THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Religious Services. The services In the several Chortles of Mont rose are as follow: A PTIAT rttUitcn. Am J. Z. CIIICSIIMIS D. o.l'l'BD:a nabhath Services. mobith 4 410°1 rrAyer Sleecoag, Wednesday Eveniags ctltinett ........ .11ev. J. I.ltArran - Sohnoth not-elms— ...... Second Ronda, In each Month itinhoth Solt,tol Intmadlniely beton Mao. P(SctIPAG entracn.... Sabbath Services. o day School W ock-Day Sancta—Wednesdays. ay. J. M. Sterret. 10M a, m. and p.m. .7)( P. M. "METHODIST EPISCOPAL Sabbath ....... Sabbath ...... Pnver Meeting, Timeless* PREqIITTERIAN airmen Sabhatb Service. 'Sabbath SehnoL, Prayer Ilecting:Tharaday Evetditta. Arrivals and Departures or Moils. SU3IIIEII Lierusatz&vr Arnruls Departures. 3lontroqe Depot, (Dally,) 000 P. u. 0 '2O :New Milford, " 10 00 A. fa. 1 10 P. u. IVyalusing, " 84. A. 11. 200 P. It. Tonkitannock, " 10 00 A. IL 300 P. IL Friendsville, 0 00 P. st. 800 A. 11. 700r.u. 700A.m 600 P. u. 700 p.m tLoklia Station, }iawleyton, 31CA:4111M, 10 00 A. at. 400 r. x. The Sew York. Tunkhannoek, New Milford, and WylnsinG mail* are daily; the Conklin Station mail will leave on Tuesdays, Thursdays, And Saturlava Binghamton mail, via Silver Lake, will leave on Monday at 6:30 a m., Turn dnr and Thursday at Bp. m 3italtoppen trail will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days; Friendsvitte mail leaves and returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Bing hamton mail via. Ilawleyton, will arrive Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday, at 6 p. us.— leave same days at ADDITIONAL ITAOUR. Montmse Depot, (Daily,) 600 P. U. 11 00 A. New Milton), " 330 P. m. .7305. E. - C. PORDUAIL, Postmaster. 'Montrose, January 4, lel I.lst of New Advertisements Donation Visit. Startling Truth. Geo Wood & Cos., Organs—J, F. Branson Living Actvenisements. Oysters—Geo. C. Hill& Co. tiursycd=T. Kannne. Extract Saroyarills -ri., Christ:tin at Work.. Jury List. {lld Folles Concert Wows About Town Not much room for town notes this week. Court concenes next Monday, Nerrestber 10. A new nanke [lunge Las been erected an the — burnt astneL" The 3 , lellitaliet mite society will convene at lie bowie of Mellen] 11e1411.111i12, this Wednesday evening, November Stn, Gen. 1!. Kirkland, late of Columbia. P.v. hag ac,epted a call to tliak rectorallin of St. church, Montrose, and will mouton the charge of the parish, January first nontrit & Ready's - Burlesque, Dramatic, and Endoitiatt Troutc" are urgtnited and in pectic is g Jr, ler, and will soon give as cutertaintucal as suit the most fastidious. Dreir+ repetita piveAf' RClllefither "Ye Old Folk's Concerte;" next Friday evening, at the Court [louse. Tickets ein tic procure...l of W. B. Deans, LSell & Mel- Barns .1- Nichols, at their stare% or at win. IL Cooper's Bank. See advertisement ehrn'J7e. We wield ask our borrm;ll cowaml if the sidewalk on Vie Yost Office erriter is complet ed ?It not, it in high time it wee. Lfit is, we do n o t li.e to give our opinion of it in print, but we ettall fed awned upon 1., (In en.. Enforce the law or get it repealed, is our motto. 'Veterans, Attention !—The old Soldiers of Montrose and raidtevrater are hereby requested to meet at the C:ourt House next Saturday eye biog. November 5th,1873. at 7 o'clock. to or ,g•otize a Compthy.elect Oilleers,ele.,preparatoty tor the Encampment next year. Uoal. A liarford cwresptooleht of the Rejwadieon, 11,e editor, what the increa.-- f valuation of property in this county is for. He haring failed t" rouse to - time" on it, we will adopt Homers' laconic'styleVticla he employed on the Mont say in one sonl--money.-- Toere seems Le be more needol "to run the ma chine-" We mAy hare a sued or two to bay hereafter at more length. Ail &alai,. Day. Last Saturday was All Saints Day and was observed in the Catholic chinch as a holiday of obligation. Friday being the vigil of All Saints sr a day of fast and abstinence. This festival takes its origin from the conversions In the eerentli century of the Pantheon at Rome into a ebrifitain place of worship, and its dedication by Pope Bonitace IV. to tl , e Virgin and all the cuartyrs. The anniversary of the event was at first celebrated on the Ist of May, but the day ara4 subsequently altered to the lit of Novem ber. HIM the Nall.' The following, from the - Trumanshurg is to the point: Do the city papers say any in-regard to your own county? Nothing Da they contain notices of your schools churches, meetings. improvements, and bun direds of other local matters of interest, which y ,, ur papers publish without pay? Not an item . t., ever say a word calculated to draw at tention to your county and its numerous ()Iris. log towns, and aid in their progress and enter prise! Not a line. And yet there are men who take such contracted views of this matter, that, unless they are getting so many square inches of reading; matter in their own paper as they do in a city p:iiper, they think they areeot getting . the worth of their money. This reminds us 4 the person alio took the largest pair of boots in the box simply because they coat the same as the Pair much smaller that fated him. oca coItiILSIPONDEUE. (IT. InT ire our hind. from alfrroot tointr. to Q 111 Lcm.of intern(. bald [be facto: Iro au arrange ukcsti.J ITEMS FROM AIIIIIIRN. TUT hare con/locum] taboo! storm for the f9andatiou of the new saw! boss, to be built at Auburn Glare. The place to get cheap goods and high prices mut Race your butter racounuended u et Tewksbury Bros. store. Mr. 8. B. Vanesse. s photograph artist, be. stopped at Auburn Centre Ws short, time, and is doing e SpitiJlM work. Dr. 11. McCrary Is getting all he can do, and it doing some wonderful cures in the ,way of canters nud otbdr old settled discerns. Something; new, ne of Barker's robber buck. et pumps, in Joules Lott' s welt and doing good . . busincis in the way of pumping. water. and Mr. Lott has been kind enough to defray the ripen.. ses, so his neighbors could wear it out and cost them nothing. . , Ciold weather is coming on, and making the 0 , a4,40 thinker getting their potabies Pt the cel lars and banking their houses, but it has not stopped a rose bush, in Slr. H. L. Lott's door yard, Prom blooming. This is the second time It has blooMed this year,and it Is* species of the Rockland variety, , so I (4 told by Mr. 11. L. Lott, MiiEg ITEMS FROM SUSQUETIALVEA DEPOT. The Chorea house is being painted.. - Snow.Orie half inch deep Saturday, morning. Martin Wtto...ner has completed Its barber shop, and now occupies it. Some of the Vice Presidents of the Erie road were here last week. The steps from Erie street to Willow street need repairing. M. IL Eisman has moved into his new resi dence on Main street H. C. Lice has been in New York the past week, buying goods for the holidays. John C. Foot is fitting up the rooms over his store, and intends to occupy them hhnself. The cemtery tit Lanesboro has been enlarged, and they are building a new fence around It. The heavy rains caused a slide in the cut be tween Susquehanna and Lanesboro, last week. M. ft:Wright has laid gas pipes from Main street to his residence on Washington street. The Erie Company are taking the lath and plaster off the round house over-head. They have white-washed the main shop inside. The Erie company put their men on three quarter time In the shops, commencing the first of this month. Rev. P. H. Brooke his returned from his va cation, and occupied his pulpit Sunday morn- ! ing and evening. A. W. Rowley says that lie is getting rich working for one dollar and fifty cents a day , and boarding himself. Charles Beebe, the Oakland milkman, has a new top on his milk wagon, but he says that the Susquehannalans have to pay for it. The men in the Erie shops were obliged to stop work on Wednesday, at five o'clock. the company were repairing their gas works, and they had no gas to light the shops with. A cross walk has been laid from 0. T. Smith's Furniture, store to Daniel Malpass's shoe store across Main street, which is a 0-eat convenience to those that have to travel that way. The AL E. Society have completed the repairs oa the basemeetit is a very great improvement. A. supper was given at the residence of Harvey lioldridge, in Oakland, on Friday evening, by ladies of the M. K Society, to finish paying for it. . . . —Rev. W. J. Juin. m. aad 7.2 D p. m m m ilea. J. Iltusn. 10.43 a. a 3 •nd 131 p, m. 12.13 p. m. AM P•m. A nephew of Elias Youngs of Lanesborn, met with an accident between that ptiice and Susquehanna, his horse became frightened and threw him down the hank about forty teet, and lodged him against some trees. It it Lad nut been for the trees, he would have gone over a precipice twenty feet high on the railroad track, and would probably have been killed. The boy I was slightly injured. On Wednesday a lady representing herself to be Mrs. Martha Miller, went to Doom's and presented an order of Charles Kirk, of Lamaism°, for twenty dollars, and gut dry goods to the amount of the order. Next she went to Mrs. M. K Robinson Millinery store, and presented an order of W. D. lietelium. of Susquehanna fur fourteen dollars, and got Slit finery goods- Then to 0. T. Smith and presen ted an order of 11. M. Heins of Windsor, New , York, for twenty-eve dollars, and got furniture, and ordered it shipped to Windsor, New York. Thursday morning it tees found that the orders were forged. 0. T. Smith, and John Buckley, IL I'. Dwane' clerk, look the Morning train to Windsor. Smith found the furniture at the Windsor Depot, except the mirror, which she took with her. Smith and Buckley took nut a warrant fur her arrest, and a search warrant, and put it in the hands of an officer, but the bird bad flown. Smith reshipped Ilia goods but the others have not fount! theirs. LETTER FROM :SUSQUEII.4.Y.Y..4 DEPOT. Mt. wr& Enrrons:—llon. Mr. Cook of this place is Mt one of the penny wive kind of merchantmen. Hr can afford to do Madness in a comfortable sod attractive store, and live in a handsome dwelling, and still have. a dollar or two. Ile has set an example worthy of imita tion by our Main street merchants, by laying the only piece of flag pavement on the whole street. The work is an advertisement of the man. It does me good to know that such men can have money. In the name of our citizens I thank the Judge for the substantial public im provement. Mr. George Kirk is having a handsome new residence erected on Convent Avenue. A pity be placed it too near the narrow side-walk. Children like a wide front yard. That pile of Pi, of which we have seen so much of late in the Susquehanna Journal, was not, as was there stated, carried orl to someone horse hamlet, to he spilled. The 1.113FS has turn ed out in the Drpotand Is being even now cook ed up in order, and will be something like that wonderful Pie you and to hear your Grand. mother, or your madden aunt sing about, whin you weirs baby. "Fonr-and-twenty black birds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened the birds began to sing. Was not that a dainty dish to set forgot the remainder. Let the Barron fin ish it. The fixings are being put up, and we shall hope, nest week, to indulge in the Brut feasting tintellectually,) upon The Susquehanna Gazette, the new weekly in which we will re joice. Mr. Whitney, of Harper's Weeklit, and Wan* Magazine, and such like repute, is the editor. "Baron• Stew Ben," of Indiana Repub. &an fame, is Whitney's second. Whitney has the ambition and the brains, and we hope, will have the material aid, to establish a good week ly, which is much needed here. The people of this vicinity are sickening of ring-run newspa pers, as of ring -run other .things. They wish a fair amount of independence in a newspaper, and if such the Gazette will be, it will not die of negh.ct. In this connection. [hare pleasure in enlightening your readers upon that fact, that the editors of the Dusocass are Independent enough not to shut out a correspondent, lust because he may hare some unpopular though true and stirring things to say. What pleasure oath an honest man take In reading cone sided, gagged and ring bound, paper, whose portions of reading must be carefully compounded to relish with the vitiated tutu of Its prejudiced readers, as the physician must prescribe 'both medicine and food for his diseased patients.. A gagger goes to the DEMOCIIAT editor and says "if you publis4 any more of such and each things, you Will loose subscribers, and you must stop my paper, if yottwill not tell me who your correspondents are," The editor says, "certain ly, sir, I aim lo print a Paper that shall please everybody. lam glad you allied, I shall not offend inthat way Vila I pltala nOatinne to take the paper! I shall nine to publish nothing out what shall please you. I not sorry it hap pened. I was out of town, and the offending matter got in without my knowledge." Ilut suppose the editor say, "I aim to conduct an in dependent and unshackled paper. My columns are open to the public, but I aim not at the Int -1 possible task of pleasing everybody, and, so those not liking my paper need not rend h."— I Which style of editor do you prefer? It has been stated somewhere that a woman never does wrong only when she has her own way. I infer from this that the editor and proprietor of the Susquehanna Journal is a trontna. I beg la dies' pardon for the inference as I do not agree with the premises. You will notice Indies, I only infer from the rimmed correctness al the premises, and the fixed fact in the case to which I apply the inference. Newspapers edited by ladies are always successful. Mr. Hawley, your many friends here regret that a fair share of attention was not given to the campaign, for you in this vicinity. The np parent indifference to the candidate in this place, was frequently remarked upon before the election, and regretted since, when it is seen how easily an honest man could have been bad to represent honest people. Twice thirteen votes could have been polled here fur Hawley, lord option whiskey to the contrary notwith standing. We notice that the Republican confesses to the power of whiskey over local optionists, to the almost undoing of the ticket. That is a std state of thihgs, but I am sorry to say that the facts in this region confirm it. One who knows, and a Republican. told rite that he could have bought one tonic of them for a big drink. It appears by this showing that, the republicans had control of any amount of whiskey, publi cans and sinners. IIAwK. J. B. Gregg and family tnnk final departure from this place for Binghamton, New York,and retirement to private life, at the hour of tile o'clock, the looming of the twenty-third tilt,, !after twenty-three years of residence here. We are told ' , he has taken elegant apartments In a fashionable part of the aristocratic city." Thut will be an appropriate locale for the retirement of the model "railroad tuna," whom one of his panegyrists latinised as the "alumina "dignitate rum dignindis" of this town, the con . itiination of all authority, grandeur and dignity! For these re cons and many more substantial ones, he will, DU &obi. he much mis-asl in this place. His successor, is in almost every particular of such description, his opposite. Mr. Fry is one of the quietest and most UMISSUMing of men Several little occurrences would illustrate this. lie bas several times been mistaken for one of the workmen, and again for a visitor of the works. so modestly does he 111184 about, and so gently doe speak and kink. in fact, hr is a gentleman. By certain indica'ions, the corning winter is anticipated as an unusually severe 'one. Seve.- al citizens are lacing in a far larger quantity of coil than they have hoar seen to d o for many years past. Retailers are glad at this mecum Ron. Vie ha r e it will nut put up prices. Ss v real most remarkable elninges have taken place here the past Lao months. Sonic think them all for the hest, while others think them for the The old' Roman proverb says, - many men, many minds, litany SLY' as they desire it to Mt" It is dangerous to prophesy unless you know. What do you think of a petty gang taws putting a ticket into each man's hand. and bidding the n hole'party to vote that ticket or be dismissed upon that instant ! I know what most jasmple are too apt to think, or rather, to say fur want ut. thinking, viz.: that such ere s tores are not tit to vote. tae not too fast, my friend, you mean that such mider.strappera ere not flt to he bosses, that they are but slave drivers, holding their places !non the head thiver, under such conditions. Yol mean to my that mean advanlnge is taken of the neem,..ities of the gang of men, compelling them to dg -lade themselves to keep the wolf from the door.— That js what you mean. Tarim do not Int a!raid to say it. if it is the truth. The ris .1 is, many honest volt rs are a, dl.,gustm 1.1 wits tae thieving, cheating. and all manner of rascal, ly practiced by the ring party, that they consider Voting a farce. They go upon the a irin. i,,le list the evil will work its own cure, just ns dirt breeds tliselo.e which kill, the dirty. The rim; party is an corrupt and • hievish.ticit it will soon have little to feed upon and will thcit, like the Kilkenny cats, eat itself up. The late rise in the Sunqueltanna tore away the Imps from under our water-trap, and sus pended travel and toll biking upon the rotten ; old ticket. A very good bridge could be built for about $12,000 or $15,000, although 80114: of the impracticable men at the head of the new bridge movement think nothing Iran than a $20.000 atrueture, or in plain morels, SUCII bridge as cannot be built, a ill do them. The road way antler the railroad Culvert has been widened, and a complete water wall built against the overflow o: Drinker creek. This is evidently the site for the new bridge. For nas ty inactivity, this borough has never had the e mal of the present bawd of officers The streets are in a sad condition. A man fell into one of those pitholes, of which th, r.• are so many in our side-wall:a, and broke his arm, another dislocated his ankle. The excuse is that, the pre asury is empty I of course it is, but not by the drain upon it for Improvements. A. painful accident he-bell the proprietorof the Susquehanna Journal last Thursday, as appears by an item in its last issue, under the following heading: "Ktmien UT A JACKASS." The hurt was painful,as indicated by time crics,witieli attracted the attention of many along the streets. The blow was upon the bead, and though severe was not fill as the part wound eel was not vital It was attended to by a bo tanic doctor of town. It appears that the edi tor made too nye - with name of the ring animals lately exhibiting here, and thus got kicked. • Businen Locals. OrsrEns, Fifty Cents per quart, at the Key stone Saloon. GEO. C. itn.r.d.: Co. bluntrobe..Nov. 501,181"3—tf DONATION FOIST Them will be a donation visit nt the house of Dr. A. Dunham, at Grangerville, linsit, on Thursday afternoon and evening, November 13. an oyster supper will be given. All are limited to attend. Br Oiwtie or Cox: Bush, November fith, 1873. Sratrzzisa Tacru! Thousands die annually from . neglicted coughs and colds, which soon ripen into consumption, or other equally' fatal 'diseases of the M.. , when by the timely use of a single 441 Dr. illlotar'a Balram of Wild Cherry their elves have been preserved to a green old age. 1w Seas 2R 131141017`41ENte -io Gen. Woods & Co.'s Organs; live different Solo Stops, arrang ed in seperate wind chests. patented and used by them exclusively, and differing very much in effect from Stops used iu other Organs, nod many other valuable Improvements: 8230.00 for en Organ of this make,in extra finished ease, capabient 36 different combinations and effects. No Instrument made Air this Prim can common with them. They are strictly Brat class in every respect; folly warranted foe six- years. Five and six Octaves, In priers 'from 0100 so $l. 200. Wit he seen and heard to be appreetlted. rif'Sold fur cash or on monthly instalments, by J. P. Duoxsox. A„vent, • "Dalt . November 3,1873.-14 Montrose, Pa. oThATED. Came into the enclosure of Thomas Kanane, in Silver Lake township, on or about-the 30th day of October, IS7O, one Cotiawohl Any person proving ~pmperty, and paving chailles, can take him away. T. KAIiANE. Silver Lithe, Nov. sth, 18;3.—• To preserve your health, cleanse your blood vthen it bang tries vitiated and font. -Many are the symptoms which sound the note of ' alarm. Pail not to heed them. Indig tion. 'Nausea, Lassitude, Headache, Wandering Pains, Billion. and Eruptive Affections, ore sit atone nihltnls to full you 01 disease In the blood. Ret ~,,,,, it, and they disappear. 110 w r Take AYEterl CIOSPOUND F.XMACT OF SAINAPAIIII.I.A, It is effectual for its . purpose; purifies the blood, ex• pels disease and restores the ilet*anged Ittnefo is of the body to their healthy. rietion.---Corit fon Anjua. ToK CIIRTSTIAN Af WORK. . - Mrs. Albert Keeler is etmvassing Montrose and vicinity fur the Christian at Work. It is an independent, unsizetarian Journal, devoted to Religion, Murals, Whom, News, Litemture, Ilusic, Science, Article.; and is. replete 'with every variety of matter suitable fiw the house hold. including Stories, Poems, Tales fir Chil dren, and other contr hutions by eminent wri ters. It is edited by T. DeWitt Talmage, who is editor in fact, and not simply in name, and throws into the paper all of his wonderful nlent and energy. It is the only paper to Which he in any way contributes. It contains each week an accurate stenograhle report of his sermons, whose eloquence and earliest Christian charac ter have given Dr. Talmage a world-wide pint. teflon, lie will also furnish regularly a series of Sparkling Articles on Current Topics, in ad dition to his usual editorial eon' rihutions. C. IL Spurgeon, the most famous preacher in the old world, will write for the CURISTIAN AT Wong. and for no other paper in America.— Be4icles these, the paper has the assistance of an aide editorial stall; and the fulle,..t assurance is given that nn pains or money mill be spared to make a paper pnititable to all classes; one in which the educated will find inspiration, and the ignorant ire able to skit out hope and con solation for all their troubles; one that children will gladly pick up as they eome,in from play, and one that shall encourage the old Christian Jlast before he voce into the Shining Gate. The horns of the paper is a large quarto, sixteen pasted and trimmed, and is convenient for raiding, binding and preservation. There are no leaves to be cut, and the paper is read as conveniently as a bunk. Montrose, November sth, 1873. CLAMS at the Keystone'Saloon. Oct.. 29 Dn. GARVINS TAR RE - REIMER give tone to pour SySt.:lll. FINE CIGARS at Lt Keystone Saloon. Oc. 29 Fitter class chewing tobacco at the Key - stole Saloon. Oct. 22 Nine lot of Islank Notes put, printed. and for sale at this office. Oct. OYSTEILS ! OYSTERS!! OYSTERS!!! At the K stone Saloon. Gno. C. lltt.t. & Co. Mmtrose, Oct. 9th, 1873.—tf OVSTKIRA. by the I late, pint, quart or gnllon at the M•mtroge Battery Oct. Stl., 1313. Tnv 11. Elias Ilowe Jr., Improved Sewing Maehine, beture buying nnv °titer. lanat.t.Luvisn, Agenta. Montrose Pa:, Oct_ 15, 1t173.-11. CLAIISVOTCVT ESAIIINATIONS racre is no subject that require sn much study and cape, ienee as the treatment and cute, or cf.rttle disemm The ustonislun surce, and renctritatile cures performed by Dr. Butter tlel.l. tar due to the gift of clairvoy thee to the fife-bolt study or the constltutiim r matt, and the mu-M.4 or Cilium, trotu natural re lie,:iea.— Cures the wurit forms of ticrorma, Catarrh, Female wealime.s, delhniA , ladaeyi. or Madder. %VW lie at Me Catlertv H au , Bin - !mutton. Wedifeiflay, y :ma Sul uniuy, November 12, 13, 14 and 15, I. Oct. 22,1, 1573.--ia3 ANst: I. E .-. A UV:A.II.LN s.—The Anna3l Es gtUi tnt .utls for irachcra ti ill be hel fur the at ver.ll thsi ries WI follOWI: 11:i - rick. I our; Thur. ,y, Nov tit h. Arirm, T'oondon—Cetare Sclioo: House, Fri day, Nor. 7th. Ilurto my. Oulthrol—Sußquelinno Di. Tot S.ll or ky. Nov z4t•t. Onetown—Ccotrt: :idiot)! liouxe, Monday No,. loth. .1,,,0tp. [Nglt—G ruigerville School Iltrase To,-.ldv, Nov. 1 th. Auburn—.l,rhey 11111 School Iluusc, %Values day. Nov. 12th. . . . . Sprinsrville—llullow School liouso Thors.lny, Nov. 1:3111.. liritlxiwatrr-31untruse School , /louse, Sat urdly, Nov. 15th. Special Era initiations. liophottoin School House, Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Smiley Schaal liouse_Thursday Nor. 20th Fonaii Lake Centre School Utilise, Monday, Nov. 24th. AI the regular examinations each class will oe formed at 0 o'clock, a. tn. In SpeMitt, at 10 n. ni. Appliennts will need pencil, pen, ink,pa ,,•r. and Union Fourth Reader. Ner teacher to commence a school without a certificate. No endamenicitt of certificates. Private examina tions unnecessary. I)irecturs and patrons of schools requested to lie present. W. C. TILDF.N, County Supt. Birchardville, Oct. 15, 1873.—tw. Jim Llsr.—Drawn from the proper wheel by toe Sin-rift and Jury Commissioners of Sus quehanna Bounty, to sum, at November Smsion commencing November Mil, 1873. Grand Jury. Auburn—Avery Sbupp, Bloomsfield 11. Ly man. Bmuklyn—Jas. S. Peckham, 31arshall McVi car, Franklin 'Tewksbury, Jas. H. Sterling, Fred 13 Ja welt. Chotamut—Nelson Wells, James Donley. Forest lake—Wilson J. Turret!. Fronklia---lict.ry L. Blowers. Great Bend tp.—Nelson Baker. • lierriek—lleury Felton- Lathrop—Addison L. Morgan. Montrose—Robert Strange. .. New Milford Buro.—Elliut Aldrich, Horatio Garrott. °Aland-401in B. Kittle. • Rusk—John Larue_ Springville—Albert A. Root, Almon G. Stil well. - Sustfa Depot—Robert-Rogers, ALtittiony Par linuu Tlioinson—Edward Warner. Tr,zterse Jurors—First Week. Auburn —Joilliun D. Thornton, Wm. IL 3ling Lemuel Timm, Wm. W. Lee_ " Bridgewnier—E. W. Howley, WniLce W. Bullard. GrorT,e Binds, CaLa) Bush, se..n., Con end liolbrook. Brook)) n—Harmon Tiffany, Gurdon B. Hog e/V. Choeonut —Samuel T. Lee, Patrick Byrne. Clidurd—ltuits F. llodip.on,Thus..B. Atkin SOIL Dundal—John Ilirenburg. Forest Like—:Vint. T. IJewitL Franklin—Henry Webb. • Great Bend tp.—Theo. Hays, Leroy Mayo Ralph A. bleesiek, Antos T. Towbridge. Great Bend Bum—A.lllton P. Stet)hens. liaratony--dones Taylor, Henry 11. Hobert. Harford—Wm.S. Dnpbiu, Horace A. Bar nard' Herrick—dernme Ebblaugh, Frank Burns, Israel Itetmds. Jessup—Jobe Smith, Tams Smith. Jackson—Edgar M. Fuster. Lenox-401m S. Clark-son. Liberty—lra M. Hawley, Ogden Stanford,lll -- H. English. Little.ltleatlaws—nichttrd King. Muntrose--Frederiek. u. Williams. New tp.--Oliver Lathrop, - (.)ahland—Edwin Ogden; Abel. 1.. Perrino. Itusii—Francis H. Granger, John - T; Geth li. Gray. Springrille-.—Albert Squires, John Thomas.. Salyer Lake—Ebenezer Howard, As4e). T. Roberts: Ttunnson.—:lertick T:Whitneyglifiter fitud• dart• , Trarerse Arnrat—Wm. R. Ilathaway, John A. Bartell, Charles W. Sartell. Antrum—Martin Wilcox, Thos. P. !Callon. Apolactn—lianson Barnum. Bridgewater—Daniel Stewart, Joshua Pettis, Orion Foster. Diumek—Urbane - Stidth, Alfred IL Allen Greet Bend Boru.—William Goble. Great Bend In —John W. Walsh. liarlbrd—Jared Tyler. Illinnony—lticliartl Martin, James Beckley. Jackson—Milian Botch. Jessup—Benjamin Shay. I.ntliroN.-IVm. li. (Mann, John Lean. Liberty—Henry A. l'ruebeell, Samuel H. Bose, .Jahn I hicrlinnt, Jr. • Middletown—J:llml Fitrney, Galittla Con stantine. . Balienelc, *Miley Jewett, Homee A. Deans, Dana F. Anstin, Henry Sher man. Neu Milford Dorm—Andrew 13. Smith,Hiritm Hibbard. New Milford tp.—Stewart- Mend, Butner Tingley. Rush--Wm. 11. Whitney. Springville—Salmon D. Thomas. kinsn'a Depot—Hobert V nunostrandi Thomas McDonald. John ..Ibee. Thomson—Ebenezer Messenger. Traverse Jurors-77iird Wizk. Auburn—Samuel Brundage. Bridgewater- -Myron 31. Mott, Myron Bald win.. Brooklyn—Smith S. Sterling. Choconut—David Stanley. Clittoril—Alimd W. Carpenter. Diumek —Charles S. Gates, Orvil N. Tiffany, Alfred 31iles. Prankliti—P—loriek Lines. Finest Lake B. Johnson, Geo. 11, Ham lin. Gibson—Jahn Chitlin. Great Bend tp. i'lenry S. Barrager, Wm. C. Mclntosh, Ml3ols. Great Timid Boro.—.lolin A. Dusenbury. Ilarlord— Carpenter. Jessup—Samuel Shelp. Jackson—Benj. F; Lan:thee, Jesse Lathrop—Horace Thavre, Giber' 31. Smith. Liberty-Wallace W. Gunsalus, Henry C. Knight, Kirby Marsh. . Lenox—Philander Pell. Jesse Benjamin. f- Montro.e—Joseph 14.rwis, Jarvis V. COM% Prank Nleliiiiish. 31iddielOWII—David Thomas. New Milford ip.—Enistus B. Smith. Oakland—Samuel Brush, Jos. T. Cod:sync. Rosh—Hiram Osborn. Springville—Henry L. Kerr, Warren 13. La throp, James }Casson. Thomson—Truman Perry. There Is no pain which the Cehtati . Liniment s will not relieve. no swelling they will not subdue. and no lameness which they will not cure. This in strong ri? language, hot it to tree. They have _ produced more cures of rheumatism. n ttra Iris. lock Jaullalf y,sprallls,•ai el- Komp. tin g e. caked hrertots. prattle, linens. sot., Sr, upon the human (rde, end of etrpion. op win, grills, bc., ripen animals in ens _year than have oil other pret coded remedies since the world be an, They are cosinter.:nritent, nil-healing pain ler Revers. Cripples throw awayth IC crutches, the tattle walk. polesinons bites are rendered harmless, and the wounded are healed without 5 scar. Thereciyie le pub lished around ouch hatle. They sell es no articles ever sold her"re. 1-ranee they do Joist what they pretend to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain, or swelling crtserre to coffer If they will not Ore Centaur Liniment. o bite wrapper. Morn thou MD certiticates of remarkable cures. in :Indio.{ frozen limbo, chronic rheumatism. gun , running Pumon, In., have been re ceive I. We will .soul a clrettlitr contAultitycettidentest, trio recipe. Ste.. groin, to any one requeoling It. One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centitir Liniment Is Worth hundrud d. 41 trs for epavitioti or sweented hurries and mal s. ur for seem worm in shoup. stuck-owners —tho.rliniment. a, worth your attention, family oliontil Iw without them — Whlie wrapper frmily use ;"‘ Yell o wrapper for animal, S..ld by all Dregosts,— So cents per tootle: largo hott les. $1 07. J. B. Rose;tt Co., 5.1 Briod way. New York. F. G. WONDER. ertalorla 1. ahnr, iicd. a illedgllato for Cato, dd. It hi Ine daily ,of, art oda to os *Outlet: which le (martin to twalninlo we hoot. trodatv the trowel., runt wind colt, and prodnea natural aleep, it vuntatins neltbal mineral.), Morphine ur n'tohol. ;mil la pletiodta to Children rend II t Cr) and andhert, Ina) . run. SLUM; CHOLERA. IN - ' -Un o t es'ery eut4e Cured with ?•k ‘ PAIN-KILLER':! t DEsit Sins:, ' Darin', a ri..idenea, of some vm sears in Siam end China, as a missionary, 1 ~ ,ind your -Pain-Killer a most valuable reMedy for that learlid Istmurge the Cholera. i lii .utiministering the medicine I found. it Most elKsetti ii to give a tea-spoonful of Pain : Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with so : gar; then. after about fifloon minutes, begin tol , -- - - -7 --- --- --- give about a uttilespoonfbl of the canto mixture. 2aal Estato fbr Sale. every r•o , initial,: until relief was obtained.— I ~,.._ . Apply hot applications to the extremities— tStA 'P'foll m-SubsCriber 1)&113 for sak the Bm el em . , the stomach with the Pain-Killer, em., I O lt. ' .... n owing Hen) Estate to. wit : .. and rub the limbs briskly. cr those who had.[ the Cholera, and took the medicine faithfully, ! • THE FARM . in tie way stated above, eight out of ten rv- known. vs “Rahert More Parra." sitnee in Refill:ewe ' cOy.reil. i tm township, So.oneli..nne C i_ Pa_ 1.13-nr tan mil. r • calgt of Muntroor Itoro,,h containing MO erne. a ex It F. 1,- • R . TELFORD. Missionary 0 China- ! anent crass mid grain Cnnt'ahont 25 Left, of timber, Man Sins: Daring a long residence in Clll-1 a gad Farm house end nalbnlidine. a sue ontant 01 na I hare used your %%doable. Patin-Killer, both ! Pr i p, " 'ea rr nt ' g. Zr77l. d in,% "d a",".,Vii.7.f,':.' . th e? " 2l7. in my own Mildly and among the Chihese, and • will be sold with the Yariu if dedred, colas provisos have round it in most excellent medicine. In the'llr dt,peoest of. . . Slimmers or 1563, while residing in Shanghai, , ALSO, A 1101.iiZE AND LOT I found it an almost certain cure fur cholera, 10 aniline In We Thirnimh if lime Milford. Surignehem i ., used in time. indeed, using it in a great many 1 C"a"r , P.- plimiently uneaten On the Multi Wert. nen, the centre of the town. tent tit , ^ feet Front it .•ritid con institnces I do not remember tailing in a single 1 Vtulrin twc.tory Ihrelarg. II ' VIM Pised iaraeu 'gun, ease. For three years I have been tesiding In i and a convenient well or "good wrier, this tame. more than flay mines front a physi 7 I ALSO A FAP-M OF FIFTY ACRES elan, and have obliged often to tall upon .1 one fonrth of a mile from the horongh or New stitr.rd. my own resources in cases of sickness. The I 23scr". improved. and the !mance wed iirenered.pritict Chinese come to us in great.- numbers for i t i r ? . : B i gv i t h - , ,..4..4.4,.... oreh zk... A E." •rx . l! ) re. , me Heine and advice. Though without nottileal I ALSO TIM HOTEL PROPERTY knowledge onmielves, the few simple remedies t know ... th . cuAm „ kaam , itarEL i „ 111 ,,, m, nni we cin COMM• 11111 are so much iu altvonee even I low. Sinomrhentia I a.. rs., Coutahnlir 9 , 1 acres of land. of their physicians, that we have almost da il y' moistly improved. wi-h Borer. Wagon Baru. nail int tip 'legions, We allow them to come, because b.".11r2". Coorrnient ether as alien{ or toque:kin it ' brinD; us in contact with them and opens a ° a 47 "‘"?'"'"`" , AVID ,/t DISTILLERY of nsefidness.. In diarrhea, colic, vomit- • . • for the manufacture of Ciric , , Brandy. in gond menir g in;, cholera. coughs, etc., your Pain-Miter basi order. Oct.l accepted by. 11. C: Vali. ticree.ed.ipiel shout hem my chief mein -ine. • Yours, very truly. IG3 perches of laud erij;cruetolthe afore...ld Betel prop. I/EV. T. P. CRAWFORD, Tungchow, China. err. ''resi•=ass . . Those using Pain Killer should strictly oh- made a „.. l „ ne p.„,,,,,. Hawn g 004",,,;,,,,,,,,.. serve the following directions; For perticulars lormire Or E. it. Ha is ley. 14:3110I'llAT I. At the commencement oh in disease, take 3 % dm% Mmitimec. Pei. or of lien subscriber on th e tt,h., ieasporinful of Pant-Killer, in sugar anti tester 1- Moure Farm , Bridgewater, Pa.. and then bathe freely ttems the stomach and 1 40113 i GAVITI Intw PIS with the Pain-Killer clear. Should the diarrhea and cramp continue, icpent the dose every tllleen minutes. In this way the dread ful stmurge may be checked and the patient relieved in the course of a few hours N. B.—Be sure and get the genuine article; and Ibis recommended by those who have used the Pain-Killer tor.the cholera, that in ex treme eases the patient take two (or more)tea spo;mfais instead or one. The-PAIN-KILLER is snl,l.lTall the Dreg gist rind alesh-rain Family Medicines: ' larPriee, 25 anti 50 cents - end $L • -. DAT7S_d , SON; Manut's. a, Prop's. 120 Uigh, SL,Prdc.,RA Oct. 15, 1871-Im. A NEW AMIANIGETZUMT PIANOS & ORGANS. At L. & Uhllrs lowelry Stand. Ina larger and Vwdtrr atock of tha Co”owing goods will be found than elrewhero in - Northern Pertheilranta. FINE AMERICAN WATCHES: JEWELRY 11. CUICER SOLID SILVER & PLATED WARE. (OF ALL ERiDS,) FINE TABLE CIIII.ERY. . „ DIAMOND SPECTACLES, and a reneral ar.nrimant of `f n•leal Merchandise, , Shen 31 rte. Yiulln SkriVlF, rte.. etc. , „ MI Fine Watrb Renal:lit Rowing' Machines sad Or. June. (is n.u114 by :was Repaired by L. idutu. • 7. P. Sleibulsb. • Isbell & Sept. 10, , Monfrofa. Pe F . , XECILITOttIt NE, OTIP Whereat letter tostentenh. " t ., the relate fir dee: Sammesto:Nlevl New /lib font deed. have been hrented In the undetAgned,iill twrsons Indebted to said etttste, ere. weinettett is Mahe kelliteallsternijinent, end Ilex.' tptelott ele me emitted the IPAISIN fee rrenested to Olevent them without debit. FLUOT ALDNICtI. ' j 110 RACK A. eIItISIETIS, El . e f 3 "rs* Sew =ford, Ust.ll3o; • Ccntaur Linament EilcEllar,eous. k•tfa. - . • . ..I . llmmlezion Illetchtifity7=-,L• CANV-i8,91N0 BOOK:i . sgrvirrte!: FOIL PROF. FOWLERS , GREAT WORK, - on w s phpnd. Wmegnlahod. apd ilfeii ntptbat p•: Loon. Ifs Lawa. Pouter, .ele.,A^,enta are aelllng from 1$ to 25 spire a Aar. - end we itch II :a cent netting book free tn.h..olCa , enf. NATIONAL co.. ph I r., N. - - - • —MOORE'S RURAL NEW.llOltf: t r h u e m O o r , ra lt .„. 111 1 7 ;_y on i t . ect o . , Afr s t t e, a ta r, : 2 A ld . thoritc urn, Practical Subic:ran aad a High Toned rrary Journal. Ord,' $2 50 a yesr—lnea to clntn. (Oast Premiums nr Caeb totntat4elons to Agent M. Pit Intern Nan:here. (Oct. to Jan.) 011 trill. for only Mt cents Perini ton Lletp, etc.. rent f(rc to,trt cl enb crlben.. Ad drer., -- • ' • D. D. T. HOODS, Z , Orr Yorlt'elty. Wh "Housekeeparai Manuel" Sella. A en •111 Agent ear. ••Vu'lke all other bunko. It ban. cl a im .1. women's Atirlitloll. A hotoe•to-bon.e tate Va. payer $70.00 In Mitt work was made by a single agent. . . AUF:NTS wv...vrgn. s • , ••••• • = Por terms nr:11 terrltnry: apply In di , 11. rnm) &CA.. New York. 11.,0t0n. CIII ow°. or Non Franclaro Tolutubin einoicat 31n$tittite A tleardln , . School fur 'toting Men and Ades. Fnr cir culars. whims, Rec. IL A. ALEXANDINII.CoIumbIa,Pa NEW ROSIK o ready- for avnts. "flame Life In the U Da-lel Numb. D. D.. anther ••S; ort Sceneol In the Plble" and - Our Father'a Ition.e. , of which nearly tharYncoples a each were sald. litnd for Clreular. Zte.G LEH 4 - SII.:URDY, .1318 Arch it., Philadelphia. Pa. , WA N'rEl), finF?rtnent Fartai•neSatmitaring the Fall nail %._.”..n% Inter month. to do Inn•linr•os in their OWIt tnyrnobip*. Iln-in,•• In. respectable. at d DV.. writ: FdlLrUtnlan,hildr, as e 3. $: SCRANTON CO.. llnttfortl. COllO. THE BEST PAPER. TRY 2`.'l" j THE SCIENTIFIC A3IP.ItICAN In the cheapest and bent Illuntrtted weekly p•prr printed. Every number contolnp front 10 to 15 .riztnal enctrarine 411 New Mx. chtnery. tcpYrl Inventions, Prldren,Engineerlng Nrirkr ArrhiteCtore. Improved ?Ann itnitlelnentS, and every new d•pcnvery In chentbory A year. nomfter. commit, 1,1 1 Mtge.. and *event t ka..dred rUgravinvs. Then. lode volomea ore Inverted for hlntll t; null refereuee.— The pitteticobte receltes ate ti - r3erthten times the onhorriteinn prime. Terme. $5 a year. by Instl. Ivens sent free. Man be had of all newstlen •rn j.I.A., , P3MIIkTar9 &vain, on the bent terms. Mntieht of new meetly Inns end nketehno examined, and adrtee Inc. All p tents ore pnnltslit silt the Srfentitle ttmerteatt the 'week they insne. tuepamphlet. lip Imcton.. contoining.l.,ws nod fall /firm fon'olltatining ptent.. Address fnr the torper , concreting potent , . MUNti 3: Pork Itos ,V. Y. Branch Mlle', cor ner of F and 7.11 nig , %Vas b melon. D C. - ,, Nvammsno v, 5131 PAsm 0t4.%; AGENTS [or qstmlogr. DOME,YIt7 SEWiNd Y CR(111 . 1'.1 11 1 111‘GER, The . chettprat and he..t In 11. e market. Warrant.' trn'y npr. Ink Ineur.rn.nt• to Wa..bintr Vu and theum.- trade. Liberal tera.,.— Agent Ntunted Send for NlV.Rlttitti Ilanufacturas and Patrt.trra:nelre,lll) Walnut St.. Philadelphia; Pa. G 1 _ .AT D Vl, :u l,l l ) . l. !: :, :.. LE. s4 iN n ' n D, i lt n E p T w A n ii... ;, rdo breech -1 - Gil. and C.; 11Ithre. 0..0t1a rent il. Al pltio of the country 17 c.-xpre>. C. 0. 9.. to 'h t . ermele. eil before 1131/1 ter. We peed o g.loine W. .t C. Sant A SO.' Nthr,le Lam(let. oath da•k. peuell and eleanlntt rod. nl-..7 hor.e.l. for $&-.. Send .tamp he -I..price lilt. I , ‘I ITII 1...4.1,U1....E5,Vti Bro.sdway and CA , Chatham St.. N. V. BUILDING FELT • (So Tar n.edi. Cifr oniddc iilntezti] or plamrr. etc $,1:1 , 1 TWO 3:rettt 9431111.1 for oecrinr And C J. FAY, Camden, N. J. FIRESIDE Cone Burner for San hs. PLUME & ATWOOD, prodwuLthe liucet Ilpbt. cao I:e upell un any roalmil !amp. For m!e.Lyall I,llDp deaiere. 09011 CIDER ALL ThE YEAR ROUND. Tito Neutral So:obit.: or Limo. It by CIL LI`r ti.S...•LAI•O J . Co•oon. form. rly J. It Nielkl• A l'u..keeiss ciA. r sweet all the y. ar reauu. New York Wilco. Y College Pint., $25. rIOIIIBY MADE FAS? $lOOO. By nll who work h.r us. • It nun, %rain= you In not and Cs all square, we will give you one dollar for your Irtahlo. Send .t...rnn f..r rircritar. In 0. II BLICKIXY CU., T.konsha. 3114:11. 0,~T713131111{1NG.--11r;11.43't I?. M. Stntneu•rh.g otitute.C7 F••urth Avenn,. N. V. Devi ttorereucu.s. No p!ty Anti, ru 'O4l. Scx."l rrct radar. 'IT( )111.; .117. 11nukr.tlameo. ctn., in Ifiyif, IMAMICA. Ro capitntnerised. Cat..hrzne. term.. etc.. sent frve.. VICKERY & Au,utts, + 0 i:;„.„ 9(1 PET: D.tY: Azent• wontorl 1.1 tp..1 , 13 Ci..lle, Of, aprkl tag people. of either one or old. make more mun.•y at work for or In moment. or all the I •o r tioo, ,t unything else. l'arrlcolare free. Addrou 6. bll'IN• SON. .n CO.. Pon laud 31alue. NOTICE IN PAIITATION.—To JOILANNA Reynolds, of .TersY City, New .lersey,Catte , crier Cox; of Wilkes-13arre, Pa., Etlivitel Brown and Thomas Brown, of Jerser City, N. J.,3lnry Jane Iltown, and John Brown, of. Finicn -Is land. and Eben Ilrovio„of Binghamton. N.Y. TAM,: NOTICE. That. IVhereas.limn a Coughlin, late of Silver Lake township, the • county of Siisqueltanna and Slate of Penstylrab nia.„ died Intestale, Seized in tier demesne us of fee of and In ocrlitin messitnge and. tract of land situate in the township Of Liberty, in the county of Susquehanna and State of l'etinsyl canto, described as follows 'to wit Commenc ing at a hemlock tree being the northwest COI , ner of lot No. 142 anirtienr the road or high hiding by Milhan's settlement (so 'enilril) to 81tver Lake. thence south S 6 dcoctirciat, 53 1 10 perches to a post, thence. de grew west (iii 1-10 iv:relive to the centre Id- rho` highway afon...said,4 hence north westerly along raid Ille,tiway to ton pen end . ..stones and' themes 'north degreei cast 10 rods to the place of ntrose; en. i Id-ginning. taritainlng 13 acres of land, bo thts" T i, f i, f a CANIrTETtS same noire or lees; In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' court id' Sold county of Susque *tato,- pre,exvia4 lan sticaztli, Ii restulul) great .I..slitrr..tom. hanna, an inquest will be held on said premises ssiroau suit gin A fall and try Its myritr. ' nn Tharsday,:sioventher Gth,113713,a1, ten •'clock In the iiirenonn, to niake pinion thereof to and Montrote, .Ittly 18:1L .—tt' I among the heirs and legal n'presentatleis of I Lin & maid intestate, in such manner and -in suet) pro. portion as the Lilts of. this commonwealili di aTTORNEYS AT LAW. It sytt removed U. trteir So rte rest; 180 itsuch partition cannot be made there oxitec, opposite trot : Mabel!' Muse:. . ' It. IL Lrrrt.a. of , then to value and appraise the saute never . tie°, P LITTLE. ding to law E. L. ISLAKII.LZE April 33, r, Oil SAES OR EXCILINfi£. The nsolantignorl offer,. for sale Via GROITERY..t. FERO *TORE. rirnatod near t he — rau I In rho 1.i.t0 h of Stdrio.hinny. hi. Lot 'lax 1 111 fort Own f Store art dwelling 2 , 1x60 Icel. newly hitioleiL 0,4,d wharf for the neronuninilti..n'of hoalmen- A fair rill of hot h town and .11131 tunic. WI a col) each; or would enclutogc for a hunt Tide IP a good chance for any one toarrestre /tom a id, tonne. povorro slug all the a , vantagorr of a railroad tntrn, nt.d out In which , 2111 balnade en ('toy enn toinfortnhle Ihricer.'l" Odes taylnt np .nmultking fora rainy day. Fail ouch of gouda on hand. , Porneralott been when Elton I rr or or add rare. I oW3IAn: (1. 1 . It It I SON. Oct.. 1. 1571.-Bnra lihlctirhluny.Lnarroot:o.. Pa. GREAT UNITED STATES IEB. CO., BURNS . 41 1 NICHOLS,-.AOe., Mautrwe),(iet. 15. Isn. . , i . - ' -' ..Y.EW Tz ' t/LOR. .. :..11. .V. ()TICE In hereby. elven that the petition or a miler. Shoji over Deans's . hook Store. LCX/ 1,11,C110,1 n .CC. , i , I , ity or the Irreholdens reiddLog• within the district ii. 'll , o ,m rk m d , o oc o a t r4 15 1 , 11. 4,; 0 5 e5 .i. r .:, le. t i o n e llo o e n . 1 t ,t r ,,, T 1 1 . . Ks a. I h o ore a ln. s l l , .... f r il d , e l l : , , , lLed e.. "4 4 llt iy htt i l t ald ,b h a et .s , r b e vnn the b tl . ran T d „... Jo.. I hal, tonyir II tone foroil orettou at said Ohl rict a. 4 h roodh. by the name. style.' and title of the Bonnet . , . . 7 _,,, ' r'lL I- - " ?of Great Smut V1312e, and by the folloolng boubwi, ' rte. In wit • Se-tunln2 on the hank of . the Samar I. YE ' V.i.DE - .' i l 0.1.1i.".9 - I.JONCEIri'E ' Wk. ' . irl .1 r. at -0 - 10 h DOTI ..tresi , rorner hf al I', A pti i a Ti t * : ,• '1 - ' , ' + -- • "'- . ": I Land; i ph.tren south et] deitters west 65 rods ton slue tree: i throe,: north WI demos west 2TS rods to, a. post and i goers; tbehre no ri 53 or :Trees avast 1133 f rods to a putt ; and sinner; 111-ter nos 1(03 dettreea rest 131 redo to The bank of ;Tdd flyer; I.b.onca ninth 2,J 0. g,tOV, east V. 3 ~ :4'1.1.1172161,fad euce aith S 3 tre;:ht t e 4 s t- e rn as ' ht : g4; l 'l3 or ;he Ito)• - I oral eitllfool , and diAtances at ***Oliver to taeloaeeht ' . ' • bilanblag... .--------- -^.---- , '-'-... • —"-- _, Ult. ii.ilNreil and ni'' ,, S...' - - IXTE 'PE.PY AT.J.'CO3IPETIT.itiIs; . 11'..1 - . , PeCtiontri. V T Job 'l'notia9..-- Ilrliit..oo - yuur work. i _Grcat Drzd, oct. ir,18r..-.:w.• . . . ... AT Ty, COU irr . 1101 ,SP, FRIDAY li10111'; NOV,i YE 7£11,1873. 47.. Wt. Ptcvinraick, GENERAL Produce and Commissloa iderOinirtts .17 Der St.. Nets C‘inFlgnawnt• solitited shd reit:rm. tatide !retiedlate IT nit eat` gimds. livod t.kesliSpylog cards and ?ten - References:, fiat tonal PArk Rant or 'lea York. North hirer Krthir nt - national Hank or Now-York. Lox* (*lnd Bank or rituoklyrx,ti. Y. Fcb.12,1973.—tt The riancetc Fitiaitelat ICETv YORK, Nor. lst 1871, • The money market wasa . Seirriewliiit, ditto limbed by the recent faihirei, although there are few changes to mite. The banks are doing little in the Inscount line, sitve in the tray of rmticuls. r . The business &one lir the bid broker, uras small, brit tt better aispoaition to opiate was Mini. foiled. - The rates on ,still. are oted ut 9e12 per cent. Commercial paper,priine and endorsed,rangesbeiwerm 12 and 18 per cent.;,.that, le,s 'knritsn'tn;tweeti 13, and, • Anything bilitv this is Allis ot_sulr.•.' • _ , Go!d was without ipt•cial feature, epen• ing Lit 194 and at one time .thitit.g,:the day touched' 1081. The „general rate, lioarerer, nod that which ruled the clos.e was lo 81. a 1 art Sterling exchange, 115:!@,117: Gold Silver. U S. 6s 5-20 Coupon.lB62 5.20 Coupon'lBol... . 2-20 Coupon 12115....:. 5-20 C o upon 5.20 Cnupon 1857 5-20 Coupon 1808;.... Nen . 5 pet cent, bonds, 10-404 Paris Exchange... Sterling Exchituge Currency Bonds - 112 - 113 . 100' 107 107 ~ 107 ...107 108 111 1121; 11314 • 119 113 107 , ;"111• 3j .100)1 :.11Y.' : 488 481 117 119 Nev Tork rreatico Market. Corrected weekly by 8; „ linytlen, 325' Wasqugtoti St.,lvew „ Butter, tub ....... al pail Cheese, dairy, per lb " ractory".... Egra, per dor . Flour. per barrel... Corn meal, lfluatt., per bnahei.. Rye Oats Corn Hops, rrop of 18:3 Tsßoxy " Lard-yet Hi Pols , a ro.r Trtrkeyi par (Thickens " Onek_s " EGISTFiIt'S :NOTICTI—Yrnt,tc Islatien I~ N hereby ; pvett to all persons concerned in the tolloWkilr Ebtatefl, to wit: Estate of George W. Crandal, late of Liberty pop., clee'd, Mary A. Cratulall and John Ilbich• „ Inan Afhoinistrators. Estate Ranmn, 'late, 'LenoX towle.bip Elrod ban Ransom, Eacutur. .Est:lte late of Great Bend township, deed, %I': W.. Bindell Administra. tor. Estnte nrCharies W. Jneksnui late oU La nut) township, tlecT., L TifEiny Amin.Lim • . „ Estitte of Milton FIA, lateof New Miltild towntddit; deed, Dennis Shay Atnini.itrator. Estate of Wallet-T. Dimimek,late. of Derrick tON'llqiiip. Deed, Mary A. - Dintntiek Esketitrix. hdate of Julio .Montgomery, luc of ..111.11,uni towndilip; deed, 31nrtin 31onigoutery F:l4nte-orlnittpl 11011.-10 e of New 3tliforil townaliiii;alt4fd, Fnincia null Executor. : . • Estate of Henry Chandler. lato• of Thiniisou dee',l,l4arall Chandler Executrix. . E..-a ate of - .10111- Iliirrington,-late of. Bridge. water tinvnahlicdec'ci; Jelnima and IL It; liar• rionfon two orthe ExPeutor a , . ••• • .Ettte of Attial ii/l ltliilunl , late of gridgewa• icr township Abiatha 31illard; . Jr., and 114ary IL Millard AthninistntlOrs. - •.' - Elitate of C. Wihrtarth, late cirJacksoit, deed, Frank ihnarth AdminiArator. Estalii or .Tacith Dutcher, hue pflihson,dethl, W. T. ca., Administottor. • . . . . _. Es , rite of Lone Newtn, Into of Dimot.k, tler.'ti, C. 8. Gate, Mitt Emily Sot bit Atlininis: ... tnitorpi. , Emote of Reuben C. Vull, Lilo or. Ne dec'd, Samuel Vail.Adinioistrnlor... E•mve of Katio Deunism, minor, Sallie - Mm i=on GunrMan.. . . . . .- EAnte of Mink pulnlgon, minor, Sarin Den. :wn (4tuirtliatt. - • Esta.e nr Wrn. 11. Lynn,. niinor, Amos:II. vnt.Gnin-tlinn. That the accountants have setae() their nc• counts in the Register's 01lice in and Air the county or 51T5111101.1111111, that the same will be prose stet! to the Judges of the f)rphuile Court on Thursday, November 13,11373, forF9a tirmatlon and allowance. U. N. TIFFANY, Reg Register's ClLlice:ool)bur 15. 1873. - - M. B.TIELME, Sheriff. 31notrimc, October 15,1812, 10834 ..... &IGO B"o4ti laCctsl4 1401434 2662- 6:otieol2o . U..2.10U0 . 1.66(.1''+10 . 01(03 4t7p,(44609 B((s,S!i 200(i 25 2 Stag Xi 11.018 ICOI7 17018