Farm and Household. late attelseas Cite Bess Layers. -....0...-- A correspondent of the Gauntry Gra- Oman writes: Alter repeated experi ments during the past twenty-five years in hatching chickens. I am fully con vinced that fowls hatched in the mouth• of July make far better layers than those born at any other season of the year.— Early battled chicks commenced laying in September, and continue until cold January weather, when they discontinue until spring. On• the other hand, when hatched in July or August, Cher begin in February, and continue until October. 1 find July chickens will average 50 to 75 more eggs yearly, than those hatched in March. My method, therefore, is to hatch 100 chinks in August for my own use. As soon. as the cocks can bo select ed from the pullets, they are convert:d into pot-pie, giving the pullets, all the room. The pullets are then well fed, and are soon large enough to care for them selves. The Light Brahtuas have always been 'my most profitable and favorite fowls; but with great reluctance lam obliged after three years' trial to place the Partridge Cochin' at the head of the list. As lay .era they excel any Asiatic breed I have ever known, and as market fowls they have no equal. They are very hardy. mature early, and make short-legged yel low-fleshed, heavy-breasted Cowls. My pullets hatched last August am laving now, as they have since February. They are superior sitters and most careful mothers. lam also breeding White Co chins for the first time this season, and thus far I am much pleased with them. Fall Management of Lambs. --43-- M. N. Russell, Jefferson Co, 0., writes the Germantown Telegraph:—ln order to have lambs go into winter quarters in good condition it is impoilant that they shohld receive proper attention in time. Not on ly should they have good pasture to run on. but they should be fed a small quan tity of grain at least once a day. Oats or rye is preferable to corn ; and if inclined to sem, a little wheat bran is an excel lent thing to give them. A small por tion of salt should be put in their feed, which will give them a better relish fur it. By pursuing this course they will grow very fast, and small, weak lambs will become strong and thrifty, and when winter sets in they will be so trained to eat that it will be a pleasure to tend them. They should be sheltered from the cold rains that very frequently come during the fall montos, when a little nice hay should be put into the racks for them to pick at. As a general rule it is better to have lambs in two flocks as the strong ones will crowd the small ones out if left to gether. An old pasture field of blue grass and timothy is better for then) to run on than meadows, as there is inclination to scour. Clover pasture should always be avoided. I have found from experience that it is much easier taking lambs through the winter that were well taken care of immediately after being separatet from the ewes than those that were left in a manner to shift for themselves. Woman comoll the Dairy. ——o— From a paper on Dairying, read before the Wisconsin Agricultural Convention by Mry P Putman, of Dodge's Corners, Wis., we make the following extraete, as published in the Western Farmer: Dairying should be promoted to a great er extent, and while I would in no-wise depreciate there extensive factory end prises, I believe tin y cannot superade the necessity, nor should their exisieuce furnish an excuse to avoid the trouble of farm dairying. It, from any pretest, our farmers should abandon the custom of producing sufficient amount of butter and cheese for the consumption of their families, a short period of time must prove the fallacy of the schemes. Farm er's daughters generally take too little M . - terest it, household matters. A young man, Lis ouly wealth consist ing iu health and witting hands. in coin- Pan y with a po.r farmer's ter) whom he hoped soon to make his wife.) while at au agricultural eihiloion, and passing by the stands loaded with household pro ducts heard mone one remark: "There is some good bread ;" when this dainty lipped hidy, in a tone of affection and dis dain replied: "I know nothing of this matter; I should be no-judge of the ar ticle." Slimy persons are compelled by ctrenmstances to seek new homes, which sm a ll means will procure, and these are found in rem-te scctions, isolated from many D.Dvunieneies of populous distrait& In situations like these, if educated in the care of general house work and the dairy, they might still enjoy the , teellent rood:, and the surety of un income from the proceeds ..f their Then, ladies. why not add to your oth er attananenta skill in the culinary area and in the products of the dairy that your pleusuro may not he marred nor the smiles of your guests doipLie , d by looks of disgust while at your repast, as you proffer them your fragiatit 'gilt edged" butter. and delicious creamy cheese. Rut thiA skill, in greatest - profection. is not acquired by a few faint hearted trials;' bat t ntg, pattent. persevering care and faitful practice, are necessary to accom plish the b-st results. A lady remarked to the successful com petitor on farm dairy products, at the late State Fair, "I envy y m the ear with which you gained your premiums?' She did not cormider that many years bad been passed in almost daily practice of the dairy lesson. • See To The Sheep. ——o— Sheep thin in flesh should now be wal ed from the flock and given the-advan tage of -extra feed. In most flocks where there has been a natural inerease,many of the ewes have been r,ilueed in flesh by suetaining two lives, and ench will be very likely to furnish a pelt before spring unless properly fitted for winter. The iruy to keep u strong. healthy' flock is, to not t ltii any member of it get poor. Ix some of the western granges, it is said, the members are pledged never logo in law with each other, but msettle their disputes by arbitration.. AN.honest old ihrtuer,pii king infortn. od - the other, dtly thwt (le orhis nioghhortt ttwed'tlim trEidge,...growlf , d' out,. uNo. VO t R r A rtifle?Fralvg nu thine bitelleg.. . - . • AA Downes ovdoror figuring elitism oroDuit C: D. "faasp, eve nogrestiol oo eon Dot oabocritiorpre• 'Oust to um Vet of Jannamlo74. IDDP *. - A. . IA eli U l2ll . fliPtr• •• . LaiLRAM. ~ ..agfakm,oe.l4no. . D. Now Milford Astirerthementar J. DICKBRMAN & CO. New Milford, Pa.. CALL azromos TO Tams =ton STOCK 01 NEW FALL GOODS ! Now on Sale. GREAT BARGAINS rs DRY GOODS both Pamir% and Do Asstle, Staple and Free). An the Novelties in Dress Ttionninn. Ribbons, Laces,Embroldery,lialr Gobda, am J. DICKERMAN & CO Ma. 'Neat tridoeements to Dams of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS bought at bottom prtres for cash. and undersold by none. A magnificent display of SHAWLS. J. DICHERMAN & CO bum, In DTC).1 1, 141:111 1 1;1191 embed enoo:b to till a email atom. We alertly* keep on band a fresh and complete flock of CIqr4O.COMPX - 1010 .V . T . 091011 . .. 1.032.04, Flour, null. tie , by the load, barrel, or pouu t i A floe line of EtAIWW ARS nod House For b..king Goods. PAPSIt LIANGLNIGS. all Ma popular etylks. J. DICKERMAN & CO., ire bound to keep everything the people erant.and a i.r. recently added to their immense st&ck a varied assort merit of 19 VW 9 MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE . STUFF'S, PATENT MEDI CINES, Em Everything to the Drug line et prtees that will uton tab drug buyere. J. DICKERMAN & CO call particular attentioa to their very larga avaortment of Mir 4C017310.-SI, t;-":17,1,1"iifikr.7.78, 1 1.1 L I M Pg,"a l liglet• WARS, etc 'Tie a Cut that ere keep nearly eeerythlng--the moat compete mama of any houee In the County, bonght at Net advantage foe CAIIII and .old at the lowest riving rate, • J. THITIMRDIAPJ te ee Now Milford. Sept. di, 1971cdtio. VALUABLE FARM 3Ficar Shstae• The subscriber offers for sale the ealcisb!e for= licrosra as the or. 3P1in.c.0." Said farm iv nor of the moat diYininin in the County and Is tweielfull) sitmted In the village of Smatmerw SUIVICiIIOIII Connie, Pa. There le a good Store, Flooring MIS. Saw Kill Plaster Mill, and Blacksmith Shop In maid Village. The farm Is directly on the line of the D. L. it W. flailroad,U4 miler from the depot In New Milford:l and miles (mai the New York rt K. ion at the Great Bend Station ; contains IS) acres of land. 193 acre, improved; le well watered. hewing a lotting stream of tenter running through it, end • never-failing eoppiy of matte conveyed In pipe, to be bout.. barn. and cat tle yards; it le well feared, and under good cultivation. It 0..11 adapted to gpsaaring grain, and le well Stied for tooth ea dairying. Thera i• a large and convenient do. Mug, nes ty palmed and a beautiful front yard with alma nbery. n large borne bent, large carrierr and tool barn, a large cattle hero with two rattle yards, ample and atAbirs for feeling at met or etAbling co., 3 email boy barns. tea hoer- brisk smoke boas •, corn kon.e, and it or-heeds of grafted trait. . • 'rev .• . ha. 3 &DIALLER FARMS test Le will TgRUS oI payrornt made easy, For In formotloo Wdreae R. L. SIT/THIN, New Milford, buoquebanzu County, Pa ..kezort ^.d. IF}.3—Gm. IL - Non SALE—The farm late of Nathan Al drich, de d, situated about half a mile wes of Ilontrose Depot, in Bnmklyn township, con Lining about 111 acres of land mostly quprov ed. Inquire of the undersigned, executor o :aid estate, at New Milford, Pa. ELLIar AUFIIICLI New Milford, Jan. 25,1873.-1 L Miscellaneous pttINTS AND OILS. A FINE STOCK AT B. R. LYONS er, CO: IS Stotatree, Mry 14. 14:3. C aItPEiTS. CARPETS AT ID =WS AND UPWARDS —Loss than rz. V. Prices— firay 14, '73, For Sale by IL U. LYONS &Ire SEGA= TEA, corn , nail other :1-1'C14003C11019 At Low Figures at B. B. LYONS & CO.'3 WALL SNIIF WINDOW PAPERS A LAX M' STOOL AND NEW PATTERNS RECEPTED EVERY WEEK, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. Os Bate by B. X. LYONS a CO Stay 14. Ira. s.1•00L TEREAD. COAT'S CLARK'S o. K. T., JOHN CLARK'S SPOOL THREAD —WHITE, BLACK. & COL. ORED—FROM No. 8 TO No. 130, AT 'ZS CENTS PER DOZEN. Rep sea c.a. Lion a co Xostrsae..rlay D 4 sari Miscellaneous. 43 ClOEtta inuaals lIF FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS, MAIN STREET, Montrose, Pa. Jaye B ILLINGS STROUD. General Iniraranee Agent, FM, LIFE AND ACCIDENT IRVIN ALECE, moray...tramp. Pa.. Homo Ina. Co., N. Y., Capital and Surplus. $4,000.000 Hartford ?Ire insi., Co..t.spitalandburplus to,ono,unti Liverpoill, London & Olone " limi.noo,uidi lac Co,. of Noll& America ' . 8:101. - io,e00 National, Phi Ca. aisini.iOu Antbrsclio, Yhilatra .' Sitic.ino Ina. Cu., State of Penn . & Union Mutual Lreomtng Fir. It Ullamsport Ins. Co. Narragansett, norldenee, R. L •" Merchant. Clay. of Neoarport, Ky. Newtown, of Bucks Co. Metall:m:lla, of 01w/eland !halo foe. Co. of Phil.. Alecomanis, of Pitteborg, .. IA I 30 MI . Conn. Mutual Life We. Co., Mantis =MN= -A. CP CI X3Z, MN T. Tranierr Ina.oll.,Llartord,Capitaland Surplus $2.000.1106 Railway Massagers t:isu,ooo. The undersigned has been well known In this county.for the past 17 ygnms,as an I,:s wanes Agent. Losses enetalned by his Comosinies have always been promptly paid. Ur Wiles firstdoor east from Banking Ufnce of Vi B. Cooper &Co..Turnplitest. Montrose.Pa. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CIIARLES 11. 8 lITII, t sonc i t .„ . BORACESPAFFORD. Montrose. Mar 2:Lltra. STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, LETTER 11 L A DS, ENVF,LL,PEi, BUSINESS CAnns, VISITING CARPS, WEDDING CARDS, ru-. Elt3, SA LE BILLS, HORSE BILLS, SLIP II I LI: 4 , PROW? . m Es, CIRCULARS, LABELS, RECEIPTS, TAGS, CATALOGUES, NOTE-4, PAPER BOOKS, P PULE"I'S, CERTIFICATES, r\ O`, PATENT DE , :DS, NOTES, ETC., riTc., RTC. lEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. .2_ 4 On and after June In, 187,..tr01ne on the Lebig y Railroad will run an follow.: loon. FORTS. No No. No Y. T. . . 16 100 910 E1m13.1 1245 0.9 915 321 13) 949 1110 335 90.1 935 137 1000_ .. Ath..9o II 8 'A, 420 205 10 40 ....Too 5r 413 .. II 05 4 57 010 622 1137 W9 . 5113919,3...10(5 713 SIS 305 11 50.... lacy 3 i l l o 943 405 .0 54 614 11 ... 9449991 w. ... 9 ..3/ 011 6 43 12 3. ...11rbocparq.... 9 13 0 :15 653 860 12 43. .T902190.103ck .. 949 321 556 801 442 1 50.. • ..111.190.n 7-'5 733 450 816 5(0) 2 15_ 11 - 11k99-718030,... 700 2 13 430 "7 30 4 35...51.011 1.10996... ... I 1 IS 131 .L B.N 550 411rnton n a. 9. 1 ,, 47 13:D 840 605 ....1181111911ern 19 20 11147 015 GM.... ...Easton 1006 11 35 porn 8 M.—Philadelphia r N. No. 37 leaves limaranda • t TlO a. tn.: Tathm/a. 7 A p. m, ; Wavtrly. Ft TWA trt arriviag at Elmira at a lat) at No St learre Elmira al 330 9. in.: Waverly, at A IF a. m.; 630 p. at., arriving at Towanda at 213 p, rn. aM , Draannt: Room Pare attn.-hell to trains 2 nd ritunlag through from Elmira to Phtladvlph la. It. A. ?ACKER. Suuvriattod Furniture and Undertaking. .1F 1 1.11 . 111t11.1.1 . -M AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Estensiva Ftrnltere Wareroom you will Lad the larva , aue.l. of FIRST CLASS AND COMMON re I IC7I-7i To be found la this Pact!tm of the country. o! Hs oe l manufacture. and at rue. that. cannot fall to live tall. laatiatt. tic rualett the very test EXTENSIt)N TABLES thth. Country, and nARILS.IN Tr them. 'UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kind. done to the nente.t mantle! P , Wit X 11,7 4C, E.M OP VARIOUS h..l:Clat. PURE NO.I MATRASsES, COMMON 31ATRASSES. UNDERTAKING The eabocrlber will hereafter make to. aderta Kiva , a specialty le bit bookie.. Miring jurt completa ins+ and the moat willst HEARSE t nmte. al needlng ocrl ices be attended to promptly and a• satlafaclory charges. WDI, W. SELITII & SON. Ifoutroae. Pa- Jan,. 31.1aTia—Lo5—tf. FURNINTURE WARE! EVERYTHIVO NEW &NH STYLISH le'r P. 7.3l2ocazTx_iimlnis. 50 Washington St., Binghaniton, Consisting of everything nameable in thai business. Repairmg pranptly done. PRICES REAUONABLE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Itingtuunten, N. Y.. August tt0.1.873.-15. V . =OXBOW 4tr. BROTHER, General Undertakers DEALERS LN ALL KINDS OF COF- FINS, CASKETS, ETC., ' _ G „- Airrii 13. Drugs and Medicines. '~' J ~ / ~'. IrkIAETES AGO VI PAN FITT7A . IO em 4,3 7 IF '.71 Lr4ittis g.. 4.-1.48. n...e * * news* In Amorlea. Ito i• ••• * ••• sit Ila•ohighegt lb* b*•••12...• `.• ***.s3.3. It h....1t tilti•st • astl Lt. t t.a..• 4 .T., a 1... at IA *be t I /,••• wp. a **M *f ho. • rill Ilr“ • w 57.1.1., h., •..t . rt I.! ml Le...1/he and 11711MENT, I!E=E=M?I It lononer.r• 1 •In *. •kU% I 7•• rwl• Rye ttt / . .01 , • P..., . rtnr- L „ . t .0•4 4.30 Guts. 4W 11.3 • 0140• 44 le, I 10 /4.3 L., M i11;.3 or Cattle. , 115 3 •; -4 • 1,7 7,9172171 rV4ki• u C^ . 6 ta,e Stark. tt.' 4144 •one &US 1. .• • >.;ptre, ..c , ~ r.d caw be i. dl. LIS 0011,V00 0..000 WOUNDS r.,, till. mon, dt.l aoir. ;.1 10 S.. L..) %lag ar , •, CI. Na'alltALL Crlle C1.4.111MD It Nll.l-0111. w• I• ,111 - .440rt.. LPISVIiIIe. rut ise taiona the es .ver hilt • ye*. •of trial, Inth Loo 11.1 L. W. 1... It a1.,11, 1.1.4 17 • =l'4 , " to Oi It et.. es, I.a.ament le vnt u reccer.rsted. the lia() . ill lc Inc iidc~. ,r tl• !n.l-.1 11., 1.7 tv - irts any ether Litd r- ~.n p, or ttit• or rosu.t. lbry •r, • e•,3 • , ruu I. ae swo •1-1 goL nottlug M • v L tricat Mdarl Lizirati LS. LI.T U“ . • 3 0 • Currraz SZOra. /14 £G C. et:c. arid Zl.oo per Bottle. Sarsaparilla Is widely known 4 as one of the most 4 4., P effectual remedies s . ), ever discovered for PW, - I, cleansing the sys- A ' 4, tern and purifying ..,;,.. :, .•<... .". s' ......-, ',...,.. ..-,...-- the blood. It has ' 4 :;', stood the test of ' -1,„,, #,..,..,r..5. years, with a eon ''; - T - solndyusswingre, ~. station, based on its Intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the . blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly kno -, wn , of SCrofkila, and all scrofulous &se i sms, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive' dia. orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus k Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia. Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrhtea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vig or of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system Moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of bro. in tr r.. o so N. , . No. No 14. 2 4. 1:11=D;I 7(0 90P PREPARED Br Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., .Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical ChemWs. SOW BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERTMELERS FEALES •FAX. VEGETABLE SICIUAN A.,7 13 m*V .-- - HAIR • - F.very year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only.reliable and perfect.. ed preparation for restoring GRAY or. VA.DEo Ilsut to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nozniml HAIR Davison:l ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure,and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST FREYA.. 11ATI03 for its intended purposes." SoldbsasDroppirls.andDearnt ha .11aidae& Buckingham's Dye. FOR TES WEIGHERS. " As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restote gray or faded 'Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one prtparation ; which will quickly and effectually, :accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color wnich will neither rub nor wash oft Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, 6 CO., LYON MPG. CO. Ayer's Prize Ono .Dottes. MAMMA, NAL Drugs and Medicines. OEM NEW DISCOVERY la ChasWaal mid I'M:dial Eiskrnce. Ca tb . i eti : " e ii a —• 4 414- ..4. f.t,' 4.• ~ 0 4 os :0 .. .. 1 ., r t . „ : . : . r ..0.z. ~ ~,,, . ../.. tt t.t.....;:,,, , -% t..14 , ! . . : 7 r '1411...- , ..i.e.t. 4 ,- • 4.. r :1 =I ...* 4 1 4 tv,.,12,-.1.44, 41" ,r , 0 4 ' - 4 . 4-• 73 ". ~,,._. ...),.. "Z,L, 4.V.h r edkiii '• C al 0 , • • -.). 4.'4,.. , .. , , 0 0 4 CI 0.4 O .4 CO ? •;,pm 1 g 2::W P - "k-Itstr Dr. GATT L" TAR I?.EIIIEDIES Cure Incipient Coavar:tption. Dr, GARVIN'S TAR currEDuris -Cure C:ltarth. Dr. GAIrIN'S TATA 1111EMEDIES Cure A , Knrsii. Dr. GAZIVIV9 'TAR 01^.11FEDIES, Curo Dleart Dr. GA n1T.1•3 4%m 72rzympiEs Cur !F.:an Dl , Arnvex., Dr. GAZIVIM3 TAU 7.E.NEDDE9 the Liver. Dr. GAnxiors TA7I IV.EITED/Eg tileStoinackmaa 3araels Dr. C A:: VIVS TA!: LIEXEDLIZS Cum i 1 Irerna!e Wea3messes. Dr. GABIY'reS I'.I2.:IEZENED/13 r ur Vy tSe 510.041. Dr. C I" '7:3 TeIr..I I IEDEES arc 131,4err4rs of the Ttroal. Dr. G 1.:11'171"!?; 3.31.17:12.11}2Egi Curt- tirt..: - ..•:::;t1.4. Dr. GILI:Tri - ti. TAD DETLEDYES Cure "Dose ColtVor-25,ay Dyer" Dr. GARVIN'S 'TAXI lELENEDIEII Cure Let!„ Disv.asen. Dr. GADVICY'S TAU. LtIMMEDIES Cur. Conutipation. Dr. 6,IIIIVVIPS d ILS ICENVEDIES Cur,' Sah E?.henni. Dr. GAZ:VILN'S DEYVE.DIES Cure 3rkiiiney Dr. G.96lVeri'S 7 . 3.12 H EMIEDIIES Prevent Cholera S `fellow Fever Dr. G.unitres TAD. 31:CMED/ES I'mreut Malarious Fevers. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR E.F.7IEDIES 1tr,..N0 Plain In the Ereast. Dr. GAirl' I'AILMiEDIE- 4 ,3 Romovo Pain the Sida or Back. Dr. GALVVEI`3 TAU. DILZIEDIES Area Superior Tonle. Dr. GAILIVIN'S TAR RE MEDIES ReAture the Appetite. Dr. GARVIN'S TAIL REMEDIES Causo the Food to bigest. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Reetore the Weals. and. Debilitated Dr. GAR VIN'S TAU RE FIEDIES Givo Tone to Your Sy!stem. IL. F. HYDE Sr. CO., BOLE PROPRIETOILi, 196 Seventh. Ave., New York- Iron in the Blood (-- ......,,,,...,„ 4 ,.,„ „.4„..„..,,,,,...„, A1..4,, .... • . ~,. ~.,4 ,,,,kz-,,,,, - .- - --4.. T.Nic..:•••• ..,.. A ' '4,t, ,........... , ,pC .' '' l • 1 412 . 6 '...7; iqe)11:101..P 4...4 4. .4*31. , .‘• ~ ' . ' - MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is to combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand ills," simply by Toning up,lnvigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per nieatcs every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret Of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humeri, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, DiseaqPs of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infit sing strength, vigor, and rely life into aU parts of the system. and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women and invalids cannot reasonably hes.. Vale to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU. VIAN SYRUP blown in the glaes. Pamphlets Preis. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, No. 1 2111tou Place, podium. BOLD DT DAVOGIBTX GLPIERALLIL 1J . c . 1 01, 'o , <3 lITHAMOK Only 50 Cents per Bottle. it peewee*. the GUOWTU, tqle-se.etVES the C0,L0C.,, and Increaws the Visor end EE/AXITIC of the U.UU. Corn Tumor Toss goo Loctst rtlVAisomi rook sue Ern use lest plated in the market Isy Profanes E. Thom. Lyon. et erne nate of Princeton Collect, The Lome is Cerieral boot ea Gunk. " li.ormso," aryl to ammo, r, ',festoon. e, restart , no lemur' haereecit na ospoLuitylthasobtreted, fre sommeeental and ea Gissertrand /Marts of ti•ollar... It isa dolfghtful azotfirkr. It etaduutts 3.ranlroa. It prevents the. Ark from Mafia ray. It k.epo ec Lod cool, cad sin:allot heir n rinh,soft, "last senescent& /tic es wax lu tautens" and Wrist no ic 1,31. over f. TiII of s elsres" Apo. sell teed3Ly ell IltuoMstieuJl ILlXuary auara at war )107 Ceuta par !Metals. 4 Volans Glory is Relit. • LYOEV3 A , IR 11.11 HAND BILLS PRINTED ♦T THIS OFFICE Drugs and Medicines made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vpmanu BlT mule " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov-, era his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable dualities of VLST.Ciss. Brrrscs in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them use Vviziaxa Burma as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. No Person can take these Bitters Recording to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stxoyea by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Thousands proclaim VCCEGAR Brutus the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. lii!ions, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mis sissippi, Ohio, Mlesouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra zos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Savannall,Roanoke,James,and many others, with their vast tribhtaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Au tumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. 'WALKER'S VISECIAR BITTERS, as they , will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restor ing the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bil ious Altacks,Palpitation of the Heartini mation of the Lengs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofu la, or Lfii t White Swel- Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Si,r,arlaonn T,AITIIIIIntiOIaN, Indolent Intlazinnations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sor,ts, Eruption.; of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitu tional Diseases, WALE:Eris VINECLUI lirrrEns have shown their great curative powers in Lae lung obstinate and intractable cases. For lailaininatory anti Chronic Iliteanottisni, Gust, Damns, Remittent and luterinittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, cud Bladder, those B.tters have uo equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. —Person en ga*sl in Paints awl Minerals, such as Pampers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Milers, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard a,s , siust this, take a dose of Ws*.ra's Via- Brasn.3 oc^a.tionally. For Skin, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Bloom, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pus tales, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs, Discolor:ideas of the Siin, Humors and Discus. -2s of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short, time by the use of these l3iitera. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in the s stem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No sys tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthel minities, will free the system from worms like these Batters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wom anhood or the tarn of life, these Tonic Bit tom display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. aumlice.—ln all eases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the seeretiou of the bile and favor its re move/. For this purpose use VISMISB Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever pie find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Bores; .w it when you tlnd it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; yoar feelings will toll you when. Keep tee blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. U. H. IOcDONAILD & CO., ormcgta, tieucral Av..% S. tr.cis., Collforn and cur. Wadtawitou sad C 11.1.0 Sta., Now Vat. Sold bT wtl Druggioto and Dealers, Sept. 100,1879 —ly. l' - Dllneetlaneons TAL XI. X3M Xs Is SO LT El. OPTOSMt TIIII COUILT UOVIII 310XTROSE, PWIrA JOBS S. TAItUELL. Proprietor. Nine Stages Leave thlo Boom daily. conaectiog the Mon.l.,ee Railway. the Lehigh Valley isailmad, and thas ,L.itW. Ra April let, MON I HONE ICA I LWAY.--Arrangonlent of Train*, To tnko esect on Ma uay, Juue dod, lee. Doo n Tro.os. hp Troluo. yourrimirmon. TOETIAWAnD. I'. IL L. U. A. X. r. Y. ...liontrote... Bridglitleter etSUrfc..; .2i ate — "" "'"u;.ont. 111. Z. 5-10 1 20 010 141410 ck 1(110 520 140 520_, ....... Tyler's 950 5 - .1., 150 - 541.. ..... ... epriors Ills 010 5.0 2 01.) 040 Lysn., ..... .„.. 9-01 . 2 13 550 Avery's 11 d * 4. .2 23 400 ...... . .. Etnuni. SUS -4, 203 0rm..... ..... ....1.,awa.... ...... SW 48. 043 n 9:I Marcra o'3 4'-, 313 •43 . Tunthannock NM t• i Allitainn connect at Tunkhannock with ra. & N. Y. E. N. lloitlX llo rt4 ana.nootti... Jab. I. BLIANtiI..EtC, . ne04.1111,12411. President. County 'Business Directory. 'rvic , 111,es in this !Arent ury . one Trar, $1.50: umb ad ditl..t Urn, CO cents, MONTROSE. O. s. BENITE—Coar.Ir Sor‘wyor, or Eirtrilochano• Coon tr. °dire In the COutl liourn, Montrose, Pa.-00-tr. JAMES R. CARMALT, Attorney at Last. °nice once door heloraTarttell Rouse. Public AOOOOO. • irM. 11. COOPER d 4 CO.. Banker*, Ptil Foreign Pas. Tick.. to and Dwane on England, Ireland and Scot land. • OILLINCIS STROUD. Goners. Flea and Life rarer note. Monte; alro.oell flatiron° and AceldentTitkt to New York And Philadelphia. afire one dour east ofthe hank. S'lM IlArliliVrOrT, Sister, Whnlerale and ItetaL dealer in all ilndent eletetroodnz, Dlantruae. Pit, RP2I9 .t NICIIOLS. the plate toszet Drop and Meal e,n e , l'ohacco, Piper. Pocket-Booka, Sparta dr* Yankee Nut lone. tic. Brick Block. WM. L. COX, Harness insicer ono dealerin all article. wtnally kept hr the trade. opposite the Bank. • ROT It e t CORWIN. Dealers In Stoves, Ilardware, had Ntlootacturere of Tin nod Sbeetlroti ware, Corner of Main and Tartiolke street. A. N. BULLARD. Dealer in Uroteries, Panatelas*, 80. ph 0. Stationery and Yankee Nato., at head Public Aran.. • NEW IrILFORD. L. L. LeROY. Denier In MI kiwi. of firming Imple— ment, mon'init machine, ',ill troth, dog powers. 1.01, ...le.. it 1111 $1....p001.1.0 Sank. lOW. CAYI . O4 PI. ‘AT —NICHOLAS *IIOEMAKER,deri, cr 1110.10.1110, PiZrier. Fr, b gmund. SAVING,. HANK. NEW MILPOED.—FIS per crnt. im 1000. on 31 1 DtposltS noes a gencril 1141.1:Ing Bur nei• ' S. R. CHASE CO: W. 1. MOSS & . Deniers in Dry Goode.lists.Ceper Boots and Shoe, and tie,ral Merehandlie_ no MM. erre.. second door beton. the Liplt,rovaleh,..-1. • F. KI BEAL C 11.1,14, Mier and Undertaker, Slain mete. tom Mawr. nelow Hawley's Store. MeCOLLUM BROTHERS. ' , eaters to Groceries an. Provisions. on Main Mreet.• ii, (1‘1(111 , ..r do SoN. Dealer. in Floor, Feed. Meal. suit. /.Mr. lirorerlce. And Provisions. on Maln street. ootromte the Depot. }KISS l KNI P. liontrli Leather itatinfactater, AL.I,ILT Noy, .1 it , Wrt D. Keit, 4INEI' d HAYDEN. Des lefs in firer , and Medicines 31111 \lllllar.llll,l, 01 Cigars, on Main Street, neat 'he Depot 1. Dlt. KERMAN. Jo.. Dealer in general raerchandleer • and Clothing, Retch Store. ou Main Street. GIBSON. M TENGLEY—DeaIer to SLOVCO, Tin. Copper. Dna and Sta,tlroll IVare, Car.411.r.. St. Air°, toatiutactur er et Sr. , 1i,1111,. ord. rooo,!ii and Lead Pipe wioo4oi to at WI/ prict,--Usbauu ,4,..1a.-1 EUu'.l 11l .t ISIIY IST, M Inetteturera of Wagotii and Stelt:tot, oe-,r the slot, . GREAT BEND. L. S. t.ENrinry. Manottrtnrrr M Lnnthnr, and dealer lu L t en,nl Mttrrl.nridt.....ttn Maln Str• rc 11. 1' It .1t M,rt.not Tall, and drat, In Read/ Made Cinching, bry Gatode,LittocerinnandProVi.lons Min Street.• Hardware an Machinery. PAISWR MIMI , I' r... '4 , . a- w, 4:),-.3:1 HORSE HAY FORKS! A. 1. NIELLIS , PATI.V; unwnovEn. M2==l s N:III,I:FVLLY. An Implytoent ry P l'orpenter, V 1.021 ,nl/0.1, REV:II,7I2;G HORSE Fl FIB, 13, 0 d ~,t1 erftdieo c, rod lit:. 1 MC'IITCR coylr.r. .ors, 1 tint Ai. Ore. an .1 I. ARM Wlll , ll Et whrn the 4v gsaal. Er."J. 1.5- 1., 1 . 1.1 UNE am]. )en Mil IEffIME=MII u~a+ i:nl~m, I'~~u ¢,July ISI .41% BOYD.I COI2WIN I LUNT 151tOTIIERS, W41.11,01r .t x. ,nit DmDerr Is HARI)WAItLI, IHON, i EEL, AILS, ~i'lliES, SHOVELS, — 111.1)Eli': , HAI:1)W ABE, VINE RAIL. I/ UN 7 I , ..iesEAK ft 7' RAIL SPI.K.S.N , .11(A ISO .51.7•PL1E.5. L'.41:127.4(71 , SPRING. , AXLE:, dfit./.l'S 4.1(1) 130.17E , q. WILTS. a ff d 17,4,5iftz:8. PLA 11 , :71 ti A.V s. MAL LA' AI, :1.15 !!!0 fib'. ARL.7,(777.5..5E..1T •IPLVD,I...E.s. 110178. de. ANVILS. Vitt!, STI1•10- ~d DIES. lISLLOWS IT A NIMEI2S. SLEDGES PITA.", , IROI I I..SS AND SOLI 4A WS, ReLTING. PACKING TAVNI.R BLOCKS. PI.AsTFN PARIS f• R F:NT. HAI'? Jf. , :FNIr.‘TONF.S. wRENCII WINDOW 01,8 SS. f.FIATIIEI:4 FINDINGS VA I RD ts: WS SCALES. ' 4 1-ranton. Stsotti.O. IVA SFSITTI SnlltlS "_ 9 12 0 Vi7vonung Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM uoMPANIEs AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE URNS THE SAME' ON DEMAND WIIROUT PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALLOw ING INTER EST AT SIX PEA CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ARY AND JULY. • ASAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOsIT FOR LABORING • MEN, MINERS, NE CHANA,'S, AND MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS. • wELL. .NIONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW IN ERH EST FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ONE 'WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN ERS AND MECHANICS. . DIRECTORS ; JAMES IMAM. SAN FOED GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER.M JAS. S. SLOCU, 3. H. SUTPHIN, C. P. MNITHEWS, DANIEL HOW ELL, A. E. AUNT, T. F. HUNT: . JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ;- 0. C. 319010% CASIIIEIt. I OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. 1 NI'IL FOUR P . - • l C is il l iD O A " 1. : .U. - ESDAY AND ININGS UNTIL EIGIIT Feb.l2. 1.873.-I.v. MEM! lams Loclr. u 1.. Lan dc I=l