The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 18, 1873, Image 2

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1..8.1.1119L8Y CO., Editors,
11loattose, Wednesday. Juno 16th,1873
Ix a cm° where a railway ticket was
Mulea beim:leo offered after the dity it
,vraalasued, a law court iu Maine has de
cided that such ticket is good for six
Srogza is to have another chance for
hia life. The Court of Appeals having
reversed the Supreme Court. It seems
to be a hard matter to hang a man in
New - York, if he has money and influen
E cold blooded murder of the en
aimed'/dodoes by the Oregon volunteers
was no less atrocious than the assaina
tion of Gen. Canby ; and this is the view
taken of the butchery by tge leading
loam* of the conntry.
Tens Oregonians made short work of a
.portion of thehlocioc prisoners by kill
ing seven or eight warriors, including
Shacknasty Jim, Bogus Charley and
Little John. This is of course Lynch
law, and the act of a mob, and cannot be
TIE law of Illinois relative to the el
ection or appointment of women as schoo,
officers takes effect July 1, and at that
time all distinctions of or on account of
sex, so far as eligibility to any school of
fice iu that state is concerned, will cease
to exist.
THE farmers of Carroll County, lowa,
passed the following pithy resolutioa the
other day: "Resolved, that the increase
of Congressional salaries in these hard
times is an infernal outrage upon the
working people of the country."
Tax court journals announce the safe
arrival of Grant at Long Branch, with
his full blood&I horses, one cow and three
dogs, and express quite unnecessarily the
hope he may enjoy his vacation. Ile has
already spent more time in recreation
• than all the Presidents L-orn Washington
to Lincoln put together, and draws doub
le salary.
heres to its Spring fashions. New Lon
don and Norwich have recently held
municipal elections which resulted in
complete victories for the democrats.
Last year the cities pre large majorities
for the republican ticket. The people 01
Connecticut are evidently well pleased
with their democratic governor and legis
Tin colored population of New Orleans
is about one-third of the total population.
This is much larger proportion than ex
isted before emancipation and the war.—
It has been an unfortunate result of that
measure that the negroes from the coun
try districts have flocked to the cities,
thereby reducing the productive agricul
tural force and increasing largely the
number of that loose and vagabond class
which hang about large towns and pur
sue modes of life that develope vice, dis
ease, and a large mortality.
TUE New York Sun of Saturday says
there was no perceptible decrease in the
number of visitors to the Torahs the day
before. Edward S. Stokes was still the
centre of attraction. He wore a new
suit of summer clothes. His father and
his brother Horace were with him all day,
and assisted him in replying to the tinnier
one congratulatory epistles and telegrams
sent by distant relatives and friends.
The cell in which he 'is confined was
fragrant with the perfume of exquisite
flowers from boquets sent by admiring
lady friends as a reminder that they had
called. How pleasant a thing it is to be
an inmate of a New York city prison,
especially to a distinguished murderer.
Flowers exhaling delightful odors, the
sweet smile of admiring ladies illuminat;
ing the cell; and the hero of tbe murder the
cynosure of every eye. Young Walworth,
however, it is said complains of loneli
ness and ennui. He has not had over a
dozen visitors per day, and flads the
Tombs rather dnIL Doubtless he is
longing for another father to kill just by
way of keeping up his spirits.
TICE New York .Times,which has become
the organ par excollance of the so-called
republican party, asks the liquor prohibi
tionists to refrain from organizing a poli
tical party of their own and to unite
fortunes with the republicans, on the
ground that the continuance of the latter
in power will enable the temperance men
to incorporate their doctrines in the legis
lation of the country. It was evidently
the purpose of those who lead in man
ufacturing the sentiment of the republi•
can party to agitate the liquor question
with a view of attracting the votes •abd
influence of those advocates of total ab
stinence who are sufficiently fanatical to
subordinate every other public question
to that of the prohibition of the sale of
intoxicating - drinks. We mention this
merely as a straw which serves to show
how the wind is blowing in a certain
quarter; Thousands of persons have
allied themselves with the temperance
movement who support it because they
regard it as au effort to secure a moral
-reform. They have .no idea of sitting
down to .a feast prepared- by designing
politicians, and when the veil Which cim
. teals the purpose and machinations of
the latter islifted, they will no doubt be
astonished to find that' their favorite in
•v,ntion fur securing soltriety has been
-)uverted into a political bobby.
The yonngliew Yorker, X"mriklianlin
Walworth, who recently Undertook to.
settle afamilyspiarrel by killingh is tith
er, certainly has the gift . of
celoped in his character to an
degree. When before the coroners
jury, in answer to the usual queston
"what he had to say, if anything to the
charge against him," he pfomtly answered
"that be was guilty of no crime," and he
then , proceeded to a statement of his
many grievances aa*st his paternal an
cestor. The dead father was no doubt
guilty of all the charges made by the
living son, but that fact does not -relieve
the latter of his respoesibility for the
crime of made... After Stokes killed
Elk he also came to the conclusion that
he bad, committed no crime, acid' it is
quite likely that Captain Jack is precisely
of the same . opinion. Both thei'e parties,
like young Wal worth undertook to milt ess
alleged wxongs•by staining their' hands
with blood, and now they think it queer
hat the law they violated should assume
to punish them. In thecase of Walworth
:in effort has been made to elevate-him to
the position of a positive hero; but as,
according to his own showing, a more de
liberata murder was never committed, it
, s probable that the attempt will only re
suit in increased indignation against the
youthful criminal among all the friends
of law and order in the country.
Faint burglary down to petty larceny,
in all the'varieties of crime arising from
a superabundance of acquisitiveness 4 the
office-holders under the present adminis
tration bear the palm. The Treasury
Department in Washington has two
wagons, one for one horse, the other for
a pair; one is used to carry packages to
and from the Postoffice, the other is an
"office wagon," whatever that may be.
In one year the- government paid for
"the care of horses for mail and office
wagons and harness" the .enormous
amount of $11,687 46; the repairs to the
wagons costing $2,699 93. This for a
pair of wagons, only need for a couple of
hours daily, is pretty steep. Tim X. Y.
Sun, in speaking upon this subject,
Along with these pleasant expenditures
under this model and high-toned Ad
ministration, a large stable is maintained
at the Treasury Department, a little south
of the main edifice, and in this stable
some twenty or thirty horses belonging
to the department, but not employed for
mail or office work, are kept at the pub
lic espente,uncler the oversight of a Super
intendent of Stables and an assistant
whose salaries are reported hs amounting
to 82,297 54 a year. In these -Stables
with such competent and high priced
care, there are also from fifteen to twenty
handsome carriages, trotting wagons, and
the like; and every tine afternoon the
heads of bureaus and favorite clerk's in
the secretary's officer appear upon the
Avenue with stroll- turnouts thus pro
vided. Of these carriages flee are said
to be set apart for the special Ilse of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, his
assistant. and his female private secretary.
The hostlers, drivers and footmen who
perform their part in this eleimitt display
are duly borne on the rolls o the Treas
ury Department, and are paid as messen
gers and laborers; all of them of course
beineappiiinted by competitive examina
tion, under the latest and beet rules of
civil service reform.
Thus it is that wherever this adminis
tration is touched with the scalpel of
honest analysis, flagrant corniption,.nn.
blushing public robbery and reckless
immorality are demonstrated. Such is
Grantism, such is the present choice of
the once pure and noble Republican par-
We are progressing finely in this plain
Republican government of ours; thieves
in office and knaves pulling the wires to
keep them there; and the people bearing
it all without a growl, bat working hard
every day to earn money wherewith to
pay taxes to find bread and butter for
their rulers..
The Bivouac or the Dead.
On Friday last, we learn frorit the Mo-
bile Register, the graves of the- federal
soldiers in the Natiuual Cemetery near
Stabile, Ala., - were decorated with be
coming ceremonies. During the services
a beautiful boquet uf flowers; aranged in
most exquisite taste, the blue and the gray
being blendid, was sent up to the mound
with a card which read as 'follows :
The Mobile Cadets
of the Confederate Army
Honor the Memory
of those who, though their enemies
in wur, were men
and brave enough to do their dray.
The tribute to the memory of the Feder
al dead, coming from a company of Con
federate soldiers who have made for them
selves an undying recqrd for bravery
and gallantry on many a hard fought
battlefield, was duly appreciated and re
ceieved in the. spirit with which it was
intended, as an olive brunch of peace,
harbin;er of good will and friendly feel
ing between brave men who fought. against
each other, but are willing to bury the
hatchet in the graves of their comrads.
In acknowledging the testimonial a Feder
al °Dicer said:—
"It is a graceful 6111 , ring of peace and
good will, and I proudly embraee the op
portunity for the speechless dead around
us, and in behalf of their surviving com
mis, to grasp the hand that brought it in
like token of our good will and Mend
ship. It is the olive branch carried on
an errand of, peace.- 'Let -it be accepted
in a suitable spirit. Let - the g,allant
cadets who bear this receive- onr homaga
for their daring. Let 'their fallen- com
rade sleep the sweet - sleep of the heroic.
"Thorigb our enemies in war," let the
manhood and courage' winch honestly
led them to defend a cause they believed
just be appropriately remembered and
honored.. 'Finally, may this happy, touch
ing. 4lglicate and peaceful ;episode in our
ceremonies mark an era of better feeling
among us and indicate the day; and oc
car.on when we mutually agreed that the
passions and animosities born of the war
alioAid be 6ousfined to the chambers of
' Let: the Grand Army take alesson from
thlsepisode. •
Can such Things Be.
TlM..War.ingtop,corregiondent,of the
N. Y.-§uninhkes the lollowing startling
charges against the Treasury and Post
Office Department. .f
But an element has been brought in
among these worthy women which is an
outrage upon. them a disgrace to the
public service, and a . gliring scandal seen
of all men. It is ,notoriotts that Senators,
Representatives, and officials have im
posed nppn the departments loose charac
ters, who are utterly unfit for such em
ployment, and unworthy -to mingle with
the ladies who aro contaminated and in
sulted by their presence. Thare is no
use of miccing phrases about a palpable
fact, or attempting to extenuate it under
the cover of mistakes accidentally made.
Sternberg of Congress have pensioned
their mistresses by scores on the treas
ury, and the same thing is true of many
of the more important officers in the de
partments through whose agency ap
pointments are made.
• •
While widows and orphans who had
jast claims upon tho gratitude of the
country ara rudely turned away without
succor or sympathy, profitable places are
given to prostitutes, who revel in luxury.
throng the avenues, and (taunt their
finery at the public expense.
• • • • s •
Nu attempt has been made to eradicate
tlif‘ oil It is, on the contrary, protect
ed and palliated. • Remonstrance has
been followed by removal. So that the
outrage on morals must not only be en
dured, but the terrorism of power super
atlas silence as a necessity. If this be
not infamy in its worst form, that word
has lost all meaning. And yet it is strict
ly true, and known to be true by the
President, his Cabinet, his bureau chiefs.
and Congress, to say nothing of the com
munity which is a disgusted wiaess of
these indecencies.
Ore;ou's ReVCIMC.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 9.—Dispatches
from Boyle's camp, dated yesterday, re
late the particulars of an atrocious
massacre of Motion prisoners It is sup
posed by Oregon volunteels. On Satur•
day morning, John James Fairchild and
abunt twelve other men, left Fairchild's
rancho on Cottonwood Creek. Seventeen
Modoc captives, women and children, in
cluding Shadknasty Jim, Bogus Ch irley.
Iche Jack Pony and little John. Indians
were tt wagon drawn by four mules.
Upon crossing Lost Ricer, the party en
countered a num tier of Oregon volunteers
under Captain Hazier. The soldiers
gathered about the wagon and tins:honed
Fairchild. The latter told him the Dlo
does were: all at. Hat Creek, except Little
John ; that there were no charges against
them ; Fairtield undertook to push on
Boyle's camp, and the volunteers retired
to camp, near Cawley's. On the road
he noticed several men ahead nding to
Rocks Point as if to intercept him. When
the team approached, one man presented
a needle gnu at Fairchild. saying, "Get
down, you old white headed a—b." "By
what Authority' said Fairchild. Glte
mine: I nm going to kill the Indians and
you '.too" was the rely. Their leader
'caught hold of the mn!es, unhitched 'and
cut the homes.. Fairchilds clinging to
the lines leaped to the ground. The pour
I wretches
and.begged Fairchilds to save them.—
None of the warriors were armed and
they knew that
They were the coolest in the party,thongh
lacing inevitable death, but the women
and children shrieked and
Fairchilds had nothing but a small pistol.
Six inches from his ear was a muzzle of a
needle gun. He says the tears came to
his:eyes and he mingled his voice with
tho,se of the Modocs in the hope that the
massacre might be avoided. Oh it, was
and never shall I forget it. I shudder
when I think what I saw and heard. The
fearful voices of those women and chil
dren still ring in my ears, but the cow
ardly hounds were rot to be banlked. A
shot, and Little John lay dead in the lied
of the wagon a ballet having entered his
brain. The moles dashed away with
Fairchild, and tangled him in the lines.
Fire more shots in rapid succession were
fired and lobe° Jack Pony and Mooch
the remaining warriors were dead. Lit
tle John's squaw had a frightful wound
in the shoulder. Away ahead in the road
in the direction of Boyles camp, was
indicating the approach of a team. The
murdo era espied the dust and in a mo
mdit.were riding rapidly away. Serge
ant Murphy. of Battery F. 4th artillery
with ten men and teamsters came by.—
Theteton of the Sergeant took charge of
affairs and remained with his men on
the ground. Fairchilds, and his teams
ter, lie wounded squaw and her two
children came at two o'clock this morn
ing. Fairchilde reached to General Pa
vis headquarters and related his story.—
The teams with an escort was at once sent
after the prisoners,
No steps were taken for the apprehen
sion of the fulbws who performed the
bloody work. It is generally supposed
that the Oregon volunteers are guilty.—
Fairchilds is of that opinion himself—
The warriors killed were not charged
with murder. Those who know them
best say they have only participated in
open fight.' Every one here
as atrocious and without excuse. There
is no doubt but the murders were carried
out upon a carefully arranged plan as
Fairchild noticed horsemen on the road
ahead end behind him. When the shots
were tired, had John Fairchild instead of
James been present,another murder might
have been added to the list, as Oregoni
ans are bitter in hatred towards Joho,tbe
old man and other Californians. The
Warm Springs have only a few weeks
longer to serve. Sergeant Clinto is fast
failing, •
BPIDE'S Csur,June 8, 3 P. 31.—An - in•
torview between General Davis nod Jack
and Monebin has just terminated. The
310doc - elicif says he was incited to his
cruel warfare by Allen David, chief of the
galaraaths. He also denial having kill=
General Canby and laid the blame on his
Loy& Schoochin told the same story.
Diocese of Central . .Penteglivaula.--
T4e Convection of the Diocese of Cep- .
tralTennsylvatio of the Protestant Epis
copal Church,n session at %luting rid
opted the follcwing constitution
ARTICLE L The Church in the Diocese
of Central Petnsylvania,being pOrt of the
Protestant Eipeapal Ch u rch, u the. Unit
ed States of America, =ordeal to; 'redog•
nixes and- aCqits the constitution and
canons_ of tha. Clitirchattal acknowlyges
its utithoritp tecordingly.. ,
ARTICLE IL There shall be a stated
ciniCentiou of the cEuteViil Ate diocese
in each y It such time and places us
the preceedint convention may appoint,
and if to stub appoultment be made,
then the hislip and standing committees
snail fix the time and . place.
ARTICLE The bishop shall call
special convections, when he shall judge
it conducive t. lite good of - the church ;
and he shall so when requested by a
vote of threefiCurths of the standing
Aterici.g IV. Every convention shall
be opened witl prayers as directed by the
bishop. On tie first morning of the coh. ,
volition there thatl be a celebration of the
holy communbn.
ARTLCLE V.—SEcrtom t. The con
centionr shell ie composed of clergymen
and laymen.
SEC. 2. Every clergyman canonically
and personal: resident in the diocese for
sis months treceeding' the meeting of
the conventiot, and actually engaged for
the same time in church work, with the
previous writbn sanction of the ecclesi
astical autborty, shall be entitled to a
seat and a vote in the convention. Pro
vided that no clergyman once entitled to
.a seat shall be deprived of it through dis
ability by reason of age or sickness.
Sac. B. ''he lay Members shall con
sist of deputt:s from each parish in this
diocese in union with the convention, not
exceeding th lee delegates from each par
ish. Provithil, that no person shall be
competent to serve as deputy unless he
has been a aorship•r in the parish he
represents six enlendar months next be
fore his election.
A nntiLE VI. The bishop shall preside
in convention, but in case of absence, or
a vacancy in the Episcopate, the conven
tion, thallelect a president from among
the clergy.
ARTICLE VII. A Eincretatv, shall be
chosen upon the assembling of the ai -
rmal convention, from among the mem
bers thereof, who shall remain in office
until his snccessur shall be elected. His
duties shall be to take minutes of the
preceedings, to preserve the journals and
records, to attest the public acts of the
body, and faithlully to deliver into the
hands of his successor all books and pa
pers relative to the concerns of the con
vention whiuh may bo its his pi.sses
ARTICLE VIII. A treasan=r and a reg
istrar shall he elected at each 31111aul con
vention to hold office until their' succes
sors shall be appointed.
ARTICLE IX. The convention shall
elect annually a standing committee, to
oonsist of five presbyters, and five laynt tt
communicants of the chnich, who, when
there is no bishop, or he is incapable of
acting shall perform such duties, not
peculiar to the lipUtiapate as are in the
constitution and canons as4ig led 'to the
hish.-p. The standing commit kes shall
hare aothority to fill all tacancies that
may occur during the rectss of the con
ventino, in their own body, or io aov
commit•ee appointed to sit in the recess
0 1 the c,mreutton, and also in such other
fire as are hrld by antloal election.
ARTICLE X. The clergy lay deputies in
~ onvenrool shall dehberste • in one ' , oily
:aid shall vote as such, except u hen it is
required otherwise I.y five members. In
such a case the convention shall vote as
two dist Met orders. and the enneummee
of bo•li orders shall ice necessary to gite
validity to a measure. Twenty eleuy
men and list' deputies from twenty
8, duly assemt kd to con venti n, shall be
ottorum ; and on t very question the votes
of a majority o f those present, or (when
.1 vote by older is required) the votes of a
majority of those present of the tuo or
ders respectively, shall decide.
The XI, XII, and XIII Articles are
the same as adopted by the last`Ginven•
lion, except that the word "'wish" is
substituted for the word "church" when
fiver the latter occurs.
Special Notices
Sent on receipt of M canto. Unique Printing •nd Pub
lishing Rowe, SG VeKlStreet. Now York.
AGENTS rverywhere to re', our orw ard novel EEO •
hrofderlng ltlaenine. Send for ',Migrated
WASTED tireatar. to !fatten Mannfarturlng Cora
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Every Man ought to have one !
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$2O Portable Family Senior , Martin. , on 90 Day,' Thal
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An Importont Invention. It retains the Rapture at all
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effects a permanent cure in a fro Weeks. Sold clorat,
and sent by 'lt'd' when requested. Circulars free, when
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fiS3 Brundurny, New York City. Nobody uses Metal
Spring 'reuses; too palatal; slip oft too frequently.
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Suitable to either city or country. and any .04000 of
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A. BURTON & CO.,Morrirams, Winchester Co.,N.T.
Prowl= ♦e wanrumo and for the hroeflt oIYOI7XO
LS Alf b 01 ma. who coffer from NENVOTS
TY. LOSS OF IdANllooD.ate., aapplylog Ike mew
of e (/Kure. Writtre by one who Cured blinaelf an r
noderaoingtonoldetahle quackery, cud veal free
teisi➢g a port-paid atneted eneelope.
Sufferers are Ineltrd to Andreae the gilbor,
Box Ira, Brookljo, N. Y.
June 1Rth,1873.-106
The patriarchs took no mercury, no bigmouth
no iodine, no bromide of potassium, no stryc
'torte, no quinine.. Happy old gentlemen ! they
did not even know of the existence of there
-specifics," nod yet they lived until it seemed
as if Death bad forgotten them. Their mode
claw were herbs and roots. They have left
this fact on record, and the world seems to be
now taking note of it and returning to the first
principals of medication. Ilostettees Stom
ach Bttters, the purest and most efficacious
vegetable restorative of the day, is the most
popular. Thousands of persons who, only a
few years ago believed . implicitly in all nil the
poisons which figure In tlmpharmacrepla, now
pronounce this palatable tonic and alterative
ten: all-sufficient remedy for dyspepsia,..nervous
debility, constipation, billions complaints, head
ache, intermittent fevers, and rill the ordinary
disturbances of the stomach, the liver, the dis
charging organs surd the brain. The time is not
far distant when most of the powerthl aid veno
mous drugs now. so • recklessly admistered by,
praelioners of the '' heroic" school, in cases
that Might easily be controlled by milder treat
ment,will be utteilrdiscarded* by. aff philoso
phical physicians.
-, , st• io,.tho tblukieg public, who ero generally ahead
of the prof selonshi eircutt, put 41 . d"rs c "
prepirstign aside and adopt flostettarlt DU fore In thetr
stead as a safe and extullent doeseholtr nsedeeluo,' ad.
opted to shored every ailment except the organic and
deadly contagion. dievases. For more thattiventy
years thin famous restorative and preventive has been
Annually siteengittnlnx Ire hold- upon the pubde eon•
garner, and it flow taker the lead or every advertised
metlectue tn,uurectured Io this country.
.7,17-47 P.AVORITE I.lodlE REMEDY,
Ilas been before the public over TIMMY TEAM,
and probably has a wider and better reputation
titan any other proprietary medicine of the pres
ent day. Artlais period there are but few unac
quainted with the merits of the Patx-Kitaxn ;
hut, while saint extol 'lt aura liniment; they
know but Hutu of Its power in easing pain when
taken internally ; while others use it internally
with grind success, but are equally ignorant of
its hcaling virtues when applied externally.—
We therefore with to say to all,that it Is equally
sum:mild, whether used internally or external
ly. It is sufficient evidence of Its virtues as
standard medicine to know that It is now used
in all parts of the world, and that its sale is
const a lily increasing. No curative , agent has
had such n wide spread sale or given' such uni
versal satisfaction.
• Ilxvis' Pats-Kna.rat is a purely vegetable
compound, prepared from the best and purest
materials, and with a care that Inscres the most
perfect unifermity in the medicine: and while
it is a most effective remedy for pain, it is a
perfectly safe medicine, even in the must unskil
ful hands.
It is eminently n FAMILY 3fnrucrivE ; and by
being kept ready for immediate resort, will user
many an hour of suffering. and many a dollar
in time and doctor's bill. •
After over thirty years trial, it is still !Weis'
Mg the most unqualified testimonials to its vir
tues, from persons of the highest character and
responsibility? Eminent Physicians commend
it as a most effectual premonition for the extinc
tion of pain. It is not only the best remedy ev
er known for Bruises, Cuts, Burns, etc., but for
Dysentery, or Cholera, or any sort of bowel
complaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for dB
elency, and rapidity of action. In the great
cities of India. and other lint climates, it lies
become the standard medicine for all such coin.
plaints, as Well SS for Dvspivia. T.iver Com
plaints, and all other kindMtl dimwit rs. For
Coughs anti Colds, Canker, Asthma, anti Rheu
matic difficitities, it has tar pre vtal by the
most abundant and convincing testimony to be
an invaluable medicine.
We world caution the public against all imi
tations of our preparation, either In name, or
style of putting up.
New Advertisements
Attorney! nt Lam And Solieltnro In Rankraptcy. Oflir
50. CO court sterol-000r Clry Stational Ranh, Din
bamwo .N. Y. W Ii Scovru.,
June 115th. Int. Jranx. Deenrr
Bartholomew eof New tilfortl,Sossin. ban
naPo.. deceased. Lotter. of Atlmlnt.i.roup.,
the son) e.tale hating been gralitet to the undersigned,
all persons Owing said estate, am requested tomat.
Immediate payment , nod all persons having Claim
twiltist said estato ore reqiiesteilto present them telthou
Jana lAD:, 1973.—w6
Maroa-c>ess. Csffioc),,
1101117.2.05 E. PL
The nigheqt cash prim paid Inr Butter at
Yew York Quntat lons, as a guide.
June ISth,
Furniture And Cabinet Ware Store,
In R. S. znntre CuilJlne
So-sr coMperative Store : formerly known ne S. S
W.IICII 1 01 l'En Full. SALE.
Glbron,Pc. done ISth,
I i OR SALE—The Bann late ‘tt . igntrtnrt Al
de'd, Fling:tea about nagl a wile west
of tontro. , e. I)epoi, in flro.,klyn tan eon
abo,At 111 ar.r , , ol land mostly iniprov.
e.. Iwill i ft' 14 the utnler•iginal, executor 01
041.111, la attaTi, Ya
ELLlcrt ALanicu
Now 31ilford, Jan. 2a, IS73.—tf.
Itlontro.o, Pa
Tblo Ton Io pat nu In .51It TI.:IITIINCANISTF:I2B
prept,llig 11. inn strcnlttl, n Orli I. cyrtand)
a real
and u run and try It: merit:.
Montrose, April 9, I
Geo:F, Rowell Et Co
A GREAT CHER lifffeA,t7 l 4. 9 y.,*.
on disco . ref WO P1A170.3 0.26AN8 of first
coass makers, ir.end.o9 WATERS, .1 extremely
tiow price for cash. or part "Lis. and bamsce
small monthly P-IVllrot. New 7-Octave first ,lass
'PLAN..I3, all modern improvementa.for 8276 caaA.
osda.l4 855, 675. D008L.6-62.211 020ItNit. 2100;
4...61'0p, 6110; ei-sTor. 8125, amid aPwards
are the most bIsi:MITA style ond P erfect in tone
ever The CONCERTI nor Me best ever
placed in any Organ. fl is pro d,' by a mod eel
of wits peculiarly veicaik, Si, EFFECT of IrldrA is
MA ILEDfnrone :tamp. A Otreral dimming lo IlintAftrs,
&tods. Lodgss. AGENTS WANT
nera* Lo c al Age "
I the
Il e irunmSeieln Afet ne,l
Ilanbery Conn. * The PtirOin.
r/.3 est, and . easlent Lock-Stitch,
vAi riv Straight Needle Machlue the
,; 41
a m , n y r o ke o l ,
r lt co 'egle ,a o n be , tte 4 rjrn•them
^ NkIA . ' icart nobat: ceterr in t,
Danbury. Conn.
t E'rrr
No boiling necessary. A sap of delicloos Chocolate
made with It in two mfoutes. No waste. Packed In
pound an. Vanilla or platn. 1)110 dos. In box. Un
equaled es a confection for lnneb. Pprcad on crarkrrs.
altb a glass of milk of hand to de'nlc. For meninx
Soda II um Spun or thavorton Leo Cream it soperior
to any Chocolate made ; and for Choolste Cake. nolh
MX else a tll be rased uhrre this has been tried. For
ante by J. T. WARREN .It CO...Plnclenati. U.
In this township to r•j. the tea - . kklankle.4l4
fast selling boon, by Dr. ;30LIN COWAN,
Zito crienct of 4 "letti Xift,
Recommardril and endored by prominent mit:doter,
pbyplcinn,..relkionv end !Ott pap. rv , Ndoi per book
like It published: Rot per work .2 - netrant* , ..d.
ce WAN 6 CO.; .1139 Binloh 4.. N.Y.
Wilt° far n Price List to S. U.
Ssolthflatd St. Patera:rah. Pa.
Inndlon oksot 400 a, ptJ io vau. poubin Shot
Goon,s.B to $1.71. Olonti Non Con., t.s SZ,
Si tos7s. Atev..)rimt, $5 to sxs, Pl.toto. $s sB.
lion Material. Fl.o.billilAckle_tx.. Lugo OiticoOntfto
Desk!, tool Club'. Army Oohs.. Itusvlrrreolc., bought
or sration tor. insodi r, la by ix preis C. 0.. D. bo ex
amined befure pals for.•
Sal ~week grlnlnVtecil. hen - astable umployinent at
hour!, day or ereuing•, no capital 'required; fuU In* true.
Clone aud valuable package of goOds *eat free ht
Addeo*, with tit call; return atamp,ll. YOUNG &
IGlandt tat, N. Y. •
5 tit) - $24) rat DaNI Acttlf/ wanted N
.All elsbees-ot working people;
Of eltharacm,youngor old. make more.meney at work
for CA in theirre momenta or all the. Woo than at
sorbing CO ,
Mineola» free. Addreaa G. , 67/N.
501 V, at CO,, Portland Maine. ;
Clothing, etc
g. 0
cE Q
.e. r ,
C> 03
.... • 0:1 W
m-i - - as *-1
. Z ~, , d N
z • Z 4.
cn •-1 r/2 44
'o 0 o % •
toi pi '-
g 44 . "ti " c--)
E. O g 4 t;4 .. ei
411 W W a
< !- - :j .
44 41 V
Q .
< •
Montrose. May. VI, 11
AA the Popular Store of
.. *ranbautu & Oa.
Ton via and a
Nrw Stock of Rcudy-Made flO hiug
New grills for !thy.
Neve Fuito tor Youth,
New Suit. Jot M.
New Stock of Cloths for Cus-
torn Work
New Caw , laser.,
New etwithigyr,
New Veylltgt•
New Stork of Dress Goods.
cew rtheit Silk.,
NUM . 8115 Wain,
New Limn t•
New Colored Alpacas,
New Black
Near Oreoadinea,
New Or alone,
New Week ruppna,
New Lluen Urea. Atoudii.
Mesa Oen.. its Voiiaty.
New Stork of White Goods.
s e w ;iterate!, and,
rw met.. Mello,
New Plato ant Striped Nonanoka,
New erred and utr.pedJacaut
New Drepety
New si•tiingharn 1.14 . 011,
New Mat...tale. and Boner Co et. Qnilte
Nan. Linen rob e Derna.k
Now lat“. 11 Towel, and Napititta, etc.
New Stork of 31i1.1i/lery
New Trimmed tint• for Ladle,.
Nese Trimmed Ilene fur 11keel. And
Chi &en.
New Cut:lamed Hata tu Great Varlet;
New Itilituine. •
New Turqua
New Lae., II undo, etc,. de.
ic..w Stock or Shards..
Now t±kie and Comet..
New (4, - er au , . Lie). Thread. do.
New Ktnbrodertre b Lam,.
Ncw MaRCIle• Trimmings nod Fa Inge.
Now PRIM our! 011(.1
New and Motu..
New II dr t!...ltehrp and Draldr.
Nrar Mora Collate nod ('nff•,
N.... Lace Collars and Putll.oze.
New Col!arre i and roping►.
New !Arlie. Ile" am) Bowe.
New Fichae and t. arty
New DIVIIS Trimmluge. rte.
NON Stook of barpetp
New 011 Made*.
New Stock of Domestics.
New 11-4.55-4. S-4, 4-4 Stittlino,
New Lire+ ul Prima.
New Pen -11..
New Gitigbams.
New Stock of Cussieneres.
Neer CattonadeA.
New Mums far ?dens' sad Boys' Wear.
New Stock of Gents' Furnish-
ing Goods.
New Het, ard.Caps.
Neer Ties and Scarf*,
New Shirts. Collar,, sod con
Ive, Linen Wrapper,.
Now Trariaa and ewtelaele,
New Cmbrellas, etc.
gar•We buy onr goods to kir:ego:toll:I CP FOR CASA
I—nabFfer'al'o'thrra'n'd them
! n ; s ne f tt o t m at fi c ot ' t s o t tn A p ' r e l i c i e ' s n . gal's
tyrwE DEFY ALL COMPETITION. in soy form.
whether to or out of town. Ilavloz been twtabllnbed
In thin place for nearly twenty yearn. wu can with pride
refer to oar pdst mood for rale dealing.
M. S. DESsACEIL limuethr Partuer.
.llcontross. Slay le, 1573.
Hardware ani ffachinery.
Steam Engines.
The Best & Most Complete Assortment
in the Market.
Theme Venn bare asap mrdstatned the very
Matted staard of execlienee.. We soaks the
saanufsetare nd
sPedalty We hare the lowest And mod man
verb °Abe Ida& in Oar conatry, with
spodally adapted to the work.
We kcap roustater in proem kw I=rdaret et
Ee t ,whkhtraturtle&atthe lowed prices
the shortest notice. We M i lle, rnededl, adapted to Moss Bev Itins, Odd al
T Oates Olds, Vocal= and all classes
of nuenufachuing. • •
We are new tsuldtag the celebrated Laket Men
fiss WU, Us* teat and roast ceattpkts saw etla
rocs invented. 4 '.
We mato the =Wad= or Saw Ifin O•eits •
spatial feature of our business, awl can Sunda
econdete an Ow shortest notice. •
Our dos In all eases is to tussles the bed sass
shinny to
b theeauty marled M , and cork alsolletedy
for atra, eC•OO3
I.4i tre o.2m,Ux , Ilia Listll7llad
'llTICili N. IG.
New Adieitisements
To aci act to erect the town of Montrone In the county
of Susunehnons Into a borough, approved Marsh twin.
ty:olne, one thonenod eltdat hundred and tweet dour.
• ;tem.'s B
• ~ It enacted by the &nabs and Ham of
Repzurenlatires of the Colamontrazda or •Anteayteanieto
Generol.larewbto met, and it he hereby *adored by rA•
authority Isst from sad after -theflwage
o f ibis act town council of said borough of Mot:a
rose shall have full power to regulate the roads,streeta,
intro. alleys. common sewers, public equates, common
unmade, font wolks, par.:melee. hullers, culvert., and
drains. id-Lomat:lt, and the itrights.gradellwidtha, •
dose. and form. thereof. and shall have all ocedful
Jurisdiction over the awe to require .od direct the
gr sdinc. nuthihje, paving, anti guttering of the side or
foot write by the owner-0r - others of the lot, of
groom, re.pectl‘cly frontirg thermal. and to Mom the
cacao to be done on folio re of the owners tbertol with
in the time prescribed by general regulation re be Made
by rata town council. and to Collect the cost of the
work and material with menu per cerium s u leab,..•
tnereosi front sold owners, as claims cud by law n.
coverable ender the prorielons of the law relative
lei - pens particulars Of ouch labor
and ra deride. the names of the octant or reputed ern
er or owner. ens hi,. of thu occupier or occupiers of
the premise, for the tiller beln4.'shall he Set forth la a
statement to be Bled within slaty days after such as
penses shsll hare been SD, a red. -
Socrtme 2. Trott all 1...6 or parts of laws inottosist
tut berowithhe and are hereby repealed.
W. ELLforg. !Apo-thee of the Mille of Rep's.
Oyu. 11. AND 6 OSON, Speak r of the Scoate.
Aecriosen the. seventeenth day of May. Anon IlumL
at, ono thous.tna eight hundred ma aosenty.three.
ileY Cc, 1573.-4 w
New Stock or Good. it tbo "Head of bfavlrstlos.--
A. N. BIILLASD 1.9 constantly re,civing lama addi
tions to IA stock GI: 0 CER 11:. . A
at his old atnntl at tile !Low of Nair tgatton, sacra any
W 010.1; Or
Ind the very .beet arti , lce tbst cna be
29 '' IC) lialV I,
In any gr - ocri bonro in tl. town. The old system ot
slow emirs nod small ptudgs Is
3D3M11-30 0
or ought Ix Ix. and In Ito stead the better system of
quick retro and einall tirollte, and by setting for ready
pay only. there will b. uti b d dente to mato up front
good cnatiaraers. Call
and axe - lit-Inc my goode and premand ice If they do not
compare Lvorably with auy other house In
nix fc. 3ta. 'co :sm.
A. 2 1 7. B ULLA RD.
dontrop.a. Aprl'..C. 1573.-tf.
Cade Sam's Favorite Child F.
the Worl t
E- I=
:., il
Fine rahla Cat'-err, bfamord
and a geurra: rol N.l,..:cll3Terelandl.e
.hc7l3:n..!c, and the very beef VioNu Stringn.
2Sontraie. May 7. Is7a.
For Sale
neat Estate for Sale.
4112 The Subscriber offers for sale the
following Real Estate = to wiL
The Farm
.• • rtoott7rt Farm,.` situate tr. Crtdr...2-
tor low.hip, S.oudaluoa shoot too mitre
east a M.lutruoc lf.rron h. 50. , 1,41.1u:z 1:.O .cret , or
And graft. laud. about 25 pt. Er, of tomb r.
a g ood form house mot ontbulltdoz.„a doe oraord of
choke fret. melt aratortd. and hdapt,d for dstrying
pa pose, Stock. dAir* fixture,. rood
mitt he sold willlthe stuns if doairvd, unloss rrlstoos
ty dlsposud Of.
Also, a Lionise and Lot,
Atmore In the Itornoch of New Milford. Susquehanna
‘7.ltany. Pa.. pleasantly located on the Main Wee?, near
the centre of the town. Lot t , 43 fact hunt, a good cot.
Yetlent two-story dwelling. a Goat shwa garden spot,
and a coarealcat well of good Maar.
0 .0
00, 00
0 -
0 ,
Al5O n Farm of Fifty
120. fourth of a milo Trona the.horonch of Now Milford.
....incr.% improved. and the ba•ance well t Irahired.princi
pally with chevtnat And hemlock. A good Wald feet
Nary. and a thrifty Soon; orchard.
Also, the Hotel Property
known ns the CH' MBERLIN HOTEL, In Gibson het
. . .• . . _ . . . . . . .
101 T, Ousgoehanno Co„ P. contsinliw IV) fiCrt, of land,
mostly Improved- all n lintel, Wagon Barns and out
buildings. Convenient either as a total or for fuming
and dairy purposes. , .
Also n
for the man a facture of Ode- Urinefly; - In:ffaod rrrnalnt
order.lately ceenpletrby R. C. Vail. decenred.and Alton
O perches of laud adjacent to the afureaald prop-
made easy to omit the purchaser. upon good security.—
For psrticulars lottuire of E. B. LarsloT. Drisocus?
Qce.Montrose. Pa.. or of the' subscriber oo tho Urania
'Stouts, Farm. Schiz:eater, Pa.
April M. Ifr3.-If.
Drags and Medicines.
DRUGGIST,, M 3 :522.3:0'5r.,
continually reeeleinp, .Nr:w GOODS, and keep. con
tinually on timid a foil and desirable fl,..fftracht of gen
t:inn M EDICIN REM ICALS. Paint:, oils,
Dyestuff", TEAS. Spica,. And other groceries, OE/ne
m:re, p Tor, glacc.wam, fruit jar., mirror. lumps,
chimneys, keroceue. machinery 4,11., Tanner.' oil. bats.
foot rained Whaly Oil, oil for lanterns. oil for
4- wind machines, °Deo OE, Sperm Oil. 9pinie YnfPeo
tine., Varnieties, Caner) Sec d. C Inrlvsr.Polur ford es
trated Lye. Axle reine e, True s re. 6np torte re. Nrdirnl
Inytntroelds, tilionlder firnruP, SSLII., Gone,
CSrtridg ,, f , FOwden Shit. Lead, Gen Cape, Elactibe
Poled,'" and Fuss. Vidalis.s.Stting". Dowe.etc. 1E1`".•
Piles. et e..F lab llookcasdlinea.liir nod Tolle' Sea pe,
live 011 a. lisle Rectory'''. and ValelDu.b.•
Pocket Relive., Spcntacicr. Sliver and "diner 'Pieced
Spoons, Fotke, Knives, 'be" Dedti et A:ficlos, a genet
al accortment of
All [het ending and beat kinds of
The people are Invited to call at the Drag and Variety
Stored ADM.
. Feb. 1.1813. Ealabllabee 1546.
, .
11311 D fiTliffEz
4 ^ •
BURNS cO A7CIIO LS, PRorsizrota
BUM OP ins GOLDEN E. 401.11 AND /1011 TAO.
ra r,o Mcrols..Wicomitrciao.
We desire toe* , to the public that our stnre Is well
clerked with Dregs, Dledletnee, Paints, Oils, Varnish,
Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Fancy Ankles; Pro Pe t.
taq and patent PrePar.itions, and all other alleles nen•
ally kept In lint class rintg.stares. We peasants* our
Ronda genuine and of the hest quality, and will b sold
allow piens/LW ewe. Itespeethely Team.
- - A. ft. 1313115 e.
, . .
linatrese. Pet 13,187& AMOS 11/CIOLS.