The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 05, 1873, Image 2

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ITIAFFLEF-' B. cf. , CO., Editors
Wednesday, Oct sth, 1873.
ALLBs's net majority for governor of
Ohio is 817. The net majority of Isaac
N. Welsh for state treasurer is FM
Tim. democrats carried thirty-four
°moths ii the state at the October elec
tion, and the republicans thirty-two.
IT is a rather novel and certainly die
gr.teful reflection on human nature that
from both ends of the continent come
suspicions that vessels have been ; purpose
dutroyed. It is bold'y hinted that
-sods have been lured on the Nova Sco
tia cost by false lights, and now the Sail-
Fiancisco Chronicle thinks the Costa Rica
war wrecked to depress Pacific Mail.
IN the neighborirg county of Bradford
which has given an average of 2,500 to
3.003 Republican majority for the last
fifteen years, the Democrats and Liberals
at the eleetiou on the 14th inst., elected
their candidate fur Judge, C. S. Russell.
by 338 majority, and within 51 votes of
electing Uriali Terry a member of the
Legislature over the Grant candidate.
James IL Webb.
SENATOR TRUMAN', in a late Bpeech ` al
Columbus, Ohio, said : "Whatever chiims
to merit the Republican party may haye
had in the past, its rulers have erased to
govern wisely and well. The people no
longer have confidence in tivm, and the
time is not far distant, I think, A hen
this want of confidence will bear its prop
er fruit. But let no one suppose that a
victory over misrule will be gained with
out a mighty struggle. One hundred
thousat d office-holders and employes, a
vast multitude of government contrac
tors and parasites. special priviliges and
monopoly in almost every conceivable
form, will not let go their hold on power
And plucder without gigantic efforts to
r tam it. But mighty as are their fumes,
the people, if true to themselves, are yet
more mighty." That is a true presenta
tion, of the tusk before the Democratic
party, and they must prepare forthe con
test in the must thorough manner.
W deeply regret that Messrs Terry
and Griffin, will not take seats in the
State Legislature the coming session, to
stand. the faithful representatives of our
r..ople if little snore work end prypora
lion against fraud, and this Senatorial
and Congressional district would have
had nearly a united. delegation in the
Moose of Representatives of the Penn
sylvania Legislature. Wayne, Wyoming
and Susquehanna counties hare sent two
democrats to the legislature. Brother
Mawley,editor of the Montrose DEVO
-081; i 8 defeated by only thirteen votes;
and Major Terry, is counted out by
line votes! We have ex-Speaker Jimmy
end the Reporter's speaker of the coming
House, K R..Myer,who will be the stead
fast supporters of every venal scheme-Li
traduce, and we expect that Myer will
put SAM. Josephs in the chair, if anothe:
salary grab is mitreed up.,n.
We are now happily left. the poor pre
rogative of petitioning; hut we will have
trot. assistant Refoin•rrsin the person of
R. R. Little, of Wyoming, aid W. 11.
Dimock of Wapiti county.—Bradford
Argrep. '
Post 0111ce Malang.
A New York banker who vents to in
drige in some very sensib!e ideas, speaks
after Ohl fashion in refer:lice to the prop
r osition of that wonderful light in the ft
nancial firmament—President Grant—to
establiih Post office Savings Barks:
With rospect to the estut.lishing of a Post-
Office bank, to he operated by the Gov
ernment, the idea was impracticable.—
There were already many more banks in
this country than were rennisite.. All
that was necessary now was to comply
with the requirements of of the National
Banking. law, and any person could cre
ate a bank. and issue the Epocilied amount
of notes, although they might do ul oth
er banking business. In addition, while
the President propOied to prohibit the
payment by other institutions of interest
on c'eposits, the 'Test Office Batik" was
to pay 4 per cent. The result of E ncl
au arrangement as that would be to make
the miuium rate of interest 4 per cent.—
Ai capitalist having any money which he
could not use to better advantage than
at four per cent would deposit it in the
"Post Office Bank." - When he could ob
tain 44 percent or mare elseihere, how
ever, he would draw it out. Could the
Government espect to do better than cor
porate or private hankers. Could it fore
stall runs or panics? Again, how is the
Government to obtain the money where
with to pay the interest? Did it propose
to lock the deposits up in its vaults, or
go into a regular banking business dis
-counting paper, etc.? If it did the lat
ter, the result mould be most disastrous.
Lkifalastions, frauds, "wildcat" operations
of all-kinds, would characterize the man
agement of its. affairs'ln additien, if
otherwise saccessfal, woard . be too great
a poriticalpower in the hands of toy' salt-, i
ministration. f The whole scheme is such
a mass of incongrunities and absurdities
asts be utter!) , beneath .the dignity oft
Sixteenth Annual :-:Fair
OCTOBER Bth and 9,th, 1873.
Division I.—Borpos.
Best road Stallion, N. Grurnmans, $4
2d .T. C. Decker. 8
Beat pair matched Horses. !Anus Moony, 4
211 Frank Tewksbury, 3
Best pair horses for id work, Dennis
Shay, 4
2d Junes Sterling, 3
13ent single driving Iforse,B. B. Guile, 3
2d N. E. Newton, 2
Best brood )Inre end Colt, J. h Tiffany, 2
241 Willard W. Wilmarth, 2
Judger—John Nivel', J. 0. Bullant, A. J. Sen
Division 2.. J-Colts and Males.
Best pair 8 year:old Colts, Leroy IL
Eames. 8
2d A. L. Vangorder, 2
Best pair tn - o-year-old Colt; A. W Allen, 3
241 Walter Watson, 2
Bo it tliece•year-old Colt, Emerson Capron, 2
241 Iliram Rirenburg, 1
Best two-vear-old,Colt. S. 8. Brandige, 2
2d W. fl. Malley. . 1
Best one-year-old 11. olt, D. J. Toarlie, 2
2d IVatson Jeffers, .1
Best. pair Mulem, Benjamin Walker 2
Judere.—D. Vanalskirk, W. W. Williams, W
W. Bullard.
Dlriaion I.—Durhami.
Best Bull. 2 years old and upwards, A. 8.
Conk lia, $4
" Yearling Bull, A. 11. Conklin, 3
" Bull Can. " " " 2
" Cow 3 I oars old and upwards, A. H.
Conklin, 2
2d A. 11. Conklin, 9
Best yearling Ikiter, A. EL Conklin, 3
Divisinn 2.—Tkvons.
Best Bull, 2 years old and upwards, Engin
T. Tiffany, 4
800. yearling Bull. Elisba T. Tiffany, 8
2d H. J. and E., .f. Tyler, 2
Best Bull Calt , Fowler Peck, 2
2a D. and J. Banker, 1
Best Cow, 3 years old and upwards, D. &
J. flanker, 2
2d Elislia T. Tiffany. 2
Bent Heifer, 2 years old, Fowler Peck, 3
2a Erata T. Tiffany, 2
Best yearling Belfry, D. d.l. Banker, 3
2,1 . Elistet T. Tiffany, 2
Best Heifer Calf, D. &J. Beaker, 2
Division 3.—AiderniTA.
Best Bull, 2 yenta old and upwards, P. Car
p. rater. 4
Best Cow, 3 years old and upwards, P
Carpenter, 3
Judges—Otis Grinnell. T. D. Bens', A. J. Tiff
Dicieion s.—Grade Durham.
Elect Full, 1 year old, F. A. Snyder, 2
2{l L. It Peek. 1
Brat Bull Cnlf, J. Reynolds, 2
2d A. B. Tucker, 1
Best Cow, (,ee. I). Foot, 8
2.1 A. H. Conklin,
&1 J. M. Potter, 1
Best 3-yenr.old Heiler, Walker Sherwood, 2
24 .1. M. Potter, 1
Best 2-year-old Heifer, A. H. Conklin, 2
24 11. Marcy, 1
Be.t yearling Heifer, A. IL Conklin,
2d John S. Adams. 1
Bct Keifer Calf. .1. Reynolds, 2
2il A, H. Conklin, 1
Bust 3 Yearlings, A. H. Conklin, 3
•• 3 Calves, " .• •. 3
Judas—E. N. Carpenter, G. L Corwin, An
/1011 Tiffany.
Division 6.--Grade Devon,
Best Bull, I year old, E. T. Tiffany, 1
241 11. IL Lind:oE7. I
Best Bull Calf, W. IL }lmlay, 3
2d Wm.. E.. Tingley. I
Bet Cnw, E T. Tiffany, 3
21 W. H. Ho:ley, II
3d Fouler Peck, 1
Best g-year-old Heifer. Fowler Peek, $
E• T. Tiffany, 3
241 Q. Marcy, 1
Best yearling Heifer, D. 4 J. Banker, 3
24 F. K 'l inglev, ' 1
Best Heifer Calf, b. it J. Banker, 11
2il F. E Tingley, 1
Best l Yenrlings, E. T. Tiffany, 3
2rl G. L Corwin, 3
likst 3 Calve*, Win. E. Tingley, 3
Judges--11. N. Smith, Demme Tingley, 0. C.
Division 7.—Nativie.
Best Coss, H. M. Lindsley, S
2d Fowler Peck. 1
Matt 2-year-uld Heifer, P. Carpenter, 2
2(1 " 1
Best 3 Yearlings, H. Marey, 2
2d G. A. Lindsley, 1
Best 3 CAiTCP,Jamus Chamberlin, 2
Divislon S.—Oxen and Stems:
Best pair Oxen, 5 years old, A. U. Conk
lin, 4
2d D. i.t. 3 Banker, 3
Best pair OXCD, 4 Tears old, Fawley
Peek. 4
2 d E. T. Tiffany, , 3
&et pair Steers, 3 years old, E. B. Good
rich, 3
Id Win. T. Carpenter. 2
Beat pair Steers, 2 years old, E. T. Tiffany,3
2cl D. S. J. Bunker, 3
Best pair Steen:, I year old, A. IL Conklin, 2
2d E. T. Tit!any, 1
Best pair Steer Cakes broke, Fowler Peck, 2
Judger—J. G. Rotebli.i.w, P. C. Conklin, Den
nis May.
Sheep and Swine
Brat fine wool Burk Lamb, J. Potter. St
" middle wool Buck, It. L. Tingley, 3
2d J. Po:ter, 3
Beat 3 middle wool Ewell, E. T. Tiffany, 3
.2d G. L. Corwin,3
Best 3 middle wool Lambs, Thomas Ban-
da".l-o 3
tter, - I
Best middle wool Buck Lamb, R. L. Ting
ley. , I
" coarse wool Buck, Thus Randall, 3
Id E. T. Tiffany. 2
Best 3 coarse wool Ewes, E. T. Tiffany, 3
2d Thomas Randall. 9
Be. t 3 coarse wool Lerida, E. T. Tiffany, .3
2d J. Potter, 1
Best mane wool Buck Lamb, T. Pot
ter, I
" Boar, 31. L Catlin, 4
Id A. B. Tucker, 8
Beat breeding Sow, Fowler Peck, 4
.2d Gem. D. Font. 3
Best Spring Pig., H. L. Catlin, 3
2(1 A. B. Yo der, 9
Best Full Piga. Fowler Peck, 3
Id Gin. D. Foot. .3
.41 , 1ges---win. E. Tingley, A. G. Hollister, 0
W. Decker.
Bmt pair Turkeys, Jas. A.. Williams, - gl
" 4 Ducks, William Payne, I
24 Willie Corwin, . 50
Best five Fowls, 31 W. Chamberlin, .1
2d Eddie Carpenter, ' 50
Best five Spring Chickens, lI.J. Tyler, 1
2d 11.31. Lindsiey, Do
Gram. • •
' Beat prek Winter Maus, L..ll,Peek ' A */ so
I 211 O. N. Tiffany,
Bent peek Spring Wheat, D. E Little, 1
" " ltye ' r r 1
1 .., .
_.... Oat;',E R Tingt‘l " 1
1 2cl M. L. uutrm, 50
~ .
ir . ltest halt bushel C aen,' lif ra . Vulcan, I
2d B. B. Gtxxlrielt, 50
Best half beetle! Buekerheat,Wm. IL Tif
fany, ' 1
2d B. J. Northrup, . /
Best peek - Phu Seed, Wm. T. &wilt', ' 1.-
Fruit and Vegotibles.
Best Pall Apples,Leland Weston, $1 •
24 Dennis Blety, 50
Best Winter Apples, , Leland 'Weston,. 1
V a J. Nonlimp, • 50
Beat Pears, Leland 'Weston, • 1
24 W. W. Bullard. 50
Best Quinces, W. W. Bullard, • 1
31 3osti6idnas,
Best Peaches, Leland West - et,
2d Rohm Alexander,
Best Grapes, S. B. .itiaxson,
- *I E. - 11. Smith, -- , , 50
Bolt half bushel Potatoes, V. IL-Pelt; 1
2d Eddie Carpenter, 50
Best Winter Squash. Drander Tucker, 50
" Pumpkins, A. L. Tiffany, 50
" 2 heads Cabbage, Wm. Payee, 50
" Onlnns..l. GATntcliktn, 50
" Beets, W. S. Sophia, SC
" Tnruatnes, A.. 8. Tucker, It
Judaea-1 B. Kent, D. C. Oakley, L. B. Tit
Butter, Cti•xar, and Bread.
Best psi! Bnttcr, 3lrm 0. D. Foot,
lira. John Mauzer,
Beat jar Butter, Mrs A 'l' Sweet,
211 Mrs A A Decker.
Best roll Butter, 3tra A. T. Sweet, 2
2d Mrs P Ii Tiffany, 1
Best Cheese, Mrs F B Rine, 3
2,1 Mtn Belle Carpenter, 2
Best loaf Wheat Bread, Mrs P 8 Tiffany, 50
" Indian Bread. Mrs Pl/ Tiffany, 50
" Soda Buscuit, Mrs. Theodora Gallo
Vinegar, Wino, Honey, dv.
Best Cider Vinegar, Mrs. Gen. Wiltbartb, $ btl
" 10 lbs Honey, Rev A Miller, 1
2d Rev A Miller, SO
Best 10 lbs, caked or stirred Sugar, A J
" 1016&, drained Sugar, L E Carpenter t 1
" Maple Syrup, L E Carpenter, 30
Judges--B F Hine, P II Tiffany, J Reynolds.
Leather, ate.
Best pair fine Boots, E M Osborn, .
coarse " ' 3
Carriage Harness, C Lupton, 2
Agricultural Implements, !kr,.
Best common Plow, L L Leroy, 1
Cultivator, L R Peek, 1
" Straw Cutter, Davis Brothers, 1
" Horse Rake, L R Peck. 1
" Open Buggy, Vangorder& Webber, 3
2d W Ousterhout, 2
Best double Carriage, Stockwell & Mc-
•• single Carriage, John A Sophia, 3
•• Market Wagon, " A 3
2d W P tk 0 C Tallman, 2
Cabinet Work, Hardware, Sc
Best 3p , m`imen Cabinet Work, E P Mack,
" Rocking Chair, O W Peck, 2
" Sewing Machine, T F Richardson, 1
" sat Horse Shoes, Henry Grant, 50
" Cook Store for coal, 0 Payne, 1
" " " " wood' " 1
Parlor " " " 1
Judges-1i W Gelatt, A S. Roe, Norman Ting
ley. _ -
Domestic Goods.
Belt 5 yards Woolen Flannel, Mrs .1 Bun
nell, .
2d 31r3 0 N Tiffany,
Bost 5 yards Plaid Flannel. Mn 0 N Tif
" S yaycls Full Cloth, Mrs 0 N Tif
" pair Woolen Blankets, Mrs B L
" 6 pair Woolen Socks, Mrs 0
limy. 1
2d Deborah Potter,
Beat 2 pair Woolen Mittens, Mrs 0 N Tif
" sample Woolen Tarn, Mrs 0 N Tif
fany, 1
2d Mrs A a Hollister,
Best 5 yards Linen Cloth, Mrs Norman
2d Mrs O . N Tiffany, ,1
Best 5 yards Linen 'towelling, 31m Nor
man Tingley, 2
2d Mrs Norman Tingley, 1
Best Rag Carpet, Mrs W it Whitney. 2
Judges-11 .J Tyler, 31ra H. Estabrook, Mrs A
E Sherwood_
Ornamental Needlework
Dent Patch Work Quilt, Mina E L Linda-
2d Mre Sally Tingley, aged 75 years, I
Best quilt of any other kind, Mrs Wm T
Austin, 1
2d Mrs C L Tingley, 50
Best Bed Spread, Mrs Matthews, aged 75
2d Mrs A G Hollister, SO
Best worked Skirt, Miss Angelis Sophia, 1
2d Mrs C B Hine, 51j
Best. worked Collar, Mrs David Andrews, SO
24 Margaret Alexander, 25
Best apezeimen Worsted Embroidery, Mrs 2,1
A W Bertha', 50
2(1 Mita Mary .1 Steinbeck, 25
Dcii specimen Silk Embrnidery,Nrs A E
2AI Mn A E Shernmotl,
Bat Tidy Cover Mrs Wm 11 Moxlcy,
2d Miss Clara Tiffany, 25
Paintings, Flowers, !Le.
Best Drawing, W L Thatcher, $1
" Floral Design, Ming E. L. Lindsey,
2d Mrs Joseph Lines, 1
Best exhibition Artificial Flowers and
Fruit. Sliss L L Powers, 2
2d Mrs Deo D Foot, - 1
Judges—A B Tucker, Mrs 11 J Tyley, Mrs
James Tenant.
Batt Plowing, L Green Plow, L R Peck. $7
" II :gamey, 3
3d " Bunnell " L E Carpen
ter. 4
4th L Green Plow, Horace Sweet, • 3
sth Seymour " 31 T Pengo
Gth Iron Beam " - David Andrews I
Judges—Harvey Grinnell, E. V. Decker, 0 N
Tiffany. '
The Premiums will be paid by the Treasurer,
E T. Tiffany, if rolled for before January Ist,
1874, otherwisethey will be considered (ionated
to the Society.
H PArinisn, E.t. Com.
N TompErics,
HENRY M . JONES, President,
S. E. CknyEs.-rEn, Seey.
E T TWFANT, Tnmsnrer.
As there was a dispute on the Hsrford Fair
Ground about the pedigree of a Devon Bnii,one
year old, exhibited by Elislnt T. Tiffany, of
Dimock, we have taken the trouble to investi
gate the matter, and the following affidavit of
I). & J. Banker is published in rindicalion of
our witbholding the premium awarded by thy
Judges to said Bull.
D B Blue, J H Parrish, N Tompkins, Emu.
live Committee.
HARFORD, P.L, October 22, 1873.
&mite!mina County, nt::
Personally appeared beofre me, a Justice of
the Pence in . and for said County, Jeremiah
Banker and Davie Banker, and tnwlo the fol
lowing statement That on or about the first of
May,A.ll., IB72,they sold to Fowler Peck a Lull
calf, "grade Devon." -The September following
at Montrose Fair, mkt Peck says to us, "I hare
called said calf a thoroughbred off," and wished
us to say he was from a thoroughbred cow to
him (Peck) from his statement. We refused to
so state as %resold said cairns a "grade:'
At liarford Fair last au said calf wits exhibi
ted as a grade, arid this fall he was exhibited at
Rexford Fair, Dish°. T—Tiffany, as a thor
oughbred. We informed Mr. Tiffany on We fair
ground that said calf *as a grade.
This statement is inade at the mac t of-the
Executive Committee of the Rarford Agricul
tural Society.
Jeremtah . .Banker end Deihl Banker being du
tylirrorn say the loregoin6 &clam true.
, fiimiel • DANKeII,
°A.MM 11,1,2!giu
Sworn ardeobscribed before We, Ulla /WI 1111 Y
of October, A. D ,1873.
' - Etuar
• oil/SUMO! the Peace.
Per Order of Committee. , • '
ti E. °AkreNTEM, Secretary.
farce Agltkvlts
EDITQIIS ¢Y DLltpcu :—Please rnitiliaii tito
following aftidavni.Tn eciuncet inn vitie:ihe affi
davit of 31e,sara..11anketi, or in yoin lut'al:
D. L
Susquehanna Cuunty,sa :
Personally 'appeared before me, n - Jusfite of
the I'eac• iu vial for said county. Fowler Peck,
and being duly sworminatle the tollowing stnte•
meat: That on or about the lira. of May, ItSig,
the Menem D. Je J. Banker wrote' me a letter,
stating thnt they had a thorough-bred bull calf
Weal. I went to their place and bought Said
hull calf of Mcasts. H. it J. Banker, they agree
ing to give me a pedigree of said vim: They
never furnished it, as they agreed to do, but
wrote me that they did not want to do atoms they
were denting in blooded "noel:. At the Harford
Fair, in the fall of 1871, I entered said calf as a
grade Devon. The Executive Committee re ,
(mired proof of purity of thlt-Idooded stock, and
I was not prepared. an Urn Messrs. Bankers hod
not furnished ate with she Pedigree as they had
agreed. laid not wish to have it thrown out by
the Judges, as they probably would, for wont
of proof as to its parity. I soil said calf to Mr.
E. T. Tiffany, of t)amek, last spring, Mr.Titla
ny saying at the time of purchase that he relied
mom the statement of the Messrs Bankers at
the Faint lust tall.
Mr. E. T..Tiliany, of Minna:, exhibited said
calf (now a yearling) at the Barter(' Fair,thegth
inst. Fowt.En PECK.
sworn and subscribed )
beton] me, Oct. S Wu. C. T wrxxx, J. P.
81, 1873,
Sunvehanna 0,11,4, :
Before me, Win. C. Tinny, one of the Justi
ces of the Peace In and for said county, person
ally appeared F, B. Peck,who being duly sworn
upon oath, says that toe foregoing affidavit
made by hit fattier, Fowler Peek, is true; that
the matters and things therein stated were with
in his personal knowledge; that he waspment
nt the sale of said calf to his father by the
Messrs, 11”nkegs, and they sold it fora thorough
bred calf, and limber saith not.
Swaim and subscribed
before me, Oct WIL C. TIFFANY, J. P.
Suavelianno County. AIL:
Psrsonally appeared before me, a Justice of
the Peace in and for said county, E. T. Tiffany,
and being duly sworn made the following state
went That nt the Susquehanna County Agri
emiurat Society Fair, held at .Moutnose in the
fall of 18:2, 1 saw a large cow in the herd of
full blooded Dreons exhibited by McArs. S:
J. Banker. Messrs. Banker told me that the
cow was a full blooded cow ; afterwards told me
that she was the mother of the bull calf they
sold to Fowler Peck in the spring of 1812. At
the Barron] Fair held in the till of 1872, I saw
the said bull calf, and naked Peck why he enter
ed it as n grade. He said the Messrs. Ranker
had agreed to give him a written pedigree; but
they had not sent it to Man, and as 1111 had not
the proof that the judges would require, he en
tered it as a grade to prevent their throwing it
out entirely. Shortly after this conversation be
tween Mr. Peck auti.tnyself. Messrs. Ranker
came uo to me at the pen where the calf was
enclosed, and asked me how I liked the bull
calf. 1 answered; then toll him why Mr. Peck
bad entesed it as a grade instead of n full blued
Messrs. Ranker said he (Peck) oniht to have en
tered it as a full 11100.1, as it was, that It would
have beet pmven all right; said the mother of
said calf was !lA:largest and hest cow they-bail
entered in their hen) of hill hlsusls nt Montrose:
that the sire of said calf was their full blooded
bull tkncw it to lot vicious.) and :all the pen of
yearlines exhibited by them nt the Montrose
Fair were shod by the astute (vicious) bull. At
th e F a ir at M4,1,1r, Ise, thiN lin, Messrs. Banker
exhibited a two rear old steer (latt was one of
said yearilm,ns that were in said pen Cm year
Pr , sionst in their herd of full Devora.
This steer, /1.1. Messrs Banker said, was sired be
the Mille hull that tile calf was they sold to F.
Peek. This sal I bull they sold to F. Peck, 1
bought of Mr. F. Perk last spring. relying omits
ly upon the state-no-tit w! Messrs Banter for till
patio: of it s Lb , utl and I exhitited said cal ,
this fall at the Barron{ Fair as a yearling Devon
Messrs Ranker maid to we at 11. e Barron!
Fair, this tall, that 114 a :411, 1 11,, Tyler vreregodit:
to sift the pedigree of my bull. I asked what
was atohg. He said its mother was not tofu:
pure Idoericd. I had no confidence in this
statement, just made by th- Messrs. Ranker, 1
knot , ' ing tot the disease which they
appeared to be affiated with; and I beard no
more of %Ming the pedigree of my bull that day
nor until Inst Satordar esetiltig.tOct. 25.3 and I,
011 1 11111 evening, prote.ard aguin.t the Messrs. ,
Tyler lint ii.g the premium awarded to them l o t
their 1111:1. eta fl pare 11101 - 1,1, 1 1.1 1,1111, until they
proved hint to Jur:melt', as I Lave good
to think hint
. .
Sworn •nd
befOre me, Ont. Wm. C. TIFF.LNY, J. P
;31, 1573.
L[Vt.V 9;7712 17S EIIEVTS.
A merl:c:ne that has done more then all the
prescriptions of the pharmacopteia to pbktect
the human sys'en against the los'ily ills super
hr iinhealtl.y surroundings,
worthy of 1116,c1-sat confidence. It is mainly
on nevonnt of i s extraordinary preventive pro
peak, that 11, at ea Stomach Bitt e rs is no
eXCeltlll4ly t omdar in localities sittale,:i to the
visitation of miasmatic fevers and tither di.eases
produced by ealtstisoned air. A family that le s
escaped sit-kness during a sickly season in MD-
Se(111111CP of using the • Bitters as n
living advertbement of the virtues of the pre
paration. Thl whole neighhorhond re-alize the
fact. "I couldn't have believed it," says one,
"I scarcely credited the advertisements: but
one must believe what one sera,' says another.
"It is the very thing we need in this unwhole
some section of countra ." remarks 'hint And
the result is that the mstinet of self-defence, the
first law of nature, inducer' three-fourths of that
community to obtain supply of the grunt vegi,
tnble antidote before the next sickly season sets
in. In winter, when the system recptiria Cain
vigor end elasticity to enable it to baffle the of
is of (Intup and cold, the Bitters will be found
particularly serviceable. Rheumatism will not
be apt to fasten upon muscles and nerves that
have been braced up by this excellent luvigor
ant and nervine ; nor istli severities of the
srason, which haves chit - disastrous effect on
tie pulmonary organs of the feeble and delicate
be likely to exercise the mils untoward influen
ces in cases where tho stomach and the exter
nal surface of the body (which always sympa
thizes with the digestive organs) have been
toned and stimulated by a course of the restora
tive. The fits of indigestion and irregularities
of the bowels which mimed trout sudden
changes of wenther may always be averted by
a timely use of the Bitters.
& E. 17. CASE,
ItIAR?iEtt.S.MAKEIttz. OA Harness. light nnd henry
■t Inuest cash prices. Also, Olunlotts,.l3resst Alan•
krt.. Whips at-A everythinr. pertaitting to tits line
chesper than the cheapest. Repairin; doue prnmpt
ly and in rood Mule.
Alont:noe, Pa.. Oct.
eI ) 3IINISTILATRIVoE NOTICE .—ln the Estate of
O. P Woehho trc'd, tter• ,latualuirtration
In the said eetato haring hero granted to the node-reign
ed. all po.sotte owing Pahl e..tote. are . requested to
make InnoviiiAte pay inetil. nod elipet eon. boy tug vbillor
against raid estute are requeeted to present them wltb
oat delay. MART!! IM. AsUltUlt.l, Adnerx.
E W Smith, Attorney' ter Lotete.
Liberty, Pa., Oct. SO, '71.--ml
NstrinNer. NanCE.—llarit,e beau In the boot
anDanOlil/..10,, fur the pafil aeree t ea ra. 1 hare este&
liehre nu Independent Agency, MA eioinosieil with any
combination a I,rai or :zillions! Boards.
I obeli cieirze a mineable rate oit all till,Set , of tri•
Capital kapresonted ore, 520,000,0001
• CHAS. 11. SMMT
Montrose. Fa. (mt. 13.
Yor the Year Eadluz Jaw 2d, IBIS.
Tax Tiotriptvror 3871 $3 3349 •
To Stare appropriation.... ... ..... 917 It .
To Tam than Doplicoto 1911 . 31107
.. ---
$3.14: 19-1.3.,137 19
~' Exrziprerx.r.o. ' er,
Paid Taub( re selartre.. , ,, . ..... $1,2 , ;173 -
Nvw School Buildings anti Lolo.. 1,@,11 So
Foot And flepAlro , '411.0
Yo volt are-- •
. ..... . . 1).)54 ,
Santo,' ' 5109
Vniollf 0n1.9...1£11 .
• ' 1•1113.
3.ll,vrlinown• EXTNTOC/ , 793.) •
Trestutor alid Culltetor 14 , 1 ,
$34!1104711.114/ 02
. .
lialarte In Tranary 74 . 1 . 7
lattot : I.):sEEl.F.S,Presldept..
e, W. Pirr4 0,, day. . , .., ,
Oct. 29, r419.-zir.
clti4qu ,SALES,-BY vjaTuE
1.7 - writp iss4eLl by the Court of Common Pleas
Susquehanna County' and tome direl . „l4, 1
will expose to sale by public .endue, ,at thu
Court House In Montrose,on
Frlday, November Mb, It}73,
twO o'clock, it in., to 17 , 11nwing - picei:s or par
eels of Ittn,l, to wk
_ All that certain piece or parcel dl land. Waste in the
tnwinyblp nnt Lonny, In the county of Sonemehnntte and
Attic at, Pet nrylvnela. bllnildoll and deccri •ed
a: fnl
lowe, To wit l'Olt the erbrtti try bandy of Charles Smlt h.
on the comb by !ands of Edo and Bartley. noel on the
wee( lo later ..f Bartley tend Milo Berney. cot,.
raining lit acres of land.l.e the came Miens emirs,. with
the appartenalleen Ohetlill'Jllng honce_,kwo barn, corn
stt, a nor Bull treMoy cod about i acre. IMPrteved.
(Taken in excention eddies - colt of Jobh Van Loan Co.
7. V Ilallock and Wm. E. Slietworoi]
ttlekCerrilin pie! , or Darrell(' TABlElittill"
are In the borough of New Milford. In the connty of
Sl.lnn'httnnti imgsState of Pcmicylennia. hortml.d rind
titocrthed na felon . ., to eelc,.; fin the north by tondo ~r
D. W. lte : er.. a tilt tract by land, of o lnhn Hayden. on
the Youth be tenth. of George Pratt., and on . the wen try
hoe. of E. E. Illchanlcon ; having a front-or tole hat,
deed and twenty feet. and p depth of il,lg feet,
with the ntiptlrtenance.„ I frame- &yelling home. a few
fret trees. and all Imprtived. Marti to ereenti.n et
the soil Of W. IL Lyon,. b Co.. Y 7. Geo, B. 51cCollIttn
11. C. Lest S CM. or. George 11, kleColltitet Beene a
Payne mt. Geo. It. llcCollnnt Van Cort es, Oro.
B. IfcCollum and Peter McCollum; S. B Chace et Co.
vs Gen. B. nceollum and Prter Alefloiften
ALSO—AII that certain piece or ported ollandonitnate
In the bloomer, of Gibson. In the convey or stoopoe
hom, and State of Pruner Bank. honneent Bad desnrrith
eel ay follow,. to wit : (In the north by lands of Free
man Bennetage and Aaron treccegnia, ten tam rr.t hr
lands of Fitch limeemele.otthc youth by Janda of .1..
Porter and on the went he land• of lone, Porter
and A. M. edam*. cone 110 acre+ of bind,
he the ' , one more or 1,-ne. wig h the approterennrcee, one
dwelling honor, hem. and oil bill lelmrs, 1 orchard. an I
ahont IQ neer. Improved (Token he VXPVllttrilt ot the
cult of J. C. Etinards,aseigratel to itery ht. Edwards,
VP. P. B. Manrce.l
ALSO—AII that certain pit-rear mercer of land afloat°
In the townehlp of Jtosup. In the cotinty of masque-ham
nit and State-of Peoncyleanie, honetdeel and — drscrihed
a. fellow, to telt: On the north by the Wfaincltte
therend• on the ea, made of John 11. Like, DO
the moth by lands or Bro. filintired. and on the went
I.y land- of . John Warner, containing ono intent land,
I he the mine mom or Iv". with the appurtenanee.
frame boner triune barn, btaelicrolth 'hop. come 'Bet
trera, and nll Mimeo ed. (Trek en In execution at Om
coil of Zion. Snort, rte. Jared Riot. fit.)
A lee.° —All that rennin piece or parcel Of toad, clie
nt, In the borough of Stoqueltarinn Ilem.r, In the con,,.
tv of finvonehanna, and Slate or Periemylvrinfa.'bon net
nal and described PP follhlail. to :On the eolith by
Wimhlngton ' , meet, on the earl by land. of Mice rem
gm, on the cough he I end. tit John Tierney. and on the
wnct by land* of Eilware Lill, : with a front of all feet.
and a depth of FM feet. with the opt tertenances, t turn.
story Beene bocce. chlckery, some Emit temo; rind all
improved )Taker. In rsecnt ion at li,. chit of G. B. El
dred, mei:stied to tstoemehmon enemy L oat Amodat ion
Ilnet McDonald and Jacob thylor.i
t AI-Meal) that piece or parcel nfland ortnate in the town•
eitlp of Green Bend• in trio county oh Sunernehanna
and State of Penns. Ivesla, hounded and mos/lined ter
follow., to telt : Beginning on the ...wheee side of
the new toed from rentr the dwelling bunco. of Tenant°
Haldwon to the old Winder road tit a chestnut heel
standing on the northwest corner of said lot, thence
mertbeacterly alone Bald new road niennt 71 feet. theme
on a lino at right angles with the Came to - the Ilse
lower,. Green. thence ironthwenterly ;show the eel
Green In land 71 fecht hence northerly to the plaee of be
ginning. onntnlning acre of bind he the seine more
I f 1,01,0 1, li:icing there n Ihi coney frame dwelling honer.
insizinter hotline end all Improved. A leo. n foetal. Int
of Inlet eitnsto in Grent.liend town hip. in the enmity
I of Semen:eh:mem ned State of Pentarylvanin. desertined
I as fellows. to tell t commencing ot n poloron the ea,.
arty 'Me of It ...lent. street mods by the Intcrortion
of an old fence with raid greet Deo formerly heft by
Avery Holden os the westerly honnitary /Me of the lot
formed, come-acted to cold Holden. nmolny thence
eortnerly nlimg said street Snot-. thence heck eneterly
e i g ht anon.. with the loot Mold lotted ctreet Bee to
the inentendery line of the Lowrey Green farm, thence
smith. rly tieing sold Grirn boundary A rods. running
thence Ina str .121,1 line to the Mace of Inevinotng. Colo
V'titelitv t it-'e-• of Ins.d_ he tine came more to rem on
which in a brick yard inn mod nil len.nroned
Alen. 311 Pint certain Int of land .Runty In et rent Vend
town.l,ip, the roontv of Sionte-haunt and Slate of
Pee ns. Ivan in. demel bed SP fnllnu to wit Commute
In,: net a cletednnt mot standing on ,to. north ....trete
reoner of troldolph Street. thenc . nth i-neterls In, the
lone el lend late on - nett by Lowrey °mete therce .0.11 ti.
wmteriv along 'mid Geecti's line nhotit seventy one Men.
thence n•.-th , eteierty thing the there n I t convoy ml
by Willi am We t lino a Ile to John 1, hafTem to nal
fLandenipli read them, northencterly rangy; said Ken
dein!. recd ninont seventy-one het to the Once of be•
ginning. con arming on e . helf ace.- of land he the p One
mote., , v...taritlt Chu /i pUr , rlt2l/IC, oile 1 , 4 Horsdwel.
ling hon.. oil Impr. „d- At.,. at that Or rtniinDite cof
Into) eh Oslo in the floomen of Gr 0 ,... Itooo, Snagnettsn
nn In.. beinciln d end elmenteel tee follow•. to
Tern r feel non,r tea le, food on the Turnpike
r oo d. e n , in: from the o rorne- cif I hr lot hrtmerly own
ed he Wn'te-r Palette to the rtia I Boling TO the Defend
lb, inde along, Mot rood tan lot (,' new,. d hy Wal
ter Psi. , ie. them,te•rther•y to Gant demo I bre
;,,e fonoerty "weed by It /I iter Pel r In. threes
6or mo w I--n-I ins to the Olin° 0' 1 ,
Ot t iog. W itt the nenorte• nom—. a ',eery de .-I Inc
he, a nd a rt honewed all rims eerriTel Mere in.
nn, I of 1,11 d •ilitot T. IT the te,rongh of Bost Send. in
the comity of nimem di owes •-.1 to or reen, Irani 1.
...n i n nn i nn o n ind dose- I e• a. oollerrs. Isrn It: • licgdnelog
en Vi i- c . Men tor ones !ores. conorr pf
hoot sold by toe el.- i.e, ti on Oen, Peg - Meow In
Franklin so,, n, it.. or. felt non hn. fr re,esid Frank
tie el art tl• 't to ttiod,t tearer I,ant p I,lllel with
-aid Frani. In otOort. thenc • sew her serve atom sae{!
pry•-all• I •teret fetto a .118.rr 11..-n-,• w e , .. r i, tea
tech- angle. to Fr .e.kl.n -t &neat rti.o -reef. Ihrhee
nor le ,Ft f,,', to the 10 of therineitc r ty n sith -the ap
lost n.....e tte ...tory aII 1111 r do. vlit!„: tort., and
'tt arentirto at weenie of 51i•
eliaei nothine co-I0 cod 1n A. e'. Var nem. r ye. W.
Pei !in steel L. in ins elf .tern s Vooot t woowt.
v. h‘ • hdill'O : !Vile Ml' hit, notAgo•dit. A C.
V in wormer, en W Pa intl... old itra-riey .n.
ni y!. 51 dhow, ascii:tied to A. C. 1. aanturniest,
Welter Paint.) I
ALSO—AII the inter:lint Most•. Truesdell In
all that ecrtaill piece or parcel ur land situate
in the iiiwiejiip of I. laTord, in the County 4/1
. 41://tlile11/11111t and State of Pennsylioniii, boon.
mid em.! 0.-st rthed as hillows, to
flltig a tar.l and dune: GM' east corner of
.lumens Snyder's land, Ihrnre fly lands- id' John
(talc of John Guarld ' , oath 42 ile
gro, east 241 1 . Iterviles to a alit! 51///1t 5 in
the mirthwes it..r ot lull or Orrin Wilson,
by said line smith 41!., degrees scent 44
per tea to a demi hemlock tile west corner 01
said Orrin thence hr said Wilson's
southwest line solidi 42 1 .‘ demise edst 22 per
ches to u post an.! ..tottes u wrier of
thence by said Steven's line stunk 42 1 .: degrees
vest 1 i pcnd,rs 1,, a corium. thence: by Intel of
S. 13. C. IVi,t lioi 11 42 1 ,i ilegre tees - 11.3 : ty r-
ChM, It, it :lst in the line of Innil of
der, thence said Snyder's line north 4: de
gree., cast I:3f/err:le. It, post and el (111,5 another
corner of said .131114 , 1 Snyder, thous) still by
land of valid James Snyder north 42 1 , - deems
w,st 122 perches to a tiost 2111/1 shines another
corner of s /id James Snyder. and thence still
by hind of said Janus Soyde r north 47/,,r de
/Cr/M.3 east 20 petite., to the
k .lare 111/01/::1:/14
containing T.) :vol. of land. p the sante more
or less, lettevittl int nevertheless therefrom a strip
Or piece of lan.l on the northwest shit: of
Round Pond alitint 20 rods wide 27 roils
lying het wren lands of J I). Pickering and J.
Snyder.) In ith the twit - tenant-es. frame
lag torn. f n orchur
about 13 item, itirprovisl. [Takeo ill eXt-etain
/11 the of .lam .5 Fidler assisam.l to Eld
ridge Sn der, cc. Moses. Totesilell.]
E. T. TirrANT
wri'e Issued by the Cw:rt of Common Meng
of Sm:ryn o elnunta ana to toe direvied, I
will e:‘. r. ml
veue, :It the
Court ci,:nce in Montror
Friday, November 7, .1673,
at 1 o il.n , ; tn., the 11111)m lag pitams cr par
er). of 'anti, to wit :
Ail that certain Int of 1.. tel situate In Mince:
t•orniditi, in lb.- enrotty and State of
Pentaryt v.tala, benne'. ti and t hre33. 3 31 ea to
wit: 1 , 11411t.t . n 41 and .t•et.-• atr
at th e
Cray lot, th• c and. ,if C. Itettera arid I. Ittile.b.
north 4:14 delie e. me•l fin% Iturehr. In a and
cone.. thence 1y hoe:. of P. 11. Tte.vey north l'et dw
pre,, e..l .111taterbee to the rent-0 rite roan. dente
along the • rho, ob rut-) thud ...ull h itecr• ea out 57
p m ), awl It It <l.—tew wort , ?..!Z tivrelte. t•• a
point therein. tie her tortatat air p or k.
ee.Lat roth 1 thi! al lugelhltte. euu t a t ae3 3 3
love end on e• of ' tar i •i• tile" rattle trh•re tete.
With the nt.purteluitem• ali/them is err ,
Moo. all tit..., ei'verttl .3.)u:hen) lon. of Leta rlt uale In
Dimock township. In the county of Susquehanna oral
State of l'ruusyl nada. batnithul on the mut by the road
lea Int trial, the Stale read un the farm of fla,el. Parke.
op the. Marhup(rett are. k. on the north by lands late of
said Benj. Nike unit 1 ind of D. Underhill. on the
weal oy lands Int.. of said l'arkeemlll) the toad ninit hid
wen of the acheeTboure Int and by Abe Pahl la.. Avalon
the south by said Slate road,et.tninin-) . nerra of
land. be the amine meteor leas, with Itte-apporienau•
cos. it dwelling hoofer, blacksmith shop and stable • a
few fruit tree., end !Tautly improved. (Takeo at. the
oui: of Win. 11. Cootie, Ys. Derjamin Parke.]
Atso.—All that certain piece o: puce of land sitn
ale :o
the tetvittahlp I.( Annan, In thy county of Sus
queharua en I slaw of Pentetylranta. banuntut and de
scribed as lotto.' a. to wit ; Urn lite north by lan& of 1..
0. lingo., ell and Spencer EValla, on the t Dal by
road, on the Reath by nerd and on the Treat by the III:In
nen Cemetry and WWI, of .lonathati Donnell mailability:
about forty retvett aertaol land. lea the Patna Doge
lea.. with tee apperten litres. one dwelling Lotion. one
%urn. two oat !rid , tree, and all irninuived.—
gm ken 1n execution ot the cult of It. H. Darin amigncd
to 0.11 Loannto Cl,l lino. F. Delltntg.l '
Ihv t Certain pieCe trr parcel of land *tin.
ate la the ton uobluef Jackson. In the county of ao a .
onehanua and .talc of Penury r ml 4 boanded ant da
scribed ac follows. to wit: On the toitib by In 'taro( 0.
E. Tlnniey mad Itoyal Tha ace an the tart by lands of
11. ft. letter, nn the rhutit by lambi of 0. P. Iladoidl
loon Incrense DeWitt.) sad on the meet by the road
titling from C'ehm.n Ilutinw p. Jaticann e ar n er ,. rm .
tato Inn fifty acres of land, be the carte mere t ore, the airport Maneco and about fine aCtv'S ItopNVell.
Vakall kit eDelitt Inn at the atilt Of A. and -4 .11. !Slimes
C0...t0, 0. D. 11111 and C. A. and.. £. Moransmogii
ml toll. Timeer re. C. D:11111)
VC. , or pire.c4 Innd eh.
atolu.tho townattip of tfpringviihr.folhooinnyof Sue
gneintono rind *tail: of l'enuafirantn, and de
elined ae follow.. to wit : tan t h e north by landsof.N.
W. Billll4l. OD the teat hr !undo .4 W. Lt. Muuun. uu
On noun) by binds of .11noor bailer nod W. 9. finnan.'
awl O. the w.f. belandnof t 3 CS j....tvla And :Mad Inn
ton contnining von llnlldlCn C.rtto of load, be the ensue
wore sir bone with no: tome 'd eilinyy~~
bonne. one tarn. ooc nlp kig I nnno,nome trait trgen and
partly l dp roved. Eitit.en exerldlnii at the nail- of
GM 'kVuldoidn V.., ft A. Ow tot;}
AL.St.t.—Att thatdart In ntaan Or Nonni of bond' attn.
the towrinidp n' Silent...L.lmin el-c.o.:WY of
Sungartmuna and .tat.. of Pananytennitt, bannded and
deratilud ot• fallowo; to kik thd „turtdtet the
To; k Stale I brio, nn the tine by lowbn nt ?human !Airy;
on the south by bustle of - Manta canctrand on the
*est hyCttehtennt township line, tont:fining sixty.twd
acres of land, be the some more or lest, witit Ilinuppttre
tantances, one frame home, one ham. one orchard, anaL
manly Improved. At.o, the undivided onetntlf
estAn all that certain piece or parcel 01 land, Shliale in.:
the lawnellid of tillers Lake, In the county of Sutiffnot
henna anal State of Pent:Wrests. tar/noticd anillesexifp4
cal as..followl, to wit: port. the Welts
line of Silver bake township at the taniMeattr corner Of
0.11. Locke's laud. thence olong, raid line north. 1:;: 1
perches to o post, thence by lands of Thomas Lofty and
John taffy.eart h 4 perches n n post. theascrolongarme
and loud of C. Meleary south 'I) perches to a poet in
the politic road. thence by rood smdh.GlLtlevrees west'
94 perches to the plate of: beffitthist,g.: containing - 47
acres of land he the sane more or leek with the ap
purtenances nod all Improved, (Totten in execution at
the scat et J. 11. Donley. no/signed to I). IL Searle, vs
John and Thomas I-adj.( -
Al SO.—All those three Into 'moon-ells of land situate
In the too ncialp of Lenox. In the conmy of Susenehan
.na and.Stattruf .radmaytttinia,thst alltst .pieen Amended
end deserted sta ; 41n the north by lands of
Nei on I.nwry. Benjamin Bennett. estate of Asitheld
:Sensate and A. Churchill p , 111k' nun aortae* the mill.
pond tr the ...ettbrost donor aft he mill lot near the old
twirler place ti on the east by lands of llirom White,on
the soallt by the Brooklyn and Lenox toropike iOadond
A burchill.olf the welt by laddefof A. Churchill and
I/ S. Itahinaon, containnts, shoot doe acres of land, be
the same more A r lee.; Vflth the lipperlennnewsi,nn e
grin mill with drier run Of Morin. throe holt,. Cleaning
work...corn shelter, machinery, and fire water whee l,,
And . all nearly hew. oneself. An d lath mill, wo o d yaw
attacked: with all the wheels and niter theretO'belon.4-
Ing„ one dwelling-Imuse.mne barn; one shed. toulmild.
Ingo. anti all improved. (greet/Ong two Slualiplrce.
.411. parcel. of Into] 00 Insrelol s tru one Is. Illraul
WI Ile, ronnsfning alarm t 7 nuts of land, on which la
orooted a fattioary and ethet chops ; the other
flunky ca.ntaltill!stasllll 27—. rods of land, .1•It whteh
to sou-test a store home end tonal.), .Alen, tamidher rot
bounded o 1 the north by Limb. of A. llalstettal. A.
! ChUrrlllll, and publics hhihnny. on the east by lands-or
;Brom White, on the south by public Mehra?' li.aelite
from I.sstiolai to peen Ltissine TI ,y. on rlk west. Is,:
beau of A. lialstenal, containing eland 4 , 1 :terra of
I and. I • the same more i.r lee• 01th the riptslistatianeess.
one dwollleg hound, one h.tru, one Orchard. stint outs
Itollsltrwto, red all imontred. Aloe. ono other lot horn
ed on the n• lilt h, the east bran, 1, ,1 the Trtukhannorlc
creek at high vales m mk•and ft. C. Decker. on the tort
by ;ands. of A. Clanrch•ll :Jul A. J. Datker,ou the south
by Inueo of Sr. J Becker end medic hlghmay te.otiu,s.
from I enosalne 1.0.1 I. Utley. MI the west by lambs of.
t A. Utley, J P. Itartley. - anal estate of Julio 11,4,
containing abort( 11 acres of land, he the Stale more Or
lert, 1.10 the inisnrtenntlem one du, Ping house. one
h..arra...ethnon t so, sorne fruit trees; nod nearly - all 41,-
1 proved. tEireptillg Iwo plece• or parcels fat laud ha
/heretofore .0111 and decd. q; one In the Trustees of In':
M lie Church containing Woout i acre. or
olden Is erected o choral edifice.; the unit, to L. .1.
74:Iter. now orennisarbys O. C. Severance ermtaMinv
I one acre of land.) Ale...aft that certain piece or parcel
of boot sit uate to the township of Cl.fford fat the coin,
ty of Su-eneltataa and St Ito of Cellsseylnalltli, bonniest
end thr•Clite . llo.. , fi Bows. to nit: 4/0 the north by) the
postist at blob water mark, tin the east hy land. o r
C. C linethooling, tn the south to pat lie highway.
' beading from Leuoxv:tle plot C.l', llonetatallingorn the
noel by lauds of !Dram White; centalulog ,boat tour
mere , . or I old. he thy mate more or boo, u ith the rapper.
!Vili tier, dwelling honer, horn. unt•totildings. and nil
improved. A loe- nll that certalla piece or pa Maul
-Outdo partly in the toWttaistn 4or Lenox end part In
the towntlslts of Clifford. In the Cored) of Stoonehrtnco
and Slate of Pennsylrania. Moulded and described on
loot,. On the north by lands of S. tiara ley.O.
1 C. nevetance.natt public 11l homy, on the mod non swath
too lands late the estate of Frank lan [nand. on the south
and ,rest by politic highway lending (nine lienimelllr
tiaat Chauncey Backer. containing oboe; ff 4 acres of
laud. he the acme more or loon. with the enportenances,
2 harm, st few frnit trees, and nearly all Improved. Al.
on, the <gnat rintrivlsled one half portion of - all that
pie-re at pared of land oltuate In the townoltip of Ilar.
limey • n t , of Stoninelannen steal State of Penn.
tin . ..ln. Insnlnted and described as follow.:
mayor A mattock tree by a Ron el n trate refland to that
tot rrantee name of Ileum. Drinker south 40 degrees east
179 pereher to a beech /tripling thence by a Inlet in the
warrantee name of Henri, (rlnkiir..llr...inthii thym e.
and 4.11 minutes rest about 14 perches' to the county line
of sesenehanna end Wait ne, throes along avid county
line eolith 3 ategroca welt about -art perches. thence he a
, (tart Orland lit the warrantor name of l'orapd Thrte Jr. '
: south 40 Legr. - e• not nerrhea 0.60111) n corner Dr
maid Vale warrantor. thence by warrantee In the mime
of Frederick Reinhold and Daniel ilerklee north 41 de
:tr• es one !0 Minute,. w,•-t UT perches to o center.,
thence by toad Berkley and flow, Drinker north 4.1 de
cns t act 114 6.10 perch. to e ha place of
tie nu n 315 scree of :and, lie The rot. none or lea..
,with the ;.pprovenattres, on s des, Map h 0.....
other teeth:lll4l,mo. emit on-Ita rd. nod Omni Po nt.,. lea
proved. (Taken an execution At the .alt of 31..1 flart•
ley acotgmel to C. Itardang and Wm. B. Richmond• vs.
adman Bal. cad and 41..1. fleeter. Norman White
Becker aa.rt Aiiilrew II aliitend. Samuel Ilateread
andrew Hdelend and Grow Brothers vo. Andre*
: flalatee,. I -
A L....1t—A1l that lance or parcel of -Lend, Hal
le 10 the rowityattp or Antona. In the camels o f Sn.
50. hanne and estate bnllndell and - dr
cc/Aunt or follourt, to wit: on the north bY.lands of
.1 la. Place and David Ranh. on the east by land. of J.
Clare no the tontls by penile hi:l.lll.y and on the
oral by lend. or Josiah • eiVel n , romantic:: about
' onset:, acres 1.1 land, he the natne more or leen. whh
I hCapperl moor., one hon.e. Ode hormone nrchortLatat.
5 10,111 utty user timuoved. [Taken In execution at the
soli of 44, J. & S. 11. Mallard assl;.,mad to S. S. _Sul
. fool vs. John NI. Franklin ]
—A a 0110.een:fin Weep or parer! of
In the tow:4o4r of New Milford, In tae otnniy of s o ,
qurbanon. and of PeliOnlynnln. bototite4 and do
..erird n. /taint, P. to self in, lIn•onnO he
6n Ilse mins: In lamb. of tlnton..l Friortier. tin h
y 611100 of duel fir p. and tho cat by 101 of .1. ft
Soli.. co- n.. tier ii.of fond. he IL. •OIT, nu.,
I h ni.nortenniireo, 0.... " ne
oreliirel. n ham -Macro. improved.
thee errtni ph re or lel,. I of total •110..1.• i '
n /
inonrlt'p \r ox tin.rot in lb , Odin r of" pro It or
en.'eed fit ttc of Prontolennia. bo not/i1 nod firrerlbo,t /
J• 60 , tee , Ih wit: tin It,, north by D t...t W. Ifni , -
not& or In , ' , art my hand, Of W. C. Nara. on the -.:h
hr lone of 11. Ely, awl Oa the at Ti by laud. of C.
ney. conlainihr. tat den lif inr..i, the 0 , 010 snot , •t I
lerr. n Ott the Atcllrtt - tutort, our 15011 , ,. 1,11.:1:
orchard. and all tuipoired. that erttnitt Weer
• ri,tirrt ot :and. nittintr in et1,(01.:11./11.45 New
fortf. In the <sand) . of Suptieruatunt. and Plato of Penn
y ranla. hemp/aril on .1w Onrl6 by land. of A. J.
on the cart tur the Motafrore rout). n the ronth I,; 1•-tir
of A. W anti ott the we-1 by how, tif It
reek. nod It .1 'Call.rontati at,ht (./ e 4..,1^3 or
hr the -nine !roue or lee-, n lib the Appetit II floc,
and n 10.41., tnturovett. 11 Al-en to .arrothUi at Vie .01/
ot W. 11 Lyon. ,e 1,43 ro. tiro It. )1 1 Colima. 11.
Taney!t rt. nett It Neer( oliont mod Petnr Met ol'Olo, 11.
••, hurt A r• tiro. B. MrPollnui lbariue d Payne i
• flato It tlrColinni nett It. Chtioq ACn, re (Jett,
.MeCollunt Ind Pet. r ureoilnitt 7
ALSO— 'II that r. rtnin pierroo prrcel of Land.. Mtn-.
ate in 11, hor,trelt of :Sew Milton!. It, the coltoty of
ourquriut Olin. and Mato it chhnyivaitta. tuno t tlett mot
de-a nixed no follow.. to alt:On the orth toy Speinq . '
rtre t o. on the enn by Malt, ct rert. on the PrOtti by 1,,
own• rt by A Interior ithortdr . . nail on the were by Diller
lon ate... I. holt, Shy fret 1.1 front. tyro hundred feet
In &re. with the appartettaortnt, non large frame
httlldtne n -cod an a luau 'brit. rfi t ten in ea,hilon
the rit.t of lirnin,t Barlow no. The Town [loll As•
#0631100 of Neer Mitfo d
A tint certain pert or parent of Idiot rlennte
In the townehip of Jachron, fu the Irenttly. .of Snrotto
lour. and State al Penttrylynnta, bounded and de
•erilltt a. follunp, to Wll7 On the north tie tooth of
whin Barrett, on the east by land. of Zianin
Ihr south ly I.logit: of 8...1,1,11 Brother , and Win. ilirri.
tnall on the weet by the harmony nod- Lenox int npflot
neut. Containing right nen of inn& he the canoe more
or with the appurtenance, one frame -tore build
hie. nue frame dwelling 4.111.4 C, one tingle barn, ono
hue lean, ore orelianl. and other fruit tree*, and all
Improved Alto, oh th d other etr tett, piece or tercel
Of laud. rltenun to the townrltlp of Jacket.. in the
romisty of nurrittelinuttn. and Stale of Penit•rbea
nia, hrointito and deKrihcfl a foliturn. tu• wit - ,-
Ot/ the t emit hy land. of h tlitam Bintrall and
Crlnote Paine.. the curt by 1 - ando of M. J. glut
rep on the rood, by loads of C B. Ottanttin. and
rothlite,tharratt. and on the rent by latuir of Wen
routaltung fourteen acs-,01 land. he the
finnan More prier.. "Ws the app.! tontliena. [Taken In
Anretilloil at toe ritit of Miry P. Conrail 10. bllea B.
.4.1.50—N11 that certain piece or parcel of linti sitnat -
In the township al Harmony, In Hoe connty of tinsu'a..
and state of Pcun.yivania, ismouled and des , ribed
IhNow,. if , 'Visa: o the Intro by lands of David
one, no the tact by'ands of M J. Taylor, on the smith
by public highway leading from river mad to Richard
Webio's farm, nod nu the west by lands of Erie Rail
way Company, containing about five nerve of land, he
the same more or !CM , , with the appiort canoes, one
house, one barn. ono h'ock,inilloshop, one email up'
chard, nod all Impouved. [Taken Ito execution at the
tall of E W Smith a. John Eritelo y.)
ALSO—Aft that tort - tin piece or parcel of laid situ:
ate In the township of Thomson. In the county of hot--
•orpteloantdo. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded nod
merited ae hollow •.too wit: On the north he the Jur- I
fiqwvan otrond, no the east by burying irdniid, on the
south end west he lambi of Gilmer Stoddard. contain- 4
log one and oho half acres of land. be the same more,
or lee., with the appurtenances one saw mill. and all..
Lnpprue: d. _.lmo. all that other certain
_piece or tweet
"'Aland oltnato ht the township of Thomson, In the'
county of r . l2l, , quettanna. and State - I ennsylVanis,
bounded and described as follows, to wit: On, the
north by lands of Win. Jenkins and John O'Brien, on.,
the rapt by lands of N ,k' Barr. on the south tiV' InnlW
ol Patrick and Thos. itugcro,on the wen, by binds PI
James Itumforn's stare. contatniog shunt two non-deed and silly acres of land, with the appurtenance*,
three houses, one barn, and about tea erred nnprived.. l ,
Also all that other place or parcel of land militate in the'
township of Thompson. In the otology of Surcluchoulm.
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and derefiltf• no
follows, to wit: On the the.uutth by land* of Bialarni:
nod and Nathaniel raninotit, tot the south by ,latods.vtl
Elijah Cook. nu the GUS he tondo of 11. Chandler's 'es•' I
tate, and un the west by hinds of 11. Weis, containing
about one hundred and Piety-eight amps .of land, be,'
the .1.1014.7 more or lose, with. the appurtenances: one'
house. rwo email barn., one lartge horn and sheds, two
orchards, nod about one letindir.l acre. itninturcal trio
ken In execrithot at the suit of Job,, Glueur vs Conte
Gantt, and Elisha P. Strung and Unroory 9/burn vs • ;
Collins Galatia
M. 11. limuE. Sheriff
ALS4 —All that certain ,lec o parcel of - hutd-sita
ate in the township of Ito.h, to tho county of Emilia , .
ban Oa. . oilStotc-of lientiervant.i, boatload dad &seat. I
ed as foliows. to wit: On the tooth by public hightlayi
•im the east by land of J. W tir..y, on the south by
binds at A. W. Gray and ott Mr west by taud‘s of A. ,
containio;raneen arras of .onit, ht the mac
Inure or I.*, with thd apportenaotos. IMO house, DM ,'
lUj 14.11i1e, a few fruit trees. and all Stu proved..,- [lrately
to exmattiou at tho null of J , U. Ittmentrous vs. jaartiti
Estes I
• A Ll3O--All flint erriala-piece of
_parcel of And
ate In the tinvnehap of Liberty in the county of -Stu
tioeluntak. and State of h'etawylsoulatbontaled and de
ns:bad as follows, to wit: Clo thu north by loads of
estate of A Dußois, -Oa the synth .by lauds of
John that:shunt. on the :by btoa . late the
Henry and Juan OSTUMOIIr. on the west by Linde of
Henry asterhout; coutololog about fortf seven arces . a.
laud. the the Mae, niece or leas, with the AppUrtenuncer,
one tog shanty. a few [silt Metal. and about ten netts
improved. [Taken In execution at the icit elpali,
Chandler it ea.. ye John Ii Chtineny I
•• AL:sO- 3 All that [Maki preen or parcel of tend ‘slitatei
in the township of 011otheu tu the 1.33un11 , of ,ousgneh.
halms awl - Stateof reouoylvool 00 hided and describ.
al as (Wheal, Ich wit. - Beginning at the northeast
corrox hereof at them-est tuarglit 01 highway, and too
auntheast corner of lands now or late of Lyman•llinkh4.
lee, thence eowhild, sacs cost along the tithOwny id
percbc..toa //Mae nad..edile, - Mettee. !rut perellen
lied 4 Halos to a cortter.4binco north'• ta acgress -west
431serchee tateanoth ttlakeslee's bind. thence east by
the allart ^t petebei and l links to the plane of begluh
M g.
ug. coutal oln- about thanCres of Land. be the came. ,
more or fens, with thoaaportenances. frame house and
rid tywarnewl. jTakell to execution of thb stilt of 'Bald.
.rodiritrAllau Owhignial to . te V. Fituli Emellb4 S..
einsta.l , -
TAko No4ice All bide riu4t Le arian*d ion ilat -dhp.
nt. Ilan 1;#
. .
Shedd's 011ie. Montroti; 'Oct. LS, -
skawle i 4loakings v
Flannels, Blankets, etc.
X,a4tesz! aadllisses'!Mated Hats,
XlEtts frZ oCztrol3.
Boys' and Man's
ficicl , osi•
va•micl Gc,s2.ltre.
/1931,i above aglralog ip,largo,rariety 11: Lim ttoro nit
~Cut.;eoly.rg, Roienbaum Er. Co.,
•M. S. 13!"..1 . 4.i1:E1C, Farmer
'3IDn'rP,AIPPL 21..Vgn
E... 11 -7 AIRE:ELIA
IWey2iLta-' - i,g43;
(k“ and Lt,-ep• ena-
Artn..:lvl.'nand mGdt alto nr•lra , tte ar•ortn,•• t ,•• •
Om, I N 1,111,311 CA I.S. t
Dyeri ntr-: Tn.til. _Spicer, sari other grrnertrs, •totr,
~n•irn. r, ,aurr. frail. .1,, mirror',
rhannLir • nern•nne;ln3clttavry taa. nen: •11. nest
toot fednell nil for larterno. 011 fur
• n matittar.. Ohre 011.Spernr 4+lo. 4 plrit. Turpen
:-fini,, serif. laegar_Prtnrb Utareen-
Liye %le llreere. Trlirerr.
Brace, Witir •, 1 . 10101•
rteideen, _Powder., Shot. Imarl, l,t m
Vorrderarrd Pare, Vidlll,• strloco. rln•en
Fifes ere., El.lLllookrag a Liner.oo r anal Toilet Sonpr
hair flair lirnillrUrr, and Ilair ii 4.a Brnrher,
trarernel-r, Slicer and r•floer fronted
g)1104.14., Poets lin' fen, Se., Lleralrt tiniticll. getirr
al arrtnim.njar
igtbcTeAlllna oud brit kiwis of
• PATENT NlEffif.lNEff. aro kindled to call at the Drac and Varlet)
gtOre of . ABEL, Tl7ltlt 4:1.1.
— .Fatr.Jl.lBh. Ertahltphect 1615
BURNS & . NrcitoLs, pßopziErocs
We. desire to any to the Inthl le that our .tore Is well
FUJCItCd WWI Orttg., Medicine.. Paint., till*, linnalth,
Bruebee. Clunbo, Pei:turnery, Fancy Articles, propries
•turydAct patent peeped . 11101.10. +tido]) other n tbles nao
sllrkept In final Own. ng em cee. Wo guanntee one
trend.. genuine yeti of the bf. 24. qnality. and veil be sold
or lute. peke, fur cutlf. iteapc.tinliy Yours.
' MOutroge. Feb. 24 XlCUutfl,
he und,.2"Taner) hare: rrAtfed, refurnished and T , restockell the !gore; fortntriy occupied-kr
rub,sr., of I,3wwrille Cebtre. urn now otcpucd ID PIM
'lik the people with as Jeetrable rciety uJ.
• ,
01:OCKERY tee.
Ao can Do !mood r elpewhore, awl al as roslrobto PiteoA
0. M. Crane.
l'Liwinrillo Cuter. Pa, 'Mares 21. IST;
J. U. ILaxca. 1 a. a, B.iakX vs. I 11.9. Itturraza
lEcietiippcil Isto.l
Male and Slate Mantles,
Cheuango S t ., Near Depot,
7 31 . 2 i loictultfoN,N. Y.