The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 29, 1873, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
itelizions Services.
The services in the several Churches of Mont
rose are as follow: '
rrt ST CYIURCII litr. J. E. Cnraan mit D. O. Pastor.
lishhath Services
Nabhit tt Schonl.
Prayer Yeaung. Wedrit.des Errning.
Sabbath Services, Second Sunday In each Month
Sabbath Sch oI Immediately before Masa
Tier. J. IV: Sierret.
10ya. m. and Sft P.m.
nits in.
Sabbath Serviees.
La oday Schonl.
Week•t)q 2.crviees—Wednesdays
. ..
_Bev. W. - J. Jertm
10.45 a. m. and TIM p. m
11 m
480 p.m
tiabharh Service.
Viabblth .....
Prayer Meeting, Thursdays
Rev..l. n Nin.l.ra.
10.46 a. tn. and 'TX p.
11.16 p. m.
fa.bath Services
pra,pir Meeting, Theradsv Evenings,
Arrivals and Departures of Dads.
Arrkots Departure.
Montrmte Depot, (Dnity,) 600 P. M. 6 30 A. M.
"Now Milford, " 10 00 LU. 130
943. x. 200 P. Y.
Tunkliannook, " 10 00 a. Y. 300 P. M.
600 P. M. 800 A. Y.
700e.m. 700A.0
000 P. Y. 700 p.m
'onklin Station,
3lealtoppen, to 00 A. M. 41e P. M.
The New York, Tnnkliantwiek, New Milfhrd.
and Wylusinir mails are daily p the Conklin
Station mail will leave on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays; Sindiatuton mail, cf,u, Silver
Lake, will leave on Monday at 6:30 a. in., Tues
day and Thursday at Bp. m Mcaltoppen . mail
will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri
days; Friendsville mall leaves and returns
`Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Bing
hamton mail via. liawlryton, will arrive Tues
day, Thursday, and Saturday, at 6 p. nt.
Leave same clays at 7 p. in.
3tontrose Depot, (Dally,) 000 r. t. 11 00 A. Y.
New Milford, " . tt. 730 A, 3.1,
E. C. FORDHAU, Postmaster.
Montrose, January 4, 1873.
.Llst of New Advertisements.
Harness Makers—B. F. & E. IL Case.
Castoria—J. B. Rose & Co.,
Centaur Liniment—J. B. Rose & Co.-,
Statement •of Subuin School Distrter:7-0
Administratrix's Notice—Estate of 0. .1
Washburn, E. W. Smith Attorney for estate.
BUSMESS i,,/k 18.
perasian Syrup.
Dada .
Cigar., China Chewing Tobacco, Oysters.—
G. C lint (o.
Notes About Town
The Jun• List will be published nest week:
Thanksgiving is proclaimed for Thursday,
Eggs are 10 great demand in purj)urotmll.
There seems to be a suspension somewhere.
Our **ice la, get v.leuinutei sn mg In be
ready for the smallpns when it c•une3 nh,ng.
The M. E. Mite Society meets at tlic resilenre
Ilawley, this (Wednesday) evening.
B. T. ..k E. 11. Cue lywe uni , e , l in part derail n
in the hornma Imaines4, and w e;,-rrfully rev
• ii , o-nd all who want good work and cheap
neva, to give them a call, on
The effort of the rildtry p mie is beiag felt
here in 31.,i rose. About thirty hands Lave
been distitargelFfrom CrandalFs Block Factory,
and Sayre Brother, are working tne•ir hnnds
this a erk on eight hours ling .
If some persons in our county - umulatake
their county paper, they would know when
elect ions take place, as well as some other inter
c u;ng and important events. Tilt! city Journals ,
will not give the mast important int srmatinn.
The editor of the Brimbhean lital after
de corrected his blunder in the I.:lc:lion Prala
matim, and publisheti it in our paper, making
.the election legal, that we ought to have
Lis paper also. W can only say in all sinceri
ty, that we beg to be ",!rlivered."
The larg,tst and finest stone th•t has-been
hid in our borough, was put down by Mr. Bee
be, from his quarry last week, in front of E. L.
Bhilieslees new building, on Public Avenue.—
The stone is nine feet by thirteen, and about
se-nn inches thick. It is judged to weigh be
tween fire and six tens.
There are two cases of small-pox in Bridge
water, on the old Binghamton road, about
and a hall miles from town, in the family of
Mr. Mott, who live op Daniel Searle's farm.—
The .cases are doing well. and thenti is no eppre- .
lam •ion nr any further Sitrradtnior the disease
from that source. De R. Miler litho titood-
ing physician.
The editor of the Tepubllean alga tIML [-he
Lopes we will not insult the colored , *in any
mor., We defy him to point -to OM first, ln
stanceivhen we have ever inridtecl the negro - in
our paper, or otherwise. It fa only
"niggers" that feel themselves intuited by as.—
The political slave drivers .end the iiii.hty-fire
and fifty per cent men. ' . .
A •lieuublican from the start," in the 3Sont
rose Reperblran says be "felt it in his bones that
the thing would be very . dOilifilful," in this Rep
reavntative districL There is not much wonder
that some of their , "bones" ! did fA4tez, for they
have been picked pretty drY;b1101-i p,alinder
cotta that he did not displik•ione Of
derful generalship befure . the battle, toolf„place.
W e had a large number ilit'toinfteld ^ leriferais
all Lb, on ;h the late war, who could tell after the
battle, just where the army,
The editor of the /Zara . We r eadnenrinsLiti r reat:
cis that a large majority of theculored we!? tp
.Montrose, voted for the Dentocratin Hcpresen
tative, E. B. liawley. He gives th-tioloredmen.
io understand that.they were opt.,glv9ll the j 4 311
lot to exercise their fretalofnof ctluiT like pt i, itu
men, but only on condition that they OPOlditr,
adares to the Montrose Ring, anti eartre#4.CrPri
the perpose of voting for Jones pad Nalkcir,
d he warns then/ of. tisir greet mistake..." Wt
el., not know how these voters WidarStand
questiesa, as we have not. heard them
are willing to leave . theit hands;) ; .:;! •
To Lute.
Several valuable ronnumneatioin .carte trio
late t h is week for publication,' Min& 'tend iv
little eviler, as arum as Saturday it
By reference w ntirertisemenk;itlwill lie seen
that the place of holding the Teachers, Exami
nation for Auburn township; is chingefirroili
Auburn Centre to Jerselfllll Sellout -House:
Om account of other pressing' matter fiethe
j' , .l•q IWO or three weeks, the iieD'•rif ewer& of
premiums of the Susquehanna Charily Fair:bee
been left Over, but tills week we TWA'S!) ft : hi
full. The Harlon] Agriculture! ghcieti
also on hand, and wine pnblialAd twit week.:
Street Etiquette.
Only villagers or Persons With 'rural laces any
!mixer contend that ladies should al ways ke
en.the inside . of,the,fasement in pasting ,-,- The
rote"adfiti,ti In cttlea:is to turn - to' tho,tigit,
whethei OM right leads; ter: , the vrilltif. to:the
gptter; n 4 On obserra : ace of this eointnotisehse
rule it ouitl obviate much unplcasani -4.tteinarg
itte hrovet: iallantientlertietx 100.perviitent
ly crotrdfin thb outside Ofithe - w'alk;,:Atoother
common custom(rentdred;by taahionabie.:eti
queue andone which linearly, as' inexplicable
anti Mani rti; titO:proMice et ;whole, stritt of
men tiling ant Of a' church - Pete;lrialtin:g them
eelyta 6v en "awkward 'Minna".
precticingtne . .!patching step" itt"OitiFi'., 6r.-give
at.tue t f the 'wrong end rlf, the pey',:as'adttifed
man; witert . on a pnimentidenr w:gleirith . p lady
to keep hltnielf on the outside of thenavenicat.
A litge exercise judgment will t•Oriyitiett any
perion tlie iitter'usek - lel3. bidibing
licit apd ; feillitit r ,every'matnerf .
"Pita common rule Is thlst . —lf ll' /Mail anti-wo
man arc Walking, she should alwayabe tit tis
right arm . , wheiher it be toward the inside or
outside of the walk, then the woman will not
be shoved egeiust the passera—Enthonge.
Teikelters , Institute.
- 2'llarlardToWn Institute held Its third month
ly meeting In the'Graded School building, Sat
unlay, October 18th. Claas.exereisps in Gran
mar, Orthography, and Mental Aritinuelie,wos'v
conducted re_stkvtively by Mr.; H. C. Barrett,
Miss Sala Tingley, and Mr. W. L Thatcher.—
it,u'Esiay was read by Misa E. P. Oantle, tin
The Millenial Teacher," and one by Miss M.
clatilition - Change.' Mrs. Stroupe gave in
structions on the subject of Primary heading.
and Mit!lkirrett on.Gengraphy. School 00itern
went was freely discussed by Mes.ars. Tucker,
Tingley, Jeffries and Harding. Contents of
Query box received considerable attention.
Mrs. titroupe, by invitation, rem! a selection.—
Mr. Thatcher, 11A. &mope, and Miss Gamble,
were appointed a committee to prepare a pro
gramme for next meeting. Adjourned to meet
Saturday, November 15th.
All friends of the mesa art cordially invited
to meet with us, to share in our enjoyment of
these occasions, and In our mutual Improve
ment. A number of Diree!pru and citizens are
manifesting their interest by regular attendarice,
and tideterniination.prevailsarrionk - thec &inh
ere, tosustain the Institute work in Ilarfbrd.
E. P. G.t.utn.s, Sec'y.
r At 's 'stated meeting of Huron Lodge, No.
483, L.O. of 0. F., held at their Lodge room
October 18th, 1871 V the lellowing resolutions
were adopted :
Wttentiss, It has pleased our Heavenly Falb-,
er in the dispensation of His providence, to re
move front our midst our 1.11:10Vell and rtspected
brother. Joshua D.I ViS ; therefore,
12c.ohyd, That while we meekly bow to the
works of an alhovisc and just God, we fuel
With deep emotions of sorrow the great loss we
have sustained in the death of one with whom
eve have been long acquainted and pleasantly
assoeistel. We feel that his life wan not spent
in vain,,that his vows were kept inviolate to
the end. fa3thdril exemptir of the prineipli
of our Fraternity. .
iefilenfrer our beat . 'trek sympa
thy to Iris family and friends.
That as n token of sorrow and re-
Speci for the ? . reused, our 1..1107.e be draped in
mourning for thirts d .yy; Urn these resolution?!
be Imblisthed In.the3l , mritost: 'f
ladep cu p e ,./. Alpehl;e,n. and a copy to prebeot,rd
to the Ilunily of - the deceased.
That Figurer Again.
It is very arousing to See that minablable el
pherer in the 3lont rose Republican who tlis;dav
e lsuch - talent a year or two itt:o in that same
paper, apply his rule of -Double Posititm" 01•
the Repre_sentative question this year. Ile must
think that the pespie of this 'seetteh have for
gotten all they ever. knew- about "Stoddards
Mental Arilltinetic," or lie .would not put forth
each absurd problems. as appeared in the tail
issue of that paper. Ile takes Hawley's vote in
this esminty, With from 150 to 200 Republ can
mites added to the Democratic, and subtntels it
from the Democratic vote last year, anti says
that there were only 1563 Demoeraelie absen
tees. He then:taketJontall votes...withthestrlso
or 200 short, which were polled on the rtst of
the Itepublican county ticket, and subtracts it
from the rote last year, and finds that there are
1955 Ilepublicant,ahork That may answer for
Jones and Walker, but it will not do lor any
body of common sense. What would I'rof.
Stoddard have thought of such a mental solu
tion as that? He then gots into W 3 outing with
his sleeves rolled clean to the elboW, where he
says "it is still more glaring." Ile takes flaw ley's
and Little's vote there, with 200 or 200 Repub
lican votes added to the Democratic vote 011
Reprtsensatives, and )wiaicb-vrere polled for the
Republican State and county ticket, and sub
t.'OClS it from the Democratic vote of last year,
and says the Democrats are only about 200 or
300 short. And again by his rule of "Double
Position," LC takes Jones' and Walker's vote
minus the 200 or 200 that' were - txdled for the
rest of their ticket, and subtracts from the vote
last year; and ;says that the Reptiltilenit rote
was 500,0 r. 000 short id iratate We reel\
a student in "Brook's Mental" for this last,—
The Only departure from the truth in the above
is that this political mathematician has simply
reversed the lusts, that is all: He has subtrac
ted where he should have added and ri.e cx.rsa.
The Republican vote Cl f.thyq's County for
Isaac G. Gordon, Siipreme'Judge, which is a.
fair party test, was 9 , 533 this year, against 4,223
fur Barlranft last year,..leaving 1780 difference
in thepoll: • The Democratic vote for J anes It
Ludkivr, for the same otHee, this year was 1,742,
against 3,413 tor Buckalew last year, making 1,-
028 difference in the poll, proving Just la hat we
stated last week, that Mrinatl7l.l per Evart. 01 t h e
Republicans were out, while only about 50 per
cent. of the Democratic rite seal trolled.
In Wyoming lltiillePall'eMt votes for Gor
don against l e iticfrir Llaitrankte , lyear,leating
A liepublican delinlit4 - ;of AO fur irbsentees.—
Ludinw's vote_riusl,449,al,Misist 1,701 for Ruck , -.
alett'c: leaving it dellitquenviof 552 on the Dem ,
omaiic a fur esainparon, and .
, shores the correctness of t e political - c:pherert..
in the RepuUic4n..- We had noslesire to parade
ibis', !refine our readers, and, filiould ant Bova
done po only in opposition to ttiogross tat isrenrci.
se/station in the L'epahlteaa; that; they may, se -
randitidgc irf the fartathrtaselves.- Hort much.
more manly it would-belor that paper to show`,
a little titirnciA, and state the tbing as it is, that
about 800 or 400 Republicans in this district,
cacti:l6o their manhood 'and - independence as
American citizens, and inlet) for the opposition
rtep - reseulativc raindidaterr; !r-rsons best'
kitown to theinselves, to be trying
La piltifirg and glersie'over ! ttie , itierited rebuff`
their corrupt party tetidenl !live received; by
Such palpably false ' tte'cirallenge
tiny political ciplicrsf to-disprove the above
Sketch of Father O'Rellky
The Beet:rend I. Vincient °Mealy was born
in Longford county, Ireland, October, 1797. A
nn early age he entered Maynooth College, to
study ktrahe church. After floishinglis Theo
ht:tgiest &Mese: he emigrated to the,Tnited
tams, and was ordained pries: by bishop Ken
rick of tae Diocese of Philadelphia. lie was
offered the charge of a church in Philadelphia,
butlieing.young and robast,•he at his
- own ear •
nest request, was sent on missionary duty to the
rural districts, there being, at that time,' a great
scarcity of clergy outside of the cities,
Atrising in the northern ,part of Pennsylva
nia; he „folind tv,rist .territory of about 10,000
squire - miles; comprising the comities of Iliad
ford; Wpiming, Stisqueltanna, Wayne and part
of Lurernh, in Pennsylvania, and Sullivan, Del
aware. Bmome, Tioga and Cheniung in New
York, without a Catholic clergyman 'to attend
theltilloweei of that denomination. At this
early day the country was principally a wilder
ness, having no town of any importance in any
part Of it. About this time the Cliemungeanal
was in course of construction, as, also, was the
North Branch canal, and the Erie railway.
These Winters employed on these works were
.wincipally foreigners and Catholics. And to
the administration of their spiritual wants,
Malan:O'Reilly set cheerfully to work. The
hardships and sufferings Ibis good •man under
went in the course of his duties, cannot be fill.
ly imagined. lie was constantly on the road,
riding on horse back from twenty to sixty tam
day, as the occasion required, In visiting the
sick, celebrating Mass, or holding a station.—
Sonietitites his journeys being long, and his en
gagements many., be would be compelled to ride
all night in n'drenching stonn, and again, dark
ness overtaking him la some solitude, he would
be forced to dismount, and tying his horse to a
smiling, Ire would spread his blanket on the
ground and sleep till incoming.
Whenever difficulties arose among bis people.
the was always ready to make an amicable set•
ttement. In sickness he was nurse and doctor,
for which reasons he was said to be priest, law
yer and doctor. At length, public works being
stopped, a large number of his. parishioners
flocked into the north western part of Snsque
henna county, and commenced to clear and-till
farms. which they putchased on easy terms.
principally trout Rose cad Carrualt tracts
Father O'Reilly came with them, and built a
church In Silver Like —the first Catholic church
in tie county. Shortly oiler he built another
in Vrientliville. In a few years be crust meted
two more, one in 31iddletow a, the other in Au
burn. and purchased a tract of land in Choeo
nut, and t,rected St. Joseph College, {which was
burnedJunuary, 1.864 j and 8 convent. In the
meautitne,the Bishop sent him assistant priests.
The r a spel in :1,0 college, being to small for the
acconoiniclation of the students and the sur
rounding inhahitants. be commenced to erect
the Cathedral— the largest edifice of airy de
nominations in the county—dint did out remain
to finish it. A great many Catholics haring set
', the eastern part On the county, Father
Il'Beilly-relinquished his charge at St. Joseph,
and relnoverldo Susquehanna Depot, ' , vim= he
shortly alter built a efiniell and coOa'ent. Here
he exhibited...the sante energy, is hied/ character.
ized his earlier thri. For, we flnd hint constant
! ly arimit. in forming sista lit ies and temper
, once societic , , and building churches And in
a few snail year , he ercri , a enure!! in Nichol
' son, another ia .;:!;-w 31iilur.l , and core in .Great
Sher.Bnisoing the. hist eh ureCtliliorcti
erable and ;Mtn ri?,ns.pric..t, to , 0 spend
his r•nntinlar,„"yitYys in adminestrag to the
tail ifiq sliced to
see• theptiiii . 6 - ;Tant eatiier,'lo44...ic, M
inos!4l4ll4llo,,,ldttnindilliewith'flA 4141s:1nd
tin 6iN{ats Yid its tboa-n • fltarrlsblopi;.-
and to :Szhiaiconntrymen. who,..)trete tben few
nint Fealldiin!4!ri . rreasing ' ln ‘)caltlt; Mit tile
and indueried tol See t4l,xact Ini,datiar)
nyri s',jnch 1 1e flii•el!ed [moniritp in
IJr4Sif.:ol pe , tPßd Rix:over
.30,1Y29 Ott 1... ti,,. uOJ but ice ..ver priest= to
preaolit - to, then,. During his tufsslOnary ea
feer rotinle, of t"'-c titan tyrty
uine t itrel. , l, Lwo ci.d/c;•iits : lti)4l
our rqh ce. ,- In his private reLiannlo, ire vva,
kind, Verclable'and genefo.ia,‘lrClending his l os
pitalit6:•aaVith silt timadfis!l b nil. hits It tl»ts
were i , ;‹,itt , M'ely bagel and temperato, In Pena
peranre he ;raga idtlid observer awl a strung
; advochee. , 'Betrig hi a .. - lutritAbf,. natnre'he i n
alwap'itfriend "the poor and ne,Yy.' flew :Ls
wener,{}a): by his parishioners, respected by ; all.
• Itmutmam-vr -L5 PtltClt.
T. W. CIAN -- mr,
L. I). - Com
J. L, O u.LEr.
[We Inyiseloor fries Kt.. from oilT,rrat towns: to rend o.
thm.”,%! . (jaSrg:(... tni.,l tit, facto; W e C. 4111 arr.usge. tbap,)
31r.ittne1 . 3fri Gibbon Wm' Netv T4rk
city onlltmtitly, Oefittkr
R. ithall i to laid n new sidewalk in frunt of
Lis Innitsc;-nrt Gritnd street.
. •
in t , :cutori FritiaY 'not.
J.nigq..thok is ia l inglt stone sieetVult. : ltt frqnt
of 1J is „Nsisltnise;ou Maio ottvol.
:13iles Cregnn b epin • digging out dew
loads eir dirt in 1111 AS Main street lot. ..:
Wilt Kosinike Alas 'a seta iesid9neenearly
finistwiron Washing,.to'n street:. ' •
A part 01 II IcetciJli jonl printing Dificehas
arrive& ,
ti: Crhgt Las lket serlini, z Purt,
hou,t.l44,getels at gut:live the east
John C. Inntsu on Wzsltin ging strip,
is nearly fini,;(led, •
The (utireal II Wm. was of iinnlo trim'
the 11..i::clinech,, on :Sunda y itfternit9n. lle
lens litirie4,l .
ti,t Felines o f this place.
c141.1. , 1 Win. Jolnn:on, of Oakland, was
accidently burned on Sunday afternoon, so
that it has sirce died. ,
• -
Tie fultt•rt.lot 'Timothy Boyle, of V
txto, uttyrnled froth tilt CittliOlio chum:li lu
Milford 'Ace. FUthei
Mullh GM:kt Octia:comagetti... ;
Than less swelled aLvlc . snit river here
till iLhits tabu the .oropti ,frum under the old.
rotten bridge. , The Pireet9rs - iture 141tmkeil up
ssid bridge. su that teams esuniit cross.
sidewulli on Main street Is arnamentea
with burretsiilcciil, empty llMies, - salt
fish bosas, and et•erything llutt l ,esn make a siili
tvalklntere.Sting is put nut, in 4 gain street Nl
'serves mill the rutibislt Vint ens be. found., to
be throws In IL Itilmre are our city Dads? echo
answers where.
!..' F.R031 SOUTH' deTtr7EY..
fleayy. rains of late. . . , •
.:ost:p4 ViWite. tins the nicest Jot of ducks Be ,
have seen In matrir a day.
James Gay has built a bay press of bis'own
Invention. it works tip top. -
D. A.,,Trihr4 bilug4t piolity,acrre of lando...
'lOllll4 fat Collstilepsoau
William bonlin Ghs recorprell from, hi*
cent illness, so as to be out and visit his friend
ikt* connEsOOND.OIiCE.
C. 4....41i11 . criwas iA Nvw,vt,rk lust "41,
TLClineatticnis.rery fine-ultra - 411e rain
~.. .. .. ~. .. , ....•-• • --- . • • •••••••, - ~.•• • .•••• -.1. -•• ••_ .. •••••... Aft ''. -....-
The trustees of the M. E. Church, on Jersey 1 Auhurn—Je'recy Wi ll School fluil - se,'Wedn6..,
Dill, are preparing to put $ DOW roof ou their day. Nov. 12.111... , ~
._.,, • ~ .- •
Dimock, Splingvillez-lfollonr School House
church. Thursday, Nov. 15th.
Will some of your readers tell me through the Bridgewater—Montrose Ekhool Iron* Sat
columns of your paper, how to take 4.5 from 45 urday, Nov. 15th.
and have 45 remainder.
The new school house Las been cleaned and
washed by the youths of the fairer se*i prepar
atory fur school. It does credit to the contrac
tors anti workmen. It is truly . a gem.
We have a good many gpod things here,
amongst the gold things we have In the person
of P. D. Shanon, a good auctioneer, that sells
goods and chattleit at good prices, and gives
good satisfaction.
Mrs. Julia Mulligan made IIIS pounds of but
ter, and fatted a calf that dressed 97 pounds,
fromfone cow In eighteen weeks. The cow is
of the Durham breed, and was four years old
last spring.
There has been a musical drill organized, to
commence on Monday evening, October 27th,
at the Ilethodist church, tinder the instructions
of - Strunk. from Wyalusing. Mr. Strunk
sang to a respectable audience on Tuesday eve
ning, October 21st. A pleasant time is antici
John Mulligan raised two potatoes the pres
ent season, the weight of both was sixty-four
ounces, they were of the Buckley seedling va
riety, and two of the long Peach Blow variety,
the combined length was twenty-six inches.—
lie also dug one hundred and one half bushels
!loin one thousand hills. Any one that can beat
that let them stand up.
01. Whet. 24th, 1873.
Business Locals.
FINE CIGARS aL the Keystone Saloon
CLAIIA at Sol Keyslone Saloon
Finer eines chewing' wham) at the laione
K cyst (we Saloum
GEO. C. HILL & Co.
Montrose, Oct. 29th, 1872.—tf
CAUTlON.—Purthasers of the Peruvian Syr
up (a protected solution of the protoxide of
Iron) are cautioned against being deceived by
any of the preparations of Peruvian Bath, or
Bark and Iron, which may be offered them.—
Every battle of genuine has PEHLTVIAN Sviter
(not Peruvian Bark) blown in theglass. Exaai-
of Perre Davis' world renowed Pars-KILLEit
in all tli,case, of the bowels, even in that ter
rible scourge. thesAsiatic cholera, bas been am
p'y attested by the moat conviocing authority.
31 ssionaries'in Chinn anti India have written
lt one i.t commendation of this remedy in terms
that shmild carry conviction to the most skep
th-at, while its popularity in comninnititlt near.
er home is ample proof that the vicuna rhtimed
t,r it are real and tangilde. The PanY•lift.l.l..n
has been briber the nubile over TIIIRTY NEARS
and Kota woo a deservedly high reputation as
an alleviator of pain and a preserver of health
it has become I. household ..rernety„froni the
tact time .it given inftnerilale Neel pernlatiegt-re
lier. It is a purel,,vegetable prvaralion made
from the best and purest materiaJa; safe to keep
nod to use In every Lundy. It is,.recommend
ed by nitric bans at.dtterAts of all cla.cserAnd to
dayafter a piddle trial Mover thirtlyttarathe
average lite of man—it stands - unrivalled . -and
tinceeelled. spreading -its Itscfnlngss %over •t he
w , de world. Its. largo 110 increasing sale of.
tbrda positive evidence 11.11iienduring
Oct. 24th, 1873.-1 Tv.
GAttrtNs T. , t iintlit - Dm.s give tone to
v,.ur sygttnt.
NeW lot nt Inanit just primed. and
for :,a/c ut this
Ovart:na, by. the plate, pint, quart or-gallon
at the ' , l”ntrmellnUery.
UAL bLL , 17.3.,
Try tb E!ias Howe Jr., Improved Sewing .
31,1,.aine,11::uri.'1)t1Sing any other.. ''
3tEtatut6a, Agent&
Mnfitrome Pa, Oct. 15, Itei3
Im i. no ,altft:et that requite so ?finch
•-t xpei !mice as the treatment:and pins,
ol :,rolde Mitoses. The astuttbdung trueness
and remarkable cures I.:rfOrmed by Dr: . 4ntter
tb•td. are dry to tin. gift of chilli - Ilya:so', to the
lit,• long *t tn . .) . of the ctiustitufiint -Lunn. end
the eating! of disease • from nafttniPretnedferr. , -4
Curry the worst forms. of Scrofula; Catarrh,
I'ih., Female weakness, Asthma, Kidneys, ut
bladder. he at lite eatleritr.Housti, Bing
ham t on, IV eduesday, Tit UrsdnY,Pridavrt4ol Epr*.
urday, Noyerither.l2,l3,l4 ana ..15;:11313.:. • ~
Ont. 22d, 1n73.—w3.- •• • •,,
The return Soldiers. Sailors, and -Marines, re
siding, In Brooklyn, Lathrop and Lenox, ari re:
quested to meet at Ilopbottom on Sal urtloy,No:
vember .tat, fi,r the panic:moor organizing-a Com.
pany cant choosing officers, that nre may_ he the
better propared m attend and anjoictlig Grand
Encampment nest year. Come one! vane ail'.
Cavalry. Artillery, invalids, or Emergenili,•if
you have an bonomble.tliscluqgg;. come arid IA
us revive the old memories, the Old friendships;
repeat tite old stories by the camp tire;live a gailt
the umrettes and fights or years ago. Let not
the brave coninules and the lteroisins'erthe
days be for . gollan. Pleasa speak...of tbli_toyo ,
conti:tde alm does not read the fewer.
" Br MUER 'OP Com
Brooklyn, Oct. 18. 1873.-2w._ . • .
To THE Cllliktil3 - 0/ OithiSYLIASIA:)I
Your attenthto h eopreially hiyited tathe4het
that the National Banteg are. ttttr` pt.ejr4red ytb
receive subscriptions to the engtfil Stoptiathe
Centenniat :Fitiance. 'tilt-i du di rea ,
rota. this sourettare to be employed in tha
erection or the hnildingi for the' InterihtLEXllU.
Lilian, and the .expeuseo connected witb• the
same. It is endidenly bedeved flat the. Key-.
stood St tte will be, rettr6ented
,hy the nante
every citiken patrintie 'cosnmemotlatiOri
of the ono hiiniitetit hilt -day of the - nation.
The shores of stock-art:offered for slo.eitelliand
eutneribera ail] rts:eiyelt- teindsoinely steel en
graved Certideate.or Steels, auttulde for iruaiuK
and preServation as a national titentiMill.
lit teretct at the rite or 'l9lx• per Cent.nei- on mini+
will. he paid On all payments of Centennial thitelt
from datrOittsyment tttJanuars 1.,.1671L
Subscribers who are nut near n Nut itetal
can remit a check or post offiCe,oriter it - ) the tin :
.994 AVairtut , SL, Phlladc!phla:
ANNV.M., •lIXAMINAiiONe.—Tbe - Animal •-.
aluinAtiong for t&mlitts will be bOld tor' the
several diitrirts
A IrolAcu,n, Choennut. Little bleadowe,. and
Frietkinwille,f.Montlay. Oct: 20cta. •
Furcit.l.Ake—.-Cltapeutu, ett4ec6ctictol liouse,
TumiaT, Oct. 91st.
Silver LakeL—Brackue" , School lipase,. WO.
Desna'', OCL _
Freidtlin, Liberty—Lewisville. Center. ..Sahool
House. Thursday, Oct. 23d.
Great Bend—Village, School Lloube
Oct. 21th. - _
New ltliiford—Borongb EtcbsiCi Hdusc, SAtnr
day, 0ct.3.3111. " • ' "-•-
Jackson—Corners: School „lionse; , .Tbarsdny,
Oct. tiOtb. _
• Gibson—Kennedy .Bcltool irouse,Friday, Oct.
lisrford - -4/stided 1101154•Anicianyirkkt-7.
venther Ist. "
Lathrop. BroOklyri-:-Pcntro • School
Tuesday, Nov, 4th.•
Lenox—Glenwood School: Rook %dues
dacNv. ti
Herrick, 6- afford—City School 'House, Mits .
day. Nov. Mb; - -
Ararat, Thomson—Centre'Seltool House; FYl.=
day, Nov. 'lth. r .
• liannony -Oaklitnd,--Susquellanws. Depot
School ifoos•; , .
- Middletown-4!entro echool
Nor. 10tH.
Jcssup, Rush=--Giatigenalli Sehoid. Coast.,
'.Tuesday, N0v.' 1 41 1 , - • -• • ; :
Flopbotton School House, Tuesday, 'Soy.
Stniley School House, Thursday Nov. 20th.
Forest Lake Centre School House, Monday,
Nov. •24111.
At the regular examinntions each 'class will
be Conned ntllo'c.locti,* n t 10
nt. Applicants will won! pencil. tam
per., and Union Fourth Reader. No ttletter to
''conuena- a actin.' without a certificate.' No
endorsement or rettifiratel. Private examina
tinns unneCesnar. 'Direciars'anil patrons of
W. C. TIII.PE - N, County Supt
Birchardville, Oct. 15,
REYNOLDA — WiIteort6---In 316i3trosepci. 21st;
by the Rev. Win. M. I),Long, .Mr, Frunklin
Itoynolthi and Min Sarah' Whitford, both of
Rttirstimng—BALL--Inlforamse, Oct. 21st by
t t- Re c. Win. M. D , Lnits, , ,'Air David E. Rey.
n,' h and ltiaa Emma E. 8.111 Itatl)..of llop•
Butrat, , t—Porn-m--At Ntet Amhurn, Oct. 4,
1873, icy Rev. P. It Tt'iwer, Mr. .1, I. Minitel]
and _dies A. L. Potter, both . of Spring Hill
PLSAd —9ltEithwr—At the MI to
Em v , by Rev. P. It
Tot, et% Mr. It A. Hare of South Auburn Pit.
and Miss. L.. 1. Gregory of South Auhurn
Scoir—ln Sprin n ills, Snag. co., Pa., Oct. 22d,
'tr. Jtise Scott, In the 57th year . ~- ot his
. '
GIMEN—In Latlimp Oct. 6th. mn. after ati,M
[less of three hours, Willie 11. onIV. s()11' of
Gems , e, W. Ind Alma Green, aged 8 years 6
months and 0 days.
Ihsirest Willie, thou past left us,
And your toss We deeply feel,
But 'th,.GOit that hag beret. ns.
ad' Ire can all out sorrOmealteA
There Is no pain which the Centaur
zilk Liniment. will not relieve. no swelne,
it they will hot subdue. and tro lameness
which they will not cure. This is strong
language, hot it is tree. They have
produced more cams of then:Dothan.
ncoralicia. lock Jaw.paloy.spraina.swel.
10*VP 1 r , doge, rated hreants, realtlY.-burtio, salt
rhr um, ear.nche. Sr . upon the hooni (r .ma, and of
strains. sp.ivio. upon animals In one year
than have all other pretended remedies since the world
Lean;, They a, roloter.!rrtineN all , bealing pain re ,
eirppte throw aZio7 to it crutches, the lame
oath, pnlennime biter are rendered hbrualess and the
wounded are 11,11.4 whining &err., the recipe le pull
!Jelled around e ich bottle They tell as no articles ever
sold - horny, Deanne they do jurt Whactbey pretend 'to.
dn. ,thoto pho pen mitre: trim rtiennastirril, pain, or.
tweiltor deserve to sod - , If they will not n.e Ceni.sur
Liniment, It hite a rapper. Mare than 10frJ cerslac.stea
of remarkahlo cares. including fresam limbo, chronic
rheum:tripe, gnu , . run,. ing toraors, have been n
ceicc,l. Wo oil sand a - tire/Oar coutallalurtertilleatga.: .
ihe reppe, ;ita,,irwpia; no any Ono reqatillnil OnA ,
beivie or the yellowaysnyiPer Certtatir Li fitment is Wont;
one t nndred d,dlira far 'wined a sweenied horses
and melee, err fur screw-worm In sheep., btocincnrntlri.
ae'e ‘rorlit your attention'. No tastily
should be withont them •• White wrapper f milf7 newt'..
Tell ow wrapper 1 , ,r abfinels, Sold by all Drnyvista.-;
Wren , . per bottle: Liege bottles, Soso
Co., a 9 131....1x my. Nice k. '
Ca.[Orli% ib mom! than a PrlbAtillite for alrtOr OIL
It Is it: only sap mon , e la ez•rtrure.n hick to certain
to assiinutai nm hood. rvgniate the bonds ur n winq
cuter a. 1.1 proluct naffirAr •10:p. It contains neithc
nro,rintyiporitilillic urnlcohol:and b idpaaant to
crysiail motlwro may rest.'
Almost every cue Cured with
F. 4. irosima.
DCAII Suss: Daring a midenee of some
ten tiara ;!.iain and China, as a missionary,-I
found your fain-Killer a must valuable renii.•dy,
for that fearful scourge the
In administering the medicine I found it
smut to give a tea-speedier of Pain-
Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with su..
tow ; then, :tiler about fitt,:en minutes, begin to
_tire about tables,umilul or the same mixture , '
every few ntinufes until relief was obtained.—
Atuly hot appliwtiuuu to the extremities
Bat he the stomach wit Lt . the Pain-Killer, clear,
and rub the limbs hriNkly. Cf those who had
the Order's, and tu-k the medicine
in the cr.iy stated above, eight out of ten re
'REV. It TELFORD,Mis.ionary in China.
DEAR Stns: During a long residence in Chi
na I bare used your valuable Pain-Killer, both
in my own tinnily and among the Chinese, and
have found it a most eNcellmt medicine. in the
Summers of I wet, while residing in Shanghai,
I found it an about certain cure for cholera, if
used in lime Indeed, using it in a greatmany'•
inuanco. I do not remember Jailing in a single
ease. For three years I have been folding in
this pl ice, mike than fitly mlit%'.frorit :physi.
clan, and have lawn obliged often to tall upon
sly own resonmes in cases of sickness. The
Chinese - to its in grcliffiltiztibjiifor
medicine and advice. Though without medical
knowledge ourselves, the .tew simple remedies
we can command are so much in advance even
of their phypiefrins; that weliwtat:niMiiit. • ,Milly
applications:. 'We allow them to enni&liteabse
it brings its in eonhiet tr ith them and opens a
door Or IfFPrflilleug. It) diarrileti, vonlit•
tag, cholera, coughs, etc.;
y our Pain-Killer has
been my chief medicine. - Tours, very truly,
REr. T. P. CRAWFORD, Tungrhow,
TiIIISII using Pain killer should strictly ob
serve ilte.ll.llluwiug.directions:
At'llte-commenccinent -01 the -Iliac:um, take if
.teaspoonful of I'llll-Klll,r, in sugar and water
add then bathe- freely acrosa . the- - Wallach 'tind
bticv els with the . Should' the'
diarrhtt.t,and, cramp, colt tinit, "ictient the. th.v=e
ere' citn, itiptc3. .In; tillS'W# ;VW sirCla:
fttl scourge may tot checked and the., patient.
relievel in the course of a foe hours.
N. 8.-13 e sure and get tbs. genyinearticle ;
and ain recommended by those who hove
used the P4lll-Killrr for the cholera:oAL'
trout :CAtes'llteliutient Hike "inoriSikee
spoonfuls inmeati of one. '
The PA IN-KILLER. ig sold by nll.tile Ding'
gist and (lenient in F4mily.3allicinc3.
4 - Priee, 25 and sil oentft nod 'V.
fr , iiirt.r. DA rig cb,-.501V,..
Marntiji. Prnp!o. 138 114,114 :SL;Prov.,IL
At L. B. Taboll r o Jitiotry_
Whir tamer and better etnek nt the totterelng_,
goodn.vaN ter found than eleewheynin,,,i •
Northern PounrylVenta:
riNiAirrticAN wrvecßEjE.
my & CLOCiti
SOLID Sly: kt,Sl PLATED:WA:nivjazi jil;fl;9,l
FiNif : ;TW : EC F TLE Y Y !
...I pneral si , tortniant of Vn*lcallferarandlac,
Wie.ct M. dc, V Wlin Strings, rte.. .IC.
All Floe Watch Repairial %Awing 'Machines and Or
dune, (.8 u-arl,)lry ;ruin Itt paired by
L. B. Isbell. 1. . 61eddlla4.-
Sept. to, tees.-}p.
ATTO NREYS AT LAW, have runuw.4 their Neill
Offied, opyvtlie, Lb. ~•,
P. !Attu.
E. L. 1.4...u0ucc.
I.l.kutz.e,Oct. 15, 16n
Seep over Ilratnie Brink Store, iih4 to the rirolotdio.
ork do •o In the tort elk,. (Pre We it WO.
NOLUOSO, err.. 1 50 1313.,44 M. 0. WALKEU.
Special EziminationL
Centaur Liniment.
&, Melhuiah.
' Geo. P. Rowell - Et Co:
chi.klntton'ti. Vintiirdatrit. did
thiot ^Lotr. Its Peis. ?beryl etc. i;Agynt,e'are sell bur
%Mon 15 to 23 rooks kc day. ilia Ird :mead ?fay*har
book free to look twent. stating en,nrirnet,
9. the Groat-Illasteated,Agrlerdiursl and
efi ekruily . toekij.:l•lllie'.lsoiirlard A 0.
thorlte upon Practical Subject* and a 1111gb•Toned
entry Journal. Only St W nyear—lees to clubs. freest
Premiums or Caro, Comuusslons to Agents. Thlrte,n
!cumber... (Oct. to Jan.) on trial. for only littr cents 1—
Premium/Ista, etc..-inut.freolo trisirmillscelhese. -Ad.
dress:- ' ''" •D. D. T.-smoms. ~ N e irrotk City,
Why "Rouselfeepe - rel , 'ltlannel" Sells.
A anceeneol Arent "Untlke 411 othor book.. It
ha. a claim On wornen'e attention. A houqe.go.hno.a
canvas pays 1" $70.00 In one week wan wade by a stogie
9sel+ l •
A 4 M7iTS WAtiTtri;
Fortcrtati nits idrrifnry,aiijld to .t.B!FnAD
New Xork, 1341.t0n. Chicago. or San Franc!....o.
Columbia Claoraral ljnotitute
A R..3rclieg dchariliOi4oci4.4:44aild Ron. 'For
addrcps, nuw. U. 6. ALEXANDER.L'oIumbta.Pa
NEVI COCK ,:ow rernly for agents. ..florae Life
In thct D.111r." D Daniel March,
D. D.. n tailor of . 'N ehr tacen.• In the Bible" and•••Oor
Patho•:. Donee " of u•tifet ytarintlxr,tx)roolnA M each
were .Old ben] for Ctrruter: ZILOLDR
slit Arch ft.. • • •
0 0 DI7r m I ' ll n „ ' ult rl in 'r d ' u S t " -l i n u o r' 4 ,4 l t n h e t
b r 4r " o a w n i d i
ativltt 11,; pratinc,s,...projr...tesmr.titttle.lll.4
ply. ..1;1. For dartirciltt $. b1.:111.4til
&CO.. Patton!. Conn • • •
: • r : ' : • t • •
Vir •
Tit F: SCIENTIFIC A 74 EIIICAN is the cheapest and
best Illu.relteri weekly piper printr4.• Firet7 number.
contains troll Its ti 0,15 original crtgrariniol Ol NCI /44.
chlioery. Novel In Veo iirid}."oq alt:4 3l ..nina Wank ,
An' Imppirsd yarn. Itrinlemunts, stnVerery
new discoveler lirclitinistry • A rear's butlabero contain
sib: plac.., and .ceerol ,-4c:l engravin..s. 'thousand,
Tf runners are tax, c 4 for binding and reterene!..-,'
he proetier tile to cellois soc tycl ntirdi Um limes the
sebserlpi leo price. 'Tern... $3 u pair. by Mall, Spool;
moons seat fn., Dim w lie had .of nd 1.. , 4-1 , 41 .rs
the beat terms.
mooei, n. ' ie . at lons sea sketches , x3mlnt-d. and
advice Ire, All ptient! , are puldirhed la thit selentiCC
nn , 4 0, 3a the they f# , ‘, bi..lMt pamphlet. tip
Paarn , .1111(iialhg-t..ttr:orid futrAireettain-for obralrirur
pa len ts. A adrenr• lit the paper. or cone°, log patents.
II UN :17 Pork Hon. N. S. Wand. Mike, cor
ner of I.' and :di . WatqilnZlott.f) C., -.
• .
-4 a:sr/0
4 4 0315R4 ,7 "
fir - 43m ®@'4%,
T Mr.r3
NOUN 111111 GER,
The cheep. at and In the market. Warranted truly
eelf...tnjui.tinc.. stir , hit 1,, fq..M. tits In A% anittin Al:t
-oo" the cougar!, trade. I.llarral tartar.—
Agents Waded. Feud for cirrolar. L ^ '
Dtm uliactri,
G As AT l} l . V o l , l 4 (!t.g
.. 1...E 5 , , , , T d 1trr i„. , ,2 1 . ;,;
. flunk autl - C.41 Vi ON in Ti cs itl . qi - o n ofirt r n ' t . tl l 3 l 7ll .
parts of thk cou.utry brexpreoa C. O. a.:',tretktm.mitt
rd I , ktoro paid ho• SVo pood a , attnuthe W. &C.
Si-oft &St..' Inzzlk . Colder: (kith fla.k..yonrh and
clean:hi rod. nl , ly . hoakd. for so. Son! . *tamp for
price Ilot. ..hRITIA 4, t:4:l4:+ ups. 143.tirwqws,r,nnd .50
Chatham St.. N V.
(74.3,1 - 0. itred);Tor Vii.Wlairooveal rotaez 0,06 , 1 o(
Vast,' ...VeluairrOzlntl, dte: %:enti.toln.3.cani, "[Mane
for circalar ead ~aniplaa. C. J. PAY, Camden, N, J.
FIRESIDE A',TE1:i 4 . 1 ,t1".",747.riZ
ATlVool),yorkaW.a-the-Aua1q.„14,14...„8.:az,t La„, ant. d an
any anti' ml pram', ~.I._qt•Arbfsql.intApylaakm
Crtloo CIDEa ALL TYlaltßAßt ROUND.
The Ncutral bnip bit. .31 Ligw. ;‘, jt yy v yb.d by Btl e
CLAM'S: Corliv.rl 11.:Skii..1,
cp keeps cid, se. •e: tom yzie :SAIDA. New Yotk
!onite. 0 Co:ltize rkee.
$25. laming . MADE. ta,5T:.:.510,00..
H' . '1 who wort: f ni. V ntont writing yuci do not
nod uFv3otn th t A r 0p - giye - Irc * yt l ./
, dollar ar yoo
XOUW:.Vu..lterVt4. or, T`eionaht:
Web. •
QT.A3I.IIEttING..—Dr. White's U. S. Stumoaortitg
.7 etitute..lll Fourth Areorte. N. Y. Dent rntereuturtt.
pay g utotkl <utit l -Ftelfot),clnraly... § - 3
NV()AII, I_ , tttrit . t - u t tiir wnitte j d to
clry Bt-tokt". WIC tc2,,grt'.4palbetaltl Jocc I n . ' l. ‘ "To .
Capil3l neetied. — (,9 Aut.!. e, term., et Prtli frhe.
Vl(ai:sllY yo„ Au„usta.,)l...
*5 to itre ... nl i teentettl;
oY ettherk.l4.l7llF;t r illd * 4,ll:e . ifeitleinotief Vwetti,
(or ne in their Vat, a - emulate or nil the I 'tie than nt
antelltni rice. Mallet/lAN frcv. 5101111 -
SON. - dc Pnalan4 Mona- • ' •
neal rstits Par
offors for 8 nle the
•,,* • Plluwing Estute,.to 71t: •
turPratilt'ithheit Ntpiike Vurni," ulttrite Brtitieirts.
ter Willi li fp. Suiiiin!iii,lll.s. l'a— .boac t*c., more
us id yfiititrure .fuo r ,.iti.,'Frtutplutrktriti'icyUu'rifez
criteut ern,l and gra' 4reae's
zond ram tiOluie ape'. ciattitillitiirgU.s i iltelikra. o - 1
choice fruit. WOII ivaleitil, mitl strept,ll:rqi thtrYrrig,
pu "Stock: &TON fisfurciL. mitt ,lartamg",”ter,;ilp,,
itt Go solasr,l4ll rfi , fi. quiiirist, yr;"l,lousi
ly : ,
ALSO. A A'x'n •
fiuuste in I.ll . ofirittiglif f,,tetki Soenoetlanus
eAni tity, PMI. plesetintly veuts.d.on,UlP, MON %tree% nral
Lite tout rem the Nemo'. Liit , SlVreet - (rant:. grinde ,, -
renient two•story s Bond tasty:ll:grit:l3 'el*/
sod n convenient well of good Miter.
nneldurthof inile from the bnimighlitf - Vevr)ltliftia:.
t 5 " ,,,, , 11,1 P c, 0rne1. And the Li:venial wed tiglitemiptim,
A, guuti
turn; !VAS). -
,:6Jang, Ortlapit: • •
kno'Sin Ae ths'htl -% st
harT.a I 0.. P ...e.hotninitAr Lrtnchi3Fl,ld. •
In owls' iotcm‘ed. stoh.- awe'. W,agnn Sam. end opt.
blinding, Convenient. ei.t,fief
.cti dater Uutyo,ct.•
for the mon oracture of Chier Pretnix v {n....g001l running
order.iitely ocrupttd ,
, 11 perches of Laud sit ) , cent Via arorogilltl prop.
. • "L'eXPAgoilli.." P. ",;t2...Pt
merle ea.rto .nit the part non gond povvrity.
For P ., r“ .lam Irqulre.ot IS.,l4l7skvitoz.PrilflCH.T re
tter. Mon: epee. Pa of et the subderlberon the tinter
NI °on! Farm, Dridgeuftr.
A pill 30. 1873.-tf.
in pueluanro of an oerl..e of the Orphans' Court of
Susqueballila county: the titiCY'lLltt'tt -V l llolll,blifne
of the evnit , of Jane Smyth. tleerl., nett. at public
elate. on (ha lattil lees lo fast usilowater. ‘ll,l.
Stil l 101, -
- at lo'clocke:, to,, , tbotttilcoalardilextbal Prm!aaa:.ito , '
Wit: THE Ltn• (IF LAND boubtiol .4, the broth by
land. , of Sim. L. Kenn la on the rot by lands of N. 0.
.4"a.emore. 00 the ',with py tho plank road. and an the
w... 1 by a public Illgit.p4.v„etjaakupluazo.bout onerbollnat
acre 14 laud, bu the. adtut , Poore or leity;*ftb ibtatitairc•
. Wanner,
TesltMS mfteetnunia nnilny of..Nalr.
t• in V. CURTIS. Adm'r
'Eve Prldg*itat.
rho onderpigool , offers for +4:Heidi , G no cEny
FERO t.TORB. pit nnten veer the con I Io tie torom..ll
...of 51110.7.110 ny. PA. Lot SGXlt+trrt ltot iOxsii r et.
Store Ira threlllngl.l9) loot. ueuly painted. Gond
hoof for the tu.coutirodatl.m or hoolown. A Mir ran
s of both town m.d coal cuolotU. Will evil cheap Ihe each,
nr would oKnijcc frrAs form K 431104,740 44,gi...1
cha s noetririnoy.nnatn:nuentei item{ n (Ike hotno,peeses,
ring an the o vuotatro. Of a williond town, end our In ,
which en. to nude an enny nnosouHnoehle Urine, be.
*Mee Llylug op ran...thing for e raluy tiny. Full .todc
of Fwuia va p4.d., A.lwadr*lmd.
innettrwor or oddrror, 4 t•OWIII bOtiAItHISOW
0ct.'1 , 54 1 . 01 4. 11 . 1 )0.1.41.wbern Pd;;
eiREaT UnttEo OTATga 7EA CO. ?
te '"•ilt - vidis, Ag 'l4,
M4ntrope. Pa. _ ji„4 I
. This T,•sts.puttil, is CA3inTlint3.
thurchr prtalrtu,r, esftap3ll).
greut • . • • •
oucl 41. PO, qld'iri I4nWAtr j ;
1371tNN . 1 9CP 0 0 .
MO .
s !nos, y , -
tiaFEssicasur.ts ar4 LID,
Po - immix,' As. ,
(or itir Lew fit t,ll Yorso
at go U oturno liu'reger !rum NEU 1101.78 Dr.l4/.1-,
Tv. LotiSuN MANlA:tuft, rte...L(gdy(n fGr' uirt,ni
of 4p(rcuri.- rilutl-14).ouo who cox.: oll•T
•ujlrruolot rootsourablr yuarir ry.
&lONIA soot•Ralli dirt (led enYelope,
bufleroro are )o sited io uadtrn Ma 6409 r
Hoz IA Effert?kip...N:
T. yr' -
Juno pit • • ! •
„ -
Ir"."jSZIE: coticral:k l
•.,;„ ; „1
• .„
iProdnoo-and: Commission illerchanti
• ,1;-;,;
•" if/./3•1111i4 *war Yorlia• ''
• 'Conationient. urinated and retvin. 'aide tannedlat•
ci soloof Eveda. good shlgylOg coda and spew
IWerenees: • • • -
rtrittneal Pori Bank M XoorYnrk.
North Ihror !Jaskol Now York. • •
"Woos,' IY4ttonol nook or Now Yolk.
Long Intarol.ltank of Brooklyn, N. T. • • • • .• •
Feb. , 3.1441.- , -tr. • , , • ,
• .
The Marius.
Stsw Yolut,Oct.-25th, IKI
inmoney market was satnewint irkproyed
in . tone • Lenders manifest morepf &disposition
optrate„ which, thnuTb the operation,
are rateiv'eSrried OUt. IA iv decided chabge 'fur
better. This does mach inwards witestoratinn
or confitlerme. The Mfrs have somewhat soft'
ened.. . Rates fur call loans 04 stuck are quoted
at 10412 . per cent. , Prime commercial paper .
ran. 13Q18 per cent. Inferior grades ar e
unsaleable. • .".
Gold Wag steadr,witli 108 q - as the aliening
figure. and 10.53 us the lowtat point- touched.—
It closed finally at 108 5 ‘.
Gold ..........
13 . 5-as
. C0upn1862.....
5 2 20 Coupon 1804... .
5 1, 20 Cnuimii lt'Ort
540 Couponliar.jy.:.
11 ,0 Coupon.
5-20 Coupon 18138.....
Non li . ,pelaent. Limas,
10-10 s •
Paillt ichung....
Currency *nits,
New Tom I•roduce Market
Corrected weekly by Ifordirs,- Hayden,ds Co.:
325 Wosbiogtou tit., New York,,. •
11 utter; tub
" pall
Cheese, tialry,per lb
• " factory' , " ..
Eggs. per dor.
Plocr, per barrel.. .
Corn meal,
Wfieat,.per busbel..
Oats "
Hops. crop of 1873.
Potatoes per bbl...
Turkeys per 1b.....
Clifekens "
Darks "
II is herettysiven to all persons concernecLin
lite'rOilotdng Estattle. to :
E4tate of (4torge , W. Grande, latd of Liberty
twp., detfd, Mary A. Crandall and John'Llinch.
man Administrators:
,Estate ot James Ransom, .late rof, Lenox
Elnatban Eattiont, Escutor.,.
'Estate of W.F. Siin'rell, late of"
tuatuthip,.: deed; W. - W. bintrell Atititinistnst.'
. .
Eltat,e of„Charles W. Jackson.• late .or 'Ls!:
tor. •
fielittil3l-Icattoin Fieb, late or New -
terneibtp, decA.Denni4 Shay Aminiatrator. • :
.Estitle of • W filter T. Diturtnek.late of flenick.
to.ens'alf,, Deed. Mary A. Dimiutek
Mate of Jpllll Montgomery, lato of Milturrk:
township; det'd, Martin Munlgomeryi Admtnie ;,
Etdalp Of Eagnucl.Tlull,'late of New 3111 ford
tuna:l,oly, dm , (l,•.,k'raciais 'lull Executor, ;•
Estate of TlCnry Chundler,lata of .Thomxpq„
towthalliti; tiee'd, Sahib Chandler Eiecutrix.
Estat,ur Join' 'Harrington, late of Eddie."'
water townsbiN dt..e'tliJentima and • FL Il.liar•z
rinutnn.twoof,the Exteutors. •••••• • •. • •
E§lo.lO of. Abialltn 311114 W, ime.of,Eridgewa-,-
ter` township dee'd, Aldatha llillnrd, Jr., and.
YfillafikitilininL•tratota. ' '
Eande of.C. ' Wiltuarth; late - of JaCiusoit,f,
xtee'd, Frank NV iltnarth Administrator: ; •
Estate of Jacob Duteher,late of libsoo,deed,
W. T. Case Administrate!.
Estttte ut Lutmi:Netvion; le - cf - it r tf Dtruo , t,
'ttett'd, C. S. Gates end Emily tun Adtninis
.trators- .
Egtata dP Reabeti C. Vail, file or 7: 4 .itiiAtil
fonl, (teed, Satnuel Vail Atholnistrator. ' ' ' • •
&tate of Katie Dennison. lUiCOf, Salle Dcu
Eelete ce. Annie Dennison, minor, Sallie Den-
Estnki of Wm. 11. Lyon, minor s Atnoi
Kent Guardian.
That.the arennutants hare .settled their IC
enup.ts clic „Register's °Mee in anti for ; tho.
county Cit'Sitqliehanna, and that the sante
be presentot to the Judgt.l of the 'Qrphaite
Court tut Thumluv, November 13,1373, fur, csati=
finualiOn anti allowance.
H. N, TIFFANY, Register,'
Register's GlAce,'Octobdr 13. 161.3
„. „ , .
.011•ifernoltle; of 'Cif
urine-Cum, Edwartißmwir '
and Thotuns Brown. of Jersey City, .
Jime.l3rown, and John Brown, or Sintert. Is—,
land: anti Eben Brown. of Binaluttnion,
That: Whereas '..loltaut a '
reouglilin,-hte Of Silver Lake township,' iti the'
county of Susquebanra and State of Petisylvi.
nin, died intestate, seized in her demtsne as of
fee of and In a .vrtain me,etange and tract or
land lit:nate in- the township of I.lbeny,iln chi
county ol,Suequelnumn and State. of- Penns - kin
v 41 1 .1,1, thzeriboll tt.i, follows to wit. .Commenc•
ing et 'a hemlock treu buing the 'n
ter - dint: No. 142'und near the mild or high
'Nye) , le.ltllngtir-31aban's settlement (so
to Silver. Lake. thence .auuth SOH .degrees east
533430 ppst, thence smith Itc.ele-•
west 62 140 perches to the centre Or the.
highway aforesaid, titencotorth,westerly citing
bald highway to a post and itootv and tl:ence
north - 1•14 , degreie east •10 rods to the - piaci , 11
beginning: tx ittAiniog 12 acres of, land, be, the
saute morti.oeleas,:, In pttranancc.or an order -or
.the grpliatte ciptitt iif , 1941 ceoiiti
,01 Stietine
henna, Mt ingticaverill be held on said premiere
on Thoreclay, Siovetalier Ct1i,1873, at ten n'eineie
In the forenoon, to.malte particle thereof to and
animig the heirs and - leg4l repreactuatives of
snitlintestate,in inch manner and in each Dick;
portion,as the !Awe .of this. Commonwealth -di
rect ;Mail:such partition cannot be Otettie tiler,
of, then to Value and appraise the twine iteCol ,
ding to law,
M:11. itELME, BhmiiL
31.4ntrun, October 15. 1873.-
NQTIOE herehy gisen that the petition °fa reJne.
4ty of the freeholder. residing within the dirlr et
per d,.nrilierl, will he laid before the Grand
ry:of SurNnehanua—Noveraber Term;
LM• 11r.Pl , a for the incorporaticd, of rata district se a .
rveitiv.bythe DIM!, styie. and tide of tht ,- Itaronek
of Grout fiend Vldi2e. And by the folloplatt bodutta,
riesme wit; pidzlonitig On the hank - of the Stovall.
nun Mere at the nor.baest tamer of./dr...Ashlon'a
tree ; theca, math 12 I Ogees AV1412.T1 Mole to an ap•
iple r tree, south SO degrees tvi,1503,c rods to a pine use;
14.14 o: sot* NOS 4.-gte .vit 221 rods-to s, at and
; Ih4l3[BnortLt VA degree,. init. 1451( rod, to • pow!,
bad - Ceuta ; kthened north 05 degrees east 101 rot* Id
the hank of said river; (helms south 52 gra,. Wet 2.1
rode, wed, 2 de.,, , Tres ca.t 51 rods.'›uuth NI degrees
tart 115 rods, youth no dm:meet:eat le eddy, by the ass.
end cornea sad distances of wad river to the pitman(
W 11„ E. I=l:4TCfl arid Others,.
Great Bad, Oct. I.?, Itra-iw
: TTYECUT9II:3 tigT;ClL,Wheretultlters trail:n(la*.
ry 4.1.*: silounar.. lute al ?tow Ult.
tual...dved. hive -tmsa. eautast tu.tha,usalvrttgliad.a..l
satatasjadata.l.l Add a - 1.141 , 94 are tatinestal.l to wake
iinuadtato pnytricut, otal lbaßa I.lFlog ,
.cla Lax spilajj
ripe ganle,ajo reLlllOO4.ll present IttaMillithatit doky.
illatACE uxuans..l-
/Tar . pvt.suso,'ltirt—we - ,
. 11 354' • 114 k
.101% 108
.108 , 109
_lOO • 110 ;
.113 q .1144
113 114 .!
101 110
100 " 117
488 481
.. . . 117 119
, 38440
18 ( 0 4
1.5001. M
E 50.8 7-
... • 474449
. _
7 4: , .
2.00(gg 2•1
. .Ibral9.
..,.... 18019