The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 29, 1873, Image 4
Farm and Housediold. How to Keep Vow- Muter Apples. Tne following: excellmt suggestions are offered by a Vermont farmer:- "The way that most termer& save their winter apples is to hole them np like po tatoes or pile them np in a cave or cellar. Ey this method you not only Pose much valuable time, but lose very many apples; and what you do keep over winter are in had condition. Apples may be kept in barrels that are quite open ; but the beet and cheapest way is to keep them in crates or bozes made in the following manner: The ends or head pieces should be ten or twelve inches wide by fifteen to eighteen long. They can be sawed or split. Nail your boards on the bottom and sides,leav mg places for ventilation. Have your boards all the same Troth—about three feet." "When you gather your apples from the trees, put them in these boxes (be careful not to bruise them) and lay the boxes on each other in your apple house. Two men will - handle the boxes with ease. Yon can look your apples over in these boxei at any time with but little labor.— When you are ready to ship, just nail a board over the top and you are,:eady. In this way you get your apples to market is good condition and handle them but once. Keep your house as cold as possi ble at.all times witholit freezing." Wby do Eggs Spoil. We find lining the shell a thick skin which, when kept in a healthy condition by the albumen of the egg, is impervious to air, but if the egg remains too long in one po sition the yolk, being heaviet than the al bumen, gradually sinks through it, and having none of the qualities requisite for keeping the skin lubricated and healthy, the akin soon becomes dry and perilous to air, which penetrates through it to the yolk, causing the; mass to rot. There fore the true pine is to keep the yolk in its central position. By doing this the egg can be preserved for a long time.— My plan for accomplishing ibis is to take a keg or barrel and pack the eggs on their sides, end to end, laying a tier 'first around next the staves, and so continue until a layer is filled ; se on until the barrel is full. tee eats for packing ; jar them down as much as It ie required to keep them firmly in their places; beau op the barrel ready for market. By roll• ing the barrel about a quarter around every few days the yolk of the egg will be kept as required. By making chalk marks across-the head of the tram , " at right angles across each pther you will have a guide for rolling the barrel as re quired. When eggs are packed in large quantitieS for market I think this plan will be found convenient and safe.—Cut- Influence of Odor on Butter. Butter kept in a room over night with the family (in winter.) is not tit to use.— it has absorbed so much of the odors that it has become foul. The taste of the bad air is plainly perceptible. Bat cover you butter plate (not an old one) with a tight dish—say a thin basin, and your butter will be found much the same as when placed there. It is, however, on ly perfect when kept—not occasionally put—in fresh air. Housekeepers take note when once tainted it can never be cured, but teuacion,ly•holdsall it has,and gets all it can. Like Charcoal, or syrup. sum; or earth, it is a powerful absorber. From the time it is gathered in the cow nutil it is eaten in the family, the great est care must be given to the lacteal,pro duct. Not only that, it reaches still far ther; the food, the water, must nut pos sess the oder. But generally the worst is in the vessels and the atmolthere that (limes in contact with it. These at least, it impure impart their impurity, how ever pure the milk may have been before. Western Farmer. Proper Feeding _p-- The proper feeding of horses has-lunch to do with their condition. and likelwise with their remaining sound. Fond should be proportioned to work. and it laical also be of the best quality. Hay that has been much heated in the stack is above all things to be avoided, as, from its powerful diuretic prop-Nies, it &bill tatesand creates thirst ; and mow-burotnr heated oats arc equally produetite of ntis chief. Hay crhic!) is produced on dry upland ground is best. Indeed, we are far from thinking that rickmeadow-hay, finely scented as it is, and apparently ; so toll of nourishment, is flt:ed for any des ::ription of horse that is required to go mstoind we are quite eetain that thou sands of horses are destroyed annually by the effects of hay and water. The 'atter cannot be too soft, and when not .11 it should beg:reit with a smell portion 01 bran in it.—Prarie Farmer. 0. J. Truesdell. whose valuable farm iii Kenosha. %Yis., were reeent tmenell, expended $7OO in rods for their. protretian, end notwith vaniling they fairly bristled with thesil- ‘..r punted sereenards. the electricity ereck there nud caused their ilestrue- OUR acriculturai correspondent writes to explain that the reason why "peach blow" pntatnes and • two-forty horses are r...nijointly exhibited at county fairs is hepuse they are both.titat-rottera. OKE day metalv. it is saitl. the wheat cars aliiel; arrived in Chicago would have tie a contiunous train over twelve miles iu length. A Ma. Mitchell. a California agrienl timber.. has gathered this year 6(0000 bushels of wheat from a patch of 40,000 aces . • Tits secondcrop of corn this year is now In the roasting-ear .stage, in Santa Berbira county, Cal. L . • .19.1tif smith pxhibited II fifty-oncimnd watermelon pt t ie Popgbsseuuuty (Neb.) Iltirlast week. A FARMER. from a form cf ]6O acres /war Atlantic, lowa, cittred in eight. years. THB fatimiliteturr of butter from infti to Ite.,lll;PWiug - iiiSlHAtr! === 'o,tpil)t a 'kicking cot.-,-staaclotalxng f.Coti Wit Ygl.. -**')..101?.4;Kkei445,1 New 3111 ford Advertisements. J. DICKEINAN t CO. New Milford, Pa.. tqlloWi.,,,toy&vlp#:• STOCR Olt NEW FALL GOODS ! Now on. Bale. GREAT BARGAINS or DRY GOODS, both Foreign and'De . emit. Staple and Fancy. All the Noreitle, in Dem Trimming. Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Mir Gaud.. etc. J. DICKERMAN & COQ. Mir Gnat fodueettitmte to Boyer* of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, txnrebt at bottom priers for yeah. and underrold br none. A znagoldeent dirplay of SIIANVLS. J. DICHERMA.N & 'CO. bays to zaezrzi-scorms almost eoougb to Ell ■ mall Ptoro. We allonym keep on hand a torah and complete stack of 4131.2•CaCacarlaaas alb VX•C0171.111W 10,12.11111. Flour. Balt. etc . by the t001:1.64mM. or pound. A doe line of HARDWARE and Houser For ebbing Goods. PAPER HANGIEOS4, all to. popular etylea. J. DICKERMAN & CO., are bound to keep misery/tang the people want, and be e recently added to their /immense stock a varied .1.0"1- Loam or G •Cc' &*.) 9 MEDICINES, PAINTS', OILS, DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDI CINES, Ere- Everything la the Dm tate at priers that will satin Ish drug buyers. J. DICHERMAN & CO. call particular attention td their ♦ery large assortment of 351•30C1017.1E3, both wood and coal, for vale at prices that will please clove buyers. Mannfaetnre and deal In TLY, COPPlitt- WARE, etc. T. a fact that we keep nearly ereerythlng—the meet complete stock of any boom In the County, bought at b.ot advantage for CASH and sold at the loweat Ilrior rates. J. DICE:ERBIL& fi. CO. Flew Milford, Sept. SI, 1519.-Em. V4LITABLE FARM "Poi. male. n. subscriber offers far eale the ralcabbs farm karma 112.2 . 01 P..l.e&cpeo:P Said farm Is meal the most desirable In the County sad is beautiful). situated in the village of Siirimerl , vine, Sosquetwois Lonely. Pa. There la • good. Store, Flooring lltll. Thou 11111. Plaster 111111, and limasmitii Shop in said Village: The term is directly on the lin• ..1 the W. a.nroad. ix mile. from the depot in New,4 and miles from the New York dB, n R. at the Great Bend tilation ; contains srn , of land. Iba acres improved; is well watered. leavings Luting stream of water running through tt, and a never-falling supply of water conveyed in pipes to he house. barn. and tat tle yards ; tt la well fenced, and ander good cultivation, is well adapted to groxing grain. sad is well dtted for stock in dairying. Thera is • tango and convenient newly painted. and a Ixatalful front yard with shin liber7. a large horse barn, • large Carriage and tool born, • large cattle barn with two cattlrms, amyl. shed. and stable...for ‘ eg stab ling cows. 3 small hey barns ire bonne. brit k smoke boas., corn how, mid I or -Lards of grafted fruit. The *.gbscr‘btr u.o naa 3 briLLLEM PLUMB that to will .011. TELLUS ut payment mde easy. For In formation address R. L. EUTIMEL New Milford, Porqurnanna County, Po Angola. Vid, 18'2.---4;m- F OR BALE—The farm late of Nathan Al. drlch, de'd, situatul about half a mile west of 'Montrose Depot, in Broalyn township, con taining about 111 acres of land mostly improv ed. Inquire of the undersigned, executor of said tstate, at New Milford, Pa. ELLIOT Amax= New If ilfozd, Jan. 23. urta —tt HUscelleaeous pAINTS AND OILS. A TIKE STOCK AT B. R. LYONS outme, Slay 14, 1613. u AUPETS. CARPETS AT in CENTS AND 17TWARD3 —Len than N. Y. Prices— Nay 14, M. Fat Pale loy B. IL LIONS & SEOUL TEA, COFFEE, 1:23=1 Gi-cacserle,E3 11 Low Fir:tree et B. R. LYONS • CU.'S WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS A LARGE STOCK. AND NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. On Sale by • , 4 R. LYONS 4 CO. May )1.153. 6 kOOL 2133.11 AD. COATS; CLARK'S O. N. T. 4 JOHN [;LARKS SPOOL THREAD —wHIM BLACK, 47 COL ORED—FROM- No.' 8 TO_No. Iso, AT 75 VENTS PER DOZEN. • • For solo bj R. R. LY03.5 CO.a Mosisoso.lbrllll.lra Ai WOOS' owti&o, bomb; *lna ntlicop Ll* rognated to coA nOm sabscriberpre. 2 .Wtto. LO PAK CO4 Alitrilattk/57 4 ,. .11. LATBROrk iltgaireec, act. 111 U. . New Advertisement& A IIYSTEEY EASILY SOLVED. New Stock of Goode at the "Ueda Navfratims."— rfrui s P U ff AV AlSTingialt at his old stand at the head of NarigaUort, where aity malt. woman, or X I'm a IZ, MI And the very best artlrles that can be 3pcoicrivr, In ana w bO Wes r t O p l m ng i t , e i lo w n. The old system of s 'JD .4963/Zi or ought Is. be, and to Its stead the better system of tiolnk tales and smell pruktr, and by telling for ruady pay only, there will be no bad debts to mike tip from good customers. Call LAT an ec A m ezam pare l t e o m rs tr , o4ati an d y p=e r tn o d se ar in lf they do not MS rrt 1 . C:013 4E, w A. N. BULLARD. Montiose, Aprl' 80, 1873.-tf. 111[ /Sic Cloittss DEALERS IN FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS, MAIN STREET, Zliffaixtromeo, Jane 13, 1811.—tf, IVMNXT FIRM In Lanesboro. ROBERT' & MAIN, bnvtng cnterod Into eo-partner.btp, ere now prepared to do ail hln a ei work to the lln. of WaEon 1E i Blacksmithkg i FROM A WHEELBARROW TO A CCAIH. REPAttrsci 1 ANY PART OF TUE BUSINIBB rrcelse prompt attention. ROBERT & MAIM Lanesbnro, Pa_ Oct. 15. Tito Morn SuMoog PEI "THE BEST PsT TIRE WORLD!" Double.Acting,Non.Frersing. The simpteet and most power'. In use It is proved to be the cheapest, most reltable, nut only fur family nee. but alto fur Florists, Facturl., ltreweriett. Metalled.. etc. It in particularly recummended by IneuraneeCom• ' the fatal I.& io np that will throw to 7.5 tort through a hose. It In the moot effective becouve It gee. t r fairs The meet durable because It le composed of but few simple parts of iron (enameled was to Verrill any miphantent ur brackish taste in the water I lion no leather packing. A chtld Con work it. It never fret zee. Be to water renttino in the pipe when not in action. It ford bar the cnidr4 Water. being placed In the bottom of the we'l este opinion of erange Jinni. In the Amer tam Agriculturatiel, June N0.,1813, page 2110; also Jon. I No, t. Pune al. Unclog parchased the county right. I will cell too, . right. to suit parcialsess. and to those in want of a pump I am prepared to sell or cheap an they can he sold ' by the company. Send for circular and price lief to W. M. WiLmatrrit, Oct. 15.1813.--Gm. Oakley, Pa. FLOGS FLOOR ONE lIONDRED BARRELS 011FLOtill, of choice brands, for pale at the store of E.:. irEnn. Montrose. April 50,1 M-tr. Furniture and Undertaking. Wu.rialtax•M AT WILLIAM SMITH'S EVenalre Furniture Wayeroom you will find the la ant stock of • 'FIRST CLASS AND COMMON PrI:rI=LINT ritvEr.IELM To be found In this rectinn of the country, of Me owe manalactur, at rrinr. that cannot fall to give ads- Me makes the very beet EXTEN.IoN TABLE lithe Counter, and IVAIIILLN'to teem. UPHOLSTERY WORK Of all kinds dune to the nent..l manner ..WL XV G. MI 3E3 TA OF VARIOUS KINDe. • PURE NO.I MATItASSES, COMMON MATRASSES. UNDERTAKING The robrather will hereafter make to, Mennslng a •preleity le bla lutainene. tiering jove completed a NI VJ and the moot elrgant BEAttek. in the ewe, en needing hie services will be attend ti to promptly and s• satlafsetory ettarrec WN. W. SRO= SL SON. , Montrose. Pa.. ire. 711. 1611.—nal—tf. FURNINTURE WARE! EVERYTHING NEW AND STY Llbll ! .a.m. X.'. ar. z) c•zvxdr:srns 10 Washington St., Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Repainng promptly done. 0R DE R,.._,.....„,,,-- 1 , -,,..„,...„ TAK1NG _,.4,...,,,,,--,,,,,,,, L PRICES REAtioNAULE7 C ß i st " lstztloo ;ooratteed. Ifinglanaton, N. li.. Any.nit S. 1873.-17. V . REVEHOVI a BROTHER, Ck=ral Undertaken DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF COI- =EII2M3M C3prILISBT x3l4nirmp. am;ozaava. AU,OILCTO PRO.IIIII,TATTINDED TO. . „ ncesava Vao April SP, Drugs and Medicines. YEARS AGO MEXICAN MIJSTAM Lit.:EnEHT W.. th"..t Lnetern In ilenrrirn. Ite leirrit• r r.• vrt tt n th; ghttut tho hthim' lIVU/ Ll* It I t•th. chit ;it nt•el Lett L•ni nt In the tee hi •nv tI;• in ' • • lawn mllt lun. Mr t tat mitlntnt ham ev. r L.= o ; itvoliattit and P:.!:1 EEMINEM t Im. I.a U ....a 1 1.11.:1. an . 1.1 1.a.• rowett r •s. al! 3 . I I ••pra..l. LiZe egt...e. I. rrnair , r. W'v.l.. a Is I ..r.r.c r. • a‘.1...5 , en.:. tat/qill). o • r L.; ea Ci LAC Lye L. t..‘ II rix,l, lli:l.:‘3 or Cattle. 7 i' l y - 2 , 71 - ifig (if' i -717-07nDri / r [l l ,. gi , ,,,, k, 1 , 1 f ‘. 1 t i . 1 a t.t, 1... , t_ •,loan :LL WCNS r'r. r• • s T In men not p anseira nowt Amman .t t • all lAD it Itaar.ltna • . Lato Vie exp.• vrn 111 Irp. s. or tria. with W e m,•. t. it ss nAe s ly a, astax. OM. rsy v, ill 1 c .0 I,: V , ! Mr./ yt . ... cp , rnT viber Lnl- Trut.nln• n. 3 . on. 11... tcou.ln. I bvy r A tiara t tag A 1... a 4.1,4 GL t botba4 but erklMr•Ltrq Linirati L Y ALL 1.C.115 • • SIOLIMAx CCc. rz& Sl.OO rcr Bottle. LTC:. Ikl 1 7 C. CO• Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor the relief end cure of ell deranges a.— meats In the stem - ech, liver, and bow -74 els. They are • mild 090 , ss ..• aperient, and an iji excellent purgative. Being purely veg.- . table, they contain no mercury ermine , • • , , q eel whatever. Much "„ • serious sickness and suffering is prevent. ed by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience baa proved them to be the saf est, surest, and best of all the Pills with which the market sibennds. By their occasional Use, the blood b purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the Vulvagt;97lVamiategAilitgAM and singjash are cleansed by Ayres Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease ts changed Into health, the value of which change, when reckoned en the vast multitudes who enjoy can hardly be computed. Their sugar coaturg makes them pleasant to take, and preserves thew virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although search they are mild, and operate without distort:acme to the constithdon, or diet, or 114:Cup...Um. Fall directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them es a Family Physic, and for the ihnowing complainta, whish t a e PaGo rapidly cure:— For Drapepala or liidlfenil on, Llatlena. Bros, Lang uor s and Loos of Appetite, they should be iso moderately to stimulate the atom. ash, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Com plialot and Its various symp toms, Balloon Ifeadacbes Sick Ilea& scam, Jaundice or Groom Slickonaa, loos Colic and Dillon. 'ewels, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action ec removolhe obstructions which ammo 111. For - Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose Ls generally moire& W For lithenswathan, Gong, Gravel, Pal tilde, Decls and sae Leine, they should be contht ttousty taken,as required, to chuege the diseased action of the 'patent. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings , they shookl be taken IP large and frequent doses to produce the effect eta drastic purge. For Salopresslos a tar dose should be . taken. is it produces t h e desired elect by sym pathy As aDI PM, take one or two Pills to -promote dige and relieve the Stomach. An oectuiceml dose stimulates the stomsch and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is Oft= advantageous where no serious doraoftenngemest exists. Ono who feels tolerably welk finds that do of th ls makes h i m feel decidedly betters, e from thei ese r stemming and renovating effect On the digestive apparatus. Dr. .T. C. ATER& CO., Practiced Chemist", zorrzzz.,lr4eB., V. 8. 4. TOR BALE DT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ffrrd . . •I TA ...E US s d n T gl ip VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR %. _ t ...•.-- _, --4- - -- .7 zi , " 3-o- Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is due to merit alone, We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed _preparation for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hun DnEssma ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care. fully selected for excellent quality.; . and I consider it the BEST "PREPA DATION, for its intended purposes." Sold Wail Maggtsts,rasi Meters to Maid/um Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. ROB ME IMBHHBIII. As our Renewer in many eases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye,in onsprepanttion; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this 'result. It is easily applied, and produces _a color welch will neither rub nor "wash oft Sold by all Prke Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL,' CO., Innutre., Nar. Drage and medicines. NEW DISCOVERY In Ownlcal and Medical StMacs. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Catarrh. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cur 3 Heart Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cum Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Le-,ntlato the Liver. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES ReimLte thoStomachaud Bowels Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure oil Female Weaknesses. Di. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES ru7:'y the 1r Zood. Dr. TAlrt REMEDIES q-n , cs orthe Throat. Dr. GA::VINi 'T.112 REMEDIES Core Ertmriti:l - .. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure " - Rose Cold,"ur"MayFever Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Lung Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Caro Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVIN'S TAU REMEDIES Cure Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAIT. REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Prevent Mularions Fevers. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Remove Fain in the Breast. Dr. GARVIN'S TAB. REMEDIES Ilernuvo Fain in the Sial•l or Back. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR lIL_SEDIES Are a Superior Tonle. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Roston" the Appetite. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Came the Food to Digest. Dr. GAnYIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. I. F. HYDE & CO., BOLE PEOPESETOEB. .29S Seventh Are., New York. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect. ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures la thousand ills," simply by Toning up,lnvigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per tneates every part of the bodS, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com. plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhcea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder,Female Complaints, and all llseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ae.. companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol. in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infw. sing strength, vigor. and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands havo been changed by the use of this remedy, Irons weak, sic y, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women' and invalids cannot reasonabli hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the Naas. Pamphlets Free'. •SETH W. FORE & SONS, Proprietcat lira 1 111/Icon Maze, Boston. EIOLD DT D4I:0015TO OCR66•LLT. . e Only 50 Cents par Bottle. is promotes the. G11.0%17T11, VICESIMITZI the COLOII, and increases tho Vigor and BEAUTY, of tho /MIL • arra Tirana TOM? *CO Linen rtratatos roa SIM HOD wooded pL3eal in the nurtlort by Profess= E. Thomas Lyon. a graduate et krineeten The nointi is aeaval from the Ilnxlr,..Kaynno." rj}r. , all to u rith :d t e a ee d s r t.y , e a elf l g h o tdu puatauitt , y thett s la b n. a Teo Iru npin u nted aut inco It irmt o me . the tauatrrarual Burrs of the Barn. It is a delightinl arming. It eradicates Dandruff. It Meant, the Mitten:a turning gmy. It keep the Imal cool, and sive" tlio Mir imelhooleoelosamppeonnoe.- it the aura in Quannr eond‘troirreleilornsoreet. Qtlll - of a Purruttrazo, and Watt byaUDrugride nod Country Mona lama) Witty centaur-x/30Mo. §f Wends Glory 13 Mr LYORPS ATHAIRON LLS PRINTED AT THIS OPPIOZ Drags and liadicines. gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, ramie chiefly from the native herbs: found , on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VMEGATI Brr rzas9" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov era his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-eying principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vnizorm Burma in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They ore a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy good health, let them use VINZOAU Burros as a medicine, and avoid tho use of alcoholic stimulants in ovary form. a., Ala. MCDONALD & CO., Druggists and Ovueral Ageuis. san Prsrichico, 001torets. and tam Wastungts. and Chariton tits., hew York. Sold by .11, Druggist. /and Dealers. Sept. 10th, I 0 —l7. Miscellaneous: B ILLINGS QTROUD. o General Insurance Agent, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1718IIDANCE, btEc:b.wiLtrcasso. Pak. flame Inv. Co., N. Y., Capital and norplo.. $4.000,000 Hartford Fire 1..., Co.. L spitalaod Surplus .1.01.10,M1 Liverpool. London S Globe .1101.1.01.10 Ins Co.. or North America Notional. Phtl'►. Anthracitr, Phll4O'h In.. Cu., State of Pante& Union o am! Lytasinlip Fire •• Williamsport In.. Co. •• $1 MANI Narramnset 1.. P. ovldessea. R. I. •i 0011.0ou Merchant. 450.000 Cloy. of Neoorport. Ky. 2.50.000 NeOlosru, of Buck* Co trO 000 Alen - mobil, of Cle , elond, 411110X1 So to Ine co. of I•blla. 10.1.13U0 Alemconols, 01 PlTlvbary, 40U,00U Me I N. . Conn Mutual Life los. Co., 1:15.000,O00 AMC( 1.11 Life. Phira. 0,501 MO avvxxYaivz. Treveiery lon.Co JlarferrelAmpltalaml Surplus P. 000.000 Hallway Passenger, 13.10,000. The underetimed ha. been well known lolhlscounty.ho the pant I77eani,ae au I enmece Agent. I .‘mem`vovlvloca by hi. Compaiu tee have eltray• been promptly paid. VW — Vince Prez door met from Banking Office of W 11. Cooper /tOo..Turnpikeet. Montroee.Pa. BILLINGS WrltOtill, Agent. CHARLES H. SMITH 4 ~, 110RAKSPAFFOiLli, • °*" C M0011•01.C. MAI, 22.1,471. EIIIGH VALLEY IUILROAD. On and alter Jane 10 : Isll.lralita tan the. Lehig ,Thillroad will run as follows: pronTai. No No. as. U. 7. P. 6. 1 f. a f. 245 121 910 ...... Mama 1345 613 945 335 131 945 .. .W 6 vwly 14w 535 900 335 137'10 00 ... . II 45 52S 850 45) 2 10 ti/ ...11 05 457 to 524 11 33 Wyntholog ...In 15 715 515 305 11 ... Incyolllo 9+9 405 624 614 12 It _41,-48466,re.. . # 0 51 682 622 123 ...31ehnopa.y .... 913 6 25 655 819/ 12+5. .75881,auitock... 642 320 551 6( 444 150 . 11:136.13 , 725 2:L 451 5 510 .. 700 215 410 - . .. • 36 435 ...11nnch Chnnk... ... 11 45 135 S. £1 550 kil. , ocown a.m. 1017 19 20 610 605 ....Bethlehem .... 1030 1910 915 650 11105 11 35 10 30 8 2Q... f•'hitadelyhla .r... 940 14'99r York p No. 32 kayo. Towanda at 710 R. ;thou.. 753 . ro.; Wa %oily. 8 (15;1. m.. arriving at Malin atl 00 a.m No 51 I.vm Elmira at 591 p. to.; Warcrly, at 815 m ; Albcos. at 591 p. m., orriplog Towanda al 15 p.m. LW" Drawing Room Cara attachml to train.* ad run Wog through Crum Einkint to Philadelphia. IL A. PM:KER. hot:oerlutend IV .41.11-13331-a LI ME CloCr le El . OPP:OSITI THI COIIHT HOUTR, MONTROSE. PENN'A JOHN 11. TARIBELL, Proprietor. Nine Stages Leave tide Howe daily, connecting with the Moo. rove Hallway, the Lehigh Ville: Hai!road, and he .L.G W. liallread. April Ist, 1511L—tt. AIONTIMOSE RAlLWAY.—Arningrinea - of Trains v'. tole effect 011 MOnday, J two :01d.1.471. 111 .Montrone... .Bridzewater . . . . • tn 500 llanterir 1080 540 t 30 5111 Oltnnek L 1010 630 140 sla ... ....... T• ler'. ~..... 950 520 160 691 poiugvllle - 940 310 1110 540 Lyuu 930 600 916 550 kvcry's 90) 450 123 ' 600 ....... .... Union 910 440 133 610 Loheck.... ...... :0 Of/ - 432 143 620 Marcy's 04.5 421 1 315 645 ..... ..TOnklintino2ll SRS . 1165 All tralo•conceet at Tuuklutneock ulth Fa. &N. Y. R. IL goluz nun& aull south. JAS. 1. 111.4E15.51.E21, Rept. Si, ISM. . „ President. Printing. STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, LETTER READS, EN VEI.crE-;, BUSINESS CARDS, • VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, - POSTERS, SALE RILL 4, HORSE BILLS, SLIP BIWA! PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, LABELS, RECEIPTS, CATALOGUES, - OTE', PAPER BOOKS,. PAMPHLETS, CERTIFICATES, BONDS, PATENT DEEDS NOTES, ETC. ETC„ ETC.: County Bothers Directory Teo HIM in this Directory, one year, 111.60 each ad- MONTROSE. 0.8. HISHBO.-COMIIy Surrey°, of Sesquehanna erin• 17. Olßee In the Couttilouse. Montrose, Pa.—BO-11. JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney at Law. Office one* door below Tarbell House. Public Avenue. • WE. 11. COOPER 6 CO.. Banker*, sell Foreign Pas sage TlckelaandDtafts on ;ngland, Ireland and Scot - land. • DELLINCIS STROUD. Genera Fire and Life Bestir fume Alin; also ,sell Millman and Accident Ticks to to New York and Philadelphia. Office one dour east tithe Bank. Wfit. HAUGHWOVT, Slater, end hetaL dealer in ell nods of *late roofing, Montrose. Po. BURNS it NICHOLS, the place to get Drug, and Medi eines; Cigars. Tobacco, Pipes. Pocket-Books, Streets cies Yankee Not lone. Ste. Brick Block. WE. L. COX, 116111e11 , maker and Seater la ail article. usually kept by the trade, opposite the Bank. • BOYD 6 coawri. Dealers in Stove*. Hardware,. and Manabacturers of Tin and Shertiron ware, corner of Main and Turnpike street. ♦. N. BULLAttO, Dealer to urocerfe*, Provlstneer--- Hooke, Stationery and Yankee Notions, at bead Public Avenue.* NEW 3IILFORD. L. L. TAROT. Dealer In all kinas of farming Imple ments, mowing machines, went curbs, dog. powers,. ate., etc., lisle St., opposite Saving. Bank. thrn• CAYUGA PEASTER—NICIIOLAS SHOY.3IA K Elt,dea.- sr In genuine Calera Plaster. Fresh ground. SAYINGS BANE, NEW. SILFORD,—F is per cent, tercet on all Depoelta.' Does ageneral Dunking Ho. nese. dttl-If S. B. CHASE & CO. W. L MOSS &CO Dealers In Dry floods. Rats.cape. Boot. and Shoes, and - General Merchandise. on Malt street, second door below the Episcopal • ti. P. RIBBER. Carnage Maker nod Undertaker, Math Street, two door below Ilawley'e Store. kinCOLLIIM BROTHERS. Dealers to Groceries am Provisions, on Main Street.* lI.GARRET & SON. Dealers In Floor. Feed. Meal, Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries and Provisions on Math Street. opposite the Depot. NOS& & RNA?, Rough Leather 3tannfactntera, ALIIIIST Mow, Jn 1 Fstabil•bed 15W,. } Wat D. guar. MARY & HAYDEN. Dealers to Dregs and Medicines and Manufacturers of Cigars, on Main Street, near she Depot J. DiCKERIiAII, Jo,. Dealer In general 'nerd:median and Clothing, Brick Store. on Main Street. GIBSON. • IL N. TINGLEY—DeaIer In Stover, 'FM. Copper. Bras and Sheet.lmo Ware, Castings. to. Also, ntanefaeter er of Sheet Mends to order, Eve Trough and Lead Pipe business attended to at fair prices—Gibson Hollow, Penmriracla.—lF. EDWARD , & BRYANT, Idonnfacturers of Wegot • and Sleighs, near the Ingalls' Store. GREAT BEND. L. S. LIINIIETM, Manufacturer of Leather, and dealer In general Merchandise. on Main Street.* EL Y. DORAN, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Ready Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions Main Street.. Hardware and Machinery.' THIS WAY, GEHTEEMEIII MX Et r ro c:e cr la. HORSE HAY FORKS ! Twcaty-Two duty Fair A worefd 'ala Fork In Flhoen Montla.—:769 and 1510 NEWS'S GRAFPLE FULLY. No, No. ho 3.7. 2. 4. An Implement that Pam /tamer. tternentee,Maaan and Palater Should tine. REVOLVING HORSE rtAircs, Meld Rakes.Serthrs, Seethe, Gndo Cradles Imn. chur . rtrwt.4l) Axles • Carriage Botta. CI !Steel and Iren.l ECEI23 MONITOR COFFEE POTS, L'9 9 OD Thal term alvea an ALARM WhISTLE! whet! th• Curve Is Ready for the Tab,e. Till ONE and yon •11 Ind the Col e Aleeaye Right! Axel, Urf se geese, • Picks. Rasps Sews, Ms, Draw Knives, &yak Stones, Nato', Oils. Stereo, Tin-a ere, Notitrottp, July' 5, IST .-tf. BOST. & CORWIN lIIINT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, Wboiesale 4 Retail Dealer, in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL; NAILS, SPIKES, SHO.VELS, WILDER'S HARDWARE, ' MINE BAIL, COUNTERSUNK d T RAIL BPIKEs BAILBOAD d MINLVO SUPPLIE's. CIABBIAOR SPRINGS. AXLES. SIC EINs AND BOXES. BOLTS, NUTS and WASHERS. • 'PLATE?) BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. IMES. SPOKES. PELLOES. SEAT SPINDLE). Bows. de. ANSILS...VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS HAMMERS. SLEDGES. FILES. 4t.c. Ac. CIRCULAR 'AND MILL SAWS. TOTTING. PACKING TACKLE • BLOCKS. , PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT. HAIR k GRINDSTONES. PEENED WINDOW GLASS.LEATIIER A FINDINGS PATRBAN SCALES. Seraatnn. Wawa 24. 1253. up Trains EITEZMI SCRUM SIMS BM, 120 Wyoming Avenue, RECEIVES .MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND, HErURNS THE SAME ON DEMAND WI MOUT PREVI OUS NOTICE, ALLOWING. INTER EST AT- SIX PER CENT. PER AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF- JANU ARY AND JULY, A SAFE AND RE LIABLEPLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR. LABORING MEN, MINERS, ME CHANICS, AND MACHINISTS. AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON 011 BEFORE - THE-TENTH WILL DRAW IN I'EREST FROM TIIE FIRST DAY OF THE MONT/L - 1111S [SIN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUTION, AND. ONE - NV HICH :Is NOW RECEIVING' --THE SAVED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON-MIN; ERS ANI) MECHANICS. ' • - DIRECTORS . ; • JAMES - BLAIR, SANFOhD , GRANT, GEORGE FISH ER, JAS, S. SLOCUM, JAL-SUTPHIN, C.P. MATTHEWS, , DANIE,L HOW ELL, A. E. HUNT, - T. F. HUNT; JAMES BLAIR, PRESIDENT ; O. C. MOORE, CASHIER: - • • ;OPEN DAILY .FROM NINE A. BF. UN at. FOUR P. M., AND UN _WED. NRSDAY AND SATURDAY EVE NING Feb.l2, 1873.-Iy. ditlonal line, 50 cents Po'to t be, I—stt uruI•11 Lampe. Lc