FARM AND HOUSEHOLD., Don't be la a Burry to Go. ..._a_._ Come, boys. I have something to tell you ; Come her. I would whisper rt low You're thinking 'if leaving the homestead, Don't be in a hurry to go. The city has many attractions, But think of the vice and sins; But when ones in the vortex , of fashion, How soon the course down ward begins! Yon talk of the mines of Anstrolia; They're wealthy in treasure, no doubt, But, alt! there's gold in the farm, boys, If only you'll ;hovel it out. The mercantile business is ti hazard, The goods are first high and then low ; Better risk the old farm a white longer— Don't be in a hurry to go. The great busy west has inducements, And sa has the business mart; And wealth is nut made in a day, boye— Don't be in a hurry to start. The banker anti broker are wealthy, And take in their thousand or so; Ah ! think of their frauds and deeept'ons— Don't be in a hurry to go. The farm is the Kifest and surest ; The orchards are loaded to-day ; YouGre free as the sir of the mountain, And monarch of all you survey. But stay on the farm a while longer, Though profits come in rather slow, Remember you've nothing to risk, boys; Don't be in a hurry to go. Hanging Baskets Now is the time to set up our pretty banging baskets, if We have not taken Time by the forelock, and already arrang ed those pleasant and ornamental objects to refresh the eye and brighten the refin ed influences of a happy home. Line the basket with moss, with a little soil attach ed. Place icy the center a small pot, con taining a showy plant of upright habit; fill up the surrounding space with rich woods and ohl hot-bed soil ; flll it with plants of a trailing habit; when the cen tre fades you can replace it by a fresh plant. Fur filling a basket, select plants of a similar nature—such as like shades and moisture—the Fuchsia, Lobelia, Grey Geraniums, Fries, Sinaria,Panium Balms, gold and silver Vinea Ferns. A basket fur a warm situation should be filled with Coleus at the centre; also,Petunia, (doub le) Sedums, Convolculus minor, Nastur tium, Begonia, Mignonette, fin trailing. A! Carnation will make a constant blos soming centre—a Coleus a brilliant one. German Washing Fluid ——o— Dr.Queensville, in the ifs Srien iffique, deseribesa mode of washing which has been widely adopted in Germany and Belgium. The operation consists in dis solving. two pounds of soap in about three gallons of water as hot as the hand can bear, and adding to this one tablespon fail of turpentine and three of- liquid am monia; the mixture must then be stirred; and the linen steeped in it for two or three hours, taking care to cover up the vessel contatnieg thorn as nearly hermetically as possible. The clothes are afterward washed out and rinsed in the usual way. The soap and water may be heated and used a senood time, but in that case half a tablespoonful of turpentine and a taklespooofol of ammonia must be ad ded. The process is said to cause a great economy of time, labor and fuel. The linen scarcely suffers at all. as there is lit tle necessity for rubbing, and its cleanli ness and color are perfect. The ammonia and turpentine, although their detersive action is great, have no injurious effect upon the linen ; and while the former evaporates immediately, the smell of the latter is said to disappear entirely during the drying of the clothes. How to Keep a Cheerful Kitchen The kitchen, in the care of a wise and eapable hnnse-wife, can be as pleasant and spotless a province as the parlor above. Pans, kettles, skillets, stove—ev erything shonld be perfectly clean, for the unobserving little know how sensi tive most articles of fond in a raw state are.' Meat, fur instance, standing on a kitchen table by an npen window, the its in air from' stagnant water or other wise, often "spoisi" in a short time, and the queen of the kitchen is disgusted by the bad odor or once nutricions food. Ber ries, everything in fact of the edible kind, allowed to remain in a dirty kitchen ab sorbs "the disease of impurity," and soon er or later tells on the health of the fatni- V- Chicken Jelly Take a lame chicken. ut it into small pieces ; hru:se the il,,Ttes awl 6,.t the whole into a stone jar. with a corer that will make it water,tiCfii- Put the jar in a kettle of boiling water, and keep it boil ing for time hotirs. , Strain fr the liq uid, and mann it lightly with salt, pep per and mace, or with loaf sugar and Temou juice. according to the taste or the person for whom it is intended. Return the chicken fragno-nis to the jar. and set it again in a kettle of boiling water. You will find that yon can collect nearly as much jelly by the second boiling. The jelly can be made from an old fowl. French Pancakes. ——o— Two eggs,tWo ounces butter,two onnees sifted &Tar, two ounces of flour, half pint of new milk Beat the eggs thor oughly, and pat theta itto a basin with the batter. which should be beaten to a 'cream; stir in the finger and flower, and when these ctivetliente are well mixed, add the milk; kelp stirrirg and heating t•Se mixture fur a few. minutes; pat on battered id4ree. and bake in a quick oxen for twenty rmemes. Serve with a - eat letrioniand sified finger, or nit- the pat,. • c io c ,,, i tt 1), trp-ro •.r pr e .. 41: airoLaus.ada :.h.t.wix_n vault. Mbar!neon% NEW STOCK OF MU WHITER DRESS GOODS Shawls, Cloakinim Flannels, Blankets, ate. NEW FALL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Bats, VELVETS, RIBBONS, Esc NEW FALL & WINTER STOCK REMIT Milli gIIETILIffg BOYS', YOUTHS', AND MIMS' CNCIahiI3P.ILAZITII /317XT19. NEW FALL CASSIMERES, COATINGS, Azad liTostlAngss, FOR CUSTOM WORK NEW STOCK OF TEDEttsi ct Ciarbe3. FALL STOCK OF LADIES', MISSES', Boys' and Mien's MERINO WRAPPERS & DRAWERS. NEW FALL STOCK ;:.;, Lek.clieses* mad Ca eats- FURNISHING GOODS. NEW CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Al} the above open mg, in large variety at the More of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., b. S. DRSSAUEIt, Managing Partner Montrose, Sept. 24. sr,. J. DICKERMAN & CO. New' Milford, Pa., CALL &TTENTION T 3 THEIR LIEZENHE STOCK OP NEW FALL GOODS ! Now on Sale. GREAT BARGAINS TN DRY GOODS, both Foreign nod Do ePtic. Staple sod Fancy. All the Novelties in Timm Trimming, Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Mir Goods. ow. J. DICKERMAN & CO. Offer Greit Initteements to Boyers of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, bought at bottom prine for cash. end undersold by none. A =scullion:a &spiny of SHAWL& J. DICKERMAN & CO. tiny° in MJCITICOMZEI almoat enough to Ella omstl •mm. Wr • I ireys Lerp on hand • fresh and complete 'Lock of Ci-roderieso Zorcrdries .1.012.111. Flour, belt. etc . the load. barrel, or posed A line hoe of 11AltoW ARS and house Yee• adeb lug Goods. .PAYEIt LIA.NGINGS, all tbri popular styles. J. DICKERMAN & CO., ere ballad to keep everything the people want, and ba a reseavy added to their immense stock a varied 'megrt bleat of y G@_ .) 9 MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS. DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDI CINES, Erc. V,erything In the Ding flue sapless that unladen Ish drag bnycni.. J. DICHERMA.N & CO. call patiicalat attention rt to *ell Teri lama anocceat at ismocyvmsi, both wood and and. &raids at Pikes that will pima, close buyers. llanatantuto and deal la TIN, corm WARE, etc. • !Tte $ hid that we keep nearty eveuth tog—the meet complete Moth of any honse to the Coanty, bought at ben advantage tot CASH and sold at the lowest Helm rates., L DICHEIINdri & CO. ;kw zsisii4lo•9l. ifls.4.. laiscellaneoae. F i lna . 3l3ltlL3l . M AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Extensive Frtrutture Wereroom you will And the largest Mao! FIRST CLASS AND COMMON pn:rxxiv Y To be foand In this section of the reentry, of his own rllllanufactare, and at paces that cannot fall to give natl.. faction. Ile makes the very host EXTENSION TABLES In Me Country, end WARRANTS them. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds done in the 1:11VIP.t manner /El 3P' X;IL X XV 13- X 3 XII EA OF VARIOUS EMUS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING The formatter will htreafter make aderras log a specialty la bin bnelndaa. Hering Jo. t completed a IiEW end the most elegant HEARSE, In the state, all needing his ' , entices will be attended to promptly and a° satisfactory charges. WPM. W. SIIIITH Ft - SON. llontrose. Pa.. Jan, li. 1872.—005—tf. Real Estate far Sale. 1,, The Subscriber 0162 rs for sale the I+_° following Real Estate, to wit: TUE FAltlt known as "Robert More Farm," situate In Ilridgewa. ter township. Sanimehanna Co., Pa.. about two mil. cost of Monte°, Borough, containing 130 acme of ex collect grace and grain land, chant acme 0 timber, a Good farm house and out buildings, a tine orchard al choice fruit., well watetrd, and adapted for dairying pug see. Stock, dairy fixtures, and farming uteniiile, will be sold with the Farm If desired, unless prwiona 17 disposed of. ALSO, A HOUSE ANT) LOT ennuis In the Borough of New Milford. Sneonehannt, County, Pc. pleasantly located on the Stain street, neat the centre of the town. Lot 44U feet front. a good con venlent two-story dwelling, a good slued garden epot, and a convenient well of good water. ALSO A FARM OF FIFTY ACRES ono-fourth of n mile from the borough of New Milford. timer's Improved. and the balance well timbered.prina pally with chestnut and hemlock. A good Wag) feet barn, nod a thrifty young orchard. ALSO THE HOTEL PROPERTY known as the CHAMBERLIN HOTEL. In Gibson Hot low. Sneonehanna Co.. Pa.. contalnins , PI acres or land. mostly Improved, with Hotel. Wagon Barns and out building.: Convenient either as a hotel ur for farming and dairy purposes. ALSO A DISTILLERY for the manufacture of Cider Brandy, to geed running order, lately occupied by R. C. Vail. decensed.and about 69 perches of Lund adjacent to the aforesaid Hotel prop may, T49rX13.15/ made eery to tuft tbo purchaser. upon good "celerity. For particulars inquire of E. D. Hawley, DrMOCUAT 1° flee, Montrose. Pa., or of the aubecriber on the !W.? , Moore Farm., Bridgewater, Pa. JOHN GAVIVI April 80, 1013.-tf. VALUABLE FARM For :3a1o• The subscriber offers for Pa!, the valuable farm known as the "Eivanciwascor se F. la.c. o_7, Said farm I. one of the most desirable In the County and Is benuilfully situated In the village of Sommer, title, Susqnehanna Contd., N. There Is a gond St,e, Flooring ilill. Saw Mill. Fleeter Mill, and Blacksmith Shop In said Village. The tarn is directly on the line of the 11 L. & W. Bulimia, tai mile. front • the depot in New AltroreLt and miles from the Row York & F 1 it. n at the Great Bend Station ; contains I%) acres of land, lid acres Improved; is well motrred. baring 01 la.tlng stream of water minting through it, and n 'lover-L.1111.g poop.) of water conseyrd In pipes to he honse, barn. and rat tle yards; It is well fenced, and end, good rultisatioo. Is well adapted to growing .. s oraln, and Is well fitted for stock or dairying. There to a large and convenient dwelling, newly painted. a nd a beautiful front pied with shrubbery, a large horse barn, a large can lag., and tool barn, a large cattle barn with two Lactic yards, ample shale and stables fur feeding st ick or stabling cows. II small hay barna, lee house. bri, k smoke boon turn house, and 2 or-bards of grafted trait. The subscriber also has 3 SMALLER FARMS that he will sell. TERMS of payment made easy. Fur In formation address R. L. SUTPHIN, Nov Milford, Sanarbanna ("panty, P. Aurti2t ^4d. A NEW AMIANGEWENT PIANOS & ORGANS, At L. B. labbll'a Jewelry Stand, •\ Wbe lamer and better etoek of the following goods n - 111 he found than elerwhera In Northern Fenno!'ratan: JEWELRY R CLOCES SOLID SILVER &PLATED WARE. DIAMOND SPECTACLES, and a general assortment or n.lcsl alerchandise, Sheet Music, Violin Strings, etc. etc. All Fine Weteb Repairtn:Searing Machines and Or lu done. (as nal4 by gage Itepairrd by L. B. Isbell. F. al elholsh. & Melhuish. Sept. 10. 1073.-le T 8 11..13E31ds Ma 33 CIICT /3 FD. orrostra TIIII COVET 1101717. MONTROSE. PEISN. 'A JOHN S. TARRELL, Proprietor. Nine Stages Leave this Rouse daily. connecting with the Montrose Railway. the Lehigh Valley Railcoad, and the D. L. d W. Rai!mad. April let, 187&—ti FURNITURE WARE ! EVERYTHING NEW . coA STYLISH ! .41‘...rP. Zr. 3121>com - T....mrsnas 50 Washington St., Binghamton, Consistingof everything nameable in that business. Repairing promptly done. 11110ERTAKIIIG .. Eiroocacblitv. META REASONABLE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Icoutbam ton. N. Y., Anita "a 3, HECHROW & BROTHER, i General Undertakers 1210 DEALERS IN ALL RINDS OF COF- FINS, CASKETS, ETC., CA-XILZIELIC s33svra, poam•c. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO V. Rsecno7 .S Bno =EZE3 .A.soaste. Nerain.t.D.a Prof. R. R. Trumbull's Pen Family MUM CCAPILTIP. Young men oat of employment, selib $lO atpltal, an seems • permanent Caution. Pot particulars addrog. mitts *tamp. s, Efikismeol. . tioy.l*,ls7l.—ly . Moistruee, Po. AU Medea of 31iAlazahm as this elate. PAINTS AND OILS. A FINE STOOK AT B. R. LYONS it Co.'s Montrose, May 14. 1613. C AItPETS, CARPETS AT 30 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Len than N. Y. Prices— May 14, '73. For Sala by IL It. LYONS & Co SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, Grooeriess WALL IND WINDOW PAPERS A LARGE STOCK. AND NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. DIRECT FROM THE AIANUFACTORY. On Salo by May 14, 1tr.,1. SPOOL THREAD. COAT'S, CLARK'S 0. N. T., Jr, JOHN CLARK'S SPOOL THREAD —WHITE, BLACK, & COL ORED—FROM No. S TO No. 130, AT 75 CENTS PER DOZEN. For sale by B. R. LYONS . CO Nontroue, May 14, ISM 11111STEDV EASILY SOLVED. New Stock of Goods at the "Ifead of Naviratlon." A. N. BULLARD Is constantly receiving large addl. lion. to Ms otock of G R °LER lE., AND PHOl'l5lO2 k at his old stand at the head of Navigation, where •ny man, woman, or can find the very beet articles that coo be 3ff il O liJ iV in any 1:1 cea s mal hence lrop in the town. The old systym of slow mks n .11.3 D or ought tt he. and in its stead the better system ot olden sale. end small profits, and by selling fur read, pay only, there hill be no bad debts to make up Irani good cuelonscrx. Call .AT and examine my good. and prlcco.and nee If they do col compare favorably with LW) whet hooey in iv( 3t:lLtry IE3 e. A. N. BULLARD. Montiont, Ann' In, 1812.-if. Mizier g::rc C'