The Farmer. THE SIXTEENTII ANNUAL FAIR OP THE HARFORD AGRICULTURAL NOVIEFY Will be held on the Fair Gronnds in Harford, on Wednesday and Thurs day, October Bth nod' 9tb, 1873. "Xbroaasti v*x= ZalaSt. CLASS I. Divlslon I.—tiorsn. Best draft or farm stallion, over 4 rani $4 2d $3: Road stallion, same age, 4 8 Pair matched [mow, 4 3 Pair homes for all work, 4 3 Single driving horse's, 3 2 Brood mare and colt, 8 2 Judge:4—A. J. Seamans, John hirer, Ben., Nicholson, Samuel Falkenbury, rittstja Depot. Division 2.--Colts and Mules. Bad pair three year Old colt; Pair two year old cult; Three year old colt, Two year old colt, One rar old mit, Pair mule s , . - Tud m.—David VanDosltirk, Flarforli, Wm W. Williams, Gibson, J. 0. Bullard, Brooklyn. CLASS IL Division I.—Durham Bmt bull two years old and upwards, 4 8 Yearling bull, 8 2 Bull calf, 2 1 Cow three years old and upwards, 3 2 heifer two years old, 3 2 Yearling heifer, 3 2 Heifer calf, 2 1 Division 2. Dolling. Hest boll two years old and upwards, 4 3 Yearling hull, 3 2 Doll calf, 2 1 ('ow three years old and upwards, 8 2 Heifer two rears old, 3 2 ?calling hCifer, 3 2 Heifer calf, 2 1 Division 3.—Alikrnayx. Best bull two years old sod upwards, 4 8 Yearling bull, 3 8 Bull calf, 2 1 Cow three years old and upwards 3 2 Heifer two years old, 8 2 Yearlin!! heifer, 3 2 Heifer calf, 2 1 Division 4.—Ayr hires. Best bull two years old and upwards 4 3 Yearling. bull, 3 2 Bull calf, 9 I Cow three years old and upwards, 3 2 Heiler two years old, 3 2 Yearling; heifer, 3 2 Heifer calf, 2 I Judges—Otis Grinnell. Rarford ; T. D. Reese, Clifford ; Thomas Tingley. Jackson. Division s.—Grade Durham:. Best hull over two years old, Bull one year old, B ill calf, Cow, Three year old heifer, Two year ohl heifer, One yea? old hailer, !Leifer calf, Three yearlings, Three calves, .Tudgoi—Joseph McConnell. Horton!: G. L. Corwin,„Now Milford; Evan Jenkins, Clifford. Division 6.—Hrule Devon& Best bull over two years old, hull one year old, Bull call; Cow, Three Tear old heifer, Two year old heifer, one year old heifer, Heifer call, Three yearlings, _ Three calves, :ludgra—rrhane Tingley. liarford; Charles Tiratrous, Bridgewater; 11. N. Smith, Lenox. Division 7.—liativea Best boll over year old, Cow, Two year old Three yearlings, Three calves, Division B.—Oiest and Steers. lilit mit. working oxen 5 yrs. old to OTC/ 4 8 Pair working oxen 4 yrs. old, 4 3 Pair tat oxen. 8 Pair steers three pears old, 8 2 Pair steers two years old, S 2 Pair steers one yea! old, ,2 1 Pair steers calves (broke,) 2 1 Jodgm , —.T. (3. flatchkin, Elnyfoni ; Perry C. Conklin, Diwock ; Ambrose Benson, Susque. looms Depot- _ CLASS 11l Sheep and Swine. Best fine wooled buck, Tnree fine wooled ewes, u 41 - lambs, Middle wooled brick. Three middle wooled ewes, " " lambs, Coarse wooled buck, Three coarse wailer:l ewes, " " lambs, Buck lamb or each, Boar, 4 8 Biteding sow, 4 goring pig, B 2 Fall phis (not lm ei than tonr.) B 2 Judges--Wm. E. Tingley, Hanford: A. G. Bollister, Brooklyn; Gatieriel Decker, Franklin. CLASS 1V Poultry. Best Pair turkeys, Pair of geese, Four ducks, Fier fouls, Five spruig chickens, CLASS V Grain. LW peck winter wheat, Peck spring wheat, Peck rye, Peck oats, Hall bushel corn in the ear, Half bushel buckwheat, Peek clover seed, Puck thnotny seed, Peck flax seed, CLASS VL Pratt and Vegetables. Best tall apples, at least three varieties, not lima than one dozen each, I 3,1 Winter apples, ditto, 1 3; Pears. I 3/ Qqttrres, Peachee, I 74 Gramm, I 3 i 11:dt bushel potatoes, two or more varieties, Winter squash, i 3 Pumpkins, Three heads of cabbage, i 3 Twelve onions, Six beets, Six tomatoes, Judges—Alrin Stearns, llorfoftl ; llamas Brans, Gibson ; Lyman Tiffany, Brooklyn. CLASS VII: • Butter, Chows anti Bread. Best firkin butter, rail butter, Sur butter, Doll butter, Cheese, Loaf wheat bread, Lost graham bread, Indian bread, Soda biscuit, , CLAM; VIII Vinegar, Wheat, Flour, Honey end Sugar. Best cider vinegar: • Sack wheat flour, r 34 It& honey, a 1 3i sio Ida caked or stirred sugar; 1 3i 10 ltra.tlntlnedsogar l I ak- Maple amp, • We Flour to be manufactured in the eanney. Judges--B. F. Hine, liarfOrd ; Daniel Evans. Gibson; John Foot/ Stisquehanns:Deput. CLASS .IX. - • • Leather, Bouts; etC: Best - two Ada, lintessleathee; Two sidesupper leather, Two sole leather; Two calf skins, Astuartment of skins' Fait fne Won!, Pair coarse boots, 2 Carriage harness, 2 Set tenni harness, 3 Articles In this class to bo manufactured in the county. CLASS X.. Agricultural Implements end Carriage& tknst common plow, 1 eultirator, 'i, I • Corn sbeller. 1 Straw cutter, 1 Horse rake, 1. Churning machine, 1 Open buggy, 8 2 Double earrings, 8 2 Single carriage, 8 2 Merger wagon, 8 2 Lumber wagon, 5 2 Slrgle sleigh, 2 Wagon and carriages to bo new. And exhibited by the manufacturer. .... CLASS Xi. Cabinet Work, Hardware, etc.: ' Best sperimen of cabinet work, 2 Sot of chairs, 1 Rocking chair, 1 Sowing machine, 1 Churn, 1 Ratter pail, 1,00 Roster Arkin, 50c Set horse 'hoes. ISOc Lot tin were, 50c Cook stove C.,r coal, 1 • wood, 1 Parlor stove, 1 Stub:es—C. S. Halisten& ilarford ; .1. B. Cor win, .51ontrose; 'Behan( Geist!, Gibson. 3 2 3 2 9 1 9 1 2 1 2 1 CLASS XII. Domestic Goods, Beat 5 yards w oolen fl..nnel, 3 1 5 yards plaid flannel, V 1 5 yards full cloth 2 1 Pair woolen blankets, 1 , 50e 6 pairs woolen socks, 2 pairs woolen mittens, Sample of woolen yarn, 1 " 5 rants linen cloth, 2 1 5 yards linen towelling, 2 1 10 yards woolen carpet, 2 1 Rag carpet. 2 1 Judges—H.J. Tyler, riarfond t Mts. 4. E. Sherwood, Buford: Mrs. H. Estabrook, liar ford. CLASS Ma. Ornamental Needle Work Best patzhavork quilt, 2 1 uilt of any other kind, 1 50c Q Bed spread, 1 Worked skirt, 1 • Worked collar, 50c 3 4 Specimen or worsted cmbmiJery, 50c . 1 ,4 Specimen silk embroidery, 50c 1. 4 Bonnet, -50 c /i Ladies' Sacque, 50c Knit hood, 50c 34 Tidy ca.ver, 50c 1, 1 Fide shirt, 50c :ti CLASS XIV. Paintings, Flowers, etc. Best oil painting, 2 1 Painting of any other kind, 1 &Or Dra wing, 1 50e Exhibition photographs and ant brotypes, I 50c Picture tram, a, I .50c Variety of flowers, 2 1 Fiona design, • 2 1 Exhibition of artificial flowers and fruit, 2 1 .Ttidges—Dr. H. Petinepneker, Burford ; Mrs 11. .1. Tyler, Burford; Ilm, James Tennant, Harfr,rd. 3 2 2 1 2 1 1,3 24 2 3d 1 2 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 Beet plowing, Second best plowing, Fonrth " Filth 3 2 2 1 2 2 #.8242 &I 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 Sixth 1 ,lodges—Lewis Brainard, Gibson; Harvey Grinnell. New Milford; Charles R. Palmer, Brooklyn. Committee of A rrnmements—Jackson Ting ley, S. J. Adams, J. L.-Tiffany. StPERTICTF-N'PENT&. genernl Superintendent—Amherst Cnrpcnter. Superintendent Iturses—De Witt C. Tomp kins. Superintendent Cattle—Merit Selt:C. Superintendent Seep, Swine, and Poultry.— ft L. Tingley. Superintendent Floral Tiall—Wtn. H. Patter. son, E. W. Farrar. 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 I,siStants—Mr9. Henry Grant, Miss Edna Sel'•l Superintendent Mechanic Hull—William 'Hep burn. General Police—D D. Tompkins. Rules and Regulations. The Plowing Match win be held on the farm of Henry Estabrook. on Wednesday, Oct. Sth, to Coffin:KlM precisely at two o'clock, p. to.— The entry tee will he $1 Exhibitors wishing to complete for premiums are requested to have their animal; ..nd articles entered in the Secretary's book, on the Ist dt . , of the Fair, if possible. They must be entered and on the grounds at ten o'clock of the second do }•. animal can complete for two premiums. Superintendents of the several depanment, will have all articles systematically arranged. The Officers and Superintendents will be known by their official badges. A sufficient polkas force will be In attendance, front 9 o'clock of the first day until after the rending of the premiums the second day, to protect the properly of exhibitors. No provision will be made for stalling stock over two years old. Persons exhibiting full blood stock for premi• inns must show their pedigree to the autistic. lion of the Judges. No animal or article shall have a premium awarded it unless it is deemed worthy. Judges reporting at the Secretary's office be fore 11 o'clock will lie furnished alter: ticket for dinner. 8 2 8 2 2 1 8 2 8 2 9 1 1 ; 3 Single tickets,2s cents ; children tinder twelve years. 10 cents : team 25 cents ; Ringle horse. 2.5; colts under two years, free; clergymen and their families admitted free. D. L. RINE, Executive 1. N. ?ARNIM; 1t committee. Toxtrxrxe, H. M. JONES, President. S. E. CALIPERTER, Secretary. I ai 3- 2 1 1 i is 1 1, / I aim Ceitil STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. S 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 8 2 In. Beet a most Complete Assortment In the Elarket. *owe 2thenee tame always Ithintakusd tbe veal Idithen standard of exethenoe. w. wake the ennufeetare of &Seri end Saw WSW it swishy. We Witte lomat end mentencaplett wan at On kind in the eotostry, with marinery Kipeelolly adapted to the wok; We keepconatanttrinpo-- IniCe renames di andrWidth we fmiek &Me..ray lowed pekes a the to notice. We WA &wince geld 4 adopted to Alined. Sow lUDs, Gtht 11.!921110h Gbitton Ws. neatens and elle/NW AVe we bay baddlathealetanted Tree (Veda he Bav Ilillgtbe bed atd itkcft.,,eceoplete eesatitt Brerinve. We make the etuencteeisire of Bay !in eattit. • nodal feat or oar bstesten, sad am Ausdida ocongete oaths shorted Beam. e market Oa aim in ewes la ti %end& OA tat st 'Ma aawha o in th, eta` vatic Coe bmatTeddedettetnetactay end eclutel yetantki Bead far Cinder sad .Price Last. UTICA STEAM ENGINE Co. Sts, 1, ICII.-cortw. CLASS XV Plowing. Admission. vilicA, ati Ys New Adverthemcntr. PAINTS AND OILS A 1P1:413 STOCK AT B. R. LYONS & CO:a: Idontro“, May 14, 1373. CARPETS, CARPETS AT 20 cners AND PPWARDS —Leas than N. Y. Prices— May IC 'lt For Pale by 11, 11. LTOIIB & Co TEA, COVELE, S EGIR. end other ia,-lecleerles At LO Figures at R. R. LYONS d CO.'S WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS. A LARGE STUCK AND NEW PATTERNS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK% DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. On gale by B. R. LIONS. CO. imy 11, lan SPOOL TERM. COAT'S, CLAIMS 0. N. T., J JOAN CLARK'S SPOOL THREAD —WHITE. BLACK. & COL ORED—FROM No. R TO No. 130, AT 75 CENTS PER DOZEN. For sslo by B. IL LYONS ,t CO Montrose, May 14, 1673. A MISTED"' EASILY SOLVED. New Stock of Goode et the .. Read of Nsviratlon."- A. N. BULLARD le enovtantle 14'1.1,1110z lenre add! lion. to Matlock of G/IOGERIE'rv.I.VD PR017 , w.V. , at hie old Ntaori at the hood 01 NoYtgatioo, as.) Wan, womau, or 4 a 111 re..l3r) ea. Iliad the very heel articles that coo be 39 11 Clo ICI IV 3r, lawsurn..."caenrir entailll p i ro n a t t h o o t t o ntrn. The old system DI 31)3M.A.1E) or ought it. be, and in Its qesd the better oyetere o' gold:Nave and email atol by 1.1 r, tot_ pay only, there ill he no bad drnte to make op frt cortooaars. w XIS/ . nod examine my ,mods end prlcre,and ere i f they do b.: compare favorably with co other heme at nitr co aat ra• e A. X. BULLARD. Montvore. Apri` J. IL Dann. I 0 5. fiksouts. t D. G. BLANIttxo —o— MARBLE WORKS. [EotrAnurnED ittr MP.) BARNES BROS. & 011 HMS DEALERS IN AND !SANITACTURERS OP aitalhtn autirau parblr, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES, Marble and Slate Elastics, Chenang,n St Near Depr,t, Attly 14, 14:3. DINGDARTON. N CASH PAID ran WOOL I CLOTH EXCIIAkGED for WOOL ! WOOL 11.tair T ut , r : In AR Z7 SHARES OVER AT MOTT'S WOOLEN MILL DONT FORGET IT! J. W. MOTT. Mantra.. duly '2d,1873. Furniture and Undertaking. 3P11...11•30a.t101:1"M AT WILLIAM SMITH'S Faiensive Furniture Wareronm von will bud the lurge.i stock of FIRST CLASS AINM COMMON milt:r3Eum To be rl.lod to thin IWOon of th• countm of hie Over manufscture. and at Mee. that cannot toil to give rutin faction. Lc make. the very hart ExT EN.I()N TABLES la the Country, and WARItANT:, them. UTIIOI,•;TERY WORK Of ail kind. done in the nevf...t menet 61 3E O Ft X XV 33 3EI X3l ES OF VABIOrB PURE Ico.l MATRASSES, COMMON MATIIASSES. UNDERTAKING The subscriber will lieretifter mike n.. atrermiug apeclofty (e hit ho,ioen,. It its_ } a t , FEW nd the most rate, at needing biseerttees will be sticoded to woman . , and a' satisfsmory charges. WEL W. StIITII t SON. Montrose. Pa:. ]en. SI. 1811.—nori—tf. FIIIININTURE WAIIE! EVERYTHING N EW •ND STYLISH ! ALT .IE 2 . Qr. 3CP4rzzimv”l9 50 Washingtom SL, Binghamton, Consisting of everything nameable in that business. Repairing promptly done. ORDER PRICES REASONAGLE. Sallstlction visratteed. Itinalaulton, N. Y., Aqu.l 3573.-17. v . ! moil:low & BROTRIA General Undertakers DEALERS 1N..-ALLKINDS.OF COF . . FINS, CASKETS, ETC., 43:111.112343:1" 33102.711:11. IPciotiza:ss 'ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTILNDED TO azoxisv 7( Eno Aped 0, 18:3,—Y. Drugs and Medicines vEGETABLE SICILIAN IM-B Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation ; which is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY OR FILDED HAM to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the eviller: glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Ihnt Dex.ssmo ever used, its it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Iltsr PnarA RATION for its intended purposes." soil is 4 Druggista, and Dealers in Medidnes. PllOO Ono Dollar Buckingham's Dye. FOR T/111 WHISKERS As our 'Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will tuickly and effectually accomplish his result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & NASHUA, N.S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, mon ins Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Amen the great . ,1. di,evezies 01 modern 41 Viirs.. eience few Aro of , lrft:t ,itr E r' - ~, , ,..,-.'e:' more real value to •erst: mankind than this cf :se ~ , . .retnin remedy for all • diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast t -1: 46i14 :, ' ~, , -. trial of its virtues, tlirmighout this and r /i / M I ,a....&-e--s. Other countries, has shorn shot it does surely and effectually Control them. The testimony of our best citt eons, o f nil e 1,,,,,,,, ertablistleA the fact, that CHEUKT Pr:ewe-IAL Will and does relieve end cure the aillieting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other tnediciae. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and eases or Consump. Hon, cured by this preparation, nre public ly known, so remarkable its hardly to be be lieved, were they not (meet. beyond dispute. A. a reutaly It is releqtrite, a/o which the public may te:y for full protection. By miring Coughs, the forernnners of more serious disease, It races unnumbertnl lives, nil an annelid of suffering not to be cm:voted. It challenges trial, rind con vinces the most seeptieal. Leery family should keep it on hand n 9 a preteetion Nintert the early aryl uripvcco;‘,l 3tt..k of Italuemarr AC . ..camel, which are easily met nt find, but which become Incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected Ten der lungs need this .Its-ace; and it is nowise to be without it. A• A ~ .,I,gua• el to sl..l,lren, nutid the,,",q ii, , 21....!1i•11 la,: I' e Throat and Chest of childhood, CilElteT Prcrocat. is invalaable; for, by its timely use, multi- Cade, are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. ht arts speedily nail carols apioct or:.iurtry colds, securing sound and health-re , Viring sleep. )o one will suffer troublesome Inflnciirn rind pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. . - driginally the prndnet of long, leborintio, and stiece.ftil chemical inve , ,tigfition, no ece.t or toil is spared in inching every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be c,mll.lently lied upon . pos,eislng all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and enpahle of producing cures en memorable as the greatest it has over effeeted. Dr. I. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mm., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ST-r6O-X • „ . S'Atr.4-4 ' •i 4 ,41: ' 3 ' . -4 "3..., , ,tf ts...' T z+•:), , ,: - J••;--- ,;,it_ ..,..,,,zi•-• ~ -......3 , .- - -- ; . , . .7:!-, \ N....1„1 ~: ' .N 4 : 7 7 , : . 1.?. , 33 -- :...-t;.=, - r:••••?-:`,. , - ..,,- . 1 / 4 ,,...... „6 - 1... -- , ,,L 1P-1- ::: ,... 1 ;% ?" ' - '1 ::1 - -...1:1 -4 1:: :: :::: :,. . , :;: i ... r.„...., AtTiP . 4 .4 4.;-_ , :, -- ,;.:''.: i' e. - ,-:%, :.. • ~ p.".• .P.., - tt , ',..... 1- :- . - '''. ' ''. '''''"" i ~ „,k f t;:i. „ -,,.../._;, .c_ ,-.. .• ~.'2? -: ". • '... --. • - 3,7-tt1e7. , 1 - -..''-- ---.•.-___ _:.-____-. ___-' A tr..4', - li -- -. t ",..- • q.''..,..„,... "'f'*05.47.... r,• , i ~.,; L. •',l? 1 , -..... .C ., '_:,',... 1 c. s .• 6 - ~. C. , ~,%,. rf,--- ' •-• ,: g51.11::::" . .. ,x ' 7 7: f--. .- - ,--I ' '; ; '' "efr 4 t 7 Z, 31 ,6 1 '' ' , '.4" • : ,---).,-;. ; , - ':. - • .- k' i ! '-:'-.., '.'" -- :,r-Te x :4 - Ar,. : • l -; -.,..---- -- - if' '0,4;' , 2.:1 •Pkantrat,im pi r ,, , s-' - iir--2:A,il-‘ FTI-r - zps Icit: - ... , , z .i . • , ; -- - - ...--, *-- ' - •-'-'' 0 ...,, • TB PURELY A Fl - .aE'eArs,?; k.1.p3, para. ReloTs, HER B 3 and EH I 6, rnt - ...l .•1 whicla U..< c ri,, A,v-1 ! r . 710 , a WI 1 0 fro I .:.—: (.4 0.4 1r1:1,1: - r-we . rf '47 ' PA L L ;1$ Lc. •.1 t-. 1 1 771 r. qT=EPcI - 840 one 41 th1 . ..,t0t Toni, nod Craltor. t 1 • N• 134 - I.4m!orta.:l,tty= a • P P • 1 1 4 4 els 1.2 cm-mance tar.% to bo mt.l aa a malt...c.c, azd ixa;.s accordlas to c5, by .ro Pf o s. cat] &till. tidal theJ act 1.4±-,1 o l. 1; to Ouch a der.lvO W..: a haaltD7 att:ca ct taco brought about. Ca a m:-a - ,:y to aLi,L IV.alacza are especiaLy rtlt.jrct Ufa t - zisa . se4.4 SthOt!...t.t. An tpring evil Sumrateroata CIO have to 'lvry are. a uUd ar.4 gall° Prawativo Is vIJI ow 7.444. %hes rw - irsthol ,lo .l. nay areal plendld Aztet!.ecr. /Ley zr.a.1:.5 +to wrat laratr,. They purl'y tid Llvigorate. They tiara Lyspe*a. Capstlystlan and Ilta-.1,c1,a. 'I bay seta, Moan* '.ca c F es.Olo .to t - Lich tmlerraine tho bodily iztrct tro C:Aratte ,Depot 53 Pn:t Erl"e " - e- • • Drugs and Medici; es Clevnlenl rend 7retllcal ScluEce. ira o , t ...- \-- ,-,- t...,:) . , c,.. 7 , ' r ci ~:,-..; ~...,,, „ a r 4.•••" t.t.-'•' - • \"„e:.I.A7 i.: o 7 ~,,,•-4, ~,.,-, ~., ,4 _,,,,,„' 4 ...9, \ V-1,- -4 Csii -7,, (..? •-" - `. , •. z .':' , ' ... . ';''' `••; -77 Y. -,.- :...._.'• • ct ' '': , '- ,r,:, 1- ;5 C'ES . 3 ‘-^ ".....' ',....;;,- • -.1, z-1 ' r , _,.., ;. 1 • ~5;;;,.. ,:71,...„-,f'1•1.....,e /tee uea ' ,'. 4 ... - ;,- t '*:Vt-,' ‘' ~_ m , _•,.., 1 -.... ,--....i.!5-4.,,,,m,. : , '.,,: A 01 5' 4 4. C z - z A 1- , - ;-:.. , ,,, ,':' `',4,*/,,•1 .f-,- 45 ,kt.-• '---i* 2 rsi ~.,,,,.•.Th. tsr .6, cfi a ~,,,--urco-4, rA g , .„=„..„......,_,. , ~ , A ~,, .J Ar,,,e; ..;,.„ nu or ..''''_. A-4 0 co fr - i - P.': -- •'' V'4 I/ r'il \V piv.4241 Dr. GARVIN'S T.t.n. EI'IT'DZS.9 C:41,4 Cottt,” 7?: e. Dr. GIAT.ITC":""1 TAO itEns:rims rar.- Dr. nirrls - rufrA Car , A",!:'1.:1:1. Dr. G Dr. f: tr:' • -- ; r. In 1.1.1-.711:111323 rz - inr.r.ntcs t.. 0., E'r '7l 71 7.: , .V.1e , tictie.!..4-4. S.3:7lELti7l-24 r t :- • ' , v.!' . Dr. C. 171 Unn• - ;: , r' '213: 1)r. .) 11.1:..)11.18.14h.:S n! A. (1..1Zr, E..:3 Cur.. 1.::•:1 911. Pr. di i?..:11";:, Dr. (;.17.:1 7VI t7.7.: 1 11::1111L5 Z:l .ca t: I.i: V: 11S Fever r. Tl'.lr.:lll:DirA ; r,vor4. - If - 1 En:111:1161.1N. Dr. CA::: V. i'• nv.•n 1.1 g r Dr. C.: 1..!L SEEaEaa Dr. 1.1...T.:1 - 1.; 't ;73: rEtinzli Co , Dr. GAULS' 1.70..'E4 RIEN EDI ES Cauzu tlte rcod t P:Aart..d. r.GAATIVKVS T.t!...1 a:79 so: rs tht• Vi v ertil ,111 /7;i' i Or. CI 11[7:',4 tlivo Tonv• to Vott: r. E'27 - 21L.- CO., /9.5 Sere.mth Are., 3",j(1 rork. THE (TREAT REMEDY FOR CINISUMPEON which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to ,effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the - cause of the complaint. pIIEPAIZZII DY BETE W. POWLE h BONG, Boston, Item, dud .old by Druggists and Dosiersguusrugy. Augupt 90. , .31i-. v .Ak 'ni%,„ ..-, . ..., -'-- s'-, --,- --"-.!- : Z • -' 7 ,- ! . - et '- ,:-P: :? -.. .a •. :.--.- - 4 ,-, ? A%- - - - - - Yil f -,e Z - 1 1 N <: r 1 VtAleAj * % 'P . VMAt I , E"i :\, y 7-, „ .1- ' - Magnolia ISai A ' .I , I.ICATIONS 3' rT' A Pure Blooming Complexion. It In 'Panty t'enetabl , , and Iti nnziatinnts en.n and fat at once, do.nrray - fv.tft P 3,* Aptvar anmocatulad by Heat, l'ative,and I.ll.7itmoent. /pain and semoven all P.lotn'oem and Pimples, disp.illnk4art and sonsightiy spot& Priv. sway Tan, 1,, , ct1e. and lianbarn, owl by fta atntlo but it...wad - of induotwo Inannlcs tn.° foaled cnnon. wAlt YOUTak 4.),L BLOOM. AND BEAUTY. 'Mold try all Dermtet sa,t rnricy Ctarca. Dew% Ihrit • BILL MD 3, - El VP Yl. ^ V: 7 -3 - 1; , t)111"; :Et— 'iliretat. • 1:!.. fi‘i SO Pr.OPRTSTOES. alLaiugs7% A BLArcHtErs __ 4- ',-. InParIVLI, tAlth1:4111:11. - vvOOD 1 t , ' . ..j. prtelp. T,ce1!, ,, ,• Re...4hle. EITIOcht I • .: I: .1 ,1 ,e , ..4 7 I:e bvet rpm? tur . thu , mt.t noun. y. Itienti- ii 14 erpee,nlly. 5 ~,, - I I I 11 VII lt- II w ifjoel:!ey'k. l'elet4t hen.. • ~.?"---- cd I.tr3eher 1.,11,1 Ne, Drn-p Chttirs - 'til • Nr.kte, rl oirb :se he wit ficre.wo ..1,11,- Te.: - .. ' ~,,t ,-,,vi1,i,l EMI /.3,l l l..rillriarlOnr, , ~.., _ th,14.-.,.1, A 1.0, the re,ppor C.ll2lnher Xrf.:' . ~ . le!lieti Z'S:, ../,1‘740. Witt alit outZo4. ..,,.. -4. ... x tk •, • Fll , -Mt by Ikolv,r..ver,y r A - 01,-N, 1i , t,,,t for ca34,:c00 ttlid rtict Yi' I.* flirt.. ... , --,.—.........• e..... 7. . a I _, - egrAs. .7. Ci.Arirri.ll% sly Plitacd at , ._ A-___ , , tor. Cont,orrro St . l'ltga., V 4. Ibld 0 Ire. I hi ~tAmbrr.lStb. L'..:7:...—N0,%.-331 Drugs and °Medicines ~; riflPtalgiTlßl 4 - ,1 ''' li C . l_,!--3 . 4 , .....- :, 4, '.° 4, c lia%'' i.i.' " 7 .4z4e, ./4 i ., , 4,-,‘ 4, st,es: . w© ~(_,=.,; _b' a® , ' 4 i:J l :f - i '; ;\' ''' ' : , 4 4 - -_,..,..\ / :::: .,, i::::.5 , :,; i„ ,t. .., --1:-..4-:-.,,--.,:.-c-. 'a. ~- - %V,,.,, : •..:, ,- -- - :',_ e \., A, =7-;,....; , *: -.- z.___.: - •- .., r‘v..J- , t",n - yi 11iiiiiP itAvii,v. i. , ,f ; Fin, zi . 6... „ , 4 5 ° .t 1 ,r.“ °,/ kl' ..413>-13. t / PlAge'i° 1 Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Et WI: are n Vegelable preparation,. made chilly from the native herbs found on the lower ramrea of the Sierra Nevada monntains of California, the medicinal pro perties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily u.sked, " What is the cause of the unliarailelvd Sileggas of VisroAn Par rrns? " Oar answer is, that they remove the cans' of disciew, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier en i n lire-giving principle, n perfect Iteuovator and Int ip.rntor of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a in,licine been comp() 'tided pose sing the remarkable qualities of V INEndri BrrrEas in healing the sick of every disease Mall is hair to. ~re a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or In flaw m at io n of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. _ _ _ It men will enjoy good health, let them use VINEomt Ilrrrrais as a medicine, and avoid the 11.6 of alcoholic atituulanta iu every form. No PerKon can fake these Bitters nee,,,,iin g to directions, and remain long unwell, prov'ied their bones are not de stroythi by mineral poison or other means, and vital orpuis welted bsyond repair. (Irat-ful Thousand,: proclaim ViNr, ErrrEns the most wonderful Inviguraut that ever snstained the sinking h..,stem. Billow, Rpm input, and Intermit t"nt Fevers. which are so prevalent in the u• tlevi of our great rivers throughout the ,'specially those of the Mis si,sippi, Ilhia, Mlssoari. Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bra zen, 1110 Grande, Pearl„klabania, Mobile, S.vammli,lt,anok.‘‘,Jaines,and many others, • tivir v.1.4t (I-ft:it:tries, throughout oar entire country during the Summer and Au tumn. and remarkably s,, daring s e asons o f unusual heat and dryness. are invariably accompanied by exteLeAtve derangements of the stom.iell and liver, and other abdominal S iseera In lh,-[r treiitinent. a purgative, a pow...r!'ul itifitienee upon these t r ictus Org;tlls, is e,S , lltially necessary. The' , eathae.c for the purpose equal to I Ht. .1. WAhttim Viscosa Brrruts, as Liey w i ll speedily remove the dark-colored mitter with rvitich the bowels are 1 .1 .1. at aairt- time stimidating the • :t •ofti e tir r, and general ly rester tit; 11..tikity Moe:ions of the digestive W .7 O. •11 , ; ) , :1;1. on1.1:i igesi ion, Aral:who, Coughs, Tightues3 1).z.2.1n•55, Sour Eructations of I 'fa,to iu the 31outh, Bil i A the 1-I,•art,lnfLuxt ral,...l 1!1..) L Pain in the region of t:.t. K. ...I ttlincli,d other patufnl t'uo 01.y' lug's of Dyspepsia. () wit prov,• a 1...t..t.?r guaranteo of !g by advertisLiacnt.. ;;;••••o ii::. J: ii, 'White Swel -1:.. 5, .• ti.relled Neck, (: ltil...winations, Indolent t i. :‘,l - re•uri .1 A:l:.....ctions, Old of Ekni, *ore Eyes, •c, ;in ali other eoustattt t. , 3 11 curative powers to t...- in tte wi.l intractable eases. 1 ;I. :ry and ( hronic r; , Bae,nv, Remittent nn 1 I , :• 11i,,a,0s of thti 111-4,, the e ho bueii Itl9casti.9 are d !,;.• —Pemons on each as (i,vlsi-bt. , at.zrs, and as thvs . :,..lva,teu in life, are subject to of the Bon-els, To guard [I:;.LAAAL LILL% take A tiOSO of WALuutt's V.of -1 ...B. r,irr. 0re.,a,e1.1.1y. For 1);,..a. , ,e;3, irruptions, Tettoi. Pi:lpieS, i; htt:tui. I:Eng - worms, Scald Sore Eyes, .th..,-Nipelas, Itch, SC U.TI9, 01 the - Liuulors rota of the '6l:iu ci wuatever wane or ua:uro, aro liLerally ‘lng up and carried out of tn.• sst.. , ln in a etio.l ume by the use of BiLtor3. - - PM, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing 111 do 6 . stem of so many thousands, urn ! elketu.ll:l, - de,Lrosed and removed. No sys tem of medieme, no verinifuges, no undid 111U/dues, flee the s:,,stetn from worms line th,se Bat-rs. For Female Complaintg, in yonn,g or , old, married or single, at the dawn of wom anhood or the tarn of lite, these Tunic Bit ters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. J ;mad Ice.—Lu cases of jaundice, rest canned Lb-it your liver is not doing its work. The uul):sen,ible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its re moval. For this purpose use Vl:wain Brr, TF.113. Cleanse. the Vitiated Blood when. ever you Mid its impurities bursting through the skis in Pimples, Eruptions, or Bores; cleanse It s bell you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tlie blood pure, and the hitulth of the system will follow. IL IL 72cDONALD & DrnggiA. and Coakc,%l Agouln, 5.41 rrauciocl, Ultimata, , and .r. Nt',..14:4,;tql atd Clara. Sts. St.' , YoUt. Sold by all Druggists aud Dealers. 1 St•pt. Iv-, ib:3 --I.y. - 1.,i-;... • rliseellanf:ous, TA.Zit.2 SQL nFx. cola ts, zo . °rm..% TUT mum uo.v.z 31ONTILot , E. PENN'A. „4?Va,-..; ' ;A - 41; r • , ,•••. ••• AliN Nine Ftegcs Le..T tit kily.COnnecting with Mu )1 ...••• i 1•.• L..t W.• 11.11..1 April I+l,—lf. County Business Directory. TWO linen In ILI, Dieve . nry. one vr'er, 61.60; each ad- MONTROSE. O. B,ITF - FM? -Con Soreeyor, StisnneSsnrts Corm Iy. In the Court House. Montrone. Pa.-60-tf. JAMES CA BM ALT, Attorney at Lew. Omce One. door below Tart ell Honor. Public Avwue. N." 31. it COOPER & CO.. BAnkers, Fell Foreign Pas .;e Tick. I• and Orate on England, Ireland and Bcot land. • BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Fire and Life Incur epee A cant a100..011 lialiroao and AceldeatTirkrti to New York aud OlLce one door oast. ortlic Mink. WM. 11 GIIWOOT. Sinter. Wbnl•sate end boil_ denier In all Linda of elate rocdur„ Montrose. Pa. BURNS & NICHOLS, the place to get Omar and lira cute, Clgare. tobacco, Plpeo. Pneket•Books. 4;m-ora cles Yankee Notions. &c. Brick Block. P.M. L. COX, Harness ioniser and denier In all IWO!. n•onlly kept he the trade. opposite the Bank. • BOY 0 it COltiv IN. Deiderli In Stoves, Hardware. and Slornfactorrre of Tin and Sbeetlron ware, corner. of Mein and Turnpike street. A. N. IMILLA Ito. Dealer in trrocarles, Provisione r Boot s. Stationery and Yankee Notions, at bead Public Avcune.• NEW 3III.FORD. L. L. LeROY. Dealer In all kiting of farming Duple.- forms. mowing machines. well) curbs. deg powers.. err . etc.. Male EL. opposite Savings Bank. iGIn. CA YtItI.A PLASTER-NICHOLAS SDOEALAKELLdettLe er io t•llnioa IraYat.a Plaster. Fresh ground. SAVINGS BANK, NEW DITLFORD.-F It per sent. Ito tense on all Deposals Does a general Ranking tins. tow S. D. CIIASE CO. AV. MOSS .t CO. Dealers In Dry 11004A,Ilate.Capir 13rson and Shoes, and General Merchandise. an Mal street, second door helow the Episcopal -J. • sh F. WIPER. Carnage 'siker and Vrolertaketr. Main Street, pro doors nelow Ilatrley'• kIeCOLLIYM lIROTTIERS. Dealers to Clrocerres an Proststen, on Main street.• oft %DUET .t SON. Dealers In Flour. Feed. salt, Urns, Cement, Groceries and Prortatous 011 Main Street. oppoalte the Depot. tSS ENAP, Hough Leather Marini:minters, A tnetcr h oes, Au y stablt.hert IN3, ).‘Fat AIN EY A: II AY DE-N. Dealers to Drugs and Medicines and Manufacturcra of Cigars, on NADA Street, Ban he ()root 1. Dlt ERDMAN. Tn., Dealer In g eneral . merchandise and Clothing, Rack Store, en Main Street. GIBSON. ri N TINGLEY-Paler In Stores, Tin, Clapper, Tints nett Sl,edren Ware. Carting Sc. teatiufactur or she. I 11,W...1n owl. r. Ere Tmagh and Lead Pipe onenood to at lair pricer-Gibton ly• EDW Alto- 1, JULY ANT. Msnaraetnrete of Wagor.• and Sleighs, near the Ingalls' Store, GREAT BEND. 1 L. S. LEI:MEM Manufacturer of tealher, and dealer in tren,ol If sin Street.• P. re IRA sr, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Read, M r. ~1 of td IN, Dry Goods,Ureceries and Nor - Wane Streo..• Hardware ani machinery. THE IW, GRIBBEN 13 CI CD 23- ) HORSE HAY FORKS ! A. 3. NELL'S , PATENT I.IIPAIOVED =M2l== EELLIS'S RAFFLE FULLY. 1u lutpatueo~ F‘rry F.rmrr. eneventer, Mason l'attutct Should Xl.o-e,c01 , 17122.a HORSE RAKES Rakes. Nevthc Snaths, Grain Cradles, Iron, t,A char ltral,i) Axles, nnrinrs. Carria-in Bons. Vt lure, (Steel and inn.) IKoxaitor 40 CIP .10. Fan POTS That ~e 7• rteo en A ARM WHISTLE! when tli • C.,111: or the Tr he. THY ONE and yea, wl I Dud the Con e Aiw•ye leghtl • vxe•, Grind ItODCS, l'it.kk, .strops S MP. Itl4-n, Urn,. Knives., Scyth t , toces I' tknts, 011, tunas, Titx-X% t[,. Sitgo,nr?e, dilly 5, IST BOYD d. CORWIN ITUNT IJIWTIIERS, SCRANTON, PA. trholrsale & WWI Realm ID fIAIIDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIRES, SHOVELS, , - TILDEICS HARDWARE, 311N1, - . RAIL, coUN7.ERSUNK AT RAILSPIEEs RAILROAD & MINING sUP,PLIEs. vARI2I.4OE SPEING.s. AXLES, HKEINS AND 1.10.17A'5. BOLTS. NUTS and IVASMERS, PLATE*I) BANDS. MALLEABLE IRoXS, HUBS, SPDEES. FEL LOSS, SEAT SPINDLES, DODS. de. ANVILS. VICES, STOCKS and DIES. BELLOWS IiARAIT.E..I. SLEDGES. FlL.M. l , fic. CIRCULAR AND MI LL sAWR, B PLTING. PACKING TACICT.E BLOCKS. PLASTER PARIS cENIENT. HAIR t ORINDSTONES. ("HUNCH WINDOW G AN LASS I,EATII SCALE'S. SIETDINGS PAIRBK'S Scranton. March !J. 15G.1. 1r StßEFigiiVriifiS 8111, 120 V7yonung Avenue, RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE lEHNS THE SAME UN DEMAND WI rIIoUT PRIM OUS NOTICE. ALLOWING INTER , EST AT SiX PER CENT. PElt AN NUM, PAY ABLE HALF YEARLY, UN THE FIRST DAYS OF JANU ‘ItY .\N I) JULY. AsAFE AND RV ISLE PLACE OF DEPOSIT FOR LA HoRING :11E1%7, ,DEPOSIT NE CI lAN IcS AND MACHINISTS, AND FUR WOMEN AND critr.DnEN As wELL. MONEY DEPOSITED ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DI; A W IN i'EItEST FROM THE FIRS!' DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS 1.4 IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN. STITU AM) ONE WHICH 13 NOW RECEIVING - THE .tVE).) EARNINGS OFTHOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF ScItANTON ALIN ORS AND MECHANICS. , • , DIRECTORS :. AMER BLAIR, SANFOLD OltAtIT ; GEORGE EIL JASASLOCHM,i, suriPmx, 0. P. mATullEws, DANIEL Mow, EL1,..,",. -E. DENT, T.. , F. HUNT; JAMRS BLAIR: PRESIDENT; O. C. 111901tE,,C.ASIIIEIL • OPEN DAILY FROM NINE A. M. 11. NTIL-FOUR P. Als:D,oN WED ' NESDAY • AND SATURpAr EVE-, NINGS UNTIL EIGHT WO.OOIL : I Feb.l2, 1873.—1 y. Lock._ Ka, Ls. I...ntrbes, Cam I b. Lamps. k.