The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 04, 1873, Image 2
THE DEMOCRAT. E. B. HA WLEY a.CO., Edithrs llontrise, Web egai, Jrini 4th; 'llaErtz is not to-daLik country rope which, is trodden so releOlegs4 u 9 7, dt.r the: iron heel of the. , military - :ut the state.of- Louisiana, or Allem „so. tention is paid to the voice of the peOple. Poland has been cited,but the government there is liberal compared to Kellogg's usurpation. Grant seems to be.teatirig the endurance of our people Wits fullest extent. . ' Titz Washington Star remarks thrit Chief Justice Chase was the lost of his line; that neither he nor his brothers- 7 ' who all died before him—left any : Wide deeendants, and that, tberefure, branch of the family .11t1M0 will become extinct. We believe the same may be said of his two illustrious predecessors, Judges Taney and Marshall e and this makes of- the matter a. curious .comet, deuce. • • • THE , rascally proceedings in Louisiana are of such a character that even the most thorough partisans and frien?s of Grant cannot sustain them. Bore is an utterance of the Res. Henry Ward Beecher on the subject: "The condition of Louisiana-is alike perilous and scandalous. if Congress the last session had had the necessary in• dependence and firmness and the sense of justice which the occasion rerfuired. the President would have had no excuse for supporting by the' bayonet -a. State government in Louisiana which'the most distinguished itepublicetr Sennteii hate declared founded upon an infambus usurpation." Ws have never noticed the fourcon troverb-y between the Rev.lienrir Wank Beecher and certain of his friends—for we may so call them, since it seems they 'compounded?' their difficulty es if it bad been a mere bond robbery a city. treasury. We give their :'lsolstnri . league and covenant," which was Tarnished by a friend of Mr. Beecher to • the New York papers, and by which, it seems, they agreed to say nothing more "about their mutual criminations,and retract , and re voke all that they have alleged about eabh other. We believe, however, that they have since broken this compact. We will give them a free insertion of the rremarkrble document in another column. And these are lights and leaders of Badhailiaml IVni, the steam of steam furnace pipes set a building on fire? A New'York city . fire marshal thinks it may. The Scien-. tifin American thinks it cannot 7 It main tains that "all the steam cau ,do, even when superheated, is to .make the wood hot and dry r and to predispose IV to catch fire," ufld adds "that steaM pipe predis peSe wood work to COmbiittiop,aita may assist the spontartious combustion, which is apt to commence in rags soaked with any animal or vegetable :oil, .cannot be-denied; .but then, any heating appar atus will do the same, and . steam is, iu this respect; not so dang,emni as 'a drat% of hot air: proceeding furnace, in which a leak from a steam tube is utter ly harmless.,, * regard to-:sponttineous combustion,any danger of that,from oil may be avoided by using fir .Itibricating petroteuni: This material' is' not 'apt to oxidation ur spontmeous.heating, ati one of our esteemed carrespondents cliscev r era and published: in our._ paper .sever al, valttablo properti is now 0183 • publically retignised in/ En awe." • .TIIE little regard, which; we Americans have for preserving. the greet memorials of the past is shown In the fact that the grave etGeneral Nathaniel 'Mien' who , died in Savanah, Georgia,.in known.. Net to .Washingnity Green iv . as the ; most distingnishe4 military character' of the American refolution.-• To his ability we one that Southern campaign .of 1781, which liberated . Ninikand South_ ..Clarolina.from Britiah, Laid •.Corniralhs,and the Brit ishartnv to York :town, Virginia, where they were •lattel , ward captured and_the.erar ended. lied died m England; bi the service ''or thatoonntry, he-would have-had a Splen did naonument in Weatnainster-abbeY or in S&, Paul's cathedraL have not improved in . that respeOtl.zsince.'Greeii% death, mall who have seen - the neglect. , ed, tomb of Ilarrison'at North Bend 'will testify. The chances are "that before' a century ispast the burial, _place, of our nOrthwestertl President Up .to .'this' time, and the hero of the war of 1812; will be unknown. Help to Pak the -Oalary Steal. %. a Afterlaly first the srbic4lx;iB papers will be called upon - . ti):PaY,twelYty cents a year as postage:—The, memory of men who Are not, gray headell td the time when papers trere . not carried ,freo witliM the .cnunty . of publi cation. Bat -subscribers: - should mot cherish bard feelings apiiiist;the noble` army of ..Gongrnssnien;, - remember twat it is sircet to blectilor one's country: That twenty centsa.yenz will .go a short ray towards paying' the salary steal. It will also help to enrich president - Grant with's inan.dred thousand` dollars more 2thait:hertzrCeil to' ie .terin R 10 T9i 3 ^Granted. therrlid :will Ai) some: thinetqw4di ftic.ouhlingangiessional , curriesfa: - tpe l fritiliC. - --f. Let ; the people ‘4 1 :4 4 1 1.1. "To give up to party; stllat .nratlatet,Jbr ,I,(rnraPler enCfr,.• pocake:britiOir'Dsrusdin its, ldsw Yoittr..;— , The Local 'Option bill -which waspisied by the New York Legislature spa VeloieilbPativernor Dix. proPosedttt, allow each .community to decide by a vote "Of the people Whether fhb ltalVo in 'liq uor should or should not be licensed with in their respective districts. The veto was based on the grounds that the bill is unconstitutional, us it compells the peo .pla*.probibit absolutely, or virtually accept,,em,y,bevemge which can possible intoxicate, including even beer and cider, thus leaving them no choice but every kind of liquor whatever. The governor thinks some freedom of choice shoubeld allowed. . The temperance men hoped to be able to pass the bill over the Governor's veto by a tcio-thirds vote, but the result in the Assembly on disappointed them, the motion, to do so being defeated—yeas 52, nays 60. The President Puts flu Foot Into It The newspapers are indulging in merri ment ovet. President Grant's speech at Galena. We present it in full. "Although it is probable that Imever will live among you, but in the future be only a visitor, ri.s I am at present, yet I hope to spend Some days with you every year and remain longer than I have been „able to'tbis time, and I expect to cast my vote here always. I repeat my thanks for this cordial reception." Som'e of the western newspapers do not understand how the President has the right to vote where ho doesn't live, any more than any other citizen. Some of the more charitable critics incline to the opinion that his excellency was some what confused and obfuscated, rnd that he did not know exactly what he was say ing. The Beecher Scandal. To Oa .Pitora of Me Tribune Sin: It is high time that the ctorrent of slander against Henry Ward Beecher be arrested. I have in my possession a 'copy of a disavowal. of all the charges andimputations against Mr. Beecher ever made vllenry C. Bowen, which was ere chted on the 2d of April, 1872. With out Mr. Beecher's knowledge I have held this in any hands from that time to this. And now, without his knowledge, I give this document to the world, and estop and convict the principal offender against truth, public decency, and the rights of redemption. Lily inducement to do this is the fact that Mr. Bowen has of late repeatedly de clared that ho had never disavowed his charges against Mr. Beecher, but that he yet insisted on their truth. And now.the public can understand the brave silence which the great preacher has kept lintler this protracted storm of slander. 'He had covenanted to bury the past, and to main tain peace aud , brotherhood• The viola dm of shat agreement by Hen ry t. Brown unseals ilymoutt, if it does not open the lips of the pastor of Plymouth Church. SrrEoLti. .NEve Your:, May 29, 1873. • We three men, earneitly desiring to re- move all causes of offense existing be tween us, real or fancied ; and to make Christain reparation for injuries done ox supposed to be done; and to effaae the disturbed past and provide concord, good will and love for the future, do declare and convenant, each to the other, as fol:- lots: 1. I, Henry Bowen,baving given credit perhaps without due consideration, to tales and inuendoes affecting Henry Ward Beecher, and being- influenced by them, as was natural to a man who receives im pressions suddenly, to the extent of re peating them (gradually, however, and Ns-akin limitations, and not fur the pur pose of injuring him, but strictly in the confidence of consultation,) now feel that herein I did him wrong. ' Therefore, I disariii all the charges and imputations thatlave been attributed to me as hay ing been made - by me against Henry Ward Beecher, and I declare, folly, and without reserve,tbail know nothing which should prevent me from extending: to him my most cordial friendship, confidence anti Christain fellowship. r And I expressly withdraw all the charges, imputations and innendoes imputed as having been made and uttered by me,and set forth in ,a letter written to me hy- Theodore Til ton'on the Ist day of January, 1871 la copy of -which letter is hereto annexed)_ and Fsincerely regret•havtng made any imputations,charges or innuendoes nnfa vorable the Chrtstain oharactsr of Mr. Ditcher... And I covenant and promise that for nil future time I will never, by word or deed, recur to, repeat or allude to any or either of said charges, impnta• tions and innuendoes. - • . . . And 1, 3 Theodore Tilton, do, Of my free will and friendly spirit toward • Ileurje C. ',Bowen and Henry Ward Bet Cher - hereby "covenant nud agree that I wilt never againrepeat,byword of mouth or othewise, any - of - the allegations, or imputations or innuendoes contained in my letter'hereutito anneked,or any other iujnrinas imputations or allegations sag gested'by or growing oat of these—and that:l will never again-bring up or hint at any canoe of difference- or ground of complaint heretofore existing 'between the said henry Boweifand tnyselfp• or the S.iid'lleury Ward•Beeoher. ILL And I, Henry. Ward Beecher, put the 'past forever out of sight and out 'of memory. I deeply regret 'the i:xitises of suspicion, jealousy and • eStrangernent which hare come between ns. a joy to my -old regard - .for - Hen p: Bowen and Theodore Tilton ",reitorei' and a happiness to, resume'the old relationsof kve, respectand reliance to each and both of them.. WI "have said anything injurious to the reputation' of eitber,or have detracted fropri their etagd lug and fame as Christaiti gentlemen and members - dray eh nrch,l revoke it all,and heartily. .covenant to repair and reinstate', them to the extent of my power,. ISigriedl Down,. Tampon TwroN, • /1. - MBr.acinn,- 331rooklyn; April: 2,1372. hilstar York Times adrjs. ,teo ' this - d letter of Tilton.LO.l3ovreakehearsing numy ictuultdottebergas . . made by ftiax- - .agam: st Beepll6:4 jdittie;',lo 1871 . • • Tho:War of toe liteknpoos. WasErzinToN, Miy2,3.—TheSecretary of War too-day received the following telegianiSrom 1 - Aeute:nant General Shen dim; dated - Chicago last "night - "General Augur telegraphs that Colo- - nel Mackeniie, with six companies of the 4th Cavalry, 'and: twenty-five Seminole scouts, struck a camp'of Xickappoo and Liposn Indians,about eighty miles from Fort Clark, Texas, early. ,on the 11th ult., having marched nil the night, pre nineteen Indians, wounded two, and captured one buck, a former. chief of the 'ape sr and forty-one women and-children, besides destroying two villages with their accumulated pro &ay-. .He - had had three of his men wounded, one mortally. He had .alfeady over fifty captured ponies." The despatch is silent as to the precise locality where this fight took place, say ing nothing about its being on Mexican tern to FURTHER INDIAN NEWS. The latest news from the Modoc war is good news. The hot Spring Modocs, numbering 55 men, women and children have surrendered unconditionally to Gen. Davis. The number includes 15 war riors, some of whom•are among Captain Jack'sliest mon. The remainder with Captain Jack, will bir vigorously pushed until the war is ended. A dispatch from Fort Sill, Indian Ter itory, reports the murder of Nadawah, principal chief of the Washita Indians, hy the Osages. It is feared that the \%asbitns cannot be prevented from im mediately taking the war path against the ()sages. The murdered chief was a great friend of the whites. Seventeen years ago, when one of his warriors killed a settler at Fort Arbuckle, "he promtly brought the wwitgqin's head to the fott." SAN -FRANCISCO, May 28.—Troop F. of the First Cavalry, under Colonel Per ry, will start from Fair-childs to-day for the Pitt River country to intercept Cap tain Jack and his band, if possible, and also ascertain . the temper of the Pitt Riv er Indians. Twenty Warm Spring *lndi ans go with Perry. One 3locloo warrior, with his squaw and four children,came iu and surrendered May 27. SAN Fitintsco, May 28.—Bogns Charley, Shia:hasty 'Jim, Hooker Jim and Steathboat Frank, after a conference with General Davis and a ride -through a portion Of the Lava Bpd, have been for- nished four days' rations, horses and Springfield rifles, and'startea on the trail of Captain Jack. The proposition . trade by them is to kill him or capture him with the rest of the band. General Davis is satisfied of their loyalty. Unfortunate Boston. Bosrox, May 30-9:15 .t. n.—A serious fire is now burning in the business por tion of the city. ltcunmeneed in Wash ingtAin street. MAY' 30-9:35 A. 31.-A fire broke out a little after eight o'clock this morning, and is now raging on both sides ui Washington street, near Boylston and Essex streets. The Globe theatre is de stroyed. Northwest winds prevail. MAT 30-12:15 P. 31.-The fire is now completely undo control. MAY 30.—1 t is impossible to give at once all losses or even the names of the losers by the fire But it can be said from Avery street to Doylston street, on _the west side, Washington . street, is mearly,or quite destroyed. On.the other 0.. 11.-rcxlmt. P. little is left to show what • existed there- at eight o'clock this morning. Tu E LOSSES. - The losses on * the buildings destroya, at the assesor's valuation, foot up $569,- 500. Deducting twenty per cent. on sal vage on buildin g material the actual loss on reel eiltatelet4ss,ooo. The Globe theatre company saved near yell theit' Wardrobe. ' At a quarter past ten companies J and K of the Ninth regiment, who were in the procession for the .decoration parade at South Boston, left- the line and pro ceeded to the scene of the conflagration, And did good serviceimkeeping back the 'crowd so that the Bremen could work. About the same time a company of ma rines from the Charleston -nary yard. drairing a hose carriage, appearad on the scene and were greeted with cheers. Lpss DiTI3IATE'D AT 81,000,000 Benjarein Cushing, of the board of as- . seasors, estimated the loss by , fire at $l,- 000,000. HAhreonn May 30.—The total. losses of the Hartford insaraem companies by the Boston fire will not etude $BB,OOO. The, only notable building destroyed by the fire appears to have been the Globe Theatre. Brief Sketek , of the Pope's Life. John Mitstai Ferretti—Pope Pions IX-- was born on the 14th of May, in the year 1792, at Sinigaglisi- near Ancona. He received miner-m - 4m ,in the ehurob on the sth of January, 181 r; subdeacon's order 20th 'of December, 1818; deacon's Gth of March, 1819; and was ordain priest on holy Saturday, ,the same year, at the hands of Monsignor Caprana. 110 celebrated his first.rnass on the 10th of April, 1819. In. early life he served in the Guard of Nobles, during the Pontifi cate of Pions VIL When is young priest betas engaged for -a , special mission to Chili. He was subsequently Archbishop of Spoleto and of Imola. lie was pro claimed . Cardinal on the 14th of Dec ember 1840, and was created Pope on the IGth, and crowned on the 21st of June, VAG. His crosses and trials base been many and severe. Special Noticea. naslroxiamr.inav srolttr.s, Stitt on-receipt 6143 ovots,7 "Untotte Ftrlntik:and Put:t ile'log Eloneo, tri Ir..vey Street, Neer York. • • Aos2llls ere' 16 , self our ncsi W. 4.3 TED' l VottlnoVareO . IrmlatCf4Z " PoTe 1!=1. 8 0 9 Bluidwir. Nov York.:, • • ' TIES 'PARLOR COMPANION. ' Eeerytedy wants one! Every.SIIIII Might ID WIT(Mtle Bent cnieeelpt of Ten Celan. Addreec . • ,L“ P. HIDE co.; Tr. liteecath Atenue, N. r 77111 BEIIIitrITLI ST) Portable Fatally Scrimp Maciticie on al tins Trial Many adman:or over all. Eatittfact ion guaranteed, o f. 20 refunded. Sent complete; with fall directlaus. Baknith,tionint•ltschLno,Co.. proadway.ll..T. ' • -TVS =IT, HAILSTIC 712r4F., An Important Invention— It retains tho Radiate M all y tirues,andfulder the hardest exeseireor severest strain.. It Is worn wish comfort; and If kept on night and day, effects a permanent cure In a few weeks. gold cheap, and seat by Mall when requested. Circulars free. when ordered hy letter-sent- to The Elastic Trues Co.. No. dZid Nroudwan New York -City. Nobody ases.hteral dpriuy, Tresses: too plop; slip off too frequentlf. • Forg`Ati. pigri an wutnito TO IVOEL 4r Maid OtyoPg. or (althop aor: gut nuiltairom eq, sso pet weak., atAoute day or evening. ' Wanted '. roll. tioltahlt to elthaittliVot aotintr7eiindW47'ldatqa • the year. Telp Is o rate opportunity for Moe ere* are out of work and .ant of money s to mate an lade. pendentlliihr7ll6 tpltal bele rrequlred. Chrpamph• et, "HOW TO MAKE: AILIVING," &log foil' Etuanni Hone. eent op retelpt of ten ceath. Address. A. BURTON. CO., Morel/arca, Westchester Co., N. Y. MEASeLV.4 POISONS as raz MOM. „ The ratriattliSlooknno - mercury . , - tobismoutlf no iodine, no bromide of potassium, no stryc hart; niroinine. Happy old gentlemen t they did notsven know of the existence of these ye(gielriTed until it iseenced" as if Death had forgotten Them. Their mede cineswere herbs and roots. They have left this fact on record, and the ti seems to be now taking hate' or it abd durtilny, to, UM:first principals of medication. liosieites Stom ach Dtthira,. the -purest , :rind,snost .41:11cacious vegetable reatetallve of The, day, Isithe most popular: 4 ThoilsandiT "of — piairiins' w ho only a few years into believedintplicitly in all all the poisons which figure In the pharmaccepia, now pronounce, this palatable tonic and alterative en all-auftleient remedy fur dyspepsia, nervous debility, constipation, 'billions complaints, head ache, intermittent fevers, and nil the ordinary disturbances of the stomach, the liver, the dis charging organs - and the brain. iThe time is not rat distant when most of the, powerful and veno mous drugs now so recklessly admistered by practloners of the "horde" school, In cases that might easily be controlled by milder treat ment, will be utterly discarded by all philoso phical physicians. As It le, the thinking public, who are generally ahead of the prof rationale. have already pat the dangerous prelraratton aside and adopt Hostetter'. littlest. In tlo ir stead and safe anti excellent household In...dories. ad apted to almost every ailment except the organic and deadly contagious disease, For more than twenty peen this famous restorntive and preventive has heen annually strongthuirte Ito hold upon the pubsie con fidence, and It now tales the lead of every advertleed ruder-inn tunfactured- to this conutt7. REAS'ONS wgr"TIIE PAIN KILLER, MANITTACTrIIED DV runny DAVIS & SON In TILE ttrarr&MU SIFMTCrIE OF TtrE AGE ! And trhy it tkaald lie altrays kept near at hand : Ist. Pain-killer is the most certain Cholera care that medical science tins produced. 2nd. a Diarrlim and Dysentery remedy, seldom it ever rails. Brd. Pain-Killer will cure Cramps nr Pains in tiny part of ihe system. A single dose usually effects a cure. 9th. Pain-Killer will cure Dyspepsia and In• digedtion, if used aceordiug, to direr.. tinns. sth. Pain-Killer is an alMost never failing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc. 6th. .Pain-Killer has proved a Sovereign lte.mcdy for Fever-and Ague, and Chill Fever ; it has cured the most obstinate 04-SCS, ill. Pain-Killer as a liniment is unequaled fir Frost Bites Chilblains, Bunts, llrtd ses, Cots Sprains. etc. Bth. Pain-Killer Las cured cases of Rlieuma .tisni and Neuralgia tater:roars standing. Bth. Pain-Killer will destroy finilS, Felons. Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief from Pain alter the first appplieation. 10th. Pain,K.lller taut> Headache, and Tooth ache. 11th. Pain-Killer will 'save nut days of sick ncx; and many a Dollar in time and Doctor's Bills. 12th: Pain-Mier is a purely Vegetaltle prep aration, ante to-keep anti to use in every fatally. The simplicity attending its use, together with the great variety of diseases that mityjr entire. ly ea - attic:tied by it, and the great =Mint of pain and suffering that Call he alleviated through its use, make it Ilhpf.rative upon every person to supply themselves with this cabin - Mc meetly, and to keep it always.near at hand. . Thu Pain-Killer Is muss known and ap preciated it; rvery quarter ,A the Globe. Phy• sielans rercnniniend it' isMilerimietice, while alt etas: .osk.ty have fund In It relief and comfort. GAT it a trial. lit' sure and duty the genuine. F.very Druggist. and nearly every Country Grocery throughout the NO keep it for sale. New :Advertisements A I.IDITOIifINOTICE,. The nnaerftsord. an Auditor 111.. appointedity the Vonr: of cons - non Plea. or Sue. qnchanna Campy ter.dlstriteno the fonds to the hands of the Sheriff, arising (met the s ,le of.the per.ortel eery of 11. S. Sar.arle.•trilt att«tol. to the tioties of appolntmont at hts Witte. in irolltfinka . on Taos/lay. the Sth day of JOI r..A. If. 1e73. s et too o'clock. p, m.. when •I 1 person. fogeys' - led - wilt pros , 'nf their Onion. or ho for Ors debarred fttad edirdUs; ridd fend. Auditor. - .cuAria- nr 'Baylor& Islters of..italcalbislralin4 fit Lbe said oTqato. ba•iltr beta granlocl To the nuacroi7orol. ow- Inc said estate, are rognagred to make Imme4lsle .s/meat. and, persons bedtv,, , ,.o.llbls against said ratite tit) rdrikiesled lb lorscr I 'Won 'T‘ ipi.nn &toy. PRISCILLA / • dm'rs. 11 C. SIV NOTICE, lE,RaNEEDTTCY D;strid•Voltrt of the ' "Statee. P I'rhitvgletrnict. The ondonotrued give. enter^ of lill, oppnfnt• swot to Aserfoncolo Osok.ZOives. nr t.itl I et t. of Stt-onehotnot Depot. In the (•"ruts of rmquehanun. sod lirtute.of•Pent orient - 11m sr Ithto Al•trkt. who hts hem ettjorked it Bahl:root tto crwit or e by the Dl•trfct Court or sOdDlFtr•r:. EPISEMILJ. CLIiR . knalcnce J. E. 13.1.711.120W5. "ktto; pry. bvpuchstak.Depot.,Tana • GREAT UNITED STATES TEA CO., BC StE 17G110LS, .19,W., Ipoutrase, Pa This Tea le pit spin AIR TIMM I'TNUANIBTEria there* preeerying Sixth!! atrenth, 'entail la serail:4 a great deeplaratarq. ilreall and ReVa'catearnl Iry Be tnerite. , . • .7 ,, . . . BURNS & NICRDI.S. Moutrosc, AprU D, 197a-3m THE lIAXIBLETONI AN A. AND PATCHEN STALLIONS MAX MARETiEttand (:CO- PATCMEN RAMBLE TON ,alll make the F.. 011 of 1873 for 70 Mal eft eath he. code the °slice., at the farm ol.Jahtee S. (Autaalt,xlear Montrusa. -• thECIA-Ig. - Ti2etre3tsZet3S.. 13ay.colt arab star, foaled May 2.1. Man. Shod by Kmur r kerboelinr, out of by Propbet, gratut dam Hanby • Brobte by A n.t.b e Son - of Oen. Paiehen, great grand darn. said to be an Inbred I:1;1.w mare. as Wat dim of Jmedc rataieu, who trotted Inside of t 45. hiimainnatoraira ntaaatred by l'sysdlrk's liambleton buts ot,Larly.ratehen by Qs, M. l'aaben, grand data by Ahdalrab the stye of Itarnbleton fan grswt &mold dam by. may ea the Are clam. l'a.rnwr waa sired by the . .borotighbred stallion .`Se to'," oat or ling Dudda by Itelnorn. ;mold dam by • Ilid• dleofx, cleat grand dean ,I)yelia or Imp. Eipeslltton. ICalaterbecter. propbel.:Anstin's Ken of Goo. hf Paten:l4lml old Gro.V.,Patehen sweat] bay or.bnawn !stallions. 10 hand. high. 4 3V . ?9,l~:}i9=am:AI:N . 1cm A mAtiopnr toy er brawn colt without marks, foaled lain. Sired by Knickerbocker, onl of Flora varehen tr AilethV a on of Gmr.ltf Patehen grand ttarn ertid to hare been•:sl.lrreo mlnato , friar* thud!, great krarid darn, n gre7 pacing mare, Falk to have pull In ibres minutes. ' • Tux, —s.oltolnauso.enbjecttothe toinalem.ddlons. For further paractinti ligtore for groom. . •. • :I Ntlll/3Nr. Mont:ono. PA... • Willem.. re> lem—w4 Cade Sare'sFavorite Child I Elgin WatchesihAll. at in the Worl I ! A ;pod 'stip , ; ou!l,!tao,ll , r on hand. SOLID SILVER AND PLATED *ADE , -Of qf rt.! MOW ti tS'Reclaqes, ,4 friterili Atitorgrizela Of - NuSied!• , -Neel ~ (I%very Ail Itt-lrf P111:11 I ft, Itoptrott.ry 7 1F9.: '• '7 B " For Sale, 'UDR BALE—Tho farm Late of Nathan ' drich, do'd, situated about b . alf a mile west , of Montrose Depot, In BroJklyn township, cqn• tattling about 111 acres at land mostly iniprat , ed. Inquire of the undersigned, executor of said estate, at New Milford,Pa. kim.toe ALDILICIL New Milford, Jan.,25;11373.—tf: Real Estate fbr Sale. ITia• The Subscriber offl:rs for sale the ZU. following Real.Estute, to wit: The Farm known ae"Robcrt Mom! Farm," situate In UrillitcYra` ter township, Susquehanna Co., Pa.. about two mars east of Montrose Moroayth. containing 130 tern of en. ceilent Mo. and grain land, about 25 arm of Umber, a good tom holm wa tered, g!. a Ono orchard of choice fruit. well and adapted for dairying ploporm Stock. dabs datums, and farming utensils. will . he sold with the Farm if desired, unless prarlona ly disposed of. 6 Also, a House and Lot, eltnate In the Borough of New 15111 ford, Bctroarhanna Goenty, Pa., pleaaantly located on the Main etreet, bear the centre of the town. Lot Eft X feet front, a good con• content twn•etoty dwelling. a good elzed garden *pot, and a convenient well of tmod water. Also a Farm of Fitly Acres, one. fourth of a tulip from the borough of New Millard, 25 acr•a Improved. mud the ba'aurt timhered.priuei pally with chevtnut and hemlock. A good BOVA feet barn, mud a thrifty youok orchard. Aloe, the Hotel Property know° as the CHAMBERLIN HOTEL. In °limn Hol low. Susquehanna Co.. Pa., .ntalninv 90 Acre. of land, mostly Improved, with Hotel. Wagon Baros and out. buildings. Convenient either a. a hotel °Oar (arming and dairy purports. Also a Distillery for the manntecture of CBle- Brandy, In good running order. lately ts-en pied by If. C. Volt, deceased.and shout B le•rehes of laud atijsecnt to the eforesald Hotel prop erly. izt made easy to snit the purchaser. upon gond security.— For partleuturs Inquire of R. D . Hawley. DrSIOCIUT Of fice, Montrone, Pc. or of the subscriber on the Hobert Moons Farm. Itridgexater, Pa. JOIN GAVITT. April 30. 1073.-tf. Clothing, etc - • CE 5 :: F. t 0 1 45 . c.) • i ll* 44 - 0 43 :-..= 1'; Z 44 )...4 E: 3 N % ci s Z 4 z " 7.7.7 0.4 ....„ , 1 • ,- ‘...' #.' C, a A w ;.I &•4 ..1 q T 1 " 1 , .... ria er, „" - t-, '—' - 1: ~...) ri) it "'" - F. ) &4 1;:i -0. 4 • U 1-4 p 4 a.OO, - gi w ^ , - ..-2. • 4 c:! . • ) 4 741 W i 0- , ' 1 r oni , . I Mont nag. MnY M l'`-;3. lATTMSTDV. G TO EVERYBODY DRY GOODS.CLOTHI NG tOEtr],oto, NITT.T.TNERY GOODS.IIOI. I SE-KEEP; - ING GOODS. HATS cAPS, El'C.. ETC. At the Popular Store of 6uttntlurg itoontbaum ITZEEM Nrw Stock of Ready:Emit eloihing. New gull! , for 'Bo r. Now Suite for Tooth., Now Mills fur 3.1.4. New Stock of Cloths for Cus tom Work. - IZ== New Cunt In;-! New Vextilban New Stock of Dress Goods. New Black Silk., New silk NVarp New Linen •• New Colored Alpaca., New Black • . New 'Grenadines, New Or. audio., New Warn Poplin!. New Linen Drere Ooods, NOV Drees Ooosit In Variety. New Stock of White Goods. New Merciele. and Pique., New tin - lre Few Plain 12M. Striped Nansookv , New VarredandtitripedJamnictia, New Drapery Nmlino, New Nctiinghlm Lades. New lilarcleleaned Honey Co übQpiila New Linen rabic Damao]: New 'Linen Towel. and Napkin., etc. New Stock of Millinery Goods. New Trimmed fiat. fur Lndlea. New Trimmed Ilate for '!tiers, and •• I , ietv Untrimmed Hale to Great Variety New.dowers Nett Ribbon. Nev Tarim 8110. Nev Liteet.iliond.T, etc.. ctc.: - New Stock cif thaWia. New Skier and Corsets. New Kid Morey and Lisle Thread, New Embroderles S Laces. • New hien:elle* Trlmminga and Fringes New• Parasols and Fan. • New Ilerirry and Caftenr. New Ilair Fv Itches and Braids. New Linen Collar. and Cuff:. N.w.Lnee Collars and Paining*. New Cohan:tiny and Pulling.. New Ladles 1 let sad Down. New Fichns and heart:. New Mesa Trimmings, etc. • --New. Stock of Carpeti New Olt Clothes, New Katt& New - Stick of `Domeatids. New 10-1. 8-4. .lel Siikill4l," New Lira 01 Fritts. ' • ; . - - New Perattes. . . New Uleglaaui. New Stock of Cusitneres. :sew cottonad.. . cur Linnins tor Mane and Boye W ii.. . . . New Stock of Gents'F,arnish . ing Gopoa. Now Itatf and Caps. NCT/ Tlmand Scirfo, Nrw 14111rta. Cullars, andtaills;' WrapperA. , New Trnatia and batntsili. New rnibrallat, *tn. - koiis in Liigequaiii FOR bA6I3 lagi i v them Av r !,, - a i iNe Tttr d=4ri ,War rE rg r cqup_orroN.-in aurtorm - 014het11 0 4r - ot AtoTo. beam pralthea in •p4c ;whiz atm. ZnAtiAl44 . ;Niter to oar put rFoort rot tiiir . (AMMO Ettk 111612iMM, t co. ngSVITERMAngiga POW! ' : 4 '" 1: . :490 pp', Thit . l4,lllT3. ' " No 'Mvertisements. EILVZIPAVE,E,:!fIeeIt Zgror.tonenYitary_t° 4 ke beequebannacounty, Pa.. have been granted ;to sus" subscribers, all pemon Indebted to the sand estate, are felluestadiabllkti WitaluEsio nalment. and ewe hat , lug claims or demands egoist the estate of thertEd flow undont, to make known the some without delay. a. H. WHITE, Executor., Auburn Centre, April 16, LOW. eCDtTOICS NOTICE.—The nadersigned, an Audit. or appointed by the Coen of Common Flame( etrs michstrna County, to distribute the funds to the Liber ia^. hands arising from the sale of mai estate of iobn Darter, will attend to the dirtiest ofllla sltt. et his office in Montrose, on Wtsfuesdny;3lnimln: Imfettl• one o'clock, p. m., at which time and Wares!' persons Interested la said fmsds wartprournt-lbalrAirkop orbs forescrdebarredfrouttoming in on laid Mad. • IL 11,,,p,„1,1)WIyi,, , Altilltor. illiatorcate:Vlsy 5it1616121; = • ; • VLOVR • . FLOV ONE ItLYNDRED .7tkiun of ettolco broods * for solo at the fitoro of Montrose. April SO, 1873.-01 110!YE DAIRIrRIEN: Priamor would respectfully tufo= the (Armen; that ho le tont• prepared to deliver bla • Improved Wheel Churning Marines 011 Short Notice rir Price, orders by mail rdomptly ant:a:Wad Price, delivered, $.6, gu. /h shop,ll3. Address, OEO. PALMER, Ltttic Meadows, Sanackanu4 May 14, 1813.-err. WANTED, 100,000 PONDS Of WOO The subscriber la also dealar to Anthracite and Bituminous C CO ALT-i. Can tam' hlt on either aide of the 'even. °Men at Rota C Learlea Store. J. 11. Srintrr; Groot Bond Vtilaget, Sorquottittos Co., Pa. Moy td . fait 7u. R Lyons St Co p AINTS AND OILS. B. IL LYOSTS - & Coss. Idol:drove, May 11, IS3. C EMPETEL . „ CARPCTS AT 31 CIMTS'AN'D tikrittD9 —Less than Prtce Mai 14,1 - 4. ror sat► by n. ft. toroNs h ce SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE. awl other 43VX.COCter1P9 At Low Firma ■t W ALL !ND WINDOIrPAPERS. A LARGE STOCK, AND NEW PAiIERN9 'RECEIVED Ev Vr »tit nor Frani THE 31ANUFACTORY:' 1 F - on :Sale by .• • • • . IL R. LYONS 16 'CO. Ley 11 ,181 srooL Tuazezo COAT'S. CLARK'S. 0. N.: T.. .E; JOHN CLARK'S SPOOL THREAD —WHITE. BLACK, z COL ORED—FI[OIf No. 8 - TO No.:130; AT 75 CENTS •PER DOZEN. For sale by •' B. IL 1.1 7 0 p • CO. kontrou, flay 74. ICI. Roises. TORONTO CHIEF, JR. 2R. 1 • This nearly thorough bred ala lignariff stand the pres• ent-sea.oti for Mt • marts, season' commencing Lay, 2d, and ending ..fu n ly it ti, Fridays and Saturday-IL it 'the- sta• ble of Rub ge Aloydritoe, Nita ;rest ; of the I week at the subscriber's one mile emit of Anbuna lent. ners. on the ro• d leading In Springville: r '• • NlDlOREF..—Toreatto Chlcf,Jr. nem; aired .by To- :onto 'Chief, who for Speed and Milord le Obratrof any stallion on record. nouns tired by.ttorga Oenrffn. and his dam-by fibwkwood, out of an ffelipse mare, Royal George wan by Black Warritrr Land hebylmpotted lip pc : and ho by Messenger. Of SMland. TUILOICPO Cola, , Jia's dam war Sired by the tkoiough. bred Jefferson. onto/ MaJeqy • mare. Joffemon was by Virginloo; by Sir AneLle,theeire of Sir henry, and grant sin: of Amcrietia'Star—dam by Old Fitcirite. dam bioßell Air. • . ' I. • • • Tonoure cwt Jo., lea blond luey, Witt 'neck points full tall. velem ItOf bands bier; to* a grand open gull. And for 11111•11relght Ia halt 40 -1 , 111:.; IC3III and hlin.and judge for yourselves. Fillies Of Lis .get can be seen :Witte subiteribeeui 2JaVev• pastured on reasonable terms. , Accidentn and, eaLcapet at the olrn ...ere rink. .•. . Other rake Is cash:awry. Terms to , Juan, attli foal, $l5; luenrattee Lumley payable %larch 1. 1874 .T.M. CRISMAN. Pecpeeter. Auburn 4 Colman., Pa.. April 2a, 1,M.;--1:m. ti • Attention,_}Torsemenl 0 0 14 0 f- rri" Lr.r.l . C.) $.4 o 0 z a o lti CTI fa6.AI GERHIAL SIIERIDAII. (*Tat To nut li,fott:ttiasExts of tide iectiori the eStstesa of the Superior Stallion, •G EN. olthluDAN;" at a tserkliter price, bat° and to doing ea 1 do not offer a young untried hope, who cannot prove hie ablitty to tramoutt Itiagood qua!• ales. but a buree whows !luck , bas WOW itself to be good, and panaking largely of the qrleP good qualliter: I do not Clain b Gilt Edge Pedigree ferrhttn, - wraten to order, bugonly suds a; taalgrea'as,,l, ecanJrrove. brim doubted aml dielnit'rested teatimony. kly.'hortewas raised no Itio Bch Jude. Yam, ztc Bridgewater, 111. dam wale a large black mate , r•Lpci.No'vrned and,driten by Muted Searle'rdS twenty lcars),-whieh was elred In the uhequallegfteditorfpf.:hiaday, hone as procured at all ;T.-Pause 01 EL-. non bye company of well known "Weal lle altintroso, to Improre tho stock of florsai In ousrottal,7.Tbetiana of Lucy Was-sired by the , -Old Wee gorse. a pure Met-. vernier, wall known In thill vectioia bruit old residents. Gen.-Sheridan was tired Au- a istratotgan Stallion, brought th this bounty from Vermont by-Mt. or hiontrosh, who will testlD• that hosts, a elirortandwelr known dercendant of the °righted Jostlq *organ Fy . bowls Is biteek, manna IS bands- high; and In condition. LW pounds. Zeta rho Lest tOltAillalua Northern, Petturylvsnia, and otvisticd' fot Style and' symetry, -A perfect model dl " a , ported baes, - and Witt pligond stylish trarciers, -The 11011 n I; ly kind In and ont'of !Lammas,/ Any oac_whehing td Sett his mock cut do an by 'calling at. .t Any rlingiOr On Daniel_ Stewart, ,fia . t. bridgeleater. Edwin MIL South Url dga*at et; Mawon Peek, Pt colts urn large,Ami take back rpm Arts -dam and her sires. o og e ID Ci 13) at 144 o co 4zi a co aiga Farmers. remeothei:that oainr.4ihirittan,lis the only et anion Ilyinelhat hoe any of Alotalreel'etiood to h m. lie Ilse an much Bleamengerhlood as any horse the That kin sire stialleinic 'Woman" ‘ lt r i' America. all of which I can pinta by lielent WitotlestA le.Monteme,' A l e c iat r akh!ile,ihootlfe!!.. fo °l l.;Cu c ^ the comity. -Alan; ten:iamb* 12*i:1ot lona itorsaftt eine beudred thatlllt kept as a staillen MO hest-blood Is LAPS nio.a. trandm it Mg tattle get:even hie num 'Oda analfttes.-And that my none has proven hie ability to so, itratl , toli: hio own and Attelre's goon qualhies,r. . 3%11313.-Bh:tele service, o.l.(ottit , iticieleo:. To io enre. Angle mate. PM papbtity4l?,). inikOr owners of mares Mal; ration Ftlete to ell As' proof [blether are not with' foal. -Thee e perflug with Martel - Wont that time, holden for instupwca. =tansy. Accidents at risk of ownent..., Paintrefotnished for Oard Tram a distance at reasonable cbs rge.l ; t v.', ' Gen. biteridan vri/I stand (Ontil; .ioly ; loklatthe Liao PAM. one mile' front itentruse;st the cantata( thelake; ,here he will be found every night from 4 o'cloett.P. l :3. nag,14:4471. peat moreing.,excoptJloodaye and fl,atne. Aye; antniae ronalie et thia pee witting bin services within flee miles pf the eta- T fti -110To 1 4 03 _ProWlit tet,lttzir 7. 1 WPAAA, 1 4 . • 40p1/110117 21 1 1 . 87 1 , 1T1 • • - • • ' PARSERS; BAIBTMENOIND BUTTER BUYERS ! Pack your . Butter in WESTCOTT-'S RETURN BUTTER PAIL! Approved and recommended by the leading authori ties af- ocrreouutrgen dairying. and acknowledged by batter dealers to be the very best package In rise. Butter peeked in this Pail brin_ra tolo cents More a pound In the New. York City Ma rket than the same quality la any other package. Dairymen, wand fora Circular I Dealers, lead for • Price Listil Wo are the sole nutnufactarers of • •-^ • AIM SiVOIT.S.RETURX OUTTEATIAL I and also =malachite very extensively BUTTER FIRKINS. it LP-FIRKEN TUBS,T&POUND BETTER PAIL S , WELL BUCKETS. &C. 40. Our Goods are marital-with-our- asereoted are tar sale by ant drat-clansdealers. SHAW DUOS., - . • Belmonr.Allecheny Co., N. T. Principal Warchanso;Binglultaton, N. Y. April 10, 1674.-Era. . J. 11. DAnNts. 0.9. Damn. I H. O. BLANDLia_ --0— SINGHADITON !MARBLE WOBIO3. (Err/EMMEN t, /NMI BARNES BROS. & DEALERS IN AND MANUFACFUIIERS OF , • • tiiliuu u ilibleo„ AMERICAN AND SCOICH GRANITES, 'Marble and Slate Mantles, 26 Chenango St, Near Depot', May 14, 1973. BINGHAMTON, N. 11: 11.3. WISDB M ONTROSE 1301101MIEL-SEW LANII A SUPPLEMENT Trion act to erect the town of Montrose In the eannty of tinsquehannit into a borough, approved Earth twen ty-nine, ono thoufand eight hundred and twenty.four. Szcnore 1. Brit 4.m/tied by the &nate and Haws of Es:yrs:en Marts el Me tronmonovatthe Prourlsanio la Geastrat Assaaraily awl, and it le hereby enacted by flic authority of Me same, Tact from and after the /omega opthie oct the town column of said borough of goat. rose shall have full power to regulate the roads,streets„ lanes, alleys, common sewers, public squarer, common drounds. foot walks. paremcate, gutters, culverts, and rains, in us id borough, and the heights. geades,widllts, elopes, sad forms thereof, ,and shall have all acetify.' Jarisilletlon over the onto to require and direct tllw eroding, curbing. paving, nod glittering of the aide or foot walks by the owner or owners of the lots at mond respectively fronting thereon.and to craw the same to be done on failure of the owners thereof with in the time prescribed by general regrilatioti Vibe mode by sold town council. and to collect the coot of the work and material with twenty . pre center. advance thereon from said owners, as Cairn and h/ law re coverable nailer thu provisions of the law relative to mechanic.' howl a d the of such labor and aviteriabi.tho names of the ocotillo/ reputed ru er ar oleriere.Mlll also of the occupier or occupiers of the prerndeers for thotinao being, shall ha , gal forth In a *tau:tine/A to be filed within sixty days after inch ek pease@ *hall have been 'nen red. Scerrox 2 That all laws Or,pslege primes ineciaritt• eat herewith be pod ore hereby repealed. W. ELLIOTT, Sposker of the llorise of Rep'e. GEO. 11. ANDS USW:, Speak r of the Senate. Arranern the errenteenth day of May. Anna 'Demi ni, one thousand eight hundred and ferenty.thrce. F.II.6.Ii:TRANFT, May 28, 18:11.-41v .117iSTERY EASILY SOLVED,. New Rocket Geed, it the "Head cl-Fkirlretkie...... A. N. 1117LIARD Is constantly. recelyinz lame addi tions to his stoat: or G ROL 1; ELIA, ANN! PRO VISIONS at his old stand at thn !mid of Naelgatiou, went any MAN VCOIIII.II. Ot , • can flea the ♦era beettittbleethat cot ba Itearr:!eqr. cer7 hnn.e fh the town o The old cyst em o slow PAIL'S and sta.ll ',mate Is T.. rt:T.ToN4; S t:O.•S .T).Wa .Zl.l> or (night ti 1;41,111111 to etmi the Iwitey syjoee of witch r.Ao and eort.tll.tarollta.outl by .eHlu „ • cur rvady pay ouly. Moro will to, 1.1.1 bad deb., to nuke lap from good cu,toinertt. CWl', ' X.M' • • Ind esintine ms :pod. and prieco.ond see I ithey . do not nompore fasoribly 'with - any awher uouro MCP WS ° 3® SE. N.. 9 ULiARD. Mantrcno—Aprr 30. 1872.-If. ABEL TIIIIRELL, DRUGGIST, • . •• • • Ilacomalarcsisio, fa continually MecivinirlntlV GOODS, end keep. can- Conan. no hand a toll ono deli table ar.ortment of gen uine Ditt.T;S. 11 EDICLNES. tit ENICALS. Paints, Oils. Dycetuff... TEAS, : Spice.. and. other. grocerie..•tone-, tram, wall paper, ulmtv.ware,. frol t Jars, mlrrriveaamp.„ chimney., kerosene. machinery oils, ranters' bit, rests* foot. oil, refined Whale Oil. oil for lanterns. oil for er . uinfl machine., Olive 011,Sperm Oil; S plliteTurpen tine. Verniehea, Comers Seeti;Ttneirnr,Potoeti. Conceit tinted Lye. Axle Urea. e, Trtomee. Supportere,Medical Instruments. Shoulder Braces; Whip.; .Gan., Pistols Cartridges. Potvder. Slier, Lead, Gun' Cape, Diastine Poladeratidlrate;Nioline.String., Dime. tit, Flare., Fifes. ete.,Vislaloo kincd Liner,Dar and TalielSoapc Hatt 011 a, Heir Deatorers. - and - flair Dyes. Drusnea, Pocket Knive., Spectacle., Silver and, Silver Plated Spoon., Forks. Main", &C., MAIO% !L.-Deice, t canat al assortaaratot FANCY 1363:48,..TE1TELEY. and paprtmutx. - ANAbeleading and beet kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. „. The p top% aro invited to qll at the Drug and Tarlo3 Stare of - • AXEL TURRELL. Fob. I, 157n...' • - ' Estahltekedltink, Fla• '4• :,! *' ,7l;• '. • .. 1Jf. :74 I . 4. -11.1 ,14•5.- * • • • .4f: 11011018, .PPOPRIIS7OIS. bias OP TIPL:GOLDS.I ZIOVOAPANCI7/10, ~LrSolc.-~lools., ~ositro E~ o. , W6 - 11.6.1r0' to say the that nctr store Is stocked .with Dray. kleillrinee.Talnte. oil,. %%raid!, Brushes; Coutbi, 'Perfumery, Fent, Artier,. wink,- taly and potent preparations. and all oils. ra-tlelea nat. ally kept he Orel elan. drug rtores. We stimulate oar 'good. ;enable end of the best quality. and will he .oli at low pia, for cans. Respectfully TuurP. A. B. MIMS. Irontrose. Feb. Si. Ina. AIIOS NICUOLS. tiLLINGS QTROljp. .• A.) General Insurance Agent, , EIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT ntsulburcm, _,. . r MUL'exatroiso. 3Pex. Ifortslthi.'Cti., Ni X.; CapllVllllllrrina.r WI IlarlfortiFlrSt Inc,-UN.ll.4pitalind n ual Aill thresfoad.-Lcl (lon .S.ll.tola-I.`r .1. .. 4 ..$ Ins. Co., of North America .'‘ . tar National. Phil's'. 000 Anthracite, Irhitad'a " . ASKI Ins. Co ., lingo of Petnes - '` ,oiXl Union Mutual - ' . • ~.. • Lycnosing Fire ` I. lt CI Williamsport Ins. Co; - _.• • " • $110 . .002 Narrazansett. P.rtritlenp. R 4 i... • - . . 500,000 Merchants' ....l. . ‘,..: I , t - r"- 7 ' 450,000 -Clay. of Neowpart., C o . , " - 2 50 .. 0 ) 0 •Newtown.of Ana* Co. • .... A 'roman la'. of Clertela no, 404iiiii State Ins. Co. of Phila. - - I' -' . 100.00.1 • Atemmaulo, of iltt•burz, .." . ' - 400." X.a 'S If" 7E3 . :Cano,l4tlltitntzpx,9., ftjtir 1 1 31:1V A Travelers In e.Co..llortard,Copltal and SotplOo lltore.W4 Itailway Paneengers " , Tbo undersigned hoe beensollknown In this Coooty.rol the past IT yea ra,as on room/tont. LOUP' sastaineis by Id* Cennininten nave always been promptlypat4. 13r0Mce d rstdoor cut. from Bsoktnirpelee of W ll. Cooper &CO..Turnplkeot.Motitroee.Po: ' • ' .allztuas miaow, Agent, CIIMILM IL SMITH, itOaTtei'34/: 4 0 2 - 15 11 ,4 1 it —Nevi:AdvOtisemeinte. CHILD ~o~~v~ Drugs and Medicines THEEAGLE InsurAce