The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 14, 1873, Image 2

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    THE DE.I,IIQpi.4T.
- R. B. HAWLEY IL! CO., ailoA.
Roatrosew , ,• Witifnesdky, - Mai 14, 11173:
oats AWt or Credit Mo
biller.tsme was stricken dawn by para.
lyis. on 114:1 sth and, died on 1.107 Bth at
his insidenetrin'gonth.teltottliiisielibus
ettL It is somewhat astonishing...what
alsiipl number of public men bzve died
within the-last few months.
Joint grEART Mitt, whose detith4 we
announce to-day. has tun a place in .t 1 e
front rank of English men of lettere.—
Ile has written on logic; philosophy tii.d
political scietice;was for some ,
tor of the Wesiminster - Rerieto; and . seril:,
ed with distinction in Parliament,: where
he advocated' political and social reforths,
ameng them tfie extension of the right
of suffrage to women. He %ad just com
pleted his sixty-seventh year.,
ME Chief Justiceship of the, United
States is now likely to be the•prey of the
politicians. Among those Most proariir•.
ently named for it is Attorney general
Williams, who obtained from General
Grrnt the pardon of "Brown,the repeat
er,"andconcealed the names of the"pram
runt citizens of Philadelphia" who are
said to have asked for it. We suppose
they will now ask to have W'lliams made
Chief Justice.
Um death of Oakes Ames has received
the general notice which was due to his
recent notoriety. It seems to be gener
ally conceded that be was a better man
than the Congressmen he bribed. There
seemed to be in him a stolid insensibility
to the wrong he was doing—his error was
palliated by ignorance. But they, first
by their covert arrangemeuts,and then by
their shameless lying, showed that they
were conscious of the meannessmnd sinn
ed against light and knowledge.
ANI Imporrtsyr DECISION.—On Mon
day afternoon, at Wasbington,the United
States Supreme Court decided the case of
the Mutual Life Insurance Company of
New York vs. Ferry, in a rase of suicide
by taking poison. The court holds that
the facts show the reason of-the deceased
to have been so impared by insanity that
his suicide was not his voluntary, intelli
gent act. On these facts it is held that
the company is liable although the policy
provided against suicide. •
Consequential Damages
The following important section to the
n 21v Constitution was adopted on Friday
May, 3 by the Convention :
All municipal, railroad, c anal, and other
co orations and individuals shall be liable
fort he payment of damages to the prop
erty resulting from the construction and
enlargement of their works, as well to
owners of property not actually occupied
as to those whose property is taken ; and
said damages shall be paid or secured
to be paid before the injury is done.
Lorrst!ta• is in that • chaotic condition
in which the right and wrong of
acts has no longer any legal stand
ard. The State government is held by
usurpers who Gave no decent show of
legitimate authority. This was admitted
oa the floor of the late Congress by every
intelligent man who had investigated
the controversy. In this state of things,
it ought to be the earnest desire of every
fr;end of peace and order to bring 'the
determination of the question into a legal
channel. Massacres by the inhabitants,
or of the inhabitants, can only more en
venom the difficulty, the true evil of
which lies at its root—the utter Lick in
the pretended State g, orerament of that
IPg,itimate authority which bayonets sup
pi. When the usurped authority shall
be sustained by force, it will none the
Less be wrongful, and deserve the re•
prlbation of all good men. What . the
People of Pennsylvania would do in the
senie situation every man may think for
himself, and the thought will probably'
inspirelim ;with much indulgence for
ft people of Louisiana, to whom the
Radical organs are anxious to transfer
all the blame which is lastly chargeable
to the fOul conspiracy by which the State'
government was seized.
Trial Trip Of Itle Peanicylvaala.
Philadelphia .was all astir, on May fifth
by the trial trip of the new magnificent'
st, amer Pennsylvania upon which she
tatted, with a large number of tlistin
guisbed guests on board. Hundreds of
persona crowded the wharves to see her
pass, =las the weather was delightful, a
hirge number of teats also lined the siva
with eager spectators- The various crafts
honored her with a salute as she passed.
Waen the steamer moved off, the sisters
of the Pennsylvania, the steamers Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois, had their decks fill- I
el with people, sad th re was imme o
cheering, waving of handkerchiefs, etc,
and she glided down the Deleware with,'
al: the majestic grandeur of a first-class
craft. The papers say, that, so fur as her
progress is noted, the working both of
the vessel and her machinery were ex.
edleut in all respects. Her speed wax
2.150 satisfactory. • But her sea behavior is',
not chronicla. That will be morteil
repot on --
the retun of the resst:l This event Lett " flowthe Lava
eas Yen& May "—A: Special from
mama ;ew fw fh° bitf '" of this the camp on tbe larft . beds, deg(' sem!.
port, and hence a.B classes wre deeply in.
aaY, eaye Gen. Davis and' ,staff'
terested the full sneers s the first toorraw fur Nrets, where ,be will esiab-.
aci k . of the American S tcurnblaip Cow.' fish his beetknarters„ .Att oriel_ for fifty
Pally Pbilade!P l 4; ZW4-5 we are not 'lra ! grbbiaz:_r tre.,t;
b surpri•ed 4kat . the citiaena,tend espeobally.l.ltt, i , perat4467)Tothinf, Wane. One
;Eketh,; of Philadelphia shoeld,l hefoMthezlidterpnrfltbemonth:ltent.
240 * 6) * l4 lit .t *O" 'P T " IbAs n
fi X* 9 92AM:Pit;4O l 4 4 #9*
"An Old Establbitied Elem."
Peyeblill4" CO7eifsm
4rienced their Adikittistag Ageittor itethe
Old &Arne' buildmg, No. 10 Spa Stte4,
Boston` nearly tourteof a nitritiat:y.pgo I
:(Feli.. 28494. where thel ,Agericy ..1514111"
located. carrying on a large and success
ful-bnsinees. They- established-a Inane.
in New York City, May 1852, which has
, grown to be larger than the parent house,
I —increasing steadily,.year hy:year,ountil
now it has the_isgency of nearly every
~uotepaprittlitie" United. States and Brit
ish Provinces, and does a_yearly. business
S. M. IrettelegfftWCMhakfirfeeently open
ed another brancliolThee,at 701, Chestnut
Street, Philapelphia, where - they.
ing a strecessful increasing busineds.-:-
They have done advertising oteeed
mg ten miflitias oftltilltirs since cammen.
mug lingoes& This firm .is fatemblj
k ow n t.only,th rouglion t this :country
but in all parts of the world. .7rheyhave
established - a - teptdatiOn •• for •lieutiratile
, and fair dealing . which any,. dim „might
I envy. arid:hut fen have attained ilk-J:We'
congratulate them upon-their. ettecesS. ,
We would recommend all who watiV'ad
vertising dein& in any Orb:if tWrinuitry l
to call upou them. They ,ea . a. to
' hundreds of
i lowed their advice, and trusted to their
sagacity, and'availed themsetveit of 'their
facilities, who have made fortinieil -for
themselves, and they , are daily assisting
others in the same path.—Boston Jouracil .
May Bth. • • ' •
Death of Chief Janice Chafe.
NEW YOUK, May 7.—.-Chief ,Justice
Chase died at 1 o'clock this a. m., at 'the
residence, of his. danghter, • MreW: - ' S.
Hoyt. No. 4 West 83d'street. His death
was ca se& by-a stroke!ofparatysis,which
attacked him at eight o'clock yesterday
morning. lle was totally unconscious
from the moment of the fatal attack un
til the hoar of his death, and- failed to
recognize any of his relatives and friends
who- were assembled' around his bed
The Chief Justice arrived here from
Washington Saturday evening, and, pro
ceeded to the house of Mrs. lloyte. He
was in good health and • spirits, and in
tended visiting Boston, after a few week's
residence in tnis city, and subsequently
to proceed to Colorado, where he was to
remain during the slimmer, for the bene
fit of hie health. lie was perfectly well
until Sunday evening, when he com
plained slightly and went to bed early.—
Ile slept soundly throughout the night,
and lust as he awoke at 8 o'clock in the
meming, he was -prostrated by a- para
lytic stroke. Senator Sprague sud his
wife, arid Mr. acd Mrs. Hoyte were soon
at his bed,ide, and Doctors Peru,Met
calf and Clark were called in; and all
that human science could to relieve the
sufferer, but without avail. '
Waslitscrrox, May 7.—On.the'accasion
of Chief Justice Clime's' departure from
the city ou . Saturday morning, ar little
breakfast Party was assembled at. the
Sprague mansion, corner of Sixth and
E street, where the Chief Justice has
resided for a year past,ecnsisting of Chise
Judge Worden, his private secretary and
biographer; Miss Walker of Ohio, Miss
Carrie Moulton 3liss Amy ,Auld, and a
niece of the Chief Justice. Mr,Sprogue
had left Washington two ; asp before, and
was not present, nor was Senator
. Srague,
who had as_o left for_tlre_Lastle_on after
the adjournmett uongress. break--
fast passed off pleasantly, although it was
noticed that the Chief Justic was not in
his usual spirits. His lease-taking of
everybody was unusually affectionate,
which fact was remarked by all present,
On Monday last Judge Worden reeekved
a letter !rom him, He wrote from, the
residence of Mr. Hoyte, in pencil,becnnse
he said it was handier than pen and i
and Judge Worden says that the letter
bofe more of the characteristics of his
former chirography than any he had seen
for sonic time past. He, was also, encour
aged to believe from its cheerful tone
that his health had considerably improved
since leaving Washington, He wrote
that be had a cold 'and bleak ride to New
York, but escaped much discomfort aslie
rode in a compartment car, or , rather in
a box, as he would alit; that he bad
been greatly relieved on seeing his child-
Yen and some of his grandchildren, and
felt better than when . liee teft. .lie then
sent by Judo Wonlen ii kited ire kuge of
sympathy to Col. Donn Piat and Mrs.
PiAtt on their misfortune in beitigburned
out, and finally requested Judge Wonlen
to forward h:m a letter which he received
while in Wnshingtun, from Dr. llroviti
Sequard, his physician, relative to his
The Chief Justice had - been ford long
time Tinier the impression that his dis
ease was the result of a" fever and ague
contracted several years ago in Mich
igan, the peculiar feitnre of which was
physiml weakness and inability to labor
continually. For that reason he beg for
some time past refrained from attempting
any protracted mental labor.
4110 ,
Special Tax.
Instruct Cone under the hew ha: abolish
- the ottoes of $.
ing the offices of assessor oniLassiatant
assessors bare just been issued by the,
commissioner of internal revenue, from
which we make the following extract for
th • information of persons requiritv , a
lieenre or special tax, including de4ri"
in liquors, tobacco and cigars:
colleCtor, assigned to a
division. must report to
,the collecter sit
the end of each month, 'on form 24, all
, persons liable tospecial taxes, who through
negligence or refusal,fail to procure stamps.
`denoting the payment of said taxes, and
' the collector will, on or before the•loth'
day of the succeeding month, report. the.
' same to the
,Cotirmitsurner of rnternalxeY
enne, on form 23."
"The commissioner ' w ill ass ess said,
taxes and certify the same to the collet'
tor for collection, who wilUtheir proceed
to collect the. same, with penalties and
interest accruing thereon, as pioridell for
by section 28,- act of June 30, 1804, /18..
amended.' ,
It will be seen from the above,that the
lE't of June next is, ate onteitle.iimit for
Hoy one liable to 'Rimini tales 'to neglect
the I)vmenk, of the ;sane, witbont., the
addition of
. pePalties . Pii4 interest.
The War Ist
fra.tfriiiii7Crriti , La., M ay B.—Eight
robtroplitpiirrired this morning, mak
kiiktfortY• ',_Whitesi altogether. !' ho citi
teas ecl i Attemt4ll shelter, and they
urastoppindia.a sm - allargaivabin filled
with negroes. They have oreers to go to
Martinsville; lmt can get do trarrspor ,
tation. 'rbe4egyAlat here,has ebeett-, re
moved and the fboati)gtopped 2 nehr
Franklin and guarded by citizens.
The citizens hemare still determined.
All is quiet. •."
~..4=4.--APBOO / 4497 0 4..M4ED -,Pro
` -- One - metiopolittin has justarrired here
from.Bt..l4artinsville. 'He came through
:iwanifs, and lies sent dispatches to New
Orleans. He flays Badger is hemmed in,
and he heard. heavy cannonading this
morning at two a. m. •
NEW ORLEANS, ' May 7.-1 A—U.—Fir
ing was heard this morning. A courier
from . ? the:: citizens''' . camp reports ...three
metropolitans killed and :four. Wounded
in the skirmish. The citizens' pickets
adiacculdwithin two &gismos of the court
house, where"Coloneklitdg,er has concen
trated his force's.
from ertry pbrtio'n of Attakapis. Most
of the recrtilts'are of the better . clatts,well
monnte4,Eind generally arm ed with breech -
Toading 'shot guns. So fur the young
Merl pritiOirially hare "gone .to the field.—
The married men in the towns
lug the .- negro organizations, and art
pre•paring to - finstrate them.
The captain of steamboats bare been
warned not to - transport any' tuetropoli •
tans, consequently ditinbt bring those
at BeVou city, knoiviog than , their boats
wonla be blown up. The entire Bayou
Teche is under surveillance by well or
ganized bodies of citizens.
can only reach St. Martinsville by fight
ing thew way np tbo bayou. It is gener
ally supposed that an engagement toak
place last night, but no reports have been
received up to the present hour.
CUE neltiilll§ AiViAl 'BEFORE •
The grand jury has passed resolutions
to havt Kellogg and his pincers appear
before them on a charge of usurping the
government of Louisan°. Jutlgo Dur
mil ordered the report to be filed and
subjxeaas to be issued for the parties to
appear before the grand jury.
The grand jury also report against
the metropolitan
Heavy Failures.
Within the past kw days two heavy
fsilnres in commercial circles, in New
York; have been announced, one in the
tea trade and the other in the dry goods.
The,first is the house of N. H. Gillett &
Co., the liabilities, being estimated et
13151,000. The failure is attributable to
demoralization in the tea trade, caused by
depreciation in prices and over stocked
The other failure, that of ,Fonder
Slocum; is ou a much hap r wale, nod
has mused considerabir dry
goods circles, where the house is well
known. Their liabilities amount to
five hundred. thousand dollars- Their
suspension is owing to the lung con
tinued illness of oue .of the firm and
heavy losses in trade. The affairs of the
firm are in the hands of a committee of
creditors, who
-will probably meet this
attertmon. -
Ocheo Indians.
VIRGINIA CITY, Nevada, May 9.—Ad
vices from Camp Warren. received at Ho
no to day. say that General Wheaton has
instructed his commissary to proyide par
tial subsistence for the bands i f Snake:.
and relines, under Ocheo, who has prom
ised to remove his people from the vicini
ty of .the lava beds to Camp Warren.—
Oclieo has beep one of the most formida
ble enemies of the whites in former timer
bnt as evidence that be does not intend
to aid Captain Jack, he offers to send
some of Ins warriors to light the Moducs.
Stokes denied n new Trial.
NEW YnnK, May I.—The general term
of the Supreme Court met this morning
and announced that they had decided to.
deny the motion for n new trial in the
Stokes case. and affirmed the judgment
of the court below.
Stokes received the news of the refusal
of The new trial by the Supreme court
with indifference, merely saying to his
father, who was with him : "They have
denied me a triaL My muse will now go
to the court of appeals."
• _
Terrible Railroad Accident.
VIENNA, May 7.—A dixpatch from
Perth brings intelligence of a chocking
railway accident 'near that city. Twenty
one persons are reported to have been
killed outright and forty injured, come of
whom are not expected to recover from
their wounds. Six of the carriages at
tached to the train were completely th--
The Log AtLuntle—Wreek lllovin up
HALIFAX, May 7.—The steamship At
lantic has seen completely blown up. and
nothing is to be seen above water. Four
teen tallies were recovered on Sunday
and Monday. Very few valuables were
fennd. The blowing up of the steamer
is condemned as injudicious. The New
York wrecking company, it is said, will
b e heavy losers.
Dealt of Hon. Swims L. Orr
. 6. Hon. James
L. Orr, United States minister to Russia,
died suddenly, last pight at his residence
in this city. The use of his death was
inflammation of the limp, from which he
bad steered but a shorttime. His unex
pected death has caused a general, feeling:
of sorrow in the Russian court.
Death of the. Widow .ot the Late
Gen. Woo!;'
Tao*, N. May - 7.-:=-The widowor,
the late , Major General J,oh tr,E. Wool died
suddenly this morning at the age of eighty
six. The funeral will trt, ke place On Fri.
day, morning. , ,
rretsrloces Condifion of Ilse Pope.
LoNvoN, May 7.—A disetch from
Rome says the condition of t 6he Pope is
Troops for the • ludiazorountry. •
Five cur loads of United States infant. ,
ry pisscA ttitinigh oil route
fur the seat of Modoo War.
"Exterisbre Cana:wet ton.
Pip Pluclt,,lfay erien
sive coOlwiliticjthg..,.wwax t rwhi c h
John Stuart Al UL
dead. Intelligence orbiti'delith Aii. g7
non, France, reaoffed'be* at two:o'cloc' ,
this affernip. Ike catigh of Ilia' death
was erysipelas, from
Special potices.
- Prom the periodeshetrstncecros spplied !het weep•
ans listild • or - *aim& to tbopmeent
the medical prufessiou has ofleu unwittingly taken side
miff WO' Syetem,—
Even yet, In Pinto of the teachings of cm:M.les of ex
perience, some phyricline believe in expleting their
patients, already seriously exhausted by sickness, with
powerful even:lents. emetics, Ottlldants, cattiutridsl
plseters, or the lancet. But, providentially, public in
telligence Is ahead of these medical fossils, who belohg
of right, to the ern of Me Crusades! That powerful
illy of natant in its warfare with the enures of sicknetis
Bosteter's Stomach Bitters, has opened the even of the
masses to the traratnotmt Imports/Ice of ingrowing the
vital strength of the body
,Wheli tnettaCorl Ity disease.—
Tit . 1 . understand that *hen the fltuanepheric conditions
ore adverse to health, It la wise to reinforce the System
with s•wholesemo tonic sod stimulant, nod thus cosh!,
it totonabat ninbrepet the demi:swum tralrienCe of au
Inclement temperature. If the constitutioual dud out
toad mowers wee. always thus rtcruited in the presence
of danger. the morality Stam knoltansptlob, bronchitis,
chronic rheumatism, Sc., would he much le, than it
WOW le. The causes which produce croups, colds, stein
icy. dipthem sod catarrh seldom afect s strong autT.•
tiro vital system; and of oil viLtilxitig prepar.stlona,
Ilartater's bitt e n. has proved - the moat elliclent. It is
not chilmed that thlw rtandard tonic is a Fin:ride fur
long nod throat maladies, as It Ca fur tlyrorimla, liter
complaint cud intermittent., bet It Is unhesitatingly
araerted that It la the best known safeguard against all
the atmospheric clement* of disuses.
MANUFACTURED BY PErtny Davis a sox is
THE nest' .s.sunacsuß 05 TILE MIS !
And why it should - be edltaye kept nen, at 14;tnd :
Ist.. Pain-killer is the most certain Cholera
cure that medical science has produced.
2nd. Pain-Killer:tut a Diarrhw and Dysentery
remedy, seldom It ever falls.
Ohl. Pain-Killer will cure Cramps or Pains
in any part of the system. A single
dose usually effects a cure.
4th. Pain-Killer will cure Dyspepsia and In
digestion, IC used according to dime
Bth. Pain-Killer Is an almost never failing
cure for'Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.
oth. Pain-Killer has proved a Sovereign
Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chili
Fever; It has cured the most obstinate
7th. Pain-Killer as a liniment, is uncap:llml
for Frost Bites, Chilblains, Bunts, Brut
se.s, Cuts Spntins, etc.
Bth. Pain-Killer...has cured cases of Rheuma
tism antl'N'euralght after years standing.
9th. Pain-Killer will destroy B ails, ;Felons,
Whitlows Old gtores. givirg rebel Item
Pain atter the first at pplit at
10th. Pain-Killer cures Headache, and Tooth.
llth. Pain-Killer will save roil days of sick
rtess and many a Dollar in time ati
Doctor's Bills.
12tit. Pain-Killer lon purely Vegetable prep
aration, sale to keep and to use in every fmily.
The simplicity attending its rise. to with
tile great variety of diseases that may he entire
ly eradicated by. it, and the great amount of
pais and suffering that ens Mt alleviated through
its use, make it Imperative ,turn every persim
to supply themselves with thi= valuttblz remedy,
nail to keep it always twat at ban I.
The Pain K:ller is now Loin n and ap
preciatesl in every (pewter iit abet:doh, !Me
sh:tails n:ecommend it in Ilth-r practic e , n id r ie
nit oases of soeiet v have found in it relief and
comfort. Give it a trial.
Be sore nail boy the ;reuniter. Every
Ilniggist, semi comity every Country (true:cry
thnitighout the 1.111,1 r:evit ii Gtr site.
New Adveztisemaxs.
if balk by
Goo. ra.1.m..0z-
Would req. , rt u:ly Inform the ih n t b e I, tow
Improved Wheel Churning Ela:hinos
[x -. A.1 °M r, t..t,nappt . y alt. Ivied
Vrivr. daily, rvil. fs , ris toe Phu), Xrt,
1:E" P 11.'4E11.
I 1:• 110.1.1,m ~ > i•.l t ,t,11.t Co. Pa
Noy 11, 1,73
From Montrose
To Wilkesbarre!
Fare from Hunter's Station to
Wilkesbarre and Return
C>xxl , s , 52.70:
TICE ETS onoll FROM MAT ilth TO MAY 221.1
Wir. IL Coorm, Treas.
Montrote, May 11. Ind-lw.
B. R. LYONS & Co.'s
Montrose, May 14. vsn.
—Less than N. Y. Prices—
May 14. For Sale by IL' Q. LYONS 4 CO.
At Low Flpera at
B. B. LYONS a CO. 3
On b.' ale 'by
B. B. LY0.2 1 1.5.d7 CV.
May 14,15:8
COAT'S, CLARK'S 0. N, T, -
ORED=FROAI Nci[ 8 TO Nix 130, AT
• ' Vox rite by •
-1. 4 • .' Lt. LTO.IO CLE.:
New Advertisements
at. LiftiOY,.flenler to pil Wittig - of fail:ling IroptioL
alcutp. mowingEn:ld:Ones. *2lll corns; dog pltWell,
etc., ctc., Main St., oppotito HAVID:II Bank. kka.,;',,
100,001 PEE Of WOOL
The etabscziber le oleo dealer In
Anthracite and Bituminous
Cali rural hlt nn either elde of the river. Ot!lse at
Rue• L Lotries Stun.
()rret Baud VIIIA,To.
Santo:halms Co.. Po
M 4y 14, 1811.—tra
J. H. Dm= I 0 S. DAnnu. 0. 0. BLANDING.
, IN 154P.1 •
giatinn Autteicau parbiro,
Marble and Slate Mantles,
'2,f; Chenango St, Near Depot,
Groot 334ozaci. I'va..,
This lintel is situated near the Eric Railway
Depot. and but a short distance (runt the I)rda
w are, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and is a
Large and Commodious House
It has undergone ts very thorough repoiring
tram Cellar to liztirttl, nod is supplied *with ele
gant and
Newly Furnished Rooms,
and Sleeping Apartments, and the tables and
all LiliUgd cumprielog a
am ant Si; /ngSCII in the Country. Way-thrert
still truly find this a
TRAVELERS' 110.11 E.
Business men either frrrro New York City, or
u ill &tint a eery desirable plare
as nau tl3llElt ukticurr for their fantilies. A few
hours ride will enable ihlitu to spend their Salt-
Inaba willt ;hunt nue Alt= to business on
Brent Bend, 3tny 11111, 1873 —in3
i n , l'i:l•et.,
-ING 6001)s. FIATS
ETC'.. pat%
At the Popular Siore of
(riuttrubtrg ilosrubattin & (r.o.
Y• n x ❑I Cud a
w. loth or Fold) Clu h 14,
`+oir , fr fin),
Xeut sUst- hrr YOUlhe
Sew Sit ek clo: Ivr Cus
t, 1%
Nrn at
Nvir DeLbi liucßl3
New Black
w <ilk W,ll,
Nu" - I,llwo •• ••
X; w
No , Or 0w1...,
N.,- \V a* 111...111'n.,
Linen IYrcve Dowd*.
Nco D...., 000 r 111 Vallety,
Ne.`A' Stock of White Good,
Nry Mn,.i Mcno,
New Plain ant Swiped Nanoonkr,
New . at red and ate , peal J,waint
New Dinpeiy in.,
New etiltivilain I
New liaraiele" und iloney ConL Quill"
New Linen rate, Dania"le
New Linen Towel" anti Napkin', etc.
New Stock of 31111thery
Ne.r Trlmm,l Ti it. for T a ne4.
Sen Trlnulo.4l ❑ale for 11 1.,* and,
New Unti 9:ntner.l Hata , In Great Varkty
Ftn tlt..r.
Nt It•ld,mr.
Nen, Tunpu.
Ntn , lace, Ittuauls, etc,. cl e.
Ste.ek ilrSlilltVl.9.
New Ski, • and Voraels.
New itrvi tw•tr Thread. 00.
New Enihroderles & laces,
New Morerlie, nirriMiaje mad Vrin:er.
New Purri.u:s end Foos
New llonirry lkwtons.
Neur Mae Net Rebels and
New Lloeu Collars mad Cult,
:Isis Lae l'ollars sod Puflthqs.
New CalLsrettai and Yorlicgs.
New Ladles Ile. mud
New Fiehlw sad Scarf...
New Deers Tritarologs, sta.
Nrw Steck of C.:4lpcte
New 011 Cloth..
New Mann.
New Stock 6r DonieEtiee.
Nes ;IJ. 10-1. 54,4 4 :shading*,
Nair Lira,
St, P.
Ndr Guighaa.s. •
New Stuck or Cui•eitileres.
Now Cu. isinndr...
!NV. LIM u. r. c Metz' and Gaye Vtmr.
Neu• Stuck or Gents'
Non , slate a/ d rape..
Nev. Th.-a null tic:aim,
Nae tiltirts, Collar.. and Ca*.
Nu. licen
Sea Trnalo and nognlide.. • ,
Zieß c61141:1141. •
jilr"Vro boy our gond* in to
r e Tun Iltie. VOITCASII
—• swot. &lam of them aro Irma mment Mallon oaks
to how York, ind'orero•boutrbt at bottom price*.
- -
nrwr. DEFY ALL COMPETITION, In any font).
whetter In or opt of town. viluelor been uttabtlebeu
In this place Ayr neatly twenty ynrr. we Cut wttlt pride
refer to our past moil - tor Pale dealing.
• otrnmainsao, 31 , 031131/4IIN, k CO.
DEattartlcOritusain Paktum.
\ NOM Advertisements
ilk ' E n 3 i En
-E 27 1 47' WE Frwasil cris
For aU Horsebills that we Prhit:
And 100 Bushels or
. .•
Thy Sniwerfher wonld Inform the good people and
lumen-of this mints, Ulu he has ICC hernia of dour,
and 101 i buipbelp nt Clover and Timothy Seed. et the
store ..f 11. , •In Moulton., which he will Fell on
Mont:oea, Mop 7. 11f77.-7w.
Sinerr Comutaelonr.r, IICCOUSIT lOU. Mii.
To arnnint of Duplicate . $ &7250
oe4ll retched on I.ldg, srolink. :Ss 5.9
Batson) duo IL Sherman (ordnr).... ......, 0113
$ 016 66
Corinu. Cr.
Ly amount NW for work on Comber,
and work on cisterns; bay and fad for OE
hlacksmtblar. urn of trucks, are ...... 40663
VW days work ( , hrnnao) ,T.IO 00
Sorvirtr. t.n 41 or July. as cte..,. 6do
Exon• radians 6 la
Counolselooors II Di
Tex payrre dmPirone of erring Bill.. ran do t0,115t11-
Ing upon thr Seerotary Of The 9ont voonril. •.-
Ihe above iiCCIMIA boo hrea examined by tna and
found correct... minx* stated.
Brain C. rfiza, th.crotary.
MN. A. Mcvolm.TozAsmron. r. Arrotorr V To Max,
gun llooorou revs Aeon. In, lOW
To APMt. int, Mt,
To ash of R. C. Tyler. Collector... $• WO 23
C. Avery, Eeq., Finer IS 7)
" J. F. She. mneer. Eeq.. Finch...... 5 el
'• C. J. Whipple. l'ouodagr 72 00
•,. v . NI. Go., Circe. , LI, repo.... 6.10
John A. Rood!. Do Tex. 4500
For Circe Sold ZION
Coarse. . Ct.
Cavh on hand ..-41 lira
By guild C C. 11alacy. lonian 200
•• li • na. Wherhirk. 6112/1
•• Henry C. Tyhtr, ....... ..... . ... .. GM
'• It, 11. (lyre,
••11.y....nt0rd 2b Minitel', 10rd,, .. .
.. It 00
11.., Cartla c. , No.?. •• 14X im.
t Ull
2 IV
•• 1) Y. Att-tin, - AM
•• Wm J.r1111 , 11. 5110
.1 hn A llowell. .0 M 1
.• Ita•alcaloyd & Mitchell, •• ....... 05 on
•• .1 Lyon*. j 4 0 4410
•• C. J %Minnie, .4 15
•• 35 on
•• it I) 13/0).
-1.) A. L • Ihrop,ll. 111., •• . 601
•• I• l'll-11:11na. .. . 1! 61.
•• J.rtm .3. Ilow.•11.
- Ifom•rt 51:13.1i4c,
"..• - 23111
••11. M. 11couel., ° . a a •
.•• A Lathrop,
- 1.. a. 14 - h pple, I:,i.
- m M. Molt. .
.. . Mar
•- 11 Mt:l.lmb .- ..:. 10 01 1
•• .1. W LevrAre &CO . •• ..... .
.. . 15 ID
•• klayneator 1 A Mitchell. •' . 1540
• I. 11. nnyrn k nimiter. •• .. .. 31 CI
- It. C. Ynnittaln,ll ar
.. .
•• X. 4. 11 1tehell. •• . kilo
° .4 It Pletcher, •• woo
.. V. 1 .. :_yons, - 1 25
•• I/ I) et 1. nentle, 0 *7l
•• K Wtho. Jr- .
- I: V , nrditam,
- F. I. Canoiller.
• • %V in. 411 nl fore, •
- ... 311)
Cash oti 1144114. 1.13'
We, Auditors of the Ineettn.Ot of )font rain. levier en
ontl.tell the or. Cr net vent nod noneher. rendered. do
dud the ..ome nlnnen to hoods of W..
J Alulcottl. Trnnenter of sottnnt.
C. II nttnl it.s
t G. Ft.rdhoot. • :Indite...
A. N. lltdlard.
11.,r011. , 11 or :nil s. ISII.
fILDLIC. OrrIANDLNu AND rscia,3l3m.o
Itoht - it stranye,,
II nn .h t(0111r
hazotler, N., 3 ..
11 Ii Frny..,. ,C u. wand 31
t ...
I. F No rt t .
I • T. 1., N.,
0001 11 W.!). 11. No :0
11..0rt Sh..(man, Nu, 31.. '.
I• 4. Wlshopf... ND
I) F. Auttin. Net .31
loins A Iloort.1) N..
rt.. ur.r of b.hwl t:. aril- No,1:1
Pnc.) ictor
1 2 " 117 .FL INT IT ICI Pt_ JB
Ex en•lve rum It ure tvren.qn von st 11) and the larz,sl
1"0 be round In tld. oer Ilon of It r ro:” 17. 011.13. MT 0
uaunl.c.uru. mill ni oiler; ithil ming,. bill luglie r3lin
tncil..u. 11, t net cry hurt
EZ.nenrszoN TABLES
1.. the Cutluirk, and WARMAN' r.". them.
Of .II Land. done in the neetp.? n,,,,,,,,
/9 X. Ft. X INT C3r 7/3 Mt Ta a
PURE No. 1 M ATlins:!;Es,
Tim ..ah.crllvr all , hereafter make b.. miens Ong •
I.'• t completed a
N6pp ee,; tri,..IOe,Iii.HARSL btate. all
needlng 'CC! Si 111 Lc adend.l.l to and a.
_ .
lioutro.e. ra.. Jim 31. Islt—oo.s—tf.
.fler dare 10 187ilrolos on tea Utile
Voloy 11,“ o e orll' run r•
P. W. • „v. r. x. r. P, W
225 IOD 9ln F3mlr3 1343 013 945
Bse 1:11 9 , 1 . Waverly.... 131) 531 OW
555 137 100 x.... II 41.• 21 850
451 BIJ 1010 ....Towards. In . 45T AlO
53: 11 30 lrysl9OnB ..1055. 713
643 853 1130 Garyville 943 403 834
It 14 11 11.... Maphopopo Z 1 689
IP" 111..... SlehoopAny.... 013 93 ZS
855 050 11 1.1...Turs khan flock... 649 3%1 558
801 441 150 1111.50 m.—.... 725 ra 4GO
87C 591 It 13... Wllkmßarre, .. TW 515 430
...T 51 4 43....11anch Chunk... ... 11 45 133
.11. B_3 95)1 4, Wantowu a W, 104: 11.41
840 601 _l:olBh:hens .... 1001 131'0
915 8 • 1055 1.1
1050 20....Phl la delphlt 45
r. u. 940 new York • TCo 900.
S. I. M. A- S. A..
co. 32 lan,./ Tosannda at 710 a. tn.; Athena. 7.50
p. I Vo IO . I Y. PO3a. M.. arriv;wlqt Elmira stltiChlait
17miin a/ 5 5/ p...t.; fi IS
a. to ; Athencat to., artlrlog at Tovrainia at
715 n.m. ,
Draaritiz Raom eiro attorhyd to trains 2 ad
running through anon Elmira to Plsibillelphit.
PACKEIt. Slavertotrad
lc% ci
"" c• 2
MI 0 Or
al 0
u 2
a g
• 471
7,1 0
M" 49. Pit.33X12,• Li 10)17 19 Mit
JOl3l l l . S. IrAssinur., Proprietor.
Elati Eit kneilkiii llama dsilr, 6:iweettprirlat
the 1): tbrisni,Aad apr46:Att
Isirt ItOttirlf7.l!
Alotitrose, April 7, 1873
C. M. GERE. Unrael,.
1;1 9
.9 0
0 wi
r. I .11
. x, it
I'. ',I. TYLER. firerriary
Pli , cellanecnx
`Briertff SaiOS
10. naltit'issued by the Court of Common Pleas
of Suionehanna bey
and to me directed, I
expose to stile by public vendee, at the
• Court, House In 3lontroee, on
Saturday, June 7th, 1873,
at 1 o'croar, p. tn., file following, plans or par
-,celw of jarirt, to wit: •
All that cettilb Piece or Puicel. Of land altdate In the
township of Ararat, to the county of Snsouchanna and
Mateo( Pennsylvania. mended end described an fed.
lows. to mitt mit:l Northwesterly by land, of Parley and
Este Walker:nortbenaterly by lands N. 237 and 210.
.southeasterly-b.y lande of Wm, Archer, and nonthavent.
only by Linde of George W. Potter and Finley Walker.
cOntaittlpg. 153 acres of land. bathers= more or les..
together with the appurtenance.. home, 2 bums. anti
about 20 acre. Improved. itigized and taken In eseen•
Ito,, (on two Wafts) at the stilt of Milliken and Smiley
vs. F. it. Tenant.)
Al,no , —All that certain pieta or parcel of land situ
ate In the township al Althorn In the connly of Se,
onchanne and State of reensivania, Landed and
dererilxd an fallow/, to wit: nein: three quarter, of
an acre of land. more (411)4, at Auburn four Corners.
bounded nn the west by the centre of the Irgb trey lead
ing from Auburn Centre to Montrose. on the south by
the centre of the highway leading from Althorn 4 Cor
ners to Sprtneville. on the east bye board truer tm the
sect line of said lot. on the north, bye board fence
the north line of redid Int, with the appurtenances. one
Iwo story doe:ling house and out-bnildlnge, a few
fruit trees. sod all Improved • tar.—ell that nth .r
lot of land sitento In 'the township - of Althorn Its the
County of Sunguehanna and State of Pennsylvania_
bounded end described n follow/4 fault : on the west
by lands of John CLIV•Vr. ea above - descrihed. on the.
Lords by lands of David Voss. on the east by tend. of
E. L. Adams. and on the south by the highway leading
to Springs:lle. cord-14ring about 4.4 acres of land, to
the tame more or lees. with thy appurtenances, • few
frult.trere. and - Improved. I..,(Seired and takes Ira
exeCullon at the stet 'Of C. Mills, to nee of D. C.
Titman, vs.:Totin letlftver,'und D. C. Tillman ea. John
Snot et.) ,
A 11441—A1l those two e:ttein pleres or parcels of
land. saloin:ng each other. minute. nr,d being It,
the township, of Fittestelteln the County of bosom:-
henna and Kate of Ten syleenta, hutted. bohnded, end
described Be, lotto*, to Olt: The lite, pit cc beginning
a. a polo on the Milford and Owego Ton:mike road, the
towhees: corner of the late Din I F. Lincoln . s lot.
thence by the raid lot north 37 degrees. root a s 5-iu
perch(' to a post, a comer-of said Lincoln's lot, thence.
south 52 degrees tato to 'a poet and stones V. 41.10
perches, thence moth degree west 221 perches to a
' atake and stones 0.. said turnpike road, thence along
said turnpike to the place of bgtinnlnz, cet.tain)lll
61 SAO acres. The Second piece becoming at p”.t
and stones a corner of Michael Sullivan We land on
north lion of Wilson 1, narrell's Iced, thence It, the
Sneer said Turrell'e land south 70 decrees east et
tg : c d h7 i s h t e o . a b met n e r. n e t
d t , 0 .. 74 an d of r ) 11 t c h na , Jcp n ne , r t
line of gelid Jecner's land north Si P dee . rees, east rt./ r )4
retches to an Old Arlo w vacated) toad, theme along
t recited rani an d public bigherny,...nort It n deers,.
west n needle.) to land of Michael oallirut 2d, throe,
to the lion of N01111(1,t1 . 8 L,od west perette. nod ~-not
31 drawee, went it perches to the place or bezlonine,
COO , DICIOT OCTn of land. be the onto TOtli,l or it.",
tozeiber .oth the spot netts/ices, new two-story frame
home, frame Imre, sheep and other out.baildlnes, or
chard, and about t'd creep unproved. [Seised and Is
ken in execution at the volt .1 Abell smell en. Henry
Jenner end Edison h Jekner.l
Take Notice—All bide ova bet strapped on the day
of sale.
M. B. pELME, Sheriff.
Stien ire Office, Montrose, ]lay,
13E Et I'l,o ax
T.•enty.Tvn 44 etc nil' runomel4. Awns.led Tbl4
An Invirunrut that Frey r.rmer. l'nrpeuter, 31 a.op
hand Rik,.,, s**rh*.
I r..n. .1 cl•• r ”ra , •h Ark.,
- ••• • F. H..,
Carrl.._v 10114. I , nrr. ISrrcl ■nd Iron 1
i'Vr C. 311 t 0 X'
4Ce 4Clo .1P 17 0 E 3MI POTS
•••• Alt,. au .1 ]I:AI W•11,71.h. th e
. ..tcce ' tr 'le" 'rill' OVF rtud you wilt
Ilud the Cuf c llTtp.
I :r1 'd t0r..., .
1•m,.• T net•
7u-.. I.: mb...
I)ruur Kull .e, 1.7 • h WWI , . ./Arch. sh
1..1111.. 1 6 11. Yerul ph.
M 0...., Tta-M ire. Lall3llP. 40
s(4.ntrooe, July 5 IST BOYD & COT WIN
Mato Street, 5 doors below Bo.y.d'e Corner..Mor. trt,c.
Wassra enss , sta nil- ran. trines Tot no.r ora
fretoh -lock os Goo& in oar! h r Arbich art a Mari
for casb .or ercht orproduee
CLOrER TIMOTEY SEED, dr. erettted and ;Dade addltloo rtooo r Stoil
Path.m dare now ready -to forward Batter tot
eommts,ort hooter In New York.f ree of charge , art
molcrilberatadraneemento ouconfozomeato
Call and examtneourlitoek beforr porebaglor els
where,orideorivivecyotirielver oitbe
- - tioothi,
- - W. it COATR
c. e attrEP,
The onderepted haring F. Cited. rrforr,l4 , l end
reMothert the rune. formerly ocrnpled by C K. n.
rxibt r i . .. - ,1: - w ' gra7e n stra re Orr:Zz r o r r i'd to
11007'S tf SHOES! !
CROCICERY! Lee., ,tfe.
1 :• i
As can be round elsewhere, and al as Pealrable Pries%
0, I%L Crane.
Lannitle Center; Pa., 'March I. In&
1111"/X3Vau t:Uo I, SIDER WOOD
pump. Tee...qty.. Durable. Elllmeut
let Cheap. 'gbe 6.4 pump fur Me
Burt muuey. 111, ul 1..“ le repecially
I{Cli 411 raleut I tu
LIM iftl‘l.lieta 'Ttrop tuck.
Ave, erhkht-dutiewitlidnirn
reutuele2 {hp rump Or tar I ur bit 4
lajUluts. Atro,theCupperettaddmr
r Itch net - e 1 caddm, sad will mat.%
le‘.tker. Yoe sale by boilers ecary
hell,. hand:rue Catalogue and Prick
CUM. B.l3z.ann;.rr. r
606 Commerce bt.,