The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 12, 1873, Image 2

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E. B. HA WLEY & 6 1 0:, Eattiors..
Wednosday, Oct. 12th, 18 73.
• THE last bulletin at democratic head
qnartera in Washington on last election
day was as I 'Nev York has gone
democratic and Cswar has gone to bed.
Tweed' Sepubl*ans
A significant feature of the New York
election is the defeat of the men known
as Tweed republicans. These were Win
slow, late senator from the Jeffersoa dis
trict ; Lewis, from the Erie district, all of
whom having served the 'Bleed interest
in the last legislature, had the audacity
to ask a re-election. Their defeat is an,
unmistakable expression of the popular
aversion to corruption in office.
Those Roosters.
by the appear?inee of the great number
of roosters micertitzed in our Democratic
exchanges. They appear like the good,
old fashioned breed, reared and fed by
the "fanners," and honest yeomanry. •The
masses of the country seem to be waking
np to the file: that all legislative,rongres•
sional and salary grab rowlers, most be
kept out of markel, whether Democrat,
or Republican. When one is found steal
ing from the public crib, or lx•lping him
self in any way to his neighbors' corn,thc
only safe way is to take off his head, or
fasten him up securely, in some backyard
chickery. We have fully seen the ill ef
fects of allowing them to runloose, dur
ing the last few years. The people have
seemed to he governed by pedigree alone•
If they c.nild trace it to the Republican
party, that was all that was required. It
did not seem to enter their minds that by
this narrow sectionalism and partizan
prejudice they were allowing the whole '
- brood to be corrupted. They have awak
ened at last. to find that the breed must
be changed or the inbredcorruption will
eause final dissolution and distraction.
End or the Stoke* Trial.
The third trial of Stokes ended on
Wednesday the 29th, ult., when a verdict
of "guilty of manslaughter in the third
degree" was rendered. The trial was
throughout a , complete farce, and the
result is ample proof that every thing
must give way to money in New York.—
Judge Davis, it is said, appeared to he very
much dissatisfied with the verdict; and
is passing sentence, said
"In rendering this verdict, Stokes, the
jury have exhausted, and more than ex
hausted, all mercy in your case. No ap
peal' to the court can diminish the sentence
from the highest penalty affixed tsy the
statute in the degree in which yon are con
victed, and that is to a light and appar
ently trifling as compared with the great
crime you have commited. I do not desire
to make auy farther remarks on this
ease, but shall impose upon you all that
the law confers on me power to give, and
I only regret that the sentence cannot he
more adequate to the crime which rests
upon your head. The sentence is that
you be imprisoned at the State Prison in
Sing Sing, at hard labor, for four p ars.
Increased Taxation Threatened.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer: Mr.
Spinner dimly suggest that au increase of
taxation may be necessary if it is deter
mined by the government to continue
the rapid extinguishment of the national
tb bt. The people have never been satis
fied that the government was not paying
the debt too rapidly and thereby injuring
the prosperity of the country. So much
of the debt is doe abroad that the goy
eminent has, since the close of the war,
been depleting our resources and swelling
these of distant nations. It is true that
when We needed the money tbove nations
lent it to ns, but they lent it upon most
extravagant terms, and they would be
better satisfied to be unpaid than paid.—
They do not want the - principal, but the
interest, and we have been, at our own
great coat, compelling them to receive the
principal against their will.
It is folly to talk of increased taxes.—
The country is too greatly taxed already.
Instead of more taxation there should be
less, and, if the affairs of the government
are wisely and honestly conducted, any
increase would be superfluous. But there
is no uttempt made to economise--to ren
der defalcation and embezzlement un
common by the selection of men capable
and of undoubted integrity. No meas
ures are suggested to stop the extrava
gance and fraud; they go on, as if to
put no bar to them, increased taxes are
advised. Although the recent state elep'-
tions show the feeling against the policy
of the government, it seems not to have
reached Mr. Spinner.
The history of the financial department
of the government since the war can be
best described by the one word, Drain—
drain, drain, drain all the time, until et
last, busitieza being overtaxed, fulls under
th e load,ntul what is called a panic sweeps_
over the lona like a hurricane.
There is no necessity for paying the
delft as rapidly in the future as in the
past, and when this fact is recognized it
will be found. there is no necessity to io
areas* taxation.
We have been requested by Wm. A.
Crossrnon Esq., Commissioners Clerk of
this county, to publish the table of in
creased valuation of the real estate of this
commonwealth, but not having been fur_
Dished with a copy,by the Commissioners,
except we take it from the Republican, it
came too late for us to insert it this week
but we will in our next. We in
timated last week that we might bate a
few more words to say upon this subject
which seems to us an important one to
the tax-payers of this county. We find
that Thomas J. Bighorn, a State Official,
has put upon the real estate an increase
of valuation by a multiple varying in
dilTerent counties from to 14. This
estimate, in an appended note, he claims
to have obtained from the various County
Commissioners, now In office, with the
exception of a few Democratic Counties
whose Commissioners have refused to re
turn, and in those he has formed his own
estimate. The object of this increased
valuation need be no query in the mind
of any one. The State Treasury hoe been
depleted by rascally legislation,and salary
increase, until the demand for money is
greater than the supply,hence this meth
od is taken to replenish it, and by the
most infamous and corrupt legislation, in
the interest of corporations and monopo
lists of all kinds, the whole burdens of
thrrinereased loud of ruinous taxation is
to be thrown upon the laboring masses,
and the real estate of the Commonwealth.
One single bill.passed by the last Legisla
ture in favor of corporations,which exemp
ted them from payment of taxes, on gross
receipts, (the only way taxation can reach
them,) took nearly f. 4200,000. out of the
State Treasury, and others of like char
acter were passed. This together with the
increase of salary from the Governor to
the members of the Constitutional Con•
veution, who agreed to work for $l,OOO
and then by an "11l tickle you," act of
the Legislat ure,t hey increased it to $2,500,
has led to the adoption of this Method to
supply the deficit. This is done with a
pretty bold step, but we suppose that
General Grant "saved the country" and
he and his nnclerstrappers have a right
to dispose of it as their personal interest
may suggest.
The assessed valuation of this connty
in real and personal property is $3,562,-
800, By the increased valuation, that is
mal'iplied by 6 which raises it to the
enormous amount of $21,376,800. There
are 000 square miles of land in Susque
hanna County, or 512,000 acres which at
the-estimated valuation would be an aver
age of $4O per acre. If this estimate was
made by the Commissioners for the pur
pose of selling the comity to the State, it
is a sharp thing, fur we certainly believe
that it would be one of the best real es
tate sales ever made in this county. Not-'
withstanding we have been repeatedly ac
cused of misstating when we have assert
ed that real' estate has been taxed for
rate purp os es, yet nevertheless it is true.
We have palid, however, in a lump out of
the County Treasury, instead of by a
pro rata tax; is all the diference. It has
furnished an excellent theme however for
Radical orators to howl from the stump
that "Pennsylvania pays no tax on real
estate," which has been a falsehood, the
same as other similar ones, for every year
in the "County statement" the item of
about $4,000 may be found "paid to State
Treasurer." By this increase of valuation,
this amount will be raised to about $12,-
The people have allowed themselves to
be hoodwinked in this as well as various
other things, until liberty is being darkly
veiled and taxation slavery stares them in
the face. These partizan orators and politi
cal thieves have howled from the stump,
that they "have saved the cou try," todraw
the attention of the masses, while their
hands were elbow dei , p in the people's
Treasury. They Should be given a wide
berth by the people, when they exercise
their right oithe ballot. Is simple party
success, it sufficient remuneration for all
these enormous burdens of corruption ?
The masses are answering as fast as they
have an opportunity of late,:emphatieal
ly, No!
A complete revolution bas taken place
in Wisconsin, which effectually squelches
Mat. Carpenter as far as any chance for
re-election to the United States Senate is
concerned. The State gave Grant last
year a majority of 18,515. The Demo
cratic Liberal ticket is now elected by a
majority of over 10,000 votes, and they
have a large majority of the members in
the Legislaiure. Si much for the back
pay steal in the State represeutei by the
chief offender of that fraud upon the
The conservatives hale made a com
plete sweep in Virginia. Kemper is el
ected Go% emor by about 40,0G0 majority
and the Legislature remains two-thirds
Conservative on joint ba'ilot, thus de
leatin,g Lewis, the Radical candidate for
th'e United States Senate. There was a
full vote polled throughout the State.
Nothing but county officers were to be
chosen this year in Illinois. The Repub
liitalls have been defeated almost every
wbrier the anti-Monopolists. The re
turns received thus far show that the
Republicuas carry but twelve of twenty.
seven of their strongest counties The
People'e candidate fur Mayor of Chicago
ix elected by 11,000 majority.
The contest in Maryland was over a
Legislature who will choose a United
States Senator to succeed Senator Ham
ilton in 1875, and for Comptroller and
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, the only .
State officers to.he elected this year. The
Democratic State ticket is elected by be•
tween 13,000 and 14,000. The Demo
crats hare a majority in the Legislature
OD joint ballet of 73.
The Democrats have done nobly in
this. Radical State. The Republican ma
jority; of 74,000 last year has been cut
down to about 13,000. All the large ci
ties show Democratic gains and Radical
Boston, mirabile elicit:, has been carried
by the Democrats, as well as Worc,estor
and Lowell. The Democrats have elect
ed eleven Senators to one last year, and
seventy Representatives to twenty-three
last year. A fitting result in a State, :he
home of Ben. Butler,the President's prin•
cipal defender in the advanced salary
The interest in Michigan was concen
trated upon the candidates for Congress
in the Ffth District to elect a Represen
tative in the stead of Wilder D. Foster,
deceased. This District has been here
tofore Republican by about 10,000 ma,.
jority, but Comstock, the Democratic
candidate, is elected by 200 majority.—
The city of Detroit elects 'a Republican
Mayor and a Democratic Judge.
The Democrats have made handsome
gains in New Jersey, but are defeated by
a very small majority. The election was
for one-third of the members of the State
Senate, two-thirds holding over, and a
full Assembly. The Republican ma
jority in the Legislature, on joint ballot,
is 12. The State last year gave a majority
for Grant of 14,910 votes.
The election returns thus far received
are of a most gratifying character.
The DemOcrats of ,the State of New
York have achieved a glorious victory,el
ecting their State ticket by from 15,000
20,000 majority, making a gain of about
90,000 in one year, the complection of
the Legislature being still in doubt, al
though the Democrats have gained many
mein hers of both [louses.
New York City gives 36,000 majority
for the Democrutiii State ticket and elects
the entire Tammany' City and County
tickets over the Custom House and Ap
polo Hall coalition tickets, Brooklyn. Al
bany, Troy, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo,
and all the principal cities and towns of
the State, also give large gains for the
CArr. John Lanbach, the Republican
candidate for Director of the Poor in
Northampton eon. t 7, vm al.otetl,6evam
of an error made by one of the Demo
cratic printing °Mess in printing the
name of the Democratic candidate John
instead of Jacob. When the certificate
of election was served on Capt. Limbach
he promptly resigned the office, because a
majority of voters intended to elect an
other man over him I Such honorable
action deserves mention.
The Wade Execution
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., Nov. 6.—Wade,
the murderer of Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride,
was executed here to-day, in the yard ad
joining the county jail. The arrange
ments for the hanging were bungled in
the most outrageous manlier, and the
execution was little less than torture to
the unhappy wretch. The rope being
too long bin feet struck squarely on the
ground, and in this position be remained
shouting "Oh Lord haye Mercy," when
the rope came off his neck and hie hod)
fell over heavily on the ground. He witi ,
again carried up on the scaffold, and af
ter a long delay in arranging the rope.
the drop was again pulled and he fell,
this time less than three fret. His pulse
continued to beat for seven minutes and
after having twenty-seven minutes, he.
was placed iii a coffin and takeu charge
of by his friends. Many pikes of the
rope were cut off and carried away as mi
ke hy spectators.
A few days ago Wade was visited by a
reporter, who asked hum why he killed
the old man Mcßride and his wife. In
answer he stated that an old woman who
had taken care of Mrs. Mcßride in a late
sickness bad told him that there was a
large amount of money in their house,
m9ney that had been accumulating for
twenty years.
A medicine that has done more than all the
prescriptions of the pharmacopeela to protect
the human system against the bodily ills super
induced by unhealthy surrriundings, is certainly
worthy of universal confidence. It is mainly
on account of Ifs extraordinary• preventive pro
perties that Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters is so
exceedingly popular in localities subject to the
visitation of miasmatic fevers and other diseases
produced by empoisoned air. A family that hes
escaped sickness during a sickly season in con
sequence of using the Bitters as assfezuardjs a
living advertisement of the virtues of the pre
paration. The whole neighborhood realize the
fact. "I couldn't have believed it," says one,
"1 scarcely credited the advertisements: bra
one must believe what one secs," says another.
"It is the very thing we need In this unwhole
some section ofcountrv," remarks a third. And
the result is that the instinct of self-defence, the
first law of nature, induces three-folntlis of that
community to obtain supply of the great vege
table antidote before the next sickly season sets
in. In winter, when the system requires extra
vigor and elasticity to enable it to baffle the ef
fects of damp and cold, the Bitters will be found
particularly serviceable. Rheumatism will not
be apt to fitsten upon muscles and nerves that
have been bmced up by this excellent invlgor
, ant and nervine ; nor will the severities of the
season, which have arch a disastrous effect on
the pulmonary organs of the feeble and delicate
be likely to exercise the sameuntoward
eta in cases where the stomach and the eater•
nal surface of the body (which always' syrups with the digestive organs) have been
toned and stimulated by a course of the restora-
tive. The fits of indigestion and irregularities
of the bowels which proceed from sudden
changes of weather may always be averted by
a timely use of the Bitters.
vistritalteß NOTlCil—tfaving been In the lemur-
Z. mace Bee faces for &helmet seven years. (have °stab.
liehed an Independent Agettcy, not connected with July
combination of Lee:tics National Boards.
- I *halt charge a.rctmenablu rate an SU clOsses of In.
Capital Ittwasented om 820.000,0001
Noßtroie,CHAS. LL MUM.
New Adverthemeets
UX-ECETOES' NOTICE.— tVOITM/aP Letter. testa-
Kr mentor) , to the estate Of Patrick Corbit. late of Lib
erty two., dec'd, have been premed to the aubscrthers.
all pen... indebted to .41 Mel tate Pre rrqur•tm to moo
Immediate payment. and those haring ekes ms or de
mandsagainst the same, will present them Without
TANI, F. SUT,T.IV AN. } giecitors.
11. 1141.-Bw.
agent® '4;2l7abxLite CI
Prof. A. K. Trumbull's Pen Family
35i1.30 CPCP2=4.7a.
Tsang mon out of empleproeut. with WO eapltal, eon
secure a scrauUteat oiMatioO. rot ptrlienlars adders,
with stamp. 8. KINSMAN.
Nov. 11, 1513.-17 litoutrulte, Pa.
Also, SCOTCH GRANITES on hand.
9. mcittmlNo, ) 19t3 Court Street,
R. P. BROWN. Binghamton, N. Y.
November 121 h, 1473.-Iyr.
IJUBLIC SA LH —The tiluilyerther haring rented bin
ran., will yell, on Friday., la:3, at nine
o'clock... En . al the rainy late of T. J. licildneon.
In Lathrop. the foilowing prop, rty..lthout r rrrrr e or
Ye fret ion from the orl•:In I Neck:
01,4 , twin of Yix.neanold (ft-blintz,, kind to 'York nod
anund. i ma, n Int pig.. limber wag n. noes, 7 [mirky,
wagon, ninntiorne pi. nansi• .610, two- hon., oiled. yet
roand homey. ninny new mowing mochiue 01, adow
King.) nearly nen , revolting borer robe. 9 blow, nom
pion, it:eda'n pdtern. 7 hay Pct.. hand boy rake, mu
fork 6 ore],peony sfiovel, yptele. plow. wheel
plow, cleric, ewl•el yet whittler nes, ernes bar,
Inn s . , binding chain, ring chain, hoe, ganlon hoe. garden
hik; pie'., feed cutter , cruel nut yi Int, nek Paine. are,
grindetune and pertle and mnath, rinch hook.
2 Yen, beetle rlngli, i I ron ...doe, corn cotter, tuner and
hitt., hone blanket. haltbnyhel nrra, nee, prik men.
ure, 3 boa., nearly new, ear ntrine boar. erring bell.,
gain audit', lb inch augur, rider barren...A of Clekr,
eayk part Mil of •In , gar. drawinz knife, innate) backet.
handle hiuket. in tone bay, morn or lean, a quantity of
torn, OM, and potato..
Goollll.—Cbamber set, cottage bed
stead. maltase, washstand. bowl. pitcher.soap-dish.
=field. toothbrush holder. all n slat bed-t,
' feather hod. sheets, pillows, pillow easus. galas, con,
fonables, parlor carpel, nearly liraa quantity or rag
carpet. good, set cane scot chairs, set flag seat chat e.
rovklug chair, bar-room chair, borean. •rdc board. quan
tity of d.shes and glass ware, goblets. sauce pia! ea.
crevni pitcher, sngar bowl, spoon bolder, etc., tunes,
forks, II cook sloven. 1 wood, 1 coal, Hove (unwary,
parlor stove, qmonoy or stove pipe. set SVOOI cards,
new, wash •tanl, light stand, and a orb stand.
DAIRY UTENSILS.—CIuarn, a quantity of milk pans,
batter howl, butler ladle. err.
MINCKLI.ANE(II:3 —lavhbutge sheer, new. paring
machine, smooth bore rifle, tattle, table cloths. napklus,
towels, a quantity of trait cans. part roulamiog Lult.
looking glasses, pleuras. lantern, slave wood, stone
crock, mid jar, 3 gallon jug. 12 dean jug,
1:4•41.. 2 wbaelbarrows, quantity of sled shoe., and many
arbor things not locution. U.
TERM,' —All sura• and, r $5, cash nut over, 1
year's credit with laterest and approved security,
• • •Artirles must he nutlet for Wore removed.
A, ha.v, Auctioneer. H. M. NaWINSON.
Lathrop, Pa., Nov. a, IHT3.-3...
.rtc)ao I rvis c> iv -, •-•
Southern Tier
RA Washington Street,
.MlLLT.l.l3l:l.razta.itcbri., XV. ".6"..
You will Find the
LAZOZ3I A D szaransannam OF
Z" I=B. INT I 'l' 17.73R.321
At the LowPst Prices of any Store in
Soutficru New York
All C.oda Sold arc WARRATED aft Represented.
Nov. 12. ISM —l9r.
Bas Fallon Oat of
C. B. PERRY & CO.'S,
An Immense Stock Just Bought from
of New England, at prices
Binghamton. Nov. 12..16M -a
It Is the constant compsnion and estimable
fiend of the missionary and the travelersei sea
and land, and no one should travel on our
Lakes or Rivera without it.,
It .118.9 been before the peblte over thirty yrs,
and probably has a wider and better reputation
than any other proprietary medicine of the pres
ent day. At this period there are hut - few un
acquainted with the merits of the- Pain-Killer;
but while some extol It as a liniment.therknow
but little of its power In easing pain when ta
ken internally while others use it Internally
with great success, uut are equally ignorant of
Its healing virtues when applied externally. We
therefore, wish to say to- all that it is, equally
successfld whether used internally or externally
and it stands to•day, unrivalled by all the great
catalogue of family medicines. It is sulll'eltint'
evidence of its virtues as a standard medicine,
to know that it is now used hi' ull Funs of the
world and that its sale Is constantly increasing.
No curative agent has had such wide spread sale
or given such univerted satisfaction. It Is n
rarely vevetuble compound, and perfectly safe
in unsLillful hands.
After thirt}• years, trial, is still receiving the
most unqualified testimonials to ite •irtues,from
persons of the highest character and responsi
bility. Physicians of the find respectable, rec
ommend It as a most effectual preparation for
the extinction of pain. It is not only the best
remedy ever known for Bruises, Cute, Burns,
~tc„ but for Dysentery or Cholera or any sort
of bowel complaint, it is a remedy unsurpaeaed
for efficiency and rapidity of action. In the
great cities of India, and other hot climates, it
has become the Standard - Medicine for all such
complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints, end other kindred disorders. For
Coughs and Colds, Canker, Asthma, and Rheu
matic (Menhirs, it has been proved by the
most abundant and conceiviriz testimony to be
an invaluable medicine.
Bettwot of all Imitation*.
The Pain-Killer is sold by all respectable
druggists throughout the United States and
foreign countries.
Piiees 25 come, LO cents and $1 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors,
No. 136 111g9 street, Providence R. 1.
Geo. P. Rowell & Co
9 P. A_ 7 7" pa. 3R1....-
ww made with out nplendlo
it rrpbwentii parrosile pPgre and 'yin of binding of
50 intenpi.i• Intrtertlng end undid hooks, that pen in
every fansify. How thing e•er tried by ton ... pp.--
AGENTS WANTED, to inaki., immanent bupinen. on
!Nine worn. In oven I . nonty. ProppentuP Pent pont paid
on•pt of price, iil Fortilrenlarpand term.
addreen, JOilN E. POTTED d CO., Poblin hore,l s hii..
IiDOLA HIS MYSTERIES solved': disasters an d eseanes
vt rid!). part. reed Sre FROZEN Z and Its EX
PLORE/Ir. A splendid ortatroot AA hares. most pro-
insely Illnstrated silk «tenant steel and wood engra,
logs A fameotstine history of Artie adventure. The
loon skit ands book out. Agents wanted. /Send for terms
And sample page, to ?Initial Pub. 1 0., Hartford, Coon.
`one agenre profit Beymnt'e
L,lirary or Y• city rind 24ong; *-M In one week on The
iliomekeeimee :Manuel. y Miss Beer her end Mre
+t ore, •ny art lee man or women min hnerrin iignney
J. It WHO & CO.. New York, Boehm, Uhierign nod
Sin Finneimm.
- - •
No Fluctuations ! Always Impreving in Value !
The Wealth of the Couto r • •. made by the Ad-
Yabee m rO4l eAste I
Millions of sweet , or the tini•et food o on the Continent
in t... , tein Ni•lvekit. now for pule—many of tbi m nee
hilibte 114 plierb riot WITY CUILPE
Five and Ten Years credit given. with Interest at
Sia per tent
The Land Grant Bonds of the Company taken at par
for Lu dr. They ran now be parehaer.tai n large (ha
uatni }'all parent hr., le, et, new Guide with bow
apb wand tree. by atittreering
Q F. 11AVIZ,
Lend Commiriloner 4.P. IL FL, Omaha. Neb
1."' %) 23 : SVC
c. 4
AG RIVEN 1111 . A niT ED. tut It;
To mret •ergent dcm4nd of thr time 3 the
and will hereafter .41 Their fls Mile.sine for $45,
nod ah, etvree in pr, oor , e.en.
C7EX,....7211\1 <CM
is Me I. J . ,r,ta. , 1,,0eb,:a Mat frees the work
bark., rd ..najo.rwaird, or to r4,1.1_ t.d Irfi.oe the
porrha, r may/ Tre,fer. hd.l ivy I! ;fed /./.!/
_VD NIN Pi. i 1.1 1), an.; L far bet
ter than anti oth,r nowla,e in U.e market.
1:4 NOW TE cnE.trrzsir.
Florence, _Vol% 1,'73. At,ENTS WANTED.
FI R.Eitranar Mt Sun
'nnanaya nonie ['ME
& ATWOOD. prodnne inn Ga.-. 11• ml. an ha nerd on
any colt lamp. For an, by all I.lmp dealara.
4 .113` . .V.T0 W . V. OH. ' , I'VE. H I
1:•••• r se3 ,•7 f+. ,- Innte and :aid the love
o .el yvr.vo te.
hIS vc , 011.,• t.t1.13,1,4 f rer
01, f. t 1
ilrgt,.4 ) la
Ith • nrnrio• Code.
F.,yp.son Irra. I. re. b •:•, tr• I_,ltvv. A queer
book : 100.hh , sold Add..-.., I 1.1 . 1 AH A r
NV(.) N
It4tOkS • Lcsec. etc. In 111,f 4.1 a ...slit... No .
p. u. VICE-Eel S. Au. 0ca..., Mt.
M 0 rs 4 v a• trpidk w.t. ,t Ke7
c ctc ot• roil
par , . mar. Free S. al Sic,. set In Ca:,o% cr
au:: tc C,.. to..o..tutt nr!
L.r. , ! A :f A 4, 0. ,I'l4
I Oil ling and Chart Eet.t. , ltatts.nrbt. 107 Lib
err) Ncw
/Zeal .Estate fbr Sale.
The Subscrlhei otr-rs for sale the
kam a following Re:sl E,tate, to wit:
Yonne ea •• It..bart 40 dee rAfflll,“ 6ii/13te
Crr toe C eleadt eau tullat
.roagli d coote.i.duz mere. ar en
d.r.+-a owl ,2,1” :1:19 , 111 a..tea t.. 1 timber.
a veal dr..]end eudludlludd. d to a bee rcd ntd
choice trait. add II marred. Asia a laOrtl fur d,. tying
pu puree gdock. de,. ed,U durtnnsu ..0.11111.
R 1
he itt.lsceerie if dualrdel, pr.•. Loan
13 dlapeed d t
Ceve e ~,,, or New Lt rool. Snegothaune
ounty. N., plea.antly lornted on the .1:4In otrett, Deal
the cent , of .he twwo Lot G 4 feet front. ft good cote
entent two—o.r‘ doelliee. n cued irso:co .p ot, ond t -Itleta .ril ~,,,a I
one fair: h ..f n frd .1 the lodnn,ds of Now 4,lfnrd.
nero, hope., ed. nod the ha.nhee tlinhereni prinei
Pally r.ul., her: em 41111 hidolock. A good 30.1+.1 feel
ban., and a II: fi y y..unz myth., d.
known a.. the IIIINLIIVILLIN. in Hot
low. n .. P... cm1:4111111v acres of land.
mostly nnpt u..yl mi h 114a10. Watt.. fhrc. d out,
Couvezoeut el , hur e. a hotel or lur an farming
and dairy p.p.....
fnr the mtworge , ore d Ch.le Itrolott ,to good moiling
order. I,fely orcupted by C. Volt. dereneettond about
OD perches of hold ea) so to Ike oforeetod Iluiel prop.
a i2.2•=cinia
mode root to •eit the 14.11 geert Ferocity.
Por portkulant inquire or P. B. Hawley. litatoetuy to
ilert.'3.loutrolie. Pt., or or the eohneriber on the 'Whirr
Moore Farm. Bridgewater, Pa.
April 30, 1673.-tf.
IV -2M N. 717 X Mt Ilta
In Lanosboro.
" ring e':,e;rodji'L.7.L.'SiuTZLlPt-htri:Leli prepared
wile/ace' ve prompt attention.
Laneaboro. P... Oct. It, ItiVl.-tr.
The nuderrigned oft,. for tale Me GROCERY
YEED ti7ol(E.elluntell near Ihd Crum) In the boron :It
of /Mickel:llm P.. Lot :3x115 feet. Barn 39:50 feet.
Blom art dwelling Ziatal feet. newly painted. Good
wharf for the accommodation of boatmen. A fair ran
of both town and canal COIItOW. Will roll cheap
or would exchange for a farm if imitable. This Is a good
chance for any one to ecrure them • nice home, parses.
Hug all the of n ralit uad town. pod too It,
Which Call he Mottle an roes Ann comfortable Bylaw. he.
Fide, laying up tomething fora rainy day. rail clock
or good, Du band Pomication given ben derinal.
Enquire of or addruri, I , f)WMAN GA HHISON.
0ct.1,1b73.—C0-• Loaerna Co., Pa.
CI writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas
of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I
will expose to AMU by public canine, at the
Court House in Montrose, on
Friday, November 14th , 1873,
at two o'clock, p. m.. to followi7g pieces or par.
eels of land, to nit
All that curtain parrot or,parcel 01 Land. tailgate In the
Immo-hip of Lenox, in (Mt downy of Susquehanna and
State of Penneyleant.. bounded nod deers! -rd as fol
low, to nut r Gn the north by lanais at Charles Smlth,
on the smith by lands of Edward Hartley. a n d on the
west by lands of Hartley end Milo Handley, coo
talhing 144 nor ,,, of land, pr the same more or bass, with
the opt/two-nonce,, one dwelling house,two barna, corn
hominy. few Poll trees, findahrm t TV acre. Improved.
[Taken In execution at the snit of John Can Loan to.
J V Itallork amt Wm. N. Sherwood I
AUTO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land dm.
ale In thr borongh of New Milford. In the county of
Sonquohnimil and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and
described as follow,, to wit; On the north by land* of
O. IV. (lacer, • n the earl by lands of John Hayden, on
the *oath by lanais of George Pratt. and on the wort by
lands of E. K. Richardson; having a front of one bon
ded mad twenty feet, and a depth of 12) fees
wth the apportenartos 1 frame dwelling house, a 11,
fruit trees. end ell Improved. [Taken in era-en:Pan at
the snit of IV. 11. L. tine Jik Co.. to Gen. R. McCollum
It. C Leer R Co. t. George 11, McfNillnm 14 , d1n0 &
Pottle no. beat. B. Nrc( . o!lnto ; 11 It. Vent 'nit or Gets
R 'McCollum and Peter MeCtitinto : FL 11 Chase ds. Co.
ye. Oeo R Methollom and Peter Steftalloan 1
.(Lsll-.,i1l that rertalo piece or parcel of land shoats
•. hn the township of (till-on, In the convoy of Sosque
a con, !I n 4 State of Penroirlvarik, hound e d god deceem.
eel to wit On tbe north by fonda nt Free
man Brundae. nod Aaron liniinmtllo, lin the by
lassie of Fitc g h Renee gu ar ie. on e the south by lande e of at a x y.
Porter anal on the went by latl• of James Porter
and A. M. 'dame. enal , lntlag RS mete- of bind,
the some more or less, ark la the Apptlllehatter, cum
dwelling house. nun. and oar holloingas 1 orrharil. an!
nliont rif acre. ‘morovett [Takeo 111 execution nt late
.nit of .1. C. Eiltvitryla,atirl;ylital 11 Mary M. Edwards. •
ve P it. Manner
AT,St t— All himt certain piece or parcel 0111+,,
in the township of JeFomp.iti the county ases/ptehatie
u• anal Staten! Pennsynamia, hounded and dese r ih e d
tolaows an wit: On the north by the IV ,altasang
creek rinid, on the root by lands of John Lake, no I
the south by lands of Mrs. Diamond , nod on the caret I
by i and. a John Warner, contattaing one arra of and,
the mom more or Im., with the appoatenance, non
frtnie hammy imme horn, hinolormftli .hap none fruit
re. , and all Improved. [Taken In exeentiou at the
roil of Enna. *math TO. Jetreal iloat. Id I
....Sufi—All Meta certain Were or parcel of land. Mtn
ate in the bonnigh of StlonnellOnnn Depot. In the coot,-
ty of Santini tiatina. and Same id Penirryblinla, boon/
ed roll deccrilatel on folk Tr,. to tell a On ten warm, by
Wetnittogaton ntreeL on the cart by lands of )111or
ono the month Ay lands of John Tirrlicy. nod on the
et by land. ol Etheare Lille a with fron t of MS fool.
nail a depth of Inl feel, with the riponmenameas, 1 INn•
mom femme house. chlekemy, some Dolt tree, anal all
improved [Taken In execntion at the soh of G. 13 El
'dread. mcieneal to Sompatehann County Lanni Amen:lotion
vs. linen McDonald and Jaroh tanylavel
A sso-All that Mere or parcel of Land situate In the town
...hip of Great Bend. in the conoty or Sneonchanata
-anal Stile of Penns, Mania, bintoiltA and a ascribed as
follows, to wit a HOWIIIIIIInz am the notitherly side of
the new rood from [lent the dwelling house of Trnman
allshisou to the old Windsor road at a chentnut Port
ntimollrit: on the northwest corner of said int, thence
oortheasterty fanny said new road about 71 feet, thence
on a lino at right nnialnn with the same to the line of
Lowrey Green. thence eonthit ceterly along the told
it•rett's land 71 feesthence northerly Loth° place of bc.
giooltan• , ontain , arty or land. he alto POMO more
or less. hat log them n atory (mine dwelling, Manse.
sin oght e r house and all improved. Alen. a certain not
of land nilmate In Great Rend township. In the county
of Sestina:henna wed State 01 Pennsylvania. described
at follow, to wit Commencing .d a point on the rant
tarly slate of Randolph .trees mob by the inter-ertion
of an old froro with raid *trent bloc formelly Anil! by
Holden no the westerly honnalary line of the lot
formeriv contracted to said Holden. running then,
somberly along sold street Fa rod, thence hack easterly
et Med angles with the last mentioned .treat DIM to
the boundstry line or the Lowrey Green form, theme
earth- fly along said Green Itamodary Spade, manning
the in straight lane to the piney of bealutitng. eon.
taming I sere of Int.& he the same more nr la•-• on
which le y Mick yard math she tls. and all Improved
i A 1.., all 11 , 01 certain bat of land all nate in Great Bend
too n•hin. In the counts of Susainehanna and State of
Penns% Irani, deceri heat se follow, to wit- Common,-
of a chentiiist post otantilog On the north 4.n. - ter'y
corner of Randolph Street. Quoit, south emoerty to the
lan: of laud late owned by Lowrey Greco, thence moth- I
seta fly along Paid Green', line obtain seventy one Ire I.
thence north westerly along the line of a lad couvei rd
hy 11V ILI,n, We-I on, oi Pte to Joho I, Ilayies. to mad
itana'ulph road. Gurnee northeasterly Moog said Ran
dolph. road atbout (mat to the Place of he
tiO olio:. con Blume one - half err, of land I la Mar • one
0m... lees-with the aopurenabeee.olle 1.4 store dart.
Pray hon., all trope. yeti. Al.- nal that Corinln ple , eof
land situate in the Borough of Gmyt Bend, Stistpaehan.
ma county. Pa.. hounded nod dr-ea-Aar:l to follows to
wit : Thirty ft nacre or Isom in from on the Torrapike
road. running ee
from the nance of the lot formerly own
ed to Water Patatin to the Ina I leading to the besot.
thence along tint road too lot formerly isms al by Writ
ter Palmas. thenee northerly to first described
lot formerly owned by Walter Paintin, then,
along said heat mentlamed lot to the p L oota nt ac
wend,. with the appurtaTances. a story demi Ina:
uoy e e and all improved. Aloft, all that certain pirc
in, lof land eitnate the borough of Great Fleod. to
the county of Susquehanna awl CI-ate of Petmay manly.
hounded and demari ed as follows. to It limmadosc
ta most- about tit feet from the northwest rot'',
'cow by Lowrie Green to Itonlraien I n
Franklin 'trees them - eat right englee fr said Frank I
ca net Ito feet to another greet lying parallel with
chid Fotoklln street, throe. sonthwordly along erica a
o , roet fto f. id to mon, then--e s e c ems a ,
rhati . nog!, to Fratatalin sttect about 14, fret, thence
nomSerly ten feet to liar ph ice
of begintamay. with then;,
pustetostves. One story and a half 1,00 4 4 4 1411 , 1
all amproved [Taken In (acclaim, at thmult of iii. ohne' alltlano ar-laar rd to a.. I% Vann orlon,.
Nun an. and L. S Lents Mil lase of Am., Vass tomer.
vs W.
Patio a Niches Mitlanc assign. ti to A C.
.arca,. to, W, mad Bradley Waken, an, so
signeal to 11, Mittman, annipied to A. C. Vnuivortner 00.
Wyber Putman I
. .
ALSO—AII the interest of Mines Truesdell in
all tht.t certain piece or parcel of land situnte
in the township of ClO - ord. in the Comity 01
Susquehanna and State of PCMISy:VAIIia, istun-
Oed and dest—nbed as follows, to wit Begin
ring to a post and stones the east corner of
! James Snyder's land, thence by knds of John
D. Pickering (late of Jobs Guard.) south 42 de
! Aztecs east 230.4 penile-- to a post and Monts in
the northwes• line of land of Orrin Wilson,
thence by said line sonth 4;14 degrees west 43
i le;wches to a dead hemlock the west corner 01
snit! Orrin Wilson, thence by said Wilson's
southwest line south 42 degrees rust 32 per
ches to a post and stones a corner of IL Stevens,
thence by said Steven's line south 42!1 degrees
wisst 14 perches to a corner, denim ire larri 01
S. B. C. West north 42 1 1 degre s west 111 per
ches to a post in the line of hind of James Soy•
der, thence by said Soyder's line north 47 de
grees east 39 fall hes to [lost and stones another
corner of Aid James Snyder, thence still by
laud okbaid James Snyder north 4212 degrees
tryst 122 perches to n pose and smuts another
corner of said James Snyder, and thence still
by land of mid James Snydt r north 4.1 1 1 de
grees east 20 perches to the I.lttee of begineing
containing 30 sires at land, - •e. thi s same more
or less, Oticepting nevert lodes.% therefrom a strip
or piece of land on the nm-th w es t site of
Round Pond abont 20 coda wits 37 rods long.
lyieg between lands of J. D. Pickering and J.
Snyder.) with the nrumrtenances, frame house.
log barn, log shingle lonise, a small oreliard,and
about 13 acres improved. [Taken in execution
at the suit of James Fuller assionsl to Eld
ridge Snyder, vs. Mwses Truesdell.)
M. II 11E01E. Sheriff.
New Stock of Goods at the “licad of Naviratlon.
A. N. BULLARD fr conloantly receivlna largr ddi.
uuaa to Ma ' , took of CROCIEaI/Lo.d.Vl) PRO 178.10X.$
at Uto old otand at the hood of Navlgalou,lwbere any
man, VOILIIIII, or
4 03ECTI-ari
cut:tad the very best entries that can be
4 C3 0 11:71'3Z1
In any grocery honer, In the town. The old eystcm of
slog bales and mall profits Is
or oturbt U. be, and In Its stead the better system of
quick rales end mall proflte, and by selling for rrady
pay Only, hero will he no bad debts to maks up from
good costumer,. Call
and piatntne my,,t , oods and prlces.and see If they do oot
compare favorably with any other house in
litc?ctoeo. Aorl' 11,,J873,-tt.
Tim Amoricllli 811limorok Pi
Thmble-Aelleg,Non•Freezing. The simplest and most
powerful to use It Is proved to be the chespest, most
effective. derthie.and rel able, not only thr family use.
Put Also for Flortsts, Factories. Breweries, Distillerlea,
'etc. I It Is pirtirtlitirtrr,atnratgitird by insnmuce Com
paules.a• the smallest instep that will throw So to 7 feet
throdgh a hose, It Is thernost effective betausq It nev•
sr Mils. Thu moot durable bream* It Is composed of
bat few simple parts of lieu coca to prevent
any spyleentlnt ur bratid.htiketa-itt the water.) Das no
lotthpr packing. A child can work ,it. It sorer fres bee;
or no water remains is the pipe when nut Inaction. It
Dwell hes the oddest water. being pl.ieed to the bottom
o r 'hi ! . evil Rce upinitua of Orange Jowl. to the Amer.
feared grktatticolUt, Jane N0.,1873, page iii; also Ja u.
No, pa \ •
listin ge purch
g ased the county tight. I. eUI sell town
right" to cult Parchasers, and to those In want of s
pump Lam prepared to sell cut cheap as they can be sold
by the company. bend for circular and price list to
Coiklob Ps.
.od r l 13.104,74 in
Shawls, Cloalangs,
Flannels, Blankets, etc.
Ladies , aid Misses' Trimmed Hats,
4 04:01141tP.X.a..TEMM /317X7.13.
11.75 cl Tronstl_tkasay
i - in,tS crc ga.M1319.
Boys' and ffon's
I...adios"' aricil. 413r.ozatas"
N _r' CiL ~grl $
All the above open eg In large variety at the atop of
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum &. Co.,
H. V 11 E LL7k:R, 11.tuaglug Pkrular
3100 l mot, Sept. 21. 1.,.
• Tlern=o32.4x-cning 7L=.410na.12.•.cn...
l• continually reeelvied NEW 001,05,nd t rap . no n ..
illatiallv UZI sand a Nil tied ilevira.le a..,.0 atria of gen
tt. Dliet/S. VI El tli 'IS t. 5. pn.niv, on.
Dyceieff l t. Tt As, Spin. übd other gruyere.. ow.-
ware.. will p..per. glare •wure. Galt Jur. mirror.. Imps,
chialoey. re. sulotatery lan cent' unit.
foot 01. relined 'Whale oil, oilfur la.lcro.. all. fur
* %tun otaclonett, 011 •re 011.Spe 011.S;.lon, Turpirii•
court `wed. Vutegar.Poisol. Coutea
trated Lye. Azle 0r... T0t.... supporter*. Medical
[notrament*. Should., r Brace*. Whil Gunn, Pistols
Cartridges, Powder, Shut, Lead. lo n
Maid . ..and Fur, Vious. siring*, Ituw•.etc.
Fifes vie .Plslllluoktot, d Lies.. Ear anti Toll. 5..vp•
flair Oil*, flair Denture,. cud flair Dvev
Pecker Knave-. Speetaelra, Silver and silver Paled
:ipolltig.For4 ens, die.. Devati at Articles. • gener
al autortmoat
All lb el eliding soil bout Mud* of
Ylle.people are invited tu .4.11 at Ills Drug and Variety'
Pets. 1.1573. Esuildla bud ISt]
11.1.TRYS S N1C110.1..5; P.Roplusroza.
31103 5.Pa/00lc..114Ccazit - z-como•
Wc (tech.. to my to the NAM that oar rtnre to wet
Mocked with firmrs. Meihrines. Patnts, Oils, Varnish.
Brushein, Combs. rerinmery, Fanny Articles, propritts
tary an d patent prepay tt lons. and all Other nth+. asp
ally kept In Ong clans thug store,. We nuarantee oar
:plods gennisse tad of the bent quanir. and until he makt
at low y rice. for rotA. Reepecthilly - Yours.
Montrose, Feb. 20, IFi3. AMOS NICLIOLS.
Th. I,=,7 l ,7: 4 ,th h ,Vr"A:gr L ,Tlp%" . 4_,.' h e 11 4 e n d.
Yon. Jr,. at Lnweville Centre. ore new pre par edto faro
lab the people with as del:lra:tie on: let? of
CROCKERY! d•e., cite.
As can he toned elsewhere, and et se restrable Prices
0. 111 Vrane.
Laws rllle Canter, Pa., Marchhi. lan.
J. LI Ilieurse. 1 G. B. 13*.scrisa. I 11. G. BIAXIII.IO
I..s .,tenzu itzr I&w.]
glitija & gintrivait garble.,
Marble and Slato Mantles,
26 Chenango §L, Near Depot,
lits 7 l4,'lsra -• IfiNOILUITON. N.