The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 17, 1873, Image 2

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E. B. 17.1 irLEr d Ca, Elllion,
Wednesday, Sept. 17 , 18 73.
Democratic State Ticket.
of --Dlegheny county
of Phihidejphra.
Democratic County Ticket.
E. E. iiAwLEv,
of Montrose.
Mica MI dreloloo of Conference.)
ron rncrrnosarinr.
of New AG
30111 c 11. DUSENBUIZT,
of G rcort BcnL
of Middlelozrn
P. E. 1311111111,
of I cpringrills.
of _Maros,.
TtlE Georgia State Grange, Patrons of
Ilusbandry, have issued a circular to
"m erch an ts, manufactu rers, and whom
soever it mad• concern," denouncing the
disproportionate profits of middlemen,and
suggesting the offer of "bottom prices" to
THE Richmond DiApalds says of the
conservative prospects in Virginilt: •'The
general field is as bright as we could hope
it should be. Eveiyhody is confident,bnt
we are glad to sec all actire. We fed
that confidence in this campaign is bared
upon resolution. - Expectation would be
sadly sustained without the general ten
dezvons of all conservatives at the polls.
All, however, knot, this, and should act
Tint people of Littleton, Colorado. en
joyed an nmusimg, political tournament
recently. Candidates of both parties for
county offieeS met by agreement, and had
a public talk. The democratic aspirant
for sheriff said that although the office
was worth 420,000 a year, he would be
content with $5,000 or $6,000. He ought
to be elected. A sheriff willing to sacri
fice his fees would 6r a curiosity as rare
as a century plant.
Why 1 Vote for Jones
tTnTOR DEMOCRAT: I see by the last
paper thkt you have been nominated for
member of the Legislature, and if the
conference agree upon you I suppose you Now I take this opportunity,
thus early to inform you why 1 shall vole
for Jones. I want to get. a diverse from
my wife this winter, and the Court will
reface me on account of the evidence not
Leing guile right and will make me pay
"alimony" to support her, but I can get
Jones if he is elected to assist in getting
n bl lthrough the Legitdatsre which will
relieve me from the hampers uflastice by
' Coast, and jury which was instituted for
gaeli purposes, I hive my faith on this
I s mgraelse assisted in getting ono for
Jartni`bittser, of this toandlip, fart sOn
ter, ruder the saute circumstances. I
think. •‘aildition, division, and silence,"
sr l =he 'it 11:f you have any
dosbtiato Che'ss.o4kserkikl"pan can refer to
the Legislatizt. ArusourelAd 11,2 gar. session.
I should like to give yen a tutile bat 1
Annat . go whine my interest yeast
"S'elfL T3f11,1873.
'Da Democratic state Central CaM•
rocienveusil ntrsisr eclock SiAp
tenter in pagan of the Logan
Manse, .I.llonna, Pa, Dr. liebinger, Chair
snag Cominuttee, cal6d the
sae tuns to order, and on motion, Wil-
Li P. Fatty, of Selavyllal,and James
P...Steasind, of Pittelsarg, ware vpointed
Fearetartes. Notaithslatiding the brief
motile a large ratmlxc of the Clettivai ttee
raise present, axii ex, utmost nuareaity
of seatinsent and mod feelierg prevailed.
Indeed, if the pommel enthusiasm of
dr! gentleman present representing the
=rims sections of the State can be taken
its an inch to the mid - rift 4 singular.
•eentinient, there is little Alotht tract the
neyderte Conancra wealth is ®a the eve
ors revelation i politkellyowliiiel will sweep
cut af exiatcsnie the corrupt and corrupt
ing ‘Ding,s" which have plundered the
people of their substance, and made hon
eity in our State administrations the ex
ception instead of the rule. Full details
of theptimpaigb were agreed upon, - .and
the result of the meeting has ken mint
160 30 119 doubt -that the Democracy
'business. The next meeting will
Held op thg 25 inst., et
Our "Neputlim."
I have never before had the least desire
to deprive the editor of the kepublican of
the little enjoyment he has taken in as
! s.?rting his wild misrepresentation as to
what Pie terms my nepotism last fall, fb•
the reason that as long as it was a per
sonal matter I cared nothing fur it. My
inclinations now would lead me to treat
ft with the saute silent contempt, were it
not for the fact that silence might seem
to give consent, and a just personal feel
ing be aroused in the minds of those who
may not be cogni2ant of the tenth. The
true Democracy of Susquehanna county
who, have placed me in the position of a
Representative of them, which was as no
expected to me, as :t is honorable, have
a right at this time to know whether I
have been guilty or not, of maunipulating
their will, either by my personal or poli
tical position add it is simply for this cud
that I now allude to IL It is well known
by the members of the party who have
had any intercourse with me, that dur
ing the whole time in which I have con
ducted their party Journal, ea all who
know me will certify, I have never advis
ed or suggested who should be their can
didates nor intimated whom they should
support in Convention, except in the
case of M. L. Ilawley, - whose relations to
nie I thought gave ma more privilege.—
In this case I most emphatically disap.
proved of his nomination from first to I
last, whenever, wherever and by whom- I
ever the subject was presented to me. giv
ing my reasons, as every person who
mentioned the subicet to me will abun
dantly testify. I make this statement
simply in duty to the party and the res
ponsible position which I hold and res
pectfully invite a truthful! contradiction.
E. B. llarrizr.
Opinion of the Prow
[Prom the Soegoehohns Journal.)
"Another editor has received high hon
ors—Hawley, of the MONTROSE D ENO
crter, was on Monday nominated for
Representative at Harrisburg by the
Democratic County Convention in ses
sion at Montrose."
[Prom the Montrose bevehllcae.l
'The ticket may pass for a fair one, as
Bourbon Democracy goes, except the can
didate fOr Representative. De is one of
the Montrose extortioners about whom
ac have heard so much of late—who
charges a very high price for a very poor
paper, and then, if the poor man cannot
conveniently pay for it in advance, (as he
himself advertises,) chiuges him most
usurious rates for the use of the money.
In politics he is a vacillating nondescript,
one year appearing to belong to the pro
gressive or new-departure Demoeracy,and
the neat year allowing himallf a Bourbon
of the 13onrbons. One year you would
take him to be a radical temperance man
so zealous for temperance legislation that
the nominees of neither party are up to
his requirements, and, to satisfy him, the
Democratic candidate has to be taken off
from the ticket and a prominent temper
ance man, preyiously known as a Ilepub
lic-an, put up in his place; the nest year
yon would judge from the tone of his
paper that it is the organ of the "liq
uor interest," going just as far in that
direction as prudence permits. One year
he tolls you that the principles of the
Democratic party are eternal, and his flag
is there—or words to that effect;. the
neat year you find him standing on a
platform bearing little resemblance to the
original Democracy, cheek by jowl with
Liberal Republicans. But one of the
worst faiths of this candidate is his habit
of falsification for the purpose of having
something to say against a political op
ponent. fie does not hesitate to attribute
to another opinions that he never held
and a position that he never occupied, in
the hope of placing himself in a popular
position by advocating a contrary opin
ion. With all the qualities of a dema
gogue—lacking only the ability which
often makes demagogues successful—he
is just the sort of man that the intell:-
gentkreetnan of this district do not want
to represent them in the Legislature as
any where ,eise."
Singh and White.
The Montrose Republican propounds
several questions to ew, in a late issue,
gniring for information as to the differ
ence between the Badicd and the Demo
.eratie party on the "back my tdcaL"—
lite can answer in a very few words.—
There ii only this little (?) difference
whiels is simply the same us the differ
cane between bbek and white. The
Usalical party have been obliged to del
nonce the salarysteal,butthe only thing
to prevent a furtherance of the same rob-1
bery its the future, they have not done.—
instead of hurling from power and place
the official banditti which has plundered
over $20,0001000 front the had cUrnuags
of the laboring masses, they law en- '
dossed the tibieves through the Chit( Sal
ary Crabber, Omnt, who by his signature
made it a law, mid even Ben Butler the
mun who originated the bill goes into
• convention in the State or vt mchusetts,
backed by the whole power of the ad
ministration, with over 400 delegates for
the irate le that State. Shama
Cameron is endorsed to Misstate through
his "dancing Jack,7 114trtrauft, who draws
$15,000 more out of the laboring people
lof this Commonwealth than for which he
agreed to work, which was ".grabbed"
I from them by a Radical Legislattire. Yes
and in Susquehanna County they endorse
Sitnoll Canterwa, and the Salary Grab, renominating his Rep-.
Tesentative,who voted for him to represent
the people of this, state in .the United
i States Sena'e and alsowho voted for the
"Salary grab" at Uarrisbtarg
A. Tatra-
to put over a $lOO,OOO of the tax blood of
the people into their pockets. And e to
cap the °Bads, Bob Mackey the luau of
whom, the virtuous (?)'editor of the Re
publican said that "if he bad the casting
rote Mackey would not be nominated,"
one•of the chief men in the Evans Swind
ling" Ring" and the "Terkes" robbery.
the which this infernal "Treas
ury Ring" have kept in office for nearly
ten years to mannipultate the people's
funds by their rule of "addition division
and silence," the very man, to be rid of
whom the law, makialt the office of Treas
urer elective instead of appointive was
passed ano the man in whom the editor
of the Republican CCM had no confidence
and yet we say, Bob Mackey is almost
unanimously endorsed by the Radical
Convention for that office, because Salary
Grab Simon says "thumbs up." This is
the black side.
The Democratic party on the other
hand have been misrepresented by a few
members in Congress whose good man
ners, the evil communications of Radical
thieves have corrupted. This is a thing
which even happened among the" Twelve"
one of whom betrayed his Lord and Mas
ter for His enemies silver. The Demo
cratic party are no more responsible for
their betrayal than were these disciples,
but what would you have said of them if
they had simply denounced the apostacy
of Judas and then received him in full
fellowship _among them to preach the
Gospel to he Heathen, which is simply
the same*analogy, as that which the
Republican party has done. The Demo
cracy however at their first and only op
portunity have not only denounced the
apostacy of their Representatives, but
they have emphatically court-martialled
them and sent them to the rear in dis
grace, which will be a terror to all future
evil doers. This is the while side. We
think it does not require a very "ignor
ant"man to see the difference. As well
might the Democratic party be held res
ponsible for the act of Grant la signing
the Salary Grab Bill, and Butler for ori
ginating it, both of whom are apostate
Democrats, as fur tte act of any of their
Representatives in Congress who betray•
ed their principles. They have at the
very first opportunity done the only thing
that can save our conotry from the bands
of tyrants and thieves, which is to hurl
them from power, and mark them in di-
Hate You Heard From 111Mmucho
The ignominious defeat of Simon Cam•
eron's bosom friends,Ben Butler, in Mass
ach netts, has struck terror in the army
of IL S. of and is ominous of
the downfall of the third term candtdate.
The cowardly surrender at discretion of
the Big Bethel Bombastes, has betrayed
from beneath the lion's mane the longest
pair of ears of the greatest ass whose uray
ever marshalled official free bootee to the
The insurrection in the Bay State is
pregnant with dire omens of dissolution
to the brazen die nasty ! The prestige of
their hardened impudence melts before
the consuming fire of public indignation
and triumphant decency resumes her em
Has the Montrose Republican yet learned
that the republicans of the Golden State
hare been whipped horses, foot and drag
oons, and that another prop has given
way under the feet of the prolific tribe
of oflic:i holders including postmasters'
HAVE roc HEARD 1 , 11011 COLORADO ?
Did you hear that the republican ticket
had been swamped in Colorado, and that
the citizens' ticket there is victorious ?
What does that bode to the patriotic body
of of Particularly the Post
The feeble and debilitated usually fancy they
are In more hopeless condition than they really
are. The resources of nature are not easily ex.
Initiated Even when strength and appetite Mil
when the eyes are heavy and lustreless, the
complexion pallid, the nervous tremulous, the
body attenuated, and the mind depressed, there
is generally a reserve of latent power behind
such palpable evidences of weakness. Various
erodes of treatment are resorted, to by physi
cians in the hope of developing and rendering
available this store of sleepy duality, but the
surest, and indeed the only thoroughly sak and
reliable means of awakening the dormant en
ergies of the system in a manse of /lostetter's
Stomach Bitters. Electricity, shower baths,
the flesh brush, sea bathing, tic., may be well
enough in their way, as auxiliaries, but they
do not reach the source of the mit. All phy
sical debility proceeds either from a derange
ment of the functions of the assimilating, se
cretin and vital organs, or from a sluggish con
stitontion. In either case, and also in cases
where both causes exist, the Bitters will invari
ably produce an Immediate and salutary change
in the coudition of the patient, and eventually
effect a complete cure. None of the dangerous
alkaloids, too often administered ns tonics, can
brothenvise than deleterious under NUO: dr
id far Ore memory is positively
tlinlIVIA. The diruet clod of the Arm& vege
table smirk will be orarzitemievl in an irauvored
amietite,a more cluserlid frame of taind.a gradu
al return of strenels, an inaraite of flesh, nod a
healthier complexion. however,
the cons 'Utz:dam, it Inert and feeble, will have
been canoed and renovated by the subtile rte
mewls of invigoration centained in the Bit
ror Salo or to ,?rat. Ten tong
Wooled Bucks, -cir the ed,dawald variety.
Inquire of W !EASON 4. TtiltßELty,
sert.rr,sinoaieo Prisadavitla.
trlnTOWglftrfltT..—The tuiderkgan Audit
bllk or appointor' by tbelff Alta* (limn of &Vol:taboo
ns Connty. tO flmtito Inn Dinh 'fa tho bonds of Eli
Baron*, "adminlotrater .451 It* ettito of W. W.
IStenta. demand. WM attend to the duties of Ms
appolutmont dt kla office In Ilootmon, on 'Friday,
October 1 10. 1971,at 1 o'clock, p. m„ et wbch time and
plata all 'pumice interested will make known their
dolma of be latcver &barred from coming lu On cold
Montrose Dept.1703,113 - A. -
A EDrPOWE NOTICE ..The mw . . 16.40, AFQ•
IS tor pi ptkolatod by the :Ways I l kue Wain.* Coln.,
in PO . Au , Om County or Siori,4 Use. pg e wpil aii .
to Ibe Elul i.dullalstrallati • . tit, Di DM' Liok. Tfiumal
Itioera 1 , :. 4. in ow its , - mots txrd: d.onia f d,
ola oltOod to tht pk i p 4 icolatntent. 4 Als °f
ate. to P 11 0•Gto, it ? It!, 4. {tt - one
eCIOth I letipPbant U 1 ftifcrt Olitti Wir.
'l. ttIO
Awn' .t Aid p=lpe 1 .; o 1 =Alt IA the
. .. . .., U;
' 54 '9 14, -ViAT I4 b
yettrlif, kpt. It um • •
Al:Mtn - CS SOTICE -The nrulerAgn. d harlot; 'men
oppninted an Auditor, hr the Court of C. 0101.11
PIM! , Conoty, to dl.trllmte the Nada ;
1 In lila lamb. of the at...lgnite , of .1 Y. Benninger. will
attend to the duty of blo appointment at Ms office, to
Mon:roan, Friday, Oct. 11. Int. at I o'clock. o. m., at
Which time and place all pert..oa may al Lefad.
or he forever burred front comma In on wild land
B. W. SEARLE, .luditor.
Montrone, Sept. 17, RM.
ri 41 7
1840. For Over Thins! Years. 1873
lI AS been teetrd In every variety of climate, and
adman erCry nation VIIMTO to irrt.rl4,lllo It
91 the conetant compantoo and lo.llatable friend or
the mbmionary end the traveler. oil the ora or )Iroldynd
no nee should travel on oar Latecor Jaren:. trittbna It.
Since the PAIN-KILLIA was firm Intrvainceil, nod
met with such extensive axle. ma•t Li/am-eta, Reiter.
Pannamv, and other Rein alirx have kern Grated in the
bot not noe of them has attained the truly
enviable shim/lag of the PAIN-KILLER,
Ti Ir T.eeoror MAVIS' PAINKILLER le what It clairnt.
to be ■ R.•iient, of Palo.
Its Alerlt• Are Unsurpsmsed
If num %re 'offering from INTERNAL PAIN. Ttreoly
to 711 r y Propm In a Giltt. r (der will alowni lortop iI y
tire you. Timm in nothing to cunal It lot
Colic. Cramps,Spaeme, Heart-barn, Diarrhea. Dyr
entary, Flux. Wind in sac Dowels, Sour
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Sisk Head
ache, de.
in aertiona of tho country where FF.VEI2 ANT)
prm - nilts. there I. no remedy bold In greater e—
teem. Peretom traveling ertottiti keel, It by them. A
few drop.. in water. will prevent alckneva or be wei
troubles from ehaoge of water.
From foreign coo ott lee the roll, for PAIN-KILLER
sea great. It fa found to Cure Cholera when all 01l Sr
hemedlea Fail.
Mira coed externally n• n Liniment, rot bin.. .1% en
gnitker ear. in. Hum, Cute, tiru;ers, 5prui.,871.1.,
!rola Illeettc, and &aids.
It removes the tire, and the wound henis like ited.nory
sores. Those suffering with RIIEI' W ATIS, Got' r, Lr
NEURALGIA. if not ttotove core, tire find the
PA IN-KILLISR gives them relief wheo no other rmarily
F..ery n..n•r-Rt.,per anontd kt-vp It at it nd. and np.
ply It 4.13 the first att.tet of any I . .ain h wit! give rat-
Itthrin-y relief. anti nave bony. of .offering.
Do Pot trine with sonroeharo by teottou untried remit
dice, Be Mlle you tall for and get the genuine Pain-Kit
ler. n• many worthiest , orntnnn• are attempted to he
sold on the great reputation of this minable inedreine.
PirDirectione accomputy each bottle. I'Dco ra
tin eta., end $1 per bottle.
Sept. 17, 1811.).
mriw isAnal by the Court of Common Pleaq
of Susquehanna County and to MC I
will c‘ltose to sale by ruble undue, at the
Court House in Montrose, on
Friday, October 10, 1873,
nt 2 o'clock, p. m., the following, pieces or par
All !hat certain niece or named of load, oft,
t.te lu the torenahlr of New Mllfold, nooolo l•nocar
hanna, nllll Mote of Pennorlnu,io, hoondra non de
orrltind 3. folic. , o, to wit On the north by lard. of
Ilithert Harriman, on the rant by Nod, of F M. Boyl e .
Jneob hloLeod, :Old Ft L. Sutphin on the wall. hr Lind!
of Nunnon Foot, Jeftermin Ayreo and 11.11 fltadtry.mitt
on the rend by lands of Michael 'McCann, root/cut ng
ii acres of 1.114. hr the rumor more or h a•. with tht
apportrr ono tomato. tote barn, Iwo oreharti•. one
alto., *4/ n-r•• 11,1ensIng n lot :or fartult
horning mood louonnti and falcon in ecetillun at the
mot of Tuley lf.irtlen no Arnlnn noel in I
A ill Ih..t equal undo. ',ten loitf of
following niece of Innd Plitt de In Lenox .not ctnb
ford tor nolt.po. In the Count y ofStanireh nn.,
and State of l i ennoylnania. the (Int niece buttoned
end deocribe :N lotto. On the north hy 141,c1.• of N
Lowrie. n,omit, I u Bennet,. not, or A •httoel Men-on
and A tint n on thy mot he ta ,, d. .1. Doed
cute or Frankin f'. C. flnlestnalliou. on no ,
...toll by put he lophotm. Illrara 11 to tr. 0 Rarely a• ,, l
M. J. Decker, 011 , he weal ny Wog* of N.J. Decker and
Nikon lauvrtu. shout C, Conn. of laud, he
the oarne mor lea*. with the no:torten-tn. r, oto ,
Crl-I ore h
I con of atones, hell, coroolte'lreo.nto
t Itlnerr. oral wired. complote for Pent riot. Welk . Or,
Ihuatid lathe NI 111 mith wood env attarbell. with all
n heel, ealro. not. noleh t 'wry I hereto
th ri deinp him, horn,. d onhoroldloto. mid all Im
pri,oeii. A eL the e.innl nothrided half of one phice
of land +lnvite in the • , f Lenox to the emp
ty of -.ire ha nll3 nn•l Wore ol Pen omlv nit. bounden
nod d• - .c, shed no follow., to On the north hr lands
of N Lonme. nu the real h 7 land. of M. J I.ho'k• r.
the mull tt by I rulo of Al. J Ile. ker. and .neat bola
or A. Churrhill. rinroal•toz about. two erre- ml land.
the' Prime more or it.... with oclitorierue era 000
dwelhog Lon,. a few f till Ireee. and all trnfot toted -
A l-o. all the folinvlng p ere or hart el or 1104..0 0 .0,
In 1110 tootle/up of Leone. In The fettle y of tit-g.. , ..
harm, and blalt. of PClln•el.nflia, [initialed and
t i e..criberl no roomy, lo : I.lp the rth to,
land- of Mullet 0. C. mi
!honker, on lbr rftet I, Mode of A. ( botch d and Ai. .7
her. 15n hr .oath by land. of C A Cline and .1. F.
Ilan., nod On the went by land of ninon White. run
t nmg hon. le arrne hr o rata more or
1", oh timityotnottnrreo, imp dnehing honer, mfr
barn. and other not bolldtogo, a fen( fruit Irce•, and all
tintrls Improved. chrized and taken In eon anon for
omit of Samuel fla !tumid on Andrew fi tbmead I
a that inlet or piece of Land. wtni trio Mom
elfin Bone and other and Improvements
thereon erected sit rote In the t.tiatsh.p or ihninek.. in
'hi. 1 tiideiy of Sit-ryasharta.l am! Start to Penury' van.a.
insoo,i,d and des -lihod no, follows. to wit: Beginning
at s po:ot an Mc atcshoppen creek un the we-tern er
of Mat parr of the I out of Ben) Parke set rig as the
null Inlet. theory vont, st_vertty Eve dst.fl es. west aloe
ty six perche• to a tenet it, the re•tern line of t hs land
of Ezra onnekland. I hence along, the hind tit said Sire k
land north tiegiess 1.101 Pi :VW perfiles to a
(toner of 11. e land of said sir:chianti sad Parke. Mem,
north sixtv-ono degree, west thirty-lire perches I,i s
rainier, thence along the land aforesaid 011,/ h
-oven ISgren west eighty-five perches to
thence sonth sixteen perches to a corner thence it.
Inads of sold Si rickland and 4'harlas Chanimlesrlain
oral ni - ty perebes Ina earner, thence by lands of In
•eph Drinker one Admired nod any•sis pen-Lee day
north. theory lin I.M. of Thomas 11. Musgar, Charles
Gales at. al , nit Iwo hundred and thin parch.s.
to the State road. then«, along said riind smith ten ds•
Zree• net one hundred perches too eyelet. Inence east
rot It live perches to a corm en' the PisMy lot. tenet
north degyem east min hundred and five p
cries to a rOrner or. the soich line of It. C. Underbid
them, airing the tool of raid ['mi. r'o'll and other land
of sald Parka east fifty thin perciice to 4 ClllPe7.
thence • nai h went nine degrees net eighty
two perches to Cl,,' Meyhoppen road. thence along raid
road eolith slits-flee Oetnees West seventy perch, to
the Slate road thence atom, Stile road south vi row,
seven degrees ens, eighty perches. thence alt nu :nil!
tract eoarh eleven decrees west futty•sta.perrhstillieleti
north silty-one di-grecs west ten perches. thew, tomtit
thirty degree nest twenty nix percale, thence ninth
tiny -den degree* nest twenty-two perches In the place
of beginning. contnining three hutalred acres of land,
be the Hine mere or less, v Ith the a ppnencoanres. throe
darellmo hon•re. hero, myring.c lamer. alieds ate - tan
oreluards, and one limitlred end flay nervy Improved -
fsteiortil and tai.en in sleet:ohm at the nail of John
Gent,. st of m.Peniamin f l urke.l
_AI, that terrain trend of land situate In the
townships of Spr.ngvllleand Pliant-h. ennui, or sus
titichanns, and State of Penni.) Mania. belle: a part of
the farm. Porta:11o. lying no the Waters of 111.1 Ideshop -
pen Creek, a farrier power, anti baling envied
therm.° a PIS' RIM ?Id lath mill. also dour and ball
mill. two dwelling muses, and rbcds, containing sir
hundred and thirty acre: of land: more or It-a., ❑lth
about forty nears imprtretni. hounded as tollotrii, to wit
Pet Inning at a n 0.4 standing In a wail the corner of
lands of Lora Strickland. Geroge Ely. and Der, trn
Pitt he aforesaid also the auothwest earner ity the wan
ratify of Wm Sharpe. thence by law . , of ()cone Eli.
Peak seventyeane tit green east one hundred ant slyly
perches Ina p.m. - thence nonl: forty-eight degrees cast
won,. tends of Eastland and John 1-1. Willi:tins one
Mildred and ally perches to a Vintner, thence north
29 dezr.-eseast Rill perches to a matter. therm see
n long other land. of laid Parke and P_ll. Tiff any one
hundred paretic. to tt corner. therm, by boanisn( 11.1%
Underhill month forty degree nest ooe hundred perch
es. thence west- one handfed nod forty-trine pert-hes
to thrLimockend:Slcholson State tend, thence alone
sold nand swath by icemen east one hundred soil three
perches to a corner.tbstac east sixty poreltes to llto
Itimhoppen road, thence along Said road old by other
land of said 1 - arke tenth fifteen fiegreve west ninety--
three perches to corner. thence north tieeentyawro de
grees treat Rae hundred pereliesto the Springville road
thence sound ten degrees west by lands of Ezra Strkk.
land ninety perches 10 the piece of beginning,. and
(raving, nod excepting thee - coot a lot ntirJymi to ilen•
)amin itiudy.) containing throe Winifred and thirty
acres, be rho *nine more or lea, [Seined and Taken in
execution at the snit of Lewis Gement, no. Berd.dhlri
Take Notice.—All Lids melba arrange-a on the day
of vale.
M B. HEI,ME, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Sept. 18, 'U.
Election Proclamation.
purecuuteo of au act Of thn foment. Amembly of tho
littnmonn ralth of Penne) , Warren, enrlltlet) au net, r
biting to elert tons billets floorMettiveulth. a pproved the
2.4 day of July, A. -O. M. lIELSIE. High
Stolid' of
.S.txquekuneXectftty,ln ovldCornmeloweulth.
hereby Ono nottee 10 the eleettrro of the county
eforeraid. Hut oteobectlon sill be bent in void County on
Toesda7,l2te 14 dui of October r l673,
(bcfnetht d Tne.tttny In cold mouth.) at which fltue
She foltlOevlng officers Mlll bo elected, to ult.:
%lac pereon to 1111 the oftlec of Judge of Me. Squretne
VZoort of retlll6sllrAnla.
Ono potion to All thereto of ?re-roofer of the Wart
of Penns,load&
• • .
Two persots- to All the oftlegs qt Members of the
Donee of lls•pnesentatlves of liettneslesols lot the dis
trict composed of tba fie mist of ansqlleheelle cud
One person in ill the office of Prqthquattlyy of the
county of liataitalie,
Onopento4 lq ell the oalee of Tressincr of, the coon
ty of Niqoeintiline.
°hi , Vl lOll 4 O all the antoo of Copts Com:elute:ter
4 co /f7yrjl a t ikEi l n iT r i . o fill pp opt* or irory - Cqtantlseftende
pne perioq top the qalea of empty fltelltoy fqf tall
The Election for the glstrlet compared of lb. (Awe
ship of Apsisenn will be held et the beefs of Joatlm
13eebplo told townebtp.
Thtipleffn fq: the glettipt coati of the tow,;•
sfiip o Arena will It held 41 the erbisql twilso near PP
PirthytcrWpp Punt to eetil tau - petit p,
•ioo Elmi.4m for the dirtriel cootporpd or the tosnalD
pl ribOrn Rill be held et the hence 'of .lenstst Lott to
" 4 l hal l eet b lo P o . for the dlrtrieteoreposed of he townAolp
ltsidgewstar will ha held-at thw Conn Horne In the
Borough of Mootroso.
The Ipestlun for the ti.!etslst composed of the tom:.
.13q, of EttociLf . cii will hr Itchint the hone° of darnel M.
Dollard In moil intetithir t .,
The Elation for the 464 'lnt of the town
.l.ivott Chin...tut wllt ho held nt the echoul button muff
Ed. nrd Glltick'n in mild tot. nithip.
Toe Mort ',lt) for the diotrict composed of din town.
slop of Clifford o tll be he'd at the bonen Lute of John
Ileteetnun In townclop.
The Election for the if itn clef coTpoited of the IlornoLth
of Ilottittiff 0011 by !Lehi on the. Dasadistr Hotel itt tinld
lin. E1,0n.) for thoenotrlO componed the tole■
of flttitoek "ill be hold hi the boas late of T
thvrt: In gall! torn•hip
The 1,1,11,11 hic the district comported Of the town
/hip of F•trest !Aix , bill he held at the house of }lre.
liertlia Wain , r in raid too onhip,
The FJeetion for therlistrict compo..l of the tottel.tlit.
of Franklin will lo• h hi nt tho sr.4tool home twat Jacob
Allard's in raid township.
The Election fortne district enntposed of the Borough
.nf Friend.vlllr will be held nt the school linnet, In geld
The Ebel lon for the gliFtrtet cmapooed of the llornech
o 1 Great Bend will he held al the house late occupied
by lEt, Id Thorne. In *aid Ilorough.
Election for the district composed of the town
ship of tire,it Bend will be held at the buena late accept
ed he flarotn. dee.
Th . .. Election for t ne diet rl ct compoeed of theta wn ett 1p
of fiiheon will be held In the Academy building to sold
The F.iectlon for the district compored of 'the township
of ll.irbn A will be Folder the house late of N. W. Wald
ron In rend township.
'I he Elerl ion for ihn Airdrie' composed of the town
.hip of Miriam.). will be held at the holism of S. Winters
in mild toworhip
Tee for the district comprised of the town
Ado of Derrick will beheld at the Derrick eet3l re School
In mod township.
The election fin the dlstrirl composed of the township
of .1.ick...11 will be held et the honey ofJoseph Gmtry to
said lowsiship.
i be El, c I ri for the dirdriel corn's - reed of the town
ship of Jessup will be held at the bum,: of Daniel Hoff
la raid tortoolop.
The Elec . , ion for dletriet composed of the totelishlp
of Lenox mill he ho Id et too house of Grow Ls Brothers
in sal • ~,,,
elect lon for the district composed of the town
idilp of Lib,' y will be held at the edanfordSchoul house
to raid toevorldie.
lb. Cl. Won for the district composed of the toles-
Chip or LIF hrop will be held 04 the 11111ndale School
holt., In .aid lownsht,r,
election for the tiletTlet composed of the Borough
or Lb tle Vlewlowe will be held tit the School Llouse In
lionounb. '
The thm for the district enihroted of the lohrofhip
of NI NL•llo;.1vn will to hold 01 I.h.huo.oe. or Otls Bost In
Pt for th« Mot Oct rompoppd of the Borough
of Munrrooe %111 be held ut the Court lloupe Sn wad
fh,roog h. -
Thss Els..loin for the diotriel ennlpreied ot tholkwough
of :s ow ‘lslitsed will be hold at the kolldb late or &ail
Patina In onol Iltietsugh
Tito olootosti lot t ho dlssttirt amp:wet:et thetamtehlp
of Now 3111:ford will be kohl at Ike kowse of Philander
Ph nue:, In the Isortsugh of New Milton'.
Tlso olootion for the diotrtel etskspooed of the town.
rind of 1,31:1 od .0111 howold nt the howl: Idle of Thom
.n Nunnon (.01 4 1) •
rho e l oso il t s e for the diontot enrepoerd of the town
oloit of toloit ti 311 hold. ILe huuee of N. IL Suider It
The ch..etion for ihe district comported of the town
ship of tips ill be held at ale 110611 C law of
'Tone, Il rot In cold loutishly.
The election for the district composed of the town
rt.; p of Sliver Like will be held of the toinee late of It.
Hoes to 1.111 lOU L.hip.
The k.lection for the dirincl composed of the rind
fL o d i.l .if horritiethinno Depot will be
L. ' I to ibe house o.lllllell bf Lb...stet It. t.linolee In cola
Theiiiet tint] fJr the di-t Het eomintectl of the Second
Ward of the Bottotah of So-tistehantta Depot will he
nr ‘l,lll,tod .ttlitruac iivilnUlk to Pei
Sae. n h
The vied lon for the dint riot cornpontal of It, town
.111 p of ivanaarn win he lir Id at the hoes late or
Chenter Mod/lard in natrlrotrantrip
I alno make lorom n and ova broth, as to nod by Iha
Illrle or nal ant of July a, Irql. direr:tar, - That
e‘tr, pen-on eseept .Inntirra of the Peace, who nhall
bet any °Mr, rtpurrlr ltur•nr of profit or Ira n i fuller
.r. I
• Of f thin ntate, or of an) rir y or la
tarrorrratril rlrolrol, a - briber a crlarmlnnloned omit or
Jznnr, ho nhal employed under Ih• 1 , ..;l•Int• •a.
rphrlary, (Sr ear-entire tit partrnetrt of thin Mare or
Oiled !awn,, or nn` tit) or incorporated rUnti int :
el-1111131 e, cry In. cal., id I't nnt! or
I.c n i•L•terc, and of cite urrneil of an
city. or cornbrin•iatrer. tr; ally lourrt. r. •n‘i CI :riot. in
he low 113,..p.11/11. iltilltlfig or exert tea,nt the 11.1. e
11 11, , rrtrlne rrr op. riril In Ora t or .In.'_,. I untros fr•. or
t Ir rt. or any r Inet ram o f Corona:lra ea,i . and mat
no I unto, tor or .Inrize br ot able, of arty nuch
eh• ttuo..hall hu erbrrhl, to att.) ate,. then Is, he voted
th. 2fl of Ao•ertiltly of July R. letr.t. It to ale° mode
• • he net) of r: toy Nt Sherk Alderman : Jno kV 4 , 1
IF ,. Prat t l . rt , 1,•13 ,, 11.. of eser) eity. 1 otlti 10,1,1111,
tit ' t
1 , t• 11 , tallh,wheat vet called
lo any anther of art .. , ttlitm, or by tliro sto.theti
ei1.3 . 11,14 there.: to clear auy w meow or avenue to Oe
of the Ware of Got end Electko.uhbil .taliott-lt fed .tr Lo pr. vent %tat?, feint, an.
primula: the •Clrle and Phut! he Ile duty of es.
, 1,•1 41. .11111 ward, diotriit or toieutl.ip
ir od. thto 1 . 4 , 1.”1001‘ to Int pre* lit per-,.00r
t.v Deputy. at the pi If,: ot I welln thoto, In
I. , and (1,,11,1 or too twilit, ful Ihr plain... lit
tw .o. 0 hat
in th pe a a e t oa. oa
t of the not of A onersibly
et:Oiled • an net r, 10 ed,llllll/10. 41,11 for other
perpo-... •'
aptaro to pcl In : • nto II In t noel rl lb tt
taptC • -ei t not. • -hall toil oe
t.. pr. • 1 , 1 ivy11111:II., Odin r hortitikh ordt.ei from
eeri Jailiyit. 'lola row of t • lerli al any gvocral ur
enall.o. tit thle Vtotonnnivoillti
let to the procielohe c loathed In the tat)
on it .1. ot the net oforeeaul. the .1.11.1)• of the aftwewold
ta•tre Atoll revert.vely tat., n 1 Intl eurtittcatt
a r 1 1 1•11 of the eler t• tif th. Ir trope., tee diotr • cto
and peal:to: ra at a meet oi; of one con..
tetnet, at the Court honor. in he Itorouzli of Moot
roe on th• third tlav aher the day of t•hadlon in log
the protect y• the nth diy of Oct. taco.
th e w to do 00l perform the Mari. • •- entilool by taw ol
t .Ftpltreo tont where n by lif1•11,,/ or
an avoidable neenlent lo unable to attend "rid 05,1,00
of .1...1•41, then Kite coil Conte lir return afortauthl bah
he to L , It chart, of by obllc Of lilt inotweloro or Uteri,
of lb.' 01.13. ... of riot! dlotriet. ho otaill .141.1.1 pecorta
'Le 41111, r. quire.: of Jn unalde 'tont tend
111.1, of 0•.. ...... ty approitul the I;th day of
Mot!. 'we , . It le etewted that at - all vltrz! , ...
10,1 11:n1..1'1.11e 1..0 • 05 thy, el,ll - 11114/11We 11,1, r0II•
tli 01 be opened 11011 ,en the boort 01 As. /aid 01:100
o'c'oci... a to . and "lore at ;o ' clock. p. to.
. .
Its an a.a. of Astetno) f t Mace!, tvai, e an
act n tataticer ttu. 111. Or of rtlnt . at all election. in I he
etas lioulittvr of tile Conaconsoattah, it Is enacted a.
(idiots- t
Yr.': I. Br It enori,.ll by the Synnte end llonor
rI Itepremmlntivy. ut Iht Comnionueutit, of Yynuoyl.
rublA In Grorral ruh'} 1..% and It in hrreby e trie r
ton by Or nulhority , d Inn nallif. Thut the qua'lll,l
ott-re of 1111,C41.111tie, of Ihr l'ofnlnulnurulth.
lii ~yr
aid , yr,l. town-hin.l.orounh.und Ylorriono.
ure t erehy, hereaftrr. unthorin, rc"<fnlrref in vol,.
0) firk.tu, pr.rbo!.or o ri.fyobird nu
ludo •e
Our I'd,' .1,011 einhraror the name* of all
jtadnee of Collflo ..ottod for. and to hr ',third. olfiride.
, .
-to:Uri:try :•• ono tielet shnp entbrnee the . names of all
ntnle irrall, Vined for. and libeled. "stair ,'• one 1.0,1
tahrdt e the nano, of ell comity rdneers voted Ito.
Ineladlot, rale , of ot.ntlo r. and roonher. al
A.vetubly. If voted foe, null of tmg.ress, II
noted for nod 1, lalh 14d. • t onto " one ticket shnll
entity., lb rano.. of ail !ovro•lito flieurs voted for,
nt/d he la ho-100 • loartatlttp:• one ilex. emordee tut
name- ot nll horontta otlleers voted for. and •11n11 ne
6. ) .• . 14.11 •• 11,40“.7.11:' and each e1n...11/111 be dcpc,lted lu
seintrate n•lotzett.••
Wttsnvay. Tht , Fihe.entb Amendment of the Con-
WI id ion of the rolled Mates I. n.
t'atTla. 1. Tl , right of clllarus of the tic laid
Starr, to vote thrall not Ire 11611.1 or abridard bt tl.e
United Marko, Irr by any Stal a. an 11,1.01.1nir of 4,4. C. cube.
or furl tour .1141111. in of era . ..nude "
brr 'ION 2 '1 lie Cotrarnia bare power to entorca
tIll• article by atTlopriata Icalalation."
Whetrax. The Cooarr-ae of Illy VitirlYlSlll4l,l4. on
Ito '.l'd day a ?dawn laid. p , Yftql 111 Of Idled -
•• Art ha, r un ' , rdrarnaqf (',clad 61,41 t•
in rat in the Acre Pal ej" fhr Lvion. ,nil :dig,
pr•rp.r... - Lind and cacao 44 ration. or ikit(ro art us
sceTstiv 1. XII en , sied by the Seva'e and Mow ar
Ibprearrialiresqe 11, I 'tubed :Jul,. .Interbm M ( kv,
yr,corioiLifeti. l'hat ail el tweet. tie United stater
who ar e orehali be Wien, iee pi:Outer:l by law to vole
at tiny election by the p. .plc. Ie any State. ,
di , Het. county, city, parich. tot:volt it', erbool
municipality other terrhorai r ah ithictone, shall be
a t oll hal and ollowed to i tit e at nil roch etectiore; ti lib
oat digitalin:l of race, or color, or previonc condition
•f city it tole, any hottelltlit ion. CliFtval, unapt, or
reittiattl on of any State or Territory. or by, or cod, Its
ant horit v. to the etttstmrt not wlthattuallut.
••Sceirtio: 2. _lad te. /1 pert/or raorlcd, fl it by or
Hurler the autlitiroy ut die Conctitntlira W lalr, of any
Wale. or tile la wit of any Titritory , lay ad or *hall
be required to he eoaa Sap prerrqui rite or tnaliaimilian
(or voting, and by cu Ch Con:nitration or law, portious or
odlcere are or he charge° cif tit the herformatice al
Julie eln furnlelting to cit izene an oppetrtanlty tc per.
torte cinch prereq at e. Or to hewn= gpitailldell to rote,
It •ha II he the dui y of every emit perepst and Offletr to
Ova to all elite m. of lit- t 5t414.• Ii" Muls and
ednal opportunity to porfortn ouch prerequisite nail to
b. coate titialLneittu auto w MOMS dirtinction of race Ail.
or, or pearl id-eutdnion of cerrlttidet atm If any *deb
pereou or ofilLer chill peril it ham, htgly omit to give
lot eflert In tint, sec , ton Iti clod). fur, Van elleh orr.o r,
furfor awl pay I he emmor five hued red dollar. loth° heti
won atqtrii . lit coverid by an action on th,
cacti, with fall ror4. and ninth inn atilt. twee for (Valhi I
fete le 1111,eintra Aidl deem just. and .41111 ulna, tel
ever) •rch wltfence, be deemed polity or a mi-demeanor.
0h.31/ ronviction therenf, ha Geed not lea that
floe hasuirertilollarr, or b., Itniniconet: not It than out
wont 11 and tilt more than Otte year, or both, at the din.
cretlon Or 'lse court."
.t /r/etreas, It to dechred by the necand Iteetltin of
the VI lo . t,lck, of the Voustltution of the l'otterl !•tatt.ev,
ha "Thl. Contqltntlnu, co,tl the Isles of ;ha ‘!sited
Slntre, whleit ehnll ho m ,dc In pgrittane.e thervt. I. Jhal ,
he the lot 'Pine low of the lend. • • • ntlythlt ala
fat Conoted4tioti or kora of ciarkkliu 4 , the o ,,, •etarY
witlplanciiny. •
And W4 " , CM. Tin Ladelatpro of this Comleonwealtb,
on the nth any r 4 April; A. 11.. ,15.T0.n0,c4 au act. en
titled "A further ppfuntont to the artrantingto .tee
Lion* in this kMtnatemteJlth," tau tooth archon of
which solo thin as followe
la, That mot notch of array act of Arpombl.!
44 tool doe Limit only . white freemen shall tut entitled I.
vote or to he togietercO At voter.. or oi CLIIMing to volt
it :Mr genii:oof derinlelcstlon of this Commoowcall
qe aodlltcyatuu tt hereby repealed. and Iljat Itereafun
all frEcaten. tri {haat dloituiitun of color, shall Op lamb )
od and registered accurllog to the oroslelhos of the
first sectlounaprored April Mk 1409,.onfltled."An AM
fo. tam so pplemental to the aid rvbil WI to the clelanc
of lids Comtnanwenlth, - and yips' otherwise rand.'
under eyhdlog lAsen he utttil ed to vole at all genera)
and ;pealed ”lerlfous fn tido Commonwealth,'
Thesaldsbore frsloal amendment and nets must he
ogees ted and tMeytal by all registers of no.
tors. elect-lea orb ate.
nod Others, that !ha rights sod
pfletterl. attatTaldred ( p artly may be to all thp
el:teetotal' thi.,Coontionwodth entitled 010.....;ni
Tice return jntlps (ha represrutilliso 111.100,
OtlMPand of ftla collalltw of StlNUebacaut and Wvnia.
log tout lord at theeootl Ilouao lu Tto4.lutanoci:
Tuctday. Octounr ahn.. j 8 7 .4,
Given ander tits' bunt) spay omen, ta•l,,e Reno. to of
Ilontrose. tic ISth day of Sept, Anna -Douala InTO,
audit. the ) - ear Or.tha Vottollon wealth tlie Illttnt s , aiPh•
tt, If.KLUPdtlierllt
Montraan, Sept. 17,1877,
XE I.7llHn's NoTlClE—toareiniteetamtUtary to the.
EA eeboe of L. Oirehard, deed, ba' of Pont
Lake, smerelmene comm. kayo been irmated the
arttemilmr. all Immo iud - ebted to tee Feld eetete. are
mquerted tantalite Immediate attempt. and. thee° tree
ing cLvets or demands eta lot the tuy-mto of tho eald.the
tedant, to make knowu 4he alum wlttiont
;IKN4 4
SiTtanlh , vr 10,1111.-6 n I
Clothing, etc. '
:F A
I =l
0 •
..1. 1 1
4 = o
c E''o
GILLAT BEND, PA. Streeter! near the Brio Railway Do.
pot I. A lar;re and corotnnttlete hoot,. hall Linden:lWe
• tAnntnelt repair Newly larmsned room* and oleep•
sr. rt Dien t •.oplendld table.. 3 n d 311 thl 07, mmpri.
IN: a th at elnra hotel. Litt:CUT ACKERT,
Dept. 10th, 1873.-tr. Proprietor.
DMINTSTnATOR''S NOTICE,—Te the estate of
Atmriaalt Maddock. late or Midthernet. drc'd.
letters of Arlmtntrout ion In , herant estate Moine.
horn grnmed to thou oderrlmlell, nil peones me
lot Rohl estate, are rerinertra to make Immediate
et/meta_ end pm-roar harim; claim, attalnert said estate
1110 regnmited to present them erhhatto delay.
JO N C. MA Dbot.K, Adria . ra
Middletown. Au:. LAth. INl3—ica
AI:DITORS' NOTICE.—The untlersirned. an Anal.
tor. appoint.] by the Orphans' OHM of :Maga! ,
harm. roomy to dieldbute funds IM the hands of the
Administrator ot the vets, e of U. P. Toliman rill at.
std to he duties of his app.iistment at hi s rimtv I a
Mina., on Friitay. Ort. 10th. IX:it. at 2 n'eluck.p.m..
it hen all pvrnoar may pmeut their claims ur he forever
de h.irred.
A. 0. WAIMEN, Auditor.
31oturoso. Sept.lo, IST&
At L. B. Mall's Jewelry Stud,
Wl:area larger and better flunk of the following
goods will bo found than clpewhero in
Northern Pen.ylvania:
aud a general armament of Mercbaudi.u.
Sheet M elc, Vie eitrine, ctc. etc.
AU Flne Craton Repairing Sewing Machines and Or.
dune. oe Dalai./ by
L. 13. ga " A
i l t iletViti. by
, - Isbell 416 lee Mash.
Sept.lo. Is T. Montrose. P.
TlScraltirconso, Z= 1 0,24.13.Ye5.. •
i- coati owl:). receiving NEW ti OII GS, niln Erin's con-
Outingyy on baud a full and osir f ible IlMametil of ren
me. DIWII CIIEMICAI.B.Paints, ants
Dye/ions. TrtAn, ppm., and caner groceries, stone
ware, wail p 1.1411P1, fruit lam, mirrors. lamps,
stibnite) a, irks:cur, inaidillitT7 0 11 , tanner.' oil. neat..foot ell, reaped Whale Cll.' oil lair inailerus.oll for
01114 tPlOni, rs Olive Oil, Sperm Gil. tipirita'Forpers
tine.% guilds es, Canary sred,V ipagar.Potosh. Canaan.
tested Lyel Axle Crease, Traseue, slopporters,ldeilleal
Instruttienta, Shonider jdruens, Whits, Gana, Plato] ,
Cartridges, Powder. Shot, Lead. Gel Caps, [timeline
Powder and Fame. Viones.sitrlngs, Vint ea,
Fifes ewe . Flab llopksard Linea.tia r and ToiletSospe.
Hair Oily. lintr linstorees. and Hair Dye.. Brushes,
Poch CI Entre., Spectacles., Silver end after Fisted
Simon.. Forks. Kulres, Utbitlif A:tWlda. a goner.
at assortment of
FANCY 000 W. JEWELEY, spd 171111.11ERY.
All 0016441 m; agd hunt Lliids of
The people at. fUNtgd to Calla iho Urn[ and Varlet)
Store of AueL TUttltELI..
Cab. 1, Nil Established 1819.
P 1• 14
8L7221'S & I'pornst9As.
stwi dr TUE GQLPIIIIF.4at.i AXD IfOrti4R,
33 r1o1s.2334101s.,:wccmitrenie.
We desire to Fay fp the rilblle that oar store Is cell
libretto:4 with DrTMt. Idedlelnes, Dalple. trlll4-Varnlsh.
Washes. Crud*. Perfumery. Parley Articles, Kotula
bill and patent preparrtlene, anti altother a , tlelet nee
ally kept In Ilysf elate drag storm We trannantee on;
ponds genelpe *hp of the best qualltand u ill Ire top
at /ma prises/up car 4.. Nertpect telly Your,.
'MO c ,teh. Isl 3. Mioti :itvuota, •
Geo. P. Rowell & 00.
YOUNG MEN AND LAMES gnalltkd for practical
aamtan, at She lIMaIU Teleg,ntott and City
Lino Telegraph. Every graduate revues e poeltion.—
The lerguyi and moyt complete In America. Andreae,
far <trader and catalogue, C. L. BILYANT.
Hefei°, N. Y.
• •
Oolumbia Clarioi(al Onotitute
A Boarding k•linol for Young 4rn nUcl BOY. For dr.
catare, addr..n. Mr. IL tl. ALEI.A fall,i4dumbla,
with tho ceeest auk heft treatmentlo/11..
.... The
only thdrough work or the kind t 4 w rid. Embrac•
StinT. rezTellow Fertror.Cllolente.d. ll ..o4,-..4
dises.e.. Nu f Amity •afe without h. and all Boy It.—
Du SI chromatic litu,dratione. EThr hlzaret chance of
the ocittmn for agents. Addrert, R. B. (lOW:MPS/ID As
CO., lii Tremont Bt.. Borten.
TC , fotYlEssriC
AGENTS WANTED. Scud fur Craks - or.
4'nSYCIIONI ACY, Olt 14011,-ClIARMixn..
how citric/ sex way fascinate and gain the love
and affections of auy Innen they choose, Instantly.—
Th le Imple mottle &Nehmen:all mtußosslms, free, by
mall. for V, ernt• ; he:ether with a marrirge
'Egyptinn Oracle, Dreams, flints to Ladles. A queer
kook; 100,m0 told. Addresa, T.IV (LUAU &CO.
Publishers, Phil's
MON E Y E C ' ) gt t !:. ro- fr a n e d lu7l
partfadarsFroc. S. Al. rx.N cram: 'annoyer St.:Boston.
lolj aln PER DAY I A.M. wetted I—
• "..:ISJ All class. of working people ,
ZI ei th er sex. younn or old, mato more money at wort
for us ittlheir simre momenta or all the 1 we than at
snythinx else. Particulars fr.. Address G. !WIN
SON. &CO.. Portland 14 eine.
ISO/ who work for to. If anon wrltlnt yen do not.
lind as all square. *so you nun dollar for your
linable. Send .tamp for circular. to
0. 11. BUCKLEY it CO . Tekinolia. Mich.
~,......",1 Ravin;strnagled twenty years between
.... life t and death with ASTHMA or PHrlilft
%, IV I experimented hayseif by compound
:s 7, tug nuot• and he. hs. and Inhaling the Med
r .
.. 45. Idue thus obtained. I fortunately dis
, •.. r. .vered ft most wonderful remedy and pore
%,sil •p,,_,._ r
for Asthma sad Its kindled diseases.
""i ". , Warrant e d to the severest porno
svr -, 4 4 .sm instantly. on the patient ran Ile down
to rest and sleep. ONE TRIAL PACK AGE SENT Br
Apple Creek. Woym Co., 0.
EstatOlohed irrISM.
I. the oldbot and moat ancces.fal Institution In this
• °paltry fur the treatment of Chronic and Sexual Dis
cs.... For terms oftr,. , atment call, or address be mall,
with •latemeat of case. S. 11. II I.INSDUN.
Is t ck3a.ewa,re.
Lance Lor 131ITTER POTS, JARS, Etc
At Lower Prices then Ever Before. Also
(AEA I', at
LYONS, DEAR , 6 CO.'S,, E3,Ectat,
By the barrel, beetle], or potted
Ashton Salt Big Littla
nay way to 61.111,
and Syracuse Butter Salt.
Also-Pine Table SALT In boxes S: bags
Very best Rouble Extra, R 8
well as Lower Grail,;e, ut
prices as low a the lowest.
prim:K.o4m Meal Ht, Fluor, DI.
Flour, and etu•ked
We/Eta, ffi3'seet:l3,
Clark. Green, Japan, English Breakfast, Imp-rfal,
Tnanky, rte. Some as low at 7U outs per pound. and
up to the best grades to be bad.
We. Mariesibo. Java, sod itpetot:
First; Roasted Coffees; ~rormd It dcdreYl tri/Aost extra
Montraeo. Sept. 9, 1 sln.
- 11113aer c •Ccust,tra
Jaw) 13. 1613.—tt.
General neurcume Agent,
2!IX co ist rOMI O. I'u•
Home Tns. Co., N. Y., Capital and ll n rpin or, $4.000.600
illurol 4 ~r , ,. Cu.. C. apital And 4 nrplus
Liverpool. udon & ( Hobo '' . $ 10.000.r00
Ins. Co.. or i ,rtti America " $ Taira. Cam.loo
Authmelto . . Ph Ilad'a ri.DUO
!pt. Co„ Nato or Poun'a GOO" U
Linton Mutual
14cmulpg Fire
Willignnowict 1110.0).
rr.waneel t. P.ovltlence. It. 1."
Nenninni. Ky.
Newt uwo.or Pods Co.
Aloumnula. of 1.10 - Mand,
ninth In, Co. Ur1%14. II
Tie ire
Corm )(aortal Lira Ina. Co„ Arautts
Auturkau Ufa. Vbll'a.
co rsolarane.
Travcirr. too.po.,ltorford,Caplialond Sttrplue #.1.000.000
tallOsy Poolcuacro V 40,000.
The ondereteued baabeenwell known In this cOOOtY.A.
tbr post 17 roorooo on In.utunce Aunt. Los.voookodoe4
h) AI. Compaiuirs two boon prompt', paid.
Or'Oftlte erstdoor cO.t fspmitapking Orate of W
(loovOi &I:7{4..Tyroplitoot. Montrooo.Vo.
VW.5111.F..4 11, t s oAt
/1)1tAtl:13PAFT0111), PtP" P
111optro1o. liar td. 1 ne. • •
Writ Chrhier, raw A licaolifal and &carded Was.
wen erSiricinut
irodlide• With m„,0 4 ,.. _Ktudetits prepareiyar
lefre..nlyteclue e School, pr !lurid. dd. t 4 iderta pruria•
041 imq. (hr Very yorma boy,. Many. isiudeatt remain,
a* no:hiders, dorina hummer
&pt. ituutra 31,,w0r'
81 Maiden - Lane, Albealy,:+i..Y,
11-7.3-. 00ft MO