The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 15, 1873, Image 3

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Local Intelligence.
itellgloui Services.
Ttin . 'amines In the several Chardon) or 3lunt
none ifrn-vi§ tallow :
ettlincn.nsv. J. E. Crump tat D. D. Pastor
tsabbash :terriers a, m. and Im
sitststesth &tool • _ p.
12 to
satator Xitoottne, Wednesday Evenlags •
CATFIOLTO enuitort. fly. J. Purrany
Sabbath Services. second Sands* In ilia ►tooth
tiabbath ticb sol lutmedbarli before MAU
ittisCOPit. clltlnCl7.. - . -....1ter. J. M. Sterret
iDibbatb Serrlcex : • log .., cm. audlN p, in
imaia• School g a. Ert
'llteet.Day Ecttlen-ATedneinlayi 'IM P. Is
METHODIST EPISCOPAL,: .. . ... -Herr. W. J. :can
Msbbotit Pervlcee 10.0 a. al. sad 1.?..9 p. 03
9..04atb Sdkoul - -
12 til
palm Matting. Ttuardaya. ^ td p. m
I.4ICSIITTIII2TASt cmincff n... J. n. Um.=
fiabbath Services 10.48 S. on and p, in
4:abbot') School 19.16 p. M.
rwor Meeting, Thursday Ersulugs TN P. In.
Arrivals and Departures of Dads.
Arrivals Departure&
Montrose Depot, (Dalb%) 000 P. Y. 660 A. K.
New Milford, " 10 00*. K. 130 P. K.
Wynlusing, D4SA. Y. 200 P. K.
Tool:beano*, " 1000 A. IL 800 Y. K.
Friendaville, 600 P. it. 800 A. Y.
Conklin Station, 700 r. Y. 700 A. IL
Rawleytoo, 000 P. Y. 700 p. ni.
lleshoppen, .1000 A. at. 400 p. at.
The New York, Tunkhannock, New 3111 ford,
and Wylusing mails are daily; the Conklin
Station mall will leave on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Satunlaya; Binghamton mail, ria Silver
Lake, will leave on Monday at 6:30 a. m., Too,-
day and Tittle:tatty at Bp. m ; Meshoppen mail
will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays * , and Fri
day*: Vrienclaville mail leaves and returns
Tuesduys, Thuoulava and Sattantay& The Bing
hamton mail via. Itawleyton, will arrive Tues
day. Thursday. and Saturday, at 6 p. in. to.—
Leave same days at 7 p. at.
Montrnoe Depot, (Daily,) 000 P. at. II 00 A. u.
New Milford, " 330 P. to. 7noA. u.
E. C. Funortax, Postuaoster.
Montrose, January 4, 1873.
UM War Advertisements,
New Tailor Shop Geo. Walker.
Removed—Little' & Blakeslee.
SuluneigeJ Pump—W. M. Wilmsrtb.
Insurance Notice—Chas. R.Smith.
New Firm—Hobert & Main.
Notice of Incorporation—Wm. K. Hatch.
Execnints Notice—Estates of James Sum
Register's Notice-T. N. Tiffany.
Pain Killer—Perry Davis & Son.
Notice in Partition—Estate of Johanna
Sheriffs Sales 41. B. Helm..
'lowa Sewing Machine—Wall S Mellutish.
Permian Syrup.
Franklin Fur& Market Fair.
Local Option Addresses—t 3. W. Markey.
Teachers' Examinations—W. C. Tilden.
ot es About Town
The "last rose of summer" has been
taken in the house.
The Pram.- work on the new M. E
<l,urch is nearly on its fnandatiton.
A little more-slumber—la little more
skep—thee October night, ere good for it.
ifusbands and fathers stn now shell
out their loose change tor fall bonnets. The oh!
ones are too open.
Mr. J. IL Fletcher hag put down Rooth
er of those 6ne atone walks in front of his mi
Aeon, on Main unreel.
it itiLinfam Wrfeh who hi trrefing D
neic cI elling on (terry street, inslearl of It
rani as we gave it last week.
R C. Putnam. prrsant Post Mnster of
Borough. has been mailing the Past
Orrice to a considerable extent
A routh who wears the latest etyle of
sleeve studs can't be esperted to bring up
scuttle of coal while his mother is around.
It is in vsin to hope to pkase ali alike.
Leta man stand with his face in what direction
he will, he FIJI/Ai necesaarily turn his back on
one-halt of the world.
Charles IL Smith, yips has been in the
In.arance business for the past seven years,
has established an independent agency, not
(..anacte4 with any combination of LuC3 I or
1 a tional Boards.
E. L. Blakeslee, Esq . , has got his new
office and dwelling on Public Avenue nitarly
completed, haring moved tato the aka It is
o n of the gnat edftiopli in our Boroogb. both
is finish and architecture. The law firm of
[julep t Blakeske will be found at this buthtl
int hereafter.
Leavitt's Swiss, Bell Ringers gave One
et their entertainments at the Borate on
Mnnday evening test, to a crowded house, to
the full satisfaction of all present. lt was a 6 rst
atLdr, and we hear it highly complimented
hr all who were ;omen'. The Cornet solo per
t,rnell by Mr. Batchelor, cannot easily be ex
celled. He demonstrated In various ways that
he is en expert upon that instrument.
The Baptist Society have nearly com
pleted their repairs on their church. They are ex
polding a large sum of money in beautifying the
Mends 'around the Church, aid the building
w h en completed will present the: appear
*nee at a new modern edifice. The Lecture
Room in the casement is one of the largest and
met convenient one in town, haring been COD.
Enseteti almost entirely new. Also the whole
'rout of the building is completely remodeled.
Prompt P./Wien*.
Fortuna or Drxocnwi:—T4hHettford Fn
InsurAnce Cmnpany, of Hartford, Connecticut,
Luruugh Mr. Billings dtroud their agent, bare
P'o , Pdy paid my loss af, $l,llOO, when disc—
i4 0 opportunity t o, recommend this old
' , /Pauyt the Inswing public..
Jowl a awns.
reopte. •
Sia gorross,—fflio Mowing named old la
-6,1 who are sisters, noci • who twine to this
h.t,atry amoog tlas earnest tattler; are now 11w ,
rt acid at this dtte COOd Iva I Lb, They weoe
ton, is N ev yonadaq county. Cs/Attocli'
a4 ' 14,4 I heilstre Was ill married _ tiesarienalt
twin hen.. Tl4l Mesa 011 la itid s faro ll Y of
/re F e n ny Bmaldyn. Pe. 91 .
Irk Stroud, ltiontroect, 88.
Luereti e Kellum. Standing SormiaMlit
VI- Pally Smith, Towanda. Pa.,' 82.
TheLyclui Rosa. Tunkbarmock. Pa,
ir co4ined ego viten figured accurate.
1 1 ! roved 430 vearv,or an average et 56 Term,
somewhat. doubtful whether Ilea brotbelll
w .
"'Men can be found la Poniy/roxt4e. *fir*
'Ai roll equal the above.
• - E. W, fan*
lisotroor, October 11,1148.71.
Oh, sad and thrilling was the news,
We beard last Sunday In our pews,
Of the death of one, we love mast dearly,
That great, that good and faithful priest,
The ratlike father O'Reilly.
The young and old have cause to weep,
That this great man in death does sleep,
Whose life was spent and freely given,
In pointing out the road to heaven,
His only pride both day and night,
Was In causing sinners to do right.
Many a rough and dreary day.
He rode on horseback by this way
Bringing winds of consolation,
But now, alas, he ia no more,
• His voice will never reach the poor,
On the labor of Salvation.
Now in turn let us pray,
That Christ our Lord, may Mtn repay,
lly granting him without delay,
n Crown of Eternal glory.
glint Lake, 0r.t.1016, 1871.
ilarford Fair.
We had the pleasurs of attending the Slx-
Xeentb Annual Fair of the Buford Agricnhtnr•
al Society on Thursday lash A more auspicious
day could not hive been desired, and the inter
est in the Society made manifest by the Im
mense crowd in attendance, should be very flat
tering to the managers of that Institution, Nut
having been privileged to attend theexhibitions
of that Society for the last three or four years, I
yet our remembrance of them heretofore, had
placed them among the most successful, still we
think this one outdid any former one we ever
attended. The show of stock and vegetables,
both in number and quality, was of the very
first class The receipts at the Society must
have been very large.. A very sumptuous din
ner was prepared on the ground. The Harford
and Brooklyn bands furnished some excellent
musk. The address was delivered by Ira Lit
tle, esq.„ of Marathon, New York, a native of
this county. The managers of this Society have
a right to maintain a just pride in the eminent
success of their Sixteenth Annual. It is not
nereessry for us to mention their names, as they
have heretofore been publiabed,except the name
of Colonel Blanding, now of Binghamton, New
York, who was acting as General Superintend.
ent. Tate Colonel cannot wean himself from a
love of his old native town and n desire for its
best interests notnwithstanding lie has been
adopted into another State. One fine feature of
the ihey was a marshal! parade of the "Begs in
Blue from the State Soldiers' Orphan School.
who made a very fine military display, officered
within their own ranks and marching to the
shrill notes of the fife ann the tap of the drum
from their own marshal! Band. We felt, as we
saw them, to commend more than ever the pa
triotic spirit of the Old Keystone State, which
has so amply provided fur the comfort and edu
cation of the sons of the men who laid their
liveson their country's sitar. We had the pima
ure of meeting a large number of our old
friends and acquaintances, although the time
was too abort aind the crowd too large, to allow
of our greeting them all. We can truly gay
that the day was one of pleasure to us. and we
congratulate the Barron' people on the pros
perity and popularity of their Agricultural So
iWo Inolt. Our (Iron., (ram elifternit TON•ftS, to prod Os
temp of laferePt. brad tOe Deis; •. ca. thof../
Tilo weather in fine.
Two-school houses an on farm, and prepar
ing to build another.
••When doctors disagree, who shall decider
Why, am white, or course.
John Carlin is putting on a new roof and nth
erwite repairing his Grist Mill.
There 13 a man nem so stout that he wells
hitturelf the walking Derrick.
The carpenter work on the new tollool boner
near S. T. Ryder, is nearly completed.
Charles Tewksbury has a very handsome
mountain sw.h, no'dunbt tint if Billy Jones will
look in front of Ansel Gray's residence, he ran
are two mountain ash, that are second to none
in this part of the State.
The friends of Mrs. Emtline Are, will be glad
to hear that her health is improving daily, after
a painful and lingering illness.
The plate to get your new hoots and repair
ing done with neatness and dispatch, is at if. L.
Lott's new shoe shop, a few rods north of Au
burn Centre post office.
The death of Father O'Reilly is received with
snrrow and regret. De was the first officiating
Catholie clergyman in this township. The first
Mass was celebrated in the old hoax mar
where Ellen Reynolds now Stem, Requiem in
For the benefit of your many readers, I will
explain as near as possible, how I saw • large
apple taken out of a neighbor's cow's throat,
when all other remedies failed. Takes common
saddle stirrup, open the cow's or ox's month, as
the case may be, gag them with the stirrup,
push the apple up es far as possible, thrust the
band through the stirrup dowel the throat, and
bring the apple or what ewer it may be up.
A serious et ident happened to M. C. Tubbs,
a respectable and well known resident of this
place, on his return from Meshoppen, a few days
since, in company wills his daughter. When
about one and one halt miles from South Au
burn post office, his horses became unmanagea
ble, and pulled the tongue out of the neck-yoke;
upsetting the wagon, fracturing Mr. Tubbs'
thigh and otherwise bruising hint. Ills daughter
wan considerably bruised about the head and
face, but not of a serious nature. The horses
detached themselves from the wagon a few rods
from where it was upset, and ran at their ut
most speed till in front of the past office, where
they we r e secured. The damage was slight to
the team or wagon.
Oct. lOth, Burn Jacawr.
L W. Jones wants box rent for Uncle Sou.
George Kirk is building a bum on Jackson
A new walk has been laid from Main street
to the Erie oince.
The frame of the addition to the M. E. Par
sonage, is np and enclosed.
James B. Gregg has rented roomi in the
Dwight block, Binghamton.
Mr. Harvey noldridge the Episcopal
Chapel enclosed and the moron.
The Erie Company have been putting new
trestle under the Craven bridge.
W, P. Conklin ties gathered twelve bushels
of papas from his sine this year.
W D. Pelkenbury has laid a new sidewalk in
front of his reaidauce, on Main street
The Presbyterian Society hai built new sheds
to accommodate those that attend- church with
Mast, McDonald hai sold big -bops and lot
on Watadagtonigneet,to Jetty Barkley, consid
fatties $ll,OO.
John C. Foot has sold his Louse and lot on
Grand street, to Henry C. Lee, the Druggist,
consideration $5',00120.
The funeral of Mrs. Ambrose Benson was at-
tended at the North Jackson churcli,ou Sunday
Charles P. Lyons is refitting the store former
ly occupied by Mrs. IL E. Robinson, fur a
wholesale flour and feed store.
Revs. W. B. Westlake, Leacock and Sumner,
gave a concert in the 3S. E. Church, on Tues•
day evening, October 14th.
The Rev. P. H. Brooks, pastor of the Presby
terian church, attended the Evangelical Alli
ance in New York city. There was no preach
ing in his church on Sunday last. 1
On Saturday last, nue of the helpers In the
Eric shop, accidently struck David Mason with
a sledge, breaking two or three ribs.
The whistle of the Erie shops sounded one
hour earlier than usual on Saturday last. The
new officer intends to give the men one hour out
of She week, for rest.
The third quarterly meeting for this confer
ence year, will be held at the M. E. church nest
Sunday, Rev, Y. C. Floyd, of Binghamton, will
occupy the pulpit.
A sad accident occurred in the Erie yard at
thliplace, on Sundry last, a bon of Miles Cm
gan , was playing on top of a freight train, he
made a mut-step and fell between the cars, end
was yun over. He died on Monday morning.
Anthony Devine was killed while coupling
cars at Carbondale, on Friday, October 10th,
the body was brought to Susquehanna Depot.
Mr. Ira A. Post, the agent at this place, ordered
a coffin, and he wits sent to his home In Stock
port, New York, ou train No. 12, the same eve
The funeral of the Rev. I. V. O'Hiley. was at
tended from St. John's (Catholic) church, on
Wednesday morning, October Bth. The re
mains were interred in the Catholic Cemetry at
this place. The body was laid in a black wal.
nut and satin linings. He was dressed as a
Priest, and in his hands were placed a Chalice.
The entire lid was removed from the casket,
and all had the opportunity of viewing the re
mains. On the lid of the casket was two silver
erremes,bearing the following inscription : "Very
Rev. I. V. O'Rielly, Pastor of St. John's Catholic
Church, Susquehanna Depot, died October 4th,
1873, aged in years. S.
"herds the oang that. pinches,
1 hate him for his honesty,
I have no spleen against you.
Nor injustice for you or any.
How far I have proceeded, or how tar further
Is circumstanced by dire necessity for truth
And innocent Justice."
"Yon ttre not to be tunght that
You have many enetniet, who know not why
they are so,
But, like to tillage curs, bark when their fal-
Lowe tlo."
Among the several nue:cpected developments
excited by Lox's few letters to the DpfOCItAT,
is yet another and and a new one, which will,
in crer.-a small degree, indicate bow the wind
or popularity is blowing in this quarter, in ref
erence to the DILIAM/tAT.
Theeilitor and proprietor of the Susquehan
na J areal , litri leen also exeiteil by Lux, so
touch as to snarl at each letter, in his usual
style. Finding th d snarling did not hove the
desired effect, he now tries another style. lie
informaltis trailers that - Lux, an a cid-respond
ent ilisseti't seem to be popular with the people
of this eicinity. This may tic true of - the peo
ple" with whom the editor of the Journal is et
quainted and with some ot Its readers. And,
rasps this is or it should be. Birds a feath
er flock together. 11e Pride of the "Anima/
Proprietor," is to he "popular," rep:tilers of
right or wrong. Ile will therefore measure oth
ers his own &modern. It is not this ambition
of Luc; to Le "populist," regardless of right and
truth. A vest man said, "1 mould tether le
right than be President." Prick would erident
ly Whet i.e *Tomlin' then be right, and there
by be unpopular.' Ile does not seem to uplift--
elate fliesmtntort or Icing content to be on the
aide of truth, honesty and justice, And that,
"One sell-approving hour, whole years out
Or at upid,atareing, and of loud [sunsuit.
"Policy, got principle," does seem to rule the
time, but Principle shall ultimately triumph.
But, in that triumph, Journals like that of Sus
quehanna:it:all hive no Pride.
That triumph will be one of principle over
RIM poptilarity, of right over might, of integ
tity over trickatertng. Pride's motto Is "be pop
ular." That is not a sonnd maxim for a young
editor, nor tar any right thinking mind. Such an
editor is vier for sale, at a price. Pride practi
ces the art of duplicity. He insinuates that be
has a friendly desire for the "popularity" 0. the
DEMOCISAT, therefore-It Should not entertain an
unpopularCorrespontlent ! This is the dodge.--
Pride would not have 013 unpopular correspond
ent, no matter how truthful, needful, and,there.
fore, salutary, by and by, sup writing might
be. Did the DEMOCRAT knoir it had such sym
pathy and !catch-carp as Pride expresses for it ?
Pride measures the DEMOCRAT by his kind of
pride, and that is not wise. Thank God that
there are tar more precious and desirable
things thanpopularity, to Le aimed for, and
obtained. It Is remarkable that when Lnx had
such things to tell ns needed to be told, he did
not seek the Journal as the medium through
which, to tell them. lie knew that, some
things he bad to say would not be popular. He
knew that the Journal is too weak to dare to be
unpopular. Ile knew that Its Editor has no
principles, end no ideas, and also that he halt no
correspondent', "popular" or otherwise.
Lux selected the best medium he could find
for plain, needed truth, to the community. Ile
knew that the Demeenav had been accustomed
to truth-telling, whether popular or unpopular.
He knew-that its editors' are men 'of Ideas, in
tegrity, firmness and impartiality. lie knew
that they could not be scared frem publishing
interesting facts and thoughts, by the snivelling
cry of "impopularity," by "stop my paper" men.
He knew thht the DkatOMIAT men , have ideas,
and are able and willing to express them, if ev
en they might not be popular, For such rea
sons Lux selected the DEMOCIIAT: in preference
to the journal of Susquehanna, or the Ilepubli.
bats of Montrose, es his medium of communica
ting to liberal minded and honest people, such
items as mighthe of value. He did not attack the
Journal, nor aim at its Pr* It appears that,
by its own showing, It is aching to be noticed
by sotnebedy, Just for the sake of a little pop. ,
nlarity. it feels that It had rather be noticed in
some way than treated with silent contempt.—
It needs a little good advice Mere than - any
thing eke, add ebb Is the reason Lux has devo
ted so much space to it„ If be may &melted in
doing the Jourual any good thereby. heel's!!
have 'Pride in baring' done so. Fridomust
guard agtiiast Pride.' Pads : iblitke too highly
Of himself. He thinks that because he is 'Edi
tor and proprietor of t he Susquehanna Journal,"
he has a rigid 'to he impettioent. He is mistak
en in that. Ago may mellow bin?, and it does
'not, hie fate will be like that ci a liartlett pear,
be will rot hefore ripe:. This rendPdS linx of a
little story.. fayoung equirtOr,o lama was I n.
vited - to - presch In the pulpit of an oid Scotch
Divine. 'The young aprig branched' 'off Into
many shoots of Idea, criticism, and dogmatism.
He wound up his "effort" by an impertinent at
tack upon calvinhan, which ism, by the way.
was the staple la that pulpit. The sprig sat
down; florid in glowing self consciousness that
he bad about annihilated calvinismo, and shut
- the old antiquated Divine. In "time closing
prayer," tbe'old pastor prayed fervently for . the
salvation of the young brother. "and that; the
Lord would prick .111 in yet a little more, and tak
the word out o' him, and mak Ins Bert as soft as
his heed, an then tnak his heed as hard as it
shod he, an then mak him 5 guid rnaun, on a
blessing." But, seriously, what has Lux done
to make him unpopular? He has called atten
tion to some facts; be 'tins reviewed ty shady
side of certain doings, and intimated that he
might follow them up with confirmation strong,
and set their actors the light of their Own
Ito hits told unwelcome truth;. and
has yet more of it to tell, Ilse that made him
“nnpOpular?" and with whom? with those who
cannot bear the light.
;i . o.mette e'er telt the halter draw,
With guod Opinion of th. law.
Can the Journal editor refhte one of Lux's
statements? can be have the "cheek" to defend
any matter Lnz has denounced, ridiculed, or
satirized t Is Pride wounded because he had got
the mealtime to characterise those things as
they deserved ? and thereforesnaries at the man
that can do so, but chooses an Independent
Journal In which to do sot Let Pride defend his
friends. Luz Is aware they are sorely wounded
else why so much complaining I' They may pray
to be sated from their friend, for a few such
friends and defenders as Pride, would ruin them.
We of this generation hire some practical
idea of the lore of power, and of the despera
tion to which the loss of the balance of power
will drive men possessed of the idea that they
were borii to rule. Tuere arc many who think
it was the struggle for that balance, that
brought on the late rebellion. Be that as it
may, we all know that there are many small
struggles continually agitating every nook ind
corner of society, for the balance of power. It
in in daiy operation between the members of
of the same family. It developes between hue.
band and wife, sister and sister, brother sad
brother, servant and servant, master anti 'mas
ter, from highest and lowest, from lowest to
highest, up and down, through all grades of the
body politic, social, domestic, yes, and religious,
too. How often this most powerful of human
instincts, has been grasped, for power I There
is nothing too sacred for the lover of authority
to seize upon, if be may thereby the more sure
ly secure ambitions nits And how often we see
the inglorious fall Of inch men. Having no
sneer to prick the sides of their intent, but only
vaulting ambition, like the unskillful but impet
uous rider, upon the highly 'nettled, but ill
trained horse, their ambition overlaps, and falls
upon them.
-So font a dayand yet so fair,had not been seen,
Since that possession fell me, as the day that "Ifs
possessed me,
From this instant there's nothing serious in
Power and grace are gone, and I IRO valued as
I ant,
The vine of life is drawn, and the mere soured
dregs remain.
Who can be tetuperate and amazes, wise and
Loyal and neutral in a moment? No man."
How could the associates, influences, holds
mid controLt of the best of a life time, he dis
rupted in a (IS?, and rill uprooted, without most
mortifying pangs. A iler wielding almost alma
lute sway over thousands, either gradually
moulding, or determinedly coercing thousands,
mto at least quirt acquiescence lo -one's own
will. in almost all things, thus securing the pop
ularity too, of patronage, an.t rated as air Alt2l
- who could, when Jost fully prepared to take
ease the remainder of life aruhl such dignities.
part with all, and feel glad at the parting? Nor
do these pangs perturb" only one' bosom, hut
many. The do's is, the patron is equaled by the
losses to the patronized. And all this is not to
be wondered at, chagrin at loss of power is
equated only by that at loss of profit. Well,
"1.111 Is an unpopular correspondent," with
such people. No doubt of it. imz lets in light.
Ile puts in type what every body knows, but
what ninny do not like to hear "blurted out in
meetin." lie simply states that, "the Erie has
been the worst managed road in all the coun
try." Every one, in and out of tho Erie knows
that he lays the blame no where. lie only
writes what no one dare deny. But far doing
so. Lux is "unpopular" with some people.
What is &if; but confession of such people that,
''by this we have our gain." 'lay Gould and
Jim Fisk were the best men the Erie ever had,"
say such men. And I reply, "grant it, and
what were their tools?" The Erie Lao been the
worst managed road In all the country—the
worst for stockholders, and honest people. But
for those who got rich upon it, and now hate
Watson, and pray for Gould, what of that?
"Come aillet ua steal." "Lux is eery unpopu
lar." "Call hint hard names."
"Barren ben" In the Rept:Worn squeaketh
again. He says "Lux Is mighty In quotations."
Ben la neither mighty in quotations nor In any
thing but vanity and flatness. But be, like the
Pride of the Journal, is on the "popular" side.
But they will both soon turn to tlio new aide.
Business Locals.
TILT the Elias Howe Jr., Improved Sewing
Machine, before buying any other.
lanet.r. MELnuten, Agents.
Montrose Pa., Oct. 15, 1873.--11.
Ovsn-Exarrnos, either of hotly or mind,
penduces debility and disease. The usual rem
edy is to take some stimulant, the etTvei of
which is the sante as giving a tired horse the
whin instead of oats. The true way is to fond
fy the system with a permanent tonialike the
Peruvian Syrup, a (a protoxide of Iron,) which
girth strength and vigor to the whole system.
Notice h hereby given that the next trgular
meeting of the Franklin Forka Market Fair will
be held on the last Saturday of Ortober (the
't11,11873. All persons interested are Cordially
invited to be present on that day.with any and
all kinds of property, which they, may have to
sell or exchange. By order of
October 15,1873.-Iw..
LOCAL OPTION.---G. W. Mackey will deliver
eveuinir addresses upon the sulijeet of Local
Option, as follows:
Lenoxville, Wednesday, Oct. IS,
Clifford Corners, Thursday, " 10.
• Dundair, Friday, • " 17.
Welsh Church (Clilt3nl) Satunlayi " IS.
South Gibson, Sunday, " • 19.
Glenwood, Monday. " 20.
Church, Loomis Lake., Tuesday. , " 21.
Lake Side, Lathrop,) Wednesday; " 22.
By order of Executive Committee.
New Milford Oct. 15, 1871 '
aminations for teachers will be held for 'the
several districts as follows:
littolacon, Cboconut, Little Meadows,' slid
Friendseille, Monday, Oct. 201 h.
Forest Ls ke--Chapnisn, Center School Heusi
Tuesday. Oct. 21st.
Silver Lske—Brackney School House, Wed
ucsday, Oct. 221
Franklin, Liberty—Lewisville Center Schbol
House, Thursday„Dct. 23d.
Omit Bend—Villago School Mouse, Friday;
Oct. 241 b.
New klliford—liorough School House, Satur:
day, Ott 28th.
Jackson--Comers' School ' flouse, Thursd4,
Oct. 110th.
Gibson—Kennedy &boot . Eionse,FridaY, Oct
HarforGraded School SooseSatunlay,No
yembec Ist. •
Lathrop, Brooklyn—Centre School. Bougie
Tuesday, Nov, 4th.
Lenox—Glenwood School House, Werines•
day, Nov. Lth.
Herrick - , Clifford—City School House, Thurs
day, Nov. 6th.
Ararat, Thomson—Centre School House, Fri
day, Nov. 7113.
Harmony, Oakland—Sustptehanno Depot
School House, Saturday, Nov. Bth.
Middletowit—Centre School Hume, Monday,
Nov. 10th.
Jessup, Rush—Grangerrille School Rouse,
Tuesday, Nov. 11th.
Auhurb—Centru Subunit Roue, Wednesday,
Nov, 12th.
Himeek, Sprinirville—Hollow School House
Thursday, Nov. 15111.
Bridgewater—Montrose School House, Sat
urday, Nur. 15th. •
Special Er2aminatU7na.
flophottool School House, Tuesday, Nov
Smiley School House, Thurstinv Nov. 20th.
Forest Lithe Centre School ninny, Monday,
Nov. 24th.
At the regular examinations• each class will
be formed at 9 o'clock, a. m. In special, at 10
a. na. Applicants will need pencil, pen • ink,pa.
per, and Union Fourth Reader. No lumber to
commence a school withotit a certificate. No
endorsement of certificates. Private examine.
lions unheauwary. Directors and patrons of
schools requested to be present.
W. C. TILDEN', County Sup's.
INrcharliville, Oct. 15, 1813
ALL kinds of blanks for mlo at this office.
Onrratts, by the plate, pint, quart or gallon,
at the Montrose Bakery. • -
Oct, Bth, 1873. F. G. WONDER.
Da. GAIITUie Ten REVEDLES give tone to
your ilyinClll.
FRESH OtsTens at the Keystone Saloon.
Sept., 3d, 1873.--tf. 020. C. Rita-
Newt lot of Blank Notes just printed, and
for sale at this office.
Fu men OYSTERS nova commenced arriving at
the Keyntone Saloon. Ow. C.
Sept., 3d, 1873.—tf.
The Sunday School Institute for Wye!using
District, will convene in the M. E. Church.
Tunkhannock, Pa.. Oct. 2Cth, 1878, at 7 o'clock
p. m.. to continue the two days next following.
Rev. Y. M. Freeman, of New York city, will
conduct the Institute, aided by our P. E. Rev.
L. Peck. Pastors of the district will see by the
programme already in tacir hands, that work
has been assigned to each. And the honor lies
in acting urea OUP part. The exercise will con
sist in addresses, essays, discussion, etc-, Inter
spersed with singing and prayer. A good and
profitable time is expected.
P. R TOWEit, Seey.'
Skinner's Eddy, Sept. 24th, 1873.
Your attention h especially invited tattle fact
that the National Banks are now prepared to
receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the
Centennial Board of Finance. The funds rea
lized from this source are to be employed in the
erection of the buildings for the Internal Exhi
bition, and the expenses connimted with the
same. It is ennfidenly believed that the Key
onme State will be represented by the name of
every citizen alive to patriotic commemoration
of the one hundreth birth-day of the nation.—
The shores of stock ore offered for $lO eaeb.and
eubseribers will receive a handsomely steel en
graved Certificate of Stock. suitable for framing
and preservation as a national memorial.
Interest at the rate of six per cent,per annum
will lie paid on all payments of Centennial Stock
from date of payment to January' 1. 1870._.
Subscribers who ere not near a National Bank
con remit a cheek or post office order to the un
FRED 6 FRALET, Treasurer.
994 Walnut St.. Philadelphia.
Sept. 24, 1873.
RUSSELL— DAWLEY---/11 ritierty, Sept. 25th, by
iv.r. T. simpliina. Joseph W. Russell, and
Elia L. Dawley, both of Liberty, Busy. Cs.,
Lass—Cotter—At the keine of the _bride's
father in Great Bend, Oct. 7th. by Rev. E. P.
Eldrige, John 11. Lake, of Fairdale, and MISS
Franale Corby.
BEniten -A THEIITON-1 n Brldgrwate:, Oct. 15,
by Rev. J. G. Ililler, David Shaw or Dim
oek, and MIAs Florence Ache:top, of Bridge;
ROE—Diatocx—At Faiolaleon tbe oth inst.,by
Elder W. C. Tilden, David M. Rue and Miss
SU9iC A. Ditnuck, bidb of Jessup.
Bscscs—ln- Forest Lake, Sept. 21st, Joseph
Backus, aged 81 years and 9 months. Mr.
Backus was born in New London, cortnty,
Conn., whence he came to this county in 1809
at the age of 17.
FRENCH—In Jackson, Susquehanna county,
Pa., Sept. 22d, l ilts. Louisa French aged GO
Sousa:us—ln New Milford. Susquehanna co..
Pa., Sept. GOth, Mr. James Summers, in the
84th year of his age.
Miner do Gloats
Jana Xi, mrs—tr.
• -
In pus/mance of an 'order of thO Orphans' Court of
Boorman/Inns rormil. the toollerrtmsol, aarntahtrator
or thensinte of Jane Sasytti; deed., ‘sslli sell. sit public
sate. on tbaprantlacitu East OrklJtmStsrs 9 0 .
Wednesday,' 6th; - 1873,
at I o'clock. p. in.. tholollowlnideacilbed tWeailsee.tb
.wtt THE LOT OF. LAND buttock:dr on the north bi
lands of Mrs. Is. Keno Aw.. do tha east by lands of :Co.
Nimmons, tbe souk by the Plank rood. and an the
west by a nobllo highway, containing aboutone/half so
acre of. Land. bo the /IMO coos/sof
--- Ws
• ; tvltt
-- t . the awns.
TIMMS made known mislay Of Bale. _
' - • Wsen C. CURTIS, AMA's.
East Erldscwstar, Oct ! Stb. 1873,4 W, • •-• ,
. . _ .
OPPORTCriiITT Felt _ ;
111811.CANTILle DVERNBS.R,' '
le orered in s rotanntnlty needing it Fenernrierleti
tsore-NIL 111 LES IDE. (-11sek's Corners 1 Koran Brook.
lyn. Stare nnildm;(to dolobed ) Air vale nr to Inn,.
pply nu the prenoo; from October Mit tal7tti;or Ad
dl toe, V. IItACK.
Brooklyn, BeigtiebannaConsty,
Ott. Si b. 1873.—iivr, _ .
. . . ,
IPIEMT. , II,'S NOTieg—tetteretnetameotary to the
r 4 centre of itlittala. Iliteinartl:der'd; Late of ' , wet
Mkt; nnegeempee enooty, hare been granted (* the
robactlber. all pera e Indebted to-the raid estate.: ate
eveLeeetcat to make thmedtateuetteenhlutit those' tar
- Ing claims or demands agent the estate Dr the seal der
I Wahl.. to 1:1311r0 killOWll3 the ame - wltAunt daily. • ~
ZI(AS 6111TII;Excentos.
6nplagiber 10, 1974.-Ig• ~
' >lliscellaueoae:
AD persons rtortog Or luring elsnos oralost O. D
t.ithrop, regoerryd• to :re I oil tire senstribir pro
Mons to u.e drat of Janke). D 314:
Montrose. Dm 8, 1813.
At L. B.all'o Jewelry
W. tartar and hatter week of 'the followlat
.good► win be Mond ihannlienbent ln
Northern Peuniylvanlit: . .
a S. •
omas' C C.LOOOI.
and a general as 4ortmanfot Muskat Merchandise.
• Bbeat atringa. ete.,
All Pine Icatelk Repairlog Sewlag 111schlne,s ■od Or•
done, (es n:nal.) by gave RepolroA by
L. D. lebalL ' ' P. Regnant'.
Isbell idic.lhuish. 10. lem.-11
712crixtr9soo, Possx:Ota..
Iv emotionally :reciting NEW GOoDS, and keeps con
tinently on flood o full and desirable ssetortmeut organ
Dyestuffs, To:AS:Spec.; and other grucerice. stone
ware, paper. eta...rare, fruit jars, mirror.' lamps,
chimaera, kroncue. machlnerr.bils„ Laramie oil. Vans.
foot all, reined Whole Oil, oU for lanntar. oil for
mwin_s mactlines. Olive 011,Sperm OIL Spirits Tamen
tine. varnishee.Cona ry Serti. Incgar.rotsab-COGICer.
trated Lye. Axle tiresve,Trelelee. Sopporters,Modical
Instruments. Sh oulder Dower, While, Gains, Pistols
Cartrldger. Powder. Shot. load. Otn Caps,Blsetino
Pomderund Fuer, liluate.Stranga, I,us, o„ rte. keit:Heil,
Fifes etc., Fish Mansard Lineialnr s TollctSuars,
(lair UOe, Hatt, Liartarcre, and Moir D 3 ca. Orontes,
Pocket Enive....Speettichn, Silver aod,.bltrer Patted
Spoon., Forts, 'Salver, tte.,Deatlrt A.rtlCle.:4 goner
alassortmtnt of
All theleattleg and beet kinds of
The people are invited to call at the Drat and Variety
Feb. 1.1813. EstabllohedlBl3.
• '
BUBRB SICHULS, Paoiniztons.
Meg or or GoLDrs EWAN LNlr , MOIITAR,
ia viols. M3l cocas.. ZUCcp mst roam°
We desire to wy to the pawl.- thnt nor More 1e well
Clocked with Dee.,. kledielnee, ralntn, 011 w, Vernleb.
Drneher, Comb.. Perthmery. Feney Artle , el. proprie.
tari and patent prepardlon4. and all oilier pries nen
ally kept In neer clue d. o mores. We omrentre onr
good. genuine and of the best quellty. and will be cold
at lore prlas for coc& Rtepectlelly 'Years.
Montrose. Feb. 43. Rr,3. d..10S NICIIOI/4.
Gao, P. Rowell ti. Co.
On Manhood. Womanhood. and their mutual
(lona ; Lot, Its Laws, POITCT etc. Agent. are aelliug
from 15 to th mph.* n day. nod we send a rantansing
book free to book &lent. address. Oathr... eap•rtence.
L NEW-Y0)11{Brt.
m. t p h: m r , I: k a i s y t
h Afr
s l t a uz
. 4n A - 0 41 .
(burly! upon Dructiuml Snb)er . ta undo - nigh-Toned LHb
ersiry 10111,111. Only ti yeir—lefe to dabs. Great
Prendoma or apt. Conanti.glon• to Ag.entir.- Thirteen"
Number, (Oct. to Jon.) on trial, for only fifty cent.,
Preminna Llals,Ha, sent fret- to trt.liotb.rriber*. {td
douse, D. D. T. MOOlti...l‘evr Tort My.
Why "Housekee pers' Manuel" Sells.
A ence.iseal Agrat tsp.: iiiinilke all other book*, it
has a tints on sromen'n attention. A
canvas pays r $10.03 to one week instantly by • 'logic
For tenne sod territery, apply to J. B. FORD tr, C 0.4
New tint. Norton. Chlea.-‘l, or Sen Frantle-o.
Columbia Classical Onotitutt
A Roarrthlg School for 'Form yen and Rom For eir•
coLarr, addremi, Rey. El. S. ALIMANDECILIAIItizobIa,Pa
BOOK i'l^"ithY;sg),;'sl'iii",l73ef„LAtia,
D.. author Of "Night Scenes In the and •'Dyr
Father'a flowe,“ of which yearly loom) copt.. or Cath
were cold. Send for Circular. ZlhaLtat k AITVhDY.
his Arch tL, Philadelphia, Pa,
100717 n rr n a i n on 6 rh:!T:i n OVlVii n a g initi V Olr " o i n- D ?
adjoining tovrnebipa. 'instil era oisy.TeppectAl4,ld
pays arc_l.l. For Porticulard, addrasa 8. riCRAXION
4, CO— Radford. Conn:
THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the cheapest and
best illestrsted weekly p4per printed. Every numbs!
contains from 10 to 15 original smierairluevi. of New Ma.
chinery. Novel Inventions, Bridges, Engturerlng Works
Architecture, Improved Farm implements. sod every
new discovery In chemistry. A year's monners contain
b= pages, and several tmuctred ettgravltam. Thoneand*
of volumes nre preserved for binding tutd reference.—,
Tbo practicable receipts are weal wonh ten times tbe
subscription price. Terra,. $3 slur. Cy DWI.. 60w/it
men* lent free. Mav be had of oil roArpitcri *as
rsziz,33Wriss obtains on the beat' termsi
Models or new Inventions cod sketches emsmfbetl, and
ode's.° free. Ali patents are pod tehed 1.1 the Scientille
American the week they Ion), Semi tor pamphlet. Ild
pages. containing Itwo and fall din-miens fur ohtsining
patent", Address far the paper. nr coneetning Detente.,
MUNN & CO., 57rark Rote, N. Breech Sake, cot.
nes of.? and Idiots, Weabingfon, D C.
ta 0 tvlP Sr a fcy,
ott":4SH 0 64,,5:N
AGIINTS 'WANTED. &et) for e.
CROWII. - ..WRINGiur II . - „'
The ebeapcsa 1144 heel in the Market.- :WArranted tettlj;
.etroolastleg. Spec JAI inducements to Weebleg.lla-,-
chlne - Acente and th e bountry trade. Labored teeme,-...
Agents 'rooted. Send tor emote r.
• Manufacturers nod l'atent,es;edlice,..CO Welont
GOBSp i Pl.tuns'aad 6.edr ve l' n r t ' irP ' oft
punt of the country by exprera,e, D., to cumi n .
ed before paid fur. Wu ' , zed 'a gel:111410 W. iC.
Sccet'dt ,Dturzl&Losder, with emir, pour& and
'cleaning rod. nic•ty hozeti,fo , $3l. 81110ehono rof
rico Hot.' ' SMITH & CSQUI—L3, h&I &nudes: end to
BUILDING.• ••••,
(No Ter wed), for ontrltte work anti liable. lastemil of
pouter,- Irish carpeting:, etc. thnid-tirn f cant otarap:
for circular. AEA ram pk.. C. J. FAS% Canlen,:N; J.
.t ATWOOD; produce the hew light. Can ha aunt on
toy e 0.21 oil lamp. Pqrvate imp dEsintn- -
The Nettual dalphite of. LIMP. 4. prepared bi
MIMS, L'IAPP At CO .illedon, tone rly J, It. Islehola
ceps cider sweet all ebe !sat Nana, Na at York
unite..9.C.PnrZollaCc ,
$25. ZOIVEY MOE VAST - 1100o;
who 'torts for ns. _lt,.nOn. t seritlnZ Tun do noi
find al pll Kliart, WI Will giro you ‘ , llO dullar wr your
•trutkla, firod •4my fonrirrpla.r.
• . • Jr: BUrnft.lll , . vt)
\r" . Bat tore i. ccl:
No pap 14411 cored. ; 13, nO ' for circa/1 , 1% '
051EN1',IMPP.'tg,111 4 .1.7i3V:geti#
o ry.nooko. Games, et , . lik. th Ot emu localttlea. ICia , ,
elide) needed.. eat loo . nr , terra*, e 10.., unt free, . , • .
P. 0. 1 (1Cn - nnY CO., Atl4ollo, Ye, . .• . . . .
LS . . •
, . ` . • ' ' Le. ,
' ..O` Z NZ 4MilllitirDpaltnP orpLottri;
ts' to. ii2OPAMVA! . :ota.e', l : " t—
,i,- c' '-'.' - • -,.'" - . - ~. ..
~. ertter sox. yonngor old, make more money at work .• 0 : ellatc•branda, lbr olds at ttla Itl/10 of- - l
fur no In Intl, spare momenta or all the I , ne that: at
anything eloe. Partial:anima. , Addreat O. ISTILIY• : . 11, ,1 7 nt11,..,
isoN, ik co., Portland Mena. I" Xouta , li , . Al 7lt r.1P11.-tt, •: .: . ... -.
OommitilOll IIIuc~9II
AT wiz
• officio, •
norraosr. PA. ""..
The Highest cash . pricis •Dald , for Rattae at
Yew York Quotations.*** gukie.
June -18th, 1878.-- s ti; •
.T. M Rowan:
Produce and Oomnikelon
11 Bey It., New Tote.
Cop signmenla solicited and
.rattrns Imsaidlate
ty on ode of roods. Bend for rkleplng coda ABB etas
National Perk Bank of xew York.
North Weer Bank of New York.
•. Nolan National Clank of New York.
Long !eland Bank of Brooklgn, S. T.
Feb. 14.
The Markets.
The money market was - quite-dull, and
there is little doing in paper on the streets.
The banks are believed to be &rani:if
Very conservative policy, which, if con
tinued, will go far towards relieving the
business community. Currency, however
is still in short supply. The rates nani•
ed forcall loans beetwen brokers ranged.
from 15 to IS per cent. 0 her time loans
are scarcely negotiable. -Commercial pa
rr of higliest grade, with first•clars co!.
laterals, is quoted at 15018 per cent.,
While other names less favorbly -known,
rate as high is 24 per cent. •
Gold was much stronger.: It opened
at 108 a, and fell-to - and . but , went
from that point steadily up to 104;4114
closed finally at 104, au advance . of.
Sterling exchange. 11761.18.
U S es 1881
5-20 Coupon 1802
5-20 Coupon 1804
5-20 Coupon ISO—.
5-20 ,Coupon 18a5jy.
5-20 Coupon 1867...
New"s per cent. bonds
Paris Exchange...
Sterling Exchange
Cunency Bonds...
New York Produce noriiet.
Corrected weekly by Harding, Harden. ib
823 Washington St., Isew Tork.
Batter, tab
" pall
Meese, dairy, per lb
factory".... - .
Ems, per dua
Flour, per. barrel...
Corn meal,
Wheat, per bustle:L.
Rya " .
Oats "
Corn "
Reps, crop
Tallow '
Lard.per db
Potatoes per bb1....
Apples "
Turkeys per lb
Chickens "
Ducks "
Real Estate fbr Sala.
. , • ~
mit; The Sillteriber offvra for gale the
181 following Real Estate, to wit:
knitter. *a "Rnbert Monte Farm," situate in tlrkfgotra.;
ter township, Fasonetienen C... Ps... about two MU.*
east of Montrose ISitrottglr. eastatnta;l O atm" of et 2 ••
ertlent eras* sad grain lend. shont fq ones of Mahe'.
s frond farm bonee sad matmildlngs. a One orebsed of
choke fruit. well watered. and adapted for &trying'
Pd 004 es. Stock. dairy'd farming Otetells;
will be sold with the Ferro If desired, unless prnirloon
dirpurcd of. -
sittiate In the Barnagh of Hew Milford. attatinetoulloa.
roomy, pa., pteasantly located on the Mehl Otter, neat
the centre of th e torn. Lot KV reet.froat, 4 gap, era
vealent two.stary good sized garden *pot.
and a enervate* well of good, water. - •
one (band sr a mils fmm`the hornntrh of Ness Nftlbra,
:Asst.* iroprorethind the batahea wet/ limbered.prther
pally with 01r...trot and hemlock... crud Aftx4o root
bars, and a thrifty young orchard. -
known as the. cluk.s.upcßLlN ROTEL. In Olb,o U.S
Sortinshanta Co.. Pa.. rnatsittior Ift acres of land,
mostly improved. with lime. :Magma lime and bitt:
buildings. (toorrolent either as • hotel or Joe angst
ned dairy ithronses,. , .
• •
A 5 !..1 , ,0 A DIATILLANT •
for lbo manufacture of Clem' Brandy, In good irneolog
order. lately occupied by IL C. Vail, deemmed.aml abobt
G 9 paretic, of land adi.meat to the aformatd Patel ?cep
- . • 2 - 232111 4 -; • • •-••' ,
made espy to watt tb/f ilarcharcr. apoti good ekatifq,
Fore• nictitate IMIM re of If. B. Hawley, Drgommy•pa
gee. 31notroee Pa., of of the sobscrlber oa the ltdo.m.•
Moore Farm. Bridgewater, Pa.
Aprll 31.,1322.-tt.
• • _
The sublalbar offori for asto the rateable Wit 6 # 16
-`',3l.tinziaoras ri.;igrai;.!*
Bald farm Worried the inait desirable to the cougar-.
and la oriudfalty altuated In the sillagepf tiantaterth
vine, Sastre ehatudt Crawls, Pa. -There I. gad Stove. - •.
Flouring !dill, Bay IdIII, plater 11111. end .fllsekantith
Shoo in maid Village, The faro Is directly on thellaa •
of th e D. RAvirostaox miles from the dtpottn,
New Stlh,ed,e AIM MIICS from fbe NI.Ir York& E. st. Lu
the °rest Bend Widen t contains 11M weres of 4ad,114' ,
aeres Improved; Is well watered, haring aLs at lug stream
or motel' rotating through-11, and a neveofailmg supply
at Ned' conver.d in pipes Io Ye bon., bam. andost.
tloyarde ; It is well knead, and nadergswed mahatma.
is well ndaptert-to gaming in, mid Is melt fitted for
stock or defiling:. There la a lame and Convenient - -
dwelling, newly painted, a nrl a beautiful front yent with
ebrubbery, a large horse barn; a large carriage and tee;
barn, a Mr.,. cattle barn with two cattle yarda,ampire
'Sheds amt.:table. One feeding stack.': stabling colts./ .
small baj bArbs, Ice hence. - brit k- smoke boas cora •
honer. and I oritards of grafted fruit. ' - ' •
Tlie strhittithr at. has 8 611181188. rikILWS that ,
to win Veil. TEI Wised' paytment. made Prey. For
fernmilenvoldtess . • , .
• •
!Zeit Mllfoid , thaiquebartus.
DOR was on EXCUANGB. , ; • " •' •
is 1 ta , no derrlgn ell offers for wile hli GROCERY h .
FERO raORll. - elorsted nese the tans! In the torotith—
of Soichshleoy. Pa.. tat, Uzi LS feet, Garb SIVA hell: ,
More set 'dtrollimetlx.Rl 'feet.' newly painted,. Good.
inert feetheartottreniidetlon of boatmen.. A fair row
et hot h roeu and canal enamor. Will aril chop for ay,b,.-
or wOn id tit - Um:re fora Ism it snitsble. This XOl4
CIMUCC.rOr Cor one texecure them a nice home: possea- - '
slot all - the a %.itarges of-a rallrwol town. and One IR,
which can be nude an ran? sea -comfortable lidos, he.
sides laying up,otnelliing, for a rtiny. day,. Fall stack,
of goods on band.% Porwssiun oren when desired.
Rorrol re of or address: !ORMAN GA WRIFIGN. -
Gcr. t. ins 61*keittUlly,141ii.Thp CO, r*.
hew Yentic, Oct. 46.1137&
_ll3 414 1 (
-.1W3 :100
:-1007 6
fil 111.1(
1061 `IO7K
v.-. 10431 107
7.1ft1e.00 •
• .42064 •
• • ea4B/
2,M;ti •
... • -9.W.3.75 •
• • •
... nm e; '