The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 26, 1873, Image 4

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    enrrra 0 1 ;1111E- cwnrri nr 1151r - o-1 ti. - tt to di.:
r. • .tr• uttlet:s r'
rt. AS NS'ata 81 a ju.lici.,l pro
c, •
SEC. 5. El.-ctoi a in all ca-es ex- '
ee l ), (many, and bre.tell or surety or
the p.Tace, tie prtvileged from arrest during their
attendance on elections and in going to and re
turning therefrom.
SEC. 6. Whenever any of the qualified
electom of this Commonwealth shall be in scut
al military service, under a regulation from the
President of the United States Cr by theauthor
itv ot this Commonwealth, such electors may
exercise the right m suffrage in all elections by
the citizens, under such regulations as are or
shall be prescribed by law, as fully ne if they
were present at their usual places of election.
SEC. 7. All laws regulating , the holding
of elections by the cif izetts or for the registra.
Con of electors shall fu • uniform throughout the
State, but nn elector shall be deprived of the
privilege of voting by reason of his name not
being re.tistered. •
SEC. S. Any p.rson who shall give, or
promise nr otter to give to an elector, any mon
ey, reward or other valuable consideration for
his vote at an election or fur withholding the
same, or who shall give or yromise to give such
consideration to any other person or party' for
such elector's vote or for the withholding there
of, and any elector alto shall receive or agree
to receive. for himself or for another, any mon
ey, reward or other valuable consideration for
his vote at an election, or (or withholding the
acme, -'twit thereby fiwteit the right to rote at
such election, and any elector whose right to
vote shall be challenged fur such cause before
the e'••ction officers shall he required to swear
or aft cm Met the matter of the challenge is un
true he`ore Insvote shall be received.
SFr. 9. Any pers.rn who anon, while a
candidate for office, be guilty of bribery fraud,
or willful violation of any election law , that! he
forever disqualified tram holding an office of
trust or profit in this Commonwealth; and any
person convicted of NV 1111111 violation of the elec
tion laves,shall,in addition to any penalties pro
sided by deprived of the right of !Mirage
absolutely for a term of tour yeats.
SEc. 10. lit trials of cunt• sted elec
tions. and in procet•dinfie fur the Inves
tigation of el-ctiiins, 110 person shall be
permitted to withhold his test itunny up
on the ground that it may criminate
himself or subject him to public infamy;
but such testimony sh-ill not aft erwari.s
be used against him in any judicial fin,-
ceeding, except for perjury in giving such
S re. 11. Townships and wards of cities
or boroughs shall form or be din idod into
e'ection districts of compact and conti
guous territory, in such manner as the
/oltrt 01 Quarter Sesdoris of the city or
county in w•h eh the same are waled
may direct; hut (list ricts nt cities of over
one hundred thousand inhabitants shall
be divided by the Courts of Quarter Ses
sions having jurisdiction thereto when
ever at the nest pr.-c-•eding election mire
than two hundred and fifty votes shall
• have been polled ; and other el.
ectiiat districts whenever the court of the
proper county shall b•• of o p inion that
the convenience of the electors and the
public interests will be promoted there,
Scc. 12. Ail elections by persons in
a representative capacity shall be viva
SEc. 13. For the porpose of voting, no
person shall be deemed to haves:a:tied a
residence by reason of his presence. or
lost it lir reason of his alisenee win -m
-ployed in the scrvice. either mid or
mil -
tarv, of this State or of the United Smtes
nor while engaged in the navicatiiiii of
the waters of the State or of the United
Statcs,or un the bi h sea, nor while a stu
dent of any instirotion of learning. nor
while kept in any poor house or other
a=vltn pu'die ex P , IIS-`, our whde con
fine(' in public pris. , n
arm two tri;p rur
- 46h4f"eret , k 1 11 a, nna!ly tiv the eniz •11F
Each elector shall hat - , the r,glit to vet,:
for the judge and ow• inspector, and each
inspector shall appo:tit one clerk. The
first election board for any new di.lriet
shall be seleeted, and vocanci-s in elec
t:on boards filled a- shall be provid ii by
law. Election officers shall he privd. - "-
ed from ars st Nam days of election .1,7 d
while engaged in making n t and
mitting returns, except upon warrant of :
a court of record or prigs thereof for in
election fraud, for felony, or I.' w anton,
breach of the peace. In cities they marl
claim exemption from jury duty dining
their terms of service.
SEc. 15, Npf person shall he
to serve as an election officer who
hold, or shall within two mouths have
held any any otlirfi. ahpoirtiii .11 t, or em
ployment In or III:d , •1* the I;fi% er:tient of
the United S;it'es, or of thi: S ate, of of
any city or county, .r of any municipal
board commis.nfit. or trust. in ally eity •
sage only justice of the peace :LA abler
men,notaries public, and persots in the
militia servicif of the State; ,or shall
any election officer heel gilds to any civil
office to he ruled itt an I , l`,etion tit ttLich
he shall serve, save only to such subor
dinate municipal or local oftiees Ifelfitv
the grid of city or county ‘filices shall
be desigtia•ed by general law.
SEG% 16. The Courts of Comm tn Pleas
of the several coin ties or the Co-11:11„n
-wealth shall have poWer within their res.
• rwctive jurisdictions to appoint overseers
of election .10 sap •rxise the proceedi•igs
of election officers and to stake rep al to
the court as may he required ; snrh apeEnucATro.N.
poictinents to he made for ;toy d strict SrcrioN. 1. The General Assembly
in a city or county. upon p.-noon of live shall provide Mr the maintenantai
citizens, la wfol voter: , of such support or a thorough and effitamit SW,
d strict, setting fort that such appoott- !em o r 1 , w h en .i„ all the
meet Is a rvas'"'"ble luve""'' ""re ehildrth or this Conononwealth. aoove
the pulite and fairness of eleetimis ; Over- the age of six :tears, may be educated,
seers shaft be two in number for tot eke- a.:d shall appropriate at least one Mahn
tiun district, shall be res;deihs therein, doilar- t o
year fir that purpose.
and shall be per.ors 4 1I14 1 Iika to Si,. Vt. 111, I ScE 2. No money raised fur the sup
on election boards.aed in each en K• nu - ' port of the public schools or the Com
berg of ttitferent pohne a ! p a da, ; when- :Mtn wealth shall be appropriated to or
ever the member of an electron Waist i used for the support
any sectarian
shall xlier in bpi, ion. the overseers, se
SE -
they shall be agreed ,thereom shall &mile !' SEC. 3. Women twenty one years of
the question difference; in aptiointing and upwards shall be eligible to any
overseers of election, all the lair judges c a m of eo n s
or management under
of the proper court, a';le to act at the the school laws of this State.
time, shall concur in the appoimmews ARTICLE. XI.
SEC. 17. The trial and determination SEcnox 1. The treemen of thus Cam
contested elections of electors of , mon wealth shall be armed, organized and
dent and Vice President. members or if , - :diseiplio,-d for its defense when and in
GeneFal ; Assembly. arid of
eers, whether State, judicial. mon icipal• site, Manner as may be cltrected by law.
The General Assembly shall provide for
or local; shall be'hy the courts of law, or maintaining the militia be appropriations
by one or more of the taw - judges thereof; from the Taeasury of the Commonwealth,
the General Assembly Shull , by general !and may exempt from military service
la hom w, de th e signats everal elas ,r es o a f
election eonydges bI
rename having conscientious scruples
w .
tests shall be tried, am ogniust bearing arms.l regulate the man- I ARTICLE XII.
tier of trial-and all matters tneident there- PUBLIC oFFICEDS.
to; hut no such. aw tq.igning jurisdie- I Srcriost 1. All officers whose selection
tion, or Fegulating its exereises. shall up- ; is not proenkd 'for in this constitution
ply to lIEIV contest arising out of an el-; s h a ll h e e l ee i e d ur eppeittai ae -m a y b e
ectiop held before its passage. ; directed by low.
ARTICLE IX.SEti, 2. No member of Congress from
TAXATION AND FINANCE. !this SLIM. nor ally person holding or ex
. m .
SECTION. 1. All takes shall be vitiPerm ereing any office or appointment of trust
opon the same class of subjects within or : profit under the United States, shall
the territorial limits of the ant It or . it y levy- , at. the same time bold or exercise any of
ing the tax, - und shall he levied ord . col- ; fief in this State to which a.k.allary, fees,
'retell under general :lairs; -hut the Gill- ur.pergnisites shall be attached. The
eral Assembly may, be general laws, cx- General Assembly may by law deelari
empt, from taxati at -priblic property used what offices are tneumpatible e
for public purposes, netual plum-etre- kzc.3, Any pencil fight a
places, of burial not used
or heal for private or corporate profit, and'
in -tit ill ion, ofpurely. public charity.
: , EC. 2. Ail laws exempting property
from taxation, other than the property
above enumerated, shall be void.
Ssc... 3. The power to tax corporations
and corpantte property shall not be sur
rendered or suspended by any contract or
grant to which the State shall be a par
Seo. 4. No debt shall be created by or
on behalf of the State, except to supply
casual deficiencies of revenue, repel in
vasion, suppress insurrection, defend the
State in war, or to pay existing debt, and
the debt created to supply deficiencies in
revenue shall never exceed in the aggre
' gate at any one time one million of
Sec. 5. All laws authorizing the bor
rowing money by out on behalf of the
State shall specify the purpose for which
the money is to be used, and the money
so borrowed shall be used for the purpose
specified and no other.
sec. 6. The credit of the Common
wealth shall not be pledged or loaned to
any indiAidual, company, corporation, or
association, nor shall the Commonwealth
become a joint owner or stockholdi r in
any company, association, or corporation.
SEC. 7. Toe General Assembly shall
not authorize any county, city, borough,
township or incorporated district to be
come a stockholder in any company asso
ciation or corporation, or to obtain or ap
propriate money for, or to loan its credit
to ally corporation association, institu
tion or individuaL
Sec. S. The debt of any county, city,
bornigh, township, school district,or oth
er municipality, or corporated district,
except as herein'provided, shall never ex
ceed seven per ceutum upon the assessed
value of the taxat.le property therein,nor
shall any such municipality or district in
cur any new debt, or increase its indebt
edness to an amount exceeding two per
cenLum upon such assessed valuation of
property without the assent of the elec
tors thereof, at a public election, in such
manner as shall be provided by law, but
any city, the debt of which now exceeds
seven per cent= of such assessed valua
tion,may be authorized by law to increase
the same three per ceutum in the apre
pie at any one time upon such valua
Sec. 9. The Commonwealth shall
not as , ume the debt, or any part thoreof.
of any coy, county, borough or township
unless such debt shall hate been contrac
ted to enable the State to repeal invasion.
suppress domestic insurrection, defend
it,elf in time of war, or to assist the State
in the &charge of any portion of its pres
ent imhitsfedoess.
Sec. )0. Any county, township, school
uistrict, or other municipality incurring
any indebtedness, shall. at or before the
time of so doing, provided fur the col.
b:ction of an annual tax sufficient to pay
the and also the pnncipal thereof
within thirty yearA.
! Sac. 11. To provide for the payment
of the present State debt and any addi
h.and debt contracted as aforesaid, the
General Assembly shall continue and
maintain sinking fuml sufficient to
pay the :scenting interest on such debt.'
and annually to reduce the principal
thereof by a sum not less than two hum
d red /Old Ilfir tlionsand dollars; the said
smoking ritud shall consist of the pro.
ce• de of the sales of the public works or
be the Commonwealth, 'together with
other funds and r e so u r ce s duo, my he
de-ig• aliql bt• law. and shall be increased
from time to time by assigning, to it any
part of the TtLX.I-S or other revenues of the
State not requind for the ordinary and
cu•rent expenses of government; and
unless in case of war, invasion, or insur
rection. no part of rite said sinking bind
sba:l be used or applied otherwise than
in the extinguishment of the public
Sac. 12. The moneys of the State,over
and above the necessary reserve, shall be
used in the payment of the debt of the
Shoe. either directly or through the sink
-1,.17 fund, and the moneys of the sink
ina fund shall never be invested in .or
loarivd upon the security of anything ev
pep: the buds of the United States or of
Sec. 13. The moneys held as a nee
f pg.:ay reserve shah be limited by law to
Hi.. amount required for current expen
ses. and shall ts- secured and kept as may
be provided by law. Monthly statements
shall be published showing the amount
of ench moneys, where the same are de
posit- d. and how seeured.
Sec 14. The making of profit out of
the public mone:ii., or using the same for
any purpose not utithorized by law, by
io•v otlieer ot the State or member or
oflieer of the General Asetubly; shall be
a tuisdenteiinor. and shall be punished as
may be provided by law, but part of such
punishment shall be a disqualification to
hold Bice for a period of j nut less than
five }cars.
duel or grad achalhnge for that purpose,
or be alder or abettor in fightiog a duel,
shall be deprived of the ritfht of holding
any office of honor or prat in this State,
and may be otherwise punished as shall be
prescribed by law.
SECTION 2. No new county shall be
established which shall reduce any coun
ty to less than four hundred square miles,
or to less than twenty thousand inhabi
tants; nor shall any county be formed of
less area, or containing a less population
nor shall any line thereof pass within
ten miles of the county seat of any coml.
ty proposed to he divided.
.SECTION 1. County officers shall con
sist of Sheriffs, coroners, pinthonotaries,
registers of wills, recorders of d
missioners, treasurers, surveyors, auditors
or controllers, clerks of the courts, dis
trict attorneys, and such others as may
from time to time be established by law ;
and no sheriff or treasurer shall be eligi
ble for the term next succeeding the one
f. r which ho may be elected.
SEC. 2. County officers shall be el
ected at the general elections. and shall
hold their offices for the term of three
years, beginning on the first Monday of
January next after their election, and
until. their successors shall be duly
qualified ; all vacancies not otherwise
provided for shall be tilled in such man.
uer as may be provided by law.
SEC. 3. No person shall be appoint•
ed to any office within any county who
shall not have been a citizen and an in
habitant therein one year next bef,,re his
appointment, if the county shall have
been so long erected, but if it shall not
have brew so long erected, then within
the limits of the comity or counties out
of which it shall have been taken.
SEC. 4. Prothonotaries, clerks of the
courts, recorders of deeds, registers ot
wills, county surveyors, and sheriffs shall
keep their offices in the county tote❑ of
the county in which they respectively
shall be officers.
SEC. 5. Tile compensation of county
officers shall be regulated by law, a..d all
county ofii;•ers who are or nosy be saldrd
ed shall pay all fees which they may he
authorized to receive Into the treasury of
the county or :State, us n o te be directed
by law. 111 counties collating over one
bundled and fifty thousand inhabitants
all county officers shall lie paid by salary.
and the salary of any such officer and his
clerks. heretofore paid by fee, shall not
exceed the ni" , :rtegate amount of fees
earned daring his term and collectee by
or for him.
SEC. 6. The general Assembly snail
provide by law for the EU ict attottinta
bility of all connty. township ana bor
ough officers, as well for the fees whieh
may he collected by them as far. all puli
or municipal moneys winch lEnly is p td
to them.
Sec. 7. Three county 00111raissionerb
and three county auditors shall b e el e l_
ed in each couttly where burl' ullicers are
chosen, to the year one thu , nwtu•l
h a ,,,t r ,,t an d eev-nty-iive,:toti every tiiru
year thereafter; and in the eitetiatt of
said officers each untilitied elector slut.'
vote foe no more than two persan+. and
the three persons hat nig the litgbeet
number o' rotes shall he electitd ; any
casual I.aciiiicy tiir ulice of c ;nil;
comniisflorier or county auditor I,•.
`milli such ‘af:abrr - Fcrat
occur, by tho appointment of an
of the proper county oho S!“.111 ha%,. ‘4lt •
eti for the e,,onolisioner or aaditor whet,
place is to he tin. d.
SECTION . 1. Cities may be ••harlered
whenever a majority of the
any tow or borough having a popula
tion of at least ten thousand shall tore at
any general election in tat, r of !lie sail,.
a sF.c. 2. No debt shall be contra, err
liability incurred by any mun;,•tletl c•nn.
mission, except in pnrsuance of an ap
propriation previo,isly made therefor (.2.
the I.lllllliCilml government.
SEC. 3. ETery Clly &hall create a sick
ing fund, which shall Le
pledged ftz the payment Of its fuuthd
debt. •
Storto); 1. All existing charter , , er
grants of special or excluiive privily es.
under which a burnt fide organization :Tian
not have taken place and business been
ononeneed in good faith at the dine of
the adoption of this conqoutiun, shall
' thereafter have no validity.
Sett 2. The General Assembly shall
not remit the forreiture of the charier of
any corporation now existing, or alter or
amei.d the same, or pass any other gener
al or special law for the benefit of sueli
corporation, except upon the condition
that such corporatiom shall th.•re after
hold its c , arter subject to the provisions
of this constitution.
SEC. 3. Thu exercise of the right of
eminent domain shall never be abridged
or so constrned as to prevent the Gen
eral Asset/114y from
: taking the
I and franchise; of inc-urpqrated
and subjecting them to public use, the
sante as the property of nut I V itillak ; and
; the exercise of the police power of the
State shall neve: be abridm d or so coil
strued as to permit ocrparationit to CJll
doer their business in such manner as to
! infringe the equal rights of individuals or
the general well being of the State.
Sec. 4. In all elections fur directors or
managers of a curpration eaeli member ;
or shareholder may cast the whole tutu_
her 01 his votes for one candidate, or dis
tribute them upon two or more candidates, :
as he may priffers°
Sac. 5. .110 foreign corporation shall dal
any business in this State without havirr,g
one or more known places of business,
and an authorized agent, or agents in the
same. upon - whom process may Le served. )
SEC. G. No corporation shall mgage in
any business other than that: expressly
authorized in its charter, nor shall it - take
or hold any real estate, except sue!) as
may be necessary and proper for its legit
imate iitiiness.•
SEC: 7. No corporation shall issue
stocks or bonds except for money, labor
done, or tnorievor. prbperty acivally(av
ceived ; and all fictitious increase of stock
or indebtOness shall he void; the stock
and indebtedness of ,corporations shall
not be increased except in pursuance of
general lan; nor without the consent of
the persons holding the larger amount in
value of the stock first obtained at a
meeting to be held After sixty days notice
given in pursuance of law.
'See. 8. Municipal and other corpora
tions find individuals. invested with the
Privilege Of taking "private property for
public use shall tuake, o jnst.coropensation :
foi property taken, injured or destroyed
by the construction or enlargement of
tlnir works, high a aye, or MIN: numerics,
which compensation shall be paid or se
cured before such taking, injury, or de
strfict ion. The General Assembly is here
by prohibited from depriving any person
of an appeal from any preliminary assess
ment of damages against any such cor
porations or individuals, made by viewers
or otherwise; and the amount of such
damages, in all craws of appeal, shall, on
the demand of either party, be determined
by a jury according to the coarse of the
common law.
Sex. 9. Every banking law shall pro
vide fur the registry and conntersigning
by an officer of • - the State, of all notes or
bills designed for circulation, and that
ample security to the full amount thereof
shall be deposited with the Auditor gen
eral for the redemption of such notes or
Sec. 10. The General Assembly shall
have the power to alter, revoke, or annul
any charter of incorporation now exist
ing and revocable at the adoption of this
constitution,or any that may hi realer be
Cr. ated, uhenever in their opinion it may
be injurious to the citizens of this COM
! monwealth, in such manner, however,
that no injustice shall be done to the
eorporators. No law hereafter enacted
shall create, renew, or evtend the charter
of more than one corporation.
St.c. 11. No corporate body to possess
banking and discounting privileges shall
be erected or organized ID imr-tiance of
as r law without three months' previous
public notice at the place of the intended
location. 01 the intention to apply for
such privileges, in snch manner as shall
be prescribed by law, nor shall a charter
for styli privilege he granted fur a longer
period than tacitly years.
See. 11. Any association or corporation
organized !or the purpose, or any individ
ual, shall 111% e the right to construct and
maintain lines of telegraph within this
Slate, and to connect the same with oth
er Imes; and the General Assembly:dial!,
by general law of uniform operat ion,pr.i
vide reasonable regulettins to glue full
effect to this section. No telegraph com
pany shall consolidate with or hold a con
trolling interest in the stuck or bonds of
any other telegraph company owning a
competing line, or acquire, by imrehase
ur oilierwi,e. any other competing lino of
SEC. 13. The term "corporation," as
used in this article, shall be construed to
include all joint stock companies or
a , sia-iations having any of the p.•wers or
t•rivil-ges of corporations not posessed by
Mill% id mils ur rirt nerships.
nel.r. XVII.
st.w.r.onD• Arno
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mare fr ,:ro j or rril set rho 11.11 • a rn lon
411.1.1.11..,.. n.! iirSivstla..7.. or :n 1.., of • 111.,:r, hy "I I I• ""• "•• 7 h•II •"I b"
al.a . ..narn•. or other., ire. . 1 11.. t .1r Sa7 :7; ir....jer Cron rim Wehl
.tny , at O.- to, 0, Inc tdoar an, of ill, •••• 1.7.11 at
therrol. -11.1ria.1.7. any priit. , :eurr• In lianfrlllni7 ear• ‘..".• ss" , e•i`• '••
raolor• poo. r. : n.• 1. the • 1.1 o r , 7, , r , co . : : or
rm . 'a ralimad. rot or osn, • rh rain', aidl ,at rar se ra: - r.
,11 . .1.113 .4,11.:..,11 1 . 11,s
10 ..1.3 !M. earciit .allemr or .m1.0t , 5.•• of the 4 otro '"•
•re. x. I,ll ' - es:mass artier of 11.1• r• n.t orssion, :arr.
hir It, 'o 'teen'!nl'nnt'halt o.. hototrot . nn oath at • tam, .1. II LI: rar arrant',
t.:d n lib n runs limOr •:f any rsiy. rr arrizla toom•hry ' rar llrrt a,: of ./anuriry, ono thunrand Its•ea
withoor an ...ens of Its •rit , hf r fir
; ha , . No .1 11 nr ro:r trarminotrilon : 1. ". l ef.• ninee•at ronnt. minims :m•••
coa t i. of. •• . 7 ,path. • . and r,,triv send cur. •shomin 1110 rr,r •oirthoor
•t o t i. j . j „ fi, a , al .1 4 1,1 ftlIO• r. - 11 dold 1 ; 1 11V .1.
tom 177 ,rarrn: ,o• eso-tal r, •••••••., ro: nr, ha (On. 111.. dr-I Mond „'(era;n ry in Th. year
nooopoar . ..of all 711,- Fit rani,,-. of Inf. artir '"'" """rsrs•fl
aid r hit - .1. 1 ht. 4 So. 1.. g mot of the tai- • Inr""" s •I
I for • Smo rot In re. as , to rat:ill... and , ally,-: sec a' r-misty. tv. la ,rd borr7lltl.
terinep,tatlon mmonnierrxdrol it• ,-heir j rowns-hip .•:11••• Ili • as.: ratn• 0104 a
h.,. ito• rmr.srraary .P 1 ha. ma/ At ' naal" ' 7 " "
far, n tro shall Lase a gra. rat. uperv•rlon or , ; for n 7 .. "Iatl• - •""", ha; n l nas`ss" 'rs"`"
•,11 :Lod 71...5.•j vi ,. 0 ,, 01,11 It. hi 1... anti caa_ air.rat rots ol
Ist" l . ll 'd I"." law • eta In I .dar tn. ro tn. , seal nip•rmr thror rorportar or..
an, mod,. in; ~61 - 40 .11, 01.110 O. • jll 11,1,11 lorrs",,••••••Im
rom.sal rev anti as nor 11.41./ us., ....Two:thy, 10670, to , rod or l. oil, WO,/ r .sea 100 ;
It, 1011.11.0., I.f tall ;rota any Lacer that or•o: cut part I ors. lyl 14 . • 11. /..../111..1 sett , ',-'
!hereof pllOll 1.11, all.. rishrrribr al7 oath (or • /Ira..
Si, r 'i Grorral • ammonly rnlorrr 17)• hp. tan' , ,11 """rl 'ls
proprlaos are pr,lnion. Ltiss ,slclc. `• 11 0r...0 ., " nil 31 'totr.t orsr:rin or
A/1,1 ICLE X Vlll. s.• to.) see OS, Stoi ni.i•VI(OI 01 1111.. ;
rratl AA no, lin con,Mearl, do,
11 - 11 . 111 . 11 L .4.3lrmu3a.Kre.. I thy 16.1.. lull:unr nt.d re. CT
firm 112 'nu. omit:an, par"-, h, thl•e:m., tarot en• j
thlnd • or/aria. 1, •onto its log rlio l ria, ..arr -
' tn.". of t • e ••••••• of the rlo rt., ihrrr•
rt i " ham to are sal, for all the prirtu.., ;
SEM-1011 APV.111.111:11,11t or amendment. to this
ertnritrn•,tur tear be le tuttrett in the ' , nate or !loose
of Het, .Istiver. n.ll If Ili., n , cl-• n!Cl!1 terreetl rt.
by IC j tor members elected to e.relt
serrntiturot Or ern. neut. r oh, n eta -
41, al th the yeas and nays t.tben
thererth, and th• Fterseryry of Ina Coot name esith 0;111
C stir , It.e 1,141 C In L. published tart, months before the neat ner .1 in at trust tit Ce‘V • lllpcil , In ev
' try it to w hra , htnerrttrtalter r .hellhe prOtlisht
; err and if. to toy- Getterol A.rt-trittly nest altetersrd
chttren. roylt prttetrell
chili b, tyreetl to be ntajyrity oft h. , Divoilwr. elected
to It ham.. S. rt-t-try el thn tutunrseall h
t the /.1,31.• 0,110 10 pallro.ial ..Sleeted
Lanett...l4.4:nd reel; Irrhet•sed ment:htent rtr titae vd
mnnt. h t ttnnottollo tnt• tlhal,:nnt invv:or..o( the
State at .11th manner, teed rl rucla ume. at hurl three
in n er b. Ott, Lcilic .it arrreeti 1.. t•y yyu bearer, its the
' th,;nt cal tuttly 1 , 101 prereribe; qui If Foch amend.
toter nr at.te.ttlateht- •t h.,11 approyyd try • Majority
of yrtilli t t I herea , .. each • RlclCllncilt or a nenot;
ntrutr.Dadlin.roDu• a part ot the enunutullun : but DO
atovinitncht or I.DAD I 0 rutintilteti rtrien e r
; th, non, In her yt...l"e; when tuner more amendments
I shall he rubluitted they vh.ll he ruled citon seperht.ety.
That no Inconvenience may oil., from the changes in
the I ..h,tl:lltteli 01 lb. , . ..0,04bb,.,„b h . „ 1 „ I lb or•
(ler Itt e.,rry the • me Into cointiletooperallun, It in
itechtte,l II W :
lict-tiers I. Title t:eopthatlon tuna. tliect on the
ern! tia, of Jnitll4l7. the rear 1100 tt11.0.11/0 eight.
1.11:dr0t1 0 4111, 0 veut3-100r, ler all puthtme , t Out tl2OOO
- •er 10,0.
etc. 2. Au 4.114, fu h.nvin title tolumon wealth at the
tintcoi :he edtrioa of Chia t ouetti ul toe not Incottehe
tent t brier, tli.euti a l!.4CElllll,ll:o.,. CUE Utle y and
eoutrisete. ohm! coutititie us Lrlh ti
eotAttuttou haul not
no. 1. At the goaeral el...cant] fa the yieirF one thou..
'teed eight lumen:4l eel] twenty-fourund our diendiand
eight hundred and everet.j.fiee %moon. iLth be ti,etOd
le nit letrlete when Meru el Si be 4, auneleit. Tutoe
4,1,41.1 it. site year on- thouraud eight benched and cow.
euty-fotti rh.dl asset Coo toe jear , , and tie..., 4 - lettel in
the neer Otto rhbUlArbd eti;lit bandied and erWestlT-fire
ninth e. rye for one yeast. Seuntore now elects d. and
teens articee tenor are _unexp ru holl repretwot Cho
dlemetkut ILey rteitiu until the end of the Lerma
for width limy were i',:tetted . ,
hEc. 4. At the eenc.rat elect {On in the year one than.
nod eigid_linudrettuutl iiernatyiiiii, tit 4.tora elm!' he
•Ic•tv 41 trate the eves, - Otrtriet • to Irene lot
loci 3-ere, andiron; odd Lumbered a/Witte to servefor
four yea..
sex! . II rvt election of Gove•nor
thfa too,
ottretion 0.1113 r at the 6-eueral 4 - tenant) In ate :tear one
thoueand algid bundled and tovottly-live, v lion a Gov.
ernor oball tltctrci for throe rears: and theta:rat of
(Le Governor clouted - Ip the I eat one thouvand olzht
hundred and voventy-elght and of tfititAi thereafter elec
ted shad tai for ton; Xcaro, urciedlog to the provisitunt
of this conothintiou. •
• ..
GGc. G. At the general eleven Iv th.e.yeAr one nitro
entd elgtat hundredhad seveuty-foui 31.1ettenunt. Guy
truor elan. builected act onSiGgio to the p .
thlscunktitatluu. .
Sic « Tikr listretarT et Laterial Ateies shag be elm*
at the Snit general election Alter the edoptein of title
CDOStittition, and when tho meld Otheer 1,11111/; he duty
..qw•well. the °face of Surveyor Gelteral nbAll
he atkolielittl, au.. the Surveyor General la unite et the
:11ht. 0 the adoption of this cuttatitution nhaltlm,tteue
In office until the expiration of the term fur which he
was elected.
sec it. When the Superintendent of Publid Instruc
tion did) goslatitsi. the °nice of nuperlitteudeut
of Common Schools dbali CCLote.
SEC 9. Nothing contained In thl• ecnotttotiott shall be
con.trucd to rendvr any pen. now ItOldhlg a R),SILLIC
office fur a fleet °Metal term Ineligible for re-eleetton at
the end of pitch term.
Su; 1U The Jridges of the Supreme Conrtiin ofllce
when this ccaistitntion shall take effect sholl:totillotie
until their conweinaloos severally expire. Two Judges
in anditlon to the number now composing the :aid court
shall he elected at the first general election titter the
adoption of this constitution,
Sec. It. etlicourie of record and a,l exPting cootie
which are not spudded in -thin ronailint ion 6hall con.
triune in estate:lCC Wahl the fret day of Lieconiter, in the
year one thonrand eight hundred and neventy hve.with
lnt abridgment of Ito it prenent jari.lll:Lion. but no
onger. The court of Fleet Criminal Jtirl-diettnn for the
Cooed., of Schuylkill, Lebanon and Dauphin,l• hereby
abolirhed; and oil Mittea and proceeding . ", pending
therein in the comity of Schnytkill than be tried and
d•apoted of to the Count of Oyer and Terminer nod
(leaner Seantune of the Pence of raid County.
Sec 12. The la-jitter.' court". now In exiatenee shall
be abollehed on Ittc fret day oi January nest succeed.
icy the adoption of thin couelitution.
ittEc 13 The °sheen] Ansetabli shag. tit the'next cre
el ot, otter the adoption of thl • constitution. rlealgoiate
the several Judicial districte as required t y this rouptl
tution. The judges In colohal,O•lon when curl} designa
tion shall be :Wade shall costume tinting their ottexptrrci
terns,. Judges ot the new districts In ‘o,ien they aside.
Out when there shalt Is. tern Judges residing lit the soma
di•trlCt. the president judge shall eleti to Oron, din.
tract lie shall be assigned, and the additional-Jaw Judge
Asti bo to the other dl--trio t.
rlte. It. The Gent rill Ass whip shall. at the,nezt roc
ceetang session after each decennial rensu OW hot of
tener. neslgasoe the eecerul judicial distrlets'iss requlr.
ed by tin. constitation.
tine 11. Judges learned In the law of any clan of re.
cord holding rominti•tollio la force at the adoption of
thin roust, tut oh shall hold their resperttve otter- -
tl explsat ton f the terms (or s. t.lch they ti ere coni•
missionest, and until their sum-it-ors slitifl he 331 / pilll
- The Gave, nor shall commlonton the ;ovoids lit
judge of the ton-) of First Criminal -durnidlrticro lor
itit...mntle. of Schuylkill. k e t ai i ir o i A nd puerto no a
Judge hahl
the Court of I 'oOrk Puns of Schto kit:mau
1, for the unexpired tern. of his idle.
Sze. 16 After the exptrutiou of the term of Any pres
ident judge of our Court of common pleas *ft rotillitis
won at the adoption of this coma Itutiou the judge of
sorb court leaned ill the 16w and oldest In Cohola4oooo
shied be slre.ddeht Judge tr. mot, and when two no
more Judges are else ed at the same in fit, V }odic-
Int di-tHel. thee chill; decide , p lot which shall ire pr. ',-
Meet Ju v.; nal when the president jahge court
'hall bin re-elect. ho stall emoihnt to he prelOneol
Judge of that court. Aneutiale judges. nut (torte -d in
the Itw, 0.'0.1 atter the adoption of this l isinktitiithin,
shall he enourti-elotted in hold their °Meer flit the h on
of tine yen,. from the Bret day of Jall.ry bent tiler
the -r eletTun.
She 17 Ihe lienertal An,mbly et the fleet es - seton af
ter the totopt ton of MI.. Conti ill3lioll r and tleter•
nt'ne Inc ri , lllj.alle,lion of the Judger or the, my-
Coon until Of I hr lettge, of the ,vet..ll ituth .al tile. rtets
of the n'tanutoneteetth tool the proveth.he pf the Ill
tenth ,ettpu 01 the art t ele Lecl-lttion shall nol hn
th t eined I ho - r,nr , th. Nolnlng coup/toed in
Ittle ettnetilutt•to Inn ilVid to reflect . LAP ettutpen
ation notv p tn.! to i&1.7 lan j .de of thin Commonwealth
tote In tonant.Leiou
nee In. The Court. of Common Plea. In the etomllen
Or and Al yeh II oeromlr•vli 1.1 the
premmost itoters of the ',lmmo Court onti Court of
il'ountion Pros of euttl countlen too Ihthelr otTire. shall
eel elly and of each other judges as may from tlme
to nom he It rt
to, I ot. porpto.e of firxt 0,3t1 i man to P n
the Jati t r, of the Court numb,: ono .nag np .tintzto.
f • terer. and I . n.itton: of the mart width., (co,
Ju•tne. flair. uttcl.cll and tow t.I Jolti lut tb•ct
ecl , ti e court nnntl., orec, Jud t rttc Ludlow. Fllll, I.
ter and Lynn, and of the a •ort notnhor four. dudgce
Th.t3er. fir trr- sod one other jc.dt;e to be elected
The Judcre fret named Anil be the preeldent Judge of
oaid e..u.te ft...pee:lv. 13. and thcrrult, the pre, rut
joide .1,11 In tl, Jtithre Woo,/ to ornadrcoon ht , any
to . ..etc/cot Juag, re-rlvatteo In the -ante court or tltetro..l
eh,ttl attattioct to be or. r.olent Jutt,.:e thrtreol.
The nat'llitoint Jottzt.c far rcartt, outnber., two and
four shn/1 hr t. tr.t for tool tattete.l at the lit., g.toet•l
e:ut Eton nti, Inc ton of Int.. coos , ~ onion 11 . 1 11,4'
If me mat., a- th too atklit tonal J ~r the tut
or. t 't ar t rt t phull Jct.& ter...; to whit h court
her tooldr. . T too it r ter: of 'all., cottatotoce
on the (Jr., Monanr 1.1 ./onoar . .. the 'pat OM'
t....r01l 4,11 nurt, IS•n%
Src 70 lu tn.. colvit, of I.IL-zn. , 11,.. for the plarp.lar
fl cnet, th.r I". -10.1i1111. ti. ••.•
thr I I I ~,,, th.. time e( it,. ,0!..p
t .on o 1 do. ion .1:1 h. to,
.!“.Lt... • I the our',
rt, tit,. and too• • ttw
I ..1111t. "ate Pb..,, I,e the )1.1“4,41 01 the
Co, n, 1•.•,- to an',..r t 4,1
The {wrg,•d
.0k1gc...1 N.' 0,1(11011 Piea•
prr.•,,nt j “r td
num:, r, t ,
ud natl., ll ~jnl. n n
.b th liul 43. y
ti c...rt or LiArra, .Ea Ii cspn: tf,
rat 4 .1.,
, oznt 1,40. a of th.. Conti, of 1•/,, , tnola
Plc,. I iv!, al on. 1, r„',-.,ant..• f I'r,.
,tot ow. 4I, . 9t' i tlo.
so , q) CS , /trip in -,
111 iont 1•
~ n o !n• •Ir• , •t1 to
'M.0 ., . A , 11 • O`l • •',l
Nt-1 T'
, s, / 401.. . .
..1 . t.. r.l,
! i's • r
, , td• ; ; It•
sirr The worth. •••!iittiftli
ever tu-rd.., [hi. tioniititutom, ithrl in nn. ordinuoce
u... 1.. tug die ...Me. .ball he held to lucluditi l ll.le
l'oninikerniteiC for the a ifs of
/1.1 1 .1. . 4. I hi. , 01.0 en:. of Yoc'etu.
ter. IT, the ) of our Led tLuurso.i.l eight /Vito
died Mud 1.0.,413" ave.
I I erort op
op tot Co(ollurtv LATIT,o.
Ile/UO,I11.1:11. Nor. L. Int
eel tify that the co a ecoreci ropy of the
'o(114 Ot:On. proloo-ed to the 1,,,0p1e of C 4114
moo weal h 1'..100.y1m3.13. for lb r Approv .1 ((err
feetlo(l,On the saint 314o=fd of retortl tillo n01:0 i
M. S. QtAl.'
Seerttnry of CoMILIOliwt4111).
. . -
for submitting the amended constitutinn
of Peousykaitia to a vote of 'the qualitiid
eltetors litereot, as passed seunitd readitig.
B, it ordained hy the Cans( ituMmal Conrehhn
the Cominnheedtth Pehneytrania, as fakir :
1. That the amended ConStittition pre
, partd by this Convention, be stilimithiti
to the quithtieti eleelorif of the Cotnnion
wealth for their odoption or xejeetion, at
an eltrction to be held on the third Tues.
day of December next; exceot as herein
after ordered and directed, tha said
Wm shall be held and conducted by the
regular election 471FICerer in the several elee.-
j tins districts- throughout• the llnainicu;
wealM,Ander all the regulations and mil
visiottii of existing laws gen=
crel electionS; and the sheriffS of the Bev',
„*' - al counties shall give at least twenty
days notice of .said election by prochuna
2. The Secretary of the Cornifionwealth
shall, at least twenty' days befliro the laid
election, tumid] to the Comnissioners of
each contity,a sullicieut number of proper;
ly prep:tiro/I cireulars iiistructions.
Commissioners of the sere ra I cou t ies shall
copse to be.printed. at least--throe. tinit43 a 5
many ballots of atlirmatise rotes as there
are voters in each county—and the same
number of negative votes; and the said
Commissioners shall, at least five days be
fore said election, cause to be fairly dis
tributed to the several elections districts
in their respective counties, the said bal
lots, tally-lists, returns, circulars of in
structions, and,such other books and pap
ers as may be,pecessary. The'ballots shall
be printed, or Written,, following
form : On the outside The 'words "New
Constitution;" in the inside loran persons
gtcing athrumtive votes the words "For
the New Constitution," and for all persons
giving negativelmtes the words "Against
the New Constitution."
3. If it shall appear that a majority of
the votes polled are for the netv Constitu
tom, then it shall be the Constitution of
the Commonwealth of Pennsyvania on
and after the first dsy of January, in dig
year of our Lord ono thousand eight hun
dred and seventy-four; but if it shall ap
pear that a majority of the votes pulled
were against the now Constitution then
it shall he rejected and be null and void.
4. Five Commissioners of Election,vm
Edwin H. Fit ler, Edward Browning, John
P. Verree, Henry S. Hagen. and John 0.
James, are hereby appointed by this Con
vention, who shall have direction of the
election upon this amended Constitutit
in the city of Philadelphia. The said
Commissioners shall be duly sworn or of
firmed to perform their duties with im
partiality and fidelity. They shall also
have power to till vacancies In their ow,.
nun - men -4, shall be the duty of said Com.
missioners, or a majority of them, and
they shall have authority to make a regis
tration of voters for the several election
divisions of said city, and to furnish the
lists so made to the election officers of
each precinct or division ; to distribute the
tickets for said city provided for by this
ordinanCe to be used at thii el--ction ; to
appoint a judge and two inspectors for
each election division, by whom the elec
t herein shall be held and emitincted, and
to give all necessary instructions to the
election officers regarding their duties iu
holding the election and in making returns
thereof. No person shall eerie as an elec
tion officer who would be disqualdied.nti
d,r S , Ct ion 3, Article 8, of th e ne w Can:
stitutiou. The general returu of the
election in the said city shall be opened.
computed and certified before the said
Comm i-siorers. and with their approval—
hich approval shall tie endorsed upon
the return. They shall make report, di
recb d to the President of this Conven
tion, of their official action under this
ordinance and concerning the conduct of
the said eh•etion wit him the said city.
The Judges and Inspectors aforesaid
shall conduct Ow election in all respects
con fortnakly to the general election l a w s
of this Conimpti Wealth, and with Jibe
power• and duties to those of ordinar)
election tonic. l's. Evah Inspector Shall
appoint one al-rk to assist the B oar d in
performane- of its duties, and all the
oleetion officers shall he dilly tot orn or
aniroted according to law, and shalt pos.-
all the e, ions required by Irnt
Mlieers in ibis C , 39llvti wealth.
‘t said election itTly duly qualified
4-etor who shall be unregistered,
-hall permired to vote upoi•
nroof of lie right to Ih,
officers, of-coo - 111,g to the g• neral
• , '.stun, s Om+ Oornmo .weAlth.
turn i, .1u more and their.' clerks and an
loo,rlv count of the votes Shall lie the
pon•ed with, 11,1.111 ot erseersol election m
hr seleebil for any precinct by said Elee.•
ion C.,,qinussi . imers.,w hose tin TieS Paw
era shall he the Sank' as those of over
seer- , ,-1, mion in said city under exist
in!!t el. erion laws applicable ther e to. R e
no , of the electi•ni shall be male it:
soil , •ily as in the ease of an el -eft a lot
Hoi ern, r. Lot a ripliCate gener.d rerunn
f shill he made out and for
'the Pr-silent of tie ren -
toml al Harrisburg,, as hereinafter provid
e,' in o f vomits returns:
5, fa e-icn of Nye l' , innties of the Com
inn t•a (except. Philadelphia,) the
return: of the election shall ',he made its . -
in 1 1- i; case 1f an rieetion Gar Gul'erllol%
1,0 the r•lnrii
• s is each county shall
make ~tit a triplicate county return and
transtMt rho satin% wit his rice days alter
the election, direct, tl to the President tit
Convention, at Harristitirr.
Ho n e in cot t er-whin this Third day of
N. tier, in the vear of onr Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and seventy
(vri • I 1.. tilv
! t • V
ri k I
.1 NO. 11.W...1 LK ER, PreSideiii.
D. L. lAI !SRI ( lark.
A true copy of km:induce of submis
SPerelarg 1.4 e, Common tc,alll;
g" weir.)
s ti% ) HAIR
Every year increases the populari
ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ;
which is due to merit alone. We
can assure our old patrons that it is
kept fully up to its high standard;
and it is the only reliable and perfect.
ed preparation for restoring GUAY
OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color,
making it soft, lustrous, and silken.
The scalp, by its use, becomes white
and clean. It removes all eruptions -
and dandruff, and, by, its tonic prop
erties, prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-elands. By its use, the hair
grows thicker and stronger., In
baldness, it restores 'the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, 'except in
extreme old age. It is the most eco- '
nomical Hem MESSING ever used,
as it, requires fewer •applicatitMs, ,
and gives the hair splendid, glossy •
appearance. A. A, -llayes, M.D,
State Assayerof Massachusetts, says, ,
"The constituents areTure, an d care
fully selected for, excellent quality;
and. I consider it the 'BEST PREPA..
u.s.atox for its intended purposes."
SW Qv all Druggists, and Dealers in Stegigines.
Price Ono Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
Pon T/3:6 vatisKEns.
As our Renewei iii many ease(
requires too long , a' time,- and too,'
much care, to restore gray orlidect
Whisk&, we have prepared this
dye, in one preparation,' . which *ill
quickly. and effectually accompliski;
this result. It is easily . applied,.
and produces a " color welch will
neither rub nor wash oi£ sola•by :
all Druggists:" Price Fifty Ceuta.:
Manurziguredby R. P. HALL; 4.
' • .1 7 &13.11trA, Hs <
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Drugs and medicines.
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2.eC, UCc. aafi SI.CO rcr Mottle.
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Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat and Lung*,
such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough. Bronchitis, Asthma.
and Consumption.
Among the great
,44 4 1.5. discoveries of modern
science, few are of
more real value to
lv,sti • mankind - than this cf.
*kJ .
fectual remedy for oil
of the Thmst
and Lungs. A vast
• • trial of its virtues;'
throughout this and
Oti other countries, has
shown that it does
surety cut effectually
control them. The testimony of our best cin
vtas, of all classes, intablishes the fact, that
Cacttur PecrottAL will and does relieve'and
cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and
Lungs beyond any other medicine. Ibe most
dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs
yield to power; and cases of Consuink.
don, cured by this preparation, are pidle
ly known, so remarkable as hardly to lie be
lieved, were they not proven beyond diction.
As a remedy it to adequate, on which the public
may rely for fitll protection, By curing Coughs,
the forerunners of more serious disease, it owes
unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering
not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con
vinces the mast sceptical. Every family should
keep it on band as a protection ago inst. die early
aid unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections,
Which aro essay met at first, but which become
incurable, soil fix) often fuel, if neglects-11 'len
der lunge need this defence; and it is unwise to
be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which itmet the lltroat
and Cheat of childhood, CIIEIII:Y PECT/BAL
is invaluable; for, by Its timely use, multi.
tUdes ire rescued limn premature graves, and
saded to the love and affection centred on them.
It acts speedily and surely rtgaili.t ordinary colds,
securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No
one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain
ful Bramante, when they know bow easily
they can be cured.
Originally the product of long, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil
is spartsl in making every . bottle in the utmost
possible perfection. It may be confidently re-
lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever
exhibited, and capable of producing cures as
Memorable as the greatest it has ever effected.
Dr. J. C. AYER &CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
t • ^
t • s
r's AT hAinet
Only 50 Cents per Bottle.
%Rio COLOR, and tnereales the Visor
and lIEMITY - of the Mill.
°inn Teinrr Tuns au; tron'a rarrbancrs inn
vas Bun was Ern pineal is the seethe. by ProOo_lor
E. Themes Lyon. a mu:lento of Ilinetdon Conn,.
'Ste mune is derived from the Greek." livrano." .
mitring to etcasus,partfy vvittrarde, or rvroov. The
favorithssreveived,sand tholopnanty Altes obtatrod,
in unpreetteated and itearfatile. it the
tiaoustrurul Burr of tho Hen. 3tto n delightful
dreeshor.- It oradlades Dandrue. It prevents the
. TSatrfrom tondos Gni. It keeps the Lend cool, nod
Lives the lours rk..b. sort, Wooly apprnmnee. It is Um
esult in Guam= and OZALITT xa.orer n arse
.= of a Curtner Arlo, and irscatf all Ihurmsts and
Coratry Soave at Ylfty Ceuta ipcs //attic.,
A Womaiifilou . 13* For lit.
01%.111k1;.:NT'S: iitADSTONES,
Also, SOOTOtI GRANITES on hand.
J. PICKEITIM, ) 120 Court Street,
U. F. trial x. • • ) •
stth, lem--Iv4.
Bligliemtoti, N. Y
1-10in144*- • -' -