The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 28, 1873, Image 2

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E. B. ILIII LEY & CO., Edilph.
Montrose, Wednesday, 28t1Z1873
A Cdrunr Jouv.:4lrouses Grant for
not 'at - fading . the Ohise Obsequies in New
York, on the ground that he had just re
turned:front his We4tern,.triipe;i4iiiii
too much `Jatiztted,7 Of course.
As the act giving the President. fifty
thousand dollars Mary did not repeal the
one giving hint twenty-five thousand, it
iii,eharged he will this year at least take
saventy-five thousand, for his heavy labors
in running shout the country.
BY merely signing his name 'to the
back-pay steal bill, Grant gets • an extra
hundred thousand dollars. We know' a'
good many people who would sign th'eir
mimes ono hundred thousand timed 'tor
half tliat'amuunt.
Tut Nation refers to Giant's share iu
the Louisiana conspiracy and says :
"It is a national disgrace. to have the
United States troops used to Sustain a
State Government which a committee of
the United States Senate has declared to
be utterly unauthorized and fraudulen t."
NOTHING ever done by Congress , has
met with such general condemnation
as the "back pay" matter. Several
Western Senators have refused ty
accept any portion of it as gifts, anti a
Baptist church in Minnesota sent• back
to Congressman Donnell his back pay,
which he donated to it, accompanying
the refusal to receive it with the not
very complimentary intimation that it.
did not desire to build up the cause of
religion with stolen money.
TUE Dean OF 1373: The year is yet
young, its record of illustrious dead is
already long. Abroad, the ex-Emperor:
Napoleon, Bulwer, John Stuart Mill, and
Liebeg have died and the Pope lingers on
the confines of the grave, reported dead
one day and convalescent the next. The
United States has lost since -the first of
January, Chief Justice Chase, Governor
Geary, Minister Orr, Bishop Mel - Iv:line,
Commodore Maury, Joshua Leavitt, Gen
eral Canby, James Brooks, Oakes Ames,
Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, and other promi
nent men and women. The dead of 1872
made an imposing array of names, but
this year threatens to wholly eclipse its
record. There seem to he no giants to
take the place of the great men the world
is loosing, but whenever any exigency
shall arise, no doubt the man who has to
cope with it will also come to the front.
If the distribution of flowers over the
graves of dead soldiers, is to he made the
occasion of disorder and the immediate
cause of renewing bitterness and bad
blood, better let the dead sleep in peace.
'his would appear to be' the case in
Arlington tinder the shadow .orthe Caps
itol, where some of the friends
,of the
Southern soldiers buried there, proposed.
to strew flowers. The executive Com.
mittee of the Grand Army of the Republic
decided it should not be done. rt was
stated last year, that on several of the
battle fields of the South the ladies on
decoration day strewed flowers on the
graves of all soldiers alike, the blue and
gray without distinction. We have had
enough of hate one strife among our own
people for one century, let us replace
passion by love and kindness, at least over
the graves of the dead soldiers.
A Grand Project.
For years the farmers of the West and
Northwest have complained of the enor
mouscharges of Railroad companies, for
transportation of their agricultural pro
ducts. Dependent upon the manufactur
ing communities of the East, and the
porte of export for a market for their
surplus products, they have labored under
the disadvantage of excessive freights,
until farming has become scarcely pro
fitable. During the past few years. it has
cost them at the rate of three bushels 'of
corn for the freight on one to New York,
or two bushels of wheat for freight on
one. Under this state of affairs it is
little wonder that the discontent of West
ern farmers should assume such,a defined
shape and enormous proportions as the
organization of the order of "Patrons of
Husbandry." The chief object of this
-association, as we have stated, is the pro
tection-of the farmers against what they
believe to be the exactions of railway cor
porations. Among the enterprises pro-
posed by this order is the construction of
a great frzight railroad !rem the Missis
sippi to the sea-board. This road is to
he built on the most extensive scale; to
consist of an adequate number of-tracks;
to run by the most practicable route, and
to providespecial facilties for moving-the
great crops of the West to their eastern
and foreign markets. The purpose of
this road would be to break down the
lines which now monopolize the carry
ing, or to bring then; speedily to terms.
In the constrnction of the road the point
to be considered would be the sure and
extensive, rather than the rapid transpor
tation of Western products and Eastern
manufactures from one section to another.
To this ecti a magnificent: thoroughfare
would be built, over which whole • care-
TAU of imine• would move, and which
would be owned and naked by those
whose freight it would carry,'' What def.:
finite shape , this grand project Mayisstime
islet'uncertaia. Its mere proposalle in
dWctisp of'theapproaching aright in the
refatipus of the corporations to the • ;or,
, ; ra meat aud to the people.,
SENATOR TuntmAN did not recieve
the;-hack pap, as has been charged, int
1444 ; it initoetliately idler the adjoitynniot,
eaqieltlito,the Treitiurj. Sena,tcor Sildr•
man dick the same thing.'
Wiurr congressmen who voted for the
salary "swag" receive only five thousand
dollars,extra, Grant for his signature to
the bill gets one hundred thousand dol.
ilarr . extra r -ORtili times as much! Now
ijho " is "iiialiidgest grabber? Will the
"IrErmitf o RepiiSlican favbr its' relaters
with a short iiketcli Orr this "important
local issue?" The editor will please un
derstand that Grant is the subject, not
himself nor the editor of the DEMOCRAT.
We were a little . premature in report
ing -last week • that the Constitutional
Convention .had adjourned until next
fall, but what was our loss was the Mont
rose Republican's gain as it furnished
that journal an opportunity to unburden
itself this reek on "an important local
issue." Moxrever we think we have done
the Convention no harm, when, as last
week, a resolution *as offered rtgUiring
its members to be present at its sessions
in preferencd to absenting themselves on
their own private business and was ta
bled by a large majority. If so many of
them are making the duties of their of
fice, a pleasure excursion, the treasury of
the commonwealth will suffer more by
a continuance of its Sessions than our
Constitutional littered:l would by an
adjournment Sine die.
passes granted by railroads it has been
customary to print on the back a dis
claimer against liabilities for damages to
the person accepting it. The U. S. Su
preme Court has just rendered a decision
which makes, this stipulation worthless
so far as regards that large class of passes
granted "on account of freight," as, for
instance, drovers' tickets to return home
free after having disposed of their cattle.
In these cases the court held the con
sidereratiou to be obvious and the excep
tion?} on the hack to be of no effect. The
decision does not include thi; ordinary
complimentary pass on which no con
sideration is apparent; the sum of it be
ing that in all eases where a considera
tion of whatever sort, is given for the
ticket, the company is liable for damages
The opinion is of general public interest.
CHIRP JUSTICE CHASE, while holding
lkottrt at Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1869
was incited to participate in the cere
monies of decorating the graves of the
Union dead at Magnolia Cemetry. He
wrote in answer a letter embodying sen
timents of forgiveness - and fraternity
with the Confederates; And 'was taken to
task,for4 by M. Williams, Presi
dent of a national bank in New York;
to which he replied, reiterating the sen
timents expressed in the original letter.
Ire said "it is true that patriotism re
`quire-3.01a the aose of a great civil war
should he marked, not by prescription or
disfranchisement, but by -ninnifestatiens
of siribeiv good will, especially from the
sites:43W ;to the unsuccessful, and by
generous recognition of whatever was
really brave and earnest. and noble in
those who fought on the failing side. I
have no sympathy with tho spirit which
refusel to strew flowers upon - the graves
of the dead soldiers who fought against
the side I took; and I am glad to know_
there was no such spirit among those
who joined in decorating the graves of
the soldiers of the Union who lie buried
at Magnolia Cemetry. The Magnolia
lavishes its perfumes freeley, the pleas
ant air breathes as softly, and the warm
min shines as brightly over Confederates
as over -Union graves. In the letter
which has incurred your censure I sought
to put into the hearts of my country
men something of the divine charity
taught by the tree, Ihe air and the son,
as -well, sa by the precepts of our Savior.—
I believe it has done some good, and I
believe it - will do more."
The Postage Embargo
'We have thus far refrained from al
luding to the recent act of Congress
abolishing free exchanges and compell
ing the payment of postage on local
papers delivered within the county, for
the reason that the proper time and place
has not vet•. arrived to discuss it. After
the Editorial Association shall have,
which meeting takes place at the city of
Scranton the second week in June we
hope that a concert of action will be
inaugurated which must be affective.
We hope the country press will take such
united action in this matter as will show
a congresSional banditti who have rob
bed the people by Credit .;:kfobiliers and
back pay steals that they con not so sum
marily attempt to punish the outspoken
country journals without finding them
titres on dangerous ground. Like the
masserof the people the country journals
mould and reflect public opinion, and
when thoroughly aroused -in a just cause
victory must perch upon t'eir banner.
We give the following extracfr from some
of our cotempomries which should be an
ominous warning to the Congressional
"A proposition has_ been made by the
editors of the State to meet and take in.
to consideration the had, act of Congress
repealing the law alktiving, newspapers to
be circulated free in the .imaties where
published, and also requring editors to pay
Restage on their •exchangea. 'lf country
editors desire to maintain themselve and
their business against the ruinous prices
—:to- ,them at deast--of city weeklies—
they.ougtit to take decided action In the
matter. Wears ready to meet in'conven•
tion and asistall art. baYs the
Teraled, Apfhos: that has a teadsney
to put, an embargo on eklucialOn is im
politic, arid ilci4 injustice to'llie people."
;,- `Our neighbor is right. Milled action 1 1
~.13,hould be taken by newspaper publishers
not only of 'this State, but of
.the entire
country, in regard to this inalter:-' Let
the convention be culled, to take place
before the opening of the State cam;
paigo so that there may be nothing to
distract it from the , one purpose. We
think we are pretty sure of the co-oper
ation of our member of Congress in this
object—Titusville Courier."
'!We opposed the' measure when before
Congress and the, proposition has our
hearty endorsement. Let action also be
taken by Pennsylvania editors on our in
famous libel law. No candidate who is
in favor of the newspaper law, or, who is
opposed to a just libel enactment de
serves the aid of the press, - which can
make itself heard and felt if it acts in
concert. Now is the time to set the ball
in motion."—Piltsburg Post. •
The Salary Grab.
The million and a half of dollars sto
len by Congressmen, and pocketed under
the head of increased slaaries, does not at
all represent the real aggregate of that
robbery. This million and a half is re
ally only the biennial interest of the
amount taken from the pockets of the
people. In fact, not quite that. Be
cause the next Congress, by virtue of
the robbery of this, will be entitled to
receive ansxtra 81,800,000, the number
of its members being increased by the
new apportionment.
The real snm.stolen, therefore, is 818,-
000,000. The act of increasing . , the sal
aries from $5,000 to $7,500' imposes
perpetual annual charge on the Treasury
and the people of 8900,000. which is the
rate at which the Treasury is now bor
rowing money. The effect of the increase
of the salaries is precisely that, therefore
which would have-been produced if Con
gress had issued bonds 101.818,000,000,
sold them,and stolen the proceeds, and left
the people to pay the interest on them.
That act would have compelled an annu
al tax of just $900,000, and this is just
what the peOple have now had added to
their taxes, by the swindling operation of
their representatives. It would have been
cheaper for the Treasury a .d the peo
ple, in the cad, if the rase-ls had votod
themselves it plump stem of $50,000
apiece, and gone home with the plinid , r.
This would have taken only a little over
810,000,000 out Jr the Trevsury, instead
of 818,000.000, ax the thing now stands.
The upshot of this whole op, ration is,
therefore, in Olio. that the national debt
has been increased sl,kooo,oco, in order
that a parcel of beggarly legislators in
in Congress might pocket 81,500,00'J i f
Special Notices
From the period when Fingeour applied their weep
one Instead of wounds to the present witle.awakc age,
the medical profesrion has often unwittingly taken ride,
with Enactor In Its tonflictr with the human syrtem.—
Even yet, to pyrite of the tmschingr of etntarics of cx•
perieuce, some physicians believe in explain: their
patients, already rerionsly exhatirted hy sickneFr, with
powerful eracuents, emetics, salvientr, tooth:trifle!
plasters, or the lariCit nut, providentially, pahlic In'
tentgence Is ahead of there medical forrile, who belong
of right. to. the era of the Crusades ! That powerful
ally of natu-e In its warfare with the causer of elekneso
floileter'r Stomach flitters, has opened the eye, of the
maraca to the paramount importance of inereasing the
vital rtrength of the body when menaced by nie, use
Th •y anderstand that when the atm o spheric enudiriens
are adverse to health, it Is wise to reinforce the aysicin
with a wholerome tonic and Ftimulant, and thus .alfle
it to combat and repel the deprersnag influcher of au
Inclement temperature. If the conetlintional and aol
mal power. were always thus recrinted In the presence
of danger, the mortality from conromption, brooch.: is.
chronic rheumatiroi, dc., would he much le, than It
now is. The cures which produce erne pa, colds, imin
Fey. dlpthera and catarrh refitsm ides., a strong and a, -
tive vital 'velem ; and of all ritalizllm ;trip .ratiotts,
Ilmteter'a bitters her proved the most ettletenL It Is
not claimed that thin standard tonic is a specific for
lacy and throat maladies. as IS la for tlyrptspria, liver
complaint and intermittentr, but it Is unhesitatingly
deserted that It is the brat known rafeguard AL-Mort all
the atmospheric elements of direate.
And why it should be always kept near at hand:
Ist. Pain-killer is the most certain Cholera
cure that medical science has produced.
2nd. Pain-Killer,as a Diarrhce and Dysentery
remedy, seldom it ever fails.
3rd. Pain-Killer will cure Cramps or Pains
in any part of the system. A single
dose usually effe c ts a cure.
4th. Pain-Killer will cure Dyspepsia and In
digestion, if used according to direc
sth. Pain-Killer is an almost never failing
cure fur Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.
6th. Pain-Killer has proved a Sovereign
Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill
Fever ; it has cured the most obstinate
7th. Pain-Killer as a liniment Is unequaled
for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Burns, Brui
ses, Cuts Sprains, etc.
Bth. Pain-Killer has cured c of Rheuma
tism and Neuralgia after years standing.
9th. Pain-Killer will destroy Boils, Felons,
'Whitlows Old Sores, giving relief from
Pain atter the End opppliention.
10th. Pain-Killer cures Headache, and Tooth
11th. Pain-Killer will save von days of sick
ness end many a Dollar in time and
Doctor's Bills.
12th. Pain-Killer is a purely Vegetable prep
' aration, sate to keep and to use in every family.
The simplicity attending its use, together with
the great variety of diseases that may be entire
ly eradicated by it, and the great amount of
pain and suffering that can be alleviated through
its use, make it Imperative upon every person
to supply themselves with this valuable remedy,
and to keep it always near at hand.
The Pain-Killer is now known and ap
preciated in every quarter ot the Globe. Phy
sicians recommend It in thier practice, while
all emus of society have found in it relief and
comfort. Give it a trial.
Be sure and buy the genuine. Every
Driggist, and nearly every Country Grocery
throughout the land keep it for sale.
Nem Advertisements
TON .111 make the semen of len for 10 mates +met, tre
ed° the owner% at thefannef James E. Calmat!, Gear
Atens Atrevrot=olz.,
Day coil with star, foaled May 21, 1810. Sired by
Knickerbocker, oat of "Dot," by Prophet, grand dam
Entity Smite by Auto's Son of Geo. M Patchen,
great grand dam. utd to be an Inbred Bastian Mars
wax the dam of aerie Patchett, who trotted Inside of
If.mcmcisocrat was sired by. Itymilek's llarnbleton.
Jan , out of Lady Patchett by Geo.. M. Patches!, grand
dam by Abdalliti the sire of flambletonian, great grand
dam by May Dal the sire of Luce, dam. -
P 8.011117 we aired by the thoroughbred stallion ..No:
diesel of Meg God& by Masora, grand dam by.Ml4-
great grand dam by son of Imp. Expedition.
Kalahari:molter. Prophet, Auotin's :Sea of Geo.! M.
Patrhen, and old Geo.M.P4telrea were all bay or brown
stations. 10 hands high. • -
Cave. Witiitekiezt.. - 3iZark2361.0- -
A zantingacr boar broen ( . litt without markt., thalad
Ariir.2.lbll). Sired by gelckerbixker, out of' Flora
Fracbels by .4zunp'sk , ort of aeb. kt.katsb!.ugrap4daul
vaid to have been a three minute mare by Rnugh
Ready, great grand dam, n large et ey peeing mum, aald
to have paeed In three minutes.
Teams —fat to lemon, tobloettothe a peal conditions.
For Mraterpartleulen teentre for groom.
NCtORRT, iloatroae, Pa.
Montrose, May 23. 1311L—wi •
MONT/102/i 11011OUGIL-NEW LAW,
To an net to erect the town of Montrose In the county
oL4lusquebanna into g borough, approver'. Moral twen
tylino, 04 - thousand etc lit hundred and tWenty fain.
gnomon L Bh it enacted by the Senate and Howe of
Representatiree of the Cummontrealili of Penneytrania in
General .4,rembly met. mid LI is hereby enacted 471 the
authority of Me came, That item and an, r the p-esege
of thle'un Oro lowheuuncil bf 'laid borough Of, Mont.
rose shall have tall euwer to regulate the roads,nreets,
lan., alleys, common amen, public squarer, common
grousnis. footrwalks, pavemintie. gutter., cult:ens, and
drains, in arid borough, and the heights. gradee,nr
elopes, and farms thereof, and shall have all neetlfu:
jerlrdierlon over the ame ,to require and direct the
grading, corbing, paring. and guttering of the side or
foot walks by the owner or owners of the lots of
ground reepectterly fronting thereon. and to cause the
same to be done on failure of the owners thereof with-
In the time prescribed by general regulation to be made
by said town council. and to collect the con of the
work end material with twenty per centum advance
thereon from sold ae [Mims and by law re
coverable nntier the provisions of 'the law relative
to meehteies' newt; 41,1 the particulars of such labor
and anneals, the names of the acntal or reputed own.
er or owe ere. as also of the ocratpler or °ampler* of
the premises (or the time being, ehnil be met,forth In a
statement to bellied within slaty days after each ez.
pewee emit have been incurred.
fincrton 2. That all laws or parts of laws inconsist
eat herewith be nod are hereby repealed.
' W. ELLIOTT, Speaker of the Rouse rif Rep's.
GEO. IL ANDERSON. Speak- r of the Senate.
' Arritovan dm seventeenth day of May, Anne Domi.
ni, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three.
May 28. 16:3.—tw
•o Cfr Q
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MuutroPe, Mny R 9, Ina
Montrose, April 7, 1573
To amount of Dapliente........
Cork rcreiveo ou oldo wolks
failure Cue 11. Sberroau (order)
Diu al;
CO*TWOr - Cr.
By amount paid for iriark oa Sire. L•. Loothrr,
Ind nod: OP el.. to co, try and ford for ox.
or. 1 , 1,14 . 44111.1" to not. of trdcb, 41 1 41.1' ,
115.4 41113 %rani; (7 - hermx. , ) 411 t t OP
1 4 4-n - irt P. i.n 4t or July. or rote . rte._ Intl
Rs.° 444144n 4 . fi
Columls4lrtiers 41 2A
$ MOS,
Too P , Yet , do.lron. of mein. r. ono do co by call
ing neonthe Secretary of the Tots n onuril.
The II hoar st,ttunt hou htsen "omitted by me and
found currect. au al, >ye stated.
C. M. GER F.. Cum,.
ElExur C. Nrcretary
Wz J. Rlzmrtn.Tneeeenen,is Arrorwr n .rn Mos,.
itt.x 1106.01. it TM,/ ATRIL lot, WU,
To Arun. 1 . 111, IS'l3.
To cash of IT. C. Tyler. Collector $ 417 . 17
w C. Avery. E.q., Forea. ' 12
J F. 01 . maker. Erg. Finer ' row
wtoppie. r, doze ..... .
C. M. le re, CI tale. Lig CIP/V 00
•• John A. Harwell, Doat To 4000
For arra Sold Zallrft
• CoNTU/1. Cr.
Ca•ikon hand $ II cri
By paid C. C. lialary, (order) 400
Wm, Wheelock, - .. . GO 00
6 . C. M. trete, •• . air°
" Itayt.e.fgoid A Mitchell, (order) 15101
110, Carriage, 110.2 .• XllO
" J. F. Bheemak.,, •'.. ..... 2110
D F Ancrln, 0010
•• Wm. J. Tnerell, •• 500
" J..ha A. Howell. 900
Itaynesforti .0 Mitchell, " ....... 5505
" J. Lynn'', " .. ..... 14400
C. J Whipple, 5015
'•' F. A. Care, Ml*
.1 IL O. Camp, 5100
D. A. Itthrop.M. D., " 5 0 0
C. eneliMall, " • .... 11 112
" John A. Howell, 25911
" Bneert Strange, " 2500
" IL M. Bennet-, " tIVJ
• • A. Lathrop, " , 550
" C. J. Whpple,
M. M. Mott. 500
" 11 Ilathaway,
" J. W Leseare 2r. Co . " 75 40
•• Itaynester 1.2 11110,11, " 15 00
8. 11. Sayre .0 Brother, " . 24 57
B. C. Fonlinun, 19 al
" S. A. Mitchell," 1000
" J. IL Fletcher, 5000
" F. A. Lyene. 125
•• I). I) Cr. L. Searle,
" K. IChlte. Jr,
O. F. Fordbam, BGU
" F. It. Chandler. 20 18
" Wm..' Mulford, " ..... .. 48 88
A. P. Keeler, 500
Cash on hand 42 tlll
We. A ndllors of the Borouuh of Montrose. having ex
amined the oreer amount and voucher' , rendered. do
and the Pomo Correct, and a balance to bands of Wm.
J. ilnlford, Treasurer. of $4202.
C. 11 Smhh,
O. F. Fordham, I.Audlters.
• A. N. Bollard,
Borongh of 3fontrosr, April 8, 1873.
Robert Stran2e. $2OlOO
!Ivory Sh rman 170 59
F. B. Chandler, N 0.6. 20 00
J. k.,y0116
31001 11. H. Frazier, Nos. 4 and 24
17 fal
W. H. Bard .0 Co., No. U 13 50
J. F. Shoemaker, No. 12 600
Henry C. Tyler. No 29 10 00
Singh Mitchell, No. N 1... ............ 150.1
..... ..... ..
Henry Sherman. N 0.31 119 S 3
C. J. Whipple. No. 1. 39K)
D F. Austin. No. :M. 909
John A. Howell. No. 31 1320
Treasurer of School Board, No. 03 5793
9.972 97
n. C. TYLER.- Beerctm.
May 7.1973.-1.•
General Insurance Agent,
MAtEc)22.tx-carzo. Ti,.
Rome Iris. Co, N. Y., Capital and Surplo., .44,000,000
Hartford Fire 1n.., Co.. Lt p ital and Serpi a. 83,050L000
Liverpool. Landon &Globe " $20,0011,000
Inn. Co., Of 7 4 7014th America " *3,1:4,000
1471111011141, Poios. , 1.N10,00
Anthracite. Phuie4'n " r.M3
lon. Co, State of Pcon'a " 600.000
Union Hi:anal 400.000
Lycoming Fire $6.000.(0)
It Illiamsport fol. CO. .. $110:10)
Nartaimneett, lb ovidenee.H. L " 500.000
Hercbmits' 4)0,000
Clay, of Nemeport, Ey.
Newtown, of Pocks Co: •' 500,00
Alcmcastala, of Chmeland, " 409,000
State Ina. Co. of Phila. 44 . 100,4700
Alemmania, of Yitteborr, , , " • : ilOCbtlin
.T.itX. I li 33 .
Conn. Untall Lift In.. Co.,Ariette ' sl6,ooo ,ooo American Lifeantira. -••" - - • • ' 1 3 , 5 C1 0 . 0 10
.9.0 0:3332131%TiV.
'reamer" Ins.Co.,Rarfotd,Capllnland Satplpa ipPococc
Railway Newnan , Vl:Ana
The undersigned ttai been well known In this eaunty.for
the pot I Tyttro,na an Ingramned,Agent. Loateainatalned
by Ma Compainlea Mae always been promptly paid.
illirOttlee tint door east from.flanking Oaten of W
U. cooper & co.;Tarap Ike at. Montrose.Pa.
CHARLES A. Miff,l concur ,.
Moatrote. MAY 22. Ira
For Sale.
•Pr sale at this Office.
Also, Notes; Deeds, and all other Blanks.
FOR SALE—The farm late of Nathan AI•
drich, de'd, situated about half a mile west
of.3lpp time, 1/epot, ittilrooldyn township, eon -
tairtitfgnbout 4 11 acres of land mostly improv
ed. Inquire of the unde.rsigned, executor of
said estate, at New 3lllforil, Pa.
New 3lilford, Jan. 21, 1873.—tf.
foal Estato fbr Salo.
The Subscriber offers for sale the
following Real Estate, to wit:
The Farm
known as "Robert 31 pore Farm," situate In tirldgewa
ter township, Smignehaunn Co., P 6.. about two 11111v6
coot of 11unirmie lion:ub, con Uti Wag 130 scree of. ea.
celleut cram and grain bind. shoot 25 actin Or timber.
a good farm house and outbrilldlnge, a floe orebard.of
choice fruit, well watered, and &tippled for dairying
pth paper. Stock. dairy entree, and fanning ntenelle.
will lw 6014 with the Farm If desired., naleap previous
ly dlepoped of.
Also, ti illOuso nod Lot,
situate In the Borough of Now Milford, Sueonehannn
County, N., plcagently located on the Main etrecr, pear
the centre of the town.. Lot attj feet front. a good coo•
ircolent two-etory dwelling. a good *toed, garden apa%,
gad a courcal.ut,well of good maul..
Also a Farm of Fifty Acres,
one fourth Of a mile from the borough of New - Milford,
Zaer44l Improved. sad tha bounce well thaberad.princi
pally with clsertnut and hemlock. A good aixtU loot
tiara, and a thrifty young orchas d.
Atm, the Hotel Property
known no the ell 01E1E11.11N HOTEL. In Gibson Dol.
low. Fa•nehanna Co.. Pe... containing :XI versa of land.
mool If unproved. with lintel. Wagon Barna and t
building... Convenient either 4Z A 11014 i or lot farmin ou g
and dairy Purposes.
Also a Distillery
for the manufacture of adv. BAnnt?, to good running
order. lately oceninvel by It. C. Vali. deceased.aod about
09 percu,s al laud auJatent to ate aforesaid flute' prop
made easy to salt the purchaser, noon good security.—
Forparticular, Inquire of E. 11. Hawley. Of
fire. 'Mont rose, Pa.. or of the subscriber on the Robert
Moors Farm, Bridgewater, Pa.
3011% GA V 11r1r.
April SO,
New Advertisements
Uncle Sam's Favorite Child I
Fine MM. Ornery. Diumond 4`Jrclarks,
Geserol AsNorlinelit of Mu. 101 l
Merchnhrlise. r/ .1/u.•ir, and
rSC rcru hest 17,.11,1 Si riuy: , .
MI at L. i 3. ISE3ELL'S.
Montrose. May 7. W.a.
ca,m? ©to,
' ETC.. ETC.
At the ropolor Storc of
Toattrubtrg 'gostitbattut
You will and et
ScirStork of Ready-Made Clu hing.
NeR Saito for Boys.
Now Salts for Youth',
Now Soils tor Mem.
New Stock of Cloths fur Cus
tom Wurk.
New Cas,tmeree
New Graflfl o.
New Vesting!.
New Stock of Dress Goods.
New Black Silica,
New Silk Weep Poplins,
New Linen
New Colored Alpacas,
New Black • -
New Grenadlnee,
New Or. andle,
New Wash Pop Una,
New Linen Preen Galan,
New Drees Uooae in Variety.
New Stock of White Goods.
New Nerclelea and Piqcee,
New Swlee
New Plain em Striped Naneooka,
New I and StnpedJaceettuo,
New bra per, Iltpdloo,
New ,ctilnemain larea,
New Mareleles and Honey Co al. Qnnt•
New Linen lake Datimek
New Lint. Towels and Napkins, etc.
New Stock of Millinery `
Cew Trimmed Hats for Ladles.
New Trimmed Ilani fur Mlaena and
New Untrimmed Bats In Great Variety
New flowers
New 'animal , .
New Laces, Wendt, etc,. etc.
New Stock of Shawls.
New skim, and Corsets.
New Kid Mover And Mato Thread, do.
New Emboxlerles & Lamm,
New Mamellea Trimmings and Fringes.
New Parasols and Fan.
New nos nod Buttons.
New Mir Soltches nod Braids.
New Linen Collars And Cults.
rkw Lace Colima and Plifitinga.
Newer,Horton.; And Pulling...
New Ladles lies and Bows.
New Fiches and Seeds.
New Dress Trimmings, etc.
New Stock of Carpets.
Now Oil Clothes.
New Maus.
New Stock of Domestics.
New 11.4.10-4. Shcetinzs,
New Llres ot.Prints.
New Percales.
New Glue)lam
New Stock of Cassimeres.
Now Cottoned..
New Linens fur Mena' and Dora' Wear.
New Stock of Gents' Furnish
' _ . ins Goods.
Now Mita and. Caps.
Now Niels and Scarfs,
New [rte. Collars. anti Cars,
New Moen Wrappers.
New Trunks and elsteldis,
Ndw Umbrellas, eta,
tar We buy our odainlnrgegaantities FOR EASFI
—a greatsharaor them are from recent Auction mks
in New York. andware bonobt at bottom prices. -
whether or out or town. Having been mitablished
In this plate for nearly twenty years. we can with pride
refer to opr past record for fair dealing. .
orfrzwasao, *OBENBAI3II, It CO.
N. 5. PECBAUCH,llsiagisigPaitzer,
Wanton's/. Atafl4,lBl3. ' ' ,
New Advethsements
EX'ECTSTOR'S'..SIIIIOE: Letters testimtntary tothe
estate of Eliza Ann Low, deed, lato of A.llblarn
poennehalmaeOlnaty, Pa., hero been granted to • the
Mobierlbers,‘ldlpereop Indebted to Lae raid estate,' ere
trquested Leconte Imlnedlate payment, nod those has
ten rYtitma or demands Agate. the estete of the oak' do•
cadent, to make known the fame wlthont delay.
G. It. SYIIITIf, Est:enter.
Auburn Centre, April IG, PVI3.
A CTDITOR'S NOTICF...—The undersigned, an Audi:-
21. or appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Sus.
qm•hanna County. to "distribute the funds in the Sher.
tare hands arising from the solo of real estate of John
Harker, n lii attend to the dntl. of his appointment at
his oilier in Xlontrose, on Wednesday,. Juno IN, Inn, at
ono o'clock, p. to.. at which time andinuciallpersons
Inwrested in mid Lando Mast present (heir claims or tar
foreverdebarred Iron, coming In on said fund.
• • ^ - ILL. BALDWIN, Auditor.
hintorose, May 11041873.
of choice braiap, for sato Al the Om of , .
Montrose, April 30,11373.-U.
Goo. riciliazor
weald respectfully Inform the temera that he Is now
prepared to deliver hie
Improved Wheel Churning Machines
On Short Notice
tar - A 1 I orders by malt promptly attended t0..,a3
Price. delivered. f.s, at the shop; M.
Address, •
GEO. PA Lll EU. •
Little Meadows, Susquehanna Co., Pa.
May 14, 1873.-Gw.
100,000 HMS Of MI
The subscriber Is also dealer In
Anthracite and Mturninous
0 1C C)..a. i.-..
Cur furnt h'it or either elde of the Oyer. at
Hu, Letris's !Rote.
Orftt Bend Villne,
Suequehanna Co., Fa.
illy 14,1871.-1i:1.
B.R Lyons EL Co
3ronitn e, May li, Mt •
clrozrs AT 83 Crl'.4 AND UPWAIIDS
—Leas than N. Y. Prices— •
• I
May I I.' r l. For Solo 67 B. 11. , LYONS &Co
sucArr., TEA, COP FEE,
4 G-i-c:ecorles
At LG.' rignre• at
EVERY \Vali. DIRECT 'llan
On P.dc by
B. R. LIONS ({7 CO.
ay 14, 1573.
cO-,CT's. CT.AIIK'S 0. N. T..
ORED—FROM N.. 8 TONS.. 130, AT
For vale by
Montrone, :414y 14. 1.571.
loll°N - co CHIEF, site
• 2ti2
Thin nearly thorough bred stn lion will stand the pres
ent nespon for Illy tourer. reason commenting Itny 2d
and ending July sth. Friday% and Santo!aye At the ata•
hie of Exchange 'Hotel. In Monte or. the rent of the
we e k at the sunnents react mite cant of Auburn 4 Cor
nem on the ro d leading to Sprint:attic.
PEDIGREE —Toronto was @tired by . To
t onto Chief, who for rimed red bo:tom in ahead of any
onllion on record , . Ile wan rlred - by lineal George, and
his dam by Blackwood, not of an Edlpie mare. Ravel
George wan by Black Warrior; and he by Imported Tip
pc ; and he by Messenger. of England.
TORONTO Croce. Jun dam wan aired by the thorough
tired Joliernon, out of a iinjerty. mare. Jelfcrmn was
by Virginian; he by Sir Archie, the vire of Sir flenry,
and grant Ore of American Star—dam by Old Favorite.
ded4nd dam Oln 801 l Air.
TORONTO rate, Jo., in a blond bay, with black pninta
full tail. welahr 1.200 Ms. Irei heed. high, has a goad
oPen gait, nod for hie weight In hard to neat. Call and
e him. end Judge for yournelves. Fillies of hie get
can be seen at the sub•cribers. Mare• partnred on
reasonable term!. Accidents and escaper at the own
ern'. rink_
Other ruler as contumacy. Tenon to Insure with
foal, $l5; !neural:me money ntyablo %larch 1.1011
.1.31. C 70831124. Proprietor.
Auburn 4 Corners, Pa., April ad. 1571.—.2m.
0 ,74
• •
la 0 "
CI3 a N
p to
A*".. eta
O d
Q - 7
E F;*
Attention, Horsemen !
of this section the famines of the*Superlor StAlton. li
- DEN. SHERIDAN." at a rely low price, until July Id. I
and in doing ra I donut offer a young untried horn,
who cannotrove his.ability to transmit hie good mud
tiles, but a onto whose stock liar proved itself to be
,o d, nod staking largely of the site's good qualities. ,
i f
T do not el lm a Out Mgt, redigreo torhtm, untten to
order, but only such a pet.fgree as I can prove by Inv
doubted and disinterested testimony. Sly horse was
raised on the theta Jones Farm, to Bridgewater. Ills
darn was a large block mare, named . - Lucy." (owned
line driven by Daniel Searle for twenty years), which
was CleCil b 3 the unequalled stallion of his day. - Mon.
teed." which horse was procured At an espouse of M
OM by a company of well known men In Montrose, to
Improve the stock of Horses In ode manly. The dam
of Lucy was sired by the "Old Bliss Morse: . a pure Mes
senger, well known fa this section by all old residents.
Oen. Sheridan was sired hi a bay Motgnn Stallion,
brought to this courity.Srum 'Vermont by MO Orifltth, of
Montrose, who will tetttity that he was a direct and well
known descendant of The Origin.' Justin Morgan. My
horse is black, *tonna 15 hands high,- and, weighs, in
condition, 1,000 pounds. lie Is the hest read stallion In
Northern Pennsylvania, and, unequalled for style and
symctry. A perfect model 01 a perfect horns, and tilt
colts aro ell good stylish travelers. Too hone is perfect.
ly kind to and oat of harness. Anyone iVirhillig to see
his stock can do so by calling at the Lai o Farm, or on
Daniel Stewart, Fast ltridgewater, Edwin HIS. South
Dridgenater, Munson Peck, Franklin. and others. Ills
colts are large, and take back nom his dam and her
411:. 0
IV 0 . 6 .
. 4.3 61
Farmers. remember that "Gen. Sheridan" Is the only
elsglee living that has any of Moran:are blood in it r.
Ho has es mach Messenger blood as any horse to the
Tlutt his tiro was as nor a "Morgan" es there Is In
America, allot which t cart prove by living witnesses
In Montrose, Also, that ho Is the sorest foatgetter in
the vaunt,. . • •
Alen, remember that not one 11 onto In ono hundred
that. Is kept as a stallion of the beet bloc.] It capable
traesnaltlng to his got oven Me own good qualities. And
that my norao has proven his ability to so trait mit hie
own and his tire's good qualities. • " '
service, *l{ at seirelce.r To th
ence, tingle Mama, $lO, payable rob. I, or owners
of mares mum return matte to- me as proof that they
are nut with foal. Those pertingwith mores before that
time, will )e holden for, insurance money. Acchlems
at flak of owners . Pastore &mashed - Mr mare* from a
distance at reasOnahlecharmt. •
Gen. Sheridan apt stand (until July 10,5 aithe take.
Farm, one mile from Montrusg'st the outlet of the lake,
where he will ho found every night front 4 o'clock; P.O!.
until SI a. m. peat morning; except Montlayirand Uttar
days, when he will remote at tho stable* MEd.): Any
ono wiShlog Ms" services within aye mile(fc t }he Ma
bles, Can laVe aim brought to thelrphon by giving no
. B. 8. tflaitLZ
Montrore,37.artlitm.-2w; • '
BURNS te ,
RlOntrome. Pa.
This Tea is put up Is AIR TIGHT TM CdNiBTtll9.
t a herabyEzfr a l i sgts fun strength, whieti , Ls cartalall
rack your Batter in •
Appimied cad recommended by the leading MlMod=
tics or nor country on dairying, and acknowledged by
ali butter dealer, to be the .rory beat package In ask .
Dotter parked in this Cali ban_ se 5 told mots Mores
pound In the New York .Clly Karim than the Nuns
quality loan) other pac „ _
Dea a_
Dalrynnm amid , ad for a Circular I ler*. mid fora
Price I.lrt I We are the WIG manufatturers Of
Our Goods are marked with our name, end ere Cm
tale by any Ilra,•claas dealer,.
Belmont, Allerheuy Co.„ IG T
Prlnelpal Warehouse, Blngtuuntan, N.'!.
April 10,
J. 11. BARNES. CI, 8. llintirs. I 11. G. BrAiDnis.
BARNES BROS. & BlillolllC r
anttrican PilrbitO t
Marble and Slate Mantles,
Chenango St., Near Depot,
New Stock or Goods at the .lltaull of Nartration.".—
A. N. BULLARD to colitlantly recoiling large addi
tion, to htsolook Gl[o 6'147:1E4 AND PRO VISIONII
at his old stood at the Igeutl .Navl‘ostlou, where any
MAO, 1101111.11, or
can thel the very best article. that can be
In any -r,. :cool Douro ln hr town. Thi old system_ of
olottoo.tha , nod oath profits lo
or ought to be. and In Its ste4d the better eysteso of
gur./Iml., told oroall prudts, and by selllog fur nod
pay only, there trill be nu bad debts to mak* up from
14;uod cunt...mon. C4Il
and examine my roods and prier/Anders, Mimi do not
compare favorably with any critter house la
and other
and Sleeping Apartments, and the tables and
all things comprising a
are not supassed in the Country. WayCarees
will truly find this a
Business men either from New York City, or
Philadelphla,-will rind it a very desirable place
as a EVIIMEIR nraionr for their families. A few
hours ride will enable Mein to spend their Sib..
baths with them and return to . business on
, Macsastrcoiso, 1 3 oxiaa."a..,
1. continually receiving NEW COoDS, and keeps ease
Denali. , on hand a fall and desirable aseortment of gen
uine DIW(;d, tIIEMICALS. Faints. Oils,
Opening.. TEAS. Spices, and other greceries. *tone.
ware, wellp 'per. al:Lee-ware, fruit jar. , mirrors. lamps,
chimaera kerosene. rand:decry oils, tauter: oil. neats•
foot oil, relined Whale Oil. oil for lanterns, oil for
ar sting machines. Ones 011,Sperus Oil Spirits Turpen
tine, Vorule hes, Clain rf Seed,tilneor,retath. Cones.-
trated Lye. Aria Grease, Trusses. Sopportersolledlad
Instruments, Shooltier* Braces. Whip*, ChM., Pistol,
CNITidVP. Powder. Shut, Lead, Gen Cap* Blasting
Powder and Fuse, Vislina.Strings, Bow s.etc: Pita. //,
Fifes etc.. Fish Ilookrat.a LID ep.ila r and Tolleteospir.
liatkoll*. Hair Restorers. and Bair Dyes. Brushes,
Punier Knives. Spectacle*, Silver and Silverrutedl
Spoons, yortcr. Entree, Dentist Agticlei, a goner
al assortment of
All thel ending and beint.klida of
The people are Invited to call at the Dreg and Variety
Feb.l. IST& Established ISO.
New, Advertisements.
and alro manufacture very estanotrely.
3Wa 23.. r)
MC:O7IVri 7I .7EL.C, OM.
Groat 8ozac:I.
This Hotel 14 situated near the Erie Railway
Depot, and lint a Anrit distance from the Delft
w,re, Lackawanna & Wmtcrn Itailraad, and fa a
Large and Commodious House.
It has undergone a very thorough reptiring
from ('eliar to Garret, and is supplied with do- and •
Newly Furnished Rooms,
Great Bend, 31,ty I4th, 1873 —m3
Drugs and medicines.
APirsm...;o 4
. 4.0
.13T7LVS & XICIIOL; PRopiarroks.
Blex oa tde pet.tms Skate AND bravest',
We dertra to our to the public that our itore II well
*locked with Drugs. Medicines, Paints, 011 s, Varnish,
Brushes , , CODA.. Perfumery. Ebner Ankles, prePrle•
buy end potent prepsrdlous, and all other to Uric' um
slly kept In Pret ears dlue stores. We rearm our
goods genuine sod of the best quallty„ and will be add
fon:prim for earA. Respectfully Yours.
A. 11. BURN?.
Watson, Feb. 00. Will, .11310.4 SICLIOLS.