of
s4Bs2B—which was duly referred to 11.0 Conk
lin, John F. Hunter, and C. J. Hollister, as an
flora. Five dollars was directed to be refunded
to 31ra. Win. H. Jessup, overpaid on Litt. Mem
bership. J. R. Lyons, 11. C. Jessup, it. C. Conk-
In anti C. L. Brown were appointed a commit
tee to codify and revise the conatitution and by ,
l aw s of this Society, anti to present a copy of
'same for action fur or against at April meeting.
Society, trtb , notice.
Mietitig then adjourned to meet at same hour,,
and place Tuesday evil fog, Jan. 13th, for elec
tion of talkers Met as above, Vice Preal lent,
C. J. Hullbitet, in chair, when the f o llowing
members were duly elected tifficera for said So
ciety for the ensuing tern; :
Win it Jessult, President; E C. Potter, H
C. Conklin, Vice Presidents; Henry Shertmo..,'
Ex. Com. for 2 years ; Avery Frink, Ex. Coin.
fort yenra:. it. Lyons. Rec. Sec.; Wm. A.
Crossmon. Cor. Sec.; C. M. Gore, Treasurer
. .1 to curet first Monday evening
April Court.
There will he a rhtnalloa held at the Town
d Birthday Pretreat. flail. New Miltoril M etintsulay eye.. January
Mr. David kt,it" was born December 7th, 2'f . Pl7l, for the lament of Bee . O.M.Martin.--
Refreshments will tar ow, yeti. It jb.-ceptij.nt'om
-1799, nod came iota Brooklyn with his parents
t thee will
In. in atteutlatiee. Come one GIMPS
in the year 1811, - Dom Windsor, New York, all. A good tune is anticipated.
and was married to Betsey Miles in 1820. Forty. By order of Coe.
seven years have intervened between that and New )lilford, Pt, Jan. 14, 1074
the present time. fc,lf the fntrally of this pair.
only three have lived to years of maturity, 11":".""N
tan daughters. The
r, TlT , olea r al N e i r: i ol the Baptist church, and com
daughters are married and well settled in life, • ior, '" ltt . •v.. J. E. J " ln " Zit t i ' r r :: ls a 't ;l:::ta g t l i e o e n tl y w is r itta
the former, is at home with has parrot& The the Baptist l'hapel, on Thttraday evening, Jan.
attli, 1874. Everything will be done to make
grandchildren ['limber only I w°, those of Anarl
ts„l-iit,.. "3). "le . , att i antion tint'
k . of pleasure anti inter it to those
and and wile. The gr d thing which Rev-!
ed to render this birthday °erasion an unusual tended . By
is cl
one, is the fact that Mr. Ames Sterling, the old. I , Montrose, Jan. 10, 1874.-3 w.
eat grandann's birthday oCellt , bn the same day ;
of that of his grandfather, making It in fact, a ; H•RFORD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETT.
double birthday in the name family. We were I The annual meeting of the "Ilarford Agri
moreculturl Society" will be held at. the School
Louse, to reminded of this, when we came around
the table doubly spread end hailed vita all theFybnmr the a evening
substantial. and dainties which the KeRSOR af- of ottleers . and na . th e . trateta . ction of curt 0111
forth. We noticed a birth lay cake, made by er Madness as may be brought beton . the So
one of the daughters. Waidic , with the ciety. All inter,:rd sire renovated to attend.
E I.
n lo tyrtn. Secretary.
age of her father, 75 years, neatly arranged on H ar f or d j anna ; . . 14.
the fnottng, and also, that of the g,andson, 21 1
years, all upon the same coke. The were allesig i
. i A PRF.PAIL VtioN so whhde end favorably
not numerous, but were emphatically jovial and : known ns Ball's Vegetable Sicilian Bale ltim Y Y
happy. Let me substantiate the tact by &log 1 er , needs few words of Praise Irmo us. • I :4 %;
you the wortls of one guest as he entered the, c‘ T inqsainil has won its any to the highest fa
-1 o v r e in v t a l i t i ti o ll . u , b i. lic i ; ,,t n i tind and multitudes, who
house. which 'a ere, "Pence be unto this ho
Mr. Kent have you got any good cider?' The t ' i o on of the . ir Id - or. linc r e. re o 'n u e` t l ; s i f n o g r t t l l ' i t e •.` sTe t iran .
reader can well calculate on the etria-t. which . Re newer . been made glad :),y the speedy re.,
; toration of their gray hair to its natund color,
this speech would have upt n a company, cairn.
of early
thi m n , l l :lekl t thriteneti up, ns ill Thu days
Tally were they a little thirsty, with plenty of
good apple juice near at hand. The oldest ing ont ) . • tiLkes it poll. ali ' d p gr yen y t .st s n t ris i allo ir ge fi t il t l r :
person prewn t wa s 56 ears, t h e younges t aout 'Cr the best prepatat km tor its intended purposes
13 years. Miss Fanny mitts
before the public.—/Ittsburg Chrookie. 21 lw
ntelodion, and with her instrumental and vocal
talent combined, gore us truly good music, car.
tying our thoughts hack to incidents of twenty,
years ego. The coming twilight admonished
thaw from home that the day was nearly gone,
and the scenes of this occasion were numbered
with the past
Broollyn, Jan. 19th, 1874.
Wahwayman •boat.
While Patrick Clark, a lamer on Big Cho
count creek. in company with his father, was
returning from Bingimmton,on Friday eventog
I et. and while pasding through the thick woods I
below llawleyton, a man stepped from the tm-
derbrush, and approached the wagon as though
wishing for a ride. Mr. Clarke stopped his I
horses to accommodate the stranger, when sud
denly the man drew a cocked revolver and aim
it at their beads, railed upon them to sur- i
render their looney or their lives. Acting on
the impulse of the moment. Mr. Clarke sprang
from the wamm toward the hold highwayman
who pulled the trigger and fired, the ball taking
effect in Mr. Clarke's left arindlear the shoulder.
I I Me then turned Al*. tied, Mr. Clark pursuing
hhostuuilyteralitut twenty rods, when hear
tag a rustling movement in some bushes beside
the road, and suspecting that We Mier had cam.
federates near at hand, he turned, ran and
Jumped into his wagon, and drove rapidly to
wards the village of Ilawleyton. Reaching
Kantor's Hotel, at that place. he related his ad
venture and bad the wound dressed as well as
circumstances. would pet mit. A bystander, rec
ollect ing that a men named Junes Donley. who
was In the habit of coming along the road ant
i nrdaY nights, sad was expected that evening,
i thinking, perhaps that he too might encounter
Inc footpads, nccompanica Mr. Clark, and, each
I armed as lilt pistols, returned for quite a distance.
IThey met. Mr. and Mrs:Donley on the road,they
baring tweed As . spot wbere Ms."Cmrir was
Dwa JAczarr
assaulted lo sa:kty, and the enters party return
ed to Ilawleyton., flare Mrs. Donley:elated a
circumstance whicirevldenify shaved that the
or robbers had not Ich after the assault
on Clarke. She stated that when they were
passing the Ingest:lent road she heard groans
and cries proceeding from the rOadd , tc, as it
some person teas to distress, 'but Being 'rather
timid sin said nothing atthe thrie. • The wagon
made so much noise .In. enticing over .the hard.
ground that her husband. being allghtiy deaf,
did nut bear the groans..
Subsequently it was learned' ilditDimley had
$1,200 in his pus;etuticur flint 'evening. It is
likely that persons in Bingliamtnn • learning in
~nme way that Mr. Donley had a large amount 01
money in his possession and knowing that he
would pass over the turnpike on that evening
conceived the plan of waylaying and plundering
him. The groans and cries heard by M rt. Don
ley were probably made by the lighwayman
for the purpose of cecoying Mr. Donley out of
the wagon and robbing blm.—Binghamton
LIFE ttAS FEW CRAILEt3 fur the Dyspeptic,
tviiich is not to be-wondered at when we take
into account the amount of txxlilv and mental
suffering that this distressing =study generates.
The Peruvian Syrup (protnxitiquf, Iron)hatieur
sal thousands whu were suffering !rum this
The Democratic electors of Brhlgewatei, are
requexted to meet at flarrington'S hotel, in cau•
cut, In Montrose, on Saturday, Felruary 7th,at
o'clock. p. In., to nominate a ticket for the
coming township election.
BY OaDos. or Cow.
Bridgewater, Jan. :nth, 1674.
Dr. T. J. Wheaton, of Binghamton, will be
in 3lontnis., at il,e Exchange Hotel, Monday
morning, February 2nd, and remain through
the day, to extruct teeth, and take impressions.
Either, chloroform, or gm, administered tothmie
who dtilre It.' 'The next day he will be at the
hotel In Dimock, for the same purpose.
T. J. A'n.a.aTos.
Binghamton, Jan. 28th, 1874.
The Pastor of the Baptist church of Mont
rose buruugh will. next Loot's-41.y, February
1.1, 1874, preset. two sermons on the o'l4lnru
31urtlerera—the one in the morning, on the
Voier 44' Blood ; and, in the evening, the Way
lit the Trunegres.soe; especially to Young men.
A general attendance Is requested. Divine
service to continence itt to 11 o'clock a. m.
and 7 o'clock p. to.
We. receired n very pleasant letter of thank,
from our oh' friend Kendall. since his roam
home, for a bottle of Johnson's An „ dyne Lini
ment a hich wr gave him, anti which be says
hue entimly cured him of the troublesome and
diiiisrenius cough he had when here.
On the depth of one of Englamrs most etni•
neat physicians, all his clients were sold by nue
tion,aud taming other things was a scaled pack
et, marked - Adviee In Physicians," Whiril
brought a great price. The pmchaser on open•
hag the puke!, read la follows: Keep the head
cool, the kneels open and the fret warm " It
physic In necessary, use - Parsons' Purgative
Pills; they art. the moat slientitically prepared
pill that has appeared In the last hundred years
A new bit of Itlsnks for the spring elections,
lust printed, at this Ake. Ala° nll caller blanks
as ustut I.
DR. Wta 11.antin of Wlhl Cherry it "a
gom bi i ,mi,ai And ii furor inti,4r• fur healing and
can ig diSens , li of the thrall. lungs and cheat.—
It cures a rough by 1.....mbig and cleansing the
lout , and aillying irritation ; thus mooring ae
mum, instead ot dryrig dp the cough and leav
ing the tlituniat: behind.
J. R LTONi, Seey
DOS. toN
WE wtme. pleased to see, not low, idnee,
ohe of our • Tei11111;S:5, Pre f .Y
marks addretised to FeTerol perrons 01m, dur
ing an i n t e nstingtecture by Rev. 4110. S. C. Ab
laut. krpt 5 ei.lnticuom , coughing. which pre
vented many front•
hearing. People who can.
noL mom comthisig. hurl better stay away
Irian such places, or clue take n bottle of John
ron%l Anoristne 1,111611C111 with them.
The importance id giving Sher Man's Gin*,
Candalau l'oullers to hum* that have teen out
in the cold rain, stood in cold whel, or drank
too much cobi water, cannot be over estimated ;
no man should be without them whet own,' a
good horse.
Jonv Lrsr
The following la a list of Grand and Traverse
Jima, drown to serve at a t(91)1 of Court to
commence at Montrose on Monday, January 12
Apn'nem—Joke& Twikning. John Tupper.
liridgewnter—E. W. Conklin, Judson W.
Mott, .4. W. ItuaselL
Broifklyn —O. A. Eldridge, Ulu. A. Wil
Clifford—John Halsted. -
Douock—Albert P. Smith. George Welker.
Fnmot Lolte—Aimer Griffis.
Fmnitliu—Jobn H. Munger.
Gii.son—Horace W. Stearns.
Greet Bend tp.—Enock Hawkins, J. B. John
liorford—Tyler Brewstcr,Benry Esterbrooks,
Beni. WattMliA.
Hormony—Tbomes Thornton.
Herrick—Wm. U. Norton.
Jessup—John Crock. hymen B. Pickett.
Liberty—Jonathon Ross.
Lathrop—Chauncey Scott.
Lenox—Levi West.
Montrose—Sheridan G. PAtle, Dimock D.
Searle, Gilbert F. Fordham.
Middletown—Charles Comp.
New Milford tp.--Orin Bennett. F. Beyeauor,
J. B. Dorrt.w.
New Milford buro.—E. W. Cornwell, W. F.
Oohland--Albert G. Brush.
Rush—William Boyd, Abram Caner.
Smtquellonna Depot—Willituu Skinner.
Silver Lake—Joseph Ward.
leviagvilk-Wat. B. **role.
Business Locals.
Traverse Jurors—Third Week. 9.
...,'xiAll——ln Liberty, Jan. 14874,
by' Bev.-tr. 0
gazer M. Bailey.
Praur-4toasurs--in Fairl 2e, Dec 17.3.
by Reit.. E. W.Bitickitiblge,Jobn 3'dl4 4 !upes,
kusoo .74 11 .1;44 K 4 7w AI Rush: ~
31ancarr—Crxv—In Latbrop.liot
by Rev. U. Jacqucs, Calvin ; 3Wotc *°3ll.tar
Muggy C. Ceiy, butb 'of Springville, Pa.
Ssysierxsz—llssarsrr,Mi Lenozsillp, Jim
10ili, 1874. by M. 3. Decker, Eq., °nix Sever
ance to 4.1 u Matilda Bennett, both orLenos. '
41nt.awe-3foone—At the home of the bride,
in Rosh, Jan. 14th, 1874; by nev..s.Barner,Wm.
A. 31olky. eon of, Rev. J. 3191 key, of Forest
Lake, to Miss Phebe 111. Moore. _
Case —Lintn—„tt Abe residence of tfle bride's
brother, Jan. 17.1974, by Rev. PlOrOck,
W.H.. Case, of Elk-Lake r Suaquebanun purity,
Pa., to Miss Vklei M. Luke, of Nanticoke., Lu•
zerne county, Pa.
Bmcsums---Bacirs—A t the residence "f she
bride's mother, In Stontrnse/ on Wednesday
morning, Jan. Si ht, leaf, by Rev. Dr. Cbessbire,
Anson D. Bircbard, of Purest Mlll4, to Miss
Helen 0. Backus, of Montrose, Pa,
SIMONDS—In ',Wimp, January 120 i, 1574
Jan Simonds, In Ids 4rith ,tear.
CastraELL—in - krurat,..lanurtry Bth, 1874, S.
H. Campbel, In the 69th year at his age.
llonYos—lh Bridgewater townsl, Janua ry
11th, 1874, Willie, von of Daniel an Hattie A_ .
Horton, aged 2 months and 5 days,
BANI:E3—In Liberty, January 2c1,1874,Luq,
daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Banker,
aged 29 years and 8 months.
MITCHELL—In Eaton, Ryontingeounty, Pa,,
Janunty 20th, 1874, Thomas Mitchell, apt' 93
years and 13 months. He leaves a Wife, living
In good health, 87 Years old. They have ]our•
neyed together in wedlock 79 and 9. months.—
..The funeral Was on Friday, at IF ritinclz, at
Eaton church. _ .
Centaur Ltnament.
Thera is no pule which As (Anataar
Ll•tmeuts not rellem no oerellleg
vici; they anll not vendee, and no lathelneil
W it which they .11l hot core. Tttle leettcres
Language. hot It le Mee. They have
produced more cures of rheumatism.
oPurAlgtt. 1...4 jaw pAlpy,pratalNVO•
opt is dogs. caked brarte,ecalds, borametalt
rheum. eared... to., npost the human fr oath and of
atreine. op /yin, gaily, de , npon thlinals in ooe year
than have ail other pretemiettremedies dote the world
he an. They aro cannier 'rritant. all-healing polo ts.
liev rs. enpple• throw ewes) th it crotehm, the lame
walk, poisonous hit.* are rendered harmless, and the
wounded are henlod without a acme The naipe pub•
[lobed around each bottle. They etll as no articles ever
gold before. heraufe they do Jon artist they pretend to
Thor e who now 'offer from rheumatism, pain, or
.•ellt r deserve to *off, r If they will not one Cmasur
Liniment. white wroppeir•Mvee than KO toffidcaois
of remarkahie earns. to:hiding trimen Batho s chronic
rheumatism, goo!. gauping tomer.. Sc.. have bet re.
celeed. We will feud a circular containing certificates,
the melt., Le.. gratis. to any one reuumating It. One
! bottle of the yellow wrapper C,•ntaur Ultimata le worth
one hundred doll ,to for spavlued or flageoled home
and for sere...worm In sheep. block owners
--the.e liniment, are worth your attention. No faattliy
should be without them -White wrapper family upol"
Yell w weepper for anlatill. Saki by all Deageista.-
60 cents per bottle; binge bottles. Sigh • J. B. Bon
Co.. di Broadway, New York.
Castorla I. more than a aubstittlha ter Castor OLL
It I. the only at'e article In - ezletenee ethlels-la Certain
to ...Imolai the foo& regulate the boatel. mite wind
colt.; and produce natural 'deep. It Contains neither
mtnerabo, morphine or alcohol, and li pleasaat to take.
Children need fl cry and mothers may reel.
Commission Merchants.
lob= lltierelwiii‘awk
AND mcceivn OP
BITE' VEll.DfiEkiE,
77 Dey ID., New York.
Conolgnmento imitated and Worn, nude Immediate
on ulo of goods. bead for .Lipping cards nod sum
Referenca :
Nationsl Park Ttenk of Nee , York.
Nor , ll Rreer Mot of New York.
Nntional Hank of New York.
Long Wand Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Feb.ll. la 73,-11
The Plarzets
New York Produce llorkeL
R epmaned Eery Week Exrre•ly for Tat Mormon
Demneoxr by Moro. k Server Vrorlace C01 , 1121i1-
.1.1 Mertharac 2d Whitehall Street. New Tort.
Burro-Plrklns, N. Y.. N. J. & Pa. 117 5 1111
Teo .. - 40 45 41
Pell. o o o 42 al 43
ensues-Wye Feeney. fine to Caney .....1515 Sky
State adry, eroonson to tale 9 IS 1 3
0 00 ..,:t.te and Pews Ivan's
R . ...en, pr 108.... te la r
Guate-coro . .. .. .1111 491
Wor.-Stii, II 15 al
11** .:4D t 0 rt..44 . -nity. per •
100 In. .. ...116 454 10
&Ivo% ° Rwe VS (a 00
PCM4.IILT-Chletens , blv. prima ~. ...... 11 111 14
Turkey*. l• .. 11 (a 14
SALE lil ILI, •
No rE.4,
)K PS,
ETC., rc„ ETC.:ETC.
Treat and t•altett keax atm. Pura.notagua
nal. am, at ?be ben Ivality; constantly tat &lad, at
rum Sena -
1111110 1 . 1 6 ran jata 3/40.0 : t
Sear Ye I
__flow. 141
thing to i'do - before the - Ilonombit •
Judges of what is go id to eat and drink
come . forth and give your attendance , . and
your wants suali be ou pub' d ; and all men
and .ttonten aho dr- summoned as Jurors
to try the gond- qualities of our goods
please answer to your names at. first cull
amid ative your fines. And know yealltbut
ls constantly receiving large additions to 'fits
stock of Choice-Groceries and Provision, such as
Wheat end Buckwheat, Flour, Corn and Out
Meal, crushed Wheat and Gramm Flour,Ustris,
lard, and flit; dried fruit, and berries. fresh
fruits and vegetables of all kinds. (in their sea•
sotO augurs, (maple,) also ntolasaes and syrup.
teas said coffee, of the very beet qualities, spices.
snaps, salt, crackers, and eheese, robiloo, figs,
geletina.candles, candles and nuts, books and
stationery, yankee notions. tobacco and cigars,
canned 4toods, a vet) , large stock of the very
best qualities, and ail at ortreniely low prices
for cash or ready pry.
3lontmse, Jan. :lb', 1874.
At L IL Mare Jewelry Etna.
When. s !PTO and toat-T rtnek or Ore ritlaraing
vitas ttlla I than el•• The • • la
No se P ootylvanta e. .
FINS Alll5ll/CAN.WATtIIChweLny
"in "11""
I" •
Me r tt " ort. rt Ntli t u ? !„ .: ig; "," , C„M".ttbc.l"".
. .
fine Wont Repairing ficraide Machines and
done, 0. inual4 by gll7. H. plin , l by
L. U. Lonna. 1. Medd:dab.
& Dielhnimb.
Sept. 10.16A-1r
— N — o Nu. No.
.12. 31. 1. 6. • IL P. X. P. I. P. X
945 100 910 • FI6/113 1245 618 945
590 13 5 1 943 .. .%lavtqly 11191 535 900
335 057 10 00.... .ifoluos... . 11 45 513 850
490 950 10 10 ....To4arda. —.II 63 457 Pl O
513 II 20 ... IN y212.12g ...t9 0 6 715
515 305 11 .sal ... Lncy 2102 943 40 5 5 654
614 19 15.... Meativps.c , .. . 950 605
655 145 ...3Srboupa..2 ... 913 6 215
653 365 1545. .Tuoktumuork... 84 5 5 390 566
814 444 130.. ... Yll6OOl ...... 725 2 2 4 4 50
BV. luo 1 15...Winive•Elt rc2, .. 700 315 4
.. 7XI 4 55...91acch Cbnuk... .. 11 45 135
. 14. 595 550 ........... ow 6...... a. a. 1047 19 30
• 840 605 —.Bethlehem .... 10 50 1010
915 635 EssUw...... 1008 11 55 •
.1030 866... n 21110,41212 ... 830 743
9.E. 940 ' New Torle-.... 1I 0 900
No. SI !elves l'ovrands 710 m.; then*, 7GO
r. rn. Waverly. SUS, m.. arellog at Elio at VW.=
No. S 1 Irn,e• Elmha or SS , p. m.; War,ly, At 6
; Athens,.lt 930 p. m., antylog Te. oda at
711 p. m.
A. P ACKER.Eirmerirttendout.
Tlio talloncall 81111161E81
Neu hie-Actin Q. Non.Freealegt. The Amplest and moat
powerful In use It 111 1 , 1V.‘1110 be tie ettelptwt. awn
etfective. dor ,ble.ul eel Ito,. wit on ly fir rand y ore:
but alsofor net Vaetorle.. flrewerto., Idatilterlea.
ete. It .1. part'. Ovule retounnehued loam - seen t Yarn
pante.... the arna 4 le.l'otorto gnat brow SOO TS feet
throuh bore. It is the nve4 ed. Uwe her:Lary It [ter
,toil. The 10004 durable betaue. tr t• .vvpo.ed of
but few alutple itertP of tr..n leeonaeled en es to prevent
any utoilensaut or hrteldsh te•te to the water.) Lae lii
luvia P'tclat ,. . A child eau work it. It never fret Li.
no barer retool. lu tue.f.o or when out lethal It
nand 11.-a the coltle.t water. ta,tug pl.ced It the bottom
tit the ivol sit it opinion of °kende Jowlin the Ar.
k . an .tgricafteruart, Juno Nu .11513, page too; rive d u.
Ilaylte.r purchased the county right. I will %ell tows
rights to curt peren mer.. nod to thuee in rant of a
p omp tam prepared
no for nd price tu
Oct. 11. 1873..-fun. Oakley. fe.
Down Tra.Le. Up Train..
wouTawAnD. soATEET,
P. A. A. A. A. PAL
... ..... Dr dgrarat rr... ......
AM 500
a/ el 10 Amuck ...... .. ..101 0 520
i r '"" .....
.. "'W
I 2OO :Pianos and Organs
140 6_J
„ T r ) 1 . 1„ . ....., 110 .- .. ..........i: r i g g 2 i g New anerSeeetul.Pand of Pint Clara !taker.. wlll be
50 5 , 51
ti) • 540 Li . nii
........... 9 , 0 p oi rold at Lower 1 rte.,. for nob, or on liotariarnta, 5111
415 550. A i•er.•,. 9 , i 450 i I , y ,r 1...t0r 11 v trios tblir 1 , 1; an. WI 4 Holy. and th e
t i t , ain 11 , ,Ildny-. h‘ liVaaVE V ATP.aa a SON. 451 Broad.
2 M 0110 ...... • • Lemon
5 ~10 431 • it?. then • Trf before .1 red 14, bias York Ogling,
*4 5 0 10.5
040 Varer`o .Lane'.... ii . ii 4 . e , reakted t. 1,
11 Wooer.' Veleorttral Fianna. Concerto
and Otehratral lo gray. Illarttalad Catrlootes Inalk4.
3)5 045,• . ..Tnokhantioet N 37 a aa i
t•r,n; Indue inente t,t the ;rade A lirgt. 4644434 40 ,
All trains connect at Tno.kLann..ett with I a, 6. N. Y.
E. K. eoltvz no•th • d watts. J IS. I. BLAKK , EH. • 32101,44,1 . Cll , trdler. 8 1 0 1, 1 alt Sehrala. rte.
Sei.,t. 11, ism Prag•ldald.
- ai
lIIIIK ronrEs•toss "v AN. IN. YA I LIT. - 4. 4 4 4 • 4 4
. PUBL.I . .IIED an a trarolosr and or the benefft of
Inman tn , r; and ashen who.nfl4 , r from tirreotta deblll- .. .4,;,... $2O A L
DAY! Attento granted .L.
tr. Lt.. a Maribuoij. ete.. •uppying i t-rD- -to
TRH MEANS OP SELF Ci•RE. O.O r net ... z-. 3. rtm, or old. woke , more mw [e7 at 04 irk, ...-.
, ' r. , r to, ill ;h.-1r . pate moc-no• 0? 1111[50 1 .110 tratel II
Written by one rrh. Cur.] 1 ,1101 . 0 f, . 110, an ' n g anr l ltlon , r 1,.,... 1 -articular free. addrel,i G; IITIN•
ronalderable oniarkery. awl vent free, on r , t•Prillig 41 ' , L im . Ai co.. i ,,,,,,,, d mi . ii, ,.
peat-pald envel, , pe. Addranr N . ,
Ellooklyo. S. T.
Jan. 111.-Car.
Teeehoro Innlont.. nee "Mtn. P.V , llll$lll. TS. Ufa *UN*
awoke Yonne Von. and lion oh/ Women of all nutter t.
Yob rm. eon!. 1.110 • ernbobn. nearing 3.sehlne zee •
ftook• ',oft, I. nt to work• Library . or toms minable •.
P010n...1u bone. ily pot he :or o ono WterrrweoPe ;
or o good 7'im—K.l.i trlorh or watch); or el Malin
list ; or a Cold Pro : or • Yhoinernob AIM= : or a No.
I' lc Box ; or • • , t..n.1 K0n....n. Lamp not. your Perim; Or
I Web.torn litorttettol .Qttarto ItlttlotAry: be Norf.'
Wotli Renowned Stainer) I/roof.; or a Ana VIOLIN .1.0 r.,,
~ a tronologinn 11111 e Cane: or a Itratioran lk.nbr•NO?•' .:...
i rot Pr o.vh.f. melon Shot Inn; or a twAtort
I rn fn
N BANEIttiPTCY.— i worth $l4O. by e top!. working op your nonce/11%
'We.reetrlet of Partnryiranits. mt. 1 time it it only *kola moll in the oil. alarm of N U. P.
'At lie • .1114 ford. P... the tothdv, of Joao rry. Ina. i . to. Perfktir legitonatelll , tl r. eV* ell l .le ; wily would
'lb,. h roh.r.igehe Cite. mute of hi. rptarn Inn, t is Pay plillonthimple. AttOran, Y. U. P. 02 , It/ half Taal
Asehtnto Of W. 1.. Mops, of Now Mliford two ,Ilt the bt.. New York
Canny of Boron. Mona 112111 et.lo of Peornylon.ta. i --- - .
within roll Di.ttio. oho two born . ninrigni a Penkt,lllt I t .
on emitters` petition, by the Inn ritt (cot of 'henna
Db.trlct. Tft.aliY 11.)Y.r , ' , . 1 a• -
Geo. P. itowelll g Co
New Mllford, Jan. 14, 11ML -Ser Alti.l,l3Cr. etc.
------------- •---- conduct MP,Ammey for the reunion of adentirentente
•I' NOTICE. Wherearlot poi t
, fin Anrottrar. balvaraPlll—•ho Moot compete earth.
VlECl"TOResooarntn• ii. bm ..,,, „i p b v kind in th.' world. ti.,,,,,,,,,,,td.Nw5.
I', ry bribe...4m of FA..nY J. % .cll o rl• l'o. of "0. - Parraparejoet.l reenbar.y v e t ale open to Inspettlou 117
rare. decd. hove been granted to the notier.lenni. a ll oo.r. t aa. to. No fro ,dirff room. however rurnp.ett. rt •
p.rrona indebted to raid 0.1010. 0114 , requested to m r. kt . h r . ~,,,,,„
,„ tent. f thin wants. E .,, r, ,, y „.
aalr .
nomedboopomnora. road rho.. tr.oing Old tn. . Cahn - i i„,,,,,,ir I. torn to , th .. ~.. prlc. of the F.,..,
the stn.. ate tegneent to rrnont m o m wi th out 4 010 7. withoto my alleltiontLl etarg, ..1 eomntirolon , to iiirai
. .. 8 3ILLYOUIL_. I ao adorni•er. in droll% orth r he Ivory, le .a.r•li
11.. 0 11 a attILYMRD, a EZtelitar* (me le nod rorropotoo aro, tneklng non contract la
n it. mulawari. 1 10..3 of a eon" n roarer lor 4 11100,11T1d. A flaileK
Dee. 11, int —ilar. - • lof eighty pima. containing 11.1. of hest pipet*. larrst
• --•otio- - --ligiort.. agnenbural. throe pOlticaLnaKJ
Wooten, Dlrtrte• of "ennaylnanta.
Tt At Monitore. Pa.. rnr Znaly ot . Januar,
o nuaorptg..on tivo. oonce uf 01. appoint-
man! an Annlgnee nr t brt%tupfie PoJon , of Hrooal)n. in
the county of St•ogorhatinn. Zinn 'tate of PrnonYl'ln , '
w•tion ash! alstriet. abo Tao n ' , Polon) 5 0-Ohrtipt
on his own ptt.t.oln hy the I) . .•ttirt . • 0.1 of oald Dot
6E O P LI TLF, Arolgnoa. a,
R. tt. txrrL.s. Attorney fur Aa•lgnee.
lontroote. Jan. T. 10T4.-o,n
, ettelf,atio:,: religion...a.. -
111: 4 Xli ITTOITS 7,loTlCE—Leiter.tealmnentavy to the e-t 1 r•imars , iwer.l it l..ts tivs.; • .i - 8 ,.. *p a 41 p — u - t iiia - ,
I " ~f , ,,,,,0 f „. 8 8 8 ,8,, 1., 8 , a )1 0 ,m,,,,, 11,0,J
,1,,, . lb-m*l%lll,h Cr .pethOly V3lnable, t- A01%011,014 Wlttl
havltg neon VIM , dto the entsvribere. all venom,- In vons• Itoormatlot am info tot vent Pit AR to anyed•
debt to the ...Id notate. ern - roctivertd 0 note inn dre•Won an. If, slim. ' , ems,. stet w at t.. .wa n t,
modlate lias - m-tit. and ell per.4ll. h., in t . c.lllll* ik.llloo. • InAkr S ri ill ti.c In to. [own. OM. C r oonl7, Stat. .1.
said thmectunt Will prvvont them veil bout delay. i Ter W 0 - the nit , d f t. , lev. or toy potion ot.the
li. P. I:l , ilitiE., t n .;.....,.,,.... , Portant not easunlii. niny ttitO • toncve.tatt Meat or
• ca A.s.a. Slit Ili, i''"` — `''''''''' . hst 'hp, want. together wi th a tory of the ADV eit•
'Moutrote. Deets. ibili. . • I'IBP.XF.Nr Ito y their. 1121101 led, mid alit nwelve Int
_ r.tinallmi itt relate ninllliblt h Will engine - theta te das
~.,„ he whothor itt itieitare, eet" ur torgn the order,.
—1 ' 119 11,03 , 1 F. r *men litforinatmn ihves le no charm. whatever,.
Lianun— In. °minion waisted of the
- hlirshrJohn Ultra. inborn , Puti , ,h , hen no! only acid ihrit- Alen to, not paylAntrit
widow Is Fijid to hue maned one kelt* or Thee soma -
1 thirty saran ammo. Aty pervon hvyttizltitornmilan will (I.°. l'' . .. ll .l" r i al. aj C ''' - /br ! b " i ' " . .'" e;. • ' l 'A i gn i 6 "
, d tor e *Mg* rloll.r av iradlly a. tot a lamer . on, Ad
- haarwiumtArtr,owtvantamt. n j y d. a . 4 s are itc. t r ar4 . - 511 5
di 1... P.... , e•nuer papyr.. vol. ... tor a lusty Thil ;
0 310tUVAIC ISLOREDUE,Attunins.llai Walnut Pt.. me the &Me/trail NVWp2per AdTattletAg Aglow,.
Jan. 31. 144.-4 w. Ml's. rnmes.' I 41 Park R )w, IT. Y.
All penrons hohling tilt• aim, of Jurtiea or the
MO N e Y .Ve.r./lopftlfn with Stencil la Sap
Peace in th n c..unty or Skl•ClysiMOU4.4r.b,,eby uoll•
find that Wier am r-nalecd to Appear ”efure the hecord. G. Check Outnt, Catalogue and fall.
er or Deeds to and ear al d tun "p• at Ni on tr.e, and t :an Pa ririthwarww. F Al . Wrtact nll7 garnet:sc. Dam&
the .44n o ti ~,nea ander the New
Q. wittnioh, within', •
thirty day Craw the let day of Januar,. 1•.7.. '.lO t. tit Oft In WO Ft often 'radii to a fortune....
_.. u. N.llFFANT.lttworder. ' b b. rj!k• Ft-Fq...1. 1 et for tramp. •
. . a alertlnc Toothrlogc & t:,.,,,
• Ittoloirc and Broker.. .in Wail at .lI.T
Mostro.4,,TlW. 31.18).
Job Printing . : - - - 4 c•vlsvouotiAcy. oo wolf - co AWING."' ..
..i j.
-, 0. mew • . P•cliitY or this hrituch ~,r ths Irian. AU , 'too entre' Per MT f imeinAt.vm4 gelu 11 , 01• TO
'Wm *MP tu, U.! blvd.= .4.1 a al
. I . k . ktr. louri. ate, : sV i E i rti . 1.. u. cb: ‘, .. 1. 1)3 vruz thel- CO I* a. lustett.l7...
" - m. tt rtr P ?ii, " e " ..o t......1%.1. 1 1b n rr n ; tth f r
if . r;l4 ' irtildl
Wl)Erir. ALL
_ , .. ctiMPEtiTl2 . _IS . Ligit .. 1 ., 11 , 00 , 1 .0 11%. 14 4 . t0 .n.,.11L133.TA10141,... _ A rm ."
lortiotuVr ! Bout on lo lot la
4 a ibis
. , . ~ . . .
~ V V , glir • i .
Gectic 1
Capital, Elepresetilid, 810000,000 $
. .
rraz, it's AND &MIDI NT 111607A2fati •
. ...
Home Te. ro.„ la T.. Capital sad torpleir. 11 1 _.00FOX.
Hartford Pire Ina.. Co. Capiteleaddiwplta ' 1114.000.01*
Liverpool. London d pions •• •
Ins. Co.. of ,ti wit. America •• 1$ 1 0:0.001
Fenn. VIP' IMP - Co-. P0n..," • sl.llllao
National. Phirs. limv
In.. Co., elate of Penns •• 00.050
?Dion %Weal •• .
Um - 40:g Fire $ .000.000
Ltanapineelif.P °eldest*. It L .. 600.00
Nerehano: " 450.000
CIO. of New Port. •Hy. •• rote
Newtown.of Facet co " . WO OM
AICTI.III4II I / 1 .0/ •• - 440.010
Lint:wrier EH. 10.. co. ••
Fire ....arumA of I hilt. ". Ili
Home In Co .Colurniore. H.. •• 0 0.1100,
Lehigh Vane, Vire. Allentown. " lii , t4d*
Citizens` Fire In. Newark.. .1Z .1." - MILO
South Side on Cu Plitehurg.Pa.•• 110.000
Alemmaida of Flo.hor •-. •• IMAM
The's ad.ervigned i• SPECIAL AGENT for the folkr••
Ind ornialliee for Northern I edin.ylvania: -
Fir. ..o.orla nob of Philadelphia.
National Fire Itahrouee Compel:a or Philadelphlt.
The lo.notote Co; of th e State of Poiteglisaia,Or
Conti. Matra! LIN Li.. Co., AirsettS
Aluerfast LVe. Phil's.
15.i=1 , 0X3:1 1 3111\7 • 1%
Troller* lotto .9artford,LnpltaleudtiatplagrOv l . oll
1t511.67 Pavezwere O. ft.210/10Ctir
?IR oudrnlene4 Wu. even Heil Minim In Miscount?..ft.e
the pot' 17 7.01141. e. en I *wince Agent. Lo*.o.nendsted.
bY I. enton•lnl..• been wlnnip been pet:tonal, Psi&
Fer'utnce fleet door es.' from Ranklnn OClee of Cr
A. Cooper it Co—Tarnplkeet. Montrose.Pn. • •
CriABLES IL SMITH. Solicitors. . •
Ituntrone. Don WIWI*
• 334Ccaatx-c;•=0. Pozazi g ea... •
Mani m 1.7 p-telViult NAV: GMrtlati, aid keeps
tlnu itl) ou 'mutt a fail au• arch avaut•hcht ages.
urue tutuo m Eut k 1.3.
Ilyirautie. Tr.Ai.. Byrom, mud altars gructiltlko4o3lo.!
mre. p per. 04... ate. btu( j-np,,ulslol. Ways
karinetia. machnitry all., !inners' all. tt4ta
h.% ail, retard WI la tar lantern*. La _tut
,ring th IVO 01 . ..•perth (I.9plitie Tarpeta.
tit; e. Vandalic*. a.anat) bawil. weirar.l'utioti,MAtectia'
tatted Lye I.lle 4rceee.,Tre.eer. bayportere,Medleal
Lii4traihat.herillanlatr Bract, WWI.. Guar. YLIaU
tiartriuirea, Yamder. tlbui, Lash. fat • eips.fltaftilli•i
Poway r and Va.., 6owe.ete.
I Pita. eta—Vigil Huai, Ilk • Utme.BarribliTODLlS oll pi
Lit,r Oil.. liair ftei•torunt. mud Moir Lip, ktraiate*,•
Kblv.• 3pectaclaii, Silver aril +Mir . Naafi
spoon., Fink., Kul raa, ae., 010.4tirt AN tele • VFW.
alA•ourtalral of
FANCT .17 , t ELRY. 41.4 Humus= -
All thriaseliii• tun heat kfada el
enII2,,NT kilol. Mts.
••tba wept. aty Larked to call at The Dreg and Vitletf
, ABYCL AllftitSLl. •
Astabli.bed ISO
Moranne. Ps.
Also, S'OCITOII G3ANIItS on bind.
J. PiCIIMAIS". o.t 128 Court Street,
11. P., MONO N.
November Itth.l.73.—tyr.
1.1.1. - r was: a:* ILIU11:11. 1 11. GI. MAW:4W
illitllS BROS. & 811110111,
mrrican glarbko,
Marble and Slaw Mantles,
t 6 Cheuango St.. Near Depot,
MST 34. lea. DING UAUTON. P. T
Geo. F. Rowell ft. Co.
Old Maids,
ti ii,