The Tatiaer. TIiE-sIrFEEITII ANN CAL 'FAIR. OF THE llafforibilllollTHlSocioty Will be held on the Fair Grounds iu Harford, on Wednesday and Thurs •dap, October Bth and Otb, 1873. 3Promlux= Limit. CLASS 1. Division I.—Honor Rest draft or. farm stallion, ovcr.4 years $4 2d $3 Road stallion, same age, 4 3 Pair matched horses, 4 3 Pair horses for till work, 4 3 Single driving horses, 3 2 Brood mare and colt, 8 2 Judges—A. J. Seamans, John Nicer, Sch.' Nicholson, Samuel Faikenhury,Sumfa Depot. Division 2:—Colts and Mule& Best. pair three year old.colts,, 3 9 Pair two year obrcolts, 3 2 Three year old colt, 2 1 Two year old colt, 3 1 One year old colt, 2 1 • Pair mules, Judge*—David Vanßuskirk. Harford. 2 Wm. W. Williams, Gibson, J. 0. Bullard, Brooklyn. CLASS IL , Division I.—Durham& i • Best bull. two years old and upwards, 4 ' 8 Yearling bull, 8 2 Bull calf,2 1 . Cow three years old and upwards, 8 2 Heifer two years old, . 3 2 Yearling heifer, 3 2 Helfer calf, 2 1 Division 2. Devon*. Best hull two years old and upwards, 4 8 Yearling bull, 3 2 Bull calf, 2 1 Cow three years old and upwards, 8 2 Heifer two years old, 8 -2 Yearling heifer, 8 2 Heifer calf, -r2 1 Division 3.—Aldenitys. Beet bull two years old and upwards, A 3 Yearling bull, 3 2 Bull calf, 2 1 Cow three years old and upwards 8 2 Helfer two years old, 3 2 Yearling heifer, 8 2 Heifer calf, 2 1 Division t—Ayrshinss Hest bull two vears old and upwards 4 3 Yearling bull, 3 2 Bull calf, 2 1 Cow three years old and upwards, 3 2 Heifer two years old, 3 2 Yearling heifer, 3 2 Heifer calf, 2 1 Judges—Otis Grinnell, Rarford ; T. D. Reese, Clifford; Thomas Tingley, Jackson. Division s.—Grade Durham& Best Pull over two years old, Bull one year old, Bull calf, Cow, Three year old heifer. Two year old heifer, 2 1 One year old heifer, 2 1 Heifer calf. 3 1 Three yearlings, 8 2 Three calves, 3 2 Judges—Joseph McConnell. Harford ; G. L. Corwin, New Milford ; Evan Jenkins, Clifford. Division 6.--Drule Devvms. Best bull over twoyeant old, bull one year old, 801 l calf, Cow, Three year old heifer, Two year old heifer, One year old heifer, Helfer call. Three yearlings, Three calves, • - Judges—Urbane Tingley. Flarford ; Charles Watrous,l3ridgewater; H. N. Smith. Lenox. Division 7.—Natives. Ben buil over year old, Cow, Two year old heifer, Three yearlings, Three calves, Division B.—Ozer And Steers. Best pair working oxen 5 yrs. old or over 4 8 Pair working oxen 4 yrs. old, 4 8' Pair tat oxen, . 3 Pair steers three years old, 8 - 2 Pair steers two years old, 3 2 Pair steers one year old, 2 1 Pair steers wives (broke,) 2 1 Judgm—.l. G. Hotchkiss, Harford ; Perry C. Conklin, Dimock ; Ambrose -Benson, Susque hanna Depot. CLASS M. Sheep and Swine. Best fine wooled buck, Three fine wooled ewes, " " lsmtr3, Middle wooled buck, Three middle wooled ewes, " " lumb3, Coarse wooled buck, Three coarse woole.: ewes, " " lambs, Buck lamb of each, 1 Boar, 4 a Breeding sow, 4 3 gPrilIZ'FiZ, 3 2 rall pigs (not Tess than ton?,) 3 1 2 intim—Wm. E. Tingley. Burford : A. G. Hollister, Brooklyn; Gaberiel Deeker,Franklin. CLASS IV Poultry. Best pair turkeys, Pair of geese, Four ducks, Five fowls, Five spring thickens, CLASS V Grain. Hest peck winter wheat, Peck spring wheat, Peck rye, Peck oats, Hall bushel corn in the ear, Half bushel buckwheat, Peck clover seed, Peck timotuy seed, Peck flax seed. • CLASS VL Fruit and Vegetably'. Smartt] apples, at least three varieties, not less than one dozen each, I X Winter apples, ditto, 1 r 9 Qteneyi, 1 .14 Peaches, 1 3. Grapes, I lieu bushel potatoes, two ormere varieties, 1 34.: Winter squash, 31 Pumpkins, Three heads of cabbage, • Twelve onions, Six beets, Six tomatoes, • Judges—Alvin Stearns, lierford; 'tLomas Erans,kihson; Lyman Tiffany, Brooklyn. CLASS NIL Butter, Cho:wand Bread. Best firkin butter, Pall butter, Jar butter, Roll butter, . Cheese, Loaf wheat bread, Loat graham bread, Indian bread, , Soda biscuit. - CLASS VIM -' . Vinegar, Wheat, Flour, Honey and Sugar. Best cider vinegar; 36 Sack wheat Sour, 1 29 lbs. honey, . 1 4 10 Tbs. caked or stirred sugar, 1 , 10 lbs. drained sugar, 1 60c Maple syrnp, SOc !'four to be,manufiteturod in the county. Judges—B. F. Hine, Barron) ; Daniel Evans, Gibson ; John Foot. Susquehanna Depot. e \ LAStil IX. LciaWer , BOWS, etc, Best two isides harness leather, Two sides upper leather, Two sole leather, Two calf skins. ' • . • ' Assortment or skins, Fair fine boots, Pair coarse hoots, Catilap harness, Set team harness, 2 Articles in this class to be manufactaredin tho county. -•• . • - CLASSIC. Agricultural Implements and Carriages; Best common plow, 1. Cultivator, 1 Corn dialler, Straw cutter, Horse rake, 1 Churning machine, I Open buggy. 8 2 Double carriage, 3 2 Single carriage. 8 ..- 2 , Marget wagon, 3 2 Lumber wagon, ' 8 2 'Wei° sleigh, 2 Wagon and carriages to be now and exllbited by the manufacturer. ,: , CLASS XL Cabinet:Work, Hardware, etc. Best specimen of cabinet work, S Set of chairs, 1 Rocking chair, 1 Sewing machine, . 1 - Churn, 1 Butter pail, 50c Butter firkin, - , 500 Set horse shoes. 50a Lot tin ware, 50c Co.)11 stove for coal,l wood, - - r -- 1 - Parlor stove, 1 Judges—C. B. tfallstead, Burford; 'J. H. Cor win, Montrose; Richard Gelett, Gibson. CLASS Mi. Domestic Goods, Best 5 yards woolen flonnel, 2 1 5 yards plaid flannel, 2 1 5 yards full cloth, 2 1 Pair woolen blankets, . 1 50c 6 pairs woolen socks, - 1 " 2 pairs woolen mittens, 1 ' Sample of woolen yarn, 1 " 5 yams linen cloth, g 1 5 yards linen towelling, 2 1 10 yards woolen carpet, 2 1 Rag carpet 2 1 J Judges—H. J . Tyler. Herford; Mrs. A. E. Sherwood, Harlon]; Mrs. B. Eatabrook, Bar ford. CLASS XIII. Ornamental Needle Work Bestpat.thwork quilt, 2 1 Quilt of any other kind, 1 50c Bed spread, Worked skirt, I Worked collar, 50c k Specimen of worsted embroidery, 50c Specimen silk embroider?, 50c 1 4 Bonnet, 50c t...i Ladies' Searle, 500 ~ !4 Knit hood, 50c Ai - Tidy corer, 50 c i t Fine shirt, 30c ) 4 CLASS XIV. Paintings, Flowers, etc. Best oil painting, 2 1 Painting of any other kind, I 50r Drawing, 1 50c Exhibition photographs and am. brotypes, - A: ' 50e Picluru frainca, 1 50c Variety of flowers, 2 1 Floral design, 2 , t 1 Exhibition of artificial flowera s32d2Bd • and &ult. ‘. Judges—Dr. H. Pennepacker, ilarforcl ; Mrs. H. J. Tyler, liartord; Mrs. James Tennant, Harford. Best plowing, Second best plowing, Third Fourth " Fifth Sixth Judges—Lewis Brainard, Gibson; Harvey Grinnell, ...N.;ew 31ilford ; Charles 11. Palmer, Brooklyn. 2 2 E 3 2d2 8d 1 2 1 . . Committee of irrnottements—Jaekson Ting ley, S. J. Adams, J. L. Tiffany. SUPE.TILLVTE,VDECTS. leneral Superititendent=Amberst Carrrn ter. Superintendent Horses—DeWitt C. Tomp kins. Superintendent Cattle—Merit Selev. Superintendent Seep, Swine, and. Poultry.— R. L. Tingley. Superintendent Floral Hall—Wm. H. Patter son, E. W. Farrar. Assistants-3lrs. Henry Grant, 'Miss Edna Seley. . . . Superintendent, Mechanic G. Bar nard. Vegetable Hall—William Hepburn. Dairy Hall—Christopher Simons. General Police—D. D. Toin,:4:lna. • 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Rules and Regulations The Plowing Match will be held on the farm of Henry Estahrook, on Wednesday, Oct. Bth. to commence precisely at two o'clock, p. m.— The entry fee will be "$1 Exhibitors wishing to complete for premiums nee requested to have their animals sad articlo; entered in the Secretary's book, on the Ist day of the Fair, if Possible. They must be entered nn4 oa the,-grounds at ten o'clock of the second day. No animal an complete for two premiums. Superintendents of the several departments will have ail articles systematically arranged. The Officers and Superintendents will be known by their 01116 . 11 badges. A sufficient police force wiirtx ib ittendance. from D o'clock of the first 'day whil after the reading of the premiums the second day, to protect the properly of exhibitors. No pros ioion will be made for stalling stock over two years old. Persons exhibiting full blood stock for premi ums must show their pedigree to the satisfac tion ot the Judges. 8 2 8 2 1 8 2 3 2 No animal or article shall have a premium award, J it unless it is deemed worthy. Judges reporting at the Secretary's office be fore II o'clock will be furnished a free ti:ket for dinner. 1 1 ! 2 1 14 S:ngle tickets, 25 cents; children under twelve years, 10 cents; team, 25 cents; single horse, 2-1; colts under two years, Tree; clergymen and their families admitted free. D. L HINE, Executive LN. PA.UILIFII, Committee. N. Tenagums, H. M. JONES, President. S. E. CAngEwrzn, Secrelarv. 1 1 34 1 1' 1 0 1 34 h 1 3‘... 1 1 3i Henry (lay and the Clown. --0— "Don Platt, — on hisvisit to Foreraugli's circus, gives the followin. , account of Sam Long the oldest hying clown in' the 'Uni ted States. . Sitting in a chair with an overcoat about him, as if ill, sat Sam 'Lott, the .clown, who told me that he had beau in the bus neas thirty years: ' "Are you ill, Mr. Long asked. "Well, yes, suffering from that sickness which defies medicine, and is called old age "You have been in the service a long time," we said. "Yes," he responded, crossing his legs and looking at us seriously from his com- - ically expressive lace. "I have (wen mak ing fools laugh at a fool nearly a life time." , „ .-The circus. business has changed a good deal since." "Yes, inded ; I remember when we used to enter a town in full dress; the" boys in their tights and spangles and I in motels attire fetching up the rear on ackass.— I remember once we entered Lexington in that way, and it just happened that Henry Clay was driving in at , the same time. As be was directly behind me, I turned my face to the ass's tail and sang ont, 4 Here we are, fellow-citizens; Wisdom led by Folly. The peoPle laughed and shouted, and old Harry seemed greatly amused. The next day at the circus I made him a speech. in Which I advised him to be President of the United States and take me in his cabinet. That night he sent me a bottle of the 'finest wine-, I ever tasted; with his compliments, saying from the poorest fonl to the best clown in the United States; Ab, sir. there was" a" great man for you " S 2 8 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 I A BABE . io a mother's anchor, CLASS 1. - V Plowing. Admission New AdverthemeLtei • I pALIITS AND OILS. A FIS; 'STOCK AT B. IL LYONS & CO.'s Mantrwo, May 1,4,1873. CARPETS. CARPETS AT .13 CENTS AND UPWARDS —Less than N. V. Prices— May 14, •B. For Sale by B. Q. LYONS & Co SUGAIt, TEA, COFFEE, and other arrcooeirless At Low Figure. at B. H. LYONS' & CO.'s WALL IND WINDOW PAPERS. A LARGE STOCK. AND NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. On gale by B. R. LYONS d CO May 14. 1 FAL SLIM THREAD., COAT'S, CLARK'S 0. N. T., &JOHN CLARK'S SPOOL THREAD —WHITE, BLACK. COL ORED—FROM No. R TO No. 130, AT 75 CENTS PER DOZEN. For sabs by D. R. LYONS A CO Montrose, May 11, ma A lIITSTEICIP EASILY SOLVED. Now Stork. of Goode at the "Head of Nat.fret fem."— A. N. BULLARD le cone:anti v receiving large addl. 11000 to hie knek of Gi:c•CE lA , . AND PRO °..s at Me old *Land at the head of :Navigation, a 10...r0 any 0100. ,C0G.11114, Of Jer. I Ma 3:3 can hod the very beet nate!. that can be 37 11 4:7 6 1:71V12 0 1...., grocery hone° In the town. The old ejetem of plow sales and !MAU protite le 3r, 30 A. 3ID nr ought to he, and In Ito ntoad the better rystem of quirk :vita and 010411 profile, nod by relllng for r.ea pay only, there avail be no bail debar to 111.1 , up from good ettetorners. Call F .1-NT and ermine ray good. and pH ammo d one I [they do to• compare favorablir n ith any other how.. lit Miltir CO MIA ' 3L . gES e A. N. BOLLARD. Montioce. And` so. 1811-tf. T. n. BATtscs. G. B. D.oorts. I 0.0. IR.Axsma. —o— MARBLE WORKS. [ErrAnusur.o Ii ISIo.I DYKES BROS. & DEALER: 4 IN AND MANI - FACTURERS (.F ,StAturritan paibiro, I AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, Marble and Slate Mantles, Chenango SL. Near a p.t. ),"14. BINGHAMTON. N. Y CASH PAID .rOll WOOL CLOTH EXCH A NUED for WOOL ! STOOL if x nwil - int r i; :i SHARES OR OVER AT MOTT'S WOOLEN MILL DON'T FORGET IT I J. W. MOTT. Montrone, July :4,16T1. —lm. Furniture and Undertaking. Ilizr3al - t - taLi'M AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Extensive Furniture Warcronm :von will Ond the largcs, FIRST CLASS AND COMMON IFiIET3EIDU X I'X'TJlti-I.M To he bond In tble eerttnn of the roman', of EIS 0.13 tuatnaactare, anti at prime t h at can ant fall to give tntle. faction. lie make., the very beat EXTENSION TABLES In the Country, end WARRANTS them UPHOLSTERY WORK• or All kinds dune m tl , co 71,9t'='. =lino 1"' 111. I IV 3:3 2EI 3Z) Eh PURE NO.IMATA;kSSES, CO3IINION 31ATIIASSES. UNDERTAKING The subscriber will hereafter make t.. admitting specialty in bls beslneee. liavlngjw t completed a NEW cad the most el..gant ELESESE In the state, all needing his 'crakes will be attended to promptly and a. saUstactory charges. WM. W. SMITH Et. SOW Montrose. Pa.. Jan. 81. Mt —non—tr. FURNINTURE WARE! EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISE ! r 3 • .T.l:kciwx..m•sr , Es 50 Washington SL, Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Repairing promptly dune. ORDER zrife . 6.ol% - 111011G - 8. Eipeolalty. DEICES REASONABLE. Eatteaction guaranteed. DlAgbaroton, N. Y.. August AD. 15:3.-Iy. V . RECKUOW a mamma, General Undertakers DEALERS IN , ALL KINDS OF COP. FINS; : CASKETS, ETC, CirrXi23.4.'"Z,.Z5331‘732, 13ozaii.'a ORDERS Pll64.PTiir ATTENDED 'A-0 Apnl Drugs and Dledioines. ~..---,-„---... irr.4 Lizsr i t o , - ‘. ~s. tti, VEGETABLE SIGMAS 1. t$N..-. • A ''" -> Vs IrATE ~,, __.... , :•-_,,-.. 5 - ._ _ -.,-- - • _ -... Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation which is' duo to merit alone. We can 'assure our old patrons that it is kept hilly up to its high standird and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY 011 FADETi Hun to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes • the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a now growth, except iu . extreme old age,. It is the most eco momical HAIR DRESSING over used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the BEST 13nEPA RATION for its intended purposes." Sold 411 at/ Druggislsicm4 Diakrs its Afedigna. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time,' and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye,iu onr preparraion ; quickly and effectually:accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rah nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufaotured by R. P. HALL, & CO., Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and • mare of all derange ments in the atom ach, liver, and bow. els. They are a mild VMs aperient, and an excellent purgative. ' *f"f s c v Being purely sego table, they contain , no mercury or mine rid whatever. aluch WriOILS sickness and Enacting 19 prevent ed by their timely use; and every fttmlly should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experimice hag proved them to be the sat. cat, surest, and best of all the Pitts with which the market abounds. thy their occasional pee, the blood ii purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled. obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleans - sal by Aper's Pitts. and stimulated Into action. Thus Incipient disease Ls changed into health, ensemble of which change, when reckoned on the vest multitudes who enjoy It, can tiardiv be computed. Their sager mooting makes them pleasant to Lake. and preserves their . virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. -thboagh searching, they aro mild. and operate without distorbanee to the constitution, ordict, or occupation. Full directions are given an the wrapper to each boa, how to are them as a Family Phyaic, and for the following complaints, which these POO rapidly cure:— For Dyspepsia or lndlgrelton, Listless. nest. Languor awl Loss of Appetite, they should be taken malerntely to stimuMte the stems act), and restore its healthy tune and action. For 111.1rer Complaint and Ito various symi toms, Bilious Headache, flick Ilea . ache. Jaundice or Green itieLness,llll lons Colic and Dillon. Weveni,they should be judiciously taken fur each case, to correct the dbeated action or remove the obsiructlorio which cause it. Fur Dysentery or Diarrheas but one mild dote Is generally renal:ed. For Diseoutattom, Gout, Gravel. Dal. pitatiois of the Heart. 'rain in the bide, Dock and I,oins, they should be cootie tionaly taken, as requires!, to change the diseased action of the system. R itb such cluing* those complainta disappear. For Dropsy And Dropsical they should 1,0 taker, in large awl frequent doses to produce the etcact of a drasticpurge. For ilupprersion, a large Su should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by um. pathy. Asa Dinner PtFF, tate ono or two Pill to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, r.tores the appetite, and invigorates the system. fleece it is often advantageous where no serious derangement CaiSil. One who feels tolerably well often tied, limb a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating, effect on trill digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C.. 4 rrn & CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. MU SALE DT ALL D11L700111113 EVERT w urAse. : iiB6ox • 746: i • ,•1-, ,_.,:, ~. .;.:.: g „..-.,,,- ' - `•-ciP , S.'. a =I7Z - It l / 4 1., , ._ ~:. ,:';-, • 44.15tp4 , ! , - 7.4:.irmailgv,-) 7 ,17. 4 , ~,,, ,, . .-..vt„ . ., . .tiy.:•! : •,t - -, • '&..... ; - ` 44 . ~,,..- " --7 ~,L,, , , ,; ._-:&, , 1T.4,1?-,c, • ~,,s _ , ~,„V „ , 4 , ,!„7:T v ...;„,„, ~4 4 . : , „ , , ,, 41!„.. ,;A Wt . ,!4'i:-,.T.4 - 9;;;;;',tr-'7.4.,.,:•r_ . guPTA - Weg';;U4'W' ~ ..4 1 ;z4.t:',0, n r:1•:,7,':'c- : 'aii.:,.7 , ~' ~.14., ; ', ,,f i . •1,4 ,,, c1 ,- we . , ••-• A. 4 ,tV. , ; 7: -- F • ..,,.427.,./ 7 . --,I A .f.',4",4.6.4<4.!V ,-, :. t;:... ::,111-4141,!6•?..5. 4 1- - a , ;,, A . ? ~. sol4,trik i54!.1?z,g!„-,eligt Piii T T p a ri p 1. 0 574 6 , r ter ?..l 4io l oµ - ' • , 4 ,..,_,, 0 , 4 _ _ .-.;..4,7'w,-,Q3.....- TB TIMELY A VEGETABLE PREPARATION. *sou pnand empty of welldenownßOOTB, HER 88 and ER Ull 8, cond.:ma nelth (limn propealcs, which In thcir arrtn_ct e - ro.enthartic. - inerlct: trltlonn, Inuralc. dliernt r. end ALU-Ild - onn. 'The wlolele vren,,,l Ina euMcknat nv=tdy of from the ht C 3.1 t. C'IN4J: to Lto.D ti-ra In any Claude, vrbich r.ana 1:41 aw 3 RIANIVEOa.. - . E BITTERS =a of tb.f molt rksiruLl, Toidea Centhan. tdhs la du) mad. rTh jam ddendedsteictly aa a " ITemp e naco Bittets , orc.r toboustd as A mo4ldue, iddrimaya aCcardtag diradiata. • • They are the thee t=cher of the ad delta , UM!. They art noon a discatola liver, alat ctUctlatey to mach.* &maxi theta heathy autlen. Is at' eras: brought about. La ► reruidy to which Women Oria especially matfett it la' soperiesling ceeryother stimulant. Al s a blaming and Bummer Tondo gentle' they have no quat They nro a nand cud Purgative eS an Volt ThsyPurity tho'bloed.l They ere ainiendld dimatlaer. They maim the Teak Strom 'They purify and knitoratea They mire 3:l ll . Arft.CollatimUm mid Iltesdanhe. • • They setae • do Wall species of disorders 'which smdersidie theboditraireteth and breatdownLboaarmal *WM.: 0 ,Depot s 63 Eft Pica; New_York::-9' ►. Erraavry A Ciao Price One Dollar NASHUA, N.H. 1 ir, Drugs and taedicicce .d MEW ORSOOVaRY , . lii - Irteinkal tur f Intake.* fk.lenco h s . 1 A , A V; ~. : A , • .-i,*tivrA,l es ci z,„ - .4 .i. , e 4, 4c.,; - $ . 1,1-7 g -r, - .-..- 0 - , 4, ,,. ''3V . ..( . . 4i .. .rij Vie CI ." ''' s 7 • - r- , Ya- Cn k - Z co . C , .: , Nt'7l!';,-.,1 ®>„,7 .4 - g _.,_-,.•2 4 , topm:-...p':,,, , , - 4 .1. A,. ,11124-1,41 LI <:-.4 .1.4\mAvA,...,?.rr I” .a -.),I A ' Ct ' - -74:;:te v ,,,t06 0 ..-' „......- Z 1 -;.'. ‘z..,--4 ,, t . f ....*p, A. c r 4 t i : ,1. tti,..R.,y,.: „,..,..1: . g o ..-t s -1 0*RA,) ,,.. ...04., fil iD 1„. , -t . 1 , 1 , 4 4 - -1- .7,„`. , . svi -* Dr. GAIRYISPS TAIt went:Ones Curo I:Kll:tieing Crimitreintion. Dr. GiklaVVi . "s TAIIC umnamg.s. Curs Crattrea. Dr. G 7C' 8 WAR REMEDIES C. Dr. C.l^l .14 . 3 'WAS% IZEISIEDIES Di scale. Dr. G.11' , 25 . 15'S 1r2171 MEIVIIIDIES r.llg , trieq. 'TA!: itENED,ILE4 Dr. C].ti;::`,"?!.l."S` TAXI D.T3TEDIES thuStonvarizamitlOACClS Dr. G.1.70.1 . {.."1'3 T.ll - 11:EUEDIIS9' I9eatcnes.4 11.11'.'11EDIES C MR D.J.:3x .r...311.Vi .71- , 4'1" :4 , 1 * V.50 Thror.t. D-. CI V.: ',RE:TIED/CA c , :r- r::!..•••••• ' • Dr. C..1.5:."1."7 - ::`ti TA.:4 DEME.DTIN clam "ir.or..t- t.t•td.",.r.'ll}:syVe•irer" Dr. ALI V177 - i 1. - zr:ruDi - .eaces. Dr. GARVIN'S TM?. REMEDIES cs-n-ni pat iOl2. . Dr. Ili.Aß."..ll7';'S ItEMEDEE.S IV.zerno. Dr. 1.1i.A1V:17i"..3 T. 121 REMEDIES Core L... 7 .k.1.ney 11 - Vrietztleq. Dr. FmvuotCllolern i lellow fiever Dr. (CV:ZVI:I'M , R.EMEDIES I'r . Veveri. D. C; S AI. - 1.;"1.3",'S TAR. I:Ti.7IEDLT.S Er:3o , :c E.reast., Dr. CA:n'2.7: . ..3 EETIEDIES r.-.. i • - I3ark. Dr. C .17,4 'E '.1!..t Et I_ f4:77;^ Dr. G.Alr.";:"P.i 1:` IR ICE TIEDIES P.O 2.z. if re. Dr. GATI4YITI 1 . 11.11. Canso thr,ll 7 tN3tl io D!•.t. • Dr. G Aln vrrq qr.ttre r.r.7.lcrtics F...tor•ilnolc'etei zrrd Dr:eDnated Dr. GARVIN'S TAR RE'IIEDIES Gir3 Tone to .our Sysiesn. d. 1, . F. Errnic.l & CO., so: .m rnoParmronzi, 195 Sri•enth dr - W.. New York. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTOON which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. IVhen resorted to in season it sel dom fails to' effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver- Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus xemoving the cause of the'complaint.' • PREPARED DT SETH W. POWLE di, sons, antan, Mums Analog by Druggists and Dealers generally. , ll.2r 7 9 0 . ,t ---s_--- :,:3... 'N.'",--:--...-.T7-z-,.., ' ---_ • '- e t-7 Ail '• .. E ---. 4.4 7 ;',1.L,H/. ' , q :: --- • _.t"-----F-PWA ( ' -ii :••_. , .fd . 7 i:„..,.,:,,„:417),(..,i3v.., ..,,,,..I,,at ~...t,k2., - 4_1 NV4 -- „,.....,„„,„.....-,. fr''''''' g voila a A FEW APPLICATIONEI ALL= Pure-Blooming Complexion. It Is Purely Vegetable. and its operation is seen an d fat at once. It does away wan tits lambed Appear nacoesesed'bylintPeng., and I.S.itersont qt.'s and reuses. all Lk ...bags. Ptmptca, dtspeillug dark and unsightly apots. Drives away T.. Freaks, and ameba., and by Its gentle but powerful infamies manilas this Wed cheek wilts s , . . YOU 401,}L.BLOOM BNA BEAUTY. 43,214 by ell Drugglst and roacy Acre's A Nut Kam. Near Y. Mil HEADS, ETC., Prfut ti at this Drugs and ffiedicines. a are a pat.. made chiefly from the native herbs foursi on the lower ranges of the Sierra' Nevada mountains of California,the medicinal pro- perties of wldeh — are extracted therefrom without the 'AlhohoL The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause' of the unparalleled success of Vracoari Brr xims/ " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They two the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarlable'cpuilities of Vnirosn Brrrens in healing the sick of every disease 'man is' hair to. They-ere a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flammation of the Liver and ViscendOrgans, in Bilious Diseases. If men will enjoy- good health, let them use Brrresa as .a medicine, and avoid the tuid'of 'alcoholic atimirlante in ovary form. 31,:DOIVALD &. CO., Drat...W.4A S., Yew, o, Calif rata. and oor. W 1.41120.1 gaol CLarltori Stk. 'New York. bold by all Druiribbits and • Dealers. - Sept. 10th, 143 Zlscellaneous. ) ILLTNGS , STROUD. General Insurance Agent, FIDE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT L/DIDD BIZ cloci.t.r cbsit). Ironic Ir.•. . Y., Cupitatancl, hurplns, 11.4.00 CM Ilarz.orci VI re Co.. in• , Co.. t.apit.lll4dSurylus t. - I,lvnryoul,l,ondon 4, AiJobr .• $.^1).1.0).11 , 0 Ins C.,.. of N..rth Anarrics " i3,tai,l•U Nation:U.ll.ll'a. srAxi.t Ou =Ml===il ivEstom Fir.: 2 W111132,1...12 lnw. (•n.• y.uvlclalca. R. I.'• NT..20.431tr: Clay. la. Yro•vp+rr. Ky. . of i:Udo. Cu 3.. x) 41 A 1 , 111 m.. 41. lOC MAIM lM mxi.t.: 111. Act_ 1., IW.OOII Icn;mu;irk:ot Plitobur,: x_. X "E• n. cram. Itiatnul 1.1(n I. Co.. Arsons =MEM! a iv cxrnerwr. TrarPter. 10..C0 :Ilarfortl.ogpital and Saroluo $2.0rX1.000 ICiII nay P.4rscOpll, $3:30.000. tm, been well knonn In thlaconnty,lop. th, pag 17 nn h +armee Ag.ent. LonAc,rtinlsilled Conipmmes neve aye been promptly prat :Arc gib door cast from Banking Office of W II Co..Ternpikc at. hiontrose.Pn. BILLINGS STROUD, CII SM/TII. lI.At c.SI'AFFOIOI), " t El lIG II VALLEY RAILROAD. 1-1 On atnlnftvr Jane in, Irt.trains on the Lehig c.illpT {SAL road will r4.1:1 un fullown: N. Nn. :so 45 130 9to rMira 1345 6'3 915 fl 21 111 94; ....Waverly 1400 68.5 900 3 .15 1 01 1111.1 114 S 625 850 490 905 10 40 .. Towardo. ....11 NI 4ST 41 10 522 3, •• ••• W511190E44 _lO 85 , 715 115 3 f. 5 1101 ... 1:0191119 9 4.3 403 654 ot 4 12 1:.. 3 1rahosilwo. . 920 637 12 2 ... 31. lowp.loy .... 2la 62[' n M 339 171.5. .Toolamouock... 549 3^.0 650 0.44 442 1 311.. ... /I.lloon 723 22)3 460 0 ::: 2, “i 715 Nl'lll,-..iltirre, .. 700 913 480 ..• 11 30 4t, ..511urli 1.10011,..! ... It 45 125 vow 5 - oh.Alh•tanw..... A. N. /0 17 12 50 5 h ..111.411010 , m .... 10 110 It 00 15 East., 1005 11 115 Id WI S Phi tsdelptsla 'OO . Now Y0rk..... 9 to' 900 P Nn. Tr.tranda et 710 a. tn.; tthent , , 750 m. Waterly. tOSO. m. arrlvingat Elmira attttata7o No 71 Elmira n , 7111 p. m.: Waytrly, at 6 15 m. ; Alberta, at 6 10 p. m., arriving at Tt;artioda at p. Pr. :Sr !tremor: Rtinm ears attached to truths ml roan lug thrortglk from Elmira to P talndelphitt- It. A. PACK/ R. Superixtend T. 46. M 1.3310 Xs Ta ME COD' S 3 MI . orrosvre rot COVET uocot BIONTRLSE, PENZVA. 4. ......„,, f". 7,..., -,c,_ •:::4-z_g-i--.1-7,.z.7.5TA . :.'--:1-----=':4/i11,*ifi -11,-ketr;'T'..-.i---;,r -- - --,-----.„.....t;.-Z" - • .:. - .. f .t.'iti,l-u! I j . • n trz - t ,-,0 41 , . _ .. T . ''' '''''' °.;. 1 1 6.7 4 - 7 - s - --irs . 4 . ~..- , 0 . ~ , ~.1 - 4 3, , k li: „istAlp,, , w , m , - 7 ?,7-m..., ~,,, 5,0.,,,,,,,,,_ ...,,,,,r, w 47t • .e 4t f e 1, _ , --,c r ._., 1 3.„h ~i •-, i l r- . • u k t,.. i ii t... _ .., ...,q... , ~, , -„..4 . , ~ ..;, ,. ..., 0 ,- - , - ,,,,, .. ,-- .,.;,........: - J.K...- . ...„. .4...,- • _ JIIIIIN %. T.. It /A Nirt. Stages Leave Jiutne tlaliy, connecting Kith ill, 31 ..•., unit v. the Lehigh Vane) Itatleutsd, the . L. tr. W. 14,11 r-ed. . :q..' let, , ((uNmoSH fA(I.\V Y.--Arrengrtnrnt of Trolna il. En take rtfrat on Yondup,Jnno Yn.l, 1. 10=CJIM! M.ontrora.. fridean•nter ... II Rut ere— ..... fil;;) ...... 1010 9 40 • 9 al Avery'' , 029 lemon 010 'forklulmock . ... ~• 95 •• .11 510 1 41 510 . 1 10 5 1 511 5 31) 2 15 5:.0 225 r il 00 2 5,1 45 2O 315 . 1145.'.... . All trait. ronrect ut Ttmkhannock with Ts. Y It. It. guitat nortti.aLd Bo alb. J. 15.1. FILM( ES n..•yt. 24, I 2 3. • ' ' Pro ldout Printing. • STATEMENCS,- BILL LICI7EILJINADS*- EN VELGREi p - LJ:IIN-ESs VAIASS, VISITINc; „ POsTERS,.. . • 5..14: HOltsE . SLIP BILLS,,;. Calf( CII.AItS, • ' RECEIPTS' ". . , • • ' • 'FAGS.. CATALOGUES, • • ' . 24)TE4," ""' • PAPER - BOORS, — • ' " PAMPHLETS; - CERTIFICATES; ' BONDS, '- • 4 1 '..4.TENT"13EF:DS; • -NOTEB,'''' • -•• • • -.:ETC:,-ETC., 0 u El 0 a '; i - COuhty zunno§tefinctorr Two lines in this Directory, one Tear, $1.150; each ad,- -r , r) C R r!-IlirPCAtc"4l?" O. s, BEEEIE—Couo iy Surveyor, of Susquelianns Coas t,. Of fi ce In the Court Rouse,Bloptpasy,.o4.,..AArn JAMBS E. C.%RMALT, Attorney at Late. Ofifceoo• 'door helot? Tarbell trouctublle Aresene.e. ••• ; WM. R. COOPER a CO.. Hankers. *ell Voreign.PAlo sage TtekttsAnA Dealt* on,Englaid, Ireland fad Beate , EILLIE(IS stncitra. (tenet% Fire urn Aeon!, • ateo. sclt Raltroaa and dceldenalekets ' to new York and 'Philadelphia. Othce one door cut oftnn WI!. tIatiIIIIIMOTIT. Slater. Whol•saie and. ItetaL dealer to oil kinds of elate roofing. Montrose. Pa. IMIRNS & NICHOLS. the place to get Drugs end Medi Mom Clear.. Tobacco. Pipeo. l Potiket•Bookr; Special Yankee Notiona. aC. Brick Mock. tWht. L. COX. Harmers meker end dealer lit all tirildell malty kept by the trade, opposite the Rank: • BOYtY. 1 COItWIN. Dealers In/Stones. Hardware. and Mannfeetarera nf Mtn end Sheet's= ware. COfEr2 of Main end.Tarnolte street. A. lit.'BELl,Aecti, Dealer in tirocerles, Pretirsionii Books, Stationery and Yankee. Rations, at livid 'Public Avenue.. , • • MILFORD. LaROY. Dealer to eR lanes or Doming !motel ments. mowing machine,. well) curb., dog powers ; ere., i•tc.,, Main St., opposite :Using. Dant. AliillOSCPLAkTrafitO/TOL/lA siltrglurikrttleit er in LetiulneCaysigs Piaotar, Yearb ground. BLVil‘Krls DANK, rimy MILFOIID.—fin per cent. ta , tomtit on all Deposits. Deep a,erneral Decking Bus . nes.: • 411-tf-' •• ; • 111. CHASM itCO.• W. L MOSS it, CO: Dealers in Dry Goods, Dati,Capla Boo:sand Shoes. sad General Merchandise.; ott. Mait ,atrert, peened door below the gplecopaiCto.....4 • N. P. 1i174 WEIL Carnage "diner and 'llndertalthr„ . Main Street, two doors nelow Ilawlers Store. siccol.Lum IMOTtIERS. Dealers 111 diliCeileS Male Street.. • I 11.0LRRS:T k SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed. Menlo Llme. .Cemerac: Groceries and Proviirons on Main Street, oppoptto Lisa Depot. • L l'iough Leather Itannrsetniera. Stator 140.1, Jn y, t stablirhni 18hS. Wit, D. SINEY d DAYDEX. Dealers 1p DrorseoLMedle,lnen - and Manaractorers'oi Cigars; on Alin Street-, goal .he Depot 3. DICKV.II)IAN. In.. Dealer In 'general trieretandlso tied Clothing, Brien, Store. on Main Street. GIBSON., ' .„ IT. M. TINGLEY—DeaIer in'tdnvet,,Tid, COppek Mnia and Sheettron Ware. taollnad( Se: Ateo, mataitatter' br or Sheet Mefals in order. Elea Trough and lead Ptpd nolneso offended to ,at tali,prleflt—Gllnon ilotlo v, Pennovlvar.ta.—ly. • SLAVARIM , ",k BRL'ANTI 3Lantlieturers. ot -Wagoi.# and Steighe, ncar.tha (nal le , Store. • . , GREAT BEND. L, S. LEtiIIETIL Itanntieturer'el Leather, aftilde;loe In general Merchandlo.. on Main Street.. - 11. P. IRAN, Merchant Tallitaand denier. In Mrdli, Made clortani;DriGoada,OidateriesandPrbaia one* Main atraet..• Har4laie and Iffachytaxl. THIS Wit GOMM HORSE HAY FORKS los nava, A. J. NELMS' PATISN:r txtruorNik. Tnenty , Two Sinte Fair r1C101.130 ..tirtmledrhlo Pqr In Fifteen Mina andlBlo. NEWS'S GRAPPLE An Impicznent that PV6rr'Farrner. Carpenter,'Maiinir and Palmer Biwald hate. No, No. No 11. Y. 4. Fit.ev•crAs - Visia - HORSE WAKES Hand Hakes, Scythes, Snatlss, Grain Cradles, lam, (A ellor itraad) Alleli c • Cartlnge Bolts. Ct DIMZI 0 CO 1:* MI X , ' CO, "WO, That I-waye gtveA an A ARM WIIINTLE woes the Cedes is Ikatly far the Tr i.e. TRY ONE sad yea wit and the Con °Always Weill • -. Axon, lirind itznet, l'icke. Rn•pn SI, wn, Flit r • Draw Liutven, ScyLt: Stance, Paints, 011 n. Stoven, - . Tiu.l% uno. B.lntro , e, July 5. IST BOYD & BDRIYIN • VINT BRO'CLIERS, SCRANTON, I'A. Wholc,alo d Retail Dcslersin HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL„ . NAILS; SPIKES, SHOVELS, ILARDWARE, , • ULNA' RAIL. COUNTERSUNK T RAIL sprEss RAILROAD d• MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPR.I7 , A. AXLES, SKEINS AND • DOXES.'DOLTs. NUTS and 4TABIIERS, DLATED BANDS. MALLEABLE IRONS. lIVBS;SPoKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. - ROWS. de. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS - and DIES, BELLOWO HARMERS. SLEDGES. PILBq. Sc. Se. VIRGUL R AND HILL SAWS. RRLTINII.P.AOSERO TACKLE. lILOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CFMENT. HAIRS GRINDSTONES.' PRRNOR, wr,sn P ow GLASS. LEATHER FINDINUS ATRITANNIS SCALES. Seranton,Marnh 1865. It's'- MC= SHIM - 120 iIIECEIVES:iIIONEY ON FROM COMPANIES AND INN, !D -UALS, AN LL ;RE TURNS THE.S JIIa ON OEM AND. WITHOUT. ,PRKVI OUS NOTICE.ALLOWING. INTER- EsT, AT SIX PER CENT. PER :AN NUM, PAYABLE HALF ,YEARLY, ON TLIE;-.FIIIST DAYS OV. JAN lI AKA. AN,O JULY. ASAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE., OF ,Eat LA,DoEiNo MEN, MINEDA,,. NE el I ANICS; AND. MACHINISPN AND. FOR WOMEN AND 'CHILDRE,NAS. WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED 'ON 01V - REFOUE -. THE' 'TENTH WILL DRAW) - INTEREST:• 'FROM: , THE. FIRST DAY .oFunakoNTil.: THIS IS IN - ALL , RESPEOTS A 'HOME IN, STITUTION,AND :ONE WHICH IS NO W'R EC ELV ING THE -SA VED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS Epp& THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN- Ell 5 AND MECHANICS..., ! .. :.DIRECTORS .: BLAIR. iAN FOLD .G ILAN T.. GIA?..ORGE: FIAT. El ti jAS:'&BI.OCUM,J.IL•SWITII/N. .11.1Arril DANIEL.. BOW ELL, ,•"1". IWNT JAMES. 814111. PRESIP,RANK • O. C MOOREAJASIIIER.O • OpF,N...I)AILY -E49 3 0i1/ig , X T ,•. 'UNTIL:VW:qt. P.:M0.4 .1 N 1 $ -4 ) , N WED NESDAY „ AND ,SATURDAYS NINGS UNTITAIGIITrO'CLOCK,; Feb. 12,1873.-1?. • . DIVNTRQB.E =MN spring, Bare, (Steel and 21,•x• Looks 100, bk. Loickcs, Vern! h, Lamps, ic