The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 01, 1873, Image 2

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    THE 011iNtOCRAT;
J?...8.41:4-4FLEI 7 LE CO., Editor.;
Wedizeisday, Oct. Ist, 187 3.
Democratic State Ticct.
FOR STATE iteAsrittii;
n'„ ntu'TcuiNsoN,
of Alleglieny county
FOR JtDGE oF sr corn,
HON. .1111191 E% a. LUDLOW,
of PLiladclphin
ilemocratic County Ticket.
' Sup;lrrhanna munlg,
of Wyoming county
o f
_yew 21 ',iron!
of Great Bend.,
of Jliddlclown
Of .cpringrille.
of Montrose
Wiry don't the Ilepreseutatives or
even the editor of the tontroee Rep
east deny that they voted for the "Legis
lative Sultry Grab," in order to take
about $lOO,OOO out of the tax-payers
fiockets? It is easy for any person who
chases, to say, "you lie sir!" Why don't
they do as much as that over their own
signature? If a law, had been passed
last winter making it a crime, to publish
Tegislarice proceedings they would have
bad the advantage of us, but as it is, we
have got the proof as well as the truth
on our side.
'rim Sillier Divorce.
The editor of the Montrose Republi
can, says that he knows but little
about the "Sittser Divorx Bill," and then
says we have misrepresented it. That
is his usual argument when be is corner
ed. :Now the people will reason at once
that if our statement is false how easy it
would have been for Senator Lafayette
Fitch and Assemblyman, Henry M.
Jones to have put in a simple denial, aut
convict us before the people of this coun
ty, of what would' : be a most infamous
falsehood ? Mr. Frazier can assert that
we have "misrepresented" after admit
flog that be knowi nothing about it, anti
without stating wherein the misrepres
entation exists,. and not compromise any
body's veracity. And now We simply ask
these Representative gtutleman to come
forward and prove ns a falsifier.
B,eporied Bribery.
It is notorious among Republicans, and
those who attended the Convention at
Tunkhannock, that A. B. Walker the
Representative nominee of that county-,
bought his nomination. The convention
balloted from noon till twelve o'clock a:
night, and he only secured his
t.ion by paying from ten to one-hundred
dollars for delegates. It may be argued
that unless It-publicans vote for the 11. , 111-
inee they will destroy the party. The
- •
best way to save the party and protect
the interest of the cominonwealth is to
teach 'aspirants for office, that bribery and
corruption are not sanctioned by the peo
ple; 'Homan is bound by attYparty Yaks
toAnpport.acaudida te who obtains his
nomination -by such corrupting means,
but every honest man who has a vote
should visit 81.101 political debauchery in
whichever party with the contempt it de
serves. We make the above assertion up
on the authority of Some of the lead
ing Republicans of Wyoming county,
who are handling the tabject " without
Pass Ulm A long.
At a late meeting of the Democratic
City Executive Committee, of Philadel
phia, there appeareed two contestants for
tte legislative nomination from the Third
District,'llessrs. :3amitel Josephs and
ThiviJ Sulltvan. The latter was declared
the nominee by-the emphatic vote of ]5
to 5 ; whereupon
Mr. Josephs immediately announced
that he would not abide by the decision,
but would run as as independent candi
date and would appeal fur Republican
votes to elect hint, thus placing himself
outside the Democratic party and . no
longer entitled to the support or coun
tenanced Democratic Voters.
We rejoice no the action of the
eqiittaittee t* of' Mr. Josephs. Ile has
been :elected year after year by Itepub
limiti,inteti; and hes. not
, been en titled to
the'';ppett countenance" of the De
nmeritey.. lie is in -.perfect accord
the -Ibidimil - ritiW rtiosters'Of Philadelphia,
and noW - pat i*!:as'd e ern e ed liis inten
iOihide; with . then, we
, ti hat
we tiottitseiled-ropeatedly.befike, , that the
Detneentuy: Philadelphia, and : every
shottittyitftheneverres- av !pe
dily at it , isibla of all ilia
ilk. liepublibuls parkrti, please 4:Losta!lreitn the Si4p3 Treasury'.
note (4 the . !lce"si4 ": rc* 10800 at all it4Sied in the man
agement 'of the State Treasury, says the
Age,. or Who remember the del elopemen ts
in the (Mince of Yerkes & Co. in this
city, can have been Without apprehension
as to the safety-of :the -public funds in
this crisis. The extraordinary fact ap
peared also before the Legislatiye
ptting Committee last 'wiliter, ,that iMr.
:Mackey settled lisdosses as au-indvtduaL
speculator by an official draft on the pub
lic money. Now conies a disclosure, that
is acredited by these proved faicts, and by
information from a telitible source- COM-
Mllnicated to the • Pit tsburg Pact. We
copy frtnn sits issue of Tuesday the fol.
lowingAetter from Harrisburg which is
entirely consistent with what. has been
generally suspected in this oily since the
panic began. The enormous balance
nominally kept in flue Treasnry, is no
toriously the basis of speculations which
make huge fortunes when all goes • well ;
but ;when disaster comes, the loss falls on
the people, as it did when the Chicago
I fire exposed tWspeculations in which the
funds of this city were embarked. There
is not au intelligent man • who has not
expected some snub disclosure as is now
I made in the following publication. We
have no further knowledge of the par
fact stated in the Post ; but that the
safety of the public money in the hands
of Treasurer Mackey is a subject of well
grounded apprehensions at, this time
among most intelligent business men is a
fist too notorious for anybody not to
1 1
mike a
Opintoia cit the Press.
The Democrats of Suscochanila Conn
ty Pa have done. themselves .honor by .
presenting by the District Colivent ion the
' name of E. It. Hawley, Esq., Editor of
the Montrose DF.NIOCRAT, for Representa-
five in die Legislature.. Mr. Hawley is
an able advocate and' defl.ndl.T of Demo
cratic prine;ples and an uncompromising
foe to Monopolies, Special Privileges,
Credit Mobiliorties, Salary Thieves and
Land Sharks generally—the right kind of
a man, in fact, to look after the interests
of the people of Susquehanna and Wyo,
ming counties in that God-forsaken den
of corroptiOnists known as the Pennsyl
vania Legislature. We sincerely hope
that he may be elected,but whatever shall
be the result his nomination is a deserv
ed compliment to a faithful champion of
a glorious cause—presenting in favorable
contrast the appreciation of the Demo
; critic press by the Suspelianna Denton
, raey compared with the niggardly spirit
! of certain small-smiled aspirants to lead
ership this side the State line who stem to
act upon the theory that the best way to
advance the interests of the party is to
deal stingily, even unto meanness, With
the press, conspiring for the purpose of
weakening its influence. “jewing" down
prices to unremunerative tigures,and cheat
ing the publishers out of their profitless
bill at last. Oweyo Gazelle.
"Tits Right: to bolt," says the Chicago
Tribune, "as one of the safeguards of fete
government, and it sometimes is not on
ly a right but becomes a duty. The pro
fosised object of every nominating con
vention is to select the best men for of
fica—men of honesty, energy, and ca
pacity, who give guarrautees that they
will administer their offices to the best
of their ability and for the best interests
of the people wham they scrye. When
ever, therefore, it becomes apparent that
a convention ras full,n info the hands of
dangerous men, who have not this pur
pose in view ; alien it is morally certain
that these men will plunder the publui
and introduce vicious principles into pub
lic affair; or when there is evidence to
slow that the nominees will fail to carry
out the principles which they profess ;
when a convention is packed in advance
in the interests of such a candidate; or,
as in the case of the Masmcbusetts Con
vention, if Mr. Butler had been nomina
ted, being an unprincipled mail, then it
is both a right and u duty to bolt and
this the Washburn Republicans would
undoubtedly have done if Butler had
been nominated. Evidence of this Lct
is that the Convention telused to adopt
the resolution, and the Committee cn
Credentials, to whom it was referreed,
made no report upon it. No convention,
or caucus, or clique of any description
has the right to prescribe limitations or
dictate a coarse of action to one of its
members. • • a • «
There will never be good government
until the right to bolt the nomination of
a bad man, and support a good one in
his place, is unquestioned."
“Tonnaze Tax” Walker.
Oar citizens well remember the re
peal of what was mailed the 'Tonnage
Tax," which mused such excitement and
just indignai ion of the people against
the members of the Legislature who sold
themselves tc the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. It will be remembered that
there was a large amount of reveune Cue
the state trona this railroad company on
accumulated tax, beside what would
have accrued from year to year afterward.
Those who etould pay tax to support the
state goverument, were released by this
infernal scheme and of course like all
other burder s it was thrown upon the'
laboring masses. The Republicans of
Susquehanna county will remember Sena
tor George Landon's complicity, and we
think that Laudon remembers them, fur
they meted - Out to him the just does of
his venality IT wiling trim entirely out
of their political confidence. Alanson B.
Walker, the Republican nominee of Wyo
ming county was amember of the Leg
istatnre from Wayne county at that time
and voted for the repeal of that tax and
like Landon, lie was visited with the
popular indignation of his district, and
kicked out of his party. Ile came into
Wyoming, county, and two years ago by
the most tricking political legerdemain
he !milled the regular nominee of the
Republican party of Susquehanna county
off of the ticket and got his mane on,and
it was so short a time before the election
that his •Tonnage Tux" notoriety was
not known until after ho was elected
It was soon demonstrated in the Legisla
ture by Ids "Barb Creek" railway plan.
dering schemes. The history of those
"Tonnage Tax" members of that shame
fully corrupt transaction,.is that not one
I of them, edher Demeerat or Republican,
was returned to the_ Legislature except.
in districts where the Pennsylvania IL H.
company could control the cotes. Walker
slipped through two years ago becimse of
the ignoraneC of the people of his hi tory.
llt was notorious that these men received
from $3,000 to *lO,OOO for their votes
any influence in the Legislature according
as they were, able . , to ! ctOrtunatid' their
"price.' If the people want corporations
relieved of a little more to x,vhieh , would
I exempt them entirely ; sous to pay a -M-
I tie higher taxes themselves they can send
Walker to represent them, and we eau
I aSSU re, thenzt ttiat he cum- - he relied upon
to-carry out theirs wishes. He knows
how to eater his - expenses in buying _his
nomination which be has so fully demon
ttratell, in his last Legis'ative career.
ITAitursßrrna, Sept. 20 1673,
Editors Pittsburg Pot.
It has just leaked out to-day here that
the State. Treasury, through the machin- 11"..1 q
ILLII To worm. Any per
t:dons of Mr. Mackey, State Treasurer, 1..0,, .•r ottz t! t lther en, run :nal, front t , 11l to
hon., day or ~ e n.uir. N noted by all.
is a loser by the failure of the Union or contort.
and onf n. aro). In make an Intle•
Banking Company, of Philmlelphia, . 161 '
the amount. of nearly tide a million dot- r..?7,"n i N'J i •V;;l" l '' ll— " v " l "'"' d
Alit; A LIVINU,'Nrng BA/ Inatrurz
• """..""' oq `"" i " " r
keptA. Bl;tal , N Woatelrostat .
lure. The thing has been as (inlet Co.. N.Y.
Apr.l 1573 -otra 17
as possible, but, like murder, -will nut."
The exact sum is not yet fully known, THE CONFEN.SIONB OF .4 N /NV I.ID,
but it is understood in well-in formed " 6 '` t "'" Y """
LI mi.
circles that it is from three to 'lire hun:
ri lo our a . lo "
thousand dollars. The n tin os t endear- "' tner
ors will be made to keep this new breach '"/"".
of trust on the part of the State Tremur- nom 13n, Brooklyn. 11. Y.
June MI, It
er from the public, us the knowledge of
the fact on the part of the public would • • -
damage Mr. Mackey's prospects fur elec-
Mew ArlVert.fsen ants.
tion in October. 111 rims 'Nf - Tlo- Itt .13
Mr. Mackey is in Philadelphia just LI h y l '" r ''""
.••11.,. ...toot ll.c ftx
now trying to fix things up and to cotes ,io 11 '7 V"r'• w'n '"c"'
his flank if he can; hut the people should ;;;',..y " ;,'l: ; `,
know that to entrust the custody of the '''"`"'"' '"'''
public fund any longer to a man wh o has M °a. 10 WM.—
proved so uutaitbful to his trust would
be nothing less than a crime.
A little more than a year ago the Staft's
loss in the•fadnre of Yerkes, of Phila-;
dolphin, the delimiting broker, who was
also of State Treasurer Mackevoras
about t , 1.55.000. This sum 'Mackey as
serts was made up to the Commonwealth '
by the Tieasurer, but how waa it done'?
When the Committee consisting of Mr
chaffer and some other party from Phila
delphia, parties chosen by Mackey him
self, certified to the correctness of the
Treasury, it was done in this wise : See
erid banks, the First National bank o!
this city, and several others, who are fa
vored by the Treasurer with the dep%sii,
of public moneys, furnished the arucunts
to make the cash account show a sum
sufficient to make the books square; but
in two hours after Messrs. Shaffer S Co.
left the Treasury Department, the money
was returned to the banks, and the de
ficit remains just as it was when Yerkes
failed. This same process is repeated ev
ery time it is necessary for the State Teas
nrer to make his exhibit, and when the - 1
devil is whipped around the stamp ; and
the honest tax-payers duped and their !
money is squandered and! recklessly used
by Mackey for his own private gain. If
ever the state Treasury passes out of the
control of the "Ring" into other hands, !
if Mackey is defeated as lie should be,
it wui be found by his successor that a I
frightful state of things exists in the
.State. Treasury. This is what Mackey,
and his friends (1 mean the knowing
ones) fear more than anything else. But
is it not enough to know that this man I
Mackey, has used the funds of the Com
monwealth, entrusted to him as a public
officer, for private gain, and that, too, in
violation both of the laws of the State
' and his oath of office ?
If the people of Pennsylvania elect ft.
W. M a ck e y State 'treasurer next October
after these exposures, and the funds of
the State shall hereafter be appropriated
as the assuredly will be, the fault will be
at their doors and not at that of your
correspondent, who seeks to warn them
of their danger.
, Printing. 1.
;IVA C•.t lIIRTEC7C , ,ZIII.: Si§
Theakuman tinily fs OnaehlueAnd tticrefaii
eannuitendurtyltirev ' er, 4 lmt, like watt:#:l44
scieing!:miteldne, Inst.
;properly regttlatedjend diqy repttiretl,thil if ht . )
were taken to kr, p if in order. Thel
great ottjsci of every one 01st desires a long
• mid healthy site stionki be Input his rawly in tr
condition to resist the life threatening Witten
cm, by which we ore ttlr no Irsicaniir4u4e-11
dcd and no ini ivelf,llllt 140.1 eon - relive al preS- ,
, enl known so etteetively 141164,111 this 1,1111,0,,
as the vital . izing undo r tltc_im prT
timuling.rimse 91 - Inlolidettitil)SttunnteltAlitterN
itas been rim morn Ilan twent)• years the stal
-1 third tonic of Amerien.-in.crowilefl olth's;whgre
the ntaitospliere is eontaminated with the ellivia
inspirable.fron large populations; in marshy
regions a Item the soggy soil Treks Whit nil
, soma ; um the pntri, anti In the forests.whern
ever!,' 1.11 the air is buinleil with exhalations
from rotting weeds awl grasses, or tisvottlpoS ,,
lug serves—in short. in m ery locality where
malaria cAist s, I his powerful %co !Auk antidote
is urgently needed. Fever and ague..billions
fevers, tlysertrnry, congestion of the ' liver,
dine; -theturinu,rau.'artul all diseases which tint
gellll . l,llClierrif itifechsi nit', imparts water, orsuil
, den elett , j. of Isnipt rators, may be averted
' bv strangtll;lling nod regulating the system in
I advance with ilestetief's Bin ere Antonin Is
always n sonic 01 peril, ospecially tit vt
mist:cm Mkt ;Irvin ix:II ions. Even the more rig
; oracle arm apt to bit in spAtte in. slum depressed
• by the litintid atmosphere:lon g ith
em< L es ,:i+C: produced by vegetable decay. The
full is a peri o d year ivii^n the remora tin
anti regulation Of the Heinz - machine w perell
j fitly impel tent, the Ilitier.4 ?Mundd there
! fore Le taken daily at iii- eriticul sunsuit.
SpEcta) Notices
I,4ret)il pr •SS UVI44. U WWI< PI Inttng and Pub
, WI., Marc. \'tt. 0r...
GE.YI'S everywhere 10 rpII new Ana novel Eat
ert.llll, big Mat a rm. Illn.tralor.
WAN T.VP 11,1.144-t It. Ma {c, Ntaill, nutlet Itsg (Oak
;met, too Itettntlst ay. No. tort.
771 E P.I ac CO.IIP_LY 10:V.
nye, a dy „t tonnui
EN Vly to Ituve Imo i
Scut oil
44.1• • •111 I).E .t valth A telane, N • Y
p 2.1 portolde ,evelotr ~i n- on FA Boy, Trial.
it Illy adv. 1.1413, ovvr All : 4 a 1•Ise 41.1rtranlet,{1. ur
c - 1,1 i,.fiil..t .1. Si.lll ( . 0111,iit'le. 01 • 0 (VI dire,ooot.
Beck with Sewing Nlarldne Co , .010 Broadway, N. Y.
~ir,•, fI rm. •Id, , MiltrEVY
n:P1 1 oft w. -Ittt redlt:. Lite JI it. r lu•rmt It
toy. I a J.,' t 4 - 1
„ n• n 1...,11,1,1 (•, tat
n tn,rf n!,s thr ertantan.l.ll on yr lx.µl.,tet.. A fair
1111! t he air hr
, :n: ,e , lhi.ze rta a b... ret.t. Tod- te•
az•., 4e,. 111 “ 15trt.h.p.....5
I , I L di , .15 .of a rAtet,e/ nts. 11,1 i.e tee
5 ll he nu.e ra•y 1:11 •
I.- I• i _ frPI rl ,y 1,115 -eoe •
rr u“c..-r, N.
hee1....•i1.//fi 3 . o
...,::„,- ~...„. 0,
fill! i'liiiiiß DeliSS -fifilllS
Shaw;s, Cloaking;
Flannels, Blar.kets, etc
Ladies , and trusses" Trimmed'Hats;
Boys', YOCTIIS. - , AND 31ENS
Acid Trois*lsazeh
MlEtto cf 4Detpts.
Boys' and Men'a
Maerctleme camiel 413-ezatesr
k't 4,rtil4-I':i
AU the above opening in larvavariety Al the *km, or
Gultenlicag, Aosenbaum tr.
11. s, DINSALTEIl f Stana;in; nertacr .
Mu:Arm, Sept. 21, ISM
DI CIE Rig & (h-1
New Milford, Pa..
I ; ATAt 7
g - 1 4.14 ,1; '7 )11
NEW 'PALL G 001”
Now ort Sak, ,
both Foretell and 11n erne, Staple and Proof. Al!
the Nerniti, In Press Trimming. ltilittinie,
Larta,Eminuildety,llatr Goodd. etc.
Ma Gnu Inducements to Buyers of
botiv!ht nt tuettrn pricell for tag,. nthd ondersold by
Outse. 6 ronottleant cUrplay at baliiLS.
h^ve to IVCOTXCIrATeI ahnon etiough to
All 11tOYll Mom.
We altrayr keep nn hand a herb and complete etnelz
Of .M.1 , C1.0.02 . 1.01511 tier cotrirs -
c 33... Flour,etc , or Mc loan. beer., or
pne no, A flue Itne of HAM/WARN and Hoare Fur
olr)firi Goods. HA-NUM:S, all the popular
Are tweed to keep everything the people wan t„toid have
reeent , y addext to Orli lento:era stock e varied uyeot
11111. t Of
i t
e a
C;INEs, Err_
Ever - 3 - thleg In the Dreg line at pekes that will heton
lel, drug buyers.
call parttentar ■•tmrlon to their vcry large
bntE Is•nr , l and r.vl r• r .nlo n 1 wir..2 ,
•r• :11..nntwtrirr cud deal !II TIN, Lol.l.Ert
Iwo w. hero overly ererythi.,-
conorloo -lord. of eloy to row h. tho totaoly. I...trzlit st
1.... wit:to:age for t:!\ tll usifi old at I lit, Coast awing
Now Milford. 4
ZZirter cfc
Atcsiatrozoo, Zia.
'USE Ti'S NOTlCE—lxteerr :rola', 11 . P, tti the
esale LlinA IlircburtLdev'd, Fnmst
Lakr. connty. •
have Av. prnoird 19 tri.e
ell per-ora 1t0101,1.4 In illy 9re
rigor -led to /Lake ilarticAS al e RI) meut. Isl4l 11,10 e hav
ing clalmn nr neremi.a.. aim.t the Ort Ate. of thq .aid
cedami to make trutiwn , tho Ine
E 1::: AS .SMITLI. Exrccutor
2,•puintvd nu Auditor. by t 7 Court of
Pica, of Sit,ocebautta touttry., en dbolbate
in th , Oaod• ..1 Iltr at,ignver of J
stig-n1 I , the duty of Ho appointment at his , five.
Mom rope. Frldny Oct. IT. of I at
Which (11... am! 'IL, all iterenua luier,turlinny a toad,
or be foreecr barred from , Odbit.F 'fo"d
. ,
AfnutrtniA. BO . _ .
D. W. DEARI.E. Auditor
A UIIITOIN` NITTICE.—The t00:et...4,21'0 d;ltti Audi.A
tor. nopolotod by the r•ttot Swine.
.banna talent) to dtalrlbute fatale It the handy of the
Adoolootrotor to tho ettat aof U. - I.9'.dlmnn. mitt at•
tend to the (tullee of his api.dottnynt at ht. taco It
Mootooko. oil Fritter. tlet. Itata. Pt:l, ta cs'el tea:. p.m..
•Len all perentm may•tavrent thCI,CIIIIII. 0,110 (warm
A. O. WAlißElV,litor.
Montrose. Sept. 10.-1813.;
A uprrowsNotiCE.—Tbe nntlereigned, an A editor
appointed . by the °ethane Court or Suequebanfla
County to dieirlbututbe Audit to the hand. of 3Lary,.
Rentals, Ll eeutrtt of the e+ tato of Cltus ftennettaleed,
hereby. eiree notice that h wIP attend to the dut lea of
Ids oppoipll cnl, at big taco in Montane. cm.,Friday,
Oil 81.4. tellt atl cichirk n. or., at 1.1110,11m0 and place
allper.ona intouxted will Makc known their cktlme or
be forever debarred from coming hi on said fund.
W*. A. CIitOSSMON, Auditor.
• Montrose. Sept. 21, Ihl h.
A CLIITOR*B NOTICk The toadernithcd hieing - been
appointed no Auditor. by ilt.c .Prptutoh l Court
of gupqachmlun Comity to dietilhule the Toad to
the handy of thomr Watoubtirn. adminirtrator of the en.
tate 03 Thrnes. 1..,• Im3 le into of. Ammt t l rP.,
tlece,ed," 'tittrnd 'ld the Mille. of id. -11ppolut
moul at' the oillte of Yitch & Widen% in.-Illontrote, on
Friday, Octoner dilhi !M. et 1 o'clock. p. m. nt arhlch
time and piece all I perf•mm , intercalod :Itisald fund tenet their clalitok. or ho fureeee debarred flow cola
ing lu upon said loud: '
. • ' SAM.TSON,'Andltnr.
,Montrote. Rept: 21,1h11.-:—lset •._ •
. .
A EDITOR'S NQTlEEl—The•tuiderohmt4l. an Audit
/9. or appointed by Orphan'," Conn of thioqittimat
na,Couuty, to dlotrilmte the fool, in tile. hantin of Eli
Ember; adminiottuier' of 'the .•eit.tre• et ' W.
An-annt... Antateed, • will •Atiend tha• of ,110;
appointment at bin nflice lu Mouintia oti Friday.
°m , ote to; ima r .at. I 'O - `einelf,. t o tn.. at Which 'lkea and.
place all .0.e.; ..bamreottoll wiliztalte, known their ;
dolma p hr lfe 'forever debarred from, Cumipg in on raid
B. L. n . D.W
31ontrote S . ept.i7th;ltrEf. ' • '• •
A LWITOR'S NOTICe.—Toe opdron,lgsted,- to ;Areti ! , ,
Iv tor appointed by the .Indge . ...a of the kirphen'e
In and , for :tht Comity oVtitoututtmiuti, otrareptlons
to tho !Sttt iglinita,t ninon sccoun Vol Deo boo Xliotpaa
adner T.'.14 hi the vrtate or Fai»tia Lc rd. dectauktd.,
wilt attend:to the , dollea4 - ol , f f. ntipitilitinent. at his el:
dart In Alit ;:7a4.01 tt.ttorit7, 9:344e: Rao,
team); in the afternty All parti v. in tt•rt•plthi Ore here.
• , yr migirpi to stopcortold present - choir glotme, oLAbe ,
'abovp..bita ansipbstaAr,be.fonsvcr
‘. • ."- " D:-Vh
Mont:tree, Sept, IT, 1:379.
—.._ -7-e--
~ • .
s cNJ ES --11Y :" Illi'firF Or iiblyr cif Silver tako Mill be held at tho house late of IS:
ll' •'• ' . - , •- • .3lct.rertglcs In raldlownship.
• , lla ifsued by the Court of Cottiratin Plant ti Thli tim.tiors teethe diettle. composed of the First
niSusguoltanna County and to lite- tirriaeletlZl- 1 -wersi id the Itorouli of . rehtehanott Daiwa will be'
aeilVelf pose to attic by public' ectlidue„ , at the beld at the house oMconlial by ...teeter U. Chaffee In meld
• • •+ I hosting t.
Court . Houk In 3lontrose, on ', : . *-
, i Tee Fleetlon for the district emanated of the !keyed
no Omen& Depot will be'
.lifiritito, October 10, -- 1873. -- - 4-
i rtr,‘ , ,,,ori,TF.ol.4'tseu"iglip'ildbb'y Lino. Henson to sold'
tu.t. .
at 2 o'clock, p. tn., the following iticr-es- or par- I Do
~.., , . . ....
't rte election for tie distrlifcamtlcistld df the town
eels of land, to wit: ' 1 s hip of, Thomson .will be held et Abe hereto late or
Cheater Strnitleol Inlaid township. ~, . •
All that certain iiiiiel or joircil Of 'lank sill-
Irillsd drake knon tt and glee notice, am en !Ind by the
i to In the township of Nrw 1111 fool, minute of /tenant, , lath ~‘ , ,,i,,,., of Joy 2,141. directed. - net:
Wilma. and Chile of Pennsylvania. hounded and do I
every person except Jtistlees of t he Pea.. who shalt
rl Sal a- f01i0... to it: ; On the north by nod, of b., .qv ~,,,,,,,,,,
e ,,,,,,,, m , tai of yr,d,b or mat abdei
It obert liarriron, . n the east by 101. do of F. V. i10y1e„.... f . 0i0..., , 01 . 1 ,, , to t
of Imo plow,
oral viv.cit,
or to.
Jacob McLeod. end It L. Sutphin (111 the south by lands "'n
torporeteddiratfet. is bother a cortintin - slonea officer or
of Norio:Ili Pool, Jefferson Ayres and D. 11. Wadley...l t n 3 r •ntrwltO le., ll Ix., employee; undet theleztelstlva
." 01,. .t a- F l4 b i. J•• . l. ... of -Ml4h aatt • Icf:nrin, ( t °ntalui• g Ilnilleinry. or' extrattie department of thin Slate or
' On scree of bind. or 'ova - 'dine mole or less. with the 1 limed Siete,. or ant city or iecurporated district ; and
appurtenances, one hod., one barn, Iwo orchanis, min I nlau that every
el of Cony ern, end,of the State'
of r"•44 '',, 44l 7 • ta d ',l (V. ,t i ', t ing , • altar , l° '„, fo i n r ,, fll4. I lxelnlature, andel the
of cOnertoneoulteli of an?
hurt in , untunt. Itr a l - 1. -- a -en n e- e----- - city, et commissioners of any luonrporated di toles if
suit of in,
liner en vs. Amble/cod Bari 1
~, by htw Incapable al holding or exercising, at the same'
' A 1-00— sn that "' MI lth4lrrdnd ban. ' t ''''' 1 time.,Lhe rare or appointment-of Judy,lespeciar or'
following pkgs. o r land, eitiktte in Lenox end Clip Clerk of any electioutot this Coluniontruotb, and )bad
ford toonships.• 'le 'the ' Comity of Surquebenna , no lnepector or .Jortge or other °Meer of any Nude
and State of Pentrylvamla. the tint piece bonneted
- - election; ellen lee eligible to any office then to be Tided
and describe Ita ;01 lOW/ : Oa the north by bads of N. , .......
Lowrie. Deopimln Bennett, rotate of hrbbitel !lineman , '";,..fho art 0rdt0m ..,,,,. of July ~, f4 ,,, ofkohotooo „,
and A. - Churehill,ou the exit by lands Of J. Dood end I "
"the outrof every Mayor„Sberrit Alderman. Jostler, of
estate of Franklin Deed. C. C. lioughtalline. on the ,
, the hare. Constable. of every city. county, township'
s,meth by {Midi,. higlionY• lith i cn Whim°. S . /Ine",• and •or district within this Commons enithos whenever milled;
AI. J. Decker, on the 10,-at by lands of IL J. Peek. hod
by nuy officer of an election, or by throe sunieled -
Nelson Lon tin, oan tialotatt nbontlf.oreit of kind, h i T: c .Tizr±l4,..ul ht chvf nny window or aXenne tO rho
tin• rant moss O r I.'"• wilt, rho .1 . P Ur t ,. ..'" ) “ .. • ..'. I window of • •te !Joss of fleatat Diction whhli ' lull be
linter.l 'filll with 4 run of stoned ; ' n 't te • " ththefleec • Th ''' ! obhirtirtvil lii vile. a Way ar to prvvrot volere from ace;
chtnery. and wheels amplete for one class work. one proachlies, the earn° ; end. tt shalt be the daty of every
sew and Lathe 3illi with ' t/toc.l,now fhod. boiln ell ' rt./pectic° s un) of such wind. di . ..U.1cl or orarnship!
the wh
orl nll • ' An '• in ' M " h 1 "q M " bei " n gth'•" °. ! within this cun) mono cairn , to be pre . . et In person or
tioelltg noose. lam nod out. endings. nue ell Ins- I b. Deputy; at , the place of lauding elci tit:nig, In.'
enNal. Alert, the ripen, nu
t, ant( of one piece ! '
snch ward. district or let
fur the purpose 05
al tool sile - ii°'ltt th e l"innAlia "r r.b"x• in toe coon- ; yr...vine the pence as eons/Id'
ty 0 1 Nea t tudianna and State al Ptaineylvatila, bounded I Ak o ra,,t hi the .Ith section od• the act of Assembly'„
e ' d ''' N ' d" l e :" . c • r b re d . ' n ' u r ra ll e ' s w lri:t T l o )y w h i l t n , cl O *. n ,i 'h u e . " I
1a '•r . e l ;
t . '' ‘ ' . l ti " .... •" 2.„ V 7. -'1 ,,, - .. A n n pr o t ' n ' ate d i." April " ' f ti7 .". Felet "' i tVi o e n a d e a ru b r: d o i t ba be ;
the =loth by I . =testi M.. 1, Pother. nod tr, it y trid4 a"..
the clureseld 1811, section. - shall net he cOustrocted se
of A Chttrrhill.enetelanbf. alinni lrno nntsa:a of Inn be to prevent any militia Milner or banns,* office) *mot
the same more or leen:Wan to appertem Dees he a ,tt og as lode, ',pectin. or Clerk at any geneeil or ,
all elline bonae. a few full Ire., end all improved -- .pa.risi election in thie c0000n0w ,..,
Algot. all the folio p log p ie ,, or par c el 0f „ !,.., ,, 10 c ; situate •
portion, to the provleions e ntained in the :Mb
lo tile ion , mblF of Leno.• in the n".ln S n - qm- - cct.. of the art eforevaid, tite.lud,m of the aforesaid
n inn., and " d ot. of Pa... M a nt a. g a l. ! nn 't. n nd t shall respectively tokr ebony of the certificate
llnncrinnli .e_ a l ( " 11 " W. • to I ' 4 ' ti° the- ° "" h'b i...,ll. return of the election of their respective dletr.cia,.
In oil. of !m ole! Itobltioorh O. C, SeveratiCe...l Ro. ,a.,.tici..",,da,.., than,
01 a .„ . ,, i cy
of our yad,v, tram each'
D'aq• n f • °. tar "' t ba in "' 414 A • Che r
an 4 :l4 • • I • die Ira, at the Court liono, to the Borough of Mone
tt, 1,..•r. oil 111.1mooth . by land, of C. A. Flier end J. I'. t ame, t n the third den after the day of election twine
linctly, and VII the weer by hand of /Orem White, con the present year, on Priday , the lith day of Oct. next:
t•I n i lir ohnne to acres of Inn& Ire' the earn. rt
e,' re. o r
there to do and 'perform the tioth • .tired by law of
las. s its therpourtroanceo, one dwelling hon. rote I ~„t d yady , A
, e , that whore a , ada , e. by
~,,,,,, of'
horn, and other out buildings, a few fruit trees, and all I "
ATI avoidable accident is unable It/attend raid meeting
nearly Improved, (Seized and taken In execution at lite 1 or Jndees. then the certificate fir Meru afomald ehnlY
suit of Samna! Ilebsowd . Andrew Ilaitelead.) be taken chnree of by line of the inept...lora or Clerk..
'Lill- nil 1 lint tract or piece of land, with the lion
t fir the el.-elite. ..I caul district, et htt shalt dueled perform
!ion !louse nod other building, and nopowerrient. ,
the ntie, ritinirell of amid Ju.ioc uflalg,, to atterid.
thereon erveted. Pltiiate In!be listenrhip of I/Imnek. In 1 By ~,,, A , ~,,y n pi1,..,,,d ~,,, 11,, day o f
Illr , ouroY of s °''lnchncinn and State °I Pnnllar la n"bit ' April, 11.9. II Is enacted that at 'loll elections beret:ace
bounded end described en follows. to wit ; flegittnint: bold aod„ the l owa „f this c ddimooo . d b , du , „m y
at a point on the Meshopp=i creek on the Weflerto Uric et. , he 0 ,„ . ., bet , eee . , he hoe ,
of eLe. ~ Seer ..
01 kt/ part of il.i. bud of Beni Perko ..i nlt or the ‘,.,,,,,„‘„. a n o ,W and ~,,,,,,b , i n ,,,,,,,.. p. ..
mill Met, thence north otorenty.ftne dosses west nioe• Ile . Art of .troo.midy of ttlarelt Al, IS., ratified. ant
i 3 nix ;torches Ii) a point 4.0 the eastern One ni the land ! 00 , i.,,,,,,,.. ‘;‘., dm , d y ~,,,,,, all , b , c; lob. In iba,
of Etre °I rid:laud. thence along the land at said cdrirk t ~.., era. ...Moth, of the Cominoutroelle. it is enacted .
Inlet t0,1111,0111.-ITre degree- east slily perehi ii to n I hete „....
rorner of the land of told snarl:tend and Parke. theorost h,„
Socroyi I. Ito It enacted bribe Setlate and floe.
north sixty-'um degrees wort thlrti.d re perence to a o f 1,,,,,,,,,,, a ,,/,,„,, , th e
„,,,,,, ~,,,, of pdadayb..
corner, thanes along the land akin told north seventy. raffia in thatertil Araembly mei, and ft hi hereby e so.-
..even di ;trete west eightydlve perch. to a COMM' I ,•,, i, .
I ) th e authorit to the came. Th.'. the qualified.
theme south •lateen perches to a corner, tbetto by I voters al the ...vend e.utles of the Commonweahh.
la do of sold Strickland And Churls. (,mb, r ki o
at all eenced. township, special eicethins.
a'l fin! in 'line In a corn ••r, t h e nc e b y N ad a o f J. I are hereby, imonner, authorised OM) required to vute,,
'el!' Dr '" k ” .e . bn.lninn4and an -six,na doe 1 ley Helot's. printed, cm written, severally classlited on
1.,r111. theme hr VlllOO ofThomas it. in nl.xee. ila irivr hO , O , .. one ticket .11011 embrace the nntooo of all
G sten. et. al_ slot two handrial and thirty•six parches I 'mtg. of courts voted for, and to he lablot. outside,
to the Nate rood, thence along raid rood .00th urn le ; Ainlletary ;" orie ticket shall embrace the minxes of all
21 - rer t one llntairrd percher 10 a corner. thenCe ea' , , Flute iii`Jecra Vorell for. anti labeled, "state ~'' one ticket
10. I r-Ore perches to a rore,r fit tb.• Pieley lot, thetua. h u ll t
1 s ent.d.ce the liagUre of all county utllests Toted for
""b 'wen-is-eon grew vas ' ° ,‘, ° "% dc , • n l , an ,.n a° . f', -r ' twiddling Mike of senator, member, and Members oi
Cis• a 10 n corms oh the 64211:1, sine of Ir. k'. L1,4..1111,1. Aestadbly. if voted for, and member. of congress, If
thence alone the land of sold Cochrbill 4rd other lend ti voted for. and be labeled, "county ;" one ticket shall
of said Parke cast 110 y-three perches to a e0n.... ' eintlnarc th•• mimes of all township bitters voted far.
Illoltn• •011111 twenty nine then.. nest eicht , I avd be labeled ••township;^ one ticket shall embrace the
111.1 It. reSes to the Meshoppan road. Th.... • alone raid name. or
horn °tact,. voted for, atidtithall be
oatd sit•ii° "itY - avo. aa t - ... - aa ,-0 ' re a' l ' evi n'il i l"'" .• n' ! II:ILI:led "boroutch ;" and each clots shaltbe depcalted in
the State mad theme along State road +oath seventy I a ,,,,,,,,,,, 4„, x „ . ,,
ootsaa aa - t O- ato ta.aat , briar. tataraah.. , taaa'aaaaa' al, a , aaaf i t I i'llelle... Th Fift-enth Amendment of the Con
tract 'Net h elev n de...nor., rrorl forty st a 'meet...thence .
et ,, e ., ,. . or thee..ile, e . ie . I.
to , ....
aa - taaaah aaa.,,,atat*aaal,.'“ writran 1.- "bi'l l • thn •l r " ' L. " 1 •• rinceton 1. The right of citizens of the totted
In tr o d e gree o net twenty six perch. so
. thence uth Steles to sole shall not ho denital or abridged by the
tifil live ticzn-ra meet to Lady-two perche• to tau pl., ,
,•Cuenca Snit, a, , ley any State. till account a% race, color,
of I .ctinnine. oontainine il•fe" hundr' - ' 1 ',,,r'''' of "...• or pre7lollo cionlllion of servitude "
bc the ono.' ..."" "e le'''. ' ill' the t ildnie i ennnee*• "thee •• her tot 1. 'I hi Coneressehall have poorer to enforce
dwellio,e onuses, barn, nitrite,: bullet, shi dr
tee, two till ,.
~,,., i , 1 , 5 av ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dbm. ,.
or, lo.rtio, and one 11111.1.111.11 and lifly erre., Improved-- ;lad tyd,,.t.r erJogrfre. or the ("sited Stales, on
ove,xel nod taken In ...lino at the salt of John 11' th e klet slay ale lech. MU ti !seed an act, cot:fled
ieorite et al. Is. flrulatain I•arke
, i "• 10. •tic i ii> , ' , .hii , i ihi• right 01' r01,,,,,r2fh1e rniltif era fn
A L,..11 A) Qt." Curia Ila tra.i i n land Pinot , . . n t a r y o sore to M e tlere,d -bloke of Me finial.. and for other
t,,, , ...MI,. ei soringvilleatol Illoroek connly Or Sgt. wrp0.,..."' the tiro and !onto LI .001101.10 Of 14.1i . ch are as
gorhal,n.a. and Srotto of Pensto, Isoitiln. twill,: a part of r„b„. o ,
ii,e In in, fort, ale. lyipt.! oil 1110 a Mr.,. a ear ):,....000•
~,... 4 re.. 14, a 'Cr I. Orator potter, and lancing ere , 'rd
it.• le., a a ivr mil and loth 1,1111. oleo a Ilahr a•.d I . 4
ottt, two dw,.lo,.,„..torases. eat -hod, module toy thrt r '
I- itioi• it s 1 0 rainy nines al 1..), more iir h.., ot Ith
iii in ir-r 3 arr. a imps, ~A, hretorliol ie lo lime. to oit f
11. 1,1111, al a 1 , 0.1 ...tolllre ID a 7,01 III.: Tiro, ~ r
- _ ~ . . . .. ...
• ol Csra St.:lllfratni, tiernge Ely. And liettfatrOn
rh. : tor, ni o alto the routhrtott Corner of Loot: r
t•O'ly orShrill.. 11.1.11 t a by into of
-crVA 4 000 bUlsrite4 0.,4 11.1 . ty
r..11.1P.1. a pont. thno, ..,011. turt• Med
ont. Inn& of En-Isnond end Jni.n S. 1CP.11.1,:n.
Inn itortron. to a rornor, ph rod - rh
nti porotont lo a curoor. 01l
" 1 r .rior I rid- of And f'. one
e.I pe•ordn.h. a corner. tin tire by Intrlt of ,*.
erldh tot.: f .rly drnrers trtnt o. t. hneldn d porch
•. at. or opt, 1.111.dr. d foroy-thrt pen . Lor
•us Dirronlr 5,111 Nieto SIM,. son , . :Len. na lip,
it I:frond ...op' r. n r re, ca.r ono hirodrod :soul thr.,
pOse to n Lorar. rhe,co. ens/ 11::
• res. r I:rer-cr -5,t.1 roar' end ht
d , •I 161 pik., -i.titli Minna ernycor %, VA nine-tr.
thrtn. perohet r-Arli. r. 110rit 1.., ty ono de-.
ro e•: kll• trod wrho Spr :von
1.. rr cal by fund. of r...rot Sdt
d o f
;:orch, so the p 1.,. .--
of tnlnn'T.z. trol
vat a . t nat . .tia tots the. aunt a ltd coot. ltd to Rtto
J loon It, a •taiaiag . I hive Ittunned and thirty
nt• 010 . or l . Ftnizott and tilion In
• ‘..tallina at be! of Ito:neuter
Take Notica,...-All hide mnid do arranard on thy day
of ;olio.
m B
SherV.r• Mnntmoe, Sept It. '7l.
lection ProcLamatfom
N potent:men 04 no net of I he G. neral Arrembly of the
I lootrirruff hof Venn-ylvanint e•Otti, Aan net r •
t,,, 'y i'on,n,attrve•.llb. mom. ea the
2 a n 11 it
of .1,.. A. 11. fl I. NI. LIE tAIE High
'h' riff of Oloonauttoo, ('ounty, In SAM Commontrenitth
It, hereby five both, to the Itketors Of the comity
nforeeruu, that an einntton will be held lit rail Comity on
Tuesday, the Q 2 day of Oct ober; l 73,
ther the tind Tutholar In raid month.) nt which time .
the ail:owing oaken; silt be elected, to
One perm to fill the Wilco of Judge of the Snpreme
tool of Ponto•pt.ts,l.l.
tir; ;....r-on to :11a of Tremont:. of lb!: ststr
of rem., It
I 0 r0..”00:, In till the aeon. of 3fernher• of the
hirito.o; of RA.preevntativtp Penn.civania for the tlll-
IF,rt ranie.ed of the ( . ..!ountit-t of Settinehanna and
00 , prom to fill the once of Prothoontuty of the
county of Suotywhantat.
Our pe , uuttl to till the nfficeof Treatutrer of the coon
ty of ,urquehts,tt.
fo till the °Mee of County Camillo/queer
for Ktto roo..ty.
Ttro pergOttv to all the of ce of Jury Conouturlunern
'for kohl Cooot
pereou to All the Wilco of COUP ty Auditor fur sold
Coo lay.
The faettion for the dl•trlrt connpoand of the ftwr
.hip of tip.nornii iv!!i M. held at the faunae of Joaapo
Beebe in ' , told ton n• hip.
The Eluctl , n) for th.• Bririct ernpo.4.i of the town
lip of Ararat will h.• held nt the 0ch..1 how' near the
rel)”..rran thureh In oald t- wnphip.
. .
The Election fur the distrt, t composed or the mw - teb to
of icohliro u 111 be had at the house of .1.111, Lott to
TllO fi orlon for the thstriet coraponed of the township
of i ridaewater will he held at the Coon Hoare to the
Painful of Storttose.
The ,iertfllll for rho dieniet compnced of the town
tdilp of Brooklyn will be held at the honer of Judea 0.
in odd towoolltp.
The Eleettno tot the district compared of the town.
ship of Coienout will he hold at tlrte school loonc mar
Edward Clark's lo sold township.
The Elertion for the dirirlet composed of the town
chip of Clifford will he he dot the Auntie late of rialto
Remotion to add ttovochtp.
The Lien too for the district composed of the Portia:it
of Ifluidolf 'eil! be held at the putalail llotel in said
The Election fur the district compoecvl of the town
ship of. Minot+ Win he held ht the house late of T J.
Babcock in sold township
Thu Election for the dtstrict composed of the towns
ship of F.oreot laic will he held at the house of Met.
liertita Worn. tin said township.
The Election for the district composed of the township
of Fianklln will belt last the echtlut Louse Pear Jacob
Allard'e it. nsitl ton orbit.. . .
The Election for tn.. district eintipoScti of the Borough
of Friendertile will be bold at the school honer to said
' The lileetlon for the Mei rlet composed or the-Borough
of Great Iltu,l snit he held at the horteu late occupied
be David Thump : Ili said Borough.
- The Election for the Wind t.% composed of the town
ship of Great Bend will be held at the house late octopi.
ed by E. 13Artnoo. dec.
The Election fur tuedietriet composed of the township
of C.:therm will be held In the 4c.rdemy building In raid
The Election for the district composed of the township
of ILtrittiti will he It, ld et the bones late of N.V. Wald
ron its rate township.
'I he Election for the ttletrlet compered of Ilia town.
Alb or !Intets', wilt be held at the home of 13.1VIutorit
In raid totrieiblia.
The glertfon for the district cornett/n.4 of the town•
chip of trerrlek will he Lehi at the Herr lek Centre School
bones. In Judd township.
The eiretitin'foelbe a Ifirlettompoecd of tile township
of Jack tormeill be held at that:tense ofJeteph Geary lit
geld towurhfp..
The Eht.t. a for the ritstrict composed of Ito town.
slitp.of deseop will be hold/It the. house of Daniel Huff
in said town/lap.
Tice Elekthot tor the di.firlet composed of the tOwn eh I p
efLeues. x itl ho heldat tbo,hauae of Grow st. Brother.
in eel& towngtlFC
The onenon lot the illeiriet,ctituposed of the town.
ship of Liberty will be held ratio; Stanford:it:hoot bonen.
in said lowortilp.
Thu Eh ellen reethe - df.lffelcomprised - of the town.
ship of Lathrop will ho held at the School
house in raid townettlp.
- f he elect ion far toe oistrict composed of the Borough
of Little Bleadowii Will he held at the School Eton! in
told Borough. -.
• , The elrction for the district composed or the townehip •
of'lllddletento will be held at the hogs° of ElleWel iu
dalatll l 3o.l/0P• • ' "'
The Elerilon for the distelet cnalpoped of ;hello - rough
'of - Mont:ore will beheld 'at the Court. Linea-lb raid
Borongb,.• - . , •
'The Elertroo for theillstrlbreomPoSed of thellornierli
of &Wm- Milford will be Achim Lbw homes late or Julio ,
.Fours[ tn , rnfd, Ihorough. •
'The election lor the dfilrict ciiiipased of thertitcttrhil)
or New tsitord soli be held at the 'lingua' or Shilituder
Phil/p°7, in the Ileroui;11 or New .1.11Novi •
iThe elect-longs* /he diStilet composed of the fotin
ship i,f lint:laud will hubs'd at the /woe late of Thom.
ai.stelisou in sets oWeerhrp„ •
-The eitetiou for the district composed. of the. towm•
chip of nosh will held at the Lucre of x . bnyder
sold tow eship.
The electioolthrthe district compare& or she town. •
rhlp of rierlogville utli bo held At., the , house iota: or
:Teeter Wens in - saidtownship; - • •
'rho clectluo tor. the-district computed of this town-
I. action 1. Poll esitirffil by /h &rale and Bow, Or
r” J I/, Sbieei , Jantrieu fn Itin
r that .11 ell treat , of lac roiled 84 , ter,
wh sare, 111 ,1111 11 1 k. otherwlre ganliflrd by law to solo
ot ant clot nob by the people. In any Slate, Territory,
enttercet. °Tont y, rill. iseeriA, townoblp.arbinslolottlet,
mneirlialny oilier tertleterntenh dirlanota. ,ball be
and u ne
lna, to rote at all etch rtectioes; with
not dna inalon of not, or cuts,, or prerftto. °attention
•f r,rie nor , any Convent nt lon. nor, °atom. tanze, or
obtain, soa 1,1 stay Staten, fart - Jitney, or hy„ or wider it.
alllaor 1 (y. p, the ~. Ihl-try rowwlrtwtand big.
-sat sioa ote it car //w.r. eaade4. Tlvt If by Or
on..ertio• .arnority co"-tottilwo or law, ../ an•
I , i, of au er 'farina, . 8.1 ail 1t or snail
.rest 14 he ate.• a, a torealtilate . or, 4111,11°11b n
Tor . seeters,r nn ea -nen e tolittst too or la,s, peer's, or
"'bre° ore br ebtee IL la a - tartan,with the perfor,bance
dmi• fort.,-1111,, I r , t , rasse on catnerrnteity In per
an ',tat s ev. or 1.1 1,1,1131. WMIIIIIIII It. tote.
It 414.1 e...ITy etr.ile ,e-ry /414:11 lerr...en litre] otticer In
z!!!. In .1! ..I.lreee- of in , nlte I• 1211 1 -, II- wile and
Ley irel larerfaren such pnereq , ,falte rod Io
sin n 11,1111,, to rote natant, el olio° too of rote eol.
or. or yen °sob, coal 1 that of .arritnele: nob If any atoll,
orollte, than r. ktooribgly omit 1.. an...
Inl 01. 0, 1 Ic. • vn•rc I'll. Is. Fl.all. for .1,1, rach atiea•e,
' es) id pc.• hundrml t.• the
ti i boreby . to br•cucrr. d Ay lon on the
Will. full costs:m.l such an alloosbco for counsel
ft•CP .+.lll. c: ori sh:oli deern mud also. far
•:c such oftener. be deemed cull() of a misdemeanor.
und on convictl•.n flier. of. be tined
nee nnnnn•d donors, nr b. Imprisoned not (cos ibm3 ono
;noel:, sod not man- than mine you% u. lota. nt the. dims
cret :ono. I,- court.—
~L, O I -trAertmt. It IP declared hr thn Peennd Fret inn et
the VI t've-lithttop or the ratted ' , tater,
that ~. ..01a0, 1 0M. a , 4 the lawn of the "Multi
Si wieleh *hell la, m.tte parntrtnee her. t 1 AO
li, the -u rte I lir of the Lou.). • • • 'myth la oto
the Itn , ti.ft , on
h.t. orttraeref Ituy States to Me contrary sot
11.4,Ittni flrr: r
.I,t/ The 1...,t-lairre of tblo roam onrealt.h.
tt. ~ th I Aorli, A It.. leili.poiredirti art. en
it •• A ft.cti,cr oopplement tot he act relating to eke
ti tt- In thla urcontoddilth," [no troth acction et provide. , e. follows:
- titurtou Id. That eat touch of every art of Atteembly
axproc Oeu that only white Virtue.. .hay I he entitled to
cote orb. tie regtelerec an voter...on as claiming to win
at an, general IP• plectityn tlf th la. 'urn
lie nod lilt emu- la hectic, repealed. and that hereafter
all freemen v tthoat diva:tenon of color, @ball Be etdoll•
tel awl regletend according In tn.• peolvtolotte of the
firat aecttoo up:trove/I A pal I Ith, I2CD. entitled-An Act
ft, thee eafcleincotal lotto: act relating to the election*
of Int. Coloccurtit ealth," and to it Whet-sloe qua lined
under rYi• ling he, be entitled to cute at all gri3,:ai
mill rpeci delertion. In flit.. C..muloutveadh."
The PIN te • mentlinant and arts Mine be
executed and oln.yod by all alocaeora. regiulere of Ye
ter, . titn oak., o. and When , . (lint the tights end
polvifiozoa goarranteed therhy mat be errand lost! the
cittXett• of tilts Cotomnalecalth entitled to the faille.
The return inures toe the repn•rematt.e 111AI:frt.
cotopttoeti or the cocotte,. of Sooquehanna and tryont
leg will meet at (het:l.:let {loner In Taelhannock on
Tiovilay. °ember alit, tel 2.
• .
tar• ei end, my lilted at my ogee, It tee Borough of
the 1:11h da• of Sept Anoo /tomtit, 1e73,
and in tbe year of the torrtmouertmatt the ninety-drat.
0. EIXLIIIL Sherif!.
3lontro.e. Srpt. IT. ISM
Geo. P, Rowell Sr. Co.
yo[-Nu MEN AND LADIES qualified for practical
oAerator.. at tut, TelegraoS 'natant° and City
Line Teire nip]]. Every graduate st-ettres • position.—
T lancet and [mot eurnplete in America. Address.
for etrtular and catalogue. C. L. BRYANT. Kup't..
Battik,. N. T.
Toluattlin Tlaoical Ottotitute
A ftourlimg Sthool tint Young urn and )Inn. Par dr
culare, Ilea. 11. b. ALElANl)Elt.tolombis,l's
with Ib. .•••efq but treatment f✓r all arm The
only thorough wort: •.f the kind In the world. Embrey.
en Snrsll PoT.."Yellow Fever.Cholersandall analogone
dt•aa•ee. N. randy ...111 etchuut IL and all Buy It.--
Har it thematic lllnftrationa. The blggeat chancy of
the [...0n for ottentk Addn•ee. 11. S. GOODSPEED .
CO. NT Trenton P 6. Batton.
wotv f , ),
'6 - m,% 7 2
AGENTS WANTED. 5.-ntl for rulalogne.
and afr,ctions or any ptttoo I hot clotoot, In'tinily...-
1131 a hoplo toentle eroult meat all con ?atom... (rec. hy
nllll. far is c•-nt• • together trial a olartiriga Guide.
Egyption Oracle. Illats to troller. A queen
book; 100,6.10 sold. Adams', T. WILLIAM asco..
MONEYNude Ilaphlly with 'Strain & Key
Cllrrk Ontift.. Catalogues earl fall
ir.trilcolars Free. S.A.ttrzsezn.liTlianaverSt.liostun.
4§ -, :.4
w ...„, *. $
.til.till//1 Part rmy t- Atmore warded !
i) " titJ t Alt abuttals of working people,
0 either Pax. young or old, snake more moor). at wick
for no to I hrireim ru momenta or all the I Inr, than at
anything tier. Parileitinor free. Address. Ch ST1121•
NON. & CO.. Portland Molar.
lig aikwlto wort for us. If upon writing you donut
fluil us all sconce, wo give you tam d ollar for your
troistdo.. Kral stamp for circulars to
, • . U. U. ItUtifitiliV tt CU.. Tukinislia. Wok
Haring ttrindyled twenty years betotea
ilre runt death with Ann lAA or Pan] f
IC I experimented nutted' toutpound.
"3 , " 61 . : lug toool And bet t , . and inhaling %belled
tent, Otto obtained. • I- Volonately dla
(eered a Tecot wonderful ronualytted rare
enny for A, , tbenti and It. kindled &sews,
4 41 . 4 1 lyarr,ut.-4. to reili ye no oeVelten Pros.
" ..nt ',minutia. tin lite roll:tot can lie dean
to mat Oct n cep. ONE: TRIM. P.VelilttEli n 6 \T ISY
Apple Creek, Waynt . •
rstablished In- If 3T.
Is Iha oldest and mutt. enece.stn! Inelf tinfoil In Ml*
tonntry for the treatment of Chr❑Alc Ann Henna/ Ms.
Ms.*. Por terms of treatment exit, cc ❑deans by mall,
ith elatetneut of mu. B.
31.11aldeu Laut,,MbanY. N.