TIIE DEMOCRAT. Local Intelligence. Religious Services Che sttrices In the several Churches of Mont ruse MN RS follow fl %MIST J .Cnampliiit tr. .D. Parts, Stabet.r. Sera! cee......... ....... m. and 7 1.. tn. Sahhub Schad l 9 m. Prayer Metltng, Wedneaday Ev. lags 7,1§ Sahl.thi4er•fre, 11 Kr. J. St.Arrnws . Sncenni grinds' , In enrn lonth ...., lannedlntely before Mi.... RPISCOPAL en MOW S•bhath 84:nit.% E drulay School Wrek•Day Servlcts-..Wt.qinet.days. VeTITODIST EPTACC.PAL fietwbeith t.orvic,ps Obath SclNj. ..... Tbdruhtiv. I'I4ESBYTIMI.IN (211142111.. Ptt.b.thSery . ...... t4inhaLlt 5r1001...... t r ,ar Mectin.g. Tnuradar Evening. Arrivals and Departures of Mails "irritate Deparrtire.*. 31cmtrme Depot, (I)aily,) 600 P. M. 6 '2O A. M. New Milford, " 10 00 A. M. 130 P. M. Wyalncing, 045 A. M. 200 t•. M. Vt11111:11111 , fek, " 10 00 A. M. 300 P. M. 000 P. M. SOO A. M. Conklin Sittion, 700 P. M. 700 A. M. /lam 11)y001, 600 P. M. 700 m. 10 00 .t. M. 400 p. M. The New Vork,Tunkhanuock, New Milford, and Wylusing mails are daily: the Conklin Station mail will leave on Tuesday.., Thursdays, and Saturdays: Blnghantrtm mail, nn Silver hale, will Inure ou,Monda,y - arik3o a. m , Tues day arld Tlinnalay p. nr ; Meshoppen mail tt Illitlore no Mondays, Wednesdays, awl Fri days: Friemlsville umtl leargs and returns Tar.mlays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Bing hamton mail via. itawleyton, will arrive Tues day, Timm:day, and Saturday, at R p. tn. m.— ',ire =me days at 7 p. tn. V AUDITION...At STA OPP. * !iToutro ,, ,, fnaily,} 000 p. x 11 00 ‘. Nrw Milford, ' 3 .30 P. m. 730 A. M E. O. EntintiAsi, PostmaNter. 31(mtrose, .Tuntiary 4, 18;11. fiese . Advertisement*. Please rend the ron,,%v icenn new this week - Rough Leather iNf:inufaetdrers—Moss A K nap Adm Mist rat g r's Not iis—e,Likta A/ A. Mad. ' - 'ffinclilMnFlrrii of liens? M-1(A- Roluet. of Fare—d. R. Ray nsford. 11as-is A Si,.o. Down with High ! Now 31.airrinl . .Miscellaneous Advertisements-A . lo%Tel' A Co. BcsthEss LoN BLS. Carvin's Tar Remedies. Bakery, Lunch RoomS, etc—F. G. Won Jr.e Veteran s..ldien-s. To Arms! Clairvoyant 1-:smuinations—Dr. Butterfield Notes About Town BEN - .1. \L STEhet.rr, rector 01 Sl Palll's churell, )lontruse, occupied the desk et St Dinrk's church, New Milford, and Christ's vherelt, first Bend, en S.Jr:.:l7 We are. ittlelded to Hon. Wan .1. Tor r ey, iinr member of the l'onst it utiouul Convention, for copy Ot 'the tirtipitstal Citnit it 'llion 114 pn..,<••! becrind reading, and also other favors. Cot.. D. A. MeGrucKzs, of the - Exchantm: htte traded his lease and Marl furniture ‘ll.ll Mathew Ifs rrin von, Or his farm In Bridgt•wa ter. Mr H. has taken full pt mession of the 'il.tehaoge, - and lho Colohel of the farm. vi-ill be seen br notice elsesflieri:, that tin- Veteran Snklit-rs of Ibis vicinity,are nuil.ing sr rancementalor a grand reunion Etn.sonpulent, to feast on `;bard lack" and - Home beet," to be pitched nt Elk Lab.•, sometime In bernou.ber n"•xt. Da YLent or Brooklyn, N. Y, who is untiring Montrose a summer rein a 4 for a fim weeks, preached at the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening last Dr. T. stands aiming the most eminent Divines of Ihe dap. 15'c hear his discourse highly complimented. • itIC - ZD the advertisement, on pate, headed, "Duran with es." We are ordering new material of all kindl, for Joh Work. and' propose to do as good work, and as cheap, as any office in Northern renrssylvariin or elsewhere All orders, by mail or otherwise, promptk stteroeA to. Ar-rttn the Itadieal tornado had passed over the - Ring" politicians of Montrose on Monday last, we were accosted on the street with the question, - What came ye out for to see? A Rend shaken by the wind?" We very placidly answered, "Nay. We are no • Judge' of the dark and devious ways of Radicalism," I)IL Chsx-ros, one of the members of the hoard of instructors of the Eilscopal Divinlty ryiiool at Philadelphia, officiated at St. Paul's ;Euo:h, both on Sunday morning and evening It is seldom that we hear a reader of such im rressiveness, force,and elegance,or a sermonizer of such pointed, practical and eloquent alai i'y. his peers, even, are very limited. He is , iting his friend, Mrs. B. C. Sayre of this place. Tuk peach and ice cream festival of the of the M. E. Church, at the Academy, last seeing, was quite a success, although it was quite cool to enjoy ice-cream. The band was ou hand and played several time pieces, inter spersed with singing by Mrs. - Lapaugh, of New York, and others. Her last song "He's winking nt ule," in which she made a splendid personal hit on one of our young men, seas enjoyed im mensely. Altogether it was a pleasant time. etwiriTitrria of an innovocation on Parlia mentary law was introduced in the lute Radical “evention, which seemed a little Inconsistent to °wail icri. A substitute or one of the dele gates nho was called away, was refused a sect in the convention, because he was not tt. resident of the town which be represented. I.)lqtriet Attorney Caryl sit, in a laboredspmch made the Pint lear-to the Convention. Immediately :titers-11rd, L P. Baker, who was not a delegate substitute, was unanimously elected.. one of Vajitn Presidents. What was the difference :I: the ginger?" An Old Folk's Coneerk An Old Folk's Party and Concert will be held a: the Town Hall. :New Milford, Wednesday ~ ..na3g, August 20th. Mrs. E. A. Weston, will , ntertsin with her Readings. D. C. Brownson, o*. Great Bend,Musieal Manager ; Mrs. A. Bail ? of Waverly, Ilarpsieborder. Supper, pork and la•ans, rye and Indian bread A general in, aation is extended by the l i meAtellug to Administrators. H treasurer of the United States has made t ,, llowing ruling, which it will be well for .thuiniBtreore to taker notice of: In order that a dministrators may collect interest in the 4311110 Qr the decedent, they must send with power of sttmney authorizing au attorney to receipt for eel receive the Interest a certified copy, of their of administration. This letter' will he tik'd la the office of the registry of the treasury, answer if any time the administrator I , uld a hilt to sell or assign the stock. , Postage on Newspapers. Should a subscriber to a newspaper perodical, Nr halms paid one year's postage in advance, re move within the delivery of another office be fore the expiration of a year the postmaster should give him a receipt; the party should then notify the publisher to send his paper to the new office, where, upon presentation of the receipt, the postmaster must deliver the publi cation,tree for the remainder of the term paid • Worth Remembering. A fact worth remembering by every business tuna. Every endorser of a check or tirakis lia ble for Wt. genuineness -of all preVious erniorse -meets. The drawer of a check must recognize the signature . of the drawer, and if be pays it la responsible lb& it; but he can go brick-upon the payer Mi. the genuineness and regularity' of ev ery signature which etauds between the drawer and the float payment, and each endorser can fall hack on previous endorsers in the same way. ....Rev. .1. M Starrat lOti a. m. aa.l p.m .. El a. m. 4X W. J. JUDO 10.43 a. m. and 7.30 p. m _ll m. 77 p.m ... Rev. J. 0 NI nun. 10.1! a. Tn. and Ts p. m. 11 15 p. M. p. nt. Snaky. A gentleman of Susquehanna Depot was hualeberrying the other day, and while stand ing on a log, and stretching himself for an un usually full bush. he suddenly.felt a gliding mo tion under his hoots, and on looking down, to hia indescribable horror be beheld a monster rattlesnake striking at his boot. Ile immediate ly, with great coolness and presence of mind, placed his henry boot on the snake's head, and crushed it to death. It had ten rattles, and was four feet long. A Prevalent Affection Among the wonderful qualities of dogs one of the most remarkable is their capacity for gttining the affections of wuruan. A woman at Concord, Mass., encuged her darling little black end tan In a box covered with slats, and cent him to a delightful summer retreat in Vet mont On the way be escaped front the box, jumped •)tr the train, and took to the woods. The dis tracted woman expended s2oo in hunting him up, and the little whelp never was worth t.t.2 for any earthly purpose. flow lo Use Borsted Hose A new contrivance for the temporary repair id hose while in service at fires has bet n inven ted. The contrivance is perfectly simple in its eonstrrietion, consisting of a niece of strong leather seven by ten inche s , with two straps with hurkles attached to then, su that iu the trent of a burst or leak in the hose, the leather pad—or "crab," as it IS Caned—la immediately strapped around the hole over the leak,thus am swering two purposes—one iu stopping the leak, the other in preventing further damage to the hose. Radical Convention The Haines] County Convention met st the Court House, ou ,Nlorulay last, and made, the billowing nominations for county tatters For Representative, H. M. Jones, or flat lot d o slni ;idly repramthed the party at Harrisburg last wiat.•r For Prothonotary, David Summers, of New Milford ; For Treasurer, Edgard Tay tor • or sogyuenimmz th.rnt For Commissioner M I, Ball, of Forest Lake For Auditor. .lolin B Johnston, ot CO - cm .. .Bend , For Jury Column, siuner, Win. A. Crassnion, of Montrose. How to keep lee From:Menlo; A - writer describes a proeess in kitchen econts my n Welt is of special service In housekeepers during timse warm days. In such weather it is almost impossible to prevent the untimely 'melting of the quantity of i ce usually purellaa cal by small a family. Very few refrigerators serve to keep it from wasting more" !Ilan hall. To stop this waste our informant duvets that an envelope ol flannel and newspapers should be placed about the masa or ice. TM:rill-e1.:K..01 which the newspapers are the most important part, is said to be perfectly effective. Mint law n Name Names, like dreams, really seem to go by eon rarim One of the greatest shrews within our ken is named "Patience." Ladies named "Pru dence" are not at all times so ; "Agnes" is not always a lamb; "Rachel" is not at all times a sheep, nor are the "Ilannatis" all good nurses, yet these are the ideas embodied in their names. Turning to the opposite sex, the "Williams" are not all warriors; "Leonard" is (*en the reverse of a lion ; "Tbeednre" often belies his name; and "Armstrong" is frequently a puny consump t ice. What theaeis there in a name? Exercise. Live out of doors as much as you can. It is tile place for a man to be. It is good for the health. A distinguished physician was in the habit of saying, "However bad the air may be out of doors, It is always worse in the house." It is good for the temper. People who are always shut up in a house are apt to grow fret-, ful and peevish. They are prone to acquire narrow views of things, and to worry over trials not worth considering. It is good for the whole character—for strength, hone, patience and fortitude. It expands and softens one's na ture, and makes us more charitable. Bleeding nt the Nose A correspondent to the Scientific Americtin says: "The best remedy for bleeding at the nose, as given by Or. Gleason, in one of his lee. tures, is a vigorous motion of the Jaws, as 11 In the act of ma.atication. In the case of a child, a wad of paper should be placed in its mouth and the child instructed to chew It bard. Of cootie an adult does not need the paper. It is the motion of the Jaws that stops the flow of blood. This remedy is so very simple that many will feel Inclined to laugh at it, but it has never been known to fail in a single Instance, even in' very tievere uses." Bald 'Meads. Women are never bald, that is with a round inlay top, like men, because they never wear close hats or cape.-and men never lose a hair below where the hat touches the bead, not if they have been bald for filly years. It is the close hat or cup that dries the mischief. Yhe hunt and moisture thus retained upon the icaip . weaken and finally destroy the hair itlarids. Thu remedy Is sufficiently obvious. It is to Weir a perfectly ventilated hat, and wash the top of the head frequently with cold water, robbing it bard with the fiats of your bands. Every one of the hair dyes are poisonous end should be shunned. • Weight of Grain. Cox3irrrcz. A aeries of experiments, instituted to teat the average toss in weight by drying, shows that corn losses one-fiftb, and wheat one-fourteenth by the oroca ? -s. Froth this the stateMent IS made Shat farmers will make more by selling unshelled coin kt 2 the fail at 75 cents than the following summer at one dollar a bushel ; and that \vilest. at '1:32; la December is curial to' (61.1"30 for the same Wheat in thudone following. This estimate is =doom the basis of interest at seven per cent., and takes no account of lossi from the depredation of vermin. These facts . arc worthy of consideration. Died of Fright. Whilst Mr. Reed, of Danville, was driving 'twit' the railroad over the river, an engine came along and his horse became so frightened st.the punting and whistling that it dropped down dead. It's very seldom that Instances occur of animals dying from aright, but here is a verita ble and authentic occurrence.—DenriVa Intelli gencer. Another Family Conundrum. A Kentucky paper has discovered another of those fearful family complications, and tells the story thus: "John W. Daniels married' the daughter of Mrs. Sarah R Bravard; afterwards B. S Daniels, the father of John, married the old lady, and still later Jaime W. Daniels, the nephew of John, married a sister to John's wife. It is very easy to see that John is eon and son-In-law of the old man, and brother-in. law and nephew or John, etc., and John now desires to know, through the columns of the lo cal newspapers, what relation the children of those three sets of parents are to each other. Local Option Reform. It is a singular fact that Wayne county, Pike, county, and Monroe county, all of which voted in favor of license last Spring,have not a single prisoner in their rtnpmtive Jails. We do not. claim that this is owing to the fact that they have a license for selling liquor; but we notice every Any comparisons drawn by papers favor ing ahti-license, between the moral conditions of the counties which voted against license and these which sustained it, New, are there three "local Option" ccu'ities in the &tate that can boastM empty Jails ?—Honesdale Herald. To speaking of the effects of the local option law in Montour county, the Danville American says: "We do nut think there are any fewer plactes of drinking nor a drop less liquor sold. The only benefit derived is that landlords are IaCUSIXI from paying the license fee." A Mrotery Cleared Up. Some three months ago it will be remember. ed, considerable excitement tens created owing to the sudden disappearance of Mr. Daniel Garthwalt, a well-known and respected farmer living neat Horseheads. Notices in the press told telegrams sent to all liana of the country where he would be likely to go, failed to elicit any information. The matter has remained Involved in mystery until yesterday. A party were out gathering berries near Horseheads yesterday, and in pass ing through the piece of woods t'at of the vil lage, thaw/crud the lifetess body of a man, which proved to lie that of Daniel Garthwait. In his haul was grasped a pistol, and through his head w•ts the marks ot the unerring bullet that pnidneed death. The full particulars of this most unfortunate ahF.air have not as yet come to hand but it is ait hoot thintit a clue of suicidaz—EGaire Gazette, Awes( 4th. Sup. Reddlngion Robbed. George St' , opt of the Delaware Division of the Erie Railway. started lion] the east on Mail train Ni.t 5 on TU,llay to attelt a tweeting lir Div iaion Soleurintentlents Iu thiit place. Hu It It 11 , 1e1•1/ this bta lion and del rot awaken until he arrived at Great Bend. ts here he lid the train. As the• meetinq at this place Will an import ant one. he started to n•utrn ou loot. When about one t He till , aide of the Bend. he met a stranger, W hi) inquired the time of night.• Mr. lta•ddington pulled out his wateli to unuwer the question, when the stranger strut k hint a pow. Intl blow upon the head,kms.king Lint seru,,jr,,, On awakening, he found his watch, munity.and paper: gone, and himself quite badly bruised about the lie managed t o get ton house near by, flow whenee ii was taken to Crent Bend and eared tur Enunous, the station agent et that place. Fivin there he came here by a gusdal train. Thereds no known clue to the highwayman —gaspiclornna Journal. Another Serious Accident. As Dr. E. A. Rent, of Auburn, pith Si; wife and child, was on his way to Montrose nn Mon day evening last, and w-liile :mar Mr. E. L Coors, of l3ritlsea ater, his horse took fright and her—toe unmanageable, 11 - toying all nil th em tnnn the carriage, severely spraining the sctor's an Ide., and t anal na a serlons edbetisalon of the bruin of Mrs. Kent, leaving her entirely insensible. Yesterday morning Mrs. K. had re vived to full consciousness, but great tear was entertained lest infatuation should set in,whlch might resul: serious consequences. Mrs. Kent Is a daughter 01 A. G. Hollister, of lboohlym and also will Its very favorably re membered by our citizens, us a very emcieni teacher in the Montrose Graded School some few years since, while your humble servant ac ted In the capacity of Principal. The Dr. also RAN at one time one of our most promising st dents, and in ,ton.e.quenc,t; of th l t4e_must pleas ant formertatlons, bavy tnere than a common mpathy with them in their misfor t unejtoritYgiVit s epceaiv and complete recov ery ntay be grantill them. A Bin's idea 01 ')Keane. Meads are of ditTerentshape_s and sizes. They are full 'nf notions.: Largo heads do not always hold the most. Some persons can tell just what a dnan is by the shape of bis bead.. Aigh heads arc the best kind. Very knowinglacople are culled long-headed: A fellow that wont stop for anything or anybody Is called hot heade', It he is not quite so bright they rtll him soil-Faded. If be won't be coaxed nor turned they call him pig-headed. Animals have par a ll heads, 7 Th 9, heads of foals slant .badt.— When your bend is cut off yon ore loehaded.— Our heads ineovered with hair,, ez.ej,:pt"..6o(l - ')'here are barrel kealial. 114.t.,etrllier inonsand honteinihtlaterit bseirtti c has4firtet , n heads.to one &envoi); yin heads; heads, of Cat tle, as the fai•iner calls bia cows aint oxen . : liehd winds; drumhead.; cabbage-heads; at logger heads; 'come to it head; heads of chapters; head him off ; bead of the family, and go ahead —but Srst be sure you are right; but the worst of all heads are.dead-heads; who hang around for free tickets to shows. North Jackson Robbery. ' Theyabie of the goods stolen from the store of Milton Bank!). in North Jackson, last week, is estimated at eight hundred dollars. On thueyening of the robbery, two men en• gaged a horse and wagon at Taylor's ambles, in this phke, to go to Mr. Silents: a kw miles tip the rtet'V Whilklargaining lathe tcant„Vie stranger asked for al horse' that' would stand well while tied, and u Large boxed wagon, rep resenting that they were going 10 get a lady and her baggage. A team, supposed to be theonV belonging to I the Taylor's was seen standing on a muss road, a short distance from the scene ol tho robbery, at about midnight. The men returned the team to the stables about two o'clock; andithaup. posed that the floods were taken from ilitaplaca on one of the night express trains. A peddler with six oirdne aliases and more residences was arrested in North Jackon on Wednesday, on suspicion of being connected with the robbery, but the evidence , being insuf ficient to held him, he was discharged from tats- Cody and went on his way rejoicing.—Mier_re n na "Erne.. Wily Not Sell by Weight t This conundrum has often- been asked, and now is put In the following shape by an ex dump • shortld,not fruit, eggs, andsinsilar arti cles be"solit y the pound? Then theie would be on eliestitig of basil burning, for a pound of eggs, tirpistchts;-or terries, or potatoes, or to matoes, is w,eighed before the purchaser, It Is a 'Pdantlt'inei riibut he bargained for. The law requires egg's to be told by the weight ; why not theOilteralplcry kitchen can have steel jar& and ,test 0)1 torrectneas of purchases.— . .mei bannbt sci Cagily, have sets or measure. , Why: should not wqoa sop by weight aeWeit ay coal! In Europe, where Incomes arc limn, and ptviple,havero look narrowly after their ex pensest 0)6 matter has long ago arranvd itself. There tkhouseitecper would be counted a spend thrift who should go by guesswork, es our peo ple di) in the market and provisicra shops.— There eggs, potatoes, fruits and vegetables of ill kinds and even wood, are sold by the.pound. If this custom of selling by weight were intro duced Inmilies of moderate means who buy In entail quantities, would save at least ten per cent. of their present household • expensta." Fatal Accident Frank Donlin, 'of White Haven, and quite recently from Auburn this county, bad his head completely severed from his body, on August 2.1, by a circular saw, while at work in a null, in company with several others Mr. Donlin was standing some five or six feet from the Raw, when he was seen to fall over backward, strik ing the bark of his bend upon the saw, which did its direlul work in an instant. His brother drew his body away from the saw almost in stantly, but not a pulsation or nervous tremor even ~f the body orris Iweceptible afterward.— tie had complained in the morning of a strange feeling and dizziness In his head, an unusual thing (or hint. As there was no other cause for his failing as he di:, it is believed by those who saw him, that he was suddenly stricken down with paralysis or heart disease, and was proba bly lifeless when ho struck the saw. He mortd from Auburn to White Haven last spring, where he has a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his so sudden and shocking demise. He was thirty-two Yeats of age, and leaves a wife and one child. A Singular and Fatal Accident Mr. Austin Mills, of Tunkhannock, was acci dentally shot and killed by his neighbor, on Sunday morning last. The circumstances as we gather them, were as follows. Mr. Mills was in his garden picking green corn, when a little girl of his neighbor, who lived adjoining, came out of the house and saw an owl sitting on the fent.v. along Mr. Mills' garden. She itn • mediately ran into the house, and told her fath er that as owl or a hawk, was catching his chickens. The father, who was in bed :IV the time, arose quickly, and drew on his pairs✓ and in a great hurry seized a gun, which was heavi ly loaded with "double B" or fox ah4t, s and rushed out and tired, killing tha owl and also Mr. Mills who was in rungs, obscure4' by the growth of corn around him. Some tirelve or fourteen shot passed through him. Lie walkeil out of the garden after he was shot , but only a few minutes. The owl proved torbe - bile that bad been tied up by sonic of the neighbors, and had got loose. Mr. Mills was a brother of Amos Mills, of DundatT, this county, and had been a resident of Tualchannuck for some seats. LeiteiVrom Wyoming Volley EDITLPES or DJiIIOCIIAT :—The weather has not been uI Oarin for the - past week as the week previous, and business seems to liven tip, n ow it is cooler, we can get around with more pleasure. The late hail storm west of us, a Lich did so much damage, must• have cooled the air, but in a day or two it 45111 be warm again, as we are always sure of hut weather until September A party of young men were out on the moun tains last week loucklebcrrying. They were gone four days. They got a large amount of "rattle snakes," but few- berties. They claim they caught a rattle-snake twelve feet long, and with twenty rat t We rant say we don't believe this, but think it is a "snake" story, for one of the party is running for Clerk of the Courts,and of course, It all must be true. We took a stroll around town a day or two ago, and will note what we saw. We noticed crates of peaches of a good rich quality. but rather Ethan for the Delaware peach; bat the peach crop is poor all except small peaches. All fruit is the same on account of last spring bring so late. Water-melons are in the market and are cheap. We raise all kinds at melons here in the Valley, along the banks ot the Sus quebtuitia rivet We noticed our worthy townsman, Dr. Nel son, on the streets last week. He seemed to be looking well, and quite pleased to come to his country home. Ile is now living in New York city, He was the former professor of the Wy oming Seminars. The farmers have finished harvesting, and they feel better satisfied, as the weather gave them a better chance to IhE< fast few dlys to get their gealn` taken core of without getting wet, as in the forepart of harvest. The talk of suspension has all passed over, and the men went to work spin at the old scale price, but probably coal will continue to go up in price in N f:IV, York. city, asittplLltving out side of the Null legion, will feel The effect more or less. The large coal companies control the market, and as cold weather comas on,of course, coal will rise, and the miner has to toil at the some old price, m•d if they object, then there Is a suspension, until hunger drives them back to work again, and the coal companies realize the benefit. Messrs. Tuttle & Cruser have commenced to break ground Tor - thfir store bonsai, Which is to be built of brick, acid four stories high, it will be when completed, one of the finest buildings in our town r , We understand they intend to keep dcaine, , trindow-srish, glass, and all materials belonging to their business on the first floor, on the second floor is to be office rooms, and on the third to he a ball, which the town is much in need of, and ought to have had lung before this. We indeis6ditl( bit ;Ftetelier Warier, of Montrose, was here in this section and Wilkes- Barre on, business, but we did not have the pleasure of meeting trim. We have hpard that one of your townsman was going to bale six hundred balm of hay,and sell io a coal company here. If so we wish him success, and hope more will follow his example, whether merchants or farmers, and send their !butter, eggs and other produce to this market, as it is as good as any in tho the country. We will not excelt•New York, Just because it is New York, or any other place. Parties sending their produce from your section, can always find a quiets sale, and get their money, withous.n drat for thirty days. Gov. Ilartranit was in Wllkeslbuve on Toes. day. Everything Is quiet in politics. D. Kingston, Pa., august 9th, 184. Girls of the Period Young girls from ten to fifteen are particular !y -injured by this sort of life, says a Long Branch letter. Rising at 10 in the morning, a breakfast at 10% or 11, dawdling through the day talking and playing croquet until 5, then dressing for dinner at 6, then a drive, and after that the evening hop, is a programme for the day. The yoting girls are not satisfied with the attention of gentlemen or boys of their own age, but must have real grown up beitii ;Ton whom to exercise their fascinations Little. hits of ten or twelve walk around the halls on the arms of men old enough to be their fathers, and talk — grdwn up talk" by the honr. Worth Knowing. TUE carpet worm Ls a new pest just discov ered. It is of a dark color, less than half an inch m length, and covered with fine hair. It makes havoc with carpets in a short time. It ! , 8 said that tine salt or tine cedar chips sprinkled on the edge of carpets will protect them from Um ravages of this worm. WE are informed that an Admirable remedy for burns and one used by fbrnacemen fur the burns of hot iron, is one made of the. heads of the common cat u'ntne tails, which grow la our swamps, mixed with lard so as to form a still' salve and kept on the wound until It is healed. It is certainly simple and easily procured. As exchange says there arc several bugs which farmers and gardeners ought never to kill. One is a large Jet black fellow that runs like a race horse. He lives on hop, Another is u black fellow, with yellow spots, rather ac tive, that lives on the wire and grub worths.— Asa rule it is safe not to kill any hog that trav els rapidly. They are the underground hawks and eagles, and live on the slowgoers, which, In turn, live on the corn and wheat and pOtatoes of the farmers. MINERAL WATER YOR PLANTS.—A curious discovery has recently been made public in France, in regard to the culture of vegetables and fruit trees. by watering with a sohniOn of iron the most wonderful fecundity has hedn'at mined. Pear trees and beans which have been submitted to this treatment have nearly doub led in the size of their productions and anotice able improvement has been remarked in their favor. Dr. Becourt reports that while at the head of an establishment .at Enghein or the sulphurous springs, be had the gardens and plantations connected with it watered during several weeks of the,early Spring with sulphur ous water and that not only the plantations I I prospered to a remarkable extent, but flowers acquire a peculiar brilliancy of coloring and I healthy aspect which attracted universal atten tion. Business Locals FOR health, drink "Ottawa" at the Keystone Saloon. GEO. C. Ana-. DR. GARYLCS TAR REICEDIES Restore the weak. Cuoics. brands of Cigars at the S'eystene Saloon. GEo. C. 1.1u.t.. CALL INTO FILED WONDER'S Bakery and Lunch Itc)orns, for a gad Cold Lunch. You will also find• a. Jame stock IA Confectionery, sonic. of n - liich your taste. Pies, Calitm, and Bread on band. Peanuts 'Roasted Fresh every evening ; Try his Cigars—they are choice. Montrose, Aug.l3.—w2. GENTLEMEN, " Ottaws7—Keratone Saloon. Gico. C. gild.. VETE/lAN SOLDIEStI3,-TO.A.MIS There will be °petting at the Taebell lions° Saturday . Evening, "August Idth, ISM, at 75 tieloeh, for the purpose of making suitable at rangmenta for an Enamptment, at Elk Lake, some' time in September. Soldiers, Rally ! Iki4 forget the meeting. Montrose, Aug. 13.-Iw. LADLES drink "Ottawa"—Keyetone firdoon. GEO. C. Had.. CLAIRVOYANT EXAMINATIONS, rums! By Dr. It. F, Butterfield, et the Cafferty house, Binghamton, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. ad ofth, sth, anti tlth, Any one suffering from any 'disease, however obscure, can, by calling on the Doetor, have a clear and positive statement of their condition and symptoms, without ant nuedtone being asked. Let those ca,ll who are not satisfied with the nature and condition of their diseases. Aug. Bore, drink "Ottawa"—Keyutone Saloon. (ha). C. /Ina. Tr.Acrrr.ns' INSTITUTE.—The Susq'a Co. An nual Institute will be held at r liew Milford, commencing on Monday, Sept. let, 1873. Particular notice hereafter. W. U. Tthoszt, Co. Buiet. 4.ugu*t 6th, 1873. - . FOR a cool drink, try "Ottawa" at the Key stone Saloon. GEO. C. HILL. NOTICE TO CONSTABLES.-BC it marred. etc, That the Act approved the 19th day of March, A. D., one thousand eight huhdred and sixty nine, entitlec. "An Act to repeal all laws that require Constables of the townships and Der oughs of the counties of Bradford and Susque hanna, to make returns to the several Courts of said counties, and also providing that the soy al townships and boroughs shall pay the Con stables for attendance on elections" he and the same Is hereby repealed, so far as relates to the county of Susquehanna. Approved the 10th day of April, A. 1:1„, 18'fa. J. - F. Liaterna-scrr. Constables will find the proper blanks for Making returns to Court, by calling at the office of W. A Crossmom Constables fees for making returns, C. 50; traveling expenses for ench mile circle, six cents. , Muntruset, August 60, 181'3.—w 13car quality of chewing Tobacco at the Keystone Saloon. GEo. C. Iltu. JURY Lism—The list of Grand and Tnaverso Jurors drown for the term of Court which com menced August 11th, 1873: GRAND JUROR/. _." amonta—Amos Heath, Thomas Lee. Great Bend twp.—.3.ddLson G. Brush, Wm. K nlch. Gibson—George B. Tiffany. Harthrd—John 3L Herrick—Jeff/a IL Smith. Jackson—Avery W. Barrett. Jelsup--13enj. IY. Pitialey. kiezekiab Aker_ Lithrep—Cbarlest IL Bailey, Horace W Ball. Lenox—George W. Mapes. Liberty—Martin L. Truesdell • • Middletown—Timothy Minehan. New Milford twp.—Ooorge Harrison. Oakland—James B. Blaisdell Charles Beebe, Nelson W. Fox. Bush—Ebert Cobb, John J. garvey. Springville—Edward P. Fist,. • Susquehanna Depot—Peter Tate. Silver Lake—Lorenzo W. Sullivan. TuavEnsr.Junotut--Ast yteek. Auburn—Win. Dunlin,Davirl J. Raub, Thos.' Shaurous. Bridgewater—Harvey' N. Tiffany: • Clifford--Jonathan C. Burns. Rufus Burritt Peter Bennett, Lunuut N. White, John Ste phens. Dimeek—Phitander S. Babeeek. Dundaff—Henry Spencer. Friendsvine—Gwrge W. Beecher. _ Franklin—Edward P. .Ifunger. Great Bend boro.—Charlea Gilbert,' Martin Templer. Great Beud twp.—Cbarlea Simpson.. GlUson-LOliver Potter, Bamdel D. Plekerin . g, Jasper G. Stiles. Ilarford—Robert Alexander, Alfred Sterns, Jamea Tennant. . Harmony—Seth A. Lyons, Geo. G. Haltom, Jacob Sctdages. - JacksoriSylvester French; Ansel Page. Lenox—Alfred L. Jeffers, Francis Davis,Gen. Tingley: . Liberty—Martin Hogan. Montrose—Calvin G. Miner. 'Sew Milford twp.—John H. Reynolds, Hiram H. W Shams. Oakland—Jerome 31. Thomas. Hash—William,Golden, James Redding. Springville—Edward 31. Blakeslee. Silver Lake—JermLah Hays, Thomas Pat ten. Traumas Junosts-2a week Auburn—Royal Carter, Abe White. Ararat ,Stephen Washburn. "Ilrldgewater.—Alfreti E. Cnrsrin.. Cliffurd—Owen Morgan, David Ricilards. Ditnock—Bruce L Brush, Jonathan Kellogg Miner Tingley. Dandair—Cleo. M. Rogers. Frankhn—lfenry L. iiitclicock. Forest Lake—Levi IL Liucoln. Friendsville—Robert Winters. Burn - lofty—Willard Austin, Simon H. Barnes Nm B.' Martin. Harford—Austin Canute, James C.' Hard ing. . Herrick—Charles W. Lyon. Jessup—Samuel Horton. Jackson—William Hamilton, Otis Slocum. Lennox—Joseph T. Bennett, Daniel Clark, James Clarkson, Samuel H. R. Grow, Myron Harding, Douglas Miller, Charles Litley. 31outreise—John Harris, John Raynsford. New Milford twp.—Ezra Beebe, William F. Harding, George D. Tallman,' Edson Rusk—Bela Griffin. Silver Lake—Thomas Clune,Joseph Ward. Springville—Samuel Shook. Thomson—John Lamb. TRAVERSE, J 11110115.--2,1 Apotncou —Michael Halton, Samuel Hice. Brooklyn—Packer Erwin, Charles R Pal mer, Ales S ahlie. Bridoewater—Da: Foster. Clifford—Geo. Hull. Diruock—Samuel S. Tyler, Henry Risley. Forest Lake--John Bradshaw, Robert Moth. Franklin—Munson Peek, Robert Seamans Lyman 0 Smith. Great Bead boru.—Sela Belden, Lewis Chl chaster.' Great. Send twp. 7 Galen Newman. Gibson—Amine Sweet, Richard W. Gelatt. Harmony—Amos - Barnes, John 11, Patrick, Edward Wilson. Ilarford—Gliford Read. Jackson—Melvin Larrithee. 'Little Meadows—Avery Beebe. Liberty—Chester Holdrich, John C. Twat John B. Turrell, Jos. W. Austin. Lenox—Andrew Halstead. Montrose—Andrew 13. Bums, Harvey Ty ler. Middletown—Thos. J. Jones. New Milford twp.—Lemuel 8. Everett,'Martio IL Vanbousen. Silver Lake—Thomas Buckley,Matthew Kel ley. Springville—Lemuel Blakesfee, John Strick land. Susquehanna—Henry Perrin. Ginnmc-LPotrrEn—ln Friendsville, Ang. ethi by Elder W. C. Tilden, Cites. E. Glidden, and IIIIFOole•31: Foster. • Pniettant- Sasnoot.it-in 'Afontrose, Jody 31, by Elder'W. q. Tilden, W. W. .rriclui.nl and Miss ilia Y 81/ndclook,of!soinXeille• PORTER --CTPILERS--At 'lie resident.° .of Asa FichoLs esq.,in Plyc,Eradford county, Aug. 7th, by Rev. B. tlwell, Rev, 11 , , It, Porter, of Pike, aid .11.frit E. S.: Cyavitra, - 'of Montrose, Pa. 11.airmS—TtcoLor—Ort Saturday, April 1, 2 Gth, ldla, at MeOraokno's hotel, Montrose, by the Rev. L. E.; Chessbire; DeWitt C. Henan, of • Great Bend Borough, and Miss Jou* E. Tingley, , ot Franklin, Susq'ti Co. , Pu , ' l Wirstern—Tmorarr—Ort SatnrdaY afternoon, April :13th, by Rev. Chesslure, at Me- Crackeh's hotel, MontrOse',JOSiatt Wilbur, of I.,therti, Pi; dud !alp - Jos'4b.ine Tingley; of , FrankllO, Pa. twel!Ain'iricat. _ , 31011.cres—In'Aubutti, Pi, lOW Mot, .Barali F., wife of Henry Mellinkett, aged 83' leats,3 months and 17 days. " ' A DNINISTRATETICS NOTICE.—In the Estate bl 41 David Taylor i ereased, lettere at Admialstration in the said estate haiinz been Mated to the andetalgn ed.. all rattans owing sold estate. ma requested to snake immediate payment, and allpereone ham); claim, ..genet said estate are requested to present them Pitts out delay.. CORNELIA R. TAYLOR, Ada's& Laneshorb, Pa„ July e, 1873.—C.„ TIISIDGE.LETTING.—THE SUPER.VII3OIiB of thideewster tosmehlp offer to /et the banding at a Stoup Belk° to Soatb Urtd Later newt Jabcs Or. homes rarmAcpthe lowest and best bidder, OD lletarday. the 911, day of August. at 9 O'clock, p.m. jro 'Recta. , cation Call upon Klaby Bunnell' a. X. artswgirm • gamyßo Stiptote9rl4 W. E. Mamas, Iltcnitromt, 7uly 23. IrB.—w3 , AffOITOItS 110 1 1'16E-The uncierslmied. an Audit. or appointed by the Court of CommonPleaa of Una. unchaste., Conety. to distribute tho Made In tha Sher iff's hands arislug from -the ule of real estate of Hiram Debora, wilt attend to the duties of bls appointment at the °Mee of Pitch it Walion:1,111210utloso, ou Fildoy, Aug. 15, ISA at one o'elor,k, p. m., at which time and place all persona interested to said fonds most present their claims or be.foreverdebarred from coming in on *old hunt " RUSSI.Yr U. BOSS, Auditor. Montrose, July 16th, 1573. , , SSALE.-11Y VULTURE OF writs issued by the Court or Common Pleas of Susquehanna Cortnty and 'to me_ direeted, I will expose to sale. by public vendee, at the Court House In Montrose, on • Wrulay,.August 15, 1873, • • at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following pieces or . par eels of land, to wit : All that certatn piece or.pareel of land situate In the towothip of Liberty, In the County of Suequehanna end Stare of Pennsylvania, bounded and eescribed as follows, to wit : ,On the north by the York State ilae,on the east by land of John Robins. on the with by land of floury Rose.end on the west by land of Mlle* Tim eta. containing al serve of hind. be the same more or les., with the appurtenances. one house. barn, two or chards, and all improved. Also. all that other , certaln piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Übe* ty. lo the County of Suseacluanna_and Stare of Penn ryisan la, tionnded and described as follows, to wit: On the north be lands of, Isaac Butts, on the rut by lands of Charles 11. Butts, on the south by public ttlgbway.on the weal by lands.of U, H. /Wee. containing about ST -acres of hind; be the same more or Ices.- with the rip. parnmantee. One frame biro, orchard, end all improv ed. [Seized end taken lu execution at the salt of C.N. Warner V.. 'Jame. Cadge. nod Mertes D. Adams.] ALSO—AII that reetala piece or parcel of lard attester In rho borough of Susquehanna Depot, In the County of ounmehanne and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described, Is follows, to wit: On the north by Wash ington street. on the oast by lends of Niles Cts„nri, on the south , by lands of John Tierney. linden the welt by lands of Edwanl Lillie, with a front of GO feet, And a depth of WO feet. together with the apporteaseces, one two story frame house. one ettlekery.telne DUD trees, and all improved, [Seized and taken In execution at the salt of G. B. Eldred, essnined to .Susqli'Counte Legal Anrociattoo. vs..l.l.llcDonahl sod Jacob Taylor.) ALSO.—AD that certain piece ea parcel of land alt ate In the township of Liberty, le -the -County SwF qdettenna a.adtitate of Panneylvenia, boundealentdel , scribed sus %news, to wit: On the north by. lands oi Jahn Osterbout, . on, the east-.y - lands Ist the estate of A, Dabols.en the south by lauds of Hen and Jahn Vsterbtrat, and oaths weld ha lands of lice y Osterionn. Containing about AT acres lof had same more Or leer, with the appurtenances one log shanty,* few fruit trees; and about la a cres' improved; Drelsedand -taen In execution at. the anti of. J. Walsh vs. John flatheny.l. , • ALSO—AII that eertaut Vasco or Omelet lend literate "In the township 9f Ilarford.in the County. of Basque. banns end Staten( Pennryletuds; honeded and deter'''. edan,talloike; to, wit the north and west by lands of Henry 8:. Content, un the east hy highway , and on the soma by lands' of 'William Dickson. containing 'about hacrowof land, he the lame ,more or less, .with the appertenanees. one frame house, hairs, it few fruit -tree,. and all !Involved. [Seized UM taken In execntlon at the suit Of John C. McConnell vs, Robert E. Walton end Bash Welton-r atito—liw virtue df a writ of levarl hulas, all .het. certain wagon shop situate In the township of 'Opting. villa in the Countyof Oasquelatens and state of Penn. al Innis; bounded And deserlhed et folio ff., to cult: on the north by lands of D, Owens.on the e giat -, b,. th e highway, on the +oath ley I. B. Lath moored on She west by D. Owens, containing shout kf acre of land, he the acme Moroni lents aken to rzecuttcm At the suit of Stephen . flaw pl . vs. Emery Culver. contra ctor and Ayer •kaihrop and D. D. Searle, °enamor reputed owners.) Take Notice.—&ll bids must to arranged on the day of Bale. • M. B REVILE, Sherif:l Office, 3lontrose; July 19, 1872. Commission Merchants CAW -. - YOB 3P Jac 7CP ~\ 33 'CT ria 3111 112111illtroi" •"- ZONZILOSZ. PA. " • The Highest cash Fritz paM at Yow York - quotetiens; ass gufh " A.- G. C3IStOHE 60., June 113th, 1873.--tf: . ' 31GIC. _ otniaai Produce gad Commission deft. • 77'ikty St.', New Nom.. • • Confignmenta acillet(sideretarria ly male of goods. d fiasithlpplxis cud/ 11l t References . National Park Bank of New York. North Hirer Bank of New York. : . • Nattoo National Bank of New York. Lone bland Bank of lirooklyrr, Y. Y. • Feb. 19. 1873.—Rme. The Markets. IFiculacinf. New YOWL; Satords'44itik9. The supply of 'money is chanda4, arka:o4es are unchanged. Call money on stocks ,sixti ex cam of' the demand at 5C46 pereent., the conger being the ruling rate, In regular 'etooka and bonds, and the Latter the ratC,:pit, securities. The loans were aOught for,, Ezso being firm at 7e3734 per cent.,, for loanadusado of sixty days, with stook collatimisa,,yaprpfd paper, 7,14.f, , 40 per cent. Commercial paper e pf the highest grade at about 7 per I;c1:0., er gode! atBol2, according to credit, thelatter being slow of flair Again ftwpremitun on gold ntleeitery deafly steady. The only rates named were 11S% and 1.1.534, closing firmly at 1153( 4 as bartas, Ster ling exchange, 1fi6131261,i. .iszta aisg. Gold • Silver-. • .... ... 1; 8 6.3 5-20 Coupon 1883 5-20 CouponlBl3-P;......... 5-20 Cowie : lBEs 5-20 Coupon 185rdY • 5-20 Couport.lBls7. 5-20 Coupop 1868, New 5 per cent b0nd5...... 10-10 i ' ' Paris Exchange ' Sterling Exchange• • - Cunency R0nda.::.. ::..:. .• •• • . 1173 i, it% ••• • d • •• 4/ • • 117 ;`ll7 'll9 1181:; , 114, ifurs .. • .T;44 -.1204 . Mawr orlikProduce NarkeV . • 14E0: Corrected weeklyby Haniina, EftwartO , C4 - 4 Wasbingt r oft §t.,l , to* York. .81W2 6, • 22.50U3 19 • '81001.;1 Butter, tub - " cheese, dairy,,,pr lb: factory"...._ ns, per d Flour, p er barrel iCom meal, Wheat, per Rye Oats Cara ' Hops,rop'of Tallw Lard per lb Pbtat,oes per ... . Apples ..... 'turkeys per1b:.......... Chletilmo, Darks • " • Driqrs and Ztediethea. ABEL , TURRELL;7 : =. 1 0 •). : • ~ - DRUGOIST : Is continually feeeitlng NEW tlotiDs'',:ai,a heeijii lineally on band • full and desirable arnotetedt Om+, ulna DRUGS, MEDICINES; CHEMICA LS. Palntseolls Dyesuillb, TEAS,• liptere,,and other grticeries, stem* rue, wail paper, elaseerare, fruit Jan, mirrors, hawiftei: thlrenen, kerosine. dxclelucry humeri`oti, nest.N. foot oil, mused, Whale OIL oil- for, Wants. 011 for scWl,O3 linehilies,_OliveDll, Sperm Oil r fiplrits . Tanitto tloo, andel/es, Canary deed, V ill egarPotash , uoicent. treted Lye. Axle Grease... Truest,. Stinporters,Xeciler I lostntments, Shoulder 'Braces, Whit e, nons,Plstois Cartridges,..Powder, Shot s - - Lratil_Betefts.Blaeltett Powder and Face , litollre.Strlngs, llowe.rte. Fifes. etc—Fish Boohooed Lines.lls r and Toilet Soaps. Han 011 s. Hair !Intorno. and Hair Dyes. Brushes, Pocket Knifes, Illpeetaeles, Silver. and bibs? : Plated Spoons, Forks, Knives. ic., De4tlllt Amides, a getter elessortmentof - , . ,F4CY GOODY, JSWELUY, swITEfIFIRMIT;' , - All theieiding sndbest hinds of -. • PATENT XEDICLIOES.. _ The people are luyitad to'call at th e Ding Ind Vartitt, Store of • • ADEL TVILTIELL_ Feb. 1.1113. Established 184 , THE EAGLE • . , Rim . • , ,; • • BURNS ifi 1710110 LS, PEOPRIZTOBS.: • 1 SIGIII Or TIM GOLDEX , SIG= MID MOSITAR l• • 313 r 1 0/x..ll:3lcwilic..lNCp.zsiweape- We deflect to say to thenubile that our store is well,, atneked with Drage, lidedietnes, Palate, Oil, Varnialt,'.. Bestehen, Coelho, Pertamery, Fancy Atticles.- t,ropde tory wed patent preparationa, and an otht r atileles pot ~ ally kept indtrat dote drug stares. We guarantee out' • goods genuine and of the best quality. anttwill be, sold.: t tow price. for eazd. nerpeetfony - . A. B. numnii.:l. •;; • . 'llontnne. Feb. W;1873. AXOI3.;iICUOL4. , Dllsoellaneoxis WANTED, 111000 POUNDS Of WOOL The subscriber lista dealer in Anthraelto and Jlotupaknotsi c:l4coAL]c... Con farnt•lt It on eftlier Aldo of the 'lvor.. omppaio, nuke At Lawleo Store. 11..8runit,' Groot Ben&Virlage, baxpirlpuuls Idly 14, 18:3.-tin GREAT UNITED STATES TEA' 00,i; B URA'S & NICHOLS, Montroio, Pa. ' • • .Th to Tea la Tint up in Ain TIGUT aretob.r Presarstag its full . sungth, wttleb Is eattainlyi. groat desideratum.. . and got a can sod try Its =kits. • • • ~" - BURNS & NIOIfOL9 •'' Moutrare, Juts HILL HEADS, Fit, "a 44164, .. 1 t r7.%Z) cam us •• 608 B.OOM .?,.00Q010 18.2/10 • " tBQIG