The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 02, 1873, Image 3
TIIE DEMOCRAT. Local. Intelligence. Religious Services. The services in the several Chnrcheart Mot ro,care as follow; It 11• T IST CIIIIRCIL Han. J. S. Cum revue D. D. Faeroe O•ath Semites ..10)(a. M. and p. • Anl , ith tichooL 12 nl. or Mccung, Wednesday Evening's %TIMM( CHURCH' —HSU. J. BLASTED'. Services Second Sunday In each Month iblisth School Immediately before Mass (Vacant.) 103( a, mt. and7X p m. 7 % P. m. Eppw(FPAL CHURCH iCe% n , Lig ',boo) Services—Wednesday. YETI - MOIST EPISCOPAL.— . W. J. Jono s.l.bron services._ ...10.49 ft. M. sod ZS) p, m b teeatn vn.ol 11 m Prap, SMAIng, Thnrnl n. 190 p. m Rev. J. 13 litn.tan. 10A5 a: m. nun its p, m. it 1.16 p. m. P. m. kttE , BYTF:IIIAN CIII7IICII, 1 , 111,h .rrviCee APilth .11=minz. 'rharaday EVeDing. Arrlval's and Departures or Dads. SC.I.IIIER MIRA.NGEASENT. .- Arricals Departurer laat roar Depot, (Daily,) 600 P. at. 620 A. IP \ow 11iltord, " 10 00 A. If. 130 P. at. " 043 A. u. 300 P. u. T ;, , ,hannoek, ' 10 00 A. %I. 300 P. 1/. Frig n:lsciilr, 600 P. Y. 800 A. If. IG Station, 700 P. at. 700 A. 11. 11.1, leyton, 000 P. at. Mc-huppen, 10 00 A. at. 4 00 P. at. The New York, Tunkhannock, New Milford, 1 Wylnsing mails are daily ; the Conklin .'l.‘a mall will leaveon Tuesdays, Tbunulays, n:i ,iturdays; Dingliatupton mail, via Sliver 1.31,.. will leave on Monday at 0:30 a tn., Tues. r and Thursday at Bp. m ; Meshoppen mail .11 h , .vo on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri .,n>. Friendsvilee mail leaves and returns l'aesda) s, Thursdays and Saturdays. ADDITIONAL STAGES. 11 . .mtro , c Depot, (Daily.) 600 P. at. 1/ 00 A. at. _.rn Milford, ". 330 P. u. 730 A. 11. E. C. FonnnAst; Postmaster. 711ontrose, January 4, 1873. New Advertisements. Please read the following advertisements, new :hi.: creek: .k,hhinistrutors Notiee—eskate of C. Rickey oul-4. W. Mutt. Busuessa txteAts. C.wrins Tar Remetlim Firework.q-..F. G. Wunder. Another Celebration. The Seashore. Unlock:h.; the Rocks. All about Wsots. SPECIAL .sm'mem The cause of a great Remedy. Notes About Town WE learned the other day, what is consider e in these days, an essential attribute to a • • iarp business wan." It is to be able to place ; :,2 date of the year, such us 1873, near the head the column of dollars, and add it in las AN Espies," ..k;..7ney has beet established nt pi•ico, by the Central Expretis Company, -..c1 John It thyusforti is their Ngent. Past corroborate la; in ni , firmiu , . that all busi .. ,••ordst.3 ta this company., through his triil meet with pro pt, energetic, an 3 like atientiOn- WI: u 're led by the report to ansuanee a 6re 011 the Montrose tilway, I),'D caused by spark. from the tueota..- pas.lng along the route, We MO there Lrt no s'ath ottenrreace. 'flute was a dre .route halt or 'throe quarter. of a tree the read vr4siob usat,a outs Laiauct.- . I.)r 7414:11 3 report -CurbAone brokers," lure contrived a erns plan for malting money. Thev take mat t it 1‘• and when the party talk far the •i !trot:cr keen putting hint oil till af t r ta. Bank is closed, and then tells Lain Le lass no.turreacy, but Trill give him a check. The perhaps, ten or frrteen miles oil, and the !nutter lle must either ally over night, at a rut of 4. 00 or V. 03, and wait for the Bank to open, or get one td cash the c wet:, Tb -ef• 'brokers" have an necantpliee. who sae , he will cash it for d 00 or $4 00, as the ca.e may le% and the may in his hurry anti net:vas:ilea, -- sianthl and delivers" it to the cow ardly thieves. This is another attribute ot what some pt,ple call "sharp business men." Sr.,f ‘: of the "spirits*" of '72 are left in our B a; is quite often denionstated, but none of that grand old enthusiasm which tried souls in SEVENTY-St SCeti'i to remain would certainly be difficult to tell what I d be the proper thidg, to celebrate. Wbetti fr n be - Credit 3lobilier steals," "Pacific Rail ,‘,v Plunders," Congressional talary Grub." of our Constituitonal Convention," or the "Temperance Sprees" of oar Long Branch Prt.sidrnis If thelast subject be chosen, we rani I get the editor of the Republican to read MA affidavits, in niece of the "Declaration." However, no bills are out for any demonstration be-e on the neat Anniversary of our No, dun as a nation. It might as well have been aholished by the last Congress, as the President w.mH hare signed It, if it had been attached to the salon grab, because it he had not,he would /LA t lust $lOO,OOO. He does not seem to take such NYE wade oat first trip on the Montrose nail way la„,t week, passing over the w s Tiole line.— O ur ultieipataons were considerably wrought up, try the enthusiasm of those who had de s, ri‘.ed It to us, but it more than met than.— The ears pes,scas sufficient elegance, and accom tn.lotion, for any road, the engine can whistle as loud the "biggest" of them, and the conduc tor and engineer, can take yon through as safe ly ~, e, , othly, and . gentlemanly as the most pop ular thoroughfare in the country. It is appar ent that it will he a road of considemble iropor t.ince when completed. The scenery along the rat i4sehlona equalled. Several depots are in of erection, arllorg Which we noticed . eue twarlv completed, by Mr. Geo. Walker, at Walker's station. Another is to be built, (which ai,o under way,) by M.Y. S. Tyler, at 'Tyler's station. We hare a right to be proud of our Prospects in the completion of the Montrose Rails ay, which we bone, will soon land freight mil passengers within our borough limit?. Oration An address at the Fourth of July celebration in lirooki3 n, (for particulars of xi - Web, sec anoth er be deliveredbk Rev. J. E. Ches.. shire, of Mentrosa Subject—" The Heroes of tin American Revolution—their motives, suf. :ethics, and success," A Lime Fire. • A bun :belonging to George Woad, situated en the Drinker creek,four miles trom this place, caught fire at about 4 o'clock on Saturday morn ing of last week, and was entirely musumed i together with a span of horses endued at six hundred dollars, a lumber waip,M, figrUeS% eta Lime bad bean slackened in the barn darting the day previo us , . was left in thebuimrue tad caused the tire, There was no insurance nen th. Prg?PertY . Sane Rtyns. - • The rainall for the month of Juno up to last week has been but a fraction over a third of an Inch, a less quantity than is shown by the registry for the last four years during any month, About Apples. It is stated that there will be quite as large an apple crap this season as last. The apples have set well, and many years experience have prov ed that as the blossoms fall beneath the trees so the crop will be. If the blossoms are blown away from the trees, the crop will be a failure. This year the ground has been white with blos soms underneath the trees. trio Dlsinfeelants. This lathe 'season for the use of disinfectants. A few pounds of copperas, that will cost but a trifle, dissolved in water and cast into a cess pool, will immediately remove a great portion of its offensiveness, while chloride of lime freely used in cellars and other places where there is a likelihood of decaying matter of any kind will do much to destroy the impure atmosphere re sulting. Case Decided The suit of Cyprus Strong against Col. Wal ton Dwight, brought in Binghamton, to recov er an Investment of $30,000 for $90,000 in stock of the Williamsport and Canada Lumber Corn pany, endel last woke, In a disagreement of of the jury, nine for the defendant and three for the plaintiff. The suit grew out of alleged misrepresentations about the cost and value of a lumber tract on St. Maurice river, Canada. Cholera. A New Orleans paper chronicles a case of cholera In this way: "A colored woman named Marie Williams, was sent to the hospital. suffer ing from an attack of cholera. She had been arrested on a charge of drunkenness. The last clause of the paragraph, It may be added h very suggestive. It will account for about sev en-eighths of the cases of this disease that are so regularly reported almost everywhere on the tneoming of hot weather. Our grim Asiatic visitor is charged with a good deal that really has its origin in whisky." °trendy° Advertising. The Massachusetts Legislature has passed a lacy against the defacement of natural scenery. This applies to the painting of advertisements upon rocks, nailing them on boards upon trees and the general obtrusion of - notices of quack medicine venders all along the lines of our rail ways. It is time such a law were in force in this State. Some of the very finest bits of land- • are rendered worthless, comparatively, to the observer by the daubs of paint thrust upon the sight in or on the most salient point. Selling Screws It often becomes desirable to insert screws in plaster walls, without 'attaching them to any woodwork, but when we turn them in the plas ter they give way, and our effort Is vain. And ytt a screw may be inserted in plaster so ns to bold light pictnies, etc., very firml, . The he-t plan Is to enl3rze the bole to about twice th e diameter of the screw, nil it with plaster of risr is, such as is used for fastening the top. oflamps, etc„ and bed the screw iu the soft When the plaster has set, the screw n ill he held very strongly. Don't Cat Too Low Ma ay of our farmers make a great mistakt• in their grass e e ry low, and thi• is Clove parti -olitriv the cnqe with timothy. If cut be low the first joints, its rooto will eel loin read up shoots auain untu alter the hirm.ttionot ucw side bull. Clover and other deep rooted plains are not so much affected, but we are satisfied that all or any of them may :,be, and often are injured by toil elate cuttin.:. It is n fact well known that if timothy is allowr•t to ripen its seed, and than cut with a toupee or cradle, the aeronil i r , - rowth trill fornisit double the amount of adjoining grant cut for hay. Remember roue Illorxe Don't forget that your horse or mule suffers in hot weather while being worked, and that drivers cannot be too carefuL It will be wise and considerate to feed with a small bundle of wet hay, or a edit* of quarts of oats in the middle of the day; to furnish a little drinking water as often as is practicable, when not over hatted, and to throw water upon such parts as are liable to chide by perspiration or otherwise. They should be driven slowly, and the loads should be considerably less than that usually imposed in cool weather. Loosen the check rein, or dispense with it altogether and cover the anttnal with a Ily.het, or preferably, with a light sheets Remedy for Cholera. The New York Journal of amnerce, a paper which always knows about what it talks, glees the following remedy far all eases of choleraic character: Take equal parts tincture of opium, red pepper, rhubarb, peppermint and camphor, and mia them for use. In case of diarrlnea,take a dose of ten to twenty drops in three or tour teaspoonfuls of water, and adds, "no one who has this by him, and takes it In time., will ever have the cholera. Even when no cholera Is an ticipated, it is an excellent remedy for ordinary summer complaint." , It is simple and cheap, and therefore can be obtaiaed by all claws of people. Important. An appeal has been entered by the Delaware, Lackawanna-and Western railroad company front a settlement recently made by the auditor general and state treasurer for tax on gross re ceipts. It seems that this company,in addition to operating a railroad, does alitrge business in the mining and sale of oral. The point raised m the appeal is that the act of February - 23 d, 1863, whicle Imposed a tax of ,Three-fourth of one per cent. on the gross receipts of railroad companies, did not impose a tax on the receipts of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western tailroad company other than that derived ex elusively from its business as a railroad corn pay. The* accounting officers of the Com monwealthctaioithat it Imposed a tax upon the entire receipts of the company. The amount involved in this case is about $42,. Mutt to Lady Gardeners. The colors of plants eat be readily varied by mixing certain eubstancies - with the soil, as the common cowslip , can be changed from its nat ural yellow to intense purple by merely trans planting it to richer soil Wood charcoal will den the hue of dahlias, petunias and hys einthirr Carbonate of soda turns the last men tioned flower red, and phosphates of soda alters greatly the shades of many plants, Ladies who cultivate Ileums in the house Will find great benefits* the plants to spread moss over the earth in the flower pots, for this keeps the sta ter from evaporating and the temperature uni form. When a flower pot Is set ha a saucer, with a bole in the bottom of the pot, put sx llt tie sand in theitsacer and cover it with mesa and 7011 bars a simple and' admirable arratip, Unpreedentell_•Shipment. . The largest shipment of like stock In one day ever transferred from the Pennsylvania railroad to the Lebanon Valley occurred on Sunday -181 care of cattle, 25 of hogs, 2 of sheep and 2 of horses and mules, making 210 in all. Beside 200 cars laden with coal and oil, requiring thin. teen engines to draw the burden, passed over the Lebanon Valley. 01 the cattle 125, cars were shipped by Nelson Morris, of Chicago, 39 by J. it. M'Pheraon, of Now Jersey, and the re mainder by small dealers. The number of cat tle was about 2,900 Jurti hogs 3,000, and the to. tal value of the cargo closely approximated g.V5,000, Mr. Morris' share being about 6200,- 000. The daily average of stock shipped over the Lebanon Valley railroad is about 70 car loads, or nearly 500 per week. The heaviest shipments are on Sunday and Thursday, and the lightest on Monday and Friday. Funerals in Brook lyn. The funeralof Lyman Ely, was attended by a large congregation at the M. E. Chnreh, in llrwklyh, Monday, June 9th, 1873. Many citi zens of our county will recollect Mr. Ely's easy, quiet and accommodating way and manner, of doing business, belonging to the Constables of fice, which he held for a number of years, giv ing entire satisfaction to all who put business in his hands to do. lit, was much esteemed, as n neighbor, friend and Christian. He was seven ty-seven years of age. The funeral service of Mrs. Sally Bissell, W(111 held at the house of her son-in-law, H. C. Fair child, on Wednesday, Jima 11th, 1873.- 11er husband, Dr. Samuel Bissell, came to this county, when it .was nearly n wildernms, from Otsego county, N. Y, and was the first settled physician in the township. Early settlers will with pleasure recollect the valuable servi ces rendered by this aged lady In her earlier days. She we.? eighty-one years of age. Brooklyn, June 27th, 1873. DL Be Carrfal. It Is a habit of many persons to thoughtless ly write their names on blank scraps of paper and leave them lie carelessly about their office. This is a dangerous practice and has been at tended with serious financial difficulties. We will recite a case: A gentlemen of means in . the way of practicing penmanship wrote his name upon a blank slip o' paper, and leaving ft lie upon his desk it attracted the attention of a neighbor, who in a joking way filled the apace above the signature in the form of a promisso ry note, and a few days afterward presented the paper with the otter to allow a considerable dis count if the drawer (as it would appear) would cash it at that time. The gentleman so requm tad saw the joke and so recognized it, and the holder placing it in his pocket departed, and nothing further was said about it. Subsequent. ly the holder was suddenly stricken with paraly sis and died, and his executors finding the note, and having no knowledge of the joke attached to it, brought suit and recovered the sum for which it was drawn (OM 0,) thus proving the dangerous habit of persons carelessly writing their names on blank scraps of paper. Manufacturing The benefit of manufactnringeMahlishments to a town is nointedly illustrated in an incident mentioned be Dr. Mom before the St. Louis Farmers' (Auk Ile said: "A few years age, a gentleman having invented an improvement in moving machines. proposed to the citizens of Colton, Ohio, that they should loan hint klto,- 000 to nthnufacture them at that place. They lii it, and that one manufactory was the nu cleus ramil which the following tun's gather ed ; Two, immense agricultural Wiplement• man factories, one of plows exclusively. one at stoves and hollow ware, 011 e 01 piper, 0110 .0 mower halves, one of saddlery and harness, tern of furniture, One of horse rakes, one of farm wag ons. one of cultivators, one of wrought iron bridges, one of moan, besides a large number of others, more or less extensive. Those nowher e! ;arc not small concerns, the machine interests alone supporting 2,500 peopl.-. • The town Itns trebled in population.qundrupled is wcalth.and the people, satisliinl with the 'experiment. are still pushing forward in that direction. These facts were given m 1667. If we had the facts up to this late, a still more important growth would doubtless he shown,bveatise it is like rid:- leg n snow hall—the larger the ball the more rapidly it accumulates. A Wonder Vol Natural Curiosity. The Carbon Don,erat of last week says, within a stone's throw from the Lehigh & Sus quehanna depot, at Penn Haven Junction, in the h miens but unruly wafers of the Lehigh, lies an immense rock, which is now exposed to view, and can be easily reached by passengers or curiosity seekers,in a few minutes* walk from the depot. Cut out of the surface of the rock in as perfect a circle as was ever described by a mathematician, is a large cylindrical hole, two feet deep and one foot wide—the sides and bot tom of this curious recess being as smooth as Parise marble_ From the base is a channel or sort of canal passing out through the remainder of the rock leading out to the water below it. Mr. Whitney, the agent at that place, made its discovery, and upon examination found the hole filled up with pebble stones of various kinds and sizes, which, being moved by the eddy of the water streaming over the rock for centuries perhaps, keeping up a constant circular motion, produced this most wonderful result, which would baffle the skill of the most expert artisan to accomplish. lie succeeded in clearing out the opening, and has left just enough of the rounded pebbles remaining to solve to each ob server the true philosophy of this most curious work of nature. The Futures The future is a great land; how the lights and the shadows throng over it—bright and dark, slow and swift. Pride and Ambition build up great castles on the plains—great monuments on the mountains that reach heavenward And dip their tops in the blue of Eternity. Fame beektins, sitting high in the heave)" and Joy lends a halo to the vision. • The future is a great land, we repeat ; a man cannot go round it in a days he cannot meas ure it with a bound; he cannot bind its harvests in a single sheaf. It is wider than the vision and has no end. Yet always, day by day, boar by hour, the hard, inevitable Present is elbow ing us off into the great land of the Future. There are thousands of earnest, toiling men —and womee,too-- in our land. young men and women, with high aims and noble ambitions, struggling onward tinder difficulties the est, to whom we Would say i press onward in your career, let no obstacle interrupt your march, and no contrary gale dishearten you; the world belongs to men of courage. Outlives are generally What we will to make them. Then there are those who have battled long the great battle of life, whose craft has wean:• ered many a storm ; To them we would I say : Look crat that your ship dots net get too thick with barnacles ; keep your sails in good order, and your rigging straightlest the snug and new yacht will out sail you. And while We thus hope for the best, to our selves, let us not forget that hope alone Is noth ing, unless II will stimulate to individual user- Con. raying Cast.. Of late years quite a number of farmers throughout the country have refined to make store debts,and they insisted on paying cash for everything they bought. The result has been that they have saved enough to pay the Wage; of a hired man; for they did not get more goods than were actually needed ; they bought from 10 to 15 per cent. cheaper, and they saved, in mauey cases, the interest charged on accounts past duo, all of which made a saving of at least 33 per cent, so that in buying $6OO worth of goodas2oo were saved. All farmers should adopt the ready pay system. Credit for goods is of no value, because the money must be paid some time, and the inconvenience of going without is not equal to the distress arising from the at• tempt to pay old debts. alanalhcturlas Statistics. According to the census there are 387 manu facturing establishments In Dauphin county, in which 4,893 hands arc employed, whose Itggre gate annual wages amount to $1,998,786. The capital represented is $0,577,520, and the cost of the materials is' put down at $9,248,585, and the products $13,514,130. The number of en gines in the county is Mend water wheels 162. In the number of establishments Dauphin is the sixteenth county in the state, in the num ber of hands employed the twelfth, In the amount of wages paid the tenth, In the amount of capital the ninth, in the amount of products the eighth and in the value of materials the seventh. The whole number of establishments in the state is 31,200, the number of hands em ployed 319,487, the capital invested $400,821,- 843, wages paid $127,970,549, value of materials $421,107,673 and the products $71 1 ,864,311. Patriot. The Printer's Estate We find in an exchange the following re marks which all printers and publishers will agree in calling sensible and commend them to the attention of the reader. They 'will apply to alt localities in which newspapers circulate: The printer's dollars—where are they ? A dol lar here and a dollar there scattered over the country miles and miles apart how shall they be gathered together? The ,paper-maker, the Journyman compositor, the building owner, the grocer, the tailor and all assistants to him in carrying on his business have their demands hardly ever small as a single dollar. But the mites from here and there must be dilligently collected gathered and patiently hoarded or the herewith to discharge the liabilities will never become sufficiently bulky. We imagine he will have to get up an address to his widely scatter ed dollars something like the following: "Dol lars, halves, quarters, dimes and all manner of fractions Into which you are divided, collect yourselves and come home. You are wanted. Combinations of all carts of men that help to make the printer a proprietor gather in such force and demand whir such good 'reasons your appearance at this counter that nothing short of you will please them. Collect yourselves for valuable as you are you will never pay the cost of collecting. Come in single file that the prin ter may form you In battalion and send you forth again to battle for him and vindicate his feeble credit." Header, are you sure you haven't a couple of the printer's dollars sticking about your clothes? If you have order them home im mediately Mysterious Disappearance. Mr. Jonathan Mott, a brother now living in NIB! city, Pa, has kindly sent us the following inonnation in regard to this mysterious affair whirls has excited con Utterable comment in the community where he was known for thirty years. Samuel Mott was crazy, and would ol= -- --ender hi, 1.-a”. in the townshin of Abington, Lucerne county, which (=ivied the family a great deal of trouble to take care of him. At one time he had strayed off as far as Binghamton, N. Y. liis soother followed hint nod brought him bark. At another time he had crosni the Stniquellanna oo the tee, omit La gnlnge, and was seen by Wakeman Taylor who iltumed Mr Mott that he s-sw his brother In Eaton township, Wyomin; county, Pa. Mr. Taylor accompanied Mr. Mott in tracing him through the snow over fields and fences until he t esk to the woods, from tin nee forward until Mr. Mot: followed Lim alone over high moun tains, until he found him in a house on' Bow .man's Creek. Ile finally induced him to return across the rivor to o.t.:rliouts, where 3lr. Mott left him- , -by his agreeing to return home alone by way of Buttermilk Falls. This was the last Mr. Mott ever saw his brother. lie wits after ward seen at the Falls, and went from there to Pittston, Ps_, thence to Abington, and was there seen by Maj. Thompson got g north past Ezra Walls. Mr. Mutt thinks tout probably his brother, as usual,wanttered off among strangers so for, was the reason why he was never heard from by his friends afterward. Mr. Mott regrets that any person should believe the old version of the story started by Caleb Johnson that Samuel Mott had been murdered by his friends, and his body sunk In Mud Pond. Superintendent's Convention. Pursuant to the call of State Superintendent J. P. Wickersham, LL. D., the convention of County Superintendents met at Scranton, June 24th, 1873, at 10 o'clock. In the absence of the State Superintendent. Mr. Henry Houch, Dep. uty State Superintendent, called the convention to order, and stated the object in calling' them together. On motion of Superintendent Rodle, of Wyo. ming county, Superintendent Allen, of Wayne county, was elected Secretary. The roll was called and the following gentle men responded : lion. Henry Houck and Prot; Curry represented the Department; Superin tendents W. A. Campbell, of Enzerne, T. J. Bottle, of Wyoming, John Layton, of Pike, C. Tilden, of Susquehanna, A. A. Keeney, of Bradford, and B. P. notion], of Carbon. Su perintendents of Columbia and Monroe counties were absent. On motion, the chair appointed Superintend ents Campbell, Tilden, and Bodin a commlttea on resolutions. The manner of computing the average per. centage and daily attendance then received the attention of the convention. It was the sense or the convention that the basis. of computing the percentage be the days the pipits belonged in the schools and not the number of days in the school term. The subject of Institutes—districts, local,and county—was then - discussed. While all the mem , hers of the convention were of the opinion that the fernier are beneficial, yet the holding of teem stre'not practicable in the =al districts and they should be superseded - by local WS totes as more good can be accomplished by them than in visiting schools as now conducted, Superintendent Muck devoted thirty minutes to answering questions pertaining to the school law. Among other paints it was decided that a collector must reside in the district for which lie is appointed 1 that the vote of four directors are necessary to the election or dirsissal of a teacher. Mae subject of institutes ties then resumed, It was decided that foreign talent should not be employed to the exclusion of onrown teach er% and recommended that the teachers should infuse life =Calera- into our . Inetitntee and I not be made mere passive recipients by art.rui due multiplicity of foreign instructors. A spirited discussion was then bad on a uni form plan for bolding teachers' examinations.— While a uniform plan did not meet with general approbation, it was decided that the examina tion should continue In the oral and written plan. The evening session was occupied In the dis cussion of certificates, provisional, professional, and permanent, and compulsory attendance. The following rcsoltitlona were adopted: Resolved, Tlutt examinations should be written with such incidental modifications as time and circumstaneof in the judgment of the examiner may justify; that a vigorous attempt should be made to elevate the grade, by reducing to the minimum the number of certificates granted, and in insisting on teachers' improving their scholarship from time to time ; that additional branches, such as physiology, drawing, and if practicable vocal music should be added; that great circumspection should be used in the granting of the higher grade of certificates, while inculcating the Idea in the minds of teach ers that the possession of the highest grades of certificates should bo an object with every teacher; that Superintendents should endeavor to arrive at a uniform grade of certificates throughout the State. Resolved, That the instruction at our County Institute should be directly practical in the I work of the common school, mingled with mu sic and lectures, which shall tend to awaken 'and strengthen an interest in school work on the part of the people. ' Resolved, That school visitation is of great colsequence and should bo continued diligently by County Superintendent until some otherpro vision is made, and that parents and directors be urged to go with Superintendents to the schooLs. &solved, That Local Institutes are a power ful agency in educating both teachers and eiti rims, and that more good can be accomplished by them than by school ' , agitation as now con ducted, Rewired, That moral character, general infor mation, and skill in teaching should be the bas is for granting certificates of Professor, and not mere proficiency in the branches. Re-fared, That Superintendents should en deavor to arrive at approximate unUormity in issuing provisional certificates, and that they should be recognized throughout the State. Re-alred That we are not yet convinced of the expediency of a compulsory law, that we should improve our school houses, grounds,and teachers, and thus - attain the same end claimed by such a law. Fruit Garden. BLACSDERIIIES.—The fruiting canes shoo' be tied up to stakes, and all suckers not needed hoed up. Pinch the end of the new canes when they have reached a height of 4 or 5 feet. Rearnenntzs.—Remove all but 3 or 4 new shoots from each plant, and tie up to stakes or wires. Dwartr fruit trees will need attention to in sure a good form. Thin outl.he fruit, and pinch those shoots which grow too vigorously. GOOSEBERRIES are most profitable when mark eted green. The fruit may be cleared of leaves and sticks by rolling it down an Inclined trough. GRAPE-VINES planted this spring should only be allowed to grow one shout. Thin out a por tion of the fruit on the bearing vines; this should be done early so that the vines may not be exhausted. Apply sulphur with a bellows on the first appearance of mildew. Layers may be made of the present season's growth. CrIMANTB—A good mulch will save time In weeding, and also increase the rim of the fruit. Apply powdered white hellebore to the leaves when attacked by the currant worm. STISAWBEHILIB.B if not already mulched should be attended to at once, so that the fruit may be kept free from grit. Keep newly planted beds free from weeds and hoed often to insurea good growth before the hot weather comes. Business Locals DR. 6.IRVIN'S TAII REMEDIES Re 1 3 ... in In the Side or Back. BLANK . LEASES and LAND CONTRACTS fur saiu at lids office_ Alsu, Note:, Dentin. and all other BLutks. FIREWORKS ! EIREWORES!!—The urlersign edluc: received a loci° stock of Fireworks. of orory description,which he offers for sale cheap. He also bakes daily quantities of bread, cakes, etc., wh ich he offers for sale at MA bakery and lunch rooms, under the Post Office. Cal} and see him. F. G. WONDER.. Montrose, July 2, 1872.—w1 Axo-ruEn CELEURATlONL—Arrangements are being made at Tunkhanneek, for a pic-nic and a pleasant time generally, on the Fourth of Ju• ly. The picnic will be held at Dana's Grove, In the afternoon. The Tunkbannock Cornet Band will furnish music for the occasion, .An extra excursion train will be run on the Mont rose Railway, at reduced fare, which will en able all to secure a cheap tide over this popular , railway, and give theth a fine opportunity to look upon as charming scenery as there is to be found In the State. Annonneemnt by posters, will give the railway schedule time for the day. Tunkbannock, July 2d, 11373. THE SEASHOiE.—Thia wcather is well calcu lated to remind us of the seashore yoltb its cool and vigomting breezes and delightful bathing in the hmakera. :The Columbia house at Cape May will be ready for guests June 28th, and 31r.1301l ton informs us his prospects are good for a full house. The Columbia Is located directly upon the beach and has a finely shaded. lawn. to a family resort it has no superior at the seashore. t has long been conceded that Cape May excels all other seaside resorts for the safety and smoothness of its beach. It is the only point upon the coast where ladles and children can baths with entire security at any time of the tide. July 2d, 1873.—w2 UULOCKENO TILE ROCKB.—The groat cost of silver and gold arises not so much from their scarcity in the earth, as the difficulty of extrac ting them from their stoney combinations. Hr. J. C. Ayer, the well known chemist of :Massa chusetts, Las cut this gordian knot. After hav ing mented and received the gratitude of half mankind, by his remedies that cure their dis ezmes,lie is now winning the other balf,by open. hag for them an easy road to the exhanstless treasures of the bills. He has discovered and published a chemical process, which renders at little cost,the hardest rocks and ores friable like chalk, so that the precious metals are loosed from their confinement, and easily gathered.— Mines too poor to pay, may be Ntorked at a profit now, and the yield of rich mines is large ly increased, while the cost of extracting the metals from the ore, is diminished. Either Es .a great achievement, to enrich mankind,or cure their diseases. But we are informed our cele brated countryman adheres toile latter, as his specialty and chief ambition.—Buffalo &Mind. IF You • Want a Cook, Want a Situation, Want a Salesman,. Want a Servant Girl, Want to Rent a Store, to Sell a Plano, • Want to Sell a House, Want to lend Money, Want to buy a Borne, Want to rent a House, Want to sell a Carriage, Want to sell Furniture, Want to sell Hardware, Windt a Boarding Place, Want to Borrow Money, Want to sell Dry Goods, Want to sett Real Estate, Want ajob of Carpentering, Want a Job of Blacksmlthing, Want to sell Millinery Hoods, Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to find a.strayed Animal,. Want to buy a second hand Carriage,, Want to sell Agricultural Implements, - Want to find anything you have lost, Want to advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anpthink Found, • -Advertise in Tne Mosvrtosa.,,DIMIOCUAT. where important advertisementaare looked for, and by which means yqr,obiPtlrM.bel Attila?. 13carat Coalmen' sulky from • ten to twenty dollars—.tbe best In town of B...ll.lcKtstm. Montrose, May 28;1873. `. Juer REczrvuo.—A largo . essortnient of Moss' and soya Linen Saits—also now styles alapaca, and grass cloth coats, at very low prices ; call and see. Montrose May 284873. E. Mara:sum. INDEPENDENCE BALL at the Eegtq hotel, in New Milford, Pa. Your company, with Ladies L 3 respectfully *solicited at a Cotillion Party, at P. Phinney's. on Friday Evening, July 4th,1873. Music by B. Bquire's Full band.. Bill *MOO. P. Pnragv, Prop'r. Montrose, Juno 11th, 11373.-4 w. MRS. DAVID TIANDIIICE, would Inform the ladles of Montrose and vicinity, that Mies S. Neil, late front Madam Detnorest, has charge of her Dress Making Establiihment, and is fully prepared to suit them in all the latest styles of ladies and children's suits. Pattern of all kinds on hand.snd cut to order. Machine stitching done at tre lowest pricts. Your patronage ie requested. Montrose, June Vith, 1873.—w9 DIBSOLOTION.—The co-partnership formerly existing bytween C. E..t IL Uptegrcre, boo been &solved by mutual consent. C. E. & A. IL I.Trrnonovn. The business will hereafter be conducted by C. E. Uptegrove,and all accounts of the tine will be settled by him. With many thanks for past patronage, 1 would respectively solicit a continutnce of the same, hopfrig, to merit the approbation of the public. C. E. Urrram.ova. Montrose, June 23, 1878. w 3. , CELEthaTION.—The coming Fond!' of July, will be Celebrated in Brooklyn. The usual ex ercises for the celebration of obr National An niversary will be observed. A procession will, be formed at 10 o'clock, and marched to. the grove near by, where an able address will be delivered, and dinner served. The Brooklyn Cornet Band will be in attendance, to enliven the exercises with their music. A company of Fantastics are expected to make their appear• ance during the day. A general invitation U extended to all who would like to attend an old fashio..ed celebration. BY Omen or Cox. Brooklyn, Pa., June Mtn, 1873. ntEALvt.rtx..s.cs.xisiii. Romssorr—Bessmakft—At the home of the bride, in Aeshley, Pa., June 24th, 1873,by the Rev. .1. T. Wilbur Abraham Robinson, and N 153 31arp E. Benninger, both of Ashley, lirtsq'a county, Pa.. Roux's—PßET—ln stew:um-111e, June 12th, by Eugene Beeler, C 134., Edgar Bolles, of Her rick, end Miss Bertha Ellen Piet, of Pike. THAYER—Demon—At the M.' E. Parsonage, Skinner's Eddy, Pa., Juue 2d, by Rev. P. R. Tower, Adelbert G., Thayer, of Laceyville, Pa., and Miss Lizzie Detrick, of Skinner's Eddy, pa. Owmr—Mrus—At Laceyville, Pa. June 24th, by Rev. P. R. Tower, George V. Owen, of Spring Bill, Pft., :.nd Miss Susie P. Mills, of Laceyville, Pa. EDIVARDS—TESNANT—At the M. E.Parsonagt, Nicholson, Pa.. June 25th, by Rev. Paul R. Brown, of Tarrytown, N. Y., G. 11. Edwards, of Gibson, Pa., and Miss Ella C. Tennant, of Glenwood, Pa. TbE1.96.T.13LE1. Kerrnmr-1n Dunmore, Pa. June 16th. or con sumption, Thomas Kerley, aged 11 years. Bnowit---In Bush, Pa., June 16, T. E. Brown, aged 56 years, 5 month,. and 12 days. Cotmatts—ln. Scranton, June 2Jd, Anna 81., wife of A. Hampton Coursen, aged 41 years, 2 Iponths, and VI days. Commission ZerOtfanta CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, 2113:c..pronis Clmimoo SION'rI3O3I4 77.1- The Highest cash price paid for Butter of Yew York Quotations, as a guide: A. G. GILMORE ds CO. tune 18th, 1873.—tf. a. ACE. Piolinraixt., i 7:1: . Produce and o=Atudon Xerehant, IT De, it.; New York. strlitited and rat dins mach inlaradlat e ry on sale lls. f goad,. Send flo .hipping rantandstet. .Beferenco National Park Beek of New York. Nuith Refer flank of Nor York. • Naaaan National Rank of New York. Long Wand Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y: retlf,lg7lo64ms. The Markets. firmnelal. NEW Yana, Saturday, June 03. The demand for money was more active, but there was no change either in the supply. Call loans are attiely at 8 per cent., with some few exceptional,. 5.- Time loans at short- dates are quoted at ;07% per cent. Commercial paper of prima quality is in demand, and . ranges be tween 8 and 7q, per cent. Inferior- grades fluetuate nom 8 all the way up to 12 per cent. Gold was Weaker. After opening nt 115%, and adtancing to 1153 , 4 ', it gradually &II off to 115,;;, and closed finally at 1157 g. a decline of Sterling Exchange, 116,4'242;731, Silver, U 8 6.9 1681.... ... ................121,i 122 N 5-20 Coupon 1862 116 116% 6-20 Coupon ma........ , 117 7174 6-20 Coupon 1865 -1183-6 liB 5.20 Coupon 1865jy 120, 120,g 5.20 Coupon 1867.. 1203 11% 5.20 Coupon 1868 .., 120 1203 New 5 per cent. bowls 114 4 1144 10-4 N 114 114% Paris Exchange 453 950 Sterling Exchange .126% 12613" Curtency Bonds... , Neuf York Produce Market. Corrected weekly by Hardin., Harden, & Co. awf Washington Bt., New York. Butter, tub pall Cheese, dairy, per lb , ..... " factory" Eggs, per doz „ Flour, per barrel Corn meal, Wheat, per bushel " • • • ..... Rye Oats Corn Hops, crop 011872. ... . Tallow " Lanl per lb Potatoes per bbl Apples " , Turkeys per lb Chickens Dlacks , " f•••• FOR SALE-The farm late orNatban drich, deed, situated about ball a mite west of Montrose Depot, in Brooklyn township, con taining about 111 acres of land mostly improve ed. Inquire of the undersigned, executor of said estate, at New. Word, Pa. • ' Fluor /warren, New Milford, Jam 2,1,1871—tt • FLO At4.o ONE lIIINDRISD BARIISLIS 0171011 Z et thole. hranda, for oak at tha atop at jnali etieaso. eptn to, 1071-fr. NEW GOODS. nnks tineoehtted ballot ttfittipt refdrAtibed sof reptackod the atorrefoottetly ow by a. Zak yen, at Lo Centre. aYa Cow prouled Litt the'people *lib as destriblo valet" OP DRY GOODS! 11002 if 41 SITOESI I 071°GrerBE.1" f de.- Li ewe tie found elsewhere, and it as Deshibie 'dew Laiftrllte CiekGP: Pi.egfrechii.l=!'A, minor gib Coat top.mmts itlf FLOUR, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS, M&nr snow, iiteisatrailit4 YAM. Jam SS, 3.—tt - - NITSTJEttif EASILY SOLIIIED.' Near Stocker Goods at the .Head NattVathve.w— ,, lieu, to a alclr fi l iA Halt 94224 ° P.EN/212:11 of 7 1 4M/010 at his old eland an the head or Navigation, whose OW UM, women, Of • CrIEETMAX, can find the Very beet artivres that as ircrocrivry In iny crocery house in the toirn. The aid systeoil slow mica and profits le 21 4 =deta3Ch OT Ceekt tr. to, , ant its staid tiette _rieteof quick sake mai small prone, and by laila i lor r pay oaly, there Wet debts to up bole good ccreteniere. XAT and . etatnine myfoodisuidlnicelowieeeditteydiee4 empire &torah y with any other house la • • • • 211•CCDTTPLC)Eaflat dt kw skies-a , _ EXECUTOR * NOTICE. Whereas lettere teat:ilia ry to Lb tidal* of David Green, late of }arida tee. deceased, harishoen granted to the ooderst onions Indebted toald eat de, are leg alas linNetatepaymeitt, sad thong' Mita eta, the same; are requested to Vtatteat theta wit out DAVID A .GR3tlrt. tt JEFFERSON Gun, f Bridgewater, Jane 95th, 16TI-14. - • , ADVINISTRATOMI 2 , 101768..=.1i ea !State Of chance W. Deane: deed. loto oU /14dotar. banns of Adtatnletratioe 16 pia yaddjnpta= been granted to the undersigned. BR leriege lag geld estate. are requested •to - snake. mutant. end person* having cleats agatnat said Maw axe retweeted te present them 'without delay. - . PRIPMLA,MtZAREI. ub ..„,,, U. e. SWEET, p alt . fordaatie ettr,lB73--ell • : . • • blithristnerows ricerica—ln tne Mite of Li Huth'lamer Mara,late of New Itillord,ikatinehan .na Co., Pa., decosied. Letters of AdsaMMMma 00 zed erste Maytag peen grantee lathe undareasibtl, an miens (Mtn mad Maisie , env resionted ask. immediate payment, and all persona bimetal' datlaar acaLnet said estate are requeate4 to prementthenterltbmil delay. . - ' DASIEL Adm*r.. Ana tatfi„ 181.3.—e1f SEC/LULU% REPORT or oftBAT 119$0. SCHOOL.. Amount el Indebtedness, June, Inn, *MOW Olen In bends of Treasurer, 8778 'r• Cub svea hop all sources, IMMO • Ain't Paidleseber'sWages, Mt) for Ind Stonily es, 1111 SO Interest and rs, 102 .. on debt ; zoom 3001* cash on band, - SOS 88-I,=lll of indebtedness Jane 17, 1 873. 110000, Leas innonnS ands in bands of Ttessnrcr, . =MY Yalta Or 152.-an* Atror: .A. ff. Wifi 5911* TiNch pAINTS AND OILS. FINE STOCK Al. B. R. LYONS I lk CC& Monti n, Bfai I( ICM Rid. AsL'd 11.5% C ASPE'TS. cAnierrs AT la cmtre Altto tfrIVAIMIC —Less than N. T. `-' - May ti, 'lt Vor sale by SUGAIE TEA, COFtEgi arrooeriess 27028 20030 • 11340118 0.414 • 20021 • . 8.70010.00 3. 60 0. 3 .7 ( X' '1.7001.611 81092 46(451 '70@:177 - 47050 80814 809 8.000)132.5 ;5003.75 164318 17018 WALL . AND itrilliDlM IP4rEIOI. A LARGE EITOCEr ANDNEW PATTERNS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. DIRECT'FROM THE MANUFACTORY. ea Sala Dy 31014,11173. SPIXIL THREAD. COAT'S, CLARE'S O. T., As JOHN CLARK'S SPOOL THREAD BLACE. et COL. _ ORED—FROM No. 8 TO No. 180, AT 75 CENTS PER . DOZEN., A R LYO:4I CO. Elabalt, gsy .111.1tiO. Groceries. GEOCEMEB I f IhiIiiIDWARS 1 o.M.Orsaa, B. R. Lyons ti and other At Lot' Figura it a. a. tvoas a co.'s. B. B. LYONS & CO.