The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 07, 1874, Image 2

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E. B. 11.1 ;MEI' &' CO., Eldora.
Wednesday, Jan. 7th, 1874.
TITE Missouri fegisfature, tenth Apra ,
jority of demomats and indepetulents.
shows a praiseworthy 'example to Con
gress. The session of -1873 cost only
about $.51,000, against an expenditure of
nearly double that amount fur republi
can legislatures in Furious years.
GENERAL SICKLES has tendered his
resi,guatiou as Minisier to Spain. It has
been accepted, ant' Nom Caleb Cushing
been- appointed in his stead. Mr. Cush
ing has eminent ability, and lai:ge experi
ence in public life. He is uugoestioua-
Llv of the ablest men ia this coun
Is Worcester, Mass., the republicans
are so demoralized by the gub.•ruatorial
election hi November that at the recent
municiyal election they could not make a
stand., They resorted to the dodge of
nominating a citizens' ticket, but the
democrats carried the city by u handsome
• SEeriost 1. Article VIII. of the now
Constitution, in the !butt!' clause, pro
vides that a voter "if twenty-two years of
age and upwards," in order to entitle him
to vote "shall have paid within two years
a State or county tax, which shall have
been lIPSSeiI at least two months and
paid at 'cast oue month before the elec
Tin New York Express says, that
"ending the year with $8,000,000 a month
of exponses beyond ineome,and demand
ing more tuxes, even pith $30.000.000
assured c'or pensions, nearly *100.000,( 00
for interest on the public debt, and 8200,-
000,000. proably. for other expenses fair
ly expected for the next not a good
ont look." And the people agree with the
THEN - segitlins enibrolio is finally ami
cably settled in the bottom of the Sta.—
While it was being towed along the coast
near cape Fear, by the sloop of war Os
sipee, she sank in fifty • fret of water.—
Her crew were all' safely taken on board
the Ossipee. It was perhaps the "best
way to settle the matter,whether done in
tentionally or whether it accidential:y oc
A W/SITMOTON correspondent or the
s.n says there are two stables at the Capi
tol in which the teams of senators an d
r•presentat Ives are kept, the expense be
in,g charged to the contingent fund.—
When President Grant's plan fir erect
mg profanes for senators at public expense
is adopted, each senator will hare his
own stable, without this shabby Blunder
ing of the contingent found. This is
daily becoming more and more of a sta
ble gore', went. •
A lIOVILIIENT is on foot among the Ma
sonic lodges of Philadelphia, in relation
to inviting the Grand Masonic lodges of
the world to wadi representatives to term
a Congress to meet at the great Centen
nial Exhibition at Philadelphia on the
4th day of July, 1876, for the purpose of
airirion of the work of the Order. If
ti!iis design is consummated, it will add
another attraction to the many which
cluster around Philadelphia during the
memorAle Centennial year.
Capital Against Labor.
IT IS likely 101 k diamond cut diamond
between the capitalists and workingmen
of England. The Litter have organized
•ea.rry out their plans and purposes, the
Rimier are looking to similar means to
protect their interests. As au initial step
in that direction they have organized in
a society known as the "National
Associated Employers of Labor."
including the names of tunny of the most
prominent mantifileturere in Great Bri
tain. and reprt sewing the eniployment of
nearly 2.000,00 Q workingmen. The As
iattion claims to lie for purely defensive
porPoses. It will publish a newspaper,
watch etery legislative proposal affecting
employers and t mployed, and endeavor
to give to 'education, intelligence and
t, petal heir fair share of influence iu . the
camstititeneies." This is a new phase of
idea Intivr question iu England, and from
ii snuy tow mort important result.
Important Deelbton
The . Supreme Court of New York has
rendered an important decision in rela
tion to the liability of halation of foreign
bunking elpital Used lU the city of Nei
tork. Several Canadian monetary cor
pora lons having agencies' in that city
were assessed on the capital employed by
the Commissioners of Taxes and Assess
thenta. An Appeal was taken, not from
the amounts fixed by Commissioners, but
on the ground that under the act of 1551
they were wholly exonerated from taxa
tioh, as well as on the general common
law ground that personal property has
its location where its owner resides. The
Court, in rendering the decision, put the
awe in a nutshell in saying that. as the
money is used in this country for busi
ness purposes, and received the same pro
tection from thulaws as doea home capi
tal, so It should pay its share of the ex
penses of government: Judgment was
therefore directed fur the. Tax Commis
abiders. The' principles 'laid down in
this case are biklaly imprttolt and will
ftsta , „:4 other V . : 411 00. d t±,6 'A ell. iLti
TnE Chicago Pall its amazed at the
ioonwee at the Boston Gtotte. 1he11 , 4-
ter expressed umrertdand
how such an gramme of tea could be,dts
played as the le relics of the a distraction
in Boston ilarhur, iensmech as the entire
amonitt saved' is said' to have come from
the shoe ul one of the original depreda
tors. The Pod invites the Globe of Chi
cago, where miPions 'of belle have been
constructed out of the never-failing me
tal of the old Court House The
Poil owns that—" Forty millions of peo
ple in this Coon try each have trom one
to a dozen, and the European markets
are being glutted' with them, and several
ship loads have been sent into Asia and
Africa, besides the quantity ordered by
the Shah- of Persia for the inmates.of his
numerous household." The Chicago
yankees are evidently worthy of their
Boston prototypes.
The Ilincaebwietts Liquor Law.
The Prohibitory law of Massachusetts
is getting some hard knocks. The 1303-
tun Advertiser, says the manner in which
it is enforettr makes it a "wretched and
contemptible thing, somewhere between
an outrage and a farce." In regard to
the working of the law, it makes these
revelations; "What is the lesson that
this generation iu Massachusetts is learn
ing in regard to the Prohibitory law, for
instance ? 'Why, simply this—that the
61(1,-st, richest, most influential v olators
of the law have never been seen in the
Court-house; that, since we have bad a
Prohibitory law aLd a State constabulary
there has not been at the State-house nor
at the chief's office in Pemberton Square
a show of power or disposition to enforce
the law impartially; that a poor Irish
man, or an unsuccessful politician, just
after a defeat at the polls—or a foreigner
presumably without friends—is fair game
for the constables; but that the great
body of the liquor dealers, including all
the hotel-keepers and those who are
among the 'first people,' are as free from
complaint and seizure as though they
were dealers in butter and eggs."
It sounds strange to hear Radical pa
pers talk of the centralization of power
in the hands of Congress. It seems like
a father deserting his favorite child: But
such talk is beginning to crop out, and in
most unexpected quarters. In reference
to the bill now before Congress to create
a "Railroad Bureau and Regenerate Com
merce on Railways," the Pittsburg Com
mercial remarks: "When power like this
begins to accumulate in the hands of the
general government, we may begin to
ante the history of its downfall. No
govern went, republican in form, can
safely undertake to exercise deipotic
powers. A 'parental' government, which
undertakes to do everything for its citi
zens, must necessarily be a government of
unlimited powers; and the United States
government, white it retains its present
form, being one of extremely limited
powers, can never be 'parental' or 'strong'
enough for such work as Mr. McNntta
would impose upon it. We may live to
see the day when individual enterprise
will be crashed out, and governmental
enterprise will do everything; but we
hardly expect to aee such a government
carried on under the pretense of being a
Government Telegraph.
Postmaster-General Creswell maintains.
that if the government obtains control of
all the telegraph lines of the country,
they can be made self-sustaining under
the new system. The position is refuted
by facts and figures culled from the ex
perience of other countries in the same
line of business. Mr. Orton, in h:s let
ter upon this matter, shows that the loss
occasioned to France by the postal tele
graph in 1871 was 4,133,674 francs, and
it would have reached 8,000,000 francs if
it had not been for the large rect ipts from
international and transit messages. As a
result of this, early in 1872 the French
telegraph authorities advanced the rates
twenty per cent. on one class of messages
and f irty per cent.on another. In Spain
in 1872,the receipts were 1.774,414 francs,
and the disbursements nearly double, or
3,489,380 francs. Austria, in 1671,showed
a deficit of 800.000 francs; Hungary, in
1872, of 1,150.000 francs; Belgium. 100,-
000 francs ; Portugal, 200,000 franca;
the Netherlands, 600,000 franca ; Sweedeu
700,000 francs. After a full considera
tion of /41 !twee fucts, the people will not
readily agree to the idea of Mr. Creswell
that a government telegraph will be a
paying concern.
The Sts)lock Questlion
We have not adverted to the subject of
"Curbstone" extortion for some time, for
the reason that we have bud other matters
of e
.nal importance to ventilate and also
because we had pretty thoroughly inves
tigated the subject before, and the proper
time now for action is while the law mak
ing power is io session. The State Leg
islature met at the Capital on Tuesday
last, hence we deem it nott a fit time to
call the atteotiou of the people to this
.again. Before the election of
members of the Legislature last fall, sev
eral conventions (Demociatic) passed res
olutions instructing their nominees 'very
emphatically.upon this point, that if el
ected; they should use every endeavor to.
have a wholesome Usury Jaw enacted. --
Some of these have been elected, hence
the natter must come before this session
for setion. The DratocuT has been the
only paptr almost in the State that. has
IDA. the ; eldte-ss to., advocate and Ashur
for a svkiiiesome restriettou vpon the laic
breaking Shylocks, although, only tyyo,
liapersili Lb iiii`Enr
k tiowledgelimi4 anscii
iu defensOnnttibessiire ow tied or
cotarofled by Close , - cngegcd •in this ne-
Litioustinsiness. 11.. these Legislators, who
base been so emphatically instructed by
their constituents, do their duty, these
moccasin footed journals that base trod
den so noiselessly upon neutral ground,
will be obliged to takez position so as to be
heard up - in the one side or the other, and
the masses will bc,curious to kuow which
ones will step the side of the hearth as,
ignominious and ; law-breaking Shylocks.
We were asked by'our &motor, just before
he started for Harrisburg, w hut we thought
he had better do oat the question this
winter. We were a little surprised that
he or any one else in this county, should
be in any quandary as to how we stand
npou this subject, after the long discuss
ion we have given it in the columns of
our own paper as well as the many very
acrimonious flings, aimed at us by the
Mont rose &publican. After having sent
the Senator a petition lust winter con
taining twenty yards or more of names,
consisting of the best men of both par
ties in nearly every township in the coun
ty, and which might have contained al
most the whole population if it bud beee
deemed necessary ; a r•minder to the
Senator which is the most sacred to the
people of any under the constitution, old
or new, yet which lie very deliberately
put in his pocket, and thus betrayed their
rights, into the hands of the Shylocks.
we say after all this, it seemed sirgular
to us that he need to enquire what we
thought he had better do. His abseil:-
mindedness appears very much like that of
a certain clergy man who had forgotten
the name of his town paper which he bad
on file. If the Senator sill have recourse
to the pocket which contains those peti
tions, he will readily understamt our po
sition as well as ninety-nine one hun
dredths of the people of the county. The
following is an exact copy of what that
petition coLtains except the names.
To the honorable, the Senate and Thaw nf Reprt
mot:mime of the Commonwealth of I4•anytra
Uia,in General Amenn6l2 nut:
The petition of the subscribers, citizens of the
county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsyl
vania, respectfully showeth : That they desire
your Honorable Body to pass a law fixing the
rate of interest at not to exceed seven per cent.;
and to provide furtherthatin cases greater rate
of interest titan that fixed by law shall be re
ceived directly or indirectly, the whole debt and
interest shall be forfeited, and nueollectable by
any process of law or equity whatever ; and
provided, further, that in case any party shall
pay a greater rate than that fixed by law, the
party as, pay may recover back the excess
above the legal rate so paid, by suit brought
within one year from the time the same is paid ;
and if not so colle:ted that the same may he
prosecuted and collected by any citizen within
three years, the proceeds of which shall go into
the fund for the benefit of the poor of the town
or county where the defendant. resides. And
provided further, that any person reel-it ing di
rectly or indirectly a greater rate of interest
than that fixed by law, the party sit receiving
such excess interest ,shall be
. imilty it a mivalt ,
tneanor, and on conviction thereof shall be sub
ject to a tine and imprisonment. Aud your pe
titioners will ever pray, etc.
The above was our position one year
ago and if potsible is more firml7 our
position ro 7 day. The "signs of the times"
in Susquehanna county as well as this
Senatorial district may indicate to the
Senator that he might better have heed
ed the petition of his cmiFtii news. We
hare nothing to say as to what his course
should or will be this a inter, we only say
lie faired to fulfill his last. But
if lie sees that his best course now is to
"cover back," to his constit nen ts the
rights which he pncktted hist session, by
his action this, notwithstanding it will
appear like returning "back pay," because
it is uupopular,we will cot 1111 l end the deed
and say nothing of the motive. The
Democratic member of the Douse from
this district, so far as this county is con
cerned. has no uncertain position. A
resolution embodying the sentiments in
the above petition was introduced by
the senior editor of this paper and adopt
ed unaninionsly at the last Contention,
leaving no ambiguous position for - him
upon this question.
We are satisfied with our labor in the
good effect which our agitation of the
subject has brought about. We learn
that it has created such a popular senti
ment in its favor that even the "sacred
ness of a contrext" made under durcsB
and in violation of the law of the Com
monwealth, is not so binding as it was,
and that every court, victims are claim
ing their only protection under the pres
ent law,and-refusing to render or demand
ing the learn of, the "pound of flesh,"
extorted from them. Senator Fitch in
formed ns before he left that he had been
talking with so:re of these "Cnrbsto ce
Harpies," and that they informed him
they were willing to have some otip law.
"Othello's occupation is gone" to some
extent. When those who are robbed as
sert their rights in Court, as we have at.
wave counselled every one should, these
cowardly brigands find the game a little
more risky. Now, tf "Barkis is willing"
we see uo reason why Senator Fitch
should have doubts as to what be ought
to do. This makes it unanimons, for
there never has been more than seventy
five or one hundred persons in this sec
tion who have-opposed it and these have
been the Shylocks themselves.
Among the arguments need against the
new constitution in Notthampton county
was the following: That the old consti
tution was written by General Washing
ton, and that by ratifying the new 0.4 e
all the wise provisions of the old, engraft
ed by the father of hie country, would
be wiped out.
The shipment of bituminous Coal from
the iluntiogdon Top region in
1873 shows an increase over those - of
1872 of 148,337.
A boy aged ten leap, of Cheater coun
ty, watt choked by a marble recently.
Tiviton !Tait 11:ititking-Collin
The majOiitv for the new constitution
ir4Yenaligifejunty is nacm ilia; tlieren -,
fire rote fog etate treasurer flail supreme
judge in Oetober. The Veiiiitigo,4iie , ;
hit* pertinently asks: `•Ys there ritona
i ty in-Penueylvania with'BUCtii good rec.=
urd against the rings"
Miss - Mpry Idling,, of Erie, aged sev
enty years, alto list,tod to the copings of
the tempter, was arrested the other day
for stealing a psi!. 01 pantaloons., .Such
breeches of the lasso us' this are I:unsaid
with old woueu. She uow pants-for free
dom in jail.
Mayor Stauffer, of Lanc.ister, offers a
sward of $5OO 'for the arrest and con
viction of the scoundrel or scoundrels
who attempted to cause a leak in the
eastern reservoir by nicking out bricks
from the MM.."
John Dick, of Westmoreland county,
is the father of a child whom he hal; con
cluded to hunk. "The New Constitution,"
having heen born on the day of the adop
tion of the new const'tntion.
The Danville open[ honse.eustingitlso,
000, had t.cutnwcea , rintblit g uu au
thence to g 44. out in three minutes.
The Philadelphia merchants who were
worth titer a quarter of f t million jo Jan.
usury lazt are How kruptE.
The en-orivratire iron nod steel works
of Danville iottiol building a large rail
Cold and damp are inimical to health, and we
generally have an unwholesome combinati o n ~r
the two at this season. They penetrate the skin
and integuments-and tatet the muscular, glan
ditiar and utnvotts organizations, producing
rheumatism, neuralgia, chills and fever., and
where there is a tendency to dyspepsia or liver
complaint, prt.vetking an attack of indigestion
or biliousness. The test advice that can Ice
given under such cireumstances Is to keep the
external surface of the laxly wanuly clothed,
tad to keep the internal organs in vigorous
working order with the must wholesome and
genial of all tonics, Ilostetters Stomach Bitters.
Gratlunly lan constantly this famous invignr
ant is superseding the adulterated liquors of
contnicrve, us n ine,lical stimulant cud correc
tive, in all parts or the country. It well be a
happy day for humanity, and' it will surely
come, when this pure restorative shall have ta
ken the place of raw spirits as a stimulant In
all our public trod private hospitals. It is not,
however, merely a harmless substitute for the
fiery stimulants referred to. Its stimulating
properties are not its chief merits, although iu
this regard it gm passes all the uncedicated pro
ducts of the still, domestic or imported. The
powerful influence it exercises over the torpid
and Willett..., tainach, the disordered liver, the
constipated !, , 1w,.15, and v relived neryes,ren•
der it it positive specific in dyspepsia, liver com
plaint. intestinal constriction, nervous weak
ness, hypochondria, rheumatism mud sleepless
ness. All chronic complaints are aggravated
by a cold, moist atmosphere, atal it is therefor,
particularly necessary Mr those who nre afflict
ed with ailments of this nature, whatever their
tpe may Ice, to meet this predisposing e4ase of
with a s , lloittome antidote. Monet
ter's Bitten, should he taken daily at this sea
son by all pecans laboring under chronic nil
meats that tend to weaken the system.
New Advertisements
Wcntrro 1111011c* of rennnylranin
At Monti...ere, Pn.. the 3d day ol January, 1$ 4..
Tl.e mitier•iptell hereby tHrea tomer .4 ni• appoint
ment Al...ignite of chrl,lophor Ifogrs. of 'tr..utly n. In
th, county of A, .Inkinna. win slat.. al Penns, 1 , 1 , ”la.
within ralit &hamlet. Who hat been animbreci a risnbrup.
ou his own pet.tlon. by itie Dlrtrin U an of eat. Ins
trict. GGEtt P LI fT1.13. An.laneo, Re.
Lirrty., Attorney for Aeel4nee.
Montle:me, Jan. 7, 1874.-M•
[TALMAGE, • li
T. Dr Witt Tait., 1• editor ot TZ. ChriCalo a
frill Itort, C ll..‘pnrgron, Sorcl al Color - Itn, --
hey write fur nu other toper in Arnencs. Titre
`torsagnititent chrunnor. Pay larger c0...b00n:1
oany ti othrr Polo C. CHROBI 0:I ALL AEA-
DY. No erterteafern. No Seoloneliem. Ou
agent rveal)! obtained !Val rubarript ionn in eight
hoard` nb-inure wurk. Sample copies end circa
tare tent tree.
i I
P. W. ADAMS. Pablieher. ilk! Chamber* St.. I
New itrk.
4vonimmoommonnowtialiams......- NSIZNISOmatiSeMayz,
Rear ire : Near Ire! t
thing to do before the liouorubie
Judges of whut is goad to
Eat and Drink,
come forth and give your attendance, and
your wants shall be snppli. d ; and all men
and uomen who are summoned us Juror ,
to try the good qualities of our goods
please answer to your names at first call
and save your fines. Aud know ye all that
is constantly receiving large additions to his
stock of Chhice Grocer;cs and Provision, such as
Wheat anti Buckwheat, Flour, Corn and Oat
Meal, crushed Wheat and Graham Flour,llaMs,
laid, and Gsb, dried fruit, and berries, fresh
fruits Itnd vegetables of all kinds, (in their sea
son,) stmrs,(maple,) also molasses and syrup.
teas and entree, of the very best qualities_ spices,
soaps, salt, crackers, and eliesse, raisins, figs,
gelatine candles, candles and nuts, books and
,stationery, vankee notions, tobace 9 and cigars,
canned goods, a very large stock of the very
best qualities, and all at ellretnely low prices
for cash or ready pay.
Montrose, Jan. 7th, 1874
Also, SCOTCH GRANITES on !fond.
J. PICKERING. }. 1326 Court Strect, •
U. P. =OWN. Binghamton, N. Y.
November lUb,lBlll.—lyr.
. : . L r r g El lons rVz k of Groccrtealr.tieowe,:s
Ult$111111; 3ACCE, clialittEßßlßS., cuow.
Vlluai. all kin& of &WEB,
. • WiISAT FIAMR,,ETC. • ,
Ilostroft, AL, Pee. 2 , 118/3•41 , ..,, _ . . ..
ILLiit'o_ . , •
s p,' TifOu
, ..-.-
al t.„
Aff.calcatrpiewo. Pas.
. :
Capital Itepregented. 8100,000,000::
dome lei. en., It. v.. Cupltal And narploo, $4.000,000
11.1rord Kiri, IUP.. CO— ~ Upttal.tudburptus 113.1/11141NA
Liverpool. London .t Olobe ' tx.vismvo
In.. Co..airliortlt Arni•nes ••
Penn. fir.. In• to., "
National. Pldra. $:41u.1430
Cu., Stow of Pante'. -.100"11
tttigmxitity of
renllng Fir. pr.nogi.ohn
. areapin.s4 I. r °Monne. R. I. - faatoon
Marcham a 4511.014,
Clay. ••( Nava Port. Ky. tr,,o(so
Newtown...( Huai. I'u. *num
Aleuou.tolis, of Cie :alaltd, ' 401,000
L4 - 11.1.xen• Fir. In.. Co. •• 9 0 OW
Flra 8 proviso o 0 or i•bila, aa ~, .44 ill
listala In. Cu .C.oittinhu, 0.. $ a.< fa,
1....hib VAN, Pin, A11.,,1nn b. DAl.nin
Glitz. no' Fin. In. N.-‘.•.k. NJ •• r. i. Oth
South Side .1. Co.roloburg.Pa •• fut....
Alcuonaula of I'llollAura, 4.0,01,
The itudaraigutul la SPECIAL AGENT for the follow •
lug compaufaa fir Nort 6,4 I alio.) lvauf a ..
Plea of Poll. flalph..
N31;1 , 111/11 Yin. I tomraro a Company or phtlothshf o
The Nostra., Co. 01 the ft sto of Posssalto obi, of
MA I N . 3ili .
n 'n' i..lAmerlea)c f : l Pigl7•7
0 G. X -11:i =IV 2'.
Troseir, In,. Co .111ortronl,ColOtolond tin rplo42.finn.a.
Molt woy PeeacnGcr ji , M0,131/1 ,
The Ond ,,, Ovoi too. h^en won kontro In Ih lacono, fro
wi l •nrnl.l.l. A.Z.111 LOV., PM/40111 , U
A( AID COMM ildl ••;0113 ..- boon prompt 13 (laid.
:dPf'umc. 6r..1.1 to., from Banking 014ce of W
U. Coo pc L S Co., Torntriko el. Mon 'of c. I's.
CII A IMES 11. SMITH. Su!lawn>.
Is continually reeetvieg NEW lawfus, and keep. con
tinually 1.11 aced a fail and desirable assortment .11 gen
ulna DIWOS, MEDICINE:S. a lIENI ICA Lb. Palut., Oita
Dyestuffs. TEAS, Spices, and other grocer..., elone.
ware, Kan p:,per, sLtse fruit jar., altrlor. lamps,
chimney., kerorene, tnnealltery oil., Lannert , ' nil. beats.
rout nil, relined Whale WI, 00 fur laidern.,oll for
win-' machines, Miro Oil, SIM.] Oil. Spirits Turpete
clue.‘ areisars, Leant) Seed, Vturger.Pnts•A l'ouren-
Waled Lye. Ail e birease, Tru seer, Satiptarter.,Medleni
festrutneetit,Shonlder Brace., Whit ~
Cartridges, Powder, Shut, Lead, GI n esp., Ricstien
Powder and Fore, Vione.,Litringc Bow rt,etc.
Fifes etc., Fish Iluoksat d Liner. Bar and Toilet Swabs
Her Oils, Hair Iterstrert, cud !lair D},
Pocket Kai re.. Speetateirt, Salver and silver Parted
Spoons, Pork., Enlace, &C., Dectirt ANleles. n gener
al /I PP ortment of
All theieadlng mon belo hinds of
The people are Welted Wean at the Bros and Varlet)
Store ot ABEL TV icktßl.l.
Feb 1. IBA
Nn No. NO
. . . .
345 11x1 AlO ...... Elmira 1145 013 9 4.1
361 131 946 .. .1 , arerly ... II 96 93.'. ~) 90
33.5 ITI 1n on .. .. tr... . 11 45 911 ANo
429 4U: 111 10 .... Tun lir .414. —.II 16 457 AO/
591 11 .30 .., ...10 15 115
515 3115 11 a) ... L.rvvi”. 943 403 M 154
Al 4 1913.
192' 111 11.1AmpaA7 .... 9 13 el r.
1955 111.71 12 45. .3 unkbanuock... 19 43 361 955
Al 4 44: 150 . . 119.41 , -m.... 995 I'u 450
19 V 5191 0 ir, wiikr.-utdrr,.. .7 00 415 430
... T, 435 .Y.dourll 1 tnitak 11 45 155
It. 0`2.5 550 .. e.a 10 47 1321
1. 44 01t.. ..114.1111obvta 10 40 13141
II 15 0135 Ea' 0440 14145 11 35
.10 38 8 V.. E3B :43
• •
'romando, t 7 m m. (Iwo.. 7:Aft
r. m : Wa'‘ orly. aO5 M at Nlm Iraet 000 to
No II It-uVro El."'" N p : al r..:5
a. m ; )111,one,ot p. al , +rriviug at 'I ow 11 , 44 dl
rls 1.. M.
THE ISHE F.',V/)l N7'
Sewing Machine !
Sews trout but One Spool of Thread
II bias ho! sit worlaionr par!.. I. no and aria
morn rapidly 1.1. n an, Ma. loo• in Mn Let.
/Ins a self-net/iv ,I.7raiyke Scrvlle
It Cotzthlurs Nanalllltv all , A Itenuty and Si Inialict , y.arld
• 11034 silt the: )lodetn itupt,t
" , 111a,o2a.tesi 'OCT razat 4, ca..
Dee. 24, DM 11111 . trtrorun, Y. Y
In Lanesboro.
ltarin entered Into capotrincrothip nrr Flow itropoted
to du all hlnce ul tvurk to the Itue of
Wm Mulia I Blackmail ,
will r,cipp ntt.Jtion
Latiesboro, Pa.. Oct. 13, 1 , 1113.-tf.
Down Trans.
r. /6.. .. )/
Briotreu Ater
1:”..1 • ..
Is!) 5 00 . ... _lO 10 610
I .10 610 _lOlO 6TI
110 5 . . .. 050 6:0
!X , 0 4 , ..... I . ,
15 55
34.) ....... A verf • b) 160
2C. 5 Leman.. . ..... 910 116
35 1f...... 000 4W
2 43 6 Uctrcy'4. 5.5 AS94
345 5 45... . ..Tankh.mtne.l4. :15 853
MI trains connect at Tookhannock wOh I &N. Y.
It. ft. goi or north and south. JAS. I. )SLAKES LEK,
Soar. 2t
PURLIC SALE.—The nndereigned t haying told Ida
, Ay anctlon, on and prernl , ea, (the
old Winiuma Varro.l In Bildurgrater soun.qly on the
road leadinp, fromliontro.. no Nrtv 1l 'Mad,
. THURSDAY. JAN. rib, '74.
colnifinencfng at nif o Lock, e. tn. the following proper
ty : SEVl,ll.leliWn. DOltrtlil, (eight and four e4rll
Ad.) 1 Calf, 4 Sheep, 2 Slo air. 10 I.r 15 tons of Roy,
Coro to rho our. Po 4.0..; 2 doulrle llArroorru. Lumber
%Veva,. two-bona market Wkon, Bum', top ßo.
Elrlgb, our -or Dora, tfurilat *Martine, Plow.
[Lwow, Cultivator. I airy Z Gliewrltt, Farming Toole,
Ilonrobuld Forolupt, rte.
TElillti,-.411 awns tindir t6,out ; er, It
worth.' credit, willlrlaturrat and approrud Security.
Tl.l,o3tArti BWANS.
' D. BISZWISTIM, Al/CHOl:leer.
Is IBMS° •
• la Cr 04 Oil Lazo:raw 2 ,
Al tot op sr , IMO bar been Meta; ed, that gut prevent
Cent Oil Lampe from v.:plain - 4. it con be attached to
toy Letup In cote miumm and thetealter explodon or
tmottvg to tautly tropoorble. .tluanco , duelyetll3lll le
it to preyed tamp rapholonr, that 'the pateutees and
mahafecturets guentoterrlt under a forfeit of ,cwo to
cot a _failure: and they,tothorler Muir 'pets to nat.,
rant ft to make tempo ra t e (ruin ettloalott, udder 'any
and all elfrOlnentneeS, if that tower cad of , the:Attach.
meat la covereikby the oil the lamp.
By perattlialoo we rife* tolbe follontnt;niimed
tletuen: Wit. ertraufnuo. leitid - tflana ..eturge L.
bum., B. Bawky, ?Ude (rocker. and brown,.
/lel% r- .• Apnata fur a t utura stti t
la ...Omura). S.laielte,
harttrbeen gritnted to the eularttlbeFe. alt . /mm.ln
oebted to the raid estate, are requested to make tm ,
mediate payarmt, and all peplum luelm: claims agaltust
said decedent will present them without delay.
V. P. BEED/3,
• 11.5.11..5M1T1.L.t.'0"1" 39r f'
Montrone, tee. Rh. In).
FXECtiTOTIS' NOTICE. W'hereasletters tematrients.
ry to the estate of PIM ny, J. Stolfort. late of ont.
rose, deed, have Teen: dented tq .the Undersigned, all '
persons Indebted to AIM eAtste; ate requested to Make
Immediste payment, and those havh,, cis ms against ,
the Path.. tte Tegn&g.4 WpTessmt tharsortiMmt dolayri
ELIStIA ..MULFORD, Exec nton
.Bu.nultyor,D, f
Dec. 17, lEr73.—sw.
ra.r+eA Flanarn. Vac of Choconnt, Sumo, hen
. Co.,
_l' deeeaved. Lettere of Ailmlnintr.thill
the Pohl estate, hiving been grante? to tho undehngtetl,
oil pereon• owing -sold evtate.are requeeted to make
Immediate payment, sad all person,. h a ving, chime
neattist gold ostote aro tow' c ated to preson Wow without
Dec. 10tA, .1613.—arG
Wertern Dietriet of Pennl , 3l,ll3la. 1.11.
At Dimock. Po.. the 1:111 day of December. IPVI.
The hotfrrelened glees uollceri/I hie appololment as.
4 0 0;m.: of Amon NI al., of Dlmock low 'lshii. lu the
comity 'su,quvbanno ehd Stith of Penn/11.111a.
within geld Dlrtrlct, rho booboos adjudge/IA Bankrupt
oo crerhiors' petition, by the Ms rict Courier Ihe .1d
Dlnriet. T. D. WILLIAMS,
Llteuek, Dec. 13,1811.-3 n-•
ITIYITOR'S NOTICE.-The noderolgted having been
X. appointed an Aadhor, by the Court of Common
Plea, of Suequehanna Cotinty, to dlntrihute the fund,
In the hands at the ahcrict, arltlng,lrona the *ale of
ihr pernoltai property of B. Plttaley, altend to
the duller of his appolnttnent, at bia office, in Mont
rone, tot Thnostry. Jan. Ft. 1573. at I o'clock. o. to., at
hich Shoo aod pletet all penult:le Joh:rented tnayattend,
or be forever barred from rood, In on aJitl. food.
JAS. E:CARSLALT, Aculltor.
liforrtraee; Dee. 17, IS7S.
in thriertate of Johanna Conblin:dericavied. Al AM Or
libene Court held In and for the Count) ..t tintanetain
es at btontruee, on the liith rh y of Novrinbi r, ton, the
tort erant a rule au the heir, of the wald Johanna
Cuealiliu to ounelato Court on the Jocund Monday of
JenearY tern haul, at tun o'cbm.k, p. at,, and bld for
choir, take nt l, e “, of rhow C/111fe irhy the
tend described to the order of. yartltlon 'phottld ant be
eu:11. u . a . lIELM.D. hteriff
Muntrore, Dec. 6, 1573. 71
rDITOWS NOTtCE. The oratersLorool haemizpern
appoht.d an Auditor, by rha ()mho,. corm
of Suagachtnna Coaptj to diftribute the food In the
hands of liavld Sommers sod Elliot Aldrltn,
Executor', of tie- emate •to 1/10,41 Lyono, doccarod.
o allond - the ilotie• u loa appoostmeat
al the °faro or Llttles k Illattdee. la Montrooe. on
Moudny,Dre.29lb. 1%73. at 1 ritlodk, p. or. ht *Weis
tune mud place all peeve,. Interested üßald fond mum
orr.col Iherr olAnni, or be ranter debarred from WM
log Inun ratd laud.
OED, P. LITTLE. Auditor,
llootrose, Occ. 1313.-4 w.
1 °TIC I. rehy giern thlti the petitinn'of) MaJoir.
E It y of the fra,htilder4 milling. within thedititr'ict
ht , relnitll , r deeeribed, will be laid torture the artaid ,in.
ry of Suaquelill.llll County. at the Jemmy Tern/. 1b74,
prityittg for the incorporitilon of 'wild district a-a our.
onzh, n, , h- name, style, and thlo of the Horongh of
Greet Fiend VIII3Fr, stud by tho Tonne itoz
to wit: Begforiing ou the [utak Or 11w butquehonna
ri•er at the northoost uorner of Mr. debton'e teed:
thence mouth II degrees weal =I rode to an apple tree,
south P 0 divrooti west 51,4 to s' to a pinelree; thence
north 153 i &genes went 2.11 to •1 plod and Motto,; tbenre
uurth 33 f1e.31 - evo west 1:4). rod: toe post and Stop e ;
throe' , Mirth 1 3 eltsgrres rent 151 rods the batik of .aid
rl iir thtdiee tout htied tees ens. 25 rod.. 2 fie
mot St 201111. al lief:Meg nut 115 rods. 'tooth
.11 flegiver ow .% 1v rod-, by the tweet - al <moos* and rile.
tau,e of laid river, to the pare of haaff”.ll.z.
W . 3f. DATC.II, nod others.
' et:thaw..ere.
Grftat Bend, Pa., Doeenelter 10, Ittn,t-ter.
tiort , ty Oven to nil portions coneerneCi in
the ino.; EsfaloA, lo
Er. , Or of 11 , 154t0i1l tnnf, Id. loin or W.W . I) town
.hip. died. E. Ailtntollitratar. •
I.: , tate of Gth , vold, tole al tiapaebanon Do
lan 4.c d.. H.S. Orsovald and O. Tba,cr. /Waits
E-rAa• ar ElfJ.rh Iluune/1, Into of .Bridges - siet
dred. I d Wm. Ilmthrll s txruni.• ..
c a.m.-0 it It. gera,•bt., or IL:anion' top.
I• l'ouklin. Fat:odor.
E• 1•1.• nr . (1.1! (..:(:.1(4 late (.(1 LIIITmI tu - pi.dtc•d
J (' trt. Ail
-arm. I I , ulh•rtp, dne y Je•rup trrp.. deed.
Tri . lli r
.4 W r. Fte NC, .11111ord, deed
Aletrh•ll,..tirntldherator •
71141 the arc irtuttinth hoer SettirB their ne-
Count. in I buy reLii-tt•Ci And .tbk the
county i3l - !' , ll;etirvlthttiia, atvt - ITYtil will
h u e prebt•nrod to the jit•tee4k-of t he Orphans'
l!unrt,un Thtuwitly, 4antnfOpl.i‘ 1874, ihr i-en
firmation and 4%lll.m:ince.
11. N. Tivfixsl - .ltelister.
(Mice, Dc. entluir 11, 18;8 17
4.211WPT 1 4 ,11 Vlrttl, -e - rttp coed fee
le I eat nl Ile.. et a ;•ttiffiet haulm Valli%
p., t : e t h. dif i 4,. tt . .... h, 3s. e pall!! evel,•
due. a: thy • •UM laPthY• le, Sloltursoe. no
inrssisary fttlz,
4/. log Piecesor pa
I.eirit in ‘4,1,
meat essrLrin plisee nr pored of Isostl .(meat,. in
Ss:Yer L. 3 t .yr els low in .he N orgy of Sn-.lace
as it S of 1 ... 10 , , !•11•411 ,1 dt ,, llh - d or
t•lluv .rut; (0 M., 1,1 Tato:. .1' -Lan, PI
ilia Icy the met 19 's of Thome. Swing. r. nn
the anti, on
1.. Nils rra anerDeihn IT std Motthea
K, isy . ,„n lay landrs. of . .Isinrer 11.rwley.
ho r n apt s 11,0$1t macre., 0 srre id ler-. t.goittor all b
lemon. ear. frame 1:•••ipo. turns, our! oiracr
orebil - il and all improved Almr , ..All
m •Ls 'Sr id re or pirc lof laud en parr. in silver
Lokt. tom p. Iry Coonly rirt-oneh..nna and state
or lour) 00,1 a. Irotlbil..l..s fotiole. I, sou : (Jo the
nor:11 1) lar 0. a.! J.afr:, K. flawiey.rix. gaol hi
Ile rorsve,.n.. ..n (ha ,bolt by lamb .4 ' 0 wrote and
roorro sa uay. and lor the aryl h. (undo of T.
r, are a toutoln,ng about 94 beret of 1...4. MOM or
1e...n •(ho.e Cptiflonitilet,, (namem, orehard. nod
0„,,, no a, ,e,pree. A Iro—All lhat other Ca ftblli
piece or parmit of (awl altnare In Perrot Lake am
Choc, nal ryal,rLlpe, itt the t'dnnt of so , queliruto
1 of Per ri•lsly 'OR ~ 0 11bact! em fa l'a.wr. to ai ;
rin the north by lamb. of Potriea little,. on the mat
1.3 1.1.11.:t of Mall:owe KeAy, ott the mutt 1..3 Isyhde of
Jolt essersrls.. , on Oae wee! by lands ~f Winlom
Ham a, and WP - fun J. Turrel . ..ennt Odor. about aS
utotl. were or leer, and uttlindoosed. trarrhyd
‘ , Tlif all ILO :011 Sar
ah (1 stais.ll Yr Timmur Quinn.)
A Litt.- 1b th.rt cersaln Were or p tree! of Ind alto
ate In Me o.e nehm u titsbUni, 111 tar County of Sun
quer a Ina end S , 10; of Petsusytcautl, bqwuded and ltm
.cribed as Whoa,. to On the natal tr lands of
idley. on thet Ly loud of Oleo_ Caddeo. on
rourh Ly lamb, of eas J
thews and otitho treat by
bind* r ILarney lIctie•• • cootailtlg SO arty. art lod, he
the .11t0/ . too, Or Ire., with the appurlenatima, oho
Iniole 10l barb. some fruit trees• and most.", Im
proved. Tnhon in en. n , (O, at the cult ar Edward
Eli, no, Ellen ti
'AL . .° —All that certain piers ' or (time} of land silo-
nle lb the township of Auburn.lti'Le County of .Stra,
queltanns and State of Pot1110)1TellIO, bounded and de.
scribed no flallo•sa. to wit the north by Ludo or
N. &am and piddle la I. L a ay. On OM oast fiy lands of
Chance Pallier. tiod hrotarnon, ail
the sonth ley kmhlir rind ins the Neel by lands
oi J 0... al. Ira L 41. 4, • /a- Her, route Ming Ma
serer 0! •$, tor nsgre or art ran afa
ping volt• re. rr rm.. ..n'llcfon.,
bus/snows, osy., rr.r. and about IV!
In exerairon ft lbe toll of Hoyfil t allot r•. 3.1111 I 3:
Playa 11
Al, lost co,: alb blot, or panel of land old.
ate In • ••• ray • I 8111.qtlo
tbinbu thollutles,
ar . 13r:eh:Mug el a (aceeh tree the
rdatirmset career 1 LrTecif cad the 501,14 eoruu 01
.1, COI, 73 HQbbti. 1111 . 11, I ,/r. hr•lltl•
,a,,t 1,
till lot 190 petrel... or II p 0 0461 -
tog in no- resutrz line of land,fordremsar usaned ri) Jets my
r tort. Jr. 11se re VIA! by Isted• of rol•I R ten,
creole 11W! 'Li lil a• 6 1/0 , 1 faigteeeontli
by Mud- I sr. of h. anal K. N. (tarn} , Inn 1. ilstrento n lane *
reintli , la it, am, is tie or Ina 11'o 1/risstrer'il
hen, hy lino. 11,0 ms the
place ••1 beknolol: 't ' , cies and ST kalrylies
!Aoei,.l, t*.• mho - More or with 'the prfrrssah
c.„..,,,,log n0m..., triune .50. onetly•ithe
woe. d. 1 0 44Jeti auti Its ertetit'un rd 11.0 r dlt of
oteh beta of At dilute ttuotall. i Want IL'
i.e.,ol.llesi cart In piano nr pater} of low! •1111.-
am ID tlo: a Mire" fr be ah 1... a rowdy ol
Str qt.. , `nno and ~ a t: of rula,yl,,a bataa.6 and, dooormo.lTie folliru a. to ' trir the nook by , the
Yg •e. at. alt., t , 5..11 ty'lLnt, al Th0u...4. Larry,'
bed- of y:artio, Drone', oud on the,
west Oft uocoubt 6u% betill , I me. etoll.2ll.lba ••s ly-two . '
bell:, 01 loud. to, Not:Allan IloKe or apvur,
tmln l e. ' ito'Js.rn ore ort • Cerd, and
miserly dnpooltd. tore - half Ilster ,,
net lit .1 11411 pas,. or pnret4ttl laud, sitastalu
taut the towo
1:0 H, shn. of Wirer Lake, in the fount,. or 7. ', U. , (100.
2 baa,:a.
eel a• r to aV I Erzl(ttsln,ddl, n fut.! the west
lane .l •SlloOr 1.11.0 loKhoh'ltrAl
C. 11..Lae..dt'a loud, limb,. olottr ruin . Ilia:nue:4. Ifs
petal), tilittllO-I,llp.tive by hoof. of Thomas .T.,7 1 - end
jc,bp Larfx.eaat hi pereboa 'on OJAI, Theta. afoul sane
tad Ltad or Strll Irv. otallt vS itreact tn.. pot tn,
the radii; rood. theme ity . tn Id sonitt for dt..roes west
91 pert:ben to the pla,v Of beilnJato,:tol.l4tring
acre, or I tad hrthe one Moro or Ir, o . wilt. the OP
puileiiantee sod nil !moment': 'flal:en In eZnenrinn a i
the suit of J. At, 1 1 411114, i ft .ji;L,,g4
yeti:. nod - ThnnLis, Let's
t hot rerta In 114 , a 1.04 Ai mot 'in lb.'
toy,,Lap ut 4,.ki+act. (u Mb..l..mty .r o.juu:asa,riati44
hit/out ' , eon la. bounded ' Anti
,no fut.,
lons, to sitt the.oorttf by triatt o.allud,,DroApect
etreei ffi f et front, on the most, by, (4,1V111111M
1001111 the month by tyanayl , ytaake,.. ,
eodon the 11.0.1 tacaol. cantalulus
tO/11/ 4 , / , ) I .0 .Peet or with the aptutrtenatees, one
footle barn. ~ Vit tat d 01$11 ('ken la et mrutlnn at the suit -
Twat. young da Jay No..thelittort, onnet, aid.lh4
Vhandirr.onirat'tnr..J : ,
tot tiefla nloors.bliersirt ln . lbut.tortalti
pleat reel 14 hind ritodto rti,the - Ta‘vu . ..bp of Ilse,
trtnnylo the c , .nhty ' of IhOetnelsonint hod Slain nf'redat
uotlitt,h4tisnd'Aeserlinrd yea • [ohne lb..
north l.y lOnt's buff er lit.,efly tu nut lay } ' mango
Bennett: hat tint ag' by Tito /Wu Itotteeity,"on.,lilo w'rat
fry 13,14pwci erthl, Nadi 1101 A 90 lontierly owned by Xpotw a e
6.l3nuttett.'Sber on 'the robin by lauds of A. ti.
Bornete..enntelnlottibottl.}, of en.ncYtt of.isi..X, bet the
Mud* more or leas, wit's r. t he r ipl3 l lol49dneer r , •ffa r do
builse:,,both 6t , abed: aml aif Ititptoied.'' rrekee neo ,
Cattou at Ma mull or-C, ll .lrarlar.Adialai.tntriiatha
elltate of Davtd"ralar. liepri Pnimj.
Tatra Paton , .—All/Matte orraayed cer the day?!
"J o t , „ • , r ,
dt ' (f:
II sherire
a likititrlllqVcti:',...).l9atlMektout
rp Tre In,
Ign1:1111 • 11 - 0
/L. S. V. X
_ sheriff Sales, • • • •
V.L.9 - m -3 ;;TC;„`„ ! ".7„FricaVor
halm, County 004 UNn , q IrPotu..;4llll,ex pose to u'l Zie .
bx 4ublit rendu.t. eta IN Cqtatllogoe.(a Ilust4roa4o4
Friday, January lath, 1974,
at 2 o'clock. p. tn. , fiti . followloi places or pared, of
feud to wit •
, t,lthe 'Menet - of •crpi A.• 31cODIMInialtore two
tet nelltAgillOti altnate;lll the iintonvh or liswllll-
404. Ilt ine,COnniy of tiortbefinntie niai State:of Para.
frants;•tihoiled add de ,, rlbad ate C . lip VI:
1 he Orel, Itounded On Ilto north by D. C. Alloy's. 141ta
m oo ,,,set„. t o t tea Canb y d Afolo.altret s ots, the moth thy
JOl4, Hay &WO lot. GI op the tt 'lt'll Flom llamas .
tot.lo4og 31 loot in width. and 75 feet As depth. $d
containing 3 I'dl square feet, more or leitr. Also doe
Other lot, 'finale ,cm afederald. Aind" htlanded .on Ike
north by lot of D. C. Miley, on the cart by Plena,
Dante'rellowerw-ttits•ortarhiritrepotetteen-anfron Mr
went by John Ilnyticn'elot, being 27.4 tell whir. and
75 tort deep and containing 2. 4 12% Itlotrre feet, more o'
let., ant[ haring thereon, 1 Dann: nodding blot; son a
for aprlating•olllce: -[Taken is OTI . CIIIIOO St Inc Fart
ol II 11. VOPCOIL n. Goorgo B. McCollum and Potts
111eCoLum . 1 • •:. '.
ALSO ,Al tho•e certain Icett. filmes 01 parcels of
land rlttlo.lo In grout lon It onship. in th e c ount y o r
stomp, bards., rot elate of Founeyfeanta, hounded find
described/I'l follows. to wit' Our beginning at a ,take
and stun., the etortltsreet cantor of Arch hold Wit
Ilaoni, dyc'd. thence nottft el degrees mot Witted.. to
n statt , , thence north 3 degree* Wed 513 portlier In •
mate. thence bona; tit degrees west 21 4 10 ,percher to
the Mel, ny. !notice north 33 d,-green tart 0 bold mid.
to n' . , thence north G 3 del ter/ Vert 12 rode to r.
el• . thence' mouth 05 deviates writ 111 740 .orehs. lc ,
, Anne: thorn,: tomb lde4r,:e. tat 73 5.10 pertlacs to
( theplace of beginning. contairetia 53'' terra and Ita
percher, more or boo. Auother hoginaltig et a peen'
Mid stone. the oonthoart comer 01 Chart's Perrfgo..
flit thence by lend of It R. Goodrich and C. T. Ono.-
rich mouth 1 de, moo mist 23 rods to a beastotk,• theater
• south, Vi degree" went 1151.14 rode, thence by hind .1
T. L. Culver tons, 1 degree west ;13- 4.10.r0de to later-
Pite., or 4 Lurie...Parr - 10W. due. Ocoee by laud* of said
Perrino. norib iti d•-green cart 75 1-10 wont to • Vast. also by raid Portico north] dree westl3ll4o
rod. to a port. thence also b. nonce north it degrees care
51 r... 1. to place°, beginning, coniatobag 61 BC,. ..112
ail porch, mote or less. Aiso, that corrals lot Of land
oit oat' inn Brooklyn. hounded an i d ecribed ar folio.,
jleginniog at the boritotant cOrber I' C. A. Winhort's,
t hence tt ,,,th a iyi ileum,. rant 157 rods to a notate.
!ton. e, throes by laudof T. J. Thfatty end Ellsfer Tit
r.n, south l degree on.t '7O rods to a p....; and stouts.
th. nos
_Sy landsof et. phew W. Breed ron•li MX dr
ifters wort lid rods ton port and .utter, thence tooth
ia degree west 70 rods to the place of beginning. min
tattling V ocrenaptelfYi the fame more or le.,
ladne all contelned In one farm and mostly Improved.
bating 11....,enn 2 orcharde, frame dwelling house, and
frame barn. rah. nln remotion ai the suit or Abs.
11. Patrick ye. Walter It. Page.)
ALSO—AII that tertnin Ira '.l land elitist.% Ake bor
ough of Ou.quehou ea Depot, It the County of bllrgae
henna and Siete of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed as follows. to wit: an be north by public highway
no the mod by land Of rrablr. nigrOlOn. on the gootb
by lend of her IL Nichols.. and Lib rho Wont by lend of
It, Butt., c tritalnlng *boot, 155. acre of land,be the sac
more 'no
.irte.. With the appurtenanoce. lours tm? frame
hotel house , bum. and ell Improved. }Taken o ret
ention at the sults. of Oeurge E p•parro or. Michael
Doyle nod 11) le,lo Trained ea. Michael Doyle.
ALSO—AIj Crl t •re two piece* or porces.or isedritnste
in the tbaltahlp of Neer at tillord. in Ilse C 001 1 1.7 of Flo ,
duet:mit& and Suite of Penury Iranta , bilundotl and des
e, Med as (chows, to wit i One beginning at a stone
heap corner of land orJecult blitildani and J. Burlin
game north 45.1§ degree,. wert bll perch. • to a stonoset
op In ihe ground - for a cornet. thence by hied of Way.
maliVnottas.G.te degmesare.t 40 perches to a Stacie met
Op for a Corner. thence by land of she same loath 45.1 i
dean , * t. , . 1 l Petobes to a 01,41,, act op in the lot lbse
and thence aloe D e
Hue toh - th 45X degrees east 40
Atomiser to toe place of beg,lnning. containing 20
MI land. It boing part of
t en t tot land formerly owned
by Solomon Withal:us. ed The second piece Doan
Ilegtonino In the centro of the mad
leading from New Milford to Barrow, Hollow. to the
townstop• of Git thence Moog - Aloe of Screltpb
B. liwrow north 4-14 decreer earl 53 rods to at Gin
for a comer, then. along hind, of Ilannah and Etna
!legume south 43.3 degree. !
MI coda to the cod e ta
stosse wall. thence tooth. t in,
degrees. west 63 rod to
the centre of the nformialr. Bue nos road. thence along
the cenlyet of sold road 4.1 rods to the place of begin
slog, contsintaig alie nom of Land be the name more or
loos, with the opplartenances. OM, old honan, old - riled
and partly Improved,. It befog part of the horn known
so the Solomon William farm, cisue9ed by Jacob
Waymau and a Ito to tho,raid Wm. W., ltaymaro. .
o of
In execarlon nethe 'soft W. W. Waymao, tiro of
Juonlo %layman. a.,ifftled to Silos Perkier, no, Vranklit.
linnthcll t mad Wm. - 0i Irtronn. Iwo of 'Donner Jew ,
et.....•lgned to Flab Pere tin, re. Frotatllk Burtlioll.l
A 1,... .—All Mai certain piece or parcel of land ill
nate in the totroahip of trooklre. in the County of
lipenuelosona nnicState of rentoilcania, houndodane
dercrihed no triton*, to wit: On the north by Linda bf
the Del.,. are, ILClttirettont, .i . Weelern Rallrood Cosh.
laity. on the with by lands of r, Goodrich. and on the
wood lip lands.,) Henry Tmenobory . and J. rage, con
tra= about .775 OM'S of land. he the same more no
r leo.. With th,apt Ilftellatitt.. Otibfratilt bObbe. it barn's
j nod other out Isaildings, 3 orchards. and about 150 acres
' Improved. iTakei, in execution at the suit. of D. S
t:regory vs. W. . page.) .
Take Notlee.—All bids most be arranged on the day
of 141fO.
AvelE,tee, eie
M. B. 11601 E, Sheriff.
Stwrßre - Mace. lloa:rm, D. a '73
Geo.,P. Rowell & Ca
200 Piaaos and Organs
Now anti 5r1,13 , 1•L1411. of First Mos 'Maker. min be
told at I oiler Prka. for coat. or iso lushois,,an, Iv
o•Ity , tlor 01111.11,. du r rills. Floanaial Cril.lo. alld _the
11:.11,1nyt, Il IfUlt: g WATEIGS .t SON- int —Ex.,
1 ,
ally. limn 00r 101. 0 ,•t7 Yo
tT rO,l to New rk ~Cent.
isa.iteni in .•eh Wa. s` erlynnte.l 1.1311,.. can o ,,,,a
and 0rch....1.1 or g - n. , llllutilitud C0u1,,, mnik.d.
1 Imlsevme.n. the 'rude. A I.vgt dtecuunt to
MialDteni. Charollo. Tuatlay tichouln, etc.
$5 to s2('
t,r either feX. p•LILL:
for nn In Ihnir no. 1• r
ythin, l'arl I
NON, A: CO., Foal.:
Teacher^ titatentr, Cl.
rake Y..ung: Alen, am.
Yno can eerily earn a
hook,. iwitthrloor to ware
Pictures in boar:ally, yr..
or a kraal Time• Keeper
Box ; or a Gold NIP: or
Or Box ; or a armor! Ker
Wrabeter'a Illmwrated
Wn; lel Nenowoed Statue
a Itt;intogion 11l rio throe
n I lin , Nh.LPUOttltal Shot.
worth 5140 by simply
time fa a tray explainee
Co. Perfectly logitlniat.
rte phlhrobroplc. Amin,
01.:, New York.
Geo. P. it ,+ welli Co
rooduet an Agent, for the eention of advertirernents
for Amrrtran Nauseant rho marl complete attar
Ilohment of the kind in tb• odd. •13r Omura. d saw.
areaPAPEus ern regularly' tile. open to Inspection 17
ruvtunfero, %o retdirg C . however rornp per. ro
c, lye. our-twentieth of tin nornto r. Every AldVer-
Ilyenaciat to token in th , ..houto price of thr paper.
o Islono. any additional rn
eb or euroivvion no nut
an mivern 11.
ver. 1n,1114 4t h the Agenc7, I. .aced
tronlde and correrhotrdero• making ann eonlra.r In
atvad,of a.Bozori v n bundbr, pr a Mumma& A BOOK
of chatty pager, contaluint late of beat popers, raireax
clrettlatiO,a, religion,. agrit4lurstl.clam pollli.t l dill/
and runstry sours, al•oo anlgazines and all. nablien•
lion, o bleb ay. ',psalm', r..ebble to adreruvem. will
14)131,111durroatIon abutit 1,11,11.1 e neat FILE.t to any ad
tire,. 1/11 anon, at lon. l'ura an at a nintance ol.hbet to
in the 11 t rrt 3.1.1 g In- any , tin.' a ItY. entail. %le or
. Territory a the Vidn.d St-on. or nny porhno of the
rhoulnlon of Canada. may 'lid a rune..., gnome nt of
hat ,then wont, tovtolltur u tt, a copy of the kln EIt
'I4StEMENT th.•y dealre in Ted. and will receive Ito
Proration by return Min anal, will enable theta to de•
ride whetter to Inurrare. rt nee or (aria the urdt r.-.
Per vileil Information then .0 no chatve whatever
Puhliehrrs not oply smut ttrit tlie, her. lint pry Messrs
0, 0, P. RoVeZt.t. ACu for tab. .ernet a Orem are
rieerntr-r1 fir a Moen paper •• , treft to for a larger flirt t,
fora . th dollar a. rostip as fur n larger sum Ali ,
drerettn, ArtierieUlt NeWpireAdeertiviug Aral',
41 Park Bow, N. Y.
MONEYHade . epidly with Stencil Key.
(:sectoliAlognr"net folk
part lerVarr Pren.S, nl. Srt, =1.77711n (10 st..B.ton,
SP t?.loClin Wall-81 ,410 n lead. 10 a Anti:Mae.-
No risk, 32.paye tinph ei for wimp.
Valentine, Tur . arilig , .
I.lank . er.a..f Ernkeen, hl W ntl at .N. It
either *expo:, Itteinate 024 pin tbi; ID
anti pa - vetting of Sty peens:they thee teellletty,
TM ' Regolrroa 311 nn porsrio. !MO;
m.."• 4 1 . 1 . 1" V , Dt. • tOgra , 1111 a Arrirge
egyotion.Oritele. Oreanw, .ints to LAdko. A Vie. ,
book; tam tohl, W ILL I A MACO.,
• I • '; Cl.,
Vcllt SALE--Mtio fan late of Nathan Al.
. 11, ..,411 1 .i„deti, Situate iltomt.halt a mile west
of . 31ontrose Depot; fit itooklyn township, con
taining about 111 act corilanit morally improv
ea: itoinlco7GC the uherstgaed, executor of
said estate, at New.lllAttl; Pa.
' • t Emaiyr. Atuaren
New Milforti,
' 7 * /I " nAnNg*- 5./4 6 . I H. 0. BPADMin
CE'sfrAnuoD 384C0
• DRALET3 - mNN,Dwitric - runsna or
rttltiatt & Amtkican 1111t . bito,
ChenargSt., Near De
Mai it; 13; c •.' 131:4 IIA )11 . 91 , 1, T.
NI - 9 Ni 9
PER DAY! Amenta wanted t
All elaesea or worko, r ,
ift!. make more tam ey at amek
' , new. or all the I - or than al
lan free. Atldetai G. STIN
wen. Poslotot..ry, and wide
1..0 end Woutri of all
spi.rlore year Um 16111 bin.: or
Library, Or !Olt, ...linable
"linos; era nice Nereoocupe ;
<lock or watch); or • !dusk
Plualovnapb A:hum ; or a Alt,
•oe Lamp for your Parlor: or
rt., Dictionary; or Bogen'
nroujn%; ur flee Iloilo; or
a kettaroglou Double lias•
:Dan; or a Cabin/
, rt.lna up your unoccupied
4n ilia circulars of al P.
d efrllda funny would
31: 11. P. Co, 1J Rant 23.11