THE DE 1 1:10 RAT. ...-- • _ . _ TELET CQ, ,rdikra. . . . _ _ Iffildiesdiy, Oct: 22nd, 1973: t "tait - iipcs, Ohio, oetoer • T9.—Both parties now concede the election of Allen Dettiocrat, by eix to seven hundred nia jility:e."SOmr few 'Dmoerattratilt claim the election of Burns as Lieutenant-Gov el:niir,.bnt there is little doubt 'lilt t he RePtiblicitis hare elected their Whole State ticket excel•t the Governor. Official 4tfirnB hare only been received &dm thirty-six counties. t'cAdNE has issued a ittanksgiving proc lamation. There is no mare living who has greater reason to be thankful this GE4:247. It istlebataable, however,whetli er the people have any reason to be thank ful for GitsYr. Granted that he has been grattted everything, is it fair to presume that the grant of-such a man as GRANT is a grant to be grateful for ? We take granted that everybody trill say it is a bad G ita a-r.—Bellefeate Wolchmoli, Majorities In District. • The official count for Representatives in this district shows the election of Hen ry W. Jones, Republican, of Susquehanna Calmly, over Eugene B. Hawley, Heim- Mat, of the same comity, by 13 majority, rod Robert R. Little, Democrat, of Wyo ming county; over Alanson B. Walker, Republican, of the same county, by 334 majority. Hawley had a maj9rity over Walker in Wyoming county of 722 and a majority over him in the district of 210. Little had a majority over Walker in Wyoming of 949. Hawley ran about 400 abead his pcket in Wyoming, and about 150 in Susquehanna. Little ran about 600 ahead of his ticket in Wyo ming and about 40 in Susquehanna. Susquehanna. Wyoming. Total 2400 1007 2410 1870 1533 3403 811 ' 3193 1707 1760 3327 County Majorities. The Republican majorities are smaller than usual, owing in a measure to a light rote, yet the Republican vote was fuller in proportion than the Democratic. By comparison with the vote last year there were only nboot 1700 Republicans absent from the polls:And about the same.number of Democrats, thus showi'ug that 50 per cent-of the Democrats were absent while only about 411 per cent of the Republicans did not come out For Judge of the supreme Court, Isaac G. Gordon bad 767 majority—for State Treastirer, Robert W. Machey, 741-7 tor Rieivesen tatives, H. M. Jones, 539, and A. B, Walker, 615—for Prothonotary, David Summers, 834—fur County Treas urer, Edwin G. Taylor, 881—for County Commissioner, Edward G. Batt, 769—for Jury Commissioner. Wm. A. Crossmon, 766--fdr County Auditor, J. B. Jobston, 765. Of conrso both candidates for Jury Commissioner are elected. Mexico ie slowly building herself np s•- • to the position of a true Republic. Her Congress has just decreed, the seraration of:Church and State, and decrees that henceforth - no laws can be enacted either establishing or prohibiting any form of religion. Furthermore. matrimony is to be a civil contract; religions institutions cannot possess Property; a simple prom ise to speak the truth, complying with obligations. eOntracted, with penalties in case of Titillation,: is substitiited for- the religions oath; nobody ie obliged to -give his or her serried; without just compen sation.; 'no:contract, is to be permitted which alma at the sacrifice of the liberty of man in the matter of work, education, and religious vows (the laws thus conse quently do not recognize Monastic orders, nor permit their establishment by any de nOminitions or ender any pretense), and no contract will be allowed to be made among persons ooneenting to their own, Pt?seription or_banishment. The Yellow Fever South. 'The latest accounts from Memphis in dicate'. no abatement in the ravages of the yellow lever at Memphis. As late as last Saturday, citizens continued to leave the,plata as the epidemic, was spreading tithe of the city. Eighty deaths werereported during the previous tarot ty-fonr hours. Many people who have" overtasket themselves in their labors Air the 'sick and are physically exhansted take the fever and die in a comparative ly short Aline.. appeals for assistance for the sick and Convalescent are -responded to, BB the Howard Association acknowl7 edgei i in a circular it has,puhlised. The °Meer says: "We return ,our,'heartfelt thatiki to nor sister cities anil towns for the lininteirusaid- extended tuna in this Iwint. of "sadneis and distress . From' Boa ton to San Francisco`; from Lansing to :Neil , Orleans; from alrnoSt every hamlet in'the land, and even from . far Dil".old England has, come each eviclencetiof sym.. pathy as to make our= hearts overflow, with I glatitinle,.bludiog us at it doe's to - them with the dearest of : ties: The feier' still cantimiesitarnarchlimnulf day by day:Asking rich and poor. Giwt when and,will. end. i o tt rieci t iik t! for die - Present are. a.mplo to mitt our _lnuits, nu.d „stemmed' aisl vise 4 will be teirthcona.l • Tnrtpaj9rity fo' , ..) icertse in i cit7 4 of rl4l44lDhia last week 32,464. \ • An9ther - Herein Montrose a considerable frac tion of the Ireptiblieliffate ivitsTititigferr• ed front Jones tcr—llawley. If asked to itircotifir for this; we shall reply in one word—tehisketj.—lfortirose Republican. We are at a loss how to interpret thee above manner of accounting for Jones' istii er.'i - Mon titin, -- ailllitrpettptrins this Borough pro got Ahem stran gers to E. 13. Hawley. Are we to under stand* the above, that 'lltnner,.,tiliti . al ways stands at the door of the polls• to pass out thit tickets, wattio under the in- - lltteuce of liquor that. he • could not tell Democratic votes from Republican; and I thus passed out the former? or does Ito mean that Hawley was 'drunk and there ' fore a large portion of the Republicans: voted for him on that account, ?, or • we,to understand that he charges- that, all • Rtpulicans that voted for Hawler4trerci drunk? We ore still more surprised to I find the following in another part •of the same paper. "Hawley- points to his vote last Tues day as evidence that we were mistalom about his papuliwitv in Montrose. • We may have been. We certainly undermted the popularity and influence of his coed jutor—wbiskey." • •- • Ii the above, maudlin talk is intended . for a joke it is a very flat one. If intend-, el tor a sane and sober charge 'it is still more fiat. So far as Republicans are concerned, who gave E. 8.. Hawley their support, they have • manifested suf ficient independence to show their com petency to.srtile the-matter with the Re publican for themselves, and do not need any defense from us. As to the personal flings at -E. 13. Hawley we care nothing for them, for we believe ho is somewhat known in Susquehanna County, and he does not shrink from his reputation, such as tt is. But to be serions. We are fully satisfied with his vindica tion at the b..110t box, on the fourteenth, and we hope his opponents are equally well satisfied. Notwithstanding E. 11. Hawley has been charged through the columns of the Montrose Rcpnblican, as beitiga "law-breaker," a "common a "Hypocrite" and a "whiskey" worshiper the sequel shows that by the votes of the people of this district, he was 210 better than Alanson B. Walker, and only 13 less than Henry M. Jones, and he is perfectly willing to take his chances with those who did not vote at all. Now we have only this to say in this matter. We had no disposition to further agitate the lic mind on this Representative question, as our tree Democratic principles lead us to cheerfully submit to the will of the majority, but if H. fl. Frazier, Henry M. Jones, Alanson B. Walker, or any , other Senator, wishes to continue this ihscus 7 sion and compare records with B. B. Hawley OD any question, whiskey not ex cepted, we are prepared to meet them.— We have got the papers. We are dispos ed however to act only, in self-defense , which we believe is. our ouqueationeti right by the law of tit►tnre. TIE SILIIIPRIS,E. The result or the election in. this As sembly district has proved a great. sur prise to men of both parties,and no lessto: to them, than to the candidates themselves. Robert R. Little, the - Democratic candi date of Wyoming, ie elected to the Leg: islature by 334 majority, and Henry M. I .Jones, itepublican of Susquehanna, is re-elected over E. - .8. Hawley, Democrat, by a majority of 'thirteen. While . we 'are privileged to rejoice over the result, yet iwe cannot feel,to do. so in a strict pant , can spirit,-bat We'hail with -joy the fact' that, as , we - said' before election, the ; peo pletire inclined to take in:tilers in their i own hands again. We rejoice over it as 1- one of the best oinefis"forlhn perpetuity of this Repot:lie? that :infidelley and cor (option in public servants are sooner or later to meet with a peremptory discharge i at the bands of the people at the ballot- . box, in the same rermutible and impartial I manner that similar offences are .Punish-. and businessvelationa. Rea-. 1 son and not passion has seemed to rule the people of this Assembly district;at this tirrie, as every elector has been left. to act his own pleasure {so far as - the _Demo cratic candidates am concerned) and hav ing acted as thi flaie ;we, can but pm same that the result is satislactt'iry to them: We are net - cOntrietent to judge I of the Onscieucesi of men as our neigh-, bor, the. Wise-acre:of. the Montrose ; Re -limb/Jean assumes to .do„ hence we-can on form our conclusion of Candidates and ; electors by their outward and official [mauifesEations. Trie - gentir editor of this paper as t candidate:" for- Reprt , seritittive ffrom this county, has been made the tar ! get in this whole canvas, ,and there is probably no one who hiss been more -stir prised than be has; from Bret to lust- Zia nomination *Asa surpriSeto,him - the ifirat . onset,-and,the comidinient paid hha by. so many .of lbcee whouche had here. tofore opposed politically, in casting their Ivotes for him, and the hundreds-of '-oth- . eh :who tibiented theraielvei twit • the -• polls because,they did to Oppose I him, is a matter for jnstpritle;not otsazi ty or partisan exultation, but 4.1 s accept ed by him in - the spirit-ru- which he be ; lieps it was given, as - a - -reward for the frithfrif and'' independent manner;' whisk he his adv'ocated• eertaiii loOal and important independent-issues, and as el t expression Of couildetioe.iu his honesty of 1 purpose. ; He had no hive or..expectation" !of . stich - e'reward and Wei' mily'laborinse G for what he then lielievedacd .011 belief ell Yn, Ire jnit and right, but to say,thatspeb L aiiiappieeiatioaof bis feeble eUbrta'sa teas ' 4invasedthipOlis On Tuesday ate 1-4tii • was net cheering and eticgioraglag to NM, would lA, In opposition to facts and human nsitiri; ; Anotbef , squrce . of surprise was the ircaterpropOtionate''falling tiff in the Democratic voters, than in the Itepubli iaii.—BiliTertitice to the returns its corn pared with thosooliastrsear it • seen that only one half of the Democratic vote was . polled while nearly%twii thirds of dui Republican vidc:ra mem obi. 'Tbodii -of the : Repablicaatlectora_who sent must have teen governed by one of three things.' Etthei a feeling of per fect eecuritycrthe electiOtt of their Can didates,a earelessindifference as to wheth er they were elected or not; or a desire that they should- be-defeated, but did not care to it :with their votes. The Democratic absentees could have had but two rerii3ons for their ntilijooltedjethargy. Rither a feeling of discouragemeot count of so many former defeats, or a lack of confidence in their candidates.— Both Of these are. censurable. The first because no min alionid falter in• well do ing pr omit to Bland up for what he deems to bo right, and the second, be cause any one Who entertained such a view should not hare failed to have en tered his protest at the polls. Wo be lieve the right to vote us an, American citizen, to be one of the mast sacred du ties atid.finkt it imposes upon each eli.n tor an obligation which cannot be shirk ed with impunity wain:Mt bringing about a just punishment. As we stated before, we hare tio way of jndging the conscien ces of men, hence we must come to this conclusion that those who' remained at home slid not have any choice in candi dates, hence we ore led by the result to believe that there are vrturresst more persons in this district who preferred 11. M. Jones to represent them at Harrisburg, instead of E. B. IlaWley, and this.ought to be satisfactory to Hawley under the circumstances, in a district where there is a Republican • majority of 800. It is more than satisfactory. It is eminently encouraging. We rejoice that Robert It. Little esq. has been. chosen to represent this . district in place of Alanson B. Wal ker,-by so decided a voice of the people, and we have such confidence in his abili ty, integrity and statesmanship that we firmly believe be will bring no blush of shame upon them by his legislative ac tions. Thus ends the lesson. SIISQ'A CO. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS Por Oct. 14th, 1873. VOTE YOU STATE OFFICERS Jtjelge of Stm to Sop. Comt. Tr ...tram. ::. '1 • g B& g , . e ' ! st , t • 0 -- cT tTi P 4 „, TOWNSHIPS. o e' • r . • '.2 . g h , 7: : 0 rt,' a ... • 4 s r • : : 4i' E Arpolacoa ............. 14 ZS 14 2+5 Ararat ....... 49 9 47 II Auburn ........ ....... 1= • 83 12 - 1 84 Bridgewater... 1/12 09 142 Brooklva ........ 128 63 124 64 Choconat ; 2 18 2 16 Cliffnul 30 26 60 25 ...... 97 • 81 98 81 Forest Lalte.4.— 68 f. 43 94 , 43 Franklin • 83 79 84 80 Friends:9lle' 9 21 9 `2l Gibson'" 91 29 90 .09' Great Bend Toornship.. 89 36 89 88 Great Ilend Borough.... 34 66 3.1 65 Harford ........ 119 fra 117 84 Harmony... 73 21 72 23 Ilerric - k....... ........ 36 44 59 40 Jackson 87 44 85 44 413 .41 64 4t Lathrop .. 39 60 41 58 Liberty .. 54 62 52 63 Little' . 2leadows .. 23 5 Lenoi 90 • u - 110 53 311ddletown ' . 39 50 32- • 30 M0ntr05e:.::.._...... 197 118 193 62 Now Milford Township 13 94 122 9G Nem Aliitbrd Borough.. 57 41 55 '4l .Oakland ' N - 16 81 16 Mid • 108 .90 100 49 Springville 103- 48.. 100 48 Silver Lake • ' -23, -55 25, 35 Susquehanna Depot.... 173 140 170 144 Thomson,— '45 22 46 21 Total 2507 1742 2480 1745 COMPARATIV3iVOTE FOE REPPMENTA.- TIYES IN 1872 AND 1873. • . r - 1 • r' to - tl . • - • V. p A 'Apoloom, 18' 82 - 14 14 28 28 Ararat, 79- -St -49 49 9 9 Aubarn, . 269 130 107 114 87 , . B 9 .Bridgewater, 163 110 03 98 158 133 Brooklyn,' - 187 112 129'. 119 63 -- 04 Choconnt, - 'I • 69. 2 1. 19 18 Clifford, : , 103. 60, ; ,60 00 27 lkinock, 180 330 70 ;74 419 81 Duntlait, 20 • .12. - 12 .13 13 Forest:take, - 110."4'' 37 . ' 67 - 43 43 Franklin; .14 .110 •84 " 84'. SO: :79 Frieze:brine, 10 43.., , 7" 9 23 :.:21 215', 01 94 33.. 45,- ' 27 GL Bend twp., 17; 108 80 03 89 -87 Bend boro.; 54 'lB' t 39 `32' 71 68 iterfotd,; . 180 .135 132 116 ..71 . 77 Harmony . , ' ' ' 123 " 'B3 ' 74' 73 - ' 24 11errie' 108- 63 62 20 Jackson, , 171' • tgl 84 80. 44 44 . 116 14 64 • 04 43 • 42- . ;Lathrop, . 97-, 115' 87. 44 - 69 55 Liberty_, - 100 111 -83 83 63' 64 LlttleNeadows,' '24 , '; • 9 '23 93- -5 5 l'itennx, •.• ' 'lB7 ' ate S 7 .74 .-20 'O6 Middletown, 88 103 82 33 50 - 50 1 Montrose, " 200 - 10 - 151 107 121 70 twp.,lBl „333 128 , 130. • 93 , N: Miltuni,boro,„' 'BO :73 53 • .57: 41 - 41 04 k 1 4 11 d.': - 1481 :)60 1111 - 82: _l6•:'-10 11016,- t• 147 go: 92 ,criv , BD BpringritEr, ',211 -AIR 103- , 37i :81 Silver Lake, 133 t- 123.: , tlts Susq'a Depot, 363 '338 * 113' 173 147 143 Thomson. " 80 - '39" 13' - 43 - 23 33 Total, - 4294 3433 3409 2383 1870 1767 OIR iOR:PILOTITONnT 4 Trlp.kseT tat,AND Co. f.;61310310N UR: PithLooutm. ,Truer. :4 -` 4 -T- •?1 .a y a B • TOTNBIIII . 6. 5 n • - 0 • F• • • • Apolama,' - ' - 14 ; 28 ;;; 14. - -:3 —l4 -28 Ararat, 49 9 40 0 40 9 Auburn, • , 123 83 123 83 123- 83 Dr,idgewatur, , 150 100 139 100 152 Ilrolyn,; 'l2B 83 137 03 128 ca . ci n ama, • 3 18 2 18 2 18' 63 23 63 211 GI "28 ;97 81. 06 83 96 - 83 „ ~.13 13, 12., 13 13 13 Foirit Lake, • 67 43 07 . 43 73 37 Franklin, 147 77 83 19 8.5 .70 0'• 91 21 0 'Ol Gib on, DI 27 07 27 ...198 27 Groat 93 ; 36 61 44 •DI 87 (treat 65. .27 10 84 64 'Tartan], 118 St :121 PO 120 81 '• 74 23 . ' 74 23 73 24 A rrick, 39 89 63 39' 62 89 3a k9on, 89 43 87 . 44 s 8 4-4 deitsup, 65 -41 .61 41 03 41 59 . 30 52 39 58 I.llkr.rtr, - 51 el 54 63 "53 64 Little 'Meadows, 23 5 23 5 03 6 Lennx, 00 53 Pa 51 oa 53 I3(idtlteluFu, 82 50 33 50 12 70 Munlro e, 203 6.5 2401 69 206 66 3-a., 11'3 60 128 03 130 04 N. Milford bbro., 63 23 59 40 57 41 Oaklantl, 89 16 145 13 S'3 16 • • • 106 48 1011 4.1 105 48 Springville, 101 59 101 .52 103 52 Silver 1..34e,, 20 5,5 25 13 20 55 Simcjis Depot, 170 143 229 01 173 114 47 "23 44 24 46 '",r3" Toted, 2343.1710 2:0;.3 1702 . 2527 1758 VOTE FOR VEY COM II NSIO NER AND COUNTY A U DITOR. Jory CumWr. Co. Auditor. „.....—......,....—,.„ ~..-0,...—.., 4 ci .- IT, a • = : ~ I >,- P A C 2 c. Et TowNsntra 2 3 2. - 3 &ct, Apolacon, 14 28 14 28 80 151 180 1 0 2 Brooklyn, 122 64 128 CITOTIMUt, - 2 18 9 Minuet:, . 97 81 U 3 84 DantM i . 12 la 12 13 Forest Lake., 66 4:1 67 43 Franklin, Sil 79 85 79 Frir.n , l.sville, 9 21 9 21 fillko.n, 93 27 96 27 Grrat Item) twn., 8.2 37 PO 40 llmol boa, $) -65 30 64 11nr1ord: 120 Pt 120 PI harmony, 73 24 72 24 Ilernrk.. . 62 39 G 2 39 Jurbon, 87 44 ISt 41 Jes,Mip, 62 41 65 41 1 attinT, 1W 61 39 '53 I, , berly, 53 64 53 63 Little Meadows', 2 5 fl 3 5 Lenox, no 111 iddltown, 32 50 32 . 50 Mnntrosr, 197 68 2tel al . Nt w 11 itiortl : wit., 129 94 1:10 91 New Milrord bona. 58 40 57 4 1 , ()A:Lunt, t;2 15 82 1 1113 48 408 4 Snrh.y.vills, ice 51 DS 5: Silvrr 1,41. r, 25 53 25 5" Suiten Depot, "172 146 172 193 Thomson, 4-1 2.1 45 22 Tout!. 2513 1747 2511 1753 'EC A r!-- PROTECT TILE SYSTEM The human lasl. - is n nutchine, and therefore cannot endure unevrr ; but, like a watch urn sewing machine. it wilt lest much Finger ii properly regalAted and duly reretired.than if no pains were taken - to keep it in order. The great olueet of every one who glmirm a long and healthy lite should bu to pot, lila body in a condition tel'resist the life .threatening Intluen ce.s by which we are all more or less surroun ded; and nn invigm'ant and corrective at pres ent known an effectively answers this purpgsse ac tin' vitalizing elixir which, under the unpre tmuling came or linstvtler's Stomach Bitters, has been for more than twenty years the stan darchonic of America. In crowded cities,where tie atmosphere Is contaminated with the efileitt inspirnhle from large populations; in nuirsby regions where the twiggy soil reeks with cas- RSIII3 ; on the prariesangl in the forests, where every fall the air Is minted with exhalations limn rotting weeds anti grasses, or deconipos ing lentes---in short, In every lucidity where malaria-exists, this powerful vegetable antidote is urgently needed. Fever rind ague, hilliuus glysentary, congestion of the liver, Jaen dice. rheumatism, and all diseases which are generated by infected aii,ititpure water, drawl glen eleurzes of temperature, may he averted by sin-t:it:ening and regulating.the system in advance with IlthgteUer's Bitters. Autumn is always a season Of peril,:':espCcially th weak, susceptible organi=ttions. -Been the more vig orous are apt to in some measure depressed by the humid atmosphere, loaded with deleicri ous tmses produced by yeptable decay. The fall is n period of the year when the renovation and rv , ;,ndation of the livineinnefsine is peculi arly important, and the Bitters should there fore im taken daily at this critical season. Special Notices. 110-V: TON PLY ETA nos" ti GSA Ls; Sent on recript oPeeentoi. Unicine Printing andr!uto ilphing riJ tilrent,,N ant York. A QEITS evefrutert) to sell °nines, and nUsel Em broldetlug lisculne.. Rut d foy illustrated WASTED Circular, to lfalieu Manufacturing COO lump, Bp Broadway. New York. TUE 14171.612 COIIP.IIOO.Y. Every Lndy 511,41. one Mau ought to have ono! Sent on receipt of 7'en Cent*. ,Addrem 111 DE & Cf.1..105 Seventh Avenue, N. Y TITS I . tECK !VITA $ 2O rortahic Fain firwinit Machine on M Maya' Trial. Many atiretatazica over nil 'titutrfaction zuhranteed., or $.29 :chated.. tient complete, with Mil' direction.— latecitwlth Ocarina , . Maclaine Co., %a broatiway, 27. Y. 7TIE SEIV ELASTIC TRUSS. An !inpatient Invention- It ntelne the itotiture et ell tinter/And under the hardest .rAeleise or re.teret It le Worn with contAirt,'cind kept" on night' end Op effects a permanent cure in a kw...ak, Sold (*etre._ and arat by. Mail ‘yheakrequested. Circulars tree, when 4trtlered hy letter-rent to The Ebetic • Trite. 2'o. No. rsißrom way, New .trork City. Nobody uses; Metal 'Spring ',manes too palatal;-slip oft too frequently, Fornatwuo AAR WILLING TO WOVE. Any pay ,ron, ald or young. of either ter. can make from .*lO to' Piper orta.r. at home day or 'laming. Wanted by.alt lardtanlY to eitherylty: or country. and any feARITI of th. l yrar. This is a we appnrondiy fur thona who arc out of work; and ont or MOD VY• to' *mac: PM hide. pendent Mind, nu capital halnd nreinired, „Oar paraph. let, —BOW TO 3IAKK A LTVING," lastnrc tinny, .onr on ryteipt of reticent, Adam's. BURTON "d - BO..llorrininta, WeetchestrY N: T. , April , i 1 ' BUTCHERY'S TISCROVRO vIICORDREt WOOD pump. TatOros. Deroble. ,Efilment and Cheep: •Vbe..liesA-pomp for the least mouer, Awl:lo 4 n is ocncildtz Invited to 131hleblere Patent irciprot , ed lirsoketi itind Sep Drop • Elva*, Vnlve,,,whicla eauho st (thermal:llolh, of removing ibit Pomo or disturbing ttolotatto. Also. the Copperednmber *bleb never