THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Religions Services,. The services in the several Churehesof Mont rose are as follow: B IPTIST C lIURC 11. itsv. J. E. Cal/soma D. D. Pastor tit brtsth Serviced 103 a. in. and I p. - - - `3ahlAth School p r3 y or mo,L,ng, %ticclnaday Evertliags Second Suodny In each Month Immediately before Moos F.abtrath Services Sabbath Sch sot . nPISCOPAL CUT:7nel] ha blotch Services hu wily: School. . .. eeh:thly Senicers—Wednesdayb lIETIIODIST EPISCOPAL. tlabhnth Services Sabbath School ....... Prayer Mt:canc.,. Thurklays rn ESEYTERIAN cnuitca Sabbath •ktr , lceig 'abbath getsonl VrayiaNectlnz, Tbursdav Evenings. List of New Advertkeinents, For Sale or exchange—L. B. 9)lvrtra. In Bankruptcy --cot. of Antos H. Mils. In Bankroptey--est, of David Snotles. In Bankruptcy--is4t. of R. Kenyon, jr. (1)-111re for a Bargain—ll. C. BurgeAs. N , aiee—est. of Fanny J. Mulford. Notice—est. of B. W. Pltsley. Notice to Ileirs--est of Johanna Coughlin. Registers Notice--11. N. Tiffany, Register. Assignees Sale—G. B. Eldred, Assignee. Sheriffs' Sales—M. B. Byline, Sheriff. Great Sale ut Binghamton—D. & E. G. Hal bert. Dyspepsia. Inst ruet , ee Pliisnphlet Free. Meeting of SiOckholdem—Mantrose Railway 1) •notion—tfene`ut of Rev. E. W. Breekin Notes About Town Very tine weather again Christmas next week Thursday The clotting season has arrived, and is being by the boys and girls. Our obligntifins are dne Hon. Wm. J. Turre lb for copies of the "Debates on the New Consti tution." Ur. Charles Smith, Veterinary Surgeon, from Binghamton, New 'York, in located in Moutrinse, at the Taritell House. where It can he consult ed free of ehtirgig upon all diseases of the horse. A very pleasant and auspicious day for the election on the new Constitution yesttrday We Are unable to give any intell;gent results this week, but from the best inlormation, is very light vote was emt. There was very little up position in this locality. The "Boston Tea Party," under the auspices of the ladles of St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, was a decided seeress. The reetipts were $BO clear or all eXI - e1151.3. It was a very pleasant affair, appropriate to the Centennial Anniverrel ry of the memorable tsixteerith." The same success in lavor of-the New ConstiLu ion throughout the State, mill mark it as a glorious day tar the "Old Keystone.' Gee. 11 Kirkland. will assume the ree torbhip or Bt. Paurat,trisli, .)luntrose, the first Nand ty (the 41h tlkt Jaututry. We publish in another col a nu, the Itt•aolutionspnssnl by ttc Vc:.try of St. Paul's Church. Columbia hick are very complintanary to the reetor,end vaevt•tlinzlv earara.tin; ant inspiring to the mem hers of this Convocation, who are soon to B urglars and Horse Thieves. tweivt• the holy ,-acraments by his ministration. 3londay morning last, about 3 o'clock,the M;ty the same. reciproe.d xflectior. and church , • store of David Summers, (Prothonotary elect) pro,pcsity ,p ring up aml remain in St. Panis of Summersville, this county, was broken into, of Moo tr,se, as is witnessed by the vestry of • and two safes, pne belonging to Mr. Sommers St Paul's of Colmnbia, in their marked and ex end one to Mr. R. L. Sutphin, were broken open anti cOntents titled. Mr. Summers' safe was blown open, and Mr. Sutpitin's was cut and pried apart A few postage stamps and about $l in in fraciional currency were taken from Mr. Sutnmers' safe, and sonic $lO or $1 in gold and silver, which had been kept there in a bag j lora number of years, was taken from Mr. Sot ! phin'a. Mr. Slimmers akd Mr. Sutphin both had quite large amounts in the safes on Solar day, but Charles Summers, a sun of Hr. David Summers, who usually slept in the store, did nut do so on that night., and fortunately, the money was taken from both safes to their re. 1 spective houses. The inside, fire proof part of I IMr. Summers' sate, was removed sod taken to 1 the D. L. ft. W. Railroad track, broken open, notes And papers examined, and left scattered I about. The burned part of matches were found, which bad been used to make the exant ] ination. A number of tools taken from tit@ blacksmith shop close by, were (mind In The store. The thieves, after "going through" the ; safes, broke into Mr. Summers' horse barn, and took a very valuable pair of bay colts, evident ; ly, tis it afterward appesred, for making their hurried escape, as the horses were found that morning in the barnyard of A. I'. Galloway, about 33 milts from Susquehanna Depot. Mr. G. heard some one putting up the bars before he got up, and found the horses there soon af ter. Both horses bad blankets and cirsingles on. The burglars hail taken a harness rein, cut it in two pieces, and hitched them into the driving bridles for reins The horses are only lour years old, and Mr. Summers is fearful they may have been injured by fast ruling, as they were not accustomed to it, but has not discovered any positive injury as yet- It is believed there were two portiesio the transaction'. No arrests have yet been made. pn•wiVe ritiClU Mr. Albert Keeler, of Otis borough, died very suddenly nu Mon lay morning last. He has' been troubled for a year or more, with a scrofu lous swelling about the throat and neck,but had been in usual health otherwise. He was down town on Saturday evening. On Sunday he thought he had taken more cold, and his neck . ber,an to be more swollen. Early Monday morning he called to his wife, saying, •'I believe Lam choking to death," which were the last words he minim.' His death is believed to have been caused by strangulation, from internal swelling of the throat. He Jeavcs a widow and five children in sore affliction. The scholars of the High School will give a literary entertainment, Friday evening, Decem ber 19th, tor the parmste of !,r'e'nting means to buy apparatus, witicti the school is in great need, It is a fact that with the etreption of a tow charts, the school has no apparatus whateverdo illustrate the curl: us advanced brandies pur sued. The people of Montrose expect Just al good work to be ,:tine in the school, as it all necessary m_ans for successful instrurtion were s• command of the teachers. The People do n, to realice the fart that the school is not where it teac but liss advance I, and es pecially- so, since the organ rt. itian of the prer eat High Seleud, to a higher standing. This brings more need tbr apparatus to illustrate the advaiteed hrtutches that are new purstietL it should be a 'natter of pride that this necessity exists, so that-we can show our appreciation of the school by a generous support of the efforts male to supply nil things needful. Those who can not attend the entertainment, can neverthe ks, show their good will by purchasing tickets. The Secretary of the Montrose Railway Corn pang, in answer to our criticisms last week, glees us the following reason why the road is not completed. lie says, that the rolling mill where the Lehigh Valley Company purchased the iron, suspended work about the first of Icist Ockther, and that they hare Stan unable to get the iron. lie informs us that the rolling mill will resume Itc•rk about the first of January neat, and the iron will then be forthcoming.— These rails arc a special pattern and cannot be protons! elsewhere. This appears to be a val id excite as to the I tying of the iron, but why .6c, not contractor Marcy complete the grad use and build the trestlin2, and be In readiness to lay theiron when it dos come ? The suspen sion of the rolling mill, need nut suspend the tooling. When the road was completed to Sprin,7ille and stove, the Iron was a great a hou nt of it laid nu the stiow and on the frozen ground- If the same zeal in grading bail been iamitested toward its completion to Montrose,_ the road might be running here very soon atter' January first, unlesS• we bare too mach anew and ice We are not criticising the Company Err any other reason than for what we believe to toe the beat interest •of the road. - We do not propoie to mince Matters in the Interest Of any one Montrose and vicinity have done their full share toward the 'bedding and completion of lids road, and the road will be obligated to the people and business teen of Montrose tor the greater amount of freighting business. ,Now we plainly say to the Itailway cOmpany, that vales they manifest more zeal in the cow*. tine of the road to' Montrose, than they have for same time oast, they will invite seecenssful competiou and drir away freighting business, as they already haveulone. It is much easier to retain custom which you already have; than it Is to get it back after It has been alienated by prejudice. If the company cannot meet tirtam Promises, let it take the pains to explain at once the reason why, and not wait for it to be drawn OUt by the "cork time of the press Laconic. A country editor writing to a delinquent sub- scriber concludes with, "II you will pay up, you will oblige me, if you don't, I'll oblige you, that's all." Post Itlinstee, Appointed. Oliver M. Crane. has been appointed Post 3laster at Lawsville Centre, in Liberty town ship, tins county. Mr. Crane has been carryin: on the Mercantile business in that place some two years. A •Itemlntsence. IMMEMII Forty year' ago, or therribout, a ragged boy, tootsore and weary, who was walking up the tow-path of the then new Delaware & Hudson Canal, was overtaken near Mongaup by a boat upon which he was invited to ride. He got aboard and found other passengers, consisting of a Scotch emigrant and his family, amorg whom was a boy of about the new corners age. They parted on reaching Honesdale. The Scotch boy became a mule driver in the com pany's mines at Carbondale, and the strange boy found employment in the vicinity of Hones. dale. 'Time passed. The niggeC boy to-day is Coo E. Young, General Manager of all the great works of the Delaware Ss Hudson Canal Company, and the Scotch boy is Thomas Dick enson, President of the Company, and one of :be greatest financier and corporation directors that the country boasts. ..Itev..T. Sterret. m. index p. m. ...9s. m. P. m. 10.35 a. m. and 2.30 p.m m 7.80 p. m Rev. J. 0 Miura, 10A5 a. m. awl p, m. 12.15 p. m. , T.hg P. ca. Complimentary Resolutions. The following resolutions were recently re ceived by the Vestry of St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church, Montrose, Pa. DEAR Ihurrtmerr :—At a meeting of the Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Paul's Church, held last evening, the following resolutions, ex pressive of the feelings of the racers and mem bers of our Perish, touching the resignation of our Rector, were unanimously adopted : REsiiivtn, That we have received and accep ted the resignation of our Rector, Rey. Gee. H. Kirkland, with most painful feelings of regret. Though he has gone in and out among. us for but a few years, in that time lie has endeared himself to us in every relation, winning our warmest regeed and gratitude, by his earnest and successful devotion in ministering to our spiritual needs, by his unwearied attention in hours of sickness and distress, and by hls con : stant lab"r to promote the material welfare of the Palish.. Resarral, That to his counsel and aid,by God's help, we are indebted for the thorough and sys tematic orgenization, which now characterizes every department of our Parish work, and which has placed us in a position more prosper. one, and more favorable to effective labor in the service of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, than we Ihave enjoyed for many years. I Recolcal, That we commend him most ear ; ncstly to the deep affection and zealous co-Goer ! stun of the brethren among whom he is called to continue his Holy workdrusting he and they ' will be abundantly blessed and prospered In all l their relation* Resolved, That these resoulutions be spread upon the minute, a copy be furnished our Rec tor, and the Vestry of St. Paul's Church, Mon- uose, and that they be published in the Episco- pal Register. Very Respectfully Yours, GEo. 11. Ricuanos, Se*. Columbia, Pa, Nov. 12th, 1873. OCR CORRESPONDENCE. (We Invite oar friends, from dW'rent toirno , to reed no Items ollotemmt. bend the facts; the ow arrange them.] NEW _VILFORD ITEMS. The revival , still continues with some success. Splendid—that building and sidewalk near the Post Office. Christmas is near at hand. Rang up your largest stockings. Considerable 'mud and rata has been visiting mother Earth, ftir the put week. Mr. John Turner Las some very nice shingles for sale, at the upper end of Return street. Our friend, LC. Boyle, is stopping In town now.: He 'Dolman healthy as be did in "days of . "L'otttellatir7ifc4..% . are building a very-mud' nettled ditch hrthottt of his matision, on ileturn Mr. Edsraid WLlliock is' furring n langshed bulk near Lis mill. for the purpose of keeping lumber and lath dry:, - Oar sidewalks are getting to be a first class man crap and shin balker. Borne one should attend to the fixing of Monist" once. • ' - .1 H. Bartle bas hi§ yeti sign up. /t was painted, by D. W. gager, and 14' certainly anor nantent,to the store. - We learn tluit 31r. Abraham - Robinson, has opened a stone quarry of very nine liming stone: 'We hope ire writ make Its fortune. . We notice some items from "blictorbee In the Sosquehauns Journal, over the signature of "Isaac Itemizer. t9ef done s'Alleawber," thought, you was "loony" before:you . said That's right, Issac;tell the truth. December . lso, ig FROM SOUTH AUBURN. All hands going for the new Constitution. Go to Carter's for your winter's supply of family groceries. Rain all day, mud about two inches deep, and Min raining. The usually quiet town of Meahoppen, Wy amino county, situated on the banks of the Susquehanna river and on the line of the Le. high Valley Railroad, was thrown into a lever of excitement, on Tuesday evening, December 4th, at halt put six, by the announcement that Abram Bond,a well known citizen of that place, was run over by the northern bound passenger train opposite the town. Upon repairing to the spot there was presented a heart rending eight. Ris lett leg was severed from his body, and the right leg wat also cut off and driven in to his body up to the shoulder, the back part of his bead was torn off, his brains,fleah, blood and Intestines were strewn along the track for a dis tanm of live rods. So shockingly was he cut to pieces, that some one of the by-standers paid a boy $5.00 to place his remains in a box pro cured for that purpose. Mr. Bond was about 50 years of age, and leaves a wife and four chil dren to mourn his so terrible demise. December Ltlth, 1879 BROOKLYN ITEMS. No oppositiou to the new Constitution. Advocates of . salary grabbers scared. The old Presbyterian Church has been mov. ed, and is being fitted for a dwelling house. Local option is lived up to by our hotel keeper, J. 0. Bullard. Any one wishing good treatment, and cheap goods, call at Titsworties. The new Universalist Church is nearly done, It looks fine. Our schools are all taken. Five by imported tenchers—Lathrop furnishing lour. Whew ! fo'r Brooklyn. We understand there Is quite an excitement at Muck's Corners, a lady there on a visit was, taken sick, and broke out with small pox. See- end were exposed "No. 1" over date November 141h,notlees ser al classes of individuals, but we think not all.— There is one person whose influence is so great, he can control five. lie says "there is two Justices Coruis and one Court of Justice." We don't know wher,„to find the latter. Will "No. 1" consult grammar a little before he comes again. December 8,1878. LETTER FROM NEW MILFORD. EDITORS DEMOCRAT :—We noticed In your I last week's issue,an item concerning the stealing I I al a fox skin from Hayden mt Clement's store,by as is stated, two smart looking young men. We notice also that great egress is laid upon poverty, good look*, and hard times. "No. 2" asks who would not steal rather than starve. First, let us ask does "Na. 2" Mini.: that a young man, ro bust and healthy, balancing the statue at 170 pounds, 13 obliged either to steal or startle, even in these bard times ? The honest farm boy, the mechanic, and all others must work for a living. The statement made by "No. 2" is entirely er roneous In regard to the starving condition of these handsome, enterprising young men, as they had just left an eating saloon, where they had mon. yto pay their fare Again, they did not say to Esquire Barlow, that they were starving, or that this was the cause of their stealing. Of course they plead guilty, hrw could they do differently, as they were caught in the I act. Mr. Barlow questioned them in regard to their places of residences, trades, etc, he also said to them,-“raa mu co with you, if I send you to jail for six days, when you get out, you will very likely steal again, and make the county the expense of again arresting you. Have you any money to pay a fine if I should lineyou I'l The answer wa*, no. Where- j upon one of the tunable, starving boys, (of 30 years or overd naked if he had'ut better send them up for Rix years, etc. Iu conclusion, we do not wish to interfere with ''No. 2" sympathy or consolation for thieves, hut We do say let him stale the !acts as they are, or not at all. We believe we can safely say that Hayden mrt Clements will protect their store and goods. OnsenvEn. Dee 15th, 1873, Butdoesa Locale. DONATTON On Thursday, the 25th day of December, there will be a donation visit at Fairhill, at the resi dence of Mr. H. S. Cr.rikJin, (or the benefit of Rev. E. W. Breckinridge. 1111 ate invited to at tend afternoon and evening. Br 011 DER CM Cost. Fuirdale, Dec. 17, 1873.—w2 A MEET= OP STOCKHOLM= Ot the Montrose Railway Company, for the election of a President and twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. will be held at the Bor ough of Tunkhannt ck, on the second Monday of January, 1874, between the hours of one and half-past two p. m., that being the day designa ted by law. CHARLES L. DrecterN, Bee'y Montrose, Dec. lath, 1673.-3 w. DTHPEPSIA in Is Hydra-Headed Monster, from width nearly all "the Ills the human Dinh is heir to" originate The Peruvian Syrup, protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, is a long-tried and wellintabllshed remedy for this distrevaing complaint; it has cured thousands when other remedies have failed. Dec. 17, 1873.-Iw. litnrtta eIIAPHAN of Liberty, Me, bad a stiff leg bent at the knee, limbered and strengthened by the use 01 Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. The proprietors of Johnson's Anodyne ha. meat, lisrsoni Purgatire Pals, and. Menden', Cavalry Condition limiters, have published a readable and instructive phamphlet, which may be had fns by mail. Dec. 17;1873.-Iw. A LUCE STOCK OF FANCY WORE AT Dec.lo.—tf F. G. WONDER'''. OYSTERS By the pint, quart, gallon, or rail, at Dec. W.—tf ,► IN moues. therEns Raw, Stewed, and Fried, at Dec. 10.—tf WaND AT VIE CANDY MANITPACTURY, You can buy fresh mixed broken can dey, at twenty cents per pound. Dec.lo. HEADQUARTERS fur Oysters nt the Key. stone Saloon. GEO. C. ilna. & Co. — . Dec.; 1873.—tf. CHRISTMAS IS COYISH I Su is Isbell ,& Melbuialen stock of goods for the liolitlays. Largest stock ever in this place. Constantly receiving goods. Montrose, Dec. 10th, 1873.—tf • To MI Courray r'sopu. If you want 80030 nice candy fresh made of the best- • quality of augur and flavoring, diaper than can :be afforded at any other place, call at the Confectionary undo' the flop Mee, Pee.lo. CANDY 1 CANDY! 1 Bay your candy for the Holidays of F G. Wonder. 'Am can save money. Montrose, Dec.lo, '73. PANIC ! PANIC 1 ! J.F.Bronson is to receive an assortment of Plated Wares of the 3Janufacturer. That will and must be sold at Panic Pri ces. All other goods consisting of Jewel ry and Musical Merchandise of all de scriptions, will be sold regardless of cost, during the Holidays. Mon trose, Dec: 10th,---tf NSW YEAR'S BALL Yourself and lady are respectfully in vited to attend a Ball, at the Eagle Hotel, New Milford, Pa., on Thursday Evening, Jan. 1, 1874. The best of Music. 11111 $3.00. P. PHINNRY, Proprietor Dec. 3,1873.-4 w. STRAYED From the subscriber, in Bridgewater, a Shepherd dog, mostly black; some white on breast and head, tan colored feet. Any one returning him, or informing where he may be found, will be suitably reward ed. Information by mail should be sent to Montrose. E. C. Witu.s. Bridgewater, Dec. 10,'73.• BLUE JACKET WHY NOT BUY VTR ORGAN That has the oldest and hest reputation in America, have been in use in thisplace over twenty-two years. Tone perfect, never yet out of order. Geo. A. Prince & Co.; the best and cheapest combination of any. To hear and see, is to be con vinced. For sale by IsuELL & MituttrisA. Montrose, Dec. 10, 1874.—1 f CLAIRVOYANT EXAMINATIONS FREE. We are visited daily by those who bare been suffering for years with some organ ic disease, which has been treated by the best medical skill, year after year, with little or no benefit. The reasons are ob vious; the causes of,your condition have been guessed at. It is only the physician who can explain your disease either of mind ur body, without asking any ques tions and comprehend how fur it had dis eased the other organs, that would have any success in its treatment. The success attending Dr. Butterfield's method of practice, is prool that it is founded no a law of our being that must be recogniu-d. We treat the worst farms of scrofula, consumption, asthma, dis eases of the heart, liver, kidneys, or any organic disease, considered incurable. Will be at Cafferty House, Bingham ton. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, December lb% 17, 18 uud 19. December 3d, 1873.—w3 Z15.A.R.R.X,91. GI-ZIES. JOHNSON—Koos—At .the house of the bride's father, by Rev. D. D. Gray, D.° 3, 1873, M r. 0. G. Johnson, of Lenox to Miss Emilia C. Loon of Me ahoppen. Scorr—llatiDlNG—At the M. E. parson- age, in Gibson, Nov. 27, 1873. by Rev. A. J. Arnold, Mr. Henry C. Scott, of Gibson, to Miss Susan A. Harding. of Burford, Pa. COGS WELL— LACY—On Tuesday evening, Nov. 25, 1873, by Rey. A. 'B. [milk:. 11 Cie; —ell' MisS Geri is M. Lacy, both of West Auburn, Sus quehanna co., Pa. KING—PACKER.At the house of Mr Very, in New Mulford, Dec. '2 1873, by Rev. 0. M. Martin, Mr. Prank A King to Miss Martinet A. Packer, both ul Brooklyn, Pa. . SHINER—WALwomt —On the 23d ult. at the residence of M. Canavan, near Susquehanna Dept.. by P. H. Brooks, Mr. Isaac Shinier. of Scranton, to Miss Hattie E. Walwurth, of New Milford, Pa. VinotL—ELTow—At the residence of the bride's parents, Sandis Avenue, Vine- land. N. J.. on the 19th uit. , by Rev. J. 0. Wells, Mr. Willis T. Virgil (formerly from Montrose) to Miss Laura P. El ton, both of Vineland, N. J. 7Z§E1.416.TX319. HATHAWAY—In Susquehanna Depot, Nov. 24, 1873, F. D. Hathaway, aged 43 years. LEwis--113 Harford, Susq'a. county, Pa., Aug. 26, 1873. Thurston Lewis, aged 80 years. O'SHA.reamEsii--In Susquehanna Depot, Nov. 23, 1873, Michael O'Shaughuessy, aged 67 years. OLDHAM—In Snevehanna Dept, No vember 27, 1873,Mary E. Oldham, aged 2 years and 3 mouths. Sumunosow—ln Gibson, Susquehanna county, Pa., November 22d, 1873, Belle J., wife of Emory D. Shepardsou, aged 22 years. Binghamton, October 26. 1873. Mrs. Elizabeth N., wife of Horace M, Bice, and daughter of Alfred Tiffany, dec'd, of Brooklyn, Pa., in the 44th year of her are. Centaur Ltnament. There is no pain which the Centaur .1 , Liniments will nottellere, noswelling they will not subdue. end no lameness W it , which they will not cure. This bottling , language, bat it Is tree. They have . /..1; produced more cures of rheumatism, _ neuralals,locli-Jaw.naley,epraine,awel- OM= dogs, caked breasts, scald*, burns, salt rheum. car-ache, de., upon the human frame, and of Stratus. /pasta, galls, dd., upon animals in one year than have all other pretended remedies alneo the world br,:an. They are couuter•irrltant. all-healing pato re lievers. Cripples throw away tht it crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites ate rendered harmless, matt the wounded MO healed withonti Fear. The recipe le pub lished around each bottle. They sell us PO articles ever sold before, because they do juot what they pretend to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or entities , deverve to elan If they will not are Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. More thou 1003 certificates of rmharkable cum. Including.froma limb , . Chianti rheumatism, gout, running tumors, de., have been re ceived. Wo will wend a eirculareontaluing certificate', the recipe, des, grail., to any one requesting It. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth one hundred dollars for spavined 'or 'metaled horse* and malts, of for screw-worm in sheep. titock-owners —Oberst ll:detente are worth your attention. No family should be without them "White wrapper family nut" rtll.4r wrapper for animate. Sold by all Bengaline.— Ndcents per bottle; large bottles, $l.Ol, J. B. fuse & Co„ 61 Broadway, New Yogic. • • Catatu►ta I. more elan a eitbstitate for Castor Oil. It t■ the only safe article is exirtenee which ts certain to ualmolat• the toed, regulate the.bowela, rum wind colic and produce =tuna sleep. It-contain. neither minerais, morphine or alcohol; and Is pleasant to Wm. Children need net wand mothers may rest. I . risriturnoN ON Tns Vintnr AND 'Dump:— Paquin at Doc. Halsera Oka on Taeadag orttrata 6aW Ilscarday arsainga. I.Y. Meal!anomie, BEE THIS I GIVEN AWAY ! 1 O all indebted to me will be given • statement T during the month of December. MI amounts must be setticdby January 15t,1874. After that time I shall keep no books, and sell only for ready pay. B. C. alum. Nov. a, 18111-4 w FURNINTURE WARE! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH 1 - JILT.T. 31:1 coivzszrErms 60 Washington St., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Repainng promptly done. UNDER Stlpoolireltzr. PRICES REASONABLE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bluglnunton, N. Y.. August .30.181-Iy.. RECEHOW B. BROTHER, General Undertakers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COF • FINS , CASKETS, ETC., 4131-XLMILA.T 13E11%773, 12.olaxeca ALL OEMS PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO =E:=3 GREAT UNITED STATES TEA CO BURNS & NICHOLS, .40s, NlAntrose, Pa. This Tee l• put op in AIR TIGHT TIN CANISTERS thereby preserving Its full strength, which Is esrtatol3 great desideratum. 620 — Ca II and get a can and try its merits. WIENS & NICHOLS. Montrose. Jqly 16, 16q3.—tf. UDR BALEfibe farm lute of Nathan Al drich, de'd, situated about half a mile wes , of Montrose Depot, in Brooklyn township, con taming about 111 acres of land mostly improc ed. Inquire of the undersigned, executor o said estate, at New Milford, Pa. Et.utrr /atm= New Milford, Jan. 25, 1873.—tf. TNSIJII.ANCE NOTlCE.—Elaving been in the !norm , I. once Denim-sr for the part seven yen, /have eatab. 'idled an Independent Agency. not connected with my combination of Lacs) or Notional Boards. I shall charge n reasonable rate on all clones of /P -ourable properly. 'Capital Berresentod over 120,000,000! cats. Lt. SHIM Montrose. Pa„ Oct. IL IS .—lf. HAND BILLS PRINTED AT TLIDS OFFICE. UXECUTCR'S NOTlCE—Letters testantentary in the vdateo: C D. Lathrop. late of 3foutrose, detained, hatit.g been pawed to the subscribers. ali persons In. dehted to the cold ectste, are requested to make tin mediate, naymsot, cod oil per.on• having claims &Afoot cold decedent will present them without delay. MRS. JOANNA L.1711110P, C. M. 0 ERE, Montrose, N0v.15. MI. VIECI7TORS' NOTlCE.—Wnlymeas Lettere Meta meatery to the ertate at Patrick Corelt. late of Mb ty t wp., dced, have been grantcd to the aubscrthere. 11 peryonn Indebted to raid estate ate requeotee to make Immediate payment. and Ottoe baring clams or de roads attainst the name, will merit them without dir• ;Vnicri t Nor. 12. 1811.—Qw. L. DDITOR S YOTIOR.—The utifiendened. an Audi. tor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Pasqua henna County to dim rihnte hands in the handle of Jean Housed, Adm'r of lernsf Gleason, defamed; will at tend to the duties of his appoioi taunt at his °Rice In Montrose. on Monday, Jon. 6th. 1374. of 1 o'clock. p. hen all perrous may present their claims oche !braver debarrai. A. W. BERTHOLF, Auditor. MenHese. Dec. 10. IST9. A DMINISTRATORIi NOTICE.—In me estate of A& Pate let Fhanagn. late of Chotunnt, Susquehan• na C 0... Pa., deceased. Letter% of administrattoni the said estate baying been granter to the Undersigned, all potions owing said estate, are requested to make Immediate payment. and all persons having claims. against said estate are reeneated to preaent them without delay.. . . JOIIN FLANAGAN, Adzo'r Dec. 10th. 1873.—a0 AEDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned. an Audit or appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of sae quehanna County. to dlstribitte the Medi In the Sher- IQs halide arising hum the sale of real estate of C. D. II 11, will attend to the duties of Ms appointment at the otter, of Warren & Son, In Montrose, on Tuesday, Dee /11, Ma at one o'clock, p. in., at which time and mace all persona Interested In said funds nowt prevent their claims or be foreverdebarrett from coming In on said fund. C. A. WARREN, Auditor. Montrose, Dec. td, AUDITDICS NOTICE.--The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Please of Sus quehanna County. to'dlstribute the fonds in the hands of the Sheriff, raining from Sheriff's sale of real estate, of A e them lialbtead and It. J. Decker. takes this method togive notice that his will attend to th e duties of hie appointment, at his take In 31ontroee. on Wed. needay. the Sith day of December, IPA, at one o'clock. p. or., when and where all persons Interested In raid feed will presest their deltas or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. D. L. DALDIVTN. Auditor. biontroae, Dec. 28,187&—w4 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Thennderslgned basing been appointed an Auditor, by the Orphans' Court of Basque:mans County to distribate the fund In the hands. of David' bummers and Elliot Aldrich. Executors of the estate of Floyd Lyons. dcecased, will [attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Little. & Blakeslee. In Montrose, on Monday. Dec.Eith. NM, at 1 o'clock, p. m. at whict. time mid place all persons interested ill said fund most foment their claims, or be forayer debarred from COM. lug in on cold land- OEO. P. LITTLE, Auditor. Montrote, Dcc. 3,1873.--4 w. APprrOß'S NOTICE.—The undersigned. as Audit or appointed by too Orphan's Connor Sionneltan• =Connie. to dietribute the rands ha the hands or Sid. omen Docker, administrator of she mode of Elisha P. Parham. deceased, will attend to the dadaa of hts appoint/neat at his officetn Montrone, un Saturday. Jantiary 3d, tBt4, at I o'clock. m„ at which tints and place all sporrans Interested will make known their claims ur be forever debarred from coming In on mild fund. A. W. DERTLIOLF, Auditor. Montrose Dec. di. Idta—lar • IN piNKRUPTCY.— Wesiern Dlerlct of Penosylvtata, ef At Montrose PA, the 23th day of November, A.D. WM . The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint— ment coassignee of Albert Diem sr.; end W, D. Keep, as Sloss & Brum. of New Milford Borough. in the corn. to of husquehruna, and Stine of Pennsylvania, within said I)l4rwt; who Imre been adjudged Bankrupts itforn their own Bentham, by the District Court a f enbl Ms- Wm. B. ELDRED. Anlge . ee. rte. . _ L F. 1 1 1TCH,Attorury for Assigues. Blontrote, Dec. 2, 1813.-3. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY Tms in To dime Nonet.that on the and by of De. cembcr, le D. ie73, a warraut to Liankroptey' was ironed against the estate of Christopher Bikers, of Brooklyn, Susquehanna Co., Pa., who bee been adJadgett s Bonk tope en his owe petition; that the payment of any debt, and delivery of any property belonging to midi Bankrupt, to him or for his mat. and the Daimler of any property by him, are forbidden by Lew. That a meeting of rho crWi tors of said Bankrupt. to provb their debt.. 'tad to choose ono or more assiVices of hie motto will be held at a Court of Bs okntptcy, lobo held at the Mlles of the Register, at seranton. Penn's, before Edward N. Willard, Register, on the tad day of December, 1a73, at 10 o'clock, a. m. .10/111 UA t.L, Dec. lb, 1n73.-aw. ' U. S. Marshal. NOTICE berebY given that the petition of a major ity of the freeholders residing within tho district hereinafter described, will be laid before the Grand Ju ry of Be wniebanne Counts: et the Jeln lBl 7.Tentos GM* praying for the locorporallim of said district as a hot. onah, the name, style, and title of the Borough of Great Bend Village, and. by the following bonutisriell. tu wit Beginning. on Abe bank of the Sultioehatuut river at the northwest corner. of Mr. Ashton's tang: thence southa9dci ees west Varotts to an appletree. south tlO &gm. Cens4X ran to it pine ; 'bouts north MX degrees vreatll3 to dra*tandadneS; thence north Oh gams- went MIN ' rods to post slid etch- 1 thence north clislrees east tat rode the bent of dela deer; thtmeo I onth r 4 degree.* east 75 rods. south 9 de. green etstllarit. tenth 53 dooms tout Muhl* south 8 - 0 tlezroes esti 10 rode, by the several moues and gill drer,tothe place of beginning. - - , wilt, 8-114TC.U. and othts. • Glut Ditei Ps r Vetraterio.lina4v. . . Protect 7 our Buildings ! 11113C11 Xi? II 130111111iFITa 031X-701152S ?Fla Gilos' Paint Slate Rook Pint 421=11 %UMW it VIM UMW. Area? taajbe savored wl a wary asap ablagle. and gsppllcatlot. alb% tlate be made to laat trout 90,t0 ran. Old roof. can be patched and coated, lookthe mach belt , r and lasting longer than new &Ingle* with. sot the Slate, for ONZTALIII/ THE COST OF BE-SHINOLIIIO. The ezpea■e of slating new sbing:ests only about the cost of empty laying them. The slam is FlttE P FICA** against sparks or dying embers. as may banally tested by soy one, and appears from the fact that Locum= Co.'s make the SAME TARIFF AS FOR SLATED ROun For tin aod iron it bu no equal, as ft expands by beat. contracts b cold. and rtsurcraata or males. Fur cemetery tenets It le particularly seemed. as It will not corrode In the most reposed placu, Boot cowered with Tar Shmatilng Felt can be made Irater•tiVht at a small expense. The Mate Punt fa Iwo gallons will cover a hundred Kama feet of shingle roof. or over (oar tetedred 01 till or to e. Price ready for use is BO coots per gallon. with a Offal dto:owtt to Oa trade. We firoloh end opply the material for WO pet lOU square feet in New rock arti NO TAR IS USED IN THIS COMPOSITION, therefore it does not Brett the water from the root II turned off from the cistern fur the d at one or two rains. The paint has. very bean , body, bet is easily applied with • 4 or 6 tech paste br ash. On decayed shingles it fills op the boles sod pores, Lindens them and glees a new substantial roof that will last for years. Carled or warped shingles. It brings to place end keeps them theta. It Ills up all holes in tin or felt roofs, and stops the leaky, one coat being neat to tee of ordinary paint. The color of the Fists when first applied is dark pur ple, changing in shunt a month to ~light uniform eats color and is V. B=Q&VA & SID TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, SLATE. Although a Mow dryer. rain will not affect it in the let one lour abler opplylog. Pace:ages gout to any pan of the country by expreen, C. 0. U., at the following price.: If Inn than 5 galloon. or If ordered to be lent as freight the money meal accompany the order. 10 Pa. Cement for largo Wee or Cflidl.ll, $ 1 . 25 . / Gal. anduin, $ 1 552. 550 ....... 040 13.50 IOU) woo. 15 '• •• 211 " (35 Barrel ) 1 BARREL Roofs examined, estimates given. and when required will be thoroughly repaired and warranted. °niers Tee for eolicited. luformation. recommendation* from Inane. ante Co.'s, and other Editorials from the leading Nowa. papers, a or a sample tittinito coated with Witte, Adms, N. T. SLATE ROOFING CO, I . GEO. E. GEMS. Progriator, 60. 6 CEDAR ST.. IVEY? TORE CITY Or WEI, HAUGHWOUT, AO, MONTROSE. PA. Mostross, Novizobar 2Sth. b:3.—w4 THE BOTTOM- lir - I - 0 - Wr" 7 1 - : C. 13. PERRY & CO.'S, BINGHAMTON, S. Y An Immense Stock Jut Bought from THE GREAT FAILURES of Now Enilditd, at peen REAPER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN ! Buigtairston. Nov. 157--tt. THE EAGLE wr i ar ii; arx MIRE -t BURNS & NICHOLS, Pimp)?mroaa 870➢ 017/1/1 GOLDVT BACILII AND MOSTAI4 23 ricas.33.1.c•ctlx.,31Tomitrecao We desire th way to the public that our store to well stocked with Drngs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. Valais % Brushes, Combs. Perftimery, Fancy Article's. trroorlw tart' sod potent prepszations. sedan others ticks nun ally kept In first class drag store*. We gum:mice out goods genuine end of the beat quality, and wall be sold ntioto prOrafor cad, Res&ctfully. - Yours. • - ,_ll. BURNS. • Ifontowns. Fob.llo.lfin. AMOS NIOLIOLS. Bazars. 1 O. B. saran. U. 11.0. DLLADuis. BINGHAM/TON ISARBLP WORMS. LprrAausa, lar.! •- • , 0111111$1110S..&111111101116, DEALERS IN AND 11ANDPACTUREDS OP gtalian agontri(auglarblo, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, Barbie and Slate Mantles, Chenaago St., Near Depot, Nay !t. 471 . DEROUAIITON, N.T. IFNI , BROTHERS; • Ratairtha,.rs. . , wbolegale a Ratan Dialeraln HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL ; NAILS; SPIKES,. SHOVELS, 3 7 3IL1)ER'S HARDWARE, MINA BAIL, COM 7NDsIINK;I T RAU' BPIA - B4 RAuxoev Immo SUP.PLICS. CSABLIGN" BOLTS NUTS SAW NS BOZI% DOLTS, NUTS and DASJINBS, ELATED BANDS. KALLSABLX • IBOYB, HUD 3, SPUMES, - • •TBILOES, BEST SPINDLES. 801T8.4a dont& VICTB, STOCKS and DIKS,, usLtows SAIIIIERS, SLEDGES, FILES, CMCIJIAR arip•aluxeltirs, lISLT/NO,,RSCEBYO ;TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS • , - .courn mutt canNntyronrs. - sump, WENDoiVotABB.LEATintRay/NDIBO6 IPAIBBABLII BCALIM lissealte; !Men. MI; ~ Mecellaneone - ISSTAL EDMILS IT SIM EXTBInaLY CREAN Etas Fallen Out of Mscellaneon JAMES MAOWAN 9 OGIZ2121:11.1C1010.21 TlCCore2i4k2st -• A3D =kW= or BU. CHEESE, EGGS, FOUT.• .TRY, AND VEAL CALVES, _ - • • VT Dir It., Noss York: - . . COUSlfeteittit. solicited andretants bade itainedlato lira of goods. lisad for:W:4o4 cud," lad din . • Ecferenesv,, !tailcoat P.rk Bank - of New Tort. Nonh Thew Bout of Now York. " • 6 Nauss National' flank of New 1 . jr. L b o . l3 . fa u t n akld_Zao,k Brooklyn. . TV 3E3 "Vir ..1E 1 X•II. lidE • In Lanosboro. HOBERT & MAIN, hatinz entered foto etrpattnerstilp. are twir Plytert4 to do all kW, at work In tbe Eno ot . Wiluiliatilitißlgc: 1111 E, FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A COACH. BEPAIBLIG IN ANY PANT OP TLS Will roman prompt attmation. ROBERT fc num tampon,. Ps .00.15. Tito boil $u PEI "THE - BEST IN TILE WORLD?" Double.Actlng.:fon.Fresnlog. The slmplestand mot{ powenta tu use It la proved to be the abeam:it s moat effective. durable. stud re] able. not only for fmtally, hot elan for Plorlnts. Factorlea. Bromine., Llattllerloa. etc. It or partltulorly recommended by InattranceComs rhoemst+iert pump Mat will throw al toll feet novella n both. It to the moat effective becalms It nee. r fairs. The most durable berattoelt Is composed of hot few 'ample pans of iron ( ersomeled e° as op prima, any unpleasant or brackish tuts in the water.) Beam 1 otter packlce. A child Can work It. It never frit/too so no water remotes to the pipe when nut In salon. It furul bra the coldest water. being ;doted In the bottom of the mil lee opinion of Orange deed. in the Ares" thin ArieuftwoUrt, Juno Nu., 18th, page SSO; alto Jan. bio , Yugo Having purchased the county right. loaltl aell• town rights to *lnt porchasers. and to theme In want of • pomp I am prepared to soil as cheap no they am be Debt by the company. Send for circular and price 114 to W. 31. WiLNAlrrir, - Oakla7, PS. Oct. 15. 11r73.—ft BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS. ALL SUMS or .frk , MONUMENTS. ELEA.DSTONES; • AND MARBLE MANTLES, MADE. TO WIDEft. Also, MOTOR GRANITES onluittd. PICKERING & CO N Prciammo, 22 Court Street. O. W. .11.ELME.11EAII, N. P. ENOWN. Binghamton, N.T. November LMb, 1872.-47. Geo. P. Rowell £4 Co. CUSIIIMi'S MANUEL OP PA 6 L I AMENTAIIy PRACTICE. Rules (Wpm-min; and debate Ind Memoir. assess blies. An indivpensaido band-book for ever, member of a deliberative belt. and the aro home in ill tic. Mat.. ••Tbe Moat antbrrltlye iivoanderofemericsa pan ilaterntity vv.••—ebav, somas. Price GS mac .SCIII by mr.ll im receipt of priem. Ad. dream t THOUPSIIiIi t BROWN 6 cO.. Boucot, 36141. "TRUE TO NATURE:" Tbia titet.clurt •^inmm we `ire to Crary •a '..Crl ef 10 CODY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1874, Whether to a stogie tubacriber for titres dollars. or la t club or its for Lurtcea @alb, Andreas. L A. GODET. N. Z. Car. Sixth sod Chrctout - Pt's- Philadelphia. rs. or Sat Termsla Lady', Book for otter Clutta.mAn TAKES ON S IGHT• LAST blz AND BAST • Comunlon tor Cab. va..ers. Amts., msd Salesmen. henry Ward Percber's Lastly new 9aper gives every snbreriber n pair of the 1.4110412 Fltont. oLEORAPIIS—too tanvS attractive signet...that take on sight—painted by Mr.. Anderson. as contrasts. add gampan fon. tor !lir - “Wi de 'Awaits:" and ••Fart Asiecp." Agents nave Immsnse success; call it the ` best bnoinaia ever offered tanstestes." II a hinahh the tightest and handsome.. .welt. and pay v-ry high sommt.slone,— Seth onbscribrr mesh's. arithent deity two be/Intent pletnres, which are ready for I UMEDIATF. DELICKRY. The paper itself stand9w,riwo.atnet.g familyjournals. being ro popular-that or its Nan It has thelargest drest lath. In the world! Employ the bestliteraty talent.— Edward Eggle-ton`s serial story Is Jti 11l ginning; back cloptere supplied to vaeb subscribvr. Mrs, htowe's long etPected 'Neel to ••Sly Wee cod r tv.glns In the new year. Any one wishing a good Palm". nrA OIRNTS an Independent business should send for CI Ilnlanttatit to J. ILFORD 6 CO., New Tork,Boaton,Chleago,C.ochtnati,orßanFtanClSed YOUTH'S OMPANION YOUNG •PEOPLE I-Ai~ I Llf _.~~ _ _ TEL COMPANTO:raIu. 0. on a favorite In miry brolly—looked (or eagerly bribe young Mb. sad road with interest by toe older. Its psrpose Is to Jobbat while it amuses; to by jaclicietit, practical, meads t sad to hays real.y pen:iambi worth, While It attracts tor the hoar. It Is handsomely Illustrated, and bas for chntribotots some of the moat attrastivo w :tom In the eotioUl.-... Among the:out, - • - • • -.. Edwed Eggletuon ' Dr. t Myst, • Prof. /mot A. Dolliito; I ottise . C.ltoolton; Loofa 31. Alcott, ••Aopttlo May." Itehoem IL Danis, C, A. Itcpbetio, C. W. Flanders. Roth Chestorleld, N.B Roninsi, Dentin:oh ' Its inestilag I. adapted to the old mod is TM` Totted to Its character sprightly sad entettalotog. /1 gtres Stories otpgrensore. !nosh.* of Homo sad Utters or Trays); • ' 9ehooll.111; .- Editorit, upon Cariot We,. POMO. copies. erileciteas tor Desk .dcal . • z6tion. . • Illovaptacel fikettLes, Aneedotif, rusks. Bois oas Pact• sad loeldents. imitcr4tltit flko t injfkEpediaet toplef Addre44l. 1 , -ElllllrilLstl g, a co.. 41 Temple, I•l4te,llottca. Mass. FIRESIDE PlitteeTaTbeyekAlet lb ATWOOD. prtyluct the An..t an Doused ea any cud doll) lamp. For . 7aio by all mp dealers. IV ()MEN 1115',.?„:::nifts.s.rgiftd 2 itc. art. Book Ounce. ter., 0104 ,olorta tend wv,: le zt • tarital needed; Catilonr. fem.: out- wilt *so. Q . O. Via:EMMA VAX, .44111,1a,10. Uri in/ b 8 Mt. .1 mzeagmezmizazsi" tattered with C . atarra thins Ira • ai,d wog vim!' a ottaptereetedy. ad r. re; pt vw. - I , o.lreetol T..1:11.1t.AD. Want Act, tacTie, . •