THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Religious Services. The services in the several Churches of 3font rose are as follow: • B \PTIST CIIIIBCII.IIEr. J. E. CBcasomt 1:), D. Pastor +abAath Servlcee 10S a. m. and 7 p. m. abbeib Setter.' t 4 m Prayer Beet tag. Wednesday Ereuhms IX CATHOLIC CHURCH Hrr. J. SLAT-rear Sabbath Sergio,. Second Sunday I. each Month Sibbatb Sch yol Immediately before Mao; RPISCOPAL CRURCIL Sabbath Services Luaday School. Week-Osy Services—Wednesdays ...Rev. J. M. Sterret. lON a. tn. and 736 p. to. ETFIODIST EPISCOPAL_ .. __Rev. W.. 1 JCDO. flabhetli Service. 10.43 a. tn. and 7.3np. m. Babluth School 12 m. prayer Meeting. Thursdays 1 00p. m. PRERBYTERIAN CLIURCII Re , . 3. n Mtu,mt. Sabbath 4 ervices • 10.43 a. m and 7h, p, tn. tibbath SehnoL. ...............1 ^ _.19 p. Prays Meeting, Thursday Evening* P. m, List of Now Advertisements In Bankruptcy—estate of Moss & Kunp. Notice in Bankruptcy—estate of W. I, Moss. Auditor's Notice—estate of Elwin' P. Farnham. Auditor's Notice-4state of C. A. Hill Auditor's Notice—estate of Floyd Lyons. Misceltalcons Advertisements—Geo. P. licnvell & Co. BUSINESS LOCALS Headquarters for Oysters—Cleo. C. Hill & Co. Holiday Goods—F. G. Wonder. New Year's Ball—P. Phiuney Festival and Oyster Supper—Ladies of the M. E. Church. Medical Meeting—C. 11. Yelvington. Boston Tea Party. Clairvoyant Examinations—Dr. Bnt• tertield. Notes About Town. Water is getting low. Several cisterns dry. A panic conundrum —"Row many mills make a dultar The Montrose Manufacturing Compa ny cannumeed on right hew' time, on Monday last. Mr..J. P. Bowman, of M.shoppen, snit us a turkey fur Thunksgiving. Ile has our thanks for the yiring. Since th came iu vague, it 18 haw dour-plate; in the rural distracts have disurp, Services will be held at the Catholic church, the Second &Udall of December. Father Mu.rphy, of Auburn, will officiate. The meetinzs at the M. E. Chnich, •are still in progress, and continuo. (iring the week. Quite an interest Is manifested. The Festival for the benefit of the M. E. Church, mil he held ui, WedneAlay, 10th, at E. !Leon's Saloon. tive notxzeisevi here. ."Ye Ohle Folks' will drink lea. cernber I tith, the e , n en n ial anniversary', tin- cup of tea made by our Revolu- ; t umary Fathers in Boston Harbor. See notice tdsewhere. F. G. Wander, of the "Bakory Saloon." killed a turkey on Xf , ,nday laa, which weighed, when dr,:ssed, twenty three potluck. Taut wabLaes up all utnur tut , s wr have heard lleelert was at the Tarbell Ilonse, last week. lie went to Tunkliaii tmek by way of Montrose. Railway, and some anxiety has been expreso-d, as iu whether he succeeded in netting into one of the "narrow gage" cars. Ile only weighs 3.30 pounds. some one told us the other day, that he had so large a lot, that be can itlii"t af ford to keep his sidewalk clean. Our ad vice to him wa.. to surrey off what he could afford to keep clean, and give the balance to the• poor. It is strange to us Ils• men will stiffer such burdens, wife!) it is so easy to be rid of them. Thankricing offering to the Montrose Educatiom , al Fund for Freedmen : From Mrs. Frances Morton Drinker. 1550. Mies plackniar,Union Collection, taken at the .11erbotli3t Church, $12.41. Total $f2.41. Paid to Yardley Waruer, Superintend ent of Friends' Schools fur the Freedmen, in Kentucky. Tennessee, etc:, $62.41. plus. H. J. WED); Treasurer. Thanksgiving day was observed by Un ion Services at the Church, and we supposs some union tatkry rating at home. The arrtuoil by Rev. J. G. Miller. was very highly commended. Ilev. J. E. Cue:LA:ire, 1). 1)., of the. Baptist Church. mivecl that the sermon be published in the Montrose Republican. Senator Fitch moved an um , udment, oy substituting. ••31 , iiitrore papers" Tor .51taitrve Repubti con.. Dr. Cue:shile a6mpted :he amend ment, and lanuir,d if the name of the other paper was ••Tiatt DEMOCRAT." This does not speak very well fur the Dr.'e memory. so bug as he has had a copy of our ppergratis, on his own ap~lic Lion, ever since lie has been here. I% e would ad rise him to acquaint himself with the title of the papers he orsoine beret. Mal doctrtun may creep into his mind unawares. Coon Proceeding*. Hannah B. Wright. cEL . S. K. Smith.— AeLion of ejectment Verdict fur plain tiff. Jacob Hayman re t . Fred. U. and 'Eu gene Millard. Action for debt. Verdict for PLoatiff $13.64. Geo W. &nava vs. John Lee. Ver dict for Plaintiff..s64.74.. 011 modon of A. 11. MeCollnm. egg.. Cyrus Barlow, erg., of New Milford, for- Im.rlV an attorney at law in the State of New York, was admitted to practice in the s‘neral Courts of Susquehanna coun ty. t‘onmouwealtb vs. Olfara at:d made by heir counsel. Wm.. II- Je6sup and J. B. ]McCollum, say's, to quash the indictinent by the Grand Jiiry fur Murder in the Firsel)e7,ree, on severs ul pteuts raised. After Urglll2lQllt on bath IL 13. Little, eel., acting for the CentinonweaTtli in the absence of the District Attorney, the (Nat& overruled the !mints raised gel erally; but on a special Ph•it filed by the counsel for the prisoneri, Judge s:rePter reserved his thciaiott fur the present. It Is understood, however, that if this itithetyneut is quashed and it new one found atejatittnry Sessions, there will. be no further delay of the triatiw l oob will take place the first week of Jattusey Court. • I Completed. The Pastoral house, at the Catholic church iq Auburn, is finished. It is a !Urge two story frame building. The in terior is tastefully laid out, and is finish ed in a workman like manner. N. W. Lee, of Middletown, was the contractor and builder. Coat' Reath aflame/ S. Hawley. James S. Hawley, esq., a well knoWn business man, and former resident of Hawleyton and this city, died Nov. 24th, 1873, at Philadelphia, of pneumonia. His age was about sixty-four years. The de ceased was formerly engaged in the lum ber business and funning at Lif wleyton, and at one time owned a large portion of that place, which was named after hi. fiber. Subsequent to Ins retiring from active business in Hawleyton, he has re sided most of his time in Philtidelphia, wh• re considerable of his property is in vested.—Binghataloa Republican. Patrons of Husbandry. The first subordinate Grange, of the above order, in this Senatorial District w a s orgahized in Pike Township, Brad ford county, on Thursday 20th ult., by Frank Porter esq., Overseer State Grange —who is a most competent and efficient officer. The Grange . in Pike chose th e following chuner members us cilicers for the remainder of the year. bluster, Ste phen W. Buck ; Secretary, G. N. Dewolf ; treasurer, Hon. J. 11. Marsh ; Overseer, John Baldwin—number of charter mem bers. twenty-six• Sthephen W. Buck,of Le Raysville,Brad ford county, has been appointed Spec al Deputy for Bradford and adjoining cowl tiremnd is authorized to establiA Grants in the different counties. All commu nicinions addressed to him will receive prompt attention. •'Darn It." A female writer says: "Nothing hioks worse on a lady than chimed stockings." Allow as to observe that stockings that nerd darning look worse than chimed ones.—Exchange. Stockings look best,surely, without any - .darned" holes to them—Louisville Cour ier. Gentlemen you bud better attend to your knitting, and let the injury com plained of heel uself.—Boston Post. Yes, or you may get worsted.— Wash ington Star. And it' not worsted, you'll most likely get the kinks taken out of you.—Nait'on al Flag. The above perpetrations compose the darndest nonsense we have heard of.— Liringsto. County News. The foregoing are all the yarns on the babi.-Ct. that we have found unravelled.— ifa gland Patriot. Why don't they narrow and come to the pomt.—Pinery. Perhaps they fear.they will gi•tined njr, if they get tuu near the Pvint..—Berlin Courier. Darn it, gentlenwn, if the 'ads has a hole in h.r stocking, can't she knit in a piece.—Pioneer Herald. Gentlemen, you had better drop a few stitches and bring the whole (hole) to a eliie.—ludependettl Phatix. Would like to know how the above gents can speak so Clearly MI such a darned atihjvct. Did you ever attempt to on arel a lode '—Cartridge A stitch in lime wuuhil have stored the neeet_sity of all the übuye yarning.—[lin, OUR CORIZESPONDENCE (We Invite our frirnae. fro 3) towns. t.. eeed as 11.0.11.• of luiereeL Seed the LW. ; Me cau arratee thew.) PHOlt SOUTH AUBURN: Snow about, three ineber deep A new disease—Chronic loafing. Weather mod-flrate—thernioruater four degrees above zero. New music. J. C. Tyler says it, looks like its'pa. Its a girL Delbert Lott is siding up and otherwise repaiFing his dwelling. George Carlin intends moving into his new on Monday nest. The new roof is completed on the Methodiit charm, on Jersey HAI. Money is close, but not close enough to reach iu very large quantities. Johny. Dunlin has gone to visit his friends in-Limerne county. May his visit be pleaMait and a sale return. J. F. Carlin is.causing a sensation in the milling business. W. H. Neuman of Meshoppen, Wyoming county, applied what is know t as the "Fry Dr •tis" to a run of wheat burrs. Tile result of the first trial Was , 1374 lbs. of good flour, from tea bushels of rather inferior wheat. A sad and fatal aczident happened to Wesley Jayne, of Russell 11111, Wyoming county, on Wednesday, Nov. ]9th. He was cleaning his gun in the door-yard in front of his fathers house. the poeider be came ignited, by some cause, the charge striking him in the left breast, penetrat ing the heart, killing him instantly. BLUE JACKICT. South Auburn, Nov. 21st, 1873. ITEMS FROM NEW MILFORD Beautiful sleighing just now A revival is,being held in the M. E. Church of thisplace. We learn that the Mercury was 10 de grees below zero, one rimming List week. The Good Templets meet rin Saturday evenings hereafter, until further notice. Lovers of riding down bill, now im prove their opportunity day and night. Mr. Wm. Smith has erected a very neat residence just ontside-of the. Borough. A Thanksgiving sermon was preached in the Presbyterian church, by Bev. 0. 3L Martin. The Fn-e tom of Graded School will commenee'in this lElonnigh, on Monolog next. The Good Temptars of this place will hold a sociable on Monday evening, De cember nth, 1873. All are condi/illy in vited to come uud partake. "31icawhei" has retired from select mulleins. and is now filling an itninirtant position us a pedagogue of the Summers. tille-arademy. he '14811 . 111m success. The IL It. Co. has taken nearly one half the trains off the road on this ,divit ion, and it, is now expected that they will cut the wages down to oue dollar per day. A. new alarm clock has just been in- I vented by an early riser in this place. She has a large, well trained rooster, and each evening before retiring, fastens him in the cellar, with instructions to crow at early dawn. lie does. November 20tb, 1873 MORE FROM NEW MILFORD Pork 550 per hundred, Leef, $6.00. Hard times is the complaint now a nays. Bark and logs are being hauled to market. . The farmers are killing their hogs and beef, as last us they can market them. Men with rubber boots, and Ladies With top-knots, are in order just now. "Barren-Ben" has been pretty well 'delved, since “Lns" has got bold of him Success to "Lox." The water got so low with some of the business n-ti in the borough, that they could not run their machinery. Keep the flint well peeked and the gun will go off all riot. but don't watt until Some one else has bugged the game. There are sum.. heavy lumber jobs in the southern part ot town. D. 1). Mos- ley, has probably the largest of any ne. Decker, on the corner, is the man that deals fairly and uprightly with eery one. He does nut charge you with articles L:ahl for. Gen. IVanding, of Binghamton, was in town awhile ago, inquiring after those thirteen Democrats that did not attend election. Shame on them ! If a man wishes to move out of the country because he has its friends, would he not want to keep aso%ing, tf he did not eh ow himself friendly. I think if I were in suet a fix, I should adopt:nu:dug as a prof, ilium. December Ist, 1813 LETTER FROST NEW YORK FAVORITE DEMOCRAT:—For the great evert of the due all Main s and all p. ogle may rejoice, and all the Rotoody of the Nation and the World say, Amiss I.—the Big Thief in the Tombs--Prison, under sentence to thirteen years impr.sonment, and to pay twelve thousand dollars tine. All party considerations are lost in the sett timent and triumph of Jostler, and the demonstration of gol ernmen al, tui tional and moral in t-gri ty. If one party was disgraced by the relation of the no torious felon to if, tluit. d.sgru..e Is not only effaced, but a clown of glory put uron the party by the part leading mem bers of it ham e acted in brit. ging the criminal to justice, and purging the par ty id . the corrupt collibiontion oi 511,011 he was the contiming To the Democratic v. teraill O'Connor end Til den. I bell. ce more is et, ;or the prose untoa and jest ',site ..f tins ewe than to any two /11‘ . 11-111.1c d to all other& Judge Dam is iu giming the sentence says their:f "Mr O'(•onnor, a man who holds the foremost rank in the (legal) Profess on, and a ands w;thout a stain upon his elntract , r,as lure niol noble a Man as any in tins great city, immediately came from his re; irenteut lu use resetteof this great (ti t) from the sviitemal i c room! of pinO.iet which it had subjected. Mr. wia, stool as ILr I, adit.g matt at the hewi fit 04 • I)l•:n.crat Sra:t! !wrier, devoted Necks and months of toil in ferreting oui these climes, and as certaining t h tie bank uncut; of their extent and ehatacter, till lie was able to lay bare the whole course of fr.iu pmnder as treseuted on this trial, i• h absolute clearness and simplicity." The case is a gr, at mutter as considered of this city merely. But 1111- IlleliStleuldy beyond this it concerns .other cities, all cities of the nation, the whole nation entire, the very existence of the Republic. Here was the out-break of a cancer, political as wed as moral, if a nature to .pr..utl its virus through the whole body-politic. And it did spread far before the 611ife of hottest expsition and excision was app:ied to it. In our sub urban corporations and towns, little Tweeds, Contiollejs and Ingeisols were springing up, actmg their comparatively little parts by of thievery hundreds and thousands as imitators of the plunderers in millions of the lfetropolts. And starer than the spread of pestilei.ce in merchan dise, eaturat-d with infection, going out from the great mercantile centre itito all r the country, had been the spread of this 1 : felonious example, morally and politically through the nation—and hevand the na tion; for it was of magnitude to , oramn nicate its virus the world around. And 8 far, and wide be gratulation for the d ministration of existing Justice in our nation and our world, Cur the punishment of corruption and crime in its magnitude of fraud and robbery to the degree of millions,as well as iu petty cheatings and thievings. Official lingers itching for plunder. and legislations for speculation off the public interests, are admonished. This man thattlipped shoulder de. p into the public treastity, and yet further than controling the city government, sat at the head of the State legislation three years ago, is to-day, the subject of a prison-cell. Next to the Tweed trial and conviction the Virgin ins—Cuban affair hits been the chief topic for interest and agiteitton, the two or three weeks past. On this, here are voices loud fur war, and other. of the pacific tune, counselling moderation and amicable settlement. these likely to gain the ascendency over the general mind and feeling. Thanks, kindly DEMOCRAT, for those I returns of your October elfttion, with which you have favored tne, by extra pains-taking (it must have been,) though they toll of your own no! nut de feat, but your victory as I read in the light of the circumstances. That thirteloi is a wonderful figure as it Standg—a sort of magical nunmer, standing- fur a ma jority of so ten and three milts, and a mirority of Some hundrt de, both to the same party—a victory 'o the amount of Ihirkeo to one party. and defeat to the same to amount of the hundreds—and to the same antrum t of the - hundreds, a tri umph to the party by thirteen iu minori ty: Well, the far off looker on may say, may way,so that Reform from corruptions is signified. This ho the watchword, rallying cry, and shoat of triumph of the honest of all parties, the fate of Tweed CO., cited in lerroPein to curroptioidsts or ult names.and • 11311113 RUBE'S. New York, - November 240,1873: 116ADQUABTEDS for Oysters at the Key stone Saloon. CEO. C. HILL & CO Dec. 3, 1873.—tf. F. G. WONDER Wank] say that he is manufacturing Pandies,Vunilla Chewing,Mottues,and Ja panese Candy. Also, stuck of fancy work fur floliduys. • December 3tl, 1873.—tf NICW YEAR'S BALL Yourself and Lady are respectfully in vited to attend a Ball, at the Eagle Hotel, New Milford, lu., on Thursday Evening, Jan. I, 1874. The best of Music. Bill 83.u0. P. PUINNEY, Proprietor Dec. 3,1873.-4 w. FESTIVAL AND OYSTER SUPPER. The Ladies of the 31. E. Church, of Montrose, will hold ts Festiva! and Oyster Supper, 911 the eremag .WedneHluy, Deeemhe: 10th, 1873, at the Rooms of Mr. E. Bacon. Proceeds for the benefit of the new Church. BY ORDER OF COM. Montrose, Dec. 3d, 1873.—wl MEDICAL MEETING.—The annual meeting , of the Susquehanna Eclectic Medical Society, wilt be held at the resi dence of Wm. Wheaton, in Jackson, on Ttiesday, December 9th. 1873. A Clinic will be held at which those who wish ad vice, will present themselves at 3 c'clock, p. m. All literal practitioners, favorab:e to reform in the practice of medicine, art: cordially invited. C. 11. YELVINGTON, SLeY Gil:sou, Dec. 3d, 1873.—w1 805T07. , Z TEA PA ! Ye goode people of Montrose and vi cinity, are regnested to attend a "Boston Tea Party"—to be behlo on Tuesday. ye loth day of ye month of December, ye sere of our Lord 1873. Ye place r r hold ing will-be printed nest week. Ye sup• per will be attended by candle ltghte, at ye lioure of G. P. M., where certain savory %lands will be served in ancient man- Sotmi SIDE. her. Ye pone tame will be fixede a 4 Yorke shillings.. CLA IRVOIAN r EXAMINATIONS TREE. ore visi ted daily by those who bare been suffering for y.iars with sonic organ ic disease, which ha , been treated by the best medical skill. year after phtr, with ;ink or no benefit. The reasons are eh toui ; the crows of your condition have been guessed at. It is only the physician who can explain your disease either of mind or body, without asking any (pi-s -nows and comprehend how far it had dis. eased the other organs, that would have attv ,ucces's in its treatment. Tto• succe,s attvod'ag Dr. Butterfield's method of practice, is proof that it is founded on a l a w of our being that must be recognized. We treat the worst forms of scrofula. consumption, asthma, dis eases of the heart, liver, kidneys, Or any orutttie disease. considered incurable. Will he at C:df•rt:y lionize, Bingham ton. Ttubsday, Wt•dne=dav, Thursday and Friday, Ih-comber 18, 17. 13 and 19. 1),-e,m1,or 3d, 1873. —w3 ns~srt~t=Bc-~.~~ RElVEL—lime—At Auburn Four Cor ti. rb, \o':.''2, 18 . 73, 12i-v. Silas liar r,it,itnel to Miss Alice I 1 iill of -Aubuio. H !in.% nerEpt-A t auburn Four . Nor. 2 - 9, by nev. Silas Bonier, Piiii.tiler Itibi.artl to Miss Laura Car ter, 411 of Auburn. PALMER-it ROW N-A t the M. E. Parson age. in New Milford, Nov. 19th, 1873, by Rev. 0. M Martin, Jordan Palmer, of Lenny, Pa., to Mrs. J. E. Brown, of New Milord, Pa. MOSUL% N—BA LDWP , ;JAW on a Church, in 25th. I , l' the Ike. E. D., Will3ul 11. Balduiu, both of 1; CONRAD—PicKgRING—At the M. E. Porwnage, in Nicholson, Pa., Novem ber by Rec. P. R. Timer. assisted .by Rev. D. C. Barnes. James W. Conrad to Miss Julia A. Pickering, both of Gibson, Pa. Mt Montrose, Pa., Thnrstlay, Nov. 27th, 1873,Fanny Jessup Mulford, aged 82 years. SIit:FELT In East Kridgewater. Nov. 2d. William Shufelt, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. TITUS—In 110pbOtt0111, Oct. 6th, Ida May, daughter df Albert and Amel a Titus, aged 13 years, 1 month, and 11; days. Rtce—ln liinghanapton, Oct. 26111,1873, Mrs. Elizabeth N. awe, and dangliter of Allred Tinny deefased, in the 44th year of her age. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lqrd.• WAKELER—In Springville, at her resi dence, on Friday morning Nov. 21st, Esther, t cloyed wife of Arad Wakelee, nova ?9 years. The services she the hpiacopal Church, of which she had long been an attached and consistent menaltet were impressively performed by Rev. Luther Wolcott, Rector of St Andrew's ..;linrch of the same place. Our Mother sleeps iu Jesus. S. M. W. volt It , ALEOR EXCIT ARGIL The undersigned ntrere fur rale his GROCERY & PTSD %TORE. rlinated near f be Band in the borongb of Shick.blone. Pa.. Lot Insi 75 fret Barn 91zli0 fret. eioro I dwelling flli,CO lent newly painted. G oo d wharf for tie accommodation or boatmen. A' fair rna of bulb town nod unalendowa. Will .•11 cheap for curb. or wound exchange for a fawn i eeltabie. Tub it a good ehanee for any one to them a nice home, perwea- Ong all the a tAntagerf or ■ railroad town, and one In th hien can be made en miry ann comfortable living, br aider layin_ up ooturt Ling for a rainy day. Pail .lock of gwnle on band Poreeeelnn giern wbrn ti-rind I enquire of oradCrere. COWMAN GA pt . I. U. , 73.—tw0 Matbin iv. Luzern o Co.. Pa. li 41.gossIss 'Vcraaatcsa Vat Prof. B. K. Trumbull's Ben Family Young sum on; of . cmplolueni. 'no sl. mg ill OM , cap Vann, n permnunut , intgtion. Fotrolinnlern addrna. with I , taxop. . 'S. L'INS.I.IIIN. - NO,". lg. 1.111.-17llontroge, P. . . I,TIOR BALE—The farm late of Nathan M- I: drirh, de d, situated about. ball a mile west of Montrose Depot, in Drooklyn township, con taining about 111 acres of land mostly Duprey.. ed. Inquire of the undersigned, executor of said estate, at New Milford, Pa. - • Er.trar. ALDUICU. New Milliml,dan. 23, 1878.—tf. • Business Locals. DZI.A.TB/3. MLE aort a. CC L%namcnt. There lino pain which the Csi.tanr Ai k Liniments will not relieve,no swelling Sri they will net subdue, and DO Intnenetil which they will not core. This le strong ,i tangent:, hut It le true. Tie have • produced more cures of divan:tad/day neureigia.lockisw,naley.spralits,su tl t}7hk•(la dugs, caked brcesta, reside, burns, salt rheum, eannebe, be., upon the bureau (rime, and-of strains, •pavin, guns, du., upon animals In one year than have nil other pretended remedies since the world beian. They are counter-irritant, edl.beriling pAin Revers. Cripples throw away th it clinches, the lame wale polsonons bites are reedmed harmless, and the wounded are healed without a sense. Tbe reel pe ir pub lished around each bottle. They sell as no articles ever sold before. because they du Joel what they pretend to do. Thom who now sorter from rheumatism, polo, or mentor deserve to suitor if they will not ore Centaur Liniment. white wrapper. More than lOW cerrideates of remarkable tures. tneinding frozen limbs, cbrunie rheumatism, gonl, running tumors, de„ bare been re. ceised. We will send a circular containing ceniticates, the recipe. ,t.c...rretts, to any one requesting it. One bottle of theyellow wrapper Centaur Liniment le worth one hundred dollire for epavined or aweenied horses and moles, or fur serew.worm In sheep. stock-owiterr an, worth your attentinti. No family should be without them "White wrapper family use ;" ti ell w wrapper for animals. Sold by all l)rmteirts.- 50 cents per bottle; large bottle's, $l.lll J. B. Nora S; Co.. SZI Broadway, Now Yto k. Cantorln I. mom than a sabatltnte for Castor Oil, It la Ma only safe article la eloaence which it certain L. eeelmal..r tan fund. rimirintir the imweln. *mil collo and trrvnlote natant! •Inep.- It mynah. I:WO:or totncrale, morphine. or alcohol, aid In plececnt to Lane. CUftdreo Ovoid 0 , 4 or) IMO mother. may met. THE BOTTOM Has Pollen. Out of 1 - • t GOOts--, C. B. PERRY & CO.'S, BINGHA3ITON, N. Y An:lmmense Stock Just Bought from THE GREAT FAILURES of New England, at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN ! 121221122,3422. Nov. 12. 1211.-1. 176.C)33 I INTSICVIVIef Southern Tier FURNITURE EMPORIUM! 88 WasLitig,ton Street, Siztshwaa.toa, N. 'Sr,. You will Find the LU,OEST AHD PEST ABSDP.TISENT OP "CURL DIX 6 r I:ir .7-3:30 C=! At the Lowest Prices of any Store in Southern New York. All Goode Sold Are IYARRATE*D es Ropresented E. D. ROBIDISON. BINGHAMTON MARBLE WORKS, JILL KINDS Or MONUMENTS, D.EADSTONES,, AND MARBLE MANTLES, MADE TO ORDER: Also, SCOTCH GRANITES on hand. .1. inclimum & Co., J. PICT[F-10MO, 126 Court Street, 0. IV. SIEIVEREAV, IL P. BROWN. t Binghamton, N. Y. Norember llth, J. 11. Damn. IL IL f IL O. BLASOLIS. DINGEIAIKTOII MARBLE WORKS. lErrasuento ISO.) BIRRES OQOS. & BLitilltiG, DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF . turricitit AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, Marble and Slate Mantle!, Chenango St., Near Depot, Miy 11. 1513. BING'ItASITON L ,N. Y. FURNINTURE WARE! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLIiiIi: X 2 `. poicavx..33-iir g , 50 Washington: St., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Revainng propptly done. ODE .. 01134001eat'37. PRICES IIif.IbONABLE. Satisfaction gnarantcoff. Itingbacaton, N. YhAvElist 1823.-17... INSTRUCTIDN ON THE VIOLTN AND" aurrA ze,— -Jogoire at Doc. fitful's I.4SLio ou Tuesday. l'bons• day sod Sato May ereati r git. ~ - W. WOOD.. .. ' Nov. tEl.lsra.--ard . . Protect 'Y our Buildings ! WM= RAT DC DORI WISII ONt-TOCIITII Till C VAIUtr. Exrrsus nr VOINCI Ms' Palnt Slats 11912 E M. A.OViTB WANTED IN EVERY TORN A roof emy be covered trlth a very 'beep dandle. tad ropliontior of titto t:ate to tootle to Iwet from uft to 23 pt.., Wit root, out ho pattolvett wild towed, r o at , tlt, W rch totit t Ord luttutif tuo‘tt Writ tatty tautt,o. WSW. •ut the titotu, for ONE,TaIIID TILE COST OF ILE•SiIttiGLINO. The expense of elating ncw abinets la only about the Coat of limply LoyIN; (Low. 11.10 slall• taflize, l'hOote against &port. or flying rmban., no may b, t-.ll;yttrAnd by an, vi.e. and app.. (tow MO foci. :bat tu.oranco Ou.'s m 41.13 (00 &AMR TARIFF AS FOR ELATED ROOFs. For tin end lruu it Lee uu It expands by heat cuotraet• by cold, aunt net:err/war car te.iles. Fur cemeter, mua a it L peril. Wary 64, pied. no IL still tel wursuiie in the meet txposeil . pistes. Rout. co.cred titt WU Edit cats be made watts-13h1 at n smell expense. Tie taste Rent le EI:TUE.= LY CUE %I' I MG gallons afll cover's bemired square feet of whlngle roof, er over fear hundred of ttn ur tr. e. Prit.e ready fur ere Is ce <cute per gallon. ofth a akral dine out to Me trade. IV. turnieh and apply tie. nutierial fur $2,0 per RV isrplato b. et at New Turk at d vlaulty, ice TAR IS USED LN TILIS COUPOa/TION; therefore It sloes net affect the water from the reef, If I.llllltl. oat heal the Cie. Is Ka the d a 1 ono or tt. o 'rho paints hut s ',cry uusy body, out Is custiy applaud . with a 4 to it loch pace blurb. tha decoyed thsegles It ilia ep the boks sad port. harden. thorn ants ,alto /2 new auhrianttalre•of that is mal last fur years. Curled 02 Wurposl bring. to piste cud keeps Molls them 1111110 Up all lIVICs or felt roofs, and stops um leaks, one coat bang equal to 400 elatua, y Thu colt, et the slate when first applied Is dads per ple, Changing to attutlL a mouth to s Ilpht uldforat sante adorned In TO ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, SLATE. Although a slow dryer, rale will not elect it in the leant we hour alter ntyls tog. Pat.angt. ut to au; 1 art of the country by express, C. O. Lt.. at the 101a...1ug pricer: Jr lees than 5 gallons, or It ordered to be tent as fight the teu/..3 meal aceutopuuy the order. 4:4 meat ler huge hole. ur anat., SI.W. IGa mud Cau . $ 1 rcU 5 335 0.50 18.00 "a/ Barrel) 1G W I BARItEL PO Roofs examined, tette:mite given. and when required will be thorougtoy retain:A and warraut.‘L Urdurs I . ..pea/Truly ....hutted. kor pdt toform.,uon.rerurntoehdritiolvi from Incar nate La.'s, and nthei Editorials from the leacang New. Paper.. ore ...Ph , Stana.ln ward with elate, Addreaa, N. V. SLATE ROOFING 00,. OSO. E. GLINPI3. Proprietor, No. 6 CEDAR ra., NEW TOliK CITY Or WEI. HATIGaWOUT, Agit, MONTI:OI 4 E. PA. Meatrote, Novemb.r P;'h. V ILUABLE li'AR3l The aubscriber eters for me the valuable farm known ao the orei 1-Plze.cre.". Said farm la one of the must ilestrnble In the County and 1c beanil full initiated In tLc rillve of Snowier. vino, Slll.yorh-nan t owo V. Pa. Then. le a g 12,41 Flouring Mill Saw Mill. Pluoier 31111. toid L , 14-4-1331111 Shop w raid TI. Lurt a.recily an the libel ..1 the D. W Haiku... 1h inae , rota pet In Sew 'Ulnae anti untie, Ir.Rll the N. w ]nth It the Grunt itend ,Laftra ; Cualalalllaaert, Or lane . 1.€4 . ) aces lalpltrera; fe tot II Watt...a-I. 1.14111 z r un nl woter rttnniu6 ,Lriaigh tt. and a nitter•fuliii g enpfey uf seat, entivey• II fu Pipra 10 he ball,. horn nun ma- Ile yap", It fa well fetired. rat inn!, :food osithaim la pt. II adaotra tit grolal lig grain, awn I. bell fitter , for clock a Llairsiag. There la a large and tosvenleilt a.relsf u., nee ly Pileten. and a beautiful frost yard feria fprniarrrt. barn, a large cord it , anti to,' barn, a targe tr cri tic barn a ill, two ear tlr f alai, triple sfird• and viastr- for feeding it •el: ab.f rows- 3 -mall Pay battle, Ice brit It 000 - 0. pups ,corn boors. ruttyer-hat& of I:rental frail. 'Me aalsatriber nt, 00• 3 NISP.LLER FARMS that to sill ran, TEtttlauf payment marls cagy. Fox kb formaatlon tinder.. R. L. SUTPHIN, Iron, SuAqntbanua tetinfy • Pa AnZIPt rd, —CI, 30" °3"" 1:3 Lanesbnro. HOBERT & MAIN,. Latin: I:V.linil7.7ErZlTPc.i.7ll,7rty'"" tin Mahal Egamillint, FROM A WHEEIBARRCW 70A COACH. REP/al/MI.IN ANY PART QP 711 E lICSINESS wo mei.° pr .elptattrati:na. 110 BERT & MOIL Lartestwro, re.. Ott. 15. ABEL TURNELL, DRUGGIST * 134CCIMCIMCNS43, 3P023.40. 7 0..r ic continually receiving NM.," Goo eon.• Ilnnngy oa nand 114 . 1,11 01112 deal ralle 11P.flU:r1.1. of on. llyexiiiffe. Spieec, and tither greeerive,, lour. AT .M, WArICr. Wait! Mire, fruit jcec, mirror- chime:cc, keroceite, it for Uti.LitA•• foot coined oil. oil for laLternc. nil for a• 011„Specul Oil. Spiel le Turpeu. t inc. Yarn ichr Calle ty eut.t (rated Lye. Aric , irencesTrUetro. Yin piairtt re.Slctlica) Instruniente.Shuulder Dracut, WWI •, Guns. eartridgec. Powder. Riot. Lead, Ci a Cap,.1119 ,, rim.- r99 - 991 - 99d Face, V 199 Fifes rte., Ilnokcat d Lint . .. Bet nun Tollettionvt 11iir Olte. Hair iteittoreia. 10.1 Half 1)3, Yirticb”,. locket Knice+. SPVClaeltif, SitTer aid , Ileer ("(no Slxioyin, Pork., linty..., SC.. Deatirt, a goner alat,9orttnerit or - NAZ.OY 00CDS. JEWELRY. and Pr l ll l . 7 ) l Firr ' All heleniting *nit nut Mode 91 PATENT )111 1 /11 1NN11 , .• - ' • The peoples:4i halted to sell et the Drat Variefl Score et ' -ABM 121231M1 THE EAGLE trilirgETU:Ur S 1. 1.1) • BURNB d MCWOL6, Paorlueross. ISIGUor TUZ GOLDEZ EZZLIS HOZ AIruUTZE. 353r101i. Mak, oh, Titircp;str oa o Wo deilre to Ply To the ughllc that 'on, *tore 111 woU ftorked with 'Thu*, Matitri,trs,l-yinto,ol6; Vamt.b. Ilrit.her, comb*. Perthateri, !ostler Artlelent itrm and patent pr. pratlon/t, emit all °flirt [Lyn ally kclttlo tlrtittleso otores. Wet guarStittc our goo& gculgue god of the Mat etuntli.y...And will be sold tit IWO fOf ClVA...:RespectliOly Yuon, 1. la.: IitYRNS., Mitlttioiet reb. 21 tortd. ' Alldo3 NIL:HULL SEE THIS ! -GIVEN AWAY I ! TO Alt minuted to m0'1414 . 14 - given s stotemeOt . during. the mouth or veto taw.: torcouot• onalbo ebtacti by January t, Atter Itor Otos 1 •sball knoiroo bouts, audsoli rarre toy - • . • Virt.7,1,19Z-41tr ' • • • fbrrt ta.Vitiegar Bitl ers are a pmplyVegetable preparation. made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of CaliSornia.dhe medicinal pro-, perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The qnestion is almost daily asked, 4 ‘ What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VllTrXbill Brr rims? " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of discire, and the patient recov- ers his health. They are the great •blood purifier ant a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded pommeting the remarkable qualities of limean Dirriata in heathy , ' the sick of every disease man is heir to. They ere a gentle Purgative ay Well C. 3 a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver Ala d Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. . • if men will enjoy good health, let them use Vr.Tnosu Thriams as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants is every form. No Peron can tale these Bitter according to directions, and remain low: unweli z provided their bones are not de stmyee by mineral poison or other means, and vital orpms wasted beyond repair. Gra fa ITh Otl sands proclaim VDthtlat Brrrznis the most wonderful Invigoraut that ever sustained the einking.bystem. • . Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, espechdly.those of the Alis zissippi, Ohio, M:ssoari, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arliausa.s, Bed, Colorado, Bra zos, Wm Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,Boanoke,Js ines, and many others, with their vast tribuMries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and An. tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and di:yness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach soil liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a' purgative, exerting a powefful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary_ There is no cathartic for the purpcne equal to Dn. J.'s Vriglen Buzzes, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored visual matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor. ins the healthy funedon.s of the digestive Dyspepsia or IndigeStiOn,Headache,' Pain in the Slundde.m, Conghs, Tightness of th,s Chest, Dizziness, Soar Eructudons of Stomach, Bad Taste iu the Month, ions Attaclss,P,lnitationof the HearUnilam znation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. (Inc bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthyadvertiscruent. Serofula,or King's Evit,Whito Swel lings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, C-oitre, Scrofulous latlamintgions, indolent Taftunruations, Mercarisl Affections,-Old SLIV.3, Eruptions of tho Shin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In 0.1.13 e, a in all other constitu tional Dsari 3, War.'a Vle uatin Btrrzas hare rho .rs thiirtzgat carativo powers ire' Lie me.:. oh.,tinate and intractable cases. For luitantnatory and Chronfc Rheumatism, Gout,"Bilious, Beraitterit and Intzmaktt,.-nit JNyers, DiseasFa of the Blood, Lira, Elklaeys, and Bladder, thew I . :litters hay° no °qua.. Diseas= aro C4r4.3*li by Vi;;24ll.;l%)ocl. Neeltanical Diseases.—Persons en gagcd in ,Paiota awl Ilinorals, such as Typo-,iatters„ Gull-beaters, and Thaws, as tavy ',141,-.34c3 in life, are subject to . of the Bowels. To guard. agtamit tuts, take a dos.) of IVal , grrota Vrs r.uanßrrrut.3 oco=ioaally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tettos; Salt Rheum, Matches, Spats, Pimplea; Pus. Catch, Boils, Curbanehz Ringworms, Scald Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Sem*, Diseoimatioas of the San, Rumors and Diseasza of tho Skin et whatever namo or nature, are litorully dug up and carried out of the system iu a shots tune by Lilo use these Butcra. Poi,. Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing its 'me a ) soul of so manythousands, aro destroseJ and removel No sys tem of In.A.iclue, no vermiiuges, no drawl tunnties, wit Imo the system from worms like tnes_t Bitters. Fur Female Cemplaints, - 'in youagor old, married ur ut tho dawn of wom. aaauo,l tho tarn a life, than Tonic Bit teas display so decided - on irOluoikoo that iniprOvedeat is coda pareoptiblo. Jauntlice.—ln all cases of jaundico, rest =Mired nut your Averii not doing its work. T 11,3 ouly ueusibiu treataiunt is to promote the scultoziou °Utile Lilo and favor its re moval. Fur thiourpo4duss VISECIAIi Bu rrs& Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when every.o.i tiul its impurities bursting through tba Eruptiuns, or Koren edeanmi it when yon thvi it obstructed. and sluggish in the veins; eleatise it when. it in foul; your feetthgswiti tell yan when.- Keep the Wool p,tre,un:l the lit:Attila the system will follow. . u. 11.111CDONAI.D & CO.. Druggists uud Licuetwl dGei.xts. Ban Ytinclo , ..cOaatbrdit. / sad cur. ltivitunotou and 4.:barlbu Ea.. Sew York.' Sold by ectl. Drugigisto and DoalorI.• Ser. kitabll?bed 1843 Magliolia 34, A PEW ArrmcxTross ILIEZ A Pure Blooming Complexion. . • it Is Pure!: Vezetsbb.. tad Its ispesstlnn Is acinl and telt at viaca. It docaa.3r watt t, s YtnaLatut Appear auto calles.l by U-at. I 'ut-,^sa, Hsnls szdnisisyss al I I:t.ittla , Aarsa Virapleo.ZAphilncr dart n213u4541.31,•11.0. 1 , 3 Y Tsa. rretal.s.. Itud. Bunbunl. au,ll 1.7. Its rpiftthyl,.3 Sault:. Ca falni cb =toss . YOU'r.tikuL BtOOMAND 11E.91Trir.' ai3 rtlry CW:cs Dap4. RANCH' NOTlCr.—Haviny been 'ln the brut onvotlusitails to *bey.,; ant.; a jest,. I harp efla b.; thbo /rd. Agency; ram. and w%lb any cntu Anal Inn 44,1,44 Or tattm,alSuanra. 0!1 , 11 t bargu a I,_asunatla rat, nu a.l ataitts or In• musing pros any, . Caur.i.i.ed, resented over -610,0 ao,000! , • %town re. Pa, I 0.15, E DEPT ALL COMPETITION IN r ! for, h:i t rooc. Airing ea. ypur wirk. A 7 "3T.,,,,...,Vk Vg l'kroA,l ; ' ; '47 --- ` -- \ I Vi l \ ' \ ~ A -A " 3. -, 4 -: - , .r. 0 . ~,,,,, (19 1 . C ::;. . ;:::. .•., .0 / ?-..-S! .. ~.,....,---ari,,,,,, ~<:‘,,,,,--,..., ' fl" .- 4 71 1t . F- r 'i, ' 's .- 4 4: - ,t, 1 4 1 ..!- , -.4 - 11 !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers