SEC. 12 In l't Idelphia there shall be established. for each thirty thousand inlisbitants, one court not of record,of poke and civil causes, with jurisdiction not ext.:stetting one hundred dol. lays ; such courts shall be held by magistrates whose term of office-shall be fivoyeartond they shall be elected on ageneral ticket by the quail. fled 'nacre at large; nud in the election of the said magistrate tnt voter shall vote tar mom than two-thinls of the number of persons to be elec et:, when more than one are to be chosen ; they shall be compensated only by fixed salariesvo be Fnid by said calmly; and shall exercise bitch nsdiction, civil and criminal, except as here- . provided, as Is now exercised by aldermen, subject to such changes, not involving an in crease of civil jurisdiction or conferring polit Ica] duties, as may be made by law. lu Phila delphia the office of alderman is abolished. SEC. 13. All PTA , . fines and potful. ies in said courts shall be paid into the county treas ury. SEC. 14. In all of summary con viction In this Commonwesithor i,•l meat in Suit torn penalty before a magistralesor mart no , of reconteither tarty may appeal to such court of record as may be prescribed by law. upon al lowance of the appellate court or judge thereof, upon cause shown. SEC. 15. All judg-s rrittintl lobe learn • ed in the law. except the jeclges of the Supreme Court, sloth be elected by the qualified electors of the respective districts over w Melt they an• to preside, end shall hold their offices for the period of um years, If they shall so long behave them selves well; hut tor nay rcessnable cause which shall not be sufficient ground for impeachment, eh- Governor may remove any of them on the address of two-thirds of each house of the Gen eral Assembly. SEC. 16. Whenever ten jog] zess of th,- Supreme Conn are to be chosen for the same term of see ^ • • s-eer shall vote for one only, and when three are to be s., „i,„11 vow s.r no mon than two; candidates highest in vote 811:111 110 4.1,1.1/Cd elected. SF.O. 17. Sinoti.l :ttty two or more ju.11,..- es of the Supreme Court, or any two or 'pore judges of the Court of Common Plesse for the same district be elected at the same time, they shall, as soon after the election as convenient, cast lots for priority of commission, and cer tify the result to the Governor, w h o shall issue their commission in accordance therewith. 'Sec. IS. The judges of the Supreme Court and the, judges of the several Courts of Cnmmon.Pteas. and all nth. r judges required to be learned in the late, shall, at stated times. receive for their serviks an adequate compen sation, which shall be fixed by law and paid by the State. They shall receive no other com pensation, fees, or perquisites of office Sir their services firm any soutre, nor hold any other office of profit under the United States, this State, or any other Suite. SEC. 19. The judge,' of the Snprem•- Court; during their continuance in office, shall reside within this Commonwealth: and the other judges, during their continuance in offi ce., shall reside within the districts for which they shall he respectively elected. Sire: 21). The severAl c..orts of Coin rnon Pleas, besidrs the powers herein conferred, shall have and exercise within their respective distracts, subject to such changes as may be made by law, such chancery powers as are now vested by law in 9n:several Lottris of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth, or as may here after be confened upon them by law. SEC. 21. No datie•s Abaft be impiised bv law noun the Supreme Court or any of the judges thereof. except such as are judicial, nor 911311 any of the lodges thereof exercise any power of appointment, except as herein provid ed. The Court of Slot Prins is hereby abol ished, and no court of original jurisdiction to he presided ercx by any one or more of the jnilges of the Supreme Court shall be establish ea. SEC. 22.. In every county wherein the population shall exceed one hundred and fifty thousand the General .I..swanlily shall,and in any other county may, e,tabli-h a semi rai e °rpm., Court, to consist of one or more judges who shall he learned in the law, which court shall exercise all the jurisdiction and powers now ves ted in, or which may hereafter be conferred up on, the Orphan.' Courts, and thereupon the jurisdiction of the judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas within such comity, in Orphans Court proceedings, shall cease and dertermine: in any chanty - in which a separate Orphans Court shall be eqahli.lied the Register of Wills shall be clerk of such Court, and sal jest to Its direction in all matters pertaining to his he may . appoint assistant clerks, but only with the content and approval of said court. All ac counts filed with him as rtazister or as clerk of the said separate Orplim.' Court shall be audi ted by the Court without expense to partie.,ex• cept where all parties in interest in a pending proceeding shall nominate an auditor whom the court may. in i ts discretion, appoint- In reel)- county the Orphati's Courts shall possess all the powers and jurisdiction of a Register.' Court, and separate Register's Court, are hereby abolished. SEC. 23. The style of all pr ,e, ! ss shall be "The Commonwealth of Pennsyvani." All prosecutions shall he carried on in the mune and by the authority of the Conamoawealth of PennsylvAnia, and conclude against the peace and dibitv of the same. SEa. 24. In all cases of felonious oeloe, and in such other criminal castl; us - be provided for by law, the accused, atter Oit ta viction and sentence, may remove the indict ment. record, and nil proceedings to the Su pre,- tr".trt htr review. SEC. 25. Any vacancy happening by I...ignalno.. nr ones L.., ill sue court 15 record, shalt be filled by appointment by the Governor, to continue till the first Moo.lay or January next succeeding the first general elec tion, which shall occur three or more months after the happening tot such vacancy. SEC. - 21 i. All laws rodattbg to courts shall be general and of uniform Openttion, and the organization, jurisdiction and powers of all courts of the same class or grade, so far us regu lated by law, and the force and - effect of the proeess and judgments of such courts shall be uniform : and the General Assembly is hereby prohibited from creating other courts to exer cise the powers vested by this. constitution in the judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and Orphans' Courts. SEC. 27. The pyrti•w, by agre..ment fded, may, in any viral-awe. dispense wit', trial by jury, and submit the decision ot F uch easel() the e_mrt having jurisdiction thereof, and mach enact sisal bear and determine the name; and the judgm.nt thereon shun be Subject to writ of error as iu other cases. ARTICLE VI. ThIPTS.ACIDIENT A.1(1) 8.8110V&L FllO3/ OFFIt.I3. /SECTION I. Tice "lowa of Repreo , o tatives (Mall bore the Bele power; of Impeae.B meet.. SEC.': 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate; when sitting for that pnr. pose, the Senate's shall be upon oath or uffirnia lion no person shall be covietetl without the concurrence of two-tlards . of the members prcs eat. SEc. 3. The Governor and till other civ. ii officers shall he liable to impeachment fur any misdemeanor In Mike. but judgment in such cases shall not extend further than to Amoral from office and di.qualitication to hold any of .flee of trust or profit under this Commonwealth; the person accused. whether convicted or ac quitted. shall nevertheless be liable to indict ment,trial, Judgment and pinialunent according to law. SEC. 4. All officers shall hold their orn. man the condition that they behave themselves well while iwotrice, anti shall he retnuv-A on conviction of misbehavior in office or of any in famous mime. Appointed enema other than judges of the courts of marl and the 6'm:crime:a:lent of Pub lie instruc.ion, mac be reator..d at the pha•nre of the power by mulch they shall hare been ap. pointed. All oflicers elected by the p.ople.-tn.- eept Governor. Lieutenant Govelnor. tiontibets of the General Artemide. and jailges or the courts.of retatrd. learned' in lit law, shall be rts moved by the Governor by reasonable eat:sr.:l ter duet:at:ice and full hetring,on the addlesa of two4l4lnls of the Senate. • ARTICLE NIL • • - or mtvien. SECTIte; 1. Rea:utorrunrl iformalonsje eg and nll judicial. State, and count.- ofEcvra, Oval I before entering on the duties of iheir respeo tee . offices, tate and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly smear (or ritErm) ihst I will attort:olier and defend the Constitution or the United Fltates 4 . n d the Constitntion or this Commonwardth..and dun I trill diseharee the duties of m:r office with -fidelity: that I . have not Marl oreontributcd, or momised to zsy or contribitte.l , eilter 'directly- or indireetTy, any mono or gator valiant thing, to procure w. nomination or election (or aprwintment,)except for niresxiry and proper expenses expressly authorized by law; that I have not knowingly violated any election lair of this Commonwealth, or procured it to be done by others in my be half ; that I will not knowingly receive, direct ly IT indirectly, any looney or other valuable thing t e criiirmance or non-performance of swim( My pertaining tit my office, oth er then th i,. oisation allowed by law." Ti.- foregoing oath shall be administered by some person authorized to admilister oitths,and in the e,ae of Stam officers and Judges of the Supreme Court, shall be filed fn the office of tlig Secretary of the Commonwealth, and in the case of other judicial and county officers, in the office of the Pmthonotary of the county In which the sante is taken ; any person refusing to take said oath or affirmation shall forfeit US Mire, and any person who shall be convicted of having sworn or affirmed-falsely, or of having violated said oath or affirmation, shall be guilty of perjury, and be forever disqualified from hold ing soy office of trust or profit within this ' Commonwealth. The oath to the members of the Senate and iti,,a‘e of Representatives stall be administered by one of the judges of the Suprema Conn or or a coon of Common Plea-,loaned in the lattr, in the hall of the house to which the members shall be elected. . ARTICLE VIII. • SIIVPTIAOR AND ELF X 71111% SEcTioN 1. Every !nide citizen twen ty.onc years of age, rnme.sing the following co:dine:Wont% shall be entitled to vote at all elections. First. He shell have been a citizen of the United Stays at least one month. Second. Ile shall have resided in the State one year (or if, basin?, previously been a quali fied .teeter or m.tive born citizen of the hate amt ~ see removed therefrom and returned, then sir months) immediately proceeding the election. Third. He shall have resided in the election di,ortet wt. r. 2 he .te, I offer to vote at least two months immediately recalintr the election. Fourth. If Mew) two-years of are or up w rirds.h e shall have poi wi th la two years a Statd or county tax, which hill hive been assessed at least iwo monthsut d paid at least one month !before the election SEC. 2. The general election shall be held normally on th • Tuml ty next following tor first Monday of Isloyember. but the General s. , tribly may by law fix a different day, two• thirds of all the members of each bouts con senting threw. tier. 3. All elections for city, ward, borough, and tovrnship• officers, for regular term. of servirwthall be bell on the thin.' Toes. lay of February. 4. All elections by the citizens shall he by ballot. Every balldt voted shall be numb,- e I in flte order in which itshall be re ceived, awl the number recorded by the elee tiOn officers on the hat of voters, opposite the name of the elector who preens the balloL— .tny elector may write his name upon his ticket or cause the same to he written thereon and at te.ttal be a citizen of the district. The election officers shall he sworn or adinmcd not to dis cle how any elector shall have voted nnless re (minai to do so as witness in a judicial pro ceeding. SEC. 5. Electors shall in all eases ex cept treason, felony, and breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections and in going to and re turning therefrom. tire. s. W.,t.never 'my of the qoali6etl electors ot this Commonwe Itit shall be in actu al military service. tinder a requistion front the President of the United St des or by the author ity of this Coi tmonwealth. such electors may exercise the right 01 stiffraf,se in all elections by eae citizens, under such regulations as are or -.ball be prescribed by law. as fully as if they were present at their usual places of election. ...Lc. 7. AU laws regulatinz the holding of elections by the citizens or fo• the registra ,iem of electors sloth be unifonn throughout the State, but no elector shall l-e deprived oh the tnivii.-gr of voting by reason of his name not being registertxl. SEC. S. lnc p.m% who shall give,,,or nronii,e or offer to give to an elector, any mint cy. reward or other valuable consideration for his vote et an election or fur withholding the 'amt., or who shall give or promise to give such consideration to any other pence' or panty for 'melt elector's vote orfor the withholding there of, and any elector who shall receive or agree to receive, for himself or for another, any mon ey, reward or other valuable consideratton for ais vote a! an election, or for withholding the Same. shall thereby forfeit the right to vote at ~;.eit election, and any elector whose right to vote styli] be challenged for inlet cause before the election officers shall he required to swear or affirm that the matter of the challenge is un true before hts vote shall be received. See. 9. Any p,rson who shall, while a candidate for office, be guilty of brilery, fraud, or willful violation of any election law, that! be forever disqualified from holding an office of trugt or prorit in 1144 Commonwealth; and any person convicted of willful violation of the elec tion laws.shallin addition to any penalties pro vided by . deprived of the right of suffrage absolutely for a term of four years. SEc. 10. In trials of contested elec tions, and in proceedings for the lures ligation of el , ..ctions, no person shall permitted to withhold his testimony np .n the gronnd that it may criminate him elf or subject him to public infamy; but eueh testimony shall not afterwarr:s he wed against him in any jndicial pro ceeding. except for perjury in giving such testimony. Ste. 11: Townships and wards of cities r horonehs snall form or be into ciion disiricispf compact and Conti 4mons territory, in such manner as the Court of Quarter Sesadons of the city or county in wh eh the same are located may direct; hot oistriets in cities of over ,ale hundred thousand inhabitants shall be divided by the Courts of Quarter Ses sions having. jurisdiction therein when ever at the nest preceetling election more ihan two hundred and fifty votes shall have been polled therein ; and other el ection districts whenever the court of the proper county shall be ,6.t opinion that the convenience of the electors and the public interests will be promoted there by. SEC. 12. All elections by persons in representative capacity shall be VIVA rOCE. zee. 13. For the pnrpose of voting, no p-rson shall be deemed to have gained a residence by reason of his presence. or lost it by reason of his absence while em ployed in the service, either civil or mili tary, of this State or of the United States nor while engaged in ,the navigation of the waters of the State or of the United ;tatesoir on the high sea, nor while a stu dent of any inoitation of learning, nor while kept in any poor house or other: .asylum at public expense, nor while con fitted in public prison See. 14. District election boards shall consist of a judge and two inspectnrs,who shall be chosen anomaly by the citizens. Each elector shall have the right to vote for the judge - and one inspector, and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. The first eat ctton board for any new district shall be selected. and iviiincies in elec tion boards tilled as shall be provided by to - . Election officers shall he privtleg.. ed from arrest upon days of election and while - engaged in mating ix? and trans mitting returns, except upon warrant of a court of record or judge thereof fur an election fraud, for felony, or biz wanton tireach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from jury daty during their terms of service. I SEC. 15. No person shall be qualified to sorre us an election officer who shall held. or shall within two months hive held any any office, appointment, °rem plorment in or under the Government of tilt... United States, or of this Sate, or of any city tir,emnity. Cr of any municipal te , ard commis ion. or trust in any, city, save only justlee of the peace and alder men,nuti‘ries public, gad pernonri in the militia service of the State; nor shall any election officer be eligible to any civil office to be filled election at which he shall serve, save only to such subor dinate municipal or local offices below the grade of city or county offices shall be designated by general law. EEC. H. The Courts of Common Pleas of the several counties of the Common wealth shall have-power within their res pective jurisdictious to appoint overseers of election to supervise the proceedings of election officers, and to make report to the court as may be required; such ap pointments to be made for any district in a city or county, upon petition of five citizens, lawful voters of such election district, setting forth that such appoint ment is a reasonable precaution to secure the purity and fairness of elections; over seers shall be two in number for an elec tion district, shall be residents therein, atld shall be persons qualified to Rive up on election boards,und in each case mem bers of different political parties; when ever the member of an election board shall differ in opinion, the overseers, if they shall be agreed thereon, shall decide the question of difference; in appointing overseers of election, all the law judges of the proper court, able to act at the time, shall concur in the appointments made. • Sec. 17. The trial and determination of contested elections of electors of Presi dent and Vice President, members of the General Assembly, and of all public offi cers, whether State, judicial, municipal, or local, shall be by the. courts of law, or or more of the law judges thereof; the General Assembly shall, by general law, designate the courts and judges by whom the several classes of election con tests shall be tried, and regulate the man ner of trial and all matters incident there to; but no such law assigning jurisdic tion, or regulating its exercises, shall ap ply to any contest-arising out of an el ection held before its passage. ARTICLE IX. SEcrioN. 1. All taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levy ing the tax, and shall be levied and col lected under general laws; but the Gen eral Assembly may, by general laws, ex empt from taxati m public property used for public purposes, actual places of re ligions worship, places of burial not used or held for private or corporate profit, and institutions of purely public charity. SEC. 2. All laws exempting property from taxation, other than the property above enumerated, shall be void. Snc. 3. The power to tax corporations aud corparate property shall not be sur rendered or suspended by any contract or grant to which the State shall be a par ty. SEC. 4. No debt shall be created by or on behalf of the State, except to supply casual deficiencies of revenue, repel in vasion, suppress insurrection, defend the State in war, or to pay existing debt, and the debt created to supply deficiencies in revenue shall never exceed in the aggre gate at any one time one million of dol lars. SEc. 5. All laws authorizing the bor rowing money by ant on behalf of the State shall specify the purpose for which the money is to be need, and the money so borrowed shall be used for the porpose specified and no other. SEC. G. The credit of the Common wealth shall not be. pledged or loaned to any individual, coinpany, corpoeution, or association, nor shall the Commonwealth become a joint owner or stockholdi r in any company, association, or corporation. SEC. 7. The General. Assembly shall not anthorize any county, city, borough, township or incorporated district to be come a stockholder in•auy company asso ciation or corporation, or to obtain or ap propriate money fur or to loan its credit to any corporation association, institu tion or individual. SEC. S. The debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district,or oth er municipality, or corporated district. except as herein provided, shall never ex ceed seven perzeutnin upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein,nor shall any such municipality or district in cur any new debt, or increase its indebt edness to an amonnt exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property without the assent of the elec tors thereof, at a public election, in such manner us shall be 'myriad by law, but any city, the debt of which now exceeds seven per cenimm of such ass-sled valuti tion,may be authorized by law to increase the same three per centum in the agzre gate at any one time upon such valua tion. SEC. 9. The Commonwealth shall not asiume the debt, or any part thereof. or any city, county, borough or township unless such debt shall base been contrac ted to enable the State to repeal invasion. suppress domestic insnrreciion, defend itself in time of war, or to assist the State in the dicharge of any portion of its pres ent indebtedness. SEC. 10. Any county, township, school district, or other municipality incurring any indebtedness, shall. at or before the time of so doing, provided for the cut lection of an annual Mx sufficient to u the interest and also the principal thereof within thirty Years. SEc. 11. To provide for the payment of the present State debt and any addi- . tional dtbt contracted as aforesaid, the General Assembly shall continue and maintain the sinking fund sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hurl ' drtal and fifty thousand dollars; the said sinking fund shall consist of the pro ceeds of the saleiof the public works or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of the sale of any stocks owned by the Commonwealth, together with other funds and resources that may be designated by law, and shall be increased from time to time by assigning to it any part of the taxes or other revenues of the State not required for the ordinary and current expenses of government; and unless in case of war, invasion, or insur rection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in the extinguishment of the public debt. 5r.c..12. The moneys of the State,over and above the necessary reserve, shall be used in the payment of the debt of the State, either directly or-through the sink ing fund, and the moneys of the sink, ing fund shall never be invested in or loaned upon the security of anything ex cept the bonds of the United States or of this State. . SEC. 13. The moneys held as a nec essary reserve Shall be limited by law to the amount required for, current expen sea, and shall be secured and kept as may be provided by law. Monthly - statements shell be publiehe4 ilaglying the tunottut *.• of such moneys, where the same are. de posited, and how gerund. SEC. 14. The making of profit out of the public moneys, or using the same for any purpose not authorized by law, by any officer of the State or member or ofgcer of the General , Assembly, shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished as maybe provided by law, but part of such punishment shall be a disqualification to hold office for a period of not less than five years. ARTICLE X. EDUCATION. SECTION. 1. The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient sys tem of pub is schools, wher.'in all the childrtc of this 'Commonwealth, above the age of six years, may be educated, and shall appropriate at least one million dollars each year for that purpose. SEC. 2. No money ra:sed for the sup port of the public schools of the COM mon wealth shall he appropriated to or used for the support at any sectarian school. Sec. 3. Women twenty one years of age and upwards shall be eligible to any office of eontrol or management under the school laws of this Stale. ARTICLE. XI. itmerta. SEartov 1. The treemen of this Com monwealth shall be armed. organized and, disciplined fur its defense when and in -such manner as may be directed by law. The General Assembly 'shall provide for maintaining the militia be appropriations from the TRasnry of the Commonwealth, and may exempt from military service persons having conscientious scruples ogainst bearing arms. ARTICLE XII. }Timm oFFIcEns SEcTIoNr I. All officers whose selection is not provided for in this constitution shall be elected or appoictal us may be directed by law. Sea 2. - No member of Congress front this Suite, nor any person bolding or ex ercising any office or appointment of trust or profit under the United States, shall at the same time hold or exercise any of fice in this State to which a &diary, fees, or perguisites shall be attached. The Genera! Assembly may by law declare what offices are incompatible. SEC. 3. Any person who shall fight a duel or send a challenge for that purpose. or be airier or abettor in fighting a trael. shall be deprived of the right of holding any office of honor or profit in this Stat.•, and may be otherwise punished as shall be preset ibed by law. ARTICLE XIII. NEW COUNTIES. SECTION 2. No new county shall he established which shall reduce an v emit, ty to less than four hundred spare mile, or to less than twenty thonsond inhabi tants; nor shall any cor.nty be formed of less area, or containing a less population nor shall any line thereof pass within ten miles of Vie county seat orally coun ty proposed to he divided. ARTICLE XIV. COUNTY OFFICERS. SECTION 1. County officers shall con sist of Sheriffs, coroners, piothonotaries, registers of wills, recorders or deeds,com missioners, treasurers, surveyors, auditors or controllers, clerks of the courts, dis trict attorneys, and such others as may from time to time be established by law ; and no sheriff or treasurer shall be eligi ble fir the term next succeeding the one fur which he may he elected. SEc. 2. County officers shall he el ected at the general electi:•es, and s!•ali hold their offices fur the term of three• years, beginning on the first Monday of January next after th"ir election, and until their successors shall bi dui - qualified ; all yacanci-s not other vie provided for skill be tilled in such man ner as may be provided by law. SEc. 3. No person shall be appoint ed to any office within any county whi. shall not have been a citizen and en in habitant therein one year next before hi appointment, if the county shall hare been so long erected, but if it . 6 hull not have hien so lung erected, then within the limits of county or counties out of which it shall have been taken. SEC. 4. Prothonotaries, clerks of the courts, recorders of deeds, wgisters ut wills, county surveyors, end sheriff's shah keep their uffices in the county town of the county in which they respectively shall be oitcers. SEC. 5. The compensation of county officers shall be regulated by law, a: d al, county officers who are or may be &Ilar. ed shall pay all fees which they may be authorized to receive into 'the treasury of the county or State, as may be direcb.ri by law. In counties containing over on, hundred and fifty thousand inhabitant• all county officers shalt be paid by salary and the salary of any such officer and his clerks, heretofore paid by fees, shall no! exceed the aggregate amount:of feel , earned during his term and collectet' or fur him. SEc. 6. The general Assembly shall provide by law fur the strict aceounta bility of all county, township and bor ough officers, as well fur the fees which may be collected by them us fur all pub or municipal moneys which may be paid to them. SEC. 7. Three county commissionerb and three county auditors shall be elt et ed in each county where such officers are chosen, in the year. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five,and every thiru year thereafter; and in the' election of said officers each qualified elector shall vote for no more than two persons, and the three persons having the, highest number of votes shall be elected ; any casual vacancy in the office of county commissioner or county auditor shall be filled by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which such vacancy shall ocour, by the appointment of au 'elector of the proper county who shall have vof. sd for the commissioner or auditor whose place is to be filled. . _ ARTICLE XV. CITIES AND CITY CILSETEES _ SECTION 1. Cities may he chartered whenever a majority of the electors of any town or borough having a popula Lion of at least ten thonsandshall vote at any general election in favor of the same. SEC. 2. No debt shall be contracted. or liability ineurred - by any municipal com• mission, except in pursuance of an ap propriation proVioasly made therefor by the municipal government. • Sac. 3. Every city shall create a sink ing fund, winch shall be inviolably pledged•for the payment of its funded. debt. • - ARTICLE XVL PRIVATE COM/RATIOS& SEcxioN L Ali existing' charters, or grants of special or exclusive privileges, under which a bona fide organization shall not have takes place and business been i i.cvd Luth at the time nr the adoption of this constitution, shall' thereafter have no validity. SEC. 2. The General Assembly shall not remit the forfeiture of the charter of any corporation now existing, or alter or amend the same, or pnss any other gener al or special law for the benefit of Snell corporation, except upon the condition that such corporation shall thereafter hold its &outer subject to the provisions of this constitution. Sec. 3. The exercise of the right of eminent domain shall never be abridged or so construed as to prevent the Gen eral Assemhly from taking the propiqty and franchisesof incorporated companies, and subjecting them to public use, the same as the property of individuals; and the exercise of the police power of, the State shall neve: be abridged or so Con strned as to permit corporations to eon• duct their business in such manner as to infringe the equal rights of individuals or the general well being id the State. t SEC. 4. In all elections fur directors or managers of a corporation each member or shareholder may cast the whole ntim berot his votes fur one candidate, or die tribute them upon two or tnorecandidates, as he may prefer. SEC. 5: \o foreign corporation 8101 do any business in this State without having one or more known places of business, mid an authorized agent or agents in the same, upon whom process may he served. Ste. 6. No corporation Khail el gage in any business other than that expressly authorized in its charter, nor shall it Luke or hold ally real estate, except such as may be necessary and proper for its legit in ate business. SEC. 7. No corporation shall issue stocks or bonds except for money, labor done, or money or property actually re atilt d and all fictitious increase of stock or indebtedness shall be void ; the stock and indebtedness of corporations shall not be iticreased . except in pursuance of general low, nor without the consent of the persons holding the larger amount in value of the stock first obtained at meeting to be held after sixty days' notice given in pursuance of law. SEC. 8. Municipal and other corpora tions and individuals invested with the privilege of taking private property for public u'se shall make jest compensation for property taken, injured or tl-strayed by the construction or enlargement of their works, highways, or improvements. yhich compensation shall be paid or se 6.ured before such taking, hijory, or de struction. The General Assembly is here by prohibited from depriving any person of an appeal from may preliminary assess ment of damages against any such car porst ions or individuals, made by viewers or otherwise; And the anion it of such damages, in all cases of appeal, shall, uu the demand of either party, be determined by a jury according to the course of the common law. Sec. 9. Every banking law shall pro vide for the regit , try and countersigning by an officer of the State, of all noes or hills designed for circulation, and: ant: ample security to the fill amount thereof shall lie deposited with the AnditorGen end for the redemption of such notes or SEC. 10. The General Assembly shall have the power to alter, ri•vuke, ar Annul any clotrter of incorp..rat ion now 'exiet- in and revocable at the adoption of this nonstitution,or any that may hereafter be created, whenever in their opinion it may be ininrions to the citizens of this-Com- mon wealth, in such manner. however. that no injustice shall be done to the corporators. No law hereafter enact, d dutll create, renew, or china the charter of more than one corporation. Sue. 11. No corperate hodv to Possess honking and discounting privileges std' be created or or.mnized in parQuance of any law without three months " prier ion : , pp 1•11(2 notice at the place 1 , 1 the intended location, of the intention to apply for such privile.vs. in snch manner as shall br iweserilicifihy lan, nor shall a chatter for such privilege he granted fur a longer period them r wvn ty years. Sec. 12. Any association or corporation org,iiiiiz.ll !or the purpose. i.r any individ nal, shall hive tlie rght to constmet Lind maintain Imes of ti-le: z raph State, and to Conn , et the same nit!) oth er ; and the Cli-n et al Ai.seml.l , i general law of on ih.rnt opera! ith• reasontible regulations to give fail .•ITect to this section. No telegraph com pany shall consolidate with or hold a con •rolting interest in the stock or }ponds of tnj other telegraph compiny touring competing line, or ncquit:e, by pnrchitse or otherwise, any other competing line of telegraph. Su. 13. The term "corporations" 41S used in this article, shall I.)e construed to include all joint stock companies or associations having stny of the p.twers or orivileges of corporations not posessed by individuate or partnerships. ARTICLE EVIL nettnnAus.Nn cAxkya. Rcena7l. All rallrouls and canals shall be Polak highwa)r, and nil railroad and canal colopunfes shall be common terries An roomelation or corporation or .onlzed for the purpose shalthsve the right to construct and operate u rallnaid ht tweet, any points within this .t.tte and to cobocrt at the State line unit relhostle 01 other Mato.. Every Minoan company stall have the right whit Its road to IMerrect. Connect whit, or !Toes any other railroad. And shall rec , Ire and tran.potl.csch the others. passengers, tonnage. and tars, loaded r, eoptv. wlthoot delay or ni*Crinll oat ion, Sex. 6 2. Every railroad sad canal rorporation organic- el in this Mote shall maintain an office therein. where transfers or Its steel: stind he madeand whit re It• hooks aritaii be kept for In •tscc t toat by nos rtockhold.r orercd nor of snub corpus In which shall be recorded the menet of capital stock subscribed or paid in, and by rennin. the tames of the owners of its stock and the amounts owned by them. resit, et !rely. the tenure. of nu Id stock, and the names and places of reelde.,ce of its tarem. Soc. 8. All in 4vittuals, swrockaloneand corporations shall havo.tqual right to hove persons and property transported over railroads and canals. and OO undue or noreastrmArie Mecriminutlon shall be made In charges for or r,rllit les for :tramersar tar ion of blight or p stovers within the Sutra, or combat:front or going to any other State Persons and property transported over - any railroad shill he delivered army station ut charges not exceeding the charges for mnoporiation of persons and preperly of the ri one close In the same dlrmalou to any more-lb:Cant station; but etcrtrsiou and mat:twain. teen tickets mar be. I.nrci At opt-riot mien- See 4. : - .10 rot road. canal. or other corporation,or the lessees.pirchasers, or tanager* of arty railroad - or ca nal corporation. than rental ate the stock. praprrty,or franchises of •uch corpnrAlonaorlth.orhoro purchase the wanks or franchises of or to on; way cool?. any other railroad or tonal corporation owtriogor haelnpunder its control a pamtet nr cohapering line.ror obeli any of such ralinard or C 41141 corporation act as tin !tracer of any other railroad or canal corporation OtfOing or bar ilia- the contrt I •*rf a terrallei or comparing line, and the question whether railroads or Canals are parallel or nom piing linceshall. when demanded by the party Com ' pialnant. be decided try Jun as In other dell Issues. Sech.No Incorporated munpatrydoluatitc no-mesa or a maroon carrier shall.dlrectly or indirectly.prosecute or engage; In mining or marmfactrtrinpl art/. lei for transporation over its works, nor shall such company. direct y or Indirectif,,eitgage In soy other bueiness than that of fOII2IOOO carriers. or bald or lands, free- JP Id or haschold, directly or IndrreCrly, except ouch as shall be necessary for ea tryiug on its bur:Moss • but troy mining nr ManufaCturing company may a rrithe pro darts or Ito mines and maouf tclorlea "Oita ratircera or Canal not exceeding Jany miles to • Sum It. :to prirrident. director. other, agent, 9r em ployee of auy railroad or Crook company shall be Inter ested,directiy or Indirectly. In the tarnishing of Mater • ial or sapallet to ouch company, or In the nosiness of trausportatiou as a I.7OfItUOU curler of Irk ght or passen gers: o turd t om pmy works owned „leased; controlled or work by Sec.:. „No diet rintinatlochn charges or facilities for transportation shall hr made between traorportation compturee and ludlrlduals. or In favor of either. by. 'bateau-at, drawback. or otherwise, sad no railroad or aunt company, or any testes.- manager.or employee thereof. stall make any preferences: In Arrolablog cars or MA's* power. , . Sm.:. 8 P.o railroad. railway or other transportation tom vany shall grant Gus parses or parses at a dieeonnt, to any presort extvpt teems or employees of the eoin -srl. 0. Itts street poem:ger railway shall be caustrue: trd within the limits of any eltY, borough or township without the consent or Its local satthwities. Sec. 10. No railroad. canal or other ttanaportntion company. to exirlenee at the time of the adoption of this artiele,shall have the twaellt of any Ware legielm tion by general or opetial law.. except no condition of compiete acceptance of ail the provialone of tid•artielo. ace. IL Thu existing power. and duties of the . udb for General to tower( to railroad.. canabs, and Other transportation Componfeat except as to their ACCOOSO.S. art Co retry transferred to the Secretary of lob. root AL [elm. wbugball.havo a gent ml imperviaion over them, subject to each regnialkOw and altemiloon no .11,11 bu tool Idol by law; lad In addition to annual reports now n gaited to be, made, said Secretary may rural, apecial reports , at any (iota upon any ',object relating to the Intotnepe of said CO/11;4E1kb . any °dicer, OS Ofrirvel , thereof. bac. 12. e General Astembly 'hall enforce by eye proprin,e kgbilatlon the pravielou.of tbls article• ARTICLE XVIII. 11:11131/ ANLSDIMETK. Section I. My amendment or tunendmente to thle constitution may be propoeed In the Senate or House of Wan...rotative:. and If the enure shall he agreed to by a majority at the members elected to each house, such propueed amendment of amendments shall he etH treed on their,lounials, with the yet. and nays taken thereon. nod Um Secretary of the Commonwealth chall cause the same tube. published three Month., before the next general election In 111 hest Ito newspapers in ev ery e•moty In width each newspapers theft he publish ed ; .d Ir. In the General Assembly meat ahem trd eeell each pro need amendment or amendments shall be agreed - to by a majority of the members elected to each house. the Secretary al the Commonwealth shall can-e the Him.. twain to be published In the man• nee stomata, and each pH - lowed amendment or amend. meat. Ord. be submitted to the qt.alitiedelet tor. 4 the State to curb manner, and at such time, at least three month- after beim. 1.1 agreed to It; two houses. as the General Ate. Intity thou prefeldhe I and it such Mend- MIMI of II ritee.dtiteldf chid he a majority of Mope vol Int: Thereon, etch Amendearnt or a aend meets shall become a portal the constitution: hut no DD.:raiment or DMeildMents shall he cm omitted oftener than o oe t . lo fire }ruts; when t mu or more amendment: shall ha submitted they chill be voted upon seperately. That no Inconvenience may arise from the changer In the l'ourth at lon of the t onneonwealth, and in or. , der to carry the some Into complete operation, It to hereby dm:listed tl at: SECTION I. This eerlPthatiOrl shalt take effect on the pet else of Jannary. In the year opt thousand sigh. Luudrid mild revent,-rotir, for all purposes not outer. arise provided tor therein. Per. Y. Aif laws. tit force In this tOnneonevealth at the time of the adoption oh this comedienne not Inconsis tent therewith and all rights, actions. west rot tons,ond contracts. alma continue as if thin eelletiletlOo bad hot been adapted. • cc. & At the general election In the years one thou. Sled eight ittonnial dud sr-relay-font and One flume:tun eight bithilln.d and sevettly.tiv...etrours shall be elected In all istriets when there et al be vacancies. Those sb:rl td lu the year one thottsund eight bandied end •vv then servo for two 3 ear, 011,11111elle the tear.d, thonewad eight hundred and seventy-flee shall a- rye for oat year. Senators now elected. and those whose terms etc ulna? re . shall represent the districts rim whkli they repute until the end of the terms for which they were elected Stn. 4. At the cvnerai it. cline in the year one note. rand elgot hundred and *evenly:six. timeline shall ire elect,d roan the even 11111SEelloi districts to • serve for ter r pers. and tone odd numbered dirnrscts to ten e for four years. but' S. The find election of Gove - nor nndrr this CO Ftitotion droll he at the :funeral election in the }ear a thonsamt eight hemamd and reVcil.y.fiTe, when a G o mor ,tall he dueled for throe yearn: nod the term g the (bolo nor elected lii the }eat One f1;011.11r1 cM hundred sod seventy-eight and of thom there.tfter ele tell ehall be for four years. aceorctiog to the proviaiog of thin connOuiton. Stir. R. At the general election in the year one thoo *and eight hundred told .evenly-four a L'entenaot Gov ernor shall be eletnett necurdont to to the psovitione e of See. The Se, rt•tarT of Internal k Mike phall be elect ed nt the nem genetut election ate, h • nobtptum of title con-dilution. und when the nald rarer mall be duly elected at.d qua il fled, the 'Mike of eurrm or Gencrol elht it be abollehea. no the Surveyttr General to Mike at the .t late 0 the adoption of thin conetitut Mu chill cow In In °Mee nut the explmtion of the term for which he was elected. Bon 8. Whet, the tinperintendent of Potato. blotto iton •hall b• dui tinahtintl, the oBtcn of Sul„ rintendt of Common Schotot thnll SEC u. Nothing contatomi In thin cennti tut Irtn shall h eranntrued to rend, any now bottling ant Star oftlentorwArat Official tend tanligible fur re eleet:ms a the end of nuelt term. See In The Joiices of the Supreme Conn to otil when till, ron.lont ion ,h.ll take effect ,hull tout the until I helr orreerally expire. Two Jed* is anaitton to the 11131114. T now trintialaing the .aid roe Owl) he rte.l 11 at the Bret general election after th xi:oath...if 11,1. r.ot•li Sec 11. All mart+ of record and al ecktlng donne which an, not epecifled In thin r"tiotst pi lon ' , ball con tnuo In e til Olefin. 11,15 of Li, centher. In t 10, year one rhea-aid 0011 [attuned and !WA rnty fire.wlth ont aorldetnent of th 1r percent jornoit lion, bat no lone,. Tile coon of Fin , Criminal Jorktbet lon for ;be conntlor of en hu5:1.111. Lebenon and Danylnn bereby abolir-ho d; ono all cornea nod orucreolugr , lentriltng therein in iL county of Schnylklli chat' be tried ',nod npmed of n the Cuero, of 03er aud Terminer ilea Qt.orter fr0....e of the Preen of told Contoy. Sec It The rej..detere' court, now It. extnteuee nha he Mogi-bed nu the Lint d.; 01 January ut xt mammal ing the adoption of thin conntlthi too. Sec 13 !lie Geueett itownityl shall. at the next el, *WC after lite odoptlon of thin conotitutlou. deitim.ate the orreralJndirlal dintricle OP To gtnreu r 1 this mown. LOOM. The jtwges tl, eornutinnlon when nc drnigna. t ion ohalll/0 made .h.,11 monntine dollen t t..irntiusp , rrd terms JIM:n-0 Id the new dIrlfiCEP 11l wham they r. 01.1 e. Pant when there chill be two Jadgen rentdoigiu thenante ,11-Irlet. tilt prenaient jodge shall riot to n loot .he-' trite he ?Limit he no-tgotri , and the adultioual law judge nhall ho Wi•liftied 10 till] Othrf SEC. 11 The 60:1; eel Ale mht• shall, at the next nue. erroollln nennion dace each derentd.llll.nrur. end not a tm et. tit-innate the ft-Vet:a Judicial alrtflan ne retpur ed torolltittlon. SEC 13. Judge,. learned In the law of any curt of to corn holding' t' In I , dric .at the adoption of tills rotwt.tut oh rhall hold their rei-jort hive oltee- ne in the expiration fI he tern,, for u Mel; a he)wore man itultnanhed. and nett their outiceloorn 01,0111.0 Mil) qua! ifled The liove nor -hill romp -etthe la nt judge of the ; mei Ftert . Jo. ennettot. fur the Conitlir. of hthityiltill. Lebanon and Itiopl/t0 an -I judgea V./ Court of l'atunion Plen4 Sehuilkillmaun ti tor the unexpired terra of Mr 011 Ire. S.C. !a titer the rep:rate , . of tut 'taint of any pre, Wept judge f any 'ours of moulno.) p1e..0 croo nine at the adoption of thin rorntitutlait the judge of curt court !careen In tilt I.te and oldeta In coMminnton shall 1., the pr...M. n 1 judge th. roof, awl when two ttr o.ore jadm-n an. eitt eo at the pante time In any judo, thet nlidlt denlde y ltd which shall 61 PIT.. Men, J., Si . hat when the preeldeht Judge of n Conn .hall he re elect. d lie shelf tow it to ro pfClOnehl putt, of thal court.. Aroomate judgen not learned in /he entr, tierted atter the lonia ion tide conotilutoln, oh .11 he eammitrioned to hold their Whet-01'0r the t. rm of fire y....r; from the fleet day of January next after ihr.r Clan lO.n. Ste. 17 The General ApPembly at the fleet session af ter the atimo ion of this et 041111111114 01.11 d: /OW deter m•no Inc compcsoostioo of tht Jlll.)es of the hupome Court nml of t 1... id-gen of the grit fill judicial don this of lee Commonwealth end the prow:slow , or the nr- Irsith peel lon at lie an 'Me on Legtsittion shall Lot be inrosooleLlent resith. Nothing cant ,Ined this coo otitdtl..n .hall he beheld to minus Dm compel. ml l l.ll COW I/ II 1. , y lan j .dgm lit this COMMuII wealth w in commie.`on t, l eo. it. The t. of Common Pleat in the counties of Plillatiell.htn and AI legbm y shall he comoormll4 the wes.illetn Judge.. of the District Court and Conn ot I . sammon }neat , of -aid counties utttiLtheir metro. Asti YlTally cud, ended ouch other judges. may from time to time he selected. Vor the purpose of Ora organisation to Philadelphia the jotter of the Court number aloe shad 1.0 Judge. Pierce. and Pax-on; of the rood number too. Jewett flare, Mitchell and one other Juthe tp he elect ed ill the court number three, Judge. Ludlow, Flnlet ter nod LyntL ued of the e•tart number hod. Judges Thayer. lir cm. sod one other judge te ho elected The judge Orel mimed shall be tit, president judge of .ald courts reop..ellyi ly. and thereon. r the pn-Otient Judge shall he the judge oldest it, rommlitdon ; hut any preetdent Judge reel flea in the same 1 . 01111 or OlEttlet shad continue to be president judge thereof. Tb. additional )IW:re's for Conn, numbers two and four shall he voted fur and elected al the and general eloction after the attilithin of this count Outlet, In the 'emote manner as the. too additional judge. of the Sti. prem CourL anti they shall decide '4).101 10 Which court they shall belong Their term of office rho LI couatieuce on the fliPt Monday of Januar,. In the yea: one thous. nod right huLdied 4.11 recency -five. Sec. 19. In the county of Allegheny, for the pnrpose of Ms( orkaldletlott Under this condi'• judges of the Court of Common Pleas at the time of the ntlop thin of shis Condlto t ion WWI be the judges of the • ourt number one. and the the judges of the Ulf filet coon at the came date than by the jadgca of the COPIIII.-11 Pica; windier two. _ The president Jungeo of the Common Pleas and Dis tant ['ours atoll be president judges of said Courts umber tine att. too irep,etivels until their alms oh ill entLand thertetfter the Judge oldest in fol3llllission shall be president Judge: but any president Judge re. dented to the Amu court or district shall tout lune to he Pr t ' it i c - .71) t . ver ort, th Zze o llun of the Cowls of Common Pleas, tinder ado co..otital ion. fur the count leo of Phil adelphia end Allegtony, shall take rapt' on the first Monday of January. one tl otiodod eight hundred and seventy-fire, and existing coons In sold reunite. Ann tontineu ,el theirpreset.t powers and Joriedielon un til that date; lint no nets sops shall be ine‘tlinted"lti the Courts of'Xisl Prlths after the adoption of thlo con atltut Fee. 21. The muter and pre-reeding' pending In the Court of NM Pen. 1 •Ontt of tirroruon Piens ' nod Din. trkt Court In Philadelphia shall be -tried and diaon.c.l dr In the Conti of C . , mown plea,. The records nod ockets of +ant contra dull be tranaktred to the Pro thououtry'solike of sold meaty. Pte. U. The roax- and proceeding* pending In the Court or common Pima In the county of n Ileghcuy shed be tried nod dimmed of to the court number one; and [because's ond proceedings prtidifig, is the DiptriCt Court .ball be tried nod dirporett of to the court num • • sec. id. The Prothopotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia civil be Oro appointed by the Indere of said wort ou the lirat Moody tel perenther, In the year one thou...oil elcht• hundred and eneetity- Aro; and the present Prothon o tary ofthe Diet rict Court in void county 'hall be the Prolhooubtrt of the Court of Common Pleas until said dite.Articn eholl cure, and the present 04,1401 the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Stsalons of the Peace In Phikidelphla shell be the clerk of ouch court uutU the expiration of bin mescal commission on the OreC Monday of Deco mites' in the year one thous.ind elr•lit hundred and seventy-flee. - fir.c. - 11. In ritlea romainick over fifty thonrand in.' Itchitanis (except. Philadelphia) all aldermen in offici al- the time of-the odepthin of this etiostltutton el.!! continue In , Mee 11011 the expiration of their matunia. einhcand 01 the election fur city nod •srard cliff er- In the year one thousand el: ht hundred and okirentsedve • one alderman shall be elected In each ward,' ea provi ded In this danstltution, • PLC. Sdi in Philadelphia magistrates In lieu of alder ba chosen as regent, in [lll4- °gll no the eleetion In sold c'ts for city and triad tiftleersto the year. one thousand elunt hundred and 'sevei.ty.ilvo; their term of office shall commence on the Arst Monday. of April sores:Min their electi on. The terms of 'office ref atilernieu in said rity; holding' or entill , d to tomcats+ lOU{ nt the titoe of the adoption of t is constitution ohall not bd erect d thereby. Ste, e.l). All peretnas In oGlee in this Cosamiiosseati at toe time Cl the adoption of this conatitutloa. and at: The first election under It, shall hold their respective of fices until the term for which they Wellborn elected en appointed shall expire, and until their successors anal be runty QuAllded,uuleve otherwise provided In title Colt atltutioni. • - - The seventh ankle of thfq towt.ltntfot. Poo teribtng an oath of nelee., atoll fate tffdot on and after the dna dal' olden: nay; coo thoumo4 4androd, tmd 23. The terms of otlie 'of eonniy commtutoners and county midi tors chaten.orlor to the near one than,. , • „ AM; eight LMar-0 end oeventYffre,ribiclrobell not blur I expired before the duet Ilonday of January. In the ,year I one thomand eight hundred and eeventyetx, obeli ex pire on that day. 1- Sze. tat •II btate."cminly, city,- ward, barongtt , and township officers ID office at the time of the a-Option of thlo couotit Elton, whose aimpiantatiou la not provided fur by - salaries alone, than ( - enthuse to reeelve the um,- pelloatton allowed them by haat , rho expiration of their reopeetivelenns of Miler. Sze. at Ali State and judicial officers heretofore elec ts& tom rn. affirmed, or in office When this conetltuthin 'Mall take effect, obeli severally. within one month after ouch adoption. toko and oubocribe au oath (or affirma tion) to petition this eettaLition. Sec. tli IDo tleneral AereinDly. at Ira first 0000100. Or noon as may be after the adoptiou of this conotlto. lion, viten pose such [ewe as roar bat:memory to carry the tame, into fall force and edict. Soc. 38. The ordinance peered by thfe eonveetion,ext t !tied -Alt ordinance for outenitt Mg the amended eOrnit talon of relllll9lll.lllla to a cote of the electors there of," obeli be held to he valid for all the purposes there of. Sze. 23. Tho words "County Cmumtaalonerv." wher ever u.ard le this comititatlon, and In any ordlnence accompanying the • .me. abet! be kfrld to include the Commiceteleca for the city of Philadelphia. Adopted at Pnliatielphln. on the Mild day of Novem ber, in the year of our Lordemo thourand eight hun dred and aermitY-Live. OCTIrc or SECRET/RP OP Tax CONWPIWPATII, ilvaddrOCioa, Nov. 12. IS:3. I eV tiff dint the fore.,:olon la a correct copy of the new Con.t Hatton. prop ~.,ii to the g.oplr at the Coos- Pe•manytwirtia., 'or [boa approval or re- Jeciloll,. the tame oppeuro of record in tot, OPACe. M. ti. QUAY. Secretary of Commonwealth. AS PRDINANCH for submitting the amended constitntion of Pennsylvania to a vote of the qualified electors thereof, as passed second reading. Be it ordained by the Conxtibutional Conrentzon of the Cononontreala of rennsytcank, cur follotta : I. That the amended Constitution pre par' d by this enliven non,- be submitted to the qualified electors of the Common . wealth for their adoption or rejection, at an election to be held on the third Tues day of Deeember next; except as herein after ordered and directed, tha said eh•c tion shall be held and conducted by the regular election- officers in the several oleo don districts throughout the Common wealth, under all the regulations and pro -1 visions of existing laws relating to gen oral elections; and the sheriffs of the BM. aral comities shall give at least twenty 1 days notice of said election by proelant- 2. The Secretary of the C l nmmonwealth Ault, at least,/ wetity days before the said election, furnish to the Commissioners of each noon ty.a sntlicient number of proper ly prepaired circulars of instructions. Ph° Commissioners of the several coca ties shall muse to be prii -d at least three times as i many ballots of dlirmative votes as there are voters in inc ff i conuty—and the same number of negative- votes; and the said Commis-iorers shall, at least tire days be fore said election, cause to be fairly dis tributed to the several elections districts in their respective counties, the said bal lots, tallf.!ists, returns. circnlars of in ,tructions, and such other books and pap ers as mev be necessary. The ballots shall tie printed or written in the' following form: On the oun:ide :he words "New Constitution;" in the inside for all persons giving affiramtive votes the words "For the New Constitution," and for allpersons ~ i ving negative votes the words "Against the New Constitution." 3. If it shall appear that a majority of the .votes polled are fur the new Constitu tion, then it shall be the Constitution of hp Commonwealth of Peonsyvania on will after the first dty of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand r ight hun dred and seventy-four; but it it shall ap pear that a majority of the votes pulled were against the now Constitution then it shall be rejected and be null and void. 4. Five Commissioners Of Election., viz: Ed win H. Fit ler, Ed ward Browning,Jain P. Verree, Hen ry S. Hagen, and John 0. damps. are hereby appointed by this Con vention, who shall have direction of the election upon this amended Constitutirn in the city of Philadelphia. 'the said Comtnissioes re shall be duly sworn or af firmed to perform their duties with im partiality and fidelity. They shall also have power to fill vacancies in their own outliner. It shall be the duty of said Com missioners, or a majority of them, and they shall have authority to make a regis tration of voters fur the sovend election divisions of said city, and to furnish the lists so made to the .lection officers of each precinct or division ; to distribute the tickets fir said city provided for by this ordinance to be used at the election; to, appoint a judge and two inspectors for each election division, by whom the elec therrifl shall bo held Had cud acted, and to eke all necessary instructions to the election officers regarding their (lefties in holdingtheelectuni and in making returns thereof. No person shall serve as an eke- Hon officer who would be disqualified un der Section iii, Article 8, of the new Con stitution. The general return of the election in the said city shall be opened. computed and certified before the said Commissioner Land with their approval— which approval shall be endorsed upon the return. They shall make report, di rected to the President of this Conven tion, of their official action under this ordinance and concerning the conduct of the said election within the said city. The Judges and Inspectors aforesaid shall conduct the election in all respects conformably to the general election laws of this Commonwealth, and with like powers.and duties to those of ordinary election officers. Eeah Inspector shall ippoi - one clerk to assist the Board in • the performance of its duties, and all the :election officers shall be duty sworn or affirmed according to law, and shall Os .PBR all the qoalifications required by law of election officers in this Commonwealth. At said election any duly qualified olector who shall be unregistered, shall be permitted to vote upon making proof of his right to the election officers:according to- the general Ovation laws of this Commodiveulth. Re turn Inspectors and their . clerks and an hourly count of the votes" shall be dis pensed with, but overseers ot election may be selected..for any precinct by said Elec tion Cent miiisioners,whose ditties and pow ers'shall he the same as those of over seers of 'election in said city under exist ing efeetii u n lawW applicable thereto. Re: erns of the election shall be made in said city as in the case of nn election for •Governor,. but a triplicate general return for said' oily, shall be made out and for warded to the'President. of this Conven thid at Harrisburg. as hereinafter provid ed in case of conntvrettirns.. 5. In each of-:the Counties of '.the Com- Mouwealth, '(except the returns of the election' shall be made as in the case of hn election for'Governor, but the Omni judgesiMeachcounty shall make cut a triplicate conith' return and transmit` the same, within dye days utter the election, directed • to . ' the President of tliiv cmiventiiim'at Harrisburg.. • Done in Convention. this Third day of November,: in the veal. of our- Lord, ono thousand eight: - Hundred and fileventy• three. • •- • If. WALSE% President. D. 4untirg. Clerk. A true copy of. ordinance of taplunis l don, „, • •'DG a , QtrAY, Reerdriru of the Commonwealth
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers