THE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. u.cligic us Services. The services in the seVerat Churches of Mont. ro , c arc as follow % PTIST CIIIIRCII.Ftem. J. E. Curymnme. D. D.)" . aPtor. s.anna , h Sarvlce• Imi a. m. and 7 p. m. s lib th Srlmol . 19 m, Weliomday Ereniuga. Rev J. FLAT - rimy Second !Owing in egch Month bnagadbliely before M. vrtint.Tr CHURCII Fabbsth Service! g.tlhath School... —.Rev. J. U Stenvt 10}11 a. m. and 2}{ m P. m. RPIsTOPAL CifURCII. P.+l,lth Sasnice. School. Week-Day Scrrlecw—Wednerdaya, V I:71111111ST EPISCOPAL__ ....Rev. W. J. Ivan Sabbath arnica" 10.43 a. m. acid 4:75 p. m Aahhach School 1 m Prayer 'Orating, Thar/a - Jaya 491 p. rqurr MRIAN CEUTICII Rev. J. C 3 Mita.en: uee ........ in stud p, m. S A S,hool m, Y rs, er Alf•rtinc, Thursday Evening. p. Arrivals and Departures or moils. =Mr= Arrintis Ara rt u Mon..rose Depot, (Daily,) 600 r. u. 6 '2O o. • tittorti, 16 00 A.l. r. . " 9 4.i A. Mt. 200 r. m " 10 00 A. M. 000 P. At 600 P. M. 800 A. M WA alnsing, Tulklintitywk, Fr,.„ )cvnit., Stution, 700 r. M. 700 A. L. I lau leyton, CD 00 r. a. 700 p.m. 10 00 A. M. 400 r. u. TM. New York,Tunkliannock, New 'Milford. on.] Wylusing mails are daily; the Conklin Station mail will leave on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sttordays: ninglionton mail, via Silver 1,1,e, will leave on 'Monday at 0:30 a. tn., s -4 , N and Thursday at Bp. to ; 3leshoppen mail leave on Mondays, Wednoulays. and Fri , Frientlsville mail leaven and returns T , i,days, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Ring kunton mail via. liawleyton, will arrive Tues. FiaN" 11101 . 1 , thIF. and Saturday, at G p. nt. Leave saute clays at 7 p. in. MEM cw Mil lord - , E. C. Fotommt, Postmaster. Mont rosr, .Tatmary 4, 1873. Lio. of Nen' Advertisements. I). W. Searle givra nailer that he has been ni , r , inted uu auditor in the relate or Ilrnry AcLert.. Bowman Garrison offers Lis Grocery Store for,ale or rent. Peru ion Syrup. Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Quarterly Me , •tinq tire—Gell W. Pt/It IT. :C. , lye of the lay ing of the earner stone of the H. C. Church. Notes About Town %out tpii ced vt•s.t , rd ith I] Iktorrk,m. Pre,iaing. 'l'hr (lays in the cre,.k and n).nitl) Ibis yrar art the E4IIIIC 25 ui IRSII. rh is is the time• to invvst ;our funds in tLinnek—for they will be hinders month hence. eicetion will lie held on the 14th of ochitirc this year—the second Tmrilae turn in:;up as late in the month tt very well can Our haTv fri uds will like to kart) dud larori'e trimmin:_, n ill Ylk lace—which will he used in !Meek a il t in match the prevailing shack. A sevintUiuz clip is trarehig a • , i , t).l cmtmry victimizing greenhorn. His bsi ne.. slimes. Give him a aide berth. Sef itit vont - F.t•AeA —and Pr t 1 nt df, it .ithout mrvaring over the flt in the pipe A :dile stood tire at worn arid ne prevent pain and prescriptions TT -rewill be servier at St. l'aur , mirth on Weilnesility evening nvat. October 811'. lire Gen. ii. Kirkland, of Columbia, Pik_ trill roniluct the servitzli. Parisliimu r, plvasi• circulate. tnier's niati is out it. the Prpuidiron this week in Inc nuans. The author ia seeking cif , sonic one to set a lone to itAnd then brand Jones a I sing it in the ['lnman school houses in the county. 'Gay. isn't it? The 16p.blican say +: "Without any ru-ti.gna bms, we are glad to say that the Sack -7.3t gr , l ' , s2 , eri are taking the 'hark.eati is both partie.:" now is it with 'Representative Jones, Cann:run and "sich?" October will determine. Mr. Ataddrn of Towanda, was en the Fair Ground, exhibiting the Eureka Mower.— •fids machine is highly spoken of by those who have used it. Mr. Madden informs us that canvass this county at some future doF Thl. week on the new H. R Church i, progressing - finely. As will be seen by notice 1111001er eaunin, the Corner Stone will be hot on Friday, next, at one "clock p. at. sod a con!ial invitation to be present is extended to The Court grunted an order yeEterday .r the exhuming of the bodies 01 Margaret and Miiry ()Marra, tlint a thorough and efficient mortem examiruttion might take place.— This is an action in the right direction, and im peratively demanded by the circutustancm. wine-acre of the Montrose Repul• says that Assenthlynlan Jones has dis -I,lled greeter capacity and honesty in the Leg i•l ttarl., than any malt lfolit this county. Will hr plaine state wherein except it was in voting the "Salary Grab," and engineering the `; Divorce Dill" through the House of Fair passed off about as usuaL The li•7n' rain on Thursday undoubtedly depleted number somewhat, attendance and or stock. The annual address was de -1 iced by the President, James E. Carmalt We have heard it well spoken of, nud it , •vident that the speaker had given the sub ,•-"i careful attention. - lie advocated Farmers I), , , teization throughout the county. -. 40 Robert Emitard. A let ter was received owesturdsy by Memos. '; A A: I. P. Fuller, from Low S Broth c . o f New Toro, setting forth that Robert W. ii , rusol, of this city, was lost overboard during ,tio ng pile, on :he 10th of Morel,, in latitude degrees and rell minutes, longitude 42 degrecv za.i Sri minutes Tr cat,the vessel having sailed on tar 6th. Robert ware the eldest son of bird. lt4reerd, of this city, [daughter of nun. George Fuller, of Scranton, formerly of iliontraseJ s of the late Col. IL W. Barnard of the States Army, who died shout two years ‘‘ace, while in .command of the garrison 'at Beton Rouge. lie was in his twentieth year, and possessed rernarkalele abilities, and for one nf tin age bad seen.much of the world. At the "P. of cistern he entered Into the government a.oul school setvice and accompanied the gov ernment naval squadron on u cruise around the "rid. stopping nt nil the foreign ports'of by -I.,rtanee. i'referring the merchant service to tht rural, he withdrew from the lattrr end et tins or his loss was on a voyaze to China,- - Scr, n!oh RepteUican. Fire In Forest Lake. The dwelling house of Andrew Phelan, of Forest Lake, and its contents were totally des. troyed, about ten o'clock an Sunday morning last, while he and his family were at church. l — fire is supposed to have originated about the Chimney, and was under such headway ha fore discovered that it was impossible to save any at the furniture even. Ills loss is estium b , tett at ShUQ or $l,OOO. He has an insurance of 4150. Bath Pay. Here is a back pay Item which is rather pleasant reading. We cutumend it to a eery few of our old school subscribers: "A :Ur. Elmore is one of the 'old school' sub scribers, of the Kingston Jour/tat. He was thir ty-one years in arrears for his paper. Last week he called upon tuc editor s of the Journal and 'paid up like a man,' and, remarking that he might not he around very soon, he paid his sub scription ten years ahead, and another for his mother for twelve years ahead." • A New Counterfeit. There is a counterfeit afloat of the new issue of tiny cent currency. It tuts been no skillfully executed that it is doubtful whether one man in ten has knowledge of Its existence. It is said it appeared two da3 a after the'genuine. If this be so, it is evident that some one who had acemss to the genuine plate must be connected with those persons who have issued this counterfeit. The "get up" of the note is almost derfect. No difference OM be distinguished between the printing and the engraving of the genuine and counterfeit, so experts decide by the paper it is printed on, and by the "loop" In "p" of Treas urer Spinner's name. On the right hand upper corner of each note will be found the 'owe:Milt of the loop of this letter. If this is not there the note iscounterfeit. Ilarford inslitutv,. The second meeting of liarford Town Insti tute convened at the 'Graded School building, September 20th, 1873. Session c;rened with singing and prayer. President, Mr. W. L. Thatcher, Secretary, pro. tem., Miss Sada Ting ley. Mr. Jetirioi iDirecton made some general remarks. A. very interesting class exercise in Practical Arithmetic was conducted by Miss Tingley. Atter recess a class exercise in read ing by Mrs. Stroup. A committee was ap pointed to prepare a programme fur next meet ing. Adjourned at twelve. P. M. The subject of Orthography was dis cussed* Mr. Barre.t.t. A committee appoint ed at a previous meeting, submitted a constitu tion which was discussed and finally adopted. Officers elected to serve three months: Mr. IL C. Barrett, President Miss Agnes Thatcher, Vice President:. Miss E. P. Gamble, Secretary ; Mr. W. L. Thatcher, Treasurer. Alter races-, Mr. H. C. Sweet made SO:1111 remarks on the subject of giving prizes. Miss Addle Carpenter read a cotnposition on - Dismal Pimple." Mr. Thatcher read an ex,client paper tallowed by praraical remarks on his method 01 teaching History. Miss Thatcher read an essay "Self Education." Programme was announ d for nest meeting. Hentarks by directors an ult . ers,?lj, eel tostnect Saturday, October , robable Murder. ELME Great excitement prevails in from the tart that un Situeduy morning, the bodies of 3lrs. lilargaret D'Ylarra, aged sixty live, and her dauginer Mary. aged thirty, were iound lying close by the track of the D. L. & W. railroad, within a few feet of the crossing at 3lontrre Depot. They res'ded about three miles from that station in the township of New Milton!. Bruises and cuts were found on the back part.of the head and neck of Mrs. O'Mar ra, and several censor bruises on the fare of the tasty of the daughter. Tire right anti of the daughter was completely revered at the elbow. and nearly severed at the shoulder. The left leg of the mother was nearly revered at the Suspicion arose that ail might not be right, and led to a belief of foul phy. Coroner Halsey was sent fur, nod a Jury railed 01.1 an in via:iguana had: plare,which elicited sufficient evidence to eture the arrest of Daniel o'Al:writ. 3 von of Margaret' o'3lsrra, and brother or Ma ry, and his hired man, Patrick Irving. Upon investigation the coroner's jury rentlenal a ver dict that these women came to their death by their hands. The prisoners were taken to Montrose and committed to jail, and on Mon day moaning they had a hearing beforaßsquire Avery, whirl' lasted until evening, the defense, however, introducing no evidence. They were committed to prison to await the action of tire grand jury at November Term of Court. We deem it best at this time not to present through our columns any of the evidence, either sworn or hearsay, that the interests of the Commonwealth or that of the priamers, may not be in any way preju diced in the matter, as all proceedings thus far have born merely preliminary. We have full confidence that justice will be meted out in this matter, and wherever guiltattachta correspond ing punishment will follow. There must he a mud jury and probably a petit jury drawn Cram the citizens of this county, to Ire this case, arjd we deem it our duty as a journalist at this time, not to publish anything that will prejudice the mind of any one. 5:1 that rigid and impar tial justice may be defeated. We have foil con fidence in the action of theconimonwealth,that if these prisoners are guilty they will he ade quately punished, and also these prisoners, like every other, whether innocent or guilty, are entitled to a fair and impartial trial. Ova CORRESPONDENCE. (We Invite our frtennt, from different ton.. to rend no acme of interest. tend the facto; UV till 1117214 C thelll.l Ff7o.lf BOOTHACT URN. Copious showers of late. Buckwheat is a full crop. . Tue last sensation was a slab pile on fire of a dark night. Potatoes will be over an avent,ge crop, so Lev the farmer& New goods arriving almost daily at the al ready well filled store of It. J. Carter's. James Ilifenbety 'believe is the oldest man in the township, he is in his eightyfifth The Jaynes JI hers planted ten acres of po• tatoes the present season, and estimate from what they have dug the crop will =punt to Sl teen hundred bushels. William Donliin haa been dangerously ill some time past, and is attended by Dr. Kent of Au burn Centre, and is doing well. ilday his recov ery be speedy and sure- Pratt Wheeler, of Mesboppen, Wyoming county, put on one hundred and eighty-four yards of plaster, first coat, on the new school house in seven hours. Who can limit that. , •Caldwell Mllicken's farm has over four miles of stone wall. The stone was hauled and laid up mostly by his own bands, and he is hale and hearty yet. • It wart an unbroken wildeniestr when blr.'.l.Micken moved on to it, now thara is well fenced and well cultivated fields; and rut air of peace and comfort Rave JA.citcr South Aubeiro, Sept. 26th, 187 PROM WYOMING VALLEY. Enrrons OP lintwerser:—On account of business, we were unable for the past two weeks to give you items frem this place. For the past week we have had very bard frosts, and a great deal of damage to the crops has been done. Corn has been hurt very bad, anti the farmers complain that they will not re alize more than two-thirds of a crop, when be fore the frost they thought they would have a better crop than they have bad for years. Buck wheat has been seriously damaged, largo tields having been cut by the frost and it is not tilled to any extent, anti will not pay for cutting, on ly fur the straw, which is bad lur the people living in this vicinity,who depend upon tanners for their winter supply. The potato crop is good, better than was expected In the forepart of the season. They are large, yield well, and do not rot. We have beard of the potatoes rot ting had in different parts of the county,but we arc not troubled with it here- Coal is getting surprisingly cheap here. The Willits; Barre Coal & Iron Company and oth ers, to-day announced that en and after Septem ber 20th, until turther notice, the retail price of cual delivered in Wilkes Barre would he $230 for broken, egg, stove or chestnut, and $1 7.i for pest. The first named amount is a reduction of $1 30 from the price attempted to be established some time since, which was four dollars. For what purpose this step is taken we cannot authoritatively gay. This price $2 30 is only n very slight advance over the cost of the coal at the mulles. The foundation of Tuttle & Cruser's store tuts been finished, and the brick masollS are at work on the outside walls. It will be one of the best store houses in our town when it is finished.— We hear of several other stoma to be built this fall. L. Kingston, Pa., Sept. 22d, 18;i1. FROM S Q UEHA NSA DEPOT. '.lt stiee bath not heen dewl, tho' she slept, She is now awake, taking note' o` what was done, And like a prophet. looking in a glass, Shall show n hat rotore et ils w err conceived. And were in pro.gress to he hatched, But now sllan have no issaantn." There is no abatement of the excitement here about Lux's artieleit. T "editor:" In our lo cal Journal, have wasted ink, Ii ne and temper. snarling at Lux. Yon have heard of "a dog haying the moon." But, nlty all this "Idle" ii no one is hurt! Why "tiny the moon Is it the fight in it, or "the titan in it" Unit annoys, or b o th! "All in the Ca tulogne" or editors, -go for men," of manna., "As hounds, and grey hounds. mongrels, spaniels, tuna, are radical all, by the name of digs. The valued file, nislies: "The sivith, the shoe, the subtile. As discriminating nature had, In racL inclosed Front the hill Ilmt writes them all alike ns d Some editors. like some dons, "have station on the v:daed MC," bat only on the common mit,- logue na nhich all go as tstimrs. Some editors ive etutlon in the smallest rant. A. men an as editors iha it names chitchat be writ nitl,nni:l inizink. Their aims are st3)^!l, Heir tea'', arc li'.e their adios. They iinen,as bandy as in mind. named in any sense, the saying wool I apply tai Coen, that "the mind It the 1111,1.1, rat' Th.. Mali, - tnlsing them all in b weight and w o rth, i n Iti:sl, souL They are to liar ".lour)41 - y"taill," what the street organ grind& r is to 11=112=11 {tits ground out. (tr, th e y are l , th, in it ter . printed, as is the ,ape setter to the thonglit estws..sed in the Ito set , in order, to be print. d. Such an "editor" ly, a practical printer, putting before a con, 11111 4 tmll matters as he may - select," or have , prepared tor ' ltitn, news, in 1•n 1111. lion, advertisement. or the like. I s n hr. ver y g oo d. But when such pg•r:ons tio• work of editing, In the ordinary sense of the t e em• sad e ,Irk of . it. Such n man. thinking he should say so.nething ' ocrasionally. at Was:. been "he is ar, phh/r. - is in -danger of injuring Itim-elf, if that be all he ',jay, or can do, and gen. rail', it is all. I; h. 1191 Lis /11khitioit. and they ,1,. not look for "1..,. utters' from him. They kw), Le is not