The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 15, 1873, Image 1
. z ^, I . 1 " i' , q 1 .:, :I. : .., ; ,,i . ki , .: • ' -.' -: ` '.``',' ~. '''. --7 ; ` , ... , Thl . .‘7., • 11 IN:17: , T i 7 ; : f ,_ z, ~, r ~, - - , . la c Jill) .44, .. i, ii- r / 0, ' k E. B. .11AWLEY & Co., - proprietors. VOLUME 30. THE:DEMOCRAT U eublaa at Montrose; Susquehan nu County, Pa., By E. B t Hawley & Co. 4.1 a year in advance r or 42.50 if not in advance. RAVES OF kUVURTISRIO Altres fiat hip tieli sprit, or lesi, taito a squire 6 One sluare, 3 vrecks or less, $1.00; 1 month 61.23; 3 mimihs $3.50; 6 monthi $4.50 ; 1 year, $8.60_. _gunned:l, hidr-y early and searly adyer tiOrnfitheinaerted-at ribberal 'reduction on the morn rate,. When cant without any length of time specified for publication they will be con tinued until ordered-out-and charged according- ly. Auditor's Notices, $.9.50; Executor's and Ad ministrators' Notices, VB.OO. connnunien tions of limitetthe intermt, 10 cents o!)ituary Not[ CPA, mists pet 'ans.—, Yip. , Wt. Istoliccs *cc. • ' •= 4 • Ptuyrnia ErettitellWealliiiul Promptlg, Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, Jnsttres', Consta Wes' School and other hlankifor sale. Business Cards. J. R H. AfeCOLLU.Y. •rreatttTl ar Law Office over the Bank, Montrose ti Montrose, May 10, IS I. tf D. W. SF:ARLF., ♦TTOEVBT AT LAW. office over the Store of W. Desssoer, In the'Briek Block. Montrose. Ps. [au 101 W. W . , B3IITII, . . . . covat AND MUIR • RANUPACTUDERII.--Pom c 1 if aln street. II itcuir. Pa. lan. 1. 1E69. , C. SUTTON, AUCTIONEER. and iiivalics AGENT. ant int Friend...rine. Pa. A MI ELT, UNITED STATES A UC - 110 ZEE, As 41.A1119— , Address, Emelt ty. . P. .- 7 G 1? 0 VES, VIRIONABLE TApJH, Montowe, Ph Shot , o•to Chandler's Store. Allordera filltd in ant-rme•Sylt ottfos done an abort notice. and warranted to St. A. 0. WAIIRNY, •TTORIMT A. LAW, Bountl, flack Pay. Pension tip CIAitES **Leaded to. 011 Ire Ilr Store. Li MIL rove .P• . [AO. I.'o W... CROSSMON. Attemay .t Law. O. et the Court flops.. la the Cereeelieleares Oat.. W A. CILW11111•31. N•ntrow. Scat. eth. 1671.—tt kcifs.ure,,E co WritesPle bribinda, - Nothing. Wine and Mts.°. la. Shoat. Alan. azeuta far the treat American Tea and Coffee Company. piontrott, July It '71.1 DR. Tr. W. SMITH, • Slaiirirq Reims aittedleellitiz next door wt of the FlVabpeas'Atietthi Attlee. 0131 a beer., front A. II: itentrefe. May EL. —tf LAW OFFICE YITCI i WATSON. Attorney, at L. at thcolti oellre er !Watley ?Uri"; Illeatrove. ra a. mew.— -1310. - V. V. tartan,. J. SA UTTER, ..11,DIONABLE TAILOR. Shop ewer J. R. DeWitt'. "lte=tre'l eii.;lll[6-0[71: ABEL TURRELL Is Drags. Mtrtrines, Ch•mmsls. Paints, Oils, Dys stars, Trak spices, nee; G Jvdq. Per. - finery, Brick Block, Mon tr is, Pa. Estan..brd [Feb. 1,18-.1. SCOVILL & DEWITT. ♦ttaraa.a at Law and Snlicitnr• in Bankraptcy. Offlre Va. ati Caort streat,aset Ct 7 Natnntal Brea. Ft we barium, $ T. , - tsar • It Jana litlL loa -0: Da wire. DR W. L. RWIL4IIDSON, PdTSICIAN 1 KUEGOICON. traders ht• professions sereloe• to the ettizene of Montrose. sad vleinity.- 015 es at hienatidence, on the write: tee' of 9.lyr. & Bret rasw, 41. (Aire. I. 1104. CrtiRLES 8.7tDD.412D 'retrial Boats and Stuns. flats and Caps. Lentils/ cud l'lndtads. 51ain Street. let door below lloyd'e Store. Work made en order. and repairing done neatly. Itsutrose. Jan. 1. link f l r LEW.1:;4370L - 4. RAM DRESSING. . Shop In the new Postofflce bonding. where he will be found reedy to attend a:I .b 1) may want anything In him line. Neutron. Pa. Oct. In. Mtn. DR. Li W. DAYTON,' PRYSICIAN a SURGEON: tender hie aerelcez t' , tee citizens or Greaellenal and vicinity. Ogicsjtc rstiOsnce.opposite Ram= Rouse, G't „Bend DR.' D. A. LATHROP," Administers Et:snap TNCRIIIAL Maras. at the Poet of Clinton& street. Call and Canal:. In all Chronic Di•C3l.ll. Montrose. Jan. IT. "111.—na3—tf. DIAWASTIIOI2.9IS, TIMRATTI BARRER, has moved his shop to the banding occupied byR. DeWitt. tahrre be is pre parell,to do all knols of . troth-to his lltte...such-aa ma-. allot switches; pars. etc.- All -work' dole oh sbort aol.jelvtpd prices low. )'lease tall Sod see me. --., • " IL BVPHITT. ..., , Deztv tole' and Pane* tOri Ctoods, Crockery, Hard- Irate: 11,:m, Stir/et:Dm:a. 0111, - and Paints. Maga and Bane., Mae &ad Cap., Fare, Buffalo lianas. azo- Provldlons, •Nen-Ittllora. a., Non, a, 'l2—tlL ANGEPHOTEL - U. J. tUP.IIINOTON ort.hes to tr.form thepablictitat bsylotrented the Exchanne Hotel In Montrose, he ile 9 erg:Geared to ernamtnodate the traveling pub lic ne style, , ltontioac Ate• 9n, ins. BILLINGS STROUD. rjug AND7-..1.1P6,4311,111,15Vit ACENT. b " t2e " 'Wended tOProgmPtly. on fair terms. -Once drat door.ciat of Itie back ea Win. IL Ccmper Public Atenati DlOptrolte, Pa. tAtig. l 4 BB9 . lily VOW:Cr • • Ests.LlSes,E4llol7D. J. D. VAIL ElanleiettoParetetan unto Scnototr. /TIM PurdneutlY located hirmeltto blootiose, Pa, where he trill promptt• y attend to ♦<llcattalo hi* protoolon with 'which he may be aroma. °Mee and tvabience - [rcpt of the Court House, near Pitch a Waimea nice. Nontrom February 11.187 L VALLEY ROUSE, • Galas Duro, P•. Situated near the Erie Railway Dee put. fa a large sett eotemodioue bowie, has uudergone • thuroneA, repine. MirwlY filinlillted rooms mot sleep ta:4puttrdent•Jplehdlp tblorscomprls, log s put class betel, REKEY ACKERT. Eon Mhos 71.0. _Propdsror., F. cizußcurar., AMU. of the Take raffia:4'oW 4413:,Lhiabetatea atom Great. Seas bora ae.wh. - Sattattehaiimi County; Peon's. H. th• eetne.peat of the docket' of the late Image Statham. dacasse& Ottlee boars from 9 ton crolOcl a. la. sad Solt i 40 4 o'alock p4'93. Great Baud. Oct. id.. t-- - BUBN4I 4 , 376110L5, ;• • - 01S11:411.11 - Ora state, Patati, 0 Hr. Varntsti. Ltgabrs. Spice,. Fancy art.cles,rateatilletlicines, Partiosery sad Toilet At - ArPreacriptioss , aitroftilly compounded.— Brick Via*. Nootroee„QL a- B. 9 VaPs -•y Maw Acraoza. Tab.:l,lNi r, it 1 ;6 try, _VP IN THE BARN. Old farmer Joe steps through the doors; As wide to,hiat aS the gates of Thebes; And thoughtful walks across the Boors Whereon are piled hls Winter stores And taunts the vrolits of his glebes. Ten tone of timothy' up there, Arid four of clover in the hay; Red top that's cut well, middlln' fair; And blue of mote oblong'and square, To help eke out fire cropsof hay. A dozen head of cattle stand Reflective in the learstrmiti, yard ; And stocks areatacked on every hand, The last offspring of the land. To labor long mulatained and hard. Cart loads of 'pi:until:ilia yonder he, The horse is feeding in his stall, The oats are bundled scaffold high::._ The peas and beans are heaped hard by, As if there was some festival. At lengtliold farmer Joe sits down— A patch - aerosol each of his knees; Re crowds his hat hack on his crown— Then - claps his hands, so hard and brown, And like ft farmer lakes his case. - Row fast, how fast the years do go I It seems, in fact, but yesterday, That in this very harniwe three— David, 'Zekiel and ine Pitched In the lOads of Summer hay I Davikhesails his clipper nnw, And 'Zekiel tiled in Mexico; Some one Must stay to ride, to plow, Get up theluirtie and milk the cow, And whei v ol course, but little Joe? I might have preached like Parson Jones, Or got a living at the law; I might have gone to Congress, sure! I might have kept a water cure i I might bade gone and been—but pshaw Far better it is as it is; What future waits him no man knows; What he has got that sore is his, It makes no 'odds it stocks have riz, Or politicians come to blows, Content is rich, and something more, 1 think I've beard somebody say ; If it mina its apt to pour; And I'm as nett on the barn floor, Where All is mine that I canraise. rre plowed and mowed this dear old farm, Till not s rod but what I know; I've kept the old folks snug and warns, And lived without a twinge of harm, And don't care how the storm might blow And on the same old farm ru stay, And raise my cattleuLd my cnru; Here &hall these hairs turn wholly gray; Thme feet shall never learn to strav ; Hut I will die where I WM born.' And larmerJoe pullftl down his lint, And stood upon his ket once mare; lie would not are alter t`tat ; But like a burn aristocrat, Kept on his walk across the floor. The Story Teller. MR. ARUNDEL'S DAUGHTER I was about to take a journey to Phila delphia to transact business for the firm of Van Uyck 46:, Co., to which I had just been admitted...partner, „after . serving a term of years as a Wit:dr.:keeper. My father, having reached those balmy days when easy chair and slippers woo with irresistib'e force, and being well off in this world's goods. had decided to re. tire from business, haring me to occupy his phi in the firm. Thor, at the age of twitity-four, with good health, a tolerable personal appear ance and tine prospects, I had us fair a start in life as one could wish. In Philadelphia,uptly termed "The City of Brotherly Love,' as I thought, when I hitt plirtakeu of its hospitalities, resided an old friend of toy father, who had not seen me since my childhood. By letter it was arranged that on my arr;%al I should immediately repair to Mr. Arundel's house, he insisting on re ceiving me as his guest, and make his ac quaintance, and that of his family. The exact time of my coming was not fixed, and thus it happened that early one February evening I reached their house, to find it brilliantly lighted, and myself a little unexpected. Mr.,and Airs. Arundel, both of whom I at once liked, extended to me so cor dial a reception, however, that I could but feel myself welcome. - • "Our young people have company this evening," remagked Mr. Arundel; who seemed to be a tery pleasant and jovial gentleman. "Had we known when to expect you it shouldn't have been so.— Your first evening should have been a quiet ime,,passtiltn our midst, devoted to breaking the hx and getting comfortably used to us." "Never mind," interrupted Mrs. Arun del's cheerful voice. "I trust We shall succeed in making Mr. Van Dyck feel at home with-us as it is. Our daughter and her young friends propose to entertain theatricals, which I hope Mr. Van Dyke will tint• feel too - much fatigued to wtt .ness." "To be sure nat ! to be sure not!" ex claimed Mr.-Arundel, heartily, before I could reply. "We'll,give our young friend Arthur, here, plenty of time in which to rest betore the play begins, and he can receive his introductions later. So my boy, we'll have a cup of tea, and let John show yob to our room at once." Nearly an hour later, after a. careful toilet made with thoughts of the daugh ter who had been mentioned, I descend ed to the.parlor, and found it pretty well filled with guests seated- as expectant spectators, while a subdued murmur of voices was audible from beyond the sear let•curtain whicb hid embank room from 'view. "Come here, Arthur. Take a seat by am," 'said Mr. Arundel. "The play is about to liegin, I believe." • Even as he spoke a bell tinkled, and the curtain was clumsily swept Made. It disclosed small but beautifully construe led stage, and a background of scarlet drapery. 'Die play which followed was by no means remarkable. I , remembered there being a fair , persecuted heroine—Lady . Alice, a dark and handsome lover with a guitar and - velvet cloak„ and, and, a brilliau and, beautiful rival to the fair lady,..wbo, dis.lnise • .as a waiting-mahl, wove her spells ittout Sir Enstace.' , • • - The play wound uzio with an elopement, lu which the rival escapes with the_ false loreileaSing Lady., Alice .to a -broken heart. ,r f 'Atiiy.w.% = I GFCIPX:i .ittasTri czaznEs. ocavErwarTivsr. MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY; PA., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1873. Absurd and shallow as, was this plot, the play was rendered in the most spirit ed manner. The part of Lady Alice was played with touching pathos, by a love ly girl with fair hair and gentle eyes,dress ed simply in white. Mr. Arundel pointed her out to me. "That young lady is my daughter Ju lia. She is called very pretty," ha added a little complacently. "And merits the praise," I assented, warmly. "Hot who is the dark one—the bewitching Elsie ? I confess I have fall en in love with her." Mr. Arundel laughed so heartily that there were several cries of "hush ! ere he replied: "That young lady is my datighter,Miss Elsie Arundel, very much aty..ur service. he's w sail lAOII,I assure, Arthur." "Perfectly bewitching, at any rate," I murmured. In fact, I could not keep my eyes off the tall and dazzling beatify, who,in short skirts. high heeled slippers, velvet Wier. ruflied apron, and a cat4ivatil)g bit of head-dress, was so bright find bewitching that it almost seemed Sir Eustace might be pardoned for faltering in his allegiance. lint when the diFguise of the Frenc', waiting maid was thrown rtaide, and Elsie appeared resplendent iu sCarlet satin and rich lace, her dark hair clustering in thick culls ahore her noble brow, sur rounded by a diadem of diamonds, her eyes sparkling, her cheeks glowing with excitement, I exclaimed aloud : "Glorious creature!" She may have heard, fur she turntd and smiled on me. '•Miss Elsie is radiantly beautiful," said to Mr. Arundel. "Du you think so ? perhaps you are right. Yun see she's younger that , Julia, and a tomboy. She's developing rapidly, no doubt." Mr. Arundel seemed shaking with un controlable laughter. I was disgusted.— lie bad called that exquisite creature by au odious name. •"Miss Julia is evidently her papa's 11- %wile," I thought to myself somewhat "Here crone the young 'ladies them selves," said Mr. Arundel, the play being over. "Very tine actresses You make, my dears," lle then presented me. Miss Arundel held out her hand timid ly. Miss Elsie looked nt me with her large blazing eves. then said heartily: "I noticed you from the stage, Mr. Van Dyck, and knew at ones I should like you. I played my best to please you" I was a little disconcert- d by this charming candor ; but every one laughed, and Miss Julia asked : "Are yon sure you didn't fnney me. Van Dvck the hero of the play, and su made such an effort to fascinate poor Sir Elistace?" _ . "You've guessed it exactly," replied the frank yoliiig lady. "Yon see. Mr. Van Dyck." she went on, addressing me. "sis ter Julia has been flattered till she expects all the. attentions; but I claim von. '— The daring girl had actually taken my arm. -Run swat , with Mr. Can Dyck, if you please, Mile s !" cried Miss Julia, blushing. tint joining in the general laugh. ••you may have a dance Tvitli yoir: con quest, if Mr. Van Dyck ehooses to he re garded in that light," seconded Mr. Arun del. "I've certainly no objectio is," I retor ted, laughing. Ju another moment Elsie sod I were whirling among the dizzy waltzers. "Every one is looking and laughing at i us," remarked my eccentric partner, "as if I danced like au elephant. "Impossible!" exclaimed I. deprecating ly. "Your waltzing is the very escence cf grave—the poetry of motion." "At any rate, I've had enough of it. It is lovely in the conservatory ; let us go in there and get cool by the fountain." I followed her lead willingly enough. "Isn't this delightful ?" sighed Elsie. as soon as we found ourselves alone, drop ping her somewhat dashing manner amid looking up at me with a lauquid, almost timid glance. She caught my admiring gaze and smil ed, revealing dazzling teeth. "Here's a seat among the roses for yon, Mr. Van Dyck. The water from this fountain is as cool as ice,and as sparkling as diamonds ; let me fill this goblet for you! I'll be Hely. cupbearer to the gods, and you shall be the glorious Apollo. take care not to stumble to be banished from my Olympus. I'm in Paradise, Mr. Van Dyck!" "Your allusions are classical, fair-lady ; but are yon In earnest in saying you're in Paradise?" "Of course I am, monsieur,' with the handsomest gentleman in the romi all to .myself, and I a younger sister." 15 Here Elsie, half kneeling, presented . the goblet with a bewitching grace. Judge me not harshly, kind reader, when I ad mit that my heart beat rapidly. I was young and susceptible. "I've no accomplishments," went on my charmer. "I cannot play the piano, nor sing, nor dance like sister Julia; but— here she paused and looked at me half de fiantly—"l can play billiards"' "A sort of Di Vernon," retorted I, by - no means startled from my Self-possession. "0 dear! I'll tell you called me that!" "Did von call me dear r' I asked sillily. "No, I never call a gentleman dear; but it must seem very plasant." "Try it to me, then, sweet Elsie!" I exclaimed. enthusiastically, enraptured by her engaging candor. Elsie made no reply bnt to drop 'her head till her cheek touched my hand, I was inn:Alcatel 'I believe I bent down and kissed her. 0, to think of the folly of that evening! I confessed my love to the fascinating beauty.. . "You, don't think me rude and forward then, as papa does—as they all do?" she asked. "No, Elsie, adore your simplicity and frankness. What joy to pass through life with your' . • "0, really, Ilfr.Van Dyckl' And Elaie nestled close to me. I caught Iter in my arms. She was shaking with laughter. "iisto tioal tie sap, Mr. Van Dyck, I really like you very much, but I cannot marry you." "And why notr "Pupa Would rot believe in such sud den love. for one reason."" makcAlicu bclievo in-it I tiariii They're calling met" s"' `•So they are,' said. Elsie; and she ac tually kissed me' istiser - own accord, ere we went back to the, parlors, tqere„our re-appearance was greeted With, imuch merriment, and was made the its'3,jedt of more sly jokes than good taste seemed to me to Nrnrrant. Elsie took it very coolly. "Did Mr. Van Dyck propose to you,;" asked Julia; 4 •Of 'course he did—,.YoU sie,Mr; 'Van Dyck, I made a bet I could get . you to propose!" ' ' . r Could I believe my ears? How had my idol become clay! The guests shortly utter departed, and when good •nights bad bten spoken we all retired to our- rooms. • Elsie piessed my hand when no one observed as, and whispered: "Dream. of me, dearest!" . . It eras long before I slept that night Tor excitement. I lay awake, haunted by ,the visoti of a - dazzling creature in scar let satin, varied now mid then'hy. another vision—that;of a fairylike little lady in white, with great gentle eves. I was frightened . , too, at the thought of my own precipitancy, and very doubtftil iis to what my faller would "say to Elsie as my wife. I could hot deny, •even to myself, that she was forward and-hold, It was, as may he imagined, with, •rety , mixed emotions that I descended to the breakfast-toom the next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Arundel greeted me cordially. and son. Miss Arundel appeared, looking very trash and s w?et i 4(.1. white morn ing dress, with chi ra of scarlet gerani am.blossoms in her • hair anti at her threat. was more impressed with her than 1 lind been the evening before,, and Won dered how I frid failed to •appreciate her extreme beauty and loveliness. . - We were enjoying an animated conver elation when the door opened, and a tall youth of fifteen or thereabouts entered the room. "My Eon Fred, Mr. Van Dyck," said Mr. Arundel. Tile lad rdvaneed and seized my hand in a hearty cur, and—no !--could it be The dark eyes, the saucy smile, the elti. tering curls, had all belonged to my Elsie of last even ing. "We don't meet, I fear, as lorers this morning, Mr. Van Dyok ?"' gum ied the irresponsible youth. "Nevertheless, you need not look daggeis at ms. Coifs:. now. Confess that I took you in capitally. You never dreamed that Eleie was Fred?" ecd, no," I rigrted, joining in the laugh,alt hong) it was et my own expense, - I never nas co completely sold." shall teach Julia how to Maine such affairs," continued the ninth 'elated Fr. d. -bile has Touch to learn yet. one ever proposed to her on an evening's acquain twice, fil_be bound. Don't hulk so chop-fallen, old fellow; I der- sty I'd he as big a fool over a pretty girl,' liotigi• and a satin gown add greatly to my beau- If "oh, yon puppy!" cried his father, in an interval of choking laughter. "have done with your nonsense, and take your seat at the table. had I dreamel you would have curried your joke so fir, I'd not have humored it. Mr. Van Dyck will t h ink we have broken all rules of liosl pitality." "Not at all." I murmured. "I enjoy a good joke." My polite answer was made despite agonies of mortification. Mr smile was intended to disarm the mon that I might be chewing the quid of bitter meditation; beneath it. my solilo quy was, '•what a .precitius fool I' have made of myself !" Silently I determined to leave the scene where I had enacted,. so sorry a part at the earliest opportunity. “Fil take Mr. Van Dyke in tow," an nounced Master Fred.. "Ile shall benefit by my rowing. and billiards. after all. It will be better for Con. Mr. Van Dyck,than to leave you to 3tllia's music and ere- q net, which Often proves sates to the ttu wary. As to her embroidery, that's eves worse, fir into it 014 weaves bearte 7. 4 'Dan's be to Silly;Fred,"auggeated Ju lia, blushing deliciously. Breakfast proceeded. pleasantly enough and every one seemed bent on making me perfectly nt h'me, mid dispelling. any dimgreenble impression I might have. re ceived from late events. They succeed ed so well that before the meal was over I felt quite st. ease. Somehow I didn't leave in such hot'' haste 58 in my first - moment:inf. Chagrin:: I had determined,. but lingered: on :from day to day. When-at Intl (11d - take my departure, it was wjth t the,,undetstaptllng' thnt I should return soon clatin" iny , bride. Dear little Julia' 'said g4i'd - bye with smiles' quivering 'on; her lips and tears starting to her sweet eves. Master Fred shook hands•heartily in promising that he'd give up, once - for all, teasing his future brother 7 tn- law about:the beautiful acd too faSeinatitigvo ,- , _ • Two Titusville, lawyers entered. into u solemn compact not to drink' in toxicating liquors for n year except when ont duck shooting,' under. forfeit of $lOO. One of them quenches his thirst without losing the ducu:s by keeping 'n duck• in his buck yard to fire , nt' when he is . dry, and the other I.l4'invested in one also', Ax ithportan't change in the xeitjng apparel or the itlitg oi DalioufeY, is re ported. Seated on bis throne, he receiv- , ed a scientific commission, not: long ago, his body profusely - decorated • with the blue, gold, and ;ton .14be13 been carefully, peeled from ;•ihe:;u~edicine bottles..brought. by- Jittropeanat into his dominions In•suoh a picturesque garb the African princeinukt have equaled en the glittering costume , of the Shah; . . An Irishman writing from Philadelphia the other day to :his friend in. #h vld country, ebtiftitillel a letter' thus s ?cif ivir it's me good fortune tolive till 14 . 1 y, —and God nose ivh,therit /roland afore lieu Flailemadelify.l• A sTonv wrrnouT A nonnt. "Look sharp, Doc.--up by the fence r' Loud and clear rang the crack of a rifle on the frosty midnight air. "Doc,", finding he was not hit by that shot, and fearing another that might be more snccess ful,diyed into a small strip of woods near by, and, made for the village. After this sudden fl:ght, of the docter and the accomplice :who, as watch, had given the alarm. "Old . Jim Fehton" step- Ted frOm the fence at the higher pit of rho"eon n try' gaveyard, and after listening intently for a moment. could not decide in which direction the fugitive had gone. Jim walked down the graveyard until he had reached the spot where he, had sur prised the unknown desecrator.' Looking ahout, h saw that so cautious had been this /a:lent:fie investigator that had par. tially accomplished his purpose when fir ed at by "Old Jim." The elay had to part been removed from the ,grave, and ,wonderful to relate, had been laid on, a 'spread blanket. "Ob," said ()Id 31n, "he put the blank et there So that no traces of his damna ble wOrk . should be [eft, as he could re place all the earth in its former place." Thus sUlilotinizing. Jim Set to work t o refill the outraged grave of his only and rsyidly ,•emembered - dang,hter. dropping a tear here and there on the frozen lumps of earth. Mier finishing his lonely and unpleitaant.task he turned to go,saying, I'll take the blanket." "Dr. ,Cullen Watson sat in his office, 190(414 ..?,ser "Gray's Anatomy." The drietor, ever and anon, looked out on the 'street of Streets in 'Lymptown, hut, not seeing anything to attract his attention, brought to bear his eyes again on the book. Ring! ring! went the door-bell nt the surgery. The doctor. springing, quick ly from his, chair. and laying down his hook in the same moment, opened the "Doctor,l have a pain in my wrist,and .wish,yon to see it, and give me some lo tion, it needed." This was said by u lady, voting in form and voice, hut so heavily veiled that the doctor could not distinguished .her fee tUreS. • '•Walk in," said he. -After being seated, the lady held oat her min, which was duly examined by the doctor, and the liniment prescribed, al thoughthe etuildn't see that anything was wrong. As the fair visitor left, he saw her drop an envelope on the table, which he picked up after her departure, and read: `Doctor, if you ever bought a blanket at the store of K---, and lost it, buy another precisdy like it and keep it; you_ will need it. • A FELESD.' • "By Jove! What does this mean ?" said the doctor. "'lf you ever bought a blank et!' L•t me see—great thunder! I did take a blanket, and that new ore, too, that night I went to -- ves, and by heavens! I left it at the grave Callen Watson eat down after reading thenote. - "W It:at a magnificent woman I Although' I could not ere her face on account of that internal veil, vet. it l did, at, least, see Or iintlitie of a form physically grand and beautirtd." , After ocing possessed by such thoughts f. , r some tint •, the doctor found it wits time for him-to start for the train, to en able him to meet an engagement he had made in a neighboring city with a frhul. Being in the city. the idea °mitred to him that lie would scenic a blanket like the missing one, which he did, and,bring ing it home, he deposited it in his "back office." where lie had kept his former one. thinking he had done an act tending toward his benefit—through the informa tion given by him by the unknown la- i dy. The doctor thought it was very foolish to do this. Ile thought it *as simply useless to take this precaution; yet he felt so impressed by the office %mit, that he could not help (livening. upon it ; con sequently lie was always thinking of blankets. Soon. in Lymptown there was rumors rife of the perpetration of a terrible act of grace robbery. Every one spoke of it. Yet no one could think it possible that the guilty. perpetrator could be. a native of the e. "'Old Jim Fenton" came out with his say, which say was to the effect that he could.and meant to, tell who the villian.was. Jim said that he had proof of the'crime that would fasten, tile guilt on apertain young doctor, not it stranger in the village by any means. Of course Old Jim had. discovered, as he thought, where the blanket belotiged,, laid he meant to return it to its owner with an unpleasantly scrirlons.honesty. The excireffienthccidnitntense. The whole village was aroused; criminal pros ecution eame,and the blankets placed the most' conspicuous part:. Ohl Jim's blank; et was - silenced by-the new one, which the defendant produced at the proper atal de• Olive moment. ThiSieene was sufficient to remove all blame and odium from Cullen Watson.— lie now tried to' discover • who might be the fair one who lied so opportunely ,warned him of the danger, just paned.— Indeed, the Writer would be too brief if he omittO to . tell that th e doctor found fair prote ctress, (ror she was fair,), and was.Eatisfied'iii his - Mitt mind' that she was 'The • must suitable woman in the world to fill the role (not mifregnently "'very „difficult) of a doctor's Wife, Hating come, to this conclusion, he suggested the propriety, of, the sweet ; one); taking the responsibility of sustaining said relation to the grave robber. " She'did as' any sen sible woman would have done under The Samp;eircomstsnees: Tffr ladg Vrbd tapped her husband gently'-Stith a fan at. a party. the other :night; and:said, "Love, its getting late', think nto.had . hetter go home,"-is the same rone:7clni,after getting home, shook the rolling pin under his noseand said; "You infernal old scoundrel you, if you • ever look at' that 'mean, - natty, calieo•faced, mactterel.eyed thinagain that Yon.look ed'at I'll bust head wide 1;opc ti t ", stißbiere's -no Place like Home." A MAIDEN speecll--"Aek papa. •.6 • .4.1. I >::', ',TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; J. lOU .U.LZ IV NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. &OCT*. DITRA. •. :7 . •At the, Lpa tc•. 'Three little 'Words within to hisin ^ Beat.back, And forth their sad refrain.,. , Three little words, whose duli'distreSS' ?Jeans everything nittlmntiiinglOtiO Unbidden move my lips instead, Of otheruttersii63 dering`lie'tallieffist later • gesole the Iteqge growngerien,g6h?; , Ttlesniitlng, ere thelseiggh felt . She made molnkri a inAfargtirelL Those were the, final wonht she s(Aid 7 — .11htsesierday--nnd shehr dead. -• I ice the 'irery gown she wnie„, ; ' 't. The ct.qor. I lout pravted before The switying lengqh;Wherb she finis blade n light Swale / 11 Q gilt"; • There In the porch ,tile turnetibeibeAri For, one lastimiltw-stmt fide Is dead - Could 1 livelinown:ivhat to CiitrlV These hours lent not, been blind , mad clujr4; I wonld hnvitfollaivd tinge *ill) With. IlaiT striven for ever' glar/fa:antlfgreatit But now—th'e final wont is said, The last:tooklaken—she dead:: ;1, We were aint.lortrs , —stich the y.) 1. Who pledzed a faith to lastiotayp; /Yet seem the Vidverie to ine '••• A riddle noar ,a keyl. What ineans the , sunshine overhead, ". bloom helow-- - now eke is dettl• 1•,7.77 So new my grief. ite .nddeulman.:: - ; 3-1•1- Bewilde7s my aecusinmeil ways; And - yet so (MI; it:Nonni Mrliehrt. ' - 51 . 17 Was neyer,froka its pains iipart : , What. n.-an and' OAR ' ' onetientenc9-511e fae•2jakc - • People :/r4lAtsFffe .1 .7 There ate - some ettbjE l cts 'on' Tit hie - It'Ve feel more deeply than.we,havoever "giveti on in editorial or on the platform— some people totrilra'wliniii we harbor the inmA bitter intentionsi although we have never before publicly denonnced them.— There is the farnittiie and bed-tasters, •antl , . ..heaths , dOwtnttlie axles so roorlythnt4tfter trun4eli,tia alutt L for ii brief 'it4sort, - the , little run olf, and :thei:stunipsi•suag:the carpet: We bate him. There are all the men wino ever had any thing to do with devising, the fastenings to ear-windeitvo.. , Ve 'bate them, jointly aint seyerajly,, and,. we should Ijke so mnclLto head.. 4 party *bib)] -'would : never - irifelor"iineof them. We hate subscription-book agents. ..We hate the inventors of wast-ponders. We hate the inventor of the shirt-liuttpmand VIA filtn mit of the West end"of the depot with '-a'loeemottie,eleiii aromid the workl,.and in at the•eake ehd again. We hate tbefellow,Nwho is "per. feetly,cantlid," the "other one who "mean it all for . yonr gno'd," speak, and r the:other one who is going to speak, "'oh 10,8 t Minute" and '"make just one 'other"--: It .wrong . bnt • wo-arevihopelessl incorrigible in these eionitieso—dSpiinf field i?ePO . Off.' ; • ..rt-; ••• A Bad Sell . According too Prtroit paperot,_'"getti.. tlernau ob color" in that city, lithnired colored widoW liemg iii .thi; next block above; 4traid 'ty . come out boldly and , r e v eal his' pitssititt: went to &white Mao of lis.ncritunritarrcei the other day. and'asked him to write tilt lady a letter.askinghet hand in m.,rtiagi Che friend wrote, telling the, wontati, In a few brief libel; tier feet was , the talc 'of othevneighborhoirdi: rind as,kitig lwr it ..efier couldn't... parm.therm down a little. The mune of the cylor,ll man was signed . , and lic was to call on her Sunday night fiSi'ati iiiiewvr. A few days aftert he : writer of the. artirfte..thiot the negro limping along the strect,a mled him . what the widow. 'aid. c . Tate man XhoWed him a lihiodshrit scrittehed nose, a lame le" , z, and, a 'spot, et) the scalp where a ltaltidttil' ' been - .violently jerked out.ada be'ciasiver-, ed in solemn tonel. “She.. dill ' nail', an I.;,didn't stay' der ate!" Hoax They Awoke Thomson and 'Sitinus live cippositecadi other in a ~arrow street itp-togn... "They wen-going on' ti'llablifg excurtiiiiir" the other day;aud ai.they , wanted: ere he sure to awake in time to catch the eorly,train, they ran a !tit of eiothes acrosstho street, in the second tied an end :olegotO thitt . if one'ivoke the other would iinniediately fad 'pull: The scheran'was an excellent Oneotudwre know of no reason' why„untler, ordivary ciremustance,s, it .shot nit hitie : Wur44,!• well. But at out tire o'clock.thitt big, some lahurera stopped of Simins'•for the purpose'tir Crecting'& ~ graph pole. W liewthe , hole was.duz, they began to put the,polextrt ettd,:, , kutt.stofore tunately it slipped, and (tonne down . ., with a tremendous force upon the cloth - ea . Mrs.Blinms•trais very much surprised to -see Henry ge over thetbed- and shout fort foremost out of the. window ; l o t even she was rait i 'initre Mrs. Thomson.• was_ssten-Aroldhald pkrfortW ed.the•sante d'hey. met.du•the Chide dle of the street; - clustering rar e . around ,the pole; both with a lereitroken. They nurake,tbernarlvesntor, witht alarm (docks, , isziartr and lesiexciting Aldeler. . •rr A cotoay.D dehatinfeciefe4 inTrintin Tenn., hail mist debated - the "Which fo Shan-4(eaey or edneation.?"' One Or - the;ilebiatita -- ed thatif 'if 'had iiitbeitn foV'edtfelitimi' ar 'Ehe wsorldnot 'hae - !nitrite large al it . Is; Title "clincher: Willi' in however; by"-•thed'arennient.7 - illat . "if ii wasn't for ' io ridE on de 4yare?" It•wits at'isee'e!deepedin faver'of money SisAisut4 is : prop' :a.4;yri goods 'clerk %%146 hai b , :eozoize , wliivrc4,!?.Y erf,i en diff c •rent,svomen; bat retname-in his!hil?g had ifaPPegCO•.T . -• A Deraorr Noreen sues fat divorcabet cause her. husband; insists Alpo& eleeping with his feet um the pillow 09 that he ciu tickle ber jeCt inar96, Van new 144 :trona(' ?aria aro to be begun lask,ploilth.:Nbeti tiff tio,!:wenty.: two of , diem: imfaiaplikt*Agipipr.4y ed the'seigeoe ppoestbli. NUMBER Varieties. C u ~. ,Kentucky papers ari3 , calling . for their ba94:Plqf •• • •-, ' liere,'Ns a. sign in fen(leff forthe information of spOrisotea &owl, 'Name. * • -• • • AA &coroner's ipatt.e,si,, a, witness : wiut Milked' We last thing t een by, the;dEcrMeA. 4 •Xiiii:seiter•kias the reply. ' „: A haeheler_editor, -al' h a pretty unmarried eister,lately wrote toonein sim ilar eirecienstlincei. 'Please. e x change. lady xrn oea into the. p a rl or , with a Illitinctid - rinir on th'crotit.tide of her glove, itsafe to ask her biiir much she gets Week. -t• .; . • 7 ; Au ilriorarit.old-latly Avis riske' a :minister visiting_ her if -she had. She l yppliedi, hate slight touches ofiit occasionally." _ ..-r ; Tim mostlnpopolar man: in Virginia is the man . who, „accidlnutlly rcutdo, , the dlicoiery that keievne lass efficaciois Rs ;Whiskey to Cern riittleiiiike "I"wife in San - FriinetsEo r -lislithicl with a •iblling pin for 'lts' habit .ci! soilingrhis shirt hasorri With beblicdo juice;;And;the out impinied. only 4i , et : r..- A Lewis : burg, Ark., editurelnitxts. that his town is the home .of a lady who is tuurt fi.,s-pty 7 three years,nld, auar.whcrhas "shod tc.. era ac, the *ruse . of, ten, fleperteci I usbands. - A. ingentous'inilliner claims ; ,to 4taxa • ie tiled 'a nirehabical bonnet,. by: WTI fel?, a , 'by-intraus - certain" Springs, the tic* cif (he; etarer .inay:Aleconav Buffeted: , with t tolitsbeaat;will. , ; ' ; . • A:Kansas liquor teitlers - ticks . cards in the.pewstif• the clititoheailbsetts itliq•iiyakit.l:to3kei; snit generally 4o•ths most ;pod!' . A Western.genins,lial an idea which is an ides.. He , church the 'devout' may more tonVeiiierillyt'ximiiiie , tlie tOilits . of ihoti3 oii:tlie‘bsek!seati: ,-.! t., • ThtiTtics — lircraid, eayii neree:knowqrhat effect it would have had tatikikrif e,lven.lit.tle girls hail, allied: A in I pae.aftee sell trim Snilu> School iiekets. Two young ladies ,of •InCrosse were strinding,tly thesideof u ditch thirteen feet they. diditt 1: now otiv to eroaS,' When their. 'eseort - said atid•they- Cleared , t a Vti bo ti .• When a burglar gets hurt - inle'Tiinb . fng through the sett tTrei hou-o the c Iraritable , .. imitates" take .Idrit Yi irse lOn o teutlerly, tnake.ont.tbe, papers .ixtre fti),ly, and when. he g‘tti .we 11 ,2 tuck, Ann titlib L i in the 'pentrehtiniy, , An .. 4rl farmer trpnbscnt•ntipd - -, h. eel eu~u~tt to leave his panther -and, 'his-inOthei-ht-likrill' borne tOgeth'er'wh;ler tr wenn vraetthe.w;-bitt rintili - toltis Anger 'and. 9M32f/0101t,Alte7 old ilady we 'alivel 1 2P 1 _4 1 . 1 PY .(14-SlldtiSsreturi7, 7, -A,Juhn Bull, contersing,with'i,tilkliadi : .' atip ileked him if he knew the 1400-.)tevem sets on . the Queen's dominittne-. ''.'Ne;',. el l said the Indian. "Do you, now the . rea-, eon why?" faked . jOhni" -" t•ause - Gott• is afraid to trust an Engli . man in • the '• dark," was the sarage'd reply. • An old lady, recently visiting 'a irison, asked one of the attend:tuts why'the pris-* ouers received such course food.: Herold : hy.rit,,was to .keep their blood_ firma ,her 1 copi i ng . ita pp re. 'Ap tt,,lyhen, ii.sltetl; whap, , thily woold do if th'ei'r - blood was, int- . 1 rattle, he dryly responded `qi'reiik out l^ - ' The' Capd'Afay' aceests Wcii,eliiilcii,lea:'. ing article aboutimusitiitoes, in- tiliicli' it ' ttays•that ti pt ir - p at , that Islam); though' late; is an, and Abet t)ie.size , of the birds is rattiqr above the, ':aferage- : • Viiitors are leaving abriut ns, fast,. as, ihe railroads - :iseberomointhens , ill'iliermit. .them:. '• • ' - '.'. - - '',' • ' '".' A Detroit'ntkim'prisoner, on his veal% t, the petittentitiey tie larcenrn , a.ti,iskia.,* .whaVhe thought of.iiis trial.- :Hassid "IN lign.flat la.wver:dat:tendee4mea'alked,.. J made shush rives going,to take,my.olu.,‘ ) l at, narwalk opt, Or dutco'i-r00m;,,. hat' - -wheri'lle odder laivvei got, tiff and'he'. ,gotlalking. l 4 was - biggest' :raseal..on ,top of de carf.". •: • A Sunday sclni)l , tenefieelwas%explitin"' 'Mg the omnipresence of the Deity to his achotars, and ended bv,telling them - thnb w;tui - Wheicupori.n red-, , haired' hop asked: "Li pocket?"' teachati:replied:that the nnestion - wis I rather ; ptofune but dite.:: Inria‘ver 1 ts,.l3e irusprerylehere.". "rye. gotiptt:li there," thc, ,4‘l.,,tin" - ,g,)t, no pock-. ; , ,appalltng ,case dearneas ; that We ever eume' across outside of 'an asylnui cads tlut of.irn old . lady' ittio' fives just across:tho street-from the Navv-yartU • Theother day They- Bred it salute ot twen-; ty-,clue um. The,,old latly wits ol?serrn ad` to start andjisten its Ow last ~ gart iaa~'tired;mid - Altai as ~ -exolnuned;,:: learned diiine intys tlint'lie once'' inarrietha , donpte.anil . the 'tntni Said ago 4 ^ shortl shortll.l,Said:,!Yeok I van do , it in ; three',niinutes,',but it will lastionger • : than that."':'"rliatirlght`,7 he said. I sayr ;. that thre wu3 home dissatisfaction, on'ithe ratt of the' Other' half. I -, i.`Yistr donl zsiraiirto• bars - it too' Short ?" "No; ; she .saidoFra,lxnly don't Want to get: hersFlS noth Detroit' man recently forwarded , the following,lettertd the Insurance cornpoy . in which Itikwife'slife was insured . ; "Dear. . ti‘ko lily pen ;in hans to ,let yea,. Sir-=l, Imew at I ant' Avell;' but that:l4 dear Wifti; insured for'els;ooo'in,your companY; . - ii no,tnore: She diedio-day:; Her pokey is Not toy, that she male.; a food, wife,ind o goo 4 mother. -hove.• thJ,ifoetoFifeeititleite, itia•thitt. there: will pe nn'trOulole about the polled. 'She vihe only' sick Et; aliort‘tinse; batantrek.'iniieh:'. ^.l)oyrtu,giire.,a;vbeeicsick advance-or •,titust , watt ststy days for . Ott twttley;?;!-YOlltit t s.?* eta." "ri EIS=