The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 22, 1873, Image 3
TIE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. ellgtous Service.. The services in the Beveril Churches of Mont. ( , ) ,s are as follow: A 4. tq't cnuncn.nay. J. S. Mums am D. D. Pastor. s.a blink SerViet, W%a.m. and 7 m. ,o,t,tth Selina! p. m. r,., or Iteut Wedneemy Esatkliga. r kintnur t7RGRCtf Rs. J. fluvrrrai h Fereleea Second Heria,' to each Month hbatb Sch o 1 Iromedlstely tvfore Naas 'OP A 1. critizion lON a. to. and 7,16 V. m. nement= u tt:lr ...... ...9•. m. ,k-Day Scrricep—Wedgesdaya , F:TSoIOST EPISCOPAL...... ....Rev. W. J. Joan. e.`,AAI It %enders 0.45 a. m. and 7.911 p. m. ....... t . IS m. anti' )Iceting. TharAdays 730 p.m ~ t P., R I7I. : RIAN oilmen Rev. J. (3 Maus 10.48 a. ri and 7R p. m ern, retina. Thursday ''''''''' rrlvals and Departures of Nails. 1111=13 Arriva/s rkimrluttm I,lltr,,ge (Dail),) 0(10 r , U. 6 110 a. at -,.. 11 i 3orl, " 10 00 A. U. I3or. u. ',‘ ,A1::-ing:, " 945 A. U. 200 r. u. 1 . — , ,', 3llrmek, " 10 00 A. U. 3 00 r. u. 600 r. u. SOOA. u. 00p.m, 700k.0 6 00r. si. ioop. ni t Stxtion, Ilan tryton, 1000 4. E. 4ODr. y =MEI New York. Tunkbannock„ Neer Milforil, ylm,ing mails are tinily the Conklin 1,1 111 will leave on Tuesdays, Tlinmdays, S lava; Binghamton mail, via Silver Ili leave on Monday at 6.30 a m, Tu+s . c, 1 Tliamlay at Bp. m ; Meshoppen mail ; ‘ ,1,. n .., on Mon lays, Wralnesdays, anal Fri- Friendbville 'mall leaves and returns Tlinnulava and Saturdays. The Bing via. liawleytnn. will arrive Tues- Tinirqday, and Saturday, at 6 p. ,• ..tlite days at 7 p. ni. rh.pot, 00 r. Y. 11 00 A. SI 3 30 P. si Mlltord. E. C. Fonknam, Postmaster 11 ,, atrose, January 4, 1873.. NI Diet About Town. Ti' M ,di.d Mite Society, will be held at it e 011, of Zipron Cobb, this (Wednesday) esrolog, I.rt ter re In. a 4,11 turn out at the 114aNner Sut, thi. (IVtaluculay) evening, at the Enine 11.,use. eo.partnerchip been formed in the Key ,tore :•alon on Public Avenue, under the firm r. %me of Iliil.tMoire. The - Keystone" is and has been very popular. Sod , ty Counected with the Bapthtt v. ill be held at the house of Shodraela en the plank road/next Friday evening. r. A re '.lll pestofflee <l s ,ion is that if a Post. acv ‘r that a I r whirr-Aced to Li, of ., n e.:ended for a imrson living within toe of ealattliee office; it is his duty to ft,r• • • • I , ller Gr it tine. bee"n tir..ii'•riy prepaid) a Ailing lora t•tittest to closo,aud ith ad it charge of pmtage. editor or this paper would ac ;<• the receipt of a large quantity of,most c-rap.,. presented to bito by a Repot,- Au 1..4 friend of this borough, on Friday lite tst,with her romphrroatts to the -Itert " Hy did not partake of them unt.l `-atur.lay. but be can truly any that they were .t g,rapes" even then, notwithstanding t it, re wrie af,-,ainst A perfect waterspout passed over this vicini ty on Ilorotvy evening last. . It had been rain ing powerfully all day front the norib, but the %mini changed into the south in the evening, and shout ten o'clock, it commenced to fall in turreno, and continued Until eleven without ten-rnt. Wsur stood to three to (Our in. Les in tae streets, and sidewalks were flooded mud nryl graseL Much damage is report have been dune On the small streams. . (n Friday night last, the small dilapidated i ~ siding on. the corner qp,sosite the Demist sas disco:vexed to be on fire. Time n}nnn wss !jeep. and the fire extinguished be building was entirely hurned. Tbe Bre 'a lured to Luxe been purposely set, and the has offered a restart] of $lOO for the 'p i ondronvinion of the guilty parties. issuer if it was purposely fired, tberc was o.alici,,us intent, but such tan is not Minds , is soy community, as it endangers their t and properiy,nnd should meet with slue Firers a mean of sport is too c .,cruus to be trifled with. • The foil wing we clip from the list Uotarcee I ;..:15;iet111. . prevent misapprehension, we take the to etate that N. J. Karrington.wko keePn ‘••• 'F....Hangs Howl in Ada place, and who has u:.t.Ly. liven a staunch Republican, on Tuesday :•, sr , nt !t/ the polls and deposited a full Republican tadat.-Thee titters for liar I ud r the circumstances we think Horner anti . 1 -tt• • 1),,t4 havu as right to rejoice Eh= there t..uie in itontr:ose who had "always been a a , ,uch Reputiliitan," that voted A FULL Or !ET lice SILICAX TICKET. WC /UT inclin ,l t, rejoice with thaw, and also to wenn! to 11:aringtou the honor of being one of the `.1011.T.U. 1 1 0-Dediettilott. The Baptikt churcit at Great Bend Mate, Lnvin . ; peen closed for repairs, still be 41ediea t—i .c.) Thursday, OctOber 30th, 18:2. Rev. J. chckshire, I). D., of Montrose, will preach at 2 p. et. ltev. L. Wright, D. D., of ' n;lun lon, at 7, p. m. All are incited to at t-ad. 9 emninittee will be in attendance at the ctl.irch at 12 o'clock, to entertain thoac coming t7..c.n a distance. .T. 'Smears*. To Whom faJones Most Indebted! Mr. June s is more indebted to the editors of paper roe his election than to any one Man le the comm.'. Bad we not intro iltade a c°r roc-lion of the blunder of the.editor of the Ele pa,Zieu, who has not advertised the election of 1 1 ..pre,eiitetives in the electionproelamation in his paper, by inserting it upon our own ritSpart ti4,iity, sad with Out request from the gheriff or a.P, one cite, in copying the proclamation in our paper, the. election in Susquehanna county rmuhl itave been , roid and Mr. Jones would +N:: trkt nnly)est iris thirteen, hut nU• The mgt. By rcitrcucc rp l4e proChitAratitall , in the 4. 4 4,-5 " ivq.. it will he seen that no cleotiow of WPM -6,litatives has teed advertised. Mr; /ones had better see what Monter melt= by it. My Little Gentleman. NO one would have thought of calling him an, that ragged, hare footed, freckle-faced Jack, but I knew there was something about him be yond a Mere exterior, and from theday became under my charge until death took him away, I fond that bey. He was rather peculiar in tip. peatance, his head bad grown large, and his big brown eyes looked as If there were a great many wise thoughts behind them, and very likely there were —for someway Jack didn't have any associates, so he was left so much to bim etalf that he had nothing to do but think. Al evening ho would curl himself upon a hit of carpet under the table, listening to what was said, and sometimes asking a queer question himself. His questions must have been queer, because Lis father and mother always laughed, and never answered them, The truth was jack knew he was not like his brothers and sisters ; he flail heard his father ray that 'David and Joseph would make good farmers; but as for poor Jack he never could do anything for a liv ire." And yet foe alt this Jack was so gentle, kind and tender, that I often wondered if there were notwomething better In atom far him— and Indeed there was—lt came about In this wise, Jack canto slowly, Into the house one night and found his mother kindling a fire— "Oh I'm an glad r said be, shivering, "Flow cold it Is." "Why bless me r' exclaimed his moth er, "he shakes like he had a fever'n ague—a sweat Is all that will Lave you from a run of le ver." But the lever came in spite of the sweat, and Dr. Preston was called, The doctor believ ed iiieniomel and blisters; so between him and tho fever, poor little Jack wasted to a skeleton. In his delirium he moaned incoherently and would ask it they thought he was growing any, and how soon he could go to see the ocean and the Olin, and sail over the water to the beauti ful country. sane ow told him about. After the fever left him be was unconscious. Ile lay so stilt scarcely breathing, fur days, that noose knew when the last breath fluttered on tits white lips. But when they found him dead— they knew, as they never had known before, how precious to their hearts was poor littleJaek. They buried him in the garden, for it would he so lonesome in the grave-yard, and he loved the garden an, They planted myrtle and pasies and lilly of the valley on the grave, and the robins built their nests in the sentinel poplar that stood "on guard." But this was not until spring. All winter the winds drifted it over with snow. In the house they spoke of htm in low totem and with sad laees. They cal al him "dear little Jack." But they should have slid "dear, happy little Jack," tbr Jack, the real Jaek was not ly ing dead under the garden snow. Ile bad only gone away. That evening when he was lying I there, so pale and still, the Savionr came. .Be gathered this poor weak lamb, In hii strong.lov. ins arms and bore him away over the moun tains, above the. clouds, the blue sky, and the I stars to a beautiful land—the land where the I King of Glory reigns. And here a home had been made on purpov for him. Its flowers were always in bloom, its trees always green. lie is cafe and happy—my little gentleman—"forever with the Lord." Dear, happy little Jack ! Rev. J. If. BterAt 7 'lO .. u outs CORRESPONDENCE (See Inept: nrir frlrnd., fro , n eldrvnt lowne. in fend or neap of Intere.t. Send the feet.; we een errant:. them.) LETTER PRo.V scisQUEILINNA DEPOT. ••t, Heaven. that o.neh fcllnws thou irottldn't. unfold And put to rreq• bun hind a irWp. Tu lash tee thron;tl the world. E=ll ••lie I. a creatort• sit toe sr trpett look. And otitletlooti color tell What gaff be'. Las& of—ollalla I" Meson.. EDITORS :-1)1.1 you think bus was . dead? or did you care? No nutter : here he is again. I did think best to let my panting par : suers have a little test. And this reminds me of I a little stogy. Some wag started the report that Lox was killed on the 4th inst. This was n..d. so, and I record the tact with gratitude. I still live, or, as the man sail who thought he would die like a great man. "In the words of the int , mortal Webster, !aide de-civil!" -And I weal movie coot, nether." Those interested will please take notice. The killing was said to have been done by the musculareditor of the Susuni., ) henna Journal, the brain worker of the Journal being partieepseriminis in the act. I ant happy 1 to reassure all interested in. my welfare that I am still in the land of the dying. As all the struggle had in the Journal °Me° was on one side, the only parties hurt by the encounter I were those handling the weapons, and the deep i est wounds were inflicted upon the Pride of "the editor and pmprietor" of the paper. Much Ink ' was spilled, and pi made; the "devil" RILS to pay and nothing to pay him with, and the hterarg editor didn't care a tapir about it, and thts,.too, was cutting on the proprietor's Pride. I The late "resignation" of the master-mechan ic here, was so sudden end unexpected by all parties interested in it that I noticed it in the • most casual way, at the time, remarking that t all would be quiet on the Susquehanna In a few days. I was mistaken in that. The Mule rip i ple on the surface, might have been, to a well practiced eye, the indicator of a deep undertow, which it rtmlly was, I am so unacquainted with under the surface workings, Judging no evil ; where no evil seems, that I supposed the resig i nation would be treated as any other ordinary occurrence—regretted of course, by those most i affected by it, but, let pass, after at most, a nine i days talk sbunt it. You see lum not familiar with ring work. The following dialogue which I heard, anon after the "resignation," has had, ere this time, its explanation. "I was astound !ed to hear of the resignation of Mr. G. Did 1 you know anything of it ?" "No, 1 was aston. I ished too, but so it is. It is bad for this town, I . in every way." "Bad ! It is a public calamity! I lie was just the man for this community.- 1 These people needed such a man to manage ; them. - In fact, something must be done to try i end keep Lim, yet." "Well, I don't know, I think it is too late, but rwish it could be sit"— "Yes, something must be done." This agrees with the lute development noted two weeks ago of the reported formation of a Ring, by those who 'wished it amid be done," to reinstate their ex-master. One of the ring men, as none else irantrl know) writing in the Susquehanna Journal of the - 4th inst., asserts that,the statement made on credible authority, and so reported ,by Lux, that a ring was formed to retain the ex-master, "is as great a falsehood as ever was penned."— The riagleaday ought to know. But, a man is not asked to criminate himself, as it is unrea sonable that he would do so. Why would not a ring member deny the existence anti aims of such a disrcputsble concern 1 , But what does the denial amount IA? To no more than the de nier 13 worth in character, and that is, the little end of nothing. It does honest men good to ace how chop fallen these ring men are looking.— 1 They areas down in the mouth as a circus coni. pany in a rainy day, and their. down on a drunk- I=l told the itZa:ary man of the ring, has been scat , wrestling with tree how, picket fences, and dour knobs, and acting like a drunken man. lately. --, Local Option is a great . blessing to this towp., . _ ~ The writing editor of tbe Susquehanna Tour. vial, Is taking unusual pains to inform its read. Ms that Lax Is 'i'a ,bliMkgiarti, an Imbecile. a 1 falsifiers a dog, s mirctmtatit s iron], 111 rictieutsr, and it lunatic." What et refutation I lie has been nntiring Lux, the past month. Protasisly no caterer to Lis readers' tastes, has ever dis played more ardent auxlcty about the letters of "an Imbecile" than the literary editor of that paper has shown about those of Lux. In re turn, Lux gave the editors of the Journal some kindly counsel, but which, their PRIDE will not permit them to receive its the same good spirit it was, and is, given. Well, "by Pride, Angels have fallen, e're thy time." Our "editor and proprietor," steals the editorial "left," From his literary editor! Oh! Benjamin Frank tin, I'.!" In his last tolge at Lox, Pride's man of brains, accuses him "of blackguarding some of our best citizens." Pride is not intended to be included in this tile, for obvious reasons. Pride says "this is the meatst lode he ever lived In." • Judging the places he has lived in, by him as a sample, he is surely a good judge of mean places, as witness his daily profanity, and vulgar slang, Such external evidences of the Internal creature, speak for themselves what Pride is. Pride says, "nothing but the make In duces me to stay in such a Ignorant hole. I only stay or come here, and leave as soon as possible. I could not think of bringing my family here. There Is no society here for pea plc of any taste. I have seen the best of itand it is poor." What a pity, for Pride'. sake. This is the estimate the "editor and pro prietor of the Susquehanna Jukrtuil has of the "citizens," best and worst, off whom lie gets his living. Citizens, arc you not proud of your ed itor! To crown his baseness, he now permits or hires some one as vile as himself, to attack in the Jourtud, one of our clergymen, in a low and brutal way, which no one of most ordinary de cency ran justify. This the puny starveling dad a because bethought ii would please certain magnates of the town, who, beeanse they knew they could not suborn that gentleman into the "nng," strove to hinder his work, by such means as they could command. The "ring"- master gave the cue, and all the gang set out to do what they knew would please hint. They cried "Puseyite, Papist, High church, end the like—said his people had no religion, and didn't believe in a change of heart, and no respectable peOple associated with them." Now, this, front people "having had a change of heart," sound ed queer to those not having it, but having, at least, respect tier any people striving to wor ship God in whatever way they pirferred. That reverend gentleman, so hated by Pride and those he licks after, pursued his work la borously, letting his nbu.ers severely alone, and the result seen in the community. One church lids just been roofed, for Lis people, in Oakland. opposite "the Depot," A respectable congregation PlNsmibles in the spacious and annihilable Medial - 11,N' Hall, twice on Sabbath and everything connected with the ministration of "the reverend gentleman," whom the starvel ing - Pride" of the Jourtud has hired sonic one to abuse and term 'an imbecile," is in a very prosperous condition. The hireling scribbler, employed by the puny Pride, atheism the rever end gentleman - to eitti;ratr." every means-at the minim:int: of the rotimaster and his clan - has long.heen vigorously applied for the sante end, but a ittiout effect. Be now seems the must likely of any reverend gentleman in town, to, and some or his enemies are more likely soon to "emigrate." The real character of the small, or no principled "e litor and pro prietor of the ivurnar is demonstrated in the es f;lel, that the issue containing the "black guard" attack upon titer:iv:rend gentlentan,had one of a series of articles of Ids, oat First Principles. It appears that the "irrelig the Jurtrazd Lod frequently been spoken of. That gentleman, auSiouß to encourage the editor, to change the tone at t he paper. and thus Jo good in the community, by furnishing good reading matter to such as wim read, in a newspaper, oos book, solicited the privilege of furnishing a por tion of "It,tigioot" matter fir roe nailer.— That ii-ts now receive I fro n Pride, his psy. ••ilow much • methinks, be should despise this creature. But that be is bound hi charity against it. No d i niht He•l leave him to his medit.ttions.•• It is a case of mispinced kiadoess. The ems tore has done himself deserved injury, but of course, can not harm the friend of wham he has proved himself unworthy. As for Lux, he thinks he has, all unintentionetl, touched many sore spots, and he may touch many morn, and that will depend : upon where he presses, it seems. One"ring" champion calls Luz a liar. Something had to he said. That word was reediest. Another of the "ring" writer, less virulent, but quite as insane, ad nits that Lux might have been misinformed_ 131ith articles may have been penned by the.same hand. One thing Is certain, neither were written by Pride, for be cannot write any:l4Elr, neither hotter nor worse. its for barren ben, he is as near what hia nom homes sounds him, as& couln have selec ted in the fitness of things, unless he had selec teal a— and aO. Let the barren have credit for this unintended fitness of signature. Pride bade his gnill driver write "the barren's a louse." Ben says tiit.retlects on the state 0: hi home, Ben aced not Name Pride for what he has said.. "The proprietor" talks of what runs in his held. . There; are quite a number haring their side walks and fences repaired. These are steps in the right direction, and I hope many will walk in their' wept. I hope the time isnot far distant when pas. ►engers shall no more be dumped out any where along the road from the loon bride to the cut vert,and any where amid the many tracts and ermines. Ir appears that throngb that system, or want of system, the life of the venerable and Rev. Father °Tetley, of this place, was crush ed out, Saturday evening the 4th inst. Ills death at any time would have been a far felt loss in all this region. But, occurring In the shocking way it Caine, is an inexpressible calam ity to his ardently attached, and by him much loved people. Ile was the pioneer Priest of his faith in Northern Peonsylvania,over forty years ase. Ile had seen the seeds of Lta planting in the wilderness, bear an hundred fold, even to children's children. Ile was justrcturning from a tourney of consolation, and had dismounted at his destination. to be in his house and place on Sunday. In the act of cautioning others to be careful amid the maze of moving cars, he was prostrated in a twinkling, by the tender of nn engine, which passel over his body, killing him instantly. •LttrG Business Locals. Au, kinds of blanks for solo at this office. GAIIiIMS TAR REMEDIES give tone to yode_gystorn. Nnw tot cd• hiank Notes just printed, and Yor sale at this office. . °rams. by the plate. pint, quart or gallon, at Bpi Montrose Bakery. Oct. 8th,15711. F. G. WonnEn. Tin tbit.Elins Ilowe Jr., Improved Seising Unchine, Wore buying tiny other. . - Mr4..u.u7nr, Moutrose Pa., 00t.15, 1873.--tf. FOUVD AT LAST. A remedy that not only relieves, but cures that enemy of mankind, uonsumption, as well all the numerous satellites which revolve armor: It lo the shape of coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat, influenza, etc. The remedy we allude to is Dn. WISTAIeS BALSAM of WILD CIL/AMY, prepared by Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Boston. CLAIRVOYANT EXAMINATIONS FRI& Tnere i 3 no subject that requires an mach study and expel ieace as the treatment end cure of climate diseases. The astonishlng success' and remarkable cures performed by Dr. Butter field, are due to the gift of clairvoyance to the lite•long study of the . cuttstitattou of mitt, mid the curing of disease from natural reutediea.— Curet the worst forms of Scrofula, Catsirrh, Piles, Female weakness, Asthma, , Kidneys, or Madder. Will he at the Caffertv House: Bing haniton, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday evil Sat uniny, November 1:1, 18, 14 and 18, 1873. Oct. 22d, 1878.—w3 ALL persons who aspire to beauty or personal appearance should not neglect that natural ac cessory, the hair. By many it has bean neglec ted until the hair becomes thin, gray.or entlrely fallen off. ]leasers. flail & Co., Nashua, N. IL, have produced an effectual remedy, called Sicil ian flair Renewer, which cures all diseases of the scalp. This wonderful preparation acts up. on the glands, which support and nourish the hair, restores gray bait' to Its original color, mattes the smip white and clean, removes nod prevents the fennation . of dandruff and all cu taneous eruptions; and, by its 101110 and nutri tive properties, restores the scalp to a healthy state, and creates a new growth. As a dressing. it is unsurpaNsed, giving the hair that brilliancy so much admired by id—Boston Commercial. ATTENTION COMPANY! The return Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, re siding in Brooklyn, Lathrop and Lenox, are re quested to meet at Iluphottom on Saturday,No. vember let, for the purpose of organizing a Com bany and choosing officers, that we may be the et ter prrpnred to attend and enjoy ths Grand Encampment next.year. Come one! come oil Cavalry, Artillrry. Invalids, or Emergency, if you have an honorable discharge; come and let us retire the old memories, the old friendships, repeat inn old stories by the camp Sr ,live again the 'flambee and tights of years ago. Let not the brave comrades and the herolsms of those days be forgotten. Please speak of this to your comrade who does not read the paper. Be ORDER. OP CUM Brooklyn, Oct. 19, Int —2w To TIM CITIZENS OF PENNAYLVAIML lour attention is especially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds rea lized front this source are to be employed in the enction of the buildings for the Internal k:atii bition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is conlidenly believed that the Key stone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patriotic coututemoratiOn of the one hundreth birth-day of the nation.— The shares of stock are for 4110 each,and rultscribers will receive a handsomely steel en craved Certitirate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per eent,per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 18711. Subscribers who are not near a National Bank eau remit a check or post office order to the on dersit,med. FREW/I FRALEY, Treasurer. 994 Walnut St., Philade!pina. ✓:ept. 24, 1873. ANNUM. EXAMINATIoNB.—The Annual E :- smiLations for teachers will be held ,ibr tae severs) districts as follows: Apolawn, Cboconut, Little Meadows, and Friendsvllle, Monday, Oct. 20th. Funst Lake—Cbapu an, Center School .I,lou_,e Tn.-3day, Oct. 21st, Silver fake—Srackney School House, Wed ettay , Oct. 22.1. Franklin, !Alain% —Luccarllle Center fichoo', House, Thursday, Oct 23.1. tircat Send—Village School House, Friday, Oct. 24th. Nrw Mill'onl—Borouzlt School House, Satur day. Oct. 2.5 th. sarkamt—Comers B•Lool House, Thursday, O. gOth. t; Oman—Kennedy tiuuse,Fritlay, Oct 31st. Harforcl—Graded S.:llnot lionse.Szturday,No vembrr Ist. Bronklyn—centre School House Ttsc-..tay, fiat'. - Lei oi—Olenwood School House, Wcdoesi dor. Nov. slb lierrit.k. Clifford—City &taco' .11thase, Tburs day, Nov. Gilt. - Aslant, Thoruson--Centre School House, Fri day, Noy. 7th. I Inrinohy, Oaklintl—Susquehanna Depot School House. Saturday, Nor. 81h. sliddi.own—Centre School House, Monday, Nov. lUttt. Jesup, Rush—Graugerville School. House, Tuesdny, Nov. 11th. Auburn—Ccutri: School Rouse, IVeduesday, Nov. itth. Dimock, Springville—Hollow School House Thursday, Nov. 13th. Bridgewater—Montroso School house, Sat urday, 'Nov. 15th. &midi &al:ulna:ions. Hopbottom School House, Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Smiley School House, Thursday Nov. 20th. Forest. Luke Centre School House, Monday, Nov. 24th. At the rexclor examinations each class will be f u nned at 0 o'clock, a. to- In aptria/, at 10 a. DI. Applicants will need pencil. pen, ink „pa per. and Lnlon Fourth Header. No teacher to commence a school without a certificate. No endorsement of certificates. Private exantina. Hans eon , c story. Directors and patrons of schools requested to be present. W. C. Trt.nett. County Sup't. Dirchardville, Oct. 15, 1878.-4 w.,xma. Kw:stern—Pack—At the Occidental Rotel, in Renard, Pa., Oct. 2d, 1878, by Rev. H. G. named, Densmore G. Kenneth' and Miss Et ta Peck, both of Mt. Plunaust,Wayne county, Pa. PAIISON—PAILME - On the Oth lust.. In St. An drews church, liy Rev, - Luther Wolcott, John E. Persnns..of Ilarlishurg, Pa. and Miss Georgbiiin S. Parke. dsoghter of Hon. Benjamin Parke, of Parkevale, In this County. 3:iI7BTZEI9. ' R►:canc—ln South Gibson, Susgsa Co., Pa. OM. 6th, 1873, Mrs. Phehe Rankin, aged 72 years, 8 months and 7 days. LIATIMW47—At New Milford, Oct. 12th, M dropsy of, the heart, Elias Hathaway, aged 75 years and 9 months. Seal Estato fbr Sale. , 41, The Subscriber offers for sale the Iffk following Real Estate, to wit: MEM known as.' finbert Moore Perm." situate in ilridgowa. ter township, Sinotuchanns Co.. Pa.. about two mire east of Montrose IStsruar.b. containing Iso ACM Of ex [Client grams and grain lend. about tS awns of limner. a good form bonen and outbuilding... One orrimr.l of ! choice fruit, well watered, and adapted for dairying ' pu TOWS. Stock. dairy. fixture'', and terming utensils, will be sold with the Perm if desired, Galas perwhals ly disposed of. ALSO. A DOUSE AND LOT Situate In the 110100X13 of New Milford. fhisquetourna county, Pa., pleasantly located on the Main street. neat the genre of the town. Lot MX feet good con. I venting two-story dwelling, a good sized garden spot. and a convenient welter good water. • . ALSO A. FARM OP PUTT ACRES —. onefoerth of g mile from the borough of New IDeem' Improved. and the balance well timheted.prinet pall with chestnut and hemlock. • A good linx4o feet barn, and a thrifty young orclmrd.' ALSO TIIE LIOTSZPROPiCHTT known ea the CITAMBISULIN HOTEL: In Minion Il*l tissnarbautui te..Ps— (*Disinter D'acnn of land. mostly Improsed.wilh 'Hotel. Wagon Barna and OM. balldinT,a. Convenient either as a hotel or sof btrati2l . Auto A - . for the mann Curare of Cider trendy, le good running eider, lately ocayined by It.C. VeU. decor...hi. end about nperetcs of land adjacent to the aforeaald noted . prop , Terrain , Made 4.317 to salt the purchaser. ppm coed aecurity.- For pants:elan inquire of Ali, Realty. DVAINVAT httuttause, P 5 .4 or of the imbseribet 04 the ibilhrt • ltioureirarto. Bridgewater. Pa. • ' • • JOHN aAvirrk• Aprll th, 1878:-.11. Miscellaneous, ASIATIC CHOLERA IN CHINA. Almost every case Cured with P AIN-KILLER. DESM SIRS: During a residence of some ten years in Siam and China, as a missionary, I found your Pain-Killer a most valuable remedy for that fearful scourge the Cholera. In administenng the medicine I found it' most effectual to gave a ten-spoonful of Pain- Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with su gar; then, after about linnet' initintes, begin to give about a loblespotriful of the same mixture every few minutes until relief was obtained.— Apply hot applications to the extremities Bathe the stomach with the Pain-Killer, cirer, and rub the limbs briskly. CT those who had the Cholera; sad took the medicine faithfully, in the way stated above, apt out of ten re covered. Hr.:V. R. TELFORD, 3llsvionary in China. DEA It Silts: During a long residence in Chi na I have used your valuable Pain-Killer, both in my own flintily and among the Chinese, and have found it a most excellent medicine. In the Summers of ISte3, while residing in Shanghai, I found it an almost certain cure for cholera, if used in time. Indeed, using it in a grent marry insult:tow, I do not remember tailing in a single case. For three years I have been ;editing In this place, more than Stty miles from a physic cian,and have been obliged often to, tall upon. my own resourres in cases or sickness. The Chinese come to us in great numbers fur medicine and advice. Though without medical knowledge ourselves., the few simple remedies we can aminmend are so match In advance even of their physicians, that we have almost dally I applications. We allow them to tome, because it briny us ha contact 01 ills them and opens s • door of usefulness. lit diarrhea, colic, vomit ing,PAPEß. cholera, coughs, etc., your Pain-Killer has "I".lALir MT been my chief midi ire. Yours, very truly, THE SCIENTIFIC AVERICA:si is the cheapest nal Rev. T. P. CRAWFORD, Tungelinw, China. best illustrated weekly pmer printed. Every number Tlux‘e usin Pain-Killer should atrial contains from la., 15 .o.l,inal ellZTalrth . 01 "i . e.! 3.ln g ctly ob. etavery. hiveaihias. images, Engineering Works Serve rho following directions: Archth dare. Improved Fame linn . lements. and every At the commeneement on the diseate, take a nest discovery In etienimry. A feu s asursets &mudo tsu na e es, nail sever.ti hmaired engravings. lboasands teaspoonfal of Path-Killer, in sugar and water volumes are preferred 6.1 . hooltn„o and reference.— and then bathe freely arnms tire 'Sll.llllaCh and i The pnialcable ft COI.. are It C . Sordid centrethe hots els with the Pain-Killer clear. Should the,„ subt , wtalon Taretv dl a PM., by rn6li• diarrhea and cramp continue, repeat tbedose3.l mans ~n it (n.. ztav nr had fir nu nray .dea.s ever tee b a s e term+. y fmeen militates. In this way the dread- !g oa d, o r 000 trial 0 u 0t0 0,..„ ezdm:n,vl. stud ful scourge may be checked and the patient advice tree. All panda. arc nuhlistml to the Scientific relieved in the course ef a fess hours. I .Ameriren the reek they Lane. Scald for pamphlet, 110 N. K—Be sure and get the genuine article;; pai... e ,.: i.r esnrinzt i ,. ; w r l ; ?lst o r direction...toy obtaining e xer. Or COPLO'DIng patent... and It it recommended by those who have I WlttiN & ro., m Park flow. N. Y. Branch sake, car - used the Pain-Killer for :ire cholera. that in ea- !wr'cf F 4 ‘ 1,4 7 ' 1 . 6, W.sblugion,D C, easts the patient take two (or more) tea• spoonfuls instead of one. The PAIN-KILLER is sold by all the Drug , gist and dealers in Family Medic ines. rgy - Priee, 25 and GO cents and P fin Y DA s - rs & S E.ON', 51anura. k Prep's. JIG High, St., Prov., Oct. 15, 1873.—1 in. a NEIN ABILIINGZITLIMNT PIANOS S 5 ORGANS, At L S libel's Jettalry Stand, Who tar-en nnl nook nf the fbilowtag gcnn....111 be h•on than elfewh. sin Nurtheru YnnuoylreaLs: VINE AMERICAN WATCHES, JEWELRY & CLOCKS, SOLID SILVER .t MATED WARE. (OP ALL KINDS,) FLNE TABLE CL'TLEItY, DIAMOND SFECTACLFS, aLd a ren.ral Antortment of 1711.1c11 Tletchandise, Sheet V vie. Violin :Win*, etc.. All Pine Wltch Itnpolrlng Sewlttz Montano, and 0.. door,los o .00L) by gaols Ittpnlre)) by L. P. MelinaJoh. & lYlolhnish Sept. to. IS 1.-1.. ABEL TURRIILL, - DRUGGIST, liTcon.traracr, r—tvlug NEW 60.1D5, and keeps Con. un iintid 4 foil old liv•lrat•te of gen.. Moe LIiUGS. N t it KaIICAI,B. Paha*, Oils Dlestiali, Tr Ai, Stout, sod other groceries, stone. wane, Wray per, 4 o is s•ssrs, till a )a ro, mirrors, lumps, Minuets. keriteette.-Olarbt arty 14110ere * AIL beau, foot all, relliten 11 OA , COIL oil fur latiterns.oll for •: tiny isisentaes, U.. se 011.6perto OIL apirtsatraes.... V•ent sties. ratm r tin 0. V loraitir.Y.itseh C 004.1011 Lye A Alt hut. e.TruAoer. lust mown LA. Ahuulo.. earl Ha i r e. rootlet. Shia, Lostl. taxa Cap*, husstaha riormit And PA..., %. Wort, erring*. Lossai:ete. Flutes, ets.. linur., a d Llurs.R , r angTolletlioaps. H A , Oil-. Heir And !lair Dyes. BrashAA. Pocaertioirie, inuicturistt, Silsor and [alter Plated 1.1 Deatlat Articles. A genet. el als-tete. DI At P thicY 4401: ]S JEWELRY. and PERFUMERY. An tau:is/Ming and hoot kinds of PAT.t.tiT IFEDICOLES.:.! The peopl• Imo 1t..1 Wadi at the Drag and Variety Store nf ADEL TVIC RNLI. F0u.1.16:3. EstAbliebed 1843. THE EAGLE Dan B UMW & _l7 01101 A PROPRIN2iO-la SION OT TUE GOLDEN EMILE AND MOSTAR, 13 ri csl/„. Mit2cbc4r.. 331E,0, is *3 SCc desire to nay to the public that nor store it well stocked with Drag". Medicines. Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes , . Combo, Perfumery, Fancy Articles. proprie tary and patent peeper along. and all other a tielea esti ally kept In Bret class drag stores. We guarantee btu goods genuine •tot of the best quallt•. and esti) be told et low pr,ices far tag. Ileepectlully Vours. A. B. ft Montrose. Feb. 00.1873 AMOS NICHOLS. NEW GOODS • ru be andessigned having- relitted i redintilCed avd restocked the store : formerly occupied by H. Hen. ion. Jr.. at lab the p l i tir ... 1 , 11 . e . ( 4 , 1 %0f . re i z0 m eo gr i pr o e i parsd to Into DRY GOODS-! - - GROCERIES! BOOTS & SHOES!! FLARDirAnkit CROCKERY! &c., . . As can be !baud elsewhere, and at as Palatable Prins O. rit Crane. Linville Canter. Pa.. Marcia 111. 1573. - AD.II.INISTRATORT SALE OF REAL. EtiTATE. Ia parnotaea 'of nn order et the.Orphatte` :Coulter 612,que.tentut County. the undermireett, admtalstretor of the estate of,Jane Sultb. des d., Will *ell, at fatale sale, on the premtses lo.t.ait Bridgroratet, • .. - Wedneaday, sth;-1873; t o'clock. pp.. m.. the {allowing dear ;lbw) xlt: TUE LOT OF LANE) bounded' op the oorth by tnd* of, Mr.. L. Kconodou the coat by lode of.ri. (J. A ,,mr,re., on the Nuyik by the plank nod; and int theP ‘rt'at 47a Public fotitoraY, coma role:Learnt ouottall an arc of Laud, tiu the lame mere or leas, with the sport , TELlffili rodeo kapwp on day of BOIL • - . rti. UUZSLIN Bari Bridgewater. OeL Bth..llM.der.. - • oveplaptrry rou • • lICSINESO, is *fared In a community needluitt agpnerat variety trore—nt UALP.tiIDB. ("Modes Content") Muth Brook. lyu. titorolmiklit g..itct be AniPben) fur rale ur to Mini Apply ea tbe prompts, trim October 10Intol'itb,or ad dz era. '• NOCK 31 Au& . . tixtuum.faiinty, Oct. Bab 1878.-2tp, . NBLIRANCF. NOT/CF.—Herleg been In the leper- EOM 1148 tta sr for the pelt /*vet ! }caws' I linen eptelf idled snladrecodriar..A,,, , i neyinut ceneroeil *id( ray egmbination or Iprajor t 011.1.14-1 no4nll. I Oblla clier...e 4 ri.14.9.b4b14 fete 04 411 . Ci411144 Or /14 . milli% pa/petty. - Capital'adveletited '<mei 11281,006,17001 '= cuas. Q Wl=, UOlaraer;ll,:, Goo. T.. Rowell CANVASSING no ORS SENT FARE EMI- PROF. PCWLER'S GREAT WORK,- • On M ithood. Wotannhood. and their mutual interdr”la thin*; Lille. its Law's . .. Power,: etc. ire inning from 15 to 7:5 ctnilee a day. anti tro rend a iiiiita4in_ book rive to book anent. Adclreva.. tinting evpialryce.i etc.. NATIONSL PII..LISLIING C3-15111'4, M—MOORE'S I: EMIL WV-VOLKER. . . i t y h . e . O li nla y‘„ t ., ll . l k va i; ‘l l :;,;r i : e t n „ l , t d a: d l ; I n , . thority uposTractleal yubJocte• and a llfgb.4•ooed 1 11. crary Journal. Only $1 I' A a yosr—lete to club.. Oreat Itemlunu or Ca.. Commisoloni to Agent•. Thirteen „Nornlwr., (Oct. to Ja•t„) ou trill, for only flit, rent. ! P rein' UM Mate. etc.. toot tree to Mil .ohTryi/mro. Ad. drew.., ~... ~. It_lt,. T. _MOORE. l',„vr„liork Cltz. , • Why "Housekeepers!. Manuel" Sells. A spa:meal Agent *aye: 9.7nWlce ail tuber book., It baps (MOM On WOMrcre attention. A hon.ow.botwe mess payer $70.00 In one week was awde by a elngle agent. Porten:it J; 6, MUD 41' .. 0047 - ' New Yuel. fluetou„ c up Oolumbia 61noical tiotitute A Ikutriling School for Yogng 0rn. , 1 , 1 For dr - Rev. IL b. ALEXANDELLCaIumbIs,Pa EWECODK s'orr rrady fur kr,ente."Hurne In the 8.h1e." B Da. lel Morth, an 8.. arithur er -Night Beene. In the tlible" end .•Onr Fnther's Ilmane." Of .14ch ..07 !woo roAo. of eneh Wero rota. bead for CirculAr. ZinGLLB , .11'CUBLY. 61i Area .t., rhiladelphtn:P4. W ANTED, 100Fertners ant , Fanners' hette durtng the Fall anti Winter month. to do ho.into. In their own a,.Jotoing townrhip.. Unel new envy. revert:able. et d ply,. well. Fur Parttculate, math, ea d. S. M.:MINTON & - -" 1 C) 0-1 % .4 ,ti t 1(1.4 Si 4 0 111,%'7: -.Vi 4.4 • A GEN T7l WA NI TED. S. to; tor I'ni,ll , goc. DP M ElTic 17EWIN9 Y • ' Mr. IEI " _ _ The cbeapeet and but In ihe market. Warranted truly artnn. npe. Int 11.enct rd. to Warning 31a- China Azrato and the country trade. Liberal tame.— Asap t mr..l,ted. Bend for circular. ASIERICAN (0.1 . ilanutacturtra nut; Pat:mere :tillt-e.431.1,Wa10ut 84, • ~, P hilatteNblas Pa.,' G i c AT1)W..!•41.(4L,..E...A,..L sn EV an D d lt u E , TAll , br,...0. I 3 Con. and C-p Males. G.uds feat to all parrs of the country by napress - C. 0. be eannrln- - ed belt°, paid for 14e a kmnoinc W. it C. Scolt .t.. Sons Mutat: Laadcr. with fLa.k, pouch and ricanind rod. idol boxe.d. for sls. Send rump for price lot 8111 T & tql.a..ins, :43 Bro.thray and to Ctiabasi St.. N. Y. BUILDING FELT, (No Tar need), for ont.ld, work end I n•lde. lutteed of pbo.ter., Felt crupettuip, ctn. - Send two - 3.cent f tarot" fur othailar dud trimplee... J. FIRESI DE 1111, ?a , i7 , 7rii.'i D n ' Y r i f ; r17.3 4: ATIVOOO, produce the ducat lI fht. Can be need on any coal oil Inv. Fsertil 6y all ki , rop dealer!, IM2=l amp CIDER'ALT. TAB YEAR 11011 RD. - Alm Neutral Stephlte of I.lcow. ne h 7 BM. LING& vLsrp* Do-tun. form. rsy J. It Nl,h. S Co.. keeps elder •Irtet %it round. Near Yea ..flier. 9 eOlie,!V 05, . MONEY MADE PAST $lOOO.- ny an who wort for us. It upon writing lon do riot find - us all squnre, we will 2tre you one dulluf tor Mir trouble. Send •Latry fur..rir.Vare , 0. U. flrCia,7,l , 4, CO., Tekonshet, Mkt. QTAMPJERING —Dr. Whito'. V. 4. t mm-rfrg lu- Alm 417 Fourth Vrutir, N. Y. 13,m, tererau.ce•. "IS W (YUEN .'!liNo..rt'ivr?..l.d.d l4 ,Sruf.tV.::: dry. Book, thAnkw.. 'lttetr- uap tocalfrics. No capital utedv.l. `-ertilldtrne. - term.. e.c., s.'ul free. P. O. NICKERY S CJ., Au.u:tri, Ile. ~- „t, PF.R DAY I Arent.. niantrd ! WC/ Al ellain.r.. of working people, nr either poi* Otoig or old. maks num. olocoy.tocirf,fr for or In itn•lr mom 111. or all the I -or than nt SON, elan. Partlntlano hire. Address G. bTIN CO.. Portland Mahe. New Adverthemente. / 7 " , OT IOE Ii hereby given that the petition of a major. 4.• ity of the fm:loders re4ltlMg within the diormt hereinafter dmerihrti. • id be !aid hefore the Grand Jo. ry or Scvvicluen unty. at the November Term. ion praying fur th e n orponttiM: of raid district t r io rough, by the name, style. and title of the Borough of Great Bend Villtgc. and by the follow fug bonotm des, to wit: Bctinulng on the hank of the Stiqpieh• nun River at the non hu - est earner of 3tr. Aehlonie land: thence smolt IS 4 egl22. 2.22 ,22Z nods toad up, ple-ttee. south SO s west 51. 11 9 Lode to a plod tree; thence north 15.4( thgrcee west rods to • poet awl tiem44; thence north 23 tlegteC4 went 1433 i Itias to a poet and flout.; Viola"! north GI tiegmee vast 154 roes tli the bank of said ricer; therm.: sottt b t 1 grees 0..11 23 Mile, south LI degra.,l4 rapt LI .rec1.:7".21,9 dt-grros east 115 rods, south AO ilm:recro curt 19 code, by the. see. brel conned awl dist:nom of said river to the pines or eginning. ELIICU 'n" Vet t ifi r oitere: Great Bend. Oct. 13, 1873 . - fw • UOR WA; oft EXCII ANOC , • ~ • , .he an dorsi:Meal offer o fur hie GRO CERY PERU nIORE. Tituatee neer The canal to rho boron • h of ShieliThisny.:Pe. Lot feet lien rAsfrO Get. More art dweding . 204C0 Met. or.Ttlyt inoott thee( for the ttreolneltAlattott of boatmen. A fair ton - of both town and canal e.o.m. VVOI roll cheep Sr eaell, or would eachanat fur a form I suitable. Thin to n good chattel, for any Otte to enema alit id erntelYbou e. proses. Meg all, the a:au:gos of raililLant town, and one In which ion be meths an my eon comfortable living, he eiden laving rip something for a relay day. Full etude of meads nn hand. roe.etlen atom when Tl. sired. Enquire of or POW3I.OIO4ItEISOri. Ott. f, 1413.-Bw, r, P 4. AUDITOIt'S 140T/t.l:- The andrreidned barium been irppotatd , in. Atiditari Orpharit.' Wart of Litirauthlidtaleatibty .to ';dirtilinator .Itsn rand; In of, lticar \Climburn: aariadtririttor Ottlie s tate of ;Triinunri io7 te,l lata: fir :Ararat decrarcil, 101- attend to:04 dutiar!or tditrariPottitt meat at t h e arricr or Fiteb Watson: in Itordrorc,iii eriday.Orttairittliti; !WM, at I p. m. of Whinn time and placeill prr-ona tracroarart In said lurid mad prement titirciatmr. or ba ((nacre debarred, tram corn. It g upon iaid tund.- - ,•• - - W. W. id ATSON. Azaltar. Mantras?. Stpt. . . . ritsr,o2V - 4',EsszoN..4 °PAS' Es*di Pausal) mid for Ma belifit of Taflao 11 v. •*D"Of ntts alto tidier fwm ..NEItVOUSDEviLi. TY. LOS% UT , MAN11(4.)13.. tic.. rupttlug 04. weans r•O'cter 4 Ina* br urge arta) Ulm) Itlturrif pft«r undrraolng conafd) table ard re.l.lfrtronft• coiving a porlitaid )111teloo envo . lopc. Settforen) are intlt"l to patlreer Ole 1401% IiATIIL-Nall.. MAYFAIR. 153iiirOOLIJO.' " Juno , - 'Loin - • ,3,tr Of choice brands. foi tale at the !tor of - an inettof 4.l appointed by tho Orptinua Conrt.frf . banianbann County ht Muds to the hand+ ur Ithtr,y, J. tklinetN.r•PXll(iii Or the rant‘sorr.)las Itrnnett.deea. hereby git ttntlca - that - tt will alumni* tho•duttaa apoitinly,en Lott lifs canna in blootrosa, no Friday: - Ora. iil,bl7d.nt 1 O'clock p. In., at ghlth tlmo'cld pOcp hlilmrwua rntotti.o4 win make Wl°3lll'ool , elllwkor be Gantry: dithaztad Odin coming In nu paid Nod.' h. pli,o,etimoN. . , Montri4e, Sept: 21, ,; , , triTLES iSs'EL.4.IaST,ZE, . Arrow.; RV'S L imisoved thair ' yew Office. 00 11 0 0.4 tatrtel/ II 5 1 ,1 tr ' , fl:Lrrrie. , P. Lirect, E. L. IhamoiLer. licntrase,Oet. 1,18T7 - • - , NOW TAILOR. fSb• p ever Dem Ce Boot Btom nett to thw.postodi.i.' Work do so tt i the beg oil). Olvr Ina 1,411: . • • liatnalt, 0:03, V3n4Gl•;w4si.zsit', ,Clommivion Mt!! c tianU4, a". 3ELCillir7tl3l3., Produce end commisslcui Zhu:Nutt f f IT De, SI:. Nour,3oxii. Contignments nollelted and reform' made kozonOttfr, yon nab+ of goods. Send for liblpplog club and Ma References: . •. Pork Bonk of No... York. . • North Brow Baokof Ntor York. Nam" Nat!rout Mom of New York. Long Island Brink of Brooklyn, N.Y F00.12.1trf3.-- kr. The Harnts. The money market practically remising. unchanged and is dull, owing to the ilif Acuity 'of ' uemitiationa , hanks are discounting a;little se possible. There are no chintzes in note in the rate Gm minter. 'llie,ritte gained for. Call bet wren brokers lunged Tram 12@15 era. Other time 103118 are scarcely Commercial paper of , the high est grade, with 'first-class collatr.rals, is rooted at .15a13 per cent., while other names lees fheorably . httown, rate at high as 24 per cent... . G o ld wat nearly steady. opening at 108/, went to 1081 and tell off at itogts to 108 f, The rate at the Anal "close. was 108 S. A higher. Sterling A nal .116 Gold • s OS 5 20 Coupon ISW3 5.20 CouponlSll4 5-20 Coupon 3-29 Coupon 18135jy... 5-20 Coupon 1.857....; 5:20 Coupon 1508 New 5 per cent. bonds 13-40 s. ..... . Paris Exchange... Sterling Exchange . Cunency Bonds New York, Produce BrarkeL Cgrreeteti weekly by Illirdinq, Harden, 3..°5 Washington St., New York. Butter, tnb " pail. Cheek; dairy, pur lb " factory"... Eggs, per . doz Flour, per barrel.. "Cornmeal, • . Wheat, per bushei. Rye 01123 Corn " Flops. crop of 1878 Tullqw " Lard per lb Potatoes per bbl.. Apples " Turkeys per lb— . Cbickeus " ihn•ks " , . . 11 EGISTEIrS NOTICE.—Prauc.. Nona: i 4 hereby given to all persons eutieeiies,i ui . . tl.e following Emotes, to wit: Dm:Le - of (3,orp W. cranclal, bite of Liberty twp.,ilee'il, Mary Criindall and John linen, II mn Administrators.' Estate of Jainai Ransom, late of Letiox,,— township deed. Elnattian ibinsom,Eicittor. • .r....nata of W.N. - binarill, nue - Ornat bend township, Aka, W. W: &anvil tor. Estate of - Chnries W...jackson, late. or Hoop township, thief:, ii. L Tiffany Atniaiiitra tar. Estatoot Nathan Fish, late of Ness , lllltOrd. township, tlee'd, Iknnis Shay Atniiiistrutor. Esuite or- Walter T. Dinunick,lftte of Ilenifir. township, Deed, .Mary A. Ditutrilek ExeCtlar, Estate of John M.otiligontery..late Of Album township, detfd, Martin Mantgonaeiy Adinints. tratOr. Estate of Samuel llull,luto of New Milford township, Francis Hull Executor. ; EStaie of Henry Chandler, Into of :Thomson township, Tee d, banal Chandler ExeeariL • • Esto, of John Harrington, late of Bridge . water township, deed, Jetnima and H. H. Mar.: rincton two of the Executors. late of , •„. Estate of Abititha Millard, late of Bridgewa ter ioWnstdp deed, Abittiba'Milldrd, sod' 3lury.R Mil rd Administrators. ' • ' Estate of C.l tl Ntillmarth,: late or lftekscip. , teed, Frank AV ardt AdeuiniArotor. •!. ;-• Estate of Jae Dutcher, late of qibson,deedr W. T. Ca'Se Administrator. . Estate 01 Loren Newtnii, late 'of pH:001c dee'd. C. 6. Gates nod Emily Newton Adminis trator,. Estate of Reuben. C. Vail,,lsie 44.New,1111., ford. deed, Samuel Vnll Aslulinistfatoe. EA:de of listioDenuison„ minor, 8111110 rieti. !.11 (son Guardian. . E.,: tate of Apoie Dennison, minor, i nllio Deu alson Gusrtlisn. loto.e. of. Wm. IL Lyon, minor,,Amon , . Kent Ounrclinn. , 'Trutt, tint accountants have, settled , en counts in , the Iteitister's, Office' in and for' the'' county .or Snsqtrehann,, , and that the saute will he pr,rtented,to the Judges of ilte Orphans!'. - Court on . Thurailay,,Noventher 13,1872, , f0r mutt- firuiutioii and" allowance. , , H. N. Tf air, Negistei. Register's Offlrs.7:ktoberls,lB7t ()TICE IN PARTITION - .—To JinekiseA .Iteyriolds, of Jerse Cily:Nctr JetacsAllith - - ,• crino Cos, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ,Edward Brown and Thomas Brown, of 'Jersey City. N. J.:MarT Jane Brown, and John Brown, of Staten Is land, and Eben Bmwn, of .11ingluuntou.-N4l. Tian "NoT.ICE. 'That, Whereas Johanna Coughlin, late of Silver Lake township, in 'the; county of Susquehanna and State of Pensylva-' lila, died intestate; seized in her derritima , as. of fee of end in a certain tuessauge, and trant..of • land situate in the township ofj,lberty:.lit Abe, county id - Sitsquelianna and Sae ,of 4 4 inisyle can la, described its follows In Conituene- log at a hemlock 'trey being the `northwest ner of lot No. 142 and near the road dr way leading by Mahars's settlement ,(so' enlltsl) to Silver Lake. thence south Adi x degrees' cast 5111,10 perches to a post; - thence south IN de gressNe.clt. tf,ll-10 perches to the centre Lot the highway Taresald, thence north .westerly Alan saiallighWity to a post and atones sine thence north, lq degreri-elist 10 rode to the' place 'of beginning. ecntainlng 13 acres bf land, be 'the' samo more 4r less in pursuancabf an order of. theOrphans' Vnttrt of said cßuntV pf liosque hatiria, an inquest will he held' On said premises on Thursday, Norefiitter Gth.lo73td ten o'clock In the fon-noon. to make partion thereof to 10a among the :heirs and• legal. representatives of said Intestate. In such manner and in'•sneli portion as of ells ,commonwealth di rect ;'btit if catch partition cannot be made there; of, then to value and apprtlsd the aanao - accur-` ding to law, sma M. 13. iIEL3IZ, SberitT. ?font rase, October 15,7 8Td. • -• • 6DIT ' OII B NOME.—Thennotelnegned hiving brill .1.1. uric tinted the Court cq Common Place f e e d. m, gnawing entitle, an•Andlrnr to dtdrlhate the fa nonlc of Ille - A.Wlgnent of Henry Ackert: s 111 attend Sr' the mineufhl. apprintnirni. at Mantrap In Hindman,. OD Friday. Oat. al. ten. at 1 Velnek p. tn. "All perrouir Interected will appear an. pmseat their Odra). or I» . furaverdehatred trout coning In on cute fund. I/. W. dEAltLs.,Andittd.•l• 1401 . 11010.'0Ci.ici.19i3.—w4. • . -FXECUTOTrit Itionen. Wherraaletter* tosulmeolit.' ry to !hi, estate of Jar. 13 q moor., lore ..r : New Mil. lard. deed, tae hron gr41110:11 to tiro a harr. folett, - ;41 persona 14 6 010 fo +old stralv. are ' , landed to mall irrtmalate payment. sod dioto , cln rut arainr4 the Woe, lue requeshal In prraerd thlon !It out delay. • • P ALD) 1 1C111. • 11011AVIK A;.,:-L" 111:15; BiFd lant, POUSt.4. . , ' ilanuelaL Ssw Mors; 0ct.16th, 1871. ...110,4 ' 119 . ' ...106 107 ' • -105 107 , 1 ...107 ,-.1,0711,•., ...110. .1 0 ...112 - 11), .'. 110 K 111, .. ...iimg 'lO7 6 - 7, ...-.104 107.. 1 -491 480 •- REIM , 146414 . 32°03.40- 1.43001.1/0. tram t9 - t6O 44045-:' &lb/ 2.00021 arAtB.7s 184:119 Nan tete.