The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 12, 1873, Image 3
THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Religious Services. The serviees in the several Churches of 'Mont ose are as follow ft ATI' IST C RQ IS.Rcr. J. E. Cat etamn.a. D. D. Paator tiabhath Servicea lON a. m. nod 7 t 1............ P er, Wednesday Saennaga cnrrscn, itry J. St.Arrnnr Second Strottiy in eArb M.mth ha bb3th tirh ml Immediately befory ....Rev. J. M. Sterrot 1034 s. m. and 73i TO. rn Urt , roPAl. baShvb Semler. o 'AV S-01001. . ...... V/ rek.bay Scr . ed n 4 ,alayit , :kt E . TM - 11)1Si' EPISCOPAL..... . ...Rev. W. J. Jrnn b•h ti ... balrritel• 0 4r, • M. and .CO7II. m I'4 brml t. m Prayer Ile.iinz, ThorAclara 41.1 r. m PitE4,llrlTlllllN envitcn Rev 1.11 MILLIn RIME '.r' ink 'tial,l.lh Thur.lav Eveulnge, Arrivals nncl Derturiterei -4 rririts Departure& 31on!rt..m. Depot, (baily,) 000 P. M. 620 M. New 3.1.01ard, " 10 00 A. M. r :91 o I\' aLnin " 9 45 A. IL 0 0 P. M Tlnkflnnuork, " 10 00 A. M. 300 r 31 0 (0) 0. M. S 10) A. M. I'nn Alin St:tion, 700 r. m. 700 A. I 13wfryt on, 0000. M. 71x1 0. m. 311,1)oppm, 10 00 A. M. 400 r 11 The NVW Yor.;,Tunklettousoh, New M - ilord, and Wylitaing mails are daily: the Con LIM will lesve 011 Tuesdays. Ttittr , days, and Saturdays; Binghamton mail, Till Silver Lake, a ill leave on Monday at (1.30 n. iti., slav and Thursday at Sp. m ; .M.eshoppen mail will leave On Mondays, Wisinesaays, and Fri (la\ , Friendsville mail leaves and rr.l , :riis Tuesdays, Thuesdays and Saturdays. The !tine.- ham ton mail via. Bawleyton, ail ! arrive Tu.'s day, Thursday, and Saturday, at 6 p. m. in leave same days at 7 p. ADDITIONAL STAGER, MontmAe Depot, (Dail}'.) (to P. x_ I I 011 k. New Milford, " Bsor. v. 73)A M. E. C. FottortAAt, Postmaster. 31.1-arose, January 4,1871 List or New Advertisements Execotors Notler—Estate of Patrick Corbit_ Agm is 1{ ante4l—:S. K 111 , 111:11i. MI M. Robinson. Binglitunton Marble Works—J. Pb kering Co• Fermium. Emporium—E. 1) M,binsen. Dry ; .16-C. B. Perry & t'o. )':tin Killer—Perry Da) 19 5:- Sun. Nlikeellaueous Atlvertweratats—Geo. P. Pow 111 & Note , . Ahoot Town Buzzing—tl, >h•igh3 ratr.r.,ze I hope wiio advertise. Several i:lrbes hIllrIA 491 last nigl,t. Wni, II Cooper it in.! my iLad otheil proving Lie premise& Thy M. E. mite socirty svi ntret at the re,i deuce of J. W. (.I:l;,nian, this ternins Norvoilirr 12ibi I The Parisi) Aid Soy irar of St. Pare church sr:11 reguinr work Jnr vi inter on WeAt..., 121 h. ,i•t..) p m , ct the h Mra Daniel : . •.tyre. ailkmdatxt. /a. The "It;nerant Trio." Wes•ta:“., ner, end Leacofh, w iil ;rive a ronoctt at ;hr N. E Church, in !i/0ntr ,, ,,. un Toe-die ,•rro•nc nest. Notttutter !Nit, for the htrettt church. The I,rgr,t sticks of Dry (;,..)!, in !own (~n be found at the ri-ipeci .irt , •if tien Lei g, , and esieno,,y, advrriiminv-ut of !lit f,•••.or :;r.O erii I.e f,,und in another column. Heal IL Now k the tint,' to gnarl rot:l.:gra illler comel nut • t gr . llCS,Nestors, am/ al/ other c. fur i.. fusing warmth, Able'. h a ve tent Ihe beginning of the namintr, /ll I, e p:. into Pret.t-wion ctkraper taau cure Mr. Philip Hahn. the pre i .rie,r m.•.! Market on PtuLate Act • ha. Be('e on hard. he .d.rugt.ter.. d n pnir of osrn last Sratnrday that w&zhe.: .Fret 1e2.7. Epicures drAirous s.•inething . eztiaordinPry can Le ano,ranc,lutt-d. it 14,f? V,,ply at .111,e. A meal off this beef will be vi coin rehearsing to your grand-cilikl:rn TV hen the )I,)ntro,e it Ailwvy is coin r•lcted ne enn:1:11; to mint-act, we propose to blow our ttlazt4,- for it again. The trot< Is.W s:ow belt% een the 4 , l,pping shv it - 41s this side of South wxter depot, thnt we think no one will be in j arai t, tLe furs at presunt,il Inc 6 'rfna! is not We I pink trlculling an uncalled lur waste of steam al prc,nt There was a proliiund plii:.-e - oplier who etim peed advertising to a gruu ing .:run. . "Tile fanner plants his tied, and white he is steeping the crop is growing. So with advert is. in 4 While you are . sleeping or eating, your ad vertisrment is being read by thousands of per who never saw you or beim) of your busi 11,0, nor never would bad it nut been fur adrer Mr C. C. Faurot, formerly of this place, can 71,r he found at C. B. Perry k Co.'s Dry Goods stare. Binghamton, New York, where he sill be glad to see all his old friends from this chin it,.... essrs. Perry k Co. arc selling sheeting \ at six ee , Is per yard, the best prints fur six to ten cents per yard, bleached muslin six to ten cents per yard, and all oiler giants in propor tun. Those visiting Binghamton, should not foil to give Mr. Faurot u call. Diem.--In Montrose, Oct. tiOth, 1873, Mr. C. ii Lathrop, in the 52rid year of his age. The subject of the above notice, was a SIM Of .1:1•14C Benjamin Lathrop, wbo was among the most ‘ltecessiul pioneers of this County. lie has been au energetic aud successful business man, sa i was well known throushout our eon n ty,and ' 6, ,i5 tidily esteemed as one of our most enter pr,inz anti upright citizens. fits linteral was lamely attended from his residence on Bat a:n[ly, the first Inst. The stone walk prescribed by onr Connrilmn der the new Borough Law, on T.:rtipilee street, ba• i ,l ,knotber first class addition, its PrOr:e . 6. Yeren Loring dompleted his portion iu front of ho residence. There is now only three missing hn..s in this chain of very marked improvement. These are in front of We residences of D. Brew ster, Geo, P. Little, and the office building of F. A t aw, Esq., the owners of which are men of ineane. nn•l should not allow themselves to be Son g out done by some of their' less wealthy neiiValmr3. "Y Old Folks" were at the Court . House on Pndey night last, according to announcement, "d gave their concert to a large audience, not mthstand•,ng the storm. The entertainment via , wPII rme)ved and highly complimented.— Its objeet was not like most of concerts, to en rich the performers, but was striCtly philan thmpic, and they did not expect, perhaps to the audienCe a "show' , for money, yet they vier, pleased to learn that their effort was quite generally pronounced a first class affair, and 5 0Ine of the older pcopie considered it the best entertttinment they ever beard in town. Asa re perter Is preparing a somewhat elaborate report for the prea,whteh we shall publish next week, 'iv will not attempt any minute detail Aor ver Mn. Enrrona saw hi the columns of your paper, that a person wishe.l to know how to take 45 from 45 and have 45 remainder. I send you the answer. 9,8, 7, G, 5,4, 3,2, 1-45 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 0-45 8,6, 4,1, 0, 7. 5,3, 2-45. ➢list' CAttniz A. BETSEY Gibson, Pa., Nov. 180873. The 'First Juron. MR. totronst—The following scrap is one of many taken out of the litstory of Susquehanna County, in manuscript, to reduce it to its pree cot limits?—}l C. iSLACKMAIL The first Jurors drawn for the first Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, held at Montrose, in and for the county of-Susquehan na, on the 4th Monday of January, 1813. Waiter Lyon, Wm. C. 'rum% Phone as Arms, James Cook, Jacob Roberts, Edward Dimock,* Isaac Brownson, John Belcher. Jonathan West, Amos liarding, JillllCti Thayer, N oitb Alden, • Tallman, Jartdi Stephens, Luther Dram Noah Tiffany, Wright Chamberlin, Asahol Sweet, Joseph Caapmau, Joseph Raynsford, John Comfbrt, Thomas Scott. —'Edward Dimock (Dinitulek.) These all appeared (unless John Comfort, whose name is crossed on the record, may be an exception.) but were soon dismissed by thr Court, es the business pertained only to peti tion. for sew townships and roads. At A,oril Sr,,sious raw. ing, there was no panel. Sheriff's S:lle4. The following are the affteriptloos of the pieces of land, with the names of the purehat. ers, and the privet; paid, which were sold by the sheriff, on Frilly, Noventbcs 1873. All that cert.:lo lot of I dad eltuate 1n Pimoek 11,,,Ititt• to. 11.• count, of SoNnelvtune and State of homey' , ',llia. 1..3)&4 Sod tleeerlhed an follows, to wit t neettottn,lts n poet and etnoten k corner of the Cry th•t, 1., !nods C. Rogers and 1. Duktol• tuerth 421 t its trees ra-t stttn perishes , to A n ent sod 1 1 !001, thouew,: by Inn. of I'. TIM.). no till de• great tt. et 1111 1,,,-hen to th• router of the road, thence atom: the.. ..Iry of sat t recdsouth 9 dezrecw cant 54 pricker out south dveteen went 311 perch, to • point then-ht, th. nee bd and late of Ilvtdatrdo Parke 'eel dt rode to the of lutizittolott, ettotntuttlg 1111 /1. re , pyre; vs of fault uah. , the some mitre Or -e, as the appurteoancen, and ,bout 15 arse- Improved. 160. MI tame •••vvral adjoining lot• or laud nitrate In 11 otett-k• ten °ship. In the mousy of doequehatska and Slats of Pelt..., It:Iola, bounded on the rant by the rood 1 , 11 IfiiM the Clot,. nl.itt 011 the farm of Betel. Parke, up the 3i , ••b.4q.e1l ere Is. 00 the mirth by Inane late of Itenj I' irk,' and 1 ..1 of I) At. rtolarblll, nn 11, out y tatn 0' calf l'i6rke and hi We road running we s t 01 the -ehool hum,. lot end Its the cold to., and 00 the •••13111 by said Suite toad, I.Wlntnitnt 2.7 nerve of ltt'id, to do r•lou 11101 or lee., with the appurtenan, no, 11111% 1,1,11-with ehop nod stable, a few (eon tree, tot! ovtet int ttoproved. (Taken at the tut' of 11 tn. 11 Loop, en fieujautio Parke.) Fiat pioce sold to W. 11. Cooper, for PO 00. Sccond piece soft to W. H. Cooper for $115.00 that certain plore , Parcel nt land alta al iiie t0..1114-1.14p 4.1 A 1 4.43 fn. la the o.unty of nut. .r. t-1 41.. 4.1 l'aittoyivatila , bounticil rot: cc. ocriherl ne e. to nit:UL the aunts ti) lan& of L. o. I toren all and bpi user Eirann, en the rant by road. tri. 1,4. 1.444ti11i t.y ririn and on Ilia inert by the Bun nell I 'ion• irf :Ito! lard,. of Jonathan nab:W.ll containing atrial lorty trts 4!( 4 re.. of law,. be the 1.411 n , e MOM • r trooi with tar ntigoilliret, min e 4.1.11 4 4.111, bon. one 1.•1 4 11, Into nut 1: rtinitrait truer. and nil tot groan& Telren ines • , olitai at In...Mit of H. S. Davis agetitned In U. 11 I tioni bus V. Kettc,g ) s,,jd t o U. It. Lnnn end Marvin Bennett,for $42,OCa. AI t.:et—All that rerl..b. piece or plr tel or land eit ate the to the county of Soo t to sfstv't.f i'i v houndetl anti de. , nnett t 011.... ta. vstat .././ the berth ht land. of E. Tingley 41,2 l:•,11 Ti,. r. vu the 1,1•41 by lands or It. r,1.11 the ...nth by 'awls ado P. If.tdoell zow four 4., 11..11 the egq. by the road I Idiot: front Ja.,krv.a Comore, rott onlotr. fifty art , : of 'and. tre the van." more or lea., .ms) Oath% hte octet, Improved tt• •, •s.t la. -an of A. to.d S. Kum, t' A. and to. K Monte astoyftn E C :Mil Sol 1 to J. I.: MeC4•l!catt 14r the 51M1 of ‘4120. Al.-a—t !I 01,T Cq-1,141 pivre or pan..., tuna to LiC .11 at , I 'LS •/ tile morn" yof Cu.. 1 is :au ia. hoool.lod sodlle to .1 Ott th-n..nh br tHod, of N. oo r ..• Button •• , r. LA.:J. 4: J./ a. 4 n - . 0. L'Ultoo, • i.• .4.0 f L.-a.. an , Atom , rait •.... ergo; i; • of laorl. he the setae ~r 11.0 ,pnr ,, !rat., Otrviliog ar, (Mit trot, and • •!, •zern lon at liar boa of W. W•li own ‘• It A. 'Whin ) Soh' to 1 S. Lithe IT the sum of $lO.OO. A; Si; —All thn-e inr or parne'ii of Lendoirmitr it 'I.•• ;wilily • 1 Lon,. in of Suriluotaain m.rd nit ` .e n 1' livandod tin the nor:in by loitid• on 1.4.1•ri 11 ij 041:n misitii of Aehiald or a d S t': vrof lin. mill tot nrar the old ....••.r by Lines of li -unit While. on h•• lir. , Li n I .4.2 I p.kin roirsisind rioi' , We. ..4 A I'horrhill 1: e, • • costa/sing aiwito ate Sl4,Ci , of land, int • tone , or •s. odu the appurtenance, one ; A . •,/ 'Oar,. (ills, holt.. cleaning e .Ik*, otu teed.'t mon , and live waterwheels, I •,.: ne.^ 74/131/1 . 11 1.1 . end is: it mill. wood maw o i vs v d „ 1 , I• .11/.1 1 1 .1 W thereto bi•iong• one de, eking-iodise. one barn, one shed, noll,olll. 1-s, s od wild. • e,l I Lenwpfilic t small pieces or parcels in /3..0 as norriolore uee.led one to /I lows W. au. wider:ilea nisou 17 roes of land. on which 1s sllttetiol a into dry and • lb, shops ; the other to ...Has Ho 'ley rontainlc e e 1 . .1111 rode of lend, on wborh le eitodeo a ...Ire hence end .idyl I Abet, One other lot /91 r the north by leads of A. A. Pi: ar. ued wadi • 11101. lip. on the neat by lands of onto tti Wile, on south 1 , 1 pantie Inictsuity teeding f • in Lenosin le pew* lasts,* . 1 . 1 •p. on the west by I A.. 11 iletead. ciostsioliof tibOut acres of r the 1.1-11.1 P mere I;se tint the aptootettances. oi drrliicg Wise, one hon, ruie orchard. and (dot. .5, and :di ii .rdone other lot hone •.i: nn rth 1/1 itio hmtieli oh the nos khatinock s. k hien wider ci rii and ti. (I fleece, on theeest r of t I tIIIf ond id. J. In Mier.° the *malt h, oh N. J. Decker and politic hi,Wway leading front past I. on the voi,d lip Linde of A Ptiey..l. P and estste of John liiracle, e .n mown; /1 11 0/14 le:Leroy of tend, he the came more or :es* othe ,meth :a one dwollisg hone. one i•d. iiatioins,, fruit trees, and I,airt.t all Ira. roved :ET. epilog Lit, pie. cc or parcel. of land lc sold Add deeded; ono to the Trusiece of the 4 P. Church conialwag nt...ot [ere. of Lied, on si, eh IX eierted 11 1 . 1,11//1 edifier; the other to L. into. now eon :pled by U C. Devereint, emartiUlDf /We .rreof 'Hod 1 Also. all Pdtt certain piece or parcel of tail io the ft.ll , lilp of Clifford in the coon ty of boo; itehatsus and MLitt. of Peutisyleunia, bounded raid deeeditodt as follows. to wit.: Du the north by the MO: f nd at len.fh 'enter mark, on the ,net by lands tp , C. C of the smith by ptildie highway 1-,din. from Lawn die 1/1•4 C. Illonclitatling,on the no, by twit. or !I Irani It Otte, contemn - le about four erts.• or lied. to We *sine more Cr lee.. with the eponr teini ere: rlO -1110:. /too,. Iwo out •liel Idlngs. and all inter:•.: <I. Air,,, all that tertsla piece or pace! of land *duo, plot') in the tiortishiP of Lenox and port i" the snenstilli of (gigot d. to the county of Susquehanna et d elate of Pentis) leania, hounded and deseribeda• folios to is t , : Ott tbe north by leads of S, ltertley.O. neverenre.and coins hi hway. On theeSPl unit awith br lends late Ike esten• of Franklin bond. Ott the south aid s, pt by puti'ic higlissy leading hum Lefoixeflle fret • hinitney Lecher. tent/vying about 04 acme of land, be the ',One more tir Ws, with the anitilffenane... 5 how*. a fen fruit fret, nod nearly all lawn/red. Al. eo. Ina ecital und,iihei one half portion of al) that pied r e, 0,1,1 of !awl situate la the township of Har mony to too Collay of Suowettanna and State of PQM aylvanfa, boundrd tool described as follows: Begin. nor at mo lvek tech by a hoe of s 11,90 or lend ID the 11,111101.1' nurse of Henry Drink, south 49 degrees east 179 perches to a beech ravioli: twines by a tract In the war. oleo tome of Henry Drinker, Jr.,imicalt it degrees sod 45 tniblVer 5t..4 allot 14 porch, to the county Hoe of ht,llOCh.llDOl and Wotne. thence along tiald D•uuty line sorph 3 degrees treat atond perches, thence hi a W tract of Land in e othrrADlc, name ofeidnrad Thrte south ladst.-ereesw< et SI perches fationt) to a C 0.." of said Ti,rfe wdrradtee throve ny warrlntee la the eater of Frodorick Bonlinla and Deltic! Herkley north 43 de• ns• en aou minnwe sve•lt. Sty Perrbeh to a Conic?. thence to rah! Berkley end Henry Drinker north 4ti de. greet 11,4 I:4 5 ID pearl e* to the place of beginOing. coot:dna: 315 mows of land, be the come morn or les, with the opporicusucee, oar dui:elfin:, house. barn and Other ontbultd lig, mallard. and aboUt 4liarree Ira proved, (Taken to ere:cation at the suit of X. J. Ma. ley so.sigived WC. Herding and hum, H. Richmond to. audrew Hale end and al.l. Decker. Norman White tra. M. .1, Decker and Andrew fielstead. Samuel Ilalatrad re. Itsdrow iialetvad and Crow lkothere ell. Andrew 11/1114...u./.1 First piece sold to F. P. and E. R. Grow, for 2,titl!). Second piece io liiram White forslos. Third piece sold to F. P. and E. R. Grow for $1.500. Fourth piece sold 'to D. K. 'Morse for $155. Filth piece sold to D. K. Morse and Chapman liardinz for $025. Sixth piece sold to D. K. Morse and Chapman Lo [larding for $275.. A,o—All that cattalo piece or parcel of :and,ellnate rn the :ann.:lily of New Milford. in Om county of Sus quehanna. and "dare of Penneyleaulo. thatweled and de relined at fallout, to wit: One the north by Weirton on Coe vannt by lands of Sammel Faucher. On the tooth hr and, of Suet :rem, aid on the went by tut of J. O. Sutton,, Ong e. scrip of tend. be the tame more with the almlitei.kicet, one haute. barn, one ortikerd. and about:, acres Improved. .-lect—dll that other :rental.- he,, or parcel of land 'horde In the torrowp of hew VAe,rd. In the county of tintapntba. mt. end Kate of Peounficonla, Ito - laded and described o r roll,mr,, to nett On the north by. I). tu d sir. Etat road, ost the rant by lands of W. C. Ward, oo the 'oath by land, of IL Ely. and on the wart by horde or P. Phln racy. sonloining to acres of Mile, he the same meteor . uitia the uppUritlifillCOS. one bonne, one barn, one orchortt, ended improved. that certain place or pared of land—tetuoie In the townettlp of Stew till. furd.ln the Coilitty of ansausharms. sad State of Penn sytraula, honotleti Ott the north bytandn'of A. J. Linter on the , set by the Montrone tendon, the tooth by lands of A. W Itehlnton, and on the west by lands of 9. Peck, and 11.. f Vail. coutasulnor shoat Mar nerve of laud. be the tome more Delete, with tha appurtenances and mostly Improved. rratketall exacta:ban s 8 the oath or w. tr. Lyons & Co., vs. Geo. n. McCallum. n. n. Vaneott vs. Geo. U. McColl inn and Peter McCollum. It. C. Lest dt Co.. tra Geo. B, McCollum. Bodine Psyna vs Gen B. McCollum. and 8. B. Mue rt Co., vs Geo. B. McCollum and Parr McCollum.] First piece sold to J. 11. McCollum for $lOO. Second piece sold to J. B. McCollum $1,210. Third piece sold to J. B. McCollum for 0. ALSO—AII that certain Weee or parcel of land. situ ate In the borough of New Milford. In the county of busqnehanna. and State of I enneylvanta, bounded and described as follows. to wit: Oa the north by Spring Street. on the cast by Slain etreetr on the renth by lot owned by Andrew “Illespte, and on the west by Divis ion street, being goy feet in front, by two hundred feet In depth, with the appurtenauces, one large frame need as a Town lloli. (Taken In execution at the stilt of Keep & Marlow vs. The Town Mail As sociation of New Miro. d.] Sold to Horatio Garrett for the sum of pa. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sttoste in lbe township of Jackson, in the county of Susque hanna. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded sod do ecribed as rollowe, to wit: tin the north by Inds of Sabin Barrett, on the east by lands of Sabin Uttrett, on the math by lands of Benson Brothers and Wm. Bird. van. on the west by the llama ny and Lenox Puttylike road, containing eight acres of laud. be the same noire or lees, with tbeappurtenancea, one frame non, build ing. one frame dwelling.bouse, ono frome horn. one hog lipase, one orchard , and other fruit tree., and all Improved. Also, all that other ce. lain piece or parcel of land, situate In the township of Jackson. In the comity of Susquehanna. and State of Pento.siva nia, bounden and described as follows. to wit : On the north by land. of William 13irdeall and Urbane Paine, on the east by I Inds of DI. J. Mul vey. on the sown hi land. of C B. Gritsmpon end saldne Barrett, an on the west by lands of Wm. BirdeLall. containing fourteen scree of land, he the same more or Inea, with the appurtenances. [Taken in eseenl led at the snit of Mary P. Conrad vs. Slice B. Knapp.] First piece sold to Mary P. Conrad torsl,ooo. Second piece sold to Mary P. Conrad for V 220. ALSO—AII that certain piece ar parcel or load situ ate In the township or Thomwm, in the county of Su•- gentian., and Slate of Pennyylvania. bounded and de- Penned as follows. to wit: On the moth by the Jef ferson Railroad, on the cast by burying Vortnd s on the b south and west . land• of Clavier Stoddard. contain ing una and one half acre, of land, be the same more arlese, with theappurtenences one now mill, and all Improe d. iw. all ether certain piece or parer! of land sitnate In the township of llhomstin. In the multi yat Nusetuehanna. and State of . etinsylvati is, hounded and tit-seabed as follows, to wit: Ott the north by lands of Win. Jenkins and John O'Brien, on the east by lands of N. F. Burr. on the south by lands of Patrick and Than. Rogers, on thu west by lauds of James AIIIMIOnrO estate, containing shunt two hun dred and slaty acres of land, with the appartcnanc• three houses, one barn. and Shout ten acres imprived. Also all that other piece or parcel of land attn.° In the township of TIIOIOIII4III. in the county of Stisquehanna. and State of Pennsylvania, honeded and descrthe . follows, to wit On the the north by lands of William and and Nathaniel Vanhorn, ou the south by land! of Elfish Conk. on the rant by lands of 11. Chandler'. es and no the west by lands of R. Welt, containing .boat one hundred and tnirty.eight acte of laud, ho the some Marc ar bW. with the app urtenances, One noose. two small born,, one large byre and Mod, two orchards, and sliest one hundred acres Improved [Ta ken in cseention at the suit of John Mover vs Collins and Blisha P. strong and Ournery Osborn es First piece sold to S. U. Barnes for $.30. Seeond piece sold to S. H. Barnes for ;50. Third pit;ce sold to S. H. Barnes for •0.50. ALSri—All that certain piece or parrot of land sittY. ale In the townehlp of Hush. In the moody of Sailitte banns, And State of Pm:may:earth,. bounded and dent rib• et) falows, to wit: On An north by public highway, on the raw by ant of J. GrAy,the anoth by Ind.of A. W. Gray and on the wmtt by land. of A. Jonen. containing fifteen act. of .and. ho the Name more or 1, se. with the apportenmmew one hon.,. oe lot! amble. a few trait tree,. and nit urakv n n fu rx7rUtloo at the win of J 11. liosetticranit 'a. Juerepti Atom. ] Sold to J. H. Rosenkrans for $l6O. A I.Ao—All that Certain piece or parcel of land pinate In the enphlo of D'Woolt Ir. the Cniudy of Suety., haitna nod Oral.. of Fleno•vlmni..boended nod de-retie ed a. ny'lwa • o : I. at the non head hereof corner a at the wept hoer, Iu of hlghwat and the petal...wet earner of land. now or INC of Lyman Bloke.. lee., throe. month 12 d. greet. earl ale, y thin highway 4.2 perches. to a Make sod olnlit. thence -2,1 31 11ef6Ill aid; Utak. to a comer, ittenee north It -22 mm We'd IA parrbee to la) man Ell ikeplee'a land. fbek er...t by tie some Al tweetiew nod 4 Ilnkt to the place • begin ling containing shoot 11.1( acres of Mod. be the : •Ine. murV Or le., With the noptirtroanceo frame h00p... a• ail Improved. [Taken to exreut ton at the Imo of Mid .. In m Alluu nvelgiled to Y. Pitch re %Meth, A. Gavilt 1 Sold to L. F. Fitch for the arm of $75 OCR COitZEOPONOJC.NCE fwe Invite our Mende. from dirererat town., to vend ma Items or lUlercel. brad the facts ; ‘Se Cho rnth.;e them.) ITEMS FROM SUSQI.Th:IIANNA DEPOT. More rain, more seat. C. S. Bennet is in sown. A lost boy in town on Friday evening. fus=el iu baring.ber house minted. Judge Cool: %la in Albany on Thursday hist. A part of the highway between Susquehanna and Laueshoro, has slid out. Dennis Casey is building a new• house on Erie street.. I. W. Jones has added a new lamp to the post °Moe. Benjamin Aylesvrorth has built a barn on Main strict. in front of his house. The Episcopal chapel on the "Queer's aide" is being painted. M. H. Eisman has been in New York,the pas week buying gooda. Thanksgiving is to be observed here by preaching in one of the churches. The carpenter work on W. J. Falkenbur)'s newsoffica. is nearly completed, and the painting is being done. The M. E. Church envelope collections for the first half ?car amounts to seven Itundm: dollars and eighty-five cents. George A. Gurney, formerly cashier of the First National Rink of this place, was in town on Thursday last. A new sidewalk has been laid in front of the X E. Parsonage, and they have nwirt.l.l it up next to the fence, where all sidewalks should be laid. High Miss wits celebrated in memory of Rev. L V. O'Reiley at St. John's Catholic church, on Wednesday morning. November sth, it being one month since his death, The Sewing socitty connected with the M. E. church, met at the residence of their Pastor, Rev. A. I. Vanden, on Friday afternoon and eve ning. The young folks of the church of the 31ea sinit, gave an entertainment in their church on Thursday evening last, entitled the "Young folks at borne." A new system of giving checks to the men that work in the Erie shops has been introduc ed. The men receive a check when they go in the shops, and deposit when tney come out. If they do not get a chetk they get no time. Nov. Bth, 1873. ----a-4w LETTER FROM! FROM NEW YORK. FAVORITE DEMOCRAT :—Back again from i your Mountain-hand, to the round from your County Metropolis, to this one of the big Nation, The des cent was delightful, not by the change it brought me to in place and per sons, but by the charm cf scenery and the in spiration of the golden light and luxurious breath of the day of transit one of Octo ber's brightest end mellowest It was a fit day lor leaving your glorious, mountain land, of hills and dales still leaving their summer green with their autumn golden, scarlet and purple, after a sojourn of half a score of such days there; .. ao bringing with me the scene unmarred by "bleak November's surly blast," in perennial picture on the delightful memory. I wonder if the owners are conscious that they are possessors of one of the most beauti ful and eluding counties of the world. If they are. their appreciative sense is above that of the inhabitants of some countries of scenic beauty and grandeur. As our good landlady on our CattsEills—native to the smne—once said tu us, "Huh, these mountains!—we don't think noddle uv 'em ; but the city folks . that come up bete think they're suntldn' wonderfuL" And among the dwellers of the Alpine Tallies their only regard for "Those places of Nature whose vast walls _ ' Rave pinarled in clouds their snowy scalp% And thronefl Eternity in ley halls Of cold sublimity,' et which we mat wywrideace, in their cat- mate of them , es their stock in trade in the way of profits from the tourist—throng In world—far Olgramages to the eight. The CaltsKitls, the summer resort of a mul titude of our city folks, are surpassed, in some qualities, by your mountain arca in the great- I ness of its extent, its variegation of hills and I dale, its crystal lakes and streams, Its richness and elegance of farm lands and buildings, its beauty and glory of summer and autumn foli age, and, as a crowning superiority, may we not say in its elevation above sea-level? I dere guess the general area of your county is half a thousand fixt higher .than our CattsKill Moun tain-house, and that Elk holds his head higher than nigh Peak and Round Top. When our "city-tbiks" once get a knowledge of the aerial salubrity and scenic beauties of your county, their summer Hegira will take that direction, in multitudes that will put to trial the capacities of your hotels and farm-houses fur the periodic accommodation of the sojourners. The comparative length of the journey through such scenes of "flood and mountain," and rural beauties, as those of the way o' my return on that golden October day, will be but an auxiliary inducement for such an extension of their country incursions—not of hostile,plun tiering, desolating kind, but the friendly, pay ing and improving quality. Those golden, hill ranges, and green values, and crystal streams and fair farm-lands and rural habitations of the first part of our long descent—the broad valley, with bright little river and compactly centered and widely spreading city, resonant and astir with work and business in Its further traces— and, then the Mountain-puss,and its great pano ramic view of far circling bights around the vast mountain basin, a great sea of foliage, in the golden and crimson of its maple, beech and oak, interspersed with pine and hemlock, ever green, and scattered over the wide area of sides and bottom, openings of green farm-lands—all rimmed with the far blue heights of Pokono and Delewnre, notched by the Wind-Gap and Wa ter-Gap, grand gate ways of the winds and floods. Mid-distance of the journey, our way is along the bank of the bright Delaware and through itsdar-known Gap, the grand rock-pillard por tal between the regions of Plain and Moun tain. And on, over the whole Jersey breadth of plain, of rich farm lands and rural homes, !man titul groves, gently winding rivers and bright, thriving villages—and while the day's sun that saw our out-set front the eastern sky, is yet shining high in the western, we are plunged In to the noise, throng, rush and whirl or the big city. I had hoped to find data for reporting to you a bettered condition of the financial world t'an is here ; fur I bad perceived that the trou bled waves of its vntera bad clashed at least their spray away and tip to your day's journey distence and two thousand feet height. While for a moment in at your Montrose bank, a rail road comma was °tiered, but the cashier declin ed it; though be said lie "stipposed it was all right, but the state of things down at New York was such we cannot cash IL" I thought the holder of the minima felt disappointed and was in want of the money on it—though I was sure pot in stress of need tor immediate realiza tion—and how,. glad I should be if at my return here nest daf I could report to your readers, ell sale and sound in accomplished recovery from the crash ant. panic. Not tinding it quite so, you tee I report,' nothing—waiting till there should be something to he told. I believe there is now somctlung of that t:nrt to be de clared—if the truth were c,rtaiplY known. That our business is all this tiros breath, not wring, is ground of hope tha • it will soon he bre troinz freely and strong again True, russektep to.ati in WTI breath, blowing its frozen fume on the ''elomuy oat-look for the coming winter." But what mister ever known here that It is not been foreshadowed by this ie tog, which the bit:do:nit stun of the Al: Provident Goodness has melted and disperse I under the winter's aetital reign Our polit lea— well, to-morrow's election will probably determine come things of them; and n.•xr day's wen; will give YOU arc ,mplished farts touch preferable to my fore-gue.ising. The papers themselves are shy of guessing, parties are an mixed up and things are generally of so doubtful aspect and foreboding. The most ale /141cent event of the time in our polities is the great meeting at Tammany last Wednesday evening, and the chiel aignificance in thst meeting,'the denunciation of the corruption in the existing administration of the national gov ernment, by the veteran Tilden. Such an expo sition by the faithful champion of our municip al reform from abuses tinder the rule of his own party, must give effective weight to condemna tion of corruption in the party opposed to his, with considerate, hou®t men of sit parties.— Honest I Is that a word to be Ail' used in a po litical connection, since it seems to scarcely have place in any other of all the departments of our national life,with au epidemic prevnleme of fraud, defalcation, embezzlement, official rob berry and plunder? Can we hope for a retonn of our politics without reform of oar morals I And what is to become of the Republic without both of these reforms ? iNiEWM LETTER FROM SUSQUEHANYA DEPOT. "A victory is twice achieved when the victor bring+. bong fun mltu6Clll. He bath done In the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion. He bath better bettered expectation than you most expect me to tejl you how. "Y.', an old man, sir, and his wits are not as blunt as Ida conscience and charity could wish they were. dn. ho k as hommt as any man living that is as 01:1 as he, au& no liniter4lnui be." •'All good men sir. But they will keep talking. And the by word bath it,wheng,uilt is in, w don] is nut. . • . . Ah ! this Is a world to see! When two ride one horse. one must ride behind. Well, God Dills( be worshipped. All men are not alike. Some will bare more than others. And some would hare all." Borrows Deuoctwr :—Tha "JackaAs Tick ing".which the editor of the Sannehanaa Jour nal received, and notice of which I made in my last, has not had, 1 regret to ea}', as favorable a termination as I hoped ihr. The injury was more serious than first appearances even indica ted. Some days alter the hurt, inilaination,and finally, sloughing pingreen supervened, and softening of the brain has since taken place.— Some are disposed to censure the physicians, while others attribute the sad termination of the accident, to the imprudence of the patient him self. Be these things aa they may, the result is the sarne to the sufferer. Be is now able to walk out. But the dropped lip, the open mouth, the vacant face, and the wandering eye, too plainly meek without speech, the ifirpaneo ut the unfortunate young . man. Alas t When will these sad, and worse than mortal terminations of tool-lia:dj - „ or thoughtless ventures, be tieed cd l Echo only can years tchea 1 We re member, when, some yeah; ago, an almost sim 'ha accident betel an almostelmilarly appearing youth. A white baleful, opened faced young man commenced fooling with a "baby eltphent"- at a circus. The baby did not relish the familiar ity of the child of a larger growth, from the country. - It caught the light haired stripling by his, tonsorial development, and shook his scalp Off in a trice. The editor of thelourna/should Have bad better sense then_ to put himself he hind *tie .Wll9 out or his place there. Reshot'ld have known that the awls tieucheroua. Poor fellow, be bought his_ last lesion too dearly, lie now need' the pity of all, and certainly has that 'of Lu.r. Mrs. .William Smith had a severe accident the Ist inst., by 'which her right leg was brok en. Dr. Smith has the case In charge, and the patient!ia doing well. A driniken Ox team driver ran into a buggy be ing driven by Miss Matti' Wallace, Tuesdayafe ternooti last, near the atone bridge. The buggy was disfibled, but the occupants were not hurt. This accident reminds us of the saying that, "There :Is no knowiag what an ox might do," and especially when driven by a tipsy teamster. But, where i+ local option I We have not heard of it lately In this town. Thoze "union temper ance enentlily meetings" exert no appreciable Induen4 'upon the optionists, nor do the optim ists upon the nonmptionists. And because,why? Answer The elections ate over IDo you mean by this to say that, the politicians and "thy brother's keeper" folk have debated the temper ence question to one of party politics? Yes, with the exception of the temperance move- went as conducted within the Roman Catholic ! church. And even that enclosure has been in vaded by heretical aspirants for . political ad vancement. Prominent Protestant, and most orthraloi saints (!) have even been so trucculent as to inaintiate themselves into a "Catholic Tem neranee 'Society," for "the avowed object of car rying the Irish catholic vote to the Repnbllcan ride, on the temperance tilde, as they could not be caught in any other way r And all this, mark you, done by evangelical men, and who denounce in bitter tennis, Jesuitism, Popery, etc., and cry out about Catholics being In the politL cal market. But, do you intimate that our teat citizens were guilty of such hypocrisy? Not a bit of it. I only mean to say that certain of our wont citizens were guilty of it. I estimate a citizen according to his character, and not ac cording to the position his money, his usurped, bought, br begged abilities, may enable hint to asstime. The cienning out work continues to go on along the line of "the Eric." The most needed "resignations" and dismissals, were attended to first, and the places they made vacant, filled by less ambitious men. Such men as Reddington, for instance, whose extraordinary contracting abilities would commend him to the head of a Burhu !Wheal company, were no longer needed by Mr. Watson and Mr. Tyson. Ind even in a itumblerspitere than that won by Reddington, were found at Port Jervis and elsewhere, ob scure working men, whose talents for multipig ins,dividing and aalence, bad wonderfully devel oped unseen, or at least. unheeded. A spring maker there—l bad almost written it a ring maker—had become so expert at hammering out steel, that, he was able to make his talc of sorings, and have suffleient over-time and over steel on his bands, to supply a wagon maker with all the spring needed in his fttablishmentl Be eaten:ll not to read steed for an .:1 in the above sentence. The fabled Yukon should have had such an artiza.n as that spring maker. Indeed, be would be a useful man in Binghamton, if they propose to start a steel—not steal—factory there. It seems they are sighing for a skillful iron worker. Changes or "resignations," have been made at fiomellsville, and at Elmira. No censidendlle cbsmn, cs have been made here, of late. end no more may take place, for a time, as affairs are being gotten wall under control. The check system has been introduced for the men. It operates thus far rather clumsily, and is not by 'any means popular, for what reason who can tell ? or for what reason it is introduc ed who can tell? Foreman, overseers, and hos .,ea are being, materially inercused,and the shops 0p... *bre° rirmilwr that?, but there hire been, and are not likely to be. any discharges. This is. cheering, these times. Two e :citing reports are now agitating the town. The Orst is ?hat, Mr. Watson is import ing Eugli,h rap..errs the road, at $6O a month. This comes via w York Herald -11e second is that, a latevlt of the ex-master tuethsaic to our tow u, to take 1;-rmal 4 4,rewell of Lis late churches and Temperance 10,CieLiKeLe , MO suddenly and joyfully cut abort by a tele gram. front Jay Gould, to hasten to Now rock, and that the Erie was about to come again into Goulds bands, and-Le was just as soon to exe cute his lett promise that, when he should re sume the chair,his faithful and efficient servants should one and all, he speedily reinstated. Ot nurse there is no ring hero now, if there ever 11 as one. We were favored with a sight ot what oar new newspaper is to be, and which will greet you ere these lines appear in print. The Ga zette Is to be a goodly sheet, and will be well ed ited. The new office is a going to do about all the job snot k of this community, as it has every vAriety ot ti•pe, anti able workmen to "display" it. I notice that Ole Rep t&licalt is of late quite liarren of bea, and of his compliments to Nov. Stlt, 1873. Lruuus Burma. CLAMS at the Keystone Saloon. Oct. 29 F . Chasns at the Keystone Saloon. Oe. 20 GARVIN!) TAR REMEDIES give 1.01)1) to your syste FIRST clam chewing tobacco at the Keystone Saloon. Oct. 29. . . Nrcw lot of Blank Notes just printed, and for sale at this office. Oct. 29. OTSTETA the plate, pint, quart or gallon, at the Itittntr,f.e Bakery. Out. 81k, 1973. F. G. Womm-a. OYsTERFI ! 01MTER9 11 OYSTERS!!! At the Keystone Saloom GEO. C. Mu. & Co. Montrose:Oct. 29th, 1873.—tf STAILTLISO Tnrtn t Thousands die annually from neglected coughs and colds, sOich soon ripen into consumption, or other equally NM/ diseast of the lungs ; when by the timely use of a single bottle of Dr. {listar'ef ILIUM of Wild Clarry their lives have been preserved to a green phi ago. 1w PERUVIAN fivvwe.. This valuable medicine -lots twen silently making its way. into public favor by the numer ous remarkable l cures it has performed. Its sin gular efficacy is owing to the kroiorirle of Iron Which in this preparation remains unchanged, and is the only torni,in which this ritat element of !Maltby Wood can be supplied. Nov. STRAYED. ! Caine into the enclosure of Thomas Kamm, in Silver Lake township, on or about the 30th day of October, 1873, one Cottswold •Buck.— Any persob proving property and paying charges, can take Mtn away, T. KATIAsz.. Silver Lake, Nov. sth, 1873.—* . To preserve your health; cleanse your blood Olen it becomes vitiated and foul. Many arc the symptoms which sound' the note of alarm. Fail not to: heed them. Indigestion, 'Nausea, Lassitude, Bead/mho, Wandering.Palns, Billions and Eruptlie Affections, are so mane signals to :ell you of disease In the blood. Bemove it, and they. thaappear. Bo*, Take . Avlsit'S Coupons:la illmtacv oB BAIMKPABILLA: It is effectual Pots Its purposit; purities the blood, ex. pets disensuand restores the deranged lunelions of the botlY, to their healthy actloo.—Ctarydon , (lud.) Argus. ' Business Locals. OysrEns.ilfly plots per quart; sr. the 'Key stone Sitineia. GEO. C. Hip. Co.& - 31oittrose,Neer: 5th;18711---tr SEE,Tur. beim:lv - L.94-ra in Geo.- Wads Co.'s Organs; 'fivii different-lola Stem, arrang ed in et:perste wind chests., patented and used by them exclusively, and differing very much In effect from Stops used in other Organs, lard many other yalnable ituproveinents.,. 900.00 for,an o.rguet 'of this extra finished ease, capable of 30 different combinations and effects. No instrument made for this Price can conumre with them, They are strictly first class in every respect; Sally warranted for six. ytutrs. Fitit anti six °enters, in'priees from $lOO In 91, 200. Must be seen and-beard impreel. ted. LS''Sold for esali or on niontlil?instalments, by J. F. Bums:sp. Agent, "Itricit Block," November 5;1573 -y2 . ,31ontrosc, Pit, • ANNUM. EXAIIINATIONIS.—Tbe Annual Ex aminations f o r teachers will biNlield for the several distrietsmis Auburn—Jtracyll School noose, Wedacs• day, Nov. 12tit. Dinteck, Sprinzvilic—follow School noose Thoratlay, Nov. 131 h. Dritigcwater.-31.outrose School Houso, Eat urtissy,-Nov. Sputa: 'Examinations. Llopbottom School House, Tuesday, Nov 18th. - Stniley School House, Thursday Nov. 20th. Forest Lake Centre School Hits; Monday Nov. 24th. Lt the regulsr oexaminations CACh class will 1w formed nt 9 o'clock:, a. M.. 'ln• special, nt 10 a. nt. Applicshts will need-pencil, pen. lok,pa per, and Lrion Fourth Render. Nn teacher to commene a school without a certificate. No entiorscruent of-certificates. Private examina tions unneceszary. Directors Wit' patrons of sellouts refine:at:a to he nrment. - W. C. Titan County Supl.. Birchardville. Oct. 15, 1873.-4 w. JURY LlST.—Drovn from the proper wheel by the Sheet! and Jury Commissioners of Sus rmehanna county, to serve at November tic.sion ebulmeneing November 10th, 1873. Orand Jury MENUMiNi Brooklyn-4as. S. Peckham, Marshall 31eVi car, Franklin Tewksbury, Jim. IL Sterling, Fred B. Jewett. Choeunut—Nelson Wells, James Donley. Format lake—Wilson .I'. 'Futrell. Franklin—HeLry L. Blowers. . • Great Baud tp.—.lsielton Baker. Herrick—Henry Felton. Lathrop—A,litisou L. Morgan. 31ontru,e— Hubert Strange. Now 31.11tortl Dorm—Elliot Aldrich, Horatio Garratt. Oakland—John B. Kittle. littalt—John Larne. Springville—Albert .3. Root, Almon G. Stil well. • Susq'a Ikpot—Robert Rogers, Anthony Par Wan. Thuntaon—Edward Warner. Traverse Jurors—First Week. Auburn-4ushua D. Thornton, Wm. fl Alin„ Lemuel Tiimitn, Win. W. Lee. Bridgewater—E. W. Hawley, Wallace W. Bullard, George Hinds, Caleb Bush, sen., Con rnd Hulbrool. MINAVG—Hannon Tiffany, Dunlon B. Rug eta Cboconut—Slamuel T. Lee, Patrick Byrne. Clifford—James F. litidgson,Thos. W. Atkin son. Duntlaff—John Ricenburg. Forest Ltke— Wm. T. Dewitt. Fraukliu—Henry Webb. Bend tp.—Theo. Hayti, Leroy Mayo Ralph A. Meesick, Annus T. Towbridge. Great fiend Vora—Almon P. Stephens. Harmony—Jones Taylor, Henry IL Hobert ; Harford—Wm. S. Sophia, Lluraca A. Bar nard. Herrick—Jerome Kishbaugh, Flank Burns, Israel Rounds. Jessup—John Smith, Zenas Smith. Jackson—Edgar M. Foster. Lenox--John S. Clarkson. Liberty—lm 31. Dan*ley - , Ogden StantOrd,lfi ram M. English. Little Meadows—Rlchar4 King ', Montrwititirederiek .3L Williams. Middletown—Thomas Now Milford tp.—Gilver Lathrop. Oakland—Edwin Ogden, Abel K. Perrin. Rush--Francis H. Granger, John T. Hillis Gun. B. Grey. Springville—Albert Squires, John Thomas. Silver Lake—Ebenezer Howard, Amami T. Roberts. Thomson —.terries r.Whitney,Chcster Stod dard. Trarenc Jurors—Sceonti Week. Ararat—Win. E. Hathaway, John A. Sanell Clatric s W. Sancti. - - übuna--Martin Wilcox, Thos. F. Keßong. Apotaccn—Hanson Barnum. Biidgen , ..ter—Dauiel Stewart, Joshua Pettis Orison Foster. Dimmk—Vrba:n Smith, Allred H. Allen Great Bend Boro.—William Goble. Great Bend tn.—John W. Walab. Ilnrford—Jared Tylb:. Harmony—Richard tin, James Buckley. Jackson—Milton Bola. Jessup—Benjamin Shay. Lathrop—Wm. H. Oshorn, John Lean. Liberty—Henry A. 'frutulell, Samuel 11. Rose, John Osterhout, jr. Middletown—James Forney, Galutia Con stantine. Montrose—Ezekiel Babeoek, Rodney Jewett Horace A. Deans, Danu F. Austin, Henry Sher wan. _ _ New Milford Boro.—.Andrew 13. Smitll,lllraut . . New 11.1rord tp.—Steivart blead, Homer Tingley. Rush•—Wm. 11. Whitney. Springville—Salmon D. Thomas Susq'a Depot—flobert Ilannostrand, Thomas *McDonald, John Albee. Thomson—Ebenezer Messenger. Trarrrse Jetrono--Third Week, Auburn—Samuerßrundage. Bridgewater—Myron Al. Mott, Myron Bald win. Brooklyn—Smith S. Sterling. Cboronut—David Stanley. Clidord—Alfred W. Carpenter. Dimock—Charles S. Gates, Geri! 'N. Tiffany, Alfred Milo. Franklin—Frederick Lines. Futot Lake—Geo. R Johnson ; Geo. H,Ham lin. Gibson—John IT. Claflin. Great Bend tp.—Henry S. Barrages, Wtn. C. Mclntosh, Joseph Dußois. . Great Bend I - Som.—John A. Dusenbury. Hartoril—A m herst Carpenter. Jessup—Samuel Sbelp. Jackson—Benj. F. Larrabee, Jesse Williams. Lathrop—Horace Thayre. Gibert M, Sodth. Liberty—Wallace. W. Guns:ties. Henry C. Knight, Kirby 31nrsh: Lenox—Philander Pell, Jose Benjamin. Montrose—Joseph.Letvis, Jarvis V. CotreD, Frank Mellaish. ' Middletown—David Thomas. New Miltbrd tp.—Erastus B. Snitth. Oakland—Samuel Brush, Jus, T. Gockayne. Rush—llimen Osborn. Springville—Henry L. Kerr, Warren B. La throp, .Mmes Masson. Thomson—Truman Perry. A NEW ARTUINGMVIENT PIANOS & ORGANS, At L. L. Mell's Jewelry Stand, Who ' ' lama - and better frock of the followleg • goo& trill bo fonn4 thrm eloewhere in ••• I Northern Penterylrents: I • • . FOIE AURRICAIiWATCREN • - ' • .1 L'WELRY a ctrcki, soup sitvkit a PLATEN WARE. 1 ' - • (OP ALL RIND‘a MR TABLE ONTLE111; ' • ' " DIAMONI/SPROTACI , N B , ands general Ilmitmrint or lln:leel‘utehsndiae. Sheet Music. Violin Strlszs, etc, etc. , AU Floe Watch Repairing revving , Machine* and Or. dope, tat i-ul,)by gang Xt.:paired - by • ' L. IL Isbell..F. lileilailell .._ • , - • ' Isbell & Vielhuish. sept.,lo . , , re, AXTE DEFY All' COMPETITI9INI T 'Job ihniffig. Bring on ,y wir s ~ 21~8~~~1. . , 3tounis-451.A5DEm—In rrk, ' November lit . 11 bv'Etd. H: 11. Gray,' Dan el B. ISlorrls' tPatles Ensixs—.lltcc—Novembee sth, by Rev. A. 0 utren, Charles. E. ENlcy and • Alba Hattie' Rico, sh of Caroline; Tompkins, co., N. Y. DnYO--FosrEn7--Ocr. 21st, by Rev. A. 0. War ren. inmes H. Deyo: of Ebnirs, N: Y., to Miss ary J. Foster, Of Candor, N. Y. STONK—amEn—ln Rush. November Gth, by Eld. H. H. Gray, liorni io B. Stone, of Forest Luke, Psi., to Miss blary A. Biker, or Rush, Pa. ' .• - 3zrzazi.wpcsa. BVIWICE—In Aubum,August 20th, 16711, 3lrs. fluxion A. Burdick, of Springville, aged 4f years, 5 months Mid 1 day. STS Rl=-in Bed 7.,e. er, Oct. 5111, Mn.a Louisa IC. beloved wife of C. Stark, fn the 55thyesr of her age. LANT—At the residence of his son, ex-Sheriff S. P. Lane, in blew Milford twit., on the 25th of September. 1873, Mr. Ueorge SY. .Lane, aged Bt3 years, 11 mouths, and 27 days • Centaur Llnament There Iv no pain ahlch the Centaur . Liniments viii notrelleve, no inter lag . they trill not :subdue. sod no kunenetio which the,: will not cort..Thls Litho:3g A Inogreige, but It le tine. They-bons prod:2nel inure cures of, rheum:What. neoralele,letklaw.poloy.riirslne,enel- CAVIC I doge, caked breasts, maids; bums. salt rthuin. ear.sche. de., - upon the batman flame, and of .etraine. iperin, Kyle, Se.„ Upon, animal* to, osayear than here all other pretended remedies since the world bo,ria, They err coaptertrrltant. all•beallog pain . Buser:. Cripples' ttirotr away th. it ersechn, the Lme walk. polaimons bites aro rendrred harmless, and the woundedsre healed without a sear. IThe recipe lapub lishett around each beside. They eelt as no articimi ever inid before, because they do Joel what they pretend to do. More who bow suffer from rheumatism, pain, or. rwellii.r deserve to suffer if they will not ore Centaur Liniment. white wrapper.. ]re than 10,10 certificates of remarkable curls. lnelhiling frozen Mahe, chronic rhenoiation, gow, lambing tumors, ac., base been ro. reined. will Weeds circular conlakelnicerthicates, oho gratle, to any one requesting It. One bottle of the yellowwrspper Centaur Li hinsen t Is worth one hundred doilsrs for spavined or sweented bowies and moles. or for screw worm In sheep.. Stocibowners —thew ibtlatent, a-e worth your attention. No Wally should be without them "White wrapper fir:ell/me ;" Yeil w wrapper for anlmels. Sold by all Dregelsta.- 50eents per bottle: large bottle. $1.0). J. B. RIM di Co., 63 Broadway, New Yotit. Costerla ir more limn 4 substitute for Castor on. It 1. the only safe article In esfirtetice which 1s certala pisefmnial the food. regulate the bowels. rare vrtn4 cone and produce untund eleep. It contains neither iniderala, morphine or a!eohol, atd Is pleasant to Lase. Children need not cry sad mothers may rust. Commission Elerchants. IT. M. Rowan. ozirsaar. Produce and 'Commission Merchant, 77 Del It, New York. Conalpmento solicited and retains mad Immadnita ly on salve of goods. Send for shipping cards and Mid di". Aferenees : Not torn' Park Bulk of Few 'York. Noloh rer Itiottc of New York. No.ooto N'Att,nrll flAtlk of Nen York. Lon: Wood Rank of Brooklyn, N. Y Feb. 11. IS7l,—il. The Earkets FinanciaL NEW Tons . , ' NoT. Bth, 1872. The money market exhibits but few changes, lint these are In the direction of a letting up tind a towering of the minions rates which 'Ave heretofore ruled. The banks are gaining in. strength, but the transactions in new paper are limited. and renewals are narroweddown to the lowest possible point. Call loans are quoted at 01j - t l 2 per cent, acctrding- tocollaterials. Prime commercial paper rules at . 151:418 Per cent,with exceptions as low as 12, but. that Ims favorably known is done es high as 24 per cent . - Gold varied but little, fluctuating throughout the day between 107 and 107:4 ; It Opened at 107 and closed at 10734, the same as before.— Sterling .• Exchange, 114315117 M; Gold 11B Silver. 6s S-20 Coupon 18(13 5•118 Coupon 1864... ~ 4-20 Coupon 1865 5-20 Coupon /SRY- • • - 5-20 Coupon 1807 1-20 Coupon 180 New -5 per cent. bonds 10-409 Paris Exchange... Sterling Exchange , ttun &icy Bonds 112% 1131 105Ai 101 10614 107, .....107% 108 1 110 . ......111}; 112 34 111 113 107 108 105 108 487 498 114)4 117;4 New York rroauce 'Market. Correeteil weekly by Harding, Hayden, & Co., 32 Washington St., New York. Butter, tub o p 011....... Cheese, dairy, per lb " factory".... Eire, per dos Flour, per barrel... Corn meal, Wheal, per bushel. Bye Oats Al Corn crop of 1873: Tallow Lord per lb Potatoes per bid... Apples • " Turkeys per 1b... ~. Chickens Meld; " INNUAL STATEUZXT ron AUBURN SCUOOI, DISTRICT, . For the Year - Ending June U,ls ' Tim ID-cult:us tot 1812 To Star• appropriation.... Co tax (mu Dnplicatu lwl EVlsteDitente. Pald Teachers' alartes... t .l.. . New School IMlldlup and Lore Fuel and Itepilru Na ndnr7~ Farnham .... ... .... . 'Unpaid ordrre . .lBll MlsrellaeroUe Ex mice Ileac:rex . end Collector ta,no 92 —#3.llli 91 Dilama to Treasury' . 'Own D. dUCLET, Proldemt. (.., w. prrr.sos, dec'y. . Oct. :9.15;3.-Yu. . — I)III :ti ISTITATRIX`S 'the 't.atate of LI. 0. I' Weobboro. et'it, letters of AdmintAtrattena In the PM relate barite; brro grunted to the undereign. ett: eR persona ettlng veld eaten, are rivarsted to coke lintnottate lityinent.sed all persona barlagrlshalt against raid estate ore requested to prerrnt them 101 h. out delay. AIAUTII,I SI. WAt.HltultN. Adtterl. K N. Stelth.,.,itturney tort:state. ra.,Oct, 29, `22,—w0.. FeZECUTOR'S NOTICE, Wherea.letters !Memento ryy to the cotate of JAL Sacronera, Into of New kith .lord. deed, have boon granted co the anclorchcroll porroae Inclobcod to rah). eigileowe relneviext to make tanned tate enyucont, end itoo , o. h-qteg chi trim. agalribl , •ih.t !ann etc togneo•ell in prosemithort 'hitt:mut delay. i • I. LLILOT iLUlllCll.t • - fIuIINVEg 1 - - so* . 3.lll(grd, Oa. nth. 1111087 .. 400 12 350. 1 3 34 - • • 040 1 A .. 1 2.0027 • ti 0640.10.50 • 8.8308.f0 • 85087. ... 44048 ... 43045 ... ... 25003.00. ICOI7 • /70k18 • . -1.7010 1111..-“ RA 211144 3007 . $3.00112-0,907 .11.10713 . 1,28560 • =CR) 806{- . 1010 . 11.111 .. 29 113 - 11619