TIE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. ellgtous Service.. The services in the Beveril Churches of Mont. ( , ) ,s are as follow: A 4. tq't cnuncn.nay. J. S. Mums am D. D. Pastor. s.a blink SerViet, W%a.m. and 7 m. ,o,t,tth Selina! p. m. r,., or Iteut Wedneemy Esatkliga. r kintnur t7RGRCtf Rs. J. fluvrrrai h Fereleea Second Heria,' to each Month hbatb Sch o 1 Iromedlstely tvfore Naas 'OP A 1. critizion lON a. to. and 7,16 V. m. nement= u tt:lr ...... ...9•. m. ,k-Day Scrricep—Wedgesdaya , F:TSoIOST EPISCOPAL...... ....Rev. W. J. Joan. e.`,AAI It %enders 0.45 a. m. and 7.911 p. m. ....... t . IS m. anti' )Iceting. TharAdays 730 p.m ~ t P., R I7I. : RIAN oilmen Rev. J. (3 Maus 10.48 a. ri and 7R p. m ern, retina. Thursday ''''''''' rrlvals and Departures of Nails. 1111=13 Arriva/s rkimrluttm I,lltr,,ge (Dail),) 0(10 r , U. 6 110 a. at -,.. 11 i 3orl, " 10 00 A. U. I3or. u. ',‘ ,A1::-ing:, " 945 A. U. 200 r. u. 1 . — , ,', 3llrmek, " 10 00 A. U. 3 00 r. u. 600 r. u. SOOA. u. 00p.m, 700k.0 6 00r. si. ioop. ni t Stxtion, Ilan tryton, 1000 4. E. 4ODr. y =MEI New York. Tunkbannock„ Neer Milforil, ylm,ing mails are tinily the Conklin 1,1 111 will leave on Tuesdays, Tlinmdays, S o.tr lava; Binghamton mail, via Silver Ili leave on Monday at 6.30 a m, Tu+s . c, 1 Tliamlay at Bp. m ; Meshoppen mail ; ‘ ,1,. n .., on Mon lays, Wralnesdays, anal Fri- Friendbville 'mall leaves and returns Tlinnulava and Saturdays. The Bing via. liawleytnn. will arrive Tues- Tinirqday, and Saturday, at 6 p. ,• ..tlite days at 7 p. ni. rh.pot, 00 r. Y. 11 00 A. SI 3 30 P. si Mlltord. E. C. Fonknam, Postmaster 11 ,, atrose, January 4, 1873.. NI Diet About Town. Ti' M ,di.d Mite Society, will be held at it e 011, of Zipron Cobb, this (Wednesday) esrolog, I.rt ter re In. a 4,11 turn out at the 114aNner Sut,ul.lr thi. (IVtaluculay) evening, at the Enine 11.,use. eo.partnerchip h.ss been formed in the Key ,tore :•alon on Public Avenue, under the firm r. %me of Iliil.tMoire. The - Keystone" is and has been very popular. Sod , ty Counected with the Bapthtt v. ill be held at the house of Shodraela en the plank road/next Friday evening. r. A re '.lll pestofflee